Graduate Students and Young Researchers without any Scientific Degree
Plasma Physics and Astrophysics, and related topics
A.V.BRANTOV (Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) obtained the following results: 1. A linear theory of stimulated Brillouin scattering and filamentation instabilities has been formulated using nonlocal transport equations for a laser heated plasma resulting in a model which is fully equivalent to a linearized kinetic description. The inverse-bremsstrahlung heating, nonlocal energy redistribution, and ponderomotive laser-plasma interactions are correctly taken into account contributing to a new generalized driving force for these instabilities. Temporal and spatial growth rates, thresholds and dominant perturbation wavelengths are obtained. This theory predicts substantial modifications of the ponderomotive results for conditions typical of indirect drive inertial confinement fusion experiments. 2. Return current instability excited in a laser-produced hot spot has been studied using a nonlocal theory of the electron transport which is applicable for the hot spot size comparable to the electron mean free path. It is demonstrated that nonlocal thermal effects have a significant impact on the ion acoustic instability growth rate, threshold and angular distribution of excited waves that can be important for the interaction of speckled laser beams with a plasma. Nonlinear dependence of the return current instability growth rate on the gradient length has been discovered. The particular important example of ion acoustic instability due to the inhomogeneous plasma heating as a result of inverse Bremsstrahlung absorption in a hot spot has been considered. 3. A theory of nonthermal fluctuations produced by a randomized laser beam has been developed [1,2]. A nonlocal closure to linearized fluid equations for fluctuating hydrodynamic variables properly accounts for inverse bremsstrahlung heating and ponderomotive force effects. It has been shown that a typical randomized laser beam as used in the inertial confinement fusion experiments can generate large amplitude density fluctuations well above thermal levels. An expression for the Thomson scattering cross-section from these fluctuations has been derived. The vortical velocity and magnetic field fluctuations can be also enhanced and the vortical plasma velocity could be comparable to the ion acoustic velocity. 4. The theory of nonlocal transport in laser plasmas was developed for small potential perturbation [3]. Closure relations have been derived from the solution to the electron Fokker-Planck equation which includes inverse Bremsstrahlung heating and ponderomotive effects. All electron transport coefficients and their dependence on the laser intensity have been found. An expression for the electron heat flux includes laser field and plasma flow contributions. Identification of these different sources is necessary for the unique definition of the thermal transport coefficient which is independent of the particular application. A complete derivation of the potential part of the ponderomotive force in the presence of inverse Bremsstrahlung heating has been presented. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM: [1] A.V.Brantov, V.Yu.Bychenkov, V.T.Tikhonchuk, W.Rozmus, V.K.Senecha, Plasma fluctuations driven by the randomized laser beam, Preprint Lebedev Physical Institute of RAS N 38, 1998. [2] A.V.Brantov, V.Yu.Bychenkov, V.T.Tikhonchuk, W.Rozmus, V.K.Senecha, Plasma fluctuations driven by the randomized laser beam, Phys.Plasmas, V.6, No.8, p.3002, 1999. [3]A.V.Brantov, V.Yu.Bychenkov, V.T.Tikhonchuk, W.Rozmus, Theory of filamentation instability and stimulated Brillouin scattering with nonlocal hydrodynamics (submitted to Phys.Plasmas). Accepted for publication: [4] A.V.Brantov, V.Yu.Bychenkov, W.Rozmus, Ion acoustic instability of laser hot spot, Phys.Plasmas. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [5] A.V.Brantov, V.Yu.Bychenkov, V.T.Tikhonchuk, W.Rozmus, Nonlocal electron transport in laser heated plasmas, Phys.Plasmas V.5, p.2742, 1998. A.Brantov participated in the Russian seminar (Moscow, June 8-9, 1998) "Modern facilities of plasma diagnostic and its application for monitoring of environment" and presented a session talk there entitled "Theoretical bases of Thomson scattering method for laser plasma diagnostic"; in the "XXVI Zvenigorod conferences on plasma physics and inertial confinement fusion" and presented report "Plasma fluctuations driven by the randomized laser beam". In January, 1999 Brantov A.V. has got Ph.D. degree (Candidate of Sciences) from the Lebedev Physical Institute of RAS, Moscow. Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.Yu.Bychenkov (Lebedev Institute). Title: "Theoretical investigation of nonclassical transport in laser-produced plasmas". DAVYDENKO S.S. (Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod) obtained the following results: 1. A model of stationary global current circuit in terrestrial atmosphere taking into account contributions of thunderstorms and large-scale magnetospheric convection is elaborated. Thunderstorms were modeled by a latitude-dependent radial external non-linear current in the lower atmosphere, differential rotation of the planetary plasma envelope was considered in the framework of planetary electric generator model. An exact description of electric field generated by viscous azimuthal magnetospheric flows is developed. Calculated ground-ionosphere voltage depends on the thunderstorm activity distribution and appears about a few hundreds kilovolts, atmospheric current density at the planetary surface is about 10-12 A/m2, that is in a good agreement with known experimental data. 2. Under the given magnetospheric source of atmospheric electricity an influence of latitude profile of atmospheric layer conductivity on electric field and current distributions in the atmosphere is investigated. The conductivity is assumed to be varying arbitrary with latitude and increasing exponentially with altitude. It is shown that latitude variation of the conductivity leads to appearance of additional, homogeneous over the latitude electric potential and corresponding vertical field in the lower atmosphere. As applied to the terrestrial conditions, this potential appears about 15\% of value of the potential applied to the upper boundary of the atmosphere and connected with the magnetospheric convection. 3. A new approach to description of global electric processes under inhomogeneous distribution of atmospheric electric conductivity over altitude, latitude and longitude is elaborated. A general set of equations describing an atmospheric electric potential is obtained and solved by expansion into a generalized power series. A method of the eigenvalue spectrum evaluation and properties of the appropriate eigenfunctions are considered. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] P.A.Bespalov, Yu.V.Chugunov, S.S.Davydenko, On the model of the terrestrial global circuit, Annales Geophysicae, in XXIIIrd General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, Suppl.III to V.16, 1998, p.C996. [2] S.S.Davydenko, P.A.Bespalov, On the description of atmospheric electric field and current under inhomogeneous conductivity, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Gunterswille, USA, 1999, pp.551-554. [3] S.S.Davydenko, A model of global electric field and current with magnetospheric and atmospheric electric sources, Book of Abstracts of the XXVIth General Assembly of International of Radio Science, Toronto, Canada, 1999, p.278. [4] P.A.Bespalov, S.S.Davydenko, A model response of atmospheric electric field and current to latitude conductivity profile, Geophysical Research Abstracts, XXIVth General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, Hague, the Netherlands, 1999, V.1, No.3, p.711. [5] S.S.Davydenko, P.A.Bespalov, Manifestation of latitude profile of atmospheric conductivity in the electric field and current distributions. Geomagnetizm i Aeronomiya, V.40, No.2, 2000 (accepted for publication) [in Russian]. [6] S.S.Davydenko, On the terrestrial global circuit formation, Annales Geophysicae, 2000 (submitted). [7] S.S.Davydenko, On the calculation of the quasistatic atmospheric electric field and current, Proceedings of URSI conference on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Wroclaw, Poland, 2000 (submitted). Participation in scientific conferences and presented reports: 1. XXVIth General Assembly of International Union of Radio Science, Toronto, Canada, 1999. The invited report entitled "A model of global electric field and current with magnetospheric and atmospheric electric sources" has been delivered. 2. XXIVth General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society (EGS), Hague, the Netherlands, 1999. The poster report entitled "On the model of the terrestrial global circuit" has been delivered. 3. 11th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Gunterswille, USA, 1999. The report entitled "On the description of atmospheric electric field and current under inhomogeneous conductivity" has been delivered. S.Davydenko was invited in Nuclear Physics Research Institute of Moscow State University to take part in the seminar "Space electrodynamics" by Prof.Alexeev and Prof.Kropotkin. The report entitled "Models of medium flows and global current system in the vicinity of rotating magnetized planets" has been presented on January 13, 2000. S.Davydenko takes part in a number of national (RFBR research programs and programs for young scientists) and international (INCAS and CRDF projects) scientific collaboration. S.Davydenko is a Scientific Editor and a Head of the Editorial Staff of the journal "Izvestiya vuzov. Radiofizika" ("Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics" in english, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers). At September 27, 1999 S.Davydenko has got a Ph.D. degree (Candidate of Science) from Institute of Applied Physics of Russian Academy of Sciences. Thesis Advisor: Prof. P.A.Bespalov. Title: "Models of medium and current distributions in the vicinity of rotating magnetized planets and stars". D.YU.KLIMUSHKIN (Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk) obtained the following results: Main results obtained as part of the project implementation This research is devoted to the study of Alfven waves generated by the bounce-drift resonance. Plasma is perceived to consist of two components: (1) a dense, but relatively cold, component (core) that is responsible for the longitudinal and transverse structure and dispersion of waves; and (2) an ingredient of high-energy particles, the interaction with which drives a bounce-drift instability of the waves. Collisionless MHD (theory of two adiabatic invariants) is used to describe the dense component of magnetospheric plasma, and the kinetics is invoked to describe the admixture of high-energy particles. The magnetosphere is assumed to be axisymmetric, and its inhomogeneity both across magnetic shells and along field lines is taken into account. It has been shown that the wave, excited by some external source, propagates across magnetic shells from the poloidal surface where it is radially polarized, to the toroidal surface where the wave is azimuthally polarized. Also, the wave acquires energy due to the bounce-drift resonance and loses it by the interaction with the ionosphere. The local instability growth rate is maximal on the poloidal surface and becomes zero on the toroidal surface. It has been concluded that the vanishing of the growth rate on the Alfven resonance surface is characteristic not only for the bounce-drift instability but also for any other instability of the Alfven wave. It has been shown that as the maximum instability growth rate increases, the wave amplitude maximum is shifted toward the toroidal surface. There is also an alternative possibility of the spatial localization of the mode: the waves "close" into the resonator at the magnetosphere where the ring current flowing through the magnetosphere here has an extremum. In this case an increase in pressure of the core component leads to a decrease of the wave's integral gain. The total energy injected into the transparent region of the wave depends strongly on the damping decrement of the wave. When the dissipation is small, total energy can be enhanced by many orders of magnitude, whereas in the case of a large attenuation the enhancement is only several times as large. Such a strong dependence of the gain on the dissipation might appear somewhat strange because at first glance, roughly speaking, the attenuation in the numerator and denominator must cancel out. In reality, this is by no means surprising because when the dissipation is large the attenuation and instability operate in different parts of the transparent region: in this case only an exponentially small "tail" of the oscillation reaches the region of the toroidal surface; it is this "tail" that is enhanced through the interaction with a group of fast particles. As a result, the enhancement is of a relatively minor amount. Of an interest is also the question of how the enhancement rate of the wave depends on pressure of the plasma core component. It is shown that an increase in the width of the transparent region is accompanied by an increase in the group velocity of the wave, with the result that the enhancement rate of the wave remains unchanged. In other words, the total energy injected into the transparent region is independent of pressure of the dense component of plasma. The main results have been presented in the following scientific publications: [1] D.Yu.Klimushkin, Resonators for hydromagnetic waves in the magnetosphere, "Issledovaniya po geomagnetizmu, aeronomii i fizike Solntsa", V.108, pp.170-184, 1999 [in Russian] (the paper acknowledges the support received from INTAS-ICFPM). [2] D.Yu.Klimushkin, Structure of Small-Scale Azimuthal Standing Alfven Waves Interacting with High-Energy Particles in the Magnetosphere, "Fizika plazmy", V.24, No 11, pp.1023-1032, 1998 [in Russian and in English] (the paper does not acknowledge the support from INTAS-ICFPM because its final version had been submitted to the Journal before the notification about the ICFPM support was received). [3] D.Yu.Klimushkin, The propagation of high-m Alfven waves in the Earth's magnetosphere and their interaction with high-energy particles, Journal Geophysical Researches (in press) [in English] (the paper acknowledges the INTAS-ICFPM support). Participation in conferences: - "Problems of Geospace" (June 29 - July 3, 1998, St.Petersburg), report by D.Yu.Kli\-mush\-kin "Influence of the competition of a drift-bounce instability and ionospheric damping upon the Alfven wave propagation in the magnetosphere"; - XXII General Assemblty of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (July 1999, Birmingham, Great Britain), report by D.Yu.Klimushkin, "Influence of a drift-bounce instability on the Alfven wave structure in the magnetosphere". In February, 1998 D.Yu.Klimushkin has got Ph.D. degree (Candidate of Sciences) from the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics. Thesis advisor: Prof. V.A.Mazur (ISTP). Title: "The spatial structure of low-frequency hydromagnetic waves in the axisymmetric and three-dimensionally inhomogeneous models of the magnetosphere". I.L.OVCHINNIKOV (Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University) in his studies of turbulent dynamics of the plasma sheet of the Earth's magnetosphere obtained the following results: 1. Researches of the magnetotail plasma sheet dynamics in the assumption of important role of the turbulent diffusion have been continued. The quasi-three-dimension model of the plasma sheet was developed and the structure of the magnetotail plasma sheet has been investigated for different interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) orientation. The influence of IMF z- and y-component to the plasma sheet structure has been investigated using the Tsyganenko T87W and T96 and Boyle-Reiff-Hairston-97 models. The possible mechanism of the theta-aurora formation has been proposed and numerical models were developed. 2. The dynamics of electrons in the magnetotail plasma sheet was analyzed. It was shown that in the uniform magnetic field and the periodical electric field the it can become chaotic, which may lead to non-magnetized character of electron dynamics. 3. The analysis of CORALL spectrometer data (INTERBALL project tail probe) for obtaining the turbulent diffusion coefficient was done together with Dr. Yu.I.Yermolaev (Space Research Institute of RAS). The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM-INTAS: [1] E.E.Antonova, I.L.Ovchinnikov, The quasi-3-dimension model of the equilibrium turbulent plasma sheet in the Earth's magnetotail and its substorm dynamics, Geomagnetism and aeronomy, V.38, No.5, pp.14-21, 1998 [in Russian]. [2] E.E.Antonova, E.V.Vikhreva, I.L.Ovchinnikov, M.V.Stepanova, M.V.Teltsov, The chaotical character of the particle dynamics in the plasma sheet: the observational data and the theoretical analysis, Geomagnetism and aeronomy, V.38 No.6, pp.27-39, 1998 [in Russian]. [3] E.E.Antonova, I.L.Ovchinnikov, Magnetostatically equilibrated plasma sheet with developed medium scale turbulence: Structure and implications for substorm dynamics, J.Geophys.Res., V.104, No.A8, pp.17289-17298, 1999. [4] E.E.Antonova, I.L.Ovchinnikov, Quasi three dimensional modeling of plasma sheet with medium scale developed turbulence, Adv.Space Res., V.24, No.1, pp.121-124, 1999. [5] E.E.Antonova, I.L.Ovchinnikov, E.V.Vikhreva, M.V.Teltsov, M.V.Stepanova, Plasma sheet electron temperature distribution and particle dynamics. Adv.Space Res., V.23, No.10, pp.1757-1760, 1999. [6] E.E.Antonova, I.L.Ovchinnikov, E.V.Vikhreva, M.V.Stepanova, Chaotization of particle motion in regular inhomogeneous electric fields. Adv.Space Res., V.23, No.10, pp.1731-1734, 1999. [7] E.E.Antonova, I.L.Ovchinnikov, Medium scale magnetospheric turbulence and quasi-three-dimensional plasma sheet modeling, Phys.Chem.Earth, V.25, No.1-2, pp.35-38, 2000. I.Ovchinnikov participated in the following conferences: - International Symposium "Space plasma studies by in-situ and remote measurements" (Moscow, 1-5 June 1998); - The 32-nd Scientific Assembly of COSPAR (Nagoya, Japan, 12-19 July 1998) and presented three posters entitled: (i) "Quasi three dimensional modeling of plasma sheet with medium scale developed turbulence" (E.E.Antonova, I.L.Ovchinnikov), (ii) "Plasma sheet electron temperature distribution and its possible reason" (E.E.Antonova, I.L.Ovchinnikov, M.V.Stepanova, E.A.Vikhreva, M.V.Teltsov), (iii) "Chaotization of particle motion in the regular inhomogeneous electric fields" (E.E.Antonova, I.L.Ovchinnikov, M.V.Stepanova,\\ E.A.Vikhreva). - Dynamics of the magnetosphere and its coupling to the ionosphere on multiple scales from INTERBALL, ISTP satellites and ground-based observations (Zvenigorod, Russia, 8-13 February 1999). I.Ovchinnikov has prepared the PhD thesis "The current sheet with medium-scale turbulence and the dynamics of the plasma sheet of the Earth's magnetotail" (scientific advisor Dr. E.E.Antonova) D.L.PASMANIK (Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod) obtained following results: 1. Further analysis of energetic electron precipitation at the evening sector of magnetosphere is performed. In the framework of previously developed model of cyclotron wave-particle interactions, the case of finite spread over energies of initial energetic electron distribution is studied. The solution for distribution function of energetic electron is found. The energetic spectrum of trapped and precipitating electrons and whistler wave spectrum are analyzed [1]. 2. As a further development of this model the eigenmodes of the waveguide with non-uniform background plasma density distribution is analyzed. In the case of system with cylindrical symmetry the spatial structure of eigenmodes is found. The generalization of self- consistent quasilinear theory of cyclotron whistler-electron interaction with this structure taken into account is made. Analysis of the efficiency and the threshold of different eigenmodes excitation is made and the preliminary analysis of the self-consistent problem is made. Two papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM are currently prepared an will be submitted at the beginning of 2000. There are publications, which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [1] D.L.Pasmanik, V.Y.Trakhtengerts, Spectral characteristics of waves and particles in the model of cyclotron wave-particle interactions near plasmapause, Annales Geophysicae, V.17, No.3, pp.351-357, 1999. [2] D.L.Pasmanik, V.Y.Trakhtengerts, A.G.Demekhov, The self-consistent theory of quasistationary energetic electron and proton precipitation near plasmapause, In proceedings of International Conference on Problems of GeoCosmos, June 29 -July 3, 1998, St.Petersburg, Russia (in press). In 1998-99 D.L.Pasmanik participated in the following conferences: - 21 Annual Seminar "Physics of Auroral Phenomena" 24 - 27 March, 1998, Apatity, Russia, poster "Spectral characteristics of wave and particles in the model of cyclotron wave-particle interaction near plasmapause", D.L.Pasmanik, V.Y.Trakhtengerts, - International Conference on Problems of GeoCosmos, June 29 - July 3, 1998, St.Peters\-burg, Russia, poster "The self-consistent theory of quasistationary energetic electron and proton precipitation near plasmapause", D.L.Pasmanik, V.Y.Trakhtengerts, A.G.Demekhov, - 3rd International Workshop on "The Sollar Wind-Magnetosphere System", 23 - 25 September, 1998, Graz, Austria, poster "The self- consistent theory of cyclotron wave-particle interaction near plasmapause", D.Pasmanik, - 3rd Session of young scientists of Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, April 1998, oral "Spectral characteristics of wave and particles in the model of cyclotron wave-particle interaction near plasmapause", - 22 Annual Seminar "Physics of Auroral Phenomena", March, 1999, Apatity, Russia, oral "Cyclotron interactions in the whistler waveguide", D.L.Pasmanik, V.Y.Trakhtengerts, - XXVIth General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science, Toronto, Canada, 13 - 21 August 1999, poster "Features of localized energetic particle precipitation", D.L.Pasmanik, V.Y.Trakhtengerts, A.G.Demekhov, - 4th Session of young scientists of Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, April 99, oral "Cyclotron interactions in the whistler waveguide". M.G.STEPANOV (Institute of Automation and Electrometry, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk) in his studies of nonlinear spectroscopy of plasma and hydrodynamic turbulence obtained the following results: 1. The universal shape of the narrow peak in the Doppler broadened absorption spectrum resulting from a turning point was obtained [3]. 2. The Autler-Townes doublet in the probe wave absorption spectrum was analyzed. It was shown that its components undergo power broadening when the intensity of probing wave increases [1]. 3. The whole probability distribution function of passive scalar in large scale d-dimensional smooth velocity field with Gaussian statistics was obtained [2]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] M.G.Stepanov, Autler-Townes doublet probed by strong field, J.Phys.B: At.Mol.Opt.Phys. V.32, No.3, pp.649-661, 1999. [2] I.V.Kolokolov, V.V.Lebedev, M.G.Stepanov, Passive scalar in a large-scale velocity field, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Phys. V.115, No.3, pp.920-939, 1999, [JETP V.88, No.3, pp.506-516, 1999]. There is a publication, which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [3] D.A.Shapiro, M.G.Stepanov. Diffusion-broadened line shape near a turning point, Pis'ma v Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. V.68, No.1, pp.27-33, 1998 [JETP Letters V.68, No.1, 1998]. Also M.G.Stepanov participated the conference: D.A.Shapiro, M.G.Stepanov, Ionic spectra under strong laser field in plasma - 14th International Conference on Spectral Line Shapes (June 22-26, 1998, College Park, PA, USA), In: Spectral Line Shapes, V.10, p.321-324, 1999, it should contain the reference to the ICFPM and INTAS. Three articles are in the process of preparation for publication. One of them contains the direct numerical solving of the equations for optimal velocity configuration in Burgers equation realizing large velocity gradients (saddle-point configuration or instanton) with some analytic estimations (with A.I.Chernykh, for chao-dyn and Phys.Rev.E). Another one is devoted to the generation spectrum of anti-Stokes ion laser, where the narrow spectral structure was observed and explained (with S.A.Babin, S.I.Kablukov, S.V.Khorev, E.V.Podivilov, V.V.Potapov and D.A.Shapiro, for Phys.Rev.A). The last one discusses the Doppler-free spectral structures coming from extremal points of resonance frequencies as functions of particle velocity in four-level systems (with Yu.Belousov, E.V.Podivilov, D.A.Shapiro, for Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz.). All them will contain the reference to the ICFPM and INTAS. In April, 1999 M.G.Stepanov has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis advisors: D.A.Shapiro, E.V.Podivilov. Title: "Strong field effects in nonlinear plasma spectroscopy". During April, 1998 M.Stepanov participated in international co-operation with the group of Prof. G.E.Falkovich, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel. In his studies of qualitative algorithms of changing, in a prescribed way, the spectral data of multichannel quantum systems V.M.CHABANOV (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow Region) has obtained the following results: Phenomena of co-existence of states with different, seemingly "incompatible", properties at the same energy for the same interaction have been revealed and relevant exact multichannel models have been given: the presence of both bound states and scattering solutions simultaneously [1], the combination of a strong reflection with an absolute transparency as well as that of scattering states with different resonance widths ([1] in the list of submitted papers). The class of absolutely transparent interaction matrices without bound states which have no analogues in the one-channel case has been found [1]. Peculiarities of the multichannel periodic structures and multichannel resonance tunneling have been described ([1] in the list of submitted papers). The analysis of the potential matrix transformations when the energy levels of neighbor bound states with linearly dependent/independent spectral weight vectors come close together up to degeneracy has been performed [2]. The effect of the concentration of quantum waves in a chosen partial channel accompanied with their spatial localization in the place under control has been shown [2] (and, in more detail, [1] in the list of submitted papers). Exact solutions for classical few-body systems derived from the multichannel quantum inverse problem have been found [2] (and, in more detail, [2] in the list of submitted papers). A family of exactly solvable models for quasi-bound quadratically integrable states have been obtained [3] (addition of an imaginary value to a bound state energy). A control of both resonance widths and positions of poles related to resonances in the complex E-plane has been demonstrated [3]. Explicit analytical expressions for the creation of points of the spectrum with homogeneous boundary conditions, corresponding to non-normalizable states, have been derived [4]. These results have been presented in the following papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS - ICFPM: [1] V.M.Chabanov, B.N.Zakhariev, Coexistence of confinement and propagating waves: a quantum paradox, Phys.Lett.A 255, pp.123-128, 1999. [2] B.N.Zakhariev, V.M.Chabanov, The qualitative theory of elementary transformations of one- and multichannel quantum systems in the inverse problem approach. The construction of transformations with given spectral parameters, Part.Nucl. 30, No.2, pp.277-320 [JINR, in Russian], pp.111-130 (AIP, translated into English), 1999. [3] B.N.Zakhariev, V.M.Chabanov, The elements of quantum design, Vest.Sec.Fiz.RAEN, V.5, pp.58-77, 1999 [in Russian]. [4] V.M.Chabanov, B.N.Zakhariev, V.V.Torchinov, Commun. JINR P4-98-176. [5] V.M.Chabanov, B.N.Zakhariev, Towards the quantum design of multichannel systems (the inverse problem approach), submitted to Ann. of Phys. (N.Y.). [6] V.M.Chabanov, B.N.Zakhariev, Exact solutions for classical few-body systems from the multichannel quantum inverse problem, submitted to Few-Body Systems. The above results were included into common with Prof. B.N.Zakhariev contributions to the following conferences in 1998-1999: 1. American School "New Trends in Quantum Mechanics", Mexico (July 27 - August 15, 1998). 2. Conference on "Charged trapped particles", Monteray, California, USA (August 28 - September 5, 1998). 3. Conference on Math.Phys., Torun, Poland (May 26 - 30, 1998). 4. Workshop "Low dimensional Systems", JINR, Dubna (June 3 - 11, 1998). 5. Conference ``Nuclear Spectroscopy and Reactions", Moscow (June 16 - 19, 1998) 6. International Conference on Supersymmetry, JINR, Dubna (July 26--31, 1999) 7. Report at the Session of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (February 2, 1999) On May 13, 1998 V.M.Chabanov has got Ph.D. degree from the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. Thesis Advisor: Prof. B.N.Zakhariev (JINR). Title: "A qualitative theory of transformations of quantum systems in approach of the inverse problem". M.N.CHERNODUB (Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow) in his studies of Elementary Particle Physics obtained the following results: 1. In [1] a new abelian gauge (Spatial Maximal Abelian gauge) for SU(2) lattice gluodynamics has been proposed. In this gauge the abelian monopoles were shown to be condensed in the confinement phase and they form a dilute gas in the deconfinement phase [1]. The abelian monopoles in the Maximal Abelian gauge of SU(2) gluodynamics carry both electric and magnetic density of the SU(2) action [2]. The effective action for these monopoles was derived and various representations of SU(2) gluodynamics were studied in [3]. 2. In the Maximal Abelian Gauge of SU(2) gluodynamics the abelian monopoles were shown to behave like abelian dyons since the monopoles acquire a small abelian electric charge [4]. Since the dyons are condensed in the deconfinement phase the Aharonov--Bohm effect appear: QCD strings interact with quarks in non-trivial way [5]. The properties of the abelian monopoles has been reviewed [6-7]. The Aharonov--Bohm effect has been further investigated in the Abelian Higgs model [8]. 3. The embedded topological defects were introduced on the lattice and the relation of these defects to the electroweak sphaleron configurations was studied [9]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM: [1] M.N.Chernodub, M.I.Polikarpov, A.I.Veselov, Effective monopole potential for SU(2) lattice gluodynamics in spatial maximal Abelian gauge, hep-lat/9812012; JETP Lett. 69, pp.174-179, 1999. [2] B.L.G.Bakker, M.N.Chernodub, M.I.Polikarpov, A.I.Veselov, Abelian monopoles and action density in SU(2) gluodynamics on the lattice, hep-lat/9811001, Phys.Lett.B 449, pp.267-273, 1999. [3] M.N.Chernodub, S.Kato, N.Nakamura, M.I.Polikarpov, T.Suzuki, Various representations of infrared effective lattice SU(2) gluodynamics, preprint KANAZAWA 98-19; ITEP-TH-61/98. [4] M.N.Chernodub, F.V.Gubarev, M.I.Polikarpov, Abelian dyons in the maximal Abelian projection of SU(2) gluodynamics, hep-lat/9801010; JETP Lett. 69, pp.169-173, 1999. There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [5] E.T.Akhmedov, M.N.Chernodub, M.I.Polikarpov, Dyon condensation and Aharonov-Bohm effect, JETP Lett. 67, 389 (1998). [6] B.L.G.Bakker, M.N.Chernodub, F.V.Gubarev, M.I.Polikarpov, A.I.Veselov, Properties of Abelian monopoles in SU(2) lattice gluodynamics, hep-lat/9801011. [7] M.N.Chernodub, F.V.Gubarev, M.I.Polikarpov, A.I.Veselov, Monopoles in the Abelian projection of gluodynamics, Prog.Theor.Phys.Suppl. 131, 309 (1998). [8] M.N.Chernodub, M.I.Polikarpov, A.I.Veselov, M.A.Zubkov, Strings and Aharonov-Bohm effect in Abelian Higgs model, Phys.Lett. B432, 182 (1998). [9] M.N.Chernodub, F.V.Gubarev, E.M.Ilgenfritz, Topological content of the electroweak sphaleron on the lattice, Phys.Lett. B424, 106 (1998). M.Chernodub participated in the "NORDITA Symposium on Instantons and Monopoles in QCD Vacuum", (June 22-27, 1998, Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics, Copenhagen, Denmark) and presented a talk there entitled "Embedded Topological Defects in Electroweak Theory". M.Chernodub participated in the 16th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (LATTICE'98) (July 13-18, 1998, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USA) and presented a talk there entitled "Embedded Topological Defects and Sphaleron in Electroweak Theory". M.Chernodub was invited by the Max-Planck-Institute f\"ur Physics, Werner Heisenberg Institute to take part in international scientific co-operation with the group of Prof. V.I.Zakharov (Munich, Germany, September 1-29, 1998; October 20 - November 20, 1998). M.Chernodub participated in international co-operation with the groups of (i) Prof. V.I.Zakharov, Max-Planck-Institute f\"ur Physics, Werner Heisenberg Institute, M\"unich, Germany; (ii) Prof. T.Suzuki, Department of Physics, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Japan; (iii) Dr. B.L.G.Bakker, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. S.L.DUBOVSKY (Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) in his studies of dynamics and phenomenology of supersymmetric models and of mechanisms of production of ultra-high energy cosmic rays obtained the following results: 1. It was shown [1] that "top-down" mechanisms of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays which involve heavy relic particle-like objects predict Galactic anisotropy of highest energy cosmic rays at the level of minimum $\sim 20\%$. This anisotropy is large enough to be either observed or ruled out in the next generation of experiments. 2. Phenomenological consequences of the direct mixing between Standard Model fields and fields-mediators of supersymmetry breaking (messengers) were discovered. Limits on the corresponding coupling constants coming from flavor violating processes both in the lepton [2] and quark [3] sector were obtained. Radiative electroweak breaking in models with mixing was studied. It was found that in these models, unlike gauge mediated models without mixing, wide range of $\tan{\beta}$ is allowed. 3. In [4] it was constructed a toy model with the following properties: i) it is strongly coupled at a certain scale and breaks supersymmetry at this scale; ii) matter superfields of (one generation of) the Standard Model are effective low energy degrees of freedom of this strongly coupled theory; iii) direct gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking occurs due to messenger superfields that are also effective low energy degrees of freedom. 4. It was prepared a review [5] on phenomenological and theoretical aspects of models with gauge mediation. 5. In [6] it was shown that global fermionic charges induced in vacuum by slowly varying, topologically non-trivial background scalar fields are not renormalized provided that expansion in momenta of background fields is valid. This suggests that strongly coupled theories obey induced charge matching conditions which are analogous, but generally not equivalent, to 't Hooft anomaly matching conditions. A set of examples of induced charge matching was considered. In particular, the corresponding constraints in softly broken supersymmetric QCD suggest non-trivial low energy mass pattern, in full accord with the results of direct analyses. 6. Matching conditions suggested in [6] were considered in the case of supersymmetric QCD with quantum modified moduli space [7]. It was found that the Wess--Zumino term should be present in the low energy theory in order that these consistency conditions are satisfied. The lowest homotopy groups of the quantum moduli space were calculated. As a result it was shown that there are no obstructions to the existence of the Wess--Zumino term at arbitrary N. The explicit expression for this term is given. It is shown that neither vortices nor topological solitons exist in the model. The case of softly broken supersymmetry is considered as well. It was found that the possibility of global flavor symmetric vacuum is strongly disfavored. 7. It was shown [8] that the dip expected in the diffuse photon spectrum above the threshold of e+e- pair production, i.e., at energies $10^{15}$ - $10^{17}$ eV, may be absent due to the synchrotron radiation by the electron component of the extragalactic Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHE CR) in the Galactic magnetic filed. The proposed mechanism propose requires small (less than $2x10^{-12}$ G) extragalactic magnetic fields and large fraction of photons in the UHE CR. For a typical photon flux expected in top-down scenarios of UHE CR, the predicted flux in the region of the dip is close to the existing experimental limit. The sensitivity of the mechanism to the extragalactic magnetic field may be used to improve existing bounds on the latter by two orders of magnitude. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [2] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Flavor violation and $\tan{\beta}$ in gauge mediated models with messenger-matter mixing, Nucl.Phys.B 557, pp.119-145, 1999. [5] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky, Gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking, Phys.Usp. 42, pp.623-651, 1999; Usp.Fiz.Nauk 169, pp.705-736, 1999 [in Russian]. [6] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, M.V.Libanov, V.A.Rubakov, Nonrenormalization of induced charges and constraints on strongly coupled theories, Phys.Rept. 320, pp.147-158, 1999. [7] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Induced charge matching and Wess-Zumino term on quantum modified moduli space, (to appear in Phys.Rev.D). [8] S.L.Dubovsky, P.G.Tinyakov, Generation of $10^{15}$ eV - $10^{17}$ eV photons by UHE CR in the Galactic magnetic field, JETP Lett. 70, pp.495-501, 1999. There are some publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [1] S.L.Dubovsky, P.G.Tinyakov, Galactic Anisotropy as Signature of "Top-Down" Mechanisms of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays, JETP Lett. 68, pp.107-111, 1998. [3] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Messenger-matter mixing and lepton flavor violation, Phys.Lett. B419, pp.223-232, 1998. [4] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky, Towards common origin of supersymmetry breaking, compositeness, and gauge mediation, Phys.Lett. B423, pp.301-304, 1998. S.Dubovsky participated in the 10-th International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, Suzdal, May 18-24, 1998) and presented a talk entitled "Galactic anisotropy of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays produced by CDM-related mechanisms" (S.Dubovsky, P.Tinyakov). S.Dubovsky was also co-author of talks "Low $\tan{\beta}$ in the extended Minimal Gauge Mediated Model" (S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov) and "Grand unification with gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking" (S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky) presented there. S.Dubovsky was invited by the International Center of Theoretical Physics to take part in the Summer School on High-Energy Physics and Cosmology (Italy, Trieste, June 28 - July 18, 1998). S.Dubovsky participated in the 2nd International Conference on Non-Accelerator New Physics (NANP-99, Russia, Dubna, June 28 - July 3) and presented a talk entitled "Synchrotron radiation in the Galactic magnetic field as a signature of top-down mechanisms of UHE CR". S.Dubovsky participated in the School on Selected Topics of Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Statistics (October 16-23, 1999, Tbilisi, Georgia) and Workshop on Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics Dedicated to the 90th anniversary of N.N.Bogolyubov (October 23-28, 1999, Tbilisi, Georgia) and presented a talk entitled "Nonrenormalization of the induced charge and Wess-Zumino term on quantum modified moduli space". V.A.GANI (Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute (Technical University)), obtained the following main results within the research program of ICFPM during 1998-1999: 1. The space-time structure of the process of decay of a bubble of hypothetic phase - disoriented chiral condensate (DCC) is studied [1]. It is shown that the process of decay of the initial configuration depends crucially on selfinteraction of the pionic fields. In some cases this selfinteraction leads to the formation of sort of breather solution, formed from the pionic fields. This breather looks like a long-lived source of pionic fields. 2. Recurrence relations of perturbation theory for hydrogen ground state are obtained [2]. With their help polarizabilities in constant perpendicular electric and magnetic fields are computed up to 80th order. The high orders asymptotic is compared with its quasiclassical estimate. 3. The kink-antikink collision process for the "double sine-Gordon" (DSG) equation in 1+1 dimensions at different values of the potential parameter R>0 is studied [3]. For small values of R the problem of resonance frequencies is discussed. Qualitative explanation of the frequency shift in comparison with the frequency of the discrete level in the potential well of isolated kink is given. 4. The process of collision of two parallel domain walls in a supersymmetric model is studied both in effective Lagrangian approximation and by numerical solving of the exact classical field problem [4]. For small initial velocities we find that the walls interaction looks like elastic reflection with some delay. It is also shown that in such approximation internal parameter of the wall may be considered as a time-dependent dynamical variable. 5. The time evolution of configurations in the form of two parallel domain walls moving towards each other in a supersymmetric field model is studied [5]. The configurations involved are not BPS-saturated. It is found that for such collisions there exists some critical value $v_{cr}\approx0.9120$ of the initial velocity $v_i$ of the walls. At $v_iv_{cr}$ the sequence of vacuum states changes. The results of the numerical simulations are in agreement with "potential" consideration. 6. Detailed study of the time evolution for the initially formed large amplitude bubbles of disoriented chiral condensate (DCC) is performed [6]. It is found that the evolution of these objects may have a relatively long pre-decay stage. Simple explanation for delayed decay of such DCC bubbles is given. It is related to the existence of quasi-multikink solutions of the corresponding radial sine-Gordon equation in (3+1) dimensions. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, T.I.Belova, Yad.Fiz., 62, No.5, pp.956-960 (1999) [in Russian]. [2] V.A.Gani, V.M.Weinberg, Hydrogen atom in crossed external fields reexamined by moment method, preprint ITEP-29 (1998);; prepared for submission to Yad.Fiz. [in Russian]. [3] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, Phys.Rev.E, 60 No.3, pp.3305-3309, 1999. [4] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, A remark on collisions of domain walls in a supersymmetric model, preprint ITEP-15 (1999); [5] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, preprint ITEP-44 (1999);; prepared for submission to Phys.Rev.D. [6] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, prepared for publication as a preprint ITEP and for submission to Yad.Fiz. [in Russian]. In 1999 V.A.Gani was invited by Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute (Technical University) to take part in the International Conference "Scientific Session MEPhI-1999", January 18-22, 1999. The following talks were presented: 1) V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, T.I.Belova, "Decay of a bubble of disoriented chiral condensate"; 2) V.A.Gani, V.M.Weinberg, "High order susceptibilities of the hydrogen atom in external electric and magnetic fields"; 3) V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, "Kink-antikink interactions in the double sine-Gordon equation and the problem of resonance frequencies". In 2000 V.A.Gani was invited by Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute (Technical University) to take part in the International Conference "Scientific Session MEPhI-2000", January 17-21, 2000. The following talk was presented: V.M.Weinberg, V.A.Gani, V.D.Mur, V.S.Popov, "Energy eigenvalues of the hydrogen ground state in crossed external fields". V.A.Gani participates as a coinvestigator in Grants No 98-02-17316 (the head of the group is Prof. A.E.Kudryavtsev), No 98-02-17007 (the head of the group is Prof. V.S.Popov), No 96-15-96578 (the head of the group is Prof. L.B.Okun) of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. V.A.Gani is included as a coinvestigator in two international research projects, which now is under consideration by Foundations. D.S.GORBUNOV (Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) in his studies of supersymmetric models obtained the following results: 1. Phenomenological consequences of the direct mixing between Standard Model fields and fields-mediators of supersymmetry breaking (messengers) were discovered. Limits on the corresponding coupling constants coming from flavor violating processes both in the lepton [1] and quark [2] sector were obtained. Radiative electroweak breaking in models with mixing was studied. It was found that in these models, unlike gauge mediated models without mixing, wide range of $\tan{\beta}$ is allowed. 2. In [3] it was constructed a toy model with the following properties: i) it is strongly coupled at a certain scale and breaks supersymmetry at this scale; ii) matter superfields of (one generation of) the Standard Model are effective low energy degrees of freedom of this strongly coupled theory; iii) direct gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking occurs due to messenger superfields that are also effective low energy degrees of freedom. 3. It was prepared a review [4] on phenomenological and theoretical aspects of models with gauge mediation. 4. It is shown in Ref. [5] that global fermionic charges induced in vacuum by slowly varying, topologically non-trivial background scalar fields are not renormalized provided that expansion in momenta of background fields is valid. This suggests that strongly coupled theories obey induced charge matching conditions which are analogous, but generally not equivalent, to 't Hooft anomaly matching conditions. A few examples of induced charge matching was presented. In particular, the corresponding constraints in softly broken supersymmetric QCD suggest non-trivial low energy mass pattern, in full accord with the results of direct analyses. 5. In Ref. [6] matching of induced charges in supersymmetric SU(N) gauge theories with quantum modified moduli space was studied. It was found that the Wess-Zumino term should be present in the low energy theory in order that these consistency conditions are satisfied. The lowest homotopy groups of the quantum moduli space was calculated, and it was shown that there are no obstructions to the existence of the Wess-Zumino term at arbitrary N. The explicit expression for this term is given. It is shown that neither vortices nor topological solitons exist in the model. The case of softly broken supersymmetry is considered as well. It was found that the possibility of global baryon number violating vacuum is strongly disfavored. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Flavor violation and $\tan{\beta}$ in gauge mediated models with messenger-matter mixing, Nucl.Phys.B 557, pp.119-145, 1999. [4] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky, Gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking, Phys.Usp. 42, pp.623-651, 1999; Usp.Fiz.Nauk 169, pp.705-736, 1999 [in Russian]. [5] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, M.V.Libanov, V.A.Rubakov, Nonrenormalization of induced charges and constraints on strongly coupled theories, Phys.Rept. 320, pp.147-158, 1999. [6] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Induced charge matching and Wess-Zumino term on quantum modified moduli space (to appear in Phys.Rev.D). There are some publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [2] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Messenger-matter mixing and lepton flavor violation, Phys.Lett. B419, pp.223-232, 1998. [2] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky, Towards common origin of supersymmetry breaking, compositeness, and gauge mediation, Phys.Lett. B423, pp.301-304, 1998. D.Gorbunov participated in the 10-th International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, Suzdal, May 18-24, 1998) and presented a talk entitled "Flavor violation and $\tan{\beta}$ in gauge mediated models with messenger-matter mixing". D.Gorbunov was also a coauthor of the talk "Grand unification with gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking" (S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky) presented there. D.Gorbunov participated in the International Workshop "Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics" (October 23-28, 1999, Tbilisi, Georgia) organized by Georgian Academy of Sciences and Tbilisi State University joint with UNESCO Venice Office. The workshop was dedicated to the 90th anniversary of N.N.Bogolyubov (1909-1992). D.Gorbunov was a coauthor of the talk "Non-renormalization of induced charges and Wess-Zumino term on quantum modified moduli space" (S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov) presented there. D.Gorbunov participated in the International Conference on Non-Accelerator New Physics NANP-99 (Dubna, June 28 - July 3, 1999) and presented a talk entitled "Strong coupling unification in supersymmetric models" (D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky). D.Gorbunov was invited by the International Center of Theoretical Physics to take part in the Summer School on High-Energy Physics and Cosmology (Italy, Trieste, June 28 - July 18, 1998). D.Gorbunov participated in the X-th International School "Particles and Cosmology" (Baksan Valley, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia, April 19-25, 1999). D.Gorbunov participated in the International School "Selected Topics of Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Statistics" (October 16-23, 1999, Tbilisi, Georgia) organized by Georgian Academy of Sciences and Tbilisi State University joint with UNESCO Venice Office. The topic of research of the grant-aided aspirant I.V.GORBUNOV (Tomsk State University) included the construction and the study of spinning particle models in 3+1 and in lower space-time dimensions. In his study I.V.Gorbunov obtained the following results: 1. The model of D=2+1, N=1,2 massive superparticle with arbitrary fixed (half)integer or fractional superspin has been developed [1,3]. The classical mechanical model of the superparticle has been constructed, which contains, besides the inherent Poincare supersymmetry, one more SUSY related to the superspin degrees of freedom. The quantization of the model presents a nontrivial example of combination of the canonical Dirac and Berezin quantization methods. The quantization is based on assumption, that the "double" supersymmetry, both Poincare and internal ones, survives at the quantum level. It is shown, that some physical observables (supercharges) should be renormalized by transition from classical mechanics to the first quantized particle model [1,3]. The quantum states of N=2, D=3 spinning superparticle are realized on the fields carrying finite dimensional [1,3], or a unitary infinite dimensional [3] typical representations of the supergroup OSp(2/2). 2. The model of nonrelativistic (D=3+1) particle with arbitrary fixed spin has been developed [2]. The relation to the respective relativistic models is established. It has been founded that the particle interactions to external fields are consistent independently from detailed structure of the particle gauge symmetries. This phenomenon differentiates the nonrelativistic spinning particle from the relativistic one. In the massless limit the model describes "the light beam". The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] I.V.Gorbunov, S.L.Lyakhovich, Hidden supersymmetries and Berezin quantization of N=2, D=2 spinning superparticle, Journal of Mathematical Physics, V.40, No.5, pp.2230-2253, 1999; Preprints of ICTP (Trieste, Italy) IC/98/138, e-print hep-th/9809104. [2] I.V.Gorbunov, V.A.Dolgushev, S.L.Lyakhovich, Galilean spinning particle [in Russian], Russian Physics Journal, V.42, No.2, pp.34-46, 1999. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [3] I.V.Gorbunov, S.L.Lyakhovich, Geometric quantization of N=2, D=3 superanyon, Phys.Lett.B V.423, pp.293-300, 1998. I.V.Gorbunov participated in the International Summer School in Theoretical Physics "Volga-10" (Kazan, Russia, June 22- Jule 2, 1998) and presented a session talk there entitled "Hidden supersymmetry and Berezin quantization of N=2, D=3 spinning superparticle". In April 1999, I.V.Gorbunov has got Ph.D. degree from Tomsk State University. Thesis advisor: Prof. S.L.Lyakhovich. Title: "Lobachevsky supergeometry of D=3 massive spinning superparticle". A.Yu.NERONOV (Moscow State University) obtained the following results in his studies of quantum black hole models: 1. A theory of classical and quantum collapse of thin spherically-symmetric selfgravitating shells was developed [1]. Complete integrability of hamiltonian equations which describe motion of a selfgravitating shell has been proved. A principally important result that was obtained is the form of mass spectrum of quantum black holes which are formed in the process of gravitational collapse of thin shells of matter [2]. Some unusual quantum number which parametrize the mass spectrum was found. It has geometric origin and does not disappear even for the case of unbound motion of the collapsing shell. 2. A mechanism of formation of universal spectrum of radiation of quantum black holes was proposed [3]. It was shown, that radiation which propagates in the form of s-wave in the field of black hole has discrete spectrum, if one takes fully into account back reaction of radiation on gravitational field of black hole. Some kind of quantum analog of classical "no hair conjecture" of black hole physics was proposed [4]: although the mass spectrum of quantum black holes could have arbitrary complicated structure, spectrum of radiation coming from quantum black hole corresponds to the level spacings in some universal spectrum $m\sim\sqrt{n}$ The main results have been presented in the papers: 1. V.A.Berezin, A.M.Boyarsky, A.Yu.Neronov, Phys.Rev.D57, p.1118, 1998. 2. A.Yu.Neronov, Phys.Rev.D 59, 1998. 3. V.A.Berezin, A.M.Boyarsky, A.Yu.Neronov, gr-qc/9808027 (1998). 4. A.Yu.Neronov, Ph.D. Thesises, INR, Moscow, 1998. A.Neronov participated in Spinoza Meeting on Quantum black holes (Holland, Utrecht, June 29 -- July 4, 1998). In 1998 A.Neronov has got Ph.D. degree from Institute for Nuclear Research. Thesis advisor: Prof. V.A.Berezin. Title: "Quantization of spherically-symmetric gravity. Models of Quantum Black Holes". A.I.ONISCHENKO (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow) in his studies of physics of doubly heavy systems, anomalous WWV couplings and some exotic beyond SM obtained the following results: 1. Spectra of masses for the families of doubly heavy baryons are calculated in the framework of nonrelativistic quark model with the QCD-induced potential by Buchm\" uller-Tye in accordance with both the quark-diquark structure for the wave functions and taking into account the splittings depending on the spins. The region for the application of such approximations is determined [1,17,19]. 2. Below the threshold of decay of these objects into the heavy baryon and heavy meson the system of bound excited states was found, being quasi-stable with respect to hadronic transitions to the basic level [1,17,19]. 3. We have in details considered the physical reasons for the quasi-stability, taking place for the baryons with two identical quarks. In accordance to the Pauli principle, the operators, responsible for the hadronic decays and the mixing between the levels, are suppressed by the inverse heavy quark mass and the small size of diquark. This suppression is caused by the necessity to instantaneously change both the spin and the orbital momentum of compact diquark. In the baryonic systems with two heavy quark and the strange quark, the quasi-stability for the low-lying excitations of diquark is provided by the exclusion of transitions with the emission of both a single kaon because of small splitting between the levels and a single pion because of conservation for the iso-spin and strangeness [1,17,19]. 4. We obtained analytical results on the two-loop anomalous dimensions of currents for baryons, containing two heavy quarks $J = [Q^{iT}C\Gamma\tau Q^j]\Gamma^{'}q^k\varepsilon_{ijk}$ with arbitrary Dirac matrices $\Gamma$ and $\Gamma^{'}$ in the framework of NRQCD in the leading order over both the relative velocity of heavy quarks and the inverse heavy quark mass. It is shown, that in this approximation the anomalous dimensions do not depend on the Dirac structure of the current under consideration [16,18]. 5. The equivalence of results, obtained in calculation of anomalous dimensions of operators in $\overline{\rm MS}$-renormalization scheme with the use of lagrangians of HQET and NRQCD is shown [16,18]. 6. In the leading order of perturbative QCD one calculates the total and differential cross-sections for the hadronic production of doubly charmed baryons $\Xi_{cc}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^*$ in different experiments. The experimental evaluation of cross-sections for the $J/\Psi +D + \bar D$ production would allow one to decrease the uncertainty in the determination of cross-sections for the doubly charmed baryons due to the choice of $\alpha_s$ and $m_c$. One shows that in the HERA-B and E781 experiments with fixed tagets the suppression of the $\Xi_{cc}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^*$ production to the yield of $c \bar c$-pairs is the value of the order of $10^{-6}-10^{-5}$, whereas at the TEVATRON and LHC colliders it is about $10^{-4}-10^{-3}$. In the E781 experiment the observation of $\Xi_{cc}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^*$ is practically impossible. At the HERA-B and TEVATRON facilities one can expect $10^5$ events with the double charm, and at LHC one has about $10^9$ ones [12]. 7. For the first time the contribution of quark-antiquark annihilation in hardronic production of doubly charmed baryons was taken into account. This contribution becomes essential at fixed target energies. The notion of fragmentation function of heavy diquark into doubly heavy baryon is introduced [12]. 8. Analitical approximations of numerical calculations for total subprocess cross-sections of gluon-gluon and quark-antiquark production of doubly charmed baryons were obtained [12]. 9. We have performed a detailed investigation on the lifetimes of doubly heavy baryons on the basis of the operator product expansion for the transition currents. For the first time, we have presented the formulae with the simultaneous account for both the mass effects and low-energy logarithmic renormalization for the contributions to the total decay width of baryons, containing heavy quarks, as it is caused by the effects of Pauli interference and weak scattering. The usage of the diquark picture has allowed us to evaluate the matrix elements of operators derived [2,7,9,14,15,19,20,21]. 10. As an application of the formalism developed, for the first time the lifetimes of all doubly heavy baryons were obtained. The obtained results show the significant role of both the Pauli interference and the weak scattering [2,7,9,14,15,19,20,21]. 11. The sum rules for doubly heavy baryons in NRQCD approximation are constructed. The problem with stability of such sum rules, faced in earlier works, is solved [4]. 12. A detail investigation of three-point sum rules for semileptonic decays of $B_c$-meson in QCD and NRQCD is performed. The Coulomb corrections, as well as, corrections due to gluon condensate are included and their role is discussed. The generalized spin symmetry relations for formfactors are derived [3,8]. 13. The prospects for $B_c$-meson production at existing and future colliders are investigated [10,13]. 14. The possibility to have additional constraints on anomalous WWV couplings at HERA vs LEP is investigated [5]. 15. The possibility to observe TeV-scale leptoquarks, appearing in different models is reviewed [6]. Part of the results was published in the following papers, containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Spectroscopy of doubly charmed baryons: $\Xi_{cc}^{++}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^{+}$, DESY-98080, hep-ph/9807375, Mod.Phys.Lett. A14, p.135, 1999. [2] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of $\Xi_{bc}^{+}$ and $\Xi_{bc}^{0}$ baryons, hep-ph/9901224, submitted to Eur.Phys.J. [3] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Semileptonic decays of $B_c$-meson in sum rules of QCD and NRQCD, hep-ph/9905359, accepted to Nucl.Phys.B. [4] V.V.Kiselev, A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly heavy baryons in sum rules of NRQCD, hep-ph/9909339, accepted to Nucl.Phys.B. [5] A.A.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Can HERA data improve LEP constraints on WWV vertex?, DESY-99-051, accepted to Eur.Phys.J. [6] S.S.Gershtein, A.A.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, TeV-scale leptoquarks from GUT/String/M-theory unification, Phys.Rep. 320, 203, 1999. [7] A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly heavy systems: decays and OPE, hep-ph/9912424. [8] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Semileptonic decays of $B_c$-meson, accepted to Yad.Phys. [in Russian]. [9] A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of doubly heavy baryons, hep-ph/9912425. There are also papers, which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM: [10] A.V.Berezhnoy, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, $B_c$-meson at LHC, Phys.Atom.Nucl. 60, p.1729, 1997; hep-ph/9703341. [11] A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Gluon splitting into pair of heavy quarks in $e^+e^-$-annihilation, Phys.Atom.Nucl. 60, p.623, 1997. [12] A.V.Berezhnoy, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly charmed baryon production in hadronic experiments, Phys.Rev. D57, p.4385, 1998. [13] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.V.Tkabladze, A.V.Berezhnoi, A.I.Onishchenko, Theoretical status of $B_c$-meson, IHEP 98-22, hep-ph/9803433. [14] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of doubly charmed baryons: $\Xi_{cc}^{++}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^{+}$, DESY-98079; hep-ph/9807354; Phys.Rev. D60, p.14007, 1999. [15] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Total inclusive decay rates of doubly charmed baryons, Yad.Phys. No.6., 1999 [in Russian]. [16] V.V.Kiselev, A.I.Onishchenko, Two-loop anomalous dimensions for currents of bary\-ons with two heavy quarks in NRQCD, IHEP 98-64; hep-ph/9810283; submitted to\\ Phys.Lett.B. [17] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Spectroscopy of doubly heavy baryons, IHEP 98-66; hep-ph/9811212; Heavy Ion.Phys. V.9, p.133, 1999. The following talks were given: [18] V.V.Kiselev, A.I.Onishchenko, Anomal dimensions of currents of baryons with two heavy quarks, MIPT Scientific conference, Dolgoprudny, November 1998. [19] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly heavy baryons: spectroscopy and decays, Scientific conference of Subdivision of Nuclear Physics of RAS, Moscow, November 1998. [20] A.I.Onishchenko, Physics of decays of doubly heavy baryons: $\Xi_{bb}^{0}$, $\Xi_{bb}^{-}$, $\Xi_{bc}^{+}$, $\Xi_{bc}^{0}$, $\Xi_{cc}^{+}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^{++}$, Conference of young scientists, postgraduate and graduate stutents ITEP, Moscow, December 1998. [21] A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of doubly heavy baryons, Conference of young scientists, postgraduate and graduate stutents ITEP, Moscow, December 1999. [22] A.I.Onishchenko, $c$-quark mass from $J/Psi$, $\Upsilon$ and $B_c$-mesons, Conference of young scientists, postgraduate and graduate stutents ITEP, Moscow, December 1999. The work of D.M.OSTROVSKY (Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) in 1998 has consisted of three main parts: The first one concerns some aspects of the description of multiparticle production processes. In [1] the nonperturbative preasymptotic contribution to the factorial moments of the intrajet particle distribution have been computed in the framework of previously developed formalism in which new nonperturbative term had been added to standart QCD evolution equation. The presence of the additional nonperturbative contribution is supported by the existing experimental data. Another kind of studies concerns minijet production in the ultrarelativistic hadron and nuclear collisions. Particularly, in [2] transverse energy flow generated by minijets in hadron and nuclear collisions into a given rapidity window in the central region was calculated in the next-to-leading (NLO) order of QCD at RHIC and LHC energies. These results were then used to calculate transverse energy spectrum in nuclear collisions in a Glauber geometrical model. It was shown that in pp collisions differential cross section calculated with NLO accuracy is about 2 times higher than the cross section calculated with only LO accuracy. NLO modification leads to a substantial broadening of the $E_{\perp}$ distribution for the nuclear collisions, while its form remains practically unchanged. In [3] the azimuthal asymmetry of minijet system produced in nucleon-nucleon and nuclear collisions in a central rapidity window was calculated. In pp collisions the asymmetry appears due to contributions from the collisions in which only one minijet hits the acceptance window. The angular pattern of transverse energy flow in nuclear collisions and its dependence on the kinematical parameters of collisions was studied. Development and application of high energy factorization scheme for hadron collisions is a third part of the scientific activity in 1998-1999. Angular asymmetry and momentum disbalance in a pair of particles produced at high energy in the central rapidity region were studied in [4]. It was shown that the asymmetry is substantial for low outgoing particles momenta but diminishes when they rise. In [5] NLO correction to the one-jet inclusive cross section in the framework of high energy factorization was calculated. The results were numerically compared with predictions of conventional collinear factorization approach. It was shown that NLO in high energy factorization scheme reduces one-jet inclusive cross section, but quantitatively result is highly sensitive to the choice of structure function. D.Ostrovsky participated in XXVII ITEPH Winter school (16-24 February, 1999) and presented a talk "Angular and momentum asymmetry in particle production at high energies" in a student's session. The publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM, because it was submitted before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [1] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Phys.Atom.Nucl. 62, pp.701-707, 1999; Yad.Fiz. 62, pp.750-757, 1999 [in Russian]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [2] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Eur.Phys.J C11, pp.495-499, 1999. [3] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Angular pattern of minijet transverse energy flow in hadron and nuclear collisions, hep-ph/9812416, submitted to Eur.Phys.J. C. [4] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Angular and momentum asymmetry in particle production at high energies, hep-ph/9905496, submitted to Phys.Rev.D. [5] D.Ostrovsky, NLO correction to one-jet inclusive production at high energies, hep-ph/9912258, submitted to Phys.Rev.D. S.A.PASTON (Saint-Petersburg State University) in his studies of quantum field theory in light front coordinates obtained the following results: 1. The effective Hamiltonian in light front coordinates is obtained which at some dependence of coefficients, included in it, from a parameter of UV-regularization, in a limit of it removal reproduces within the framework of perturbation theory the results of lorentz-covariant formulating of quantum chromodynamics [1]. It was possible to make with the help of introduction of an additional nonstandart IR-regularization based on a principle, which is used at the Pauli-Villars regularization. Only after this introduction it has appeared possible to apply the method, published earlier, of a comparison of light-like and lorentz-covariant theories. The offered regularization breaks a gauge invariance, but in a limit of removal of a regularization the gauge invariance is restored. The obtained Hamiltonian in future is supposed to be used in nonperturbative calculations. 2. The scalar theory with non-polynomial interaction resulted from bosonization of two-dimensional quantum electrodynamics (QED) is considered [2]. This theory is described by modified Lagrangian of Sin-Gordon model with the critical value of the parameter of this model. Non-polynomiality of interaction in this model, leading to arising of vertexes with arbitrarily large number of lines in perturbation theory, makes nontrivial the construction of light-front Hamiltonian. For its construction the Pauli-Villars regularization must be introduced because at the critical value of the parameter the ultraviolet behaviour of the theory become worse. Obtained light-front Hamiltonian generates the perturbation theory which is equivalent to the covariant perturbation theory in fermion mass, which plays the role of interaction constant after the bosonization and therefore the Hamiltonian spectrum coincides with the spectrum of QED. One can investigate this spectrum beyond the framework of perturbation theory. 3. S.A.Paston participated in development of such formulation of a gauge field theory on a lattice, with which the action is polynomial on independent field variables [3]. The canonical formalism in light front coordinates for such theory is considered. These results and also the results obtained earlier, were published in a review in the proceedings of the conference in honour of V.A.Fock [4]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, V.A.Franke, Constructing the Light-Front QCD Hamiltonian, Theor.Math.Phys., V.120, No.3. pp.1164-1181, 1999; Teoreticheskaya i Matematicheskaya Fizika, V.120. No.3, pp.417-437, 1999 [in Russian]. [2] S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, V.A.Franke, $QED_2$ Light-Front Hamiltonian reproducing all orders of covariant chiral perturbation theory. Preprint SPbU-IP-99-13; hep-th/9910114. The publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM, because either they were published before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant, or they contain results obtained until this moment: [3] V.A.Franke, S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, Lattice Gauge Theories with polynomial Action and their canonical Formulation on the Light Front, Preprint SPbU-IP-98-5, hep-th/9803035. [4] V.A.Franke, Yu.V.Novozhilov, S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, Quantum Field Theory in Light-Front coordinates, in book: "Quantum Theory in honour of Vladimir A.Fock", Part 1, Unesco, St. Petersburg University, Euro-Asian Physical Society, 1998, pp.38-97; hep-th/9901029. S.Paston participated in the "IX International Workshop Small-x Physics and Light Front Dynamics in QCD", Russia, St. Petersburg, July 6-15 1998, theme of the report: "Lattice Gauge Theories with polynomial Action at the Light Front"; in the international conference "VIII St. Petersburg International School of Physics. Quantum Theory in honour of Vladimir A. Fock", Russia, St. Petersburg, May 25 - June 4 1998, theme of the report: "Lattice Gauge Theories with polynomial Action and their canonical Formulation on the Light Front"; and in the seminar "Final seminar in physics and astronomy of winners in 1998 of grant competition for young scientists of St.-Petersburg", February 16, 1999, St.-Petersburg, Russia, theme of the report: "The Construction of QCD Hamiltonian in Light-Front Coordinates"; In December, 1999 S.Paston has got Ph.D. degree from St.-Petersburg State University. Thesis advisor: Prof. V.A.Franke. Title: "The Construction of Quantum Field Theory Hamiltonian in Light-Front Coordinates". O.A.RYTCHKOV (Steklov Mathematical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences,\\ Moscow) in his studies of classical solutions in superstring theory and their applications has obtained the following results: 1. Wide classes of new intersecting p-brane solutions in various space-time dimensions were constructed making use of an algebraic method [1]. p-brane configurations were specified by incidence matrices and it was shown that the solutions of the algebraic characteristic equations for the incidence matrices controlled the intersections of p-branes. 2. New types of p-brane solutions to various supergravities were obtained with use of the sigma-model approach [9]. A new way to endow branes with an additional internal structure such as plane waves was suggested. Applying the harmonic maps technique new solutions with a non-trivial shell structure in the transverse space were generated. Also intersecting branes were considered and it was shown that the intersection rules have a simple geometric interpretation as conditions ensuring the symmetric space property of the sigma-model target space. 3. Non-extremal overlapping p-brane supergravity solutions localized in their relative transverse coordinates were constructed [5,10]. The construction used an algebraic method of solving the bosonic equations of motion. 4. Some aspects of duality between supergravities on Anti-de Sitter (AdS) spaces (appearing as near D-brane horizon geometry) and conformal field theories were investigated in [2,6]. The massive Rarita-Schwinger field in AdS background was considered and the corresponding equations of motion were solved. It was shown that appropriate boundary terms calculated on-shell give two-point correlation function for spin-3/2 fields of the conformal field theory. The relation between Rarita-Schwinger field masses and conformal dimensions of corresponding operators was established. 5. Bulk-to-bulk propagators for the massive vector and symmetric rank-2 tensor fields in the Euclidean continuation of the Anti-de Sitter space were constructed [3]. The explicit forms of these propagators in the limit when one or both points approach the boundary of AdS were derived. It was shown that the obtained expressions coincide with bulk-to-boundary propagators or two-point correlation functions of the boundary CFT as expected from the AdS/CFT correspondence. This identification provides one more evidence for treating CFT operators on the boundary as appropriate limits of quantum fields in the bulk. Also the above limiting procedure clarifies the artificial appearance of boundary terms in the AdS/CFT correspondence. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] I.Ya.Aref'eva, O.A.Rytchkov, Incidence Matrix Description of Intersecting p-brane Solutions, to be published in L.D.Faddeev's Seminar on Mathematical Physics, Advances in Mathematics, Amer.Math.Soc., Providence, R.I. [2] A.S.Koshelev, O.A.Rytchkov, Note on the Massive Rarita-Schwinger field in the AdS/CFT correspondence, Phys.Lett.B 450, p.368, 1999. [3] A.Polishchuk, O.Rytchkov, Propagator for Massive Spin-2 Field in Anti-de Sitter Space, preprint SMI-25-99. Also the obtained results were published in the proceedings of the following conferences: [4] O.A.Rytchkov, Chaotic Behaviour of Dynamical Systems in M-theory, Proceedings of the Second Open Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (Russia, Dubna, March 2-6, 1998) [in Russian]. [5] O.A.Rytchkov, Localised p-branes in Supergravities and M-theory, Proceedings of the International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, May 18-24, 1998). [6] O.A.Rytchkov, Massive Rarita-Schwinger Field in the AdS/CFT correspondence, Proceedings of the XIV International Workshop on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory (Russia, May 27 - June 2, 1999). There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [7] I.Ya.Aref'eva, P.B.Medvedev, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Chaos in D0-brane Dynamics, Banach Center Publications, V.43, p.41, 1998. [8] I.Ya.Aref'eva, P.B.Medvedev, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Chaos in M(atrix) Theory, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, V.10, p.1, 1998. [9] D.V.Gal'tsov, O.A.Rytchkov, Generating branes via sigma models, Phys.Rev. D58, p.122001, 1998. [10] I.Ya.Aref'eva, M.G.Ivanov, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Non-extremal localized\\ branes and vacuum solutions in M-theory, Class.Quant.Grav. V.15, p.2923, 1998. O.A.Rytchkov participated in Spring School on Non-perturbative Aspects of String Theory and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories (Italy, March 23-31, 1998) and in the Trieste Conference on Superfivebranes and Physics in 5+1 dimensions (Italy, April 1-3, 1998) where a poster entitled "New Non-extremal p-branes in Superstring Theories and M-theory" was presented. O.A.Rytchkov participated in International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, May 18-24, 1998) and presented a talk there entitled "Localized p-branes in Supergravities and M-theory". O.A.Rytchkov participated in XI International Conference "Problems of Quantum Field Theory" (Russia, July 13-17, 1998) and presented a talk entitled "Localized p-branes in various supergravities" O.A Rytchkov participated in XIV International Workshop on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory (Russia, May 27 - June 2, 1999) and presented a talk there entitled "Massive Rarita-Schwinger Field in the AdS/CFT correspondence" V.I.SHEVCHENKO (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow) has obtained the following results: 1. Generalized coordinate gauge in nonabelian gauge theories was analysed, limits of applicability were established and applied to the nonabelian Stokes theorem and dual QCD Lagrangian evaluation. 2. The structure of perturbative contributions to the string tension in gluodynamics was investigated and cancellation of them in the vacuum field correlators framework was shown. 3. The modifications of the Higgs mechanism in abelian Higgs model due to interaction with topological defects were considered. 4. Deeper understanding of the Higgs mechanism in the quantum background was reached, especially in the aspects, important for the abelian projected confinement theories. 5. The colour superconductivity phenomenon was investigated in the framework of Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. The effective potential was calculated and the importance of the nonperturbative gluon condensate from the nonabelian Meissner effect point of view was shown. 6. The exact renormalisation group flows were studied in the current representation of the abelian projected gluodynamics. 7. The Casimir scaling behaviour of the static potential between charges in higher representations of the gauge group SU(3) was investigated, being based on recent lattice data. The value of scaling violating terms is estimated. It is shown, that Casimir scaling puts severe bounds on the presence of classical solutions in the vacuum. [1] V.Shevchenko, Yu.Simonov, Generalized coordinate gauge, nonabelian Stokes theorem and dual QCD Lagrangian, Phys.Lett.B 437, p.146, 1998. [2] V.Shevchenko, Yu.Simonov, Perturbative contributions to field correlators, Phys.Lett.B 437, p.131, 1998. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [3] V.Shevchenko, Higgs mechanism in nontrivial background, hep-th/9810222 (being prepared for publication). [4] N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov, V.I.Shevchenko, Nonperturbative QCD vacuum and Colour Superconductivity, Phys.Rep. V.320, p.131, 1999. [5] V.I.Shevchenko, Yu.A.Simonov, Casimir Scaling as a Test of QCD vacuum, hep-ph/0001299, being prepared for publication. Published talks on conferences: (1) "Generalized Fock-Schwinger Gauge and its applications" V.I. Shevchenko, (based on the work with Yu.A.Simonov), Int.School dedicated to the 100th anniversary of V.A.Fock, St.Peterburg, 1998. (2) "Does confinement imply stochasticity?", V.I.Shevchenko, Chaos and complexity, Ponte di Legno, Italy, 1998. (3) "Gluon degrees of freedom at nonzero baryonic density", V.Shevchenko, (partly based on the work with N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov), XXVIII Autumn School, Lisbon, Portugal,1999. (4) "Coordinate gauges and confinement", V. I. Shevchenko, Confinement III (poster session, unpublished), Newport News, USA, 1998. (5) "Nonperturbative QCD vacuum and Colour Superconductivity", V.Shevchenko, (based on the work with N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov), Buckow, Germany, 1999 (no proceedings). V.Shevchenko visited Department of Theoretical Physics of Pisa University, Italy (October 1 - 30, 1998) by invitation of Professor A.DiGiacomo. In January, 2000 V.Shevchenko has got Ph.D. degree from ITEP. Thesis advisor: Prof.Yu.A.Simonov. Title: "Nonperturbative effects in gauge field theory". N.V.SHEVCHENKO (Irkutsk State University and Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow region) in her studies of few-body systems obtained the following results: 1. Elastic $\eta d$ scattering was considered within the Alt-Grassberger-Sandhas formalism for various $\eta N$ input data. A three-body resonant state was found close to the $\eta d$ threshold [1]. This resonance is sustained for different choices of the two-body $\eta N$ scattering length $a_{\eta N}$. The position of the resonance moves towards the $\eta d$ threshold when ${\rm Re\,}a_{\eta N}$ is increased, and turns into a quasi-bound state at ${\rm Re\,}a_{\eta N}\sim0.7\div0.8$\,fm depending on the choice of ${\rm Im\,}a_{\eta N}$. 2. The nuclear reaction $e+{^3{\rm He}}+{^4{\rm He}}\rightarrow{}e +{^7{\rm Be}}$ was considered at thermonuclear energies [2]. The motion of the electron was treated within the adiabatic approximation and the ${^3{\rm He}}-{^4{\rm He}}$ scattering state was calculated using an effective ${^3{\rm He}}-{^4{\rm He}}$ potential constructed via the Marchenko inverse scattering method. The reaction rate thus obtained for solar interior conditions is approximately $10^{-4}$ of the corresponding rate for the radiative capture ${^3{\rm He}}+{^4{\rm He}}\rightarrow{}{^7{\rm Be}}+\gamma$. The main results have been presented in the paper containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] N.V.Shevchenko, V.B.Belyaev, S.A.Rakityansky, S.A.Sofianos, W.Sandhas, Low-energy $\eta d$ resonance, e-print LANL, nucl-th/9908035; submitted to Phys.Rev.Lett. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [2] N.V.Shevchenko, S.A.Rakityansky, S.A.Sofianos, V.B.Belyaev, Non-radiative synthesis of $^7{\rm Be}$ in solar plasma, J.Physics G25, pp.95-106, 1999. N.Shevchenko will participate in the IV Open Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (Dubna, Russia, January 31 - February 4, 2000) and will present a session talk there entitled "Near-threshold resonance in the $\eta d$ system". N.Shevchenko is invited by the Organizing Committee of the 16th International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics (Taipei, Taiwan, March 6-10, 2000) to take part in the conference and present the contribution entitled "Low energy scattering and photoproduction of $\eta$-mesons by deuterons" in a poster session. N.Shevchenko participates in international co-operation with the group of Prof. W.Sand\-has, Physikalisches Institut, Universitat Bonn, Germany and with the group of Prof. S.A.Sofi\-anos, Physics Department, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa. N.Shevchenko is a postgraduate student of the third year and she is planing to get the Ph.D. degree at the 2000th year. V.V.SHKLYAR ( Far Eastern State University, Vladivostok) in his studies of photon and vector meson production obtained the following results: 1. The different sources of the real photon and $\phi$-meson production in nucleon-nucleon collisions at intermediate energies have been studied and the effective model of the reactions has been suggested in [1-4]. The role and influence of each channel for the $NN\to NN\gamma$ reaction (bremsstrahlung, $\Delta$-excitation, radiative $\omega/\rho$-decay) has been shown and discussed in [1]. 2. Also, the available experimental data for the real photon production at 0.28 and 0.75 GeV beam energy were described well and the predictions for forthcoming data at COSY-TOF are obtained [1]. 3. Apart from the photon production reaction, the $NN\to NN\phi$ reaction near the threshold has been explored. It was shown, that the influence of the shake-off mechanism was negligible and the $\pi\rho\phi$ interaction coming from the non-ideal $\phi-\omega$ mixing angle gave the main contribution to the $\phi$-meson yield [3]. The predictions for the reaction amplitude behaviour and polarization observables near the reaction threshold was obtained. It has been also shown that the earlier exact threshold predictions for these reactions (e.c. M.Recalo et al) were not relevant at energies slightly above the threshold [2]. The value of the beam-target asymmetry $C^{BT}=-0.8$ was predicted and the ratio of the spin-singlet states to the spin-triplet ones was derived at the reaction threshold [3]. 4. The spin density matrix and the anisotropy of the $\phi$ decay were calculated. It was also shown that for the $\phi\to e^+e^-$-decay the small $\bar ss$ admixture could lead to the modification of the $\phi$ decay anisotropy that might be used in the experimental searching of the hidden strangeness in nucleon [4]. There are the publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [1] V.V.Shklyar, B.K\"ampfer, B.L.Reznik, A.I.Titov, Bremsstrahlung in intermediate-energy nucleon reaction within an effective one-boson exchange model, Nucl.Phys.A628, pp.255-274, 1998. [2] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, The reaction $NN \to NN \phi$ near threshold, preprint (nucl-th/9712025); preprint (nucl-th/9811094). The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [3] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, Polarization observables in the reaction $NN \to NN \phi$, to be published in Phys.Rev. C59, 1999. [4] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, Polarization observables in the reaction $NN\to NN\phi$ near threshold, XIV International Seminar On High Energy Physics Problems, Conf. Proceedings, preprint E1,2-98-232. V.Shklyar participated in the International Summer Student School on High Energy Physics in Memory of Bruno Pontekorvo ( JINR, Dubna, August 18 - September 1, 1998.) V.Shklyar also participated in the XIVth International Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems (JINR, Dubna, August 17-22, 1998) as a co-author. Talk on International Seminar DEUTERON-99, JINR, Dubna-99, Russia, 4-7 July. In October, 1999 V.Shklyar has got Ph.D. degree from the Far Eastern State University. Thesis advisor: Prof. A.I.Titov (JINR). Title: "Photon and $\phi$-meson production at intermediate energies" D.V.ALEXANDROV (Urals State University, Ekaterinburg) in his studies of solidification processes obtained the following results: 1. A theory of incipience of a two-phase zone is numerically and theoretically studied [1]. On the basis of a linear law for the velocity of solidification which was obtained numerically, governing equations for the velocity and for the time of incipience of the two-phase zone (the latter arises ahead of a planar front of solidification due to the concentrational supercooling) were deduced. 2. In [2] the fractal dimension of the two-phase zone is determined for the self-similar regime of solidification in the presence of the mushy region. 3. The general problem of incipience of the two-phase zone is solved on the basis of the classical Stefan thermodiffusion model (without suggestions about the velocity distribution). The time of incipience of the two-phase zone and the velocity of solidification are determined in the form of integral equations [3]. 4. A theory of solidification with a qusiequilibrium two-phase zone is detailed on the basis of analytical solution of Borisov's model [4]. The steps of thermodynamic values in the two-phase zone (at both boundaries) are found on the basis of which the zone is changed by the discontinuity surface between solid and liquid phases. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] D.V.Alexandrov, A.G.Churbanov, P.N.Vabishchevich, Emergence of a Mushy Region in Processes of Binary Melt Solidification, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research, V.26, No.2, pp.248-264, 1999. [2] D.V.Alexandrov, A.O.Ivanov, M.E.Komarovski, An Influence of a Fractal-Like Mushy Region on Solidification Process, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research, V.26, No.2, pp.224-231, 1999. [3] D.V.Alexandrov, Incipience of a Mushy Zone in Binary Melt Solidification Processes: General Theory, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research (to be published). [4] D.V.Alexandrov, To the Theory of Solidification with a Quasiequilibrium Two-Phase Zone, Doklady AN (submitted) [in Russian]. The following papers will be presented for publication soon with acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: 1. D.V.Alexandrov, Incipience of a Mushy Zone in Binary Melt Solidification Processes: Stefan Thermodiffusion Problem (Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research). 2. D.V.Alexandrov, Quasiequilibrium Mushy Region: Dynamic Instability (Acta Materialia). In March, 1998 D.Alexandrov has got Ph.D. degree from The Urals State Technical University. Thesis advisors: Prof. V.V.Mansurov, Dr. A.O.Ivanov. Title: "An Influence of a quasiequilibrium Mushy Region on Solidification of Binary Melts". A.A.ALIVERDIEV (Institute of Physics, Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala) in his studies of the use of a registered signal velocity for the time-resolved tomography, in particular for the laser tomography of condensed matter obtained the following results: 1. A summarizing of the reconstructive theory of a signal speed using has been developed [1-10]. 2. Analytical expressions for nD photoacoustic tomography and the problem of a complex absorption account have been derived. Some practical algorithms and software ware carried out. Number of 2D numerical simulations are hold. A principally important result was obtained that good photoacoustic reconstruction is possible with different conditions [1-4, 7, 8]. 3. A method of a stream collision has been proposed for the stochastic emission correlation tomography. Number of 2D numerical simulations with inspired results are hold [1]. 4. A method of Hartley transform has been considered for an image processing. Some practical algorithms and software ware carried out [5]. The main goals of the project was achieved. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, Use of velocity of a filed signal in a tomography. Features of an optoacoustic tomography, [in Russian], Makhachkala, DSU, 1998, 60p. [2] G.K.Makhtimagomedov, M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, R.M.Batyrov, G.M.Halilulayev, A.A.Amirova, M.M.Akhmedov, M.M.Ataev, About the modeling of spatial-temporal tomographic reconstruction of sphere of phase transitions; Proceedings of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter", Makhachkala, Russia, 1998, p.3-6. [3] A.A.Aliverdiev, Some aspects of the computing of the laser tomography of mixed state, Proceedings of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter", Makhachkala, Russia, 1998, p.3-5. [4] A.A.Aliverdiev, About the account of complex absorption in laser tomography, Proceedings of the International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan", dedicated to 275 Anniversary of Russian Academy of the Sciences and 50 Anniversary of Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of the Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, pp.33-34. [5] A.A.Aliverdiev, R.M.Batyrov, M.G.Karimov, G.M.Halilulayev, A.A.Amirova, Some questions of the use of Hertley transform in physical tomography, Proceedings of the International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan", dedicated to 275 Anniversary of Russian Academy of the Sciences and 50 Anniversary of Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of the Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, p.35. [6] M.G.Karimov. A.A.Aliverdiev, A.A.Amirova, Some questions of the tomographic reconstruction of plasma objects, Proceedings of the All-Russian Conference "Physical Electronics", Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, p.107. [7] A.A.Aliverdiev, M.G.Karimov, Back photoacoustic problem in the investigation of quasistationary spatial-heterogeneous flows, Proceedings of the V International Scientific and Technical Conference "Optical Methods of the Flows Investigations" (Moscow, Russia, 1999), p.161. [8] A.A.Aliverdiev, Some questions of the physical tomography with application of velocity spectrum of registered signal, Proceedings of the Conference "Resonance and non-linear phenomenon in Condensed Matter" (Ufa, Russia 1999). There are two publications, which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [9] A.A.Aliverdiev, M.G.Karimov, Solution of optic reconstructive problem considering registered signal velocity, Turkey J. of Physics, No.4, pp.311-314, 1998. [10] M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, About modeling of 2D optoacoustic researches of exited media, Radiophysics (Massager of Higher Educational Institutes of Russia), No.1, 1999. A.Aliverdiev was the executive (scientific) secretary of the local Program Committee of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter" (Makhachkala, Russia, 1998). Two reports of A.Aliverdiev ware represented in that Conference. A.Aliverdiev represents the reports in (1) the Winter College "Spectroscopy and Applications" (AS-ICTP, Trieste, Italy 1999), (2) the Baikal School of Fundamental Physics (Irkutsk, Russia, 1999, in absentia, by correspondence), (3) the V International Scientific and Technical Conference "Optical Methods of the Flows Investigations" (Moscow, Russia, 1999, in absentia, by co-author), (4) International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan" (Makhachkala, Russia, 1999), (5) the All-Russian Conference "Physical Electronics" (Makhachkala, Russia 1999), (6) the Regional Conference "Resonance and non-linear phenomenon in Condensed Matter" (Ufa, Russia 1999), (7) the Fourth Training Course in the Physics of Correlated Electron Systems and High-Tc Superconductors (Vietri sul Mare, Salerno, Italy, 1999). In July 1998 A. Aliverdiev has got Ph.D. degree from the Daghestan State University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. M.G.Karimov (DSU). Title: "Some solutions of a reconstructive problem in a plasma physics and nonlinear optics with the use of a finiteness of distribution of a registered signal velocity". O.L.BERMAN (Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Moscow Region) in his studies of phase transitions and superfluidity in the system of coupled quantum wells obtained the following results: 1. The theory of phase transitions of electron-hole and unbalanced electron systems in coupled quantum wells in high magnetic fields has been developed [1]. Analytical expressions for the temperatures of the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition to the superfluid state have been derived. A principally important result was obtained that the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature decreases at rise of magnetic field and interwell separation at fixed magnetoexciton density. But the maximal possible Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature increases at rise of magnetic field and interwell separation. 2. It was shown that the system of weakly interacting indirect excitons in the superlattice slab is unstable [2,3]. A method based on the sum of the ladder diagram for the calculation of vertex of quadrupole indirect biexcitons interaction has been proposed for the obtaining of the collective spectrum, superfluid density and the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature. 3. The effect of random field due to impurities, boundary irregularities on the superfluidity of a three-dimensional system of excitons and a quasi-two-dimensional of direct and spatially indirect excitons is investigated [4]. 4. The excitation spectra and superfluidity of the electron-hole system in coupled quantum wells have been analyzed [5,6]. It was shown that the gap in the excitation spectra decreases if the interwell separation and the density of electrons and holes increase. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, V.G.Tsvetus, Phase transitions of electron-hole and unbalanced electron systems in coupled quantum wells in high magnetic fields, Phys.Rev. B59, pp.5627-5636, 1999. [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, M.Willander, Superfluidity of indirect biexcitons in superlattices, JETP V.88, No.5, pp.980-986, 1999. [3] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, M.Willander, Superfluidity of indirect biexcitons in superlattices, Europhysics Letters V.48, No.3, pp.299-305, 1999. [4] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, The superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, JETP Lett. V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999. [5] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.A.Panfilov, The excitation spectra and superfluidity of the electron-hole system in coupled quantum wells, Physica Status Solidi (b), V.209, pp.287-294, 1998. [6] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman and A.A.Panfilov, The excitation spectra in coupled quantum wells, Solid State Phys. (russ. Fiz.Tverd.Tela), V.40, No.12, pp.2226-2228, 1998. O.Berman participated in the International Advanced School Leonardo da Vinci for a continuing education programme 1998 Summer Course "Superconducting materials: advances in technology and applications" (Italy, Bologna, 29 June - 10 July, 1998). Five reports on seminars at the Institute of Spectroscopy were made. One report in seminar at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Stoney Brook has been made. In 1999 O.Berman has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "The investigation of phase transitions and superfluidity in the system of the coupled quantum wells". D.A.DANILOV (Udmurt State University, Izhevsk) in his studies of rapid solidification obtained the following results: 1. A comparative analysis of a model for local nonequilibrium solidification with experimental measurements of "dendrite tip growth velocity -- initial melt undercooling" in rapidly solidifying alloys Cu - 30% at. Ni [1] and Ni - 1% at. Zr [2] has been performed. The predictions of the model are in qualitative and quantitative agreement with experimental data for both alloys. 2. A general solution [3] of the steady-state crystal growth shape under local nonequilibrium solidification has been found. This solution is found for the following growth shapes: elliptical paraboloid, paraboloid of revolution, cylindrical paraboloid, and parabolic platelet. 3. On the basics of a one-sided model of solute diffusion the dynamics of a motion of the rapid solidification front in a binary alloy is investigated [4,5]. A criterion connecting the dynamical stability of the front motion in a steady-state regime with a slope of the kinetic curve "front velocity - initial undercooling'' is formulated. An expression for the definition of nonstationary time during the transition to the steady-state regime is obtained. 4. A model for rapid solidification in undercooled pure metallic liquid is developed that includes local nonequilibrium heat transfer and kinetics of liquid-solid interface motion [6]. Taking into account the finiteness of the speed of heat transport, a general solution of the problem about local nonequilibrium heat transfer with the moving heat source at the planar solidification front is obtained. Asymptotic behavior of the velocity of the rapid planar front is investigated. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Model for free dendritic alloy growth under interfacial and bulk phase nonequilibrium conditions, J.Crystal Growth V.197, pp.992-1002, 1999. [2] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Dendritic growth model for rapid solidification of undercooled alloys, International Conference on Rapidly Quenched and Metastable Materials "RQ-10", Bangalore, India, August 1999, submitted for publication in the journal Material Science and Engineering. [3] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Steady-state crystal growth shape under local nonequilibrium mass transfer, Inzhenerno Fizicheski Zhurnal (Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics), submitted for publication [in Russian]. [4] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Selection of the dynamically stable regime of rapid solidification front motion in isothermal binary alloy, J.Crystal Growth, accepted for publication. [5] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko, A criterion for dynamical stability of rapid solidification front motion, University and Academic Scientific-Practical Conference, Udmurt State University. Thesis for the conference, Izhevsk, April 1999, p.60-61 [in Russian]. [6] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko, Hyperbolic heat transfer in rapid solidification of supercooled liquids, Proc. of the 4th Minsk International Heat and Mass Transfer Forum, A.V.Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute, Minsk, May 2000, accepted for publication. A.V.EMELYANENKO (Moscow State University) in his studies of strongly polar liquid crystals obtained the following results: 1. A statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition has been developed for a system of molecules possessing a strong dipole [1,4]. It was explicitly taken into account that a large amount of dimers appear in a molecular system, when a dipole is strong enough. The dependence of the nematic order parameters of monomers and dimers on the temperature and the temperature variation of the molar fraction of dimers have been obtained. These investigations were held for the systems of molecules with different values of the dipole moment. A principally important result was obtained that the nematic-isotropic transition temperature has no absolute growth with the increasing dipole moment, as it was predicted by the preceding theories, but achieves its maximum with subsequent decrease. This happens because molecules with the large dipole moments form dimers intensively, which destroy the nematic order. In the previous research, based on the mean field or second virial approximations, a very strong short-range correlations leading to the formation of dimers were disregarded. A theory derived in [1,4] takes into account the existence of dimers directly. It was shown, that for molecules with large dipoles the transition temperature decreases with the increasing dipole moment. This result was confirmed by the recent computer simulations. 2. Influence of the molecular shape on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals has been investigated [2]. A method based on the expansion of the intermolecular potential in a complete set of spherical invariants has been proposed to estimate the dispersion interaction between monomers and dimers. It has been established that molecules with small dipoles form dimers, which favour the nematic phase, whereas dimers composed of molecules with large dipoles favour the isotropic phase. It has also been found that molecules with an intermediate value of the dipole moment couple in dimers, which do not influence the nematic- isotropic transition temperature. This balance point depends on the molecular shape, and it may exist or not for different molecules. 3. A statistical theory of the cholesteric ordering [3] was derived. On the contrary to the preceding publications, it describes the helix inversion in binary mixtures. The biaxiality of molecules is explicitly taken into account. Under a certain conditions (driven by the mutual concentration of the components and temperature) the interaction between the short molecular axes, which was disregarded in the previous attempts, dominates over the interaction between the main axes. It leads to the helix inversion, which is usually observed in the experiment. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Polar liquid crystals. Statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [2] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Nematic-isotropic phase transition in polar liquid crystals. Role of the dispersion interaction, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [3] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, D.A.Dunmur, Molecular Theory of Chiral Nematic Liquid Crystals, Phys.Rev.E, paper accepted for publication. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Influence of dimerization on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals, Liquid Crystals, V.26, No.2, 1999. A.Emelyanenko participated in the 17-th International Liquid Crystal Conference (Strasbourg, France, July 19-24, 1998) and presented a poster "Molecular Theory of The Nematic-Isotropic Transition in Strongly Polar Liquid Crystals". Thesis of the poster was published. In 1999 A.Emelyanenko participated in the International Conference on Liquid Crystals, which took place in Krynica (Poland), with a report "Theory of the helix inversion in nematics doped with chiral molecules" (September 13-17, 1999) and in the International Conference "Nonlinear dynamics in polymer science and related fields", Desna, Moscow region, with a report "Helix inversion in binary liquid crystalline mixtures" (October 11-15, 1999). Both theses are included in the corresponding abstract books. The full-length reports are planned. A.V. Emelyanenko has also taken part in the Students Conference on chemistry and physics of the thin organic films, Puschino, Moscow region, with a report "Inversion of the spiral structure in binary LC mixtures" (June 14-15, 1999). Now A.Emelyanenko is developing a new theory of the liquid crystalline polymers, which also possess a helix inversion. I.M.EREMIN (Kazan State University) in his studies of the electronic structure and magnetic properties of high temperature superconductivity obtained the following results: 1. Self-consistent calculation of spin (charge) density wave order (SDW/CDW) parameters have been performed for bilayered cuprates on the basis of a singlet correlated band model [1]. Evolution of the Fermi surface in the strongly underdoped regime is described by using a two-band approach. The smooth development of the pseudogap formation temperature is explained from underdoped to overdoped states and the Fourier amplitudes $$ (spin) and $$ (charge) modulations have been calculated. We have found a maximum of the incommensurability for doping 0.09-0.11 holes per copper site. 2. The phase boundary of the paramagnetic phase of cuprates has been calculated with taking into account the strong electron correlations. The instability wave vector gets displaced from pure antiferromagnetic wave vector if doping increases. The calculated pictures of Lindhard response functions and complex momentum dependence of a CDW pseudogap are presented. Spin susceptibility expression for the singlet correlated band at $T_c The results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, I.Eremin, submitted to Appl.Magn.Res (cond-mat/9908297). [2] I.Eremin, M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, in a book "Stripes and Related Phenomena", edited by A.Bianconi and N.L.Saini, to be published by Kluwer Academics-Plenum Publisher. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before the grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant. [3] I.Eremin, Solid State Commun. 105, pp.293-296, 1998. I.Eremin participated in the Second International Conference on Stripes'98 (Rome, Italy, 2-6 June, 1998) and presented an oral contribution "Two reasons of instability in layered cuprates", Specialized Colloque Ampere EPR, NMR and NQR in Solid State Physics: Recent Trends (Pisa, Italy, June 14-18, 1999) and presented poster contribution "How large can be CDW/SDW amplitudes in layered cuprates", XVI International Seminar "New Magnetic Materials for Microelectronics" (Moscow, Russian Federation, June 23-26, 1998) and presented a poster "Dynamic spin susceptibility below $T_c$. Hubbard Model" (in Russian), XXVII International School for Theoretical Physicists "Kourovka" (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 2-7 March, 1998) and presented a talk "Influence of strong electron correlation on dynamical spin susceptibility in two-dimensional models" (in Russian) I.Eremin participated in the International Cooperation with the groups of Prof. D.Brinkmann and Prof. H.Keller, Institute of Physics, Zuerich University, Switzerland. In September 1999 I.Eremin has got a Ph.D. degree under the supervision of Prof. B.I.Kochelaev (Kazan State University). A.V.PANOV (Far-Eastern State University, Vladivostok) in his studies of magnetism obtained the following results: 1. The ground and metastable magnetic states of magnetite and iron particles with sizes closed to single-domain were analyzed within the scope of the developed model [1]. It was shown that depending on its size and elongation the grain can be in one of three states: with uniform magnetization, with a small and large non-uniformity of magnetic moment (quasi-single-domain and two-domain states). The critical sizes for uniform and quasi-single-domain states were calculated. Magnetization processes of such particles were simulated. The coercive force and critical fields as functions of size, elongation of the particles and external magnetic field direction were studied. The essential difference from similar studies is non-monotone dependence of coercive force on particle elongation for magnetite which is confirmed by experiments. 2. The previous model of two-phase particle was extended by entering of interfacial exchange coupling [2-4]. The magnetization process of an ensemble of Co-coated $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ used in magnetic recording media was studied. The set of magnetic states of such particles was analyzed for ensemble with thermal agitation. It was shown that relation between interfacial exchange coupling and magnetostatic inter-phase interaction affect dependence of the coercive force of the ensemble of $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ particles on coating volume. It was obtained that the growth in coating magnetocrystalline anisotropy leads to increase in coercivity of the ensemble. The main results have been presented in the papers submitted in March and April, 1998, before grantee has been informed of the awarding ICFPM grant: [1] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine magnetite particles, Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie [in Russian], 86, pp.65-73, 1998. [2] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Modeling of magnetization process of an ensemble of $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles with cobalt coating, "Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie" [in Russian] v.87, pp.17-22, 1999. [3] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states of Co-coated $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.241-242. [4] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, An influence of inter-phase interaction on coercive force of two-component particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.511-512. In June, 1999 A. V. Panov has got Ph. D. degree from the Far East State University (Vladivostok). Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Belokon'. Title: "Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine heterogeneous particle systems". A.M.POVOLOTSKY (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow Region) in his studies of the models of self-organized criticality obtained the following results: 1. We investigate the dynamics of Eulerian walkers as a model of self-organized criticality [1]. The evolution of the system is divided into characteristic periods which can be seen as avalanches. The structure of avalanches is described and the critical exponent in the distribution of first avalanches $\tau=2$ is determined. We also study a mean square displacement of Eulerian walkers and obtain a simple diffusion law in the critical state. The evolution of underlying medium from a random state to the critical one is described. 2.The general framework for the renormalization group analysis of self-organized critical sandpile models is formulated [2,3]. The usual real space renormalization scheme for lattice models when applied to nonequilibrium dynamical models must be supplemented by feedback relations coming from the stationarity conditions. On the basis of these ideas the Dynamically Driven Renormalization Group is applied to describe the boundary and bulk critical behavior of sandpile models. A detailed description of the branching nature of sandpile avalanches is given in terms of the generating functions of the underlying branching process. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] A.M.Povolotsky, V.B.Priezzhev, R.R.Shcherbakov, Phys.Rev.E 58, pp.5449-5454, 1998. [2] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, Phys.Rev.E 60, pp.1239-1251, 1999. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [3] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, preprint DIAS-STP-98-06, Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Ireland. A.Povolotsky was invited by J.Stefan Institute, Ljubljana Slovenia and presented the seminar there entitled "Eulerian walkers as a model of the self-organized criticality." S.E.SKIPETROV (Moscow State University) in his studies obtained the following main results: 1. A possibility for diagnostics of laser-induced particle flows in concentrated suspensions using methods of the optical correlation spectroscopy has been studied. The role of ponderomotive effects in experiments on dynamic multiple light scattering (DMLS) has been analyzed. 2. A diffusion model for the temporal autocorrelation function of multiple scattered light has been developed. The model has been shown to be valid for both the Brownian motion and laminar flow of scatterers. The case of spatially localized flow of scatterers in a turbid sample has been considered. We have demonstrated both theoretically and experimentally that one could use DMLS techniques to obtain useful information about hidden particle flows in turbid media. 3. Imaging through atmospheric turbulence has been studied. Statistical moments of the modulation transfer functions (MTFs) of a turbulent atmosphere have been calculated for various models of turbulence. Some of the main results have been presented in a paper containing acknowledgment to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially heterogeneous scatterer dynamics. Physics in Higher Education, V.5, No.1, pp.98-112, 1999 [in Russian]. [2] Karabutov A.A., Pelivanov I.M., Podymova N.B., Skipetrov S.E. Direct measurement of the spatial intensity distribution of light in a scattering medium, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., V.70, No.3, pp.187-191, 1999 [in Russian]; [English translation: J.Exp.Theor.Phys.Lett., V.70, No.3, pp.183-188, 1999]. [3] Skipetrov S.E., Effective dielectric function of a random medium, Phys.Rev.B 60, No.18, pp.12705-12709, 1999. [4] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Shcheglov V.A., Laser-induced particle flows in random media: is the diagnostics with multiple-scattered light possible? In: CD-ROM Proceedings of the International Conference on Optical Technology and Image Processing in Fluid, Thermal, and Combustion Flow (VSJ-SPIE'98) (Yokohama, Japan, December 7-9, 1998), paper AB090. [5] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Correlation spectroscopy for diagnostics of light-induced particle motion in concentrated suspensions. In: Fourth International Conference on Correlation Optics, O.V. Angelsky, Ed., Proc. SPIE, V.3904, pp.423-428, 1999. [6] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave imaging of flows in turbid media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99), (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). [7] Skipetrov S.E., Refractive index of random media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99) (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). S.Skipetrov participated in several scientific conferences: - XI School-Conference on Diffraction and Propagation of Waves (Moscow, Russia, January 12-15, 1998). An oral presentation entitled "Multiple scattering of light in random media with complex dynamic structure" has been made. - NATO Advanced Study Institute "Diffuse Waves in Complex Media" (Les Houches, France, March 17-28, 1998). A poster "Ponderomotive action of light in random media" has been presented. - XVI International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics - ICONO'98 (Moscow, Russia, June 29-July 3, 1998). Two posters has been presented: "Dynamic multiple scattering of laser radiation on light-induced flows of microparticles in suspension" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy of flows". - 17th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division, European Physical Society and 6emes Journees de la Matiere Condensee, Societe Francaise de Physique (Grenoble, France, August 25-29, 1998). A poster "Cross-correlations in dynamic multiple scattering of light" has been presented. - Fall School-Conference "Light-Scattering Techniques in Biomedicine, Industry and Material Science" (Saratov, Russia, October 6-9, 1998). An oral presentation: "Theory of diffusing-wave spectroscopy with angular and spatio-temporal cross-correlations" and two poster presentations: "Ponderomotive action of light in random multiple-scattering media" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in random media with absorption", have been made. - International Conference on Biomedical Optics and Spectroscopy. European Biomedical Optics Week - BiOS'98 (Stockholm, Sweden, September 6-9, 1998). Title of presentation: "Possibilities for study of light-induced flows of microparticles in concentrated suspensions using methods of optical correlation spectroscopy". - International Conference on LASERS'98 (Tucson, Arizona, USA, December 7-11, 1998). Title of presentation: "Hydrodynamic flows induced by copper-vapor laser: diagnostics using optical correlation spectroscopy". S.E.Skipetrov has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. S.S.Chesnokov. Title: "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially-heterogeneous scatterer flows". F.M.TSAHHAEV (Ryazan State Pedagogical University) in his studies of physics of low dimensional structures obtained the following results: 1. Galvanomagnetic effects have been measured in n-AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures with filling of two subbands. The values of the momentum relaxation times t and q have been determined experimentally. The t and q times have been also calculated in the conditions of intersubband scattering using the self-consistent electron wave function. The dominating relaxation mechanism was identified and the parameters of defects were evaluated by comparison of experimentally determined and calculated t and q values [1,5,6,9]. 2. The GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures with anomalously high mobility of 2D-electrons 0.6 m/V s (T=4.2 K) in respect to the well-known analogs have been synthesized. The anomalies and anisotropy of kinetic effects characteristics of the GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures have been observed in experiments. The electrons energy spectrum in GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures has been calculated on the basis of the experimental results. The comparison of calculated data and measurements results (C-V characteristics, temperature and axial/lateral magnetic field dependencies of conductivity, photoluminescence spectra) reveals anomalous properties of GaAs(0.30,?-Sn) structure along [110] direction in respect to the [110] one [4]. 3. In [7,8] the experimental results is analyzed in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures. 4. The hysteresis of current-temperature characteristics is revealed in GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with the three quantum wells [2]. 5. The magnetic field suppression of electron-electron interaction of 2D-electrons in the main and the first, disturbed subbands of dimension quantization in single heterojunction AlGaAs/GaAs have been revealed [3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] V.I.Kadushkin, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Relaxation mechanisms of 2D-electrons in selective doped n-AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs heterostructure with filling of two subbands,\\ Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., No.5/6, pp.55-74, 1999. [2] V.I.Tsebro, O.E.Omelyanovski, V.I.Kadushkin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, F.M.Tsahhaev,\\ S.N.Larin, Lateral photoconductivity low temperature hysteresis of GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with asymmetric system of quantum wells, Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). [3] V.I.Kadushkin, F.M.Tsahhaev, S.N.Larin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, Intersubband relaxation of 2D-electrons in AlGaAs(Si)/GaAs strong doped heterojunction, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., No.3/4, pp.135-166, 1998. [5] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, News Institutions of Higher Education. Physics, No.159, 1998 [in Russian]. Proceedings of the Conference: [6] The 24th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, August 2-7, 1998, Jerusalem, Israel; "Energy spectrum and relaxation mechanisms of electrons in lateral-surface superlattices GaAs(0.30,?-Sn)". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Yu.A.Kotova). [7] 10th International Symposium on Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors, August 31- September 2, 1998, Vilnius, Lithuania. "Photomodulation processes in GaAs/AlAs type-I quantum well structures". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [8] VII Luthuanian-Polish Seminar "Solid State Physics and Technology", Kaunas, 1998. "Photoexcitation effects in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures investigated by differential reflectivity spectroscopy". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [9] The 194th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, Boston, Massachusetts, November\\ 1-6, 1998. "Energy spectrum of electrons in GaAs(?-Sn) structure grown on vicinal plane". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). In March, 2000 F.M.Tsahhaev shall be got Ph.D. degree from the Ryazan State Pedagogical University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Kadushkin (RSPU). Title: "Localization and scattering of quasi-particles in low-dimensional heterostructures in quantized magnetic fields." D.A.RYNDYK (Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS, Nizhny Novgorod) in his studies of nonequilibrium effects in dynamics of Josephson structures and layered superconductors (nonequilibrium Josephson effect) obtained the following results: 1. Starting from microscopic equations for Green functions, quasiclassical kinetic equations are derived for the systems of tunnel junctions and for layered superconductors [1]. This kinetic equations can be generalized for the case of different types of junctions and for superconductors with arbitrary energy dependence of the density of states and anisotropic pairing. 2. Dynamics of one-dimensional array of nonequilibrium junctions is investigated, in particular, current-voltage characteristics and high frequency interaction between junctions. Peculiarities of the dynamics of intrinsic Josephson junctions in HTSC are considered [1,2] (this work is a continuation of previous investigation carried out in 1998: D.A.Ryndyk, Phys.Rev.Lett., 80, 3376, 1998). The calculated current-voltage characteristics demonstrate the nature of the effect of electron-hole imbalance on the dynamics of one-dimensional chains of junctions. 3. The effect of nonequilibrium amplification of Josephson oscillations is predicted [2]. 4. "Plasma" oscillations and Josephson flux flow in layered superconductors is considered with nonequilibrium effects taken into account. Beside, the work on the kinetic theory of plasma turbulence is continued, which was began previously in connection with the experimental investigation of low-hybrid turbulence, excited by ion beam (E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk et al., Nuclear Fusion, 38, 661, 1998). New results in the theory of turbulent broadening of cyclotron resonances are published in Ref.[3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] D.A.Ryndyk, Nonequilibrium Josephson effect in systems of tunnel junctions and in layered superconductors, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. V.116, p.1798, 1999 [JETP V.89, p.975, 1999]. [2] D.A.Ryndyk, High-frequency properties of nonequilibrium Josephson junctions in nanoscale and layered superconductors, Journal of radioelectronics (www journal) n.1 (2000), to be published in "Foreign radioelectronics". [3] E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk, Stochastic Broadening of High Order Ion Cyclotron Resonances due to Lower-Hybrid Turbulence, Strong microwaves in plasmas (proceedings of IV international workshop on strong micro-waves in plasmas, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 1999 ), ed. A.G.Litvak, V.2, Nizhny Novgorod, 2000. D.Ryndyk in 1999 participated in: 1. School-seminar "Physics and applications of microwaves" (24-30 of May in Krasnovidovo, Moscow region) with invited lecture "Physical basis of Josephson high frequency electronics". D.Ryndyk take part in several russian and international research projects, in particular: 1. Grants of Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) N. 97-02-16928 and 99-02-16188 . 2. State research program "Physics of microwaves". Grant 4.7. "Theoretical and experimental investigation of microwave interaction with superconducting structures". 3. Joint program of Institute of Applied Physics RAS and W7-AS stellarator group (Garching, Germany) on Collective Thomson scattering for plasma diagnostic. A.M.RUVINSKY (Institute of Spectroscopy of RAS, Troitsk) in his studies of collective properties of excitons has considered an influence of random fields on the conditions of exciton condensation and superfluidity in bulk and low-dimensional systems [1]. It was shown that in semiconductor alloys the density of excitons in Bose condensate decreases due to the exciton scattering on random fields of impurities or fluctuations of the composite. The density of the superfluidity fraction in the system of 3D and quasi-2D excitons also decreases taking into account this scattering. The scattering on the random field of the quantum well widths' fluctuations was analyzed for direct and indirect excitons. Analytical expressions for the exciton superfluidity densities in "dirty" single quantum wells, coupled quantum wells and bulk semiconductors have been derived. The influence of random fields on Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature for exciton systems in low-dimensional structures was analyzed. These results have been presented in the papers [1,2] containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1].Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, Superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. V.69, No.8, pp.573-578, 1999 [in Russian], (Letter in JETP, V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999). [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, A.M.Ruvinsky, Bogolubov approximation for rare exciton system in random media, Fiz.Tverd.Tela (Physics of the Solid State), in print, 2000 [in Russian]. In June, 1998 A.Ruvinsky has got Ph.D. degree from State Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "Magnetoexcitons in inhomogeneous and low-dimensional structures". A.ZEMLYANOV (Moscow State University) obtained the following results: A new approach to the description of anomalous transport phenomena that take place in fractal media was developed. Namely, anomalous diffusion on a comb structure consisting of a one- dimensional backbone and lateral branches (teeth) of random length is considered. A definite classification of the trajectories of random walks reduces the original problem to an analysis of classical diffusion on the backbone, where, however, the time of this process is a random quantity. Its distribution is assigned by the properties of the random walks of the diffusing particles on the teeth. The possibility of applying mean-field theory in such a model is demonstrated, and the equation for the Green's function with a partial derivative of fractional order is obtained. The characteristic features of the propagation of particles on a comb structure are analyzed. A model of an effective homogeneous medium, in which diffusion is described by an equation with a fractional derivative with respect to time and an initial condition in the form of an integral of fractional order, is obtained. These results are published in [1] and were presented at the Moscow Seminar on Synergetics at the Physics Faculty, Moscow State University. [1] I.A.Lubashevsky, A.A.Zemlyanov, Continuum description of anomalous diffusion on a comb structure, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., V.114, pp.1284-1312, 1998 [in Russian]. A.Zemlyanov has received invitation for participating in a research program at the University of Texas at Austin during the next three years.
DAVYDENKO S.S. (Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod) obtained the following results: 1. A model of stationary global current circuit in terrestrial atmosphere taking into account contributions of thunderstorms and large-scale magnetospheric convection is elaborated. Thunderstorms were modeled by a latitude-dependent radial external non-linear current in the lower atmosphere, differential rotation of the planetary plasma envelope was considered in the framework of planetary electric generator model. An exact description of electric field generated by viscous azimuthal magnetospheric flows is developed. Calculated ground-ionosphere voltage depends on the thunderstorm activity distribution and appears about a few hundreds kilovolts, atmospheric current density at the planetary surface is about 10-12 A/m2, that is in a good agreement with known experimental data. 2. Under the given magnetospheric source of atmospheric electricity an influence of latitude profile of atmospheric layer conductivity on electric field and current distributions in the atmosphere is investigated. The conductivity is assumed to be varying arbitrary with latitude and increasing exponentially with altitude. It is shown that latitude variation of the conductivity leads to appearance of additional, homogeneous over the latitude electric potential and corresponding vertical field in the lower atmosphere. As applied to the terrestrial conditions, this potential appears about 15\% of value of the potential applied to the upper boundary of the atmosphere and connected with the magnetospheric convection. 3. A new approach to description of global electric processes under inhomogeneous distribution of atmospheric electric conductivity over altitude, latitude and longitude is elaborated. A general set of equations describing an atmospheric electric potential is obtained and solved by expansion into a generalized power series. A method of the eigenvalue spectrum evaluation and properties of the appropriate eigenfunctions are considered. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] P.A.Bespalov, Yu.V.Chugunov, S.S.Davydenko, On the model of the terrestrial global circuit, Annales Geophysicae, in XXIIIrd General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, Suppl.III to V.16, 1998, p.C996. [2] S.S.Davydenko, P.A.Bespalov, On the description of atmospheric electric field and current under inhomogeneous conductivity, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Gunterswille, USA, 1999, pp.551-554. [3] S.S.Davydenko, A model of global electric field and current with magnetospheric and atmospheric electric sources, Book of Abstracts of the XXVIth General Assembly of International of Radio Science, Toronto, Canada, 1999, p.278. [4] P.A.Bespalov, S.S.Davydenko, A model response of atmospheric electric field and current to latitude conductivity profile, Geophysical Research Abstracts, XXIVth General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, Hague, the Netherlands, 1999, V.1, No.3, p.711. [5] S.S.Davydenko, P.A.Bespalov, Manifestation of latitude profile of atmospheric conductivity in the electric field and current distributions. Geomagnetizm i Aeronomiya, V.40, No.2, 2000 (accepted for publication) [in Russian]. [6] S.S.Davydenko, On the terrestrial global circuit formation, Annales Geophysicae, 2000 (submitted). [7] S.S.Davydenko, On the calculation of the quasistatic atmospheric electric field and current, Proceedings of URSI conference on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Wroclaw, Poland, 2000 (submitted). Participation in scientific conferences and presented reports: 1. XXVIth General Assembly of International Union of Radio Science, Toronto, Canada, 1999. The invited report entitled "A model of global electric field and current with magnetospheric and atmospheric electric sources" has been delivered. 2. XXIVth General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society (EGS), Hague, the Netherlands, 1999. The poster report entitled "On the model of the terrestrial global circuit" has been delivered. 3. 11th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Gunterswille, USA, 1999. The report entitled "On the description of atmospheric electric field and current under inhomogeneous conductivity" has been delivered. S.Davydenko was invited in Nuclear Physics Research Institute of Moscow State University to take part in the seminar "Space electrodynamics" by Prof.Alexeev and Prof.Kropotkin. The report entitled "Models of medium flows and global current system in the vicinity of rotating magnetized planets" has been presented on January 13, 2000. S.Davydenko takes part in a number of national (RFBR research programs and programs for young scientists) and international (INCAS and CRDF projects) scientific collaboration. S.Davydenko is a Scientific Editor and a Head of the Editorial Staff of the journal "Izvestiya vuzov. Radiofizika" ("Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics" in english, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers). At September 27, 1999 S.Davydenko has got a Ph.D. degree (Candidate of Science) from Institute of Applied Physics of Russian Academy of Sciences. Thesis Advisor: Prof. P.A.Bespalov. Title: "Models of medium and current distributions in the vicinity of rotating magnetized planets and stars". D.YU.KLIMUSHKIN (Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk) obtained the following results: Main results obtained as part of the project implementation This research is devoted to the study of Alfven waves generated by the bounce-drift resonance. Plasma is perceived to consist of two components: (1) a dense, but relatively cold, component (core) that is responsible for the longitudinal and transverse structure and dispersion of waves; and (2) an ingredient of high-energy particles, the interaction with which drives a bounce-drift instability of the waves. Collisionless MHD (theory of two adiabatic invariants) is used to describe the dense component of magnetospheric plasma, and the kinetics is invoked to describe the admixture of high-energy particles. The magnetosphere is assumed to be axisymmetric, and its inhomogeneity both across magnetic shells and along field lines is taken into account. It has been shown that the wave, excited by some external source, propagates across magnetic shells from the poloidal surface where it is radially polarized, to the toroidal surface where the wave is azimuthally polarized. Also, the wave acquires energy due to the bounce-drift resonance and loses it by the interaction with the ionosphere. The local instability growth rate is maximal on the poloidal surface and becomes zero on the toroidal surface. It has been concluded that the vanishing of the growth rate on the Alfven resonance surface is characteristic not only for the bounce-drift instability but also for any other instability of the Alfven wave. It has been shown that as the maximum instability growth rate increases, the wave amplitude maximum is shifted toward the toroidal surface. There is also an alternative possibility of the spatial localization of the mode: the waves "close" into the resonator at the magnetosphere where the ring current flowing through the magnetosphere here has an extremum. In this case an increase in pressure of the core component leads to a decrease of the wave's integral gain. The total energy injected into the transparent region of the wave depends strongly on the damping decrement of the wave. When the dissipation is small, total energy can be enhanced by many orders of magnitude, whereas in the case of a large attenuation the enhancement is only several times as large. Such a strong dependence of the gain on the dissipation might appear somewhat strange because at first glance, roughly speaking, the attenuation in the numerator and denominator must cancel out. In reality, this is by no means surprising because when the dissipation is large the attenuation and instability operate in different parts of the transparent region: in this case only an exponentially small "tail" of the oscillation reaches the region of the toroidal surface; it is this "tail" that is enhanced through the interaction with a group of fast particles. As a result, the enhancement is of a relatively minor amount. Of an interest is also the question of how the enhancement rate of the wave depends on pressure of the plasma core component. It is shown that an increase in the width of the transparent region is accompanied by an increase in the group velocity of the wave, with the result that the enhancement rate of the wave remains unchanged. In other words, the total energy injected into the transparent region is independent of pressure of the dense component of plasma. The main results have been presented in the following scientific publications: [1] D.Yu.Klimushkin, Resonators for hydromagnetic waves in the magnetosphere, "Issledovaniya po geomagnetizmu, aeronomii i fizike Solntsa", V.108, pp.170-184, 1999 [in Russian] (the paper acknowledges the support received from INTAS-ICFPM). [2] D.Yu.Klimushkin, Structure of Small-Scale Azimuthal Standing Alfven Waves Interacting with High-Energy Particles in the Magnetosphere, "Fizika plazmy", V.24, No 11, pp.1023-1032, 1998 [in Russian and in English] (the paper does not acknowledge the support from INTAS-ICFPM because its final version had been submitted to the Journal before the notification about the ICFPM support was received). [3] D.Yu.Klimushkin, The propagation of high-m Alfven waves in the Earth's magnetosphere and their interaction with high-energy particles, Journal Geophysical Researches (in press) [in English] (the paper acknowledges the INTAS-ICFPM support). Participation in conferences: - "Problems of Geospace" (June 29 - July 3, 1998, St.Petersburg), report by D.Yu.Kli\-mush\-kin "Influence of the competition of a drift-bounce instability and ionospheric damping upon the Alfven wave propagation in the magnetosphere"; - XXII General Assemblty of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (July 1999, Birmingham, Great Britain), report by D.Yu.Klimushkin, "Influence of a drift-bounce instability on the Alfven wave structure in the magnetosphere". In February, 1998 D.Yu.Klimushkin has got Ph.D. degree (Candidate of Sciences) from the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics. Thesis advisor: Prof. V.A.Mazur (ISTP). Title: "The spatial structure of low-frequency hydromagnetic waves in the axisymmetric and three-dimensionally inhomogeneous models of the magnetosphere". I.L.OVCHINNIKOV (Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University) in his studies of turbulent dynamics of the plasma sheet of the Earth's magnetosphere obtained the following results: 1. Researches of the magnetotail plasma sheet dynamics in the assumption of important role of the turbulent diffusion have been continued. The quasi-three-dimension model of the plasma sheet was developed and the structure of the magnetotail plasma sheet has been investigated for different interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) orientation. The influence of IMF z- and y-component to the plasma sheet structure has been investigated using the Tsyganenko T87W and T96 and Boyle-Reiff-Hairston-97 models. The possible mechanism of the theta-aurora formation has been proposed and numerical models were developed. 2. The dynamics of electrons in the magnetotail plasma sheet was analyzed. It was shown that in the uniform magnetic field and the periodical electric field the it can become chaotic, which may lead to non-magnetized character of electron dynamics. 3. The analysis of CORALL spectrometer data (INTERBALL project tail probe) for obtaining the turbulent diffusion coefficient was done together with Dr. Yu.I.Yermolaev (Space Research Institute of RAS). The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM-INTAS: [1] E.E.Antonova, I.L.Ovchinnikov, The quasi-3-dimension model of the equilibrium turbulent plasma sheet in the Earth's magnetotail and its substorm dynamics, Geomagnetism and aeronomy, V.38, No.5, pp.14-21, 1998 [in Russian]. [2] E.E.Antonova, E.V.Vikhreva, I.L.Ovchinnikov, M.V.Stepanova, M.V.Teltsov, The chaotical character of the particle dynamics in the plasma sheet: the observational data and the theoretical analysis, Geomagnetism and aeronomy, V.38 No.6, pp.27-39, 1998 [in Russian]. [3] E.E.Antonova, I.L.Ovchinnikov, Magnetostatically equilibrated plasma sheet with developed medium scale turbulence: Structure and implications for substorm dynamics, J.Geophys.Res., V.104, No.A8, pp.17289-17298, 1999. [4] E.E.Antonova, I.L.Ovchinnikov, Quasi three dimensional modeling of plasma sheet with medium scale developed turbulence, Adv.Space Res., V.24, No.1, pp.121-124, 1999. [5] E.E.Antonova, I.L.Ovchinnikov, E.V.Vikhreva, M.V.Teltsov, M.V.Stepanova, Plasma sheet electron temperature distribution and particle dynamics. Adv.Space Res., V.23, No.10, pp.1757-1760, 1999. [6] E.E.Antonova, I.L.Ovchinnikov, E.V.Vikhreva, M.V.Stepanova, Chaotization of particle motion in regular inhomogeneous electric fields. Adv.Space Res., V.23, No.10, pp.1731-1734, 1999. [7] E.E.Antonova, I.L.Ovchinnikov, Medium scale magnetospheric turbulence and quasi-three-dimensional plasma sheet modeling, Phys.Chem.Earth, V.25, No.1-2, pp.35-38, 2000. I.Ovchinnikov participated in the following conferences: - International Symposium "Space plasma studies by in-situ and remote measurements" (Moscow, 1-5 June 1998); - The 32-nd Scientific Assembly of COSPAR (Nagoya, Japan, 12-19 July 1998) and presented three posters entitled: (i) "Quasi three dimensional modeling of plasma sheet with medium scale developed turbulence" (E.E.Antonova, I.L.Ovchinnikov), (ii) "Plasma sheet electron temperature distribution and its possible reason" (E.E.Antonova, I.L.Ovchinnikov, M.V.Stepanova, E.A.Vikhreva, M.V.Teltsov), (iii) "Chaotization of particle motion in the regular inhomogeneous electric fields" (E.E.Antonova, I.L.Ovchinnikov, M.V.Stepanova,\\ E.A.Vikhreva). - Dynamics of the magnetosphere and its coupling to the ionosphere on multiple scales from INTERBALL, ISTP satellites and ground-based observations (Zvenigorod, Russia, 8-13 February 1999). I.Ovchinnikov has prepared the PhD thesis "The current sheet with medium-scale turbulence and the dynamics of the plasma sheet of the Earth's magnetotail" (scientific advisor Dr. E.E.Antonova) D.L.PASMANIK (Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod) obtained following results: 1. Further analysis of energetic electron precipitation at the evening sector of magnetosphere is performed. In the framework of previously developed model of cyclotron wave-particle interactions, the case of finite spread over energies of initial energetic electron distribution is studied. The solution for distribution function of energetic electron is found. The energetic spectrum of trapped and precipitating electrons and whistler wave spectrum are analyzed [1]. 2. As a further development of this model the eigenmodes of the waveguide with non-uniform background plasma density distribution is analyzed. In the case of system with cylindrical symmetry the spatial structure of eigenmodes is found. The generalization of self- consistent quasilinear theory of cyclotron whistler-electron interaction with this structure taken into account is made. Analysis of the efficiency and the threshold of different eigenmodes excitation is made and the preliminary analysis of the self-consistent problem is made. Two papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM are currently prepared an will be submitted at the beginning of 2000. There are publications, which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [1] D.L.Pasmanik, V.Y.Trakhtengerts, Spectral characteristics of waves and particles in the model of cyclotron wave-particle interactions near plasmapause, Annales Geophysicae, V.17, No.3, pp.351-357, 1999. [2] D.L.Pasmanik, V.Y.Trakhtengerts, A.G.Demekhov, The self-consistent theory of quasistationary energetic electron and proton precipitation near plasmapause, In proceedings of International Conference on Problems of GeoCosmos, June 29 -July 3, 1998, St.Petersburg, Russia (in press). In 1998-99 D.L.Pasmanik participated in the following conferences: - 21 Annual Seminar "Physics of Auroral Phenomena" 24 - 27 March, 1998, Apatity, Russia, poster "Spectral characteristics of wave and particles in the model of cyclotron wave-particle interaction near plasmapause", D.L.Pasmanik, V.Y.Trakhtengerts, - International Conference on Problems of GeoCosmos, June 29 - July 3, 1998, St.Peters\-burg, Russia, poster "The self-consistent theory of quasistationary energetic electron and proton precipitation near plasmapause", D.L.Pasmanik, V.Y.Trakhtengerts, A.G.Demekhov, - 3rd International Workshop on "The Sollar Wind-Magnetosphere System", 23 - 25 September, 1998, Graz, Austria, poster "The self- consistent theory of cyclotron wave-particle interaction near plasmapause", D.Pasmanik, - 3rd Session of young scientists of Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, April 1998, oral "Spectral characteristics of wave and particles in the model of cyclotron wave-particle interaction near plasmapause", - 22 Annual Seminar "Physics of Auroral Phenomena", March, 1999, Apatity, Russia, oral "Cyclotron interactions in the whistler waveguide", D.L.Pasmanik, V.Y.Trakhtengerts, - XXVIth General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science, Toronto, Canada, 13 - 21 August 1999, poster "Features of localized energetic particle precipitation", D.L.Pasmanik, V.Y.Trakhtengerts, A.G.Demekhov, - 4th Session of young scientists of Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, April 99, oral "Cyclotron interactions in the whistler waveguide". M.G.STEPANOV (Institute of Automation and Electrometry, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk) in his studies of nonlinear spectroscopy of plasma and hydrodynamic turbulence obtained the following results: 1. The universal shape of the narrow peak in the Doppler broadened absorption spectrum resulting from a turning point was obtained [3]. 2. The Autler-Townes doublet in the probe wave absorption spectrum was analyzed. It was shown that its components undergo power broadening when the intensity of probing wave increases [1]. 3. The whole probability distribution function of passive scalar in large scale d-dimensional smooth velocity field with Gaussian statistics was obtained [2]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] M.G.Stepanov, Autler-Townes doublet probed by strong field, J.Phys.B: At.Mol.Opt.Phys. V.32, No.3, pp.649-661, 1999. [2] I.V.Kolokolov, V.V.Lebedev, M.G.Stepanov, Passive scalar in a large-scale velocity field, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Phys. V.115, No.3, pp.920-939, 1999, [JETP V.88, No.3, pp.506-516, 1999]. There is a publication, which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [3] D.A.Shapiro, M.G.Stepanov. Diffusion-broadened line shape near a turning point, Pis'ma v Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. V.68, No.1, pp.27-33, 1998 [JETP Letters V.68, No.1, 1998]. Also M.G.Stepanov participated the conference: D.A.Shapiro, M.G.Stepanov, Ionic spectra under strong laser field in plasma - 14th International Conference on Spectral Line Shapes (June 22-26, 1998, College Park, PA, USA), In: Spectral Line Shapes, V.10, p.321-324, 1999, it should contain the reference to the ICFPM and INTAS. Three articles are in the process of preparation for publication. One of them contains the direct numerical solving of the equations for optimal velocity configuration in Burgers equation realizing large velocity gradients (saddle-point configuration or instanton) with some analytic estimations (with A.I.Chernykh, for chao-dyn and Phys.Rev.E). Another one is devoted to the generation spectrum of anti-Stokes ion laser, where the narrow spectral structure was observed and explained (with S.A.Babin, S.I.Kablukov, S.V.Khorev, E.V.Podivilov, V.V.Potapov and D.A.Shapiro, for Phys.Rev.A). The last one discusses the Doppler-free spectral structures coming from extremal points of resonance frequencies as functions of particle velocity in four-level systems (with Yu.Belousov, E.V.Podivilov, D.A.Shapiro, for Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz.). All them will contain the reference to the ICFPM and INTAS. In April, 1999 M.G.Stepanov has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis advisors: D.A.Shapiro, E.V.Podivilov. Title: "Strong field effects in nonlinear plasma spectroscopy". During April, 1998 M.Stepanov participated in international co-operation with the group of Prof. G.E.Falkovich, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel. In his studies of qualitative algorithms of changing, in a prescribed way, the spectral data of multichannel quantum systems V.M.CHABANOV (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow Region) has obtained the following results: Phenomena of co-existence of states with different, seemingly "incompatible", properties at the same energy for the same interaction have been revealed and relevant exact multichannel models have been given: the presence of both bound states and scattering solutions simultaneously [1], the combination of a strong reflection with an absolute transparency as well as that of scattering states with different resonance widths ([1] in the list of submitted papers). The class of absolutely transparent interaction matrices without bound states which have no analogues in the one-channel case has been found [1]. Peculiarities of the multichannel periodic structures and multichannel resonance tunneling have been described ([1] in the list of submitted papers). The analysis of the potential matrix transformations when the energy levels of neighbor bound states with linearly dependent/independent spectral weight vectors come close together up to degeneracy has been performed [2]. The effect of the concentration of quantum waves in a chosen partial channel accompanied with their spatial localization in the place under control has been shown [2] (and, in more detail, [1] in the list of submitted papers). Exact solutions for classical few-body systems derived from the multichannel quantum inverse problem have been found [2] (and, in more detail, [2] in the list of submitted papers). A family of exactly solvable models for quasi-bound quadratically integrable states have been obtained [3] (addition of an imaginary value to a bound state energy). A control of both resonance widths and positions of poles related to resonances in the complex E-plane has been demonstrated [3]. Explicit analytical expressions for the creation of points of the spectrum with homogeneous boundary conditions, corresponding to non-normalizable states, have been derived [4]. These results have been presented in the following papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS - ICFPM: [1] V.M.Chabanov, B.N.Zakhariev, Coexistence of confinement and propagating waves: a quantum paradox, Phys.Lett.A 255, pp.123-128, 1999. [2] B.N.Zakhariev, V.M.Chabanov, The qualitative theory of elementary transformations of one- and multichannel quantum systems in the inverse problem approach. The construction of transformations with given spectral parameters, Part.Nucl. 30, No.2, pp.277-320 [JINR, in Russian], pp.111-130 (AIP, translated into English), 1999. [3] B.N.Zakhariev, V.M.Chabanov, The elements of quantum design, Vest.Sec.Fiz.RAEN, V.5, pp.58-77, 1999 [in Russian]. [4] V.M.Chabanov, B.N.Zakhariev, V.V.Torchinov, Commun. JINR P4-98-176. [5] V.M.Chabanov, B.N.Zakhariev, Towards the quantum design of multichannel systems (the inverse problem approach), submitted to Ann. of Phys. (N.Y.). [6] V.M.Chabanov, B.N.Zakhariev, Exact solutions for classical few-body systems from the multichannel quantum inverse problem, submitted to Few-Body Systems. The above results were included into common with Prof. B.N.Zakhariev contributions to the following conferences in 1998-1999: 1. American School "New Trends in Quantum Mechanics", Mexico (July 27 - August 15, 1998). 2. Conference on "Charged trapped particles", Monteray, California, USA (August 28 - September 5, 1998). 3. Conference on Math.Phys., Torun, Poland (May 26 - 30, 1998). 4. Workshop "Low dimensional Systems", JINR, Dubna (June 3 - 11, 1998). 5. Conference ``Nuclear Spectroscopy and Reactions", Moscow (June 16 - 19, 1998) 6. International Conference on Supersymmetry, JINR, Dubna (July 26--31, 1999) 7. Report at the Session of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (February 2, 1999) On May 13, 1998 V.M.Chabanov has got Ph.D. degree from the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. Thesis Advisor: Prof. B.N.Zakhariev (JINR). Title: "A qualitative theory of transformations of quantum systems in approach of the inverse problem". M.N.CHERNODUB (Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow) in his studies of Elementary Particle Physics obtained the following results: 1. In [1] a new abelian gauge (Spatial Maximal Abelian gauge) for SU(2) lattice gluodynamics has been proposed. In this gauge the abelian monopoles were shown to be condensed in the confinement phase and they form a dilute gas in the deconfinement phase [1]. The abelian monopoles in the Maximal Abelian gauge of SU(2) gluodynamics carry both electric and magnetic density of the SU(2) action [2]. The effective action for these monopoles was derived and various representations of SU(2) gluodynamics were studied in [3]. 2. In the Maximal Abelian Gauge of SU(2) gluodynamics the abelian monopoles were shown to behave like abelian dyons since the monopoles acquire a small abelian electric charge [4]. Since the dyons are condensed in the deconfinement phase the Aharonov--Bohm effect appear: QCD strings interact with quarks in non-trivial way [5]. The properties of the abelian monopoles has been reviewed [6-7]. The Aharonov--Bohm effect has been further investigated in the Abelian Higgs model [8]. 3. The embedded topological defects were introduced on the lattice and the relation of these defects to the electroweak sphaleron configurations was studied [9]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM: [1] M.N.Chernodub, M.I.Polikarpov, A.I.Veselov, Effective monopole potential for SU(2) lattice gluodynamics in spatial maximal Abelian gauge, hep-lat/9812012; JETP Lett. 69, pp.174-179, 1999. [2] B.L.G.Bakker, M.N.Chernodub, M.I.Polikarpov, A.I.Veselov, Abelian monopoles and action density in SU(2) gluodynamics on the lattice, hep-lat/9811001, Phys.Lett.B 449, pp.267-273, 1999. [3] M.N.Chernodub, S.Kato, N.Nakamura, M.I.Polikarpov, T.Suzuki, Various representations of infrared effective lattice SU(2) gluodynamics, preprint KANAZAWA 98-19; ITEP-TH-61/98. [4] M.N.Chernodub, F.V.Gubarev, M.I.Polikarpov, Abelian dyons in the maximal Abelian projection of SU(2) gluodynamics, hep-lat/9801010; JETP Lett. 69, pp.169-173, 1999. There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [5] E.T.Akhmedov, M.N.Chernodub, M.I.Polikarpov, Dyon condensation and Aharonov-Bohm effect, JETP Lett. 67, 389 (1998). [6] B.L.G.Bakker, M.N.Chernodub, F.V.Gubarev, M.I.Polikarpov, A.I.Veselov, Properties of Abelian monopoles in SU(2) lattice gluodynamics, hep-lat/9801011. [7] M.N.Chernodub, F.V.Gubarev, M.I.Polikarpov, A.I.Veselov, Monopoles in the Abelian projection of gluodynamics, Prog.Theor.Phys.Suppl. 131, 309 (1998). [8] M.N.Chernodub, M.I.Polikarpov, A.I.Veselov, M.A.Zubkov, Strings and Aharonov-Bohm effect in Abelian Higgs model, Phys.Lett. B432, 182 (1998). [9] M.N.Chernodub, F.V.Gubarev, E.M.Ilgenfritz, Topological content of the electroweak sphaleron on the lattice, Phys.Lett. B424, 106 (1998). M.Chernodub participated in the "NORDITA Symposium on Instantons and Monopoles in QCD Vacuum", (June 22-27, 1998, Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics, Copenhagen, Denmark) and presented a talk there entitled "Embedded Topological Defects in Electroweak Theory". M.Chernodub participated in the 16th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (LATTICE'98) (July 13-18, 1998, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USA) and presented a talk there entitled "Embedded Topological Defects and Sphaleron in Electroweak Theory". M.Chernodub was invited by the Max-Planck-Institute f\"ur Physics, Werner Heisenberg Institute to take part in international scientific co-operation with the group of Prof. V.I.Zakharov (Munich, Germany, September 1-29, 1998; October 20 - November 20, 1998). M.Chernodub participated in international co-operation with the groups of (i) Prof. V.I.Zakharov, Max-Planck-Institute f\"ur Physics, Werner Heisenberg Institute, M\"unich, Germany; (ii) Prof. T.Suzuki, Department of Physics, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Japan; (iii) Dr. B.L.G.Bakker, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. S.L.DUBOVSKY (Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) in his studies of dynamics and phenomenology of supersymmetric models and of mechanisms of production of ultra-high energy cosmic rays obtained the following results: 1. It was shown [1] that "top-down" mechanisms of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays which involve heavy relic particle-like objects predict Galactic anisotropy of highest energy cosmic rays at the level of minimum $\sim 20\%$. This anisotropy is large enough to be either observed or ruled out in the next generation of experiments. 2. Phenomenological consequences of the direct mixing between Standard Model fields and fields-mediators of supersymmetry breaking (messengers) were discovered. Limits on the corresponding coupling constants coming from flavor violating processes both in the lepton [2] and quark [3] sector were obtained. Radiative electroweak breaking in models with mixing was studied. It was found that in these models, unlike gauge mediated models without mixing, wide range of $\tan{\beta}$ is allowed. 3. In [4] it was constructed a toy model with the following properties: i) it is strongly coupled at a certain scale and breaks supersymmetry at this scale; ii) matter superfields of (one generation of) the Standard Model are effective low energy degrees of freedom of this strongly coupled theory; iii) direct gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking occurs due to messenger superfields that are also effective low energy degrees of freedom. 4. It was prepared a review [5] on phenomenological and theoretical aspects of models with gauge mediation. 5. In [6] it was shown that global fermionic charges induced in vacuum by slowly varying, topologically non-trivial background scalar fields are not renormalized provided that expansion in momenta of background fields is valid. This suggests that strongly coupled theories obey induced charge matching conditions which are analogous, but generally not equivalent, to 't Hooft anomaly matching conditions. A set of examples of induced charge matching was considered. In particular, the corresponding constraints in softly broken supersymmetric QCD suggest non-trivial low energy mass pattern, in full accord with the results of direct analyses. 6. Matching conditions suggested in [6] were considered in the case of supersymmetric QCD with quantum modified moduli space [7]. It was found that the Wess--Zumino term should be present in the low energy theory in order that these consistency conditions are satisfied. The lowest homotopy groups of the quantum moduli space were calculated. As a result it was shown that there are no obstructions to the existence of the Wess--Zumino term at arbitrary N. The explicit expression for this term is given. It is shown that neither vortices nor topological solitons exist in the model. The case of softly broken supersymmetry is considered as well. It was found that the possibility of global flavor symmetric vacuum is strongly disfavored. 7. It was shown [8] that the dip expected in the diffuse photon spectrum above the threshold of e+e- pair production, i.e., at energies $10^{15}$ - $10^{17}$ eV, may be absent due to the synchrotron radiation by the electron component of the extragalactic Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHE CR) in the Galactic magnetic filed. The proposed mechanism propose requires small (less than $2x10^{-12}$ G) extragalactic magnetic fields and large fraction of photons in the UHE CR. For a typical photon flux expected in top-down scenarios of UHE CR, the predicted flux in the region of the dip is close to the existing experimental limit. The sensitivity of the mechanism to the extragalactic magnetic field may be used to improve existing bounds on the latter by two orders of magnitude. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [2] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Flavor violation and $\tan{\beta}$ in gauge mediated models with messenger-matter mixing, Nucl.Phys.B 557, pp.119-145, 1999. [5] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky, Gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking, Phys.Usp. 42, pp.623-651, 1999; Usp.Fiz.Nauk 169, pp.705-736, 1999 [in Russian]. [6] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, M.V.Libanov, V.A.Rubakov, Nonrenormalization of induced charges and constraints on strongly coupled theories, Phys.Rept. 320, pp.147-158, 1999. [7] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Induced charge matching and Wess-Zumino term on quantum modified moduli space, (to appear in Phys.Rev.D). [8] S.L.Dubovsky, P.G.Tinyakov, Generation of $10^{15}$ eV - $10^{17}$ eV photons by UHE CR in the Galactic magnetic field, JETP Lett. 70, pp.495-501, 1999. There are some publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [1] S.L.Dubovsky, P.G.Tinyakov, Galactic Anisotropy as Signature of "Top-Down" Mechanisms of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays, JETP Lett. 68, pp.107-111, 1998. [3] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Messenger-matter mixing and lepton flavor violation, Phys.Lett. B419, pp.223-232, 1998. [4] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky, Towards common origin of supersymmetry breaking, compositeness, and gauge mediation, Phys.Lett. B423, pp.301-304, 1998. S.Dubovsky participated in the 10-th International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, Suzdal, May 18-24, 1998) and presented a talk entitled "Galactic anisotropy of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays produced by CDM-related mechanisms" (S.Dubovsky, P.Tinyakov). S.Dubovsky was also co-author of talks "Low $\tan{\beta}$ in the extended Minimal Gauge Mediated Model" (S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov) and "Grand unification with gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking" (S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky) presented there. S.Dubovsky was invited by the International Center of Theoretical Physics to take part in the Summer School on High-Energy Physics and Cosmology (Italy, Trieste, June 28 - July 18, 1998). S.Dubovsky participated in the 2nd International Conference on Non-Accelerator New Physics (NANP-99, Russia, Dubna, June 28 - July 3) and presented a talk entitled "Synchrotron radiation in the Galactic magnetic field as a signature of top-down mechanisms of UHE CR". S.Dubovsky participated in the School on Selected Topics of Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Statistics (October 16-23, 1999, Tbilisi, Georgia) and Workshop on Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics Dedicated to the 90th anniversary of N.N.Bogolyubov (October 23-28, 1999, Tbilisi, Georgia) and presented a talk entitled "Nonrenormalization of the induced charge and Wess-Zumino term on quantum modified moduli space". V.A.GANI (Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute (Technical University)), obtained the following main results within the research program of ICFPM during 1998-1999: 1. The space-time structure of the process of decay of a bubble of hypothetic phase - disoriented chiral condensate (DCC) is studied [1]. It is shown that the process of decay of the initial configuration depends crucially on selfinteraction of the pionic fields. In some cases this selfinteraction leads to the formation of sort of breather solution, formed from the pionic fields. This breather looks like a long-lived source of pionic fields. 2. Recurrence relations of perturbation theory for hydrogen ground state are obtained [2]. With their help polarizabilities in constant perpendicular electric and magnetic fields are computed up to 80th order. The high orders asymptotic is compared with its quasiclassical estimate. 3. The kink-antikink collision process for the "double sine-Gordon" (DSG) equation in 1+1 dimensions at different values of the potential parameter R>0 is studied [3]. For small values of R the problem of resonance frequencies is discussed. Qualitative explanation of the frequency shift in comparison with the frequency of the discrete level in the potential well of isolated kink is given. 4. The process of collision of two parallel domain walls in a supersymmetric model is studied both in effective Lagrangian approximation and by numerical solving of the exact classical field problem [4]. For small initial velocities we find that the walls interaction looks like elastic reflection with some delay. It is also shown that in such approximation internal parameter of the wall may be considered as a time-dependent dynamical variable. 5. The time evolution of configurations in the form of two parallel domain walls moving towards each other in a supersymmetric field model is studied [5]. The configurations involved are not BPS-saturated. It is found that for such collisions there exists some critical value $v_{cr}\approx0.9120$ of the initial velocity $v_i$ of the walls. At $v_iv_{cr}$ the sequence of vacuum states changes. The results of the numerical simulations are in agreement with "potential" consideration. 6. Detailed study of the time evolution for the initially formed large amplitude bubbles of disoriented chiral condensate (DCC) is performed [6]. It is found that the evolution of these objects may have a relatively long pre-decay stage. Simple explanation for delayed decay of such DCC bubbles is given. It is related to the existence of quasi-multikink solutions of the corresponding radial sine-Gordon equation in (3+1) dimensions. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, T.I.Belova, Yad.Fiz., 62, No.5, pp.956-960 (1999) [in Russian]. [2] V.A.Gani, V.M.Weinberg, Hydrogen atom in crossed external fields reexamined by moment method, preprint ITEP-29 (1998);; prepared for submission to Yad.Fiz. [in Russian]. [3] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, Phys.Rev.E, 60 No.3, pp.3305-3309, 1999. [4] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, A remark on collisions of domain walls in a supersymmetric model, preprint ITEP-15 (1999); [5] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, preprint ITEP-44 (1999);; prepared for submission to Phys.Rev.D. [6] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, prepared for publication as a preprint ITEP and for submission to Yad.Fiz. [in Russian]. In 1999 V.A.Gani was invited by Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute (Technical University) to take part in the International Conference "Scientific Session MEPhI-1999", January 18-22, 1999. The following talks were presented: 1) V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, T.I.Belova, "Decay of a bubble of disoriented chiral condensate"; 2) V.A.Gani, V.M.Weinberg, "High order susceptibilities of the hydrogen atom in external electric and magnetic fields"; 3) V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, "Kink-antikink interactions in the double sine-Gordon equation and the problem of resonance frequencies". In 2000 V.A.Gani was invited by Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute (Technical University) to take part in the International Conference "Scientific Session MEPhI-2000", January 17-21, 2000. The following talk was presented: V.M.Weinberg, V.A.Gani, V.D.Mur, V.S.Popov, "Energy eigenvalues of the hydrogen ground state in crossed external fields". V.A.Gani participates as a coinvestigator in Grants No 98-02-17316 (the head of the group is Prof. A.E.Kudryavtsev), No 98-02-17007 (the head of the group is Prof. V.S.Popov), No 96-15-96578 (the head of the group is Prof. L.B.Okun) of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. V.A.Gani is included as a coinvestigator in two international research projects, which now is under consideration by Foundations. D.S.GORBUNOV (Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) in his studies of supersymmetric models obtained the following results: 1. Phenomenological consequences of the direct mixing between Standard Model fields and fields-mediators of supersymmetry breaking (messengers) were discovered. Limits on the corresponding coupling constants coming from flavor violating processes both in the lepton [1] and quark [2] sector were obtained. Radiative electroweak breaking in models with mixing was studied. It was found that in these models, unlike gauge mediated models without mixing, wide range of $\tan{\beta}$ is allowed. 2. In [3] it was constructed a toy model with the following properties: i) it is strongly coupled at a certain scale and breaks supersymmetry at this scale; ii) matter superfields of (one generation of) the Standard Model are effective low energy degrees of freedom of this strongly coupled theory; iii) direct gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking occurs due to messenger superfields that are also effective low energy degrees of freedom. 3. It was prepared a review [4] on phenomenological and theoretical aspects of models with gauge mediation. 4. It is shown in Ref. [5] that global fermionic charges induced in vacuum by slowly varying, topologically non-trivial background scalar fields are not renormalized provided that expansion in momenta of background fields is valid. This suggests that strongly coupled theories obey induced charge matching conditions which are analogous, but generally not equivalent, to 't Hooft anomaly matching conditions. A few examples of induced charge matching was presented. In particular, the corresponding constraints in softly broken supersymmetric QCD suggest non-trivial low energy mass pattern, in full accord with the results of direct analyses. 5. In Ref. [6] matching of induced charges in supersymmetric SU(N) gauge theories with quantum modified moduli space was studied. It was found that the Wess-Zumino term should be present in the low energy theory in order that these consistency conditions are satisfied. The lowest homotopy groups of the quantum moduli space was calculated, and it was shown that there are no obstructions to the existence of the Wess-Zumino term at arbitrary N. The explicit expression for this term is given. It is shown that neither vortices nor topological solitons exist in the model. The case of softly broken supersymmetry is considered as well. It was found that the possibility of global baryon number violating vacuum is strongly disfavored. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Flavor violation and $\tan{\beta}$ in gauge mediated models with messenger-matter mixing, Nucl.Phys.B 557, pp.119-145, 1999. [4] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky, Gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking, Phys.Usp. 42, pp.623-651, 1999; Usp.Fiz.Nauk 169, pp.705-736, 1999 [in Russian]. [5] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, M.V.Libanov, V.A.Rubakov, Nonrenormalization of induced charges and constraints on strongly coupled theories, Phys.Rept. 320, pp.147-158, 1999. [6] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Induced charge matching and Wess-Zumino term on quantum modified moduli space (to appear in Phys.Rev.D). There are some publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [2] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Messenger-matter mixing and lepton flavor violation, Phys.Lett. B419, pp.223-232, 1998. [2] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky, Towards common origin of supersymmetry breaking, compositeness, and gauge mediation, Phys.Lett. B423, pp.301-304, 1998. D.Gorbunov participated in the 10-th International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, Suzdal, May 18-24, 1998) and presented a talk entitled "Flavor violation and $\tan{\beta}$ in gauge mediated models with messenger-matter mixing". D.Gorbunov was also a coauthor of the talk "Grand unification with gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking" (S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky) presented there. D.Gorbunov participated in the International Workshop "Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics" (October 23-28, 1999, Tbilisi, Georgia) organized by Georgian Academy of Sciences and Tbilisi State University joint with UNESCO Venice Office. The workshop was dedicated to the 90th anniversary of N.N.Bogolyubov (1909-1992). D.Gorbunov was a coauthor of the talk "Non-renormalization of induced charges and Wess-Zumino term on quantum modified moduli space" (S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov) presented there. D.Gorbunov participated in the International Conference on Non-Accelerator New Physics NANP-99 (Dubna, June 28 - July 3, 1999) and presented a talk entitled "Strong coupling unification in supersymmetric models" (D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky). D.Gorbunov was invited by the International Center of Theoretical Physics to take part in the Summer School on High-Energy Physics and Cosmology (Italy, Trieste, June 28 - July 18, 1998). D.Gorbunov participated in the X-th International School "Particles and Cosmology" (Baksan Valley, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia, April 19-25, 1999). D.Gorbunov participated in the International School "Selected Topics of Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Statistics" (October 16-23, 1999, Tbilisi, Georgia) organized by Georgian Academy of Sciences and Tbilisi State University joint with UNESCO Venice Office. The topic of research of the grant-aided aspirant I.V.GORBUNOV (Tomsk State University) included the construction and the study of spinning particle models in 3+1 and in lower space-time dimensions. In his study I.V.Gorbunov obtained the following results: 1. The model of D=2+1, N=1,2 massive superparticle with arbitrary fixed (half)integer or fractional superspin has been developed [1,3]. The classical mechanical model of the superparticle has been constructed, which contains, besides the inherent Poincare supersymmetry, one more SUSY related to the superspin degrees of freedom. The quantization of the model presents a nontrivial example of combination of the canonical Dirac and Berezin quantization methods. The quantization is based on assumption, that the "double" supersymmetry, both Poincare and internal ones, survives at the quantum level. It is shown, that some physical observables (supercharges) should be renormalized by transition from classical mechanics to the first quantized particle model [1,3]. The quantum states of N=2, D=3 spinning superparticle are realized on the fields carrying finite dimensional [1,3], or a unitary infinite dimensional [3] typical representations of the supergroup OSp(2/2). 2. The model of nonrelativistic (D=3+1) particle with arbitrary fixed spin has been developed [2]. The relation to the respective relativistic models is established. It has been founded that the particle interactions to external fields are consistent independently from detailed structure of the particle gauge symmetries. This phenomenon differentiates the nonrelativistic spinning particle from the relativistic one. In the massless limit the model describes "the light beam". The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] I.V.Gorbunov, S.L.Lyakhovich, Hidden supersymmetries and Berezin quantization of N=2, D=2 spinning superparticle, Journal of Mathematical Physics, V.40, No.5, pp.2230-2253, 1999; Preprints of ICTP (Trieste, Italy) IC/98/138, e-print hep-th/9809104. [2] I.V.Gorbunov, V.A.Dolgushev, S.L.Lyakhovich, Galilean spinning particle [in Russian], Russian Physics Journal, V.42, No.2, pp.34-46, 1999. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [3] I.V.Gorbunov, S.L.Lyakhovich, Geometric quantization of N=2, D=3 superanyon, Phys.Lett.B V.423, pp.293-300, 1998. I.V.Gorbunov participated in the International Summer School in Theoretical Physics "Volga-10" (Kazan, Russia, June 22- Jule 2, 1998) and presented a session talk there entitled "Hidden supersymmetry and Berezin quantization of N=2, D=3 spinning superparticle". In April 1999, I.V.Gorbunov has got Ph.D. degree from Tomsk State University. Thesis advisor: Prof. S.L.Lyakhovich. Title: "Lobachevsky supergeometry of D=3 massive spinning superparticle". A.Yu.NERONOV (Moscow State University) obtained the following results in his studies of quantum black hole models: 1. A theory of classical and quantum collapse of thin spherically-symmetric selfgravitating shells was developed [1]. Complete integrability of hamiltonian equations which describe motion of a selfgravitating shell has been proved. A principally important result that was obtained is the form of mass spectrum of quantum black holes which are formed in the process of gravitational collapse of thin shells of matter [2]. Some unusual quantum number which parametrize the mass spectrum was found. It has geometric origin and does not disappear even for the case of unbound motion of the collapsing shell. 2. A mechanism of formation of universal spectrum of radiation of quantum black holes was proposed [3]. It was shown, that radiation which propagates in the form of s-wave in the field of black hole has discrete spectrum, if one takes fully into account back reaction of radiation on gravitational field of black hole. Some kind of quantum analog of classical "no hair conjecture" of black hole physics was proposed [4]: although the mass spectrum of quantum black holes could have arbitrary complicated structure, spectrum of radiation coming from quantum black hole corresponds to the level spacings in some universal spectrum $m\sim\sqrt{n}$ The main results have been presented in the papers: 1. V.A.Berezin, A.M.Boyarsky, A.Yu.Neronov, Phys.Rev.D57, p.1118, 1998. 2. A.Yu.Neronov, Phys.Rev.D 59, 1998. 3. V.A.Berezin, A.M.Boyarsky, A.Yu.Neronov, gr-qc/9808027 (1998). 4. A.Yu.Neronov, Ph.D. Thesises, INR, Moscow, 1998. A.Neronov participated in Spinoza Meeting on Quantum black holes (Holland, Utrecht, June 29 -- July 4, 1998). In 1998 A.Neronov has got Ph.D. degree from Institute for Nuclear Research. Thesis advisor: Prof. V.A.Berezin. Title: "Quantization of spherically-symmetric gravity. Models of Quantum Black Holes". A.I.ONISCHENKO (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow) in his studies of physics of doubly heavy systems, anomalous WWV couplings and some exotic beyond SM obtained the following results: 1. Spectra of masses for the families of doubly heavy baryons are calculated in the framework of nonrelativistic quark model with the QCD-induced potential by Buchm\" uller-Tye in accordance with both the quark-diquark structure for the wave functions and taking into account the splittings depending on the spins. The region for the application of such approximations is determined [1,17,19]. 2. Below the threshold of decay of these objects into the heavy baryon and heavy meson the system of bound excited states was found, being quasi-stable with respect to hadronic transitions to the basic level [1,17,19]. 3. We have in details considered the physical reasons for the quasi-stability, taking place for the baryons with two identical quarks. In accordance to the Pauli principle, the operators, responsible for the hadronic decays and the mixing between the levels, are suppressed by the inverse heavy quark mass and the small size of diquark. This suppression is caused by the necessity to instantaneously change both the spin and the orbital momentum of compact diquark. In the baryonic systems with two heavy quark and the strange quark, the quasi-stability for the low-lying excitations of diquark is provided by the exclusion of transitions with the emission of both a single kaon because of small splitting between the levels and a single pion because of conservation for the iso-spin and strangeness [1,17,19]. 4. We obtained analytical results on the two-loop anomalous dimensions of currents for baryons, containing two heavy quarks $J = [Q^{iT}C\Gamma\tau Q^j]\Gamma^{'}q^k\varepsilon_{ijk}$ with arbitrary Dirac matrices $\Gamma$ and $\Gamma^{'}$ in the framework of NRQCD in the leading order over both the relative velocity of heavy quarks and the inverse heavy quark mass. It is shown, that in this approximation the anomalous dimensions do not depend on the Dirac structure of the current under consideration [16,18]. 5. The equivalence of results, obtained in calculation of anomalous dimensions of operators in $\overline{\rm MS}$-renormalization scheme with the use of lagrangians of HQET and NRQCD is shown [16,18]. 6. In the leading order of perturbative QCD one calculates the total and differential cross-sections for the hadronic production of doubly charmed baryons $\Xi_{cc}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^*$ in different experiments. The experimental evaluation of cross-sections for the $J/\Psi +D + \bar D$ production would allow one to decrease the uncertainty in the determination of cross-sections for the doubly charmed baryons due to the choice of $\alpha_s$ and $m_c$. One shows that in the HERA-B and E781 experiments with fixed tagets the suppression of the $\Xi_{cc}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^*$ production to the yield of $c \bar c$-pairs is the value of the order of $10^{-6}-10^{-5}$, whereas at the TEVATRON and LHC colliders it is about $10^{-4}-10^{-3}$. In the E781 experiment the observation of $\Xi_{cc}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^*$ is practically impossible. At the HERA-B and TEVATRON facilities one can expect $10^5$ events with the double charm, and at LHC one has about $10^9$ ones [12]. 7. For the first time the contribution of quark-antiquark annihilation in hardronic production of doubly charmed baryons was taken into account. This contribution becomes essential at fixed target energies. The notion of fragmentation function of heavy diquark into doubly heavy baryon is introduced [12]. 8. Analitical approximations of numerical calculations for total subprocess cross-sections of gluon-gluon and quark-antiquark production of doubly charmed baryons were obtained [12]. 9. We have performed a detailed investigation on the lifetimes of doubly heavy baryons on the basis of the operator product expansion for the transition currents. For the first time, we have presented the formulae with the simultaneous account for both the mass effects and low-energy logarithmic renormalization for the contributions to the total decay width of baryons, containing heavy quarks, as it is caused by the effects of Pauli interference and weak scattering. The usage of the diquark picture has allowed us to evaluate the matrix elements of operators derived [2,7,9,14,15,19,20,21]. 10. As an application of the formalism developed, for the first time the lifetimes of all doubly heavy baryons were obtained. The obtained results show the significant role of both the Pauli interference and the weak scattering [2,7,9,14,15,19,20,21]. 11. The sum rules for doubly heavy baryons in NRQCD approximation are constructed. The problem with stability of such sum rules, faced in earlier works, is solved [4]. 12. A detail investigation of three-point sum rules for semileptonic decays of $B_c$-meson in QCD and NRQCD is performed. The Coulomb corrections, as well as, corrections due to gluon condensate are included and their role is discussed. The generalized spin symmetry relations for formfactors are derived [3,8]. 13. The prospects for $B_c$-meson production at existing and future colliders are investigated [10,13]. 14. The possibility to have additional constraints on anomalous WWV couplings at HERA vs LEP is investigated [5]. 15. The possibility to observe TeV-scale leptoquarks, appearing in different models is reviewed [6]. Part of the results was published in the following papers, containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Spectroscopy of doubly charmed baryons: $\Xi_{cc}^{++}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^{+}$, DESY-98080, hep-ph/9807375, Mod.Phys.Lett. A14, p.135, 1999. [2] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of $\Xi_{bc}^{+}$ and $\Xi_{bc}^{0}$ baryons, hep-ph/9901224, submitted to Eur.Phys.J. [3] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Semileptonic decays of $B_c$-meson in sum rules of QCD and NRQCD, hep-ph/9905359, accepted to Nucl.Phys.B. [4] V.V.Kiselev, A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly heavy baryons in sum rules of NRQCD, hep-ph/9909339, accepted to Nucl.Phys.B. [5] A.A.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Can HERA data improve LEP constraints on WWV vertex?, DESY-99-051, accepted to Eur.Phys.J. [6] S.S.Gershtein, A.A.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, TeV-scale leptoquarks from GUT/String/M-theory unification, Phys.Rep. 320, 203, 1999. [7] A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly heavy systems: decays and OPE, hep-ph/9912424. [8] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Semileptonic decays of $B_c$-meson, accepted to Yad.Phys. [in Russian]. [9] A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of doubly heavy baryons, hep-ph/9912425. There are also papers, which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM: [10] A.V.Berezhnoy, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, $B_c$-meson at LHC, Phys.Atom.Nucl. 60, p.1729, 1997; hep-ph/9703341. [11] A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Gluon splitting into pair of heavy quarks in $e^+e^-$-annihilation, Phys.Atom.Nucl. 60, p.623, 1997. [12] A.V.Berezhnoy, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly charmed baryon production in hadronic experiments, Phys.Rev. D57, p.4385, 1998. [13] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.V.Tkabladze, A.V.Berezhnoi, A.I.Onishchenko, Theoretical status of $B_c$-meson, IHEP 98-22, hep-ph/9803433. [14] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of doubly charmed baryons: $\Xi_{cc}^{++}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^{+}$, DESY-98079; hep-ph/9807354; Phys.Rev. D60, p.14007, 1999. [15] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Total inclusive decay rates of doubly charmed baryons, Yad.Phys. No.6., 1999 [in Russian]. [16] V.V.Kiselev, A.I.Onishchenko, Two-loop anomalous dimensions for currents of bary\-ons with two heavy quarks in NRQCD, IHEP 98-64; hep-ph/9810283; submitted to\\ Phys.Lett.B. [17] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Spectroscopy of doubly heavy baryons, IHEP 98-66; hep-ph/9811212; Heavy Ion.Phys. V.9, p.133, 1999. The following talks were given: [18] V.V.Kiselev, A.I.Onishchenko, Anomal dimensions of currents of baryons with two heavy quarks, MIPT Scientific conference, Dolgoprudny, November 1998. [19] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly heavy baryons: spectroscopy and decays, Scientific conference of Subdivision of Nuclear Physics of RAS, Moscow, November 1998. [20] A.I.Onishchenko, Physics of decays of doubly heavy baryons: $\Xi_{bb}^{0}$, $\Xi_{bb}^{-}$, $\Xi_{bc}^{+}$, $\Xi_{bc}^{0}$, $\Xi_{cc}^{+}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^{++}$, Conference of young scientists, postgraduate and graduate stutents ITEP, Moscow, December 1998. [21] A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of doubly heavy baryons, Conference of young scientists, postgraduate and graduate stutents ITEP, Moscow, December 1999. [22] A.I.Onishchenko, $c$-quark mass from $J/Psi$, $\Upsilon$ and $B_c$-mesons, Conference of young scientists, postgraduate and graduate stutents ITEP, Moscow, December 1999. The work of D.M.OSTROVSKY (Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) in 1998 has consisted of three main parts: The first one concerns some aspects of the description of multiparticle production processes. In [1] the nonperturbative preasymptotic contribution to the factorial moments of the intrajet particle distribution have been computed in the framework of previously developed formalism in which new nonperturbative term had been added to standart QCD evolution equation. The presence of the additional nonperturbative contribution is supported by the existing experimental data. Another kind of studies concerns minijet production in the ultrarelativistic hadron and nuclear collisions. Particularly, in [2] transverse energy flow generated by minijets in hadron and nuclear collisions into a given rapidity window in the central region was calculated in the next-to-leading (NLO) order of QCD at RHIC and LHC energies. These results were then used to calculate transverse energy spectrum in nuclear collisions in a Glauber geometrical model. It was shown that in pp collisions differential cross section calculated with NLO accuracy is about 2 times higher than the cross section calculated with only LO accuracy. NLO modification leads to a substantial broadening of the $E_{\perp}$ distribution for the nuclear collisions, while its form remains practically unchanged. In [3] the azimuthal asymmetry of minijet system produced in nucleon-nucleon and nuclear collisions in a central rapidity window was calculated. In pp collisions the asymmetry appears due to contributions from the collisions in which only one minijet hits the acceptance window. The angular pattern of transverse energy flow in nuclear collisions and its dependence on the kinematical parameters of collisions was studied. Development and application of high energy factorization scheme for hadron collisions is a third part of the scientific activity in 1998-1999. Angular asymmetry and momentum disbalance in a pair of particles produced at high energy in the central rapidity region were studied in [4]. It was shown that the asymmetry is substantial for low outgoing particles momenta but diminishes when they rise. In [5] NLO correction to the one-jet inclusive cross section in the framework of high energy factorization was calculated. The results were numerically compared with predictions of conventional collinear factorization approach. It was shown that NLO in high energy factorization scheme reduces one-jet inclusive cross section, but quantitatively result is highly sensitive to the choice of structure function. D.Ostrovsky participated in XXVII ITEPH Winter school (16-24 February, 1999) and presented a talk "Angular and momentum asymmetry in particle production at high energies" in a student's session. The publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM, because it was submitted before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [1] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Phys.Atom.Nucl. 62, pp.701-707, 1999; Yad.Fiz. 62, pp.750-757, 1999 [in Russian]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [2] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Eur.Phys.J C11, pp.495-499, 1999. [3] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Angular pattern of minijet transverse energy flow in hadron and nuclear collisions, hep-ph/9812416, submitted to Eur.Phys.J. C. [4] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Angular and momentum asymmetry in particle production at high energies, hep-ph/9905496, submitted to Phys.Rev.D. [5] D.Ostrovsky, NLO correction to one-jet inclusive production at high energies, hep-ph/9912258, submitted to Phys.Rev.D. S.A.PASTON (Saint-Petersburg State University) in his studies of quantum field theory in light front coordinates obtained the following results: 1. The effective Hamiltonian in light front coordinates is obtained which at some dependence of coefficients, included in it, from a parameter of UV-regularization, in a limit of it removal reproduces within the framework of perturbation theory the results of lorentz-covariant formulating of quantum chromodynamics [1]. It was possible to make with the help of introduction of an additional nonstandart IR-regularization based on a principle, which is used at the Pauli-Villars regularization. Only after this introduction it has appeared possible to apply the method, published earlier, of a comparison of light-like and lorentz-covariant theories. The offered regularization breaks a gauge invariance, but in a limit of removal of a regularization the gauge invariance is restored. The obtained Hamiltonian in future is supposed to be used in nonperturbative calculations. 2. The scalar theory with non-polynomial interaction resulted from bosonization of two-dimensional quantum electrodynamics (QED) is considered [2]. This theory is described by modified Lagrangian of Sin-Gordon model with the critical value of the parameter of this model. Non-polynomiality of interaction in this model, leading to arising of vertexes with arbitrarily large number of lines in perturbation theory, makes nontrivial the construction of light-front Hamiltonian. For its construction the Pauli-Villars regularization must be introduced because at the critical value of the parameter the ultraviolet behaviour of the theory become worse. Obtained light-front Hamiltonian generates the perturbation theory which is equivalent to the covariant perturbation theory in fermion mass, which plays the role of interaction constant after the bosonization and therefore the Hamiltonian spectrum coincides with the spectrum of QED. One can investigate this spectrum beyond the framework of perturbation theory. 3. S.A.Paston participated in development of such formulation of a gauge field theory on a lattice, with which the action is polynomial on independent field variables [3]. The canonical formalism in light front coordinates for such theory is considered. These results and also the results obtained earlier, were published in a review in the proceedings of the conference in honour of V.A.Fock [4]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, V.A.Franke, Constructing the Light-Front QCD Hamiltonian, Theor.Math.Phys., V.120, No.3. pp.1164-1181, 1999; Teoreticheskaya i Matematicheskaya Fizika, V.120. No.3, pp.417-437, 1999 [in Russian]. [2] S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, V.A.Franke, $QED_2$ Light-Front Hamiltonian reproducing all orders of covariant chiral perturbation theory. Preprint SPbU-IP-99-13; hep-th/9910114. The publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM, because either they were published before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant, or they contain results obtained until this moment: [3] V.A.Franke, S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, Lattice Gauge Theories with polynomial Action and their canonical Formulation on the Light Front, Preprint SPbU-IP-98-5, hep-th/9803035. [4] V.A.Franke, Yu.V.Novozhilov, S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, Quantum Field Theory in Light-Front coordinates, in book: "Quantum Theory in honour of Vladimir A.Fock", Part 1, Unesco, St. Petersburg University, Euro-Asian Physical Society, 1998, pp.38-97; hep-th/9901029. S.Paston participated in the "IX International Workshop Small-x Physics and Light Front Dynamics in QCD", Russia, St. Petersburg, July 6-15 1998, theme of the report: "Lattice Gauge Theories with polynomial Action at the Light Front"; in the international conference "VIII St. Petersburg International School of Physics. Quantum Theory in honour of Vladimir A. Fock", Russia, St. Petersburg, May 25 - June 4 1998, theme of the report: "Lattice Gauge Theories with polynomial Action and their canonical Formulation on the Light Front"; and in the seminar "Final seminar in physics and astronomy of winners in 1998 of grant competition for young scientists of St.-Petersburg", February 16, 1999, St.-Petersburg, Russia, theme of the report: "The Construction of QCD Hamiltonian in Light-Front Coordinates"; In December, 1999 S.Paston has got Ph.D. degree from St.-Petersburg State University. Thesis advisor: Prof. V.A.Franke. Title: "The Construction of Quantum Field Theory Hamiltonian in Light-Front Coordinates". O.A.RYTCHKOV (Steklov Mathematical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences,\\ Moscow) in his studies of classical solutions in superstring theory and their applications has obtained the following results: 1. Wide classes of new intersecting p-brane solutions in various space-time dimensions were constructed making use of an algebraic method [1]. p-brane configurations were specified by incidence matrices and it was shown that the solutions of the algebraic characteristic equations for the incidence matrices controlled the intersections of p-branes. 2. New types of p-brane solutions to various supergravities were obtained with use of the sigma-model approach [9]. A new way to endow branes with an additional internal structure such as plane waves was suggested. Applying the harmonic maps technique new solutions with a non-trivial shell structure in the transverse space were generated. Also intersecting branes were considered and it was shown that the intersection rules have a simple geometric interpretation as conditions ensuring the symmetric space property of the sigma-model target space. 3. Non-extremal overlapping p-brane supergravity solutions localized in their relative transverse coordinates were constructed [5,10]. The construction used an algebraic method of solving the bosonic equations of motion. 4. Some aspects of duality between supergravities on Anti-de Sitter (AdS) spaces (appearing as near D-brane horizon geometry) and conformal field theories were investigated in [2,6]. The massive Rarita-Schwinger field in AdS background was considered and the corresponding equations of motion were solved. It was shown that appropriate boundary terms calculated on-shell give two-point correlation function for spin-3/2 fields of the conformal field theory. The relation between Rarita-Schwinger field masses and conformal dimensions of corresponding operators was established. 5. Bulk-to-bulk propagators for the massive vector and symmetric rank-2 tensor fields in the Euclidean continuation of the Anti-de Sitter space were constructed [3]. The explicit forms of these propagators in the limit when one or both points approach the boundary of AdS were derived. It was shown that the obtained expressions coincide with bulk-to-boundary propagators or two-point correlation functions of the boundary CFT as expected from the AdS/CFT correspondence. This identification provides one more evidence for treating CFT operators on the boundary as appropriate limits of quantum fields in the bulk. Also the above limiting procedure clarifies the artificial appearance of boundary terms in the AdS/CFT correspondence. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] I.Ya.Aref'eva, O.A.Rytchkov, Incidence Matrix Description of Intersecting p-brane Solutions, to be published in L.D.Faddeev's Seminar on Mathematical Physics, Advances in Mathematics, Amer.Math.Soc., Providence, R.I. [2] A.S.Koshelev, O.A.Rytchkov, Note on the Massive Rarita-Schwinger field in the AdS/CFT correspondence, Phys.Lett.B 450, p.368, 1999. [3] A.Polishchuk, O.Rytchkov, Propagator for Massive Spin-2 Field in Anti-de Sitter Space, preprint SMI-25-99. Also the obtained results were published in the proceedings of the following conferences: [4] O.A.Rytchkov, Chaotic Behaviour of Dynamical Systems in M-theory, Proceedings of the Second Open Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (Russia, Dubna, March 2-6, 1998) [in Russian]. [5] O.A.Rytchkov, Localised p-branes in Supergravities and M-theory, Proceedings of the International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, May 18-24, 1998). [6] O.A.Rytchkov, Massive Rarita-Schwinger Field in the AdS/CFT correspondence, Proceedings of the XIV International Workshop on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory (Russia, May 27 - June 2, 1999). There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [7] I.Ya.Aref'eva, P.B.Medvedev, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Chaos in D0-brane Dynamics, Banach Center Publications, V.43, p.41, 1998. [8] I.Ya.Aref'eva, P.B.Medvedev, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Chaos in M(atrix) Theory, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, V.10, p.1, 1998. [9] D.V.Gal'tsov, O.A.Rytchkov, Generating branes via sigma models, Phys.Rev. D58, p.122001, 1998. [10] I.Ya.Aref'eva, M.G.Ivanov, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Non-extremal localized\\ branes and vacuum solutions in M-theory, Class.Quant.Grav. V.15, p.2923, 1998. O.A.Rytchkov participated in Spring School on Non-perturbative Aspects of String Theory and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories (Italy, March 23-31, 1998) and in the Trieste Conference on Superfivebranes and Physics in 5+1 dimensions (Italy, April 1-3, 1998) where a poster entitled "New Non-extremal p-branes in Superstring Theories and M-theory" was presented. O.A.Rytchkov participated in International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, May 18-24, 1998) and presented a talk there entitled "Localized p-branes in Supergravities and M-theory". O.A.Rytchkov participated in XI International Conference "Problems of Quantum Field Theory" (Russia, July 13-17, 1998) and presented a talk entitled "Localized p-branes in various supergravities" O.A Rytchkov participated in XIV International Workshop on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory (Russia, May 27 - June 2, 1999) and presented a talk there entitled "Massive Rarita-Schwinger Field in the AdS/CFT correspondence" V.I.SHEVCHENKO (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow) has obtained the following results: 1. Generalized coordinate gauge in nonabelian gauge theories was analysed, limits of applicability were established and applied to the nonabelian Stokes theorem and dual QCD Lagrangian evaluation. 2. The structure of perturbative contributions to the string tension in gluodynamics was investigated and cancellation of them in the vacuum field correlators framework was shown. 3. The modifications of the Higgs mechanism in abelian Higgs model due to interaction with topological defects were considered. 4. Deeper understanding of the Higgs mechanism in the quantum background was reached, especially in the aspects, important for the abelian projected confinement theories. 5. The colour superconductivity phenomenon was investigated in the framework of Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. The effective potential was calculated and the importance of the nonperturbative gluon condensate from the nonabelian Meissner effect point of view was shown. 6. The exact renormalisation group flows were studied in the current representation of the abelian projected gluodynamics. 7. The Casimir scaling behaviour of the static potential between charges in higher representations of the gauge group SU(3) was investigated, being based on recent lattice data. The value of scaling violating terms is estimated. It is shown, that Casimir scaling puts severe bounds on the presence of classical solutions in the vacuum. [1] V.Shevchenko, Yu.Simonov, Generalized coordinate gauge, nonabelian Stokes theorem and dual QCD Lagrangian, Phys.Lett.B 437, p.146, 1998. [2] V.Shevchenko, Yu.Simonov, Perturbative contributions to field correlators, Phys.Lett.B 437, p.131, 1998. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [3] V.Shevchenko, Higgs mechanism in nontrivial background, hep-th/9810222 (being prepared for publication). [4] N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov, V.I.Shevchenko, Nonperturbative QCD vacuum and Colour Superconductivity, Phys.Rep. V.320, p.131, 1999. [5] V.I.Shevchenko, Yu.A.Simonov, Casimir Scaling as a Test of QCD vacuum, hep-ph/0001299, being prepared for publication. Published talks on conferences: (1) "Generalized Fock-Schwinger Gauge and its applications" V.I. Shevchenko, (based on the work with Yu.A.Simonov), Int.School dedicated to the 100th anniversary of V.A.Fock, St.Peterburg, 1998. (2) "Does confinement imply stochasticity?", V.I.Shevchenko, Chaos and complexity, Ponte di Legno, Italy, 1998. (3) "Gluon degrees of freedom at nonzero baryonic density", V.Shevchenko, (partly based on the work with N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov), XXVIII Autumn School, Lisbon, Portugal,1999. (4) "Coordinate gauges and confinement", V. I. Shevchenko, Confinement III (poster session, unpublished), Newport News, USA, 1998. (5) "Nonperturbative QCD vacuum and Colour Superconductivity", V.Shevchenko, (based on the work with N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov), Buckow, Germany, 1999 (no proceedings). V.Shevchenko visited Department of Theoretical Physics of Pisa University, Italy (October 1 - 30, 1998) by invitation of Professor A.DiGiacomo. In January, 2000 V.Shevchenko has got Ph.D. degree from ITEP. Thesis advisor: Prof.Yu.A.Simonov. Title: "Nonperturbative effects in gauge field theory". N.V.SHEVCHENKO (Irkutsk State University and Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow region) in her studies of few-body systems obtained the following results: 1. Elastic $\eta d$ scattering was considered within the Alt-Grassberger-Sandhas formalism for various $\eta N$ input data. A three-body resonant state was found close to the $\eta d$ threshold [1]. This resonance is sustained for different choices of the two-body $\eta N$ scattering length $a_{\eta N}$. The position of the resonance moves towards the $\eta d$ threshold when ${\rm Re\,}a_{\eta N}$ is increased, and turns into a quasi-bound state at ${\rm Re\,}a_{\eta N}\sim0.7\div0.8$\,fm depending on the choice of ${\rm Im\,}a_{\eta N}$. 2. The nuclear reaction $e+{^3{\rm He}}+{^4{\rm He}}\rightarrow{}e +{^7{\rm Be}}$ was considered at thermonuclear energies [2]. The motion of the electron was treated within the adiabatic approximation and the ${^3{\rm He}}-{^4{\rm He}}$ scattering state was calculated using an effective ${^3{\rm He}}-{^4{\rm He}}$ potential constructed via the Marchenko inverse scattering method. The reaction rate thus obtained for solar interior conditions is approximately $10^{-4}$ of the corresponding rate for the radiative capture ${^3{\rm He}}+{^4{\rm He}}\rightarrow{}{^7{\rm Be}}+\gamma$. The main results have been presented in the paper containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] N.V.Shevchenko, V.B.Belyaev, S.A.Rakityansky, S.A.Sofianos, W.Sandhas, Low-energy $\eta d$ resonance, e-print LANL, nucl-th/9908035; submitted to Phys.Rev.Lett. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [2] N.V.Shevchenko, S.A.Rakityansky, S.A.Sofianos, V.B.Belyaev, Non-radiative synthesis of $^7{\rm Be}$ in solar plasma, J.Physics G25, pp.95-106, 1999. N.Shevchenko will participate in the IV Open Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (Dubna, Russia, January 31 - February 4, 2000) and will present a session talk there entitled "Near-threshold resonance in the $\eta d$ system". N.Shevchenko is invited by the Organizing Committee of the 16th International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics (Taipei, Taiwan, March 6-10, 2000) to take part in the conference and present the contribution entitled "Low energy scattering and photoproduction of $\eta$-mesons by deuterons" in a poster session. N.Shevchenko participates in international co-operation with the group of Prof. W.Sand\-has, Physikalisches Institut, Universitat Bonn, Germany and with the group of Prof. S.A.Sofi\-anos, Physics Department, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa. N.Shevchenko is a postgraduate student of the third year and she is planing to get the Ph.D. degree at the 2000th year. V.V.SHKLYAR ( Far Eastern State University, Vladivostok) in his studies of photon and vector meson production obtained the following results: 1. The different sources of the real photon and $\phi$-meson production in nucleon-nucleon collisions at intermediate energies have been studied and the effective model of the reactions has been suggested in [1-4]. The role and influence of each channel for the $NN\to NN\gamma$ reaction (bremsstrahlung, $\Delta$-excitation, radiative $\omega/\rho$-decay) has been shown and discussed in [1]. 2. Also, the available experimental data for the real photon production at 0.28 and 0.75 GeV beam energy were described well and the predictions for forthcoming data at COSY-TOF are obtained [1]. 3. Apart from the photon production reaction, the $NN\to NN\phi$ reaction near the threshold has been explored. It was shown, that the influence of the shake-off mechanism was negligible and the $\pi\rho\phi$ interaction coming from the non-ideal $\phi-\omega$ mixing angle gave the main contribution to the $\phi$-meson yield [3]. The predictions for the reaction amplitude behaviour and polarization observables near the reaction threshold was obtained. It has been also shown that the earlier exact threshold predictions for these reactions (e.c. M.Recalo et al) were not relevant at energies slightly above the threshold [2]. The value of the beam-target asymmetry $C^{BT}=-0.8$ was predicted and the ratio of the spin-singlet states to the spin-triplet ones was derived at the reaction threshold [3]. 4. The spin density matrix and the anisotropy of the $\phi$ decay were calculated. It was also shown that for the $\phi\to e^+e^-$-decay the small $\bar ss$ admixture could lead to the modification of the $\phi$ decay anisotropy that might be used in the experimental searching of the hidden strangeness in nucleon [4]. There are the publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [1] V.V.Shklyar, B.K\"ampfer, B.L.Reznik, A.I.Titov, Bremsstrahlung in intermediate-energy nucleon reaction within an effective one-boson exchange model, Nucl.Phys.A628, pp.255-274, 1998. [2] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, The reaction $NN \to NN \phi$ near threshold, preprint (nucl-th/9712025); preprint (nucl-th/9811094). The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [3] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, Polarization observables in the reaction $NN \to NN \phi$, to be published in Phys.Rev. C59, 1999. [4] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, Polarization observables in the reaction $NN\to NN\phi$ near threshold, XIV International Seminar On High Energy Physics Problems, Conf. Proceedings, preprint E1,2-98-232. V.Shklyar participated in the International Summer Student School on High Energy Physics in Memory of Bruno Pontekorvo ( JINR, Dubna, August 18 - September 1, 1998.) V.Shklyar also participated in the XIVth International Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems (JINR, Dubna, August 17-22, 1998) as a co-author. Talk on International Seminar DEUTERON-99, JINR, Dubna-99, Russia, 4-7 July. In October, 1999 V.Shklyar has got Ph.D. degree from the Far Eastern State University. Thesis advisor: Prof. A.I.Titov (JINR). Title: "Photon and $\phi$-meson production at intermediate energies" D.V.ALEXANDROV (Urals State University, Ekaterinburg) in his studies of solidification processes obtained the following results: 1. A theory of incipience of a two-phase zone is numerically and theoretically studied [1]. On the basis of a linear law for the velocity of solidification which was obtained numerically, governing equations for the velocity and for the time of incipience of the two-phase zone (the latter arises ahead of a planar front of solidification due to the concentrational supercooling) were deduced. 2. In [2] the fractal dimension of the two-phase zone is determined for the self-similar regime of solidification in the presence of the mushy region. 3. The general problem of incipience of the two-phase zone is solved on the basis of the classical Stefan thermodiffusion model (without suggestions about the velocity distribution). The time of incipience of the two-phase zone and the velocity of solidification are determined in the form of integral equations [3]. 4. A theory of solidification with a qusiequilibrium two-phase zone is detailed on the basis of analytical solution of Borisov's model [4]. The steps of thermodynamic values in the two-phase zone (at both boundaries) are found on the basis of which the zone is changed by the discontinuity surface between solid and liquid phases. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] D.V.Alexandrov, A.G.Churbanov, P.N.Vabishchevich, Emergence of a Mushy Region in Processes of Binary Melt Solidification, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research, V.26, No.2, pp.248-264, 1999. [2] D.V.Alexandrov, A.O.Ivanov, M.E.Komarovski, An Influence of a Fractal-Like Mushy Region on Solidification Process, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research, V.26, No.2, pp.224-231, 1999. [3] D.V.Alexandrov, Incipience of a Mushy Zone in Binary Melt Solidification Processes: General Theory, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research (to be published). [4] D.V.Alexandrov, To the Theory of Solidification with a Quasiequilibrium Two-Phase Zone, Doklady AN (submitted) [in Russian]. The following papers will be presented for publication soon with acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: 1. D.V.Alexandrov, Incipience of a Mushy Zone in Binary Melt Solidification Processes: Stefan Thermodiffusion Problem (Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research). 2. D.V.Alexandrov, Quasiequilibrium Mushy Region: Dynamic Instability (Acta Materialia). In March, 1998 D.Alexandrov has got Ph.D. degree from The Urals State Technical University. Thesis advisors: Prof. V.V.Mansurov, Dr. A.O.Ivanov. Title: "An Influence of a quasiequilibrium Mushy Region on Solidification of Binary Melts". A.A.ALIVERDIEV (Institute of Physics, Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala) in his studies of the use of a registered signal velocity for the time-resolved tomography, in particular for the laser tomography of condensed matter obtained the following results: 1. A summarizing of the reconstructive theory of a signal speed using has been developed [1-10]. 2. Analytical expressions for nD photoacoustic tomography and the problem of a complex absorption account have been derived. Some practical algorithms and software ware carried out. Number of 2D numerical simulations are hold. A principally important result was obtained that good photoacoustic reconstruction is possible with different conditions [1-4, 7, 8]. 3. A method of a stream collision has been proposed for the stochastic emission correlation tomography. Number of 2D numerical simulations with inspired results are hold [1]. 4. A method of Hartley transform has been considered for an image processing. Some practical algorithms and software ware carried out [5]. The main goals of the project was achieved. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, Use of velocity of a filed signal in a tomography. Features of an optoacoustic tomography, [in Russian], Makhachkala, DSU, 1998, 60p. [2] G.K.Makhtimagomedov, M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, R.M.Batyrov, G.M.Halilulayev, A.A.Amirova, M.M.Akhmedov, M.M.Ataev, About the modeling of spatial-temporal tomographic reconstruction of sphere of phase transitions; Proceedings of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter", Makhachkala, Russia, 1998, p.3-6. [3] A.A.Aliverdiev, Some aspects of the computing of the laser tomography of mixed state, Proceedings of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter", Makhachkala, Russia, 1998, p.3-5. [4] A.A.Aliverdiev, About the account of complex absorption in laser tomography, Proceedings of the International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan", dedicated to 275 Anniversary of Russian Academy of the Sciences and 50 Anniversary of Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of the Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, pp.33-34. [5] A.A.Aliverdiev, R.M.Batyrov, M.G.Karimov, G.M.Halilulayev, A.A.Amirova, Some questions of the use of Hertley transform in physical tomography, Proceedings of the International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan", dedicated to 275 Anniversary of Russian Academy of the Sciences and 50 Anniversary of Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of the Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, p.35. [6] M.G.Karimov. A.A.Aliverdiev, A.A.Amirova, Some questions of the tomographic reconstruction of plasma objects, Proceedings of the All-Russian Conference "Physical Electronics", Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, p.107. [7] A.A.Aliverdiev, M.G.Karimov, Back photoacoustic problem in the investigation of quasistationary spatial-heterogeneous flows, Proceedings of the V International Scientific and Technical Conference "Optical Methods of the Flows Investigations" (Moscow, Russia, 1999), p.161. [8] A.A.Aliverdiev, Some questions of the physical tomography with application of velocity spectrum of registered signal, Proceedings of the Conference "Resonance and non-linear phenomenon in Condensed Matter" (Ufa, Russia 1999). There are two publications, which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [9] A.A.Aliverdiev, M.G.Karimov, Solution of optic reconstructive problem considering registered signal velocity, Turkey J. of Physics, No.4, pp.311-314, 1998. [10] M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, About modeling of 2D optoacoustic researches of exited media, Radiophysics (Massager of Higher Educational Institutes of Russia), No.1, 1999. A.Aliverdiev was the executive (scientific) secretary of the local Program Committee of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter" (Makhachkala, Russia, 1998). Two reports of A.Aliverdiev ware represented in that Conference. A.Aliverdiev represents the reports in (1) the Winter College "Spectroscopy and Applications" (AS-ICTP, Trieste, Italy 1999), (2) the Baikal School of Fundamental Physics (Irkutsk, Russia, 1999, in absentia, by correspondence), (3) the V International Scientific and Technical Conference "Optical Methods of the Flows Investigations" (Moscow, Russia, 1999, in absentia, by co-author), (4) International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan" (Makhachkala, Russia, 1999), (5) the All-Russian Conference "Physical Electronics" (Makhachkala, Russia 1999), (6) the Regional Conference "Resonance and non-linear phenomenon in Condensed Matter" (Ufa, Russia 1999), (7) the Fourth Training Course in the Physics of Correlated Electron Systems and High-Tc Superconductors (Vietri sul Mare, Salerno, Italy, 1999). In July 1998 A. Aliverdiev has got Ph.D. degree from the Daghestan State University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. M.G.Karimov (DSU). Title: "Some solutions of a reconstructive problem in a plasma physics and nonlinear optics with the use of a finiteness of distribution of a registered signal velocity". O.L.BERMAN (Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Moscow Region) in his studies of phase transitions and superfluidity in the system of coupled quantum wells obtained the following results: 1. The theory of phase transitions of electron-hole and unbalanced electron systems in coupled quantum wells in high magnetic fields has been developed [1]. Analytical expressions for the temperatures of the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition to the superfluid state have been derived. A principally important result was obtained that the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature decreases at rise of magnetic field and interwell separation at fixed magnetoexciton density. But the maximal possible Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature increases at rise of magnetic field and interwell separation. 2. It was shown that the system of weakly interacting indirect excitons in the superlattice slab is unstable [2,3]. A method based on the sum of the ladder diagram for the calculation of vertex of quadrupole indirect biexcitons interaction has been proposed for the obtaining of the collective spectrum, superfluid density and the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature. 3. The effect of random field due to impurities, boundary irregularities on the superfluidity of a three-dimensional system of excitons and a quasi-two-dimensional of direct and spatially indirect excitons is investigated [4]. 4. The excitation spectra and superfluidity of the electron-hole system in coupled quantum wells have been analyzed [5,6]. It was shown that the gap in the excitation spectra decreases if the interwell separation and the density of electrons and holes increase. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, V.G.Tsvetus, Phase transitions of electron-hole and unbalanced electron systems in coupled quantum wells in high magnetic fields, Phys.Rev. B59, pp.5627-5636, 1999. [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, M.Willander, Superfluidity of indirect biexcitons in superlattices, JETP V.88, No.5, pp.980-986, 1999. [3] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, M.Willander, Superfluidity of indirect biexcitons in superlattices, Europhysics Letters V.48, No.3, pp.299-305, 1999. [4] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, The superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, JETP Lett. V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999. [5] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.A.Panfilov, The excitation spectra and superfluidity of the electron-hole system in coupled quantum wells, Physica Status Solidi (b), V.209, pp.287-294, 1998. [6] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman and A.A.Panfilov, The excitation spectra in coupled quantum wells, Solid State Phys. (russ. Fiz.Tverd.Tela), V.40, No.12, pp.2226-2228, 1998. O.Berman participated in the International Advanced School Leonardo da Vinci for a continuing education programme 1998 Summer Course "Superconducting materials: advances in technology and applications" (Italy, Bologna, 29 June - 10 July, 1998). Five reports on seminars at the Institute of Spectroscopy were made. One report in seminar at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Stoney Brook has been made. In 1999 O.Berman has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "The investigation of phase transitions and superfluidity in the system of the coupled quantum wells". D.A.DANILOV (Udmurt State University, Izhevsk) in his studies of rapid solidification obtained the following results: 1. A comparative analysis of a model for local nonequilibrium solidification with experimental measurements of "dendrite tip growth velocity -- initial melt undercooling" in rapidly solidifying alloys Cu - 30% at. Ni [1] and Ni - 1% at. Zr [2] has been performed. The predictions of the model are in qualitative and quantitative agreement with experimental data for both alloys. 2. A general solution [3] of the steady-state crystal growth shape under local nonequilibrium solidification has been found. This solution is found for the following growth shapes: elliptical paraboloid, paraboloid of revolution, cylindrical paraboloid, and parabolic platelet. 3. On the basics of a one-sided model of solute diffusion the dynamics of a motion of the rapid solidification front in a binary alloy is investigated [4,5]. A criterion connecting the dynamical stability of the front motion in a steady-state regime with a slope of the kinetic curve "front velocity - initial undercooling'' is formulated. An expression for the definition of nonstationary time during the transition to the steady-state regime is obtained. 4. A model for rapid solidification in undercooled pure metallic liquid is developed that includes local nonequilibrium heat transfer and kinetics of liquid-solid interface motion [6]. Taking into account the finiteness of the speed of heat transport, a general solution of the problem about local nonequilibrium heat transfer with the moving heat source at the planar solidification front is obtained. Asymptotic behavior of the velocity of the rapid planar front is investigated. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Model for free dendritic alloy growth under interfacial and bulk phase nonequilibrium conditions, J.Crystal Growth V.197, pp.992-1002, 1999. [2] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Dendritic growth model for rapid solidification of undercooled alloys, International Conference on Rapidly Quenched and Metastable Materials "RQ-10", Bangalore, India, August 1999, submitted for publication in the journal Material Science and Engineering. [3] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Steady-state crystal growth shape under local nonequilibrium mass transfer, Inzhenerno Fizicheski Zhurnal (Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics), submitted for publication [in Russian]. [4] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Selection of the dynamically stable regime of rapid solidification front motion in isothermal binary alloy, J.Crystal Growth, accepted for publication. [5] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko, A criterion for dynamical stability of rapid solidification front motion, University and Academic Scientific-Practical Conference, Udmurt State University. Thesis for the conference, Izhevsk, April 1999, p.60-61 [in Russian]. [6] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko, Hyperbolic heat transfer in rapid solidification of supercooled liquids, Proc. of the 4th Minsk International Heat and Mass Transfer Forum, A.V.Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute, Minsk, May 2000, accepted for publication. A.V.EMELYANENKO (Moscow State University) in his studies of strongly polar liquid crystals obtained the following results: 1. A statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition has been developed for a system of molecules possessing a strong dipole [1,4]. It was explicitly taken into account that a large amount of dimers appear in a molecular system, when a dipole is strong enough. The dependence of the nematic order parameters of monomers and dimers on the temperature and the temperature variation of the molar fraction of dimers have been obtained. These investigations were held for the systems of molecules with different values of the dipole moment. A principally important result was obtained that the nematic-isotropic transition temperature has no absolute growth with the increasing dipole moment, as it was predicted by the preceding theories, but achieves its maximum with subsequent decrease. This happens because molecules with the large dipole moments form dimers intensively, which destroy the nematic order. In the previous research, based on the mean field or second virial approximations, a very strong short-range correlations leading to the formation of dimers were disregarded. A theory derived in [1,4] takes into account the existence of dimers directly. It was shown, that for molecules with large dipoles the transition temperature decreases with the increasing dipole moment. This result was confirmed by the recent computer simulations. 2. Influence of the molecular shape on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals has been investigated [2]. A method based on the expansion of the intermolecular potential in a complete set of spherical invariants has been proposed to estimate the dispersion interaction between monomers and dimers. It has been established that molecules with small dipoles form dimers, which favour the nematic phase, whereas dimers composed of molecules with large dipoles favour the isotropic phase. It has also been found that molecules with an intermediate value of the dipole moment couple in dimers, which do not influence the nematic- isotropic transition temperature. This balance point depends on the molecular shape, and it may exist or not for different molecules. 3. A statistical theory of the cholesteric ordering [3] was derived. On the contrary to the preceding publications, it describes the helix inversion in binary mixtures. The biaxiality of molecules is explicitly taken into account. Under a certain conditions (driven by the mutual concentration of the components and temperature) the interaction between the short molecular axes, which was disregarded in the previous attempts, dominates over the interaction between the main axes. It leads to the helix inversion, which is usually observed in the experiment. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Polar liquid crystals. Statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [2] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Nematic-isotropic phase transition in polar liquid crystals. Role of the dispersion interaction, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [3] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, D.A.Dunmur, Molecular Theory of Chiral Nematic Liquid Crystals, Phys.Rev.E, paper accepted for publication. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Influence of dimerization on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals, Liquid Crystals, V.26, No.2, 1999. A.Emelyanenko participated in the 17-th International Liquid Crystal Conference (Strasbourg, France, July 19-24, 1998) and presented a poster "Molecular Theory of The Nematic-Isotropic Transition in Strongly Polar Liquid Crystals". Thesis of the poster was published. In 1999 A.Emelyanenko participated in the International Conference on Liquid Crystals, which took place in Krynica (Poland), with a report "Theory of the helix inversion in nematics doped with chiral molecules" (September 13-17, 1999) and in the International Conference "Nonlinear dynamics in polymer science and related fields", Desna, Moscow region, with a report "Helix inversion in binary liquid crystalline mixtures" (October 11-15, 1999). Both theses are included in the corresponding abstract books. The full-length reports are planned. A.V. Emelyanenko has also taken part in the Students Conference on chemistry and physics of the thin organic films, Puschino, Moscow region, with a report "Inversion of the spiral structure in binary LC mixtures" (June 14-15, 1999). Now A.Emelyanenko is developing a new theory of the liquid crystalline polymers, which also possess a helix inversion. I.M.EREMIN (Kazan State University) in his studies of the electronic structure and magnetic properties of high temperature superconductivity obtained the following results: 1. Self-consistent calculation of spin (charge) density wave order (SDW/CDW) parameters have been performed for bilayered cuprates on the basis of a singlet correlated band model [1]. Evolution of the Fermi surface in the strongly underdoped regime is described by using a two-band approach. The smooth development of the pseudogap formation temperature is explained from underdoped to overdoped states and the Fourier amplitudes $$ (spin) and $$ (charge) modulations have been calculated. We have found a maximum of the incommensurability for doping 0.09-0.11 holes per copper site. 2. The phase boundary of the paramagnetic phase of cuprates has been calculated with taking into account the strong electron correlations. The instability wave vector gets displaced from pure antiferromagnetic wave vector if doping increases. The calculated pictures of Lindhard response functions and complex momentum dependence of a CDW pseudogap are presented. Spin susceptibility expression for the singlet correlated band at $T_c The results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, I.Eremin, submitted to Appl.Magn.Res (cond-mat/9908297). [2] I.Eremin, M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, in a book "Stripes and Related Phenomena", edited by A.Bianconi and N.L.Saini, to be published by Kluwer Academics-Plenum Publisher. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before the grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant. [3] I.Eremin, Solid State Commun. 105, pp.293-296, 1998. I.Eremin participated in the Second International Conference on Stripes'98 (Rome, Italy, 2-6 June, 1998) and presented an oral contribution "Two reasons of instability in layered cuprates", Specialized Colloque Ampere EPR, NMR and NQR in Solid State Physics: Recent Trends (Pisa, Italy, June 14-18, 1999) and presented poster contribution "How large can be CDW/SDW amplitudes in layered cuprates", XVI International Seminar "New Magnetic Materials for Microelectronics" (Moscow, Russian Federation, June 23-26, 1998) and presented a poster "Dynamic spin susceptibility below $T_c$. Hubbard Model" (in Russian), XXVII International School for Theoretical Physicists "Kourovka" (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 2-7 March, 1998) and presented a talk "Influence of strong electron correlation on dynamical spin susceptibility in two-dimensional models" (in Russian) I.Eremin participated in the International Cooperation with the groups of Prof. D.Brinkmann and Prof. H.Keller, Institute of Physics, Zuerich University, Switzerland. In September 1999 I.Eremin has got a Ph.D. degree under the supervision of Prof. B.I.Kochelaev (Kazan State University). A.V.PANOV (Far-Eastern State University, Vladivostok) in his studies of magnetism obtained the following results: 1. The ground and metastable magnetic states of magnetite and iron particles with sizes closed to single-domain were analyzed within the scope of the developed model [1]. It was shown that depending on its size and elongation the grain can be in one of three states: with uniform magnetization, with a small and large non-uniformity of magnetic moment (quasi-single-domain and two-domain states). The critical sizes for uniform and quasi-single-domain states were calculated. Magnetization processes of such particles were simulated. The coercive force and critical fields as functions of size, elongation of the particles and external magnetic field direction were studied. The essential difference from similar studies is non-monotone dependence of coercive force on particle elongation for magnetite which is confirmed by experiments. 2. The previous model of two-phase particle was extended by entering of interfacial exchange coupling [2-4]. The magnetization process of an ensemble of Co-coated $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ used in magnetic recording media was studied. The set of magnetic states of such particles was analyzed for ensemble with thermal agitation. It was shown that relation between interfacial exchange coupling and magnetostatic inter-phase interaction affect dependence of the coercive force of the ensemble of $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ particles on coating volume. It was obtained that the growth in coating magnetocrystalline anisotropy leads to increase in coercivity of the ensemble. The main results have been presented in the papers submitted in March and April, 1998, before grantee has been informed of the awarding ICFPM grant: [1] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine magnetite particles, Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie [in Russian], 86, pp.65-73, 1998. [2] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Modeling of magnetization process of an ensemble of $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles with cobalt coating, "Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie" [in Russian] v.87, pp.17-22, 1999. [3] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states of Co-coated $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.241-242. [4] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, An influence of inter-phase interaction on coercive force of two-component particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.511-512. In June, 1999 A. V. Panov has got Ph. D. degree from the Far East State University (Vladivostok). Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Belokon'. Title: "Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine heterogeneous particle systems". A.M.POVOLOTSKY (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow Region) in his studies of the models of self-organized criticality obtained the following results: 1. We investigate the dynamics of Eulerian walkers as a model of self-organized criticality [1]. The evolution of the system is divided into characteristic periods which can be seen as avalanches. The structure of avalanches is described and the critical exponent in the distribution of first avalanches $\tau=2$ is determined. We also study a mean square displacement of Eulerian walkers and obtain a simple diffusion law in the critical state. The evolution of underlying medium from a random state to the critical one is described. 2.The general framework for the renormalization group analysis of self-organized critical sandpile models is formulated [2,3]. The usual real space renormalization scheme for lattice models when applied to nonequilibrium dynamical models must be supplemented by feedback relations coming from the stationarity conditions. On the basis of these ideas the Dynamically Driven Renormalization Group is applied to describe the boundary and bulk critical behavior of sandpile models. A detailed description of the branching nature of sandpile avalanches is given in terms of the generating functions of the underlying branching process. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] A.M.Povolotsky, V.B.Priezzhev, R.R.Shcherbakov, Phys.Rev.E 58, pp.5449-5454, 1998. [2] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, Phys.Rev.E 60, pp.1239-1251, 1999. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [3] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, preprint DIAS-STP-98-06, Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Ireland. A.Povolotsky was invited by J.Stefan Institute, Ljubljana Slovenia and presented the seminar there entitled "Eulerian walkers as a model of the self-organized criticality." S.E.SKIPETROV (Moscow State University) in his studies obtained the following main results: 1. A possibility for diagnostics of laser-induced particle flows in concentrated suspensions using methods of the optical correlation spectroscopy has been studied. The role of ponderomotive effects in experiments on dynamic multiple light scattering (DMLS) has been analyzed. 2. A diffusion model for the temporal autocorrelation function of multiple scattered light has been developed. The model has been shown to be valid for both the Brownian motion and laminar flow of scatterers. The case of spatially localized flow of scatterers in a turbid sample has been considered. We have demonstrated both theoretically and experimentally that one could use DMLS techniques to obtain useful information about hidden particle flows in turbid media. 3. Imaging through atmospheric turbulence has been studied. Statistical moments of the modulation transfer functions (MTFs) of a turbulent atmosphere have been calculated for various models of turbulence. Some of the main results have been presented in a paper containing acknowledgment to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially heterogeneous scatterer dynamics. Physics in Higher Education, V.5, No.1, pp.98-112, 1999 [in Russian]. [2] Karabutov A.A., Pelivanov I.M., Podymova N.B., Skipetrov S.E. Direct measurement of the spatial intensity distribution of light in a scattering medium, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., V.70, No.3, pp.187-191, 1999 [in Russian]; [English translation: J.Exp.Theor.Phys.Lett., V.70, No.3, pp.183-188, 1999]. [3] Skipetrov S.E., Effective dielectric function of a random medium, Phys.Rev.B 60, No.18, pp.12705-12709, 1999. [4] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Shcheglov V.A., Laser-induced particle flows in random media: is the diagnostics with multiple-scattered light possible? In: CD-ROM Proceedings of the International Conference on Optical Technology and Image Processing in Fluid, Thermal, and Combustion Flow (VSJ-SPIE'98) (Yokohama, Japan, December 7-9, 1998), paper AB090. [5] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Correlation spectroscopy for diagnostics of light-induced particle motion in concentrated suspensions. In: Fourth International Conference on Correlation Optics, O.V. Angelsky, Ed., Proc. SPIE, V.3904, pp.423-428, 1999. [6] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave imaging of flows in turbid media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99), (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). [7] Skipetrov S.E., Refractive index of random media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99) (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). S.Skipetrov participated in several scientific conferences: - XI School-Conference on Diffraction and Propagation of Waves (Moscow, Russia, January 12-15, 1998). An oral presentation entitled "Multiple scattering of light in random media with complex dynamic structure" has been made. - NATO Advanced Study Institute "Diffuse Waves in Complex Media" (Les Houches, France, March 17-28, 1998). A poster "Ponderomotive action of light in random media" has been presented. - XVI International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics - ICONO'98 (Moscow, Russia, June 29-July 3, 1998). Two posters has been presented: "Dynamic multiple scattering of laser radiation on light-induced flows of microparticles in suspension" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy of flows". - 17th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division, European Physical Society and 6emes Journees de la Matiere Condensee, Societe Francaise de Physique (Grenoble, France, August 25-29, 1998). A poster "Cross-correlations in dynamic multiple scattering of light" has been presented. - Fall School-Conference "Light-Scattering Techniques in Biomedicine, Industry and Material Science" (Saratov, Russia, October 6-9, 1998). An oral presentation: "Theory of diffusing-wave spectroscopy with angular and spatio-temporal cross-correlations" and two poster presentations: "Ponderomotive action of light in random multiple-scattering media" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in random media with absorption", have been made. - International Conference on Biomedical Optics and Spectroscopy. European Biomedical Optics Week - BiOS'98 (Stockholm, Sweden, September 6-9, 1998). Title of presentation: "Possibilities for study of light-induced flows of microparticles in concentrated suspensions using methods of optical correlation spectroscopy". - International Conference on LASERS'98 (Tucson, Arizona, USA, December 7-11, 1998). Title of presentation: "Hydrodynamic flows induced by copper-vapor laser: diagnostics using optical correlation spectroscopy". S.E.Skipetrov has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. S.S.Chesnokov. Title: "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially-heterogeneous scatterer flows". F.M.TSAHHAEV (Ryazan State Pedagogical University) in his studies of physics of low dimensional structures obtained the following results: 1. Galvanomagnetic effects have been measured in n-AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures with filling of two subbands. The values of the momentum relaxation times t and q have been determined experimentally. The t and q times have been also calculated in the conditions of intersubband scattering using the self-consistent electron wave function. The dominating relaxation mechanism was identified and the parameters of defects were evaluated by comparison of experimentally determined and calculated t and q values [1,5,6,9]. 2. The GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures with anomalously high mobility of 2D-electrons 0.6 m/V s (T=4.2 K) in respect to the well-known analogs have been synthesized. The anomalies and anisotropy of kinetic effects characteristics of the GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures have been observed in experiments. The electrons energy spectrum in GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures has been calculated on the basis of the experimental results. The comparison of calculated data and measurements results (C-V characteristics, temperature and axial/lateral magnetic field dependencies of conductivity, photoluminescence spectra) reveals anomalous properties of GaAs(0.30,?-Sn) structure along [110] direction in respect to the [110] one [4]. 3. In [7,8] the experimental results is analyzed in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures. 4. The hysteresis of current-temperature characteristics is revealed in GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with the three quantum wells [2]. 5. The magnetic field suppression of electron-electron interaction of 2D-electrons in the main and the first, disturbed subbands of dimension quantization in single heterojunction AlGaAs/GaAs have been revealed [3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] V.I.Kadushkin, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Relaxation mechanisms of 2D-electrons in selective doped n-AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs heterostructure with filling of two subbands,\\ Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., No.5/6, pp.55-74, 1999. [2] V.I.Tsebro, O.E.Omelyanovski, V.I.Kadushkin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, F.M.Tsahhaev,\\ S.N.Larin, Lateral photoconductivity low temperature hysteresis of GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with asymmetric system of quantum wells, Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). [3] V.I.Kadushkin, F.M.Tsahhaev, S.N.Larin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, Intersubband relaxation of 2D-electrons in AlGaAs(Si)/GaAs strong doped heterojunction, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., No.3/4, pp.135-166, 1998. [5] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, News Institutions of Higher Education. Physics, No.159, 1998 [in Russian]. Proceedings of the Conference: [6] The 24th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, August 2-7, 1998, Jerusalem, Israel; "Energy spectrum and relaxation mechanisms of electrons in lateral-surface superlattices GaAs(0.30,?-Sn)". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Yu.A.Kotova). [7] 10th International Symposium on Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors, August 31- September 2, 1998, Vilnius, Lithuania. "Photomodulation processes in GaAs/AlAs type-I quantum well structures". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [8] VII Luthuanian-Polish Seminar "Solid State Physics and Technology", Kaunas, 1998. "Photoexcitation effects in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures investigated by differential reflectivity spectroscopy". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [9] The 194th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, Boston, Massachusetts, November\\ 1-6, 1998. "Energy spectrum of electrons in GaAs(?-Sn) structure grown on vicinal plane". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). In March, 2000 F.M.Tsahhaev shall be got Ph.D. degree from the Ryazan State Pedagogical University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Kadushkin (RSPU). Title: "Localization and scattering of quasi-particles in low-dimensional heterostructures in quantized magnetic fields." D.A.RYNDYK (Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS, Nizhny Novgorod) in his studies of nonequilibrium effects in dynamics of Josephson structures and layered superconductors (nonequilibrium Josephson effect) obtained the following results: 1. Starting from microscopic equations for Green functions, quasiclassical kinetic equations are derived for the systems of tunnel junctions and for layered superconductors [1]. This kinetic equations can be generalized for the case of different types of junctions and for superconductors with arbitrary energy dependence of the density of states and anisotropic pairing. 2. Dynamics of one-dimensional array of nonequilibrium junctions is investigated, in particular, current-voltage characteristics and high frequency interaction between junctions. Peculiarities of the dynamics of intrinsic Josephson junctions in HTSC are considered [1,2] (this work is a continuation of previous investigation carried out in 1998: D.A.Ryndyk, Phys.Rev.Lett., 80, 3376, 1998). The calculated current-voltage characteristics demonstrate the nature of the effect of electron-hole imbalance on the dynamics of one-dimensional chains of junctions. 3. The effect of nonequilibrium amplification of Josephson oscillations is predicted [2]. 4. "Plasma" oscillations and Josephson flux flow in layered superconductors is considered with nonequilibrium effects taken into account. Beside, the work on the kinetic theory of plasma turbulence is continued, which was began previously in connection with the experimental investigation of low-hybrid turbulence, excited by ion beam (E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk et al., Nuclear Fusion, 38, 661, 1998). New results in the theory of turbulent broadening of cyclotron resonances are published in Ref.[3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] D.A.Ryndyk, Nonequilibrium Josephson effect in systems of tunnel junctions and in layered superconductors, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. V.116, p.1798, 1999 [JETP V.89, p.975, 1999]. [2] D.A.Ryndyk, High-frequency properties of nonequilibrium Josephson junctions in nanoscale and layered superconductors, Journal of radioelectronics (www journal) n.1 (2000), to be published in "Foreign radioelectronics". [3] E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk, Stochastic Broadening of High Order Ion Cyclotron Resonances due to Lower-Hybrid Turbulence, Strong microwaves in plasmas (proceedings of IV international workshop on strong micro-waves in plasmas, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 1999 ), ed. A.G.Litvak, V.2, Nizhny Novgorod, 2000. D.Ryndyk in 1999 participated in: 1. School-seminar "Physics and applications of microwaves" (24-30 of May in Krasnovidovo, Moscow region) with invited lecture "Physical basis of Josephson high frequency electronics". D.Ryndyk take part in several russian and international research projects, in particular: 1. Grants of Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) N. 97-02-16928 and 99-02-16188 . 2. State research program "Physics of microwaves". Grant 4.7. "Theoretical and experimental investigation of microwave interaction with superconducting structures". 3. Joint program of Institute of Applied Physics RAS and W7-AS stellarator group (Garching, Germany) on Collective Thomson scattering for plasma diagnostic. A.M.RUVINSKY (Institute of Spectroscopy of RAS, Troitsk) in his studies of collective properties of excitons has considered an influence of random fields on the conditions of exciton condensation and superfluidity in bulk and low-dimensional systems [1]. It was shown that in semiconductor alloys the density of excitons in Bose condensate decreases due to the exciton scattering on random fields of impurities or fluctuations of the composite. The density of the superfluidity fraction in the system of 3D and quasi-2D excitons also decreases taking into account this scattering. The scattering on the random field of the quantum well widths' fluctuations was analyzed for direct and indirect excitons. Analytical expressions for the exciton superfluidity densities in "dirty" single quantum wells, coupled quantum wells and bulk semiconductors have been derived. The influence of random fields on Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature for exciton systems in low-dimensional structures was analyzed. These results have been presented in the papers [1,2] containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1].Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, Superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. V.69, No.8, pp.573-578, 1999 [in Russian], (Letter in JETP, V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999). [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, A.M.Ruvinsky, Bogolubov approximation for rare exciton system in random media, Fiz.Tverd.Tela (Physics of the Solid State), in print, 2000 [in Russian]. In June, 1998 A.Ruvinsky has got Ph.D. degree from State Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "Magnetoexcitons in inhomogeneous and low-dimensional structures". A.ZEMLYANOV (Moscow State University) obtained the following results: A new approach to the description of anomalous transport phenomena that take place in fractal media was developed. Namely, anomalous diffusion on a comb structure consisting of a one- dimensional backbone and lateral branches (teeth) of random length is considered. A definite classification of the trajectories of random walks reduces the original problem to an analysis of classical diffusion on the backbone, where, however, the time of this process is a random quantity. Its distribution is assigned by the properties of the random walks of the diffusing particles on the teeth. The possibility of applying mean-field theory in such a model is demonstrated, and the equation for the Green's function with a partial derivative of fractional order is obtained. The characteristic features of the propagation of particles on a comb structure are analyzed. A model of an effective homogeneous medium, in which diffusion is described by an equation with a fractional derivative with respect to time and an initial condition in the form of an integral of fractional order, is obtained. These results are published in [1] and were presented at the Moscow Seminar on Synergetics at the Physics Faculty, Moscow State University. [1] I.A.Lubashevsky, A.A.Zemlyanov, Continuum description of anomalous diffusion on a comb structure, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., V.114, pp.1284-1312, 1998 [in Russian]. A.Zemlyanov has received invitation for participating in a research program at the University of Texas at Austin during the next three years.
D.YU.KLIMUSHKIN (Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk) obtained the following results: Main results obtained as part of the project implementation This research is devoted to the study of Alfven waves generated by the bounce-drift resonance. Plasma is perceived to consist of two components: (1) a dense, but relatively cold, component (core) that is responsible for the longitudinal and transverse structure and dispersion of waves; and (2) an ingredient of high-energy particles, the interaction with which drives a bounce-drift instability of the waves. Collisionless MHD (theory of two adiabatic invariants) is used to describe the dense component of magnetospheric plasma, and the kinetics is invoked to describe the admixture of high-energy particles. The magnetosphere is assumed to be axisymmetric, and its inhomogeneity both across magnetic shells and along field lines is taken into account. It has been shown that the wave, excited by some external source, propagates across magnetic shells from the poloidal surface where it is radially polarized, to the toroidal surface where the wave is azimuthally polarized. Also, the wave acquires energy due to the bounce-drift resonance and loses it by the interaction with the ionosphere. The local instability growth rate is maximal on the poloidal surface and becomes zero on the toroidal surface. It has been concluded that the vanishing of the growth rate on the Alfven resonance surface is characteristic not only for the bounce-drift instability but also for any other instability of the Alfven wave. It has been shown that as the maximum instability growth rate increases, the wave amplitude maximum is shifted toward the toroidal surface. There is also an alternative possibility of the spatial localization of the mode: the waves "close" into the resonator at the magnetosphere where the ring current flowing through the magnetosphere here has an extremum. In this case an increase in pressure of the core component leads to a decrease of the wave's integral gain. The total energy injected into the transparent region of the wave depends strongly on the damping decrement of the wave. When the dissipation is small, total energy can be enhanced by many orders of magnitude, whereas in the case of a large attenuation the enhancement is only several times as large. Such a strong dependence of the gain on the dissipation might appear somewhat strange because at first glance, roughly speaking, the attenuation in the numerator and denominator must cancel out. In reality, this is by no means surprising because when the dissipation is large the attenuation and instability operate in different parts of the transparent region: in this case only an exponentially small "tail" of the oscillation reaches the region of the toroidal surface; it is this "tail" that is enhanced through the interaction with a group of fast particles. As a result, the enhancement is of a relatively minor amount. Of an interest is also the question of how the enhancement rate of the wave depends on pressure of the plasma core component. It is shown that an increase in the width of the transparent region is accompanied by an increase in the group velocity of the wave, with the result that the enhancement rate of the wave remains unchanged. In other words, the total energy injected into the transparent region is independent of pressure of the dense component of plasma. The main results have been presented in the following scientific publications: [1] D.Yu.Klimushkin, Resonators for hydromagnetic waves in the magnetosphere, "Issledovaniya po geomagnetizmu, aeronomii i fizike Solntsa", V.108, pp.170-184, 1999 [in Russian] (the paper acknowledges the support received from INTAS-ICFPM). [2] D.Yu.Klimushkin, Structure of Small-Scale Azimuthal Standing Alfven Waves Interacting with High-Energy Particles in the Magnetosphere, "Fizika plazmy", V.24, No 11, pp.1023-1032, 1998 [in Russian and in English] (the paper does not acknowledge the support from INTAS-ICFPM because its final version had been submitted to the Journal before the notification about the ICFPM support was received). [3] D.Yu.Klimushkin, The propagation of high-m Alfven waves in the Earth's magnetosphere and their interaction with high-energy particles, Journal Geophysical Researches (in press) [in English] (the paper acknowledges the INTAS-ICFPM support). Participation in conferences: - "Problems of Geospace" (June 29 - July 3, 1998, St.Petersburg), report by D.Yu.Kli\-mush\-kin "Influence of the competition of a drift-bounce instability and ionospheric damping upon the Alfven wave propagation in the magnetosphere"; - XXII General Assemblty of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (July 1999, Birmingham, Great Britain), report by D.Yu.Klimushkin, "Influence of a drift-bounce instability on the Alfven wave structure in the magnetosphere". In February, 1998 D.Yu.Klimushkin has got Ph.D. degree (Candidate of Sciences) from the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics. Thesis advisor: Prof. V.A.Mazur (ISTP). Title: "The spatial structure of low-frequency hydromagnetic waves in the axisymmetric and three-dimensionally inhomogeneous models of the magnetosphere". I.L.OVCHINNIKOV (Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University) in his studies of turbulent dynamics of the plasma sheet of the Earth's magnetosphere obtained the following results: 1. Researches of the magnetotail plasma sheet dynamics in the assumption of important role of the turbulent diffusion have been continued. The quasi-three-dimension model of the plasma sheet was developed and the structure of the magnetotail plasma sheet has been investigated for different interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) orientation. The influence of IMF z- and y-component to the plasma sheet structure has been investigated using the Tsyganenko T87W and T96 and Boyle-Reiff-Hairston-97 models. The possible mechanism of the theta-aurora formation has been proposed and numerical models were developed. 2. The dynamics of electrons in the magnetotail plasma sheet was analyzed. It was shown that in the uniform magnetic field and the periodical electric field the it can become chaotic, which may lead to non-magnetized character of electron dynamics. 3. The analysis of CORALL spectrometer data (INTERBALL project tail probe) for obtaining the turbulent diffusion coefficient was done together with Dr. Yu.I.Yermolaev (Space Research Institute of RAS). The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM-INTAS: [1] E.E.Antonova, I.L.Ovchinnikov, The quasi-3-dimension model of the equilibrium turbulent plasma sheet in the Earth's magnetotail and its substorm dynamics, Geomagnetism and aeronomy, V.38, No.5, pp.14-21, 1998 [in Russian]. [2] E.E.Antonova, E.V.Vikhreva, I.L.Ovchinnikov, M.V.Stepanova, M.V.Teltsov, The chaotical character of the particle dynamics in the plasma sheet: the observational data and the theoretical analysis, Geomagnetism and aeronomy, V.38 No.6, pp.27-39, 1998 [in Russian]. [3] E.E.Antonova, I.L.Ovchinnikov, Magnetostatically equilibrated plasma sheet with developed medium scale turbulence: Structure and implications for substorm dynamics, J.Geophys.Res., V.104, No.A8, pp.17289-17298, 1999. [4] E.E.Antonova, I.L.Ovchinnikov, Quasi three dimensional modeling of plasma sheet with medium scale developed turbulence, Adv.Space Res., V.24, No.1, pp.121-124, 1999. [5] E.E.Antonova, I.L.Ovchinnikov, E.V.Vikhreva, M.V.Teltsov, M.V.Stepanova, Plasma sheet electron temperature distribution and particle dynamics. Adv.Space Res., V.23, No.10, pp.1757-1760, 1999. [6] E.E.Antonova, I.L.Ovchinnikov, E.V.Vikhreva, M.V.Stepanova, Chaotization of particle motion in regular inhomogeneous electric fields. Adv.Space Res., V.23, No.10, pp.1731-1734, 1999. [7] E.E.Antonova, I.L.Ovchinnikov, Medium scale magnetospheric turbulence and quasi-three-dimensional plasma sheet modeling, Phys.Chem.Earth, V.25, No.1-2, pp.35-38, 2000. I.Ovchinnikov participated in the following conferences: - International Symposium "Space plasma studies by in-situ and remote measurements" (Moscow, 1-5 June 1998); - The 32-nd Scientific Assembly of COSPAR (Nagoya, Japan, 12-19 July 1998) and presented three posters entitled: (i) "Quasi three dimensional modeling of plasma sheet with medium scale developed turbulence" (E.E.Antonova, I.L.Ovchinnikov), (ii) "Plasma sheet electron temperature distribution and its possible reason" (E.E.Antonova, I.L.Ovchinnikov, M.V.Stepanova, E.A.Vikhreva, M.V.Teltsov), (iii) "Chaotization of particle motion in the regular inhomogeneous electric fields" (E.E.Antonova, I.L.Ovchinnikov, M.V.Stepanova,\\ E.A.Vikhreva). - Dynamics of the magnetosphere and its coupling to the ionosphere on multiple scales from INTERBALL, ISTP satellites and ground-based observations (Zvenigorod, Russia, 8-13 February 1999). I.Ovchinnikov has prepared the PhD thesis "The current sheet with medium-scale turbulence and the dynamics of the plasma sheet of the Earth's magnetotail" (scientific advisor Dr. E.E.Antonova) D.L.PASMANIK (Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod) obtained following results: 1. Further analysis of energetic electron precipitation at the evening sector of magnetosphere is performed. In the framework of previously developed model of cyclotron wave-particle interactions, the case of finite spread over energies of initial energetic electron distribution is studied. The solution for distribution function of energetic electron is found. The energetic spectrum of trapped and precipitating electrons and whistler wave spectrum are analyzed [1]. 2. As a further development of this model the eigenmodes of the waveguide with non-uniform background plasma density distribution is analyzed. In the case of system with cylindrical symmetry the spatial structure of eigenmodes is found. The generalization of self- consistent quasilinear theory of cyclotron whistler-electron interaction with this structure taken into account is made. Analysis of the efficiency and the threshold of different eigenmodes excitation is made and the preliminary analysis of the self-consistent problem is made. Two papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM are currently prepared an will be submitted at the beginning of 2000. There are publications, which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [1] D.L.Pasmanik, V.Y.Trakhtengerts, Spectral characteristics of waves and particles in the model of cyclotron wave-particle interactions near plasmapause, Annales Geophysicae, V.17, No.3, pp.351-357, 1999. [2] D.L.Pasmanik, V.Y.Trakhtengerts, A.G.Demekhov, The self-consistent theory of quasistationary energetic electron and proton precipitation near plasmapause, In proceedings of International Conference on Problems of GeoCosmos, June 29 -July 3, 1998, St.Petersburg, Russia (in press). In 1998-99 D.L.Pasmanik participated in the following conferences: - 21 Annual Seminar "Physics of Auroral Phenomena" 24 - 27 March, 1998, Apatity, Russia, poster "Spectral characteristics of wave and particles in the model of cyclotron wave-particle interaction near plasmapause", D.L.Pasmanik, V.Y.Trakhtengerts, - International Conference on Problems of GeoCosmos, June 29 - July 3, 1998, St.Peters\-burg, Russia, poster "The self-consistent theory of quasistationary energetic electron and proton precipitation near plasmapause", D.L.Pasmanik, V.Y.Trakhtengerts, A.G.Demekhov, - 3rd International Workshop on "The Sollar Wind-Magnetosphere System", 23 - 25 September, 1998, Graz, Austria, poster "The self- consistent theory of cyclotron wave-particle interaction near plasmapause", D.Pasmanik, - 3rd Session of young scientists of Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, April 1998, oral "Spectral characteristics of wave and particles in the model of cyclotron wave-particle interaction near plasmapause", - 22 Annual Seminar "Physics of Auroral Phenomena", March, 1999, Apatity, Russia, oral "Cyclotron interactions in the whistler waveguide", D.L.Pasmanik, V.Y.Trakhtengerts, - XXVIth General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science, Toronto, Canada, 13 - 21 August 1999, poster "Features of localized energetic particle precipitation", D.L.Pasmanik, V.Y.Trakhtengerts, A.G.Demekhov, - 4th Session of young scientists of Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, April 99, oral "Cyclotron interactions in the whistler waveguide". M.G.STEPANOV (Institute of Automation and Electrometry, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk) in his studies of nonlinear spectroscopy of plasma and hydrodynamic turbulence obtained the following results: 1. The universal shape of the narrow peak in the Doppler broadened absorption spectrum resulting from a turning point was obtained [3]. 2. The Autler-Townes doublet in the probe wave absorption spectrum was analyzed. It was shown that its components undergo power broadening when the intensity of probing wave increases [1]. 3. The whole probability distribution function of passive scalar in large scale d-dimensional smooth velocity field with Gaussian statistics was obtained [2]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] M.G.Stepanov, Autler-Townes doublet probed by strong field, J.Phys.B: At.Mol.Opt.Phys. V.32, No.3, pp.649-661, 1999. [2] I.V.Kolokolov, V.V.Lebedev, M.G.Stepanov, Passive scalar in a large-scale velocity field, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Phys. V.115, No.3, pp.920-939, 1999, [JETP V.88, No.3, pp.506-516, 1999]. There is a publication, which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [3] D.A.Shapiro, M.G.Stepanov. Diffusion-broadened line shape near a turning point, Pis'ma v Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. V.68, No.1, pp.27-33, 1998 [JETP Letters V.68, No.1, 1998]. Also M.G.Stepanov participated the conference: D.A.Shapiro, M.G.Stepanov, Ionic spectra under strong laser field in plasma - 14th International Conference on Spectral Line Shapes (June 22-26, 1998, College Park, PA, USA), In: Spectral Line Shapes, V.10, p.321-324, 1999, it should contain the reference to the ICFPM and INTAS. Three articles are in the process of preparation for publication. One of them contains the direct numerical solving of the equations for optimal velocity configuration in Burgers equation realizing large velocity gradients (saddle-point configuration or instanton) with some analytic estimations (with A.I.Chernykh, for chao-dyn and Phys.Rev.E). Another one is devoted to the generation spectrum of anti-Stokes ion laser, where the narrow spectral structure was observed and explained (with S.A.Babin, S.I.Kablukov, S.V.Khorev, E.V.Podivilov, V.V.Potapov and D.A.Shapiro, for Phys.Rev.A). The last one discusses the Doppler-free spectral structures coming from extremal points of resonance frequencies as functions of particle velocity in four-level systems (with Yu.Belousov, E.V.Podivilov, D.A.Shapiro, for Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz.). All them will contain the reference to the ICFPM and INTAS. In April, 1999 M.G.Stepanov has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis advisors: D.A.Shapiro, E.V.Podivilov. Title: "Strong field effects in nonlinear plasma spectroscopy". During April, 1998 M.Stepanov participated in international co-operation with the group of Prof. G.E.Falkovich, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel. In his studies of qualitative algorithms of changing, in a prescribed way, the spectral data of multichannel quantum systems V.M.CHABANOV (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow Region) has obtained the following results: Phenomena of co-existence of states with different, seemingly "incompatible", properties at the same energy for the same interaction have been revealed and relevant exact multichannel models have been given: the presence of both bound states and scattering solutions simultaneously [1], the combination of a strong reflection with an absolute transparency as well as that of scattering states with different resonance widths ([1] in the list of submitted papers). The class of absolutely transparent interaction matrices without bound states which have no analogues in the one-channel case has been found [1]. Peculiarities of the multichannel periodic structures and multichannel resonance tunneling have been described ([1] in the list of submitted papers). The analysis of the potential matrix transformations when the energy levels of neighbor bound states with linearly dependent/independent spectral weight vectors come close together up to degeneracy has been performed [2]. The effect of the concentration of quantum waves in a chosen partial channel accompanied with their spatial localization in the place under control has been shown [2] (and, in more detail, [1] in the list of submitted papers). Exact solutions for classical few-body systems derived from the multichannel quantum inverse problem have been found [2] (and, in more detail, [2] in the list of submitted papers). A family of exactly solvable models for quasi-bound quadratically integrable states have been obtained [3] (addition of an imaginary value to a bound state energy). A control of both resonance widths and positions of poles related to resonances in the complex E-plane has been demonstrated [3]. Explicit analytical expressions for the creation of points of the spectrum with homogeneous boundary conditions, corresponding to non-normalizable states, have been derived [4]. These results have been presented in the following papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS - ICFPM: [1] V.M.Chabanov, B.N.Zakhariev, Coexistence of confinement and propagating waves: a quantum paradox, Phys.Lett.A 255, pp.123-128, 1999. [2] B.N.Zakhariev, V.M.Chabanov, The qualitative theory of elementary transformations of one- and multichannel quantum systems in the inverse problem approach. The construction of transformations with given spectral parameters, Part.Nucl. 30, No.2, pp.277-320 [JINR, in Russian], pp.111-130 (AIP, translated into English), 1999. [3] B.N.Zakhariev, V.M.Chabanov, The elements of quantum design, Vest.Sec.Fiz.RAEN, V.5, pp.58-77, 1999 [in Russian]. [4] V.M.Chabanov, B.N.Zakhariev, V.V.Torchinov, Commun. JINR P4-98-176. [5] V.M.Chabanov, B.N.Zakhariev, Towards the quantum design of multichannel systems (the inverse problem approach), submitted to Ann. of Phys. (N.Y.). [6] V.M.Chabanov, B.N.Zakhariev, Exact solutions for classical few-body systems from the multichannel quantum inverse problem, submitted to Few-Body Systems. The above results were included into common with Prof. B.N.Zakhariev contributions to the following conferences in 1998-1999: 1. American School "New Trends in Quantum Mechanics", Mexico (July 27 - August 15, 1998). 2. Conference on "Charged trapped particles", Monteray, California, USA (August 28 - September 5, 1998). 3. Conference on Math.Phys., Torun, Poland (May 26 - 30, 1998). 4. Workshop "Low dimensional Systems", JINR, Dubna (June 3 - 11, 1998). 5. Conference ``Nuclear Spectroscopy and Reactions", Moscow (June 16 - 19, 1998) 6. International Conference on Supersymmetry, JINR, Dubna (July 26--31, 1999) 7. Report at the Session of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (February 2, 1999) On May 13, 1998 V.M.Chabanov has got Ph.D. degree from the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. Thesis Advisor: Prof. B.N.Zakhariev (JINR). Title: "A qualitative theory of transformations of quantum systems in approach of the inverse problem". M.N.CHERNODUB (Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow) in his studies of Elementary Particle Physics obtained the following results: 1. In [1] a new abelian gauge (Spatial Maximal Abelian gauge) for SU(2) lattice gluodynamics has been proposed. In this gauge the abelian monopoles were shown to be condensed in the confinement phase and they form a dilute gas in the deconfinement phase [1]. The abelian monopoles in the Maximal Abelian gauge of SU(2) gluodynamics carry both electric and magnetic density of the SU(2) action [2]. The effective action for these monopoles was derived and various representations of SU(2) gluodynamics were studied in [3]. 2. In the Maximal Abelian Gauge of SU(2) gluodynamics the abelian monopoles were shown to behave like abelian dyons since the monopoles acquire a small abelian electric charge [4]. Since the dyons are condensed in the deconfinement phase the Aharonov--Bohm effect appear: QCD strings interact with quarks in non-trivial way [5]. The properties of the abelian monopoles has been reviewed [6-7]. The Aharonov--Bohm effect has been further investigated in the Abelian Higgs model [8]. 3. The embedded topological defects were introduced on the lattice and the relation of these defects to the electroweak sphaleron configurations was studied [9]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM: [1] M.N.Chernodub, M.I.Polikarpov, A.I.Veselov, Effective monopole potential for SU(2) lattice gluodynamics in spatial maximal Abelian gauge, hep-lat/9812012; JETP Lett. 69, pp.174-179, 1999. [2] B.L.G.Bakker, M.N.Chernodub, M.I.Polikarpov, A.I.Veselov, Abelian monopoles and action density in SU(2) gluodynamics on the lattice, hep-lat/9811001, Phys.Lett.B 449, pp.267-273, 1999. [3] M.N.Chernodub, S.Kato, N.Nakamura, M.I.Polikarpov, T.Suzuki, Various representations of infrared effective lattice SU(2) gluodynamics, preprint KANAZAWA 98-19; ITEP-TH-61/98. [4] M.N.Chernodub, F.V.Gubarev, M.I.Polikarpov, Abelian dyons in the maximal Abelian projection of SU(2) gluodynamics, hep-lat/9801010; JETP Lett. 69, pp.169-173, 1999. There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [5] E.T.Akhmedov, M.N.Chernodub, M.I.Polikarpov, Dyon condensation and Aharonov-Bohm effect, JETP Lett. 67, 389 (1998). [6] B.L.G.Bakker, M.N.Chernodub, F.V.Gubarev, M.I.Polikarpov, A.I.Veselov, Properties of Abelian monopoles in SU(2) lattice gluodynamics, hep-lat/9801011. [7] M.N.Chernodub, F.V.Gubarev, M.I.Polikarpov, A.I.Veselov, Monopoles in the Abelian projection of gluodynamics, Prog.Theor.Phys.Suppl. 131, 309 (1998). [8] M.N.Chernodub, M.I.Polikarpov, A.I.Veselov, M.A.Zubkov, Strings and Aharonov-Bohm effect in Abelian Higgs model, Phys.Lett. B432, 182 (1998). [9] M.N.Chernodub, F.V.Gubarev, E.M.Ilgenfritz, Topological content of the electroweak sphaleron on the lattice, Phys.Lett. B424, 106 (1998). M.Chernodub participated in the "NORDITA Symposium on Instantons and Monopoles in QCD Vacuum", (June 22-27, 1998, Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics, Copenhagen, Denmark) and presented a talk there entitled "Embedded Topological Defects in Electroweak Theory". M.Chernodub participated in the 16th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (LATTICE'98) (July 13-18, 1998, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USA) and presented a talk there entitled "Embedded Topological Defects and Sphaleron in Electroweak Theory". M.Chernodub was invited by the Max-Planck-Institute f\"ur Physics, Werner Heisenberg Institute to take part in international scientific co-operation with the group of Prof. V.I.Zakharov (Munich, Germany, September 1-29, 1998; October 20 - November 20, 1998). M.Chernodub participated in international co-operation with the groups of (i) Prof. V.I.Zakharov, Max-Planck-Institute f\"ur Physics, Werner Heisenberg Institute, M\"unich, Germany; (ii) Prof. T.Suzuki, Department of Physics, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Japan; (iii) Dr. B.L.G.Bakker, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. S.L.DUBOVSKY (Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) in his studies of dynamics and phenomenology of supersymmetric models and of mechanisms of production of ultra-high energy cosmic rays obtained the following results: 1. It was shown [1] that "top-down" mechanisms of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays which involve heavy relic particle-like objects predict Galactic anisotropy of highest energy cosmic rays at the level of minimum $\sim 20\%$. This anisotropy is large enough to be either observed or ruled out in the next generation of experiments. 2. Phenomenological consequences of the direct mixing between Standard Model fields and fields-mediators of supersymmetry breaking (messengers) were discovered. Limits on the corresponding coupling constants coming from flavor violating processes both in the lepton [2] and quark [3] sector were obtained. Radiative electroweak breaking in models with mixing was studied. It was found that in these models, unlike gauge mediated models without mixing, wide range of $\tan{\beta}$ is allowed. 3. In [4] it was constructed a toy model with the following properties: i) it is strongly coupled at a certain scale and breaks supersymmetry at this scale; ii) matter superfields of (one generation of) the Standard Model are effective low energy degrees of freedom of this strongly coupled theory; iii) direct gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking occurs due to messenger superfields that are also effective low energy degrees of freedom. 4. It was prepared a review [5] on phenomenological and theoretical aspects of models with gauge mediation. 5. In [6] it was shown that global fermionic charges induced in vacuum by slowly varying, topologically non-trivial background scalar fields are not renormalized provided that expansion in momenta of background fields is valid. This suggests that strongly coupled theories obey induced charge matching conditions which are analogous, but generally not equivalent, to 't Hooft anomaly matching conditions. A set of examples of induced charge matching was considered. In particular, the corresponding constraints in softly broken supersymmetric QCD suggest non-trivial low energy mass pattern, in full accord with the results of direct analyses. 6. Matching conditions suggested in [6] were considered in the case of supersymmetric QCD with quantum modified moduli space [7]. It was found that the Wess--Zumino term should be present in the low energy theory in order that these consistency conditions are satisfied. The lowest homotopy groups of the quantum moduli space were calculated. As a result it was shown that there are no obstructions to the existence of the Wess--Zumino term at arbitrary N. The explicit expression for this term is given. It is shown that neither vortices nor topological solitons exist in the model. The case of softly broken supersymmetry is considered as well. It was found that the possibility of global flavor symmetric vacuum is strongly disfavored. 7. It was shown [8] that the dip expected in the diffuse photon spectrum above the threshold of e+e- pair production, i.e., at energies $10^{15}$ - $10^{17}$ eV, may be absent due to the synchrotron radiation by the electron component of the extragalactic Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHE CR) in the Galactic magnetic filed. The proposed mechanism propose requires small (less than $2x10^{-12}$ G) extragalactic magnetic fields and large fraction of photons in the UHE CR. For a typical photon flux expected in top-down scenarios of UHE CR, the predicted flux in the region of the dip is close to the existing experimental limit. The sensitivity of the mechanism to the extragalactic magnetic field may be used to improve existing bounds on the latter by two orders of magnitude. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [2] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Flavor violation and $\tan{\beta}$ in gauge mediated models with messenger-matter mixing, Nucl.Phys.B 557, pp.119-145, 1999. [5] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky, Gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking, Phys.Usp. 42, pp.623-651, 1999; Usp.Fiz.Nauk 169, pp.705-736, 1999 [in Russian]. [6] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, M.V.Libanov, V.A.Rubakov, Nonrenormalization of induced charges and constraints on strongly coupled theories, Phys.Rept. 320, pp.147-158, 1999. [7] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Induced charge matching and Wess-Zumino term on quantum modified moduli space, (to appear in Phys.Rev.D). [8] S.L.Dubovsky, P.G.Tinyakov, Generation of $10^{15}$ eV - $10^{17}$ eV photons by UHE CR in the Galactic magnetic field, JETP Lett. 70, pp.495-501, 1999. There are some publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [1] S.L.Dubovsky, P.G.Tinyakov, Galactic Anisotropy as Signature of "Top-Down" Mechanisms of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays, JETP Lett. 68, pp.107-111, 1998. [3] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Messenger-matter mixing and lepton flavor violation, Phys.Lett. B419, pp.223-232, 1998. [4] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky, Towards common origin of supersymmetry breaking, compositeness, and gauge mediation, Phys.Lett. B423, pp.301-304, 1998. S.Dubovsky participated in the 10-th International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, Suzdal, May 18-24, 1998) and presented a talk entitled "Galactic anisotropy of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays produced by CDM-related mechanisms" (S.Dubovsky, P.Tinyakov). S.Dubovsky was also co-author of talks "Low $\tan{\beta}$ in the extended Minimal Gauge Mediated Model" (S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov) and "Grand unification with gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking" (S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky) presented there. S.Dubovsky was invited by the International Center of Theoretical Physics to take part in the Summer School on High-Energy Physics and Cosmology (Italy, Trieste, June 28 - July 18, 1998). S.Dubovsky participated in the 2nd International Conference on Non-Accelerator New Physics (NANP-99, Russia, Dubna, June 28 - July 3) and presented a talk entitled "Synchrotron radiation in the Galactic magnetic field as a signature of top-down mechanisms of UHE CR". S.Dubovsky participated in the School on Selected Topics of Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Statistics (October 16-23, 1999, Tbilisi, Georgia) and Workshop on Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics Dedicated to the 90th anniversary of N.N.Bogolyubov (October 23-28, 1999, Tbilisi, Georgia) and presented a talk entitled "Nonrenormalization of the induced charge and Wess-Zumino term on quantum modified moduli space". V.A.GANI (Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute (Technical University)), obtained the following main results within the research program of ICFPM during 1998-1999: 1. The space-time structure of the process of decay of a bubble of hypothetic phase - disoriented chiral condensate (DCC) is studied [1]. It is shown that the process of decay of the initial configuration depends crucially on selfinteraction of the pionic fields. In some cases this selfinteraction leads to the formation of sort of breather solution, formed from the pionic fields. This breather looks like a long-lived source of pionic fields. 2. Recurrence relations of perturbation theory for hydrogen ground state are obtained [2]. With their help polarizabilities in constant perpendicular electric and magnetic fields are computed up to 80th order. The high orders asymptotic is compared with its quasiclassical estimate. 3. The kink-antikink collision process for the "double sine-Gordon" (DSG) equation in 1+1 dimensions at different values of the potential parameter R>0 is studied [3]. For small values of R the problem of resonance frequencies is discussed. Qualitative explanation of the frequency shift in comparison with the frequency of the discrete level in the potential well of isolated kink is given. 4. The process of collision of two parallel domain walls in a supersymmetric model is studied both in effective Lagrangian approximation and by numerical solving of the exact classical field problem [4]. For small initial velocities we find that the walls interaction looks like elastic reflection with some delay. It is also shown that in such approximation internal parameter of the wall may be considered as a time-dependent dynamical variable. 5. The time evolution of configurations in the form of two parallel domain walls moving towards each other in a supersymmetric field model is studied [5]. The configurations involved are not BPS-saturated. It is found that for such collisions there exists some critical value $v_{cr}\approx0.9120$ of the initial velocity $v_i$ of the walls. At $v_iv_{cr}$ the sequence of vacuum states changes. The results of the numerical simulations are in agreement with "potential" consideration. 6. Detailed study of the time evolution for the initially formed large amplitude bubbles of disoriented chiral condensate (DCC) is performed [6]. It is found that the evolution of these objects may have a relatively long pre-decay stage. Simple explanation for delayed decay of such DCC bubbles is given. It is related to the existence of quasi-multikink solutions of the corresponding radial sine-Gordon equation in (3+1) dimensions. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, T.I.Belova, Yad.Fiz., 62, No.5, pp.956-960 (1999) [in Russian]. [2] V.A.Gani, V.M.Weinberg, Hydrogen atom in crossed external fields reexamined by moment method, preprint ITEP-29 (1998);; prepared for submission to Yad.Fiz. [in Russian]. [3] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, Phys.Rev.E, 60 No.3, pp.3305-3309, 1999. [4] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, A remark on collisions of domain walls in a supersymmetric model, preprint ITEP-15 (1999); [5] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, preprint ITEP-44 (1999);; prepared for submission to Phys.Rev.D. [6] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, prepared for publication as a preprint ITEP and for submission to Yad.Fiz. [in Russian]. In 1999 V.A.Gani was invited by Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute (Technical University) to take part in the International Conference "Scientific Session MEPhI-1999", January 18-22, 1999. The following talks were presented: 1) V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, T.I.Belova, "Decay of a bubble of disoriented chiral condensate"; 2) V.A.Gani, V.M.Weinberg, "High order susceptibilities of the hydrogen atom in external electric and magnetic fields"; 3) V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, "Kink-antikink interactions in the double sine-Gordon equation and the problem of resonance frequencies". In 2000 V.A.Gani was invited by Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute (Technical University) to take part in the International Conference "Scientific Session MEPhI-2000", January 17-21, 2000. The following talk was presented: V.M.Weinberg, V.A.Gani, V.D.Mur, V.S.Popov, "Energy eigenvalues of the hydrogen ground state in crossed external fields". V.A.Gani participates as a coinvestigator in Grants No 98-02-17316 (the head of the group is Prof. A.E.Kudryavtsev), No 98-02-17007 (the head of the group is Prof. V.S.Popov), No 96-15-96578 (the head of the group is Prof. L.B.Okun) of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. V.A.Gani is included as a coinvestigator in two international research projects, which now is under consideration by Foundations. D.S.GORBUNOV (Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) in his studies of supersymmetric models obtained the following results: 1. Phenomenological consequences of the direct mixing between Standard Model fields and fields-mediators of supersymmetry breaking (messengers) were discovered. Limits on the corresponding coupling constants coming from flavor violating processes both in the lepton [1] and quark [2] sector were obtained. Radiative electroweak breaking in models with mixing was studied. It was found that in these models, unlike gauge mediated models without mixing, wide range of $\tan{\beta}$ is allowed. 2. In [3] it was constructed a toy model with the following properties: i) it is strongly coupled at a certain scale and breaks supersymmetry at this scale; ii) matter superfields of (one generation of) the Standard Model are effective low energy degrees of freedom of this strongly coupled theory; iii) direct gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking occurs due to messenger superfields that are also effective low energy degrees of freedom. 3. It was prepared a review [4] on phenomenological and theoretical aspects of models with gauge mediation. 4. It is shown in Ref. [5] that global fermionic charges induced in vacuum by slowly varying, topologically non-trivial background scalar fields are not renormalized provided that expansion in momenta of background fields is valid. This suggests that strongly coupled theories obey induced charge matching conditions which are analogous, but generally not equivalent, to 't Hooft anomaly matching conditions. A few examples of induced charge matching was presented. In particular, the corresponding constraints in softly broken supersymmetric QCD suggest non-trivial low energy mass pattern, in full accord with the results of direct analyses. 5. In Ref. [6] matching of induced charges in supersymmetric SU(N) gauge theories with quantum modified moduli space was studied. It was found that the Wess-Zumino term should be present in the low energy theory in order that these consistency conditions are satisfied. The lowest homotopy groups of the quantum moduli space was calculated, and it was shown that there are no obstructions to the existence of the Wess-Zumino term at arbitrary N. The explicit expression for this term is given. It is shown that neither vortices nor topological solitons exist in the model. The case of softly broken supersymmetry is considered as well. It was found that the possibility of global baryon number violating vacuum is strongly disfavored. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Flavor violation and $\tan{\beta}$ in gauge mediated models with messenger-matter mixing, Nucl.Phys.B 557, pp.119-145, 1999. [4] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky, Gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking, Phys.Usp. 42, pp.623-651, 1999; Usp.Fiz.Nauk 169, pp.705-736, 1999 [in Russian]. [5] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, M.V.Libanov, V.A.Rubakov, Nonrenormalization of induced charges and constraints on strongly coupled theories, Phys.Rept. 320, pp.147-158, 1999. [6] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Induced charge matching and Wess-Zumino term on quantum modified moduli space (to appear in Phys.Rev.D). There are some publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [2] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Messenger-matter mixing and lepton flavor violation, Phys.Lett. B419, pp.223-232, 1998. [2] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky, Towards common origin of supersymmetry breaking, compositeness, and gauge mediation, Phys.Lett. B423, pp.301-304, 1998. D.Gorbunov participated in the 10-th International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, Suzdal, May 18-24, 1998) and presented a talk entitled "Flavor violation and $\tan{\beta}$ in gauge mediated models with messenger-matter mixing". D.Gorbunov was also a coauthor of the talk "Grand unification with gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking" (S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky) presented there. D.Gorbunov participated in the International Workshop "Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics" (October 23-28, 1999, Tbilisi, Georgia) organized by Georgian Academy of Sciences and Tbilisi State University joint with UNESCO Venice Office. The workshop was dedicated to the 90th anniversary of N.N.Bogolyubov (1909-1992). D.Gorbunov was a coauthor of the talk "Non-renormalization of induced charges and Wess-Zumino term on quantum modified moduli space" (S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov) presented there. D.Gorbunov participated in the International Conference on Non-Accelerator New Physics NANP-99 (Dubna, June 28 - July 3, 1999) and presented a talk entitled "Strong coupling unification in supersymmetric models" (D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky). D.Gorbunov was invited by the International Center of Theoretical Physics to take part in the Summer School on High-Energy Physics and Cosmology (Italy, Trieste, June 28 - July 18, 1998). D.Gorbunov participated in the X-th International School "Particles and Cosmology" (Baksan Valley, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia, April 19-25, 1999). D.Gorbunov participated in the International School "Selected Topics of Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Statistics" (October 16-23, 1999, Tbilisi, Georgia) organized by Georgian Academy of Sciences and Tbilisi State University joint with UNESCO Venice Office. The topic of research of the grant-aided aspirant I.V.GORBUNOV (Tomsk State University) included the construction and the study of spinning particle models in 3+1 and in lower space-time dimensions. In his study I.V.Gorbunov obtained the following results: 1. The model of D=2+1, N=1,2 massive superparticle with arbitrary fixed (half)integer or fractional superspin has been developed [1,3]. The classical mechanical model of the superparticle has been constructed, which contains, besides the inherent Poincare supersymmetry, one more SUSY related to the superspin degrees of freedom. The quantization of the model presents a nontrivial example of combination of the canonical Dirac and Berezin quantization methods. The quantization is based on assumption, that the "double" supersymmetry, both Poincare and internal ones, survives at the quantum level. It is shown, that some physical observables (supercharges) should be renormalized by transition from classical mechanics to the first quantized particle model [1,3]. The quantum states of N=2, D=3 spinning superparticle are realized on the fields carrying finite dimensional [1,3], or a unitary infinite dimensional [3] typical representations of the supergroup OSp(2/2). 2. The model of nonrelativistic (D=3+1) particle with arbitrary fixed spin has been developed [2]. The relation to the respective relativistic models is established. It has been founded that the particle interactions to external fields are consistent independently from detailed structure of the particle gauge symmetries. This phenomenon differentiates the nonrelativistic spinning particle from the relativistic one. In the massless limit the model describes "the light beam". The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] I.V.Gorbunov, S.L.Lyakhovich, Hidden supersymmetries and Berezin quantization of N=2, D=2 spinning superparticle, Journal of Mathematical Physics, V.40, No.5, pp.2230-2253, 1999; Preprints of ICTP (Trieste, Italy) IC/98/138, e-print hep-th/9809104. [2] I.V.Gorbunov, V.A.Dolgushev, S.L.Lyakhovich, Galilean spinning particle [in Russian], Russian Physics Journal, V.42, No.2, pp.34-46, 1999. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [3] I.V.Gorbunov, S.L.Lyakhovich, Geometric quantization of N=2, D=3 superanyon, Phys.Lett.B V.423, pp.293-300, 1998. I.V.Gorbunov participated in the International Summer School in Theoretical Physics "Volga-10" (Kazan, Russia, June 22- Jule 2, 1998) and presented a session talk there entitled "Hidden supersymmetry and Berezin quantization of N=2, D=3 spinning superparticle". In April 1999, I.V.Gorbunov has got Ph.D. degree from Tomsk State University. Thesis advisor: Prof. S.L.Lyakhovich. Title: "Lobachevsky supergeometry of D=3 massive spinning superparticle". A.Yu.NERONOV (Moscow State University) obtained the following results in his studies of quantum black hole models: 1. A theory of classical and quantum collapse of thin spherically-symmetric selfgravitating shells was developed [1]. Complete integrability of hamiltonian equations which describe motion of a selfgravitating shell has been proved. A principally important result that was obtained is the form of mass spectrum of quantum black holes which are formed in the process of gravitational collapse of thin shells of matter [2]. Some unusual quantum number which parametrize the mass spectrum was found. It has geometric origin and does not disappear even for the case of unbound motion of the collapsing shell. 2. A mechanism of formation of universal spectrum of radiation of quantum black holes was proposed [3]. It was shown, that radiation which propagates in the form of s-wave in the field of black hole has discrete spectrum, if one takes fully into account back reaction of radiation on gravitational field of black hole. Some kind of quantum analog of classical "no hair conjecture" of black hole physics was proposed [4]: although the mass spectrum of quantum black holes could have arbitrary complicated structure, spectrum of radiation coming from quantum black hole corresponds to the level spacings in some universal spectrum $m\sim\sqrt{n}$ The main results have been presented in the papers: 1. V.A.Berezin, A.M.Boyarsky, A.Yu.Neronov, Phys.Rev.D57, p.1118, 1998. 2. A.Yu.Neronov, Phys.Rev.D 59, 1998. 3. V.A.Berezin, A.M.Boyarsky, A.Yu.Neronov, gr-qc/9808027 (1998). 4. A.Yu.Neronov, Ph.D. Thesises, INR, Moscow, 1998. A.Neronov participated in Spinoza Meeting on Quantum black holes (Holland, Utrecht, June 29 -- July 4, 1998). In 1998 A.Neronov has got Ph.D. degree from Institute for Nuclear Research. Thesis advisor: Prof. V.A.Berezin. Title: "Quantization of spherically-symmetric gravity. Models of Quantum Black Holes". A.I.ONISCHENKO (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow) in his studies of physics of doubly heavy systems, anomalous WWV couplings and some exotic beyond SM obtained the following results: 1. Spectra of masses for the families of doubly heavy baryons are calculated in the framework of nonrelativistic quark model with the QCD-induced potential by Buchm\" uller-Tye in accordance with both the quark-diquark structure for the wave functions and taking into account the splittings depending on the spins. The region for the application of such approximations is determined [1,17,19]. 2. Below the threshold of decay of these objects into the heavy baryon and heavy meson the system of bound excited states was found, being quasi-stable with respect to hadronic transitions to the basic level [1,17,19]. 3. We have in details considered the physical reasons for the quasi-stability, taking place for the baryons with two identical quarks. In accordance to the Pauli principle, the operators, responsible for the hadronic decays and the mixing between the levels, are suppressed by the inverse heavy quark mass and the small size of diquark. This suppression is caused by the necessity to instantaneously change both the spin and the orbital momentum of compact diquark. In the baryonic systems with two heavy quark and the strange quark, the quasi-stability for the low-lying excitations of diquark is provided by the exclusion of transitions with the emission of both a single kaon because of small splitting between the levels and a single pion because of conservation for the iso-spin and strangeness [1,17,19]. 4. We obtained analytical results on the two-loop anomalous dimensions of currents for baryons, containing two heavy quarks $J = [Q^{iT}C\Gamma\tau Q^j]\Gamma^{'}q^k\varepsilon_{ijk}$ with arbitrary Dirac matrices $\Gamma$ and $\Gamma^{'}$ in the framework of NRQCD in the leading order over both the relative velocity of heavy quarks and the inverse heavy quark mass. It is shown, that in this approximation the anomalous dimensions do not depend on the Dirac structure of the current under consideration [16,18]. 5. The equivalence of results, obtained in calculation of anomalous dimensions of operators in $\overline{\rm MS}$-renormalization scheme with the use of lagrangians of HQET and NRQCD is shown [16,18]. 6. In the leading order of perturbative QCD one calculates the total and differential cross-sections for the hadronic production of doubly charmed baryons $\Xi_{cc}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^*$ in different experiments. The experimental evaluation of cross-sections for the $J/\Psi +D + \bar D$ production would allow one to decrease the uncertainty in the determination of cross-sections for the doubly charmed baryons due to the choice of $\alpha_s$ and $m_c$. One shows that in the HERA-B and E781 experiments with fixed tagets the suppression of the $\Xi_{cc}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^*$ production to the yield of $c \bar c$-pairs is the value of the order of $10^{-6}-10^{-5}$, whereas at the TEVATRON and LHC colliders it is about $10^{-4}-10^{-3}$. In the E781 experiment the observation of $\Xi_{cc}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^*$ is practically impossible. At the HERA-B and TEVATRON facilities one can expect $10^5$ events with the double charm, and at LHC one has about $10^9$ ones [12]. 7. For the first time the contribution of quark-antiquark annihilation in hardronic production of doubly charmed baryons was taken into account. This contribution becomes essential at fixed target energies. The notion of fragmentation function of heavy diquark into doubly heavy baryon is introduced [12]. 8. Analitical approximations of numerical calculations for total subprocess cross-sections of gluon-gluon and quark-antiquark production of doubly charmed baryons were obtained [12]. 9. We have performed a detailed investigation on the lifetimes of doubly heavy baryons on the basis of the operator product expansion for the transition currents. For the first time, we have presented the formulae with the simultaneous account for both the mass effects and low-energy logarithmic renormalization for the contributions to the total decay width of baryons, containing heavy quarks, as it is caused by the effects of Pauli interference and weak scattering. The usage of the diquark picture has allowed us to evaluate the matrix elements of operators derived [2,7,9,14,15,19,20,21]. 10. As an application of the formalism developed, for the first time the lifetimes of all doubly heavy baryons were obtained. The obtained results show the significant role of both the Pauli interference and the weak scattering [2,7,9,14,15,19,20,21]. 11. The sum rules for doubly heavy baryons in NRQCD approximation are constructed. The problem with stability of such sum rules, faced in earlier works, is solved [4]. 12. A detail investigation of three-point sum rules for semileptonic decays of $B_c$-meson in QCD and NRQCD is performed. The Coulomb corrections, as well as, corrections due to gluon condensate are included and their role is discussed. The generalized spin symmetry relations for formfactors are derived [3,8]. 13. The prospects for $B_c$-meson production at existing and future colliders are investigated [10,13]. 14. The possibility to have additional constraints on anomalous WWV couplings at HERA vs LEP is investigated [5]. 15. The possibility to observe TeV-scale leptoquarks, appearing in different models is reviewed [6]. Part of the results was published in the following papers, containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Spectroscopy of doubly charmed baryons: $\Xi_{cc}^{++}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^{+}$, DESY-98080, hep-ph/9807375, Mod.Phys.Lett. A14, p.135, 1999. [2] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of $\Xi_{bc}^{+}$ and $\Xi_{bc}^{0}$ baryons, hep-ph/9901224, submitted to Eur.Phys.J. [3] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Semileptonic decays of $B_c$-meson in sum rules of QCD and NRQCD, hep-ph/9905359, accepted to Nucl.Phys.B. [4] V.V.Kiselev, A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly heavy baryons in sum rules of NRQCD, hep-ph/9909339, accepted to Nucl.Phys.B. [5] A.A.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Can HERA data improve LEP constraints on WWV vertex?, DESY-99-051, accepted to Eur.Phys.J. [6] S.S.Gershtein, A.A.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, TeV-scale leptoquarks from GUT/String/M-theory unification, Phys.Rep. 320, 203, 1999. [7] A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly heavy systems: decays and OPE, hep-ph/9912424. [8] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Semileptonic decays of $B_c$-meson, accepted to Yad.Phys. [in Russian]. [9] A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of doubly heavy baryons, hep-ph/9912425. There are also papers, which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM: [10] A.V.Berezhnoy, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, $B_c$-meson at LHC, Phys.Atom.Nucl. 60, p.1729, 1997; hep-ph/9703341. [11] A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Gluon splitting into pair of heavy quarks in $e^+e^-$-annihilation, Phys.Atom.Nucl. 60, p.623, 1997. [12] A.V.Berezhnoy, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly charmed baryon production in hadronic experiments, Phys.Rev. D57, p.4385, 1998. [13] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.V.Tkabladze, A.V.Berezhnoi, A.I.Onishchenko, Theoretical status of $B_c$-meson, IHEP 98-22, hep-ph/9803433. [14] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of doubly charmed baryons: $\Xi_{cc}^{++}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^{+}$, DESY-98079; hep-ph/9807354; Phys.Rev. D60, p.14007, 1999. [15] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Total inclusive decay rates of doubly charmed baryons, Yad.Phys. No.6., 1999 [in Russian]. [16] V.V.Kiselev, A.I.Onishchenko, Two-loop anomalous dimensions for currents of bary\-ons with two heavy quarks in NRQCD, IHEP 98-64; hep-ph/9810283; submitted to\\ Phys.Lett.B. [17] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Spectroscopy of doubly heavy baryons, IHEP 98-66; hep-ph/9811212; Heavy Ion.Phys. V.9, p.133, 1999. The following talks were given: [18] V.V.Kiselev, A.I.Onishchenko, Anomal dimensions of currents of baryons with two heavy quarks, MIPT Scientific conference, Dolgoprudny, November 1998. [19] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly heavy baryons: spectroscopy and decays, Scientific conference of Subdivision of Nuclear Physics of RAS, Moscow, November 1998. [20] A.I.Onishchenko, Physics of decays of doubly heavy baryons: $\Xi_{bb}^{0}$, $\Xi_{bb}^{-}$, $\Xi_{bc}^{+}$, $\Xi_{bc}^{0}$, $\Xi_{cc}^{+}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^{++}$, Conference of young scientists, postgraduate and graduate stutents ITEP, Moscow, December 1998. [21] A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of doubly heavy baryons, Conference of young scientists, postgraduate and graduate stutents ITEP, Moscow, December 1999. [22] A.I.Onishchenko, $c$-quark mass from $J/Psi$, $\Upsilon$ and $B_c$-mesons, Conference of young scientists, postgraduate and graduate stutents ITEP, Moscow, December 1999. The work of D.M.OSTROVSKY (Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) in 1998 has consisted of three main parts: The first one concerns some aspects of the description of multiparticle production processes. In [1] the nonperturbative preasymptotic contribution to the factorial moments of the intrajet particle distribution have been computed in the framework of previously developed formalism in which new nonperturbative term had been added to standart QCD evolution equation. The presence of the additional nonperturbative contribution is supported by the existing experimental data. Another kind of studies concerns minijet production in the ultrarelativistic hadron and nuclear collisions. Particularly, in [2] transverse energy flow generated by minijets in hadron and nuclear collisions into a given rapidity window in the central region was calculated in the next-to-leading (NLO) order of QCD at RHIC and LHC energies. These results were then used to calculate transverse energy spectrum in nuclear collisions in a Glauber geometrical model. It was shown that in pp collisions differential cross section calculated with NLO accuracy is about 2 times higher than the cross section calculated with only LO accuracy. NLO modification leads to a substantial broadening of the $E_{\perp}$ distribution for the nuclear collisions, while its form remains practically unchanged. In [3] the azimuthal asymmetry of minijet system produced in nucleon-nucleon and nuclear collisions in a central rapidity window was calculated. In pp collisions the asymmetry appears due to contributions from the collisions in which only one minijet hits the acceptance window. The angular pattern of transverse energy flow in nuclear collisions and its dependence on the kinematical parameters of collisions was studied. Development and application of high energy factorization scheme for hadron collisions is a third part of the scientific activity in 1998-1999. Angular asymmetry and momentum disbalance in a pair of particles produced at high energy in the central rapidity region were studied in [4]. It was shown that the asymmetry is substantial for low outgoing particles momenta but diminishes when they rise. In [5] NLO correction to the one-jet inclusive cross section in the framework of high energy factorization was calculated. The results were numerically compared with predictions of conventional collinear factorization approach. It was shown that NLO in high energy factorization scheme reduces one-jet inclusive cross section, but quantitatively result is highly sensitive to the choice of structure function. D.Ostrovsky participated in XXVII ITEPH Winter school (16-24 February, 1999) and presented a talk "Angular and momentum asymmetry in particle production at high energies" in a student's session. The publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM, because it was submitted before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [1] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Phys.Atom.Nucl. 62, pp.701-707, 1999; Yad.Fiz. 62, pp.750-757, 1999 [in Russian]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [2] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Eur.Phys.J C11, pp.495-499, 1999. [3] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Angular pattern of minijet transverse energy flow in hadron and nuclear collisions, hep-ph/9812416, submitted to Eur.Phys.J. C. [4] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Angular and momentum asymmetry in particle production at high energies, hep-ph/9905496, submitted to Phys.Rev.D. [5] D.Ostrovsky, NLO correction to one-jet inclusive production at high energies, hep-ph/9912258, submitted to Phys.Rev.D. S.A.PASTON (Saint-Petersburg State University) in his studies of quantum field theory in light front coordinates obtained the following results: 1. The effective Hamiltonian in light front coordinates is obtained which at some dependence of coefficients, included in it, from a parameter of UV-regularization, in a limit of it removal reproduces within the framework of perturbation theory the results of lorentz-covariant formulating of quantum chromodynamics [1]. It was possible to make with the help of introduction of an additional nonstandart IR-regularization based on a principle, which is used at the Pauli-Villars regularization. Only after this introduction it has appeared possible to apply the method, published earlier, of a comparison of light-like and lorentz-covariant theories. The offered regularization breaks a gauge invariance, but in a limit of removal of a regularization the gauge invariance is restored. The obtained Hamiltonian in future is supposed to be used in nonperturbative calculations. 2. The scalar theory with non-polynomial interaction resulted from bosonization of two-dimensional quantum electrodynamics (QED) is considered [2]. This theory is described by modified Lagrangian of Sin-Gordon model with the critical value of the parameter of this model. Non-polynomiality of interaction in this model, leading to arising of vertexes with arbitrarily large number of lines in perturbation theory, makes nontrivial the construction of light-front Hamiltonian. For its construction the Pauli-Villars regularization must be introduced because at the critical value of the parameter the ultraviolet behaviour of the theory become worse. Obtained light-front Hamiltonian generates the perturbation theory which is equivalent to the covariant perturbation theory in fermion mass, which plays the role of interaction constant after the bosonization and therefore the Hamiltonian spectrum coincides with the spectrum of QED. One can investigate this spectrum beyond the framework of perturbation theory. 3. S.A.Paston participated in development of such formulation of a gauge field theory on a lattice, with which the action is polynomial on independent field variables [3]. The canonical formalism in light front coordinates for such theory is considered. These results and also the results obtained earlier, were published in a review in the proceedings of the conference in honour of V.A.Fock [4]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, V.A.Franke, Constructing the Light-Front QCD Hamiltonian, Theor.Math.Phys., V.120, No.3. pp.1164-1181, 1999; Teoreticheskaya i Matematicheskaya Fizika, V.120. No.3, pp.417-437, 1999 [in Russian]. [2] S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, V.A.Franke, $QED_2$ Light-Front Hamiltonian reproducing all orders of covariant chiral perturbation theory. Preprint SPbU-IP-99-13; hep-th/9910114. The publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM, because either they were published before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant, or they contain results obtained until this moment: [3] V.A.Franke, S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, Lattice Gauge Theories with polynomial Action and their canonical Formulation on the Light Front, Preprint SPbU-IP-98-5, hep-th/9803035. [4] V.A.Franke, Yu.V.Novozhilov, S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, Quantum Field Theory in Light-Front coordinates, in book: "Quantum Theory in honour of Vladimir A.Fock", Part 1, Unesco, St. Petersburg University, Euro-Asian Physical Society, 1998, pp.38-97; hep-th/9901029. S.Paston participated in the "IX International Workshop Small-x Physics and Light Front Dynamics in QCD", Russia, St. Petersburg, July 6-15 1998, theme of the report: "Lattice Gauge Theories with polynomial Action at the Light Front"; in the international conference "VIII St. Petersburg International School of Physics. Quantum Theory in honour of Vladimir A. Fock", Russia, St. Petersburg, May 25 - June 4 1998, theme of the report: "Lattice Gauge Theories with polynomial Action and their canonical Formulation on the Light Front"; and in the seminar "Final seminar in physics and astronomy of winners in 1998 of grant competition for young scientists of St.-Petersburg", February 16, 1999, St.-Petersburg, Russia, theme of the report: "The Construction of QCD Hamiltonian in Light-Front Coordinates"; In December, 1999 S.Paston has got Ph.D. degree from St.-Petersburg State University. Thesis advisor: Prof. V.A.Franke. Title: "The Construction of Quantum Field Theory Hamiltonian in Light-Front Coordinates". O.A.RYTCHKOV (Steklov Mathematical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences,\\ Moscow) in his studies of classical solutions in superstring theory and their applications has obtained the following results: 1. Wide classes of new intersecting p-brane solutions in various space-time dimensions were constructed making use of an algebraic method [1]. p-brane configurations were specified by incidence matrices and it was shown that the solutions of the algebraic characteristic equations for the incidence matrices controlled the intersections of p-branes. 2. New types of p-brane solutions to various supergravities were obtained with use of the sigma-model approach [9]. A new way to endow branes with an additional internal structure such as plane waves was suggested. Applying the harmonic maps technique new solutions with a non-trivial shell structure in the transverse space were generated. Also intersecting branes were considered and it was shown that the intersection rules have a simple geometric interpretation as conditions ensuring the symmetric space property of the sigma-model target space. 3. Non-extremal overlapping p-brane supergravity solutions localized in their relative transverse coordinates were constructed [5,10]. The construction used an algebraic method of solving the bosonic equations of motion. 4. Some aspects of duality between supergravities on Anti-de Sitter (AdS) spaces (appearing as near D-brane horizon geometry) and conformal field theories were investigated in [2,6]. The massive Rarita-Schwinger field in AdS background was considered and the corresponding equations of motion were solved. It was shown that appropriate boundary terms calculated on-shell give two-point correlation function for spin-3/2 fields of the conformal field theory. The relation between Rarita-Schwinger field masses and conformal dimensions of corresponding operators was established. 5. Bulk-to-bulk propagators for the massive vector and symmetric rank-2 tensor fields in the Euclidean continuation of the Anti-de Sitter space were constructed [3]. The explicit forms of these propagators in the limit when one or both points approach the boundary of AdS were derived. It was shown that the obtained expressions coincide with bulk-to-boundary propagators or two-point correlation functions of the boundary CFT as expected from the AdS/CFT correspondence. This identification provides one more evidence for treating CFT operators on the boundary as appropriate limits of quantum fields in the bulk. Also the above limiting procedure clarifies the artificial appearance of boundary terms in the AdS/CFT correspondence. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] I.Ya.Aref'eva, O.A.Rytchkov, Incidence Matrix Description of Intersecting p-brane Solutions, to be published in L.D.Faddeev's Seminar on Mathematical Physics, Advances in Mathematics, Amer.Math.Soc., Providence, R.I. [2] A.S.Koshelev, O.A.Rytchkov, Note on the Massive Rarita-Schwinger field in the AdS/CFT correspondence, Phys.Lett.B 450, p.368, 1999. [3] A.Polishchuk, O.Rytchkov, Propagator for Massive Spin-2 Field in Anti-de Sitter Space, preprint SMI-25-99. Also the obtained results were published in the proceedings of the following conferences: [4] O.A.Rytchkov, Chaotic Behaviour of Dynamical Systems in M-theory, Proceedings of the Second Open Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (Russia, Dubna, March 2-6, 1998) [in Russian]. [5] O.A.Rytchkov, Localised p-branes in Supergravities and M-theory, Proceedings of the International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, May 18-24, 1998). [6] O.A.Rytchkov, Massive Rarita-Schwinger Field in the AdS/CFT correspondence, Proceedings of the XIV International Workshop on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory (Russia, May 27 - June 2, 1999). There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [7] I.Ya.Aref'eva, P.B.Medvedev, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Chaos in D0-brane Dynamics, Banach Center Publications, V.43, p.41, 1998. [8] I.Ya.Aref'eva, P.B.Medvedev, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Chaos in M(atrix) Theory, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, V.10, p.1, 1998. [9] D.V.Gal'tsov, O.A.Rytchkov, Generating branes via sigma models, Phys.Rev. D58, p.122001, 1998. [10] I.Ya.Aref'eva, M.G.Ivanov, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Non-extremal localized\\ branes and vacuum solutions in M-theory, Class.Quant.Grav. V.15, p.2923, 1998. O.A.Rytchkov participated in Spring School on Non-perturbative Aspects of String Theory and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories (Italy, March 23-31, 1998) and in the Trieste Conference on Superfivebranes and Physics in 5+1 dimensions (Italy, April 1-3, 1998) where a poster entitled "New Non-extremal p-branes in Superstring Theories and M-theory" was presented. O.A.Rytchkov participated in International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, May 18-24, 1998) and presented a talk there entitled "Localized p-branes in Supergravities and M-theory". O.A.Rytchkov participated in XI International Conference "Problems of Quantum Field Theory" (Russia, July 13-17, 1998) and presented a talk entitled "Localized p-branes in various supergravities" O.A Rytchkov participated in XIV International Workshop on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory (Russia, May 27 - June 2, 1999) and presented a talk there entitled "Massive Rarita-Schwinger Field in the AdS/CFT correspondence" V.I.SHEVCHENKO (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow) has obtained the following results: 1. Generalized coordinate gauge in nonabelian gauge theories was analysed, limits of applicability were established and applied to the nonabelian Stokes theorem and dual QCD Lagrangian evaluation. 2. The structure of perturbative contributions to the string tension in gluodynamics was investigated and cancellation of them in the vacuum field correlators framework was shown. 3. The modifications of the Higgs mechanism in abelian Higgs model due to interaction with topological defects were considered. 4. Deeper understanding of the Higgs mechanism in the quantum background was reached, especially in the aspects, important for the abelian projected confinement theories. 5. The colour superconductivity phenomenon was investigated in the framework of Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. The effective potential was calculated and the importance of the nonperturbative gluon condensate from the nonabelian Meissner effect point of view was shown. 6. The exact renormalisation group flows were studied in the current representation of the abelian projected gluodynamics. 7. The Casimir scaling behaviour of the static potential between charges in higher representations of the gauge group SU(3) was investigated, being based on recent lattice data. The value of scaling violating terms is estimated. It is shown, that Casimir scaling puts severe bounds on the presence of classical solutions in the vacuum. [1] V.Shevchenko, Yu.Simonov, Generalized coordinate gauge, nonabelian Stokes theorem and dual QCD Lagrangian, Phys.Lett.B 437, p.146, 1998. [2] V.Shevchenko, Yu.Simonov, Perturbative contributions to field correlators, Phys.Lett.B 437, p.131, 1998. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [3] V.Shevchenko, Higgs mechanism in nontrivial background, hep-th/9810222 (being prepared for publication). [4] N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov, V.I.Shevchenko, Nonperturbative QCD vacuum and Colour Superconductivity, Phys.Rep. V.320, p.131, 1999. [5] V.I.Shevchenko, Yu.A.Simonov, Casimir Scaling as a Test of QCD vacuum, hep-ph/0001299, being prepared for publication. Published talks on conferences: (1) "Generalized Fock-Schwinger Gauge and its applications" V.I. Shevchenko, (based on the work with Yu.A.Simonov), Int.School dedicated to the 100th anniversary of V.A.Fock, St.Peterburg, 1998. (2) "Does confinement imply stochasticity?", V.I.Shevchenko, Chaos and complexity, Ponte di Legno, Italy, 1998. (3) "Gluon degrees of freedom at nonzero baryonic density", V.Shevchenko, (partly based on the work with N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov), XXVIII Autumn School, Lisbon, Portugal,1999. (4) "Coordinate gauges and confinement", V. I. Shevchenko, Confinement III (poster session, unpublished), Newport News, USA, 1998. (5) "Nonperturbative QCD vacuum and Colour Superconductivity", V.Shevchenko, (based on the work with N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov), Buckow, Germany, 1999 (no proceedings). V.Shevchenko visited Department of Theoretical Physics of Pisa University, Italy (October 1 - 30, 1998) by invitation of Professor A.DiGiacomo. In January, 2000 V.Shevchenko has got Ph.D. degree from ITEP. Thesis advisor: Prof.Yu.A.Simonov. Title: "Nonperturbative effects in gauge field theory". N.V.SHEVCHENKO (Irkutsk State University and Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow region) in her studies of few-body systems obtained the following results: 1. Elastic $\eta d$ scattering was considered within the Alt-Grassberger-Sandhas formalism for various $\eta N$ input data. A three-body resonant state was found close to the $\eta d$ threshold [1]. This resonance is sustained for different choices of the two-body $\eta N$ scattering length $a_{\eta N}$. The position of the resonance moves towards the $\eta d$ threshold when ${\rm Re\,}a_{\eta N}$ is increased, and turns into a quasi-bound state at ${\rm Re\,}a_{\eta N}\sim0.7\div0.8$\,fm depending on the choice of ${\rm Im\,}a_{\eta N}$. 2. The nuclear reaction $e+{^3{\rm He}}+{^4{\rm He}}\rightarrow{}e +{^7{\rm Be}}$ was considered at thermonuclear energies [2]. The motion of the electron was treated within the adiabatic approximation and the ${^3{\rm He}}-{^4{\rm He}}$ scattering state was calculated using an effective ${^3{\rm He}}-{^4{\rm He}}$ potential constructed via the Marchenko inverse scattering method. The reaction rate thus obtained for solar interior conditions is approximately $10^{-4}$ of the corresponding rate for the radiative capture ${^3{\rm He}}+{^4{\rm He}}\rightarrow{}{^7{\rm Be}}+\gamma$. The main results have been presented in the paper containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] N.V.Shevchenko, V.B.Belyaev, S.A.Rakityansky, S.A.Sofianos, W.Sandhas, Low-energy $\eta d$ resonance, e-print LANL, nucl-th/9908035; submitted to Phys.Rev.Lett. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [2] N.V.Shevchenko, S.A.Rakityansky, S.A.Sofianos, V.B.Belyaev, Non-radiative synthesis of $^7{\rm Be}$ in solar plasma, J.Physics G25, pp.95-106, 1999. N.Shevchenko will participate in the IV Open Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (Dubna, Russia, January 31 - February 4, 2000) and will present a session talk there entitled "Near-threshold resonance in the $\eta d$ system". N.Shevchenko is invited by the Organizing Committee of the 16th International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics (Taipei, Taiwan, March 6-10, 2000) to take part in the conference and present the contribution entitled "Low energy scattering and photoproduction of $\eta$-mesons by deuterons" in a poster session. N.Shevchenko participates in international co-operation with the group of Prof. W.Sand\-has, Physikalisches Institut, Universitat Bonn, Germany and with the group of Prof. S.A.Sofi\-anos, Physics Department, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa. N.Shevchenko is a postgraduate student of the third year and she is planing to get the Ph.D. degree at the 2000th year. V.V.SHKLYAR ( Far Eastern State University, Vladivostok) in his studies of photon and vector meson production obtained the following results: 1. The different sources of the real photon and $\phi$-meson production in nucleon-nucleon collisions at intermediate energies have been studied and the effective model of the reactions has been suggested in [1-4]. The role and influence of each channel for the $NN\to NN\gamma$ reaction (bremsstrahlung, $\Delta$-excitation, radiative $\omega/\rho$-decay) has been shown and discussed in [1]. 2. Also, the available experimental data for the real photon production at 0.28 and 0.75 GeV beam energy were described well and the predictions for forthcoming data at COSY-TOF are obtained [1]. 3. Apart from the photon production reaction, the $NN\to NN\phi$ reaction near the threshold has been explored. It was shown, that the influence of the shake-off mechanism was negligible and the $\pi\rho\phi$ interaction coming from the non-ideal $\phi-\omega$ mixing angle gave the main contribution to the $\phi$-meson yield [3]. The predictions for the reaction amplitude behaviour and polarization observables near the reaction threshold was obtained. It has been also shown that the earlier exact threshold predictions for these reactions (e.c. M.Recalo et al) were not relevant at energies slightly above the threshold [2]. The value of the beam-target asymmetry $C^{BT}=-0.8$ was predicted and the ratio of the spin-singlet states to the spin-triplet ones was derived at the reaction threshold [3]. 4. The spin density matrix and the anisotropy of the $\phi$ decay were calculated. It was also shown that for the $\phi\to e^+e^-$-decay the small $\bar ss$ admixture could lead to the modification of the $\phi$ decay anisotropy that might be used in the experimental searching of the hidden strangeness in nucleon [4]. There are the publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [1] V.V.Shklyar, B.K\"ampfer, B.L.Reznik, A.I.Titov, Bremsstrahlung in intermediate-energy nucleon reaction within an effective one-boson exchange model, Nucl.Phys.A628, pp.255-274, 1998. [2] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, The reaction $NN \to NN \phi$ near threshold, preprint (nucl-th/9712025); preprint (nucl-th/9811094). The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [3] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, Polarization observables in the reaction $NN \to NN \phi$, to be published in Phys.Rev. C59, 1999. [4] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, Polarization observables in the reaction $NN\to NN\phi$ near threshold, XIV International Seminar On High Energy Physics Problems, Conf. Proceedings, preprint E1,2-98-232. V.Shklyar participated in the International Summer Student School on High Energy Physics in Memory of Bruno Pontekorvo ( JINR, Dubna, August 18 - September 1, 1998.) V.Shklyar also participated in the XIVth International Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems (JINR, Dubna, August 17-22, 1998) as a co-author. Talk on International Seminar DEUTERON-99, JINR, Dubna-99, Russia, 4-7 July. In October, 1999 V.Shklyar has got Ph.D. degree from the Far Eastern State University. Thesis advisor: Prof. A.I.Titov (JINR). Title: "Photon and $\phi$-meson production at intermediate energies" D.V.ALEXANDROV (Urals State University, Ekaterinburg) in his studies of solidification processes obtained the following results: 1. A theory of incipience of a two-phase zone is numerically and theoretically studied [1]. On the basis of a linear law for the velocity of solidification which was obtained numerically, governing equations for the velocity and for the time of incipience of the two-phase zone (the latter arises ahead of a planar front of solidification due to the concentrational supercooling) were deduced. 2. In [2] the fractal dimension of the two-phase zone is determined for the self-similar regime of solidification in the presence of the mushy region. 3. The general problem of incipience of the two-phase zone is solved on the basis of the classical Stefan thermodiffusion model (without suggestions about the velocity distribution). The time of incipience of the two-phase zone and the velocity of solidification are determined in the form of integral equations [3]. 4. A theory of solidification with a qusiequilibrium two-phase zone is detailed on the basis of analytical solution of Borisov's model [4]. The steps of thermodynamic values in the two-phase zone (at both boundaries) are found on the basis of which the zone is changed by the discontinuity surface between solid and liquid phases. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] D.V.Alexandrov, A.G.Churbanov, P.N.Vabishchevich, Emergence of a Mushy Region in Processes of Binary Melt Solidification, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research, V.26, No.2, pp.248-264, 1999. [2] D.V.Alexandrov, A.O.Ivanov, M.E.Komarovski, An Influence of a Fractal-Like Mushy Region on Solidification Process, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research, V.26, No.2, pp.224-231, 1999. [3] D.V.Alexandrov, Incipience of a Mushy Zone in Binary Melt Solidification Processes: General Theory, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research (to be published). [4] D.V.Alexandrov, To the Theory of Solidification with a Quasiequilibrium Two-Phase Zone, Doklady AN (submitted) [in Russian]. The following papers will be presented for publication soon with acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: 1. D.V.Alexandrov, Incipience of a Mushy Zone in Binary Melt Solidification Processes: Stefan Thermodiffusion Problem (Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research). 2. D.V.Alexandrov, Quasiequilibrium Mushy Region: Dynamic Instability (Acta Materialia). In March, 1998 D.Alexandrov has got Ph.D. degree from The Urals State Technical University. Thesis advisors: Prof. V.V.Mansurov, Dr. A.O.Ivanov. Title: "An Influence of a quasiequilibrium Mushy Region on Solidification of Binary Melts". A.A.ALIVERDIEV (Institute of Physics, Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala) in his studies of the use of a registered signal velocity for the time-resolved tomography, in particular for the laser tomography of condensed matter obtained the following results: 1. A summarizing of the reconstructive theory of a signal speed using has been developed [1-10]. 2. Analytical expressions for nD photoacoustic tomography and the problem of a complex absorption account have been derived. Some practical algorithms and software ware carried out. Number of 2D numerical simulations are hold. A principally important result was obtained that good photoacoustic reconstruction is possible with different conditions [1-4, 7, 8]. 3. A method of a stream collision has been proposed for the stochastic emission correlation tomography. Number of 2D numerical simulations with inspired results are hold [1]. 4. A method of Hartley transform has been considered for an image processing. Some practical algorithms and software ware carried out [5]. The main goals of the project was achieved. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, Use of velocity of a filed signal in a tomography. Features of an optoacoustic tomography, [in Russian], Makhachkala, DSU, 1998, 60p. [2] G.K.Makhtimagomedov, M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, R.M.Batyrov, G.M.Halilulayev, A.A.Amirova, M.M.Akhmedov, M.M.Ataev, About the modeling of spatial-temporal tomographic reconstruction of sphere of phase transitions; Proceedings of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter", Makhachkala, Russia, 1998, p.3-6. [3] A.A.Aliverdiev, Some aspects of the computing of the laser tomography of mixed state, Proceedings of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter", Makhachkala, Russia, 1998, p.3-5. [4] A.A.Aliverdiev, About the account of complex absorption in laser tomography, Proceedings of the International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan", dedicated to 275 Anniversary of Russian Academy of the Sciences and 50 Anniversary of Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of the Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, pp.33-34. [5] A.A.Aliverdiev, R.M.Batyrov, M.G.Karimov, G.M.Halilulayev, A.A.Amirova, Some questions of the use of Hertley transform in physical tomography, Proceedings of the International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan", dedicated to 275 Anniversary of Russian Academy of the Sciences and 50 Anniversary of Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of the Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, p.35. [6] M.G.Karimov. A.A.Aliverdiev, A.A.Amirova, Some questions of the tomographic reconstruction of plasma objects, Proceedings of the All-Russian Conference "Physical Electronics", Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, p.107. [7] A.A.Aliverdiev, M.G.Karimov, Back photoacoustic problem in the investigation of quasistationary spatial-heterogeneous flows, Proceedings of the V International Scientific and Technical Conference "Optical Methods of the Flows Investigations" (Moscow, Russia, 1999), p.161. [8] A.A.Aliverdiev, Some questions of the physical tomography with application of velocity spectrum of registered signal, Proceedings of the Conference "Resonance and non-linear phenomenon in Condensed Matter" (Ufa, Russia 1999). There are two publications, which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [9] A.A.Aliverdiev, M.G.Karimov, Solution of optic reconstructive problem considering registered signal velocity, Turkey J. of Physics, No.4, pp.311-314, 1998. [10] M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, About modeling of 2D optoacoustic researches of exited media, Radiophysics (Massager of Higher Educational Institutes of Russia), No.1, 1999. A.Aliverdiev was the executive (scientific) secretary of the local Program Committee of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter" (Makhachkala, Russia, 1998). Two reports of A.Aliverdiev ware represented in that Conference. A.Aliverdiev represents the reports in (1) the Winter College "Spectroscopy and Applications" (AS-ICTP, Trieste, Italy 1999), (2) the Baikal School of Fundamental Physics (Irkutsk, Russia, 1999, in absentia, by correspondence), (3) the V International Scientific and Technical Conference "Optical Methods of the Flows Investigations" (Moscow, Russia, 1999, in absentia, by co-author), (4) International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan" (Makhachkala, Russia, 1999), (5) the All-Russian Conference "Physical Electronics" (Makhachkala, Russia 1999), (6) the Regional Conference "Resonance and non-linear phenomenon in Condensed Matter" (Ufa, Russia 1999), (7) the Fourth Training Course in the Physics of Correlated Electron Systems and High-Tc Superconductors (Vietri sul Mare, Salerno, Italy, 1999). In July 1998 A. Aliverdiev has got Ph.D. degree from the Daghestan State University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. M.G.Karimov (DSU). Title: "Some solutions of a reconstructive problem in a plasma physics and nonlinear optics with the use of a finiteness of distribution of a registered signal velocity". O.L.BERMAN (Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Moscow Region) in his studies of phase transitions and superfluidity in the system of coupled quantum wells obtained the following results: 1. The theory of phase transitions of electron-hole and unbalanced electron systems in coupled quantum wells in high magnetic fields has been developed [1]. Analytical expressions for the temperatures of the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition to the superfluid state have been derived. A principally important result was obtained that the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature decreases at rise of magnetic field and interwell separation at fixed magnetoexciton density. But the maximal possible Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature increases at rise of magnetic field and interwell separation. 2. It was shown that the system of weakly interacting indirect excitons in the superlattice slab is unstable [2,3]. A method based on the sum of the ladder diagram for the calculation of vertex of quadrupole indirect biexcitons interaction has been proposed for the obtaining of the collective spectrum, superfluid density and the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature. 3. The effect of random field due to impurities, boundary irregularities on the superfluidity of a three-dimensional system of excitons and a quasi-two-dimensional of direct and spatially indirect excitons is investigated [4]. 4. The excitation spectra and superfluidity of the electron-hole system in coupled quantum wells have been analyzed [5,6]. It was shown that the gap in the excitation spectra decreases if the interwell separation and the density of electrons and holes increase. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, V.G.Tsvetus, Phase transitions of electron-hole and unbalanced electron systems in coupled quantum wells in high magnetic fields, Phys.Rev. B59, pp.5627-5636, 1999. [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, M.Willander, Superfluidity of indirect biexcitons in superlattices, JETP V.88, No.5, pp.980-986, 1999. [3] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, M.Willander, Superfluidity of indirect biexcitons in superlattices, Europhysics Letters V.48, No.3, pp.299-305, 1999. [4] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, The superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, JETP Lett. V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999. [5] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.A.Panfilov, The excitation spectra and superfluidity of the electron-hole system in coupled quantum wells, Physica Status Solidi (b), V.209, pp.287-294, 1998. [6] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman and A.A.Panfilov, The excitation spectra in coupled quantum wells, Solid State Phys. (russ. Fiz.Tverd.Tela), V.40, No.12, pp.2226-2228, 1998. O.Berman participated in the International Advanced School Leonardo da Vinci for a continuing education programme 1998 Summer Course "Superconducting materials: advances in technology and applications" (Italy, Bologna, 29 June - 10 July, 1998). Five reports on seminars at the Institute of Spectroscopy were made. One report in seminar at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Stoney Brook has been made. In 1999 O.Berman has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "The investigation of phase transitions and superfluidity in the system of the coupled quantum wells". D.A.DANILOV (Udmurt State University, Izhevsk) in his studies of rapid solidification obtained the following results: 1. A comparative analysis of a model for local nonequilibrium solidification with experimental measurements of "dendrite tip growth velocity -- initial melt undercooling" in rapidly solidifying alloys Cu - 30% at. Ni [1] and Ni - 1% at. Zr [2] has been performed. The predictions of the model are in qualitative and quantitative agreement with experimental data for both alloys. 2. A general solution [3] of the steady-state crystal growth shape under local nonequilibrium solidification has been found. This solution is found for the following growth shapes: elliptical paraboloid, paraboloid of revolution, cylindrical paraboloid, and parabolic platelet. 3. On the basics of a one-sided model of solute diffusion the dynamics of a motion of the rapid solidification front in a binary alloy is investigated [4,5]. A criterion connecting the dynamical stability of the front motion in a steady-state regime with a slope of the kinetic curve "front velocity - initial undercooling'' is formulated. An expression for the definition of nonstationary time during the transition to the steady-state regime is obtained. 4. A model for rapid solidification in undercooled pure metallic liquid is developed that includes local nonequilibrium heat transfer and kinetics of liquid-solid interface motion [6]. Taking into account the finiteness of the speed of heat transport, a general solution of the problem about local nonequilibrium heat transfer with the moving heat source at the planar solidification front is obtained. Asymptotic behavior of the velocity of the rapid planar front is investigated. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Model for free dendritic alloy growth under interfacial and bulk phase nonequilibrium conditions, J.Crystal Growth V.197, pp.992-1002, 1999. [2] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Dendritic growth model for rapid solidification of undercooled alloys, International Conference on Rapidly Quenched and Metastable Materials "RQ-10", Bangalore, India, August 1999, submitted for publication in the journal Material Science and Engineering. [3] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Steady-state crystal growth shape under local nonequilibrium mass transfer, Inzhenerno Fizicheski Zhurnal (Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics), submitted for publication [in Russian]. [4] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Selection of the dynamically stable regime of rapid solidification front motion in isothermal binary alloy, J.Crystal Growth, accepted for publication. [5] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko, A criterion for dynamical stability of rapid solidification front motion, University and Academic Scientific-Practical Conference, Udmurt State University. Thesis for the conference, Izhevsk, April 1999, p.60-61 [in Russian]. [6] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko, Hyperbolic heat transfer in rapid solidification of supercooled liquids, Proc. of the 4th Minsk International Heat and Mass Transfer Forum, A.V.Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute, Minsk, May 2000, accepted for publication. A.V.EMELYANENKO (Moscow State University) in his studies of strongly polar liquid crystals obtained the following results: 1. A statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition has been developed for a system of molecules possessing a strong dipole [1,4]. It was explicitly taken into account that a large amount of dimers appear in a molecular system, when a dipole is strong enough. The dependence of the nematic order parameters of monomers and dimers on the temperature and the temperature variation of the molar fraction of dimers have been obtained. These investigations were held for the systems of molecules with different values of the dipole moment. A principally important result was obtained that the nematic-isotropic transition temperature has no absolute growth with the increasing dipole moment, as it was predicted by the preceding theories, but achieves its maximum with subsequent decrease. This happens because molecules with the large dipole moments form dimers intensively, which destroy the nematic order. In the previous research, based on the mean field or second virial approximations, a very strong short-range correlations leading to the formation of dimers were disregarded. A theory derived in [1,4] takes into account the existence of dimers directly. It was shown, that for molecules with large dipoles the transition temperature decreases with the increasing dipole moment. This result was confirmed by the recent computer simulations. 2. Influence of the molecular shape on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals has been investigated [2]. A method based on the expansion of the intermolecular potential in a complete set of spherical invariants has been proposed to estimate the dispersion interaction between monomers and dimers. It has been established that molecules with small dipoles form dimers, which favour the nematic phase, whereas dimers composed of molecules with large dipoles favour the isotropic phase. It has also been found that molecules with an intermediate value of the dipole moment couple in dimers, which do not influence the nematic- isotropic transition temperature. This balance point depends on the molecular shape, and it may exist or not for different molecules. 3. A statistical theory of the cholesteric ordering [3] was derived. On the contrary to the preceding publications, it describes the helix inversion in binary mixtures. The biaxiality of molecules is explicitly taken into account. Under a certain conditions (driven by the mutual concentration of the components and temperature) the interaction between the short molecular axes, which was disregarded in the previous attempts, dominates over the interaction between the main axes. It leads to the helix inversion, which is usually observed in the experiment. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Polar liquid crystals. Statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [2] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Nematic-isotropic phase transition in polar liquid crystals. Role of the dispersion interaction, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [3] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, D.A.Dunmur, Molecular Theory of Chiral Nematic Liquid Crystals, Phys.Rev.E, paper accepted for publication. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Influence of dimerization on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals, Liquid Crystals, V.26, No.2, 1999. A.Emelyanenko participated in the 17-th International Liquid Crystal Conference (Strasbourg, France, July 19-24, 1998) and presented a poster "Molecular Theory of The Nematic-Isotropic Transition in Strongly Polar Liquid Crystals". Thesis of the poster was published. In 1999 A.Emelyanenko participated in the International Conference on Liquid Crystals, which took place in Krynica (Poland), with a report "Theory of the helix inversion in nematics doped with chiral molecules" (September 13-17, 1999) and in the International Conference "Nonlinear dynamics in polymer science and related fields", Desna, Moscow region, with a report "Helix inversion in binary liquid crystalline mixtures" (October 11-15, 1999). Both theses are included in the corresponding abstract books. The full-length reports are planned. A.V. Emelyanenko has also taken part in the Students Conference on chemistry and physics of the thin organic films, Puschino, Moscow region, with a report "Inversion of the spiral structure in binary LC mixtures" (June 14-15, 1999). Now A.Emelyanenko is developing a new theory of the liquid crystalline polymers, which also possess a helix inversion. I.M.EREMIN (Kazan State University) in his studies of the electronic structure and magnetic properties of high temperature superconductivity obtained the following results: 1. Self-consistent calculation of spin (charge) density wave order (SDW/CDW) parameters have been performed for bilayered cuprates on the basis of a singlet correlated band model [1]. Evolution of the Fermi surface in the strongly underdoped regime is described by using a two-band approach. The smooth development of the pseudogap formation temperature is explained from underdoped to overdoped states and the Fourier amplitudes $$ (spin) and $$ (charge) modulations have been calculated. We have found a maximum of the incommensurability for doping 0.09-0.11 holes per copper site. 2. The phase boundary of the paramagnetic phase of cuprates has been calculated with taking into account the strong electron correlations. The instability wave vector gets displaced from pure antiferromagnetic wave vector if doping increases. The calculated pictures of Lindhard response functions and complex momentum dependence of a CDW pseudogap are presented. Spin susceptibility expression for the singlet correlated band at $T_c The results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, I.Eremin, submitted to Appl.Magn.Res (cond-mat/9908297). [2] I.Eremin, M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, in a book "Stripes and Related Phenomena", edited by A.Bianconi and N.L.Saini, to be published by Kluwer Academics-Plenum Publisher. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before the grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant. [3] I.Eremin, Solid State Commun. 105, pp.293-296, 1998. I.Eremin participated in the Second International Conference on Stripes'98 (Rome, Italy, 2-6 June, 1998) and presented an oral contribution "Two reasons of instability in layered cuprates", Specialized Colloque Ampere EPR, NMR and NQR in Solid State Physics: Recent Trends (Pisa, Italy, June 14-18, 1999) and presented poster contribution "How large can be CDW/SDW amplitudes in layered cuprates", XVI International Seminar "New Magnetic Materials for Microelectronics" (Moscow, Russian Federation, June 23-26, 1998) and presented a poster "Dynamic spin susceptibility below $T_c$. Hubbard Model" (in Russian), XXVII International School for Theoretical Physicists "Kourovka" (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 2-7 March, 1998) and presented a talk "Influence of strong electron correlation on dynamical spin susceptibility in two-dimensional models" (in Russian) I.Eremin participated in the International Cooperation with the groups of Prof. D.Brinkmann and Prof. H.Keller, Institute of Physics, Zuerich University, Switzerland. In September 1999 I.Eremin has got a Ph.D. degree under the supervision of Prof. B.I.Kochelaev (Kazan State University). A.V.PANOV (Far-Eastern State University, Vladivostok) in his studies of magnetism obtained the following results: 1. The ground and metastable magnetic states of magnetite and iron particles with sizes closed to single-domain were analyzed within the scope of the developed model [1]. It was shown that depending on its size and elongation the grain can be in one of three states: with uniform magnetization, with a small and large non-uniformity of magnetic moment (quasi-single-domain and two-domain states). The critical sizes for uniform and quasi-single-domain states were calculated. Magnetization processes of such particles were simulated. The coercive force and critical fields as functions of size, elongation of the particles and external magnetic field direction were studied. The essential difference from similar studies is non-monotone dependence of coercive force on particle elongation for magnetite which is confirmed by experiments. 2. The previous model of two-phase particle was extended by entering of interfacial exchange coupling [2-4]. The magnetization process of an ensemble of Co-coated $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ used in magnetic recording media was studied. The set of magnetic states of such particles was analyzed for ensemble with thermal agitation. It was shown that relation between interfacial exchange coupling and magnetostatic inter-phase interaction affect dependence of the coercive force of the ensemble of $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ particles on coating volume. It was obtained that the growth in coating magnetocrystalline anisotropy leads to increase in coercivity of the ensemble. The main results have been presented in the papers submitted in March and April, 1998, before grantee has been informed of the awarding ICFPM grant: [1] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine magnetite particles, Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie [in Russian], 86, pp.65-73, 1998. [2] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Modeling of magnetization process of an ensemble of $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles with cobalt coating, "Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie" [in Russian] v.87, pp.17-22, 1999. [3] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states of Co-coated $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.241-242. [4] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, An influence of inter-phase interaction on coercive force of two-component particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.511-512. In June, 1999 A. V. Panov has got Ph. D. degree from the Far East State University (Vladivostok). Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Belokon'. Title: "Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine heterogeneous particle systems". A.M.POVOLOTSKY (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow Region) in his studies of the models of self-organized criticality obtained the following results: 1. We investigate the dynamics of Eulerian walkers as a model of self-organized criticality [1]. The evolution of the system is divided into characteristic periods which can be seen as avalanches. The structure of avalanches is described and the critical exponent in the distribution of first avalanches $\tau=2$ is determined. We also study a mean square displacement of Eulerian walkers and obtain a simple diffusion law in the critical state. The evolution of underlying medium from a random state to the critical one is described. 2.The general framework for the renormalization group analysis of self-organized critical sandpile models is formulated [2,3]. The usual real space renormalization scheme for lattice models when applied to nonequilibrium dynamical models must be supplemented by feedback relations coming from the stationarity conditions. On the basis of these ideas the Dynamically Driven Renormalization Group is applied to describe the boundary and bulk critical behavior of sandpile models. A detailed description of the branching nature of sandpile avalanches is given in terms of the generating functions of the underlying branching process. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] A.M.Povolotsky, V.B.Priezzhev, R.R.Shcherbakov, Phys.Rev.E 58, pp.5449-5454, 1998. [2] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, Phys.Rev.E 60, pp.1239-1251, 1999. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [3] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, preprint DIAS-STP-98-06, Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Ireland. A.Povolotsky was invited by J.Stefan Institute, Ljubljana Slovenia and presented the seminar there entitled "Eulerian walkers as a model of the self-organized criticality." S.E.SKIPETROV (Moscow State University) in his studies obtained the following main results: 1. A possibility for diagnostics of laser-induced particle flows in concentrated suspensions using methods of the optical correlation spectroscopy has been studied. The role of ponderomotive effects in experiments on dynamic multiple light scattering (DMLS) has been analyzed. 2. A diffusion model for the temporal autocorrelation function of multiple scattered light has been developed. The model has been shown to be valid for both the Brownian motion and laminar flow of scatterers. The case of spatially localized flow of scatterers in a turbid sample has been considered. We have demonstrated both theoretically and experimentally that one could use DMLS techniques to obtain useful information about hidden particle flows in turbid media. 3. Imaging through atmospheric turbulence has been studied. Statistical moments of the modulation transfer functions (MTFs) of a turbulent atmosphere have been calculated for various models of turbulence. Some of the main results have been presented in a paper containing acknowledgment to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially heterogeneous scatterer dynamics. Physics in Higher Education, V.5, No.1, pp.98-112, 1999 [in Russian]. [2] Karabutov A.A., Pelivanov I.M., Podymova N.B., Skipetrov S.E. Direct measurement of the spatial intensity distribution of light in a scattering medium, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., V.70, No.3, pp.187-191, 1999 [in Russian]; [English translation: J.Exp.Theor.Phys.Lett., V.70, No.3, pp.183-188, 1999]. [3] Skipetrov S.E., Effective dielectric function of a random medium, Phys.Rev.B 60, No.18, pp.12705-12709, 1999. [4] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Shcheglov V.A., Laser-induced particle flows in random media: is the diagnostics with multiple-scattered light possible? In: CD-ROM Proceedings of the International Conference on Optical Technology and Image Processing in Fluid, Thermal, and Combustion Flow (VSJ-SPIE'98) (Yokohama, Japan, December 7-9, 1998), paper AB090. [5] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Correlation spectroscopy for diagnostics of light-induced particle motion in concentrated suspensions. In: Fourth International Conference on Correlation Optics, O.V. Angelsky, Ed., Proc. SPIE, V.3904, pp.423-428, 1999. [6] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave imaging of flows in turbid media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99), (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). [7] Skipetrov S.E., Refractive index of random media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99) (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). S.Skipetrov participated in several scientific conferences: - XI School-Conference on Diffraction and Propagation of Waves (Moscow, Russia, January 12-15, 1998). An oral presentation entitled "Multiple scattering of light in random media with complex dynamic structure" has been made. - NATO Advanced Study Institute "Diffuse Waves in Complex Media" (Les Houches, France, March 17-28, 1998). A poster "Ponderomotive action of light in random media" has been presented. - XVI International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics - ICONO'98 (Moscow, Russia, June 29-July 3, 1998). Two posters has been presented: "Dynamic multiple scattering of laser radiation on light-induced flows of microparticles in suspension" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy of flows". - 17th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division, European Physical Society and 6emes Journees de la Matiere Condensee, Societe Francaise de Physique (Grenoble, France, August 25-29, 1998). A poster "Cross-correlations in dynamic multiple scattering of light" has been presented. - Fall School-Conference "Light-Scattering Techniques in Biomedicine, Industry and Material Science" (Saratov, Russia, October 6-9, 1998). An oral presentation: "Theory of diffusing-wave spectroscopy with angular and spatio-temporal cross-correlations" and two poster presentations: "Ponderomotive action of light in random multiple-scattering media" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in random media with absorption", have been made. - International Conference on Biomedical Optics and Spectroscopy. European Biomedical Optics Week - BiOS'98 (Stockholm, Sweden, September 6-9, 1998). Title of presentation: "Possibilities for study of light-induced flows of microparticles in concentrated suspensions using methods of optical correlation spectroscopy". - International Conference on LASERS'98 (Tucson, Arizona, USA, December 7-11, 1998). Title of presentation: "Hydrodynamic flows induced by copper-vapor laser: diagnostics using optical correlation spectroscopy". S.E.Skipetrov has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. S.S.Chesnokov. Title: "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially-heterogeneous scatterer flows". F.M.TSAHHAEV (Ryazan State Pedagogical University) in his studies of physics of low dimensional structures obtained the following results: 1. Galvanomagnetic effects have been measured in n-AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures with filling of two subbands. The values of the momentum relaxation times t and q have been determined experimentally. The t and q times have been also calculated in the conditions of intersubband scattering using the self-consistent electron wave function. The dominating relaxation mechanism was identified and the parameters of defects were evaluated by comparison of experimentally determined and calculated t and q values [1,5,6,9]. 2. The GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures with anomalously high mobility of 2D-electrons 0.6 m/V s (T=4.2 K) in respect to the well-known analogs have been synthesized. The anomalies and anisotropy of kinetic effects characteristics of the GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures have been observed in experiments. The electrons energy spectrum in GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures has been calculated on the basis of the experimental results. The comparison of calculated data and measurements results (C-V characteristics, temperature and axial/lateral magnetic field dependencies of conductivity, photoluminescence spectra) reveals anomalous properties of GaAs(0.30,?-Sn) structure along [110] direction in respect to the [110] one [4]. 3. In [7,8] the experimental results is analyzed in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures. 4. The hysteresis of current-temperature characteristics is revealed in GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with the three quantum wells [2]. 5. The magnetic field suppression of electron-electron interaction of 2D-electrons in the main and the first, disturbed subbands of dimension quantization in single heterojunction AlGaAs/GaAs have been revealed [3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] V.I.Kadushkin, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Relaxation mechanisms of 2D-electrons in selective doped n-AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs heterostructure with filling of two subbands,\\ Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., No.5/6, pp.55-74, 1999. [2] V.I.Tsebro, O.E.Omelyanovski, V.I.Kadushkin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, F.M.Tsahhaev,\\ S.N.Larin, Lateral photoconductivity low temperature hysteresis of GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with asymmetric system of quantum wells, Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). [3] V.I.Kadushkin, F.M.Tsahhaev, S.N.Larin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, Intersubband relaxation of 2D-electrons in AlGaAs(Si)/GaAs strong doped heterojunction, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., No.3/4, pp.135-166, 1998. [5] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, News Institutions of Higher Education. Physics, No.159, 1998 [in Russian]. Proceedings of the Conference: [6] The 24th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, August 2-7, 1998, Jerusalem, Israel; "Energy spectrum and relaxation mechanisms of electrons in lateral-surface superlattices GaAs(0.30,?-Sn)". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Yu.A.Kotova). [7] 10th International Symposium on Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors, August 31- September 2, 1998, Vilnius, Lithuania. "Photomodulation processes in GaAs/AlAs type-I quantum well structures". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [8] VII Luthuanian-Polish Seminar "Solid State Physics and Technology", Kaunas, 1998. "Photoexcitation effects in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures investigated by differential reflectivity spectroscopy". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [9] The 194th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, Boston, Massachusetts, November\\ 1-6, 1998. "Energy spectrum of electrons in GaAs(?-Sn) structure grown on vicinal plane". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). In March, 2000 F.M.Tsahhaev shall be got Ph.D. degree from the Ryazan State Pedagogical University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Kadushkin (RSPU). Title: "Localization and scattering of quasi-particles in low-dimensional heterostructures in quantized magnetic fields." D.A.RYNDYK (Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS, Nizhny Novgorod) in his studies of nonequilibrium effects in dynamics of Josephson structures and layered superconductors (nonequilibrium Josephson effect) obtained the following results: 1. Starting from microscopic equations for Green functions, quasiclassical kinetic equations are derived for the systems of tunnel junctions and for layered superconductors [1]. This kinetic equations can be generalized for the case of different types of junctions and for superconductors with arbitrary energy dependence of the density of states and anisotropic pairing. 2. Dynamics of one-dimensional array of nonequilibrium junctions is investigated, in particular, current-voltage characteristics and high frequency interaction between junctions. Peculiarities of the dynamics of intrinsic Josephson junctions in HTSC are considered [1,2] (this work is a continuation of previous investigation carried out in 1998: D.A.Ryndyk, Phys.Rev.Lett., 80, 3376, 1998). The calculated current-voltage characteristics demonstrate the nature of the effect of electron-hole imbalance on the dynamics of one-dimensional chains of junctions. 3. The effect of nonequilibrium amplification of Josephson oscillations is predicted [2]. 4. "Plasma" oscillations and Josephson flux flow in layered superconductors is considered with nonequilibrium effects taken into account. Beside, the work on the kinetic theory of plasma turbulence is continued, which was began previously in connection with the experimental investigation of low-hybrid turbulence, excited by ion beam (E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk et al., Nuclear Fusion, 38, 661, 1998). New results in the theory of turbulent broadening of cyclotron resonances are published in Ref.[3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] D.A.Ryndyk, Nonequilibrium Josephson effect in systems of tunnel junctions and in layered superconductors, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. V.116, p.1798, 1999 [JETP V.89, p.975, 1999]. [2] D.A.Ryndyk, High-frequency properties of nonequilibrium Josephson junctions in nanoscale and layered superconductors, Journal of radioelectronics (www journal) n.1 (2000), to be published in "Foreign radioelectronics". [3] E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk, Stochastic Broadening of High Order Ion Cyclotron Resonances due to Lower-Hybrid Turbulence, Strong microwaves in plasmas (proceedings of IV international workshop on strong micro-waves in plasmas, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 1999 ), ed. A.G.Litvak, V.2, Nizhny Novgorod, 2000. D.Ryndyk in 1999 participated in: 1. School-seminar "Physics and applications of microwaves" (24-30 of May in Krasnovidovo, Moscow region) with invited lecture "Physical basis of Josephson high frequency electronics". D.Ryndyk take part in several russian and international research projects, in particular: 1. Grants of Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) N. 97-02-16928 and 99-02-16188 . 2. State research program "Physics of microwaves". Grant 4.7. "Theoretical and experimental investigation of microwave interaction with superconducting structures". 3. Joint program of Institute of Applied Physics RAS and W7-AS stellarator group (Garching, Germany) on Collective Thomson scattering for plasma diagnostic. A.M.RUVINSKY (Institute of Spectroscopy of RAS, Troitsk) in his studies of collective properties of excitons has considered an influence of random fields on the conditions of exciton condensation and superfluidity in bulk and low-dimensional systems [1]. It was shown that in semiconductor alloys the density of excitons in Bose condensate decreases due to the exciton scattering on random fields of impurities or fluctuations of the composite. The density of the superfluidity fraction in the system of 3D and quasi-2D excitons also decreases taking into account this scattering. The scattering on the random field of the quantum well widths' fluctuations was analyzed for direct and indirect excitons. Analytical expressions for the exciton superfluidity densities in "dirty" single quantum wells, coupled quantum wells and bulk semiconductors have been derived. The influence of random fields on Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature for exciton systems in low-dimensional structures was analyzed. These results have been presented in the papers [1,2] containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1].Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, Superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. V.69, No.8, pp.573-578, 1999 [in Russian], (Letter in JETP, V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999). [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, A.M.Ruvinsky, Bogolubov approximation for rare exciton system in random media, Fiz.Tverd.Tela (Physics of the Solid State), in print, 2000 [in Russian]. In June, 1998 A.Ruvinsky has got Ph.D. degree from State Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "Magnetoexcitons in inhomogeneous and low-dimensional structures". A.ZEMLYANOV (Moscow State University) obtained the following results: A new approach to the description of anomalous transport phenomena that take place in fractal media was developed. Namely, anomalous diffusion on a comb structure consisting of a one- dimensional backbone and lateral branches (teeth) of random length is considered. A definite classification of the trajectories of random walks reduces the original problem to an analysis of classical diffusion on the backbone, where, however, the time of this process is a random quantity. Its distribution is assigned by the properties of the random walks of the diffusing particles on the teeth. The possibility of applying mean-field theory in such a model is demonstrated, and the equation for the Green's function with a partial derivative of fractional order is obtained. The characteristic features of the propagation of particles on a comb structure are analyzed. A model of an effective homogeneous medium, in which diffusion is described by an equation with a fractional derivative with respect to time and an initial condition in the form of an integral of fractional order, is obtained. These results are published in [1] and were presented at the Moscow Seminar on Synergetics at the Physics Faculty, Moscow State University. [1] I.A.Lubashevsky, A.A.Zemlyanov, Continuum description of anomalous diffusion on a comb structure, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., V.114, pp.1284-1312, 1998 [in Russian]. A.Zemlyanov has received invitation for participating in a research program at the University of Texas at Austin during the next three years.
I.L.OVCHINNIKOV (Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University) in his studies of turbulent dynamics of the plasma sheet of the Earth's magnetosphere obtained the following results: 1. Researches of the magnetotail plasma sheet dynamics in the assumption of important role of the turbulent diffusion have been continued. The quasi-three-dimension model of the plasma sheet was developed and the structure of the magnetotail plasma sheet has been investigated for different interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) orientation. The influence of IMF z- and y-component to the plasma sheet structure has been investigated using the Tsyganenko T87W and T96 and Boyle-Reiff-Hairston-97 models. The possible mechanism of the theta-aurora formation has been proposed and numerical models were developed. 2. The dynamics of electrons in the magnetotail plasma sheet was analyzed. It was shown that in the uniform magnetic field and the periodical electric field the it can become chaotic, which may lead to non-magnetized character of electron dynamics. 3. The analysis of CORALL spectrometer data (INTERBALL project tail probe) for obtaining the turbulent diffusion coefficient was done together with Dr. Yu.I.Yermolaev (Space Research Institute of RAS). The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM-INTAS: [1] E.E.Antonova, I.L.Ovchinnikov, The quasi-3-dimension model of the equilibrium turbulent plasma sheet in the Earth's magnetotail and its substorm dynamics, Geomagnetism and aeronomy, V.38, No.5, pp.14-21, 1998 [in Russian]. [2] E.E.Antonova, E.V.Vikhreva, I.L.Ovchinnikov, M.V.Stepanova, M.V.Teltsov, The chaotical character of the particle dynamics in the plasma sheet: the observational data and the theoretical analysis, Geomagnetism and aeronomy, V.38 No.6, pp.27-39, 1998 [in Russian]. [3] E.E.Antonova, I.L.Ovchinnikov, Magnetostatically equilibrated plasma sheet with developed medium scale turbulence: Structure and implications for substorm dynamics, J.Geophys.Res., V.104, No.A8, pp.17289-17298, 1999. [4] E.E.Antonova, I.L.Ovchinnikov, Quasi three dimensional modeling of plasma sheet with medium scale developed turbulence, Adv.Space Res., V.24, No.1, pp.121-124, 1999. [5] E.E.Antonova, I.L.Ovchinnikov, E.V.Vikhreva, M.V.Teltsov, M.V.Stepanova, Plasma sheet electron temperature distribution and particle dynamics. Adv.Space Res., V.23, No.10, pp.1757-1760, 1999. [6] E.E.Antonova, I.L.Ovchinnikov, E.V.Vikhreva, M.V.Stepanova, Chaotization of particle motion in regular inhomogeneous electric fields. Adv.Space Res., V.23, No.10, pp.1731-1734, 1999. [7] E.E.Antonova, I.L.Ovchinnikov, Medium scale magnetospheric turbulence and quasi-three-dimensional plasma sheet modeling, Phys.Chem.Earth, V.25, No.1-2, pp.35-38, 2000. I.Ovchinnikov participated in the following conferences: - International Symposium "Space plasma studies by in-situ and remote measurements" (Moscow, 1-5 June 1998); - The 32-nd Scientific Assembly of COSPAR (Nagoya, Japan, 12-19 July 1998) and presented three posters entitled: (i) "Quasi three dimensional modeling of plasma sheet with medium scale developed turbulence" (E.E.Antonova, I.L.Ovchinnikov), (ii) "Plasma sheet electron temperature distribution and its possible reason" (E.E.Antonova, I.L.Ovchinnikov, M.V.Stepanova, E.A.Vikhreva, M.V.Teltsov), (iii) "Chaotization of particle motion in the regular inhomogeneous electric fields" (E.E.Antonova, I.L.Ovchinnikov, M.V.Stepanova,\\ E.A.Vikhreva). - Dynamics of the magnetosphere and its coupling to the ionosphere on multiple scales from INTERBALL, ISTP satellites and ground-based observations (Zvenigorod, Russia, 8-13 February 1999). I.Ovchinnikov has prepared the PhD thesis "The current sheet with medium-scale turbulence and the dynamics of the plasma sheet of the Earth's magnetotail" (scientific advisor Dr. E.E.Antonova) D.L.PASMANIK (Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod) obtained following results: 1. Further analysis of energetic electron precipitation at the evening sector of magnetosphere is performed. In the framework of previously developed model of cyclotron wave-particle interactions, the case of finite spread over energies of initial energetic electron distribution is studied. The solution for distribution function of energetic electron is found. The energetic spectrum of trapped and precipitating electrons and whistler wave spectrum are analyzed [1]. 2. As a further development of this model the eigenmodes of the waveguide with non-uniform background plasma density distribution is analyzed. In the case of system with cylindrical symmetry the spatial structure of eigenmodes is found. The generalization of self- consistent quasilinear theory of cyclotron whistler-electron interaction with this structure taken into account is made. Analysis of the efficiency and the threshold of different eigenmodes excitation is made and the preliminary analysis of the self-consistent problem is made. Two papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM are currently prepared an will be submitted at the beginning of 2000. There are publications, which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [1] D.L.Pasmanik, V.Y.Trakhtengerts, Spectral characteristics of waves and particles in the model of cyclotron wave-particle interactions near plasmapause, Annales Geophysicae, V.17, No.3, pp.351-357, 1999. [2] D.L.Pasmanik, V.Y.Trakhtengerts, A.G.Demekhov, The self-consistent theory of quasistationary energetic electron and proton precipitation near plasmapause, In proceedings of International Conference on Problems of GeoCosmos, June 29 -July 3, 1998, St.Petersburg, Russia (in press). In 1998-99 D.L.Pasmanik participated in the following conferences: - 21 Annual Seminar "Physics of Auroral Phenomena" 24 - 27 March, 1998, Apatity, Russia, poster "Spectral characteristics of wave and particles in the model of cyclotron wave-particle interaction near plasmapause", D.L.Pasmanik, V.Y.Trakhtengerts, - International Conference on Problems of GeoCosmos, June 29 - July 3, 1998, St.Peters\-burg, Russia, poster "The self-consistent theory of quasistationary energetic electron and proton precipitation near plasmapause", D.L.Pasmanik, V.Y.Trakhtengerts, A.G.Demekhov, - 3rd International Workshop on "The Sollar Wind-Magnetosphere System", 23 - 25 September, 1998, Graz, Austria, poster "The self- consistent theory of cyclotron wave-particle interaction near plasmapause", D.Pasmanik, - 3rd Session of young scientists of Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, April 1998, oral "Spectral characteristics of wave and particles in the model of cyclotron wave-particle interaction near plasmapause", - 22 Annual Seminar "Physics of Auroral Phenomena", March, 1999, Apatity, Russia, oral "Cyclotron interactions in the whistler waveguide", D.L.Pasmanik, V.Y.Trakhtengerts, - XXVIth General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science, Toronto, Canada, 13 - 21 August 1999, poster "Features of localized energetic particle precipitation", D.L.Pasmanik, V.Y.Trakhtengerts, A.G.Demekhov, - 4th Session of young scientists of Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, April 99, oral "Cyclotron interactions in the whistler waveguide". M.G.STEPANOV (Institute of Automation and Electrometry, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk) in his studies of nonlinear spectroscopy of plasma and hydrodynamic turbulence obtained the following results: 1. The universal shape of the narrow peak in the Doppler broadened absorption spectrum resulting from a turning point was obtained [3]. 2. The Autler-Townes doublet in the probe wave absorption spectrum was analyzed. It was shown that its components undergo power broadening when the intensity of probing wave increases [1]. 3. The whole probability distribution function of passive scalar in large scale d-dimensional smooth velocity field with Gaussian statistics was obtained [2]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] M.G.Stepanov, Autler-Townes doublet probed by strong field, J.Phys.B: At.Mol.Opt.Phys. V.32, No.3, pp.649-661, 1999. [2] I.V.Kolokolov, V.V.Lebedev, M.G.Stepanov, Passive scalar in a large-scale velocity field, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Phys. V.115, No.3, pp.920-939, 1999, [JETP V.88, No.3, pp.506-516, 1999]. There is a publication, which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [3] D.A.Shapiro, M.G.Stepanov. Diffusion-broadened line shape near a turning point, Pis'ma v Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. V.68, No.1, pp.27-33, 1998 [JETP Letters V.68, No.1, 1998]. Also M.G.Stepanov participated the conference: D.A.Shapiro, M.G.Stepanov, Ionic spectra under strong laser field in plasma - 14th International Conference on Spectral Line Shapes (June 22-26, 1998, College Park, PA, USA), In: Spectral Line Shapes, V.10, p.321-324, 1999, it should contain the reference to the ICFPM and INTAS. Three articles are in the process of preparation for publication. One of them contains the direct numerical solving of the equations for optimal velocity configuration in Burgers equation realizing large velocity gradients (saddle-point configuration or instanton) with some analytic estimations (with A.I.Chernykh, for chao-dyn and Phys.Rev.E). Another one is devoted to the generation spectrum of anti-Stokes ion laser, where the narrow spectral structure was observed and explained (with S.A.Babin, S.I.Kablukov, S.V.Khorev, E.V.Podivilov, V.V.Potapov and D.A.Shapiro, for Phys.Rev.A). The last one discusses the Doppler-free spectral structures coming from extremal points of resonance frequencies as functions of particle velocity in four-level systems (with Yu.Belousov, E.V.Podivilov, D.A.Shapiro, for Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz.). All them will contain the reference to the ICFPM and INTAS. In April, 1999 M.G.Stepanov has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis advisors: D.A.Shapiro, E.V.Podivilov. Title: "Strong field effects in nonlinear plasma spectroscopy". During April, 1998 M.Stepanov participated in international co-operation with the group of Prof. G.E.Falkovich, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel. In his studies of qualitative algorithms of changing, in a prescribed way, the spectral data of multichannel quantum systems V.M.CHABANOV (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow Region) has obtained the following results: Phenomena of co-existence of states with different, seemingly "incompatible", properties at the same energy for the same interaction have been revealed and relevant exact multichannel models have been given: the presence of both bound states and scattering solutions simultaneously [1], the combination of a strong reflection with an absolute transparency as well as that of scattering states with different resonance widths ([1] in the list of submitted papers). The class of absolutely transparent interaction matrices without bound states which have no analogues in the one-channel case has been found [1]. Peculiarities of the multichannel periodic structures and multichannel resonance tunneling have been described ([1] in the list of submitted papers). The analysis of the potential matrix transformations when the energy levels of neighbor bound states with linearly dependent/independent spectral weight vectors come close together up to degeneracy has been performed [2]. The effect of the concentration of quantum waves in a chosen partial channel accompanied with their spatial localization in the place under control has been shown [2] (and, in more detail, [1] in the list of submitted papers). Exact solutions for classical few-body systems derived from the multichannel quantum inverse problem have been found [2] (and, in more detail, [2] in the list of submitted papers). A family of exactly solvable models for quasi-bound quadratically integrable states have been obtained [3] (addition of an imaginary value to a bound state energy). A control of both resonance widths and positions of poles related to resonances in the complex E-plane has been demonstrated [3]. Explicit analytical expressions for the creation of points of the spectrum with homogeneous boundary conditions, corresponding to non-normalizable states, have been derived [4]. These results have been presented in the following papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS - ICFPM: [1] V.M.Chabanov, B.N.Zakhariev, Coexistence of confinement and propagating waves: a quantum paradox, Phys.Lett.A 255, pp.123-128, 1999. [2] B.N.Zakhariev, V.M.Chabanov, The qualitative theory of elementary transformations of one- and multichannel quantum systems in the inverse problem approach. The construction of transformations with given spectral parameters, Part.Nucl. 30, No.2, pp.277-320 [JINR, in Russian], pp.111-130 (AIP, translated into English), 1999. [3] B.N.Zakhariev, V.M.Chabanov, The elements of quantum design, Vest.Sec.Fiz.RAEN, V.5, pp.58-77, 1999 [in Russian]. [4] V.M.Chabanov, B.N.Zakhariev, V.V.Torchinov, Commun. JINR P4-98-176. [5] V.M.Chabanov, B.N.Zakhariev, Towards the quantum design of multichannel systems (the inverse problem approach), submitted to Ann. of Phys. (N.Y.). [6] V.M.Chabanov, B.N.Zakhariev, Exact solutions for classical few-body systems from the multichannel quantum inverse problem, submitted to Few-Body Systems. The above results were included into common with Prof. B.N.Zakhariev contributions to the following conferences in 1998-1999: 1. American School "New Trends in Quantum Mechanics", Mexico (July 27 - August 15, 1998). 2. Conference on "Charged trapped particles", Monteray, California, USA (August 28 - September 5, 1998). 3. Conference on Math.Phys., Torun, Poland (May 26 - 30, 1998). 4. Workshop "Low dimensional Systems", JINR, Dubna (June 3 - 11, 1998). 5. Conference ``Nuclear Spectroscopy and Reactions", Moscow (June 16 - 19, 1998) 6. International Conference on Supersymmetry, JINR, Dubna (July 26--31, 1999) 7. Report at the Session of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (February 2, 1999) On May 13, 1998 V.M.Chabanov has got Ph.D. degree from the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. Thesis Advisor: Prof. B.N.Zakhariev (JINR). Title: "A qualitative theory of transformations of quantum systems in approach of the inverse problem". M.N.CHERNODUB (Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow) in his studies of Elementary Particle Physics obtained the following results: 1. In [1] a new abelian gauge (Spatial Maximal Abelian gauge) for SU(2) lattice gluodynamics has been proposed. In this gauge the abelian monopoles were shown to be condensed in the confinement phase and they form a dilute gas in the deconfinement phase [1]. The abelian monopoles in the Maximal Abelian gauge of SU(2) gluodynamics carry both electric and magnetic density of the SU(2) action [2]. The effective action for these monopoles was derived and various representations of SU(2) gluodynamics were studied in [3]. 2. In the Maximal Abelian Gauge of SU(2) gluodynamics the abelian monopoles were shown to behave like abelian dyons since the monopoles acquire a small abelian electric charge [4]. Since the dyons are condensed in the deconfinement phase the Aharonov--Bohm effect appear: QCD strings interact with quarks in non-trivial way [5]. The properties of the abelian monopoles has been reviewed [6-7]. The Aharonov--Bohm effect has been further investigated in the Abelian Higgs model [8]. 3. The embedded topological defects were introduced on the lattice and the relation of these defects to the electroweak sphaleron configurations was studied [9]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM: [1] M.N.Chernodub, M.I.Polikarpov, A.I.Veselov, Effective monopole potential for SU(2) lattice gluodynamics in spatial maximal Abelian gauge, hep-lat/9812012; JETP Lett. 69, pp.174-179, 1999. [2] B.L.G.Bakker, M.N.Chernodub, M.I.Polikarpov, A.I.Veselov, Abelian monopoles and action density in SU(2) gluodynamics on the lattice, hep-lat/9811001, Phys.Lett.B 449, pp.267-273, 1999. [3] M.N.Chernodub, S.Kato, N.Nakamura, M.I.Polikarpov, T.Suzuki, Various representations of infrared effective lattice SU(2) gluodynamics, preprint KANAZAWA 98-19; ITEP-TH-61/98. [4] M.N.Chernodub, F.V.Gubarev, M.I.Polikarpov, Abelian dyons in the maximal Abelian projection of SU(2) gluodynamics, hep-lat/9801010; JETP Lett. 69, pp.169-173, 1999. There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [5] E.T.Akhmedov, M.N.Chernodub, M.I.Polikarpov, Dyon condensation and Aharonov-Bohm effect, JETP Lett. 67, 389 (1998). [6] B.L.G.Bakker, M.N.Chernodub, F.V.Gubarev, M.I.Polikarpov, A.I.Veselov, Properties of Abelian monopoles in SU(2) lattice gluodynamics, hep-lat/9801011. [7] M.N.Chernodub, F.V.Gubarev, M.I.Polikarpov, A.I.Veselov, Monopoles in the Abelian projection of gluodynamics, Prog.Theor.Phys.Suppl. 131, 309 (1998). [8] M.N.Chernodub, M.I.Polikarpov, A.I.Veselov, M.A.Zubkov, Strings and Aharonov-Bohm effect in Abelian Higgs model, Phys.Lett. B432, 182 (1998). [9] M.N.Chernodub, F.V.Gubarev, E.M.Ilgenfritz, Topological content of the electroweak sphaleron on the lattice, Phys.Lett. B424, 106 (1998). M.Chernodub participated in the "NORDITA Symposium on Instantons and Monopoles in QCD Vacuum", (June 22-27, 1998, Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics, Copenhagen, Denmark) and presented a talk there entitled "Embedded Topological Defects in Electroweak Theory". M.Chernodub participated in the 16th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (LATTICE'98) (July 13-18, 1998, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USA) and presented a talk there entitled "Embedded Topological Defects and Sphaleron in Electroweak Theory". M.Chernodub was invited by the Max-Planck-Institute f\"ur Physics, Werner Heisenberg Institute to take part in international scientific co-operation with the group of Prof. V.I.Zakharov (Munich, Germany, September 1-29, 1998; October 20 - November 20, 1998). M.Chernodub participated in international co-operation with the groups of (i) Prof. V.I.Zakharov, Max-Planck-Institute f\"ur Physics, Werner Heisenberg Institute, M\"unich, Germany; (ii) Prof. T.Suzuki, Department of Physics, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Japan; (iii) Dr. B.L.G.Bakker, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. S.L.DUBOVSKY (Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) in his studies of dynamics and phenomenology of supersymmetric models and of mechanisms of production of ultra-high energy cosmic rays obtained the following results: 1. It was shown [1] that "top-down" mechanisms of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays which involve heavy relic particle-like objects predict Galactic anisotropy of highest energy cosmic rays at the level of minimum $\sim 20\%$. This anisotropy is large enough to be either observed or ruled out in the next generation of experiments. 2. Phenomenological consequences of the direct mixing between Standard Model fields and fields-mediators of supersymmetry breaking (messengers) were discovered. Limits on the corresponding coupling constants coming from flavor violating processes both in the lepton [2] and quark [3] sector were obtained. Radiative electroweak breaking in models with mixing was studied. It was found that in these models, unlike gauge mediated models without mixing, wide range of $\tan{\beta}$ is allowed. 3. In [4] it was constructed a toy model with the following properties: i) it is strongly coupled at a certain scale and breaks supersymmetry at this scale; ii) matter superfields of (one generation of) the Standard Model are effective low energy degrees of freedom of this strongly coupled theory; iii) direct gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking occurs due to messenger superfields that are also effective low energy degrees of freedom. 4. It was prepared a review [5] on phenomenological and theoretical aspects of models with gauge mediation. 5. In [6] it was shown that global fermionic charges induced in vacuum by slowly varying, topologically non-trivial background scalar fields are not renormalized provided that expansion in momenta of background fields is valid. This suggests that strongly coupled theories obey induced charge matching conditions which are analogous, but generally not equivalent, to 't Hooft anomaly matching conditions. A set of examples of induced charge matching was considered. In particular, the corresponding constraints in softly broken supersymmetric QCD suggest non-trivial low energy mass pattern, in full accord with the results of direct analyses. 6. Matching conditions suggested in [6] were considered in the case of supersymmetric QCD with quantum modified moduli space [7]. It was found that the Wess--Zumino term should be present in the low energy theory in order that these consistency conditions are satisfied. The lowest homotopy groups of the quantum moduli space were calculated. As a result it was shown that there are no obstructions to the existence of the Wess--Zumino term at arbitrary N. The explicit expression for this term is given. It is shown that neither vortices nor topological solitons exist in the model. The case of softly broken supersymmetry is considered as well. It was found that the possibility of global flavor symmetric vacuum is strongly disfavored. 7. It was shown [8] that the dip expected in the diffuse photon spectrum above the threshold of e+e- pair production, i.e., at energies $10^{15}$ - $10^{17}$ eV, may be absent due to the synchrotron radiation by the electron component of the extragalactic Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHE CR) in the Galactic magnetic filed. The proposed mechanism propose requires small (less than $2x10^{-12}$ G) extragalactic magnetic fields and large fraction of photons in the UHE CR. For a typical photon flux expected in top-down scenarios of UHE CR, the predicted flux in the region of the dip is close to the existing experimental limit. The sensitivity of the mechanism to the extragalactic magnetic field may be used to improve existing bounds on the latter by two orders of magnitude. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [2] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Flavor violation and $\tan{\beta}$ in gauge mediated models with messenger-matter mixing, Nucl.Phys.B 557, pp.119-145, 1999. [5] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky, Gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking, Phys.Usp. 42, pp.623-651, 1999; Usp.Fiz.Nauk 169, pp.705-736, 1999 [in Russian]. [6] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, M.V.Libanov, V.A.Rubakov, Nonrenormalization of induced charges and constraints on strongly coupled theories, Phys.Rept. 320, pp.147-158, 1999. [7] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Induced charge matching and Wess-Zumino term on quantum modified moduli space, (to appear in Phys.Rev.D). [8] S.L.Dubovsky, P.G.Tinyakov, Generation of $10^{15}$ eV - $10^{17}$ eV photons by UHE CR in the Galactic magnetic field, JETP Lett. 70, pp.495-501, 1999. There are some publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [1] S.L.Dubovsky, P.G.Tinyakov, Galactic Anisotropy as Signature of "Top-Down" Mechanisms of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays, JETP Lett. 68, pp.107-111, 1998. [3] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Messenger-matter mixing and lepton flavor violation, Phys.Lett. B419, pp.223-232, 1998. [4] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky, Towards common origin of supersymmetry breaking, compositeness, and gauge mediation, Phys.Lett. B423, pp.301-304, 1998. S.Dubovsky participated in the 10-th International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, Suzdal, May 18-24, 1998) and presented a talk entitled "Galactic anisotropy of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays produced by CDM-related mechanisms" (S.Dubovsky, P.Tinyakov). S.Dubovsky was also co-author of talks "Low $\tan{\beta}$ in the extended Minimal Gauge Mediated Model" (S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov) and "Grand unification with gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking" (S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky) presented there. S.Dubovsky was invited by the International Center of Theoretical Physics to take part in the Summer School on High-Energy Physics and Cosmology (Italy, Trieste, June 28 - July 18, 1998). S.Dubovsky participated in the 2nd International Conference on Non-Accelerator New Physics (NANP-99, Russia, Dubna, June 28 - July 3) and presented a talk entitled "Synchrotron radiation in the Galactic magnetic field as a signature of top-down mechanisms of UHE CR". S.Dubovsky participated in the School on Selected Topics of Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Statistics (October 16-23, 1999, Tbilisi, Georgia) and Workshop on Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics Dedicated to the 90th anniversary of N.N.Bogolyubov (October 23-28, 1999, Tbilisi, Georgia) and presented a talk entitled "Nonrenormalization of the induced charge and Wess-Zumino term on quantum modified moduli space". V.A.GANI (Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute (Technical University)), obtained the following main results within the research program of ICFPM during 1998-1999: 1. The space-time structure of the process of decay of a bubble of hypothetic phase - disoriented chiral condensate (DCC) is studied [1]. It is shown that the process of decay of the initial configuration depends crucially on selfinteraction of the pionic fields. In some cases this selfinteraction leads to the formation of sort of breather solution, formed from the pionic fields. This breather looks like a long-lived source of pionic fields. 2. Recurrence relations of perturbation theory for hydrogen ground state are obtained [2]. With their help polarizabilities in constant perpendicular electric and magnetic fields are computed up to 80th order. The high orders asymptotic is compared with its quasiclassical estimate. 3. The kink-antikink collision process for the "double sine-Gordon" (DSG) equation in 1+1 dimensions at different values of the potential parameter R>0 is studied [3]. For small values of R the problem of resonance frequencies is discussed. Qualitative explanation of the frequency shift in comparison with the frequency of the discrete level in the potential well of isolated kink is given. 4. The process of collision of two parallel domain walls in a supersymmetric model is studied both in effective Lagrangian approximation and by numerical solving of the exact classical field problem [4]. For small initial velocities we find that the walls interaction looks like elastic reflection with some delay. It is also shown that in such approximation internal parameter of the wall may be considered as a time-dependent dynamical variable. 5. The time evolution of configurations in the form of two parallel domain walls moving towards each other in a supersymmetric field model is studied [5]. The configurations involved are not BPS-saturated. It is found that for such collisions there exists some critical value $v_{cr}\approx0.9120$ of the initial velocity $v_i$ of the walls. At $v_iv_{cr}$ the sequence of vacuum states changes. The results of the numerical simulations are in agreement with "potential" consideration. 6. Detailed study of the time evolution for the initially formed large amplitude bubbles of disoriented chiral condensate (DCC) is performed [6]. It is found that the evolution of these objects may have a relatively long pre-decay stage. Simple explanation for delayed decay of such DCC bubbles is given. It is related to the existence of quasi-multikink solutions of the corresponding radial sine-Gordon equation in (3+1) dimensions. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, T.I.Belova, Yad.Fiz., 62, No.5, pp.956-960 (1999) [in Russian]. [2] V.A.Gani, V.M.Weinberg, Hydrogen atom in crossed external fields reexamined by moment method, preprint ITEP-29 (1998);; prepared for submission to Yad.Fiz. [in Russian]. [3] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, Phys.Rev.E, 60 No.3, pp.3305-3309, 1999. [4] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, A remark on collisions of domain walls in a supersymmetric model, preprint ITEP-15 (1999); [5] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, preprint ITEP-44 (1999);; prepared for submission to Phys.Rev.D. [6] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, prepared for publication as a preprint ITEP and for submission to Yad.Fiz. [in Russian]. In 1999 V.A.Gani was invited by Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute (Technical University) to take part in the International Conference "Scientific Session MEPhI-1999", January 18-22, 1999. The following talks were presented: 1) V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, T.I.Belova, "Decay of a bubble of disoriented chiral condensate"; 2) V.A.Gani, V.M.Weinberg, "High order susceptibilities of the hydrogen atom in external electric and magnetic fields"; 3) V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, "Kink-antikink interactions in the double sine-Gordon equation and the problem of resonance frequencies". In 2000 V.A.Gani was invited by Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute (Technical University) to take part in the International Conference "Scientific Session MEPhI-2000", January 17-21, 2000. The following talk was presented: V.M.Weinberg, V.A.Gani, V.D.Mur, V.S.Popov, "Energy eigenvalues of the hydrogen ground state in crossed external fields". V.A.Gani participates as a coinvestigator in Grants No 98-02-17316 (the head of the group is Prof. A.E.Kudryavtsev), No 98-02-17007 (the head of the group is Prof. V.S.Popov), No 96-15-96578 (the head of the group is Prof. L.B.Okun) of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. V.A.Gani is included as a coinvestigator in two international research projects, which now is under consideration by Foundations. D.S.GORBUNOV (Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) in his studies of supersymmetric models obtained the following results: 1. Phenomenological consequences of the direct mixing between Standard Model fields and fields-mediators of supersymmetry breaking (messengers) were discovered. Limits on the corresponding coupling constants coming from flavor violating processes both in the lepton [1] and quark [2] sector were obtained. Radiative electroweak breaking in models with mixing was studied. It was found that in these models, unlike gauge mediated models without mixing, wide range of $\tan{\beta}$ is allowed. 2. In [3] it was constructed a toy model with the following properties: i) it is strongly coupled at a certain scale and breaks supersymmetry at this scale; ii) matter superfields of (one generation of) the Standard Model are effective low energy degrees of freedom of this strongly coupled theory; iii) direct gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking occurs due to messenger superfields that are also effective low energy degrees of freedom. 3. It was prepared a review [4] on phenomenological and theoretical aspects of models with gauge mediation. 4. It is shown in Ref. [5] that global fermionic charges induced in vacuum by slowly varying, topologically non-trivial background scalar fields are not renormalized provided that expansion in momenta of background fields is valid. This suggests that strongly coupled theories obey induced charge matching conditions which are analogous, but generally not equivalent, to 't Hooft anomaly matching conditions. A few examples of induced charge matching was presented. In particular, the corresponding constraints in softly broken supersymmetric QCD suggest non-trivial low energy mass pattern, in full accord with the results of direct analyses. 5. In Ref. [6] matching of induced charges in supersymmetric SU(N) gauge theories with quantum modified moduli space was studied. It was found that the Wess-Zumino term should be present in the low energy theory in order that these consistency conditions are satisfied. The lowest homotopy groups of the quantum moduli space was calculated, and it was shown that there are no obstructions to the existence of the Wess-Zumino term at arbitrary N. The explicit expression for this term is given. It is shown that neither vortices nor topological solitons exist in the model. The case of softly broken supersymmetry is considered as well. It was found that the possibility of global baryon number violating vacuum is strongly disfavored. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Flavor violation and $\tan{\beta}$ in gauge mediated models with messenger-matter mixing, Nucl.Phys.B 557, pp.119-145, 1999. [4] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky, Gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking, Phys.Usp. 42, pp.623-651, 1999; Usp.Fiz.Nauk 169, pp.705-736, 1999 [in Russian]. [5] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, M.V.Libanov, V.A.Rubakov, Nonrenormalization of induced charges and constraints on strongly coupled theories, Phys.Rept. 320, pp.147-158, 1999. [6] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Induced charge matching and Wess-Zumino term on quantum modified moduli space (to appear in Phys.Rev.D). There are some publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [2] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Messenger-matter mixing and lepton flavor violation, Phys.Lett. B419, pp.223-232, 1998. [2] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky, Towards common origin of supersymmetry breaking, compositeness, and gauge mediation, Phys.Lett. B423, pp.301-304, 1998. D.Gorbunov participated in the 10-th International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, Suzdal, May 18-24, 1998) and presented a talk entitled "Flavor violation and $\tan{\beta}$ in gauge mediated models with messenger-matter mixing". D.Gorbunov was also a coauthor of the talk "Grand unification with gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking" (S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky) presented there. D.Gorbunov participated in the International Workshop "Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics" (October 23-28, 1999, Tbilisi, Georgia) organized by Georgian Academy of Sciences and Tbilisi State University joint with UNESCO Venice Office. The workshop was dedicated to the 90th anniversary of N.N.Bogolyubov (1909-1992). D.Gorbunov was a coauthor of the talk "Non-renormalization of induced charges and Wess-Zumino term on quantum modified moduli space" (S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov) presented there. D.Gorbunov participated in the International Conference on Non-Accelerator New Physics NANP-99 (Dubna, June 28 - July 3, 1999) and presented a talk entitled "Strong coupling unification in supersymmetric models" (D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky). D.Gorbunov was invited by the International Center of Theoretical Physics to take part in the Summer School on High-Energy Physics and Cosmology (Italy, Trieste, June 28 - July 18, 1998). D.Gorbunov participated in the X-th International School "Particles and Cosmology" (Baksan Valley, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia, April 19-25, 1999). D.Gorbunov participated in the International School "Selected Topics of Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Statistics" (October 16-23, 1999, Tbilisi, Georgia) organized by Georgian Academy of Sciences and Tbilisi State University joint with UNESCO Venice Office. The topic of research of the grant-aided aspirant I.V.GORBUNOV (Tomsk State University) included the construction and the study of spinning particle models in 3+1 and in lower space-time dimensions. In his study I.V.Gorbunov obtained the following results: 1. The model of D=2+1, N=1,2 massive superparticle with arbitrary fixed (half)integer or fractional superspin has been developed [1,3]. The classical mechanical model of the superparticle has been constructed, which contains, besides the inherent Poincare supersymmetry, one more SUSY related to the superspin degrees of freedom. The quantization of the model presents a nontrivial example of combination of the canonical Dirac and Berezin quantization methods. The quantization is based on assumption, that the "double" supersymmetry, both Poincare and internal ones, survives at the quantum level. It is shown, that some physical observables (supercharges) should be renormalized by transition from classical mechanics to the first quantized particle model [1,3]. The quantum states of N=2, D=3 spinning superparticle are realized on the fields carrying finite dimensional [1,3], or a unitary infinite dimensional [3] typical representations of the supergroup OSp(2/2). 2. The model of nonrelativistic (D=3+1) particle with arbitrary fixed spin has been developed [2]. The relation to the respective relativistic models is established. It has been founded that the particle interactions to external fields are consistent independently from detailed structure of the particle gauge symmetries. This phenomenon differentiates the nonrelativistic spinning particle from the relativistic one. In the massless limit the model describes "the light beam". The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] I.V.Gorbunov, S.L.Lyakhovich, Hidden supersymmetries and Berezin quantization of N=2, D=2 spinning superparticle, Journal of Mathematical Physics, V.40, No.5, pp.2230-2253, 1999; Preprints of ICTP (Trieste, Italy) IC/98/138, e-print hep-th/9809104. [2] I.V.Gorbunov, V.A.Dolgushev, S.L.Lyakhovich, Galilean spinning particle [in Russian], Russian Physics Journal, V.42, No.2, pp.34-46, 1999. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [3] I.V.Gorbunov, S.L.Lyakhovich, Geometric quantization of N=2, D=3 superanyon, Phys.Lett.B V.423, pp.293-300, 1998. I.V.Gorbunov participated in the International Summer School in Theoretical Physics "Volga-10" (Kazan, Russia, June 22- Jule 2, 1998) and presented a session talk there entitled "Hidden supersymmetry and Berezin quantization of N=2, D=3 spinning superparticle". In April 1999, I.V.Gorbunov has got Ph.D. degree from Tomsk State University. Thesis advisor: Prof. S.L.Lyakhovich. Title: "Lobachevsky supergeometry of D=3 massive spinning superparticle". A.Yu.NERONOV (Moscow State University) obtained the following results in his studies of quantum black hole models: 1. A theory of classical and quantum collapse of thin spherically-symmetric selfgravitating shells was developed [1]. Complete integrability of hamiltonian equations which describe motion of a selfgravitating shell has been proved. A principally important result that was obtained is the form of mass spectrum of quantum black holes which are formed in the process of gravitational collapse of thin shells of matter [2]. Some unusual quantum number which parametrize the mass spectrum was found. It has geometric origin and does not disappear even for the case of unbound motion of the collapsing shell. 2. A mechanism of formation of universal spectrum of radiation of quantum black holes was proposed [3]. It was shown, that radiation which propagates in the form of s-wave in the field of black hole has discrete spectrum, if one takes fully into account back reaction of radiation on gravitational field of black hole. Some kind of quantum analog of classical "no hair conjecture" of black hole physics was proposed [4]: although the mass spectrum of quantum black holes could have arbitrary complicated structure, spectrum of radiation coming from quantum black hole corresponds to the level spacings in some universal spectrum $m\sim\sqrt{n}$ The main results have been presented in the papers: 1. V.A.Berezin, A.M.Boyarsky, A.Yu.Neronov, Phys.Rev.D57, p.1118, 1998. 2. A.Yu.Neronov, Phys.Rev.D 59, 1998. 3. V.A.Berezin, A.M.Boyarsky, A.Yu.Neronov, gr-qc/9808027 (1998). 4. A.Yu.Neronov, Ph.D. Thesises, INR, Moscow, 1998. A.Neronov participated in Spinoza Meeting on Quantum black holes (Holland, Utrecht, June 29 -- July 4, 1998). In 1998 A.Neronov has got Ph.D. degree from Institute for Nuclear Research. Thesis advisor: Prof. V.A.Berezin. Title: "Quantization of spherically-symmetric gravity. Models of Quantum Black Holes". A.I.ONISCHENKO (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow) in his studies of physics of doubly heavy systems, anomalous WWV couplings and some exotic beyond SM obtained the following results: 1. Spectra of masses for the families of doubly heavy baryons are calculated in the framework of nonrelativistic quark model with the QCD-induced potential by Buchm\" uller-Tye in accordance with both the quark-diquark structure for the wave functions and taking into account the splittings depending on the spins. The region for the application of such approximations is determined [1,17,19]. 2. Below the threshold of decay of these objects into the heavy baryon and heavy meson the system of bound excited states was found, being quasi-stable with respect to hadronic transitions to the basic level [1,17,19]. 3. We have in details considered the physical reasons for the quasi-stability, taking place for the baryons with two identical quarks. In accordance to the Pauli principle, the operators, responsible for the hadronic decays and the mixing between the levels, are suppressed by the inverse heavy quark mass and the small size of diquark. This suppression is caused by the necessity to instantaneously change both the spin and the orbital momentum of compact diquark. In the baryonic systems with two heavy quark and the strange quark, the quasi-stability for the low-lying excitations of diquark is provided by the exclusion of transitions with the emission of both a single kaon because of small splitting between the levels and a single pion because of conservation for the iso-spin and strangeness [1,17,19]. 4. We obtained analytical results on the two-loop anomalous dimensions of currents for baryons, containing two heavy quarks $J = [Q^{iT}C\Gamma\tau Q^j]\Gamma^{'}q^k\varepsilon_{ijk}$ with arbitrary Dirac matrices $\Gamma$ and $\Gamma^{'}$ in the framework of NRQCD in the leading order over both the relative velocity of heavy quarks and the inverse heavy quark mass. It is shown, that in this approximation the anomalous dimensions do not depend on the Dirac structure of the current under consideration [16,18]. 5. The equivalence of results, obtained in calculation of anomalous dimensions of operators in $\overline{\rm MS}$-renormalization scheme with the use of lagrangians of HQET and NRQCD is shown [16,18]. 6. In the leading order of perturbative QCD one calculates the total and differential cross-sections for the hadronic production of doubly charmed baryons $\Xi_{cc}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^*$ in different experiments. The experimental evaluation of cross-sections for the $J/\Psi +D + \bar D$ production would allow one to decrease the uncertainty in the determination of cross-sections for the doubly charmed baryons due to the choice of $\alpha_s$ and $m_c$. One shows that in the HERA-B and E781 experiments with fixed tagets the suppression of the $\Xi_{cc}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^*$ production to the yield of $c \bar c$-pairs is the value of the order of $10^{-6}-10^{-5}$, whereas at the TEVATRON and LHC colliders it is about $10^{-4}-10^{-3}$. In the E781 experiment the observation of $\Xi_{cc}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^*$ is practically impossible. At the HERA-B and TEVATRON facilities one can expect $10^5$ events with the double charm, and at LHC one has about $10^9$ ones [12]. 7. For the first time the contribution of quark-antiquark annihilation in hardronic production of doubly charmed baryons was taken into account. This contribution becomes essential at fixed target energies. The notion of fragmentation function of heavy diquark into doubly heavy baryon is introduced [12]. 8. Analitical approximations of numerical calculations for total subprocess cross-sections of gluon-gluon and quark-antiquark production of doubly charmed baryons were obtained [12]. 9. We have performed a detailed investigation on the lifetimes of doubly heavy baryons on the basis of the operator product expansion for the transition currents. For the first time, we have presented the formulae with the simultaneous account for both the mass effects and low-energy logarithmic renormalization for the contributions to the total decay width of baryons, containing heavy quarks, as it is caused by the effects of Pauli interference and weak scattering. The usage of the diquark picture has allowed us to evaluate the matrix elements of operators derived [2,7,9,14,15,19,20,21]. 10. As an application of the formalism developed, for the first time the lifetimes of all doubly heavy baryons were obtained. The obtained results show the significant role of both the Pauli interference and the weak scattering [2,7,9,14,15,19,20,21]. 11. The sum rules for doubly heavy baryons in NRQCD approximation are constructed. The problem with stability of such sum rules, faced in earlier works, is solved [4]. 12. A detail investigation of three-point sum rules for semileptonic decays of $B_c$-meson in QCD and NRQCD is performed. The Coulomb corrections, as well as, corrections due to gluon condensate are included and their role is discussed. The generalized spin symmetry relations for formfactors are derived [3,8]. 13. The prospects for $B_c$-meson production at existing and future colliders are investigated [10,13]. 14. The possibility to have additional constraints on anomalous WWV couplings at HERA vs LEP is investigated [5]. 15. The possibility to observe TeV-scale leptoquarks, appearing in different models is reviewed [6]. Part of the results was published in the following papers, containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Spectroscopy of doubly charmed baryons: $\Xi_{cc}^{++}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^{+}$, DESY-98080, hep-ph/9807375, Mod.Phys.Lett. A14, p.135, 1999. [2] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of $\Xi_{bc}^{+}$ and $\Xi_{bc}^{0}$ baryons, hep-ph/9901224, submitted to Eur.Phys.J. [3] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Semileptonic decays of $B_c$-meson in sum rules of QCD and NRQCD, hep-ph/9905359, accepted to Nucl.Phys.B. [4] V.V.Kiselev, A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly heavy baryons in sum rules of NRQCD, hep-ph/9909339, accepted to Nucl.Phys.B. [5] A.A.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Can HERA data improve LEP constraints on WWV vertex?, DESY-99-051, accepted to Eur.Phys.J. [6] S.S.Gershtein, A.A.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, TeV-scale leptoquarks from GUT/String/M-theory unification, Phys.Rep. 320, 203, 1999. [7] A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly heavy systems: decays and OPE, hep-ph/9912424. [8] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Semileptonic decays of $B_c$-meson, accepted to Yad.Phys. [in Russian]. [9] A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of doubly heavy baryons, hep-ph/9912425. There are also papers, which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM: [10] A.V.Berezhnoy, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, $B_c$-meson at LHC, Phys.Atom.Nucl. 60, p.1729, 1997; hep-ph/9703341. [11] A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Gluon splitting into pair of heavy quarks in $e^+e^-$-annihilation, Phys.Atom.Nucl. 60, p.623, 1997. [12] A.V.Berezhnoy, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly charmed baryon production in hadronic experiments, Phys.Rev. D57, p.4385, 1998. [13] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.V.Tkabladze, A.V.Berezhnoi, A.I.Onishchenko, Theoretical status of $B_c$-meson, IHEP 98-22, hep-ph/9803433. [14] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of doubly charmed baryons: $\Xi_{cc}^{++}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^{+}$, DESY-98079; hep-ph/9807354; Phys.Rev. D60, p.14007, 1999. [15] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Total inclusive decay rates of doubly charmed baryons, Yad.Phys. No.6., 1999 [in Russian]. [16] V.V.Kiselev, A.I.Onishchenko, Two-loop anomalous dimensions for currents of bary\-ons with two heavy quarks in NRQCD, IHEP 98-64; hep-ph/9810283; submitted to\\ Phys.Lett.B. [17] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Spectroscopy of doubly heavy baryons, IHEP 98-66; hep-ph/9811212; Heavy Ion.Phys. V.9, p.133, 1999. The following talks were given: [18] V.V.Kiselev, A.I.Onishchenko, Anomal dimensions of currents of baryons with two heavy quarks, MIPT Scientific conference, Dolgoprudny, November 1998. [19] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly heavy baryons: spectroscopy and decays, Scientific conference of Subdivision of Nuclear Physics of RAS, Moscow, November 1998. [20] A.I.Onishchenko, Physics of decays of doubly heavy baryons: $\Xi_{bb}^{0}$, $\Xi_{bb}^{-}$, $\Xi_{bc}^{+}$, $\Xi_{bc}^{0}$, $\Xi_{cc}^{+}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^{++}$, Conference of young scientists, postgraduate and graduate stutents ITEP, Moscow, December 1998. [21] A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of doubly heavy baryons, Conference of young scientists, postgraduate and graduate stutents ITEP, Moscow, December 1999. [22] A.I.Onishchenko, $c$-quark mass from $J/Psi$, $\Upsilon$ and $B_c$-mesons, Conference of young scientists, postgraduate and graduate stutents ITEP, Moscow, December 1999. The work of D.M.OSTROVSKY (Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) in 1998 has consisted of three main parts: The first one concerns some aspects of the description of multiparticle production processes. In [1] the nonperturbative preasymptotic contribution to the factorial moments of the intrajet particle distribution have been computed in the framework of previously developed formalism in which new nonperturbative term had been added to standart QCD evolution equation. The presence of the additional nonperturbative contribution is supported by the existing experimental data. Another kind of studies concerns minijet production in the ultrarelativistic hadron and nuclear collisions. Particularly, in [2] transverse energy flow generated by minijets in hadron and nuclear collisions into a given rapidity window in the central region was calculated in the next-to-leading (NLO) order of QCD at RHIC and LHC energies. These results were then used to calculate transverse energy spectrum in nuclear collisions in a Glauber geometrical model. It was shown that in pp collisions differential cross section calculated with NLO accuracy is about 2 times higher than the cross section calculated with only LO accuracy. NLO modification leads to a substantial broadening of the $E_{\perp}$ distribution for the nuclear collisions, while its form remains practically unchanged. In [3] the azimuthal asymmetry of minijet system produced in nucleon-nucleon and nuclear collisions in a central rapidity window was calculated. In pp collisions the asymmetry appears due to contributions from the collisions in which only one minijet hits the acceptance window. The angular pattern of transverse energy flow in nuclear collisions and its dependence on the kinematical parameters of collisions was studied. Development and application of high energy factorization scheme for hadron collisions is a third part of the scientific activity in 1998-1999. Angular asymmetry and momentum disbalance in a pair of particles produced at high energy in the central rapidity region were studied in [4]. It was shown that the asymmetry is substantial for low outgoing particles momenta but diminishes when they rise. In [5] NLO correction to the one-jet inclusive cross section in the framework of high energy factorization was calculated. The results were numerically compared with predictions of conventional collinear factorization approach. It was shown that NLO in high energy factorization scheme reduces one-jet inclusive cross section, but quantitatively result is highly sensitive to the choice of structure function. D.Ostrovsky participated in XXVII ITEPH Winter school (16-24 February, 1999) and presented a talk "Angular and momentum asymmetry in particle production at high energies" in a student's session. The publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM, because it was submitted before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [1] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Phys.Atom.Nucl. 62, pp.701-707, 1999; Yad.Fiz. 62, pp.750-757, 1999 [in Russian]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [2] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Eur.Phys.J C11, pp.495-499, 1999. [3] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Angular pattern of minijet transverse energy flow in hadron and nuclear collisions, hep-ph/9812416, submitted to Eur.Phys.J. C. [4] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Angular and momentum asymmetry in particle production at high energies, hep-ph/9905496, submitted to Phys.Rev.D. [5] D.Ostrovsky, NLO correction to one-jet inclusive production at high energies, hep-ph/9912258, submitted to Phys.Rev.D. S.A.PASTON (Saint-Petersburg State University) in his studies of quantum field theory in light front coordinates obtained the following results: 1. The effective Hamiltonian in light front coordinates is obtained which at some dependence of coefficients, included in it, from a parameter of UV-regularization, in a limit of it removal reproduces within the framework of perturbation theory the results of lorentz-covariant formulating of quantum chromodynamics [1]. It was possible to make with the help of introduction of an additional nonstandart IR-regularization based on a principle, which is used at the Pauli-Villars regularization. Only after this introduction it has appeared possible to apply the method, published earlier, of a comparison of light-like and lorentz-covariant theories. The offered regularization breaks a gauge invariance, but in a limit of removal of a regularization the gauge invariance is restored. The obtained Hamiltonian in future is supposed to be used in nonperturbative calculations. 2. The scalar theory with non-polynomial interaction resulted from bosonization of two-dimensional quantum electrodynamics (QED) is considered [2]. This theory is described by modified Lagrangian of Sin-Gordon model with the critical value of the parameter of this model. Non-polynomiality of interaction in this model, leading to arising of vertexes with arbitrarily large number of lines in perturbation theory, makes nontrivial the construction of light-front Hamiltonian. For its construction the Pauli-Villars regularization must be introduced because at the critical value of the parameter the ultraviolet behaviour of the theory become worse. Obtained light-front Hamiltonian generates the perturbation theory which is equivalent to the covariant perturbation theory in fermion mass, which plays the role of interaction constant after the bosonization and therefore the Hamiltonian spectrum coincides with the spectrum of QED. One can investigate this spectrum beyond the framework of perturbation theory. 3. S.A.Paston participated in development of such formulation of a gauge field theory on a lattice, with which the action is polynomial on independent field variables [3]. The canonical formalism in light front coordinates for such theory is considered. These results and also the results obtained earlier, were published in a review in the proceedings of the conference in honour of V.A.Fock [4]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, V.A.Franke, Constructing the Light-Front QCD Hamiltonian, Theor.Math.Phys., V.120, No.3. pp.1164-1181, 1999; Teoreticheskaya i Matematicheskaya Fizika, V.120. No.3, pp.417-437, 1999 [in Russian]. [2] S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, V.A.Franke, $QED_2$ Light-Front Hamiltonian reproducing all orders of covariant chiral perturbation theory. Preprint SPbU-IP-99-13; hep-th/9910114. The publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM, because either they were published before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant, or they contain results obtained until this moment: [3] V.A.Franke, S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, Lattice Gauge Theories with polynomial Action and their canonical Formulation on the Light Front, Preprint SPbU-IP-98-5, hep-th/9803035. [4] V.A.Franke, Yu.V.Novozhilov, S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, Quantum Field Theory in Light-Front coordinates, in book: "Quantum Theory in honour of Vladimir A.Fock", Part 1, Unesco, St. Petersburg University, Euro-Asian Physical Society, 1998, pp.38-97; hep-th/9901029. S.Paston participated in the "IX International Workshop Small-x Physics and Light Front Dynamics in QCD", Russia, St. Petersburg, July 6-15 1998, theme of the report: "Lattice Gauge Theories with polynomial Action at the Light Front"; in the international conference "VIII St. Petersburg International School of Physics. Quantum Theory in honour of Vladimir A. Fock", Russia, St. Petersburg, May 25 - June 4 1998, theme of the report: "Lattice Gauge Theories with polynomial Action and their canonical Formulation on the Light Front"; and in the seminar "Final seminar in physics and astronomy of winners in 1998 of grant competition for young scientists of St.-Petersburg", February 16, 1999, St.-Petersburg, Russia, theme of the report: "The Construction of QCD Hamiltonian in Light-Front Coordinates"; In December, 1999 S.Paston has got Ph.D. degree from St.-Petersburg State University. Thesis advisor: Prof. V.A.Franke. Title: "The Construction of Quantum Field Theory Hamiltonian in Light-Front Coordinates". O.A.RYTCHKOV (Steklov Mathematical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences,\\ Moscow) in his studies of classical solutions in superstring theory and their applications has obtained the following results: 1. Wide classes of new intersecting p-brane solutions in various space-time dimensions were constructed making use of an algebraic method [1]. p-brane configurations were specified by incidence matrices and it was shown that the solutions of the algebraic characteristic equations for the incidence matrices controlled the intersections of p-branes. 2. New types of p-brane solutions to various supergravities were obtained with use of the sigma-model approach [9]. A new way to endow branes with an additional internal structure such as plane waves was suggested. Applying the harmonic maps technique new solutions with a non-trivial shell structure in the transverse space were generated. Also intersecting branes were considered and it was shown that the intersection rules have a simple geometric interpretation as conditions ensuring the symmetric space property of the sigma-model target space. 3. Non-extremal overlapping p-brane supergravity solutions localized in their relative transverse coordinates were constructed [5,10]. The construction used an algebraic method of solving the bosonic equations of motion. 4. Some aspects of duality between supergravities on Anti-de Sitter (AdS) spaces (appearing as near D-brane horizon geometry) and conformal field theories were investigated in [2,6]. The massive Rarita-Schwinger field in AdS background was considered and the corresponding equations of motion were solved. It was shown that appropriate boundary terms calculated on-shell give two-point correlation function for spin-3/2 fields of the conformal field theory. The relation between Rarita-Schwinger field masses and conformal dimensions of corresponding operators was established. 5. Bulk-to-bulk propagators for the massive vector and symmetric rank-2 tensor fields in the Euclidean continuation of the Anti-de Sitter space were constructed [3]. The explicit forms of these propagators in the limit when one or both points approach the boundary of AdS were derived. It was shown that the obtained expressions coincide with bulk-to-boundary propagators or two-point correlation functions of the boundary CFT as expected from the AdS/CFT correspondence. This identification provides one more evidence for treating CFT operators on the boundary as appropriate limits of quantum fields in the bulk. Also the above limiting procedure clarifies the artificial appearance of boundary terms in the AdS/CFT correspondence. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] I.Ya.Aref'eva, O.A.Rytchkov, Incidence Matrix Description of Intersecting p-brane Solutions, to be published in L.D.Faddeev's Seminar on Mathematical Physics, Advances in Mathematics, Amer.Math.Soc., Providence, R.I. [2] A.S.Koshelev, O.A.Rytchkov, Note on the Massive Rarita-Schwinger field in the AdS/CFT correspondence, Phys.Lett.B 450, p.368, 1999. [3] A.Polishchuk, O.Rytchkov, Propagator for Massive Spin-2 Field in Anti-de Sitter Space, preprint SMI-25-99. Also the obtained results were published in the proceedings of the following conferences: [4] O.A.Rytchkov, Chaotic Behaviour of Dynamical Systems in M-theory, Proceedings of the Second Open Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (Russia, Dubna, March 2-6, 1998) [in Russian]. [5] O.A.Rytchkov, Localised p-branes in Supergravities and M-theory, Proceedings of the International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, May 18-24, 1998). [6] O.A.Rytchkov, Massive Rarita-Schwinger Field in the AdS/CFT correspondence, Proceedings of the XIV International Workshop on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory (Russia, May 27 - June 2, 1999). There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [7] I.Ya.Aref'eva, P.B.Medvedev, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Chaos in D0-brane Dynamics, Banach Center Publications, V.43, p.41, 1998. [8] I.Ya.Aref'eva, P.B.Medvedev, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Chaos in M(atrix) Theory, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, V.10, p.1, 1998. [9] D.V.Gal'tsov, O.A.Rytchkov, Generating branes via sigma models, Phys.Rev. D58, p.122001, 1998. [10] I.Ya.Aref'eva, M.G.Ivanov, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Non-extremal localized\\ branes and vacuum solutions in M-theory, Class.Quant.Grav. V.15, p.2923, 1998. O.A.Rytchkov participated in Spring School on Non-perturbative Aspects of String Theory and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories (Italy, March 23-31, 1998) and in the Trieste Conference on Superfivebranes and Physics in 5+1 dimensions (Italy, April 1-3, 1998) where a poster entitled "New Non-extremal p-branes in Superstring Theories and M-theory" was presented. O.A.Rytchkov participated in International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, May 18-24, 1998) and presented a talk there entitled "Localized p-branes in Supergravities and M-theory". O.A.Rytchkov participated in XI International Conference "Problems of Quantum Field Theory" (Russia, July 13-17, 1998) and presented a talk entitled "Localized p-branes in various supergravities" O.A Rytchkov participated in XIV International Workshop on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory (Russia, May 27 - June 2, 1999) and presented a talk there entitled "Massive Rarita-Schwinger Field in the AdS/CFT correspondence" V.I.SHEVCHENKO (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow) has obtained the following results: 1. Generalized coordinate gauge in nonabelian gauge theories was analysed, limits of applicability were established and applied to the nonabelian Stokes theorem and dual QCD Lagrangian evaluation. 2. The structure of perturbative contributions to the string tension in gluodynamics was investigated and cancellation of them in the vacuum field correlators framework was shown. 3. The modifications of the Higgs mechanism in abelian Higgs model due to interaction with topological defects were considered. 4. Deeper understanding of the Higgs mechanism in the quantum background was reached, especially in the aspects, important for the abelian projected confinement theories. 5. The colour superconductivity phenomenon was investigated in the framework of Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. The effective potential was calculated and the importance of the nonperturbative gluon condensate from the nonabelian Meissner effect point of view was shown. 6. The exact renormalisation group flows were studied in the current representation of the abelian projected gluodynamics. 7. The Casimir scaling behaviour of the static potential between charges in higher representations of the gauge group SU(3) was investigated, being based on recent lattice data. The value of scaling violating terms is estimated. It is shown, that Casimir scaling puts severe bounds on the presence of classical solutions in the vacuum. [1] V.Shevchenko, Yu.Simonov, Generalized coordinate gauge, nonabelian Stokes theorem and dual QCD Lagrangian, Phys.Lett.B 437, p.146, 1998. [2] V.Shevchenko, Yu.Simonov, Perturbative contributions to field correlators, Phys.Lett.B 437, p.131, 1998. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [3] V.Shevchenko, Higgs mechanism in nontrivial background, hep-th/9810222 (being prepared for publication). [4] N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov, V.I.Shevchenko, Nonperturbative QCD vacuum and Colour Superconductivity, Phys.Rep. V.320, p.131, 1999. [5] V.I.Shevchenko, Yu.A.Simonov, Casimir Scaling as a Test of QCD vacuum, hep-ph/0001299, being prepared for publication. Published talks on conferences: (1) "Generalized Fock-Schwinger Gauge and its applications" V.I. Shevchenko, (based on the work with Yu.A.Simonov), Int.School dedicated to the 100th anniversary of V.A.Fock, St.Peterburg, 1998. (2) "Does confinement imply stochasticity?", V.I.Shevchenko, Chaos and complexity, Ponte di Legno, Italy, 1998. (3) "Gluon degrees of freedom at nonzero baryonic density", V.Shevchenko, (partly based on the work with N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov), XXVIII Autumn School, Lisbon, Portugal,1999. (4) "Coordinate gauges and confinement", V. I. Shevchenko, Confinement III (poster session, unpublished), Newport News, USA, 1998. (5) "Nonperturbative QCD vacuum and Colour Superconductivity", V.Shevchenko, (based on the work with N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov), Buckow, Germany, 1999 (no proceedings). V.Shevchenko visited Department of Theoretical Physics of Pisa University, Italy (October 1 - 30, 1998) by invitation of Professor A.DiGiacomo. In January, 2000 V.Shevchenko has got Ph.D. degree from ITEP. Thesis advisor: Prof.Yu.A.Simonov. Title: "Nonperturbative effects in gauge field theory". N.V.SHEVCHENKO (Irkutsk State University and Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow region) in her studies of few-body systems obtained the following results: 1. Elastic $\eta d$ scattering was considered within the Alt-Grassberger-Sandhas formalism for various $\eta N$ input data. A three-body resonant state was found close to the $\eta d$ threshold [1]. This resonance is sustained for different choices of the two-body $\eta N$ scattering length $a_{\eta N}$. The position of the resonance moves towards the $\eta d$ threshold when ${\rm Re\,}a_{\eta N}$ is increased, and turns into a quasi-bound state at ${\rm Re\,}a_{\eta N}\sim0.7\div0.8$\,fm depending on the choice of ${\rm Im\,}a_{\eta N}$. 2. The nuclear reaction $e+{^3{\rm He}}+{^4{\rm He}}\rightarrow{}e +{^7{\rm Be}}$ was considered at thermonuclear energies [2]. The motion of the electron was treated within the adiabatic approximation and the ${^3{\rm He}}-{^4{\rm He}}$ scattering state was calculated using an effective ${^3{\rm He}}-{^4{\rm He}}$ potential constructed via the Marchenko inverse scattering method. The reaction rate thus obtained for solar interior conditions is approximately $10^{-4}$ of the corresponding rate for the radiative capture ${^3{\rm He}}+{^4{\rm He}}\rightarrow{}{^7{\rm Be}}+\gamma$. The main results have been presented in the paper containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] N.V.Shevchenko, V.B.Belyaev, S.A.Rakityansky, S.A.Sofianos, W.Sandhas, Low-energy $\eta d$ resonance, e-print LANL, nucl-th/9908035; submitted to Phys.Rev.Lett. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [2] N.V.Shevchenko, S.A.Rakityansky, S.A.Sofianos, V.B.Belyaev, Non-radiative synthesis of $^7{\rm Be}$ in solar plasma, J.Physics G25, pp.95-106, 1999. N.Shevchenko will participate in the IV Open Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (Dubna, Russia, January 31 - February 4, 2000) and will present a session talk there entitled "Near-threshold resonance in the $\eta d$ system". N.Shevchenko is invited by the Organizing Committee of the 16th International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics (Taipei, Taiwan, March 6-10, 2000) to take part in the conference and present the contribution entitled "Low energy scattering and photoproduction of $\eta$-mesons by deuterons" in a poster session. N.Shevchenko participates in international co-operation with the group of Prof. W.Sand\-has, Physikalisches Institut, Universitat Bonn, Germany and with the group of Prof. S.A.Sofi\-anos, Physics Department, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa. N.Shevchenko is a postgraduate student of the third year and she is planing to get the Ph.D. degree at the 2000th year. V.V.SHKLYAR ( Far Eastern State University, Vladivostok) in his studies of photon and vector meson production obtained the following results: 1. The different sources of the real photon and $\phi$-meson production in nucleon-nucleon collisions at intermediate energies have been studied and the effective model of the reactions has been suggested in [1-4]. The role and influence of each channel for the $NN\to NN\gamma$ reaction (bremsstrahlung, $\Delta$-excitation, radiative $\omega/\rho$-decay) has been shown and discussed in [1]. 2. Also, the available experimental data for the real photon production at 0.28 and 0.75 GeV beam energy were described well and the predictions for forthcoming data at COSY-TOF are obtained [1]. 3. Apart from the photon production reaction, the $NN\to NN\phi$ reaction near the threshold has been explored. It was shown, that the influence of the shake-off mechanism was negligible and the $\pi\rho\phi$ interaction coming from the non-ideal $\phi-\omega$ mixing angle gave the main contribution to the $\phi$-meson yield [3]. The predictions for the reaction amplitude behaviour and polarization observables near the reaction threshold was obtained. It has been also shown that the earlier exact threshold predictions for these reactions (e.c. M.Recalo et al) were not relevant at energies slightly above the threshold [2]. The value of the beam-target asymmetry $C^{BT}=-0.8$ was predicted and the ratio of the spin-singlet states to the spin-triplet ones was derived at the reaction threshold [3]. 4. The spin density matrix and the anisotropy of the $\phi$ decay were calculated. It was also shown that for the $\phi\to e^+e^-$-decay the small $\bar ss$ admixture could lead to the modification of the $\phi$ decay anisotropy that might be used in the experimental searching of the hidden strangeness in nucleon [4]. There are the publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [1] V.V.Shklyar, B.K\"ampfer, B.L.Reznik, A.I.Titov, Bremsstrahlung in intermediate-energy nucleon reaction within an effective one-boson exchange model, Nucl.Phys.A628, pp.255-274, 1998. [2] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, The reaction $NN \to NN \phi$ near threshold, preprint (nucl-th/9712025); preprint (nucl-th/9811094). The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [3] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, Polarization observables in the reaction $NN \to NN \phi$, to be published in Phys.Rev. C59, 1999. [4] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, Polarization observables in the reaction $NN\to NN\phi$ near threshold, XIV International Seminar On High Energy Physics Problems, Conf. Proceedings, preprint E1,2-98-232. V.Shklyar participated in the International Summer Student School on High Energy Physics in Memory of Bruno Pontekorvo ( JINR, Dubna, August 18 - September 1, 1998.) V.Shklyar also participated in the XIVth International Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems (JINR, Dubna, August 17-22, 1998) as a co-author. Talk on International Seminar DEUTERON-99, JINR, Dubna-99, Russia, 4-7 July. In October, 1999 V.Shklyar has got Ph.D. degree from the Far Eastern State University. Thesis advisor: Prof. A.I.Titov (JINR). Title: "Photon and $\phi$-meson production at intermediate energies" D.V.ALEXANDROV (Urals State University, Ekaterinburg) in his studies of solidification processes obtained the following results: 1. A theory of incipience of a two-phase zone is numerically and theoretically studied [1]. On the basis of a linear law for the velocity of solidification which was obtained numerically, governing equations for the velocity and for the time of incipience of the two-phase zone (the latter arises ahead of a planar front of solidification due to the concentrational supercooling) were deduced. 2. In [2] the fractal dimension of the two-phase zone is determined for the self-similar regime of solidification in the presence of the mushy region. 3. The general problem of incipience of the two-phase zone is solved on the basis of the classical Stefan thermodiffusion model (without suggestions about the velocity distribution). The time of incipience of the two-phase zone and the velocity of solidification are determined in the form of integral equations [3]. 4. A theory of solidification with a qusiequilibrium two-phase zone is detailed on the basis of analytical solution of Borisov's model [4]. The steps of thermodynamic values in the two-phase zone (at both boundaries) are found on the basis of which the zone is changed by the discontinuity surface between solid and liquid phases. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] D.V.Alexandrov, A.G.Churbanov, P.N.Vabishchevich, Emergence of a Mushy Region in Processes of Binary Melt Solidification, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research, V.26, No.2, pp.248-264, 1999. [2] D.V.Alexandrov, A.O.Ivanov, M.E.Komarovski, An Influence of a Fractal-Like Mushy Region on Solidification Process, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research, V.26, No.2, pp.224-231, 1999. [3] D.V.Alexandrov, Incipience of a Mushy Zone in Binary Melt Solidification Processes: General Theory, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research (to be published). [4] D.V.Alexandrov, To the Theory of Solidification with a Quasiequilibrium Two-Phase Zone, Doklady AN (submitted) [in Russian]. The following papers will be presented for publication soon with acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: 1. D.V.Alexandrov, Incipience of a Mushy Zone in Binary Melt Solidification Processes: Stefan Thermodiffusion Problem (Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research). 2. D.V.Alexandrov, Quasiequilibrium Mushy Region: Dynamic Instability (Acta Materialia). In March, 1998 D.Alexandrov has got Ph.D. degree from The Urals State Technical University. Thesis advisors: Prof. V.V.Mansurov, Dr. A.O.Ivanov. Title: "An Influence of a quasiequilibrium Mushy Region on Solidification of Binary Melts". A.A.ALIVERDIEV (Institute of Physics, Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala) in his studies of the use of a registered signal velocity for the time-resolved tomography, in particular for the laser tomography of condensed matter obtained the following results: 1. A summarizing of the reconstructive theory of a signal speed using has been developed [1-10]. 2. Analytical expressions for nD photoacoustic tomography and the problem of a complex absorption account have been derived. Some practical algorithms and software ware carried out. Number of 2D numerical simulations are hold. A principally important result was obtained that good photoacoustic reconstruction is possible with different conditions [1-4, 7, 8]. 3. A method of a stream collision has been proposed for the stochastic emission correlation tomography. Number of 2D numerical simulations with inspired results are hold [1]. 4. A method of Hartley transform has been considered for an image processing. Some practical algorithms and software ware carried out [5]. The main goals of the project was achieved. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, Use of velocity of a filed signal in a tomography. Features of an optoacoustic tomography, [in Russian], Makhachkala, DSU, 1998, 60p. [2] G.K.Makhtimagomedov, M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, R.M.Batyrov, G.M.Halilulayev, A.A.Amirova, M.M.Akhmedov, M.M.Ataev, About the modeling of spatial-temporal tomographic reconstruction of sphere of phase transitions; Proceedings of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter", Makhachkala, Russia, 1998, p.3-6. [3] A.A.Aliverdiev, Some aspects of the computing of the laser tomography of mixed state, Proceedings of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter", Makhachkala, Russia, 1998, p.3-5. [4] A.A.Aliverdiev, About the account of complex absorption in laser tomography, Proceedings of the International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan", dedicated to 275 Anniversary of Russian Academy of the Sciences and 50 Anniversary of Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of the Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, pp.33-34. [5] A.A.Aliverdiev, R.M.Batyrov, M.G.Karimov, G.M.Halilulayev, A.A.Amirova, Some questions of the use of Hertley transform in physical tomography, Proceedings of the International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan", dedicated to 275 Anniversary of Russian Academy of the Sciences and 50 Anniversary of Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of the Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, p.35. [6] M.G.Karimov. A.A.Aliverdiev, A.A.Amirova, Some questions of the tomographic reconstruction of plasma objects, Proceedings of the All-Russian Conference "Physical Electronics", Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, p.107. [7] A.A.Aliverdiev, M.G.Karimov, Back photoacoustic problem in the investigation of quasistationary spatial-heterogeneous flows, Proceedings of the V International Scientific and Technical Conference "Optical Methods of the Flows Investigations" (Moscow, Russia, 1999), p.161. [8] A.A.Aliverdiev, Some questions of the physical tomography with application of velocity spectrum of registered signal, Proceedings of the Conference "Resonance and non-linear phenomenon in Condensed Matter" (Ufa, Russia 1999). There are two publications, which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [9] A.A.Aliverdiev, M.G.Karimov, Solution of optic reconstructive problem considering registered signal velocity, Turkey J. of Physics, No.4, pp.311-314, 1998. [10] M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, About modeling of 2D optoacoustic researches of exited media, Radiophysics (Massager of Higher Educational Institutes of Russia), No.1, 1999. A.Aliverdiev was the executive (scientific) secretary of the local Program Committee of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter" (Makhachkala, Russia, 1998). Two reports of A.Aliverdiev ware represented in that Conference. A.Aliverdiev represents the reports in (1) the Winter College "Spectroscopy and Applications" (AS-ICTP, Trieste, Italy 1999), (2) the Baikal School of Fundamental Physics (Irkutsk, Russia, 1999, in absentia, by correspondence), (3) the V International Scientific and Technical Conference "Optical Methods of the Flows Investigations" (Moscow, Russia, 1999, in absentia, by co-author), (4) International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan" (Makhachkala, Russia, 1999), (5) the All-Russian Conference "Physical Electronics" (Makhachkala, Russia 1999), (6) the Regional Conference "Resonance and non-linear phenomenon in Condensed Matter" (Ufa, Russia 1999), (7) the Fourth Training Course in the Physics of Correlated Electron Systems and High-Tc Superconductors (Vietri sul Mare, Salerno, Italy, 1999). In July 1998 A. Aliverdiev has got Ph.D. degree from the Daghestan State University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. M.G.Karimov (DSU). Title: "Some solutions of a reconstructive problem in a plasma physics and nonlinear optics with the use of a finiteness of distribution of a registered signal velocity". O.L.BERMAN (Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Moscow Region) in his studies of phase transitions and superfluidity in the system of coupled quantum wells obtained the following results: 1. The theory of phase transitions of electron-hole and unbalanced electron systems in coupled quantum wells in high magnetic fields has been developed [1]. Analytical expressions for the temperatures of the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition to the superfluid state have been derived. A principally important result was obtained that the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature decreases at rise of magnetic field and interwell separation at fixed magnetoexciton density. But the maximal possible Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature increases at rise of magnetic field and interwell separation. 2. It was shown that the system of weakly interacting indirect excitons in the superlattice slab is unstable [2,3]. A method based on the sum of the ladder diagram for the calculation of vertex of quadrupole indirect biexcitons interaction has been proposed for the obtaining of the collective spectrum, superfluid density and the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature. 3. The effect of random field due to impurities, boundary irregularities on the superfluidity of a three-dimensional system of excitons and a quasi-two-dimensional of direct and spatially indirect excitons is investigated [4]. 4. The excitation spectra and superfluidity of the electron-hole system in coupled quantum wells have been analyzed [5,6]. It was shown that the gap in the excitation spectra decreases if the interwell separation and the density of electrons and holes increase. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, V.G.Tsvetus, Phase transitions of electron-hole and unbalanced electron systems in coupled quantum wells in high magnetic fields, Phys.Rev. B59, pp.5627-5636, 1999. [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, M.Willander, Superfluidity of indirect biexcitons in superlattices, JETP V.88, No.5, pp.980-986, 1999. [3] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, M.Willander, Superfluidity of indirect biexcitons in superlattices, Europhysics Letters V.48, No.3, pp.299-305, 1999. [4] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, The superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, JETP Lett. V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999. [5] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.A.Panfilov, The excitation spectra and superfluidity of the electron-hole system in coupled quantum wells, Physica Status Solidi (b), V.209, pp.287-294, 1998. [6] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman and A.A.Panfilov, The excitation spectra in coupled quantum wells, Solid State Phys. (russ. Fiz.Tverd.Tela), V.40, No.12, pp.2226-2228, 1998. O.Berman participated in the International Advanced School Leonardo da Vinci for a continuing education programme 1998 Summer Course "Superconducting materials: advances in technology and applications" (Italy, Bologna, 29 June - 10 July, 1998). Five reports on seminars at the Institute of Spectroscopy were made. One report in seminar at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Stoney Brook has been made. In 1999 O.Berman has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "The investigation of phase transitions and superfluidity in the system of the coupled quantum wells". D.A.DANILOV (Udmurt State University, Izhevsk) in his studies of rapid solidification obtained the following results: 1. A comparative analysis of a model for local nonequilibrium solidification with experimental measurements of "dendrite tip growth velocity -- initial melt undercooling" in rapidly solidifying alloys Cu - 30% at. Ni [1] and Ni - 1% at. Zr [2] has been performed. The predictions of the model are in qualitative and quantitative agreement with experimental data for both alloys. 2. A general solution [3] of the steady-state crystal growth shape under local nonequilibrium solidification has been found. This solution is found for the following growth shapes: elliptical paraboloid, paraboloid of revolution, cylindrical paraboloid, and parabolic platelet. 3. On the basics of a one-sided model of solute diffusion the dynamics of a motion of the rapid solidification front in a binary alloy is investigated [4,5]. A criterion connecting the dynamical stability of the front motion in a steady-state regime with a slope of the kinetic curve "front velocity - initial undercooling'' is formulated. An expression for the definition of nonstationary time during the transition to the steady-state regime is obtained. 4. A model for rapid solidification in undercooled pure metallic liquid is developed that includes local nonequilibrium heat transfer and kinetics of liquid-solid interface motion [6]. Taking into account the finiteness of the speed of heat transport, a general solution of the problem about local nonequilibrium heat transfer with the moving heat source at the planar solidification front is obtained. Asymptotic behavior of the velocity of the rapid planar front is investigated. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Model for free dendritic alloy growth under interfacial and bulk phase nonequilibrium conditions, J.Crystal Growth V.197, pp.992-1002, 1999. [2] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Dendritic growth model for rapid solidification of undercooled alloys, International Conference on Rapidly Quenched and Metastable Materials "RQ-10", Bangalore, India, August 1999, submitted for publication in the journal Material Science and Engineering. [3] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Steady-state crystal growth shape under local nonequilibrium mass transfer, Inzhenerno Fizicheski Zhurnal (Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics), submitted for publication [in Russian]. [4] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Selection of the dynamically stable regime of rapid solidification front motion in isothermal binary alloy, J.Crystal Growth, accepted for publication. [5] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko, A criterion for dynamical stability of rapid solidification front motion, University and Academic Scientific-Practical Conference, Udmurt State University. Thesis for the conference, Izhevsk, April 1999, p.60-61 [in Russian]. [6] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko, Hyperbolic heat transfer in rapid solidification of supercooled liquids, Proc. of the 4th Minsk International Heat and Mass Transfer Forum, A.V.Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute, Minsk, May 2000, accepted for publication. A.V.EMELYANENKO (Moscow State University) in his studies of strongly polar liquid crystals obtained the following results: 1. A statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition has been developed for a system of molecules possessing a strong dipole [1,4]. It was explicitly taken into account that a large amount of dimers appear in a molecular system, when a dipole is strong enough. The dependence of the nematic order parameters of monomers and dimers on the temperature and the temperature variation of the molar fraction of dimers have been obtained. These investigations were held for the systems of molecules with different values of the dipole moment. A principally important result was obtained that the nematic-isotropic transition temperature has no absolute growth with the increasing dipole moment, as it was predicted by the preceding theories, but achieves its maximum with subsequent decrease. This happens because molecules with the large dipole moments form dimers intensively, which destroy the nematic order. In the previous research, based on the mean field or second virial approximations, a very strong short-range correlations leading to the formation of dimers were disregarded. A theory derived in [1,4] takes into account the existence of dimers directly. It was shown, that for molecules with large dipoles the transition temperature decreases with the increasing dipole moment. This result was confirmed by the recent computer simulations. 2. Influence of the molecular shape on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals has been investigated [2]. A method based on the expansion of the intermolecular potential in a complete set of spherical invariants has been proposed to estimate the dispersion interaction between monomers and dimers. It has been established that molecules with small dipoles form dimers, which favour the nematic phase, whereas dimers composed of molecules with large dipoles favour the isotropic phase. It has also been found that molecules with an intermediate value of the dipole moment couple in dimers, which do not influence the nematic- isotropic transition temperature. This balance point depends on the molecular shape, and it may exist or not for different molecules. 3. A statistical theory of the cholesteric ordering [3] was derived. On the contrary to the preceding publications, it describes the helix inversion in binary mixtures. The biaxiality of molecules is explicitly taken into account. Under a certain conditions (driven by the mutual concentration of the components and temperature) the interaction between the short molecular axes, which was disregarded in the previous attempts, dominates over the interaction between the main axes. It leads to the helix inversion, which is usually observed in the experiment. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Polar liquid crystals. Statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [2] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Nematic-isotropic phase transition in polar liquid crystals. Role of the dispersion interaction, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [3] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, D.A.Dunmur, Molecular Theory of Chiral Nematic Liquid Crystals, Phys.Rev.E, paper accepted for publication. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Influence of dimerization on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals, Liquid Crystals, V.26, No.2, 1999. A.Emelyanenko participated in the 17-th International Liquid Crystal Conference (Strasbourg, France, July 19-24, 1998) and presented a poster "Molecular Theory of The Nematic-Isotropic Transition in Strongly Polar Liquid Crystals". Thesis of the poster was published. In 1999 A.Emelyanenko participated in the International Conference on Liquid Crystals, which took place in Krynica (Poland), with a report "Theory of the helix inversion in nematics doped with chiral molecules" (September 13-17, 1999) and in the International Conference "Nonlinear dynamics in polymer science and related fields", Desna, Moscow region, with a report "Helix inversion in binary liquid crystalline mixtures" (October 11-15, 1999). Both theses are included in the corresponding abstract books. The full-length reports are planned. A.V. Emelyanenko has also taken part in the Students Conference on chemistry and physics of the thin organic films, Puschino, Moscow region, with a report "Inversion of the spiral structure in binary LC mixtures" (June 14-15, 1999). Now A.Emelyanenko is developing a new theory of the liquid crystalline polymers, which also possess a helix inversion. I.M.EREMIN (Kazan State University) in his studies of the electronic structure and magnetic properties of high temperature superconductivity obtained the following results: 1. Self-consistent calculation of spin (charge) density wave order (SDW/CDW) parameters have been performed for bilayered cuprates on the basis of a singlet correlated band model [1]. Evolution of the Fermi surface in the strongly underdoped regime is described by using a two-band approach. The smooth development of the pseudogap formation temperature is explained from underdoped to overdoped states and the Fourier amplitudes $$ (spin) and $$ (charge) modulations have been calculated. We have found a maximum of the incommensurability for doping 0.09-0.11 holes per copper site. 2. The phase boundary of the paramagnetic phase of cuprates has been calculated with taking into account the strong electron correlations. The instability wave vector gets displaced from pure antiferromagnetic wave vector if doping increases. The calculated pictures of Lindhard response functions and complex momentum dependence of a CDW pseudogap are presented. Spin susceptibility expression for the singlet correlated band at $T_c The results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, I.Eremin, submitted to Appl.Magn.Res (cond-mat/9908297). [2] I.Eremin, M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, in a book "Stripes and Related Phenomena", edited by A.Bianconi and N.L.Saini, to be published by Kluwer Academics-Plenum Publisher. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before the grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant. [3] I.Eremin, Solid State Commun. 105, pp.293-296, 1998. I.Eremin participated in the Second International Conference on Stripes'98 (Rome, Italy, 2-6 June, 1998) and presented an oral contribution "Two reasons of instability in layered cuprates", Specialized Colloque Ampere EPR, NMR and NQR in Solid State Physics: Recent Trends (Pisa, Italy, June 14-18, 1999) and presented poster contribution "How large can be CDW/SDW amplitudes in layered cuprates", XVI International Seminar "New Magnetic Materials for Microelectronics" (Moscow, Russian Federation, June 23-26, 1998) and presented a poster "Dynamic spin susceptibility below $T_c$. Hubbard Model" (in Russian), XXVII International School for Theoretical Physicists "Kourovka" (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 2-7 March, 1998) and presented a talk "Influence of strong electron correlation on dynamical spin susceptibility in two-dimensional models" (in Russian) I.Eremin participated in the International Cooperation with the groups of Prof. D.Brinkmann and Prof. H.Keller, Institute of Physics, Zuerich University, Switzerland. In September 1999 I.Eremin has got a Ph.D. degree under the supervision of Prof. B.I.Kochelaev (Kazan State University). A.V.PANOV (Far-Eastern State University, Vladivostok) in his studies of magnetism obtained the following results: 1. The ground and metastable magnetic states of magnetite and iron particles with sizes closed to single-domain were analyzed within the scope of the developed model [1]. It was shown that depending on its size and elongation the grain can be in one of three states: with uniform magnetization, with a small and large non-uniformity of magnetic moment (quasi-single-domain and two-domain states). The critical sizes for uniform and quasi-single-domain states were calculated. Magnetization processes of such particles were simulated. The coercive force and critical fields as functions of size, elongation of the particles and external magnetic field direction were studied. The essential difference from similar studies is non-monotone dependence of coercive force on particle elongation for magnetite which is confirmed by experiments. 2. The previous model of two-phase particle was extended by entering of interfacial exchange coupling [2-4]. The magnetization process of an ensemble of Co-coated $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ used in magnetic recording media was studied. The set of magnetic states of such particles was analyzed for ensemble with thermal agitation. It was shown that relation between interfacial exchange coupling and magnetostatic inter-phase interaction affect dependence of the coercive force of the ensemble of $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ particles on coating volume. It was obtained that the growth in coating magnetocrystalline anisotropy leads to increase in coercivity of the ensemble. The main results have been presented in the papers submitted in March and April, 1998, before grantee has been informed of the awarding ICFPM grant: [1] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine magnetite particles, Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie [in Russian], 86, pp.65-73, 1998. [2] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Modeling of magnetization process of an ensemble of $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles with cobalt coating, "Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie" [in Russian] v.87, pp.17-22, 1999. [3] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states of Co-coated $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.241-242. [4] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, An influence of inter-phase interaction on coercive force of two-component particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.511-512. In June, 1999 A. V. Panov has got Ph. D. degree from the Far East State University (Vladivostok). Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Belokon'. Title: "Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine heterogeneous particle systems". A.M.POVOLOTSKY (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow Region) in his studies of the models of self-organized criticality obtained the following results: 1. We investigate the dynamics of Eulerian walkers as a model of self-organized criticality [1]. The evolution of the system is divided into characteristic periods which can be seen as avalanches. The structure of avalanches is described and the critical exponent in the distribution of first avalanches $\tau=2$ is determined. We also study a mean square displacement of Eulerian walkers and obtain a simple diffusion law in the critical state. The evolution of underlying medium from a random state to the critical one is described. 2.The general framework for the renormalization group analysis of self-organized critical sandpile models is formulated [2,3]. The usual real space renormalization scheme for lattice models when applied to nonequilibrium dynamical models must be supplemented by feedback relations coming from the stationarity conditions. On the basis of these ideas the Dynamically Driven Renormalization Group is applied to describe the boundary and bulk critical behavior of sandpile models. A detailed description of the branching nature of sandpile avalanches is given in terms of the generating functions of the underlying branching process. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] A.M.Povolotsky, V.B.Priezzhev, R.R.Shcherbakov, Phys.Rev.E 58, pp.5449-5454, 1998. [2] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, Phys.Rev.E 60, pp.1239-1251, 1999. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [3] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, preprint DIAS-STP-98-06, Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Ireland. A.Povolotsky was invited by J.Stefan Institute, Ljubljana Slovenia and presented the seminar there entitled "Eulerian walkers as a model of the self-organized criticality." S.E.SKIPETROV (Moscow State University) in his studies obtained the following main results: 1. A possibility for diagnostics of laser-induced particle flows in concentrated suspensions using methods of the optical correlation spectroscopy has been studied. The role of ponderomotive effects in experiments on dynamic multiple light scattering (DMLS) has been analyzed. 2. A diffusion model for the temporal autocorrelation function of multiple scattered light has been developed. The model has been shown to be valid for both the Brownian motion and laminar flow of scatterers. The case of spatially localized flow of scatterers in a turbid sample has been considered. We have demonstrated both theoretically and experimentally that one could use DMLS techniques to obtain useful information about hidden particle flows in turbid media. 3. Imaging through atmospheric turbulence has been studied. Statistical moments of the modulation transfer functions (MTFs) of a turbulent atmosphere have been calculated for various models of turbulence. Some of the main results have been presented in a paper containing acknowledgment to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially heterogeneous scatterer dynamics. Physics in Higher Education, V.5, No.1, pp.98-112, 1999 [in Russian]. [2] Karabutov A.A., Pelivanov I.M., Podymova N.B., Skipetrov S.E. Direct measurement of the spatial intensity distribution of light in a scattering medium, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., V.70, No.3, pp.187-191, 1999 [in Russian]; [English translation: J.Exp.Theor.Phys.Lett., V.70, No.3, pp.183-188, 1999]. [3] Skipetrov S.E., Effective dielectric function of a random medium, Phys.Rev.B 60, No.18, pp.12705-12709, 1999. [4] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Shcheglov V.A., Laser-induced particle flows in random media: is the diagnostics with multiple-scattered light possible? In: CD-ROM Proceedings of the International Conference on Optical Technology and Image Processing in Fluid, Thermal, and Combustion Flow (VSJ-SPIE'98) (Yokohama, Japan, December 7-9, 1998), paper AB090. [5] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Correlation spectroscopy for diagnostics of light-induced particle motion in concentrated suspensions. In: Fourth International Conference on Correlation Optics, O.V. Angelsky, Ed., Proc. SPIE, V.3904, pp.423-428, 1999. [6] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave imaging of flows in turbid media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99), (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). [7] Skipetrov S.E., Refractive index of random media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99) (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). S.Skipetrov participated in several scientific conferences: - XI School-Conference on Diffraction and Propagation of Waves (Moscow, Russia, January 12-15, 1998). An oral presentation entitled "Multiple scattering of light in random media with complex dynamic structure" has been made. - NATO Advanced Study Institute "Diffuse Waves in Complex Media" (Les Houches, France, March 17-28, 1998). A poster "Ponderomotive action of light in random media" has been presented. - XVI International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics - ICONO'98 (Moscow, Russia, June 29-July 3, 1998). Two posters has been presented: "Dynamic multiple scattering of laser radiation on light-induced flows of microparticles in suspension" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy of flows". - 17th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division, European Physical Society and 6emes Journees de la Matiere Condensee, Societe Francaise de Physique (Grenoble, France, August 25-29, 1998). A poster "Cross-correlations in dynamic multiple scattering of light" has been presented. - Fall School-Conference "Light-Scattering Techniques in Biomedicine, Industry and Material Science" (Saratov, Russia, October 6-9, 1998). An oral presentation: "Theory of diffusing-wave spectroscopy with angular and spatio-temporal cross-correlations" and two poster presentations: "Ponderomotive action of light in random multiple-scattering media" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in random media with absorption", have been made. - International Conference on Biomedical Optics and Spectroscopy. European Biomedical Optics Week - BiOS'98 (Stockholm, Sweden, September 6-9, 1998). Title of presentation: "Possibilities for study of light-induced flows of microparticles in concentrated suspensions using methods of optical correlation spectroscopy". - International Conference on LASERS'98 (Tucson, Arizona, USA, December 7-11, 1998). Title of presentation: "Hydrodynamic flows induced by copper-vapor laser: diagnostics using optical correlation spectroscopy". S.E.Skipetrov has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. S.S.Chesnokov. Title: "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially-heterogeneous scatterer flows". F.M.TSAHHAEV (Ryazan State Pedagogical University) in his studies of physics of low dimensional structures obtained the following results: 1. Galvanomagnetic effects have been measured in n-AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures with filling of two subbands. The values of the momentum relaxation times t and q have been determined experimentally. The t and q times have been also calculated in the conditions of intersubband scattering using the self-consistent electron wave function. The dominating relaxation mechanism was identified and the parameters of defects were evaluated by comparison of experimentally determined and calculated t and q values [1,5,6,9]. 2. The GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures with anomalously high mobility of 2D-electrons 0.6 m/V s (T=4.2 K) in respect to the well-known analogs have been synthesized. The anomalies and anisotropy of kinetic effects characteristics of the GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures have been observed in experiments. The electrons energy spectrum in GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures has been calculated on the basis of the experimental results. The comparison of calculated data and measurements results (C-V characteristics, temperature and axial/lateral magnetic field dependencies of conductivity, photoluminescence spectra) reveals anomalous properties of GaAs(0.30,?-Sn) structure along [110] direction in respect to the [110] one [4]. 3. In [7,8] the experimental results is analyzed in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures. 4. The hysteresis of current-temperature characteristics is revealed in GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with the three quantum wells [2]. 5. The magnetic field suppression of electron-electron interaction of 2D-electrons in the main and the first, disturbed subbands of dimension quantization in single heterojunction AlGaAs/GaAs have been revealed [3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] V.I.Kadushkin, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Relaxation mechanisms of 2D-electrons in selective doped n-AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs heterostructure with filling of two subbands,\\ Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., No.5/6, pp.55-74, 1999. [2] V.I.Tsebro, O.E.Omelyanovski, V.I.Kadushkin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, F.M.Tsahhaev,\\ S.N.Larin, Lateral photoconductivity low temperature hysteresis of GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with asymmetric system of quantum wells, Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). [3] V.I.Kadushkin, F.M.Tsahhaev, S.N.Larin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, Intersubband relaxation of 2D-electrons in AlGaAs(Si)/GaAs strong doped heterojunction, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., No.3/4, pp.135-166, 1998. [5] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, News Institutions of Higher Education. Physics, No.159, 1998 [in Russian]. Proceedings of the Conference: [6] The 24th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, August 2-7, 1998, Jerusalem, Israel; "Energy spectrum and relaxation mechanisms of electrons in lateral-surface superlattices GaAs(0.30,?-Sn)". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Yu.A.Kotova). [7] 10th International Symposium on Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors, August 31- September 2, 1998, Vilnius, Lithuania. "Photomodulation processes in GaAs/AlAs type-I quantum well structures". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [8] VII Luthuanian-Polish Seminar "Solid State Physics and Technology", Kaunas, 1998. "Photoexcitation effects in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures investigated by differential reflectivity spectroscopy". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [9] The 194th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, Boston, Massachusetts, November\\ 1-6, 1998. "Energy spectrum of electrons in GaAs(?-Sn) structure grown on vicinal plane". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). In March, 2000 F.M.Tsahhaev shall be got Ph.D. degree from the Ryazan State Pedagogical University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Kadushkin (RSPU). Title: "Localization and scattering of quasi-particles in low-dimensional heterostructures in quantized magnetic fields." D.A.RYNDYK (Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS, Nizhny Novgorod) in his studies of nonequilibrium effects in dynamics of Josephson structures and layered superconductors (nonequilibrium Josephson effect) obtained the following results: 1. Starting from microscopic equations for Green functions, quasiclassical kinetic equations are derived for the systems of tunnel junctions and for layered superconductors [1]. This kinetic equations can be generalized for the case of different types of junctions and for superconductors with arbitrary energy dependence of the density of states and anisotropic pairing. 2. Dynamics of one-dimensional array of nonequilibrium junctions is investigated, in particular, current-voltage characteristics and high frequency interaction between junctions. Peculiarities of the dynamics of intrinsic Josephson junctions in HTSC are considered [1,2] (this work is a continuation of previous investigation carried out in 1998: D.A.Ryndyk, Phys.Rev.Lett., 80, 3376, 1998). The calculated current-voltage characteristics demonstrate the nature of the effect of electron-hole imbalance on the dynamics of one-dimensional chains of junctions. 3. The effect of nonequilibrium amplification of Josephson oscillations is predicted [2]. 4. "Plasma" oscillations and Josephson flux flow in layered superconductors is considered with nonequilibrium effects taken into account. Beside, the work on the kinetic theory of plasma turbulence is continued, which was began previously in connection with the experimental investigation of low-hybrid turbulence, excited by ion beam (E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk et al., Nuclear Fusion, 38, 661, 1998). New results in the theory of turbulent broadening of cyclotron resonances are published in Ref.[3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] D.A.Ryndyk, Nonequilibrium Josephson effect in systems of tunnel junctions and in layered superconductors, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. V.116, p.1798, 1999 [JETP V.89, p.975, 1999]. [2] D.A.Ryndyk, High-frequency properties of nonequilibrium Josephson junctions in nanoscale and layered superconductors, Journal of radioelectronics (www journal) n.1 (2000), to be published in "Foreign radioelectronics". [3] E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk, Stochastic Broadening of High Order Ion Cyclotron Resonances due to Lower-Hybrid Turbulence, Strong microwaves in plasmas (proceedings of IV international workshop on strong micro-waves in plasmas, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 1999 ), ed. A.G.Litvak, V.2, Nizhny Novgorod, 2000. D.Ryndyk in 1999 participated in: 1. School-seminar "Physics and applications of microwaves" (24-30 of May in Krasnovidovo, Moscow region) with invited lecture "Physical basis of Josephson high frequency electronics". D.Ryndyk take part in several russian and international research projects, in particular: 1. Grants of Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) N. 97-02-16928 and 99-02-16188 . 2. State research program "Physics of microwaves". Grant 4.7. "Theoretical and experimental investigation of microwave interaction with superconducting structures". 3. Joint program of Institute of Applied Physics RAS and W7-AS stellarator group (Garching, Germany) on Collective Thomson scattering for plasma diagnostic. A.M.RUVINSKY (Institute of Spectroscopy of RAS, Troitsk) in his studies of collective properties of excitons has considered an influence of random fields on the conditions of exciton condensation and superfluidity in bulk and low-dimensional systems [1]. It was shown that in semiconductor alloys the density of excitons in Bose condensate decreases due to the exciton scattering on random fields of impurities or fluctuations of the composite. The density of the superfluidity fraction in the system of 3D and quasi-2D excitons also decreases taking into account this scattering. The scattering on the random field of the quantum well widths' fluctuations was analyzed for direct and indirect excitons. Analytical expressions for the exciton superfluidity densities in "dirty" single quantum wells, coupled quantum wells and bulk semiconductors have been derived. The influence of random fields on Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature for exciton systems in low-dimensional structures was analyzed. These results have been presented in the papers [1,2] containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1].Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, Superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. V.69, No.8, pp.573-578, 1999 [in Russian], (Letter in JETP, V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999). [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, A.M.Ruvinsky, Bogolubov approximation for rare exciton system in random media, Fiz.Tverd.Tela (Physics of the Solid State), in print, 2000 [in Russian]. In June, 1998 A.Ruvinsky has got Ph.D. degree from State Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "Magnetoexcitons in inhomogeneous and low-dimensional structures". A.ZEMLYANOV (Moscow State University) obtained the following results: A new approach to the description of anomalous transport phenomena that take place in fractal media was developed. Namely, anomalous diffusion on a comb structure consisting of a one- dimensional backbone and lateral branches (teeth) of random length is considered. A definite classification of the trajectories of random walks reduces the original problem to an analysis of classical diffusion on the backbone, where, however, the time of this process is a random quantity. Its distribution is assigned by the properties of the random walks of the diffusing particles on the teeth. The possibility of applying mean-field theory in such a model is demonstrated, and the equation for the Green's function with a partial derivative of fractional order is obtained. The characteristic features of the propagation of particles on a comb structure are analyzed. A model of an effective homogeneous medium, in which diffusion is described by an equation with a fractional derivative with respect to time and an initial condition in the form of an integral of fractional order, is obtained. These results are published in [1] and were presented at the Moscow Seminar on Synergetics at the Physics Faculty, Moscow State University. [1] I.A.Lubashevsky, A.A.Zemlyanov, Continuum description of anomalous diffusion on a comb structure, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., V.114, pp.1284-1312, 1998 [in Russian]. A.Zemlyanov has received invitation for participating in a research program at the University of Texas at Austin during the next three years.
D.L.PASMANIK (Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod) obtained following results: 1. Further analysis of energetic electron precipitation at the evening sector of magnetosphere is performed. In the framework of previously developed model of cyclotron wave-particle interactions, the case of finite spread over energies of initial energetic electron distribution is studied. The solution for distribution function of energetic electron is found. The energetic spectrum of trapped and precipitating electrons and whistler wave spectrum are analyzed [1]. 2. As a further development of this model the eigenmodes of the waveguide with non-uniform background plasma density distribution is analyzed. In the case of system with cylindrical symmetry the spatial structure of eigenmodes is found. The generalization of self- consistent quasilinear theory of cyclotron whistler-electron interaction with this structure taken into account is made. Analysis of the efficiency and the threshold of different eigenmodes excitation is made and the preliminary analysis of the self-consistent problem is made. Two papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM are currently prepared an will be submitted at the beginning of 2000. There are publications, which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [1] D.L.Pasmanik, V.Y.Trakhtengerts, Spectral characteristics of waves and particles in the model of cyclotron wave-particle interactions near plasmapause, Annales Geophysicae, V.17, No.3, pp.351-357, 1999. [2] D.L.Pasmanik, V.Y.Trakhtengerts, A.G.Demekhov, The self-consistent theory of quasistationary energetic electron and proton precipitation near plasmapause, In proceedings of International Conference on Problems of GeoCosmos, June 29 -July 3, 1998, St.Petersburg, Russia (in press). In 1998-99 D.L.Pasmanik participated in the following conferences: - 21 Annual Seminar "Physics of Auroral Phenomena" 24 - 27 March, 1998, Apatity, Russia, poster "Spectral characteristics of wave and particles in the model of cyclotron wave-particle interaction near plasmapause", D.L.Pasmanik, V.Y.Trakhtengerts, - International Conference on Problems of GeoCosmos, June 29 - July 3, 1998, St.Peters\-burg, Russia, poster "The self-consistent theory of quasistationary energetic electron and proton precipitation near plasmapause", D.L.Pasmanik, V.Y.Trakhtengerts, A.G.Demekhov, - 3rd International Workshop on "The Sollar Wind-Magnetosphere System", 23 - 25 September, 1998, Graz, Austria, poster "The self- consistent theory of cyclotron wave-particle interaction near plasmapause", D.Pasmanik, - 3rd Session of young scientists of Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, April 1998, oral "Spectral characteristics of wave and particles in the model of cyclotron wave-particle interaction near plasmapause", - 22 Annual Seminar "Physics of Auroral Phenomena", March, 1999, Apatity, Russia, oral "Cyclotron interactions in the whistler waveguide", D.L.Pasmanik, V.Y.Trakhtengerts, - XXVIth General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science, Toronto, Canada, 13 - 21 August 1999, poster "Features of localized energetic particle precipitation", D.L.Pasmanik, V.Y.Trakhtengerts, A.G.Demekhov, - 4th Session of young scientists of Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, April 99, oral "Cyclotron interactions in the whistler waveguide". M.G.STEPANOV (Institute of Automation and Electrometry, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk) in his studies of nonlinear spectroscopy of plasma and hydrodynamic turbulence obtained the following results: 1. The universal shape of the narrow peak in the Doppler broadened absorption spectrum resulting from a turning point was obtained [3]. 2. The Autler-Townes doublet in the probe wave absorption spectrum was analyzed. It was shown that its components undergo power broadening when the intensity of probing wave increases [1]. 3. The whole probability distribution function of passive scalar in large scale d-dimensional smooth velocity field with Gaussian statistics was obtained [2]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] M.G.Stepanov, Autler-Townes doublet probed by strong field, J.Phys.B: At.Mol.Opt.Phys. V.32, No.3, pp.649-661, 1999. [2] I.V.Kolokolov, V.V.Lebedev, M.G.Stepanov, Passive scalar in a large-scale velocity field, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Phys. V.115, No.3, pp.920-939, 1999, [JETP V.88, No.3, pp.506-516, 1999]. There is a publication, which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [3] D.A.Shapiro, M.G.Stepanov. Diffusion-broadened line shape near a turning point, Pis'ma v Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. V.68, No.1, pp.27-33, 1998 [JETP Letters V.68, No.1, 1998]. Also M.G.Stepanov participated the conference: D.A.Shapiro, M.G.Stepanov, Ionic spectra under strong laser field in plasma - 14th International Conference on Spectral Line Shapes (June 22-26, 1998, College Park, PA, USA), In: Spectral Line Shapes, V.10, p.321-324, 1999, it should contain the reference to the ICFPM and INTAS. Three articles are in the process of preparation for publication. One of them contains the direct numerical solving of the equations for optimal velocity configuration in Burgers equation realizing large velocity gradients (saddle-point configuration or instanton) with some analytic estimations (with A.I.Chernykh, for chao-dyn and Phys.Rev.E). Another one is devoted to the generation spectrum of anti-Stokes ion laser, where the narrow spectral structure was observed and explained (with S.A.Babin, S.I.Kablukov, S.V.Khorev, E.V.Podivilov, V.V.Potapov and D.A.Shapiro, for Phys.Rev.A). The last one discusses the Doppler-free spectral structures coming from extremal points of resonance frequencies as functions of particle velocity in four-level systems (with Yu.Belousov, E.V.Podivilov, D.A.Shapiro, for Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz.). All them will contain the reference to the ICFPM and INTAS. In April, 1999 M.G.Stepanov has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis advisors: D.A.Shapiro, E.V.Podivilov. Title: "Strong field effects in nonlinear plasma spectroscopy". During April, 1998 M.Stepanov participated in international co-operation with the group of Prof. G.E.Falkovich, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel. In his studies of qualitative algorithms of changing, in a prescribed way, the spectral data of multichannel quantum systems V.M.CHABANOV (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow Region) has obtained the following results: Phenomena of co-existence of states with different, seemingly "incompatible", properties at the same energy for the same interaction have been revealed and relevant exact multichannel models have been given: the presence of both bound states and scattering solutions simultaneously [1], the combination of a strong reflection with an absolute transparency as well as that of scattering states with different resonance widths ([1] in the list of submitted papers). The class of absolutely transparent interaction matrices without bound states which have no analogues in the one-channel case has been found [1]. Peculiarities of the multichannel periodic structures and multichannel resonance tunneling have been described ([1] in the list of submitted papers). The analysis of the potential matrix transformations when the energy levels of neighbor bound states with linearly dependent/independent spectral weight vectors come close together up to degeneracy has been performed [2]. The effect of the concentration of quantum waves in a chosen partial channel accompanied with their spatial localization in the place under control has been shown [2] (and, in more detail, [1] in the list of submitted papers). Exact solutions for classical few-body systems derived from the multichannel quantum inverse problem have been found [2] (and, in more detail, [2] in the list of submitted papers). A family of exactly solvable models for quasi-bound quadratically integrable states have been obtained [3] (addition of an imaginary value to a bound state energy). A control of both resonance widths and positions of poles related to resonances in the complex E-plane has been demonstrated [3]. Explicit analytical expressions for the creation of points of the spectrum with homogeneous boundary conditions, corresponding to non-normalizable states, have been derived [4]. These results have been presented in the following papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS - ICFPM: [1] V.M.Chabanov, B.N.Zakhariev, Coexistence of confinement and propagating waves: a quantum paradox, Phys.Lett.A 255, pp.123-128, 1999. [2] B.N.Zakhariev, V.M.Chabanov, The qualitative theory of elementary transformations of one- and multichannel quantum systems in the inverse problem approach. The construction of transformations with given spectral parameters, Part.Nucl. 30, No.2, pp.277-320 [JINR, in Russian], pp.111-130 (AIP, translated into English), 1999. [3] B.N.Zakhariev, V.M.Chabanov, The elements of quantum design, Vest.Sec.Fiz.RAEN, V.5, pp.58-77, 1999 [in Russian]. [4] V.M.Chabanov, B.N.Zakhariev, V.V.Torchinov, Commun. JINR P4-98-176. [5] V.M.Chabanov, B.N.Zakhariev, Towards the quantum design of multichannel systems (the inverse problem approach), submitted to Ann. of Phys. (N.Y.). [6] V.M.Chabanov, B.N.Zakhariev, Exact solutions for classical few-body systems from the multichannel quantum inverse problem, submitted to Few-Body Systems. The above results were included into common with Prof. B.N.Zakhariev contributions to the following conferences in 1998-1999: 1. American School "New Trends in Quantum Mechanics", Mexico (July 27 - August 15, 1998). 2. Conference on "Charged trapped particles", Monteray, California, USA (August 28 - September 5, 1998). 3. Conference on Math.Phys., Torun, Poland (May 26 - 30, 1998). 4. Workshop "Low dimensional Systems", JINR, Dubna (June 3 - 11, 1998). 5. Conference ``Nuclear Spectroscopy and Reactions", Moscow (June 16 - 19, 1998) 6. International Conference on Supersymmetry, JINR, Dubna (July 26--31, 1999) 7. Report at the Session of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (February 2, 1999) On May 13, 1998 V.M.Chabanov has got Ph.D. degree from the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. Thesis Advisor: Prof. B.N.Zakhariev (JINR). Title: "A qualitative theory of transformations of quantum systems in approach of the inverse problem". M.N.CHERNODUB (Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow) in his studies of Elementary Particle Physics obtained the following results: 1. In [1] a new abelian gauge (Spatial Maximal Abelian gauge) for SU(2) lattice gluodynamics has been proposed. In this gauge the abelian monopoles were shown to be condensed in the confinement phase and they form a dilute gas in the deconfinement phase [1]. The abelian monopoles in the Maximal Abelian gauge of SU(2) gluodynamics carry both electric and magnetic density of the SU(2) action [2]. The effective action for these monopoles was derived and various representations of SU(2) gluodynamics were studied in [3]. 2. In the Maximal Abelian Gauge of SU(2) gluodynamics the abelian monopoles were shown to behave like abelian dyons since the monopoles acquire a small abelian electric charge [4]. Since the dyons are condensed in the deconfinement phase the Aharonov--Bohm effect appear: QCD strings interact with quarks in non-trivial way [5]. The properties of the abelian monopoles has been reviewed [6-7]. The Aharonov--Bohm effect has been further investigated in the Abelian Higgs model [8]. 3. The embedded topological defects were introduced on the lattice and the relation of these defects to the electroweak sphaleron configurations was studied [9]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM: [1] M.N.Chernodub, M.I.Polikarpov, A.I.Veselov, Effective monopole potential for SU(2) lattice gluodynamics in spatial maximal Abelian gauge, hep-lat/9812012; JETP Lett. 69, pp.174-179, 1999. [2] B.L.G.Bakker, M.N.Chernodub, M.I.Polikarpov, A.I.Veselov, Abelian monopoles and action density in SU(2) gluodynamics on the lattice, hep-lat/9811001, Phys.Lett.B 449, pp.267-273, 1999. [3] M.N.Chernodub, S.Kato, N.Nakamura, M.I.Polikarpov, T.Suzuki, Various representations of infrared effective lattice SU(2) gluodynamics, preprint KANAZAWA 98-19; ITEP-TH-61/98. [4] M.N.Chernodub, F.V.Gubarev, M.I.Polikarpov, Abelian dyons in the maximal Abelian projection of SU(2) gluodynamics, hep-lat/9801010; JETP Lett. 69, pp.169-173, 1999. There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [5] E.T.Akhmedov, M.N.Chernodub, M.I.Polikarpov, Dyon condensation and Aharonov-Bohm effect, JETP Lett. 67, 389 (1998). [6] B.L.G.Bakker, M.N.Chernodub, F.V.Gubarev, M.I.Polikarpov, A.I.Veselov, Properties of Abelian monopoles in SU(2) lattice gluodynamics, hep-lat/9801011. [7] M.N.Chernodub, F.V.Gubarev, M.I.Polikarpov, A.I.Veselov, Monopoles in the Abelian projection of gluodynamics, Prog.Theor.Phys.Suppl. 131, 309 (1998). [8] M.N.Chernodub, M.I.Polikarpov, A.I.Veselov, M.A.Zubkov, Strings and Aharonov-Bohm effect in Abelian Higgs model, Phys.Lett. B432, 182 (1998). [9] M.N.Chernodub, F.V.Gubarev, E.M.Ilgenfritz, Topological content of the electroweak sphaleron on the lattice, Phys.Lett. B424, 106 (1998). M.Chernodub participated in the "NORDITA Symposium on Instantons and Monopoles in QCD Vacuum", (June 22-27, 1998, Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics, Copenhagen, Denmark) and presented a talk there entitled "Embedded Topological Defects in Electroweak Theory". M.Chernodub participated in the 16th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (LATTICE'98) (July 13-18, 1998, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USA) and presented a talk there entitled "Embedded Topological Defects and Sphaleron in Electroweak Theory". M.Chernodub was invited by the Max-Planck-Institute f\"ur Physics, Werner Heisenberg Institute to take part in international scientific co-operation with the group of Prof. V.I.Zakharov (Munich, Germany, September 1-29, 1998; October 20 - November 20, 1998). M.Chernodub participated in international co-operation with the groups of (i) Prof. V.I.Zakharov, Max-Planck-Institute f\"ur Physics, Werner Heisenberg Institute, M\"unich, Germany; (ii) Prof. T.Suzuki, Department of Physics, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Japan; (iii) Dr. B.L.G.Bakker, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. S.L.DUBOVSKY (Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) in his studies of dynamics and phenomenology of supersymmetric models and of mechanisms of production of ultra-high energy cosmic rays obtained the following results: 1. It was shown [1] that "top-down" mechanisms of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays which involve heavy relic particle-like objects predict Galactic anisotropy of highest energy cosmic rays at the level of minimum $\sim 20\%$. This anisotropy is large enough to be either observed or ruled out in the next generation of experiments. 2. Phenomenological consequences of the direct mixing between Standard Model fields and fields-mediators of supersymmetry breaking (messengers) were discovered. Limits on the corresponding coupling constants coming from flavor violating processes both in the lepton [2] and quark [3] sector were obtained. Radiative electroweak breaking in models with mixing was studied. It was found that in these models, unlike gauge mediated models without mixing, wide range of $\tan{\beta}$ is allowed. 3. In [4] it was constructed a toy model with the following properties: i) it is strongly coupled at a certain scale and breaks supersymmetry at this scale; ii) matter superfields of (one generation of) the Standard Model are effective low energy degrees of freedom of this strongly coupled theory; iii) direct gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking occurs due to messenger superfields that are also effective low energy degrees of freedom. 4. It was prepared a review [5] on phenomenological and theoretical aspects of models with gauge mediation. 5. In [6] it was shown that global fermionic charges induced in vacuum by slowly varying, topologically non-trivial background scalar fields are not renormalized provided that expansion in momenta of background fields is valid. This suggests that strongly coupled theories obey induced charge matching conditions which are analogous, but generally not equivalent, to 't Hooft anomaly matching conditions. A set of examples of induced charge matching was considered. In particular, the corresponding constraints in softly broken supersymmetric QCD suggest non-trivial low energy mass pattern, in full accord with the results of direct analyses. 6. Matching conditions suggested in [6] were considered in the case of supersymmetric QCD with quantum modified moduli space [7]. It was found that the Wess--Zumino term should be present in the low energy theory in order that these consistency conditions are satisfied. The lowest homotopy groups of the quantum moduli space were calculated. As a result it was shown that there are no obstructions to the existence of the Wess--Zumino term at arbitrary N. The explicit expression for this term is given. It is shown that neither vortices nor topological solitons exist in the model. The case of softly broken supersymmetry is considered as well. It was found that the possibility of global flavor symmetric vacuum is strongly disfavored. 7. It was shown [8] that the dip expected in the diffuse photon spectrum above the threshold of e+e- pair production, i.e., at energies $10^{15}$ - $10^{17}$ eV, may be absent due to the synchrotron radiation by the electron component of the extragalactic Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHE CR) in the Galactic magnetic filed. The proposed mechanism propose requires small (less than $2x10^{-12}$ G) extragalactic magnetic fields and large fraction of photons in the UHE CR. For a typical photon flux expected in top-down scenarios of UHE CR, the predicted flux in the region of the dip is close to the existing experimental limit. The sensitivity of the mechanism to the extragalactic magnetic field may be used to improve existing bounds on the latter by two orders of magnitude. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [2] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Flavor violation and $\tan{\beta}$ in gauge mediated models with messenger-matter mixing, Nucl.Phys.B 557, pp.119-145, 1999. [5] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky, Gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking, Phys.Usp. 42, pp.623-651, 1999; Usp.Fiz.Nauk 169, pp.705-736, 1999 [in Russian]. [6] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, M.V.Libanov, V.A.Rubakov, Nonrenormalization of induced charges and constraints on strongly coupled theories, Phys.Rept. 320, pp.147-158, 1999. [7] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Induced charge matching and Wess-Zumino term on quantum modified moduli space, (to appear in Phys.Rev.D). [8] S.L.Dubovsky, P.G.Tinyakov, Generation of $10^{15}$ eV - $10^{17}$ eV photons by UHE CR in the Galactic magnetic field, JETP Lett. 70, pp.495-501, 1999. There are some publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [1] S.L.Dubovsky, P.G.Tinyakov, Galactic Anisotropy as Signature of "Top-Down" Mechanisms of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays, JETP Lett. 68, pp.107-111, 1998. [3] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Messenger-matter mixing and lepton flavor violation, Phys.Lett. B419, pp.223-232, 1998. [4] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky, Towards common origin of supersymmetry breaking, compositeness, and gauge mediation, Phys.Lett. B423, pp.301-304, 1998. S.Dubovsky participated in the 10-th International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, Suzdal, May 18-24, 1998) and presented a talk entitled "Galactic anisotropy of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays produced by CDM-related mechanisms" (S.Dubovsky, P.Tinyakov). S.Dubovsky was also co-author of talks "Low $\tan{\beta}$ in the extended Minimal Gauge Mediated Model" (S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov) and "Grand unification with gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking" (S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky) presented there. S.Dubovsky was invited by the International Center of Theoretical Physics to take part in the Summer School on High-Energy Physics and Cosmology (Italy, Trieste, June 28 - July 18, 1998). S.Dubovsky participated in the 2nd International Conference on Non-Accelerator New Physics (NANP-99, Russia, Dubna, June 28 - July 3) and presented a talk entitled "Synchrotron radiation in the Galactic magnetic field as a signature of top-down mechanisms of UHE CR". S.Dubovsky participated in the School on Selected Topics of Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Statistics (October 16-23, 1999, Tbilisi, Georgia) and Workshop on Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics Dedicated to the 90th anniversary of N.N.Bogolyubov (October 23-28, 1999, Tbilisi, Georgia) and presented a talk entitled "Nonrenormalization of the induced charge and Wess-Zumino term on quantum modified moduli space". V.A.GANI (Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute (Technical University)), obtained the following main results within the research program of ICFPM during 1998-1999: 1. The space-time structure of the process of decay of a bubble of hypothetic phase - disoriented chiral condensate (DCC) is studied [1]. It is shown that the process of decay of the initial configuration depends crucially on selfinteraction of the pionic fields. In some cases this selfinteraction leads to the formation of sort of breather solution, formed from the pionic fields. This breather looks like a long-lived source of pionic fields. 2. Recurrence relations of perturbation theory for hydrogen ground state are obtained [2]. With their help polarizabilities in constant perpendicular electric and magnetic fields are computed up to 80th order. The high orders asymptotic is compared with its quasiclassical estimate. 3. The kink-antikink collision process for the "double sine-Gordon" (DSG) equation in 1+1 dimensions at different values of the potential parameter R>0 is studied [3]. For small values of R the problem of resonance frequencies is discussed. Qualitative explanation of the frequency shift in comparison with the frequency of the discrete level in the potential well of isolated kink is given. 4. The process of collision of two parallel domain walls in a supersymmetric model is studied both in effective Lagrangian approximation and by numerical solving of the exact classical field problem [4]. For small initial velocities we find that the walls interaction looks like elastic reflection with some delay. It is also shown that in such approximation internal parameter of the wall may be considered as a time-dependent dynamical variable. 5. The time evolution of configurations in the form of two parallel domain walls moving towards each other in a supersymmetric field model is studied [5]. The configurations involved are not BPS-saturated. It is found that for such collisions there exists some critical value $v_{cr}\approx0.9120$ of the initial velocity $v_i$ of the walls. At $v_iv_{cr}$ the sequence of vacuum states changes. The results of the numerical simulations are in agreement with "potential" consideration. 6. Detailed study of the time evolution for the initially formed large amplitude bubbles of disoriented chiral condensate (DCC) is performed [6]. It is found that the evolution of these objects may have a relatively long pre-decay stage. Simple explanation for delayed decay of such DCC bubbles is given. It is related to the existence of quasi-multikink solutions of the corresponding radial sine-Gordon equation in (3+1) dimensions. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, T.I.Belova, Yad.Fiz., 62, No.5, pp.956-960 (1999) [in Russian]. [2] V.A.Gani, V.M.Weinberg, Hydrogen atom in crossed external fields reexamined by moment method, preprint ITEP-29 (1998);; prepared for submission to Yad.Fiz. [in Russian]. [3] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, Phys.Rev.E, 60 No.3, pp.3305-3309, 1999. [4] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, A remark on collisions of domain walls in a supersymmetric model, preprint ITEP-15 (1999); [5] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, preprint ITEP-44 (1999);; prepared for submission to Phys.Rev.D. [6] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, prepared for publication as a preprint ITEP and for submission to Yad.Fiz. [in Russian]. In 1999 V.A.Gani was invited by Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute (Technical University) to take part in the International Conference "Scientific Session MEPhI-1999", January 18-22, 1999. The following talks were presented: 1) V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, T.I.Belova, "Decay of a bubble of disoriented chiral condensate"; 2) V.A.Gani, V.M.Weinberg, "High order susceptibilities of the hydrogen atom in external electric and magnetic fields"; 3) V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, "Kink-antikink interactions in the double sine-Gordon equation and the problem of resonance frequencies". In 2000 V.A.Gani was invited by Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute (Technical University) to take part in the International Conference "Scientific Session MEPhI-2000", January 17-21, 2000. The following talk was presented: V.M.Weinberg, V.A.Gani, V.D.Mur, V.S.Popov, "Energy eigenvalues of the hydrogen ground state in crossed external fields". V.A.Gani participates as a coinvestigator in Grants No 98-02-17316 (the head of the group is Prof. A.E.Kudryavtsev), No 98-02-17007 (the head of the group is Prof. V.S.Popov), No 96-15-96578 (the head of the group is Prof. L.B.Okun) of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. V.A.Gani is included as a coinvestigator in two international research projects, which now is under consideration by Foundations. D.S.GORBUNOV (Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) in his studies of supersymmetric models obtained the following results: 1. Phenomenological consequences of the direct mixing between Standard Model fields and fields-mediators of supersymmetry breaking (messengers) were discovered. Limits on the corresponding coupling constants coming from flavor violating processes both in the lepton [1] and quark [2] sector were obtained. Radiative electroweak breaking in models with mixing was studied. It was found that in these models, unlike gauge mediated models without mixing, wide range of $\tan{\beta}$ is allowed. 2. In [3] it was constructed a toy model with the following properties: i) it is strongly coupled at a certain scale and breaks supersymmetry at this scale; ii) matter superfields of (one generation of) the Standard Model are effective low energy degrees of freedom of this strongly coupled theory; iii) direct gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking occurs due to messenger superfields that are also effective low energy degrees of freedom. 3. It was prepared a review [4] on phenomenological and theoretical aspects of models with gauge mediation. 4. It is shown in Ref. [5] that global fermionic charges induced in vacuum by slowly varying, topologically non-trivial background scalar fields are not renormalized provided that expansion in momenta of background fields is valid. This suggests that strongly coupled theories obey induced charge matching conditions which are analogous, but generally not equivalent, to 't Hooft anomaly matching conditions. A few examples of induced charge matching was presented. In particular, the corresponding constraints in softly broken supersymmetric QCD suggest non-trivial low energy mass pattern, in full accord with the results of direct analyses. 5. In Ref. [6] matching of induced charges in supersymmetric SU(N) gauge theories with quantum modified moduli space was studied. It was found that the Wess-Zumino term should be present in the low energy theory in order that these consistency conditions are satisfied. The lowest homotopy groups of the quantum moduli space was calculated, and it was shown that there are no obstructions to the existence of the Wess-Zumino term at arbitrary N. The explicit expression for this term is given. It is shown that neither vortices nor topological solitons exist in the model. The case of softly broken supersymmetry is considered as well. It was found that the possibility of global baryon number violating vacuum is strongly disfavored. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Flavor violation and $\tan{\beta}$ in gauge mediated models with messenger-matter mixing, Nucl.Phys.B 557, pp.119-145, 1999. [4] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky, Gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking, Phys.Usp. 42, pp.623-651, 1999; Usp.Fiz.Nauk 169, pp.705-736, 1999 [in Russian]. [5] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, M.V.Libanov, V.A.Rubakov, Nonrenormalization of induced charges and constraints on strongly coupled theories, Phys.Rept. 320, pp.147-158, 1999. [6] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Induced charge matching and Wess-Zumino term on quantum modified moduli space (to appear in Phys.Rev.D). There are some publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [2] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Messenger-matter mixing and lepton flavor violation, Phys.Lett. B419, pp.223-232, 1998. [2] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky, Towards common origin of supersymmetry breaking, compositeness, and gauge mediation, Phys.Lett. B423, pp.301-304, 1998. D.Gorbunov participated in the 10-th International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, Suzdal, May 18-24, 1998) and presented a talk entitled "Flavor violation and $\tan{\beta}$ in gauge mediated models with messenger-matter mixing". D.Gorbunov was also a coauthor of the talk "Grand unification with gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking" (S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky) presented there. D.Gorbunov participated in the International Workshop "Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics" (October 23-28, 1999, Tbilisi, Georgia) organized by Georgian Academy of Sciences and Tbilisi State University joint with UNESCO Venice Office. The workshop was dedicated to the 90th anniversary of N.N.Bogolyubov (1909-1992). D.Gorbunov was a coauthor of the talk "Non-renormalization of induced charges and Wess-Zumino term on quantum modified moduli space" (S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov) presented there. D.Gorbunov participated in the International Conference on Non-Accelerator New Physics NANP-99 (Dubna, June 28 - July 3, 1999) and presented a talk entitled "Strong coupling unification in supersymmetric models" (D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky). D.Gorbunov was invited by the International Center of Theoretical Physics to take part in the Summer School on High-Energy Physics and Cosmology (Italy, Trieste, June 28 - July 18, 1998). D.Gorbunov participated in the X-th International School "Particles and Cosmology" (Baksan Valley, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia, April 19-25, 1999). D.Gorbunov participated in the International School "Selected Topics of Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Statistics" (October 16-23, 1999, Tbilisi, Georgia) organized by Georgian Academy of Sciences and Tbilisi State University joint with UNESCO Venice Office. The topic of research of the grant-aided aspirant I.V.GORBUNOV (Tomsk State University) included the construction and the study of spinning particle models in 3+1 and in lower space-time dimensions. In his study I.V.Gorbunov obtained the following results: 1. The model of D=2+1, N=1,2 massive superparticle with arbitrary fixed (half)integer or fractional superspin has been developed [1,3]. The classical mechanical model of the superparticle has been constructed, which contains, besides the inherent Poincare supersymmetry, one more SUSY related to the superspin degrees of freedom. The quantization of the model presents a nontrivial example of combination of the canonical Dirac and Berezin quantization methods. The quantization is based on assumption, that the "double" supersymmetry, both Poincare and internal ones, survives at the quantum level. It is shown, that some physical observables (supercharges) should be renormalized by transition from classical mechanics to the first quantized particle model [1,3]. The quantum states of N=2, D=3 spinning superparticle are realized on the fields carrying finite dimensional [1,3], or a unitary infinite dimensional [3] typical representations of the supergroup OSp(2/2). 2. The model of nonrelativistic (D=3+1) particle with arbitrary fixed spin has been developed [2]. The relation to the respective relativistic models is established. It has been founded that the particle interactions to external fields are consistent independently from detailed structure of the particle gauge symmetries. This phenomenon differentiates the nonrelativistic spinning particle from the relativistic one. In the massless limit the model describes "the light beam". The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] I.V.Gorbunov, S.L.Lyakhovich, Hidden supersymmetries and Berezin quantization of N=2, D=2 spinning superparticle, Journal of Mathematical Physics, V.40, No.5, pp.2230-2253, 1999; Preprints of ICTP (Trieste, Italy) IC/98/138, e-print hep-th/9809104. [2] I.V.Gorbunov, V.A.Dolgushev, S.L.Lyakhovich, Galilean spinning particle [in Russian], Russian Physics Journal, V.42, No.2, pp.34-46, 1999. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [3] I.V.Gorbunov, S.L.Lyakhovich, Geometric quantization of N=2, D=3 superanyon, Phys.Lett.B V.423, pp.293-300, 1998. I.V.Gorbunov participated in the International Summer School in Theoretical Physics "Volga-10" (Kazan, Russia, June 22- Jule 2, 1998) and presented a session talk there entitled "Hidden supersymmetry and Berezin quantization of N=2, D=3 spinning superparticle". In April 1999, I.V.Gorbunov has got Ph.D. degree from Tomsk State University. Thesis advisor: Prof. S.L.Lyakhovich. Title: "Lobachevsky supergeometry of D=3 massive spinning superparticle". A.Yu.NERONOV (Moscow State University) obtained the following results in his studies of quantum black hole models: 1. A theory of classical and quantum collapse of thin spherically-symmetric selfgravitating shells was developed [1]. Complete integrability of hamiltonian equations which describe motion of a selfgravitating shell has been proved. A principally important result that was obtained is the form of mass spectrum of quantum black holes which are formed in the process of gravitational collapse of thin shells of matter [2]. Some unusual quantum number which parametrize the mass spectrum was found. It has geometric origin and does not disappear even for the case of unbound motion of the collapsing shell. 2. A mechanism of formation of universal spectrum of radiation of quantum black holes was proposed [3]. It was shown, that radiation which propagates in the form of s-wave in the field of black hole has discrete spectrum, if one takes fully into account back reaction of radiation on gravitational field of black hole. Some kind of quantum analog of classical "no hair conjecture" of black hole physics was proposed [4]: although the mass spectrum of quantum black holes could have arbitrary complicated structure, spectrum of radiation coming from quantum black hole corresponds to the level spacings in some universal spectrum $m\sim\sqrt{n}$ The main results have been presented in the papers: 1. V.A.Berezin, A.M.Boyarsky, A.Yu.Neronov, Phys.Rev.D57, p.1118, 1998. 2. A.Yu.Neronov, Phys.Rev.D 59, 1998. 3. V.A.Berezin, A.M.Boyarsky, A.Yu.Neronov, gr-qc/9808027 (1998). 4. A.Yu.Neronov, Ph.D. Thesises, INR, Moscow, 1998. A.Neronov participated in Spinoza Meeting on Quantum black holes (Holland, Utrecht, June 29 -- July 4, 1998). In 1998 A.Neronov has got Ph.D. degree from Institute for Nuclear Research. Thesis advisor: Prof. V.A.Berezin. Title: "Quantization of spherically-symmetric gravity. Models of Quantum Black Holes". A.I.ONISCHENKO (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow) in his studies of physics of doubly heavy systems, anomalous WWV couplings and some exotic beyond SM obtained the following results: 1. Spectra of masses for the families of doubly heavy baryons are calculated in the framework of nonrelativistic quark model with the QCD-induced potential by Buchm\" uller-Tye in accordance with both the quark-diquark structure for the wave functions and taking into account the splittings depending on the spins. The region for the application of such approximations is determined [1,17,19]. 2. Below the threshold of decay of these objects into the heavy baryon and heavy meson the system of bound excited states was found, being quasi-stable with respect to hadronic transitions to the basic level [1,17,19]. 3. We have in details considered the physical reasons for the quasi-stability, taking place for the baryons with two identical quarks. In accordance to the Pauli principle, the operators, responsible for the hadronic decays and the mixing between the levels, are suppressed by the inverse heavy quark mass and the small size of diquark. This suppression is caused by the necessity to instantaneously change both the spin and the orbital momentum of compact diquark. In the baryonic systems with two heavy quark and the strange quark, the quasi-stability for the low-lying excitations of diquark is provided by the exclusion of transitions with the emission of both a single kaon because of small splitting between the levels and a single pion because of conservation for the iso-spin and strangeness [1,17,19]. 4. We obtained analytical results on the two-loop anomalous dimensions of currents for baryons, containing two heavy quarks $J = [Q^{iT}C\Gamma\tau Q^j]\Gamma^{'}q^k\varepsilon_{ijk}$ with arbitrary Dirac matrices $\Gamma$ and $\Gamma^{'}$ in the framework of NRQCD in the leading order over both the relative velocity of heavy quarks and the inverse heavy quark mass. It is shown, that in this approximation the anomalous dimensions do not depend on the Dirac structure of the current under consideration [16,18]. 5. The equivalence of results, obtained in calculation of anomalous dimensions of operators in $\overline{\rm MS}$-renormalization scheme with the use of lagrangians of HQET and NRQCD is shown [16,18]. 6. In the leading order of perturbative QCD one calculates the total and differential cross-sections for the hadronic production of doubly charmed baryons $\Xi_{cc}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^*$ in different experiments. The experimental evaluation of cross-sections for the $J/\Psi +D + \bar D$ production would allow one to decrease the uncertainty in the determination of cross-sections for the doubly charmed baryons due to the choice of $\alpha_s$ and $m_c$. One shows that in the HERA-B and E781 experiments with fixed tagets the suppression of the $\Xi_{cc}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^*$ production to the yield of $c \bar c$-pairs is the value of the order of $10^{-6}-10^{-5}$, whereas at the TEVATRON and LHC colliders it is about $10^{-4}-10^{-3}$. In the E781 experiment the observation of $\Xi_{cc}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^*$ is practically impossible. At the HERA-B and TEVATRON facilities one can expect $10^5$ events with the double charm, and at LHC one has about $10^9$ ones [12]. 7. For the first time the contribution of quark-antiquark annihilation in hardronic production of doubly charmed baryons was taken into account. This contribution becomes essential at fixed target energies. The notion of fragmentation function of heavy diquark into doubly heavy baryon is introduced [12]. 8. Analitical approximations of numerical calculations for total subprocess cross-sections of gluon-gluon and quark-antiquark production of doubly charmed baryons were obtained [12]. 9. We have performed a detailed investigation on the lifetimes of doubly heavy baryons on the basis of the operator product expansion for the transition currents. For the first time, we have presented the formulae with the simultaneous account for both the mass effects and low-energy logarithmic renormalization for the contributions to the total decay width of baryons, containing heavy quarks, as it is caused by the effects of Pauli interference and weak scattering. The usage of the diquark picture has allowed us to evaluate the matrix elements of operators derived [2,7,9,14,15,19,20,21]. 10. As an application of the formalism developed, for the first time the lifetimes of all doubly heavy baryons were obtained. The obtained results show the significant role of both the Pauli interference and the weak scattering [2,7,9,14,15,19,20,21]. 11. The sum rules for doubly heavy baryons in NRQCD approximation are constructed. The problem with stability of such sum rules, faced in earlier works, is solved [4]. 12. A detail investigation of three-point sum rules for semileptonic decays of $B_c$-meson in QCD and NRQCD is performed. The Coulomb corrections, as well as, corrections due to gluon condensate are included and their role is discussed. The generalized spin symmetry relations for formfactors are derived [3,8]. 13. The prospects for $B_c$-meson production at existing and future colliders are investigated [10,13]. 14. The possibility to have additional constraints on anomalous WWV couplings at HERA vs LEP is investigated [5]. 15. The possibility to observe TeV-scale leptoquarks, appearing in different models is reviewed [6]. Part of the results was published in the following papers, containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Spectroscopy of doubly charmed baryons: $\Xi_{cc}^{++}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^{+}$, DESY-98080, hep-ph/9807375, Mod.Phys.Lett. A14, p.135, 1999. [2] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of $\Xi_{bc}^{+}$ and $\Xi_{bc}^{0}$ baryons, hep-ph/9901224, submitted to Eur.Phys.J. [3] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Semileptonic decays of $B_c$-meson in sum rules of QCD and NRQCD, hep-ph/9905359, accepted to Nucl.Phys.B. [4] V.V.Kiselev, A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly heavy baryons in sum rules of NRQCD, hep-ph/9909339, accepted to Nucl.Phys.B. [5] A.A.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Can HERA data improve LEP constraints on WWV vertex?, DESY-99-051, accepted to Eur.Phys.J. [6] S.S.Gershtein, A.A.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, TeV-scale leptoquarks from GUT/String/M-theory unification, Phys.Rep. 320, 203, 1999. [7] A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly heavy systems: decays and OPE, hep-ph/9912424. [8] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Semileptonic decays of $B_c$-meson, accepted to Yad.Phys. [in Russian]. [9] A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of doubly heavy baryons, hep-ph/9912425. There are also papers, which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM: [10] A.V.Berezhnoy, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, $B_c$-meson at LHC, Phys.Atom.Nucl. 60, p.1729, 1997; hep-ph/9703341. [11] A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Gluon splitting into pair of heavy quarks in $e^+e^-$-annihilation, Phys.Atom.Nucl. 60, p.623, 1997. [12] A.V.Berezhnoy, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly charmed baryon production in hadronic experiments, Phys.Rev. D57, p.4385, 1998. [13] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.V.Tkabladze, A.V.Berezhnoi, A.I.Onishchenko, Theoretical status of $B_c$-meson, IHEP 98-22, hep-ph/9803433. [14] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of doubly charmed baryons: $\Xi_{cc}^{++}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^{+}$, DESY-98079; hep-ph/9807354; Phys.Rev. D60, p.14007, 1999. [15] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Total inclusive decay rates of doubly charmed baryons, Yad.Phys. No.6., 1999 [in Russian]. [16] V.V.Kiselev, A.I.Onishchenko, Two-loop anomalous dimensions for currents of bary\-ons with two heavy quarks in NRQCD, IHEP 98-64; hep-ph/9810283; submitted to\\ Phys.Lett.B. [17] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Spectroscopy of doubly heavy baryons, IHEP 98-66; hep-ph/9811212; Heavy Ion.Phys. V.9, p.133, 1999. The following talks were given: [18] V.V.Kiselev, A.I.Onishchenko, Anomal dimensions of currents of baryons with two heavy quarks, MIPT Scientific conference, Dolgoprudny, November 1998. [19] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly heavy baryons: spectroscopy and decays, Scientific conference of Subdivision of Nuclear Physics of RAS, Moscow, November 1998. [20] A.I.Onishchenko, Physics of decays of doubly heavy baryons: $\Xi_{bb}^{0}$, $\Xi_{bb}^{-}$, $\Xi_{bc}^{+}$, $\Xi_{bc}^{0}$, $\Xi_{cc}^{+}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^{++}$, Conference of young scientists, postgraduate and graduate stutents ITEP, Moscow, December 1998. [21] A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of doubly heavy baryons, Conference of young scientists, postgraduate and graduate stutents ITEP, Moscow, December 1999. [22] A.I.Onishchenko, $c$-quark mass from $J/Psi$, $\Upsilon$ and $B_c$-mesons, Conference of young scientists, postgraduate and graduate stutents ITEP, Moscow, December 1999. The work of D.M.OSTROVSKY (Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) in 1998 has consisted of three main parts: The first one concerns some aspects of the description of multiparticle production processes. In [1] the nonperturbative preasymptotic contribution to the factorial moments of the intrajet particle distribution have been computed in the framework of previously developed formalism in which new nonperturbative term had been added to standart QCD evolution equation. The presence of the additional nonperturbative contribution is supported by the existing experimental data. Another kind of studies concerns minijet production in the ultrarelativistic hadron and nuclear collisions. Particularly, in [2] transverse energy flow generated by minijets in hadron and nuclear collisions into a given rapidity window in the central region was calculated in the next-to-leading (NLO) order of QCD at RHIC and LHC energies. These results were then used to calculate transverse energy spectrum in nuclear collisions in a Glauber geometrical model. It was shown that in pp collisions differential cross section calculated with NLO accuracy is about 2 times higher than the cross section calculated with only LO accuracy. NLO modification leads to a substantial broadening of the $E_{\perp}$ distribution for the nuclear collisions, while its form remains practically unchanged. In [3] the azimuthal asymmetry of minijet system produced in nucleon-nucleon and nuclear collisions in a central rapidity window was calculated. In pp collisions the asymmetry appears due to contributions from the collisions in which only one minijet hits the acceptance window. The angular pattern of transverse energy flow in nuclear collisions and its dependence on the kinematical parameters of collisions was studied. Development and application of high energy factorization scheme for hadron collisions is a third part of the scientific activity in 1998-1999. Angular asymmetry and momentum disbalance in a pair of particles produced at high energy in the central rapidity region were studied in [4]. It was shown that the asymmetry is substantial for low outgoing particles momenta but diminishes when they rise. In [5] NLO correction to the one-jet inclusive cross section in the framework of high energy factorization was calculated. The results were numerically compared with predictions of conventional collinear factorization approach. It was shown that NLO in high energy factorization scheme reduces one-jet inclusive cross section, but quantitatively result is highly sensitive to the choice of structure function. D.Ostrovsky participated in XXVII ITEPH Winter school (16-24 February, 1999) and presented a talk "Angular and momentum asymmetry in particle production at high energies" in a student's session. The publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM, because it was submitted before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [1] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Phys.Atom.Nucl. 62, pp.701-707, 1999; Yad.Fiz. 62, pp.750-757, 1999 [in Russian]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [2] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Eur.Phys.J C11, pp.495-499, 1999. [3] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Angular pattern of minijet transverse energy flow in hadron and nuclear collisions, hep-ph/9812416, submitted to Eur.Phys.J. C. [4] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Angular and momentum asymmetry in particle production at high energies, hep-ph/9905496, submitted to Phys.Rev.D. [5] D.Ostrovsky, NLO correction to one-jet inclusive production at high energies, hep-ph/9912258, submitted to Phys.Rev.D. S.A.PASTON (Saint-Petersburg State University) in his studies of quantum field theory in light front coordinates obtained the following results: 1. The effective Hamiltonian in light front coordinates is obtained which at some dependence of coefficients, included in it, from a parameter of UV-regularization, in a limit of it removal reproduces within the framework of perturbation theory the results of lorentz-covariant formulating of quantum chromodynamics [1]. It was possible to make with the help of introduction of an additional nonstandart IR-regularization based on a principle, which is used at the Pauli-Villars regularization. Only after this introduction it has appeared possible to apply the method, published earlier, of a comparison of light-like and lorentz-covariant theories. The offered regularization breaks a gauge invariance, but in a limit of removal of a regularization the gauge invariance is restored. The obtained Hamiltonian in future is supposed to be used in nonperturbative calculations. 2. The scalar theory with non-polynomial interaction resulted from bosonization of two-dimensional quantum electrodynamics (QED) is considered [2]. This theory is described by modified Lagrangian of Sin-Gordon model with the critical value of the parameter of this model. Non-polynomiality of interaction in this model, leading to arising of vertexes with arbitrarily large number of lines in perturbation theory, makes nontrivial the construction of light-front Hamiltonian. For its construction the Pauli-Villars regularization must be introduced because at the critical value of the parameter the ultraviolet behaviour of the theory become worse. Obtained light-front Hamiltonian generates the perturbation theory which is equivalent to the covariant perturbation theory in fermion mass, which plays the role of interaction constant after the bosonization and therefore the Hamiltonian spectrum coincides with the spectrum of QED. One can investigate this spectrum beyond the framework of perturbation theory. 3. S.A.Paston participated in development of such formulation of a gauge field theory on a lattice, with which the action is polynomial on independent field variables [3]. The canonical formalism in light front coordinates for such theory is considered. These results and also the results obtained earlier, were published in a review in the proceedings of the conference in honour of V.A.Fock [4]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, V.A.Franke, Constructing the Light-Front QCD Hamiltonian, Theor.Math.Phys., V.120, No.3. pp.1164-1181, 1999; Teoreticheskaya i Matematicheskaya Fizika, V.120. No.3, pp.417-437, 1999 [in Russian]. [2] S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, V.A.Franke, $QED_2$ Light-Front Hamiltonian reproducing all orders of covariant chiral perturbation theory. Preprint SPbU-IP-99-13; hep-th/9910114. The publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM, because either they were published before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant, or they contain results obtained until this moment: [3] V.A.Franke, S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, Lattice Gauge Theories with polynomial Action and their canonical Formulation on the Light Front, Preprint SPbU-IP-98-5, hep-th/9803035. [4] V.A.Franke, Yu.V.Novozhilov, S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, Quantum Field Theory in Light-Front coordinates, in book: "Quantum Theory in honour of Vladimir A.Fock", Part 1, Unesco, St. Petersburg University, Euro-Asian Physical Society, 1998, pp.38-97; hep-th/9901029. S.Paston participated in the "IX International Workshop Small-x Physics and Light Front Dynamics in QCD", Russia, St. Petersburg, July 6-15 1998, theme of the report: "Lattice Gauge Theories with polynomial Action at the Light Front"; in the international conference "VIII St. Petersburg International School of Physics. Quantum Theory in honour of Vladimir A. Fock", Russia, St. Petersburg, May 25 - June 4 1998, theme of the report: "Lattice Gauge Theories with polynomial Action and their canonical Formulation on the Light Front"; and in the seminar "Final seminar in physics and astronomy of winners in 1998 of grant competition for young scientists of St.-Petersburg", February 16, 1999, St.-Petersburg, Russia, theme of the report: "The Construction of QCD Hamiltonian in Light-Front Coordinates"; In December, 1999 S.Paston has got Ph.D. degree from St.-Petersburg State University. Thesis advisor: Prof. V.A.Franke. Title: "The Construction of Quantum Field Theory Hamiltonian in Light-Front Coordinates". O.A.RYTCHKOV (Steklov Mathematical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences,\\ Moscow) in his studies of classical solutions in superstring theory and their applications has obtained the following results: 1. Wide classes of new intersecting p-brane solutions in various space-time dimensions were constructed making use of an algebraic method [1]. p-brane configurations were specified by incidence matrices and it was shown that the solutions of the algebraic characteristic equations for the incidence matrices controlled the intersections of p-branes. 2. New types of p-brane solutions to various supergravities were obtained with use of the sigma-model approach [9]. A new way to endow branes with an additional internal structure such as plane waves was suggested. Applying the harmonic maps technique new solutions with a non-trivial shell structure in the transverse space were generated. Also intersecting branes were considered and it was shown that the intersection rules have a simple geometric interpretation as conditions ensuring the symmetric space property of the sigma-model target space. 3. Non-extremal overlapping p-brane supergravity solutions localized in their relative transverse coordinates were constructed [5,10]. The construction used an algebraic method of solving the bosonic equations of motion. 4. Some aspects of duality between supergravities on Anti-de Sitter (AdS) spaces (appearing as near D-brane horizon geometry) and conformal field theories were investigated in [2,6]. The massive Rarita-Schwinger field in AdS background was considered and the corresponding equations of motion were solved. It was shown that appropriate boundary terms calculated on-shell give two-point correlation function for spin-3/2 fields of the conformal field theory. The relation between Rarita-Schwinger field masses and conformal dimensions of corresponding operators was established. 5. Bulk-to-bulk propagators for the massive vector and symmetric rank-2 tensor fields in the Euclidean continuation of the Anti-de Sitter space were constructed [3]. The explicit forms of these propagators in the limit when one or both points approach the boundary of AdS were derived. It was shown that the obtained expressions coincide with bulk-to-boundary propagators or two-point correlation functions of the boundary CFT as expected from the AdS/CFT correspondence. This identification provides one more evidence for treating CFT operators on the boundary as appropriate limits of quantum fields in the bulk. Also the above limiting procedure clarifies the artificial appearance of boundary terms in the AdS/CFT correspondence. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] I.Ya.Aref'eva, O.A.Rytchkov, Incidence Matrix Description of Intersecting p-brane Solutions, to be published in L.D.Faddeev's Seminar on Mathematical Physics, Advances in Mathematics, Amer.Math.Soc., Providence, R.I. [2] A.S.Koshelev, O.A.Rytchkov, Note on the Massive Rarita-Schwinger field in the AdS/CFT correspondence, Phys.Lett.B 450, p.368, 1999. [3] A.Polishchuk, O.Rytchkov, Propagator for Massive Spin-2 Field in Anti-de Sitter Space, preprint SMI-25-99. Also the obtained results were published in the proceedings of the following conferences: [4] O.A.Rytchkov, Chaotic Behaviour of Dynamical Systems in M-theory, Proceedings of the Second Open Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (Russia, Dubna, March 2-6, 1998) [in Russian]. [5] O.A.Rytchkov, Localised p-branes in Supergravities and M-theory, Proceedings of the International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, May 18-24, 1998). [6] O.A.Rytchkov, Massive Rarita-Schwinger Field in the AdS/CFT correspondence, Proceedings of the XIV International Workshop on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory (Russia, May 27 - June 2, 1999). There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [7] I.Ya.Aref'eva, P.B.Medvedev, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Chaos in D0-brane Dynamics, Banach Center Publications, V.43, p.41, 1998. [8] I.Ya.Aref'eva, P.B.Medvedev, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Chaos in M(atrix) Theory, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, V.10, p.1, 1998. [9] D.V.Gal'tsov, O.A.Rytchkov, Generating branes via sigma models, Phys.Rev. D58, p.122001, 1998. [10] I.Ya.Aref'eva, M.G.Ivanov, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Non-extremal localized\\ branes and vacuum solutions in M-theory, Class.Quant.Grav. V.15, p.2923, 1998. O.A.Rytchkov participated in Spring School on Non-perturbative Aspects of String Theory and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories (Italy, March 23-31, 1998) and in the Trieste Conference on Superfivebranes and Physics in 5+1 dimensions (Italy, April 1-3, 1998) where a poster entitled "New Non-extremal p-branes in Superstring Theories and M-theory" was presented. O.A.Rytchkov participated in International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, May 18-24, 1998) and presented a talk there entitled "Localized p-branes in Supergravities and M-theory". O.A.Rytchkov participated in XI International Conference "Problems of Quantum Field Theory" (Russia, July 13-17, 1998) and presented a talk entitled "Localized p-branes in various supergravities" O.A Rytchkov participated in XIV International Workshop on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory (Russia, May 27 - June 2, 1999) and presented a talk there entitled "Massive Rarita-Schwinger Field in the AdS/CFT correspondence" V.I.SHEVCHENKO (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow) has obtained the following results: 1. Generalized coordinate gauge in nonabelian gauge theories was analysed, limits of applicability were established and applied to the nonabelian Stokes theorem and dual QCD Lagrangian evaluation. 2. The structure of perturbative contributions to the string tension in gluodynamics was investigated and cancellation of them in the vacuum field correlators framework was shown. 3. The modifications of the Higgs mechanism in abelian Higgs model due to interaction with topological defects were considered. 4. Deeper understanding of the Higgs mechanism in the quantum background was reached, especially in the aspects, important for the abelian projected confinement theories. 5. The colour superconductivity phenomenon was investigated in the framework of Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. The effective potential was calculated and the importance of the nonperturbative gluon condensate from the nonabelian Meissner effect point of view was shown. 6. The exact renormalisation group flows were studied in the current representation of the abelian projected gluodynamics. 7. The Casimir scaling behaviour of the static potential between charges in higher representations of the gauge group SU(3) was investigated, being based on recent lattice data. The value of scaling violating terms is estimated. It is shown, that Casimir scaling puts severe bounds on the presence of classical solutions in the vacuum. [1] V.Shevchenko, Yu.Simonov, Generalized coordinate gauge, nonabelian Stokes theorem and dual QCD Lagrangian, Phys.Lett.B 437, p.146, 1998. [2] V.Shevchenko, Yu.Simonov, Perturbative contributions to field correlators, Phys.Lett.B 437, p.131, 1998. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [3] V.Shevchenko, Higgs mechanism in nontrivial background, hep-th/9810222 (being prepared for publication). [4] N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov, V.I.Shevchenko, Nonperturbative QCD vacuum and Colour Superconductivity, Phys.Rep. V.320, p.131, 1999. [5] V.I.Shevchenko, Yu.A.Simonov, Casimir Scaling as a Test of QCD vacuum, hep-ph/0001299, being prepared for publication. Published talks on conferences: (1) "Generalized Fock-Schwinger Gauge and its applications" V.I. Shevchenko, (based on the work with Yu.A.Simonov), Int.School dedicated to the 100th anniversary of V.A.Fock, St.Peterburg, 1998. (2) "Does confinement imply stochasticity?", V.I.Shevchenko, Chaos and complexity, Ponte di Legno, Italy, 1998. (3) "Gluon degrees of freedom at nonzero baryonic density", V.Shevchenko, (partly based on the work with N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov), XXVIII Autumn School, Lisbon, Portugal,1999. (4) "Coordinate gauges and confinement", V. I. Shevchenko, Confinement III (poster session, unpublished), Newport News, USA, 1998. (5) "Nonperturbative QCD vacuum and Colour Superconductivity", V.Shevchenko, (based on the work with N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov), Buckow, Germany, 1999 (no proceedings). V.Shevchenko visited Department of Theoretical Physics of Pisa University, Italy (October 1 - 30, 1998) by invitation of Professor A.DiGiacomo. In January, 2000 V.Shevchenko has got Ph.D. degree from ITEP. Thesis advisor: Prof.Yu.A.Simonov. Title: "Nonperturbative effects in gauge field theory". N.V.SHEVCHENKO (Irkutsk State University and Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow region) in her studies of few-body systems obtained the following results: 1. Elastic $\eta d$ scattering was considered within the Alt-Grassberger-Sandhas formalism for various $\eta N$ input data. A three-body resonant state was found close to the $\eta d$ threshold [1]. This resonance is sustained for different choices of the two-body $\eta N$ scattering length $a_{\eta N}$. The position of the resonance moves towards the $\eta d$ threshold when ${\rm Re\,}a_{\eta N}$ is increased, and turns into a quasi-bound state at ${\rm Re\,}a_{\eta N}\sim0.7\div0.8$\,fm depending on the choice of ${\rm Im\,}a_{\eta N}$. 2. The nuclear reaction $e+{^3{\rm He}}+{^4{\rm He}}\rightarrow{}e +{^7{\rm Be}}$ was considered at thermonuclear energies [2]. The motion of the electron was treated within the adiabatic approximation and the ${^3{\rm He}}-{^4{\rm He}}$ scattering state was calculated using an effective ${^3{\rm He}}-{^4{\rm He}}$ potential constructed via the Marchenko inverse scattering method. The reaction rate thus obtained for solar interior conditions is approximately $10^{-4}$ of the corresponding rate for the radiative capture ${^3{\rm He}}+{^4{\rm He}}\rightarrow{}{^7{\rm Be}}+\gamma$. The main results have been presented in the paper containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] N.V.Shevchenko, V.B.Belyaev, S.A.Rakityansky, S.A.Sofianos, W.Sandhas, Low-energy $\eta d$ resonance, e-print LANL, nucl-th/9908035; submitted to Phys.Rev.Lett. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [2] N.V.Shevchenko, S.A.Rakityansky, S.A.Sofianos, V.B.Belyaev, Non-radiative synthesis of $^7{\rm Be}$ in solar plasma, J.Physics G25, pp.95-106, 1999. N.Shevchenko will participate in the IV Open Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (Dubna, Russia, January 31 - February 4, 2000) and will present a session talk there entitled "Near-threshold resonance in the $\eta d$ system". N.Shevchenko is invited by the Organizing Committee of the 16th International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics (Taipei, Taiwan, March 6-10, 2000) to take part in the conference and present the contribution entitled "Low energy scattering and photoproduction of $\eta$-mesons by deuterons" in a poster session. N.Shevchenko participates in international co-operation with the group of Prof. W.Sand\-has, Physikalisches Institut, Universitat Bonn, Germany and with the group of Prof. S.A.Sofi\-anos, Physics Department, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa. N.Shevchenko is a postgraduate student of the third year and she is planing to get the Ph.D. degree at the 2000th year. V.V.SHKLYAR ( Far Eastern State University, Vladivostok) in his studies of photon and vector meson production obtained the following results: 1. The different sources of the real photon and $\phi$-meson production in nucleon-nucleon collisions at intermediate energies have been studied and the effective model of the reactions has been suggested in [1-4]. The role and influence of each channel for the $NN\to NN\gamma$ reaction (bremsstrahlung, $\Delta$-excitation, radiative $\omega/\rho$-decay) has been shown and discussed in [1]. 2. Also, the available experimental data for the real photon production at 0.28 and 0.75 GeV beam energy were described well and the predictions for forthcoming data at COSY-TOF are obtained [1]. 3. Apart from the photon production reaction, the $NN\to NN\phi$ reaction near the threshold has been explored. It was shown, that the influence of the shake-off mechanism was negligible and the $\pi\rho\phi$ interaction coming from the non-ideal $\phi-\omega$ mixing angle gave the main contribution to the $\phi$-meson yield [3]. The predictions for the reaction amplitude behaviour and polarization observables near the reaction threshold was obtained. It has been also shown that the earlier exact threshold predictions for these reactions (e.c. M.Recalo et al) were not relevant at energies slightly above the threshold [2]. The value of the beam-target asymmetry $C^{BT}=-0.8$ was predicted and the ratio of the spin-singlet states to the spin-triplet ones was derived at the reaction threshold [3]. 4. The spin density matrix and the anisotropy of the $\phi$ decay were calculated. It was also shown that for the $\phi\to e^+e^-$-decay the small $\bar ss$ admixture could lead to the modification of the $\phi$ decay anisotropy that might be used in the experimental searching of the hidden strangeness in nucleon [4]. There are the publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [1] V.V.Shklyar, B.K\"ampfer, B.L.Reznik, A.I.Titov, Bremsstrahlung in intermediate-energy nucleon reaction within an effective one-boson exchange model, Nucl.Phys.A628, pp.255-274, 1998. [2] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, The reaction $NN \to NN \phi$ near threshold, preprint (nucl-th/9712025); preprint (nucl-th/9811094). The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [3] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, Polarization observables in the reaction $NN \to NN \phi$, to be published in Phys.Rev. C59, 1999. [4] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, Polarization observables in the reaction $NN\to NN\phi$ near threshold, XIV International Seminar On High Energy Physics Problems, Conf. Proceedings, preprint E1,2-98-232. V.Shklyar participated in the International Summer Student School on High Energy Physics in Memory of Bruno Pontekorvo ( JINR, Dubna, August 18 - September 1, 1998.) V.Shklyar also participated in the XIVth International Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems (JINR, Dubna, August 17-22, 1998) as a co-author. Talk on International Seminar DEUTERON-99, JINR, Dubna-99, Russia, 4-7 July. In October, 1999 V.Shklyar has got Ph.D. degree from the Far Eastern State University. Thesis advisor: Prof. A.I.Titov (JINR). Title: "Photon and $\phi$-meson production at intermediate energies" D.V.ALEXANDROV (Urals State University, Ekaterinburg) in his studies of solidification processes obtained the following results: 1. A theory of incipience of a two-phase zone is numerically and theoretically studied [1]. On the basis of a linear law for the velocity of solidification which was obtained numerically, governing equations for the velocity and for the time of incipience of the two-phase zone (the latter arises ahead of a planar front of solidification due to the concentrational supercooling) were deduced. 2. In [2] the fractal dimension of the two-phase zone is determined for the self-similar regime of solidification in the presence of the mushy region. 3. The general problem of incipience of the two-phase zone is solved on the basis of the classical Stefan thermodiffusion model (without suggestions about the velocity distribution). The time of incipience of the two-phase zone and the velocity of solidification are determined in the form of integral equations [3]. 4. A theory of solidification with a qusiequilibrium two-phase zone is detailed on the basis of analytical solution of Borisov's model [4]. The steps of thermodynamic values in the two-phase zone (at both boundaries) are found on the basis of which the zone is changed by the discontinuity surface between solid and liquid phases. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] D.V.Alexandrov, A.G.Churbanov, P.N.Vabishchevich, Emergence of a Mushy Region in Processes of Binary Melt Solidification, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research, V.26, No.2, pp.248-264, 1999. [2] D.V.Alexandrov, A.O.Ivanov, M.E.Komarovski, An Influence of a Fractal-Like Mushy Region on Solidification Process, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research, V.26, No.2, pp.224-231, 1999. [3] D.V.Alexandrov, Incipience of a Mushy Zone in Binary Melt Solidification Processes: General Theory, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research (to be published). [4] D.V.Alexandrov, To the Theory of Solidification with a Quasiequilibrium Two-Phase Zone, Doklady AN (submitted) [in Russian]. The following papers will be presented for publication soon with acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: 1. D.V.Alexandrov, Incipience of a Mushy Zone in Binary Melt Solidification Processes: Stefan Thermodiffusion Problem (Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research). 2. D.V.Alexandrov, Quasiequilibrium Mushy Region: Dynamic Instability (Acta Materialia). In March, 1998 D.Alexandrov has got Ph.D. degree from The Urals State Technical University. Thesis advisors: Prof. V.V.Mansurov, Dr. A.O.Ivanov. Title: "An Influence of a quasiequilibrium Mushy Region on Solidification of Binary Melts". A.A.ALIVERDIEV (Institute of Physics, Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala) in his studies of the use of a registered signal velocity for the time-resolved tomography, in particular for the laser tomography of condensed matter obtained the following results: 1. A summarizing of the reconstructive theory of a signal speed using has been developed [1-10]. 2. Analytical expressions for nD photoacoustic tomography and the problem of a complex absorption account have been derived. Some practical algorithms and software ware carried out. Number of 2D numerical simulations are hold. A principally important result was obtained that good photoacoustic reconstruction is possible with different conditions [1-4, 7, 8]. 3. A method of a stream collision has been proposed for the stochastic emission correlation tomography. Number of 2D numerical simulations with inspired results are hold [1]. 4. A method of Hartley transform has been considered for an image processing. Some practical algorithms and software ware carried out [5]. The main goals of the project was achieved. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, Use of velocity of a filed signal in a tomography. Features of an optoacoustic tomography, [in Russian], Makhachkala, DSU, 1998, 60p. [2] G.K.Makhtimagomedov, M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, R.M.Batyrov, G.M.Halilulayev, A.A.Amirova, M.M.Akhmedov, M.M.Ataev, About the modeling of spatial-temporal tomographic reconstruction of sphere of phase transitions; Proceedings of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter", Makhachkala, Russia, 1998, p.3-6. [3] A.A.Aliverdiev, Some aspects of the computing of the laser tomography of mixed state, Proceedings of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter", Makhachkala, Russia, 1998, p.3-5. [4] A.A.Aliverdiev, About the account of complex absorption in laser tomography, Proceedings of the International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan", dedicated to 275 Anniversary of Russian Academy of the Sciences and 50 Anniversary of Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of the Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, pp.33-34. [5] A.A.Aliverdiev, R.M.Batyrov, M.G.Karimov, G.M.Halilulayev, A.A.Amirova, Some questions of the use of Hertley transform in physical tomography, Proceedings of the International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan", dedicated to 275 Anniversary of Russian Academy of the Sciences and 50 Anniversary of Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of the Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, p.35. [6] M.G.Karimov. A.A.Aliverdiev, A.A.Amirova, Some questions of the tomographic reconstruction of plasma objects, Proceedings of the All-Russian Conference "Physical Electronics", Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, p.107. [7] A.A.Aliverdiev, M.G.Karimov, Back photoacoustic problem in the investigation of quasistationary spatial-heterogeneous flows, Proceedings of the V International Scientific and Technical Conference "Optical Methods of the Flows Investigations" (Moscow, Russia, 1999), p.161. [8] A.A.Aliverdiev, Some questions of the physical tomography with application of velocity spectrum of registered signal, Proceedings of the Conference "Resonance and non-linear phenomenon in Condensed Matter" (Ufa, Russia 1999). There are two publications, which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [9] A.A.Aliverdiev, M.G.Karimov, Solution of optic reconstructive problem considering registered signal velocity, Turkey J. of Physics, No.4, pp.311-314, 1998. [10] M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, About modeling of 2D optoacoustic researches of exited media, Radiophysics (Massager of Higher Educational Institutes of Russia), No.1, 1999. A.Aliverdiev was the executive (scientific) secretary of the local Program Committee of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter" (Makhachkala, Russia, 1998). Two reports of A.Aliverdiev ware represented in that Conference. A.Aliverdiev represents the reports in (1) the Winter College "Spectroscopy and Applications" (AS-ICTP, Trieste, Italy 1999), (2) the Baikal School of Fundamental Physics (Irkutsk, Russia, 1999, in absentia, by correspondence), (3) the V International Scientific and Technical Conference "Optical Methods of the Flows Investigations" (Moscow, Russia, 1999, in absentia, by co-author), (4) International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan" (Makhachkala, Russia, 1999), (5) the All-Russian Conference "Physical Electronics" (Makhachkala, Russia 1999), (6) the Regional Conference "Resonance and non-linear phenomenon in Condensed Matter" (Ufa, Russia 1999), (7) the Fourth Training Course in the Physics of Correlated Electron Systems and High-Tc Superconductors (Vietri sul Mare, Salerno, Italy, 1999). In July 1998 A. Aliverdiev has got Ph.D. degree from the Daghestan State University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. M.G.Karimov (DSU). Title: "Some solutions of a reconstructive problem in a plasma physics and nonlinear optics with the use of a finiteness of distribution of a registered signal velocity". O.L.BERMAN (Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Moscow Region) in his studies of phase transitions and superfluidity in the system of coupled quantum wells obtained the following results: 1. The theory of phase transitions of electron-hole and unbalanced electron systems in coupled quantum wells in high magnetic fields has been developed [1]. Analytical expressions for the temperatures of the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition to the superfluid state have been derived. A principally important result was obtained that the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature decreases at rise of magnetic field and interwell separation at fixed magnetoexciton density. But the maximal possible Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature increases at rise of magnetic field and interwell separation. 2. It was shown that the system of weakly interacting indirect excitons in the superlattice slab is unstable [2,3]. A method based on the sum of the ladder diagram for the calculation of vertex of quadrupole indirect biexcitons interaction has been proposed for the obtaining of the collective spectrum, superfluid density and the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature. 3. The effect of random field due to impurities, boundary irregularities on the superfluidity of a three-dimensional system of excitons and a quasi-two-dimensional of direct and spatially indirect excitons is investigated [4]. 4. The excitation spectra and superfluidity of the electron-hole system in coupled quantum wells have been analyzed [5,6]. It was shown that the gap in the excitation spectra decreases if the interwell separation and the density of electrons and holes increase. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, V.G.Tsvetus, Phase transitions of electron-hole and unbalanced electron systems in coupled quantum wells in high magnetic fields, Phys.Rev. B59, pp.5627-5636, 1999. [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, M.Willander, Superfluidity of indirect biexcitons in superlattices, JETP V.88, No.5, pp.980-986, 1999. [3] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, M.Willander, Superfluidity of indirect biexcitons in superlattices, Europhysics Letters V.48, No.3, pp.299-305, 1999. [4] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, The superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, JETP Lett. V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999. [5] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.A.Panfilov, The excitation spectra and superfluidity of the electron-hole system in coupled quantum wells, Physica Status Solidi (b), V.209, pp.287-294, 1998. [6] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman and A.A.Panfilov, The excitation spectra in coupled quantum wells, Solid State Phys. (russ. Fiz.Tverd.Tela), V.40, No.12, pp.2226-2228, 1998. O.Berman participated in the International Advanced School Leonardo da Vinci for a continuing education programme 1998 Summer Course "Superconducting materials: advances in technology and applications" (Italy, Bologna, 29 June - 10 July, 1998). Five reports on seminars at the Institute of Spectroscopy were made. One report in seminar at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Stoney Brook has been made. In 1999 O.Berman has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "The investigation of phase transitions and superfluidity in the system of the coupled quantum wells". D.A.DANILOV (Udmurt State University, Izhevsk) in his studies of rapid solidification obtained the following results: 1. A comparative analysis of a model for local nonequilibrium solidification with experimental measurements of "dendrite tip growth velocity -- initial melt undercooling" in rapidly solidifying alloys Cu - 30% at. Ni [1] and Ni - 1% at. Zr [2] has been performed. The predictions of the model are in qualitative and quantitative agreement with experimental data for both alloys. 2. A general solution [3] of the steady-state crystal growth shape under local nonequilibrium solidification has been found. This solution is found for the following growth shapes: elliptical paraboloid, paraboloid of revolution, cylindrical paraboloid, and parabolic platelet. 3. On the basics of a one-sided model of solute diffusion the dynamics of a motion of the rapid solidification front in a binary alloy is investigated [4,5]. A criterion connecting the dynamical stability of the front motion in a steady-state regime with a slope of the kinetic curve "front velocity - initial undercooling'' is formulated. An expression for the definition of nonstationary time during the transition to the steady-state regime is obtained. 4. A model for rapid solidification in undercooled pure metallic liquid is developed that includes local nonequilibrium heat transfer and kinetics of liquid-solid interface motion [6]. Taking into account the finiteness of the speed of heat transport, a general solution of the problem about local nonequilibrium heat transfer with the moving heat source at the planar solidification front is obtained. Asymptotic behavior of the velocity of the rapid planar front is investigated. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Model for free dendritic alloy growth under interfacial and bulk phase nonequilibrium conditions, J.Crystal Growth V.197, pp.992-1002, 1999. [2] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Dendritic growth model for rapid solidification of undercooled alloys, International Conference on Rapidly Quenched and Metastable Materials "RQ-10", Bangalore, India, August 1999, submitted for publication in the journal Material Science and Engineering. [3] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Steady-state crystal growth shape under local nonequilibrium mass transfer, Inzhenerno Fizicheski Zhurnal (Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics), submitted for publication [in Russian]. [4] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Selection of the dynamically stable regime of rapid solidification front motion in isothermal binary alloy, J.Crystal Growth, accepted for publication. [5] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko, A criterion for dynamical stability of rapid solidification front motion, University and Academic Scientific-Practical Conference, Udmurt State University. Thesis for the conference, Izhevsk, April 1999, p.60-61 [in Russian]. [6] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko, Hyperbolic heat transfer in rapid solidification of supercooled liquids, Proc. of the 4th Minsk International Heat and Mass Transfer Forum, A.V.Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute, Minsk, May 2000, accepted for publication. A.V.EMELYANENKO (Moscow State University) in his studies of strongly polar liquid crystals obtained the following results: 1. A statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition has been developed for a system of molecules possessing a strong dipole [1,4]. It was explicitly taken into account that a large amount of dimers appear in a molecular system, when a dipole is strong enough. The dependence of the nematic order parameters of monomers and dimers on the temperature and the temperature variation of the molar fraction of dimers have been obtained. These investigations were held for the systems of molecules with different values of the dipole moment. A principally important result was obtained that the nematic-isotropic transition temperature has no absolute growth with the increasing dipole moment, as it was predicted by the preceding theories, but achieves its maximum with subsequent decrease. This happens because molecules with the large dipole moments form dimers intensively, which destroy the nematic order. In the previous research, based on the mean field or second virial approximations, a very strong short-range correlations leading to the formation of dimers were disregarded. A theory derived in [1,4] takes into account the existence of dimers directly. It was shown, that for molecules with large dipoles the transition temperature decreases with the increasing dipole moment. This result was confirmed by the recent computer simulations. 2. Influence of the molecular shape on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals has been investigated [2]. A method based on the expansion of the intermolecular potential in a complete set of spherical invariants has been proposed to estimate the dispersion interaction between monomers and dimers. It has been established that molecules with small dipoles form dimers, which favour the nematic phase, whereas dimers composed of molecules with large dipoles favour the isotropic phase. It has also been found that molecules with an intermediate value of the dipole moment couple in dimers, which do not influence the nematic- isotropic transition temperature. This balance point depends on the molecular shape, and it may exist or not for different molecules. 3. A statistical theory of the cholesteric ordering [3] was derived. On the contrary to the preceding publications, it describes the helix inversion in binary mixtures. The biaxiality of molecules is explicitly taken into account. Under a certain conditions (driven by the mutual concentration of the components and temperature) the interaction between the short molecular axes, which was disregarded in the previous attempts, dominates over the interaction between the main axes. It leads to the helix inversion, which is usually observed in the experiment. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Polar liquid crystals. Statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [2] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Nematic-isotropic phase transition in polar liquid crystals. Role of the dispersion interaction, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [3] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, D.A.Dunmur, Molecular Theory of Chiral Nematic Liquid Crystals, Phys.Rev.E, paper accepted for publication. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Influence of dimerization on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals, Liquid Crystals, V.26, No.2, 1999. A.Emelyanenko participated in the 17-th International Liquid Crystal Conference (Strasbourg, France, July 19-24, 1998) and presented a poster "Molecular Theory of The Nematic-Isotropic Transition in Strongly Polar Liquid Crystals". Thesis of the poster was published. In 1999 A.Emelyanenko participated in the International Conference on Liquid Crystals, which took place in Krynica (Poland), with a report "Theory of the helix inversion in nematics doped with chiral molecules" (September 13-17, 1999) and in the International Conference "Nonlinear dynamics in polymer science and related fields", Desna, Moscow region, with a report "Helix inversion in binary liquid crystalline mixtures" (October 11-15, 1999). Both theses are included in the corresponding abstract books. The full-length reports are planned. A.V. Emelyanenko has also taken part in the Students Conference on chemistry and physics of the thin organic films, Puschino, Moscow region, with a report "Inversion of the spiral structure in binary LC mixtures" (June 14-15, 1999). Now A.Emelyanenko is developing a new theory of the liquid crystalline polymers, which also possess a helix inversion. I.M.EREMIN (Kazan State University) in his studies of the electronic structure and magnetic properties of high temperature superconductivity obtained the following results: 1. Self-consistent calculation of spin (charge) density wave order (SDW/CDW) parameters have been performed for bilayered cuprates on the basis of a singlet correlated band model [1]. Evolution of the Fermi surface in the strongly underdoped regime is described by using a two-band approach. The smooth development of the pseudogap formation temperature is explained from underdoped to overdoped states and the Fourier amplitudes $$ (spin) and $$ (charge) modulations have been calculated. We have found a maximum of the incommensurability for doping 0.09-0.11 holes per copper site. 2. The phase boundary of the paramagnetic phase of cuprates has been calculated with taking into account the strong electron correlations. The instability wave vector gets displaced from pure antiferromagnetic wave vector if doping increases. The calculated pictures of Lindhard response functions and complex momentum dependence of a CDW pseudogap are presented. Spin susceptibility expression for the singlet correlated band at $T_c The results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, I.Eremin, submitted to Appl.Magn.Res (cond-mat/9908297). [2] I.Eremin, M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, in a book "Stripes and Related Phenomena", edited by A.Bianconi and N.L.Saini, to be published by Kluwer Academics-Plenum Publisher. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before the grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant. [3] I.Eremin, Solid State Commun. 105, pp.293-296, 1998. I.Eremin participated in the Second International Conference on Stripes'98 (Rome, Italy, 2-6 June, 1998) and presented an oral contribution "Two reasons of instability in layered cuprates", Specialized Colloque Ampere EPR, NMR and NQR in Solid State Physics: Recent Trends (Pisa, Italy, June 14-18, 1999) and presented poster contribution "How large can be CDW/SDW amplitudes in layered cuprates", XVI International Seminar "New Magnetic Materials for Microelectronics" (Moscow, Russian Federation, June 23-26, 1998) and presented a poster "Dynamic spin susceptibility below $T_c$. Hubbard Model" (in Russian), XXVII International School for Theoretical Physicists "Kourovka" (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 2-7 March, 1998) and presented a talk "Influence of strong electron correlation on dynamical spin susceptibility in two-dimensional models" (in Russian) I.Eremin participated in the International Cooperation with the groups of Prof. D.Brinkmann and Prof. H.Keller, Institute of Physics, Zuerich University, Switzerland. In September 1999 I.Eremin has got a Ph.D. degree under the supervision of Prof. B.I.Kochelaev (Kazan State University). A.V.PANOV (Far-Eastern State University, Vladivostok) in his studies of magnetism obtained the following results: 1. The ground and metastable magnetic states of magnetite and iron particles with sizes closed to single-domain were analyzed within the scope of the developed model [1]. It was shown that depending on its size and elongation the grain can be in one of three states: with uniform magnetization, with a small and large non-uniformity of magnetic moment (quasi-single-domain and two-domain states). The critical sizes for uniform and quasi-single-domain states were calculated. Magnetization processes of such particles were simulated. The coercive force and critical fields as functions of size, elongation of the particles and external magnetic field direction were studied. The essential difference from similar studies is non-monotone dependence of coercive force on particle elongation for magnetite which is confirmed by experiments. 2. The previous model of two-phase particle was extended by entering of interfacial exchange coupling [2-4]. The magnetization process of an ensemble of Co-coated $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ used in magnetic recording media was studied. The set of magnetic states of such particles was analyzed for ensemble with thermal agitation. It was shown that relation between interfacial exchange coupling and magnetostatic inter-phase interaction affect dependence of the coercive force of the ensemble of $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ particles on coating volume. It was obtained that the growth in coating magnetocrystalline anisotropy leads to increase in coercivity of the ensemble. The main results have been presented in the papers submitted in March and April, 1998, before grantee has been informed of the awarding ICFPM grant: [1] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine magnetite particles, Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie [in Russian], 86, pp.65-73, 1998. [2] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Modeling of magnetization process of an ensemble of $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles with cobalt coating, "Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie" [in Russian] v.87, pp.17-22, 1999. [3] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states of Co-coated $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.241-242. [4] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, An influence of inter-phase interaction on coercive force of two-component particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.511-512. In June, 1999 A. V. Panov has got Ph. D. degree from the Far East State University (Vladivostok). Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Belokon'. Title: "Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine heterogeneous particle systems". A.M.POVOLOTSKY (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow Region) in his studies of the models of self-organized criticality obtained the following results: 1. We investigate the dynamics of Eulerian walkers as a model of self-organized criticality [1]. The evolution of the system is divided into characteristic periods which can be seen as avalanches. The structure of avalanches is described and the critical exponent in the distribution of first avalanches $\tau=2$ is determined. We also study a mean square displacement of Eulerian walkers and obtain a simple diffusion law in the critical state. The evolution of underlying medium from a random state to the critical one is described. 2.The general framework for the renormalization group analysis of self-organized critical sandpile models is formulated [2,3]. The usual real space renormalization scheme for lattice models when applied to nonequilibrium dynamical models must be supplemented by feedback relations coming from the stationarity conditions. On the basis of these ideas the Dynamically Driven Renormalization Group is applied to describe the boundary and bulk critical behavior of sandpile models. A detailed description of the branching nature of sandpile avalanches is given in terms of the generating functions of the underlying branching process. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] A.M.Povolotsky, V.B.Priezzhev, R.R.Shcherbakov, Phys.Rev.E 58, pp.5449-5454, 1998. [2] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, Phys.Rev.E 60, pp.1239-1251, 1999. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [3] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, preprint DIAS-STP-98-06, Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Ireland. A.Povolotsky was invited by J.Stefan Institute, Ljubljana Slovenia and presented the seminar there entitled "Eulerian walkers as a model of the self-organized criticality." S.E.SKIPETROV (Moscow State University) in his studies obtained the following main results: 1. A possibility for diagnostics of laser-induced particle flows in concentrated suspensions using methods of the optical correlation spectroscopy has been studied. The role of ponderomotive effects in experiments on dynamic multiple light scattering (DMLS) has been analyzed. 2. A diffusion model for the temporal autocorrelation function of multiple scattered light has been developed. The model has been shown to be valid for both the Brownian motion and laminar flow of scatterers. The case of spatially localized flow of scatterers in a turbid sample has been considered. We have demonstrated both theoretically and experimentally that one could use DMLS techniques to obtain useful information about hidden particle flows in turbid media. 3. Imaging through atmospheric turbulence has been studied. Statistical moments of the modulation transfer functions (MTFs) of a turbulent atmosphere have been calculated for various models of turbulence. Some of the main results have been presented in a paper containing acknowledgment to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially heterogeneous scatterer dynamics. Physics in Higher Education, V.5, No.1, pp.98-112, 1999 [in Russian]. [2] Karabutov A.A., Pelivanov I.M., Podymova N.B., Skipetrov S.E. Direct measurement of the spatial intensity distribution of light in a scattering medium, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., V.70, No.3, pp.187-191, 1999 [in Russian]; [English translation: J.Exp.Theor.Phys.Lett., V.70, No.3, pp.183-188, 1999]. [3] Skipetrov S.E., Effective dielectric function of a random medium, Phys.Rev.B 60, No.18, pp.12705-12709, 1999. [4] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Shcheglov V.A., Laser-induced particle flows in random media: is the diagnostics with multiple-scattered light possible? In: CD-ROM Proceedings of the International Conference on Optical Technology and Image Processing in Fluid, Thermal, and Combustion Flow (VSJ-SPIE'98) (Yokohama, Japan, December 7-9, 1998), paper AB090. [5] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Correlation spectroscopy for diagnostics of light-induced particle motion in concentrated suspensions. In: Fourth International Conference on Correlation Optics, O.V. Angelsky, Ed., Proc. SPIE, V.3904, pp.423-428, 1999. [6] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave imaging of flows in turbid media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99), (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). [7] Skipetrov S.E., Refractive index of random media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99) (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). S.Skipetrov participated in several scientific conferences: - XI School-Conference on Diffraction and Propagation of Waves (Moscow, Russia, January 12-15, 1998). An oral presentation entitled "Multiple scattering of light in random media with complex dynamic structure" has been made. - NATO Advanced Study Institute "Diffuse Waves in Complex Media" (Les Houches, France, March 17-28, 1998). A poster "Ponderomotive action of light in random media" has been presented. - XVI International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics - ICONO'98 (Moscow, Russia, June 29-July 3, 1998). Two posters has been presented: "Dynamic multiple scattering of laser radiation on light-induced flows of microparticles in suspension" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy of flows". - 17th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division, European Physical Society and 6emes Journees de la Matiere Condensee, Societe Francaise de Physique (Grenoble, France, August 25-29, 1998). A poster "Cross-correlations in dynamic multiple scattering of light" has been presented. - Fall School-Conference "Light-Scattering Techniques in Biomedicine, Industry and Material Science" (Saratov, Russia, October 6-9, 1998). An oral presentation: "Theory of diffusing-wave spectroscopy with angular and spatio-temporal cross-correlations" and two poster presentations: "Ponderomotive action of light in random multiple-scattering media" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in random media with absorption", have been made. - International Conference on Biomedical Optics and Spectroscopy. European Biomedical Optics Week - BiOS'98 (Stockholm, Sweden, September 6-9, 1998). Title of presentation: "Possibilities for study of light-induced flows of microparticles in concentrated suspensions using methods of optical correlation spectroscopy". - International Conference on LASERS'98 (Tucson, Arizona, USA, December 7-11, 1998). Title of presentation: "Hydrodynamic flows induced by copper-vapor laser: diagnostics using optical correlation spectroscopy". S.E.Skipetrov has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. S.S.Chesnokov. Title: "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially-heterogeneous scatterer flows". F.M.TSAHHAEV (Ryazan State Pedagogical University) in his studies of physics of low dimensional structures obtained the following results: 1. Galvanomagnetic effects have been measured in n-AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures with filling of two subbands. The values of the momentum relaxation times t and q have been determined experimentally. The t and q times have been also calculated in the conditions of intersubband scattering using the self-consistent electron wave function. The dominating relaxation mechanism was identified and the parameters of defects were evaluated by comparison of experimentally determined and calculated t and q values [1,5,6,9]. 2. The GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures with anomalously high mobility of 2D-electrons 0.6 m/V s (T=4.2 K) in respect to the well-known analogs have been synthesized. The anomalies and anisotropy of kinetic effects characteristics of the GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures have been observed in experiments. The electrons energy spectrum in GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures has been calculated on the basis of the experimental results. The comparison of calculated data and measurements results (C-V characteristics, temperature and axial/lateral magnetic field dependencies of conductivity, photoluminescence spectra) reveals anomalous properties of GaAs(0.30,?-Sn) structure along [110] direction in respect to the [110] one [4]. 3. In [7,8] the experimental results is analyzed in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures. 4. The hysteresis of current-temperature characteristics is revealed in GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with the three quantum wells [2]. 5. The magnetic field suppression of electron-electron interaction of 2D-electrons in the main and the first, disturbed subbands of dimension quantization in single heterojunction AlGaAs/GaAs have been revealed [3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] V.I.Kadushkin, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Relaxation mechanisms of 2D-electrons in selective doped n-AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs heterostructure with filling of two subbands,\\ Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., No.5/6, pp.55-74, 1999. [2] V.I.Tsebro, O.E.Omelyanovski, V.I.Kadushkin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, F.M.Tsahhaev,\\ S.N.Larin, Lateral photoconductivity low temperature hysteresis of GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with asymmetric system of quantum wells, Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). [3] V.I.Kadushkin, F.M.Tsahhaev, S.N.Larin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, Intersubband relaxation of 2D-electrons in AlGaAs(Si)/GaAs strong doped heterojunction, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., No.3/4, pp.135-166, 1998. [5] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, News Institutions of Higher Education. Physics, No.159, 1998 [in Russian]. Proceedings of the Conference: [6] The 24th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, August 2-7, 1998, Jerusalem, Israel; "Energy spectrum and relaxation mechanisms of electrons in lateral-surface superlattices GaAs(0.30,?-Sn)". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Yu.A.Kotova). [7] 10th International Symposium on Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors, August 31- September 2, 1998, Vilnius, Lithuania. "Photomodulation processes in GaAs/AlAs type-I quantum well structures". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [8] VII Luthuanian-Polish Seminar "Solid State Physics and Technology", Kaunas, 1998. "Photoexcitation effects in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures investigated by differential reflectivity spectroscopy". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [9] The 194th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, Boston, Massachusetts, November\\ 1-6, 1998. "Energy spectrum of electrons in GaAs(?-Sn) structure grown on vicinal plane". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). In March, 2000 F.M.Tsahhaev shall be got Ph.D. degree from the Ryazan State Pedagogical University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Kadushkin (RSPU). Title: "Localization and scattering of quasi-particles in low-dimensional heterostructures in quantized magnetic fields." D.A.RYNDYK (Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS, Nizhny Novgorod) in his studies of nonequilibrium effects in dynamics of Josephson structures and layered superconductors (nonequilibrium Josephson effect) obtained the following results: 1. Starting from microscopic equations for Green functions, quasiclassical kinetic equations are derived for the systems of tunnel junctions and for layered superconductors [1]. This kinetic equations can be generalized for the case of different types of junctions and for superconductors with arbitrary energy dependence of the density of states and anisotropic pairing. 2. Dynamics of one-dimensional array of nonequilibrium junctions is investigated, in particular, current-voltage characteristics and high frequency interaction between junctions. Peculiarities of the dynamics of intrinsic Josephson junctions in HTSC are considered [1,2] (this work is a continuation of previous investigation carried out in 1998: D.A.Ryndyk, Phys.Rev.Lett., 80, 3376, 1998). The calculated current-voltage characteristics demonstrate the nature of the effect of electron-hole imbalance on the dynamics of one-dimensional chains of junctions. 3. The effect of nonequilibrium amplification of Josephson oscillations is predicted [2]. 4. "Plasma" oscillations and Josephson flux flow in layered superconductors is considered with nonequilibrium effects taken into account. Beside, the work on the kinetic theory of plasma turbulence is continued, which was began previously in connection with the experimental investigation of low-hybrid turbulence, excited by ion beam (E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk et al., Nuclear Fusion, 38, 661, 1998). New results in the theory of turbulent broadening of cyclotron resonances are published in Ref.[3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] D.A.Ryndyk, Nonequilibrium Josephson effect in systems of tunnel junctions and in layered superconductors, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. V.116, p.1798, 1999 [JETP V.89, p.975, 1999]. [2] D.A.Ryndyk, High-frequency properties of nonequilibrium Josephson junctions in nanoscale and layered superconductors, Journal of radioelectronics (www journal) n.1 (2000), to be published in "Foreign radioelectronics". [3] E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk, Stochastic Broadening of High Order Ion Cyclotron Resonances due to Lower-Hybrid Turbulence, Strong microwaves in plasmas (proceedings of IV international workshop on strong micro-waves in plasmas, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 1999 ), ed. A.G.Litvak, V.2, Nizhny Novgorod, 2000. D.Ryndyk in 1999 participated in: 1. School-seminar "Physics and applications of microwaves" (24-30 of May in Krasnovidovo, Moscow region) with invited lecture "Physical basis of Josephson high frequency electronics". D.Ryndyk take part in several russian and international research projects, in particular: 1. Grants of Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) N. 97-02-16928 and 99-02-16188 . 2. State research program "Physics of microwaves". Grant 4.7. "Theoretical and experimental investigation of microwave interaction with superconducting structures". 3. Joint program of Institute of Applied Physics RAS and W7-AS stellarator group (Garching, Germany) on Collective Thomson scattering for plasma diagnostic. A.M.RUVINSKY (Institute of Spectroscopy of RAS, Troitsk) in his studies of collective properties of excitons has considered an influence of random fields on the conditions of exciton condensation and superfluidity in bulk and low-dimensional systems [1]. It was shown that in semiconductor alloys the density of excitons in Bose condensate decreases due to the exciton scattering on random fields of impurities or fluctuations of the composite. The density of the superfluidity fraction in the system of 3D and quasi-2D excitons also decreases taking into account this scattering. The scattering on the random field of the quantum well widths' fluctuations was analyzed for direct and indirect excitons. Analytical expressions for the exciton superfluidity densities in "dirty" single quantum wells, coupled quantum wells and bulk semiconductors have been derived. The influence of random fields on Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature for exciton systems in low-dimensional structures was analyzed. These results have been presented in the papers [1,2] containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1].Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, Superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. V.69, No.8, pp.573-578, 1999 [in Russian], (Letter in JETP, V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999). [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, A.M.Ruvinsky, Bogolubov approximation for rare exciton system in random media, Fiz.Tverd.Tela (Physics of the Solid State), in print, 2000 [in Russian]. In June, 1998 A.Ruvinsky has got Ph.D. degree from State Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "Magnetoexcitons in inhomogeneous and low-dimensional structures". A.ZEMLYANOV (Moscow State University) obtained the following results: A new approach to the description of anomalous transport phenomena that take place in fractal media was developed. Namely, anomalous diffusion on a comb structure consisting of a one- dimensional backbone and lateral branches (teeth) of random length is considered. A definite classification of the trajectories of random walks reduces the original problem to an analysis of classical diffusion on the backbone, where, however, the time of this process is a random quantity. Its distribution is assigned by the properties of the random walks of the diffusing particles on the teeth. The possibility of applying mean-field theory in such a model is demonstrated, and the equation for the Green's function with a partial derivative of fractional order is obtained. The characteristic features of the propagation of particles on a comb structure are analyzed. A model of an effective homogeneous medium, in which diffusion is described by an equation with a fractional derivative with respect to time and an initial condition in the form of an integral of fractional order, is obtained. These results are published in [1] and were presented at the Moscow Seminar on Synergetics at the Physics Faculty, Moscow State University. [1] I.A.Lubashevsky, A.A.Zemlyanov, Continuum description of anomalous diffusion on a comb structure, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., V.114, pp.1284-1312, 1998 [in Russian]. A.Zemlyanov has received invitation for participating in a research program at the University of Texas at Austin during the next three years.
M.G.STEPANOV (Institute of Automation and Electrometry, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk) in his studies of nonlinear spectroscopy of plasma and hydrodynamic turbulence obtained the following results: 1. The universal shape of the narrow peak in the Doppler broadened absorption spectrum resulting from a turning point was obtained [3]. 2. The Autler-Townes doublet in the probe wave absorption spectrum was analyzed. It was shown that its components undergo power broadening when the intensity of probing wave increases [1]. 3. The whole probability distribution function of passive scalar in large scale d-dimensional smooth velocity field with Gaussian statistics was obtained [2]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] M.G.Stepanov, Autler-Townes doublet probed by strong field, J.Phys.B: At.Mol.Opt.Phys. V.32, No.3, pp.649-661, 1999. [2] I.V.Kolokolov, V.V.Lebedev, M.G.Stepanov, Passive scalar in a large-scale velocity field, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Phys. V.115, No.3, pp.920-939, 1999, [JETP V.88, No.3, pp.506-516, 1999]. There is a publication, which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [3] D.A.Shapiro, M.G.Stepanov. Diffusion-broadened line shape near a turning point, Pis'ma v Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. V.68, No.1, pp.27-33, 1998 [JETP Letters V.68, No.1, 1998]. Also M.G.Stepanov participated the conference: D.A.Shapiro, M.G.Stepanov, Ionic spectra under strong laser field in plasma - 14th International Conference on Spectral Line Shapes (June 22-26, 1998, College Park, PA, USA), In: Spectral Line Shapes, V.10, p.321-324, 1999, it should contain the reference to the ICFPM and INTAS. Three articles are in the process of preparation for publication. One of them contains the direct numerical solving of the equations for optimal velocity configuration in Burgers equation realizing large velocity gradients (saddle-point configuration or instanton) with some analytic estimations (with A.I.Chernykh, for chao-dyn and Phys.Rev.E). Another one is devoted to the generation spectrum of anti-Stokes ion laser, where the narrow spectral structure was observed and explained (with S.A.Babin, S.I.Kablukov, S.V.Khorev, E.V.Podivilov, V.V.Potapov and D.A.Shapiro, for Phys.Rev.A). The last one discusses the Doppler-free spectral structures coming from extremal points of resonance frequencies as functions of particle velocity in four-level systems (with Yu.Belousov, E.V.Podivilov, D.A.Shapiro, for Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz.). All them will contain the reference to the ICFPM and INTAS. In April, 1999 M.G.Stepanov has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis advisors: D.A.Shapiro, E.V.Podivilov. Title: "Strong field effects in nonlinear plasma spectroscopy". During April, 1998 M.Stepanov participated in international co-operation with the group of Prof. G.E.Falkovich, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel. In his studies of qualitative algorithms of changing, in a prescribed way, the spectral data of multichannel quantum systems V.M.CHABANOV (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow Region) has obtained the following results: Phenomena of co-existence of states with different, seemingly "incompatible", properties at the same energy for the same interaction have been revealed and relevant exact multichannel models have been given: the presence of both bound states and scattering solutions simultaneously [1], the combination of a strong reflection with an absolute transparency as well as that of scattering states with different resonance widths ([1] in the list of submitted papers). The class of absolutely transparent interaction matrices without bound states which have no analogues in the one-channel case has been found [1]. Peculiarities of the multichannel periodic structures and multichannel resonance tunneling have been described ([1] in the list of submitted papers). The analysis of the potential matrix transformations when the energy levels of neighbor bound states with linearly dependent/independent spectral weight vectors come close together up to degeneracy has been performed [2]. The effect of the concentration of quantum waves in a chosen partial channel accompanied with their spatial localization in the place under control has been shown [2] (and, in more detail, [1] in the list of submitted papers). Exact solutions for classical few-body systems derived from the multichannel quantum inverse problem have been found [2] (and, in more detail, [2] in the list of submitted papers). A family of exactly solvable models for quasi-bound quadratically integrable states have been obtained [3] (addition of an imaginary value to a bound state energy). A control of both resonance widths and positions of poles related to resonances in the complex E-plane has been demonstrated [3]. Explicit analytical expressions for the creation of points of the spectrum with homogeneous boundary conditions, corresponding to non-normalizable states, have been derived [4]. These results have been presented in the following papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS - ICFPM: [1] V.M.Chabanov, B.N.Zakhariev, Coexistence of confinement and propagating waves: a quantum paradox, Phys.Lett.A 255, pp.123-128, 1999. [2] B.N.Zakhariev, V.M.Chabanov, The qualitative theory of elementary transformations of one- and multichannel quantum systems in the inverse problem approach. The construction of transformations with given spectral parameters, Part.Nucl. 30, No.2, pp.277-320 [JINR, in Russian], pp.111-130 (AIP, translated into English), 1999. [3] B.N.Zakhariev, V.M.Chabanov, The elements of quantum design, Vest.Sec.Fiz.RAEN, V.5, pp.58-77, 1999 [in Russian]. [4] V.M.Chabanov, B.N.Zakhariev, V.V.Torchinov, Commun. JINR P4-98-176. [5] V.M.Chabanov, B.N.Zakhariev, Towards the quantum design of multichannel systems (the inverse problem approach), submitted to Ann. of Phys. (N.Y.). [6] V.M.Chabanov, B.N.Zakhariev, Exact solutions for classical few-body systems from the multichannel quantum inverse problem, submitted to Few-Body Systems. The above results were included into common with Prof. B.N.Zakhariev contributions to the following conferences in 1998-1999: 1. American School "New Trends in Quantum Mechanics", Mexico (July 27 - August 15, 1998). 2. Conference on "Charged trapped particles", Monteray, California, USA (August 28 - September 5, 1998). 3. Conference on Math.Phys., Torun, Poland (May 26 - 30, 1998). 4. Workshop "Low dimensional Systems", JINR, Dubna (June 3 - 11, 1998). 5. Conference ``Nuclear Spectroscopy and Reactions", Moscow (June 16 - 19, 1998) 6. International Conference on Supersymmetry, JINR, Dubna (July 26--31, 1999) 7. Report at the Session of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (February 2, 1999) On May 13, 1998 V.M.Chabanov has got Ph.D. degree from the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. Thesis Advisor: Prof. B.N.Zakhariev (JINR). Title: "A qualitative theory of transformations of quantum systems in approach of the inverse problem". M.N.CHERNODUB (Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow) in his studies of Elementary Particle Physics obtained the following results: 1. In [1] a new abelian gauge (Spatial Maximal Abelian gauge) for SU(2) lattice gluodynamics has been proposed. In this gauge the abelian monopoles were shown to be condensed in the confinement phase and they form a dilute gas in the deconfinement phase [1]. The abelian monopoles in the Maximal Abelian gauge of SU(2) gluodynamics carry both electric and magnetic density of the SU(2) action [2]. The effective action for these monopoles was derived and various representations of SU(2) gluodynamics were studied in [3]. 2. In the Maximal Abelian Gauge of SU(2) gluodynamics the abelian monopoles were shown to behave like abelian dyons since the monopoles acquire a small abelian electric charge [4]. Since the dyons are condensed in the deconfinement phase the Aharonov--Bohm effect appear: QCD strings interact with quarks in non-trivial way [5]. The properties of the abelian monopoles has been reviewed [6-7]. The Aharonov--Bohm effect has been further investigated in the Abelian Higgs model [8]. 3. The embedded topological defects were introduced on the lattice and the relation of these defects to the electroweak sphaleron configurations was studied [9]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM: [1] M.N.Chernodub, M.I.Polikarpov, A.I.Veselov, Effective monopole potential for SU(2) lattice gluodynamics in spatial maximal Abelian gauge, hep-lat/9812012; JETP Lett. 69, pp.174-179, 1999. [2] B.L.G.Bakker, M.N.Chernodub, M.I.Polikarpov, A.I.Veselov, Abelian monopoles and action density in SU(2) gluodynamics on the lattice, hep-lat/9811001, Phys.Lett.B 449, pp.267-273, 1999. [3] M.N.Chernodub, S.Kato, N.Nakamura, M.I.Polikarpov, T.Suzuki, Various representations of infrared effective lattice SU(2) gluodynamics, preprint KANAZAWA 98-19; ITEP-TH-61/98. [4] M.N.Chernodub, F.V.Gubarev, M.I.Polikarpov, Abelian dyons in the maximal Abelian projection of SU(2) gluodynamics, hep-lat/9801010; JETP Lett. 69, pp.169-173, 1999. There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [5] E.T.Akhmedov, M.N.Chernodub, M.I.Polikarpov, Dyon condensation and Aharonov-Bohm effect, JETP Lett. 67, 389 (1998). [6] B.L.G.Bakker, M.N.Chernodub, F.V.Gubarev, M.I.Polikarpov, A.I.Veselov, Properties of Abelian monopoles in SU(2) lattice gluodynamics, hep-lat/9801011. [7] M.N.Chernodub, F.V.Gubarev, M.I.Polikarpov, A.I.Veselov, Monopoles in the Abelian projection of gluodynamics, Prog.Theor.Phys.Suppl. 131, 309 (1998). [8] M.N.Chernodub, M.I.Polikarpov, A.I.Veselov, M.A.Zubkov, Strings and Aharonov-Bohm effect in Abelian Higgs model, Phys.Lett. B432, 182 (1998). [9] M.N.Chernodub, F.V.Gubarev, E.M.Ilgenfritz, Topological content of the electroweak sphaleron on the lattice, Phys.Lett. B424, 106 (1998). M.Chernodub participated in the "NORDITA Symposium on Instantons and Monopoles in QCD Vacuum", (June 22-27, 1998, Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics, Copenhagen, Denmark) and presented a talk there entitled "Embedded Topological Defects in Electroweak Theory". M.Chernodub participated in the 16th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (LATTICE'98) (July 13-18, 1998, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USA) and presented a talk there entitled "Embedded Topological Defects and Sphaleron in Electroweak Theory". M.Chernodub was invited by the Max-Planck-Institute f\"ur Physics, Werner Heisenberg Institute to take part in international scientific co-operation with the group of Prof. V.I.Zakharov (Munich, Germany, September 1-29, 1998; October 20 - November 20, 1998). M.Chernodub participated in international co-operation with the groups of (i) Prof. V.I.Zakharov, Max-Planck-Institute f\"ur Physics, Werner Heisenberg Institute, M\"unich, Germany; (ii) Prof. T.Suzuki, Department of Physics, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Japan; (iii) Dr. B.L.G.Bakker, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. S.L.DUBOVSKY (Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) in his studies of dynamics and phenomenology of supersymmetric models and of mechanisms of production of ultra-high energy cosmic rays obtained the following results: 1. It was shown [1] that "top-down" mechanisms of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays which involve heavy relic particle-like objects predict Galactic anisotropy of highest energy cosmic rays at the level of minimum $\sim 20\%$. This anisotropy is large enough to be either observed or ruled out in the next generation of experiments. 2. Phenomenological consequences of the direct mixing between Standard Model fields and fields-mediators of supersymmetry breaking (messengers) were discovered. Limits on the corresponding coupling constants coming from flavor violating processes both in the lepton [2] and quark [3] sector were obtained. Radiative electroweak breaking in models with mixing was studied. It was found that in these models, unlike gauge mediated models without mixing, wide range of $\tan{\beta}$ is allowed. 3. In [4] it was constructed a toy model with the following properties: i) it is strongly coupled at a certain scale and breaks supersymmetry at this scale; ii) matter superfields of (one generation of) the Standard Model are effective low energy degrees of freedom of this strongly coupled theory; iii) direct gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking occurs due to messenger superfields that are also effective low energy degrees of freedom. 4. It was prepared a review [5] on phenomenological and theoretical aspects of models with gauge mediation. 5. In [6] it was shown that global fermionic charges induced in vacuum by slowly varying, topologically non-trivial background scalar fields are not renormalized provided that expansion in momenta of background fields is valid. This suggests that strongly coupled theories obey induced charge matching conditions which are analogous, but generally not equivalent, to 't Hooft anomaly matching conditions. A set of examples of induced charge matching was considered. In particular, the corresponding constraints in softly broken supersymmetric QCD suggest non-trivial low energy mass pattern, in full accord with the results of direct analyses. 6. Matching conditions suggested in [6] were considered in the case of supersymmetric QCD with quantum modified moduli space [7]. It was found that the Wess--Zumino term should be present in the low energy theory in order that these consistency conditions are satisfied. The lowest homotopy groups of the quantum moduli space were calculated. As a result it was shown that there are no obstructions to the existence of the Wess--Zumino term at arbitrary N. The explicit expression for this term is given. It is shown that neither vortices nor topological solitons exist in the model. The case of softly broken supersymmetry is considered as well. It was found that the possibility of global flavor symmetric vacuum is strongly disfavored. 7. It was shown [8] that the dip expected in the diffuse photon spectrum above the threshold of e+e- pair production, i.e., at energies $10^{15}$ - $10^{17}$ eV, may be absent due to the synchrotron radiation by the electron component of the extragalactic Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHE CR) in the Galactic magnetic filed. The proposed mechanism propose requires small (less than $2x10^{-12}$ G) extragalactic magnetic fields and large fraction of photons in the UHE CR. For a typical photon flux expected in top-down scenarios of UHE CR, the predicted flux in the region of the dip is close to the existing experimental limit. The sensitivity of the mechanism to the extragalactic magnetic field may be used to improve existing bounds on the latter by two orders of magnitude. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [2] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Flavor violation and $\tan{\beta}$ in gauge mediated models with messenger-matter mixing, Nucl.Phys.B 557, pp.119-145, 1999. [5] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky, Gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking, Phys.Usp. 42, pp.623-651, 1999; Usp.Fiz.Nauk 169, pp.705-736, 1999 [in Russian]. [6] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, M.V.Libanov, V.A.Rubakov, Nonrenormalization of induced charges and constraints on strongly coupled theories, Phys.Rept. 320, pp.147-158, 1999. [7] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Induced charge matching and Wess-Zumino term on quantum modified moduli space, (to appear in Phys.Rev.D). [8] S.L.Dubovsky, P.G.Tinyakov, Generation of $10^{15}$ eV - $10^{17}$ eV photons by UHE CR in the Galactic magnetic field, JETP Lett. 70, pp.495-501, 1999. There are some publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [1] S.L.Dubovsky, P.G.Tinyakov, Galactic Anisotropy as Signature of "Top-Down" Mechanisms of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays, JETP Lett. 68, pp.107-111, 1998. [3] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Messenger-matter mixing and lepton flavor violation, Phys.Lett. B419, pp.223-232, 1998. [4] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky, Towards common origin of supersymmetry breaking, compositeness, and gauge mediation, Phys.Lett. B423, pp.301-304, 1998. S.Dubovsky participated in the 10-th International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, Suzdal, May 18-24, 1998) and presented a talk entitled "Galactic anisotropy of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays produced by CDM-related mechanisms" (S.Dubovsky, P.Tinyakov). S.Dubovsky was also co-author of talks "Low $\tan{\beta}$ in the extended Minimal Gauge Mediated Model" (S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov) and "Grand unification with gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking" (S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky) presented there. S.Dubovsky was invited by the International Center of Theoretical Physics to take part in the Summer School on High-Energy Physics and Cosmology (Italy, Trieste, June 28 - July 18, 1998). S.Dubovsky participated in the 2nd International Conference on Non-Accelerator New Physics (NANP-99, Russia, Dubna, June 28 - July 3) and presented a talk entitled "Synchrotron radiation in the Galactic magnetic field as a signature of top-down mechanisms of UHE CR". S.Dubovsky participated in the School on Selected Topics of Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Statistics (October 16-23, 1999, Tbilisi, Georgia) and Workshop on Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics Dedicated to the 90th anniversary of N.N.Bogolyubov (October 23-28, 1999, Tbilisi, Georgia) and presented a talk entitled "Nonrenormalization of the induced charge and Wess-Zumino term on quantum modified moduli space". V.A.GANI (Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute (Technical University)), obtained the following main results within the research program of ICFPM during 1998-1999: 1. The space-time structure of the process of decay of a bubble of hypothetic phase - disoriented chiral condensate (DCC) is studied [1]. It is shown that the process of decay of the initial configuration depends crucially on selfinteraction of the pionic fields. In some cases this selfinteraction leads to the formation of sort of breather solution, formed from the pionic fields. This breather looks like a long-lived source of pionic fields. 2. Recurrence relations of perturbation theory for hydrogen ground state are obtained [2]. With their help polarizabilities in constant perpendicular electric and magnetic fields are computed up to 80th order. The high orders asymptotic is compared with its quasiclassical estimate. 3. The kink-antikink collision process for the "double sine-Gordon" (DSG) equation in 1+1 dimensions at different values of the potential parameter R>0 is studied [3]. For small values of R the problem of resonance frequencies is discussed. Qualitative explanation of the frequency shift in comparison with the frequency of the discrete level in the potential well of isolated kink is given. 4. The process of collision of two parallel domain walls in a supersymmetric model is studied both in effective Lagrangian approximation and by numerical solving of the exact classical field problem [4]. For small initial velocities we find that the walls interaction looks like elastic reflection with some delay. It is also shown that in such approximation internal parameter of the wall may be considered as a time-dependent dynamical variable. 5. The time evolution of configurations in the form of two parallel domain walls moving towards each other in a supersymmetric field model is studied [5]. The configurations involved are not BPS-saturated. It is found that for such collisions there exists some critical value $v_{cr}\approx0.9120$ of the initial velocity $v_i$ of the walls. At $v_iv_{cr}$ the sequence of vacuum states changes. The results of the numerical simulations are in agreement with "potential" consideration. 6. Detailed study of the time evolution for the initially formed large amplitude bubbles of disoriented chiral condensate (DCC) is performed [6]. It is found that the evolution of these objects may have a relatively long pre-decay stage. Simple explanation for delayed decay of such DCC bubbles is given. It is related to the existence of quasi-multikink solutions of the corresponding radial sine-Gordon equation in (3+1) dimensions. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, T.I.Belova, Yad.Fiz., 62, No.5, pp.956-960 (1999) [in Russian]. [2] V.A.Gani, V.M.Weinberg, Hydrogen atom in crossed external fields reexamined by moment method, preprint ITEP-29 (1998);; prepared for submission to Yad.Fiz. [in Russian]. [3] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, Phys.Rev.E, 60 No.3, pp.3305-3309, 1999. [4] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, A remark on collisions of domain walls in a supersymmetric model, preprint ITEP-15 (1999); [5] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, preprint ITEP-44 (1999);; prepared for submission to Phys.Rev.D. [6] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, prepared for publication as a preprint ITEP and for submission to Yad.Fiz. [in Russian]. In 1999 V.A.Gani was invited by Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute (Technical University) to take part in the International Conference "Scientific Session MEPhI-1999", January 18-22, 1999. The following talks were presented: 1) V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, T.I.Belova, "Decay of a bubble of disoriented chiral condensate"; 2) V.A.Gani, V.M.Weinberg, "High order susceptibilities of the hydrogen atom in external electric and magnetic fields"; 3) V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, "Kink-antikink interactions in the double sine-Gordon equation and the problem of resonance frequencies". In 2000 V.A.Gani was invited by Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute (Technical University) to take part in the International Conference "Scientific Session MEPhI-2000", January 17-21, 2000. The following talk was presented: V.M.Weinberg, V.A.Gani, V.D.Mur, V.S.Popov, "Energy eigenvalues of the hydrogen ground state in crossed external fields". V.A.Gani participates as a coinvestigator in Grants No 98-02-17316 (the head of the group is Prof. A.E.Kudryavtsev), No 98-02-17007 (the head of the group is Prof. V.S.Popov), No 96-15-96578 (the head of the group is Prof. L.B.Okun) of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. V.A.Gani is included as a coinvestigator in two international research projects, which now is under consideration by Foundations. D.S.GORBUNOV (Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) in his studies of supersymmetric models obtained the following results: 1. Phenomenological consequences of the direct mixing between Standard Model fields and fields-mediators of supersymmetry breaking (messengers) were discovered. Limits on the corresponding coupling constants coming from flavor violating processes both in the lepton [1] and quark [2] sector were obtained. Radiative electroweak breaking in models with mixing was studied. It was found that in these models, unlike gauge mediated models without mixing, wide range of $\tan{\beta}$ is allowed. 2. In [3] it was constructed a toy model with the following properties: i) it is strongly coupled at a certain scale and breaks supersymmetry at this scale; ii) matter superfields of (one generation of) the Standard Model are effective low energy degrees of freedom of this strongly coupled theory; iii) direct gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking occurs due to messenger superfields that are also effective low energy degrees of freedom. 3. It was prepared a review [4] on phenomenological and theoretical aspects of models with gauge mediation. 4. It is shown in Ref. [5] that global fermionic charges induced in vacuum by slowly varying, topologically non-trivial background scalar fields are not renormalized provided that expansion in momenta of background fields is valid. This suggests that strongly coupled theories obey induced charge matching conditions which are analogous, but generally not equivalent, to 't Hooft anomaly matching conditions. A few examples of induced charge matching was presented. In particular, the corresponding constraints in softly broken supersymmetric QCD suggest non-trivial low energy mass pattern, in full accord with the results of direct analyses. 5. In Ref. [6] matching of induced charges in supersymmetric SU(N) gauge theories with quantum modified moduli space was studied. It was found that the Wess-Zumino term should be present in the low energy theory in order that these consistency conditions are satisfied. The lowest homotopy groups of the quantum moduli space was calculated, and it was shown that there are no obstructions to the existence of the Wess-Zumino term at arbitrary N. The explicit expression for this term is given. It is shown that neither vortices nor topological solitons exist in the model. The case of softly broken supersymmetry is considered as well. It was found that the possibility of global baryon number violating vacuum is strongly disfavored. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Flavor violation and $\tan{\beta}$ in gauge mediated models with messenger-matter mixing, Nucl.Phys.B 557, pp.119-145, 1999. [4] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky, Gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking, Phys.Usp. 42, pp.623-651, 1999; Usp.Fiz.Nauk 169, pp.705-736, 1999 [in Russian]. [5] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, M.V.Libanov, V.A.Rubakov, Nonrenormalization of induced charges and constraints on strongly coupled theories, Phys.Rept. 320, pp.147-158, 1999. [6] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Induced charge matching and Wess-Zumino term on quantum modified moduli space (to appear in Phys.Rev.D). There are some publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [2] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Messenger-matter mixing and lepton flavor violation, Phys.Lett. B419, pp.223-232, 1998. [2] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky, Towards common origin of supersymmetry breaking, compositeness, and gauge mediation, Phys.Lett. B423, pp.301-304, 1998. D.Gorbunov participated in the 10-th International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, Suzdal, May 18-24, 1998) and presented a talk entitled "Flavor violation and $\tan{\beta}$ in gauge mediated models with messenger-matter mixing". D.Gorbunov was also a coauthor of the talk "Grand unification with gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking" (S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky) presented there. D.Gorbunov participated in the International Workshop "Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics" (October 23-28, 1999, Tbilisi, Georgia) organized by Georgian Academy of Sciences and Tbilisi State University joint with UNESCO Venice Office. The workshop was dedicated to the 90th anniversary of N.N.Bogolyubov (1909-1992). D.Gorbunov was a coauthor of the talk "Non-renormalization of induced charges and Wess-Zumino term on quantum modified moduli space" (S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov) presented there. D.Gorbunov participated in the International Conference on Non-Accelerator New Physics NANP-99 (Dubna, June 28 - July 3, 1999) and presented a talk entitled "Strong coupling unification in supersymmetric models" (D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky). D.Gorbunov was invited by the International Center of Theoretical Physics to take part in the Summer School on High-Energy Physics and Cosmology (Italy, Trieste, June 28 - July 18, 1998). D.Gorbunov participated in the X-th International School "Particles and Cosmology" (Baksan Valley, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia, April 19-25, 1999). D.Gorbunov participated in the International School "Selected Topics of Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Statistics" (October 16-23, 1999, Tbilisi, Georgia) organized by Georgian Academy of Sciences and Tbilisi State University joint with UNESCO Venice Office. The topic of research of the grant-aided aspirant I.V.GORBUNOV (Tomsk State University) included the construction and the study of spinning particle models in 3+1 and in lower space-time dimensions. In his study I.V.Gorbunov obtained the following results: 1. The model of D=2+1, N=1,2 massive superparticle with arbitrary fixed (half)integer or fractional superspin has been developed [1,3]. The classical mechanical model of the superparticle has been constructed, which contains, besides the inherent Poincare supersymmetry, one more SUSY related to the superspin degrees of freedom. The quantization of the model presents a nontrivial example of combination of the canonical Dirac and Berezin quantization methods. The quantization is based on assumption, that the "double" supersymmetry, both Poincare and internal ones, survives at the quantum level. It is shown, that some physical observables (supercharges) should be renormalized by transition from classical mechanics to the first quantized particle model [1,3]. The quantum states of N=2, D=3 spinning superparticle are realized on the fields carrying finite dimensional [1,3], or a unitary infinite dimensional [3] typical representations of the supergroup OSp(2/2). 2. The model of nonrelativistic (D=3+1) particle with arbitrary fixed spin has been developed [2]. The relation to the respective relativistic models is established. It has been founded that the particle interactions to external fields are consistent independently from detailed structure of the particle gauge symmetries. This phenomenon differentiates the nonrelativistic spinning particle from the relativistic one. In the massless limit the model describes "the light beam". The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] I.V.Gorbunov, S.L.Lyakhovich, Hidden supersymmetries and Berezin quantization of N=2, D=2 spinning superparticle, Journal of Mathematical Physics, V.40, No.5, pp.2230-2253, 1999; Preprints of ICTP (Trieste, Italy) IC/98/138, e-print hep-th/9809104. [2] I.V.Gorbunov, V.A.Dolgushev, S.L.Lyakhovich, Galilean spinning particle [in Russian], Russian Physics Journal, V.42, No.2, pp.34-46, 1999. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [3] I.V.Gorbunov, S.L.Lyakhovich, Geometric quantization of N=2, D=3 superanyon, Phys.Lett.B V.423, pp.293-300, 1998. I.V.Gorbunov participated in the International Summer School in Theoretical Physics "Volga-10" (Kazan, Russia, June 22- Jule 2, 1998) and presented a session talk there entitled "Hidden supersymmetry and Berezin quantization of N=2, D=3 spinning superparticle". In April 1999, I.V.Gorbunov has got Ph.D. degree from Tomsk State University. Thesis advisor: Prof. S.L.Lyakhovich. Title: "Lobachevsky supergeometry of D=3 massive spinning superparticle". A.Yu.NERONOV (Moscow State University) obtained the following results in his studies of quantum black hole models: 1. A theory of classical and quantum collapse of thin spherically-symmetric selfgravitating shells was developed [1]. Complete integrability of hamiltonian equations which describe motion of a selfgravitating shell has been proved. A principally important result that was obtained is the form of mass spectrum of quantum black holes which are formed in the process of gravitational collapse of thin shells of matter [2]. Some unusual quantum number which parametrize the mass spectrum was found. It has geometric origin and does not disappear even for the case of unbound motion of the collapsing shell. 2. A mechanism of formation of universal spectrum of radiation of quantum black holes was proposed [3]. It was shown, that radiation which propagates in the form of s-wave in the field of black hole has discrete spectrum, if one takes fully into account back reaction of radiation on gravitational field of black hole. Some kind of quantum analog of classical "no hair conjecture" of black hole physics was proposed [4]: although the mass spectrum of quantum black holes could have arbitrary complicated structure, spectrum of radiation coming from quantum black hole corresponds to the level spacings in some universal spectrum $m\sim\sqrt{n}$ The main results have been presented in the papers: 1. V.A.Berezin, A.M.Boyarsky, A.Yu.Neronov, Phys.Rev.D57, p.1118, 1998. 2. A.Yu.Neronov, Phys.Rev.D 59, 1998. 3. V.A.Berezin, A.M.Boyarsky, A.Yu.Neronov, gr-qc/9808027 (1998). 4. A.Yu.Neronov, Ph.D. Thesises, INR, Moscow, 1998. A.Neronov participated in Spinoza Meeting on Quantum black holes (Holland, Utrecht, June 29 -- July 4, 1998). In 1998 A.Neronov has got Ph.D. degree from Institute for Nuclear Research. Thesis advisor: Prof. V.A.Berezin. Title: "Quantization of spherically-symmetric gravity. Models of Quantum Black Holes". A.I.ONISCHENKO (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow) in his studies of physics of doubly heavy systems, anomalous WWV couplings and some exotic beyond SM obtained the following results: 1. Spectra of masses for the families of doubly heavy baryons are calculated in the framework of nonrelativistic quark model with the QCD-induced potential by Buchm\" uller-Tye in accordance with both the quark-diquark structure for the wave functions and taking into account the splittings depending on the spins. The region for the application of such approximations is determined [1,17,19]. 2. Below the threshold of decay of these objects into the heavy baryon and heavy meson the system of bound excited states was found, being quasi-stable with respect to hadronic transitions to the basic level [1,17,19]. 3. We have in details considered the physical reasons for the quasi-stability, taking place for the baryons with two identical quarks. In accordance to the Pauli principle, the operators, responsible for the hadronic decays and the mixing between the levels, are suppressed by the inverse heavy quark mass and the small size of diquark. This suppression is caused by the necessity to instantaneously change both the spin and the orbital momentum of compact diquark. In the baryonic systems with two heavy quark and the strange quark, the quasi-stability for the low-lying excitations of diquark is provided by the exclusion of transitions with the emission of both a single kaon because of small splitting between the levels and a single pion because of conservation for the iso-spin and strangeness [1,17,19]. 4. We obtained analytical results on the two-loop anomalous dimensions of currents for baryons, containing two heavy quarks $J = [Q^{iT}C\Gamma\tau Q^j]\Gamma^{'}q^k\varepsilon_{ijk}$ with arbitrary Dirac matrices $\Gamma$ and $\Gamma^{'}$ in the framework of NRQCD in the leading order over both the relative velocity of heavy quarks and the inverse heavy quark mass. It is shown, that in this approximation the anomalous dimensions do not depend on the Dirac structure of the current under consideration [16,18]. 5. The equivalence of results, obtained in calculation of anomalous dimensions of operators in $\overline{\rm MS}$-renormalization scheme with the use of lagrangians of HQET and NRQCD is shown [16,18]. 6. In the leading order of perturbative QCD one calculates the total and differential cross-sections for the hadronic production of doubly charmed baryons $\Xi_{cc}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^*$ in different experiments. The experimental evaluation of cross-sections for the $J/\Psi +D + \bar D$ production would allow one to decrease the uncertainty in the determination of cross-sections for the doubly charmed baryons due to the choice of $\alpha_s$ and $m_c$. One shows that in the HERA-B and E781 experiments with fixed tagets the suppression of the $\Xi_{cc}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^*$ production to the yield of $c \bar c$-pairs is the value of the order of $10^{-6}-10^{-5}$, whereas at the TEVATRON and LHC colliders it is about $10^{-4}-10^{-3}$. In the E781 experiment the observation of $\Xi_{cc}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^*$ is practically impossible. At the HERA-B and TEVATRON facilities one can expect $10^5$ events with the double charm, and at LHC one has about $10^9$ ones [12]. 7. For the first time the contribution of quark-antiquark annihilation in hardronic production of doubly charmed baryons was taken into account. This contribution becomes essential at fixed target energies. The notion of fragmentation function of heavy diquark into doubly heavy baryon is introduced [12]. 8. Analitical approximations of numerical calculations for total subprocess cross-sections of gluon-gluon and quark-antiquark production of doubly charmed baryons were obtained [12]. 9. We have performed a detailed investigation on the lifetimes of doubly heavy baryons on the basis of the operator product expansion for the transition currents. For the first time, we have presented the formulae with the simultaneous account for both the mass effects and low-energy logarithmic renormalization for the contributions to the total decay width of baryons, containing heavy quarks, as it is caused by the effects of Pauli interference and weak scattering. The usage of the diquark picture has allowed us to evaluate the matrix elements of operators derived [2,7,9,14,15,19,20,21]. 10. As an application of the formalism developed, for the first time the lifetimes of all doubly heavy baryons were obtained. The obtained results show the significant role of both the Pauli interference and the weak scattering [2,7,9,14,15,19,20,21]. 11. The sum rules for doubly heavy baryons in NRQCD approximation are constructed. The problem with stability of such sum rules, faced in earlier works, is solved [4]. 12. A detail investigation of three-point sum rules for semileptonic decays of $B_c$-meson in QCD and NRQCD is performed. The Coulomb corrections, as well as, corrections due to gluon condensate are included and their role is discussed. The generalized spin symmetry relations for formfactors are derived [3,8]. 13. The prospects for $B_c$-meson production at existing and future colliders are investigated [10,13]. 14. The possibility to have additional constraints on anomalous WWV couplings at HERA vs LEP is investigated [5]. 15. The possibility to observe TeV-scale leptoquarks, appearing in different models is reviewed [6]. Part of the results was published in the following papers, containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Spectroscopy of doubly charmed baryons: $\Xi_{cc}^{++}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^{+}$, DESY-98080, hep-ph/9807375, Mod.Phys.Lett. A14, p.135, 1999. [2] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of $\Xi_{bc}^{+}$ and $\Xi_{bc}^{0}$ baryons, hep-ph/9901224, submitted to Eur.Phys.J. [3] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Semileptonic decays of $B_c$-meson in sum rules of QCD and NRQCD, hep-ph/9905359, accepted to Nucl.Phys.B. [4] V.V.Kiselev, A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly heavy baryons in sum rules of NRQCD, hep-ph/9909339, accepted to Nucl.Phys.B. [5] A.A.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Can HERA data improve LEP constraints on WWV vertex?, DESY-99-051, accepted to Eur.Phys.J. [6] S.S.Gershtein, A.A.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, TeV-scale leptoquarks from GUT/String/M-theory unification, Phys.Rep. 320, 203, 1999. [7] A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly heavy systems: decays and OPE, hep-ph/9912424. [8] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Semileptonic decays of $B_c$-meson, accepted to Yad.Phys. [in Russian]. [9] A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of doubly heavy baryons, hep-ph/9912425. There are also papers, which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM: [10] A.V.Berezhnoy, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, $B_c$-meson at LHC, Phys.Atom.Nucl. 60, p.1729, 1997; hep-ph/9703341. [11] A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Gluon splitting into pair of heavy quarks in $e^+e^-$-annihilation, Phys.Atom.Nucl. 60, p.623, 1997. [12] A.V.Berezhnoy, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly charmed baryon production in hadronic experiments, Phys.Rev. D57, p.4385, 1998. [13] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.V.Tkabladze, A.V.Berezhnoi, A.I.Onishchenko, Theoretical status of $B_c$-meson, IHEP 98-22, hep-ph/9803433. [14] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of doubly charmed baryons: $\Xi_{cc}^{++}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^{+}$, DESY-98079; hep-ph/9807354; Phys.Rev. D60, p.14007, 1999. [15] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Total inclusive decay rates of doubly charmed baryons, Yad.Phys. No.6., 1999 [in Russian]. [16] V.V.Kiselev, A.I.Onishchenko, Two-loop anomalous dimensions for currents of bary\-ons with two heavy quarks in NRQCD, IHEP 98-64; hep-ph/9810283; submitted to\\ Phys.Lett.B. [17] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Spectroscopy of doubly heavy baryons, IHEP 98-66; hep-ph/9811212; Heavy Ion.Phys. V.9, p.133, 1999. The following talks were given: [18] V.V.Kiselev, A.I.Onishchenko, Anomal dimensions of currents of baryons with two heavy quarks, MIPT Scientific conference, Dolgoprudny, November 1998. [19] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly heavy baryons: spectroscopy and decays, Scientific conference of Subdivision of Nuclear Physics of RAS, Moscow, November 1998. [20] A.I.Onishchenko, Physics of decays of doubly heavy baryons: $\Xi_{bb}^{0}$, $\Xi_{bb}^{-}$, $\Xi_{bc}^{+}$, $\Xi_{bc}^{0}$, $\Xi_{cc}^{+}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^{++}$, Conference of young scientists, postgraduate and graduate stutents ITEP, Moscow, December 1998. [21] A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of doubly heavy baryons, Conference of young scientists, postgraduate and graduate stutents ITEP, Moscow, December 1999. [22] A.I.Onishchenko, $c$-quark mass from $J/Psi$, $\Upsilon$ and $B_c$-mesons, Conference of young scientists, postgraduate and graduate stutents ITEP, Moscow, December 1999. The work of D.M.OSTROVSKY (Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) in 1998 has consisted of three main parts: The first one concerns some aspects of the description of multiparticle production processes. In [1] the nonperturbative preasymptotic contribution to the factorial moments of the intrajet particle distribution have been computed in the framework of previously developed formalism in which new nonperturbative term had been added to standart QCD evolution equation. The presence of the additional nonperturbative contribution is supported by the existing experimental data. Another kind of studies concerns minijet production in the ultrarelativistic hadron and nuclear collisions. Particularly, in [2] transverse energy flow generated by minijets in hadron and nuclear collisions into a given rapidity window in the central region was calculated in the next-to-leading (NLO) order of QCD at RHIC and LHC energies. These results were then used to calculate transverse energy spectrum in nuclear collisions in a Glauber geometrical model. It was shown that in pp collisions differential cross section calculated with NLO accuracy is about 2 times higher than the cross section calculated with only LO accuracy. NLO modification leads to a substantial broadening of the $E_{\perp}$ distribution for the nuclear collisions, while its form remains practically unchanged. In [3] the azimuthal asymmetry of minijet system produced in nucleon-nucleon and nuclear collisions in a central rapidity window was calculated. In pp collisions the asymmetry appears due to contributions from the collisions in which only one minijet hits the acceptance window. The angular pattern of transverse energy flow in nuclear collisions and its dependence on the kinematical parameters of collisions was studied. Development and application of high energy factorization scheme for hadron collisions is a third part of the scientific activity in 1998-1999. Angular asymmetry and momentum disbalance in a pair of particles produced at high energy in the central rapidity region were studied in [4]. It was shown that the asymmetry is substantial for low outgoing particles momenta but diminishes when they rise. In [5] NLO correction to the one-jet inclusive cross section in the framework of high energy factorization was calculated. The results were numerically compared with predictions of conventional collinear factorization approach. It was shown that NLO in high energy factorization scheme reduces one-jet inclusive cross section, but quantitatively result is highly sensitive to the choice of structure function. D.Ostrovsky participated in XXVII ITEPH Winter school (16-24 February, 1999) and presented a talk "Angular and momentum asymmetry in particle production at high energies" in a student's session. The publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM, because it was submitted before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [1] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Phys.Atom.Nucl. 62, pp.701-707, 1999; Yad.Fiz. 62, pp.750-757, 1999 [in Russian]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [2] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Eur.Phys.J C11, pp.495-499, 1999. [3] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Angular pattern of minijet transverse energy flow in hadron and nuclear collisions, hep-ph/9812416, submitted to Eur.Phys.J. C. [4] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Angular and momentum asymmetry in particle production at high energies, hep-ph/9905496, submitted to Phys.Rev.D. [5] D.Ostrovsky, NLO correction to one-jet inclusive production at high energies, hep-ph/9912258, submitted to Phys.Rev.D. S.A.PASTON (Saint-Petersburg State University) in his studies of quantum field theory in light front coordinates obtained the following results: 1. The effective Hamiltonian in light front coordinates is obtained which at some dependence of coefficients, included in it, from a parameter of UV-regularization, in a limit of it removal reproduces within the framework of perturbation theory the results of lorentz-covariant formulating of quantum chromodynamics [1]. It was possible to make with the help of introduction of an additional nonstandart IR-regularization based on a principle, which is used at the Pauli-Villars regularization. Only after this introduction it has appeared possible to apply the method, published earlier, of a comparison of light-like and lorentz-covariant theories. The offered regularization breaks a gauge invariance, but in a limit of removal of a regularization the gauge invariance is restored. The obtained Hamiltonian in future is supposed to be used in nonperturbative calculations. 2. The scalar theory with non-polynomial interaction resulted from bosonization of two-dimensional quantum electrodynamics (QED) is considered [2]. This theory is described by modified Lagrangian of Sin-Gordon model with the critical value of the parameter of this model. Non-polynomiality of interaction in this model, leading to arising of vertexes with arbitrarily large number of lines in perturbation theory, makes nontrivial the construction of light-front Hamiltonian. For its construction the Pauli-Villars regularization must be introduced because at the critical value of the parameter the ultraviolet behaviour of the theory become worse. Obtained light-front Hamiltonian generates the perturbation theory which is equivalent to the covariant perturbation theory in fermion mass, which plays the role of interaction constant after the bosonization and therefore the Hamiltonian spectrum coincides with the spectrum of QED. One can investigate this spectrum beyond the framework of perturbation theory. 3. S.A.Paston participated in development of such formulation of a gauge field theory on a lattice, with which the action is polynomial on independent field variables [3]. The canonical formalism in light front coordinates for such theory is considered. These results and also the results obtained earlier, were published in a review in the proceedings of the conference in honour of V.A.Fock [4]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, V.A.Franke, Constructing the Light-Front QCD Hamiltonian, Theor.Math.Phys., V.120, No.3. pp.1164-1181, 1999; Teoreticheskaya i Matematicheskaya Fizika, V.120. No.3, pp.417-437, 1999 [in Russian]. [2] S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, V.A.Franke, $QED_2$ Light-Front Hamiltonian reproducing all orders of covariant chiral perturbation theory. Preprint SPbU-IP-99-13; hep-th/9910114. The publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM, because either they were published before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant, or they contain results obtained until this moment: [3] V.A.Franke, S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, Lattice Gauge Theories with polynomial Action and their canonical Formulation on the Light Front, Preprint SPbU-IP-98-5, hep-th/9803035. [4] V.A.Franke, Yu.V.Novozhilov, S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, Quantum Field Theory in Light-Front coordinates, in book: "Quantum Theory in honour of Vladimir A.Fock", Part 1, Unesco, St. Petersburg University, Euro-Asian Physical Society, 1998, pp.38-97; hep-th/9901029. S.Paston participated in the "IX International Workshop Small-x Physics and Light Front Dynamics in QCD", Russia, St. Petersburg, July 6-15 1998, theme of the report: "Lattice Gauge Theories with polynomial Action at the Light Front"; in the international conference "VIII St. Petersburg International School of Physics. Quantum Theory in honour of Vladimir A. Fock", Russia, St. Petersburg, May 25 - June 4 1998, theme of the report: "Lattice Gauge Theories with polynomial Action and their canonical Formulation on the Light Front"; and in the seminar "Final seminar in physics and astronomy of winners in 1998 of grant competition for young scientists of St.-Petersburg", February 16, 1999, St.-Petersburg, Russia, theme of the report: "The Construction of QCD Hamiltonian in Light-Front Coordinates"; In December, 1999 S.Paston has got Ph.D. degree from St.-Petersburg State University. Thesis advisor: Prof. V.A.Franke. Title: "The Construction of Quantum Field Theory Hamiltonian in Light-Front Coordinates". O.A.RYTCHKOV (Steklov Mathematical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences,\\ Moscow) in his studies of classical solutions in superstring theory and their applications has obtained the following results: 1. Wide classes of new intersecting p-brane solutions in various space-time dimensions were constructed making use of an algebraic method [1]. p-brane configurations were specified by incidence matrices and it was shown that the solutions of the algebraic characteristic equations for the incidence matrices controlled the intersections of p-branes. 2. New types of p-brane solutions to various supergravities were obtained with use of the sigma-model approach [9]. A new way to endow branes with an additional internal structure such as plane waves was suggested. Applying the harmonic maps technique new solutions with a non-trivial shell structure in the transverse space were generated. Also intersecting branes were considered and it was shown that the intersection rules have a simple geometric interpretation as conditions ensuring the symmetric space property of the sigma-model target space. 3. Non-extremal overlapping p-brane supergravity solutions localized in their relative transverse coordinates were constructed [5,10]. The construction used an algebraic method of solving the bosonic equations of motion. 4. Some aspects of duality between supergravities on Anti-de Sitter (AdS) spaces (appearing as near D-brane horizon geometry) and conformal field theories were investigated in [2,6]. The massive Rarita-Schwinger field in AdS background was considered and the corresponding equations of motion were solved. It was shown that appropriate boundary terms calculated on-shell give two-point correlation function for spin-3/2 fields of the conformal field theory. The relation between Rarita-Schwinger field masses and conformal dimensions of corresponding operators was established. 5. Bulk-to-bulk propagators for the massive vector and symmetric rank-2 tensor fields in the Euclidean continuation of the Anti-de Sitter space were constructed [3]. The explicit forms of these propagators in the limit when one or both points approach the boundary of AdS were derived. It was shown that the obtained expressions coincide with bulk-to-boundary propagators or two-point correlation functions of the boundary CFT as expected from the AdS/CFT correspondence. This identification provides one more evidence for treating CFT operators on the boundary as appropriate limits of quantum fields in the bulk. Also the above limiting procedure clarifies the artificial appearance of boundary terms in the AdS/CFT correspondence. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] I.Ya.Aref'eva, O.A.Rytchkov, Incidence Matrix Description of Intersecting p-brane Solutions, to be published in L.D.Faddeev's Seminar on Mathematical Physics, Advances in Mathematics, Amer.Math.Soc., Providence, R.I. [2] A.S.Koshelev, O.A.Rytchkov, Note on the Massive Rarita-Schwinger field in the AdS/CFT correspondence, Phys.Lett.B 450, p.368, 1999. [3] A.Polishchuk, O.Rytchkov, Propagator for Massive Spin-2 Field in Anti-de Sitter Space, preprint SMI-25-99. Also the obtained results were published in the proceedings of the following conferences: [4] O.A.Rytchkov, Chaotic Behaviour of Dynamical Systems in M-theory, Proceedings of the Second Open Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (Russia, Dubna, March 2-6, 1998) [in Russian]. [5] O.A.Rytchkov, Localised p-branes in Supergravities and M-theory, Proceedings of the International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, May 18-24, 1998). [6] O.A.Rytchkov, Massive Rarita-Schwinger Field in the AdS/CFT correspondence, Proceedings of the XIV International Workshop on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory (Russia, May 27 - June 2, 1999). There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [7] I.Ya.Aref'eva, P.B.Medvedev, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Chaos in D0-brane Dynamics, Banach Center Publications, V.43, p.41, 1998. [8] I.Ya.Aref'eva, P.B.Medvedev, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Chaos in M(atrix) Theory, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, V.10, p.1, 1998. [9] D.V.Gal'tsov, O.A.Rytchkov, Generating branes via sigma models, Phys.Rev. D58, p.122001, 1998. [10] I.Ya.Aref'eva, M.G.Ivanov, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Non-extremal localized\\ branes and vacuum solutions in M-theory, Class.Quant.Grav. V.15, p.2923, 1998. O.A.Rytchkov participated in Spring School on Non-perturbative Aspects of String Theory and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories (Italy, March 23-31, 1998) and in the Trieste Conference on Superfivebranes and Physics in 5+1 dimensions (Italy, April 1-3, 1998) where a poster entitled "New Non-extremal p-branes in Superstring Theories and M-theory" was presented. O.A.Rytchkov participated in International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, May 18-24, 1998) and presented a talk there entitled "Localized p-branes in Supergravities and M-theory". O.A.Rytchkov participated in XI International Conference "Problems of Quantum Field Theory" (Russia, July 13-17, 1998) and presented a talk entitled "Localized p-branes in various supergravities" O.A Rytchkov participated in XIV International Workshop on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory (Russia, May 27 - June 2, 1999) and presented a talk there entitled "Massive Rarita-Schwinger Field in the AdS/CFT correspondence" V.I.SHEVCHENKO (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow) has obtained the following results: 1. Generalized coordinate gauge in nonabelian gauge theories was analysed, limits of applicability were established and applied to the nonabelian Stokes theorem and dual QCD Lagrangian evaluation. 2. The structure of perturbative contributions to the string tension in gluodynamics was investigated and cancellation of them in the vacuum field correlators framework was shown. 3. The modifications of the Higgs mechanism in abelian Higgs model due to interaction with topological defects were considered. 4. Deeper understanding of the Higgs mechanism in the quantum background was reached, especially in the aspects, important for the abelian projected confinement theories. 5. The colour superconductivity phenomenon was investigated in the framework of Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. The effective potential was calculated and the importance of the nonperturbative gluon condensate from the nonabelian Meissner effect point of view was shown. 6. The exact renormalisation group flows were studied in the current representation of the abelian projected gluodynamics. 7. The Casimir scaling behaviour of the static potential between charges in higher representations of the gauge group SU(3) was investigated, being based on recent lattice data. The value of scaling violating terms is estimated. It is shown, that Casimir scaling puts severe bounds on the presence of classical solutions in the vacuum. [1] V.Shevchenko, Yu.Simonov, Generalized coordinate gauge, nonabelian Stokes theorem and dual QCD Lagrangian, Phys.Lett.B 437, p.146, 1998. [2] V.Shevchenko, Yu.Simonov, Perturbative contributions to field correlators, Phys.Lett.B 437, p.131, 1998. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [3] V.Shevchenko, Higgs mechanism in nontrivial background, hep-th/9810222 (being prepared for publication). [4] N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov, V.I.Shevchenko, Nonperturbative QCD vacuum and Colour Superconductivity, Phys.Rep. V.320, p.131, 1999. [5] V.I.Shevchenko, Yu.A.Simonov, Casimir Scaling as a Test of QCD vacuum, hep-ph/0001299, being prepared for publication. Published talks on conferences: (1) "Generalized Fock-Schwinger Gauge and its applications" V.I. Shevchenko, (based on the work with Yu.A.Simonov), Int.School dedicated to the 100th anniversary of V.A.Fock, St.Peterburg, 1998. (2) "Does confinement imply stochasticity?", V.I.Shevchenko, Chaos and complexity, Ponte di Legno, Italy, 1998. (3) "Gluon degrees of freedom at nonzero baryonic density", V.Shevchenko, (partly based on the work with N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov), XXVIII Autumn School, Lisbon, Portugal,1999. (4) "Coordinate gauges and confinement", V. I. Shevchenko, Confinement III (poster session, unpublished), Newport News, USA, 1998. (5) "Nonperturbative QCD vacuum and Colour Superconductivity", V.Shevchenko, (based on the work with N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov), Buckow, Germany, 1999 (no proceedings). V.Shevchenko visited Department of Theoretical Physics of Pisa University, Italy (October 1 - 30, 1998) by invitation of Professor A.DiGiacomo. In January, 2000 V.Shevchenko has got Ph.D. degree from ITEP. Thesis advisor: Prof.Yu.A.Simonov. Title: "Nonperturbative effects in gauge field theory". N.V.SHEVCHENKO (Irkutsk State University and Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow region) in her studies of few-body systems obtained the following results: 1. Elastic $\eta d$ scattering was considered within the Alt-Grassberger-Sandhas formalism for various $\eta N$ input data. A three-body resonant state was found close to the $\eta d$ threshold [1]. This resonance is sustained for different choices of the two-body $\eta N$ scattering length $a_{\eta N}$. The position of the resonance moves towards the $\eta d$ threshold when ${\rm Re\,}a_{\eta N}$ is increased, and turns into a quasi-bound state at ${\rm Re\,}a_{\eta N}\sim0.7\div0.8$\,fm depending on the choice of ${\rm Im\,}a_{\eta N}$. 2. The nuclear reaction $e+{^3{\rm He}}+{^4{\rm He}}\rightarrow{}e +{^7{\rm Be}}$ was considered at thermonuclear energies [2]. The motion of the electron was treated within the adiabatic approximation and the ${^3{\rm He}}-{^4{\rm He}}$ scattering state was calculated using an effective ${^3{\rm He}}-{^4{\rm He}}$ potential constructed via the Marchenko inverse scattering method. The reaction rate thus obtained for solar interior conditions is approximately $10^{-4}$ of the corresponding rate for the radiative capture ${^3{\rm He}}+{^4{\rm He}}\rightarrow{}{^7{\rm Be}}+\gamma$. The main results have been presented in the paper containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] N.V.Shevchenko, V.B.Belyaev, S.A.Rakityansky, S.A.Sofianos, W.Sandhas, Low-energy $\eta d$ resonance, e-print LANL, nucl-th/9908035; submitted to Phys.Rev.Lett. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [2] N.V.Shevchenko, S.A.Rakityansky, S.A.Sofianos, V.B.Belyaev, Non-radiative synthesis of $^7{\rm Be}$ in solar plasma, J.Physics G25, pp.95-106, 1999. N.Shevchenko will participate in the IV Open Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (Dubna, Russia, January 31 - February 4, 2000) and will present a session talk there entitled "Near-threshold resonance in the $\eta d$ system". N.Shevchenko is invited by the Organizing Committee of the 16th International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics (Taipei, Taiwan, March 6-10, 2000) to take part in the conference and present the contribution entitled "Low energy scattering and photoproduction of $\eta$-mesons by deuterons" in a poster session. N.Shevchenko participates in international co-operation with the group of Prof. W.Sand\-has, Physikalisches Institut, Universitat Bonn, Germany and with the group of Prof. S.A.Sofi\-anos, Physics Department, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa. N.Shevchenko is a postgraduate student of the third year and she is planing to get the Ph.D. degree at the 2000th year. V.V.SHKLYAR ( Far Eastern State University, Vladivostok) in his studies of photon and vector meson production obtained the following results: 1. The different sources of the real photon and $\phi$-meson production in nucleon-nucleon collisions at intermediate energies have been studied and the effective model of the reactions has been suggested in [1-4]. The role and influence of each channel for the $NN\to NN\gamma$ reaction (bremsstrahlung, $\Delta$-excitation, radiative $\omega/\rho$-decay) has been shown and discussed in [1]. 2. Also, the available experimental data for the real photon production at 0.28 and 0.75 GeV beam energy were described well and the predictions for forthcoming data at COSY-TOF are obtained [1]. 3. Apart from the photon production reaction, the $NN\to NN\phi$ reaction near the threshold has been explored. It was shown, that the influence of the shake-off mechanism was negligible and the $\pi\rho\phi$ interaction coming from the non-ideal $\phi-\omega$ mixing angle gave the main contribution to the $\phi$-meson yield [3]. The predictions for the reaction amplitude behaviour and polarization observables near the reaction threshold was obtained. It has been also shown that the earlier exact threshold predictions for these reactions (e.c. M.Recalo et al) were not relevant at energies slightly above the threshold [2]. The value of the beam-target asymmetry $C^{BT}=-0.8$ was predicted and the ratio of the spin-singlet states to the spin-triplet ones was derived at the reaction threshold [3]. 4. The spin density matrix and the anisotropy of the $\phi$ decay were calculated. It was also shown that for the $\phi\to e^+e^-$-decay the small $\bar ss$ admixture could lead to the modification of the $\phi$ decay anisotropy that might be used in the experimental searching of the hidden strangeness in nucleon [4]. There are the publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [1] V.V.Shklyar, B.K\"ampfer, B.L.Reznik, A.I.Titov, Bremsstrahlung in intermediate-energy nucleon reaction within an effective one-boson exchange model, Nucl.Phys.A628, pp.255-274, 1998. [2] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, The reaction $NN \to NN \phi$ near threshold, preprint (nucl-th/9712025); preprint (nucl-th/9811094). The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [3] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, Polarization observables in the reaction $NN \to NN \phi$, to be published in Phys.Rev. C59, 1999. [4] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, Polarization observables in the reaction $NN\to NN\phi$ near threshold, XIV International Seminar On High Energy Physics Problems, Conf. Proceedings, preprint E1,2-98-232. V.Shklyar participated in the International Summer Student School on High Energy Physics in Memory of Bruno Pontekorvo ( JINR, Dubna, August 18 - September 1, 1998.) V.Shklyar also participated in the XIVth International Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems (JINR, Dubna, August 17-22, 1998) as a co-author. Talk on International Seminar DEUTERON-99, JINR, Dubna-99, Russia, 4-7 July. In October, 1999 V.Shklyar has got Ph.D. degree from the Far Eastern State University. Thesis advisor: Prof. A.I.Titov (JINR). Title: "Photon and $\phi$-meson production at intermediate energies" D.V.ALEXANDROV (Urals State University, Ekaterinburg) in his studies of solidification processes obtained the following results: 1. A theory of incipience of a two-phase zone is numerically and theoretically studied [1]. On the basis of a linear law for the velocity of solidification which was obtained numerically, governing equations for the velocity and for the time of incipience of the two-phase zone (the latter arises ahead of a planar front of solidification due to the concentrational supercooling) were deduced. 2. In [2] the fractal dimension of the two-phase zone is determined for the self-similar regime of solidification in the presence of the mushy region. 3. The general problem of incipience of the two-phase zone is solved on the basis of the classical Stefan thermodiffusion model (without suggestions about the velocity distribution). The time of incipience of the two-phase zone and the velocity of solidification are determined in the form of integral equations [3]. 4. A theory of solidification with a qusiequilibrium two-phase zone is detailed on the basis of analytical solution of Borisov's model [4]. The steps of thermodynamic values in the two-phase zone (at both boundaries) are found on the basis of which the zone is changed by the discontinuity surface between solid and liquid phases. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] D.V.Alexandrov, A.G.Churbanov, P.N.Vabishchevich, Emergence of a Mushy Region in Processes of Binary Melt Solidification, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research, V.26, No.2, pp.248-264, 1999. [2] D.V.Alexandrov, A.O.Ivanov, M.E.Komarovski, An Influence of a Fractal-Like Mushy Region on Solidification Process, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research, V.26, No.2, pp.224-231, 1999. [3] D.V.Alexandrov, Incipience of a Mushy Zone in Binary Melt Solidification Processes: General Theory, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research (to be published). [4] D.V.Alexandrov, To the Theory of Solidification with a Quasiequilibrium Two-Phase Zone, Doklady AN (submitted) [in Russian]. The following papers will be presented for publication soon with acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: 1. D.V.Alexandrov, Incipience of a Mushy Zone in Binary Melt Solidification Processes: Stefan Thermodiffusion Problem (Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research). 2. D.V.Alexandrov, Quasiequilibrium Mushy Region: Dynamic Instability (Acta Materialia). In March, 1998 D.Alexandrov has got Ph.D. degree from The Urals State Technical University. Thesis advisors: Prof. V.V.Mansurov, Dr. A.O.Ivanov. Title: "An Influence of a quasiequilibrium Mushy Region on Solidification of Binary Melts". A.A.ALIVERDIEV (Institute of Physics, Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala) in his studies of the use of a registered signal velocity for the time-resolved tomography, in particular for the laser tomography of condensed matter obtained the following results: 1. A summarizing of the reconstructive theory of a signal speed using has been developed [1-10]. 2. Analytical expressions for nD photoacoustic tomography and the problem of a complex absorption account have been derived. Some practical algorithms and software ware carried out. Number of 2D numerical simulations are hold. A principally important result was obtained that good photoacoustic reconstruction is possible with different conditions [1-4, 7, 8]. 3. A method of a stream collision has been proposed for the stochastic emission correlation tomography. Number of 2D numerical simulations with inspired results are hold [1]. 4. A method of Hartley transform has been considered for an image processing. Some practical algorithms and software ware carried out [5]. The main goals of the project was achieved. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, Use of velocity of a filed signal in a tomography. Features of an optoacoustic tomography, [in Russian], Makhachkala, DSU, 1998, 60p. [2] G.K.Makhtimagomedov, M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, R.M.Batyrov, G.M.Halilulayev, A.A.Amirova, M.M.Akhmedov, M.M.Ataev, About the modeling of spatial-temporal tomographic reconstruction of sphere of phase transitions; Proceedings of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter", Makhachkala, Russia, 1998, p.3-6. [3] A.A.Aliverdiev, Some aspects of the computing of the laser tomography of mixed state, Proceedings of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter", Makhachkala, Russia, 1998, p.3-5. [4] A.A.Aliverdiev, About the account of complex absorption in laser tomography, Proceedings of the International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan", dedicated to 275 Anniversary of Russian Academy of the Sciences and 50 Anniversary of Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of the Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, pp.33-34. [5] A.A.Aliverdiev, R.M.Batyrov, M.G.Karimov, G.M.Halilulayev, A.A.Amirova, Some questions of the use of Hertley transform in physical tomography, Proceedings of the International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan", dedicated to 275 Anniversary of Russian Academy of the Sciences and 50 Anniversary of Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of the Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, p.35. [6] M.G.Karimov. A.A.Aliverdiev, A.A.Amirova, Some questions of the tomographic reconstruction of plasma objects, Proceedings of the All-Russian Conference "Physical Electronics", Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, p.107. [7] A.A.Aliverdiev, M.G.Karimov, Back photoacoustic problem in the investigation of quasistationary spatial-heterogeneous flows, Proceedings of the V International Scientific and Technical Conference "Optical Methods of the Flows Investigations" (Moscow, Russia, 1999), p.161. [8] A.A.Aliverdiev, Some questions of the physical tomography with application of velocity spectrum of registered signal, Proceedings of the Conference "Resonance and non-linear phenomenon in Condensed Matter" (Ufa, Russia 1999). There are two publications, which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [9] A.A.Aliverdiev, M.G.Karimov, Solution of optic reconstructive problem considering registered signal velocity, Turkey J. of Physics, No.4, pp.311-314, 1998. [10] M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, About modeling of 2D optoacoustic researches of exited media, Radiophysics (Massager of Higher Educational Institutes of Russia), No.1, 1999. A.Aliverdiev was the executive (scientific) secretary of the local Program Committee of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter" (Makhachkala, Russia, 1998). Two reports of A.Aliverdiev ware represented in that Conference. A.Aliverdiev represents the reports in (1) the Winter College "Spectroscopy and Applications" (AS-ICTP, Trieste, Italy 1999), (2) the Baikal School of Fundamental Physics (Irkutsk, Russia, 1999, in absentia, by correspondence), (3) the V International Scientific and Technical Conference "Optical Methods of the Flows Investigations" (Moscow, Russia, 1999, in absentia, by co-author), (4) International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan" (Makhachkala, Russia, 1999), (5) the All-Russian Conference "Physical Electronics" (Makhachkala, Russia 1999), (6) the Regional Conference "Resonance and non-linear phenomenon in Condensed Matter" (Ufa, Russia 1999), (7) the Fourth Training Course in the Physics of Correlated Electron Systems and High-Tc Superconductors (Vietri sul Mare, Salerno, Italy, 1999). In July 1998 A. Aliverdiev has got Ph.D. degree from the Daghestan State University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. M.G.Karimov (DSU). Title: "Some solutions of a reconstructive problem in a plasma physics and nonlinear optics with the use of a finiteness of distribution of a registered signal velocity". O.L.BERMAN (Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Moscow Region) in his studies of phase transitions and superfluidity in the system of coupled quantum wells obtained the following results: 1. The theory of phase transitions of electron-hole and unbalanced electron systems in coupled quantum wells in high magnetic fields has been developed [1]. Analytical expressions for the temperatures of the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition to the superfluid state have been derived. A principally important result was obtained that the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature decreases at rise of magnetic field and interwell separation at fixed magnetoexciton density. But the maximal possible Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature increases at rise of magnetic field and interwell separation. 2. It was shown that the system of weakly interacting indirect excitons in the superlattice slab is unstable [2,3]. A method based on the sum of the ladder diagram for the calculation of vertex of quadrupole indirect biexcitons interaction has been proposed for the obtaining of the collective spectrum, superfluid density and the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature. 3. The effect of random field due to impurities, boundary irregularities on the superfluidity of a three-dimensional system of excitons and a quasi-two-dimensional of direct and spatially indirect excitons is investigated [4]. 4. The excitation spectra and superfluidity of the electron-hole system in coupled quantum wells have been analyzed [5,6]. It was shown that the gap in the excitation spectra decreases if the interwell separation and the density of electrons and holes increase. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, V.G.Tsvetus, Phase transitions of electron-hole and unbalanced electron systems in coupled quantum wells in high magnetic fields, Phys.Rev. B59, pp.5627-5636, 1999. [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, M.Willander, Superfluidity of indirect biexcitons in superlattices, JETP V.88, No.5, pp.980-986, 1999. [3] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, M.Willander, Superfluidity of indirect biexcitons in superlattices, Europhysics Letters V.48, No.3, pp.299-305, 1999. [4] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, The superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, JETP Lett. V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999. [5] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.A.Panfilov, The excitation spectra and superfluidity of the electron-hole system in coupled quantum wells, Physica Status Solidi (b), V.209, pp.287-294, 1998. [6] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman and A.A.Panfilov, The excitation spectra in coupled quantum wells, Solid State Phys. (russ. Fiz.Tverd.Tela), V.40, No.12, pp.2226-2228, 1998. O.Berman participated in the International Advanced School Leonardo da Vinci for a continuing education programme 1998 Summer Course "Superconducting materials: advances in technology and applications" (Italy, Bologna, 29 June - 10 July, 1998). Five reports on seminars at the Institute of Spectroscopy were made. One report in seminar at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Stoney Brook has been made. In 1999 O.Berman has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "The investigation of phase transitions and superfluidity in the system of the coupled quantum wells". D.A.DANILOV (Udmurt State University, Izhevsk) in his studies of rapid solidification obtained the following results: 1. A comparative analysis of a model for local nonequilibrium solidification with experimental measurements of "dendrite tip growth velocity -- initial melt undercooling" in rapidly solidifying alloys Cu - 30% at. Ni [1] and Ni - 1% at. Zr [2] has been performed. The predictions of the model are in qualitative and quantitative agreement with experimental data for both alloys. 2. A general solution [3] of the steady-state crystal growth shape under local nonequilibrium solidification has been found. This solution is found for the following growth shapes: elliptical paraboloid, paraboloid of revolution, cylindrical paraboloid, and parabolic platelet. 3. On the basics of a one-sided model of solute diffusion the dynamics of a motion of the rapid solidification front in a binary alloy is investigated [4,5]. A criterion connecting the dynamical stability of the front motion in a steady-state regime with a slope of the kinetic curve "front velocity - initial undercooling'' is formulated. An expression for the definition of nonstationary time during the transition to the steady-state regime is obtained. 4. A model for rapid solidification in undercooled pure metallic liquid is developed that includes local nonequilibrium heat transfer and kinetics of liquid-solid interface motion [6]. Taking into account the finiteness of the speed of heat transport, a general solution of the problem about local nonequilibrium heat transfer with the moving heat source at the planar solidification front is obtained. Asymptotic behavior of the velocity of the rapid planar front is investigated. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Model for free dendritic alloy growth under interfacial and bulk phase nonequilibrium conditions, J.Crystal Growth V.197, pp.992-1002, 1999. [2] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Dendritic growth model for rapid solidification of undercooled alloys, International Conference on Rapidly Quenched and Metastable Materials "RQ-10", Bangalore, India, August 1999, submitted for publication in the journal Material Science and Engineering. [3] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Steady-state crystal growth shape under local nonequilibrium mass transfer, Inzhenerno Fizicheski Zhurnal (Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics), submitted for publication [in Russian]. [4] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Selection of the dynamically stable regime of rapid solidification front motion in isothermal binary alloy, J.Crystal Growth, accepted for publication. [5] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko, A criterion for dynamical stability of rapid solidification front motion, University and Academic Scientific-Practical Conference, Udmurt State University. Thesis for the conference, Izhevsk, April 1999, p.60-61 [in Russian]. [6] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko, Hyperbolic heat transfer in rapid solidification of supercooled liquids, Proc. of the 4th Minsk International Heat and Mass Transfer Forum, A.V.Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute, Minsk, May 2000, accepted for publication. A.V.EMELYANENKO (Moscow State University) in his studies of strongly polar liquid crystals obtained the following results: 1. A statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition has been developed for a system of molecules possessing a strong dipole [1,4]. It was explicitly taken into account that a large amount of dimers appear in a molecular system, when a dipole is strong enough. The dependence of the nematic order parameters of monomers and dimers on the temperature and the temperature variation of the molar fraction of dimers have been obtained. These investigations were held for the systems of molecules with different values of the dipole moment. A principally important result was obtained that the nematic-isotropic transition temperature has no absolute growth with the increasing dipole moment, as it was predicted by the preceding theories, but achieves its maximum with subsequent decrease. This happens because molecules with the large dipole moments form dimers intensively, which destroy the nematic order. In the previous research, based on the mean field or second virial approximations, a very strong short-range correlations leading to the formation of dimers were disregarded. A theory derived in [1,4] takes into account the existence of dimers directly. It was shown, that for molecules with large dipoles the transition temperature decreases with the increasing dipole moment. This result was confirmed by the recent computer simulations. 2. Influence of the molecular shape on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals has been investigated [2]. A method based on the expansion of the intermolecular potential in a complete set of spherical invariants has been proposed to estimate the dispersion interaction between monomers and dimers. It has been established that molecules with small dipoles form dimers, which favour the nematic phase, whereas dimers composed of molecules with large dipoles favour the isotropic phase. It has also been found that molecules with an intermediate value of the dipole moment couple in dimers, which do not influence the nematic- isotropic transition temperature. This balance point depends on the molecular shape, and it may exist or not for different molecules. 3. A statistical theory of the cholesteric ordering [3] was derived. On the contrary to the preceding publications, it describes the helix inversion in binary mixtures. The biaxiality of molecules is explicitly taken into account. Under a certain conditions (driven by the mutual concentration of the components and temperature) the interaction between the short molecular axes, which was disregarded in the previous attempts, dominates over the interaction between the main axes. It leads to the helix inversion, which is usually observed in the experiment. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Polar liquid crystals. Statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [2] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Nematic-isotropic phase transition in polar liquid crystals. Role of the dispersion interaction, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [3] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, D.A.Dunmur, Molecular Theory of Chiral Nematic Liquid Crystals, Phys.Rev.E, paper accepted for publication. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Influence of dimerization on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals, Liquid Crystals, V.26, No.2, 1999. A.Emelyanenko participated in the 17-th International Liquid Crystal Conference (Strasbourg, France, July 19-24, 1998) and presented a poster "Molecular Theory of The Nematic-Isotropic Transition in Strongly Polar Liquid Crystals". Thesis of the poster was published. In 1999 A.Emelyanenko participated in the International Conference on Liquid Crystals, which took place in Krynica (Poland), with a report "Theory of the helix inversion in nematics doped with chiral molecules" (September 13-17, 1999) and in the International Conference "Nonlinear dynamics in polymer science and related fields", Desna, Moscow region, with a report "Helix inversion in binary liquid crystalline mixtures" (October 11-15, 1999). Both theses are included in the corresponding abstract books. The full-length reports are planned. A.V. Emelyanenko has also taken part in the Students Conference on chemistry and physics of the thin organic films, Puschino, Moscow region, with a report "Inversion of the spiral structure in binary LC mixtures" (June 14-15, 1999). Now A.Emelyanenko is developing a new theory of the liquid crystalline polymers, which also possess a helix inversion. I.M.EREMIN (Kazan State University) in his studies of the electronic structure and magnetic properties of high temperature superconductivity obtained the following results: 1. Self-consistent calculation of spin (charge) density wave order (SDW/CDW) parameters have been performed for bilayered cuprates on the basis of a singlet correlated band model [1]. Evolution of the Fermi surface in the strongly underdoped regime is described by using a two-band approach. The smooth development of the pseudogap formation temperature is explained from underdoped to overdoped states and the Fourier amplitudes $$ (spin) and $$ (charge) modulations have been calculated. We have found a maximum of the incommensurability for doping 0.09-0.11 holes per copper site. 2. The phase boundary of the paramagnetic phase of cuprates has been calculated with taking into account the strong electron correlations. The instability wave vector gets displaced from pure antiferromagnetic wave vector if doping increases. The calculated pictures of Lindhard response functions and complex momentum dependence of a CDW pseudogap are presented. Spin susceptibility expression for the singlet correlated band at $T_c The results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, I.Eremin, submitted to Appl.Magn.Res (cond-mat/9908297). [2] I.Eremin, M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, in a book "Stripes and Related Phenomena", edited by A.Bianconi and N.L.Saini, to be published by Kluwer Academics-Plenum Publisher. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before the grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant. [3] I.Eremin, Solid State Commun. 105, pp.293-296, 1998. I.Eremin participated in the Second International Conference on Stripes'98 (Rome, Italy, 2-6 June, 1998) and presented an oral contribution "Two reasons of instability in layered cuprates", Specialized Colloque Ampere EPR, NMR and NQR in Solid State Physics: Recent Trends (Pisa, Italy, June 14-18, 1999) and presented poster contribution "How large can be CDW/SDW amplitudes in layered cuprates", XVI International Seminar "New Magnetic Materials for Microelectronics" (Moscow, Russian Federation, June 23-26, 1998) and presented a poster "Dynamic spin susceptibility below $T_c$. Hubbard Model" (in Russian), XXVII International School for Theoretical Physicists "Kourovka" (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 2-7 March, 1998) and presented a talk "Influence of strong electron correlation on dynamical spin susceptibility in two-dimensional models" (in Russian) I.Eremin participated in the International Cooperation with the groups of Prof. D.Brinkmann and Prof. H.Keller, Institute of Physics, Zuerich University, Switzerland. In September 1999 I.Eremin has got a Ph.D. degree under the supervision of Prof. B.I.Kochelaev (Kazan State University). A.V.PANOV (Far-Eastern State University, Vladivostok) in his studies of magnetism obtained the following results: 1. The ground and metastable magnetic states of magnetite and iron particles with sizes closed to single-domain were analyzed within the scope of the developed model [1]. It was shown that depending on its size and elongation the grain can be in one of three states: with uniform magnetization, with a small and large non-uniformity of magnetic moment (quasi-single-domain and two-domain states). The critical sizes for uniform and quasi-single-domain states were calculated. Magnetization processes of such particles were simulated. The coercive force and critical fields as functions of size, elongation of the particles and external magnetic field direction were studied. The essential difference from similar studies is non-monotone dependence of coercive force on particle elongation for magnetite which is confirmed by experiments. 2. The previous model of two-phase particle was extended by entering of interfacial exchange coupling [2-4]. The magnetization process of an ensemble of Co-coated $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ used in magnetic recording media was studied. The set of magnetic states of such particles was analyzed for ensemble with thermal agitation. It was shown that relation between interfacial exchange coupling and magnetostatic inter-phase interaction affect dependence of the coercive force of the ensemble of $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ particles on coating volume. It was obtained that the growth in coating magnetocrystalline anisotropy leads to increase in coercivity of the ensemble. The main results have been presented in the papers submitted in March and April, 1998, before grantee has been informed of the awarding ICFPM grant: [1] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine magnetite particles, Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie [in Russian], 86, pp.65-73, 1998. [2] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Modeling of magnetization process of an ensemble of $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles with cobalt coating, "Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie" [in Russian] v.87, pp.17-22, 1999. [3] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states of Co-coated $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.241-242. [4] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, An influence of inter-phase interaction on coercive force of two-component particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.511-512. In June, 1999 A. V. Panov has got Ph. D. degree from the Far East State University (Vladivostok). Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Belokon'. Title: "Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine heterogeneous particle systems". A.M.POVOLOTSKY (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow Region) in his studies of the models of self-organized criticality obtained the following results: 1. We investigate the dynamics of Eulerian walkers as a model of self-organized criticality [1]. The evolution of the system is divided into characteristic periods which can be seen as avalanches. The structure of avalanches is described and the critical exponent in the distribution of first avalanches $\tau=2$ is determined. We also study a mean square displacement of Eulerian walkers and obtain a simple diffusion law in the critical state. The evolution of underlying medium from a random state to the critical one is described. 2.The general framework for the renormalization group analysis of self-organized critical sandpile models is formulated [2,3]. The usual real space renormalization scheme for lattice models when applied to nonequilibrium dynamical models must be supplemented by feedback relations coming from the stationarity conditions. On the basis of these ideas the Dynamically Driven Renormalization Group is applied to describe the boundary and bulk critical behavior of sandpile models. A detailed description of the branching nature of sandpile avalanches is given in terms of the generating functions of the underlying branching process. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] A.M.Povolotsky, V.B.Priezzhev, R.R.Shcherbakov, Phys.Rev.E 58, pp.5449-5454, 1998. [2] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, Phys.Rev.E 60, pp.1239-1251, 1999. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [3] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, preprint DIAS-STP-98-06, Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Ireland. A.Povolotsky was invited by J.Stefan Institute, Ljubljana Slovenia and presented the seminar there entitled "Eulerian walkers as a model of the self-organized criticality." S.E.SKIPETROV (Moscow State University) in his studies obtained the following main results: 1. A possibility for diagnostics of laser-induced particle flows in concentrated suspensions using methods of the optical correlation spectroscopy has been studied. The role of ponderomotive effects in experiments on dynamic multiple light scattering (DMLS) has been analyzed. 2. A diffusion model for the temporal autocorrelation function of multiple scattered light has been developed. The model has been shown to be valid for both the Brownian motion and laminar flow of scatterers. The case of spatially localized flow of scatterers in a turbid sample has been considered. We have demonstrated both theoretically and experimentally that one could use DMLS techniques to obtain useful information about hidden particle flows in turbid media. 3. Imaging through atmospheric turbulence has been studied. Statistical moments of the modulation transfer functions (MTFs) of a turbulent atmosphere have been calculated for various models of turbulence. Some of the main results have been presented in a paper containing acknowledgment to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially heterogeneous scatterer dynamics. Physics in Higher Education, V.5, No.1, pp.98-112, 1999 [in Russian]. [2] Karabutov A.A., Pelivanov I.M., Podymova N.B., Skipetrov S.E. Direct measurement of the spatial intensity distribution of light in a scattering medium, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., V.70, No.3, pp.187-191, 1999 [in Russian]; [English translation: J.Exp.Theor.Phys.Lett., V.70, No.3, pp.183-188, 1999]. [3] Skipetrov S.E., Effective dielectric function of a random medium, Phys.Rev.B 60, No.18, pp.12705-12709, 1999. [4] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Shcheglov V.A., Laser-induced particle flows in random media: is the diagnostics with multiple-scattered light possible? In: CD-ROM Proceedings of the International Conference on Optical Technology and Image Processing in Fluid, Thermal, and Combustion Flow (VSJ-SPIE'98) (Yokohama, Japan, December 7-9, 1998), paper AB090. [5] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Correlation spectroscopy for diagnostics of light-induced particle motion in concentrated suspensions. In: Fourth International Conference on Correlation Optics, O.V. Angelsky, Ed., Proc. SPIE, V.3904, pp.423-428, 1999. [6] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave imaging of flows in turbid media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99), (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). [7] Skipetrov S.E., Refractive index of random media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99) (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). S.Skipetrov participated in several scientific conferences: - XI School-Conference on Diffraction and Propagation of Waves (Moscow, Russia, January 12-15, 1998). An oral presentation entitled "Multiple scattering of light in random media with complex dynamic structure" has been made. - NATO Advanced Study Institute "Diffuse Waves in Complex Media" (Les Houches, France, March 17-28, 1998). A poster "Ponderomotive action of light in random media" has been presented. - XVI International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics - ICONO'98 (Moscow, Russia, June 29-July 3, 1998). Two posters has been presented: "Dynamic multiple scattering of laser radiation on light-induced flows of microparticles in suspension" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy of flows". - 17th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division, European Physical Society and 6emes Journees de la Matiere Condensee, Societe Francaise de Physique (Grenoble, France, August 25-29, 1998). A poster "Cross-correlations in dynamic multiple scattering of light" has been presented. - Fall School-Conference "Light-Scattering Techniques in Biomedicine, Industry and Material Science" (Saratov, Russia, October 6-9, 1998). An oral presentation: "Theory of diffusing-wave spectroscopy with angular and spatio-temporal cross-correlations" and two poster presentations: "Ponderomotive action of light in random multiple-scattering media" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in random media with absorption", have been made. - International Conference on Biomedical Optics and Spectroscopy. European Biomedical Optics Week - BiOS'98 (Stockholm, Sweden, September 6-9, 1998). Title of presentation: "Possibilities for study of light-induced flows of microparticles in concentrated suspensions using methods of optical correlation spectroscopy". - International Conference on LASERS'98 (Tucson, Arizona, USA, December 7-11, 1998). Title of presentation: "Hydrodynamic flows induced by copper-vapor laser: diagnostics using optical correlation spectroscopy". S.E.Skipetrov has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. S.S.Chesnokov. Title: "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially-heterogeneous scatterer flows". F.M.TSAHHAEV (Ryazan State Pedagogical University) in his studies of physics of low dimensional structures obtained the following results: 1. Galvanomagnetic effects have been measured in n-AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures with filling of two subbands. The values of the momentum relaxation times t and q have been determined experimentally. The t and q times have been also calculated in the conditions of intersubband scattering using the self-consistent electron wave function. The dominating relaxation mechanism was identified and the parameters of defects were evaluated by comparison of experimentally determined and calculated t and q values [1,5,6,9]. 2. The GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures with anomalously high mobility of 2D-electrons 0.6 m/V s (T=4.2 K) in respect to the well-known analogs have been synthesized. The anomalies and anisotropy of kinetic effects characteristics of the GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures have been observed in experiments. The electrons energy spectrum in GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures has been calculated on the basis of the experimental results. The comparison of calculated data and measurements results (C-V characteristics, temperature and axial/lateral magnetic field dependencies of conductivity, photoluminescence spectra) reveals anomalous properties of GaAs(0.30,?-Sn) structure along [110] direction in respect to the [110] one [4]. 3. In [7,8] the experimental results is analyzed in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures. 4. The hysteresis of current-temperature characteristics is revealed in GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with the three quantum wells [2]. 5. The magnetic field suppression of electron-electron interaction of 2D-electrons in the main and the first, disturbed subbands of dimension quantization in single heterojunction AlGaAs/GaAs have been revealed [3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] V.I.Kadushkin, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Relaxation mechanisms of 2D-electrons in selective doped n-AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs heterostructure with filling of two subbands,\\ Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., No.5/6, pp.55-74, 1999. [2] V.I.Tsebro, O.E.Omelyanovski, V.I.Kadushkin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, F.M.Tsahhaev,\\ S.N.Larin, Lateral photoconductivity low temperature hysteresis of GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with asymmetric system of quantum wells, Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). [3] V.I.Kadushkin, F.M.Tsahhaev, S.N.Larin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, Intersubband relaxation of 2D-electrons in AlGaAs(Si)/GaAs strong doped heterojunction, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., No.3/4, pp.135-166, 1998. [5] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, News Institutions of Higher Education. Physics, No.159, 1998 [in Russian]. Proceedings of the Conference: [6] The 24th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, August 2-7, 1998, Jerusalem, Israel; "Energy spectrum and relaxation mechanisms of electrons in lateral-surface superlattices GaAs(0.30,?-Sn)". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Yu.A.Kotova). [7] 10th International Symposium on Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors, August 31- September 2, 1998, Vilnius, Lithuania. "Photomodulation processes in GaAs/AlAs type-I quantum well structures". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [8] VII Luthuanian-Polish Seminar "Solid State Physics and Technology", Kaunas, 1998. "Photoexcitation effects in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures investigated by differential reflectivity spectroscopy". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [9] The 194th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, Boston, Massachusetts, November\\ 1-6, 1998. "Energy spectrum of electrons in GaAs(?-Sn) structure grown on vicinal plane". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). In March, 2000 F.M.Tsahhaev shall be got Ph.D. degree from the Ryazan State Pedagogical University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Kadushkin (RSPU). Title: "Localization and scattering of quasi-particles in low-dimensional heterostructures in quantized magnetic fields." D.A.RYNDYK (Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS, Nizhny Novgorod) in his studies of nonequilibrium effects in dynamics of Josephson structures and layered superconductors (nonequilibrium Josephson effect) obtained the following results: 1. Starting from microscopic equations for Green functions, quasiclassical kinetic equations are derived for the systems of tunnel junctions and for layered superconductors [1]. This kinetic equations can be generalized for the case of different types of junctions and for superconductors with arbitrary energy dependence of the density of states and anisotropic pairing. 2. Dynamics of one-dimensional array of nonequilibrium junctions is investigated, in particular, current-voltage characteristics and high frequency interaction between junctions. Peculiarities of the dynamics of intrinsic Josephson junctions in HTSC are considered [1,2] (this work is a continuation of previous investigation carried out in 1998: D.A.Ryndyk, Phys.Rev.Lett., 80, 3376, 1998). The calculated current-voltage characteristics demonstrate the nature of the effect of electron-hole imbalance on the dynamics of one-dimensional chains of junctions. 3. The effect of nonequilibrium amplification of Josephson oscillations is predicted [2]. 4. "Plasma" oscillations and Josephson flux flow in layered superconductors is considered with nonequilibrium effects taken into account. Beside, the work on the kinetic theory of plasma turbulence is continued, which was began previously in connection with the experimental investigation of low-hybrid turbulence, excited by ion beam (E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk et al., Nuclear Fusion, 38, 661, 1998). New results in the theory of turbulent broadening of cyclotron resonances are published in Ref.[3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] D.A.Ryndyk, Nonequilibrium Josephson effect in systems of tunnel junctions and in layered superconductors, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. V.116, p.1798, 1999 [JETP V.89, p.975, 1999]. [2] D.A.Ryndyk, High-frequency properties of nonequilibrium Josephson junctions in nanoscale and layered superconductors, Journal of radioelectronics (www journal) n.1 (2000), to be published in "Foreign radioelectronics". [3] E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk, Stochastic Broadening of High Order Ion Cyclotron Resonances due to Lower-Hybrid Turbulence, Strong microwaves in plasmas (proceedings of IV international workshop on strong micro-waves in plasmas, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 1999 ), ed. A.G.Litvak, V.2, Nizhny Novgorod, 2000. D.Ryndyk in 1999 participated in: 1. School-seminar "Physics and applications of microwaves" (24-30 of May in Krasnovidovo, Moscow region) with invited lecture "Physical basis of Josephson high frequency electronics". D.Ryndyk take part in several russian and international research projects, in particular: 1. Grants of Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) N. 97-02-16928 and 99-02-16188 . 2. State research program "Physics of microwaves". Grant 4.7. "Theoretical and experimental investigation of microwave interaction with superconducting structures". 3. Joint program of Institute of Applied Physics RAS and W7-AS stellarator group (Garching, Germany) on Collective Thomson scattering for plasma diagnostic. A.M.RUVINSKY (Institute of Spectroscopy of RAS, Troitsk) in his studies of collective properties of excitons has considered an influence of random fields on the conditions of exciton condensation and superfluidity in bulk and low-dimensional systems [1]. It was shown that in semiconductor alloys the density of excitons in Bose condensate decreases due to the exciton scattering on random fields of impurities or fluctuations of the composite. The density of the superfluidity fraction in the system of 3D and quasi-2D excitons also decreases taking into account this scattering. The scattering on the random field of the quantum well widths' fluctuations was analyzed for direct and indirect excitons. Analytical expressions for the exciton superfluidity densities in "dirty" single quantum wells, coupled quantum wells and bulk semiconductors have been derived. The influence of random fields on Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature for exciton systems in low-dimensional structures was analyzed. These results have been presented in the papers [1,2] containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1].Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, Superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. V.69, No.8, pp.573-578, 1999 [in Russian], (Letter in JETP, V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999). [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, A.M.Ruvinsky, Bogolubov approximation for rare exciton system in random media, Fiz.Tverd.Tela (Physics of the Solid State), in print, 2000 [in Russian]. In June, 1998 A.Ruvinsky has got Ph.D. degree from State Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "Magnetoexcitons in inhomogeneous and low-dimensional structures". A.ZEMLYANOV (Moscow State University) obtained the following results: A new approach to the description of anomalous transport phenomena that take place in fractal media was developed. Namely, anomalous diffusion on a comb structure consisting of a one- dimensional backbone and lateral branches (teeth) of random length is considered. A definite classification of the trajectories of random walks reduces the original problem to an analysis of classical diffusion on the backbone, where, however, the time of this process is a random quantity. Its distribution is assigned by the properties of the random walks of the diffusing particles on the teeth. The possibility of applying mean-field theory in such a model is demonstrated, and the equation for the Green's function with a partial derivative of fractional order is obtained. The characteristic features of the propagation of particles on a comb structure are analyzed. A model of an effective homogeneous medium, in which diffusion is described by an equation with a fractional derivative with respect to time and an initial condition in the form of an integral of fractional order, is obtained. These results are published in [1] and were presented at the Moscow Seminar on Synergetics at the Physics Faculty, Moscow State University. [1] I.A.Lubashevsky, A.A.Zemlyanov, Continuum description of anomalous diffusion on a comb structure, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., V.114, pp.1284-1312, 1998 [in Russian]. A.Zemlyanov has received invitation for participating in a research program at the University of Texas at Austin during the next three years.
In his studies of qualitative algorithms of changing, in a prescribed way, the spectral data of multichannel quantum systems V.M.CHABANOV (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow Region) has obtained the following results: Phenomena of co-existence of states with different, seemingly "incompatible", properties at the same energy for the same interaction have been revealed and relevant exact multichannel models have been given: the presence of both bound states and scattering solutions simultaneously [1], the combination of a strong reflection with an absolute transparency as well as that of scattering states with different resonance widths ([1] in the list of submitted papers). The class of absolutely transparent interaction matrices without bound states which have no analogues in the one-channel case has been found [1]. Peculiarities of the multichannel periodic structures and multichannel resonance tunneling have been described ([1] in the list of submitted papers). The analysis of the potential matrix transformations when the energy levels of neighbor bound states with linearly dependent/independent spectral weight vectors come close together up to degeneracy has been performed [2]. The effect of the concentration of quantum waves in a chosen partial channel accompanied with their spatial localization in the place under control has been shown [2] (and, in more detail, [1] in the list of submitted papers). Exact solutions for classical few-body systems derived from the multichannel quantum inverse problem have been found [2] (and, in more detail, [2] in the list of submitted papers). A family of exactly solvable models for quasi-bound quadratically integrable states have been obtained [3] (addition of an imaginary value to a bound state energy). A control of both resonance widths and positions of poles related to resonances in the complex E-plane has been demonstrated [3]. Explicit analytical expressions for the creation of points of the spectrum with homogeneous boundary conditions, corresponding to non-normalizable states, have been derived [4]. These results have been presented in the following papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS - ICFPM: [1] V.M.Chabanov, B.N.Zakhariev, Coexistence of confinement and propagating waves: a quantum paradox, Phys.Lett.A 255, pp.123-128, 1999. [2] B.N.Zakhariev, V.M.Chabanov, The qualitative theory of elementary transformations of one- and multichannel quantum systems in the inverse problem approach. The construction of transformations with given spectral parameters, Part.Nucl. 30, No.2, pp.277-320 [JINR, in Russian], pp.111-130 (AIP, translated into English), 1999. [3] B.N.Zakhariev, V.M.Chabanov, The elements of quantum design, Vest.Sec.Fiz.RAEN, V.5, pp.58-77, 1999 [in Russian]. [4] V.M.Chabanov, B.N.Zakhariev, V.V.Torchinov, Commun. JINR P4-98-176. [5] V.M.Chabanov, B.N.Zakhariev, Towards the quantum design of multichannel systems (the inverse problem approach), submitted to Ann. of Phys. (N.Y.). [6] V.M.Chabanov, B.N.Zakhariev, Exact solutions for classical few-body systems from the multichannel quantum inverse problem, submitted to Few-Body Systems. The above results were included into common with Prof. B.N.Zakhariev contributions to the following conferences in 1998-1999: 1. American School "New Trends in Quantum Mechanics", Mexico (July 27 - August 15, 1998). 2. Conference on "Charged trapped particles", Monteray, California, USA (August 28 - September 5, 1998). 3. Conference on Math.Phys., Torun, Poland (May 26 - 30, 1998). 4. Workshop "Low dimensional Systems", JINR, Dubna (June 3 - 11, 1998). 5. Conference ``Nuclear Spectroscopy and Reactions", Moscow (June 16 - 19, 1998) 6. International Conference on Supersymmetry, JINR, Dubna (July 26--31, 1999) 7. Report at the Session of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (February 2, 1999) On May 13, 1998 V.M.Chabanov has got Ph.D. degree from the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. Thesis Advisor: Prof. B.N.Zakhariev (JINR). Title: "A qualitative theory of transformations of quantum systems in approach of the inverse problem". M.N.CHERNODUB (Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow) in his studies of Elementary Particle Physics obtained the following results: 1. In [1] a new abelian gauge (Spatial Maximal Abelian gauge) for SU(2) lattice gluodynamics has been proposed. In this gauge the abelian monopoles were shown to be condensed in the confinement phase and they form a dilute gas in the deconfinement phase [1]. The abelian monopoles in the Maximal Abelian gauge of SU(2) gluodynamics carry both electric and magnetic density of the SU(2) action [2]. The effective action for these monopoles was derived and various representations of SU(2) gluodynamics were studied in [3]. 2. In the Maximal Abelian Gauge of SU(2) gluodynamics the abelian monopoles were shown to behave like abelian dyons since the monopoles acquire a small abelian electric charge [4]. Since the dyons are condensed in the deconfinement phase the Aharonov--Bohm effect appear: QCD strings interact with quarks in non-trivial way [5]. The properties of the abelian monopoles has been reviewed [6-7]. The Aharonov--Bohm effect has been further investigated in the Abelian Higgs model [8]. 3. The embedded topological defects were introduced on the lattice and the relation of these defects to the electroweak sphaleron configurations was studied [9]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM: [1] M.N.Chernodub, M.I.Polikarpov, A.I.Veselov, Effective monopole potential for SU(2) lattice gluodynamics in spatial maximal Abelian gauge, hep-lat/9812012; JETP Lett. 69, pp.174-179, 1999. [2] B.L.G.Bakker, M.N.Chernodub, M.I.Polikarpov, A.I.Veselov, Abelian monopoles and action density in SU(2) gluodynamics on the lattice, hep-lat/9811001, Phys.Lett.B 449, pp.267-273, 1999. [3] M.N.Chernodub, S.Kato, N.Nakamura, M.I.Polikarpov, T.Suzuki, Various representations of infrared effective lattice SU(2) gluodynamics, preprint KANAZAWA 98-19; ITEP-TH-61/98. [4] M.N.Chernodub, F.V.Gubarev, M.I.Polikarpov, Abelian dyons in the maximal Abelian projection of SU(2) gluodynamics, hep-lat/9801010; JETP Lett. 69, pp.169-173, 1999. There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [5] E.T.Akhmedov, M.N.Chernodub, M.I.Polikarpov, Dyon condensation and Aharonov-Bohm effect, JETP Lett. 67, 389 (1998). [6] B.L.G.Bakker, M.N.Chernodub, F.V.Gubarev, M.I.Polikarpov, A.I.Veselov, Properties of Abelian monopoles in SU(2) lattice gluodynamics, hep-lat/9801011. [7] M.N.Chernodub, F.V.Gubarev, M.I.Polikarpov, A.I.Veselov, Monopoles in the Abelian projection of gluodynamics, Prog.Theor.Phys.Suppl. 131, 309 (1998). [8] M.N.Chernodub, M.I.Polikarpov, A.I.Veselov, M.A.Zubkov, Strings and Aharonov-Bohm effect in Abelian Higgs model, Phys.Lett. B432, 182 (1998). [9] M.N.Chernodub, F.V.Gubarev, E.M.Ilgenfritz, Topological content of the electroweak sphaleron on the lattice, Phys.Lett. B424, 106 (1998). M.Chernodub participated in the "NORDITA Symposium on Instantons and Monopoles in QCD Vacuum", (June 22-27, 1998, Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics, Copenhagen, Denmark) and presented a talk there entitled "Embedded Topological Defects in Electroweak Theory". M.Chernodub participated in the 16th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (LATTICE'98) (July 13-18, 1998, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USA) and presented a talk there entitled "Embedded Topological Defects and Sphaleron in Electroweak Theory". M.Chernodub was invited by the Max-Planck-Institute f\"ur Physics, Werner Heisenberg Institute to take part in international scientific co-operation with the group of Prof. V.I.Zakharov (Munich, Germany, September 1-29, 1998; October 20 - November 20, 1998). M.Chernodub participated in international co-operation with the groups of (i) Prof. V.I.Zakharov, Max-Planck-Institute f\"ur Physics, Werner Heisenberg Institute, M\"unich, Germany; (ii) Prof. T.Suzuki, Department of Physics, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Japan; (iii) Dr. B.L.G.Bakker, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. S.L.DUBOVSKY (Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) in his studies of dynamics and phenomenology of supersymmetric models and of mechanisms of production of ultra-high energy cosmic rays obtained the following results: 1. It was shown [1] that "top-down" mechanisms of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays which involve heavy relic particle-like objects predict Galactic anisotropy of highest energy cosmic rays at the level of minimum $\sim 20\%$. This anisotropy is large enough to be either observed or ruled out in the next generation of experiments. 2. Phenomenological consequences of the direct mixing between Standard Model fields and fields-mediators of supersymmetry breaking (messengers) were discovered. Limits on the corresponding coupling constants coming from flavor violating processes both in the lepton [2] and quark [3] sector were obtained. Radiative electroweak breaking in models with mixing was studied. It was found that in these models, unlike gauge mediated models without mixing, wide range of $\tan{\beta}$ is allowed. 3. In [4] it was constructed a toy model with the following properties: i) it is strongly coupled at a certain scale and breaks supersymmetry at this scale; ii) matter superfields of (one generation of) the Standard Model are effective low energy degrees of freedom of this strongly coupled theory; iii) direct gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking occurs due to messenger superfields that are also effective low energy degrees of freedom. 4. It was prepared a review [5] on phenomenological and theoretical aspects of models with gauge mediation. 5. In [6] it was shown that global fermionic charges induced in vacuum by slowly varying, topologically non-trivial background scalar fields are not renormalized provided that expansion in momenta of background fields is valid. This suggests that strongly coupled theories obey induced charge matching conditions which are analogous, but generally not equivalent, to 't Hooft anomaly matching conditions. A set of examples of induced charge matching was considered. In particular, the corresponding constraints in softly broken supersymmetric QCD suggest non-trivial low energy mass pattern, in full accord with the results of direct analyses. 6. Matching conditions suggested in [6] were considered in the case of supersymmetric QCD with quantum modified moduli space [7]. It was found that the Wess--Zumino term should be present in the low energy theory in order that these consistency conditions are satisfied. The lowest homotopy groups of the quantum moduli space were calculated. As a result it was shown that there are no obstructions to the existence of the Wess--Zumino term at arbitrary N. The explicit expression for this term is given. It is shown that neither vortices nor topological solitons exist in the model. The case of softly broken supersymmetry is considered as well. It was found that the possibility of global flavor symmetric vacuum is strongly disfavored. 7. It was shown [8] that the dip expected in the diffuse photon spectrum above the threshold of e+e- pair production, i.e., at energies $10^{15}$ - $10^{17}$ eV, may be absent due to the synchrotron radiation by the electron component of the extragalactic Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHE CR) in the Galactic magnetic filed. The proposed mechanism propose requires small (less than $2x10^{-12}$ G) extragalactic magnetic fields and large fraction of photons in the UHE CR. For a typical photon flux expected in top-down scenarios of UHE CR, the predicted flux in the region of the dip is close to the existing experimental limit. The sensitivity of the mechanism to the extragalactic magnetic field may be used to improve existing bounds on the latter by two orders of magnitude. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [2] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Flavor violation and $\tan{\beta}$ in gauge mediated models with messenger-matter mixing, Nucl.Phys.B 557, pp.119-145, 1999. [5] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky, Gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking, Phys.Usp. 42, pp.623-651, 1999; Usp.Fiz.Nauk 169, pp.705-736, 1999 [in Russian]. [6] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, M.V.Libanov, V.A.Rubakov, Nonrenormalization of induced charges and constraints on strongly coupled theories, Phys.Rept. 320, pp.147-158, 1999. [7] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Induced charge matching and Wess-Zumino term on quantum modified moduli space, (to appear in Phys.Rev.D). [8] S.L.Dubovsky, P.G.Tinyakov, Generation of $10^{15}$ eV - $10^{17}$ eV photons by UHE CR in the Galactic magnetic field, JETP Lett. 70, pp.495-501, 1999. There are some publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [1] S.L.Dubovsky, P.G.Tinyakov, Galactic Anisotropy as Signature of "Top-Down" Mechanisms of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays, JETP Lett. 68, pp.107-111, 1998. [3] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Messenger-matter mixing and lepton flavor violation, Phys.Lett. B419, pp.223-232, 1998. [4] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky, Towards common origin of supersymmetry breaking, compositeness, and gauge mediation, Phys.Lett. B423, pp.301-304, 1998. S.Dubovsky participated in the 10-th International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, Suzdal, May 18-24, 1998) and presented a talk entitled "Galactic anisotropy of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays produced by CDM-related mechanisms" (S.Dubovsky, P.Tinyakov). S.Dubovsky was also co-author of talks "Low $\tan{\beta}$ in the extended Minimal Gauge Mediated Model" (S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov) and "Grand unification with gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking" (S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky) presented there. S.Dubovsky was invited by the International Center of Theoretical Physics to take part in the Summer School on High-Energy Physics and Cosmology (Italy, Trieste, June 28 - July 18, 1998). S.Dubovsky participated in the 2nd International Conference on Non-Accelerator New Physics (NANP-99, Russia, Dubna, June 28 - July 3) and presented a talk entitled "Synchrotron radiation in the Galactic magnetic field as a signature of top-down mechanisms of UHE CR". S.Dubovsky participated in the School on Selected Topics of Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Statistics (October 16-23, 1999, Tbilisi, Georgia) and Workshop on Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics Dedicated to the 90th anniversary of N.N.Bogolyubov (October 23-28, 1999, Tbilisi, Georgia) and presented a talk entitled "Nonrenormalization of the induced charge and Wess-Zumino term on quantum modified moduli space". V.A.GANI (Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute (Technical University)), obtained the following main results within the research program of ICFPM during 1998-1999: 1. The space-time structure of the process of decay of a bubble of hypothetic phase - disoriented chiral condensate (DCC) is studied [1]. It is shown that the process of decay of the initial configuration depends crucially on selfinteraction of the pionic fields. In some cases this selfinteraction leads to the formation of sort of breather solution, formed from the pionic fields. This breather looks like a long-lived source of pionic fields. 2. Recurrence relations of perturbation theory for hydrogen ground state are obtained [2]. With their help polarizabilities in constant perpendicular electric and magnetic fields are computed up to 80th order. The high orders asymptotic is compared with its quasiclassical estimate. 3. The kink-antikink collision process for the "double sine-Gordon" (DSG) equation in 1+1 dimensions at different values of the potential parameter R>0 is studied [3]. For small values of R the problem of resonance frequencies is discussed. Qualitative explanation of the frequency shift in comparison with the frequency of the discrete level in the potential well of isolated kink is given. 4. The process of collision of two parallel domain walls in a supersymmetric model is studied both in effective Lagrangian approximation and by numerical solving of the exact classical field problem [4]. For small initial velocities we find that the walls interaction looks like elastic reflection with some delay. It is also shown that in such approximation internal parameter of the wall may be considered as a time-dependent dynamical variable. 5. The time evolution of configurations in the form of two parallel domain walls moving towards each other in a supersymmetric field model is studied [5]. The configurations involved are not BPS-saturated. It is found that for such collisions there exists some critical value $v_{cr}\approx0.9120$ of the initial velocity $v_i$ of the walls. At $v_iv_{cr}$ the sequence of vacuum states changes. The results of the numerical simulations are in agreement with "potential" consideration. 6. Detailed study of the time evolution for the initially formed large amplitude bubbles of disoriented chiral condensate (DCC) is performed [6]. It is found that the evolution of these objects may have a relatively long pre-decay stage. Simple explanation for delayed decay of such DCC bubbles is given. It is related to the existence of quasi-multikink solutions of the corresponding radial sine-Gordon equation in (3+1) dimensions. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, T.I.Belova, Yad.Fiz., 62, No.5, pp.956-960 (1999) [in Russian]. [2] V.A.Gani, V.M.Weinberg, Hydrogen atom in crossed external fields reexamined by moment method, preprint ITEP-29 (1998);; prepared for submission to Yad.Fiz. [in Russian]. [3] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, Phys.Rev.E, 60 No.3, pp.3305-3309, 1999. [4] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, A remark on collisions of domain walls in a supersymmetric model, preprint ITEP-15 (1999); [5] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, preprint ITEP-44 (1999);; prepared for submission to Phys.Rev.D. [6] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, prepared for publication as a preprint ITEP and for submission to Yad.Fiz. [in Russian]. In 1999 V.A.Gani was invited by Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute (Technical University) to take part in the International Conference "Scientific Session MEPhI-1999", January 18-22, 1999. The following talks were presented: 1) V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, T.I.Belova, "Decay of a bubble of disoriented chiral condensate"; 2) V.A.Gani, V.M.Weinberg, "High order susceptibilities of the hydrogen atom in external electric and magnetic fields"; 3) V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, "Kink-antikink interactions in the double sine-Gordon equation and the problem of resonance frequencies". In 2000 V.A.Gani was invited by Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute (Technical University) to take part in the International Conference "Scientific Session MEPhI-2000", January 17-21, 2000. The following talk was presented: V.M.Weinberg, V.A.Gani, V.D.Mur, V.S.Popov, "Energy eigenvalues of the hydrogen ground state in crossed external fields". V.A.Gani participates as a coinvestigator in Grants No 98-02-17316 (the head of the group is Prof. A.E.Kudryavtsev), No 98-02-17007 (the head of the group is Prof. V.S.Popov), No 96-15-96578 (the head of the group is Prof. L.B.Okun) of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. V.A.Gani is included as a coinvestigator in two international research projects, which now is under consideration by Foundations. D.S.GORBUNOV (Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) in his studies of supersymmetric models obtained the following results: 1. Phenomenological consequences of the direct mixing between Standard Model fields and fields-mediators of supersymmetry breaking (messengers) were discovered. Limits on the corresponding coupling constants coming from flavor violating processes both in the lepton [1] and quark [2] sector were obtained. Radiative electroweak breaking in models with mixing was studied. It was found that in these models, unlike gauge mediated models without mixing, wide range of $\tan{\beta}$ is allowed. 2. In [3] it was constructed a toy model with the following properties: i) it is strongly coupled at a certain scale and breaks supersymmetry at this scale; ii) matter superfields of (one generation of) the Standard Model are effective low energy degrees of freedom of this strongly coupled theory; iii) direct gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking occurs due to messenger superfields that are also effective low energy degrees of freedom. 3. It was prepared a review [4] on phenomenological and theoretical aspects of models with gauge mediation. 4. It is shown in Ref. [5] that global fermionic charges induced in vacuum by slowly varying, topologically non-trivial background scalar fields are not renormalized provided that expansion in momenta of background fields is valid. This suggests that strongly coupled theories obey induced charge matching conditions which are analogous, but generally not equivalent, to 't Hooft anomaly matching conditions. A few examples of induced charge matching was presented. In particular, the corresponding constraints in softly broken supersymmetric QCD suggest non-trivial low energy mass pattern, in full accord with the results of direct analyses. 5. In Ref. [6] matching of induced charges in supersymmetric SU(N) gauge theories with quantum modified moduli space was studied. It was found that the Wess-Zumino term should be present in the low energy theory in order that these consistency conditions are satisfied. The lowest homotopy groups of the quantum moduli space was calculated, and it was shown that there are no obstructions to the existence of the Wess-Zumino term at arbitrary N. The explicit expression for this term is given. It is shown that neither vortices nor topological solitons exist in the model. The case of softly broken supersymmetry is considered as well. It was found that the possibility of global baryon number violating vacuum is strongly disfavored. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Flavor violation and $\tan{\beta}$ in gauge mediated models with messenger-matter mixing, Nucl.Phys.B 557, pp.119-145, 1999. [4] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky, Gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking, Phys.Usp. 42, pp.623-651, 1999; Usp.Fiz.Nauk 169, pp.705-736, 1999 [in Russian]. [5] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, M.V.Libanov, V.A.Rubakov, Nonrenormalization of induced charges and constraints on strongly coupled theories, Phys.Rept. 320, pp.147-158, 1999. [6] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Induced charge matching and Wess-Zumino term on quantum modified moduli space (to appear in Phys.Rev.D). There are some publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [2] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Messenger-matter mixing and lepton flavor violation, Phys.Lett. B419, pp.223-232, 1998. [2] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky, Towards common origin of supersymmetry breaking, compositeness, and gauge mediation, Phys.Lett. B423, pp.301-304, 1998. D.Gorbunov participated in the 10-th International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, Suzdal, May 18-24, 1998) and presented a talk entitled "Flavor violation and $\tan{\beta}$ in gauge mediated models with messenger-matter mixing". D.Gorbunov was also a coauthor of the talk "Grand unification with gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking" (S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky) presented there. D.Gorbunov participated in the International Workshop "Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics" (October 23-28, 1999, Tbilisi, Georgia) organized by Georgian Academy of Sciences and Tbilisi State University joint with UNESCO Venice Office. The workshop was dedicated to the 90th anniversary of N.N.Bogolyubov (1909-1992). D.Gorbunov was a coauthor of the talk "Non-renormalization of induced charges and Wess-Zumino term on quantum modified moduli space" (S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov) presented there. D.Gorbunov participated in the International Conference on Non-Accelerator New Physics NANP-99 (Dubna, June 28 - July 3, 1999) and presented a talk entitled "Strong coupling unification in supersymmetric models" (D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky). D.Gorbunov was invited by the International Center of Theoretical Physics to take part in the Summer School on High-Energy Physics and Cosmology (Italy, Trieste, June 28 - July 18, 1998). D.Gorbunov participated in the X-th International School "Particles and Cosmology" (Baksan Valley, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia, April 19-25, 1999). D.Gorbunov participated in the International School "Selected Topics of Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Statistics" (October 16-23, 1999, Tbilisi, Georgia) organized by Georgian Academy of Sciences and Tbilisi State University joint with UNESCO Venice Office. The topic of research of the grant-aided aspirant I.V.GORBUNOV (Tomsk State University) included the construction and the study of spinning particle models in 3+1 and in lower space-time dimensions. In his study I.V.Gorbunov obtained the following results: 1. The model of D=2+1, N=1,2 massive superparticle with arbitrary fixed (half)integer or fractional superspin has been developed [1,3]. The classical mechanical model of the superparticle has been constructed, which contains, besides the inherent Poincare supersymmetry, one more SUSY related to the superspin degrees of freedom. The quantization of the model presents a nontrivial example of combination of the canonical Dirac and Berezin quantization methods. The quantization is based on assumption, that the "double" supersymmetry, both Poincare and internal ones, survives at the quantum level. It is shown, that some physical observables (supercharges) should be renormalized by transition from classical mechanics to the first quantized particle model [1,3]. The quantum states of N=2, D=3 spinning superparticle are realized on the fields carrying finite dimensional [1,3], or a unitary infinite dimensional [3] typical representations of the supergroup OSp(2/2). 2. The model of nonrelativistic (D=3+1) particle with arbitrary fixed spin has been developed [2]. The relation to the respective relativistic models is established. It has been founded that the particle interactions to external fields are consistent independently from detailed structure of the particle gauge symmetries. This phenomenon differentiates the nonrelativistic spinning particle from the relativistic one. In the massless limit the model describes "the light beam". The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] I.V.Gorbunov, S.L.Lyakhovich, Hidden supersymmetries and Berezin quantization of N=2, D=2 spinning superparticle, Journal of Mathematical Physics, V.40, No.5, pp.2230-2253, 1999; Preprints of ICTP (Trieste, Italy) IC/98/138, e-print hep-th/9809104. [2] I.V.Gorbunov, V.A.Dolgushev, S.L.Lyakhovich, Galilean spinning particle [in Russian], Russian Physics Journal, V.42, No.2, pp.34-46, 1999. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [3] I.V.Gorbunov, S.L.Lyakhovich, Geometric quantization of N=2, D=3 superanyon, Phys.Lett.B V.423, pp.293-300, 1998. I.V.Gorbunov participated in the International Summer School in Theoretical Physics "Volga-10" (Kazan, Russia, June 22- Jule 2, 1998) and presented a session talk there entitled "Hidden supersymmetry and Berezin quantization of N=2, D=3 spinning superparticle". In April 1999, I.V.Gorbunov has got Ph.D. degree from Tomsk State University. Thesis advisor: Prof. S.L.Lyakhovich. Title: "Lobachevsky supergeometry of D=3 massive spinning superparticle". A.Yu.NERONOV (Moscow State University) obtained the following results in his studies of quantum black hole models: 1. A theory of classical and quantum collapse of thin spherically-symmetric selfgravitating shells was developed [1]. Complete integrability of hamiltonian equations which describe motion of a selfgravitating shell has been proved. A principally important result that was obtained is the form of mass spectrum of quantum black holes which are formed in the process of gravitational collapse of thin shells of matter [2]. Some unusual quantum number which parametrize the mass spectrum was found. It has geometric origin and does not disappear even for the case of unbound motion of the collapsing shell. 2. A mechanism of formation of universal spectrum of radiation of quantum black holes was proposed [3]. It was shown, that radiation which propagates in the form of s-wave in the field of black hole has discrete spectrum, if one takes fully into account back reaction of radiation on gravitational field of black hole. Some kind of quantum analog of classical "no hair conjecture" of black hole physics was proposed [4]: although the mass spectrum of quantum black holes could have arbitrary complicated structure, spectrum of radiation coming from quantum black hole corresponds to the level spacings in some universal spectrum $m\sim\sqrt{n}$ The main results have been presented in the papers: 1. V.A.Berezin, A.M.Boyarsky, A.Yu.Neronov, Phys.Rev.D57, p.1118, 1998. 2. A.Yu.Neronov, Phys.Rev.D 59, 1998. 3. V.A.Berezin, A.M.Boyarsky, A.Yu.Neronov, gr-qc/9808027 (1998). 4. A.Yu.Neronov, Ph.D. Thesises, INR, Moscow, 1998. A.Neronov participated in Spinoza Meeting on Quantum black holes (Holland, Utrecht, June 29 -- July 4, 1998). In 1998 A.Neronov has got Ph.D. degree from Institute for Nuclear Research. Thesis advisor: Prof. V.A.Berezin. Title: "Quantization of spherically-symmetric gravity. Models of Quantum Black Holes". A.I.ONISCHENKO (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow) in his studies of physics of doubly heavy systems, anomalous WWV couplings and some exotic beyond SM obtained the following results: 1. Spectra of masses for the families of doubly heavy baryons are calculated in the framework of nonrelativistic quark model with the QCD-induced potential by Buchm\" uller-Tye in accordance with both the quark-diquark structure for the wave functions and taking into account the splittings depending on the spins. The region for the application of such approximations is determined [1,17,19]. 2. Below the threshold of decay of these objects into the heavy baryon and heavy meson the system of bound excited states was found, being quasi-stable with respect to hadronic transitions to the basic level [1,17,19]. 3. We have in details considered the physical reasons for the quasi-stability, taking place for the baryons with two identical quarks. In accordance to the Pauli principle, the operators, responsible for the hadronic decays and the mixing between the levels, are suppressed by the inverse heavy quark mass and the small size of diquark. This suppression is caused by the necessity to instantaneously change both the spin and the orbital momentum of compact diquark. In the baryonic systems with two heavy quark and the strange quark, the quasi-stability for the low-lying excitations of diquark is provided by the exclusion of transitions with the emission of both a single kaon because of small splitting between the levels and a single pion because of conservation for the iso-spin and strangeness [1,17,19]. 4. We obtained analytical results on the two-loop anomalous dimensions of currents for baryons, containing two heavy quarks $J = [Q^{iT}C\Gamma\tau Q^j]\Gamma^{'}q^k\varepsilon_{ijk}$ with arbitrary Dirac matrices $\Gamma$ and $\Gamma^{'}$ in the framework of NRQCD in the leading order over both the relative velocity of heavy quarks and the inverse heavy quark mass. It is shown, that in this approximation the anomalous dimensions do not depend on the Dirac structure of the current under consideration [16,18]. 5. The equivalence of results, obtained in calculation of anomalous dimensions of operators in $\overline{\rm MS}$-renormalization scheme with the use of lagrangians of HQET and NRQCD is shown [16,18]. 6. In the leading order of perturbative QCD one calculates the total and differential cross-sections for the hadronic production of doubly charmed baryons $\Xi_{cc}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^*$ in different experiments. The experimental evaluation of cross-sections for the $J/\Psi +D + \bar D$ production would allow one to decrease the uncertainty in the determination of cross-sections for the doubly charmed baryons due to the choice of $\alpha_s$ and $m_c$. One shows that in the HERA-B and E781 experiments with fixed tagets the suppression of the $\Xi_{cc}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^*$ production to the yield of $c \bar c$-pairs is the value of the order of $10^{-6}-10^{-5}$, whereas at the TEVATRON and LHC colliders it is about $10^{-4}-10^{-3}$. In the E781 experiment the observation of $\Xi_{cc}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^*$ is practically impossible. At the HERA-B and TEVATRON facilities one can expect $10^5$ events with the double charm, and at LHC one has about $10^9$ ones [12]. 7. For the first time the contribution of quark-antiquark annihilation in hardronic production of doubly charmed baryons was taken into account. This contribution becomes essential at fixed target energies. The notion of fragmentation function of heavy diquark into doubly heavy baryon is introduced [12]. 8. Analitical approximations of numerical calculations for total subprocess cross-sections of gluon-gluon and quark-antiquark production of doubly charmed baryons were obtained [12]. 9. We have performed a detailed investigation on the lifetimes of doubly heavy baryons on the basis of the operator product expansion for the transition currents. For the first time, we have presented the formulae with the simultaneous account for both the mass effects and low-energy logarithmic renormalization for the contributions to the total decay width of baryons, containing heavy quarks, as it is caused by the effects of Pauli interference and weak scattering. The usage of the diquark picture has allowed us to evaluate the matrix elements of operators derived [2,7,9,14,15,19,20,21]. 10. As an application of the formalism developed, for the first time the lifetimes of all doubly heavy baryons were obtained. The obtained results show the significant role of both the Pauli interference and the weak scattering [2,7,9,14,15,19,20,21]. 11. The sum rules for doubly heavy baryons in NRQCD approximation are constructed. The problem with stability of such sum rules, faced in earlier works, is solved [4]. 12. A detail investigation of three-point sum rules for semileptonic decays of $B_c$-meson in QCD and NRQCD is performed. The Coulomb corrections, as well as, corrections due to gluon condensate are included and their role is discussed. The generalized spin symmetry relations for formfactors are derived [3,8]. 13. The prospects for $B_c$-meson production at existing and future colliders are investigated [10,13]. 14. The possibility to have additional constraints on anomalous WWV couplings at HERA vs LEP is investigated [5]. 15. The possibility to observe TeV-scale leptoquarks, appearing in different models is reviewed [6]. Part of the results was published in the following papers, containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Spectroscopy of doubly charmed baryons: $\Xi_{cc}^{++}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^{+}$, DESY-98080, hep-ph/9807375, Mod.Phys.Lett. A14, p.135, 1999. [2] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of $\Xi_{bc}^{+}$ and $\Xi_{bc}^{0}$ baryons, hep-ph/9901224, submitted to Eur.Phys.J. [3] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Semileptonic decays of $B_c$-meson in sum rules of QCD and NRQCD, hep-ph/9905359, accepted to Nucl.Phys.B. [4] V.V.Kiselev, A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly heavy baryons in sum rules of NRQCD, hep-ph/9909339, accepted to Nucl.Phys.B. [5] A.A.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Can HERA data improve LEP constraints on WWV vertex?, DESY-99-051, accepted to Eur.Phys.J. [6] S.S.Gershtein, A.A.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, TeV-scale leptoquarks from GUT/String/M-theory unification, Phys.Rep. 320, 203, 1999. [7] A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly heavy systems: decays and OPE, hep-ph/9912424. [8] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Semileptonic decays of $B_c$-meson, accepted to Yad.Phys. [in Russian]. [9] A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of doubly heavy baryons, hep-ph/9912425. There are also papers, which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM: [10] A.V.Berezhnoy, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, $B_c$-meson at LHC, Phys.Atom.Nucl. 60, p.1729, 1997; hep-ph/9703341. [11] A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Gluon splitting into pair of heavy quarks in $e^+e^-$-annihilation, Phys.Atom.Nucl. 60, p.623, 1997. [12] A.V.Berezhnoy, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly charmed baryon production in hadronic experiments, Phys.Rev. D57, p.4385, 1998. [13] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.V.Tkabladze, A.V.Berezhnoi, A.I.Onishchenko, Theoretical status of $B_c$-meson, IHEP 98-22, hep-ph/9803433. [14] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of doubly charmed baryons: $\Xi_{cc}^{++}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^{+}$, DESY-98079; hep-ph/9807354; Phys.Rev. D60, p.14007, 1999. [15] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Total inclusive decay rates of doubly charmed baryons, Yad.Phys. No.6., 1999 [in Russian]. [16] V.V.Kiselev, A.I.Onishchenko, Two-loop anomalous dimensions for currents of bary\-ons with two heavy quarks in NRQCD, IHEP 98-64; hep-ph/9810283; submitted to\\ Phys.Lett.B. [17] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Spectroscopy of doubly heavy baryons, IHEP 98-66; hep-ph/9811212; Heavy Ion.Phys. V.9, p.133, 1999. The following talks were given: [18] V.V.Kiselev, A.I.Onishchenko, Anomal dimensions of currents of baryons with two heavy quarks, MIPT Scientific conference, Dolgoprudny, November 1998. [19] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly heavy baryons: spectroscopy and decays, Scientific conference of Subdivision of Nuclear Physics of RAS, Moscow, November 1998. [20] A.I.Onishchenko, Physics of decays of doubly heavy baryons: $\Xi_{bb}^{0}$, $\Xi_{bb}^{-}$, $\Xi_{bc}^{+}$, $\Xi_{bc}^{0}$, $\Xi_{cc}^{+}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^{++}$, Conference of young scientists, postgraduate and graduate stutents ITEP, Moscow, December 1998. [21] A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of doubly heavy baryons, Conference of young scientists, postgraduate and graduate stutents ITEP, Moscow, December 1999. [22] A.I.Onishchenko, $c$-quark mass from $J/Psi$, $\Upsilon$ and $B_c$-mesons, Conference of young scientists, postgraduate and graduate stutents ITEP, Moscow, December 1999. The work of D.M.OSTROVSKY (Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) in 1998 has consisted of three main parts: The first one concerns some aspects of the description of multiparticle production processes. In [1] the nonperturbative preasymptotic contribution to the factorial moments of the intrajet particle distribution have been computed in the framework of previously developed formalism in which new nonperturbative term had been added to standart QCD evolution equation. The presence of the additional nonperturbative contribution is supported by the existing experimental data. Another kind of studies concerns minijet production in the ultrarelativistic hadron and nuclear collisions. Particularly, in [2] transverse energy flow generated by minijets in hadron and nuclear collisions into a given rapidity window in the central region was calculated in the next-to-leading (NLO) order of QCD at RHIC and LHC energies. These results were then used to calculate transverse energy spectrum in nuclear collisions in a Glauber geometrical model. It was shown that in pp collisions differential cross section calculated with NLO accuracy is about 2 times higher than the cross section calculated with only LO accuracy. NLO modification leads to a substantial broadening of the $E_{\perp}$ distribution for the nuclear collisions, while its form remains practically unchanged. In [3] the azimuthal asymmetry of minijet system produced in nucleon-nucleon and nuclear collisions in a central rapidity window was calculated. In pp collisions the asymmetry appears due to contributions from the collisions in which only one minijet hits the acceptance window. The angular pattern of transverse energy flow in nuclear collisions and its dependence on the kinematical parameters of collisions was studied. Development and application of high energy factorization scheme for hadron collisions is a third part of the scientific activity in 1998-1999. Angular asymmetry and momentum disbalance in a pair of particles produced at high energy in the central rapidity region were studied in [4]. It was shown that the asymmetry is substantial for low outgoing particles momenta but diminishes when they rise. In [5] NLO correction to the one-jet inclusive cross section in the framework of high energy factorization was calculated. The results were numerically compared with predictions of conventional collinear factorization approach. It was shown that NLO in high energy factorization scheme reduces one-jet inclusive cross section, but quantitatively result is highly sensitive to the choice of structure function. D.Ostrovsky participated in XXVII ITEPH Winter school (16-24 February, 1999) and presented a talk "Angular and momentum asymmetry in particle production at high energies" in a student's session. The publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM, because it was submitted before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [1] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Phys.Atom.Nucl. 62, pp.701-707, 1999; Yad.Fiz. 62, pp.750-757, 1999 [in Russian]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [2] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Eur.Phys.J C11, pp.495-499, 1999. [3] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Angular pattern of minijet transverse energy flow in hadron and nuclear collisions, hep-ph/9812416, submitted to Eur.Phys.J. C. [4] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Angular and momentum asymmetry in particle production at high energies, hep-ph/9905496, submitted to Phys.Rev.D. [5] D.Ostrovsky, NLO correction to one-jet inclusive production at high energies, hep-ph/9912258, submitted to Phys.Rev.D. S.A.PASTON (Saint-Petersburg State University) in his studies of quantum field theory in light front coordinates obtained the following results: 1. The effective Hamiltonian in light front coordinates is obtained which at some dependence of coefficients, included in it, from a parameter of UV-regularization, in a limit of it removal reproduces within the framework of perturbation theory the results of lorentz-covariant formulating of quantum chromodynamics [1]. It was possible to make with the help of introduction of an additional nonstandart IR-regularization based on a principle, which is used at the Pauli-Villars regularization. Only after this introduction it has appeared possible to apply the method, published earlier, of a comparison of light-like and lorentz-covariant theories. The offered regularization breaks a gauge invariance, but in a limit of removal of a regularization the gauge invariance is restored. The obtained Hamiltonian in future is supposed to be used in nonperturbative calculations. 2. The scalar theory with non-polynomial interaction resulted from bosonization of two-dimensional quantum electrodynamics (QED) is considered [2]. This theory is described by modified Lagrangian of Sin-Gordon model with the critical value of the parameter of this model. Non-polynomiality of interaction in this model, leading to arising of vertexes with arbitrarily large number of lines in perturbation theory, makes nontrivial the construction of light-front Hamiltonian. For its construction the Pauli-Villars regularization must be introduced because at the critical value of the parameter the ultraviolet behaviour of the theory become worse. Obtained light-front Hamiltonian generates the perturbation theory which is equivalent to the covariant perturbation theory in fermion mass, which plays the role of interaction constant after the bosonization and therefore the Hamiltonian spectrum coincides with the spectrum of QED. One can investigate this spectrum beyond the framework of perturbation theory. 3. S.A.Paston participated in development of such formulation of a gauge field theory on a lattice, with which the action is polynomial on independent field variables [3]. The canonical formalism in light front coordinates for such theory is considered. These results and also the results obtained earlier, were published in a review in the proceedings of the conference in honour of V.A.Fock [4]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, V.A.Franke, Constructing the Light-Front QCD Hamiltonian, Theor.Math.Phys., V.120, No.3. pp.1164-1181, 1999; Teoreticheskaya i Matematicheskaya Fizika, V.120. No.3, pp.417-437, 1999 [in Russian]. [2] S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, V.A.Franke, $QED_2$ Light-Front Hamiltonian reproducing all orders of covariant chiral perturbation theory. Preprint SPbU-IP-99-13; hep-th/9910114. The publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM, because either they were published before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant, or they contain results obtained until this moment: [3] V.A.Franke, S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, Lattice Gauge Theories with polynomial Action and their canonical Formulation on the Light Front, Preprint SPbU-IP-98-5, hep-th/9803035. [4] V.A.Franke, Yu.V.Novozhilov, S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, Quantum Field Theory in Light-Front coordinates, in book: "Quantum Theory in honour of Vladimir A.Fock", Part 1, Unesco, St. Petersburg University, Euro-Asian Physical Society, 1998, pp.38-97; hep-th/9901029. S.Paston participated in the "IX International Workshop Small-x Physics and Light Front Dynamics in QCD", Russia, St. Petersburg, July 6-15 1998, theme of the report: "Lattice Gauge Theories with polynomial Action at the Light Front"; in the international conference "VIII St. Petersburg International School of Physics. Quantum Theory in honour of Vladimir A. Fock", Russia, St. Petersburg, May 25 - June 4 1998, theme of the report: "Lattice Gauge Theories with polynomial Action and their canonical Formulation on the Light Front"; and in the seminar "Final seminar in physics and astronomy of winners in 1998 of grant competition for young scientists of St.-Petersburg", February 16, 1999, St.-Petersburg, Russia, theme of the report: "The Construction of QCD Hamiltonian in Light-Front Coordinates"; In December, 1999 S.Paston has got Ph.D. degree from St.-Petersburg State University. Thesis advisor: Prof. V.A.Franke. Title: "The Construction of Quantum Field Theory Hamiltonian in Light-Front Coordinates". O.A.RYTCHKOV (Steklov Mathematical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences,\\ Moscow) in his studies of classical solutions in superstring theory and their applications has obtained the following results: 1. Wide classes of new intersecting p-brane solutions in various space-time dimensions were constructed making use of an algebraic method [1]. p-brane configurations were specified by incidence matrices and it was shown that the solutions of the algebraic characteristic equations for the incidence matrices controlled the intersections of p-branes. 2. New types of p-brane solutions to various supergravities were obtained with use of the sigma-model approach [9]. A new way to endow branes with an additional internal structure such as plane waves was suggested. Applying the harmonic maps technique new solutions with a non-trivial shell structure in the transverse space were generated. Also intersecting branes were considered and it was shown that the intersection rules have a simple geometric interpretation as conditions ensuring the symmetric space property of the sigma-model target space. 3. Non-extremal overlapping p-brane supergravity solutions localized in their relative transverse coordinates were constructed [5,10]. The construction used an algebraic method of solving the bosonic equations of motion. 4. Some aspects of duality between supergravities on Anti-de Sitter (AdS) spaces (appearing as near D-brane horizon geometry) and conformal field theories were investigated in [2,6]. The massive Rarita-Schwinger field in AdS background was considered and the corresponding equations of motion were solved. It was shown that appropriate boundary terms calculated on-shell give two-point correlation function for spin-3/2 fields of the conformal field theory. The relation between Rarita-Schwinger field masses and conformal dimensions of corresponding operators was established. 5. Bulk-to-bulk propagators for the massive vector and symmetric rank-2 tensor fields in the Euclidean continuation of the Anti-de Sitter space were constructed [3]. The explicit forms of these propagators in the limit when one or both points approach the boundary of AdS were derived. It was shown that the obtained expressions coincide with bulk-to-boundary propagators or two-point correlation functions of the boundary CFT as expected from the AdS/CFT correspondence. This identification provides one more evidence for treating CFT operators on the boundary as appropriate limits of quantum fields in the bulk. Also the above limiting procedure clarifies the artificial appearance of boundary terms in the AdS/CFT correspondence. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] I.Ya.Aref'eva, O.A.Rytchkov, Incidence Matrix Description of Intersecting p-brane Solutions, to be published in L.D.Faddeev's Seminar on Mathematical Physics, Advances in Mathematics, Amer.Math.Soc., Providence, R.I. [2] A.S.Koshelev, O.A.Rytchkov, Note on the Massive Rarita-Schwinger field in the AdS/CFT correspondence, Phys.Lett.B 450, p.368, 1999. [3] A.Polishchuk, O.Rytchkov, Propagator for Massive Spin-2 Field in Anti-de Sitter Space, preprint SMI-25-99. Also the obtained results were published in the proceedings of the following conferences: [4] O.A.Rytchkov, Chaotic Behaviour of Dynamical Systems in M-theory, Proceedings of the Second Open Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (Russia, Dubna, March 2-6, 1998) [in Russian]. [5] O.A.Rytchkov, Localised p-branes in Supergravities and M-theory, Proceedings of the International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, May 18-24, 1998). [6] O.A.Rytchkov, Massive Rarita-Schwinger Field in the AdS/CFT correspondence, Proceedings of the XIV International Workshop on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory (Russia, May 27 - June 2, 1999). There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [7] I.Ya.Aref'eva, P.B.Medvedev, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Chaos in D0-brane Dynamics, Banach Center Publications, V.43, p.41, 1998. [8] I.Ya.Aref'eva, P.B.Medvedev, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Chaos in M(atrix) Theory, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, V.10, p.1, 1998. [9] D.V.Gal'tsov, O.A.Rytchkov, Generating branes via sigma models, Phys.Rev. D58, p.122001, 1998. [10] I.Ya.Aref'eva, M.G.Ivanov, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Non-extremal localized\\ branes and vacuum solutions in M-theory, Class.Quant.Grav. V.15, p.2923, 1998. O.A.Rytchkov participated in Spring School on Non-perturbative Aspects of String Theory and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories (Italy, March 23-31, 1998) and in the Trieste Conference on Superfivebranes and Physics in 5+1 dimensions (Italy, April 1-3, 1998) where a poster entitled "New Non-extremal p-branes in Superstring Theories and M-theory" was presented. O.A.Rytchkov participated in International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, May 18-24, 1998) and presented a talk there entitled "Localized p-branes in Supergravities and M-theory". O.A.Rytchkov participated in XI International Conference "Problems of Quantum Field Theory" (Russia, July 13-17, 1998) and presented a talk entitled "Localized p-branes in various supergravities" O.A Rytchkov participated in XIV International Workshop on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory (Russia, May 27 - June 2, 1999) and presented a talk there entitled "Massive Rarita-Schwinger Field in the AdS/CFT correspondence" V.I.SHEVCHENKO (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow) has obtained the following results: 1. Generalized coordinate gauge in nonabelian gauge theories was analysed, limits of applicability were established and applied to the nonabelian Stokes theorem and dual QCD Lagrangian evaluation. 2. The structure of perturbative contributions to the string tension in gluodynamics was investigated and cancellation of them in the vacuum field correlators framework was shown. 3. The modifications of the Higgs mechanism in abelian Higgs model due to interaction with topological defects were considered. 4. Deeper understanding of the Higgs mechanism in the quantum background was reached, especially in the aspects, important for the abelian projected confinement theories. 5. The colour superconductivity phenomenon was investigated in the framework of Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. The effective potential was calculated and the importance of the nonperturbative gluon condensate from the nonabelian Meissner effect point of view was shown. 6. The exact renormalisation group flows were studied in the current representation of the abelian projected gluodynamics. 7. The Casimir scaling behaviour of the static potential between charges in higher representations of the gauge group SU(3) was investigated, being based on recent lattice data. The value of scaling violating terms is estimated. It is shown, that Casimir scaling puts severe bounds on the presence of classical solutions in the vacuum. [1] V.Shevchenko, Yu.Simonov, Generalized coordinate gauge, nonabelian Stokes theorem and dual QCD Lagrangian, Phys.Lett.B 437, p.146, 1998. [2] V.Shevchenko, Yu.Simonov, Perturbative contributions to field correlators, Phys.Lett.B 437, p.131, 1998. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [3] V.Shevchenko, Higgs mechanism in nontrivial background, hep-th/9810222 (being prepared for publication). [4] N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov, V.I.Shevchenko, Nonperturbative QCD vacuum and Colour Superconductivity, Phys.Rep. V.320, p.131, 1999. [5] V.I.Shevchenko, Yu.A.Simonov, Casimir Scaling as a Test of QCD vacuum, hep-ph/0001299, being prepared for publication. Published talks on conferences: (1) "Generalized Fock-Schwinger Gauge and its applications" V.I. Shevchenko, (based on the work with Yu.A.Simonov), Int.School dedicated to the 100th anniversary of V.A.Fock, St.Peterburg, 1998. (2) "Does confinement imply stochasticity?", V.I.Shevchenko, Chaos and complexity, Ponte di Legno, Italy, 1998. (3) "Gluon degrees of freedom at nonzero baryonic density", V.Shevchenko, (partly based on the work with N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov), XXVIII Autumn School, Lisbon, Portugal,1999. (4) "Coordinate gauges and confinement", V. I. Shevchenko, Confinement III (poster session, unpublished), Newport News, USA, 1998. (5) "Nonperturbative QCD vacuum and Colour Superconductivity", V.Shevchenko, (based on the work with N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov), Buckow, Germany, 1999 (no proceedings). V.Shevchenko visited Department of Theoretical Physics of Pisa University, Italy (October 1 - 30, 1998) by invitation of Professor A.DiGiacomo. In January, 2000 V.Shevchenko has got Ph.D. degree from ITEP. Thesis advisor: Prof.Yu.A.Simonov. Title: "Nonperturbative effects in gauge field theory". N.V.SHEVCHENKO (Irkutsk State University and Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow region) in her studies of few-body systems obtained the following results: 1. Elastic $\eta d$ scattering was considered within the Alt-Grassberger-Sandhas formalism for various $\eta N$ input data. A three-body resonant state was found close to the $\eta d$ threshold [1]. This resonance is sustained for different choices of the two-body $\eta N$ scattering length $a_{\eta N}$. The position of the resonance moves towards the $\eta d$ threshold when ${\rm Re\,}a_{\eta N}$ is increased, and turns into a quasi-bound state at ${\rm Re\,}a_{\eta N}\sim0.7\div0.8$\,fm depending on the choice of ${\rm Im\,}a_{\eta N}$. 2. The nuclear reaction $e+{^3{\rm He}}+{^4{\rm He}}\rightarrow{}e +{^7{\rm Be}}$ was considered at thermonuclear energies [2]. The motion of the electron was treated within the adiabatic approximation and the ${^3{\rm He}}-{^4{\rm He}}$ scattering state was calculated using an effective ${^3{\rm He}}-{^4{\rm He}}$ potential constructed via the Marchenko inverse scattering method. The reaction rate thus obtained for solar interior conditions is approximately $10^{-4}$ of the corresponding rate for the radiative capture ${^3{\rm He}}+{^4{\rm He}}\rightarrow{}{^7{\rm Be}}+\gamma$. The main results have been presented in the paper containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] N.V.Shevchenko, V.B.Belyaev, S.A.Rakityansky, S.A.Sofianos, W.Sandhas, Low-energy $\eta d$ resonance, e-print LANL, nucl-th/9908035; submitted to Phys.Rev.Lett. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [2] N.V.Shevchenko, S.A.Rakityansky, S.A.Sofianos, V.B.Belyaev, Non-radiative synthesis of $^7{\rm Be}$ in solar plasma, J.Physics G25, pp.95-106, 1999. N.Shevchenko will participate in the IV Open Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (Dubna, Russia, January 31 - February 4, 2000) and will present a session talk there entitled "Near-threshold resonance in the $\eta d$ system". N.Shevchenko is invited by the Organizing Committee of the 16th International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics (Taipei, Taiwan, March 6-10, 2000) to take part in the conference and present the contribution entitled "Low energy scattering and photoproduction of $\eta$-mesons by deuterons" in a poster session. N.Shevchenko participates in international co-operation with the group of Prof. W.Sand\-has, Physikalisches Institut, Universitat Bonn, Germany and with the group of Prof. S.A.Sofi\-anos, Physics Department, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa. N.Shevchenko is a postgraduate student of the third year and she is planing to get the Ph.D. degree at the 2000th year. V.V.SHKLYAR ( Far Eastern State University, Vladivostok) in his studies of photon and vector meson production obtained the following results: 1. The different sources of the real photon and $\phi$-meson production in nucleon-nucleon collisions at intermediate energies have been studied and the effective model of the reactions has been suggested in [1-4]. The role and influence of each channel for the $NN\to NN\gamma$ reaction (bremsstrahlung, $\Delta$-excitation, radiative $\omega/\rho$-decay) has been shown and discussed in [1]. 2. Also, the available experimental data for the real photon production at 0.28 and 0.75 GeV beam energy were described well and the predictions for forthcoming data at COSY-TOF are obtained [1]. 3. Apart from the photon production reaction, the $NN\to NN\phi$ reaction near the threshold has been explored. It was shown, that the influence of the shake-off mechanism was negligible and the $\pi\rho\phi$ interaction coming from the non-ideal $\phi-\omega$ mixing angle gave the main contribution to the $\phi$-meson yield [3]. The predictions for the reaction amplitude behaviour and polarization observables near the reaction threshold was obtained. It has been also shown that the earlier exact threshold predictions for these reactions (e.c. M.Recalo et al) were not relevant at energies slightly above the threshold [2]. The value of the beam-target asymmetry $C^{BT}=-0.8$ was predicted and the ratio of the spin-singlet states to the spin-triplet ones was derived at the reaction threshold [3]. 4. The spin density matrix and the anisotropy of the $\phi$ decay were calculated. It was also shown that for the $\phi\to e^+e^-$-decay the small $\bar ss$ admixture could lead to the modification of the $\phi$ decay anisotropy that might be used in the experimental searching of the hidden strangeness in nucleon [4]. There are the publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [1] V.V.Shklyar, B.K\"ampfer, B.L.Reznik, A.I.Titov, Bremsstrahlung in intermediate-energy nucleon reaction within an effective one-boson exchange model, Nucl.Phys.A628, pp.255-274, 1998. [2] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, The reaction $NN \to NN \phi$ near threshold, preprint (nucl-th/9712025); preprint (nucl-th/9811094). The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [3] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, Polarization observables in the reaction $NN \to NN \phi$, to be published in Phys.Rev. C59, 1999. [4] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, Polarization observables in the reaction $NN\to NN\phi$ near threshold, XIV International Seminar On High Energy Physics Problems, Conf. Proceedings, preprint E1,2-98-232. V.Shklyar participated in the International Summer Student School on High Energy Physics in Memory of Bruno Pontekorvo ( JINR, Dubna, August 18 - September 1, 1998.) V.Shklyar also participated in the XIVth International Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems (JINR, Dubna, August 17-22, 1998) as a co-author. Talk on International Seminar DEUTERON-99, JINR, Dubna-99, Russia, 4-7 July. In October, 1999 V.Shklyar has got Ph.D. degree from the Far Eastern State University. Thesis advisor: Prof. A.I.Titov (JINR). Title: "Photon and $\phi$-meson production at intermediate energies" D.V.ALEXANDROV (Urals State University, Ekaterinburg) in his studies of solidification processes obtained the following results: 1. A theory of incipience of a two-phase zone is numerically and theoretically studied [1]. On the basis of a linear law for the velocity of solidification which was obtained numerically, governing equations for the velocity and for the time of incipience of the two-phase zone (the latter arises ahead of a planar front of solidification due to the concentrational supercooling) were deduced. 2. In [2] the fractal dimension of the two-phase zone is determined for the self-similar regime of solidification in the presence of the mushy region. 3. The general problem of incipience of the two-phase zone is solved on the basis of the classical Stefan thermodiffusion model (without suggestions about the velocity distribution). The time of incipience of the two-phase zone and the velocity of solidification are determined in the form of integral equations [3]. 4. A theory of solidification with a qusiequilibrium two-phase zone is detailed on the basis of analytical solution of Borisov's model [4]. The steps of thermodynamic values in the two-phase zone (at both boundaries) are found on the basis of which the zone is changed by the discontinuity surface between solid and liquid phases. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] D.V.Alexandrov, A.G.Churbanov, P.N.Vabishchevich, Emergence of a Mushy Region in Processes of Binary Melt Solidification, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research, V.26, No.2, pp.248-264, 1999. [2] D.V.Alexandrov, A.O.Ivanov, M.E.Komarovski, An Influence of a Fractal-Like Mushy Region on Solidification Process, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research, V.26, No.2, pp.224-231, 1999. [3] D.V.Alexandrov, Incipience of a Mushy Zone in Binary Melt Solidification Processes: General Theory, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research (to be published). [4] D.V.Alexandrov, To the Theory of Solidification with a Quasiequilibrium Two-Phase Zone, Doklady AN (submitted) [in Russian]. The following papers will be presented for publication soon with acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: 1. D.V.Alexandrov, Incipience of a Mushy Zone in Binary Melt Solidification Processes: Stefan Thermodiffusion Problem (Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research). 2. D.V.Alexandrov, Quasiequilibrium Mushy Region: Dynamic Instability (Acta Materialia). In March, 1998 D.Alexandrov has got Ph.D. degree from The Urals State Technical University. Thesis advisors: Prof. V.V.Mansurov, Dr. A.O.Ivanov. Title: "An Influence of a quasiequilibrium Mushy Region on Solidification of Binary Melts". A.A.ALIVERDIEV (Institute of Physics, Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala) in his studies of the use of a registered signal velocity for the time-resolved tomography, in particular for the laser tomography of condensed matter obtained the following results: 1. A summarizing of the reconstructive theory of a signal speed using has been developed [1-10]. 2. Analytical expressions for nD photoacoustic tomography and the problem of a complex absorption account have been derived. Some practical algorithms and software ware carried out. Number of 2D numerical simulations are hold. A principally important result was obtained that good photoacoustic reconstruction is possible with different conditions [1-4, 7, 8]. 3. A method of a stream collision has been proposed for the stochastic emission correlation tomography. Number of 2D numerical simulations with inspired results are hold [1]. 4. A method of Hartley transform has been considered for an image processing. Some practical algorithms and software ware carried out [5]. The main goals of the project was achieved. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, Use of velocity of a filed signal in a tomography. Features of an optoacoustic tomography, [in Russian], Makhachkala, DSU, 1998, 60p. [2] G.K.Makhtimagomedov, M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, R.M.Batyrov, G.M.Halilulayev, A.A.Amirova, M.M.Akhmedov, M.M.Ataev, About the modeling of spatial-temporal tomographic reconstruction of sphere of phase transitions; Proceedings of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter", Makhachkala, Russia, 1998, p.3-6. [3] A.A.Aliverdiev, Some aspects of the computing of the laser tomography of mixed state, Proceedings of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter", Makhachkala, Russia, 1998, p.3-5. [4] A.A.Aliverdiev, About the account of complex absorption in laser tomography, Proceedings of the International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan", dedicated to 275 Anniversary of Russian Academy of the Sciences and 50 Anniversary of Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of the Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, pp.33-34. [5] A.A.Aliverdiev, R.M.Batyrov, M.G.Karimov, G.M.Halilulayev, A.A.Amirova, Some questions of the use of Hertley transform in physical tomography, Proceedings of the International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan", dedicated to 275 Anniversary of Russian Academy of the Sciences and 50 Anniversary of Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of the Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, p.35. [6] M.G.Karimov. A.A.Aliverdiev, A.A.Amirova, Some questions of the tomographic reconstruction of plasma objects, Proceedings of the All-Russian Conference "Physical Electronics", Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, p.107. [7] A.A.Aliverdiev, M.G.Karimov, Back photoacoustic problem in the investigation of quasistationary spatial-heterogeneous flows, Proceedings of the V International Scientific and Technical Conference "Optical Methods of the Flows Investigations" (Moscow, Russia, 1999), p.161. [8] A.A.Aliverdiev, Some questions of the physical tomography with application of velocity spectrum of registered signal, Proceedings of the Conference "Resonance and non-linear phenomenon in Condensed Matter" (Ufa, Russia 1999). There are two publications, which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [9] A.A.Aliverdiev, M.G.Karimov, Solution of optic reconstructive problem considering registered signal velocity, Turkey J. of Physics, No.4, pp.311-314, 1998. [10] M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, About modeling of 2D optoacoustic researches of exited media, Radiophysics (Massager of Higher Educational Institutes of Russia), No.1, 1999. A.Aliverdiev was the executive (scientific) secretary of the local Program Committee of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter" (Makhachkala, Russia, 1998). Two reports of A.Aliverdiev ware represented in that Conference. A.Aliverdiev represents the reports in (1) the Winter College "Spectroscopy and Applications" (AS-ICTP, Trieste, Italy 1999), (2) the Baikal School of Fundamental Physics (Irkutsk, Russia, 1999, in absentia, by correspondence), (3) the V International Scientific and Technical Conference "Optical Methods of the Flows Investigations" (Moscow, Russia, 1999, in absentia, by co-author), (4) International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan" (Makhachkala, Russia, 1999), (5) the All-Russian Conference "Physical Electronics" (Makhachkala, Russia 1999), (6) the Regional Conference "Resonance and non-linear phenomenon in Condensed Matter" (Ufa, Russia 1999), (7) the Fourth Training Course in the Physics of Correlated Electron Systems and High-Tc Superconductors (Vietri sul Mare, Salerno, Italy, 1999). In July 1998 A. Aliverdiev has got Ph.D. degree from the Daghestan State University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. M.G.Karimov (DSU). Title: "Some solutions of a reconstructive problem in a plasma physics and nonlinear optics with the use of a finiteness of distribution of a registered signal velocity". O.L.BERMAN (Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Moscow Region) in his studies of phase transitions and superfluidity in the system of coupled quantum wells obtained the following results: 1. The theory of phase transitions of electron-hole and unbalanced electron systems in coupled quantum wells in high magnetic fields has been developed [1]. Analytical expressions for the temperatures of the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition to the superfluid state have been derived. A principally important result was obtained that the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature decreases at rise of magnetic field and interwell separation at fixed magnetoexciton density. But the maximal possible Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature increases at rise of magnetic field and interwell separation. 2. It was shown that the system of weakly interacting indirect excitons in the superlattice slab is unstable [2,3]. A method based on the sum of the ladder diagram for the calculation of vertex of quadrupole indirect biexcitons interaction has been proposed for the obtaining of the collective spectrum, superfluid density and the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature. 3. The effect of random field due to impurities, boundary irregularities on the superfluidity of a three-dimensional system of excitons and a quasi-two-dimensional of direct and spatially indirect excitons is investigated [4]. 4. The excitation spectra and superfluidity of the electron-hole system in coupled quantum wells have been analyzed [5,6]. It was shown that the gap in the excitation spectra decreases if the interwell separation and the density of electrons and holes increase. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, V.G.Tsvetus, Phase transitions of electron-hole and unbalanced electron systems in coupled quantum wells in high magnetic fields, Phys.Rev. B59, pp.5627-5636, 1999. [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, M.Willander, Superfluidity of indirect biexcitons in superlattices, JETP V.88, No.5, pp.980-986, 1999. [3] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, M.Willander, Superfluidity of indirect biexcitons in superlattices, Europhysics Letters V.48, No.3, pp.299-305, 1999. [4] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, The superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, JETP Lett. V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999. [5] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.A.Panfilov, The excitation spectra and superfluidity of the electron-hole system in coupled quantum wells, Physica Status Solidi (b), V.209, pp.287-294, 1998. [6] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman and A.A.Panfilov, The excitation spectra in coupled quantum wells, Solid State Phys. (russ. Fiz.Tverd.Tela), V.40, No.12, pp.2226-2228, 1998. O.Berman participated in the International Advanced School Leonardo da Vinci for a continuing education programme 1998 Summer Course "Superconducting materials: advances in technology and applications" (Italy, Bologna, 29 June - 10 July, 1998). Five reports on seminars at the Institute of Spectroscopy were made. One report in seminar at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Stoney Brook has been made. In 1999 O.Berman has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "The investigation of phase transitions and superfluidity in the system of the coupled quantum wells". D.A.DANILOV (Udmurt State University, Izhevsk) in his studies of rapid solidification obtained the following results: 1. A comparative analysis of a model for local nonequilibrium solidification with experimental measurements of "dendrite tip growth velocity -- initial melt undercooling" in rapidly solidifying alloys Cu - 30% at. Ni [1] and Ni - 1% at. Zr [2] has been performed. The predictions of the model are in qualitative and quantitative agreement with experimental data for both alloys. 2. A general solution [3] of the steady-state crystal growth shape under local nonequilibrium solidification has been found. This solution is found for the following growth shapes: elliptical paraboloid, paraboloid of revolution, cylindrical paraboloid, and parabolic platelet. 3. On the basics of a one-sided model of solute diffusion the dynamics of a motion of the rapid solidification front in a binary alloy is investigated [4,5]. A criterion connecting the dynamical stability of the front motion in a steady-state regime with a slope of the kinetic curve "front velocity - initial undercooling'' is formulated. An expression for the definition of nonstationary time during the transition to the steady-state regime is obtained. 4. A model for rapid solidification in undercooled pure metallic liquid is developed that includes local nonequilibrium heat transfer and kinetics of liquid-solid interface motion [6]. Taking into account the finiteness of the speed of heat transport, a general solution of the problem about local nonequilibrium heat transfer with the moving heat source at the planar solidification front is obtained. Asymptotic behavior of the velocity of the rapid planar front is investigated. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Model for free dendritic alloy growth under interfacial and bulk phase nonequilibrium conditions, J.Crystal Growth V.197, pp.992-1002, 1999. [2] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Dendritic growth model for rapid solidification of undercooled alloys, International Conference on Rapidly Quenched and Metastable Materials "RQ-10", Bangalore, India, August 1999, submitted for publication in the journal Material Science and Engineering. [3] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Steady-state crystal growth shape under local nonequilibrium mass transfer, Inzhenerno Fizicheski Zhurnal (Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics), submitted for publication [in Russian]. [4] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Selection of the dynamically stable regime of rapid solidification front motion in isothermal binary alloy, J.Crystal Growth, accepted for publication. [5] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko, A criterion for dynamical stability of rapid solidification front motion, University and Academic Scientific-Practical Conference, Udmurt State University. Thesis for the conference, Izhevsk, April 1999, p.60-61 [in Russian]. [6] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko, Hyperbolic heat transfer in rapid solidification of supercooled liquids, Proc. of the 4th Minsk International Heat and Mass Transfer Forum, A.V.Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute, Minsk, May 2000, accepted for publication. A.V.EMELYANENKO (Moscow State University) in his studies of strongly polar liquid crystals obtained the following results: 1. A statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition has been developed for a system of molecules possessing a strong dipole [1,4]. It was explicitly taken into account that a large amount of dimers appear in a molecular system, when a dipole is strong enough. The dependence of the nematic order parameters of monomers and dimers on the temperature and the temperature variation of the molar fraction of dimers have been obtained. These investigations were held for the systems of molecules with different values of the dipole moment. A principally important result was obtained that the nematic-isotropic transition temperature has no absolute growth with the increasing dipole moment, as it was predicted by the preceding theories, but achieves its maximum with subsequent decrease. This happens because molecules with the large dipole moments form dimers intensively, which destroy the nematic order. In the previous research, based on the mean field or second virial approximations, a very strong short-range correlations leading to the formation of dimers were disregarded. A theory derived in [1,4] takes into account the existence of dimers directly. It was shown, that for molecules with large dipoles the transition temperature decreases with the increasing dipole moment. This result was confirmed by the recent computer simulations. 2. Influence of the molecular shape on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals has been investigated [2]. A method based on the expansion of the intermolecular potential in a complete set of spherical invariants has been proposed to estimate the dispersion interaction between monomers and dimers. It has been established that molecules with small dipoles form dimers, which favour the nematic phase, whereas dimers composed of molecules with large dipoles favour the isotropic phase. It has also been found that molecules with an intermediate value of the dipole moment couple in dimers, which do not influence the nematic- isotropic transition temperature. This balance point depends on the molecular shape, and it may exist or not for different molecules. 3. A statistical theory of the cholesteric ordering [3] was derived. On the contrary to the preceding publications, it describes the helix inversion in binary mixtures. The biaxiality of molecules is explicitly taken into account. Under a certain conditions (driven by the mutual concentration of the components and temperature) the interaction between the short molecular axes, which was disregarded in the previous attempts, dominates over the interaction between the main axes. It leads to the helix inversion, which is usually observed in the experiment. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Polar liquid crystals. Statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [2] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Nematic-isotropic phase transition in polar liquid crystals. Role of the dispersion interaction, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [3] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, D.A.Dunmur, Molecular Theory of Chiral Nematic Liquid Crystals, Phys.Rev.E, paper accepted for publication. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Influence of dimerization on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals, Liquid Crystals, V.26, No.2, 1999. A.Emelyanenko participated in the 17-th International Liquid Crystal Conference (Strasbourg, France, July 19-24, 1998) and presented a poster "Molecular Theory of The Nematic-Isotropic Transition in Strongly Polar Liquid Crystals". Thesis of the poster was published. In 1999 A.Emelyanenko participated in the International Conference on Liquid Crystals, which took place in Krynica (Poland), with a report "Theory of the helix inversion in nematics doped with chiral molecules" (September 13-17, 1999) and in the International Conference "Nonlinear dynamics in polymer science and related fields", Desna, Moscow region, with a report "Helix inversion in binary liquid crystalline mixtures" (October 11-15, 1999). Both theses are included in the corresponding abstract books. The full-length reports are planned. A.V. Emelyanenko has also taken part in the Students Conference on chemistry and physics of the thin organic films, Puschino, Moscow region, with a report "Inversion of the spiral structure in binary LC mixtures" (June 14-15, 1999). Now A.Emelyanenko is developing a new theory of the liquid crystalline polymers, which also possess a helix inversion. I.M.EREMIN (Kazan State University) in his studies of the electronic structure and magnetic properties of high temperature superconductivity obtained the following results: 1. Self-consistent calculation of spin (charge) density wave order (SDW/CDW) parameters have been performed for bilayered cuprates on the basis of a singlet correlated band model [1]. Evolution of the Fermi surface in the strongly underdoped regime is described by using a two-band approach. The smooth development of the pseudogap formation temperature is explained from underdoped to overdoped states and the Fourier amplitudes $$ (spin) and $$ (charge) modulations have been calculated. We have found a maximum of the incommensurability for doping 0.09-0.11 holes per copper site. 2. The phase boundary of the paramagnetic phase of cuprates has been calculated with taking into account the strong electron correlations. The instability wave vector gets displaced from pure antiferromagnetic wave vector if doping increases. The calculated pictures of Lindhard response functions and complex momentum dependence of a CDW pseudogap are presented. Spin susceptibility expression for the singlet correlated band at $T_c The results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, I.Eremin, submitted to Appl.Magn.Res (cond-mat/9908297). [2] I.Eremin, M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, in a book "Stripes and Related Phenomena", edited by A.Bianconi and N.L.Saini, to be published by Kluwer Academics-Plenum Publisher. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before the grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant. [3] I.Eremin, Solid State Commun. 105, pp.293-296, 1998. I.Eremin participated in the Second International Conference on Stripes'98 (Rome, Italy, 2-6 June, 1998) and presented an oral contribution "Two reasons of instability in layered cuprates", Specialized Colloque Ampere EPR, NMR and NQR in Solid State Physics: Recent Trends (Pisa, Italy, June 14-18, 1999) and presented poster contribution "How large can be CDW/SDW amplitudes in layered cuprates", XVI International Seminar "New Magnetic Materials for Microelectronics" (Moscow, Russian Federation, June 23-26, 1998) and presented a poster "Dynamic spin susceptibility below $T_c$. Hubbard Model" (in Russian), XXVII International School for Theoretical Physicists "Kourovka" (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 2-7 March, 1998) and presented a talk "Influence of strong electron correlation on dynamical spin susceptibility in two-dimensional models" (in Russian) I.Eremin participated in the International Cooperation with the groups of Prof. D.Brinkmann and Prof. H.Keller, Institute of Physics, Zuerich University, Switzerland. In September 1999 I.Eremin has got a Ph.D. degree under the supervision of Prof. B.I.Kochelaev (Kazan State University). A.V.PANOV (Far-Eastern State University, Vladivostok) in his studies of magnetism obtained the following results: 1. The ground and metastable magnetic states of magnetite and iron particles with sizes closed to single-domain were analyzed within the scope of the developed model [1]. It was shown that depending on its size and elongation the grain can be in one of three states: with uniform magnetization, with a small and large non-uniformity of magnetic moment (quasi-single-domain and two-domain states). The critical sizes for uniform and quasi-single-domain states were calculated. Magnetization processes of such particles were simulated. The coercive force and critical fields as functions of size, elongation of the particles and external magnetic field direction were studied. The essential difference from similar studies is non-monotone dependence of coercive force on particle elongation for magnetite which is confirmed by experiments. 2. The previous model of two-phase particle was extended by entering of interfacial exchange coupling [2-4]. The magnetization process of an ensemble of Co-coated $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ used in magnetic recording media was studied. The set of magnetic states of such particles was analyzed for ensemble with thermal agitation. It was shown that relation between interfacial exchange coupling and magnetostatic inter-phase interaction affect dependence of the coercive force of the ensemble of $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ particles on coating volume. It was obtained that the growth in coating magnetocrystalline anisotropy leads to increase in coercivity of the ensemble. The main results have been presented in the papers submitted in March and April, 1998, before grantee has been informed of the awarding ICFPM grant: [1] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine magnetite particles, Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie [in Russian], 86, pp.65-73, 1998. [2] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Modeling of magnetization process of an ensemble of $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles with cobalt coating, "Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie" [in Russian] v.87, pp.17-22, 1999. [3] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states of Co-coated $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.241-242. [4] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, An influence of inter-phase interaction on coercive force of two-component particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.511-512. In June, 1999 A. V. Panov has got Ph. D. degree from the Far East State University (Vladivostok). Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Belokon'. Title: "Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine heterogeneous particle systems". A.M.POVOLOTSKY (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow Region) in his studies of the models of self-organized criticality obtained the following results: 1. We investigate the dynamics of Eulerian walkers as a model of self-organized criticality [1]. The evolution of the system is divided into characteristic periods which can be seen as avalanches. The structure of avalanches is described and the critical exponent in the distribution of first avalanches $\tau=2$ is determined. We also study a mean square displacement of Eulerian walkers and obtain a simple diffusion law in the critical state. The evolution of underlying medium from a random state to the critical one is described. 2.The general framework for the renormalization group analysis of self-organized critical sandpile models is formulated [2,3]. The usual real space renormalization scheme for lattice models when applied to nonequilibrium dynamical models must be supplemented by feedback relations coming from the stationarity conditions. On the basis of these ideas the Dynamically Driven Renormalization Group is applied to describe the boundary and bulk critical behavior of sandpile models. A detailed description of the branching nature of sandpile avalanches is given in terms of the generating functions of the underlying branching process. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] A.M.Povolotsky, V.B.Priezzhev, R.R.Shcherbakov, Phys.Rev.E 58, pp.5449-5454, 1998. [2] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, Phys.Rev.E 60, pp.1239-1251, 1999. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [3] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, preprint DIAS-STP-98-06, Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Ireland. A.Povolotsky was invited by J.Stefan Institute, Ljubljana Slovenia and presented the seminar there entitled "Eulerian walkers as a model of the self-organized criticality." S.E.SKIPETROV (Moscow State University) in his studies obtained the following main results: 1. A possibility for diagnostics of laser-induced particle flows in concentrated suspensions using methods of the optical correlation spectroscopy has been studied. The role of ponderomotive effects in experiments on dynamic multiple light scattering (DMLS) has been analyzed. 2. A diffusion model for the temporal autocorrelation function of multiple scattered light has been developed. The model has been shown to be valid for both the Brownian motion and laminar flow of scatterers. The case of spatially localized flow of scatterers in a turbid sample has been considered. We have demonstrated both theoretically and experimentally that one could use DMLS techniques to obtain useful information about hidden particle flows in turbid media. 3. Imaging through atmospheric turbulence has been studied. Statistical moments of the modulation transfer functions (MTFs) of a turbulent atmosphere have been calculated for various models of turbulence. Some of the main results have been presented in a paper containing acknowledgment to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially heterogeneous scatterer dynamics. Physics in Higher Education, V.5, No.1, pp.98-112, 1999 [in Russian]. [2] Karabutov A.A., Pelivanov I.M., Podymova N.B., Skipetrov S.E. Direct measurement of the spatial intensity distribution of light in a scattering medium, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., V.70, No.3, pp.187-191, 1999 [in Russian]; [English translation: J.Exp.Theor.Phys.Lett., V.70, No.3, pp.183-188, 1999]. [3] Skipetrov S.E., Effective dielectric function of a random medium, Phys.Rev.B 60, No.18, pp.12705-12709, 1999. [4] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Shcheglov V.A., Laser-induced particle flows in random media: is the diagnostics with multiple-scattered light possible? In: CD-ROM Proceedings of the International Conference on Optical Technology and Image Processing in Fluid, Thermal, and Combustion Flow (VSJ-SPIE'98) (Yokohama, Japan, December 7-9, 1998), paper AB090. [5] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Correlation spectroscopy for diagnostics of light-induced particle motion in concentrated suspensions. In: Fourth International Conference on Correlation Optics, O.V. Angelsky, Ed., Proc. SPIE, V.3904, pp.423-428, 1999. [6] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave imaging of flows in turbid media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99), (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). [7] Skipetrov S.E., Refractive index of random media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99) (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). S.Skipetrov participated in several scientific conferences: - XI School-Conference on Diffraction and Propagation of Waves (Moscow, Russia, January 12-15, 1998). An oral presentation entitled "Multiple scattering of light in random media with complex dynamic structure" has been made. - NATO Advanced Study Institute "Diffuse Waves in Complex Media" (Les Houches, France, March 17-28, 1998). A poster "Ponderomotive action of light in random media" has been presented. - XVI International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics - ICONO'98 (Moscow, Russia, June 29-July 3, 1998). Two posters has been presented: "Dynamic multiple scattering of laser radiation on light-induced flows of microparticles in suspension" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy of flows". - 17th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division, European Physical Society and 6emes Journees de la Matiere Condensee, Societe Francaise de Physique (Grenoble, France, August 25-29, 1998). A poster "Cross-correlations in dynamic multiple scattering of light" has been presented. - Fall School-Conference "Light-Scattering Techniques in Biomedicine, Industry and Material Science" (Saratov, Russia, October 6-9, 1998). An oral presentation: "Theory of diffusing-wave spectroscopy with angular and spatio-temporal cross-correlations" and two poster presentations: "Ponderomotive action of light in random multiple-scattering media" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in random media with absorption", have been made. - International Conference on Biomedical Optics and Spectroscopy. European Biomedical Optics Week - BiOS'98 (Stockholm, Sweden, September 6-9, 1998). Title of presentation: "Possibilities for study of light-induced flows of microparticles in concentrated suspensions using methods of optical correlation spectroscopy". - International Conference on LASERS'98 (Tucson, Arizona, USA, December 7-11, 1998). Title of presentation: "Hydrodynamic flows induced by copper-vapor laser: diagnostics using optical correlation spectroscopy". S.E.Skipetrov has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. S.S.Chesnokov. Title: "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially-heterogeneous scatterer flows". F.M.TSAHHAEV (Ryazan State Pedagogical University) in his studies of physics of low dimensional structures obtained the following results: 1. Galvanomagnetic effects have been measured in n-AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures with filling of two subbands. The values of the momentum relaxation times t and q have been determined experimentally. The t and q times have been also calculated in the conditions of intersubband scattering using the self-consistent electron wave function. The dominating relaxation mechanism was identified and the parameters of defects were evaluated by comparison of experimentally determined and calculated t and q values [1,5,6,9]. 2. The GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures with anomalously high mobility of 2D-electrons 0.6 m/V s (T=4.2 K) in respect to the well-known analogs have been synthesized. The anomalies and anisotropy of kinetic effects characteristics of the GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures have been observed in experiments. The electrons energy spectrum in GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures has been calculated on the basis of the experimental results. The comparison of calculated data and measurements results (C-V characteristics, temperature and axial/lateral magnetic field dependencies of conductivity, photoluminescence spectra) reveals anomalous properties of GaAs(0.30,?-Sn) structure along [110] direction in respect to the [110] one [4]. 3. In [7,8] the experimental results is analyzed in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures. 4. The hysteresis of current-temperature characteristics is revealed in GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with the three quantum wells [2]. 5. The magnetic field suppression of electron-electron interaction of 2D-electrons in the main and the first, disturbed subbands of dimension quantization in single heterojunction AlGaAs/GaAs have been revealed [3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] V.I.Kadushkin, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Relaxation mechanisms of 2D-electrons in selective doped n-AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs heterostructure with filling of two subbands,\\ Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., No.5/6, pp.55-74, 1999. [2] V.I.Tsebro, O.E.Omelyanovski, V.I.Kadushkin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, F.M.Tsahhaev,\\ S.N.Larin, Lateral photoconductivity low temperature hysteresis of GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with asymmetric system of quantum wells, Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). [3] V.I.Kadushkin, F.M.Tsahhaev, S.N.Larin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, Intersubband relaxation of 2D-electrons in AlGaAs(Si)/GaAs strong doped heterojunction, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., No.3/4, pp.135-166, 1998. [5] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, News Institutions of Higher Education. Physics, No.159, 1998 [in Russian]. Proceedings of the Conference: [6] The 24th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, August 2-7, 1998, Jerusalem, Israel; "Energy spectrum and relaxation mechanisms of electrons in lateral-surface superlattices GaAs(0.30,?-Sn)". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Yu.A.Kotova). [7] 10th International Symposium on Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors, August 31- September 2, 1998, Vilnius, Lithuania. "Photomodulation processes in GaAs/AlAs type-I quantum well structures". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [8] VII Luthuanian-Polish Seminar "Solid State Physics and Technology", Kaunas, 1998. "Photoexcitation effects in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures investigated by differential reflectivity spectroscopy". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [9] The 194th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, Boston, Massachusetts, November\\ 1-6, 1998. "Energy spectrum of electrons in GaAs(?-Sn) structure grown on vicinal plane". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). In March, 2000 F.M.Tsahhaev shall be got Ph.D. degree from the Ryazan State Pedagogical University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Kadushkin (RSPU). Title: "Localization and scattering of quasi-particles in low-dimensional heterostructures in quantized magnetic fields." D.A.RYNDYK (Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS, Nizhny Novgorod) in his studies of nonequilibrium effects in dynamics of Josephson structures and layered superconductors (nonequilibrium Josephson effect) obtained the following results: 1. Starting from microscopic equations for Green functions, quasiclassical kinetic equations are derived for the systems of tunnel junctions and for layered superconductors [1]. This kinetic equations can be generalized for the case of different types of junctions and for superconductors with arbitrary energy dependence of the density of states and anisotropic pairing. 2. Dynamics of one-dimensional array of nonequilibrium junctions is investigated, in particular, current-voltage characteristics and high frequency interaction between junctions. Peculiarities of the dynamics of intrinsic Josephson junctions in HTSC are considered [1,2] (this work is a continuation of previous investigation carried out in 1998: D.A.Ryndyk, Phys.Rev.Lett., 80, 3376, 1998). The calculated current-voltage characteristics demonstrate the nature of the effect of electron-hole imbalance on the dynamics of one-dimensional chains of junctions. 3. The effect of nonequilibrium amplification of Josephson oscillations is predicted [2]. 4. "Plasma" oscillations and Josephson flux flow in layered superconductors is considered with nonequilibrium effects taken into account. Beside, the work on the kinetic theory of plasma turbulence is continued, which was began previously in connection with the experimental investigation of low-hybrid turbulence, excited by ion beam (E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk et al., Nuclear Fusion, 38, 661, 1998). New results in the theory of turbulent broadening of cyclotron resonances are published in Ref.[3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] D.A.Ryndyk, Nonequilibrium Josephson effect in systems of tunnel junctions and in layered superconductors, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. V.116, p.1798, 1999 [JETP V.89, p.975, 1999]. [2] D.A.Ryndyk, High-frequency properties of nonequilibrium Josephson junctions in nanoscale and layered superconductors, Journal of radioelectronics (www journal) n.1 (2000), to be published in "Foreign radioelectronics". [3] E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk, Stochastic Broadening of High Order Ion Cyclotron Resonances due to Lower-Hybrid Turbulence, Strong microwaves in plasmas (proceedings of IV international workshop on strong micro-waves in plasmas, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 1999 ), ed. A.G.Litvak, V.2, Nizhny Novgorod, 2000. D.Ryndyk in 1999 participated in: 1. School-seminar "Physics and applications of microwaves" (24-30 of May in Krasnovidovo, Moscow region) with invited lecture "Physical basis of Josephson high frequency electronics". D.Ryndyk take part in several russian and international research projects, in particular: 1. Grants of Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) N. 97-02-16928 and 99-02-16188 . 2. State research program "Physics of microwaves". Grant 4.7. "Theoretical and experimental investigation of microwave interaction with superconducting structures". 3. Joint program of Institute of Applied Physics RAS and W7-AS stellarator group (Garching, Germany) on Collective Thomson scattering for plasma diagnostic. A.M.RUVINSKY (Institute of Spectroscopy of RAS, Troitsk) in his studies of collective properties of excitons has considered an influence of random fields on the conditions of exciton condensation and superfluidity in bulk and low-dimensional systems [1]. It was shown that in semiconductor alloys the density of excitons in Bose condensate decreases due to the exciton scattering on random fields of impurities or fluctuations of the composite. The density of the superfluidity fraction in the system of 3D and quasi-2D excitons also decreases taking into account this scattering. The scattering on the random field of the quantum well widths' fluctuations was analyzed for direct and indirect excitons. Analytical expressions for the exciton superfluidity densities in "dirty" single quantum wells, coupled quantum wells and bulk semiconductors have been derived. The influence of random fields on Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature for exciton systems in low-dimensional structures was analyzed. These results have been presented in the papers [1,2] containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1].Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, Superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. V.69, No.8, pp.573-578, 1999 [in Russian], (Letter in JETP, V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999). [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, A.M.Ruvinsky, Bogolubov approximation for rare exciton system in random media, Fiz.Tverd.Tela (Physics of the Solid State), in print, 2000 [in Russian]. In June, 1998 A.Ruvinsky has got Ph.D. degree from State Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "Magnetoexcitons in inhomogeneous and low-dimensional structures". A.ZEMLYANOV (Moscow State University) obtained the following results: A new approach to the description of anomalous transport phenomena that take place in fractal media was developed. Namely, anomalous diffusion on a comb structure consisting of a one- dimensional backbone and lateral branches (teeth) of random length is considered. A definite classification of the trajectories of random walks reduces the original problem to an analysis of classical diffusion on the backbone, where, however, the time of this process is a random quantity. Its distribution is assigned by the properties of the random walks of the diffusing particles on the teeth. The possibility of applying mean-field theory in such a model is demonstrated, and the equation for the Green's function with a partial derivative of fractional order is obtained. The characteristic features of the propagation of particles on a comb structure are analyzed. A model of an effective homogeneous medium, in which diffusion is described by an equation with a fractional derivative with respect to time and an initial condition in the form of an integral of fractional order, is obtained. These results are published in [1] and were presented at the Moscow Seminar on Synergetics at the Physics Faculty, Moscow State University. [1] I.A.Lubashevsky, A.A.Zemlyanov, Continuum description of anomalous diffusion on a comb structure, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., V.114, pp.1284-1312, 1998 [in Russian]. A.Zemlyanov has received invitation for participating in a research program at the University of Texas at Austin during the next three years.
M.N.CHERNODUB (Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow) in his studies of Elementary Particle Physics obtained the following results: 1. In [1] a new abelian gauge (Spatial Maximal Abelian gauge) for SU(2) lattice gluodynamics has been proposed. In this gauge the abelian monopoles were shown to be condensed in the confinement phase and they form a dilute gas in the deconfinement phase [1]. The abelian monopoles in the Maximal Abelian gauge of SU(2) gluodynamics carry both electric and magnetic density of the SU(2) action [2]. The effective action for these monopoles was derived and various representations of SU(2) gluodynamics were studied in [3]. 2. In the Maximal Abelian Gauge of SU(2) gluodynamics the abelian monopoles were shown to behave like abelian dyons since the monopoles acquire a small abelian electric charge [4]. Since the dyons are condensed in the deconfinement phase the Aharonov--Bohm effect appear: QCD strings interact with quarks in non-trivial way [5]. The properties of the abelian monopoles has been reviewed [6-7]. The Aharonov--Bohm effect has been further investigated in the Abelian Higgs model [8]. 3. The embedded topological defects were introduced on the lattice and the relation of these defects to the electroweak sphaleron configurations was studied [9]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM: [1] M.N.Chernodub, M.I.Polikarpov, A.I.Veselov, Effective monopole potential for SU(2) lattice gluodynamics in spatial maximal Abelian gauge, hep-lat/9812012; JETP Lett. 69, pp.174-179, 1999. [2] B.L.G.Bakker, M.N.Chernodub, M.I.Polikarpov, A.I.Veselov, Abelian monopoles and action density in SU(2) gluodynamics on the lattice, hep-lat/9811001, Phys.Lett.B 449, pp.267-273, 1999. [3] M.N.Chernodub, S.Kato, N.Nakamura, M.I.Polikarpov, T.Suzuki, Various representations of infrared effective lattice SU(2) gluodynamics, preprint KANAZAWA 98-19; ITEP-TH-61/98. [4] M.N.Chernodub, F.V.Gubarev, M.I.Polikarpov, Abelian dyons in the maximal Abelian projection of SU(2) gluodynamics, hep-lat/9801010; JETP Lett. 69, pp.169-173, 1999. There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [5] E.T.Akhmedov, M.N.Chernodub, M.I.Polikarpov, Dyon condensation and Aharonov-Bohm effect, JETP Lett. 67, 389 (1998). [6] B.L.G.Bakker, M.N.Chernodub, F.V.Gubarev, M.I.Polikarpov, A.I.Veselov, Properties of Abelian monopoles in SU(2) lattice gluodynamics, hep-lat/9801011. [7] M.N.Chernodub, F.V.Gubarev, M.I.Polikarpov, A.I.Veselov, Monopoles in the Abelian projection of gluodynamics, Prog.Theor.Phys.Suppl. 131, 309 (1998). [8] M.N.Chernodub, M.I.Polikarpov, A.I.Veselov, M.A.Zubkov, Strings and Aharonov-Bohm effect in Abelian Higgs model, Phys.Lett. B432, 182 (1998). [9] M.N.Chernodub, F.V.Gubarev, E.M.Ilgenfritz, Topological content of the electroweak sphaleron on the lattice, Phys.Lett. B424, 106 (1998). M.Chernodub participated in the "NORDITA Symposium on Instantons and Monopoles in QCD Vacuum", (June 22-27, 1998, Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics, Copenhagen, Denmark) and presented a talk there entitled "Embedded Topological Defects in Electroweak Theory". M.Chernodub participated in the 16th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (LATTICE'98) (July 13-18, 1998, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USA) and presented a talk there entitled "Embedded Topological Defects and Sphaleron in Electroweak Theory". M.Chernodub was invited by the Max-Planck-Institute f\"ur Physics, Werner Heisenberg Institute to take part in international scientific co-operation with the group of Prof. V.I.Zakharov (Munich, Germany, September 1-29, 1998; October 20 - November 20, 1998). M.Chernodub participated in international co-operation with the groups of (i) Prof. V.I.Zakharov, Max-Planck-Institute f\"ur Physics, Werner Heisenberg Institute, M\"unich, Germany; (ii) Prof. T.Suzuki, Department of Physics, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Japan; (iii) Dr. B.L.G.Bakker, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. S.L.DUBOVSKY (Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) in his studies of dynamics and phenomenology of supersymmetric models and of mechanisms of production of ultra-high energy cosmic rays obtained the following results: 1. It was shown [1] that "top-down" mechanisms of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays which involve heavy relic particle-like objects predict Galactic anisotropy of highest energy cosmic rays at the level of minimum $\sim 20\%$. This anisotropy is large enough to be either observed or ruled out in the next generation of experiments. 2. Phenomenological consequences of the direct mixing between Standard Model fields and fields-mediators of supersymmetry breaking (messengers) were discovered. Limits on the corresponding coupling constants coming from flavor violating processes both in the lepton [2] and quark [3] sector were obtained. Radiative electroweak breaking in models with mixing was studied. It was found that in these models, unlike gauge mediated models without mixing, wide range of $\tan{\beta}$ is allowed. 3. In [4] it was constructed a toy model with the following properties: i) it is strongly coupled at a certain scale and breaks supersymmetry at this scale; ii) matter superfields of (one generation of) the Standard Model are effective low energy degrees of freedom of this strongly coupled theory; iii) direct gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking occurs due to messenger superfields that are also effective low energy degrees of freedom. 4. It was prepared a review [5] on phenomenological and theoretical aspects of models with gauge mediation. 5. In [6] it was shown that global fermionic charges induced in vacuum by slowly varying, topologically non-trivial background scalar fields are not renormalized provided that expansion in momenta of background fields is valid. This suggests that strongly coupled theories obey induced charge matching conditions which are analogous, but generally not equivalent, to 't Hooft anomaly matching conditions. A set of examples of induced charge matching was considered. In particular, the corresponding constraints in softly broken supersymmetric QCD suggest non-trivial low energy mass pattern, in full accord with the results of direct analyses. 6. Matching conditions suggested in [6] were considered in the case of supersymmetric QCD with quantum modified moduli space [7]. It was found that the Wess--Zumino term should be present in the low energy theory in order that these consistency conditions are satisfied. The lowest homotopy groups of the quantum moduli space were calculated. As a result it was shown that there are no obstructions to the existence of the Wess--Zumino term at arbitrary N. The explicit expression for this term is given. It is shown that neither vortices nor topological solitons exist in the model. The case of softly broken supersymmetry is considered as well. It was found that the possibility of global flavor symmetric vacuum is strongly disfavored. 7. It was shown [8] that the dip expected in the diffuse photon spectrum above the threshold of e+e- pair production, i.e., at energies $10^{15}$ - $10^{17}$ eV, may be absent due to the synchrotron radiation by the electron component of the extragalactic Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHE CR) in the Galactic magnetic filed. The proposed mechanism propose requires small (less than $2x10^{-12}$ G) extragalactic magnetic fields and large fraction of photons in the UHE CR. For a typical photon flux expected in top-down scenarios of UHE CR, the predicted flux in the region of the dip is close to the existing experimental limit. The sensitivity of the mechanism to the extragalactic magnetic field may be used to improve existing bounds on the latter by two orders of magnitude. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [2] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Flavor violation and $\tan{\beta}$ in gauge mediated models with messenger-matter mixing, Nucl.Phys.B 557, pp.119-145, 1999. [5] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky, Gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking, Phys.Usp. 42, pp.623-651, 1999; Usp.Fiz.Nauk 169, pp.705-736, 1999 [in Russian]. [6] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, M.V.Libanov, V.A.Rubakov, Nonrenormalization of induced charges and constraints on strongly coupled theories, Phys.Rept. 320, pp.147-158, 1999. [7] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Induced charge matching and Wess-Zumino term on quantum modified moduli space, (to appear in Phys.Rev.D). [8] S.L.Dubovsky, P.G.Tinyakov, Generation of $10^{15}$ eV - $10^{17}$ eV photons by UHE CR in the Galactic magnetic field, JETP Lett. 70, pp.495-501, 1999. There are some publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [1] S.L.Dubovsky, P.G.Tinyakov, Galactic Anisotropy as Signature of "Top-Down" Mechanisms of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays, JETP Lett. 68, pp.107-111, 1998. [3] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Messenger-matter mixing and lepton flavor violation, Phys.Lett. B419, pp.223-232, 1998. [4] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky, Towards common origin of supersymmetry breaking, compositeness, and gauge mediation, Phys.Lett. B423, pp.301-304, 1998. S.Dubovsky participated in the 10-th International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, Suzdal, May 18-24, 1998) and presented a talk entitled "Galactic anisotropy of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays produced by CDM-related mechanisms" (S.Dubovsky, P.Tinyakov). S.Dubovsky was also co-author of talks "Low $\tan{\beta}$ in the extended Minimal Gauge Mediated Model" (S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov) and "Grand unification with gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking" (S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky) presented there. S.Dubovsky was invited by the International Center of Theoretical Physics to take part in the Summer School on High-Energy Physics and Cosmology (Italy, Trieste, June 28 - July 18, 1998). S.Dubovsky participated in the 2nd International Conference on Non-Accelerator New Physics (NANP-99, Russia, Dubna, June 28 - July 3) and presented a talk entitled "Synchrotron radiation in the Galactic magnetic field as a signature of top-down mechanisms of UHE CR". S.Dubovsky participated in the School on Selected Topics of Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Statistics (October 16-23, 1999, Tbilisi, Georgia) and Workshop on Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics Dedicated to the 90th anniversary of N.N.Bogolyubov (October 23-28, 1999, Tbilisi, Georgia) and presented a talk entitled "Nonrenormalization of the induced charge and Wess-Zumino term on quantum modified moduli space". V.A.GANI (Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute (Technical University)), obtained the following main results within the research program of ICFPM during 1998-1999: 1. The space-time structure of the process of decay of a bubble of hypothetic phase - disoriented chiral condensate (DCC) is studied [1]. It is shown that the process of decay of the initial configuration depends crucially on selfinteraction of the pionic fields. In some cases this selfinteraction leads to the formation of sort of breather solution, formed from the pionic fields. This breather looks like a long-lived source of pionic fields. 2. Recurrence relations of perturbation theory for hydrogen ground state are obtained [2]. With their help polarizabilities in constant perpendicular electric and magnetic fields are computed up to 80th order. The high orders asymptotic is compared with its quasiclassical estimate. 3. The kink-antikink collision process for the "double sine-Gordon" (DSG) equation in 1+1 dimensions at different values of the potential parameter R>0 is studied [3]. For small values of R the problem of resonance frequencies is discussed. Qualitative explanation of the frequency shift in comparison with the frequency of the discrete level in the potential well of isolated kink is given. 4. The process of collision of two parallel domain walls in a supersymmetric model is studied both in effective Lagrangian approximation and by numerical solving of the exact classical field problem [4]. For small initial velocities we find that the walls interaction looks like elastic reflection with some delay. It is also shown that in such approximation internal parameter of the wall may be considered as a time-dependent dynamical variable. 5. The time evolution of configurations in the form of two parallel domain walls moving towards each other in a supersymmetric field model is studied [5]. The configurations involved are not BPS-saturated. It is found that for such collisions there exists some critical value $v_{cr}\approx0.9120$ of the initial velocity $v_i$ of the walls. At $v_iv_{cr}$ the sequence of vacuum states changes. The results of the numerical simulations are in agreement with "potential" consideration. 6. Detailed study of the time evolution for the initially formed large amplitude bubbles of disoriented chiral condensate (DCC) is performed [6]. It is found that the evolution of these objects may have a relatively long pre-decay stage. Simple explanation for delayed decay of such DCC bubbles is given. It is related to the existence of quasi-multikink solutions of the corresponding radial sine-Gordon equation in (3+1) dimensions. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, T.I.Belova, Yad.Fiz., 62, No.5, pp.956-960 (1999) [in Russian]. [2] V.A.Gani, V.M.Weinberg, Hydrogen atom in crossed external fields reexamined by moment method, preprint ITEP-29 (1998);; prepared for submission to Yad.Fiz. [in Russian]. [3] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, Phys.Rev.E, 60 No.3, pp.3305-3309, 1999. [4] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, A remark on collisions of domain walls in a supersymmetric model, preprint ITEP-15 (1999); [5] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, preprint ITEP-44 (1999);; prepared for submission to Phys.Rev.D. [6] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, prepared for publication as a preprint ITEP and for submission to Yad.Fiz. [in Russian]. In 1999 V.A.Gani was invited by Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute (Technical University) to take part in the International Conference "Scientific Session MEPhI-1999", January 18-22, 1999. The following talks were presented: 1) V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, T.I.Belova, "Decay of a bubble of disoriented chiral condensate"; 2) V.A.Gani, V.M.Weinberg, "High order susceptibilities of the hydrogen atom in external electric and magnetic fields"; 3) V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, "Kink-antikink interactions in the double sine-Gordon equation and the problem of resonance frequencies". In 2000 V.A.Gani was invited by Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute (Technical University) to take part in the International Conference "Scientific Session MEPhI-2000", January 17-21, 2000. The following talk was presented: V.M.Weinberg, V.A.Gani, V.D.Mur, V.S.Popov, "Energy eigenvalues of the hydrogen ground state in crossed external fields". V.A.Gani participates as a coinvestigator in Grants No 98-02-17316 (the head of the group is Prof. A.E.Kudryavtsev), No 98-02-17007 (the head of the group is Prof. V.S.Popov), No 96-15-96578 (the head of the group is Prof. L.B.Okun) of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. V.A.Gani is included as a coinvestigator in two international research projects, which now is under consideration by Foundations. D.S.GORBUNOV (Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) in his studies of supersymmetric models obtained the following results: 1. Phenomenological consequences of the direct mixing between Standard Model fields and fields-mediators of supersymmetry breaking (messengers) were discovered. Limits on the corresponding coupling constants coming from flavor violating processes both in the lepton [1] and quark [2] sector were obtained. Radiative electroweak breaking in models with mixing was studied. It was found that in these models, unlike gauge mediated models without mixing, wide range of $\tan{\beta}$ is allowed. 2. In [3] it was constructed a toy model with the following properties: i) it is strongly coupled at a certain scale and breaks supersymmetry at this scale; ii) matter superfields of (one generation of) the Standard Model are effective low energy degrees of freedom of this strongly coupled theory; iii) direct gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking occurs due to messenger superfields that are also effective low energy degrees of freedom. 3. It was prepared a review [4] on phenomenological and theoretical aspects of models with gauge mediation. 4. It is shown in Ref. [5] that global fermionic charges induced in vacuum by slowly varying, topologically non-trivial background scalar fields are not renormalized provided that expansion in momenta of background fields is valid. This suggests that strongly coupled theories obey induced charge matching conditions which are analogous, but generally not equivalent, to 't Hooft anomaly matching conditions. A few examples of induced charge matching was presented. In particular, the corresponding constraints in softly broken supersymmetric QCD suggest non-trivial low energy mass pattern, in full accord with the results of direct analyses. 5. In Ref. [6] matching of induced charges in supersymmetric SU(N) gauge theories with quantum modified moduli space was studied. It was found that the Wess-Zumino term should be present in the low energy theory in order that these consistency conditions are satisfied. The lowest homotopy groups of the quantum moduli space was calculated, and it was shown that there are no obstructions to the existence of the Wess-Zumino term at arbitrary N. The explicit expression for this term is given. It is shown that neither vortices nor topological solitons exist in the model. The case of softly broken supersymmetry is considered as well. It was found that the possibility of global baryon number violating vacuum is strongly disfavored. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Flavor violation and $\tan{\beta}$ in gauge mediated models with messenger-matter mixing, Nucl.Phys.B 557, pp.119-145, 1999. [4] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky, Gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking, Phys.Usp. 42, pp.623-651, 1999; Usp.Fiz.Nauk 169, pp.705-736, 1999 [in Russian]. [5] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, M.V.Libanov, V.A.Rubakov, Nonrenormalization of induced charges and constraints on strongly coupled theories, Phys.Rept. 320, pp.147-158, 1999. [6] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Induced charge matching and Wess-Zumino term on quantum modified moduli space (to appear in Phys.Rev.D). There are some publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [2] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Messenger-matter mixing and lepton flavor violation, Phys.Lett. B419, pp.223-232, 1998. [2] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky, Towards common origin of supersymmetry breaking, compositeness, and gauge mediation, Phys.Lett. B423, pp.301-304, 1998. D.Gorbunov participated in the 10-th International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, Suzdal, May 18-24, 1998) and presented a talk entitled "Flavor violation and $\tan{\beta}$ in gauge mediated models with messenger-matter mixing". D.Gorbunov was also a coauthor of the talk "Grand unification with gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking" (S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky) presented there. D.Gorbunov participated in the International Workshop "Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics" (October 23-28, 1999, Tbilisi, Georgia) organized by Georgian Academy of Sciences and Tbilisi State University joint with UNESCO Venice Office. The workshop was dedicated to the 90th anniversary of N.N.Bogolyubov (1909-1992). D.Gorbunov was a coauthor of the talk "Non-renormalization of induced charges and Wess-Zumino term on quantum modified moduli space" (S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov) presented there. D.Gorbunov participated in the International Conference on Non-Accelerator New Physics NANP-99 (Dubna, June 28 - July 3, 1999) and presented a talk entitled "Strong coupling unification in supersymmetric models" (D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky). D.Gorbunov was invited by the International Center of Theoretical Physics to take part in the Summer School on High-Energy Physics and Cosmology (Italy, Trieste, June 28 - July 18, 1998). D.Gorbunov participated in the X-th International School "Particles and Cosmology" (Baksan Valley, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia, April 19-25, 1999). D.Gorbunov participated in the International School "Selected Topics of Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Statistics" (October 16-23, 1999, Tbilisi, Georgia) organized by Georgian Academy of Sciences and Tbilisi State University joint with UNESCO Venice Office. The topic of research of the grant-aided aspirant I.V.GORBUNOV (Tomsk State University) included the construction and the study of spinning particle models in 3+1 and in lower space-time dimensions. In his study I.V.Gorbunov obtained the following results: 1. The model of D=2+1, N=1,2 massive superparticle with arbitrary fixed (half)integer or fractional superspin has been developed [1,3]. The classical mechanical model of the superparticle has been constructed, which contains, besides the inherent Poincare supersymmetry, one more SUSY related to the superspin degrees of freedom. The quantization of the model presents a nontrivial example of combination of the canonical Dirac and Berezin quantization methods. The quantization is based on assumption, that the "double" supersymmetry, both Poincare and internal ones, survives at the quantum level. It is shown, that some physical observables (supercharges) should be renormalized by transition from classical mechanics to the first quantized particle model [1,3]. The quantum states of N=2, D=3 spinning superparticle are realized on the fields carrying finite dimensional [1,3], or a unitary infinite dimensional [3] typical representations of the supergroup OSp(2/2). 2. The model of nonrelativistic (D=3+1) particle with arbitrary fixed spin has been developed [2]. The relation to the respective relativistic models is established. It has been founded that the particle interactions to external fields are consistent independently from detailed structure of the particle gauge symmetries. This phenomenon differentiates the nonrelativistic spinning particle from the relativistic one. In the massless limit the model describes "the light beam". The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] I.V.Gorbunov, S.L.Lyakhovich, Hidden supersymmetries and Berezin quantization of N=2, D=2 spinning superparticle, Journal of Mathematical Physics, V.40, No.5, pp.2230-2253, 1999; Preprints of ICTP (Trieste, Italy) IC/98/138, e-print hep-th/9809104. [2] I.V.Gorbunov, V.A.Dolgushev, S.L.Lyakhovich, Galilean spinning particle [in Russian], Russian Physics Journal, V.42, No.2, pp.34-46, 1999. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [3] I.V.Gorbunov, S.L.Lyakhovich, Geometric quantization of N=2, D=3 superanyon, Phys.Lett.B V.423, pp.293-300, 1998. I.V.Gorbunov participated in the International Summer School in Theoretical Physics "Volga-10" (Kazan, Russia, June 22- Jule 2, 1998) and presented a session talk there entitled "Hidden supersymmetry and Berezin quantization of N=2, D=3 spinning superparticle". In April 1999, I.V.Gorbunov has got Ph.D. degree from Tomsk State University. Thesis advisor: Prof. S.L.Lyakhovich. Title: "Lobachevsky supergeometry of D=3 massive spinning superparticle". A.Yu.NERONOV (Moscow State University) obtained the following results in his studies of quantum black hole models: 1. A theory of classical and quantum collapse of thin spherically-symmetric selfgravitating shells was developed [1]. Complete integrability of hamiltonian equations which describe motion of a selfgravitating shell has been proved. A principally important result that was obtained is the form of mass spectrum of quantum black holes which are formed in the process of gravitational collapse of thin shells of matter [2]. Some unusual quantum number which parametrize the mass spectrum was found. It has geometric origin and does not disappear even for the case of unbound motion of the collapsing shell. 2. A mechanism of formation of universal spectrum of radiation of quantum black holes was proposed [3]. It was shown, that radiation which propagates in the form of s-wave in the field of black hole has discrete spectrum, if one takes fully into account back reaction of radiation on gravitational field of black hole. Some kind of quantum analog of classical "no hair conjecture" of black hole physics was proposed [4]: although the mass spectrum of quantum black holes could have arbitrary complicated structure, spectrum of radiation coming from quantum black hole corresponds to the level spacings in some universal spectrum $m\sim\sqrt{n}$ The main results have been presented in the papers: 1. V.A.Berezin, A.M.Boyarsky, A.Yu.Neronov, Phys.Rev.D57, p.1118, 1998. 2. A.Yu.Neronov, Phys.Rev.D 59, 1998. 3. V.A.Berezin, A.M.Boyarsky, A.Yu.Neronov, gr-qc/9808027 (1998). 4. A.Yu.Neronov, Ph.D. Thesises, INR, Moscow, 1998. A.Neronov participated in Spinoza Meeting on Quantum black holes (Holland, Utrecht, June 29 -- July 4, 1998). In 1998 A.Neronov has got Ph.D. degree from Institute for Nuclear Research. Thesis advisor: Prof. V.A.Berezin. Title: "Quantization of spherically-symmetric gravity. Models of Quantum Black Holes". A.I.ONISCHENKO (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow) in his studies of physics of doubly heavy systems, anomalous WWV couplings and some exotic beyond SM obtained the following results: 1. Spectra of masses for the families of doubly heavy baryons are calculated in the framework of nonrelativistic quark model with the QCD-induced potential by Buchm\" uller-Tye in accordance with both the quark-diquark structure for the wave functions and taking into account the splittings depending on the spins. The region for the application of such approximations is determined [1,17,19]. 2. Below the threshold of decay of these objects into the heavy baryon and heavy meson the system of bound excited states was found, being quasi-stable with respect to hadronic transitions to the basic level [1,17,19]. 3. We have in details considered the physical reasons for the quasi-stability, taking place for the baryons with two identical quarks. In accordance to the Pauli principle, the operators, responsible for the hadronic decays and the mixing between the levels, are suppressed by the inverse heavy quark mass and the small size of diquark. This suppression is caused by the necessity to instantaneously change both the spin and the orbital momentum of compact diquark. In the baryonic systems with two heavy quark and the strange quark, the quasi-stability for the low-lying excitations of diquark is provided by the exclusion of transitions with the emission of both a single kaon because of small splitting between the levels and a single pion because of conservation for the iso-spin and strangeness [1,17,19]. 4. We obtained analytical results on the two-loop anomalous dimensions of currents for baryons, containing two heavy quarks $J = [Q^{iT}C\Gamma\tau Q^j]\Gamma^{'}q^k\varepsilon_{ijk}$ with arbitrary Dirac matrices $\Gamma$ and $\Gamma^{'}$ in the framework of NRQCD in the leading order over both the relative velocity of heavy quarks and the inverse heavy quark mass. It is shown, that in this approximation the anomalous dimensions do not depend on the Dirac structure of the current under consideration [16,18]. 5. The equivalence of results, obtained in calculation of anomalous dimensions of operators in $\overline{\rm MS}$-renormalization scheme with the use of lagrangians of HQET and NRQCD is shown [16,18]. 6. In the leading order of perturbative QCD one calculates the total and differential cross-sections for the hadronic production of doubly charmed baryons $\Xi_{cc}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^*$ in different experiments. The experimental evaluation of cross-sections for the $J/\Psi +D + \bar D$ production would allow one to decrease the uncertainty in the determination of cross-sections for the doubly charmed baryons due to the choice of $\alpha_s$ and $m_c$. One shows that in the HERA-B and E781 experiments with fixed tagets the suppression of the $\Xi_{cc}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^*$ production to the yield of $c \bar c$-pairs is the value of the order of $10^{-6}-10^{-5}$, whereas at the TEVATRON and LHC colliders it is about $10^{-4}-10^{-3}$. In the E781 experiment the observation of $\Xi_{cc}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^*$ is practically impossible. At the HERA-B and TEVATRON facilities one can expect $10^5$ events with the double charm, and at LHC one has about $10^9$ ones [12]. 7. For the first time the contribution of quark-antiquark annihilation in hardronic production of doubly charmed baryons was taken into account. This contribution becomes essential at fixed target energies. The notion of fragmentation function of heavy diquark into doubly heavy baryon is introduced [12]. 8. Analitical approximations of numerical calculations for total subprocess cross-sections of gluon-gluon and quark-antiquark production of doubly charmed baryons were obtained [12]. 9. We have performed a detailed investigation on the lifetimes of doubly heavy baryons on the basis of the operator product expansion for the transition currents. For the first time, we have presented the formulae with the simultaneous account for both the mass effects and low-energy logarithmic renormalization for the contributions to the total decay width of baryons, containing heavy quarks, as it is caused by the effects of Pauli interference and weak scattering. The usage of the diquark picture has allowed us to evaluate the matrix elements of operators derived [2,7,9,14,15,19,20,21]. 10. As an application of the formalism developed, for the first time the lifetimes of all doubly heavy baryons were obtained. The obtained results show the significant role of both the Pauli interference and the weak scattering [2,7,9,14,15,19,20,21]. 11. The sum rules for doubly heavy baryons in NRQCD approximation are constructed. The problem with stability of such sum rules, faced in earlier works, is solved [4]. 12. A detail investigation of three-point sum rules for semileptonic decays of $B_c$-meson in QCD and NRQCD is performed. The Coulomb corrections, as well as, corrections due to gluon condensate are included and their role is discussed. The generalized spin symmetry relations for formfactors are derived [3,8]. 13. The prospects for $B_c$-meson production at existing and future colliders are investigated [10,13]. 14. The possibility to have additional constraints on anomalous WWV couplings at HERA vs LEP is investigated [5]. 15. The possibility to observe TeV-scale leptoquarks, appearing in different models is reviewed [6]. Part of the results was published in the following papers, containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Spectroscopy of doubly charmed baryons: $\Xi_{cc}^{++}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^{+}$, DESY-98080, hep-ph/9807375, Mod.Phys.Lett. A14, p.135, 1999. [2] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of $\Xi_{bc}^{+}$ and $\Xi_{bc}^{0}$ baryons, hep-ph/9901224, submitted to Eur.Phys.J. [3] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Semileptonic decays of $B_c$-meson in sum rules of QCD and NRQCD, hep-ph/9905359, accepted to Nucl.Phys.B. [4] V.V.Kiselev, A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly heavy baryons in sum rules of NRQCD, hep-ph/9909339, accepted to Nucl.Phys.B. [5] A.A.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Can HERA data improve LEP constraints on WWV vertex?, DESY-99-051, accepted to Eur.Phys.J. [6] S.S.Gershtein, A.A.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, TeV-scale leptoquarks from GUT/String/M-theory unification, Phys.Rep. 320, 203, 1999. [7] A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly heavy systems: decays and OPE, hep-ph/9912424. [8] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Semileptonic decays of $B_c$-meson, accepted to Yad.Phys. [in Russian]. [9] A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of doubly heavy baryons, hep-ph/9912425. There are also papers, which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM: [10] A.V.Berezhnoy, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, $B_c$-meson at LHC, Phys.Atom.Nucl. 60, p.1729, 1997; hep-ph/9703341. [11] A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Gluon splitting into pair of heavy quarks in $e^+e^-$-annihilation, Phys.Atom.Nucl. 60, p.623, 1997. [12] A.V.Berezhnoy, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly charmed baryon production in hadronic experiments, Phys.Rev. D57, p.4385, 1998. [13] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.V.Tkabladze, A.V.Berezhnoi, A.I.Onishchenko, Theoretical status of $B_c$-meson, IHEP 98-22, hep-ph/9803433. [14] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of doubly charmed baryons: $\Xi_{cc}^{++}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^{+}$, DESY-98079; hep-ph/9807354; Phys.Rev. D60, p.14007, 1999. [15] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Total inclusive decay rates of doubly charmed baryons, Yad.Phys. No.6., 1999 [in Russian]. [16] V.V.Kiselev, A.I.Onishchenko, Two-loop anomalous dimensions for currents of bary\-ons with two heavy quarks in NRQCD, IHEP 98-64; hep-ph/9810283; submitted to\\ Phys.Lett.B. [17] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Spectroscopy of doubly heavy baryons, IHEP 98-66; hep-ph/9811212; Heavy Ion.Phys. V.9, p.133, 1999. The following talks were given: [18] V.V.Kiselev, A.I.Onishchenko, Anomal dimensions of currents of baryons with two heavy quarks, MIPT Scientific conference, Dolgoprudny, November 1998. [19] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly heavy baryons: spectroscopy and decays, Scientific conference of Subdivision of Nuclear Physics of RAS, Moscow, November 1998. [20] A.I.Onishchenko, Physics of decays of doubly heavy baryons: $\Xi_{bb}^{0}$, $\Xi_{bb}^{-}$, $\Xi_{bc}^{+}$, $\Xi_{bc}^{0}$, $\Xi_{cc}^{+}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^{++}$, Conference of young scientists, postgraduate and graduate stutents ITEP, Moscow, December 1998. [21] A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of doubly heavy baryons, Conference of young scientists, postgraduate and graduate stutents ITEP, Moscow, December 1999. [22] A.I.Onishchenko, $c$-quark mass from $J/Psi$, $\Upsilon$ and $B_c$-mesons, Conference of young scientists, postgraduate and graduate stutents ITEP, Moscow, December 1999. The work of D.M.OSTROVSKY (Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) in 1998 has consisted of three main parts: The first one concerns some aspects of the description of multiparticle production processes. In [1] the nonperturbative preasymptotic contribution to the factorial moments of the intrajet particle distribution have been computed in the framework of previously developed formalism in which new nonperturbative term had been added to standart QCD evolution equation. The presence of the additional nonperturbative contribution is supported by the existing experimental data. Another kind of studies concerns minijet production in the ultrarelativistic hadron and nuclear collisions. Particularly, in [2] transverse energy flow generated by minijets in hadron and nuclear collisions into a given rapidity window in the central region was calculated in the next-to-leading (NLO) order of QCD at RHIC and LHC energies. These results were then used to calculate transverse energy spectrum in nuclear collisions in a Glauber geometrical model. It was shown that in pp collisions differential cross section calculated with NLO accuracy is about 2 times higher than the cross section calculated with only LO accuracy. NLO modification leads to a substantial broadening of the $E_{\perp}$ distribution for the nuclear collisions, while its form remains practically unchanged. In [3] the azimuthal asymmetry of minijet system produced in nucleon-nucleon and nuclear collisions in a central rapidity window was calculated. In pp collisions the asymmetry appears due to contributions from the collisions in which only one minijet hits the acceptance window. The angular pattern of transverse energy flow in nuclear collisions and its dependence on the kinematical parameters of collisions was studied. Development and application of high energy factorization scheme for hadron collisions is a third part of the scientific activity in 1998-1999. Angular asymmetry and momentum disbalance in a pair of particles produced at high energy in the central rapidity region were studied in [4]. It was shown that the asymmetry is substantial for low outgoing particles momenta but diminishes when they rise. In [5] NLO correction to the one-jet inclusive cross section in the framework of high energy factorization was calculated. The results were numerically compared with predictions of conventional collinear factorization approach. It was shown that NLO in high energy factorization scheme reduces one-jet inclusive cross section, but quantitatively result is highly sensitive to the choice of structure function. D.Ostrovsky participated in XXVII ITEPH Winter school (16-24 February, 1999) and presented a talk "Angular and momentum asymmetry in particle production at high energies" in a student's session. The publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM, because it was submitted before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [1] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Phys.Atom.Nucl. 62, pp.701-707, 1999; Yad.Fiz. 62, pp.750-757, 1999 [in Russian]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [2] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Eur.Phys.J C11, pp.495-499, 1999. [3] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Angular pattern of minijet transverse energy flow in hadron and nuclear collisions, hep-ph/9812416, submitted to Eur.Phys.J. C. [4] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Angular and momentum asymmetry in particle production at high energies, hep-ph/9905496, submitted to Phys.Rev.D. [5] D.Ostrovsky, NLO correction to one-jet inclusive production at high energies, hep-ph/9912258, submitted to Phys.Rev.D. S.A.PASTON (Saint-Petersburg State University) in his studies of quantum field theory in light front coordinates obtained the following results: 1. The effective Hamiltonian in light front coordinates is obtained which at some dependence of coefficients, included in it, from a parameter of UV-regularization, in a limit of it removal reproduces within the framework of perturbation theory the results of lorentz-covariant formulating of quantum chromodynamics [1]. It was possible to make with the help of introduction of an additional nonstandart IR-regularization based on a principle, which is used at the Pauli-Villars regularization. Only after this introduction it has appeared possible to apply the method, published earlier, of a comparison of light-like and lorentz-covariant theories. The offered regularization breaks a gauge invariance, but in a limit of removal of a regularization the gauge invariance is restored. The obtained Hamiltonian in future is supposed to be used in nonperturbative calculations. 2. The scalar theory with non-polynomial interaction resulted from bosonization of two-dimensional quantum electrodynamics (QED) is considered [2]. This theory is described by modified Lagrangian of Sin-Gordon model with the critical value of the parameter of this model. Non-polynomiality of interaction in this model, leading to arising of vertexes with arbitrarily large number of lines in perturbation theory, makes nontrivial the construction of light-front Hamiltonian. For its construction the Pauli-Villars regularization must be introduced because at the critical value of the parameter the ultraviolet behaviour of the theory become worse. Obtained light-front Hamiltonian generates the perturbation theory which is equivalent to the covariant perturbation theory in fermion mass, which plays the role of interaction constant after the bosonization and therefore the Hamiltonian spectrum coincides with the spectrum of QED. One can investigate this spectrum beyond the framework of perturbation theory. 3. S.A.Paston participated in development of such formulation of a gauge field theory on a lattice, with which the action is polynomial on independent field variables [3]. The canonical formalism in light front coordinates for such theory is considered. These results and also the results obtained earlier, were published in a review in the proceedings of the conference in honour of V.A.Fock [4]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, V.A.Franke, Constructing the Light-Front QCD Hamiltonian, Theor.Math.Phys., V.120, No.3. pp.1164-1181, 1999; Teoreticheskaya i Matematicheskaya Fizika, V.120. No.3, pp.417-437, 1999 [in Russian]. [2] S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, V.A.Franke, $QED_2$ Light-Front Hamiltonian reproducing all orders of covariant chiral perturbation theory. Preprint SPbU-IP-99-13; hep-th/9910114. The publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM, because either they were published before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant, or they contain results obtained until this moment: [3] V.A.Franke, S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, Lattice Gauge Theories with polynomial Action and their canonical Formulation on the Light Front, Preprint SPbU-IP-98-5, hep-th/9803035. [4] V.A.Franke, Yu.V.Novozhilov, S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, Quantum Field Theory in Light-Front coordinates, in book: "Quantum Theory in honour of Vladimir A.Fock", Part 1, Unesco, St. Petersburg University, Euro-Asian Physical Society, 1998, pp.38-97; hep-th/9901029. S.Paston participated in the "IX International Workshop Small-x Physics and Light Front Dynamics in QCD", Russia, St. Petersburg, July 6-15 1998, theme of the report: "Lattice Gauge Theories with polynomial Action at the Light Front"; in the international conference "VIII St. Petersburg International School of Physics. Quantum Theory in honour of Vladimir A. Fock", Russia, St. Petersburg, May 25 - June 4 1998, theme of the report: "Lattice Gauge Theories with polynomial Action and their canonical Formulation on the Light Front"; and in the seminar "Final seminar in physics and astronomy of winners in 1998 of grant competition for young scientists of St.-Petersburg", February 16, 1999, St.-Petersburg, Russia, theme of the report: "The Construction of QCD Hamiltonian in Light-Front Coordinates"; In December, 1999 S.Paston has got Ph.D. degree from St.-Petersburg State University. Thesis advisor: Prof. V.A.Franke. Title: "The Construction of Quantum Field Theory Hamiltonian in Light-Front Coordinates". O.A.RYTCHKOV (Steklov Mathematical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences,\\ Moscow) in his studies of classical solutions in superstring theory and their applications has obtained the following results: 1. Wide classes of new intersecting p-brane solutions in various space-time dimensions were constructed making use of an algebraic method [1]. p-brane configurations were specified by incidence matrices and it was shown that the solutions of the algebraic characteristic equations for the incidence matrices controlled the intersections of p-branes. 2. New types of p-brane solutions to various supergravities were obtained with use of the sigma-model approach [9]. A new way to endow branes with an additional internal structure such as plane waves was suggested. Applying the harmonic maps technique new solutions with a non-trivial shell structure in the transverse space were generated. Also intersecting branes were considered and it was shown that the intersection rules have a simple geometric interpretation as conditions ensuring the symmetric space property of the sigma-model target space. 3. Non-extremal overlapping p-brane supergravity solutions localized in their relative transverse coordinates were constructed [5,10]. The construction used an algebraic method of solving the bosonic equations of motion. 4. Some aspects of duality between supergravities on Anti-de Sitter (AdS) spaces (appearing as near D-brane horizon geometry) and conformal field theories were investigated in [2,6]. The massive Rarita-Schwinger field in AdS background was considered and the corresponding equations of motion were solved. It was shown that appropriate boundary terms calculated on-shell give two-point correlation function for spin-3/2 fields of the conformal field theory. The relation between Rarita-Schwinger field masses and conformal dimensions of corresponding operators was established. 5. Bulk-to-bulk propagators for the massive vector and symmetric rank-2 tensor fields in the Euclidean continuation of the Anti-de Sitter space were constructed [3]. The explicit forms of these propagators in the limit when one or both points approach the boundary of AdS were derived. It was shown that the obtained expressions coincide with bulk-to-boundary propagators or two-point correlation functions of the boundary CFT as expected from the AdS/CFT correspondence. This identification provides one more evidence for treating CFT operators on the boundary as appropriate limits of quantum fields in the bulk. Also the above limiting procedure clarifies the artificial appearance of boundary terms in the AdS/CFT correspondence. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] I.Ya.Aref'eva, O.A.Rytchkov, Incidence Matrix Description of Intersecting p-brane Solutions, to be published in L.D.Faddeev's Seminar on Mathematical Physics, Advances in Mathematics, Amer.Math.Soc., Providence, R.I. [2] A.S.Koshelev, O.A.Rytchkov, Note on the Massive Rarita-Schwinger field in the AdS/CFT correspondence, Phys.Lett.B 450, p.368, 1999. [3] A.Polishchuk, O.Rytchkov, Propagator for Massive Spin-2 Field in Anti-de Sitter Space, preprint SMI-25-99. Also the obtained results were published in the proceedings of the following conferences: [4] O.A.Rytchkov, Chaotic Behaviour of Dynamical Systems in M-theory, Proceedings of the Second Open Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (Russia, Dubna, March 2-6, 1998) [in Russian]. [5] O.A.Rytchkov, Localised p-branes in Supergravities and M-theory, Proceedings of the International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, May 18-24, 1998). [6] O.A.Rytchkov, Massive Rarita-Schwinger Field in the AdS/CFT correspondence, Proceedings of the XIV International Workshop on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory (Russia, May 27 - June 2, 1999). There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [7] I.Ya.Aref'eva, P.B.Medvedev, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Chaos in D0-brane Dynamics, Banach Center Publications, V.43, p.41, 1998. [8] I.Ya.Aref'eva, P.B.Medvedev, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Chaos in M(atrix) Theory, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, V.10, p.1, 1998. [9] D.V.Gal'tsov, O.A.Rytchkov, Generating branes via sigma models, Phys.Rev. D58, p.122001, 1998. [10] I.Ya.Aref'eva, M.G.Ivanov, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Non-extremal localized\\ branes and vacuum solutions in M-theory, Class.Quant.Grav. V.15, p.2923, 1998. O.A.Rytchkov participated in Spring School on Non-perturbative Aspects of String Theory and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories (Italy, March 23-31, 1998) and in the Trieste Conference on Superfivebranes and Physics in 5+1 dimensions (Italy, April 1-3, 1998) where a poster entitled "New Non-extremal p-branes in Superstring Theories and M-theory" was presented. O.A.Rytchkov participated in International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, May 18-24, 1998) and presented a talk there entitled "Localized p-branes in Supergravities and M-theory". O.A.Rytchkov participated in XI International Conference "Problems of Quantum Field Theory" (Russia, July 13-17, 1998) and presented a talk entitled "Localized p-branes in various supergravities" O.A Rytchkov participated in XIV International Workshop on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory (Russia, May 27 - June 2, 1999) and presented a talk there entitled "Massive Rarita-Schwinger Field in the AdS/CFT correspondence" V.I.SHEVCHENKO (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow) has obtained the following results: 1. Generalized coordinate gauge in nonabelian gauge theories was analysed, limits of applicability were established and applied to the nonabelian Stokes theorem and dual QCD Lagrangian evaluation. 2. The structure of perturbative contributions to the string tension in gluodynamics was investigated and cancellation of them in the vacuum field correlators framework was shown. 3. The modifications of the Higgs mechanism in abelian Higgs model due to interaction with topological defects were considered. 4. Deeper understanding of the Higgs mechanism in the quantum background was reached, especially in the aspects, important for the abelian projected confinement theories. 5. The colour superconductivity phenomenon was investigated in the framework of Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. The effective potential was calculated and the importance of the nonperturbative gluon condensate from the nonabelian Meissner effect point of view was shown. 6. The exact renormalisation group flows were studied in the current representation of the abelian projected gluodynamics. 7. The Casimir scaling behaviour of the static potential between charges in higher representations of the gauge group SU(3) was investigated, being based on recent lattice data. The value of scaling violating terms is estimated. It is shown, that Casimir scaling puts severe bounds on the presence of classical solutions in the vacuum. [1] V.Shevchenko, Yu.Simonov, Generalized coordinate gauge, nonabelian Stokes theorem and dual QCD Lagrangian, Phys.Lett.B 437, p.146, 1998. [2] V.Shevchenko, Yu.Simonov, Perturbative contributions to field correlators, Phys.Lett.B 437, p.131, 1998. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [3] V.Shevchenko, Higgs mechanism in nontrivial background, hep-th/9810222 (being prepared for publication). [4] N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov, V.I.Shevchenko, Nonperturbative QCD vacuum and Colour Superconductivity, Phys.Rep. V.320, p.131, 1999. [5] V.I.Shevchenko, Yu.A.Simonov, Casimir Scaling as a Test of QCD vacuum, hep-ph/0001299, being prepared for publication. Published talks on conferences: (1) "Generalized Fock-Schwinger Gauge and its applications" V.I. Shevchenko, (based on the work with Yu.A.Simonov), Int.School dedicated to the 100th anniversary of V.A.Fock, St.Peterburg, 1998. (2) "Does confinement imply stochasticity?", V.I.Shevchenko, Chaos and complexity, Ponte di Legno, Italy, 1998. (3) "Gluon degrees of freedom at nonzero baryonic density", V.Shevchenko, (partly based on the work with N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov), XXVIII Autumn School, Lisbon, Portugal,1999. (4) "Coordinate gauges and confinement", V. I. Shevchenko, Confinement III (poster session, unpublished), Newport News, USA, 1998. (5) "Nonperturbative QCD vacuum and Colour Superconductivity", V.Shevchenko, (based on the work with N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov), Buckow, Germany, 1999 (no proceedings). V.Shevchenko visited Department of Theoretical Physics of Pisa University, Italy (October 1 - 30, 1998) by invitation of Professor A.DiGiacomo. In January, 2000 V.Shevchenko has got Ph.D. degree from ITEP. Thesis advisor: Prof.Yu.A.Simonov. Title: "Nonperturbative effects in gauge field theory". N.V.SHEVCHENKO (Irkutsk State University and Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow region) in her studies of few-body systems obtained the following results: 1. Elastic $\eta d$ scattering was considered within the Alt-Grassberger-Sandhas formalism for various $\eta N$ input data. A three-body resonant state was found close to the $\eta d$ threshold [1]. This resonance is sustained for different choices of the two-body $\eta N$ scattering length $a_{\eta N}$. The position of the resonance moves towards the $\eta d$ threshold when ${\rm Re\,}a_{\eta N}$ is increased, and turns into a quasi-bound state at ${\rm Re\,}a_{\eta N}\sim0.7\div0.8$\,fm depending on the choice of ${\rm Im\,}a_{\eta N}$. 2. The nuclear reaction $e+{^3{\rm He}}+{^4{\rm He}}\rightarrow{}e +{^7{\rm Be}}$ was considered at thermonuclear energies [2]. The motion of the electron was treated within the adiabatic approximation and the ${^3{\rm He}}-{^4{\rm He}}$ scattering state was calculated using an effective ${^3{\rm He}}-{^4{\rm He}}$ potential constructed via the Marchenko inverse scattering method. The reaction rate thus obtained for solar interior conditions is approximately $10^{-4}$ of the corresponding rate for the radiative capture ${^3{\rm He}}+{^4{\rm He}}\rightarrow{}{^7{\rm Be}}+\gamma$. The main results have been presented in the paper containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] N.V.Shevchenko, V.B.Belyaev, S.A.Rakityansky, S.A.Sofianos, W.Sandhas, Low-energy $\eta d$ resonance, e-print LANL, nucl-th/9908035; submitted to Phys.Rev.Lett. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [2] N.V.Shevchenko, S.A.Rakityansky, S.A.Sofianos, V.B.Belyaev, Non-radiative synthesis of $^7{\rm Be}$ in solar plasma, J.Physics G25, pp.95-106, 1999. N.Shevchenko will participate in the IV Open Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (Dubna, Russia, January 31 - February 4, 2000) and will present a session talk there entitled "Near-threshold resonance in the $\eta d$ system". N.Shevchenko is invited by the Organizing Committee of the 16th International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics (Taipei, Taiwan, March 6-10, 2000) to take part in the conference and present the contribution entitled "Low energy scattering and photoproduction of $\eta$-mesons by deuterons" in a poster session. N.Shevchenko participates in international co-operation with the group of Prof. W.Sand\-has, Physikalisches Institut, Universitat Bonn, Germany and with the group of Prof. S.A.Sofi\-anos, Physics Department, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa. N.Shevchenko is a postgraduate student of the third year and she is planing to get the Ph.D. degree at the 2000th year. V.V.SHKLYAR ( Far Eastern State University, Vladivostok) in his studies of photon and vector meson production obtained the following results: 1. The different sources of the real photon and $\phi$-meson production in nucleon-nucleon collisions at intermediate energies have been studied and the effective model of the reactions has been suggested in [1-4]. The role and influence of each channel for the $NN\to NN\gamma$ reaction (bremsstrahlung, $\Delta$-excitation, radiative $\omega/\rho$-decay) has been shown and discussed in [1]. 2. Also, the available experimental data for the real photon production at 0.28 and 0.75 GeV beam energy were described well and the predictions for forthcoming data at COSY-TOF are obtained [1]. 3. Apart from the photon production reaction, the $NN\to NN\phi$ reaction near the threshold has been explored. It was shown, that the influence of the shake-off mechanism was negligible and the $\pi\rho\phi$ interaction coming from the non-ideal $\phi-\omega$ mixing angle gave the main contribution to the $\phi$-meson yield [3]. The predictions for the reaction amplitude behaviour and polarization observables near the reaction threshold was obtained. It has been also shown that the earlier exact threshold predictions for these reactions (e.c. M.Recalo et al) were not relevant at energies slightly above the threshold [2]. The value of the beam-target asymmetry $C^{BT}=-0.8$ was predicted and the ratio of the spin-singlet states to the spin-triplet ones was derived at the reaction threshold [3]. 4. The spin density matrix and the anisotropy of the $\phi$ decay were calculated. It was also shown that for the $\phi\to e^+e^-$-decay the small $\bar ss$ admixture could lead to the modification of the $\phi$ decay anisotropy that might be used in the experimental searching of the hidden strangeness in nucleon [4]. There are the publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [1] V.V.Shklyar, B.K\"ampfer, B.L.Reznik, A.I.Titov, Bremsstrahlung in intermediate-energy nucleon reaction within an effective one-boson exchange model, Nucl.Phys.A628, pp.255-274, 1998. [2] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, The reaction $NN \to NN \phi$ near threshold, preprint (nucl-th/9712025); preprint (nucl-th/9811094). The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [3] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, Polarization observables in the reaction $NN \to NN \phi$, to be published in Phys.Rev. C59, 1999. [4] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, Polarization observables in the reaction $NN\to NN\phi$ near threshold, XIV International Seminar On High Energy Physics Problems, Conf. Proceedings, preprint E1,2-98-232. V.Shklyar participated in the International Summer Student School on High Energy Physics in Memory of Bruno Pontekorvo ( JINR, Dubna, August 18 - September 1, 1998.) V.Shklyar also participated in the XIVth International Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems (JINR, Dubna, August 17-22, 1998) as a co-author. Talk on International Seminar DEUTERON-99, JINR, Dubna-99, Russia, 4-7 July. In October, 1999 V.Shklyar has got Ph.D. degree from the Far Eastern State University. Thesis advisor: Prof. A.I.Titov (JINR). Title: "Photon and $\phi$-meson production at intermediate energies" D.V.ALEXANDROV (Urals State University, Ekaterinburg) in his studies of solidification processes obtained the following results: 1. A theory of incipience of a two-phase zone is numerically and theoretically studied [1]. On the basis of a linear law for the velocity of solidification which was obtained numerically, governing equations for the velocity and for the time of incipience of the two-phase zone (the latter arises ahead of a planar front of solidification due to the concentrational supercooling) were deduced. 2. In [2] the fractal dimension of the two-phase zone is determined for the self-similar regime of solidification in the presence of the mushy region. 3. The general problem of incipience of the two-phase zone is solved on the basis of the classical Stefan thermodiffusion model (without suggestions about the velocity distribution). The time of incipience of the two-phase zone and the velocity of solidification are determined in the form of integral equations [3]. 4. A theory of solidification with a qusiequilibrium two-phase zone is detailed on the basis of analytical solution of Borisov's model [4]. The steps of thermodynamic values in the two-phase zone (at both boundaries) are found on the basis of which the zone is changed by the discontinuity surface between solid and liquid phases. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] D.V.Alexandrov, A.G.Churbanov, P.N.Vabishchevich, Emergence of a Mushy Region in Processes of Binary Melt Solidification, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research, V.26, No.2, pp.248-264, 1999. [2] D.V.Alexandrov, A.O.Ivanov, M.E.Komarovski, An Influence of a Fractal-Like Mushy Region on Solidification Process, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research, V.26, No.2, pp.224-231, 1999. [3] D.V.Alexandrov, Incipience of a Mushy Zone in Binary Melt Solidification Processes: General Theory, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research (to be published). [4] D.V.Alexandrov, To the Theory of Solidification with a Quasiequilibrium Two-Phase Zone, Doklady AN (submitted) [in Russian]. The following papers will be presented for publication soon with acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: 1. D.V.Alexandrov, Incipience of a Mushy Zone in Binary Melt Solidification Processes: Stefan Thermodiffusion Problem (Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research). 2. D.V.Alexandrov, Quasiequilibrium Mushy Region: Dynamic Instability (Acta Materialia). In March, 1998 D.Alexandrov has got Ph.D. degree from The Urals State Technical University. Thesis advisors: Prof. V.V.Mansurov, Dr. A.O.Ivanov. Title: "An Influence of a quasiequilibrium Mushy Region on Solidification of Binary Melts". A.A.ALIVERDIEV (Institute of Physics, Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala) in his studies of the use of a registered signal velocity for the time-resolved tomography, in particular for the laser tomography of condensed matter obtained the following results: 1. A summarizing of the reconstructive theory of a signal speed using has been developed [1-10]. 2. Analytical expressions for nD photoacoustic tomography and the problem of a complex absorption account have been derived. Some practical algorithms and software ware carried out. Number of 2D numerical simulations are hold. A principally important result was obtained that good photoacoustic reconstruction is possible with different conditions [1-4, 7, 8]. 3. A method of a stream collision has been proposed for the stochastic emission correlation tomography. Number of 2D numerical simulations with inspired results are hold [1]. 4. A method of Hartley transform has been considered for an image processing. Some practical algorithms and software ware carried out [5]. The main goals of the project was achieved. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, Use of velocity of a filed signal in a tomography. Features of an optoacoustic tomography, [in Russian], Makhachkala, DSU, 1998, 60p. [2] G.K.Makhtimagomedov, M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, R.M.Batyrov, G.M.Halilulayev, A.A.Amirova, M.M.Akhmedov, M.M.Ataev, About the modeling of spatial-temporal tomographic reconstruction of sphere of phase transitions; Proceedings of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter", Makhachkala, Russia, 1998, p.3-6. [3] A.A.Aliverdiev, Some aspects of the computing of the laser tomography of mixed state, Proceedings of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter", Makhachkala, Russia, 1998, p.3-5. [4] A.A.Aliverdiev, About the account of complex absorption in laser tomography, Proceedings of the International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan", dedicated to 275 Anniversary of Russian Academy of the Sciences and 50 Anniversary of Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of the Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, pp.33-34. [5] A.A.Aliverdiev, R.M.Batyrov, M.G.Karimov, G.M.Halilulayev, A.A.Amirova, Some questions of the use of Hertley transform in physical tomography, Proceedings of the International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan", dedicated to 275 Anniversary of Russian Academy of the Sciences and 50 Anniversary of Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of the Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, p.35. [6] M.G.Karimov. A.A.Aliverdiev, A.A.Amirova, Some questions of the tomographic reconstruction of plasma objects, Proceedings of the All-Russian Conference "Physical Electronics", Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, p.107. [7] A.A.Aliverdiev, M.G.Karimov, Back photoacoustic problem in the investigation of quasistationary spatial-heterogeneous flows, Proceedings of the V International Scientific and Technical Conference "Optical Methods of the Flows Investigations" (Moscow, Russia, 1999), p.161. [8] A.A.Aliverdiev, Some questions of the physical tomography with application of velocity spectrum of registered signal, Proceedings of the Conference "Resonance and non-linear phenomenon in Condensed Matter" (Ufa, Russia 1999). There are two publications, which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [9] A.A.Aliverdiev, M.G.Karimov, Solution of optic reconstructive problem considering registered signal velocity, Turkey J. of Physics, No.4, pp.311-314, 1998. [10] M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, About modeling of 2D optoacoustic researches of exited media, Radiophysics (Massager of Higher Educational Institutes of Russia), No.1, 1999. A.Aliverdiev was the executive (scientific) secretary of the local Program Committee of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter" (Makhachkala, Russia, 1998). Two reports of A.Aliverdiev ware represented in that Conference. A.Aliverdiev represents the reports in (1) the Winter College "Spectroscopy and Applications" (AS-ICTP, Trieste, Italy 1999), (2) the Baikal School of Fundamental Physics (Irkutsk, Russia, 1999, in absentia, by correspondence), (3) the V International Scientific and Technical Conference "Optical Methods of the Flows Investigations" (Moscow, Russia, 1999, in absentia, by co-author), (4) International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan" (Makhachkala, Russia, 1999), (5) the All-Russian Conference "Physical Electronics" (Makhachkala, Russia 1999), (6) the Regional Conference "Resonance and non-linear phenomenon in Condensed Matter" (Ufa, Russia 1999), (7) the Fourth Training Course in the Physics of Correlated Electron Systems and High-Tc Superconductors (Vietri sul Mare, Salerno, Italy, 1999). In July 1998 A. Aliverdiev has got Ph.D. degree from the Daghestan State University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. M.G.Karimov (DSU). Title: "Some solutions of a reconstructive problem in a plasma physics and nonlinear optics with the use of a finiteness of distribution of a registered signal velocity". O.L.BERMAN (Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Moscow Region) in his studies of phase transitions and superfluidity in the system of coupled quantum wells obtained the following results: 1. The theory of phase transitions of electron-hole and unbalanced electron systems in coupled quantum wells in high magnetic fields has been developed [1]. Analytical expressions for the temperatures of the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition to the superfluid state have been derived. A principally important result was obtained that the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature decreases at rise of magnetic field and interwell separation at fixed magnetoexciton density. But the maximal possible Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature increases at rise of magnetic field and interwell separation. 2. It was shown that the system of weakly interacting indirect excitons in the superlattice slab is unstable [2,3]. A method based on the sum of the ladder diagram for the calculation of vertex of quadrupole indirect biexcitons interaction has been proposed for the obtaining of the collective spectrum, superfluid density and the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature. 3. The effect of random field due to impurities, boundary irregularities on the superfluidity of a three-dimensional system of excitons and a quasi-two-dimensional of direct and spatially indirect excitons is investigated [4]. 4. The excitation spectra and superfluidity of the electron-hole system in coupled quantum wells have been analyzed [5,6]. It was shown that the gap in the excitation spectra decreases if the interwell separation and the density of electrons and holes increase. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, V.G.Tsvetus, Phase transitions of electron-hole and unbalanced electron systems in coupled quantum wells in high magnetic fields, Phys.Rev. B59, pp.5627-5636, 1999. [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, M.Willander, Superfluidity of indirect biexcitons in superlattices, JETP V.88, No.5, pp.980-986, 1999. [3] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, M.Willander, Superfluidity of indirect biexcitons in superlattices, Europhysics Letters V.48, No.3, pp.299-305, 1999. [4] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, The superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, JETP Lett. V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999. [5] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.A.Panfilov, The excitation spectra and superfluidity of the electron-hole system in coupled quantum wells, Physica Status Solidi (b), V.209, pp.287-294, 1998. [6] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman and A.A.Panfilov, The excitation spectra in coupled quantum wells, Solid State Phys. (russ. Fiz.Tverd.Tela), V.40, No.12, pp.2226-2228, 1998. O.Berman participated in the International Advanced School Leonardo da Vinci for a continuing education programme 1998 Summer Course "Superconducting materials: advances in technology and applications" (Italy, Bologna, 29 June - 10 July, 1998). Five reports on seminars at the Institute of Spectroscopy were made. One report in seminar at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Stoney Brook has been made. In 1999 O.Berman has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "The investigation of phase transitions and superfluidity in the system of the coupled quantum wells". D.A.DANILOV (Udmurt State University, Izhevsk) in his studies of rapid solidification obtained the following results: 1. A comparative analysis of a model for local nonequilibrium solidification with experimental measurements of "dendrite tip growth velocity -- initial melt undercooling" in rapidly solidifying alloys Cu - 30% at. Ni [1] and Ni - 1% at. Zr [2] has been performed. The predictions of the model are in qualitative and quantitative agreement with experimental data for both alloys. 2. A general solution [3] of the steady-state crystal growth shape under local nonequilibrium solidification has been found. This solution is found for the following growth shapes: elliptical paraboloid, paraboloid of revolution, cylindrical paraboloid, and parabolic platelet. 3. On the basics of a one-sided model of solute diffusion the dynamics of a motion of the rapid solidification front in a binary alloy is investigated [4,5]. A criterion connecting the dynamical stability of the front motion in a steady-state regime with a slope of the kinetic curve "front velocity - initial undercooling'' is formulated. An expression for the definition of nonstationary time during the transition to the steady-state regime is obtained. 4. A model for rapid solidification in undercooled pure metallic liquid is developed that includes local nonequilibrium heat transfer and kinetics of liquid-solid interface motion [6]. Taking into account the finiteness of the speed of heat transport, a general solution of the problem about local nonequilibrium heat transfer with the moving heat source at the planar solidification front is obtained. Asymptotic behavior of the velocity of the rapid planar front is investigated. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Model for free dendritic alloy growth under interfacial and bulk phase nonequilibrium conditions, J.Crystal Growth V.197, pp.992-1002, 1999. [2] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Dendritic growth model for rapid solidification of undercooled alloys, International Conference on Rapidly Quenched and Metastable Materials "RQ-10", Bangalore, India, August 1999, submitted for publication in the journal Material Science and Engineering. [3] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Steady-state crystal growth shape under local nonequilibrium mass transfer, Inzhenerno Fizicheski Zhurnal (Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics), submitted for publication [in Russian]. [4] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Selection of the dynamically stable regime of rapid solidification front motion in isothermal binary alloy, J.Crystal Growth, accepted for publication. [5] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko, A criterion for dynamical stability of rapid solidification front motion, University and Academic Scientific-Practical Conference, Udmurt State University. Thesis for the conference, Izhevsk, April 1999, p.60-61 [in Russian]. [6] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko, Hyperbolic heat transfer in rapid solidification of supercooled liquids, Proc. of the 4th Minsk International Heat and Mass Transfer Forum, A.V.Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute, Minsk, May 2000, accepted for publication. A.V.EMELYANENKO (Moscow State University) in his studies of strongly polar liquid crystals obtained the following results: 1. A statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition has been developed for a system of molecules possessing a strong dipole [1,4]. It was explicitly taken into account that a large amount of dimers appear in a molecular system, when a dipole is strong enough. The dependence of the nematic order parameters of monomers and dimers on the temperature and the temperature variation of the molar fraction of dimers have been obtained. These investigations were held for the systems of molecules with different values of the dipole moment. A principally important result was obtained that the nematic-isotropic transition temperature has no absolute growth with the increasing dipole moment, as it was predicted by the preceding theories, but achieves its maximum with subsequent decrease. This happens because molecules with the large dipole moments form dimers intensively, which destroy the nematic order. In the previous research, based on the mean field or second virial approximations, a very strong short-range correlations leading to the formation of dimers were disregarded. A theory derived in [1,4] takes into account the existence of dimers directly. It was shown, that for molecules with large dipoles the transition temperature decreases with the increasing dipole moment. This result was confirmed by the recent computer simulations. 2. Influence of the molecular shape on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals has been investigated [2]. A method based on the expansion of the intermolecular potential in a complete set of spherical invariants has been proposed to estimate the dispersion interaction between monomers and dimers. It has been established that molecules with small dipoles form dimers, which favour the nematic phase, whereas dimers composed of molecules with large dipoles favour the isotropic phase. It has also been found that molecules with an intermediate value of the dipole moment couple in dimers, which do not influence the nematic- isotropic transition temperature. This balance point depends on the molecular shape, and it may exist or not for different molecules. 3. A statistical theory of the cholesteric ordering [3] was derived. On the contrary to the preceding publications, it describes the helix inversion in binary mixtures. The biaxiality of molecules is explicitly taken into account. Under a certain conditions (driven by the mutual concentration of the components and temperature) the interaction between the short molecular axes, which was disregarded in the previous attempts, dominates over the interaction between the main axes. It leads to the helix inversion, which is usually observed in the experiment. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Polar liquid crystals. Statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [2] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Nematic-isotropic phase transition in polar liquid crystals. Role of the dispersion interaction, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [3] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, D.A.Dunmur, Molecular Theory of Chiral Nematic Liquid Crystals, Phys.Rev.E, paper accepted for publication. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Influence of dimerization on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals, Liquid Crystals, V.26, No.2, 1999. A.Emelyanenko participated in the 17-th International Liquid Crystal Conference (Strasbourg, France, July 19-24, 1998) and presented a poster "Molecular Theory of The Nematic-Isotropic Transition in Strongly Polar Liquid Crystals". Thesis of the poster was published. In 1999 A.Emelyanenko participated in the International Conference on Liquid Crystals, which took place in Krynica (Poland), with a report "Theory of the helix inversion in nematics doped with chiral molecules" (September 13-17, 1999) and in the International Conference "Nonlinear dynamics in polymer science and related fields", Desna, Moscow region, with a report "Helix inversion in binary liquid crystalline mixtures" (October 11-15, 1999). Both theses are included in the corresponding abstract books. The full-length reports are planned. A.V. Emelyanenko has also taken part in the Students Conference on chemistry and physics of the thin organic films, Puschino, Moscow region, with a report "Inversion of the spiral structure in binary LC mixtures" (June 14-15, 1999). Now A.Emelyanenko is developing a new theory of the liquid crystalline polymers, which also possess a helix inversion. I.M.EREMIN (Kazan State University) in his studies of the electronic structure and magnetic properties of high temperature superconductivity obtained the following results: 1. Self-consistent calculation of spin (charge) density wave order (SDW/CDW) parameters have been performed for bilayered cuprates on the basis of a singlet correlated band model [1]. Evolution of the Fermi surface in the strongly underdoped regime is described by using a two-band approach. The smooth development of the pseudogap formation temperature is explained from underdoped to overdoped states and the Fourier amplitudes $$ (spin) and $$ (charge) modulations have been calculated. We have found a maximum of the incommensurability for doping 0.09-0.11 holes per copper site. 2. The phase boundary of the paramagnetic phase of cuprates has been calculated with taking into account the strong electron correlations. The instability wave vector gets displaced from pure antiferromagnetic wave vector if doping increases. The calculated pictures of Lindhard response functions and complex momentum dependence of a CDW pseudogap are presented. Spin susceptibility expression for the singlet correlated band at $T_c The results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, I.Eremin, submitted to Appl.Magn.Res (cond-mat/9908297). [2] I.Eremin, M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, in a book "Stripes and Related Phenomena", edited by A.Bianconi and N.L.Saini, to be published by Kluwer Academics-Plenum Publisher. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before the grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant. [3] I.Eremin, Solid State Commun. 105, pp.293-296, 1998. I.Eremin participated in the Second International Conference on Stripes'98 (Rome, Italy, 2-6 June, 1998) and presented an oral contribution "Two reasons of instability in layered cuprates", Specialized Colloque Ampere EPR, NMR and NQR in Solid State Physics: Recent Trends (Pisa, Italy, June 14-18, 1999) and presented poster contribution "How large can be CDW/SDW amplitudes in layered cuprates", XVI International Seminar "New Magnetic Materials for Microelectronics" (Moscow, Russian Federation, June 23-26, 1998) and presented a poster "Dynamic spin susceptibility below $T_c$. Hubbard Model" (in Russian), XXVII International School for Theoretical Physicists "Kourovka" (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 2-7 March, 1998) and presented a talk "Influence of strong electron correlation on dynamical spin susceptibility in two-dimensional models" (in Russian) I.Eremin participated in the International Cooperation with the groups of Prof. D.Brinkmann and Prof. H.Keller, Institute of Physics, Zuerich University, Switzerland. In September 1999 I.Eremin has got a Ph.D. degree under the supervision of Prof. B.I.Kochelaev (Kazan State University). A.V.PANOV (Far-Eastern State University, Vladivostok) in his studies of magnetism obtained the following results: 1. The ground and metastable magnetic states of magnetite and iron particles with sizes closed to single-domain were analyzed within the scope of the developed model [1]. It was shown that depending on its size and elongation the grain can be in one of three states: with uniform magnetization, with a small and large non-uniformity of magnetic moment (quasi-single-domain and two-domain states). The critical sizes for uniform and quasi-single-domain states were calculated. Magnetization processes of such particles were simulated. The coercive force and critical fields as functions of size, elongation of the particles and external magnetic field direction were studied. The essential difference from similar studies is non-monotone dependence of coercive force on particle elongation for magnetite which is confirmed by experiments. 2. The previous model of two-phase particle was extended by entering of interfacial exchange coupling [2-4]. The magnetization process of an ensemble of Co-coated $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ used in magnetic recording media was studied. The set of magnetic states of such particles was analyzed for ensemble with thermal agitation. It was shown that relation between interfacial exchange coupling and magnetostatic inter-phase interaction affect dependence of the coercive force of the ensemble of $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ particles on coating volume. It was obtained that the growth in coating magnetocrystalline anisotropy leads to increase in coercivity of the ensemble. The main results have been presented in the papers submitted in March and April, 1998, before grantee has been informed of the awarding ICFPM grant: [1] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine magnetite particles, Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie [in Russian], 86, pp.65-73, 1998. [2] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Modeling of magnetization process of an ensemble of $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles with cobalt coating, "Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie" [in Russian] v.87, pp.17-22, 1999. [3] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states of Co-coated $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.241-242. [4] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, An influence of inter-phase interaction on coercive force of two-component particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.511-512. In June, 1999 A. V. Panov has got Ph. D. degree from the Far East State University (Vladivostok). Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Belokon'. Title: "Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine heterogeneous particle systems". A.M.POVOLOTSKY (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow Region) in his studies of the models of self-organized criticality obtained the following results: 1. We investigate the dynamics of Eulerian walkers as a model of self-organized criticality [1]. The evolution of the system is divided into characteristic periods which can be seen as avalanches. The structure of avalanches is described and the critical exponent in the distribution of first avalanches $\tau=2$ is determined. We also study a mean square displacement of Eulerian walkers and obtain a simple diffusion law in the critical state. The evolution of underlying medium from a random state to the critical one is described. 2.The general framework for the renormalization group analysis of self-organized critical sandpile models is formulated [2,3]. The usual real space renormalization scheme for lattice models when applied to nonequilibrium dynamical models must be supplemented by feedback relations coming from the stationarity conditions. On the basis of these ideas the Dynamically Driven Renormalization Group is applied to describe the boundary and bulk critical behavior of sandpile models. A detailed description of the branching nature of sandpile avalanches is given in terms of the generating functions of the underlying branching process. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] A.M.Povolotsky, V.B.Priezzhev, R.R.Shcherbakov, Phys.Rev.E 58, pp.5449-5454, 1998. [2] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, Phys.Rev.E 60, pp.1239-1251, 1999. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [3] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, preprint DIAS-STP-98-06, Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Ireland. A.Povolotsky was invited by J.Stefan Institute, Ljubljana Slovenia and presented the seminar there entitled "Eulerian walkers as a model of the self-organized criticality." S.E.SKIPETROV (Moscow State University) in his studies obtained the following main results: 1. A possibility for diagnostics of laser-induced particle flows in concentrated suspensions using methods of the optical correlation spectroscopy has been studied. The role of ponderomotive effects in experiments on dynamic multiple light scattering (DMLS) has been analyzed. 2. A diffusion model for the temporal autocorrelation function of multiple scattered light has been developed. The model has been shown to be valid for both the Brownian motion and laminar flow of scatterers. The case of spatially localized flow of scatterers in a turbid sample has been considered. We have demonstrated both theoretically and experimentally that one could use DMLS techniques to obtain useful information about hidden particle flows in turbid media. 3. Imaging through atmospheric turbulence has been studied. Statistical moments of the modulation transfer functions (MTFs) of a turbulent atmosphere have been calculated for various models of turbulence. Some of the main results have been presented in a paper containing acknowledgment to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially heterogeneous scatterer dynamics. Physics in Higher Education, V.5, No.1, pp.98-112, 1999 [in Russian]. [2] Karabutov A.A., Pelivanov I.M., Podymova N.B., Skipetrov S.E. Direct measurement of the spatial intensity distribution of light in a scattering medium, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., V.70, No.3, pp.187-191, 1999 [in Russian]; [English translation: J.Exp.Theor.Phys.Lett., V.70, No.3, pp.183-188, 1999]. [3] Skipetrov S.E., Effective dielectric function of a random medium, Phys.Rev.B 60, No.18, pp.12705-12709, 1999. [4] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Shcheglov V.A., Laser-induced particle flows in random media: is the diagnostics with multiple-scattered light possible? In: CD-ROM Proceedings of the International Conference on Optical Technology and Image Processing in Fluid, Thermal, and Combustion Flow (VSJ-SPIE'98) (Yokohama, Japan, December 7-9, 1998), paper AB090. [5] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Correlation spectroscopy for diagnostics of light-induced particle motion in concentrated suspensions. In: Fourth International Conference on Correlation Optics, O.V. Angelsky, Ed., Proc. SPIE, V.3904, pp.423-428, 1999. [6] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave imaging of flows in turbid media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99), (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). [7] Skipetrov S.E., Refractive index of random media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99) (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). S.Skipetrov participated in several scientific conferences: - XI School-Conference on Diffraction and Propagation of Waves (Moscow, Russia, January 12-15, 1998). An oral presentation entitled "Multiple scattering of light in random media with complex dynamic structure" has been made. - NATO Advanced Study Institute "Diffuse Waves in Complex Media" (Les Houches, France, March 17-28, 1998). A poster "Ponderomotive action of light in random media" has been presented. - XVI International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics - ICONO'98 (Moscow, Russia, June 29-July 3, 1998). Two posters has been presented: "Dynamic multiple scattering of laser radiation on light-induced flows of microparticles in suspension" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy of flows". - 17th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division, European Physical Society and 6emes Journees de la Matiere Condensee, Societe Francaise de Physique (Grenoble, France, August 25-29, 1998). A poster "Cross-correlations in dynamic multiple scattering of light" has been presented. - Fall School-Conference "Light-Scattering Techniques in Biomedicine, Industry and Material Science" (Saratov, Russia, October 6-9, 1998). An oral presentation: "Theory of diffusing-wave spectroscopy with angular and spatio-temporal cross-correlations" and two poster presentations: "Ponderomotive action of light in random multiple-scattering media" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in random media with absorption", have been made. - International Conference on Biomedical Optics and Spectroscopy. European Biomedical Optics Week - BiOS'98 (Stockholm, Sweden, September 6-9, 1998). Title of presentation: "Possibilities for study of light-induced flows of microparticles in concentrated suspensions using methods of optical correlation spectroscopy". - International Conference on LASERS'98 (Tucson, Arizona, USA, December 7-11, 1998). Title of presentation: "Hydrodynamic flows induced by copper-vapor laser: diagnostics using optical correlation spectroscopy". S.E.Skipetrov has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. S.S.Chesnokov. Title: "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially-heterogeneous scatterer flows". F.M.TSAHHAEV (Ryazan State Pedagogical University) in his studies of physics of low dimensional structures obtained the following results: 1. Galvanomagnetic effects have been measured in n-AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures with filling of two subbands. The values of the momentum relaxation times t and q have been determined experimentally. The t and q times have been also calculated in the conditions of intersubband scattering using the self-consistent electron wave function. The dominating relaxation mechanism was identified and the parameters of defects were evaluated by comparison of experimentally determined and calculated t and q values [1,5,6,9]. 2. The GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures with anomalously high mobility of 2D-electrons 0.6 m/V s (T=4.2 K) in respect to the well-known analogs have been synthesized. The anomalies and anisotropy of kinetic effects characteristics of the GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures have been observed in experiments. The electrons energy spectrum in GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures has been calculated on the basis of the experimental results. The comparison of calculated data and measurements results (C-V characteristics, temperature and axial/lateral magnetic field dependencies of conductivity, photoluminescence spectra) reveals anomalous properties of GaAs(0.30,?-Sn) structure along [110] direction in respect to the [110] one [4]. 3. In [7,8] the experimental results is analyzed in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures. 4. The hysteresis of current-temperature characteristics is revealed in GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with the three quantum wells [2]. 5. The magnetic field suppression of electron-electron interaction of 2D-electrons in the main and the first, disturbed subbands of dimension quantization in single heterojunction AlGaAs/GaAs have been revealed [3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] V.I.Kadushkin, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Relaxation mechanisms of 2D-electrons in selective doped n-AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs heterostructure with filling of two subbands,\\ Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., No.5/6, pp.55-74, 1999. [2] V.I.Tsebro, O.E.Omelyanovski, V.I.Kadushkin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, F.M.Tsahhaev,\\ S.N.Larin, Lateral photoconductivity low temperature hysteresis of GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with asymmetric system of quantum wells, Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). [3] V.I.Kadushkin, F.M.Tsahhaev, S.N.Larin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, Intersubband relaxation of 2D-electrons in AlGaAs(Si)/GaAs strong doped heterojunction, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., No.3/4, pp.135-166, 1998. [5] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, News Institutions of Higher Education. Physics, No.159, 1998 [in Russian]. Proceedings of the Conference: [6] The 24th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, August 2-7, 1998, Jerusalem, Israel; "Energy spectrum and relaxation mechanisms of electrons in lateral-surface superlattices GaAs(0.30,?-Sn)". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Yu.A.Kotova). [7] 10th International Symposium on Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors, August 31- September 2, 1998, Vilnius, Lithuania. "Photomodulation processes in GaAs/AlAs type-I quantum well structures". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [8] VII Luthuanian-Polish Seminar "Solid State Physics and Technology", Kaunas, 1998. "Photoexcitation effects in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures investigated by differential reflectivity spectroscopy". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [9] The 194th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, Boston, Massachusetts, November\\ 1-6, 1998. "Energy spectrum of electrons in GaAs(?-Sn) structure grown on vicinal plane". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). In March, 2000 F.M.Tsahhaev shall be got Ph.D. degree from the Ryazan State Pedagogical University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Kadushkin (RSPU). Title: "Localization and scattering of quasi-particles in low-dimensional heterostructures in quantized magnetic fields." D.A.RYNDYK (Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS, Nizhny Novgorod) in his studies of nonequilibrium effects in dynamics of Josephson structures and layered superconductors (nonequilibrium Josephson effect) obtained the following results: 1. Starting from microscopic equations for Green functions, quasiclassical kinetic equations are derived for the systems of tunnel junctions and for layered superconductors [1]. This kinetic equations can be generalized for the case of different types of junctions and for superconductors with arbitrary energy dependence of the density of states and anisotropic pairing. 2. Dynamics of one-dimensional array of nonequilibrium junctions is investigated, in particular, current-voltage characteristics and high frequency interaction between junctions. Peculiarities of the dynamics of intrinsic Josephson junctions in HTSC are considered [1,2] (this work is a continuation of previous investigation carried out in 1998: D.A.Ryndyk, Phys.Rev.Lett., 80, 3376, 1998). The calculated current-voltage characteristics demonstrate the nature of the effect of electron-hole imbalance on the dynamics of one-dimensional chains of junctions. 3. The effect of nonequilibrium amplification of Josephson oscillations is predicted [2]. 4. "Plasma" oscillations and Josephson flux flow in layered superconductors is considered with nonequilibrium effects taken into account. Beside, the work on the kinetic theory of plasma turbulence is continued, which was began previously in connection with the experimental investigation of low-hybrid turbulence, excited by ion beam (E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk et al., Nuclear Fusion, 38, 661, 1998). New results in the theory of turbulent broadening of cyclotron resonances are published in Ref.[3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] D.A.Ryndyk, Nonequilibrium Josephson effect in systems of tunnel junctions and in layered superconductors, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. V.116, p.1798, 1999 [JETP V.89, p.975, 1999]. [2] D.A.Ryndyk, High-frequency properties of nonequilibrium Josephson junctions in nanoscale and layered superconductors, Journal of radioelectronics (www journal) n.1 (2000), to be published in "Foreign radioelectronics". [3] E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk, Stochastic Broadening of High Order Ion Cyclotron Resonances due to Lower-Hybrid Turbulence, Strong microwaves in plasmas (proceedings of IV international workshop on strong micro-waves in plasmas, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 1999 ), ed. A.G.Litvak, V.2, Nizhny Novgorod, 2000. D.Ryndyk in 1999 participated in: 1. School-seminar "Physics and applications of microwaves" (24-30 of May in Krasnovidovo, Moscow region) with invited lecture "Physical basis of Josephson high frequency electronics". D.Ryndyk take part in several russian and international research projects, in particular: 1. Grants of Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) N. 97-02-16928 and 99-02-16188 . 2. State research program "Physics of microwaves". Grant 4.7. "Theoretical and experimental investigation of microwave interaction with superconducting structures". 3. Joint program of Institute of Applied Physics RAS and W7-AS stellarator group (Garching, Germany) on Collective Thomson scattering for plasma diagnostic. A.M.RUVINSKY (Institute of Spectroscopy of RAS, Troitsk) in his studies of collective properties of excitons has considered an influence of random fields on the conditions of exciton condensation and superfluidity in bulk and low-dimensional systems [1]. It was shown that in semiconductor alloys the density of excitons in Bose condensate decreases due to the exciton scattering on random fields of impurities or fluctuations of the composite. The density of the superfluidity fraction in the system of 3D and quasi-2D excitons also decreases taking into account this scattering. The scattering on the random field of the quantum well widths' fluctuations was analyzed for direct and indirect excitons. Analytical expressions for the exciton superfluidity densities in "dirty" single quantum wells, coupled quantum wells and bulk semiconductors have been derived. The influence of random fields on Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature for exciton systems in low-dimensional structures was analyzed. These results have been presented in the papers [1,2] containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1].Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, Superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. V.69, No.8, pp.573-578, 1999 [in Russian], (Letter in JETP, V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999). [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, A.M.Ruvinsky, Bogolubov approximation for rare exciton system in random media, Fiz.Tverd.Tela (Physics of the Solid State), in print, 2000 [in Russian]. In June, 1998 A.Ruvinsky has got Ph.D. degree from State Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "Magnetoexcitons in inhomogeneous and low-dimensional structures". A.ZEMLYANOV (Moscow State University) obtained the following results: A new approach to the description of anomalous transport phenomena that take place in fractal media was developed. Namely, anomalous diffusion on a comb structure consisting of a one- dimensional backbone and lateral branches (teeth) of random length is considered. A definite classification of the trajectories of random walks reduces the original problem to an analysis of classical diffusion on the backbone, where, however, the time of this process is a random quantity. Its distribution is assigned by the properties of the random walks of the diffusing particles on the teeth. The possibility of applying mean-field theory in such a model is demonstrated, and the equation for the Green's function with a partial derivative of fractional order is obtained. The characteristic features of the propagation of particles on a comb structure are analyzed. A model of an effective homogeneous medium, in which diffusion is described by an equation with a fractional derivative with respect to time and an initial condition in the form of an integral of fractional order, is obtained. These results are published in [1] and were presented at the Moscow Seminar on Synergetics at the Physics Faculty, Moscow State University. [1] I.A.Lubashevsky, A.A.Zemlyanov, Continuum description of anomalous diffusion on a comb structure, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., V.114, pp.1284-1312, 1998 [in Russian]. A.Zemlyanov has received invitation for participating in a research program at the University of Texas at Austin during the next three years.
S.L.DUBOVSKY (Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) in his studies of dynamics and phenomenology of supersymmetric models and of mechanisms of production of ultra-high energy cosmic rays obtained the following results: 1. It was shown [1] that "top-down" mechanisms of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays which involve heavy relic particle-like objects predict Galactic anisotropy of highest energy cosmic rays at the level of minimum $\sim 20\%$. This anisotropy is large enough to be either observed or ruled out in the next generation of experiments. 2. Phenomenological consequences of the direct mixing between Standard Model fields and fields-mediators of supersymmetry breaking (messengers) were discovered. Limits on the corresponding coupling constants coming from flavor violating processes both in the lepton [2] and quark [3] sector were obtained. Radiative electroweak breaking in models with mixing was studied. It was found that in these models, unlike gauge mediated models without mixing, wide range of $\tan{\beta}$ is allowed. 3. In [4] it was constructed a toy model with the following properties: i) it is strongly coupled at a certain scale and breaks supersymmetry at this scale; ii) matter superfields of (one generation of) the Standard Model are effective low energy degrees of freedom of this strongly coupled theory; iii) direct gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking occurs due to messenger superfields that are also effective low energy degrees of freedom. 4. It was prepared a review [5] on phenomenological and theoretical aspects of models with gauge mediation. 5. In [6] it was shown that global fermionic charges induced in vacuum by slowly varying, topologically non-trivial background scalar fields are not renormalized provided that expansion in momenta of background fields is valid. This suggests that strongly coupled theories obey induced charge matching conditions which are analogous, but generally not equivalent, to 't Hooft anomaly matching conditions. A set of examples of induced charge matching was considered. In particular, the corresponding constraints in softly broken supersymmetric QCD suggest non-trivial low energy mass pattern, in full accord with the results of direct analyses. 6. Matching conditions suggested in [6] were considered in the case of supersymmetric QCD with quantum modified moduli space [7]. It was found that the Wess--Zumino term should be present in the low energy theory in order that these consistency conditions are satisfied. The lowest homotopy groups of the quantum moduli space were calculated. As a result it was shown that there are no obstructions to the existence of the Wess--Zumino term at arbitrary N. The explicit expression for this term is given. It is shown that neither vortices nor topological solitons exist in the model. The case of softly broken supersymmetry is considered as well. It was found that the possibility of global flavor symmetric vacuum is strongly disfavored. 7. It was shown [8] that the dip expected in the diffuse photon spectrum above the threshold of e+e- pair production, i.e., at energies $10^{15}$ - $10^{17}$ eV, may be absent due to the synchrotron radiation by the electron component of the extragalactic Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHE CR) in the Galactic magnetic filed. The proposed mechanism propose requires small (less than $2x10^{-12}$ G) extragalactic magnetic fields and large fraction of photons in the UHE CR. For a typical photon flux expected in top-down scenarios of UHE CR, the predicted flux in the region of the dip is close to the existing experimental limit. The sensitivity of the mechanism to the extragalactic magnetic field may be used to improve existing bounds on the latter by two orders of magnitude. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [2] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Flavor violation and $\tan{\beta}$ in gauge mediated models with messenger-matter mixing, Nucl.Phys.B 557, pp.119-145, 1999. [5] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky, Gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking, Phys.Usp. 42, pp.623-651, 1999; Usp.Fiz.Nauk 169, pp.705-736, 1999 [in Russian]. [6] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, M.V.Libanov, V.A.Rubakov, Nonrenormalization of induced charges and constraints on strongly coupled theories, Phys.Rept. 320, pp.147-158, 1999. [7] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Induced charge matching and Wess-Zumino term on quantum modified moduli space, (to appear in Phys.Rev.D). [8] S.L.Dubovsky, P.G.Tinyakov, Generation of $10^{15}$ eV - $10^{17}$ eV photons by UHE CR in the Galactic magnetic field, JETP Lett. 70, pp.495-501, 1999. There are some publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [1] S.L.Dubovsky, P.G.Tinyakov, Galactic Anisotropy as Signature of "Top-Down" Mechanisms of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays, JETP Lett. 68, pp.107-111, 1998. [3] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Messenger-matter mixing and lepton flavor violation, Phys.Lett. B419, pp.223-232, 1998. [4] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky, Towards common origin of supersymmetry breaking, compositeness, and gauge mediation, Phys.Lett. B423, pp.301-304, 1998. S.Dubovsky participated in the 10-th International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, Suzdal, May 18-24, 1998) and presented a talk entitled "Galactic anisotropy of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays produced by CDM-related mechanisms" (S.Dubovsky, P.Tinyakov). S.Dubovsky was also co-author of talks "Low $\tan{\beta}$ in the extended Minimal Gauge Mediated Model" (S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov) and "Grand unification with gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking" (S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky) presented there. S.Dubovsky was invited by the International Center of Theoretical Physics to take part in the Summer School on High-Energy Physics and Cosmology (Italy, Trieste, June 28 - July 18, 1998). S.Dubovsky participated in the 2nd International Conference on Non-Accelerator New Physics (NANP-99, Russia, Dubna, June 28 - July 3) and presented a talk entitled "Synchrotron radiation in the Galactic magnetic field as a signature of top-down mechanisms of UHE CR". S.Dubovsky participated in the School on Selected Topics of Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Statistics (October 16-23, 1999, Tbilisi, Georgia) and Workshop on Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics Dedicated to the 90th anniversary of N.N.Bogolyubov (October 23-28, 1999, Tbilisi, Georgia) and presented a talk entitled "Nonrenormalization of the induced charge and Wess-Zumino term on quantum modified moduli space". V.A.GANI (Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute (Technical University)), obtained the following main results within the research program of ICFPM during 1998-1999: 1. The space-time structure of the process of decay of a bubble of hypothetic phase - disoriented chiral condensate (DCC) is studied [1]. It is shown that the process of decay of the initial configuration depends crucially on selfinteraction of the pionic fields. In some cases this selfinteraction leads to the formation of sort of breather solution, formed from the pionic fields. This breather looks like a long-lived source of pionic fields. 2. Recurrence relations of perturbation theory for hydrogen ground state are obtained [2]. With their help polarizabilities in constant perpendicular electric and magnetic fields are computed up to 80th order. The high orders asymptotic is compared with its quasiclassical estimate. 3. The kink-antikink collision process for the "double sine-Gordon" (DSG) equation in 1+1 dimensions at different values of the potential parameter R>0 is studied [3]. For small values of R the problem of resonance frequencies is discussed. Qualitative explanation of the frequency shift in comparison with the frequency of the discrete level in the potential well of isolated kink is given. 4. The process of collision of two parallel domain walls in a supersymmetric model is studied both in effective Lagrangian approximation and by numerical solving of the exact classical field problem [4]. For small initial velocities we find that the walls interaction looks like elastic reflection with some delay. It is also shown that in such approximation internal parameter of the wall may be considered as a time-dependent dynamical variable. 5. The time evolution of configurations in the form of two parallel domain walls moving towards each other in a supersymmetric field model is studied [5]. The configurations involved are not BPS-saturated. It is found that for such collisions there exists some critical value $v_{cr}\approx0.9120$ of the initial velocity $v_i$ of the walls. At $v_iv_{cr}$ the sequence of vacuum states changes. The results of the numerical simulations are in agreement with "potential" consideration. 6. Detailed study of the time evolution for the initially formed large amplitude bubbles of disoriented chiral condensate (DCC) is performed [6]. It is found that the evolution of these objects may have a relatively long pre-decay stage. Simple explanation for delayed decay of such DCC bubbles is given. It is related to the existence of quasi-multikink solutions of the corresponding radial sine-Gordon equation in (3+1) dimensions. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, T.I.Belova, Yad.Fiz., 62, No.5, pp.956-960 (1999) [in Russian]. [2] V.A.Gani, V.M.Weinberg, Hydrogen atom in crossed external fields reexamined by moment method, preprint ITEP-29 (1998);; prepared for submission to Yad.Fiz. [in Russian]. [3] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, Phys.Rev.E, 60 No.3, pp.3305-3309, 1999. [4] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, A remark on collisions of domain walls in a supersymmetric model, preprint ITEP-15 (1999); [5] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, preprint ITEP-44 (1999);; prepared for submission to Phys.Rev.D. [6] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, prepared for publication as a preprint ITEP and for submission to Yad.Fiz. [in Russian]. In 1999 V.A.Gani was invited by Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute (Technical University) to take part in the International Conference "Scientific Session MEPhI-1999", January 18-22, 1999. The following talks were presented: 1) V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, T.I.Belova, "Decay of a bubble of disoriented chiral condensate"; 2) V.A.Gani, V.M.Weinberg, "High order susceptibilities of the hydrogen atom in external electric and magnetic fields"; 3) V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, "Kink-antikink interactions in the double sine-Gordon equation and the problem of resonance frequencies". In 2000 V.A.Gani was invited by Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute (Technical University) to take part in the International Conference "Scientific Session MEPhI-2000", January 17-21, 2000. The following talk was presented: V.M.Weinberg, V.A.Gani, V.D.Mur, V.S.Popov, "Energy eigenvalues of the hydrogen ground state in crossed external fields". V.A.Gani participates as a coinvestigator in Grants No 98-02-17316 (the head of the group is Prof. A.E.Kudryavtsev), No 98-02-17007 (the head of the group is Prof. V.S.Popov), No 96-15-96578 (the head of the group is Prof. L.B.Okun) of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. V.A.Gani is included as a coinvestigator in two international research projects, which now is under consideration by Foundations. D.S.GORBUNOV (Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) in his studies of supersymmetric models obtained the following results: 1. Phenomenological consequences of the direct mixing between Standard Model fields and fields-mediators of supersymmetry breaking (messengers) were discovered. Limits on the corresponding coupling constants coming from flavor violating processes both in the lepton [1] and quark [2] sector were obtained. Radiative electroweak breaking in models with mixing was studied. It was found that in these models, unlike gauge mediated models without mixing, wide range of $\tan{\beta}$ is allowed. 2. In [3] it was constructed a toy model with the following properties: i) it is strongly coupled at a certain scale and breaks supersymmetry at this scale; ii) matter superfields of (one generation of) the Standard Model are effective low energy degrees of freedom of this strongly coupled theory; iii) direct gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking occurs due to messenger superfields that are also effective low energy degrees of freedom. 3. It was prepared a review [4] on phenomenological and theoretical aspects of models with gauge mediation. 4. It is shown in Ref. [5] that global fermionic charges induced in vacuum by slowly varying, topologically non-trivial background scalar fields are not renormalized provided that expansion in momenta of background fields is valid. This suggests that strongly coupled theories obey induced charge matching conditions which are analogous, but generally not equivalent, to 't Hooft anomaly matching conditions. A few examples of induced charge matching was presented. In particular, the corresponding constraints in softly broken supersymmetric QCD suggest non-trivial low energy mass pattern, in full accord with the results of direct analyses. 5. In Ref. [6] matching of induced charges in supersymmetric SU(N) gauge theories with quantum modified moduli space was studied. It was found that the Wess-Zumino term should be present in the low energy theory in order that these consistency conditions are satisfied. The lowest homotopy groups of the quantum moduli space was calculated, and it was shown that there are no obstructions to the existence of the Wess-Zumino term at arbitrary N. The explicit expression for this term is given. It is shown that neither vortices nor topological solitons exist in the model. The case of softly broken supersymmetry is considered as well. It was found that the possibility of global baryon number violating vacuum is strongly disfavored. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Flavor violation and $\tan{\beta}$ in gauge mediated models with messenger-matter mixing, Nucl.Phys.B 557, pp.119-145, 1999. [4] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky, Gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking, Phys.Usp. 42, pp.623-651, 1999; Usp.Fiz.Nauk 169, pp.705-736, 1999 [in Russian]. [5] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, M.V.Libanov, V.A.Rubakov, Nonrenormalization of induced charges and constraints on strongly coupled theories, Phys.Rept. 320, pp.147-158, 1999. [6] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Induced charge matching and Wess-Zumino term on quantum modified moduli space (to appear in Phys.Rev.D). There are some publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [2] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Messenger-matter mixing and lepton flavor violation, Phys.Lett. B419, pp.223-232, 1998. [2] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky, Towards common origin of supersymmetry breaking, compositeness, and gauge mediation, Phys.Lett. B423, pp.301-304, 1998. D.Gorbunov participated in the 10-th International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, Suzdal, May 18-24, 1998) and presented a talk entitled "Flavor violation and $\tan{\beta}$ in gauge mediated models with messenger-matter mixing". D.Gorbunov was also a coauthor of the talk "Grand unification with gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking" (S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky) presented there. D.Gorbunov participated in the International Workshop "Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics" (October 23-28, 1999, Tbilisi, Georgia) organized by Georgian Academy of Sciences and Tbilisi State University joint with UNESCO Venice Office. The workshop was dedicated to the 90th anniversary of N.N.Bogolyubov (1909-1992). D.Gorbunov was a coauthor of the talk "Non-renormalization of induced charges and Wess-Zumino term on quantum modified moduli space" (S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov) presented there. D.Gorbunov participated in the International Conference on Non-Accelerator New Physics NANP-99 (Dubna, June 28 - July 3, 1999) and presented a talk entitled "Strong coupling unification in supersymmetric models" (D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky). D.Gorbunov was invited by the International Center of Theoretical Physics to take part in the Summer School on High-Energy Physics and Cosmology (Italy, Trieste, June 28 - July 18, 1998). D.Gorbunov participated in the X-th International School "Particles and Cosmology" (Baksan Valley, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia, April 19-25, 1999). D.Gorbunov participated in the International School "Selected Topics of Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Statistics" (October 16-23, 1999, Tbilisi, Georgia) organized by Georgian Academy of Sciences and Tbilisi State University joint with UNESCO Venice Office. The topic of research of the grant-aided aspirant I.V.GORBUNOV (Tomsk State University) included the construction and the study of spinning particle models in 3+1 and in lower space-time dimensions. In his study I.V.Gorbunov obtained the following results: 1. The model of D=2+1, N=1,2 massive superparticle with arbitrary fixed (half)integer or fractional superspin has been developed [1,3]. The classical mechanical model of the superparticle has been constructed, which contains, besides the inherent Poincare supersymmetry, one more SUSY related to the superspin degrees of freedom. The quantization of the model presents a nontrivial example of combination of the canonical Dirac and Berezin quantization methods. The quantization is based on assumption, that the "double" supersymmetry, both Poincare and internal ones, survives at the quantum level. It is shown, that some physical observables (supercharges) should be renormalized by transition from classical mechanics to the first quantized particle model [1,3]. The quantum states of N=2, D=3 spinning superparticle are realized on the fields carrying finite dimensional [1,3], or a unitary infinite dimensional [3] typical representations of the supergroup OSp(2/2). 2. The model of nonrelativistic (D=3+1) particle with arbitrary fixed spin has been developed [2]. The relation to the respective relativistic models is established. It has been founded that the particle interactions to external fields are consistent independently from detailed structure of the particle gauge symmetries. This phenomenon differentiates the nonrelativistic spinning particle from the relativistic one. In the massless limit the model describes "the light beam". The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] I.V.Gorbunov, S.L.Lyakhovich, Hidden supersymmetries and Berezin quantization of N=2, D=2 spinning superparticle, Journal of Mathematical Physics, V.40, No.5, pp.2230-2253, 1999; Preprints of ICTP (Trieste, Italy) IC/98/138, e-print hep-th/9809104. [2] I.V.Gorbunov, V.A.Dolgushev, S.L.Lyakhovich, Galilean spinning particle [in Russian], Russian Physics Journal, V.42, No.2, pp.34-46, 1999. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [3] I.V.Gorbunov, S.L.Lyakhovich, Geometric quantization of N=2, D=3 superanyon, Phys.Lett.B V.423, pp.293-300, 1998. I.V.Gorbunov participated in the International Summer School in Theoretical Physics "Volga-10" (Kazan, Russia, June 22- Jule 2, 1998) and presented a session talk there entitled "Hidden supersymmetry and Berezin quantization of N=2, D=3 spinning superparticle". In April 1999, I.V.Gorbunov has got Ph.D. degree from Tomsk State University. Thesis advisor: Prof. S.L.Lyakhovich. Title: "Lobachevsky supergeometry of D=3 massive spinning superparticle". A.Yu.NERONOV (Moscow State University) obtained the following results in his studies of quantum black hole models: 1. A theory of classical and quantum collapse of thin spherically-symmetric selfgravitating shells was developed [1]. Complete integrability of hamiltonian equations which describe motion of a selfgravitating shell has been proved. A principally important result that was obtained is the form of mass spectrum of quantum black holes which are formed in the process of gravitational collapse of thin shells of matter [2]. Some unusual quantum number which parametrize the mass spectrum was found. It has geometric origin and does not disappear even for the case of unbound motion of the collapsing shell. 2. A mechanism of formation of universal spectrum of radiation of quantum black holes was proposed [3]. It was shown, that radiation which propagates in the form of s-wave in the field of black hole has discrete spectrum, if one takes fully into account back reaction of radiation on gravitational field of black hole. Some kind of quantum analog of classical "no hair conjecture" of black hole physics was proposed [4]: although the mass spectrum of quantum black holes could have arbitrary complicated structure, spectrum of radiation coming from quantum black hole corresponds to the level spacings in some universal spectrum $m\sim\sqrt{n}$ The main results have been presented in the papers: 1. V.A.Berezin, A.M.Boyarsky, A.Yu.Neronov, Phys.Rev.D57, p.1118, 1998. 2. A.Yu.Neronov, Phys.Rev.D 59, 1998. 3. V.A.Berezin, A.M.Boyarsky, A.Yu.Neronov, gr-qc/9808027 (1998). 4. A.Yu.Neronov, Ph.D. Thesises, INR, Moscow, 1998. A.Neronov participated in Spinoza Meeting on Quantum black holes (Holland, Utrecht, June 29 -- July 4, 1998). In 1998 A.Neronov has got Ph.D. degree from Institute for Nuclear Research. Thesis advisor: Prof. V.A.Berezin. Title: "Quantization of spherically-symmetric gravity. Models of Quantum Black Holes". A.I.ONISCHENKO (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow) in his studies of physics of doubly heavy systems, anomalous WWV couplings and some exotic beyond SM obtained the following results: 1. Spectra of masses for the families of doubly heavy baryons are calculated in the framework of nonrelativistic quark model with the QCD-induced potential by Buchm\" uller-Tye in accordance with both the quark-diquark structure for the wave functions and taking into account the splittings depending on the spins. The region for the application of such approximations is determined [1,17,19]. 2. Below the threshold of decay of these objects into the heavy baryon and heavy meson the system of bound excited states was found, being quasi-stable with respect to hadronic transitions to the basic level [1,17,19]. 3. We have in details considered the physical reasons for the quasi-stability, taking place for the baryons with two identical quarks. In accordance to the Pauli principle, the operators, responsible for the hadronic decays and the mixing between the levels, are suppressed by the inverse heavy quark mass and the small size of diquark. This suppression is caused by the necessity to instantaneously change both the spin and the orbital momentum of compact diquark. In the baryonic systems with two heavy quark and the strange quark, the quasi-stability for the low-lying excitations of diquark is provided by the exclusion of transitions with the emission of both a single kaon because of small splitting between the levels and a single pion because of conservation for the iso-spin and strangeness [1,17,19]. 4. We obtained analytical results on the two-loop anomalous dimensions of currents for baryons, containing two heavy quarks $J = [Q^{iT}C\Gamma\tau Q^j]\Gamma^{'}q^k\varepsilon_{ijk}$ with arbitrary Dirac matrices $\Gamma$ and $\Gamma^{'}$ in the framework of NRQCD in the leading order over both the relative velocity of heavy quarks and the inverse heavy quark mass. It is shown, that in this approximation the anomalous dimensions do not depend on the Dirac structure of the current under consideration [16,18]. 5. The equivalence of results, obtained in calculation of anomalous dimensions of operators in $\overline{\rm MS}$-renormalization scheme with the use of lagrangians of HQET and NRQCD is shown [16,18]. 6. In the leading order of perturbative QCD one calculates the total and differential cross-sections for the hadronic production of doubly charmed baryons $\Xi_{cc}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^*$ in different experiments. The experimental evaluation of cross-sections for the $J/\Psi +D + \bar D$ production would allow one to decrease the uncertainty in the determination of cross-sections for the doubly charmed baryons due to the choice of $\alpha_s$ and $m_c$. One shows that in the HERA-B and E781 experiments with fixed tagets the suppression of the $\Xi_{cc}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^*$ production to the yield of $c \bar c$-pairs is the value of the order of $10^{-6}-10^{-5}$, whereas at the TEVATRON and LHC colliders it is about $10^{-4}-10^{-3}$. In the E781 experiment the observation of $\Xi_{cc}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^*$ is practically impossible. At the HERA-B and TEVATRON facilities one can expect $10^5$ events with the double charm, and at LHC one has about $10^9$ ones [12]. 7. For the first time the contribution of quark-antiquark annihilation in hardronic production of doubly charmed baryons was taken into account. This contribution becomes essential at fixed target energies. The notion of fragmentation function of heavy diquark into doubly heavy baryon is introduced [12]. 8. Analitical approximations of numerical calculations for total subprocess cross-sections of gluon-gluon and quark-antiquark production of doubly charmed baryons were obtained [12]. 9. We have performed a detailed investigation on the lifetimes of doubly heavy baryons on the basis of the operator product expansion for the transition currents. For the first time, we have presented the formulae with the simultaneous account for both the mass effects and low-energy logarithmic renormalization for the contributions to the total decay width of baryons, containing heavy quarks, as it is caused by the effects of Pauli interference and weak scattering. The usage of the diquark picture has allowed us to evaluate the matrix elements of operators derived [2,7,9,14,15,19,20,21]. 10. As an application of the formalism developed, for the first time the lifetimes of all doubly heavy baryons were obtained. The obtained results show the significant role of both the Pauli interference and the weak scattering [2,7,9,14,15,19,20,21]. 11. The sum rules for doubly heavy baryons in NRQCD approximation are constructed. The problem with stability of such sum rules, faced in earlier works, is solved [4]. 12. A detail investigation of three-point sum rules for semileptonic decays of $B_c$-meson in QCD and NRQCD is performed. The Coulomb corrections, as well as, corrections due to gluon condensate are included and their role is discussed. The generalized spin symmetry relations for formfactors are derived [3,8]. 13. The prospects for $B_c$-meson production at existing and future colliders are investigated [10,13]. 14. The possibility to have additional constraints on anomalous WWV couplings at HERA vs LEP is investigated [5]. 15. The possibility to observe TeV-scale leptoquarks, appearing in different models is reviewed [6]. Part of the results was published in the following papers, containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Spectroscopy of doubly charmed baryons: $\Xi_{cc}^{++}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^{+}$, DESY-98080, hep-ph/9807375, Mod.Phys.Lett. A14, p.135, 1999. [2] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of $\Xi_{bc}^{+}$ and $\Xi_{bc}^{0}$ baryons, hep-ph/9901224, submitted to Eur.Phys.J. [3] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Semileptonic decays of $B_c$-meson in sum rules of QCD and NRQCD, hep-ph/9905359, accepted to Nucl.Phys.B. [4] V.V.Kiselev, A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly heavy baryons in sum rules of NRQCD, hep-ph/9909339, accepted to Nucl.Phys.B. [5] A.A.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Can HERA data improve LEP constraints on WWV vertex?, DESY-99-051, accepted to Eur.Phys.J. [6] S.S.Gershtein, A.A.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, TeV-scale leptoquarks from GUT/String/M-theory unification, Phys.Rep. 320, 203, 1999. [7] A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly heavy systems: decays and OPE, hep-ph/9912424. [8] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Semileptonic decays of $B_c$-meson, accepted to Yad.Phys. [in Russian]. [9] A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of doubly heavy baryons, hep-ph/9912425. There are also papers, which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM: [10] A.V.Berezhnoy, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, $B_c$-meson at LHC, Phys.Atom.Nucl. 60, p.1729, 1997; hep-ph/9703341. [11] A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Gluon splitting into pair of heavy quarks in $e^+e^-$-annihilation, Phys.Atom.Nucl. 60, p.623, 1997. [12] A.V.Berezhnoy, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly charmed baryon production in hadronic experiments, Phys.Rev. D57, p.4385, 1998. [13] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.V.Tkabladze, A.V.Berezhnoi, A.I.Onishchenko, Theoretical status of $B_c$-meson, IHEP 98-22, hep-ph/9803433. [14] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of doubly charmed baryons: $\Xi_{cc}^{++}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^{+}$, DESY-98079; hep-ph/9807354; Phys.Rev. D60, p.14007, 1999. [15] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Total inclusive decay rates of doubly charmed baryons, Yad.Phys. No.6., 1999 [in Russian]. [16] V.V.Kiselev, A.I.Onishchenko, Two-loop anomalous dimensions for currents of bary\-ons with two heavy quarks in NRQCD, IHEP 98-64; hep-ph/9810283; submitted to\\ Phys.Lett.B. [17] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Spectroscopy of doubly heavy baryons, IHEP 98-66; hep-ph/9811212; Heavy Ion.Phys. V.9, p.133, 1999. The following talks were given: [18] V.V.Kiselev, A.I.Onishchenko, Anomal dimensions of currents of baryons with two heavy quarks, MIPT Scientific conference, Dolgoprudny, November 1998. [19] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly heavy baryons: spectroscopy and decays, Scientific conference of Subdivision of Nuclear Physics of RAS, Moscow, November 1998. [20] A.I.Onishchenko, Physics of decays of doubly heavy baryons: $\Xi_{bb}^{0}$, $\Xi_{bb}^{-}$, $\Xi_{bc}^{+}$, $\Xi_{bc}^{0}$, $\Xi_{cc}^{+}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^{++}$, Conference of young scientists, postgraduate and graduate stutents ITEP, Moscow, December 1998. [21] A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of doubly heavy baryons, Conference of young scientists, postgraduate and graduate stutents ITEP, Moscow, December 1999. [22] A.I.Onishchenko, $c$-quark mass from $J/Psi$, $\Upsilon$ and $B_c$-mesons, Conference of young scientists, postgraduate and graduate stutents ITEP, Moscow, December 1999. The work of D.M.OSTROVSKY (Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) in 1998 has consisted of three main parts: The first one concerns some aspects of the description of multiparticle production processes. In [1] the nonperturbative preasymptotic contribution to the factorial moments of the intrajet particle distribution have been computed in the framework of previously developed formalism in which new nonperturbative term had been added to standart QCD evolution equation. The presence of the additional nonperturbative contribution is supported by the existing experimental data. Another kind of studies concerns minijet production in the ultrarelativistic hadron and nuclear collisions. Particularly, in [2] transverse energy flow generated by minijets in hadron and nuclear collisions into a given rapidity window in the central region was calculated in the next-to-leading (NLO) order of QCD at RHIC and LHC energies. These results were then used to calculate transverse energy spectrum in nuclear collisions in a Glauber geometrical model. It was shown that in pp collisions differential cross section calculated with NLO accuracy is about 2 times higher than the cross section calculated with only LO accuracy. NLO modification leads to a substantial broadening of the $E_{\perp}$ distribution for the nuclear collisions, while its form remains practically unchanged. In [3] the azimuthal asymmetry of minijet system produced in nucleon-nucleon and nuclear collisions in a central rapidity window was calculated. In pp collisions the asymmetry appears due to contributions from the collisions in which only one minijet hits the acceptance window. The angular pattern of transverse energy flow in nuclear collisions and its dependence on the kinematical parameters of collisions was studied. Development and application of high energy factorization scheme for hadron collisions is a third part of the scientific activity in 1998-1999. Angular asymmetry and momentum disbalance in a pair of particles produced at high energy in the central rapidity region were studied in [4]. It was shown that the asymmetry is substantial for low outgoing particles momenta but diminishes when they rise. In [5] NLO correction to the one-jet inclusive cross section in the framework of high energy factorization was calculated. The results were numerically compared with predictions of conventional collinear factorization approach. It was shown that NLO in high energy factorization scheme reduces one-jet inclusive cross section, but quantitatively result is highly sensitive to the choice of structure function. D.Ostrovsky participated in XXVII ITEPH Winter school (16-24 February, 1999) and presented a talk "Angular and momentum asymmetry in particle production at high energies" in a student's session. The publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM, because it was submitted before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [1] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Phys.Atom.Nucl. 62, pp.701-707, 1999; Yad.Fiz. 62, pp.750-757, 1999 [in Russian]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [2] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Eur.Phys.J C11, pp.495-499, 1999. [3] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Angular pattern of minijet transverse energy flow in hadron and nuclear collisions, hep-ph/9812416, submitted to Eur.Phys.J. C. [4] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Angular and momentum asymmetry in particle production at high energies, hep-ph/9905496, submitted to Phys.Rev.D. [5] D.Ostrovsky, NLO correction to one-jet inclusive production at high energies, hep-ph/9912258, submitted to Phys.Rev.D. S.A.PASTON (Saint-Petersburg State University) in his studies of quantum field theory in light front coordinates obtained the following results: 1. The effective Hamiltonian in light front coordinates is obtained which at some dependence of coefficients, included in it, from a parameter of UV-regularization, in a limit of it removal reproduces within the framework of perturbation theory the results of lorentz-covariant formulating of quantum chromodynamics [1]. It was possible to make with the help of introduction of an additional nonstandart IR-regularization based on a principle, which is used at the Pauli-Villars regularization. Only after this introduction it has appeared possible to apply the method, published earlier, of a comparison of light-like and lorentz-covariant theories. The offered regularization breaks a gauge invariance, but in a limit of removal of a regularization the gauge invariance is restored. The obtained Hamiltonian in future is supposed to be used in nonperturbative calculations. 2. The scalar theory with non-polynomial interaction resulted from bosonization of two-dimensional quantum electrodynamics (QED) is considered [2]. This theory is described by modified Lagrangian of Sin-Gordon model with the critical value of the parameter of this model. Non-polynomiality of interaction in this model, leading to arising of vertexes with arbitrarily large number of lines in perturbation theory, makes nontrivial the construction of light-front Hamiltonian. For its construction the Pauli-Villars regularization must be introduced because at the critical value of the parameter the ultraviolet behaviour of the theory become worse. Obtained light-front Hamiltonian generates the perturbation theory which is equivalent to the covariant perturbation theory in fermion mass, which plays the role of interaction constant after the bosonization and therefore the Hamiltonian spectrum coincides with the spectrum of QED. One can investigate this spectrum beyond the framework of perturbation theory. 3. S.A.Paston participated in development of such formulation of a gauge field theory on a lattice, with which the action is polynomial on independent field variables [3]. The canonical formalism in light front coordinates for such theory is considered. These results and also the results obtained earlier, were published in a review in the proceedings of the conference in honour of V.A.Fock [4]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, V.A.Franke, Constructing the Light-Front QCD Hamiltonian, Theor.Math.Phys., V.120, No.3. pp.1164-1181, 1999; Teoreticheskaya i Matematicheskaya Fizika, V.120. No.3, pp.417-437, 1999 [in Russian]. [2] S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, V.A.Franke, $QED_2$ Light-Front Hamiltonian reproducing all orders of covariant chiral perturbation theory. Preprint SPbU-IP-99-13; hep-th/9910114. The publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM, because either they were published before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant, or they contain results obtained until this moment: [3] V.A.Franke, S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, Lattice Gauge Theories with polynomial Action and their canonical Formulation on the Light Front, Preprint SPbU-IP-98-5, hep-th/9803035. [4] V.A.Franke, Yu.V.Novozhilov, S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, Quantum Field Theory in Light-Front coordinates, in book: "Quantum Theory in honour of Vladimir A.Fock", Part 1, Unesco, St. Petersburg University, Euro-Asian Physical Society, 1998, pp.38-97; hep-th/9901029. S.Paston participated in the "IX International Workshop Small-x Physics and Light Front Dynamics in QCD", Russia, St. Petersburg, July 6-15 1998, theme of the report: "Lattice Gauge Theories with polynomial Action at the Light Front"; in the international conference "VIII St. Petersburg International School of Physics. Quantum Theory in honour of Vladimir A. Fock", Russia, St. Petersburg, May 25 - June 4 1998, theme of the report: "Lattice Gauge Theories with polynomial Action and their canonical Formulation on the Light Front"; and in the seminar "Final seminar in physics and astronomy of winners in 1998 of grant competition for young scientists of St.-Petersburg", February 16, 1999, St.-Petersburg, Russia, theme of the report: "The Construction of QCD Hamiltonian in Light-Front Coordinates"; In December, 1999 S.Paston has got Ph.D. degree from St.-Petersburg State University. Thesis advisor: Prof. V.A.Franke. Title: "The Construction of Quantum Field Theory Hamiltonian in Light-Front Coordinates". O.A.RYTCHKOV (Steklov Mathematical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences,\\ Moscow) in his studies of classical solutions in superstring theory and their applications has obtained the following results: 1. Wide classes of new intersecting p-brane solutions in various space-time dimensions were constructed making use of an algebraic method [1]. p-brane configurations were specified by incidence matrices and it was shown that the solutions of the algebraic characteristic equations for the incidence matrices controlled the intersections of p-branes. 2. New types of p-brane solutions to various supergravities were obtained with use of the sigma-model approach [9]. A new way to endow branes with an additional internal structure such as plane waves was suggested. Applying the harmonic maps technique new solutions with a non-trivial shell structure in the transverse space were generated. Also intersecting branes were considered and it was shown that the intersection rules have a simple geometric interpretation as conditions ensuring the symmetric space property of the sigma-model target space. 3. Non-extremal overlapping p-brane supergravity solutions localized in their relative transverse coordinates were constructed [5,10]. The construction used an algebraic method of solving the bosonic equations of motion. 4. Some aspects of duality between supergravities on Anti-de Sitter (AdS) spaces (appearing as near D-brane horizon geometry) and conformal field theories were investigated in [2,6]. The massive Rarita-Schwinger field in AdS background was considered and the corresponding equations of motion were solved. It was shown that appropriate boundary terms calculated on-shell give two-point correlation function for spin-3/2 fields of the conformal field theory. The relation between Rarita-Schwinger field masses and conformal dimensions of corresponding operators was established. 5. Bulk-to-bulk propagators for the massive vector and symmetric rank-2 tensor fields in the Euclidean continuation of the Anti-de Sitter space were constructed [3]. The explicit forms of these propagators in the limit when one or both points approach the boundary of AdS were derived. It was shown that the obtained expressions coincide with bulk-to-boundary propagators or two-point correlation functions of the boundary CFT as expected from the AdS/CFT correspondence. This identification provides one more evidence for treating CFT operators on the boundary as appropriate limits of quantum fields in the bulk. Also the above limiting procedure clarifies the artificial appearance of boundary terms in the AdS/CFT correspondence. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] I.Ya.Aref'eva, O.A.Rytchkov, Incidence Matrix Description of Intersecting p-brane Solutions, to be published in L.D.Faddeev's Seminar on Mathematical Physics, Advances in Mathematics, Amer.Math.Soc., Providence, R.I. [2] A.S.Koshelev, O.A.Rytchkov, Note on the Massive Rarita-Schwinger field in the AdS/CFT correspondence, Phys.Lett.B 450, p.368, 1999. [3] A.Polishchuk, O.Rytchkov, Propagator for Massive Spin-2 Field in Anti-de Sitter Space, preprint SMI-25-99. Also the obtained results were published in the proceedings of the following conferences: [4] O.A.Rytchkov, Chaotic Behaviour of Dynamical Systems in M-theory, Proceedings of the Second Open Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (Russia, Dubna, March 2-6, 1998) [in Russian]. [5] O.A.Rytchkov, Localised p-branes in Supergravities and M-theory, Proceedings of the International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, May 18-24, 1998). [6] O.A.Rytchkov, Massive Rarita-Schwinger Field in the AdS/CFT correspondence, Proceedings of the XIV International Workshop on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory (Russia, May 27 - June 2, 1999). There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [7] I.Ya.Aref'eva, P.B.Medvedev, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Chaos in D0-brane Dynamics, Banach Center Publications, V.43, p.41, 1998. [8] I.Ya.Aref'eva, P.B.Medvedev, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Chaos in M(atrix) Theory, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, V.10, p.1, 1998. [9] D.V.Gal'tsov, O.A.Rytchkov, Generating branes via sigma models, Phys.Rev. D58, p.122001, 1998. [10] I.Ya.Aref'eva, M.G.Ivanov, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Non-extremal localized\\ branes and vacuum solutions in M-theory, Class.Quant.Grav. V.15, p.2923, 1998. O.A.Rytchkov participated in Spring School on Non-perturbative Aspects of String Theory and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories (Italy, March 23-31, 1998) and in the Trieste Conference on Superfivebranes and Physics in 5+1 dimensions (Italy, April 1-3, 1998) where a poster entitled "New Non-extremal p-branes in Superstring Theories and M-theory" was presented. O.A.Rytchkov participated in International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, May 18-24, 1998) and presented a talk there entitled "Localized p-branes in Supergravities and M-theory". O.A.Rytchkov participated in XI International Conference "Problems of Quantum Field Theory" (Russia, July 13-17, 1998) and presented a talk entitled "Localized p-branes in various supergravities" O.A Rytchkov participated in XIV International Workshop on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory (Russia, May 27 - June 2, 1999) and presented a talk there entitled "Massive Rarita-Schwinger Field in the AdS/CFT correspondence" V.I.SHEVCHENKO (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow) has obtained the following results: 1. Generalized coordinate gauge in nonabelian gauge theories was analysed, limits of applicability were established and applied to the nonabelian Stokes theorem and dual QCD Lagrangian evaluation. 2. The structure of perturbative contributions to the string tension in gluodynamics was investigated and cancellation of them in the vacuum field correlators framework was shown. 3. The modifications of the Higgs mechanism in abelian Higgs model due to interaction with topological defects were considered. 4. Deeper understanding of the Higgs mechanism in the quantum background was reached, especially in the aspects, important for the abelian projected confinement theories. 5. The colour superconductivity phenomenon was investigated in the framework of Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. The effective potential was calculated and the importance of the nonperturbative gluon condensate from the nonabelian Meissner effect point of view was shown. 6. The exact renormalisation group flows were studied in the current representation of the abelian projected gluodynamics. 7. The Casimir scaling behaviour of the static potential between charges in higher representations of the gauge group SU(3) was investigated, being based on recent lattice data. The value of scaling violating terms is estimated. It is shown, that Casimir scaling puts severe bounds on the presence of classical solutions in the vacuum. [1] V.Shevchenko, Yu.Simonov, Generalized coordinate gauge, nonabelian Stokes theorem and dual QCD Lagrangian, Phys.Lett.B 437, p.146, 1998. [2] V.Shevchenko, Yu.Simonov, Perturbative contributions to field correlators, Phys.Lett.B 437, p.131, 1998. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [3] V.Shevchenko, Higgs mechanism in nontrivial background, hep-th/9810222 (being prepared for publication). [4] N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov, V.I.Shevchenko, Nonperturbative QCD vacuum and Colour Superconductivity, Phys.Rep. V.320, p.131, 1999. [5] V.I.Shevchenko, Yu.A.Simonov, Casimir Scaling as a Test of QCD vacuum, hep-ph/0001299, being prepared for publication. Published talks on conferences: (1) "Generalized Fock-Schwinger Gauge and its applications" V.I. Shevchenko, (based on the work with Yu.A.Simonov), Int.School dedicated to the 100th anniversary of V.A.Fock, St.Peterburg, 1998. (2) "Does confinement imply stochasticity?", V.I.Shevchenko, Chaos and complexity, Ponte di Legno, Italy, 1998. (3) "Gluon degrees of freedom at nonzero baryonic density", V.Shevchenko, (partly based on the work with N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov), XXVIII Autumn School, Lisbon, Portugal,1999. (4) "Coordinate gauges and confinement", V. I. Shevchenko, Confinement III (poster session, unpublished), Newport News, USA, 1998. (5) "Nonperturbative QCD vacuum and Colour Superconductivity", V.Shevchenko, (based on the work with N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov), Buckow, Germany, 1999 (no proceedings). V.Shevchenko visited Department of Theoretical Physics of Pisa University, Italy (October 1 - 30, 1998) by invitation of Professor A.DiGiacomo. In January, 2000 V.Shevchenko has got Ph.D. degree from ITEP. Thesis advisor: Prof.Yu.A.Simonov. Title: "Nonperturbative effects in gauge field theory". N.V.SHEVCHENKO (Irkutsk State University and Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow region) in her studies of few-body systems obtained the following results: 1. Elastic $\eta d$ scattering was considered within the Alt-Grassberger-Sandhas formalism for various $\eta N$ input data. A three-body resonant state was found close to the $\eta d$ threshold [1]. This resonance is sustained for different choices of the two-body $\eta N$ scattering length $a_{\eta N}$. The position of the resonance moves towards the $\eta d$ threshold when ${\rm Re\,}a_{\eta N}$ is increased, and turns into a quasi-bound state at ${\rm Re\,}a_{\eta N}\sim0.7\div0.8$\,fm depending on the choice of ${\rm Im\,}a_{\eta N}$. 2. The nuclear reaction $e+{^3{\rm He}}+{^4{\rm He}}\rightarrow{}e +{^7{\rm Be}}$ was considered at thermonuclear energies [2]. The motion of the electron was treated within the adiabatic approximation and the ${^3{\rm He}}-{^4{\rm He}}$ scattering state was calculated using an effective ${^3{\rm He}}-{^4{\rm He}}$ potential constructed via the Marchenko inverse scattering method. The reaction rate thus obtained for solar interior conditions is approximately $10^{-4}$ of the corresponding rate for the radiative capture ${^3{\rm He}}+{^4{\rm He}}\rightarrow{}{^7{\rm Be}}+\gamma$. The main results have been presented in the paper containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] N.V.Shevchenko, V.B.Belyaev, S.A.Rakityansky, S.A.Sofianos, W.Sandhas, Low-energy $\eta d$ resonance, e-print LANL, nucl-th/9908035; submitted to Phys.Rev.Lett. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [2] N.V.Shevchenko, S.A.Rakityansky, S.A.Sofianos, V.B.Belyaev, Non-radiative synthesis of $^7{\rm Be}$ in solar plasma, J.Physics G25, pp.95-106, 1999. N.Shevchenko will participate in the IV Open Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (Dubna, Russia, January 31 - February 4, 2000) and will present a session talk there entitled "Near-threshold resonance in the $\eta d$ system". N.Shevchenko is invited by the Organizing Committee of the 16th International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics (Taipei, Taiwan, March 6-10, 2000) to take part in the conference and present the contribution entitled "Low energy scattering and photoproduction of $\eta$-mesons by deuterons" in a poster session. N.Shevchenko participates in international co-operation with the group of Prof. W.Sand\-has, Physikalisches Institut, Universitat Bonn, Germany and with the group of Prof. S.A.Sofi\-anos, Physics Department, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa. N.Shevchenko is a postgraduate student of the third year and she is planing to get the Ph.D. degree at the 2000th year. V.V.SHKLYAR ( Far Eastern State University, Vladivostok) in his studies of photon and vector meson production obtained the following results: 1. The different sources of the real photon and $\phi$-meson production in nucleon-nucleon collisions at intermediate energies have been studied and the effective model of the reactions has been suggested in [1-4]. The role and influence of each channel for the $NN\to NN\gamma$ reaction (bremsstrahlung, $\Delta$-excitation, radiative $\omega/\rho$-decay) has been shown and discussed in [1]. 2. Also, the available experimental data for the real photon production at 0.28 and 0.75 GeV beam energy were described well and the predictions for forthcoming data at COSY-TOF are obtained [1]. 3. Apart from the photon production reaction, the $NN\to NN\phi$ reaction near the threshold has been explored. It was shown, that the influence of the shake-off mechanism was negligible and the $\pi\rho\phi$ interaction coming from the non-ideal $\phi-\omega$ mixing angle gave the main contribution to the $\phi$-meson yield [3]. The predictions for the reaction amplitude behaviour and polarization observables near the reaction threshold was obtained. It has been also shown that the earlier exact threshold predictions for these reactions (e.c. M.Recalo et al) were not relevant at energies slightly above the threshold [2]. The value of the beam-target asymmetry $C^{BT}=-0.8$ was predicted and the ratio of the spin-singlet states to the spin-triplet ones was derived at the reaction threshold [3]. 4. The spin density matrix and the anisotropy of the $\phi$ decay were calculated. It was also shown that for the $\phi\to e^+e^-$-decay the small $\bar ss$ admixture could lead to the modification of the $\phi$ decay anisotropy that might be used in the experimental searching of the hidden strangeness in nucleon [4]. There are the publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [1] V.V.Shklyar, B.K\"ampfer, B.L.Reznik, A.I.Titov, Bremsstrahlung in intermediate-energy nucleon reaction within an effective one-boson exchange model, Nucl.Phys.A628, pp.255-274, 1998. [2] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, The reaction $NN \to NN \phi$ near threshold, preprint (nucl-th/9712025); preprint (nucl-th/9811094). The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [3] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, Polarization observables in the reaction $NN \to NN \phi$, to be published in Phys.Rev. C59, 1999. [4] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, Polarization observables in the reaction $NN\to NN\phi$ near threshold, XIV International Seminar On High Energy Physics Problems, Conf. Proceedings, preprint E1,2-98-232. V.Shklyar participated in the International Summer Student School on High Energy Physics in Memory of Bruno Pontekorvo ( JINR, Dubna, August 18 - September 1, 1998.) V.Shklyar also participated in the XIVth International Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems (JINR, Dubna, August 17-22, 1998) as a co-author. Talk on International Seminar DEUTERON-99, JINR, Dubna-99, Russia, 4-7 July. In October, 1999 V.Shklyar has got Ph.D. degree from the Far Eastern State University. Thesis advisor: Prof. A.I.Titov (JINR). Title: "Photon and $\phi$-meson production at intermediate energies" D.V.ALEXANDROV (Urals State University, Ekaterinburg) in his studies of solidification processes obtained the following results: 1. A theory of incipience of a two-phase zone is numerically and theoretically studied [1]. On the basis of a linear law for the velocity of solidification which was obtained numerically, governing equations for the velocity and for the time of incipience of the two-phase zone (the latter arises ahead of a planar front of solidification due to the concentrational supercooling) were deduced. 2. In [2] the fractal dimension of the two-phase zone is determined for the self-similar regime of solidification in the presence of the mushy region. 3. The general problem of incipience of the two-phase zone is solved on the basis of the classical Stefan thermodiffusion model (without suggestions about the velocity distribution). The time of incipience of the two-phase zone and the velocity of solidification are determined in the form of integral equations [3]. 4. A theory of solidification with a qusiequilibrium two-phase zone is detailed on the basis of analytical solution of Borisov's model [4]. The steps of thermodynamic values in the two-phase zone (at both boundaries) are found on the basis of which the zone is changed by the discontinuity surface between solid and liquid phases. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] D.V.Alexandrov, A.G.Churbanov, P.N.Vabishchevich, Emergence of a Mushy Region in Processes of Binary Melt Solidification, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research, V.26, No.2, pp.248-264, 1999. [2] D.V.Alexandrov, A.O.Ivanov, M.E.Komarovski, An Influence of a Fractal-Like Mushy Region on Solidification Process, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research, V.26, No.2, pp.224-231, 1999. [3] D.V.Alexandrov, Incipience of a Mushy Zone in Binary Melt Solidification Processes: General Theory, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research (to be published). [4] D.V.Alexandrov, To the Theory of Solidification with a Quasiequilibrium Two-Phase Zone, Doklady AN (submitted) [in Russian]. The following papers will be presented for publication soon with acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: 1. D.V.Alexandrov, Incipience of a Mushy Zone in Binary Melt Solidification Processes: Stefan Thermodiffusion Problem (Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research). 2. D.V.Alexandrov, Quasiequilibrium Mushy Region: Dynamic Instability (Acta Materialia). In March, 1998 D.Alexandrov has got Ph.D. degree from The Urals State Technical University. Thesis advisors: Prof. V.V.Mansurov, Dr. A.O.Ivanov. Title: "An Influence of a quasiequilibrium Mushy Region on Solidification of Binary Melts". A.A.ALIVERDIEV (Institute of Physics, Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala) in his studies of the use of a registered signal velocity for the time-resolved tomography, in particular for the laser tomography of condensed matter obtained the following results: 1. A summarizing of the reconstructive theory of a signal speed using has been developed [1-10]. 2. Analytical expressions for nD photoacoustic tomography and the problem of a complex absorption account have been derived. Some practical algorithms and software ware carried out. Number of 2D numerical simulations are hold. A principally important result was obtained that good photoacoustic reconstruction is possible with different conditions [1-4, 7, 8]. 3. A method of a stream collision has been proposed for the stochastic emission correlation tomography. Number of 2D numerical simulations with inspired results are hold [1]. 4. A method of Hartley transform has been considered for an image processing. Some practical algorithms and software ware carried out [5]. The main goals of the project was achieved. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, Use of velocity of a filed signal in a tomography. Features of an optoacoustic tomography, [in Russian], Makhachkala, DSU, 1998, 60p. [2] G.K.Makhtimagomedov, M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, R.M.Batyrov, G.M.Halilulayev, A.A.Amirova, M.M.Akhmedov, M.M.Ataev, About the modeling of spatial-temporal tomographic reconstruction of sphere of phase transitions; Proceedings of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter", Makhachkala, Russia, 1998, p.3-6. [3] A.A.Aliverdiev, Some aspects of the computing of the laser tomography of mixed state, Proceedings of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter", Makhachkala, Russia, 1998, p.3-5. [4] A.A.Aliverdiev, About the account of complex absorption in laser tomography, Proceedings of the International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan", dedicated to 275 Anniversary of Russian Academy of the Sciences and 50 Anniversary of Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of the Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, pp.33-34. [5] A.A.Aliverdiev, R.M.Batyrov, M.G.Karimov, G.M.Halilulayev, A.A.Amirova, Some questions of the use of Hertley transform in physical tomography, Proceedings of the International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan", dedicated to 275 Anniversary of Russian Academy of the Sciences and 50 Anniversary of Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of the Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, p.35. [6] M.G.Karimov. A.A.Aliverdiev, A.A.Amirova, Some questions of the tomographic reconstruction of plasma objects, Proceedings of the All-Russian Conference "Physical Electronics", Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, p.107. [7] A.A.Aliverdiev, M.G.Karimov, Back photoacoustic problem in the investigation of quasistationary spatial-heterogeneous flows, Proceedings of the V International Scientific and Technical Conference "Optical Methods of the Flows Investigations" (Moscow, Russia, 1999), p.161. [8] A.A.Aliverdiev, Some questions of the physical tomography with application of velocity spectrum of registered signal, Proceedings of the Conference "Resonance and non-linear phenomenon in Condensed Matter" (Ufa, Russia 1999). There are two publications, which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [9] A.A.Aliverdiev, M.G.Karimov, Solution of optic reconstructive problem considering registered signal velocity, Turkey J. of Physics, No.4, pp.311-314, 1998. [10] M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, About modeling of 2D optoacoustic researches of exited media, Radiophysics (Massager of Higher Educational Institutes of Russia), No.1, 1999. A.Aliverdiev was the executive (scientific) secretary of the local Program Committee of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter" (Makhachkala, Russia, 1998). Two reports of A.Aliverdiev ware represented in that Conference. A.Aliverdiev represents the reports in (1) the Winter College "Spectroscopy and Applications" (AS-ICTP, Trieste, Italy 1999), (2) the Baikal School of Fundamental Physics (Irkutsk, Russia, 1999, in absentia, by correspondence), (3) the V International Scientific and Technical Conference "Optical Methods of the Flows Investigations" (Moscow, Russia, 1999, in absentia, by co-author), (4) International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan" (Makhachkala, Russia, 1999), (5) the All-Russian Conference "Physical Electronics" (Makhachkala, Russia 1999), (6) the Regional Conference "Resonance and non-linear phenomenon in Condensed Matter" (Ufa, Russia 1999), (7) the Fourth Training Course in the Physics of Correlated Electron Systems and High-Tc Superconductors (Vietri sul Mare, Salerno, Italy, 1999). In July 1998 A. Aliverdiev has got Ph.D. degree from the Daghestan State University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. M.G.Karimov (DSU). Title: "Some solutions of a reconstructive problem in a plasma physics and nonlinear optics with the use of a finiteness of distribution of a registered signal velocity". O.L.BERMAN (Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Moscow Region) in his studies of phase transitions and superfluidity in the system of coupled quantum wells obtained the following results: 1. The theory of phase transitions of electron-hole and unbalanced electron systems in coupled quantum wells in high magnetic fields has been developed [1]. Analytical expressions for the temperatures of the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition to the superfluid state have been derived. A principally important result was obtained that the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature decreases at rise of magnetic field and interwell separation at fixed magnetoexciton density. But the maximal possible Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature increases at rise of magnetic field and interwell separation. 2. It was shown that the system of weakly interacting indirect excitons in the superlattice slab is unstable [2,3]. A method based on the sum of the ladder diagram for the calculation of vertex of quadrupole indirect biexcitons interaction has been proposed for the obtaining of the collective spectrum, superfluid density and the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature. 3. The effect of random field due to impurities, boundary irregularities on the superfluidity of a three-dimensional system of excitons and a quasi-two-dimensional of direct and spatially indirect excitons is investigated [4]. 4. The excitation spectra and superfluidity of the electron-hole system in coupled quantum wells have been analyzed [5,6]. It was shown that the gap in the excitation spectra decreases if the interwell separation and the density of electrons and holes increase. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, V.G.Tsvetus, Phase transitions of electron-hole and unbalanced electron systems in coupled quantum wells in high magnetic fields, Phys.Rev. B59, pp.5627-5636, 1999. [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, M.Willander, Superfluidity of indirect biexcitons in superlattices, JETP V.88, No.5, pp.980-986, 1999. [3] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, M.Willander, Superfluidity of indirect biexcitons in superlattices, Europhysics Letters V.48, No.3, pp.299-305, 1999. [4] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, The superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, JETP Lett. V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999. [5] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.A.Panfilov, The excitation spectra and superfluidity of the electron-hole system in coupled quantum wells, Physica Status Solidi (b), V.209, pp.287-294, 1998. [6] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman and A.A.Panfilov, The excitation spectra in coupled quantum wells, Solid State Phys. (russ. Fiz.Tverd.Tela), V.40, No.12, pp.2226-2228, 1998. O.Berman participated in the International Advanced School Leonardo da Vinci for a continuing education programme 1998 Summer Course "Superconducting materials: advances in technology and applications" (Italy, Bologna, 29 June - 10 July, 1998). Five reports on seminars at the Institute of Spectroscopy were made. One report in seminar at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Stoney Brook has been made. In 1999 O.Berman has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "The investigation of phase transitions and superfluidity in the system of the coupled quantum wells". D.A.DANILOV (Udmurt State University, Izhevsk) in his studies of rapid solidification obtained the following results: 1. A comparative analysis of a model for local nonequilibrium solidification with experimental measurements of "dendrite tip growth velocity -- initial melt undercooling" in rapidly solidifying alloys Cu - 30% at. Ni [1] and Ni - 1% at. Zr [2] has been performed. The predictions of the model are in qualitative and quantitative agreement with experimental data for both alloys. 2. A general solution [3] of the steady-state crystal growth shape under local nonequilibrium solidification has been found. This solution is found for the following growth shapes: elliptical paraboloid, paraboloid of revolution, cylindrical paraboloid, and parabolic platelet. 3. On the basics of a one-sided model of solute diffusion the dynamics of a motion of the rapid solidification front in a binary alloy is investigated [4,5]. A criterion connecting the dynamical stability of the front motion in a steady-state regime with a slope of the kinetic curve "front velocity - initial undercooling'' is formulated. An expression for the definition of nonstationary time during the transition to the steady-state regime is obtained. 4. A model for rapid solidification in undercooled pure metallic liquid is developed that includes local nonequilibrium heat transfer and kinetics of liquid-solid interface motion [6]. Taking into account the finiteness of the speed of heat transport, a general solution of the problem about local nonequilibrium heat transfer with the moving heat source at the planar solidification front is obtained. Asymptotic behavior of the velocity of the rapid planar front is investigated. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Model for free dendritic alloy growth under interfacial and bulk phase nonequilibrium conditions, J.Crystal Growth V.197, pp.992-1002, 1999. [2] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Dendritic growth model for rapid solidification of undercooled alloys, International Conference on Rapidly Quenched and Metastable Materials "RQ-10", Bangalore, India, August 1999, submitted for publication in the journal Material Science and Engineering. [3] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Steady-state crystal growth shape under local nonequilibrium mass transfer, Inzhenerno Fizicheski Zhurnal (Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics), submitted for publication [in Russian]. [4] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Selection of the dynamically stable regime of rapid solidification front motion in isothermal binary alloy, J.Crystal Growth, accepted for publication. [5] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko, A criterion for dynamical stability of rapid solidification front motion, University and Academic Scientific-Practical Conference, Udmurt State University. Thesis for the conference, Izhevsk, April 1999, p.60-61 [in Russian]. [6] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko, Hyperbolic heat transfer in rapid solidification of supercooled liquids, Proc. of the 4th Minsk International Heat and Mass Transfer Forum, A.V.Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute, Minsk, May 2000, accepted for publication. A.V.EMELYANENKO (Moscow State University) in his studies of strongly polar liquid crystals obtained the following results: 1. A statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition has been developed for a system of molecules possessing a strong dipole [1,4]. It was explicitly taken into account that a large amount of dimers appear in a molecular system, when a dipole is strong enough. The dependence of the nematic order parameters of monomers and dimers on the temperature and the temperature variation of the molar fraction of dimers have been obtained. These investigations were held for the systems of molecules with different values of the dipole moment. A principally important result was obtained that the nematic-isotropic transition temperature has no absolute growth with the increasing dipole moment, as it was predicted by the preceding theories, but achieves its maximum with subsequent decrease. This happens because molecules with the large dipole moments form dimers intensively, which destroy the nematic order. In the previous research, based on the mean field or second virial approximations, a very strong short-range correlations leading to the formation of dimers were disregarded. A theory derived in [1,4] takes into account the existence of dimers directly. It was shown, that for molecules with large dipoles the transition temperature decreases with the increasing dipole moment. This result was confirmed by the recent computer simulations. 2. Influence of the molecular shape on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals has been investigated [2]. A method based on the expansion of the intermolecular potential in a complete set of spherical invariants has been proposed to estimate the dispersion interaction between monomers and dimers. It has been established that molecules with small dipoles form dimers, which favour the nematic phase, whereas dimers composed of molecules with large dipoles favour the isotropic phase. It has also been found that molecules with an intermediate value of the dipole moment couple in dimers, which do not influence the nematic- isotropic transition temperature. This balance point depends on the molecular shape, and it may exist or not for different molecules. 3. A statistical theory of the cholesteric ordering [3] was derived. On the contrary to the preceding publications, it describes the helix inversion in binary mixtures. The biaxiality of molecules is explicitly taken into account. Under a certain conditions (driven by the mutual concentration of the components and temperature) the interaction between the short molecular axes, which was disregarded in the previous attempts, dominates over the interaction between the main axes. It leads to the helix inversion, which is usually observed in the experiment. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Polar liquid crystals. Statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [2] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Nematic-isotropic phase transition in polar liquid crystals. Role of the dispersion interaction, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [3] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, D.A.Dunmur, Molecular Theory of Chiral Nematic Liquid Crystals, Phys.Rev.E, paper accepted for publication. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Influence of dimerization on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals, Liquid Crystals, V.26, No.2, 1999. A.Emelyanenko participated in the 17-th International Liquid Crystal Conference (Strasbourg, France, July 19-24, 1998) and presented a poster "Molecular Theory of The Nematic-Isotropic Transition in Strongly Polar Liquid Crystals". Thesis of the poster was published. In 1999 A.Emelyanenko participated in the International Conference on Liquid Crystals, which took place in Krynica (Poland), with a report "Theory of the helix inversion in nematics doped with chiral molecules" (September 13-17, 1999) and in the International Conference "Nonlinear dynamics in polymer science and related fields", Desna, Moscow region, with a report "Helix inversion in binary liquid crystalline mixtures" (October 11-15, 1999). Both theses are included in the corresponding abstract books. The full-length reports are planned. A.V. Emelyanenko has also taken part in the Students Conference on chemistry and physics of the thin organic films, Puschino, Moscow region, with a report "Inversion of the spiral structure in binary LC mixtures" (June 14-15, 1999). Now A.Emelyanenko is developing a new theory of the liquid crystalline polymers, which also possess a helix inversion. I.M.EREMIN (Kazan State University) in his studies of the electronic structure and magnetic properties of high temperature superconductivity obtained the following results: 1. Self-consistent calculation of spin (charge) density wave order (SDW/CDW) parameters have been performed for bilayered cuprates on the basis of a singlet correlated band model [1]. Evolution of the Fermi surface in the strongly underdoped regime is described by using a two-band approach. The smooth development of the pseudogap formation temperature is explained from underdoped to overdoped states and the Fourier amplitudes $$ (spin) and $$ (charge) modulations have been calculated. We have found a maximum of the incommensurability for doping 0.09-0.11 holes per copper site. 2. The phase boundary of the paramagnetic phase of cuprates has been calculated with taking into account the strong electron correlations. The instability wave vector gets displaced from pure antiferromagnetic wave vector if doping increases. The calculated pictures of Lindhard response functions and complex momentum dependence of a CDW pseudogap are presented. Spin susceptibility expression for the singlet correlated band at $T_c The results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, I.Eremin, submitted to Appl.Magn.Res (cond-mat/9908297). [2] I.Eremin, M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, in a book "Stripes and Related Phenomena", edited by A.Bianconi and N.L.Saini, to be published by Kluwer Academics-Plenum Publisher. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before the grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant. [3] I.Eremin, Solid State Commun. 105, pp.293-296, 1998. I.Eremin participated in the Second International Conference on Stripes'98 (Rome, Italy, 2-6 June, 1998) and presented an oral contribution "Two reasons of instability in layered cuprates", Specialized Colloque Ampere EPR, NMR and NQR in Solid State Physics: Recent Trends (Pisa, Italy, June 14-18, 1999) and presented poster contribution "How large can be CDW/SDW amplitudes in layered cuprates", XVI International Seminar "New Magnetic Materials for Microelectronics" (Moscow, Russian Federation, June 23-26, 1998) and presented a poster "Dynamic spin susceptibility below $T_c$. Hubbard Model" (in Russian), XXVII International School for Theoretical Physicists "Kourovka" (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 2-7 March, 1998) and presented a talk "Influence of strong electron correlation on dynamical spin susceptibility in two-dimensional models" (in Russian) I.Eremin participated in the International Cooperation with the groups of Prof. D.Brinkmann and Prof. H.Keller, Institute of Physics, Zuerich University, Switzerland. In September 1999 I.Eremin has got a Ph.D. degree under the supervision of Prof. B.I.Kochelaev (Kazan State University). A.V.PANOV (Far-Eastern State University, Vladivostok) in his studies of magnetism obtained the following results: 1. The ground and metastable magnetic states of magnetite and iron particles with sizes closed to single-domain were analyzed within the scope of the developed model [1]. It was shown that depending on its size and elongation the grain can be in one of three states: with uniform magnetization, with a small and large non-uniformity of magnetic moment (quasi-single-domain and two-domain states). The critical sizes for uniform and quasi-single-domain states were calculated. Magnetization processes of such particles were simulated. The coercive force and critical fields as functions of size, elongation of the particles and external magnetic field direction were studied. The essential difference from similar studies is non-monotone dependence of coercive force on particle elongation for magnetite which is confirmed by experiments. 2. The previous model of two-phase particle was extended by entering of interfacial exchange coupling [2-4]. The magnetization process of an ensemble of Co-coated $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ used in magnetic recording media was studied. The set of magnetic states of such particles was analyzed for ensemble with thermal agitation. It was shown that relation between interfacial exchange coupling and magnetostatic inter-phase interaction affect dependence of the coercive force of the ensemble of $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ particles on coating volume. It was obtained that the growth in coating magnetocrystalline anisotropy leads to increase in coercivity of the ensemble. The main results have been presented in the papers submitted in March and April, 1998, before grantee has been informed of the awarding ICFPM grant: [1] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine magnetite particles, Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie [in Russian], 86, pp.65-73, 1998. [2] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Modeling of magnetization process of an ensemble of $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles with cobalt coating, "Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie" [in Russian] v.87, pp.17-22, 1999. [3] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states of Co-coated $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.241-242. [4] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, An influence of inter-phase interaction on coercive force of two-component particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.511-512. In June, 1999 A. V. Panov has got Ph. D. degree from the Far East State University (Vladivostok). Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Belokon'. Title: "Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine heterogeneous particle systems". A.M.POVOLOTSKY (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow Region) in his studies of the models of self-organized criticality obtained the following results: 1. We investigate the dynamics of Eulerian walkers as a model of self-organized criticality [1]. The evolution of the system is divided into characteristic periods which can be seen as avalanches. The structure of avalanches is described and the critical exponent in the distribution of first avalanches $\tau=2$ is determined. We also study a mean square displacement of Eulerian walkers and obtain a simple diffusion law in the critical state. The evolution of underlying medium from a random state to the critical one is described. 2.The general framework for the renormalization group analysis of self-organized critical sandpile models is formulated [2,3]. The usual real space renormalization scheme for lattice models when applied to nonequilibrium dynamical models must be supplemented by feedback relations coming from the stationarity conditions. On the basis of these ideas the Dynamically Driven Renormalization Group is applied to describe the boundary and bulk critical behavior of sandpile models. A detailed description of the branching nature of sandpile avalanches is given in terms of the generating functions of the underlying branching process. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] A.M.Povolotsky, V.B.Priezzhev, R.R.Shcherbakov, Phys.Rev.E 58, pp.5449-5454, 1998. [2] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, Phys.Rev.E 60, pp.1239-1251, 1999. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [3] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, preprint DIAS-STP-98-06, Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Ireland. A.Povolotsky was invited by J.Stefan Institute, Ljubljana Slovenia and presented the seminar there entitled "Eulerian walkers as a model of the self-organized criticality." S.E.SKIPETROV (Moscow State University) in his studies obtained the following main results: 1. A possibility for diagnostics of laser-induced particle flows in concentrated suspensions using methods of the optical correlation spectroscopy has been studied. The role of ponderomotive effects in experiments on dynamic multiple light scattering (DMLS) has been analyzed. 2. A diffusion model for the temporal autocorrelation function of multiple scattered light has been developed. The model has been shown to be valid for both the Brownian motion and laminar flow of scatterers. The case of spatially localized flow of scatterers in a turbid sample has been considered. We have demonstrated both theoretically and experimentally that one could use DMLS techniques to obtain useful information about hidden particle flows in turbid media. 3. Imaging through atmospheric turbulence has been studied. Statistical moments of the modulation transfer functions (MTFs) of a turbulent atmosphere have been calculated for various models of turbulence. Some of the main results have been presented in a paper containing acknowledgment to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially heterogeneous scatterer dynamics. Physics in Higher Education, V.5, No.1, pp.98-112, 1999 [in Russian]. [2] Karabutov A.A., Pelivanov I.M., Podymova N.B., Skipetrov S.E. Direct measurement of the spatial intensity distribution of light in a scattering medium, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., V.70, No.3, pp.187-191, 1999 [in Russian]; [English translation: J.Exp.Theor.Phys.Lett., V.70, No.3, pp.183-188, 1999]. [3] Skipetrov S.E., Effective dielectric function of a random medium, Phys.Rev.B 60, No.18, pp.12705-12709, 1999. [4] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Shcheglov V.A., Laser-induced particle flows in random media: is the diagnostics with multiple-scattered light possible? In: CD-ROM Proceedings of the International Conference on Optical Technology and Image Processing in Fluid, Thermal, and Combustion Flow (VSJ-SPIE'98) (Yokohama, Japan, December 7-9, 1998), paper AB090. [5] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Correlation spectroscopy for diagnostics of light-induced particle motion in concentrated suspensions. In: Fourth International Conference on Correlation Optics, O.V. Angelsky, Ed., Proc. SPIE, V.3904, pp.423-428, 1999. [6] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave imaging of flows in turbid media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99), (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). [7] Skipetrov S.E., Refractive index of random media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99) (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). S.Skipetrov participated in several scientific conferences: - XI School-Conference on Diffraction and Propagation of Waves (Moscow, Russia, January 12-15, 1998). An oral presentation entitled "Multiple scattering of light in random media with complex dynamic structure" has been made. - NATO Advanced Study Institute "Diffuse Waves in Complex Media" (Les Houches, France, March 17-28, 1998). A poster "Ponderomotive action of light in random media" has been presented. - XVI International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics - ICONO'98 (Moscow, Russia, June 29-July 3, 1998). Two posters has been presented: "Dynamic multiple scattering of laser radiation on light-induced flows of microparticles in suspension" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy of flows". - 17th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division, European Physical Society and 6emes Journees de la Matiere Condensee, Societe Francaise de Physique (Grenoble, France, August 25-29, 1998). A poster "Cross-correlations in dynamic multiple scattering of light" has been presented. - Fall School-Conference "Light-Scattering Techniques in Biomedicine, Industry and Material Science" (Saratov, Russia, October 6-9, 1998). An oral presentation: "Theory of diffusing-wave spectroscopy with angular and spatio-temporal cross-correlations" and two poster presentations: "Ponderomotive action of light in random multiple-scattering media" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in random media with absorption", have been made. - International Conference on Biomedical Optics and Spectroscopy. European Biomedical Optics Week - BiOS'98 (Stockholm, Sweden, September 6-9, 1998). Title of presentation: "Possibilities for study of light-induced flows of microparticles in concentrated suspensions using methods of optical correlation spectroscopy". - International Conference on LASERS'98 (Tucson, Arizona, USA, December 7-11, 1998). Title of presentation: "Hydrodynamic flows induced by copper-vapor laser: diagnostics using optical correlation spectroscopy". S.E.Skipetrov has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. S.S.Chesnokov. Title: "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially-heterogeneous scatterer flows". F.M.TSAHHAEV (Ryazan State Pedagogical University) in his studies of physics of low dimensional structures obtained the following results: 1. Galvanomagnetic effects have been measured in n-AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures with filling of two subbands. The values of the momentum relaxation times t and q have been determined experimentally. The t and q times have been also calculated in the conditions of intersubband scattering using the self-consistent electron wave function. The dominating relaxation mechanism was identified and the parameters of defects were evaluated by comparison of experimentally determined and calculated t and q values [1,5,6,9]. 2. The GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures with anomalously high mobility of 2D-electrons 0.6 m/V s (T=4.2 K) in respect to the well-known analogs have been synthesized. The anomalies and anisotropy of kinetic effects characteristics of the GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures have been observed in experiments. The electrons energy spectrum in GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures has been calculated on the basis of the experimental results. The comparison of calculated data and measurements results (C-V characteristics, temperature and axial/lateral magnetic field dependencies of conductivity, photoluminescence spectra) reveals anomalous properties of GaAs(0.30,?-Sn) structure along [110] direction in respect to the [110] one [4]. 3. In [7,8] the experimental results is analyzed in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures. 4. The hysteresis of current-temperature characteristics is revealed in GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with the three quantum wells [2]. 5. The magnetic field suppression of electron-electron interaction of 2D-electrons in the main and the first, disturbed subbands of dimension quantization in single heterojunction AlGaAs/GaAs have been revealed [3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] V.I.Kadushkin, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Relaxation mechanisms of 2D-electrons in selective doped n-AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs heterostructure with filling of two subbands,\\ Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., No.5/6, pp.55-74, 1999. [2] V.I.Tsebro, O.E.Omelyanovski, V.I.Kadushkin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, F.M.Tsahhaev,\\ S.N.Larin, Lateral photoconductivity low temperature hysteresis of GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with asymmetric system of quantum wells, Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). [3] V.I.Kadushkin, F.M.Tsahhaev, S.N.Larin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, Intersubband relaxation of 2D-electrons in AlGaAs(Si)/GaAs strong doped heterojunction, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., No.3/4, pp.135-166, 1998. [5] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, News Institutions of Higher Education. Physics, No.159, 1998 [in Russian]. Proceedings of the Conference: [6] The 24th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, August 2-7, 1998, Jerusalem, Israel; "Energy spectrum and relaxation mechanisms of electrons in lateral-surface superlattices GaAs(0.30,?-Sn)". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Yu.A.Kotova). [7] 10th International Symposium on Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors, August 31- September 2, 1998, Vilnius, Lithuania. "Photomodulation processes in GaAs/AlAs type-I quantum well structures". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [8] VII Luthuanian-Polish Seminar "Solid State Physics and Technology", Kaunas, 1998. "Photoexcitation effects in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures investigated by differential reflectivity spectroscopy". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [9] The 194th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, Boston, Massachusetts, November\\ 1-6, 1998. "Energy spectrum of electrons in GaAs(?-Sn) structure grown on vicinal plane". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). In March, 2000 F.M.Tsahhaev shall be got Ph.D. degree from the Ryazan State Pedagogical University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Kadushkin (RSPU). Title: "Localization and scattering of quasi-particles in low-dimensional heterostructures in quantized magnetic fields." D.A.RYNDYK (Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS, Nizhny Novgorod) in his studies of nonequilibrium effects in dynamics of Josephson structures and layered superconductors (nonequilibrium Josephson effect) obtained the following results: 1. Starting from microscopic equations for Green functions, quasiclassical kinetic equations are derived for the systems of tunnel junctions and for layered superconductors [1]. This kinetic equations can be generalized for the case of different types of junctions and for superconductors with arbitrary energy dependence of the density of states and anisotropic pairing. 2. Dynamics of one-dimensional array of nonequilibrium junctions is investigated, in particular, current-voltage characteristics and high frequency interaction between junctions. Peculiarities of the dynamics of intrinsic Josephson junctions in HTSC are considered [1,2] (this work is a continuation of previous investigation carried out in 1998: D.A.Ryndyk, Phys.Rev.Lett., 80, 3376, 1998). The calculated current-voltage characteristics demonstrate the nature of the effect of electron-hole imbalance on the dynamics of one-dimensional chains of junctions. 3. The effect of nonequilibrium amplification of Josephson oscillations is predicted [2]. 4. "Plasma" oscillations and Josephson flux flow in layered superconductors is considered with nonequilibrium effects taken into account. Beside, the work on the kinetic theory of plasma turbulence is continued, which was began previously in connection with the experimental investigation of low-hybrid turbulence, excited by ion beam (E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk et al., Nuclear Fusion, 38, 661, 1998). New results in the theory of turbulent broadening of cyclotron resonances are published in Ref.[3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] D.A.Ryndyk, Nonequilibrium Josephson effect in systems of tunnel junctions and in layered superconductors, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. V.116, p.1798, 1999 [JETP V.89, p.975, 1999]. [2] D.A.Ryndyk, High-frequency properties of nonequilibrium Josephson junctions in nanoscale and layered superconductors, Journal of radioelectronics (www journal) n.1 (2000), to be published in "Foreign radioelectronics". [3] E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk, Stochastic Broadening of High Order Ion Cyclotron Resonances due to Lower-Hybrid Turbulence, Strong microwaves in plasmas (proceedings of IV international workshop on strong micro-waves in plasmas, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 1999 ), ed. A.G.Litvak, V.2, Nizhny Novgorod, 2000. D.Ryndyk in 1999 participated in: 1. School-seminar "Physics and applications of microwaves" (24-30 of May in Krasnovidovo, Moscow region) with invited lecture "Physical basis of Josephson high frequency electronics". D.Ryndyk take part in several russian and international research projects, in particular: 1. Grants of Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) N. 97-02-16928 and 99-02-16188 . 2. State research program "Physics of microwaves". Grant 4.7. "Theoretical and experimental investigation of microwave interaction with superconducting structures". 3. Joint program of Institute of Applied Physics RAS and W7-AS stellarator group (Garching, Germany) on Collective Thomson scattering for plasma diagnostic. A.M.RUVINSKY (Institute of Spectroscopy of RAS, Troitsk) in his studies of collective properties of excitons has considered an influence of random fields on the conditions of exciton condensation and superfluidity in bulk and low-dimensional systems [1]. It was shown that in semiconductor alloys the density of excitons in Bose condensate decreases due to the exciton scattering on random fields of impurities or fluctuations of the composite. The density of the superfluidity fraction in the system of 3D and quasi-2D excitons also decreases taking into account this scattering. The scattering on the random field of the quantum well widths' fluctuations was analyzed for direct and indirect excitons. Analytical expressions for the exciton superfluidity densities in "dirty" single quantum wells, coupled quantum wells and bulk semiconductors have been derived. The influence of random fields on Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature for exciton systems in low-dimensional structures was analyzed. These results have been presented in the papers [1,2] containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1].Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, Superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. V.69, No.8, pp.573-578, 1999 [in Russian], (Letter in JETP, V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999). [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, A.M.Ruvinsky, Bogolubov approximation for rare exciton system in random media, Fiz.Tverd.Tela (Physics of the Solid State), in print, 2000 [in Russian]. In June, 1998 A.Ruvinsky has got Ph.D. degree from State Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "Magnetoexcitons in inhomogeneous and low-dimensional structures". A.ZEMLYANOV (Moscow State University) obtained the following results: A new approach to the description of anomalous transport phenomena that take place in fractal media was developed. Namely, anomalous diffusion on a comb structure consisting of a one- dimensional backbone and lateral branches (teeth) of random length is considered. A definite classification of the trajectories of random walks reduces the original problem to an analysis of classical diffusion on the backbone, where, however, the time of this process is a random quantity. Its distribution is assigned by the properties of the random walks of the diffusing particles on the teeth. The possibility of applying mean-field theory in such a model is demonstrated, and the equation for the Green's function with a partial derivative of fractional order is obtained. The characteristic features of the propagation of particles on a comb structure are analyzed. A model of an effective homogeneous medium, in which diffusion is described by an equation with a fractional derivative with respect to time and an initial condition in the form of an integral of fractional order, is obtained. These results are published in [1] and were presented at the Moscow Seminar on Synergetics at the Physics Faculty, Moscow State University. [1] I.A.Lubashevsky, A.A.Zemlyanov, Continuum description of anomalous diffusion on a comb structure, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., V.114, pp.1284-1312, 1998 [in Russian]. A.Zemlyanov has received invitation for participating in a research program at the University of Texas at Austin during the next three years.
V.A.GANI (Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute (Technical University)), obtained the following main results within the research program of ICFPM during 1998-1999: 1. The space-time structure of the process of decay of a bubble of hypothetic phase - disoriented chiral condensate (DCC) is studied [1]. It is shown that the process of decay of the initial configuration depends crucially on selfinteraction of the pionic fields. In some cases this selfinteraction leads to the formation of sort of breather solution, formed from the pionic fields. This breather looks like a long-lived source of pionic fields. 2. Recurrence relations of perturbation theory for hydrogen ground state are obtained [2]. With their help polarizabilities in constant perpendicular electric and magnetic fields are computed up to 80th order. The high orders asymptotic is compared with its quasiclassical estimate. 3. The kink-antikink collision process for the "double sine-Gordon" (DSG) equation in 1+1 dimensions at different values of the potential parameter R>0 is studied [3]. For small values of R the problem of resonance frequencies is discussed. Qualitative explanation of the frequency shift in comparison with the frequency of the discrete level in the potential well of isolated kink is given. 4. The process of collision of two parallel domain walls in a supersymmetric model is studied both in effective Lagrangian approximation and by numerical solving of the exact classical field problem [4]. For small initial velocities we find that the walls interaction looks like elastic reflection with some delay. It is also shown that in such approximation internal parameter of the wall may be considered as a time-dependent dynamical variable. 5. The time evolution of configurations in the form of two parallel domain walls moving towards each other in a supersymmetric field model is studied [5]. The configurations involved are not BPS-saturated. It is found that for such collisions there exists some critical value $v_{cr}\approx0.9120$ of the initial velocity $v_i$ of the walls. At $v_iv_{cr}$ the sequence of vacuum states changes. The results of the numerical simulations are in agreement with "potential" consideration. 6. Detailed study of the time evolution for the initially formed large amplitude bubbles of disoriented chiral condensate (DCC) is performed [6]. It is found that the evolution of these objects may have a relatively long pre-decay stage. Simple explanation for delayed decay of such DCC bubbles is given. It is related to the existence of quasi-multikink solutions of the corresponding radial sine-Gordon equation in (3+1) dimensions. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, T.I.Belova, Yad.Fiz., 62, No.5, pp.956-960 (1999) [in Russian]. [2] V.A.Gani, V.M.Weinberg, Hydrogen atom in crossed external fields reexamined by moment method, preprint ITEP-29 (1998);; prepared for submission to Yad.Fiz. [in Russian]. [3] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, Phys.Rev.E, 60 No.3, pp.3305-3309, 1999. [4] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, A remark on collisions of domain walls in a supersymmetric model, preprint ITEP-15 (1999); [5] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, preprint ITEP-44 (1999);; prepared for submission to Phys.Rev.D. [6] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, prepared for publication as a preprint ITEP and for submission to Yad.Fiz. [in Russian]. In 1999 V.A.Gani was invited by Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute (Technical University) to take part in the International Conference "Scientific Session MEPhI-1999", January 18-22, 1999. The following talks were presented: 1) V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, T.I.Belova, "Decay of a bubble of disoriented chiral condensate"; 2) V.A.Gani, V.M.Weinberg, "High order susceptibilities of the hydrogen atom in external electric and magnetic fields"; 3) V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, "Kink-antikink interactions in the double sine-Gordon equation and the problem of resonance frequencies". In 2000 V.A.Gani was invited by Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute (Technical University) to take part in the International Conference "Scientific Session MEPhI-2000", January 17-21, 2000. The following talk was presented: V.M.Weinberg, V.A.Gani, V.D.Mur, V.S.Popov, "Energy eigenvalues of the hydrogen ground state in crossed external fields". V.A.Gani participates as a coinvestigator in Grants No 98-02-17316 (the head of the group is Prof. A.E.Kudryavtsev), No 98-02-17007 (the head of the group is Prof. V.S.Popov), No 96-15-96578 (the head of the group is Prof. L.B.Okun) of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. V.A.Gani is included as a coinvestigator in two international research projects, which now is under consideration by Foundations. D.S.GORBUNOV (Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) in his studies of supersymmetric models obtained the following results: 1. Phenomenological consequences of the direct mixing between Standard Model fields and fields-mediators of supersymmetry breaking (messengers) were discovered. Limits on the corresponding coupling constants coming from flavor violating processes both in the lepton [1] and quark [2] sector were obtained. Radiative electroweak breaking in models with mixing was studied. It was found that in these models, unlike gauge mediated models without mixing, wide range of $\tan{\beta}$ is allowed. 2. In [3] it was constructed a toy model with the following properties: i) it is strongly coupled at a certain scale and breaks supersymmetry at this scale; ii) matter superfields of (one generation of) the Standard Model are effective low energy degrees of freedom of this strongly coupled theory; iii) direct gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking occurs due to messenger superfields that are also effective low energy degrees of freedom. 3. It was prepared a review [4] on phenomenological and theoretical aspects of models with gauge mediation. 4. It is shown in Ref. [5] that global fermionic charges induced in vacuum by slowly varying, topologically non-trivial background scalar fields are not renormalized provided that expansion in momenta of background fields is valid. This suggests that strongly coupled theories obey induced charge matching conditions which are analogous, but generally not equivalent, to 't Hooft anomaly matching conditions. A few examples of induced charge matching was presented. In particular, the corresponding constraints in softly broken supersymmetric QCD suggest non-trivial low energy mass pattern, in full accord with the results of direct analyses. 5. In Ref. [6] matching of induced charges in supersymmetric SU(N) gauge theories with quantum modified moduli space was studied. It was found that the Wess-Zumino term should be present in the low energy theory in order that these consistency conditions are satisfied. The lowest homotopy groups of the quantum moduli space was calculated, and it was shown that there are no obstructions to the existence of the Wess-Zumino term at arbitrary N. The explicit expression for this term is given. It is shown that neither vortices nor topological solitons exist in the model. The case of softly broken supersymmetry is considered as well. It was found that the possibility of global baryon number violating vacuum is strongly disfavored. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Flavor violation and $\tan{\beta}$ in gauge mediated models with messenger-matter mixing, Nucl.Phys.B 557, pp.119-145, 1999. [4] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky, Gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking, Phys.Usp. 42, pp.623-651, 1999; Usp.Fiz.Nauk 169, pp.705-736, 1999 [in Russian]. [5] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, M.V.Libanov, V.A.Rubakov, Nonrenormalization of induced charges and constraints on strongly coupled theories, Phys.Rept. 320, pp.147-158, 1999. [6] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Induced charge matching and Wess-Zumino term on quantum modified moduli space (to appear in Phys.Rev.D). There are some publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [2] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Messenger-matter mixing and lepton flavor violation, Phys.Lett. B419, pp.223-232, 1998. [2] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky, Towards common origin of supersymmetry breaking, compositeness, and gauge mediation, Phys.Lett. B423, pp.301-304, 1998. D.Gorbunov participated in the 10-th International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, Suzdal, May 18-24, 1998) and presented a talk entitled "Flavor violation and $\tan{\beta}$ in gauge mediated models with messenger-matter mixing". D.Gorbunov was also a coauthor of the talk "Grand unification with gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking" (S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky) presented there. D.Gorbunov participated in the International Workshop "Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics" (October 23-28, 1999, Tbilisi, Georgia) organized by Georgian Academy of Sciences and Tbilisi State University joint with UNESCO Venice Office. The workshop was dedicated to the 90th anniversary of N.N.Bogolyubov (1909-1992). D.Gorbunov was a coauthor of the talk "Non-renormalization of induced charges and Wess-Zumino term on quantum modified moduli space" (S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov) presented there. D.Gorbunov participated in the International Conference on Non-Accelerator New Physics NANP-99 (Dubna, June 28 - July 3, 1999) and presented a talk entitled "Strong coupling unification in supersymmetric models" (D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky). D.Gorbunov was invited by the International Center of Theoretical Physics to take part in the Summer School on High-Energy Physics and Cosmology (Italy, Trieste, June 28 - July 18, 1998). D.Gorbunov participated in the X-th International School "Particles and Cosmology" (Baksan Valley, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia, April 19-25, 1999). D.Gorbunov participated in the International School "Selected Topics of Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Statistics" (October 16-23, 1999, Tbilisi, Georgia) organized by Georgian Academy of Sciences and Tbilisi State University joint with UNESCO Venice Office. The topic of research of the grant-aided aspirant I.V.GORBUNOV (Tomsk State University) included the construction and the study of spinning particle models in 3+1 and in lower space-time dimensions. In his study I.V.Gorbunov obtained the following results: 1. The model of D=2+1, N=1,2 massive superparticle with arbitrary fixed (half)integer or fractional superspin has been developed [1,3]. The classical mechanical model of the superparticle has been constructed, which contains, besides the inherent Poincare supersymmetry, one more SUSY related to the superspin degrees of freedom. The quantization of the model presents a nontrivial example of combination of the canonical Dirac and Berezin quantization methods. The quantization is based on assumption, that the "double" supersymmetry, both Poincare and internal ones, survives at the quantum level. It is shown, that some physical observables (supercharges) should be renormalized by transition from classical mechanics to the first quantized particle model [1,3]. The quantum states of N=2, D=3 spinning superparticle are realized on the fields carrying finite dimensional [1,3], or a unitary infinite dimensional [3] typical representations of the supergroup OSp(2/2). 2. The model of nonrelativistic (D=3+1) particle with arbitrary fixed spin has been developed [2]. The relation to the respective relativistic models is established. It has been founded that the particle interactions to external fields are consistent independently from detailed structure of the particle gauge symmetries. This phenomenon differentiates the nonrelativistic spinning particle from the relativistic one. In the massless limit the model describes "the light beam". The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] I.V.Gorbunov, S.L.Lyakhovich, Hidden supersymmetries and Berezin quantization of N=2, D=2 spinning superparticle, Journal of Mathematical Physics, V.40, No.5, pp.2230-2253, 1999; Preprints of ICTP (Trieste, Italy) IC/98/138, e-print hep-th/9809104. [2] I.V.Gorbunov, V.A.Dolgushev, S.L.Lyakhovich, Galilean spinning particle [in Russian], Russian Physics Journal, V.42, No.2, pp.34-46, 1999. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [3] I.V.Gorbunov, S.L.Lyakhovich, Geometric quantization of N=2, D=3 superanyon, Phys.Lett.B V.423, pp.293-300, 1998. I.V.Gorbunov participated in the International Summer School in Theoretical Physics "Volga-10" (Kazan, Russia, June 22- Jule 2, 1998) and presented a session talk there entitled "Hidden supersymmetry and Berezin quantization of N=2, D=3 spinning superparticle". In April 1999, I.V.Gorbunov has got Ph.D. degree from Tomsk State University. Thesis advisor: Prof. S.L.Lyakhovich. Title: "Lobachevsky supergeometry of D=3 massive spinning superparticle". A.Yu.NERONOV (Moscow State University) obtained the following results in his studies of quantum black hole models: 1. A theory of classical and quantum collapse of thin spherically-symmetric selfgravitating shells was developed [1]. Complete integrability of hamiltonian equations which describe motion of a selfgravitating shell has been proved. A principally important result that was obtained is the form of mass spectrum of quantum black holes which are formed in the process of gravitational collapse of thin shells of matter [2]. Some unusual quantum number which parametrize the mass spectrum was found. It has geometric origin and does not disappear even for the case of unbound motion of the collapsing shell. 2. A mechanism of formation of universal spectrum of radiation of quantum black holes was proposed [3]. It was shown, that radiation which propagates in the form of s-wave in the field of black hole has discrete spectrum, if one takes fully into account back reaction of radiation on gravitational field of black hole. Some kind of quantum analog of classical "no hair conjecture" of black hole physics was proposed [4]: although the mass spectrum of quantum black holes could have arbitrary complicated structure, spectrum of radiation coming from quantum black hole corresponds to the level spacings in some universal spectrum $m\sim\sqrt{n}$ The main results have been presented in the papers: 1. V.A.Berezin, A.M.Boyarsky, A.Yu.Neronov, Phys.Rev.D57, p.1118, 1998. 2. A.Yu.Neronov, Phys.Rev.D 59, 1998. 3. V.A.Berezin, A.M.Boyarsky, A.Yu.Neronov, gr-qc/9808027 (1998). 4. A.Yu.Neronov, Ph.D. Thesises, INR, Moscow, 1998. A.Neronov participated in Spinoza Meeting on Quantum black holes (Holland, Utrecht, June 29 -- July 4, 1998). In 1998 A.Neronov has got Ph.D. degree from Institute for Nuclear Research. Thesis advisor: Prof. V.A.Berezin. Title: "Quantization of spherically-symmetric gravity. Models of Quantum Black Holes". A.I.ONISCHENKO (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow) in his studies of physics of doubly heavy systems, anomalous WWV couplings and some exotic beyond SM obtained the following results: 1. Spectra of masses for the families of doubly heavy baryons are calculated in the framework of nonrelativistic quark model with the QCD-induced potential by Buchm\" uller-Tye in accordance with both the quark-diquark structure for the wave functions and taking into account the splittings depending on the spins. The region for the application of such approximations is determined [1,17,19]. 2. Below the threshold of decay of these objects into the heavy baryon and heavy meson the system of bound excited states was found, being quasi-stable with respect to hadronic transitions to the basic level [1,17,19]. 3. We have in details considered the physical reasons for the quasi-stability, taking place for the baryons with two identical quarks. In accordance to the Pauli principle, the operators, responsible for the hadronic decays and the mixing between the levels, are suppressed by the inverse heavy quark mass and the small size of diquark. This suppression is caused by the necessity to instantaneously change both the spin and the orbital momentum of compact diquark. In the baryonic systems with two heavy quark and the strange quark, the quasi-stability for the low-lying excitations of diquark is provided by the exclusion of transitions with the emission of both a single kaon because of small splitting between the levels and a single pion because of conservation for the iso-spin and strangeness [1,17,19]. 4. We obtained analytical results on the two-loop anomalous dimensions of currents for baryons, containing two heavy quarks $J = [Q^{iT}C\Gamma\tau Q^j]\Gamma^{'}q^k\varepsilon_{ijk}$ with arbitrary Dirac matrices $\Gamma$ and $\Gamma^{'}$ in the framework of NRQCD in the leading order over both the relative velocity of heavy quarks and the inverse heavy quark mass. It is shown, that in this approximation the anomalous dimensions do not depend on the Dirac structure of the current under consideration [16,18]. 5. The equivalence of results, obtained in calculation of anomalous dimensions of operators in $\overline{\rm MS}$-renormalization scheme with the use of lagrangians of HQET and NRQCD is shown [16,18]. 6. In the leading order of perturbative QCD one calculates the total and differential cross-sections for the hadronic production of doubly charmed baryons $\Xi_{cc}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^*$ in different experiments. The experimental evaluation of cross-sections for the $J/\Psi +D + \bar D$ production would allow one to decrease the uncertainty in the determination of cross-sections for the doubly charmed baryons due to the choice of $\alpha_s$ and $m_c$. One shows that in the HERA-B and E781 experiments with fixed tagets the suppression of the $\Xi_{cc}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^*$ production to the yield of $c \bar c$-pairs is the value of the order of $10^{-6}-10^{-5}$, whereas at the TEVATRON and LHC colliders it is about $10^{-4}-10^{-3}$. In the E781 experiment the observation of $\Xi_{cc}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^*$ is practically impossible. At the HERA-B and TEVATRON facilities one can expect $10^5$ events with the double charm, and at LHC one has about $10^9$ ones [12]. 7. For the first time the contribution of quark-antiquark annihilation in hardronic production of doubly charmed baryons was taken into account. This contribution becomes essential at fixed target energies. The notion of fragmentation function of heavy diquark into doubly heavy baryon is introduced [12]. 8. Analitical approximations of numerical calculations for total subprocess cross-sections of gluon-gluon and quark-antiquark production of doubly charmed baryons were obtained [12]. 9. We have performed a detailed investigation on the lifetimes of doubly heavy baryons on the basis of the operator product expansion for the transition currents. For the first time, we have presented the formulae with the simultaneous account for both the mass effects and low-energy logarithmic renormalization for the contributions to the total decay width of baryons, containing heavy quarks, as it is caused by the effects of Pauli interference and weak scattering. The usage of the diquark picture has allowed us to evaluate the matrix elements of operators derived [2,7,9,14,15,19,20,21]. 10. As an application of the formalism developed, for the first time the lifetimes of all doubly heavy baryons were obtained. The obtained results show the significant role of both the Pauli interference and the weak scattering [2,7,9,14,15,19,20,21]. 11. The sum rules for doubly heavy baryons in NRQCD approximation are constructed. The problem with stability of such sum rules, faced in earlier works, is solved [4]. 12. A detail investigation of three-point sum rules for semileptonic decays of $B_c$-meson in QCD and NRQCD is performed. The Coulomb corrections, as well as, corrections due to gluon condensate are included and their role is discussed. The generalized spin symmetry relations for formfactors are derived [3,8]. 13. The prospects for $B_c$-meson production at existing and future colliders are investigated [10,13]. 14. The possibility to have additional constraints on anomalous WWV couplings at HERA vs LEP is investigated [5]. 15. The possibility to observe TeV-scale leptoquarks, appearing in different models is reviewed [6]. Part of the results was published in the following papers, containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Spectroscopy of doubly charmed baryons: $\Xi_{cc}^{++}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^{+}$, DESY-98080, hep-ph/9807375, Mod.Phys.Lett. A14, p.135, 1999. [2] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of $\Xi_{bc}^{+}$ and $\Xi_{bc}^{0}$ baryons, hep-ph/9901224, submitted to Eur.Phys.J. [3] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Semileptonic decays of $B_c$-meson in sum rules of QCD and NRQCD, hep-ph/9905359, accepted to Nucl.Phys.B. [4] V.V.Kiselev, A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly heavy baryons in sum rules of NRQCD, hep-ph/9909339, accepted to Nucl.Phys.B. [5] A.A.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Can HERA data improve LEP constraints on WWV vertex?, DESY-99-051, accepted to Eur.Phys.J. [6] S.S.Gershtein, A.A.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, TeV-scale leptoquarks from GUT/String/M-theory unification, Phys.Rep. 320, 203, 1999. [7] A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly heavy systems: decays and OPE, hep-ph/9912424. [8] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Semileptonic decays of $B_c$-meson, accepted to Yad.Phys. [in Russian]. [9] A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of doubly heavy baryons, hep-ph/9912425. There are also papers, which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM: [10] A.V.Berezhnoy, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, $B_c$-meson at LHC, Phys.Atom.Nucl. 60, p.1729, 1997; hep-ph/9703341. [11] A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Gluon splitting into pair of heavy quarks in $e^+e^-$-annihilation, Phys.Atom.Nucl. 60, p.623, 1997. [12] A.V.Berezhnoy, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly charmed baryon production in hadronic experiments, Phys.Rev. D57, p.4385, 1998. [13] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.V.Tkabladze, A.V.Berezhnoi, A.I.Onishchenko, Theoretical status of $B_c$-meson, IHEP 98-22, hep-ph/9803433. [14] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of doubly charmed baryons: $\Xi_{cc}^{++}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^{+}$, DESY-98079; hep-ph/9807354; Phys.Rev. D60, p.14007, 1999. [15] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Total inclusive decay rates of doubly charmed baryons, Yad.Phys. No.6., 1999 [in Russian]. [16] V.V.Kiselev, A.I.Onishchenko, Two-loop anomalous dimensions for currents of bary\-ons with two heavy quarks in NRQCD, IHEP 98-64; hep-ph/9810283; submitted to\\ Phys.Lett.B. [17] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Spectroscopy of doubly heavy baryons, IHEP 98-66; hep-ph/9811212; Heavy Ion.Phys. V.9, p.133, 1999. The following talks were given: [18] V.V.Kiselev, A.I.Onishchenko, Anomal dimensions of currents of baryons with two heavy quarks, MIPT Scientific conference, Dolgoprudny, November 1998. [19] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly heavy baryons: spectroscopy and decays, Scientific conference of Subdivision of Nuclear Physics of RAS, Moscow, November 1998. [20] A.I.Onishchenko, Physics of decays of doubly heavy baryons: $\Xi_{bb}^{0}$, $\Xi_{bb}^{-}$, $\Xi_{bc}^{+}$, $\Xi_{bc}^{0}$, $\Xi_{cc}^{+}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^{++}$, Conference of young scientists, postgraduate and graduate stutents ITEP, Moscow, December 1998. [21] A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of doubly heavy baryons, Conference of young scientists, postgraduate and graduate stutents ITEP, Moscow, December 1999. [22] A.I.Onishchenko, $c$-quark mass from $J/Psi$, $\Upsilon$ and $B_c$-mesons, Conference of young scientists, postgraduate and graduate stutents ITEP, Moscow, December 1999. The work of D.M.OSTROVSKY (Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) in 1998 has consisted of three main parts: The first one concerns some aspects of the description of multiparticle production processes. In [1] the nonperturbative preasymptotic contribution to the factorial moments of the intrajet particle distribution have been computed in the framework of previously developed formalism in which new nonperturbative term had been added to standart QCD evolution equation. The presence of the additional nonperturbative contribution is supported by the existing experimental data. Another kind of studies concerns minijet production in the ultrarelativistic hadron and nuclear collisions. Particularly, in [2] transverse energy flow generated by minijets in hadron and nuclear collisions into a given rapidity window in the central region was calculated in the next-to-leading (NLO) order of QCD at RHIC and LHC energies. These results were then used to calculate transverse energy spectrum in nuclear collisions in a Glauber geometrical model. It was shown that in pp collisions differential cross section calculated with NLO accuracy is about 2 times higher than the cross section calculated with only LO accuracy. NLO modification leads to a substantial broadening of the $E_{\perp}$ distribution for the nuclear collisions, while its form remains practically unchanged. In [3] the azimuthal asymmetry of minijet system produced in nucleon-nucleon and nuclear collisions in a central rapidity window was calculated. In pp collisions the asymmetry appears due to contributions from the collisions in which only one minijet hits the acceptance window. The angular pattern of transverse energy flow in nuclear collisions and its dependence on the kinematical parameters of collisions was studied. Development and application of high energy factorization scheme for hadron collisions is a third part of the scientific activity in 1998-1999. Angular asymmetry and momentum disbalance in a pair of particles produced at high energy in the central rapidity region were studied in [4]. It was shown that the asymmetry is substantial for low outgoing particles momenta but diminishes when they rise. In [5] NLO correction to the one-jet inclusive cross section in the framework of high energy factorization was calculated. The results were numerically compared with predictions of conventional collinear factorization approach. It was shown that NLO in high energy factorization scheme reduces one-jet inclusive cross section, but quantitatively result is highly sensitive to the choice of structure function. D.Ostrovsky participated in XXVII ITEPH Winter school (16-24 February, 1999) and presented a talk "Angular and momentum asymmetry in particle production at high energies" in a student's session. The publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM, because it was submitted before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [1] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Phys.Atom.Nucl. 62, pp.701-707, 1999; Yad.Fiz. 62, pp.750-757, 1999 [in Russian]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [2] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Eur.Phys.J C11, pp.495-499, 1999. [3] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Angular pattern of minijet transverse energy flow in hadron and nuclear collisions, hep-ph/9812416, submitted to Eur.Phys.J. C. [4] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Angular and momentum asymmetry in particle production at high energies, hep-ph/9905496, submitted to Phys.Rev.D. [5] D.Ostrovsky, NLO correction to one-jet inclusive production at high energies, hep-ph/9912258, submitted to Phys.Rev.D. S.A.PASTON (Saint-Petersburg State University) in his studies of quantum field theory in light front coordinates obtained the following results: 1. The effective Hamiltonian in light front coordinates is obtained which at some dependence of coefficients, included in it, from a parameter of UV-regularization, in a limit of it removal reproduces within the framework of perturbation theory the results of lorentz-covariant formulating of quantum chromodynamics [1]. It was possible to make with the help of introduction of an additional nonstandart IR-regularization based on a principle, which is used at the Pauli-Villars regularization. Only after this introduction it has appeared possible to apply the method, published earlier, of a comparison of light-like and lorentz-covariant theories. The offered regularization breaks a gauge invariance, but in a limit of removal of a regularization the gauge invariance is restored. The obtained Hamiltonian in future is supposed to be used in nonperturbative calculations. 2. The scalar theory with non-polynomial interaction resulted from bosonization of two-dimensional quantum electrodynamics (QED) is considered [2]. This theory is described by modified Lagrangian of Sin-Gordon model with the critical value of the parameter of this model. Non-polynomiality of interaction in this model, leading to arising of vertexes with arbitrarily large number of lines in perturbation theory, makes nontrivial the construction of light-front Hamiltonian. For its construction the Pauli-Villars regularization must be introduced because at the critical value of the parameter the ultraviolet behaviour of the theory become worse. Obtained light-front Hamiltonian generates the perturbation theory which is equivalent to the covariant perturbation theory in fermion mass, which plays the role of interaction constant after the bosonization and therefore the Hamiltonian spectrum coincides with the spectrum of QED. One can investigate this spectrum beyond the framework of perturbation theory. 3. S.A.Paston participated in development of such formulation of a gauge field theory on a lattice, with which the action is polynomial on independent field variables [3]. The canonical formalism in light front coordinates for such theory is considered. These results and also the results obtained earlier, were published in a review in the proceedings of the conference in honour of V.A.Fock [4]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, V.A.Franke, Constructing the Light-Front QCD Hamiltonian, Theor.Math.Phys., V.120, No.3. pp.1164-1181, 1999; Teoreticheskaya i Matematicheskaya Fizika, V.120. No.3, pp.417-437, 1999 [in Russian]. [2] S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, V.A.Franke, $QED_2$ Light-Front Hamiltonian reproducing all orders of covariant chiral perturbation theory. Preprint SPbU-IP-99-13; hep-th/9910114. The publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM, because either they were published before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant, or they contain results obtained until this moment: [3] V.A.Franke, S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, Lattice Gauge Theories with polynomial Action and their canonical Formulation on the Light Front, Preprint SPbU-IP-98-5, hep-th/9803035. [4] V.A.Franke, Yu.V.Novozhilov, S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, Quantum Field Theory in Light-Front coordinates, in book: "Quantum Theory in honour of Vladimir A.Fock", Part 1, Unesco, St. Petersburg University, Euro-Asian Physical Society, 1998, pp.38-97; hep-th/9901029. S.Paston participated in the "IX International Workshop Small-x Physics and Light Front Dynamics in QCD", Russia, St. Petersburg, July 6-15 1998, theme of the report: "Lattice Gauge Theories with polynomial Action at the Light Front"; in the international conference "VIII St. Petersburg International School of Physics. Quantum Theory in honour of Vladimir A. Fock", Russia, St. Petersburg, May 25 - June 4 1998, theme of the report: "Lattice Gauge Theories with polynomial Action and their canonical Formulation on the Light Front"; and in the seminar "Final seminar in physics and astronomy of winners in 1998 of grant competition for young scientists of St.-Petersburg", February 16, 1999, St.-Petersburg, Russia, theme of the report: "The Construction of QCD Hamiltonian in Light-Front Coordinates"; In December, 1999 S.Paston has got Ph.D. degree from St.-Petersburg State University. Thesis advisor: Prof. V.A.Franke. Title: "The Construction of Quantum Field Theory Hamiltonian in Light-Front Coordinates". O.A.RYTCHKOV (Steklov Mathematical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences,\\ Moscow) in his studies of classical solutions in superstring theory and their applications has obtained the following results: 1. Wide classes of new intersecting p-brane solutions in various space-time dimensions were constructed making use of an algebraic method [1]. p-brane configurations were specified by incidence matrices and it was shown that the solutions of the algebraic characteristic equations for the incidence matrices controlled the intersections of p-branes. 2. New types of p-brane solutions to various supergravities were obtained with use of the sigma-model approach [9]. A new way to endow branes with an additional internal structure such as plane waves was suggested. Applying the harmonic maps technique new solutions with a non-trivial shell structure in the transverse space were generated. Also intersecting branes were considered and it was shown that the intersection rules have a simple geometric interpretation as conditions ensuring the symmetric space property of the sigma-model target space. 3. Non-extremal overlapping p-brane supergravity solutions localized in their relative transverse coordinates were constructed [5,10]. The construction used an algebraic method of solving the bosonic equations of motion. 4. Some aspects of duality between supergravities on Anti-de Sitter (AdS) spaces (appearing as near D-brane horizon geometry) and conformal field theories were investigated in [2,6]. The massive Rarita-Schwinger field in AdS background was considered and the corresponding equations of motion were solved. It was shown that appropriate boundary terms calculated on-shell give two-point correlation function for spin-3/2 fields of the conformal field theory. The relation between Rarita-Schwinger field masses and conformal dimensions of corresponding operators was established. 5. Bulk-to-bulk propagators for the massive vector and symmetric rank-2 tensor fields in the Euclidean continuation of the Anti-de Sitter space were constructed [3]. The explicit forms of these propagators in the limit when one or both points approach the boundary of AdS were derived. It was shown that the obtained expressions coincide with bulk-to-boundary propagators or two-point correlation functions of the boundary CFT as expected from the AdS/CFT correspondence. This identification provides one more evidence for treating CFT operators on the boundary as appropriate limits of quantum fields in the bulk. Also the above limiting procedure clarifies the artificial appearance of boundary terms in the AdS/CFT correspondence. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] I.Ya.Aref'eva, O.A.Rytchkov, Incidence Matrix Description of Intersecting p-brane Solutions, to be published in L.D.Faddeev's Seminar on Mathematical Physics, Advances in Mathematics, Amer.Math.Soc., Providence, R.I. [2] A.S.Koshelev, O.A.Rytchkov, Note on the Massive Rarita-Schwinger field in the AdS/CFT correspondence, Phys.Lett.B 450, p.368, 1999. [3] A.Polishchuk, O.Rytchkov, Propagator for Massive Spin-2 Field in Anti-de Sitter Space, preprint SMI-25-99. Also the obtained results were published in the proceedings of the following conferences: [4] O.A.Rytchkov, Chaotic Behaviour of Dynamical Systems in M-theory, Proceedings of the Second Open Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (Russia, Dubna, March 2-6, 1998) [in Russian]. [5] O.A.Rytchkov, Localised p-branes in Supergravities and M-theory, Proceedings of the International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, May 18-24, 1998). [6] O.A.Rytchkov, Massive Rarita-Schwinger Field in the AdS/CFT correspondence, Proceedings of the XIV International Workshop on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory (Russia, May 27 - June 2, 1999). There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [7] I.Ya.Aref'eva, P.B.Medvedev, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Chaos in D0-brane Dynamics, Banach Center Publications, V.43, p.41, 1998. [8] I.Ya.Aref'eva, P.B.Medvedev, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Chaos in M(atrix) Theory, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, V.10, p.1, 1998. [9] D.V.Gal'tsov, O.A.Rytchkov, Generating branes via sigma models, Phys.Rev. D58, p.122001, 1998. [10] I.Ya.Aref'eva, M.G.Ivanov, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Non-extremal localized\\ branes and vacuum solutions in M-theory, Class.Quant.Grav. V.15, p.2923, 1998. O.A.Rytchkov participated in Spring School on Non-perturbative Aspects of String Theory and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories (Italy, March 23-31, 1998) and in the Trieste Conference on Superfivebranes and Physics in 5+1 dimensions (Italy, April 1-3, 1998) where a poster entitled "New Non-extremal p-branes in Superstring Theories and M-theory" was presented. O.A.Rytchkov participated in International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, May 18-24, 1998) and presented a talk there entitled "Localized p-branes in Supergravities and M-theory". O.A.Rytchkov participated in XI International Conference "Problems of Quantum Field Theory" (Russia, July 13-17, 1998) and presented a talk entitled "Localized p-branes in various supergravities" O.A Rytchkov participated in XIV International Workshop on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory (Russia, May 27 - June 2, 1999) and presented a talk there entitled "Massive Rarita-Schwinger Field in the AdS/CFT correspondence" V.I.SHEVCHENKO (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow) has obtained the following results: 1. Generalized coordinate gauge in nonabelian gauge theories was analysed, limits of applicability were established and applied to the nonabelian Stokes theorem and dual QCD Lagrangian evaluation. 2. The structure of perturbative contributions to the string tension in gluodynamics was investigated and cancellation of them in the vacuum field correlators framework was shown. 3. The modifications of the Higgs mechanism in abelian Higgs model due to interaction with topological defects were considered. 4. Deeper understanding of the Higgs mechanism in the quantum background was reached, especially in the aspects, important for the abelian projected confinement theories. 5. The colour superconductivity phenomenon was investigated in the framework of Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. The effective potential was calculated and the importance of the nonperturbative gluon condensate from the nonabelian Meissner effect point of view was shown. 6. The exact renormalisation group flows were studied in the current representation of the abelian projected gluodynamics. 7. The Casimir scaling behaviour of the static potential between charges in higher representations of the gauge group SU(3) was investigated, being based on recent lattice data. The value of scaling violating terms is estimated. It is shown, that Casimir scaling puts severe bounds on the presence of classical solutions in the vacuum. [1] V.Shevchenko, Yu.Simonov, Generalized coordinate gauge, nonabelian Stokes theorem and dual QCD Lagrangian, Phys.Lett.B 437, p.146, 1998. [2] V.Shevchenko, Yu.Simonov, Perturbative contributions to field correlators, Phys.Lett.B 437, p.131, 1998. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [3] V.Shevchenko, Higgs mechanism in nontrivial background, hep-th/9810222 (being prepared for publication). [4] N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov, V.I.Shevchenko, Nonperturbative QCD vacuum and Colour Superconductivity, Phys.Rep. V.320, p.131, 1999. [5] V.I.Shevchenko, Yu.A.Simonov, Casimir Scaling as a Test of QCD vacuum, hep-ph/0001299, being prepared for publication. Published talks on conferences: (1) "Generalized Fock-Schwinger Gauge and its applications" V.I. Shevchenko, (based on the work with Yu.A.Simonov), Int.School dedicated to the 100th anniversary of V.A.Fock, St.Peterburg, 1998. (2) "Does confinement imply stochasticity?", V.I.Shevchenko, Chaos and complexity, Ponte di Legno, Italy, 1998. (3) "Gluon degrees of freedom at nonzero baryonic density", V.Shevchenko, (partly based on the work with N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov), XXVIII Autumn School, Lisbon, Portugal,1999. (4) "Coordinate gauges and confinement", V. I. Shevchenko, Confinement III (poster session, unpublished), Newport News, USA, 1998. (5) "Nonperturbative QCD vacuum and Colour Superconductivity", V.Shevchenko, (based on the work with N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov), Buckow, Germany, 1999 (no proceedings). V.Shevchenko visited Department of Theoretical Physics of Pisa University, Italy (October 1 - 30, 1998) by invitation of Professor A.DiGiacomo. In January, 2000 V.Shevchenko has got Ph.D. degree from ITEP. Thesis advisor: Prof.Yu.A.Simonov. Title: "Nonperturbative effects in gauge field theory". N.V.SHEVCHENKO (Irkutsk State University and Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow region) in her studies of few-body systems obtained the following results: 1. Elastic $\eta d$ scattering was considered within the Alt-Grassberger-Sandhas formalism for various $\eta N$ input data. A three-body resonant state was found close to the $\eta d$ threshold [1]. This resonance is sustained for different choices of the two-body $\eta N$ scattering length $a_{\eta N}$. The position of the resonance moves towards the $\eta d$ threshold when ${\rm Re\,}a_{\eta N}$ is increased, and turns into a quasi-bound state at ${\rm Re\,}a_{\eta N}\sim0.7\div0.8$\,fm depending on the choice of ${\rm Im\,}a_{\eta N}$. 2. The nuclear reaction $e+{^3{\rm He}}+{^4{\rm He}}\rightarrow{}e +{^7{\rm Be}}$ was considered at thermonuclear energies [2]. The motion of the electron was treated within the adiabatic approximation and the ${^3{\rm He}}-{^4{\rm He}}$ scattering state was calculated using an effective ${^3{\rm He}}-{^4{\rm He}}$ potential constructed via the Marchenko inverse scattering method. The reaction rate thus obtained for solar interior conditions is approximately $10^{-4}$ of the corresponding rate for the radiative capture ${^3{\rm He}}+{^4{\rm He}}\rightarrow{}{^7{\rm Be}}+\gamma$. The main results have been presented in the paper containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] N.V.Shevchenko, V.B.Belyaev, S.A.Rakityansky, S.A.Sofianos, W.Sandhas, Low-energy $\eta d$ resonance, e-print LANL, nucl-th/9908035; submitted to Phys.Rev.Lett. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [2] N.V.Shevchenko, S.A.Rakityansky, S.A.Sofianos, V.B.Belyaev, Non-radiative synthesis of $^7{\rm Be}$ in solar plasma, J.Physics G25, pp.95-106, 1999. N.Shevchenko will participate in the IV Open Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (Dubna, Russia, January 31 - February 4, 2000) and will present a session talk there entitled "Near-threshold resonance in the $\eta d$ system". N.Shevchenko is invited by the Organizing Committee of the 16th International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics (Taipei, Taiwan, March 6-10, 2000) to take part in the conference and present the contribution entitled "Low energy scattering and photoproduction of $\eta$-mesons by deuterons" in a poster session. N.Shevchenko participates in international co-operation with the group of Prof. W.Sand\-has, Physikalisches Institut, Universitat Bonn, Germany and with the group of Prof. S.A.Sofi\-anos, Physics Department, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa. N.Shevchenko is a postgraduate student of the third year and she is planing to get the Ph.D. degree at the 2000th year. V.V.SHKLYAR ( Far Eastern State University, Vladivostok) in his studies of photon and vector meson production obtained the following results: 1. The different sources of the real photon and $\phi$-meson production in nucleon-nucleon collisions at intermediate energies have been studied and the effective model of the reactions has been suggested in [1-4]. The role and influence of each channel for the $NN\to NN\gamma$ reaction (bremsstrahlung, $\Delta$-excitation, radiative $\omega/\rho$-decay) has been shown and discussed in [1]. 2. Also, the available experimental data for the real photon production at 0.28 and 0.75 GeV beam energy were described well and the predictions for forthcoming data at COSY-TOF are obtained [1]. 3. Apart from the photon production reaction, the $NN\to NN\phi$ reaction near the threshold has been explored. It was shown, that the influence of the shake-off mechanism was negligible and the $\pi\rho\phi$ interaction coming from the non-ideal $\phi-\omega$ mixing angle gave the main contribution to the $\phi$-meson yield [3]. The predictions for the reaction amplitude behaviour and polarization observables near the reaction threshold was obtained. It has been also shown that the earlier exact threshold predictions for these reactions (e.c. M.Recalo et al) were not relevant at energies slightly above the threshold [2]. The value of the beam-target asymmetry $C^{BT}=-0.8$ was predicted and the ratio of the spin-singlet states to the spin-triplet ones was derived at the reaction threshold [3]. 4. The spin density matrix and the anisotropy of the $\phi$ decay were calculated. It was also shown that for the $\phi\to e^+e^-$-decay the small $\bar ss$ admixture could lead to the modification of the $\phi$ decay anisotropy that might be used in the experimental searching of the hidden strangeness in nucleon [4]. There are the publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [1] V.V.Shklyar, B.K\"ampfer, B.L.Reznik, A.I.Titov, Bremsstrahlung in intermediate-energy nucleon reaction within an effective one-boson exchange model, Nucl.Phys.A628, pp.255-274, 1998. [2] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, The reaction $NN \to NN \phi$ near threshold, preprint (nucl-th/9712025); preprint (nucl-th/9811094). The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [3] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, Polarization observables in the reaction $NN \to NN \phi$, to be published in Phys.Rev. C59, 1999. [4] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, Polarization observables in the reaction $NN\to NN\phi$ near threshold, XIV International Seminar On High Energy Physics Problems, Conf. Proceedings, preprint E1,2-98-232. V.Shklyar participated in the International Summer Student School on High Energy Physics in Memory of Bruno Pontekorvo ( JINR, Dubna, August 18 - September 1, 1998.) V.Shklyar also participated in the XIVth International Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems (JINR, Dubna, August 17-22, 1998) as a co-author. Talk on International Seminar DEUTERON-99, JINR, Dubna-99, Russia, 4-7 July. In October, 1999 V.Shklyar has got Ph.D. degree from the Far Eastern State University. Thesis advisor: Prof. A.I.Titov (JINR). Title: "Photon and $\phi$-meson production at intermediate energies" D.V.ALEXANDROV (Urals State University, Ekaterinburg) in his studies of solidification processes obtained the following results: 1. A theory of incipience of a two-phase zone is numerically and theoretically studied [1]. On the basis of a linear law for the velocity of solidification which was obtained numerically, governing equations for the velocity and for the time of incipience of the two-phase zone (the latter arises ahead of a planar front of solidification due to the concentrational supercooling) were deduced. 2. In [2] the fractal dimension of the two-phase zone is determined for the self-similar regime of solidification in the presence of the mushy region. 3. The general problem of incipience of the two-phase zone is solved on the basis of the classical Stefan thermodiffusion model (without suggestions about the velocity distribution). The time of incipience of the two-phase zone and the velocity of solidification are determined in the form of integral equations [3]. 4. A theory of solidification with a qusiequilibrium two-phase zone is detailed on the basis of analytical solution of Borisov's model [4]. The steps of thermodynamic values in the two-phase zone (at both boundaries) are found on the basis of which the zone is changed by the discontinuity surface between solid and liquid phases. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] D.V.Alexandrov, A.G.Churbanov, P.N.Vabishchevich, Emergence of a Mushy Region in Processes of Binary Melt Solidification, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research, V.26, No.2, pp.248-264, 1999. [2] D.V.Alexandrov, A.O.Ivanov, M.E.Komarovski, An Influence of a Fractal-Like Mushy Region on Solidification Process, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research, V.26, No.2, pp.224-231, 1999. [3] D.V.Alexandrov, Incipience of a Mushy Zone in Binary Melt Solidification Processes: General Theory, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research (to be published). [4] D.V.Alexandrov, To the Theory of Solidification with a Quasiequilibrium Two-Phase Zone, Doklady AN (submitted) [in Russian]. The following papers will be presented for publication soon with acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: 1. D.V.Alexandrov, Incipience of a Mushy Zone in Binary Melt Solidification Processes: Stefan Thermodiffusion Problem (Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research). 2. D.V.Alexandrov, Quasiequilibrium Mushy Region: Dynamic Instability (Acta Materialia). In March, 1998 D.Alexandrov has got Ph.D. degree from The Urals State Technical University. Thesis advisors: Prof. V.V.Mansurov, Dr. A.O.Ivanov. Title: "An Influence of a quasiequilibrium Mushy Region on Solidification of Binary Melts". A.A.ALIVERDIEV (Institute of Physics, Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala) in his studies of the use of a registered signal velocity for the time-resolved tomography, in particular for the laser tomography of condensed matter obtained the following results: 1. A summarizing of the reconstructive theory of a signal speed using has been developed [1-10]. 2. Analytical expressions for nD photoacoustic tomography and the problem of a complex absorption account have been derived. Some practical algorithms and software ware carried out. Number of 2D numerical simulations are hold. A principally important result was obtained that good photoacoustic reconstruction is possible with different conditions [1-4, 7, 8]. 3. A method of a stream collision has been proposed for the stochastic emission correlation tomography. Number of 2D numerical simulations with inspired results are hold [1]. 4. A method of Hartley transform has been considered for an image processing. Some practical algorithms and software ware carried out [5]. The main goals of the project was achieved. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, Use of velocity of a filed signal in a tomography. Features of an optoacoustic tomography, [in Russian], Makhachkala, DSU, 1998, 60p. [2] G.K.Makhtimagomedov, M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, R.M.Batyrov, G.M.Halilulayev, A.A.Amirova, M.M.Akhmedov, M.M.Ataev, About the modeling of spatial-temporal tomographic reconstruction of sphere of phase transitions; Proceedings of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter", Makhachkala, Russia, 1998, p.3-6. [3] A.A.Aliverdiev, Some aspects of the computing of the laser tomography of mixed state, Proceedings of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter", Makhachkala, Russia, 1998, p.3-5. [4] A.A.Aliverdiev, About the account of complex absorption in laser tomography, Proceedings of the International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan", dedicated to 275 Anniversary of Russian Academy of the Sciences and 50 Anniversary of Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of the Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, pp.33-34. [5] A.A.Aliverdiev, R.M.Batyrov, M.G.Karimov, G.M.Halilulayev, A.A.Amirova, Some questions of the use of Hertley transform in physical tomography, Proceedings of the International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan", dedicated to 275 Anniversary of Russian Academy of the Sciences and 50 Anniversary of Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of the Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, p.35. [6] M.G.Karimov. A.A.Aliverdiev, A.A.Amirova, Some questions of the tomographic reconstruction of plasma objects, Proceedings of the All-Russian Conference "Physical Electronics", Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, p.107. [7] A.A.Aliverdiev, M.G.Karimov, Back photoacoustic problem in the investigation of quasistationary spatial-heterogeneous flows, Proceedings of the V International Scientific and Technical Conference "Optical Methods of the Flows Investigations" (Moscow, Russia, 1999), p.161. [8] A.A.Aliverdiev, Some questions of the physical tomography with application of velocity spectrum of registered signal, Proceedings of the Conference "Resonance and non-linear phenomenon in Condensed Matter" (Ufa, Russia 1999). There are two publications, which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [9] A.A.Aliverdiev, M.G.Karimov, Solution of optic reconstructive problem considering registered signal velocity, Turkey J. of Physics, No.4, pp.311-314, 1998. [10] M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, About modeling of 2D optoacoustic researches of exited media, Radiophysics (Massager of Higher Educational Institutes of Russia), No.1, 1999. A.Aliverdiev was the executive (scientific) secretary of the local Program Committee of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter" (Makhachkala, Russia, 1998). Two reports of A.Aliverdiev ware represented in that Conference. A.Aliverdiev represents the reports in (1) the Winter College "Spectroscopy and Applications" (AS-ICTP, Trieste, Italy 1999), (2) the Baikal School of Fundamental Physics (Irkutsk, Russia, 1999, in absentia, by correspondence), (3) the V International Scientific and Technical Conference "Optical Methods of the Flows Investigations" (Moscow, Russia, 1999, in absentia, by co-author), (4) International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan" (Makhachkala, Russia, 1999), (5) the All-Russian Conference "Physical Electronics" (Makhachkala, Russia 1999), (6) the Regional Conference "Resonance and non-linear phenomenon in Condensed Matter" (Ufa, Russia 1999), (7) the Fourth Training Course in the Physics of Correlated Electron Systems and High-Tc Superconductors (Vietri sul Mare, Salerno, Italy, 1999). In July 1998 A. Aliverdiev has got Ph.D. degree from the Daghestan State University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. M.G.Karimov (DSU). Title: "Some solutions of a reconstructive problem in a plasma physics and nonlinear optics with the use of a finiteness of distribution of a registered signal velocity". O.L.BERMAN (Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Moscow Region) in his studies of phase transitions and superfluidity in the system of coupled quantum wells obtained the following results: 1. The theory of phase transitions of electron-hole and unbalanced electron systems in coupled quantum wells in high magnetic fields has been developed [1]. Analytical expressions for the temperatures of the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition to the superfluid state have been derived. A principally important result was obtained that the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature decreases at rise of magnetic field and interwell separation at fixed magnetoexciton density. But the maximal possible Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature increases at rise of magnetic field and interwell separation. 2. It was shown that the system of weakly interacting indirect excitons in the superlattice slab is unstable [2,3]. A method based on the sum of the ladder diagram for the calculation of vertex of quadrupole indirect biexcitons interaction has been proposed for the obtaining of the collective spectrum, superfluid density and the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature. 3. The effect of random field due to impurities, boundary irregularities on the superfluidity of a three-dimensional system of excitons and a quasi-two-dimensional of direct and spatially indirect excitons is investigated [4]. 4. The excitation spectra and superfluidity of the electron-hole system in coupled quantum wells have been analyzed [5,6]. It was shown that the gap in the excitation spectra decreases if the interwell separation and the density of electrons and holes increase. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, V.G.Tsvetus, Phase transitions of electron-hole and unbalanced electron systems in coupled quantum wells in high magnetic fields, Phys.Rev. B59, pp.5627-5636, 1999. [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, M.Willander, Superfluidity of indirect biexcitons in superlattices, JETP V.88, No.5, pp.980-986, 1999. [3] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, M.Willander, Superfluidity of indirect biexcitons in superlattices, Europhysics Letters V.48, No.3, pp.299-305, 1999. [4] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, The superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, JETP Lett. V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999. [5] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.A.Panfilov, The excitation spectra and superfluidity of the electron-hole system in coupled quantum wells, Physica Status Solidi (b), V.209, pp.287-294, 1998. [6] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman and A.A.Panfilov, The excitation spectra in coupled quantum wells, Solid State Phys. (russ. Fiz.Tverd.Tela), V.40, No.12, pp.2226-2228, 1998. O.Berman participated in the International Advanced School Leonardo da Vinci for a continuing education programme 1998 Summer Course "Superconducting materials: advances in technology and applications" (Italy, Bologna, 29 June - 10 July, 1998). Five reports on seminars at the Institute of Spectroscopy were made. One report in seminar at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Stoney Brook has been made. In 1999 O.Berman has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "The investigation of phase transitions and superfluidity in the system of the coupled quantum wells". D.A.DANILOV (Udmurt State University, Izhevsk) in his studies of rapid solidification obtained the following results: 1. A comparative analysis of a model for local nonequilibrium solidification with experimental measurements of "dendrite tip growth velocity -- initial melt undercooling" in rapidly solidifying alloys Cu - 30% at. Ni [1] and Ni - 1% at. Zr [2] has been performed. The predictions of the model are in qualitative and quantitative agreement with experimental data for both alloys. 2. A general solution [3] of the steady-state crystal growth shape under local nonequilibrium solidification has been found. This solution is found for the following growth shapes: elliptical paraboloid, paraboloid of revolution, cylindrical paraboloid, and parabolic platelet. 3. On the basics of a one-sided model of solute diffusion the dynamics of a motion of the rapid solidification front in a binary alloy is investigated [4,5]. A criterion connecting the dynamical stability of the front motion in a steady-state regime with a slope of the kinetic curve "front velocity - initial undercooling'' is formulated. An expression for the definition of nonstationary time during the transition to the steady-state regime is obtained. 4. A model for rapid solidification in undercooled pure metallic liquid is developed that includes local nonequilibrium heat transfer and kinetics of liquid-solid interface motion [6]. Taking into account the finiteness of the speed of heat transport, a general solution of the problem about local nonequilibrium heat transfer with the moving heat source at the planar solidification front is obtained. Asymptotic behavior of the velocity of the rapid planar front is investigated. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Model for free dendritic alloy growth under interfacial and bulk phase nonequilibrium conditions, J.Crystal Growth V.197, pp.992-1002, 1999. [2] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Dendritic growth model for rapid solidification of undercooled alloys, International Conference on Rapidly Quenched and Metastable Materials "RQ-10", Bangalore, India, August 1999, submitted for publication in the journal Material Science and Engineering. [3] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Steady-state crystal growth shape under local nonequilibrium mass transfer, Inzhenerno Fizicheski Zhurnal (Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics), submitted for publication [in Russian]. [4] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Selection of the dynamically stable regime of rapid solidification front motion in isothermal binary alloy, J.Crystal Growth, accepted for publication. [5] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko, A criterion for dynamical stability of rapid solidification front motion, University and Academic Scientific-Practical Conference, Udmurt State University. Thesis for the conference, Izhevsk, April 1999, p.60-61 [in Russian]. [6] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko, Hyperbolic heat transfer in rapid solidification of supercooled liquids, Proc. of the 4th Minsk International Heat and Mass Transfer Forum, A.V.Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute, Minsk, May 2000, accepted for publication. A.V.EMELYANENKO (Moscow State University) in his studies of strongly polar liquid crystals obtained the following results: 1. A statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition has been developed for a system of molecules possessing a strong dipole [1,4]. It was explicitly taken into account that a large amount of dimers appear in a molecular system, when a dipole is strong enough. The dependence of the nematic order parameters of monomers and dimers on the temperature and the temperature variation of the molar fraction of dimers have been obtained. These investigations were held for the systems of molecules with different values of the dipole moment. A principally important result was obtained that the nematic-isotropic transition temperature has no absolute growth with the increasing dipole moment, as it was predicted by the preceding theories, but achieves its maximum with subsequent decrease. This happens because molecules with the large dipole moments form dimers intensively, which destroy the nematic order. In the previous research, based on the mean field or second virial approximations, a very strong short-range correlations leading to the formation of dimers were disregarded. A theory derived in [1,4] takes into account the existence of dimers directly. It was shown, that for molecules with large dipoles the transition temperature decreases with the increasing dipole moment. This result was confirmed by the recent computer simulations. 2. Influence of the molecular shape on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals has been investigated [2]. A method based on the expansion of the intermolecular potential in a complete set of spherical invariants has been proposed to estimate the dispersion interaction between monomers and dimers. It has been established that molecules with small dipoles form dimers, which favour the nematic phase, whereas dimers composed of molecules with large dipoles favour the isotropic phase. It has also been found that molecules with an intermediate value of the dipole moment couple in dimers, which do not influence the nematic- isotropic transition temperature. This balance point depends on the molecular shape, and it may exist or not for different molecules. 3. A statistical theory of the cholesteric ordering [3] was derived. On the contrary to the preceding publications, it describes the helix inversion in binary mixtures. The biaxiality of molecules is explicitly taken into account. Under a certain conditions (driven by the mutual concentration of the components and temperature) the interaction between the short molecular axes, which was disregarded in the previous attempts, dominates over the interaction between the main axes. It leads to the helix inversion, which is usually observed in the experiment. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Polar liquid crystals. Statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [2] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Nematic-isotropic phase transition in polar liquid crystals. Role of the dispersion interaction, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [3] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, D.A.Dunmur, Molecular Theory of Chiral Nematic Liquid Crystals, Phys.Rev.E, paper accepted for publication. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Influence of dimerization on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals, Liquid Crystals, V.26, No.2, 1999. A.Emelyanenko participated in the 17-th International Liquid Crystal Conference (Strasbourg, France, July 19-24, 1998) and presented a poster "Molecular Theory of The Nematic-Isotropic Transition in Strongly Polar Liquid Crystals". Thesis of the poster was published. In 1999 A.Emelyanenko participated in the International Conference on Liquid Crystals, which took place in Krynica (Poland), with a report "Theory of the helix inversion in nematics doped with chiral molecules" (September 13-17, 1999) and in the International Conference "Nonlinear dynamics in polymer science and related fields", Desna, Moscow region, with a report "Helix inversion in binary liquid crystalline mixtures" (October 11-15, 1999). Both theses are included in the corresponding abstract books. The full-length reports are planned. A.V. Emelyanenko has also taken part in the Students Conference on chemistry and physics of the thin organic films, Puschino, Moscow region, with a report "Inversion of the spiral structure in binary LC mixtures" (June 14-15, 1999). Now A.Emelyanenko is developing a new theory of the liquid crystalline polymers, which also possess a helix inversion. I.M.EREMIN (Kazan State University) in his studies of the electronic structure and magnetic properties of high temperature superconductivity obtained the following results: 1. Self-consistent calculation of spin (charge) density wave order (SDW/CDW) parameters have been performed for bilayered cuprates on the basis of a singlet correlated band model [1]. Evolution of the Fermi surface in the strongly underdoped regime is described by using a two-band approach. The smooth development of the pseudogap formation temperature is explained from underdoped to overdoped states and the Fourier amplitudes $$ (spin) and $$ (charge) modulations have been calculated. We have found a maximum of the incommensurability for doping 0.09-0.11 holes per copper site. 2. The phase boundary of the paramagnetic phase of cuprates has been calculated with taking into account the strong electron correlations. The instability wave vector gets displaced from pure antiferromagnetic wave vector if doping increases. The calculated pictures of Lindhard response functions and complex momentum dependence of a CDW pseudogap are presented. Spin susceptibility expression for the singlet correlated band at $T_c The results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, I.Eremin, submitted to Appl.Magn.Res (cond-mat/9908297). [2] I.Eremin, M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, in a book "Stripes and Related Phenomena", edited by A.Bianconi and N.L.Saini, to be published by Kluwer Academics-Plenum Publisher. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before the grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant. [3] I.Eremin, Solid State Commun. 105, pp.293-296, 1998. I.Eremin participated in the Second International Conference on Stripes'98 (Rome, Italy, 2-6 June, 1998) and presented an oral contribution "Two reasons of instability in layered cuprates", Specialized Colloque Ampere EPR, NMR and NQR in Solid State Physics: Recent Trends (Pisa, Italy, June 14-18, 1999) and presented poster contribution "How large can be CDW/SDW amplitudes in layered cuprates", XVI International Seminar "New Magnetic Materials for Microelectronics" (Moscow, Russian Federation, June 23-26, 1998) and presented a poster "Dynamic spin susceptibility below $T_c$. Hubbard Model" (in Russian), XXVII International School for Theoretical Physicists "Kourovka" (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 2-7 March, 1998) and presented a talk "Influence of strong electron correlation on dynamical spin susceptibility in two-dimensional models" (in Russian) I.Eremin participated in the International Cooperation with the groups of Prof. D.Brinkmann and Prof. H.Keller, Institute of Physics, Zuerich University, Switzerland. In September 1999 I.Eremin has got a Ph.D. degree under the supervision of Prof. B.I.Kochelaev (Kazan State University). A.V.PANOV (Far-Eastern State University, Vladivostok) in his studies of magnetism obtained the following results: 1. The ground and metastable magnetic states of magnetite and iron particles with sizes closed to single-domain were analyzed within the scope of the developed model [1]. It was shown that depending on its size and elongation the grain can be in one of three states: with uniform magnetization, with a small and large non-uniformity of magnetic moment (quasi-single-domain and two-domain states). The critical sizes for uniform and quasi-single-domain states were calculated. Magnetization processes of such particles were simulated. The coercive force and critical fields as functions of size, elongation of the particles and external magnetic field direction were studied. The essential difference from similar studies is non-monotone dependence of coercive force on particle elongation for magnetite which is confirmed by experiments. 2. The previous model of two-phase particle was extended by entering of interfacial exchange coupling [2-4]. The magnetization process of an ensemble of Co-coated $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ used in magnetic recording media was studied. The set of magnetic states of such particles was analyzed for ensemble with thermal agitation. It was shown that relation between interfacial exchange coupling and magnetostatic inter-phase interaction affect dependence of the coercive force of the ensemble of $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ particles on coating volume. It was obtained that the growth in coating magnetocrystalline anisotropy leads to increase in coercivity of the ensemble. The main results have been presented in the papers submitted in March and April, 1998, before grantee has been informed of the awarding ICFPM grant: [1] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine magnetite particles, Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie [in Russian], 86, pp.65-73, 1998. [2] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Modeling of magnetization process of an ensemble of $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles with cobalt coating, "Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie" [in Russian] v.87, pp.17-22, 1999. [3] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states of Co-coated $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.241-242. [4] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, An influence of inter-phase interaction on coercive force of two-component particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.511-512. In June, 1999 A. V. Panov has got Ph. D. degree from the Far East State University (Vladivostok). Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Belokon'. Title: "Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine heterogeneous particle systems". A.M.POVOLOTSKY (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow Region) in his studies of the models of self-organized criticality obtained the following results: 1. We investigate the dynamics of Eulerian walkers as a model of self-organized criticality [1]. The evolution of the system is divided into characteristic periods which can be seen as avalanches. The structure of avalanches is described and the critical exponent in the distribution of first avalanches $\tau=2$ is determined. We also study a mean square displacement of Eulerian walkers and obtain a simple diffusion law in the critical state. The evolution of underlying medium from a random state to the critical one is described. 2.The general framework for the renormalization group analysis of self-organized critical sandpile models is formulated [2,3]. The usual real space renormalization scheme for lattice models when applied to nonequilibrium dynamical models must be supplemented by feedback relations coming from the stationarity conditions. On the basis of these ideas the Dynamically Driven Renormalization Group is applied to describe the boundary and bulk critical behavior of sandpile models. A detailed description of the branching nature of sandpile avalanches is given in terms of the generating functions of the underlying branching process. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] A.M.Povolotsky, V.B.Priezzhev, R.R.Shcherbakov, Phys.Rev.E 58, pp.5449-5454, 1998. [2] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, Phys.Rev.E 60, pp.1239-1251, 1999. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [3] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, preprint DIAS-STP-98-06, Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Ireland. A.Povolotsky was invited by J.Stefan Institute, Ljubljana Slovenia and presented the seminar there entitled "Eulerian walkers as a model of the self-organized criticality." S.E.SKIPETROV (Moscow State University) in his studies obtained the following main results: 1. A possibility for diagnostics of laser-induced particle flows in concentrated suspensions using methods of the optical correlation spectroscopy has been studied. The role of ponderomotive effects in experiments on dynamic multiple light scattering (DMLS) has been analyzed. 2. A diffusion model for the temporal autocorrelation function of multiple scattered light has been developed. The model has been shown to be valid for both the Brownian motion and laminar flow of scatterers. The case of spatially localized flow of scatterers in a turbid sample has been considered. We have demonstrated both theoretically and experimentally that one could use DMLS techniques to obtain useful information about hidden particle flows in turbid media. 3. Imaging through atmospheric turbulence has been studied. Statistical moments of the modulation transfer functions (MTFs) of a turbulent atmosphere have been calculated for various models of turbulence. Some of the main results have been presented in a paper containing acknowledgment to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially heterogeneous scatterer dynamics. Physics in Higher Education, V.5, No.1, pp.98-112, 1999 [in Russian]. [2] Karabutov A.A., Pelivanov I.M., Podymova N.B., Skipetrov S.E. Direct measurement of the spatial intensity distribution of light in a scattering medium, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., V.70, No.3, pp.187-191, 1999 [in Russian]; [English translation: J.Exp.Theor.Phys.Lett., V.70, No.3, pp.183-188, 1999]. [3] Skipetrov S.E., Effective dielectric function of a random medium, Phys.Rev.B 60, No.18, pp.12705-12709, 1999. [4] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Shcheglov V.A., Laser-induced particle flows in random media: is the diagnostics with multiple-scattered light possible? In: CD-ROM Proceedings of the International Conference on Optical Technology and Image Processing in Fluid, Thermal, and Combustion Flow (VSJ-SPIE'98) (Yokohama, Japan, December 7-9, 1998), paper AB090. [5] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Correlation spectroscopy for diagnostics of light-induced particle motion in concentrated suspensions. In: Fourth International Conference on Correlation Optics, O.V. Angelsky, Ed., Proc. SPIE, V.3904, pp.423-428, 1999. [6] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave imaging of flows in turbid media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99), (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). [7] Skipetrov S.E., Refractive index of random media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99) (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). S.Skipetrov participated in several scientific conferences: - XI School-Conference on Diffraction and Propagation of Waves (Moscow, Russia, January 12-15, 1998). An oral presentation entitled "Multiple scattering of light in random media with complex dynamic structure" has been made. - NATO Advanced Study Institute "Diffuse Waves in Complex Media" (Les Houches, France, March 17-28, 1998). A poster "Ponderomotive action of light in random media" has been presented. - XVI International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics - ICONO'98 (Moscow, Russia, June 29-July 3, 1998). Two posters has been presented: "Dynamic multiple scattering of laser radiation on light-induced flows of microparticles in suspension" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy of flows". - 17th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division, European Physical Society and 6emes Journees de la Matiere Condensee, Societe Francaise de Physique (Grenoble, France, August 25-29, 1998). A poster "Cross-correlations in dynamic multiple scattering of light" has been presented. - Fall School-Conference "Light-Scattering Techniques in Biomedicine, Industry and Material Science" (Saratov, Russia, October 6-9, 1998). An oral presentation: "Theory of diffusing-wave spectroscopy with angular and spatio-temporal cross-correlations" and two poster presentations: "Ponderomotive action of light in random multiple-scattering media" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in random media with absorption", have been made. - International Conference on Biomedical Optics and Spectroscopy. European Biomedical Optics Week - BiOS'98 (Stockholm, Sweden, September 6-9, 1998). Title of presentation: "Possibilities for study of light-induced flows of microparticles in concentrated suspensions using methods of optical correlation spectroscopy". - International Conference on LASERS'98 (Tucson, Arizona, USA, December 7-11, 1998). Title of presentation: "Hydrodynamic flows induced by copper-vapor laser: diagnostics using optical correlation spectroscopy". S.E.Skipetrov has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. S.S.Chesnokov. Title: "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially-heterogeneous scatterer flows". F.M.TSAHHAEV (Ryazan State Pedagogical University) in his studies of physics of low dimensional structures obtained the following results: 1. Galvanomagnetic effects have been measured in n-AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures with filling of two subbands. The values of the momentum relaxation times t and q have been determined experimentally. The t and q times have been also calculated in the conditions of intersubband scattering using the self-consistent electron wave function. The dominating relaxation mechanism was identified and the parameters of defects were evaluated by comparison of experimentally determined and calculated t and q values [1,5,6,9]. 2. The GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures with anomalously high mobility of 2D-electrons 0.6 m/V s (T=4.2 K) in respect to the well-known analogs have been synthesized. The anomalies and anisotropy of kinetic effects characteristics of the GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures have been observed in experiments. The electrons energy spectrum in GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures has been calculated on the basis of the experimental results. The comparison of calculated data and measurements results (C-V characteristics, temperature and axial/lateral magnetic field dependencies of conductivity, photoluminescence spectra) reveals anomalous properties of GaAs(0.30,?-Sn) structure along [110] direction in respect to the [110] one [4]. 3. In [7,8] the experimental results is analyzed in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures. 4. The hysteresis of current-temperature characteristics is revealed in GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with the three quantum wells [2]. 5. The magnetic field suppression of electron-electron interaction of 2D-electrons in the main and the first, disturbed subbands of dimension quantization in single heterojunction AlGaAs/GaAs have been revealed [3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] V.I.Kadushkin, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Relaxation mechanisms of 2D-electrons in selective doped n-AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs heterostructure with filling of two subbands,\\ Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., No.5/6, pp.55-74, 1999. [2] V.I.Tsebro, O.E.Omelyanovski, V.I.Kadushkin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, F.M.Tsahhaev,\\ S.N.Larin, Lateral photoconductivity low temperature hysteresis of GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with asymmetric system of quantum wells, Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). [3] V.I.Kadushkin, F.M.Tsahhaev, S.N.Larin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, Intersubband relaxation of 2D-electrons in AlGaAs(Si)/GaAs strong doped heterojunction, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., No.3/4, pp.135-166, 1998. [5] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, News Institutions of Higher Education. Physics, No.159, 1998 [in Russian]. Proceedings of the Conference: [6] The 24th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, August 2-7, 1998, Jerusalem, Israel; "Energy spectrum and relaxation mechanisms of electrons in lateral-surface superlattices GaAs(0.30,?-Sn)". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Yu.A.Kotova). [7] 10th International Symposium on Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors, August 31- September 2, 1998, Vilnius, Lithuania. "Photomodulation processes in GaAs/AlAs type-I quantum well structures". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [8] VII Luthuanian-Polish Seminar "Solid State Physics and Technology", Kaunas, 1998. "Photoexcitation effects in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures investigated by differential reflectivity spectroscopy". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [9] The 194th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, Boston, Massachusetts, November\\ 1-6, 1998. "Energy spectrum of electrons in GaAs(?-Sn) structure grown on vicinal plane". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). In March, 2000 F.M.Tsahhaev shall be got Ph.D. degree from the Ryazan State Pedagogical University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Kadushkin (RSPU). Title: "Localization and scattering of quasi-particles in low-dimensional heterostructures in quantized magnetic fields." D.A.RYNDYK (Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS, Nizhny Novgorod) in his studies of nonequilibrium effects in dynamics of Josephson structures and layered superconductors (nonequilibrium Josephson effect) obtained the following results: 1. Starting from microscopic equations for Green functions, quasiclassical kinetic equations are derived for the systems of tunnel junctions and for layered superconductors [1]. This kinetic equations can be generalized for the case of different types of junctions and for superconductors with arbitrary energy dependence of the density of states and anisotropic pairing. 2. Dynamics of one-dimensional array of nonequilibrium junctions is investigated, in particular, current-voltage characteristics and high frequency interaction between junctions. Peculiarities of the dynamics of intrinsic Josephson junctions in HTSC are considered [1,2] (this work is a continuation of previous investigation carried out in 1998: D.A.Ryndyk, Phys.Rev.Lett., 80, 3376, 1998). The calculated current-voltage characteristics demonstrate the nature of the effect of electron-hole imbalance on the dynamics of one-dimensional chains of junctions. 3. The effect of nonequilibrium amplification of Josephson oscillations is predicted [2]. 4. "Plasma" oscillations and Josephson flux flow in layered superconductors is considered with nonequilibrium effects taken into account. Beside, the work on the kinetic theory of plasma turbulence is continued, which was began previously in connection with the experimental investigation of low-hybrid turbulence, excited by ion beam (E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk et al., Nuclear Fusion, 38, 661, 1998). New results in the theory of turbulent broadening of cyclotron resonances are published in Ref.[3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] D.A.Ryndyk, Nonequilibrium Josephson effect in systems of tunnel junctions and in layered superconductors, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. V.116, p.1798, 1999 [JETP V.89, p.975, 1999]. [2] D.A.Ryndyk, High-frequency properties of nonequilibrium Josephson junctions in nanoscale and layered superconductors, Journal of radioelectronics (www journal) n.1 (2000), to be published in "Foreign radioelectronics". [3] E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk, Stochastic Broadening of High Order Ion Cyclotron Resonances due to Lower-Hybrid Turbulence, Strong microwaves in plasmas (proceedings of IV international workshop on strong micro-waves in plasmas, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 1999 ), ed. A.G.Litvak, V.2, Nizhny Novgorod, 2000. D.Ryndyk in 1999 participated in: 1. School-seminar "Physics and applications of microwaves" (24-30 of May in Krasnovidovo, Moscow region) with invited lecture "Physical basis of Josephson high frequency electronics". D.Ryndyk take part in several russian and international research projects, in particular: 1. Grants of Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) N. 97-02-16928 and 99-02-16188 . 2. State research program "Physics of microwaves". Grant 4.7. "Theoretical and experimental investigation of microwave interaction with superconducting structures". 3. Joint program of Institute of Applied Physics RAS and W7-AS stellarator group (Garching, Germany) on Collective Thomson scattering for plasma diagnostic. A.M.RUVINSKY (Institute of Spectroscopy of RAS, Troitsk) in his studies of collective properties of excitons has considered an influence of random fields on the conditions of exciton condensation and superfluidity in bulk and low-dimensional systems [1]. It was shown that in semiconductor alloys the density of excitons in Bose condensate decreases due to the exciton scattering on random fields of impurities or fluctuations of the composite. The density of the superfluidity fraction in the system of 3D and quasi-2D excitons also decreases taking into account this scattering. The scattering on the random field of the quantum well widths' fluctuations was analyzed for direct and indirect excitons. Analytical expressions for the exciton superfluidity densities in "dirty" single quantum wells, coupled quantum wells and bulk semiconductors have been derived. The influence of random fields on Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature for exciton systems in low-dimensional structures was analyzed. These results have been presented in the papers [1,2] containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1].Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, Superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. V.69, No.8, pp.573-578, 1999 [in Russian], (Letter in JETP, V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999). [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, A.M.Ruvinsky, Bogolubov approximation for rare exciton system in random media, Fiz.Tverd.Tela (Physics of the Solid State), in print, 2000 [in Russian]. In June, 1998 A.Ruvinsky has got Ph.D. degree from State Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "Magnetoexcitons in inhomogeneous and low-dimensional structures". A.ZEMLYANOV (Moscow State University) obtained the following results: A new approach to the description of anomalous transport phenomena that take place in fractal media was developed. Namely, anomalous diffusion on a comb structure consisting of a one- dimensional backbone and lateral branches (teeth) of random length is considered. A definite classification of the trajectories of random walks reduces the original problem to an analysis of classical diffusion on the backbone, where, however, the time of this process is a random quantity. Its distribution is assigned by the properties of the random walks of the diffusing particles on the teeth. The possibility of applying mean-field theory in such a model is demonstrated, and the equation for the Green's function with a partial derivative of fractional order is obtained. The characteristic features of the propagation of particles on a comb structure are analyzed. A model of an effective homogeneous medium, in which diffusion is described by an equation with a fractional derivative with respect to time and an initial condition in the form of an integral of fractional order, is obtained. These results are published in [1] and were presented at the Moscow Seminar on Synergetics at the Physics Faculty, Moscow State University. [1] I.A.Lubashevsky, A.A.Zemlyanov, Continuum description of anomalous diffusion on a comb structure, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., V.114, pp.1284-1312, 1998 [in Russian]. A.Zemlyanov has received invitation for participating in a research program at the University of Texas at Austin during the next three years.
D.S.GORBUNOV (Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) in his studies of supersymmetric models obtained the following results: 1. Phenomenological consequences of the direct mixing between Standard Model fields and fields-mediators of supersymmetry breaking (messengers) were discovered. Limits on the corresponding coupling constants coming from flavor violating processes both in the lepton [1] and quark [2] sector were obtained. Radiative electroweak breaking in models with mixing was studied. It was found that in these models, unlike gauge mediated models without mixing, wide range of $\tan{\beta}$ is allowed. 2. In [3] it was constructed a toy model with the following properties: i) it is strongly coupled at a certain scale and breaks supersymmetry at this scale; ii) matter superfields of (one generation of) the Standard Model are effective low energy degrees of freedom of this strongly coupled theory; iii) direct gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking occurs due to messenger superfields that are also effective low energy degrees of freedom. 3. It was prepared a review [4] on phenomenological and theoretical aspects of models with gauge mediation. 4. It is shown in Ref. [5] that global fermionic charges induced in vacuum by slowly varying, topologically non-trivial background scalar fields are not renormalized provided that expansion in momenta of background fields is valid. This suggests that strongly coupled theories obey induced charge matching conditions which are analogous, but generally not equivalent, to 't Hooft anomaly matching conditions. A few examples of induced charge matching was presented. In particular, the corresponding constraints in softly broken supersymmetric QCD suggest non-trivial low energy mass pattern, in full accord with the results of direct analyses. 5. In Ref. [6] matching of induced charges in supersymmetric SU(N) gauge theories with quantum modified moduli space was studied. It was found that the Wess-Zumino term should be present in the low energy theory in order that these consistency conditions are satisfied. The lowest homotopy groups of the quantum moduli space was calculated, and it was shown that there are no obstructions to the existence of the Wess-Zumino term at arbitrary N. The explicit expression for this term is given. It is shown that neither vortices nor topological solitons exist in the model. The case of softly broken supersymmetry is considered as well. It was found that the possibility of global baryon number violating vacuum is strongly disfavored. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Flavor violation and $\tan{\beta}$ in gauge mediated models with messenger-matter mixing, Nucl.Phys.B 557, pp.119-145, 1999. [4] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky, Gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking, Phys.Usp. 42, pp.623-651, 1999; Usp.Fiz.Nauk 169, pp.705-736, 1999 [in Russian]. [5] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, M.V.Libanov, V.A.Rubakov, Nonrenormalization of induced charges and constraints on strongly coupled theories, Phys.Rept. 320, pp.147-158, 1999. [6] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Induced charge matching and Wess-Zumino term on quantum modified moduli space (to appear in Phys.Rev.D). There are some publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [2] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, Messenger-matter mixing and lepton flavor violation, Phys.Lett. B419, pp.223-232, 1998. [2] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky, Towards common origin of supersymmetry breaking, compositeness, and gauge mediation, Phys.Lett. B423, pp.301-304, 1998. D.Gorbunov participated in the 10-th International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, Suzdal, May 18-24, 1998) and presented a talk entitled "Flavor violation and $\tan{\beta}$ in gauge mediated models with messenger-matter mixing". D.Gorbunov was also a coauthor of the talk "Grand unification with gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking" (S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky) presented there. D.Gorbunov participated in the International Workshop "Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics" (October 23-28, 1999, Tbilisi, Georgia) organized by Georgian Academy of Sciences and Tbilisi State University joint with UNESCO Venice Office. The workshop was dedicated to the 90th anniversary of N.N.Bogolyubov (1909-1992). D.Gorbunov was a coauthor of the talk "Non-renormalization of induced charges and Wess-Zumino term on quantum modified moduli space" (S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov) presented there. D.Gorbunov participated in the International Conference on Non-Accelerator New Physics NANP-99 (Dubna, June 28 - July 3, 1999) and presented a talk entitled "Strong coupling unification in supersymmetric models" (D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky). D.Gorbunov was invited by the International Center of Theoretical Physics to take part in the Summer School on High-Energy Physics and Cosmology (Italy, Trieste, June 28 - July 18, 1998). D.Gorbunov participated in the X-th International School "Particles and Cosmology" (Baksan Valley, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia, April 19-25, 1999). D.Gorbunov participated in the International School "Selected Topics of Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Statistics" (October 16-23, 1999, Tbilisi, Georgia) organized by Georgian Academy of Sciences and Tbilisi State University joint with UNESCO Venice Office. The topic of research of the grant-aided aspirant I.V.GORBUNOV (Tomsk State University) included the construction and the study of spinning particle models in 3+1 and in lower space-time dimensions. In his study I.V.Gorbunov obtained the following results: 1. The model of D=2+1, N=1,2 massive superparticle with arbitrary fixed (half)integer or fractional superspin has been developed [1,3]. The classical mechanical model of the superparticle has been constructed, which contains, besides the inherent Poincare supersymmetry, one more SUSY related to the superspin degrees of freedom. The quantization of the model presents a nontrivial example of combination of the canonical Dirac and Berezin quantization methods. The quantization is based on assumption, that the "double" supersymmetry, both Poincare and internal ones, survives at the quantum level. It is shown, that some physical observables (supercharges) should be renormalized by transition from classical mechanics to the first quantized particle model [1,3]. The quantum states of N=2, D=3 spinning superparticle are realized on the fields carrying finite dimensional [1,3], or a unitary infinite dimensional [3] typical representations of the supergroup OSp(2/2). 2. The model of nonrelativistic (D=3+1) particle with arbitrary fixed spin has been developed [2]. The relation to the respective relativistic models is established. It has been founded that the particle interactions to external fields are consistent independently from detailed structure of the particle gauge symmetries. This phenomenon differentiates the nonrelativistic spinning particle from the relativistic one. In the massless limit the model describes "the light beam". The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] I.V.Gorbunov, S.L.Lyakhovich, Hidden supersymmetries and Berezin quantization of N=2, D=2 spinning superparticle, Journal of Mathematical Physics, V.40, No.5, pp.2230-2253, 1999; Preprints of ICTP (Trieste, Italy) IC/98/138, e-print hep-th/9809104. [2] I.V.Gorbunov, V.A.Dolgushev, S.L.Lyakhovich, Galilean spinning particle [in Russian], Russian Physics Journal, V.42, No.2, pp.34-46, 1999. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [3] I.V.Gorbunov, S.L.Lyakhovich, Geometric quantization of N=2, D=3 superanyon, Phys.Lett.B V.423, pp.293-300, 1998. I.V.Gorbunov participated in the International Summer School in Theoretical Physics "Volga-10" (Kazan, Russia, June 22- Jule 2, 1998) and presented a session talk there entitled "Hidden supersymmetry and Berezin quantization of N=2, D=3 spinning superparticle". In April 1999, I.V.Gorbunov has got Ph.D. degree from Tomsk State University. Thesis advisor: Prof. S.L.Lyakhovich. Title: "Lobachevsky supergeometry of D=3 massive spinning superparticle". A.Yu.NERONOV (Moscow State University) obtained the following results in his studies of quantum black hole models: 1. A theory of classical and quantum collapse of thin spherically-symmetric selfgravitating shells was developed [1]. Complete integrability of hamiltonian equations which describe motion of a selfgravitating shell has been proved. A principally important result that was obtained is the form of mass spectrum of quantum black holes which are formed in the process of gravitational collapse of thin shells of matter [2]. Some unusual quantum number which parametrize the mass spectrum was found. It has geometric origin and does not disappear even for the case of unbound motion of the collapsing shell. 2. A mechanism of formation of universal spectrum of radiation of quantum black holes was proposed [3]. It was shown, that radiation which propagates in the form of s-wave in the field of black hole has discrete spectrum, if one takes fully into account back reaction of radiation on gravitational field of black hole. Some kind of quantum analog of classical "no hair conjecture" of black hole physics was proposed [4]: although the mass spectrum of quantum black holes could have arbitrary complicated structure, spectrum of radiation coming from quantum black hole corresponds to the level spacings in some universal spectrum $m\sim\sqrt{n}$ The main results have been presented in the papers: 1. V.A.Berezin, A.M.Boyarsky, A.Yu.Neronov, Phys.Rev.D57, p.1118, 1998. 2. A.Yu.Neronov, Phys.Rev.D 59, 1998. 3. V.A.Berezin, A.M.Boyarsky, A.Yu.Neronov, gr-qc/9808027 (1998). 4. A.Yu.Neronov, Ph.D. Thesises, INR, Moscow, 1998. A.Neronov participated in Spinoza Meeting on Quantum black holes (Holland, Utrecht, June 29 -- July 4, 1998). In 1998 A.Neronov has got Ph.D. degree from Institute for Nuclear Research. Thesis advisor: Prof. V.A.Berezin. Title: "Quantization of spherically-symmetric gravity. Models of Quantum Black Holes". A.I.ONISCHENKO (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow) in his studies of physics of doubly heavy systems, anomalous WWV couplings and some exotic beyond SM obtained the following results: 1. Spectra of masses for the families of doubly heavy baryons are calculated in the framework of nonrelativistic quark model with the QCD-induced potential by Buchm\" uller-Tye in accordance with both the quark-diquark structure for the wave functions and taking into account the splittings depending on the spins. The region for the application of such approximations is determined [1,17,19]. 2. Below the threshold of decay of these objects into the heavy baryon and heavy meson the system of bound excited states was found, being quasi-stable with respect to hadronic transitions to the basic level [1,17,19]. 3. We have in details considered the physical reasons for the quasi-stability, taking place for the baryons with two identical quarks. In accordance to the Pauli principle, the operators, responsible for the hadronic decays and the mixing between the levels, are suppressed by the inverse heavy quark mass and the small size of diquark. This suppression is caused by the necessity to instantaneously change both the spin and the orbital momentum of compact diquark. In the baryonic systems with two heavy quark and the strange quark, the quasi-stability for the low-lying excitations of diquark is provided by the exclusion of transitions with the emission of both a single kaon because of small splitting between the levels and a single pion because of conservation for the iso-spin and strangeness [1,17,19]. 4. We obtained analytical results on the two-loop anomalous dimensions of currents for baryons, containing two heavy quarks $J = [Q^{iT}C\Gamma\tau Q^j]\Gamma^{'}q^k\varepsilon_{ijk}$ with arbitrary Dirac matrices $\Gamma$ and $\Gamma^{'}$ in the framework of NRQCD in the leading order over both the relative velocity of heavy quarks and the inverse heavy quark mass. It is shown, that in this approximation the anomalous dimensions do not depend on the Dirac structure of the current under consideration [16,18]. 5. The equivalence of results, obtained in calculation of anomalous dimensions of operators in $\overline{\rm MS}$-renormalization scheme with the use of lagrangians of HQET and NRQCD is shown [16,18]. 6. In the leading order of perturbative QCD one calculates the total and differential cross-sections for the hadronic production of doubly charmed baryons $\Xi_{cc}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^*$ in different experiments. The experimental evaluation of cross-sections for the $J/\Psi +D + \bar D$ production would allow one to decrease the uncertainty in the determination of cross-sections for the doubly charmed baryons due to the choice of $\alpha_s$ and $m_c$. One shows that in the HERA-B and E781 experiments with fixed tagets the suppression of the $\Xi_{cc}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^*$ production to the yield of $c \bar c$-pairs is the value of the order of $10^{-6}-10^{-5}$, whereas at the TEVATRON and LHC colliders it is about $10^{-4}-10^{-3}$. In the E781 experiment the observation of $\Xi_{cc}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^*$ is practically impossible. At the HERA-B and TEVATRON facilities one can expect $10^5$ events with the double charm, and at LHC one has about $10^9$ ones [12]. 7. For the first time the contribution of quark-antiquark annihilation in hardronic production of doubly charmed baryons was taken into account. This contribution becomes essential at fixed target energies. The notion of fragmentation function of heavy diquark into doubly heavy baryon is introduced [12]. 8. Analitical approximations of numerical calculations for total subprocess cross-sections of gluon-gluon and quark-antiquark production of doubly charmed baryons were obtained [12]. 9. We have performed a detailed investigation on the lifetimes of doubly heavy baryons on the basis of the operator product expansion for the transition currents. For the first time, we have presented the formulae with the simultaneous account for both the mass effects and low-energy logarithmic renormalization for the contributions to the total decay width of baryons, containing heavy quarks, as it is caused by the effects of Pauli interference and weak scattering. The usage of the diquark picture has allowed us to evaluate the matrix elements of operators derived [2,7,9,14,15,19,20,21]. 10. As an application of the formalism developed, for the first time the lifetimes of all doubly heavy baryons were obtained. The obtained results show the significant role of both the Pauli interference and the weak scattering [2,7,9,14,15,19,20,21]. 11. The sum rules for doubly heavy baryons in NRQCD approximation are constructed. The problem with stability of such sum rules, faced in earlier works, is solved [4]. 12. A detail investigation of three-point sum rules for semileptonic decays of $B_c$-meson in QCD and NRQCD is performed. The Coulomb corrections, as well as, corrections due to gluon condensate are included and their role is discussed. The generalized spin symmetry relations for formfactors are derived [3,8]. 13. The prospects for $B_c$-meson production at existing and future colliders are investigated [10,13]. 14. The possibility to have additional constraints on anomalous WWV couplings at HERA vs LEP is investigated [5]. 15. The possibility to observe TeV-scale leptoquarks, appearing in different models is reviewed [6]. Part of the results was published in the following papers, containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Spectroscopy of doubly charmed baryons: $\Xi_{cc}^{++}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^{+}$, DESY-98080, hep-ph/9807375, Mod.Phys.Lett. A14, p.135, 1999. [2] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of $\Xi_{bc}^{+}$ and $\Xi_{bc}^{0}$ baryons, hep-ph/9901224, submitted to Eur.Phys.J. [3] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Semileptonic decays of $B_c$-meson in sum rules of QCD and NRQCD, hep-ph/9905359, accepted to Nucl.Phys.B. [4] V.V.Kiselev, A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly heavy baryons in sum rules of NRQCD, hep-ph/9909339, accepted to Nucl.Phys.B. [5] A.A.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Can HERA data improve LEP constraints on WWV vertex?, DESY-99-051, accepted to Eur.Phys.J. [6] S.S.Gershtein, A.A.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, TeV-scale leptoquarks from GUT/String/M-theory unification, Phys.Rep. 320, 203, 1999. [7] A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly heavy systems: decays and OPE, hep-ph/9912424. [8] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Semileptonic decays of $B_c$-meson, accepted to Yad.Phys. [in Russian]. [9] A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of doubly heavy baryons, hep-ph/9912425. There are also papers, which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM: [10] A.V.Berezhnoy, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, $B_c$-meson at LHC, Phys.Atom.Nucl. 60, p.1729, 1997; hep-ph/9703341. [11] A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Gluon splitting into pair of heavy quarks in $e^+e^-$-annihilation, Phys.Atom.Nucl. 60, p.623, 1997. [12] A.V.Berezhnoy, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly charmed baryon production in hadronic experiments, Phys.Rev. D57, p.4385, 1998. [13] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.V.Tkabladze, A.V.Berezhnoi, A.I.Onishchenko, Theoretical status of $B_c$-meson, IHEP 98-22, hep-ph/9803433. [14] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of doubly charmed baryons: $\Xi_{cc}^{++}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^{+}$, DESY-98079; hep-ph/9807354; Phys.Rev. D60, p.14007, 1999. [15] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Total inclusive decay rates of doubly charmed baryons, Yad.Phys. No.6., 1999 [in Russian]. [16] V.V.Kiselev, A.I.Onishchenko, Two-loop anomalous dimensions for currents of bary\-ons with two heavy quarks in NRQCD, IHEP 98-64; hep-ph/9810283; submitted to\\ Phys.Lett.B. [17] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Spectroscopy of doubly heavy baryons, IHEP 98-66; hep-ph/9811212; Heavy Ion.Phys. V.9, p.133, 1999. The following talks were given: [18] V.V.Kiselev, A.I.Onishchenko, Anomal dimensions of currents of baryons with two heavy quarks, MIPT Scientific conference, Dolgoprudny, November 1998. [19] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly heavy baryons: spectroscopy and decays, Scientific conference of Subdivision of Nuclear Physics of RAS, Moscow, November 1998. [20] A.I.Onishchenko, Physics of decays of doubly heavy baryons: $\Xi_{bb}^{0}$, $\Xi_{bb}^{-}$, $\Xi_{bc}^{+}$, $\Xi_{bc}^{0}$, $\Xi_{cc}^{+}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^{++}$, Conference of young scientists, postgraduate and graduate stutents ITEP, Moscow, December 1998. [21] A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of doubly heavy baryons, Conference of young scientists, postgraduate and graduate stutents ITEP, Moscow, December 1999. [22] A.I.Onishchenko, $c$-quark mass from $J/Psi$, $\Upsilon$ and $B_c$-mesons, Conference of young scientists, postgraduate and graduate stutents ITEP, Moscow, December 1999. The work of D.M.OSTROVSKY (Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) in 1998 has consisted of three main parts: The first one concerns some aspects of the description of multiparticle production processes. In [1] the nonperturbative preasymptotic contribution to the factorial moments of the intrajet particle distribution have been computed in the framework of previously developed formalism in which new nonperturbative term had been added to standart QCD evolution equation. The presence of the additional nonperturbative contribution is supported by the existing experimental data. Another kind of studies concerns minijet production in the ultrarelativistic hadron and nuclear collisions. Particularly, in [2] transverse energy flow generated by minijets in hadron and nuclear collisions into a given rapidity window in the central region was calculated in the next-to-leading (NLO) order of QCD at RHIC and LHC energies. These results were then used to calculate transverse energy spectrum in nuclear collisions in a Glauber geometrical model. It was shown that in pp collisions differential cross section calculated with NLO accuracy is about 2 times higher than the cross section calculated with only LO accuracy. NLO modification leads to a substantial broadening of the $E_{\perp}$ distribution for the nuclear collisions, while its form remains practically unchanged. In [3] the azimuthal asymmetry of minijet system produced in nucleon-nucleon and nuclear collisions in a central rapidity window was calculated. In pp collisions the asymmetry appears due to contributions from the collisions in which only one minijet hits the acceptance window. The angular pattern of transverse energy flow in nuclear collisions and its dependence on the kinematical parameters of collisions was studied. Development and application of high energy factorization scheme for hadron collisions is a third part of the scientific activity in 1998-1999. Angular asymmetry and momentum disbalance in a pair of particles produced at high energy in the central rapidity region were studied in [4]. It was shown that the asymmetry is substantial for low outgoing particles momenta but diminishes when they rise. In [5] NLO correction to the one-jet inclusive cross section in the framework of high energy factorization was calculated. The results were numerically compared with predictions of conventional collinear factorization approach. It was shown that NLO in high energy factorization scheme reduces one-jet inclusive cross section, but quantitatively result is highly sensitive to the choice of structure function. D.Ostrovsky participated in XXVII ITEPH Winter school (16-24 February, 1999) and presented a talk "Angular and momentum asymmetry in particle production at high energies" in a student's session. The publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM, because it was submitted before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [1] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Phys.Atom.Nucl. 62, pp.701-707, 1999; Yad.Fiz. 62, pp.750-757, 1999 [in Russian]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [2] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Eur.Phys.J C11, pp.495-499, 1999. [3] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Angular pattern of minijet transverse energy flow in hadron and nuclear collisions, hep-ph/9812416, submitted to Eur.Phys.J. C. [4] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Angular and momentum asymmetry in particle production at high energies, hep-ph/9905496, submitted to Phys.Rev.D. [5] D.Ostrovsky, NLO correction to one-jet inclusive production at high energies, hep-ph/9912258, submitted to Phys.Rev.D. S.A.PASTON (Saint-Petersburg State University) in his studies of quantum field theory in light front coordinates obtained the following results: 1. The effective Hamiltonian in light front coordinates is obtained which at some dependence of coefficients, included in it, from a parameter of UV-regularization, in a limit of it removal reproduces within the framework of perturbation theory the results of lorentz-covariant formulating of quantum chromodynamics [1]. It was possible to make with the help of introduction of an additional nonstandart IR-regularization based on a principle, which is used at the Pauli-Villars regularization. Only after this introduction it has appeared possible to apply the method, published earlier, of a comparison of light-like and lorentz-covariant theories. The offered regularization breaks a gauge invariance, but in a limit of removal of a regularization the gauge invariance is restored. The obtained Hamiltonian in future is supposed to be used in nonperturbative calculations. 2. The scalar theory with non-polynomial interaction resulted from bosonization of two-dimensional quantum electrodynamics (QED) is considered [2]. This theory is described by modified Lagrangian of Sin-Gordon model with the critical value of the parameter of this model. Non-polynomiality of interaction in this model, leading to arising of vertexes with arbitrarily large number of lines in perturbation theory, makes nontrivial the construction of light-front Hamiltonian. For its construction the Pauli-Villars regularization must be introduced because at the critical value of the parameter the ultraviolet behaviour of the theory become worse. Obtained light-front Hamiltonian generates the perturbation theory which is equivalent to the covariant perturbation theory in fermion mass, which plays the role of interaction constant after the bosonization and therefore the Hamiltonian spectrum coincides with the spectrum of QED. One can investigate this spectrum beyond the framework of perturbation theory. 3. S.A.Paston participated in development of such formulation of a gauge field theory on a lattice, with which the action is polynomial on independent field variables [3]. The canonical formalism in light front coordinates for such theory is considered. These results and also the results obtained earlier, were published in a review in the proceedings of the conference in honour of V.A.Fock [4]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, V.A.Franke, Constructing the Light-Front QCD Hamiltonian, Theor.Math.Phys., V.120, No.3. pp.1164-1181, 1999; Teoreticheskaya i Matematicheskaya Fizika, V.120. No.3, pp.417-437, 1999 [in Russian]. [2] S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, V.A.Franke, $QED_2$ Light-Front Hamiltonian reproducing all orders of covariant chiral perturbation theory. Preprint SPbU-IP-99-13; hep-th/9910114. The publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM, because either they were published before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant, or they contain results obtained until this moment: [3] V.A.Franke, S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, Lattice Gauge Theories with polynomial Action and their canonical Formulation on the Light Front, Preprint SPbU-IP-98-5, hep-th/9803035. [4] V.A.Franke, Yu.V.Novozhilov, S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, Quantum Field Theory in Light-Front coordinates, in book: "Quantum Theory in honour of Vladimir A.Fock", Part 1, Unesco, St. Petersburg University, Euro-Asian Physical Society, 1998, pp.38-97; hep-th/9901029. S.Paston participated in the "IX International Workshop Small-x Physics and Light Front Dynamics in QCD", Russia, St. Petersburg, July 6-15 1998, theme of the report: "Lattice Gauge Theories with polynomial Action at the Light Front"; in the international conference "VIII St. Petersburg International School of Physics. Quantum Theory in honour of Vladimir A. Fock", Russia, St. Petersburg, May 25 - June 4 1998, theme of the report: "Lattice Gauge Theories with polynomial Action and their canonical Formulation on the Light Front"; and in the seminar "Final seminar in physics and astronomy of winners in 1998 of grant competition for young scientists of St.-Petersburg", February 16, 1999, St.-Petersburg, Russia, theme of the report: "The Construction of QCD Hamiltonian in Light-Front Coordinates"; In December, 1999 S.Paston has got Ph.D. degree from St.-Petersburg State University. Thesis advisor: Prof. V.A.Franke. Title: "The Construction of Quantum Field Theory Hamiltonian in Light-Front Coordinates". O.A.RYTCHKOV (Steklov Mathematical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences,\\ Moscow) in his studies of classical solutions in superstring theory and their applications has obtained the following results: 1. Wide classes of new intersecting p-brane solutions in various space-time dimensions were constructed making use of an algebraic method [1]. p-brane configurations were specified by incidence matrices and it was shown that the solutions of the algebraic characteristic equations for the incidence matrices controlled the intersections of p-branes. 2. New types of p-brane solutions to various supergravities were obtained with use of the sigma-model approach [9]. A new way to endow branes with an additional internal structure such as plane waves was suggested. Applying the harmonic maps technique new solutions with a non-trivial shell structure in the transverse space were generated. Also intersecting branes were considered and it was shown that the intersection rules have a simple geometric interpretation as conditions ensuring the symmetric space property of the sigma-model target space. 3. Non-extremal overlapping p-brane supergravity solutions localized in their relative transverse coordinates were constructed [5,10]. The construction used an algebraic method of solving the bosonic equations of motion. 4. Some aspects of duality between supergravities on Anti-de Sitter (AdS) spaces (appearing as near D-brane horizon geometry) and conformal field theories were investigated in [2,6]. The massive Rarita-Schwinger field in AdS background was considered and the corresponding equations of motion were solved. It was shown that appropriate boundary terms calculated on-shell give two-point correlation function for spin-3/2 fields of the conformal field theory. The relation between Rarita-Schwinger field masses and conformal dimensions of corresponding operators was established. 5. Bulk-to-bulk propagators for the massive vector and symmetric rank-2 tensor fields in the Euclidean continuation of the Anti-de Sitter space were constructed [3]. The explicit forms of these propagators in the limit when one or both points approach the boundary of AdS were derived. It was shown that the obtained expressions coincide with bulk-to-boundary propagators or two-point correlation functions of the boundary CFT as expected from the AdS/CFT correspondence. This identification provides one more evidence for treating CFT operators on the boundary as appropriate limits of quantum fields in the bulk. Also the above limiting procedure clarifies the artificial appearance of boundary terms in the AdS/CFT correspondence. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] I.Ya.Aref'eva, O.A.Rytchkov, Incidence Matrix Description of Intersecting p-brane Solutions, to be published in L.D.Faddeev's Seminar on Mathematical Physics, Advances in Mathematics, Amer.Math.Soc., Providence, R.I. [2] A.S.Koshelev, O.A.Rytchkov, Note on the Massive Rarita-Schwinger field in the AdS/CFT correspondence, Phys.Lett.B 450, p.368, 1999. [3] A.Polishchuk, O.Rytchkov, Propagator for Massive Spin-2 Field in Anti-de Sitter Space, preprint SMI-25-99. Also the obtained results were published in the proceedings of the following conferences: [4] O.A.Rytchkov, Chaotic Behaviour of Dynamical Systems in M-theory, Proceedings of the Second Open Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (Russia, Dubna, March 2-6, 1998) [in Russian]. [5] O.A.Rytchkov, Localised p-branes in Supergravities and M-theory, Proceedings of the International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, May 18-24, 1998). [6] O.A.Rytchkov, Massive Rarita-Schwinger Field in the AdS/CFT correspondence, Proceedings of the XIV International Workshop on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory (Russia, May 27 - June 2, 1999). There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [7] I.Ya.Aref'eva, P.B.Medvedev, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Chaos in D0-brane Dynamics, Banach Center Publications, V.43, p.41, 1998. [8] I.Ya.Aref'eva, P.B.Medvedev, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Chaos in M(atrix) Theory, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, V.10, p.1, 1998. [9] D.V.Gal'tsov, O.A.Rytchkov, Generating branes via sigma models, Phys.Rev. D58, p.122001, 1998. [10] I.Ya.Aref'eva, M.G.Ivanov, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Non-extremal localized\\ branes and vacuum solutions in M-theory, Class.Quant.Grav. V.15, p.2923, 1998. O.A.Rytchkov participated in Spring School on Non-perturbative Aspects of String Theory and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories (Italy, March 23-31, 1998) and in the Trieste Conference on Superfivebranes and Physics in 5+1 dimensions (Italy, April 1-3, 1998) where a poster entitled "New Non-extremal p-branes in Superstring Theories and M-theory" was presented. O.A.Rytchkov participated in International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, May 18-24, 1998) and presented a talk there entitled "Localized p-branes in Supergravities and M-theory". O.A.Rytchkov participated in XI International Conference "Problems of Quantum Field Theory" (Russia, July 13-17, 1998) and presented a talk entitled "Localized p-branes in various supergravities" O.A Rytchkov participated in XIV International Workshop on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory (Russia, May 27 - June 2, 1999) and presented a talk there entitled "Massive Rarita-Schwinger Field in the AdS/CFT correspondence" V.I.SHEVCHENKO (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow) has obtained the following results: 1. Generalized coordinate gauge in nonabelian gauge theories was analysed, limits of applicability were established and applied to the nonabelian Stokes theorem and dual QCD Lagrangian evaluation. 2. The structure of perturbative contributions to the string tension in gluodynamics was investigated and cancellation of them in the vacuum field correlators framework was shown. 3. The modifications of the Higgs mechanism in abelian Higgs model due to interaction with topological defects were considered. 4. Deeper understanding of the Higgs mechanism in the quantum background was reached, especially in the aspects, important for the abelian projected confinement theories. 5. The colour superconductivity phenomenon was investigated in the framework of Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. The effective potential was calculated and the importance of the nonperturbative gluon condensate from the nonabelian Meissner effect point of view was shown. 6. The exact renormalisation group flows were studied in the current representation of the abelian projected gluodynamics. 7. The Casimir scaling behaviour of the static potential between charges in higher representations of the gauge group SU(3) was investigated, being based on recent lattice data. The value of scaling violating terms is estimated. It is shown, that Casimir scaling puts severe bounds on the presence of classical solutions in the vacuum. [1] V.Shevchenko, Yu.Simonov, Generalized coordinate gauge, nonabelian Stokes theorem and dual QCD Lagrangian, Phys.Lett.B 437, p.146, 1998. [2] V.Shevchenko, Yu.Simonov, Perturbative contributions to field correlators, Phys.Lett.B 437, p.131, 1998. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [3] V.Shevchenko, Higgs mechanism in nontrivial background, hep-th/9810222 (being prepared for publication). [4] N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov, V.I.Shevchenko, Nonperturbative QCD vacuum and Colour Superconductivity, Phys.Rep. V.320, p.131, 1999. [5] V.I.Shevchenko, Yu.A.Simonov, Casimir Scaling as a Test of QCD vacuum, hep-ph/0001299, being prepared for publication. Published talks on conferences: (1) "Generalized Fock-Schwinger Gauge and its applications" V.I. Shevchenko, (based on the work with Yu.A.Simonov), Int.School dedicated to the 100th anniversary of V.A.Fock, St.Peterburg, 1998. (2) "Does confinement imply stochasticity?", V.I.Shevchenko, Chaos and complexity, Ponte di Legno, Italy, 1998. (3) "Gluon degrees of freedom at nonzero baryonic density", V.Shevchenko, (partly based on the work with N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov), XXVIII Autumn School, Lisbon, Portugal,1999. (4) "Coordinate gauges and confinement", V. I. Shevchenko, Confinement III (poster session, unpublished), Newport News, USA, 1998. (5) "Nonperturbative QCD vacuum and Colour Superconductivity", V.Shevchenko, (based on the work with N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov), Buckow, Germany, 1999 (no proceedings). V.Shevchenko visited Department of Theoretical Physics of Pisa University, Italy (October 1 - 30, 1998) by invitation of Professor A.DiGiacomo. In January, 2000 V.Shevchenko has got Ph.D. degree from ITEP. Thesis advisor: Prof.Yu.A.Simonov. Title: "Nonperturbative effects in gauge field theory". N.V.SHEVCHENKO (Irkutsk State University and Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow region) in her studies of few-body systems obtained the following results: 1. Elastic $\eta d$ scattering was considered within the Alt-Grassberger-Sandhas formalism for various $\eta N$ input data. A three-body resonant state was found close to the $\eta d$ threshold [1]. This resonance is sustained for different choices of the two-body $\eta N$ scattering length $a_{\eta N}$. The position of the resonance moves towards the $\eta d$ threshold when ${\rm Re\,}a_{\eta N}$ is increased, and turns into a quasi-bound state at ${\rm Re\,}a_{\eta N}\sim0.7\div0.8$\,fm depending on the choice of ${\rm Im\,}a_{\eta N}$. 2. The nuclear reaction $e+{^3{\rm He}}+{^4{\rm He}}\rightarrow{}e +{^7{\rm Be}}$ was considered at thermonuclear energies [2]. The motion of the electron was treated within the adiabatic approximation and the ${^3{\rm He}}-{^4{\rm He}}$ scattering state was calculated using an effective ${^3{\rm He}}-{^4{\rm He}}$ potential constructed via the Marchenko inverse scattering method. The reaction rate thus obtained for solar interior conditions is approximately $10^{-4}$ of the corresponding rate for the radiative capture ${^3{\rm He}}+{^4{\rm He}}\rightarrow{}{^7{\rm Be}}+\gamma$. The main results have been presented in the paper containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] N.V.Shevchenko, V.B.Belyaev, S.A.Rakityansky, S.A.Sofianos, W.Sandhas, Low-energy $\eta d$ resonance, e-print LANL, nucl-th/9908035; submitted to Phys.Rev.Lett. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [2] N.V.Shevchenko, S.A.Rakityansky, S.A.Sofianos, V.B.Belyaev, Non-radiative synthesis of $^7{\rm Be}$ in solar plasma, J.Physics G25, pp.95-106, 1999. N.Shevchenko will participate in the IV Open Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (Dubna, Russia, January 31 - February 4, 2000) and will present a session talk there entitled "Near-threshold resonance in the $\eta d$ system". N.Shevchenko is invited by the Organizing Committee of the 16th International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics (Taipei, Taiwan, March 6-10, 2000) to take part in the conference and present the contribution entitled "Low energy scattering and photoproduction of $\eta$-mesons by deuterons" in a poster session. N.Shevchenko participates in international co-operation with the group of Prof. W.Sand\-has, Physikalisches Institut, Universitat Bonn, Germany and with the group of Prof. S.A.Sofi\-anos, Physics Department, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa. N.Shevchenko is a postgraduate student of the third year and she is planing to get the Ph.D. degree at the 2000th year. V.V.SHKLYAR ( Far Eastern State University, Vladivostok) in his studies of photon and vector meson production obtained the following results: 1. The different sources of the real photon and $\phi$-meson production in nucleon-nucleon collisions at intermediate energies have been studied and the effective model of the reactions has been suggested in [1-4]. The role and influence of each channel for the $NN\to NN\gamma$ reaction (bremsstrahlung, $\Delta$-excitation, radiative $\omega/\rho$-decay) has been shown and discussed in [1]. 2. Also, the available experimental data for the real photon production at 0.28 and 0.75 GeV beam energy were described well and the predictions for forthcoming data at COSY-TOF are obtained [1]. 3. Apart from the photon production reaction, the $NN\to NN\phi$ reaction near the threshold has been explored. It was shown, that the influence of the shake-off mechanism was negligible and the $\pi\rho\phi$ interaction coming from the non-ideal $\phi-\omega$ mixing angle gave the main contribution to the $\phi$-meson yield [3]. The predictions for the reaction amplitude behaviour and polarization observables near the reaction threshold was obtained. It has been also shown that the earlier exact threshold predictions for these reactions (e.c. M.Recalo et al) were not relevant at energies slightly above the threshold [2]. The value of the beam-target asymmetry $C^{BT}=-0.8$ was predicted and the ratio of the spin-singlet states to the spin-triplet ones was derived at the reaction threshold [3]. 4. The spin density matrix and the anisotropy of the $\phi$ decay were calculated. It was also shown that for the $\phi\to e^+e^-$-decay the small $\bar ss$ admixture could lead to the modification of the $\phi$ decay anisotropy that might be used in the experimental searching of the hidden strangeness in nucleon [4]. There are the publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [1] V.V.Shklyar, B.K\"ampfer, B.L.Reznik, A.I.Titov, Bremsstrahlung in intermediate-energy nucleon reaction within an effective one-boson exchange model, Nucl.Phys.A628, pp.255-274, 1998. [2] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, The reaction $NN \to NN \phi$ near threshold, preprint (nucl-th/9712025); preprint (nucl-th/9811094). The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [3] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, Polarization observables in the reaction $NN \to NN \phi$, to be published in Phys.Rev. C59, 1999. [4] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, Polarization observables in the reaction $NN\to NN\phi$ near threshold, XIV International Seminar On High Energy Physics Problems, Conf. Proceedings, preprint E1,2-98-232. V.Shklyar participated in the International Summer Student School on High Energy Physics in Memory of Bruno Pontekorvo ( JINR, Dubna, August 18 - September 1, 1998.) V.Shklyar also participated in the XIVth International Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems (JINR, Dubna, August 17-22, 1998) as a co-author. Talk on International Seminar DEUTERON-99, JINR, Dubna-99, Russia, 4-7 July. In October, 1999 V.Shklyar has got Ph.D. degree from the Far Eastern State University. Thesis advisor: Prof. A.I.Titov (JINR). Title: "Photon and $\phi$-meson production at intermediate energies" D.V.ALEXANDROV (Urals State University, Ekaterinburg) in his studies of solidification processes obtained the following results: 1. A theory of incipience of a two-phase zone is numerically and theoretically studied [1]. On the basis of a linear law for the velocity of solidification which was obtained numerically, governing equations for the velocity and for the time of incipience of the two-phase zone (the latter arises ahead of a planar front of solidification due to the concentrational supercooling) were deduced. 2. In [2] the fractal dimension of the two-phase zone is determined for the self-similar regime of solidification in the presence of the mushy region. 3. The general problem of incipience of the two-phase zone is solved on the basis of the classical Stefan thermodiffusion model (without suggestions about the velocity distribution). The time of incipience of the two-phase zone and the velocity of solidification are determined in the form of integral equations [3]. 4. A theory of solidification with a qusiequilibrium two-phase zone is detailed on the basis of analytical solution of Borisov's model [4]. The steps of thermodynamic values in the two-phase zone (at both boundaries) are found on the basis of which the zone is changed by the discontinuity surface between solid and liquid phases. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] D.V.Alexandrov, A.G.Churbanov, P.N.Vabishchevich, Emergence of a Mushy Region in Processes of Binary Melt Solidification, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research, V.26, No.2, pp.248-264, 1999. [2] D.V.Alexandrov, A.O.Ivanov, M.E.Komarovski, An Influence of a Fractal-Like Mushy Region on Solidification Process, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research, V.26, No.2, pp.224-231, 1999. [3] D.V.Alexandrov, Incipience of a Mushy Zone in Binary Melt Solidification Processes: General Theory, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research (to be published). [4] D.V.Alexandrov, To the Theory of Solidification with a Quasiequilibrium Two-Phase Zone, Doklady AN (submitted) [in Russian]. The following papers will be presented for publication soon with acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: 1. D.V.Alexandrov, Incipience of a Mushy Zone in Binary Melt Solidification Processes: Stefan Thermodiffusion Problem (Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research). 2. D.V.Alexandrov, Quasiequilibrium Mushy Region: Dynamic Instability (Acta Materialia). In March, 1998 D.Alexandrov has got Ph.D. degree from The Urals State Technical University. Thesis advisors: Prof. V.V.Mansurov, Dr. A.O.Ivanov. Title: "An Influence of a quasiequilibrium Mushy Region on Solidification of Binary Melts". A.A.ALIVERDIEV (Institute of Physics, Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala) in his studies of the use of a registered signal velocity for the time-resolved tomography, in particular for the laser tomography of condensed matter obtained the following results: 1. A summarizing of the reconstructive theory of a signal speed using has been developed [1-10]. 2. Analytical expressions for nD photoacoustic tomography and the problem of a complex absorption account have been derived. Some practical algorithms and software ware carried out. Number of 2D numerical simulations are hold. A principally important result was obtained that good photoacoustic reconstruction is possible with different conditions [1-4, 7, 8]. 3. A method of a stream collision has been proposed for the stochastic emission correlation tomography. Number of 2D numerical simulations with inspired results are hold [1]. 4. A method of Hartley transform has been considered for an image processing. Some practical algorithms and software ware carried out [5]. The main goals of the project was achieved. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, Use of velocity of a filed signal in a tomography. Features of an optoacoustic tomography, [in Russian], Makhachkala, DSU, 1998, 60p. [2] G.K.Makhtimagomedov, M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, R.M.Batyrov, G.M.Halilulayev, A.A.Amirova, M.M.Akhmedov, M.M.Ataev, About the modeling of spatial-temporal tomographic reconstruction of sphere of phase transitions; Proceedings of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter", Makhachkala, Russia, 1998, p.3-6. [3] A.A.Aliverdiev, Some aspects of the computing of the laser tomography of mixed state, Proceedings of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter", Makhachkala, Russia, 1998, p.3-5. [4] A.A.Aliverdiev, About the account of complex absorption in laser tomography, Proceedings of the International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan", dedicated to 275 Anniversary of Russian Academy of the Sciences and 50 Anniversary of Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of the Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, pp.33-34. [5] A.A.Aliverdiev, R.M.Batyrov, M.G.Karimov, G.M.Halilulayev, A.A.Amirova, Some questions of the use of Hertley transform in physical tomography, Proceedings of the International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan", dedicated to 275 Anniversary of Russian Academy of the Sciences and 50 Anniversary of Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of the Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, p.35. [6] M.G.Karimov. A.A.Aliverdiev, A.A.Amirova, Some questions of the tomographic reconstruction of plasma objects, Proceedings of the All-Russian Conference "Physical Electronics", Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, p.107. [7] A.A.Aliverdiev, M.G.Karimov, Back photoacoustic problem in the investigation of quasistationary spatial-heterogeneous flows, Proceedings of the V International Scientific and Technical Conference "Optical Methods of the Flows Investigations" (Moscow, Russia, 1999), p.161. [8] A.A.Aliverdiev, Some questions of the physical tomography with application of velocity spectrum of registered signal, Proceedings of the Conference "Resonance and non-linear phenomenon in Condensed Matter" (Ufa, Russia 1999). There are two publications, which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [9] A.A.Aliverdiev, M.G.Karimov, Solution of optic reconstructive problem considering registered signal velocity, Turkey J. of Physics, No.4, pp.311-314, 1998. [10] M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, About modeling of 2D optoacoustic researches of exited media, Radiophysics (Massager of Higher Educational Institutes of Russia), No.1, 1999. A.Aliverdiev was the executive (scientific) secretary of the local Program Committee of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter" (Makhachkala, Russia, 1998). Two reports of A.Aliverdiev ware represented in that Conference. A.Aliverdiev represents the reports in (1) the Winter College "Spectroscopy and Applications" (AS-ICTP, Trieste, Italy 1999), (2) the Baikal School of Fundamental Physics (Irkutsk, Russia, 1999, in absentia, by correspondence), (3) the V International Scientific and Technical Conference "Optical Methods of the Flows Investigations" (Moscow, Russia, 1999, in absentia, by co-author), (4) International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan" (Makhachkala, Russia, 1999), (5) the All-Russian Conference "Physical Electronics" (Makhachkala, Russia 1999), (6) the Regional Conference "Resonance and non-linear phenomenon in Condensed Matter" (Ufa, Russia 1999), (7) the Fourth Training Course in the Physics of Correlated Electron Systems and High-Tc Superconductors (Vietri sul Mare, Salerno, Italy, 1999). In July 1998 A. Aliverdiev has got Ph.D. degree from the Daghestan State University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. M.G.Karimov (DSU). Title: "Some solutions of a reconstructive problem in a plasma physics and nonlinear optics with the use of a finiteness of distribution of a registered signal velocity". O.L.BERMAN (Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Moscow Region) in his studies of phase transitions and superfluidity in the system of coupled quantum wells obtained the following results: 1. The theory of phase transitions of electron-hole and unbalanced electron systems in coupled quantum wells in high magnetic fields has been developed [1]. Analytical expressions for the temperatures of the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition to the superfluid state have been derived. A principally important result was obtained that the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature decreases at rise of magnetic field and interwell separation at fixed magnetoexciton density. But the maximal possible Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature increases at rise of magnetic field and interwell separation. 2. It was shown that the system of weakly interacting indirect excitons in the superlattice slab is unstable [2,3]. A method based on the sum of the ladder diagram for the calculation of vertex of quadrupole indirect biexcitons interaction has been proposed for the obtaining of the collective spectrum, superfluid density and the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature. 3. The effect of random field due to impurities, boundary irregularities on the superfluidity of a three-dimensional system of excitons and a quasi-two-dimensional of direct and spatially indirect excitons is investigated [4]. 4. The excitation spectra and superfluidity of the electron-hole system in coupled quantum wells have been analyzed [5,6]. It was shown that the gap in the excitation spectra decreases if the interwell separation and the density of electrons and holes increase. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, V.G.Tsvetus, Phase transitions of electron-hole and unbalanced electron systems in coupled quantum wells in high magnetic fields, Phys.Rev. B59, pp.5627-5636, 1999. [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, M.Willander, Superfluidity of indirect biexcitons in superlattices, JETP V.88, No.5, pp.980-986, 1999. [3] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, M.Willander, Superfluidity of indirect biexcitons in superlattices, Europhysics Letters V.48, No.3, pp.299-305, 1999. [4] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, The superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, JETP Lett. V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999. [5] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.A.Panfilov, The excitation spectra and superfluidity of the electron-hole system in coupled quantum wells, Physica Status Solidi (b), V.209, pp.287-294, 1998. [6] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman and A.A.Panfilov, The excitation spectra in coupled quantum wells, Solid State Phys. (russ. Fiz.Tverd.Tela), V.40, No.12, pp.2226-2228, 1998. O.Berman participated in the International Advanced School Leonardo da Vinci for a continuing education programme 1998 Summer Course "Superconducting materials: advances in technology and applications" (Italy, Bologna, 29 June - 10 July, 1998). Five reports on seminars at the Institute of Spectroscopy were made. One report in seminar at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Stoney Brook has been made. In 1999 O.Berman has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "The investigation of phase transitions and superfluidity in the system of the coupled quantum wells". D.A.DANILOV (Udmurt State University, Izhevsk) in his studies of rapid solidification obtained the following results: 1. A comparative analysis of a model for local nonequilibrium solidification with experimental measurements of "dendrite tip growth velocity -- initial melt undercooling" in rapidly solidifying alloys Cu - 30% at. Ni [1] and Ni - 1% at. Zr [2] has been performed. The predictions of the model are in qualitative and quantitative agreement with experimental data for both alloys. 2. A general solution [3] of the steady-state crystal growth shape under local nonequilibrium solidification has been found. This solution is found for the following growth shapes: elliptical paraboloid, paraboloid of revolution, cylindrical paraboloid, and parabolic platelet. 3. On the basics of a one-sided model of solute diffusion the dynamics of a motion of the rapid solidification front in a binary alloy is investigated [4,5]. A criterion connecting the dynamical stability of the front motion in a steady-state regime with a slope of the kinetic curve "front velocity - initial undercooling'' is formulated. An expression for the definition of nonstationary time during the transition to the steady-state regime is obtained. 4. A model for rapid solidification in undercooled pure metallic liquid is developed that includes local nonequilibrium heat transfer and kinetics of liquid-solid interface motion [6]. Taking into account the finiteness of the speed of heat transport, a general solution of the problem about local nonequilibrium heat transfer with the moving heat source at the planar solidification front is obtained. Asymptotic behavior of the velocity of the rapid planar front is investigated. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Model for free dendritic alloy growth under interfacial and bulk phase nonequilibrium conditions, J.Crystal Growth V.197, pp.992-1002, 1999. [2] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Dendritic growth model for rapid solidification of undercooled alloys, International Conference on Rapidly Quenched and Metastable Materials "RQ-10", Bangalore, India, August 1999, submitted for publication in the journal Material Science and Engineering. [3] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Steady-state crystal growth shape under local nonequilibrium mass transfer, Inzhenerno Fizicheski Zhurnal (Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics), submitted for publication [in Russian]. [4] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Selection of the dynamically stable regime of rapid solidification front motion in isothermal binary alloy, J.Crystal Growth, accepted for publication. [5] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko, A criterion for dynamical stability of rapid solidification front motion, University and Academic Scientific-Practical Conference, Udmurt State University. Thesis for the conference, Izhevsk, April 1999, p.60-61 [in Russian]. [6] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko, Hyperbolic heat transfer in rapid solidification of supercooled liquids, Proc. of the 4th Minsk International Heat and Mass Transfer Forum, A.V.Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute, Minsk, May 2000, accepted for publication. A.V.EMELYANENKO (Moscow State University) in his studies of strongly polar liquid crystals obtained the following results: 1. A statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition has been developed for a system of molecules possessing a strong dipole [1,4]. It was explicitly taken into account that a large amount of dimers appear in a molecular system, when a dipole is strong enough. The dependence of the nematic order parameters of monomers and dimers on the temperature and the temperature variation of the molar fraction of dimers have been obtained. These investigations were held for the systems of molecules with different values of the dipole moment. A principally important result was obtained that the nematic-isotropic transition temperature has no absolute growth with the increasing dipole moment, as it was predicted by the preceding theories, but achieves its maximum with subsequent decrease. This happens because molecules with the large dipole moments form dimers intensively, which destroy the nematic order. In the previous research, based on the mean field or second virial approximations, a very strong short-range correlations leading to the formation of dimers were disregarded. A theory derived in [1,4] takes into account the existence of dimers directly. It was shown, that for molecules with large dipoles the transition temperature decreases with the increasing dipole moment. This result was confirmed by the recent computer simulations. 2. Influence of the molecular shape on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals has been investigated [2]. A method based on the expansion of the intermolecular potential in a complete set of spherical invariants has been proposed to estimate the dispersion interaction between monomers and dimers. It has been established that molecules with small dipoles form dimers, which favour the nematic phase, whereas dimers composed of molecules with large dipoles favour the isotropic phase. It has also been found that molecules with an intermediate value of the dipole moment couple in dimers, which do not influence the nematic- isotropic transition temperature. This balance point depends on the molecular shape, and it may exist or not for different molecules. 3. A statistical theory of the cholesteric ordering [3] was derived. On the contrary to the preceding publications, it describes the helix inversion in binary mixtures. The biaxiality of molecules is explicitly taken into account. Under a certain conditions (driven by the mutual concentration of the components and temperature) the interaction between the short molecular axes, which was disregarded in the previous attempts, dominates over the interaction between the main axes. It leads to the helix inversion, which is usually observed in the experiment. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Polar liquid crystals. Statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [2] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Nematic-isotropic phase transition in polar liquid crystals. Role of the dispersion interaction, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [3] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, D.A.Dunmur, Molecular Theory of Chiral Nematic Liquid Crystals, Phys.Rev.E, paper accepted for publication. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Influence of dimerization on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals, Liquid Crystals, V.26, No.2, 1999. A.Emelyanenko participated in the 17-th International Liquid Crystal Conference (Strasbourg, France, July 19-24, 1998) and presented a poster "Molecular Theory of The Nematic-Isotropic Transition in Strongly Polar Liquid Crystals". Thesis of the poster was published. In 1999 A.Emelyanenko participated in the International Conference on Liquid Crystals, which took place in Krynica (Poland), with a report "Theory of the helix inversion in nematics doped with chiral molecules" (September 13-17, 1999) and in the International Conference "Nonlinear dynamics in polymer science and related fields", Desna, Moscow region, with a report "Helix inversion in binary liquid crystalline mixtures" (October 11-15, 1999). Both theses are included in the corresponding abstract books. The full-length reports are planned. A.V. Emelyanenko has also taken part in the Students Conference on chemistry and physics of the thin organic films, Puschino, Moscow region, with a report "Inversion of the spiral structure in binary LC mixtures" (June 14-15, 1999). Now A.Emelyanenko is developing a new theory of the liquid crystalline polymers, which also possess a helix inversion. I.M.EREMIN (Kazan State University) in his studies of the electronic structure and magnetic properties of high temperature superconductivity obtained the following results: 1. Self-consistent calculation of spin (charge) density wave order (SDW/CDW) parameters have been performed for bilayered cuprates on the basis of a singlet correlated band model [1]. Evolution of the Fermi surface in the strongly underdoped regime is described by using a two-band approach. The smooth development of the pseudogap formation temperature is explained from underdoped to overdoped states and the Fourier amplitudes $$ (spin) and $$ (charge) modulations have been calculated. We have found a maximum of the incommensurability for doping 0.09-0.11 holes per copper site. 2. The phase boundary of the paramagnetic phase of cuprates has been calculated with taking into account the strong electron correlations. The instability wave vector gets displaced from pure antiferromagnetic wave vector if doping increases. The calculated pictures of Lindhard response functions and complex momentum dependence of a CDW pseudogap are presented. Spin susceptibility expression for the singlet correlated band at $T_c The results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, I.Eremin, submitted to Appl.Magn.Res (cond-mat/9908297). [2] I.Eremin, M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, in a book "Stripes and Related Phenomena", edited by A.Bianconi and N.L.Saini, to be published by Kluwer Academics-Plenum Publisher. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before the grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant. [3] I.Eremin, Solid State Commun. 105, pp.293-296, 1998. I.Eremin participated in the Second International Conference on Stripes'98 (Rome, Italy, 2-6 June, 1998) and presented an oral contribution "Two reasons of instability in layered cuprates", Specialized Colloque Ampere EPR, NMR and NQR in Solid State Physics: Recent Trends (Pisa, Italy, June 14-18, 1999) and presented poster contribution "How large can be CDW/SDW amplitudes in layered cuprates", XVI International Seminar "New Magnetic Materials for Microelectronics" (Moscow, Russian Federation, June 23-26, 1998) and presented a poster "Dynamic spin susceptibility below $T_c$. Hubbard Model" (in Russian), XXVII International School for Theoretical Physicists "Kourovka" (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 2-7 March, 1998) and presented a talk "Influence of strong electron correlation on dynamical spin susceptibility in two-dimensional models" (in Russian) I.Eremin participated in the International Cooperation with the groups of Prof. D.Brinkmann and Prof. H.Keller, Institute of Physics, Zuerich University, Switzerland. In September 1999 I.Eremin has got a Ph.D. degree under the supervision of Prof. B.I.Kochelaev (Kazan State University). A.V.PANOV (Far-Eastern State University, Vladivostok) in his studies of magnetism obtained the following results: 1. The ground and metastable magnetic states of magnetite and iron particles with sizes closed to single-domain were analyzed within the scope of the developed model [1]. It was shown that depending on its size and elongation the grain can be in one of three states: with uniform magnetization, with a small and large non-uniformity of magnetic moment (quasi-single-domain and two-domain states). The critical sizes for uniform and quasi-single-domain states were calculated. Magnetization processes of such particles were simulated. The coercive force and critical fields as functions of size, elongation of the particles and external magnetic field direction were studied. The essential difference from similar studies is non-monotone dependence of coercive force on particle elongation for magnetite which is confirmed by experiments. 2. The previous model of two-phase particle was extended by entering of interfacial exchange coupling [2-4]. The magnetization process of an ensemble of Co-coated $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ used in magnetic recording media was studied. The set of magnetic states of such particles was analyzed for ensemble with thermal agitation. It was shown that relation between interfacial exchange coupling and magnetostatic inter-phase interaction affect dependence of the coercive force of the ensemble of $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ particles on coating volume. It was obtained that the growth in coating magnetocrystalline anisotropy leads to increase in coercivity of the ensemble. The main results have been presented in the papers submitted in March and April, 1998, before grantee has been informed of the awarding ICFPM grant: [1] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine magnetite particles, Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie [in Russian], 86, pp.65-73, 1998. [2] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Modeling of magnetization process of an ensemble of $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles with cobalt coating, "Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie" [in Russian] v.87, pp.17-22, 1999. [3] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states of Co-coated $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.241-242. [4] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, An influence of inter-phase interaction on coercive force of two-component particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.511-512. In June, 1999 A. V. Panov has got Ph. D. degree from the Far East State University (Vladivostok). Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Belokon'. Title: "Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine heterogeneous particle systems". A.M.POVOLOTSKY (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow Region) in his studies of the models of self-organized criticality obtained the following results: 1. We investigate the dynamics of Eulerian walkers as a model of self-organized criticality [1]. The evolution of the system is divided into characteristic periods which can be seen as avalanches. The structure of avalanches is described and the critical exponent in the distribution of first avalanches $\tau=2$ is determined. We also study a mean square displacement of Eulerian walkers and obtain a simple diffusion law in the critical state. The evolution of underlying medium from a random state to the critical one is described. 2.The general framework for the renormalization group analysis of self-organized critical sandpile models is formulated [2,3]. The usual real space renormalization scheme for lattice models when applied to nonequilibrium dynamical models must be supplemented by feedback relations coming from the stationarity conditions. On the basis of these ideas the Dynamically Driven Renormalization Group is applied to describe the boundary and bulk critical behavior of sandpile models. A detailed description of the branching nature of sandpile avalanches is given in terms of the generating functions of the underlying branching process. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] A.M.Povolotsky, V.B.Priezzhev, R.R.Shcherbakov, Phys.Rev.E 58, pp.5449-5454, 1998. [2] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, Phys.Rev.E 60, pp.1239-1251, 1999. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [3] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, preprint DIAS-STP-98-06, Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Ireland. A.Povolotsky was invited by J.Stefan Institute, Ljubljana Slovenia and presented the seminar there entitled "Eulerian walkers as a model of the self-organized criticality." S.E.SKIPETROV (Moscow State University) in his studies obtained the following main results: 1. A possibility for diagnostics of laser-induced particle flows in concentrated suspensions using methods of the optical correlation spectroscopy has been studied. The role of ponderomotive effects in experiments on dynamic multiple light scattering (DMLS) has been analyzed. 2. A diffusion model for the temporal autocorrelation function of multiple scattered light has been developed. The model has been shown to be valid for both the Brownian motion and laminar flow of scatterers. The case of spatially localized flow of scatterers in a turbid sample has been considered. We have demonstrated both theoretically and experimentally that one could use DMLS techniques to obtain useful information about hidden particle flows in turbid media. 3. Imaging through atmospheric turbulence has been studied. Statistical moments of the modulation transfer functions (MTFs) of a turbulent atmosphere have been calculated for various models of turbulence. Some of the main results have been presented in a paper containing acknowledgment to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially heterogeneous scatterer dynamics. Physics in Higher Education, V.5, No.1, pp.98-112, 1999 [in Russian]. [2] Karabutov A.A., Pelivanov I.M., Podymova N.B., Skipetrov S.E. Direct measurement of the spatial intensity distribution of light in a scattering medium, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., V.70, No.3, pp.187-191, 1999 [in Russian]; [English translation: J.Exp.Theor.Phys.Lett., V.70, No.3, pp.183-188, 1999]. [3] Skipetrov S.E., Effective dielectric function of a random medium, Phys.Rev.B 60, No.18, pp.12705-12709, 1999. [4] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Shcheglov V.A., Laser-induced particle flows in random media: is the diagnostics with multiple-scattered light possible? In: CD-ROM Proceedings of the International Conference on Optical Technology and Image Processing in Fluid, Thermal, and Combustion Flow (VSJ-SPIE'98) (Yokohama, Japan, December 7-9, 1998), paper AB090. [5] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Correlation spectroscopy for diagnostics of light-induced particle motion in concentrated suspensions. In: Fourth International Conference on Correlation Optics, O.V. Angelsky, Ed., Proc. SPIE, V.3904, pp.423-428, 1999. [6] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave imaging of flows in turbid media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99), (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). [7] Skipetrov S.E., Refractive index of random media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99) (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). S.Skipetrov participated in several scientific conferences: - XI School-Conference on Diffraction and Propagation of Waves (Moscow, Russia, January 12-15, 1998). An oral presentation entitled "Multiple scattering of light in random media with complex dynamic structure" has been made. - NATO Advanced Study Institute "Diffuse Waves in Complex Media" (Les Houches, France, March 17-28, 1998). A poster "Ponderomotive action of light in random media" has been presented. - XVI International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics - ICONO'98 (Moscow, Russia, June 29-July 3, 1998). Two posters has been presented: "Dynamic multiple scattering of laser radiation on light-induced flows of microparticles in suspension" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy of flows". - 17th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division, European Physical Society and 6emes Journees de la Matiere Condensee, Societe Francaise de Physique (Grenoble, France, August 25-29, 1998). A poster "Cross-correlations in dynamic multiple scattering of light" has been presented. - Fall School-Conference "Light-Scattering Techniques in Biomedicine, Industry and Material Science" (Saratov, Russia, October 6-9, 1998). An oral presentation: "Theory of diffusing-wave spectroscopy with angular and spatio-temporal cross-correlations" and two poster presentations: "Ponderomotive action of light in random multiple-scattering media" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in random media with absorption", have been made. - International Conference on Biomedical Optics and Spectroscopy. European Biomedical Optics Week - BiOS'98 (Stockholm, Sweden, September 6-9, 1998). Title of presentation: "Possibilities for study of light-induced flows of microparticles in concentrated suspensions using methods of optical correlation spectroscopy". - International Conference on LASERS'98 (Tucson, Arizona, USA, December 7-11, 1998). Title of presentation: "Hydrodynamic flows induced by copper-vapor laser: diagnostics using optical correlation spectroscopy". S.E.Skipetrov has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. S.S.Chesnokov. Title: "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially-heterogeneous scatterer flows". F.M.TSAHHAEV (Ryazan State Pedagogical University) in his studies of physics of low dimensional structures obtained the following results: 1. Galvanomagnetic effects have been measured in n-AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures with filling of two subbands. The values of the momentum relaxation times t and q have been determined experimentally. The t and q times have been also calculated in the conditions of intersubband scattering using the self-consistent electron wave function. The dominating relaxation mechanism was identified and the parameters of defects were evaluated by comparison of experimentally determined and calculated t and q values [1,5,6,9]. 2. The GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures with anomalously high mobility of 2D-electrons 0.6 m/V s (T=4.2 K) in respect to the well-known analogs have been synthesized. The anomalies and anisotropy of kinetic effects characteristics of the GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures have been observed in experiments. The electrons energy spectrum in GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures has been calculated on the basis of the experimental results. The comparison of calculated data and measurements results (C-V characteristics, temperature and axial/lateral magnetic field dependencies of conductivity, photoluminescence spectra) reveals anomalous properties of GaAs(0.30,?-Sn) structure along [110] direction in respect to the [110] one [4]. 3. In [7,8] the experimental results is analyzed in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures. 4. The hysteresis of current-temperature characteristics is revealed in GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with the three quantum wells [2]. 5. The magnetic field suppression of electron-electron interaction of 2D-electrons in the main and the first, disturbed subbands of dimension quantization in single heterojunction AlGaAs/GaAs have been revealed [3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] V.I.Kadushkin, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Relaxation mechanisms of 2D-electrons in selective doped n-AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs heterostructure with filling of two subbands,\\ Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., No.5/6, pp.55-74, 1999. [2] V.I.Tsebro, O.E.Omelyanovski, V.I.Kadushkin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, F.M.Tsahhaev,\\ S.N.Larin, Lateral photoconductivity low temperature hysteresis of GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with asymmetric system of quantum wells, Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). [3] V.I.Kadushkin, F.M.Tsahhaev, S.N.Larin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, Intersubband relaxation of 2D-electrons in AlGaAs(Si)/GaAs strong doped heterojunction, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., No.3/4, pp.135-166, 1998. [5] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, News Institutions of Higher Education. Physics, No.159, 1998 [in Russian]. Proceedings of the Conference: [6] The 24th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, August 2-7, 1998, Jerusalem, Israel; "Energy spectrum and relaxation mechanisms of electrons in lateral-surface superlattices GaAs(0.30,?-Sn)". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Yu.A.Kotova). [7] 10th International Symposium on Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors, August 31- September 2, 1998, Vilnius, Lithuania. "Photomodulation processes in GaAs/AlAs type-I quantum well structures". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [8] VII Luthuanian-Polish Seminar "Solid State Physics and Technology", Kaunas, 1998. "Photoexcitation effects in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures investigated by differential reflectivity spectroscopy". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [9] The 194th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, Boston, Massachusetts, November\\ 1-6, 1998. "Energy spectrum of electrons in GaAs(?-Sn) structure grown on vicinal plane". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). In March, 2000 F.M.Tsahhaev shall be got Ph.D. degree from the Ryazan State Pedagogical University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Kadushkin (RSPU). Title: "Localization and scattering of quasi-particles in low-dimensional heterostructures in quantized magnetic fields." D.A.RYNDYK (Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS, Nizhny Novgorod) in his studies of nonequilibrium effects in dynamics of Josephson structures and layered superconductors (nonequilibrium Josephson effect) obtained the following results: 1. Starting from microscopic equations for Green functions, quasiclassical kinetic equations are derived for the systems of tunnel junctions and for layered superconductors [1]. This kinetic equations can be generalized for the case of different types of junctions and for superconductors with arbitrary energy dependence of the density of states and anisotropic pairing. 2. Dynamics of one-dimensional array of nonequilibrium junctions is investigated, in particular, current-voltage characteristics and high frequency interaction between junctions. Peculiarities of the dynamics of intrinsic Josephson junctions in HTSC are considered [1,2] (this work is a continuation of previous investigation carried out in 1998: D.A.Ryndyk, Phys.Rev.Lett., 80, 3376, 1998). The calculated current-voltage characteristics demonstrate the nature of the effect of electron-hole imbalance on the dynamics of one-dimensional chains of junctions. 3. The effect of nonequilibrium amplification of Josephson oscillations is predicted [2]. 4. "Plasma" oscillations and Josephson flux flow in layered superconductors is considered with nonequilibrium effects taken into account. Beside, the work on the kinetic theory of plasma turbulence is continued, which was began previously in connection with the experimental investigation of low-hybrid turbulence, excited by ion beam (E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk et al., Nuclear Fusion, 38, 661, 1998). New results in the theory of turbulent broadening of cyclotron resonances are published in Ref.[3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] D.A.Ryndyk, Nonequilibrium Josephson effect in systems of tunnel junctions and in layered superconductors, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. V.116, p.1798, 1999 [JETP V.89, p.975, 1999]. [2] D.A.Ryndyk, High-frequency properties of nonequilibrium Josephson junctions in nanoscale and layered superconductors, Journal of radioelectronics (www journal) n.1 (2000), to be published in "Foreign radioelectronics". [3] E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk, Stochastic Broadening of High Order Ion Cyclotron Resonances due to Lower-Hybrid Turbulence, Strong microwaves in plasmas (proceedings of IV international workshop on strong micro-waves in plasmas, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 1999 ), ed. A.G.Litvak, V.2, Nizhny Novgorod, 2000. D.Ryndyk in 1999 participated in: 1. School-seminar "Physics and applications of microwaves" (24-30 of May in Krasnovidovo, Moscow region) with invited lecture "Physical basis of Josephson high frequency electronics". D.Ryndyk take part in several russian and international research projects, in particular: 1. Grants of Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) N. 97-02-16928 and 99-02-16188 . 2. State research program "Physics of microwaves". Grant 4.7. "Theoretical and experimental investigation of microwave interaction with superconducting structures". 3. Joint program of Institute of Applied Physics RAS and W7-AS stellarator group (Garching, Germany) on Collective Thomson scattering for plasma diagnostic. A.M.RUVINSKY (Institute of Spectroscopy of RAS, Troitsk) in his studies of collective properties of excitons has considered an influence of random fields on the conditions of exciton condensation and superfluidity in bulk and low-dimensional systems [1]. It was shown that in semiconductor alloys the density of excitons in Bose condensate decreases due to the exciton scattering on random fields of impurities or fluctuations of the composite. The density of the superfluidity fraction in the system of 3D and quasi-2D excitons also decreases taking into account this scattering. The scattering on the random field of the quantum well widths' fluctuations was analyzed for direct and indirect excitons. Analytical expressions for the exciton superfluidity densities in "dirty" single quantum wells, coupled quantum wells and bulk semiconductors have been derived. The influence of random fields on Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature for exciton systems in low-dimensional structures was analyzed. These results have been presented in the papers [1,2] containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1].Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, Superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. V.69, No.8, pp.573-578, 1999 [in Russian], (Letter in JETP, V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999). [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, A.M.Ruvinsky, Bogolubov approximation for rare exciton system in random media, Fiz.Tverd.Tela (Physics of the Solid State), in print, 2000 [in Russian]. In June, 1998 A.Ruvinsky has got Ph.D. degree from State Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "Magnetoexcitons in inhomogeneous and low-dimensional structures". A.ZEMLYANOV (Moscow State University) obtained the following results: A new approach to the description of anomalous transport phenomena that take place in fractal media was developed. Namely, anomalous diffusion on a comb structure consisting of a one- dimensional backbone and lateral branches (teeth) of random length is considered. A definite classification of the trajectories of random walks reduces the original problem to an analysis of classical diffusion on the backbone, where, however, the time of this process is a random quantity. Its distribution is assigned by the properties of the random walks of the diffusing particles on the teeth. The possibility of applying mean-field theory in such a model is demonstrated, and the equation for the Green's function with a partial derivative of fractional order is obtained. The characteristic features of the propagation of particles on a comb structure are analyzed. A model of an effective homogeneous medium, in which diffusion is described by an equation with a fractional derivative with respect to time and an initial condition in the form of an integral of fractional order, is obtained. These results are published in [1] and were presented at the Moscow Seminar on Synergetics at the Physics Faculty, Moscow State University. [1] I.A.Lubashevsky, A.A.Zemlyanov, Continuum description of anomalous diffusion on a comb structure, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., V.114, pp.1284-1312, 1998 [in Russian]. A.Zemlyanov has received invitation for participating in a research program at the University of Texas at Austin during the next three years.
The topic of research of the grant-aided aspirant I.V.GORBUNOV (Tomsk State University) included the construction and the study of spinning particle models in 3+1 and in lower space-time dimensions. In his study I.V.Gorbunov obtained the following results: 1. The model of D=2+1, N=1,2 massive superparticle with arbitrary fixed (half)integer or fractional superspin has been developed [1,3]. The classical mechanical model of the superparticle has been constructed, which contains, besides the inherent Poincare supersymmetry, one more SUSY related to the superspin degrees of freedom. The quantization of the model presents a nontrivial example of combination of the canonical Dirac and Berezin quantization methods. The quantization is based on assumption, that the "double" supersymmetry, both Poincare and internal ones, survives at the quantum level. It is shown, that some physical observables (supercharges) should be renormalized by transition from classical mechanics to the first quantized particle model [1,3]. The quantum states of N=2, D=3 spinning superparticle are realized on the fields carrying finite dimensional [1,3], or a unitary infinite dimensional [3] typical representations of the supergroup OSp(2/2). 2. The model of nonrelativistic (D=3+1) particle with arbitrary fixed spin has been developed [2]. The relation to the respective relativistic models is established. It has been founded that the particle interactions to external fields are consistent independently from detailed structure of the particle gauge symmetries. This phenomenon differentiates the nonrelativistic spinning particle from the relativistic one. In the massless limit the model describes "the light beam". The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] I.V.Gorbunov, S.L.Lyakhovich, Hidden supersymmetries and Berezin quantization of N=2, D=2 spinning superparticle, Journal of Mathematical Physics, V.40, No.5, pp.2230-2253, 1999; Preprints of ICTP (Trieste, Italy) IC/98/138, e-print hep-th/9809104. [2] I.V.Gorbunov, V.A.Dolgushev, S.L.Lyakhovich, Galilean spinning particle [in Russian], Russian Physics Journal, V.42, No.2, pp.34-46, 1999. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [3] I.V.Gorbunov, S.L.Lyakhovich, Geometric quantization of N=2, D=3 superanyon, Phys.Lett.B V.423, pp.293-300, 1998. I.V.Gorbunov participated in the International Summer School in Theoretical Physics "Volga-10" (Kazan, Russia, June 22- Jule 2, 1998) and presented a session talk there entitled "Hidden supersymmetry and Berezin quantization of N=2, D=3 spinning superparticle". In April 1999, I.V.Gorbunov has got Ph.D. degree from Tomsk State University. Thesis advisor: Prof. S.L.Lyakhovich. Title: "Lobachevsky supergeometry of D=3 massive spinning superparticle". A.Yu.NERONOV (Moscow State University) obtained the following results in his studies of quantum black hole models: 1. A theory of classical and quantum collapse of thin spherically-symmetric selfgravitating shells was developed [1]. Complete integrability of hamiltonian equations which describe motion of a selfgravitating shell has been proved. A principally important result that was obtained is the form of mass spectrum of quantum black holes which are formed in the process of gravitational collapse of thin shells of matter [2]. Some unusual quantum number which parametrize the mass spectrum was found. It has geometric origin and does not disappear even for the case of unbound motion of the collapsing shell. 2. A mechanism of formation of universal spectrum of radiation of quantum black holes was proposed [3]. It was shown, that radiation which propagates in the form of s-wave in the field of black hole has discrete spectrum, if one takes fully into account back reaction of radiation on gravitational field of black hole. Some kind of quantum analog of classical "no hair conjecture" of black hole physics was proposed [4]: although the mass spectrum of quantum black holes could have arbitrary complicated structure, spectrum of radiation coming from quantum black hole corresponds to the level spacings in some universal spectrum $m\sim\sqrt{n}$ The main results have been presented in the papers: 1. V.A.Berezin, A.M.Boyarsky, A.Yu.Neronov, Phys.Rev.D57, p.1118, 1998. 2. A.Yu.Neronov, Phys.Rev.D 59, 1998. 3. V.A.Berezin, A.M.Boyarsky, A.Yu.Neronov, gr-qc/9808027 (1998). 4. A.Yu.Neronov, Ph.D. Thesises, INR, Moscow, 1998. A.Neronov participated in Spinoza Meeting on Quantum black holes (Holland, Utrecht, June 29 -- July 4, 1998). In 1998 A.Neronov has got Ph.D. degree from Institute for Nuclear Research. Thesis advisor: Prof. V.A.Berezin. Title: "Quantization of spherically-symmetric gravity. Models of Quantum Black Holes". A.I.ONISCHENKO (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow) in his studies of physics of doubly heavy systems, anomalous WWV couplings and some exotic beyond SM obtained the following results: 1. Spectra of masses for the families of doubly heavy baryons are calculated in the framework of nonrelativistic quark model with the QCD-induced potential by Buchm\" uller-Tye in accordance with both the quark-diquark structure for the wave functions and taking into account the splittings depending on the spins. The region for the application of such approximations is determined [1,17,19]. 2. Below the threshold of decay of these objects into the heavy baryon and heavy meson the system of bound excited states was found, being quasi-stable with respect to hadronic transitions to the basic level [1,17,19]. 3. We have in details considered the physical reasons for the quasi-stability, taking place for the baryons with two identical quarks. In accordance to the Pauli principle, the operators, responsible for the hadronic decays and the mixing between the levels, are suppressed by the inverse heavy quark mass and the small size of diquark. This suppression is caused by the necessity to instantaneously change both the spin and the orbital momentum of compact diquark. In the baryonic systems with two heavy quark and the strange quark, the quasi-stability for the low-lying excitations of diquark is provided by the exclusion of transitions with the emission of both a single kaon because of small splitting between the levels and a single pion because of conservation for the iso-spin and strangeness [1,17,19]. 4. We obtained analytical results on the two-loop anomalous dimensions of currents for baryons, containing two heavy quarks $J = [Q^{iT}C\Gamma\tau Q^j]\Gamma^{'}q^k\varepsilon_{ijk}$ with arbitrary Dirac matrices $\Gamma$ and $\Gamma^{'}$ in the framework of NRQCD in the leading order over both the relative velocity of heavy quarks and the inverse heavy quark mass. It is shown, that in this approximation the anomalous dimensions do not depend on the Dirac structure of the current under consideration [16,18]. 5. The equivalence of results, obtained in calculation of anomalous dimensions of operators in $\overline{\rm MS}$-renormalization scheme with the use of lagrangians of HQET and NRQCD is shown [16,18]. 6. In the leading order of perturbative QCD one calculates the total and differential cross-sections for the hadronic production of doubly charmed baryons $\Xi_{cc}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^*$ in different experiments. The experimental evaluation of cross-sections for the $J/\Psi +D + \bar D$ production would allow one to decrease the uncertainty in the determination of cross-sections for the doubly charmed baryons due to the choice of $\alpha_s$ and $m_c$. One shows that in the HERA-B and E781 experiments with fixed tagets the suppression of the $\Xi_{cc}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^*$ production to the yield of $c \bar c$-pairs is the value of the order of $10^{-6}-10^{-5}$, whereas at the TEVATRON and LHC colliders it is about $10^{-4}-10^{-3}$. In the E781 experiment the observation of $\Xi_{cc}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^*$ is practically impossible. At the HERA-B and TEVATRON facilities one can expect $10^5$ events with the double charm, and at LHC one has about $10^9$ ones [12]. 7. For the first time the contribution of quark-antiquark annihilation in hardronic production of doubly charmed baryons was taken into account. This contribution becomes essential at fixed target energies. The notion of fragmentation function of heavy diquark into doubly heavy baryon is introduced [12]. 8. Analitical approximations of numerical calculations for total subprocess cross-sections of gluon-gluon and quark-antiquark production of doubly charmed baryons were obtained [12]. 9. We have performed a detailed investigation on the lifetimes of doubly heavy baryons on the basis of the operator product expansion for the transition currents. For the first time, we have presented the formulae with the simultaneous account for both the mass effects and low-energy logarithmic renormalization for the contributions to the total decay width of baryons, containing heavy quarks, as it is caused by the effects of Pauli interference and weak scattering. The usage of the diquark picture has allowed us to evaluate the matrix elements of operators derived [2,7,9,14,15,19,20,21]. 10. As an application of the formalism developed, for the first time the lifetimes of all doubly heavy baryons were obtained. The obtained results show the significant role of both the Pauli interference and the weak scattering [2,7,9,14,15,19,20,21]. 11. The sum rules for doubly heavy baryons in NRQCD approximation are constructed. The problem with stability of such sum rules, faced in earlier works, is solved [4]. 12. A detail investigation of three-point sum rules for semileptonic decays of $B_c$-meson in QCD and NRQCD is performed. The Coulomb corrections, as well as, corrections due to gluon condensate are included and their role is discussed. The generalized spin symmetry relations for formfactors are derived [3,8]. 13. The prospects for $B_c$-meson production at existing and future colliders are investigated [10,13]. 14. The possibility to have additional constraints on anomalous WWV couplings at HERA vs LEP is investigated [5]. 15. The possibility to observe TeV-scale leptoquarks, appearing in different models is reviewed [6]. Part of the results was published in the following papers, containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Spectroscopy of doubly charmed baryons: $\Xi_{cc}^{++}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^{+}$, DESY-98080, hep-ph/9807375, Mod.Phys.Lett. A14, p.135, 1999. [2] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of $\Xi_{bc}^{+}$ and $\Xi_{bc}^{0}$ baryons, hep-ph/9901224, submitted to Eur.Phys.J. [3] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Semileptonic decays of $B_c$-meson in sum rules of QCD and NRQCD, hep-ph/9905359, accepted to Nucl.Phys.B. [4] V.V.Kiselev, A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly heavy baryons in sum rules of NRQCD, hep-ph/9909339, accepted to Nucl.Phys.B. [5] A.A.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Can HERA data improve LEP constraints on WWV vertex?, DESY-99-051, accepted to Eur.Phys.J. [6] S.S.Gershtein, A.A.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, TeV-scale leptoquarks from GUT/String/M-theory unification, Phys.Rep. 320, 203, 1999. [7] A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly heavy systems: decays and OPE, hep-ph/9912424. [8] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Semileptonic decays of $B_c$-meson, accepted to Yad.Phys. [in Russian]. [9] A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of doubly heavy baryons, hep-ph/9912425. There are also papers, which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM: [10] A.V.Berezhnoy, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, $B_c$-meson at LHC, Phys.Atom.Nucl. 60, p.1729, 1997; hep-ph/9703341. [11] A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Gluon splitting into pair of heavy quarks in $e^+e^-$-annihilation, Phys.Atom.Nucl. 60, p.623, 1997. [12] A.V.Berezhnoy, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly charmed baryon production in hadronic experiments, Phys.Rev. D57, p.4385, 1998. [13] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.V.Tkabladze, A.V.Berezhnoi, A.I.Onishchenko, Theoretical status of $B_c$-meson, IHEP 98-22, hep-ph/9803433. [14] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of doubly charmed baryons: $\Xi_{cc}^{++}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^{+}$, DESY-98079; hep-ph/9807354; Phys.Rev. D60, p.14007, 1999. [15] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Total inclusive decay rates of doubly charmed baryons, Yad.Phys. No.6., 1999 [in Russian]. [16] V.V.Kiselev, A.I.Onishchenko, Two-loop anomalous dimensions for currents of bary\-ons with two heavy quarks in NRQCD, IHEP 98-64; hep-ph/9810283; submitted to\\ Phys.Lett.B. [17] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Spectroscopy of doubly heavy baryons, IHEP 98-66; hep-ph/9811212; Heavy Ion.Phys. V.9, p.133, 1999. The following talks were given: [18] V.V.Kiselev, A.I.Onishchenko, Anomal dimensions of currents of baryons with two heavy quarks, MIPT Scientific conference, Dolgoprudny, November 1998. [19] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly heavy baryons: spectroscopy and decays, Scientific conference of Subdivision of Nuclear Physics of RAS, Moscow, November 1998. [20] A.I.Onishchenko, Physics of decays of doubly heavy baryons: $\Xi_{bb}^{0}$, $\Xi_{bb}^{-}$, $\Xi_{bc}^{+}$, $\Xi_{bc}^{0}$, $\Xi_{cc}^{+}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^{++}$, Conference of young scientists, postgraduate and graduate stutents ITEP, Moscow, December 1998. [21] A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of doubly heavy baryons, Conference of young scientists, postgraduate and graduate stutents ITEP, Moscow, December 1999. [22] A.I.Onishchenko, $c$-quark mass from $J/Psi$, $\Upsilon$ and $B_c$-mesons, Conference of young scientists, postgraduate and graduate stutents ITEP, Moscow, December 1999. The work of D.M.OSTROVSKY (Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) in 1998 has consisted of three main parts: The first one concerns some aspects of the description of multiparticle production processes. In [1] the nonperturbative preasymptotic contribution to the factorial moments of the intrajet particle distribution have been computed in the framework of previously developed formalism in which new nonperturbative term had been added to standart QCD evolution equation. The presence of the additional nonperturbative contribution is supported by the existing experimental data. Another kind of studies concerns minijet production in the ultrarelativistic hadron and nuclear collisions. Particularly, in [2] transverse energy flow generated by minijets in hadron and nuclear collisions into a given rapidity window in the central region was calculated in the next-to-leading (NLO) order of QCD at RHIC and LHC energies. These results were then used to calculate transverse energy spectrum in nuclear collisions in a Glauber geometrical model. It was shown that in pp collisions differential cross section calculated with NLO accuracy is about 2 times higher than the cross section calculated with only LO accuracy. NLO modification leads to a substantial broadening of the $E_{\perp}$ distribution for the nuclear collisions, while its form remains practically unchanged. In [3] the azimuthal asymmetry of minijet system produced in nucleon-nucleon and nuclear collisions in a central rapidity window was calculated. In pp collisions the asymmetry appears due to contributions from the collisions in which only one minijet hits the acceptance window. The angular pattern of transverse energy flow in nuclear collisions and its dependence on the kinematical parameters of collisions was studied. Development and application of high energy factorization scheme for hadron collisions is a third part of the scientific activity in 1998-1999. Angular asymmetry and momentum disbalance in a pair of particles produced at high energy in the central rapidity region were studied in [4]. It was shown that the asymmetry is substantial for low outgoing particles momenta but diminishes when they rise. In [5] NLO correction to the one-jet inclusive cross section in the framework of high energy factorization was calculated. The results were numerically compared with predictions of conventional collinear factorization approach. It was shown that NLO in high energy factorization scheme reduces one-jet inclusive cross section, but quantitatively result is highly sensitive to the choice of structure function. D.Ostrovsky participated in XXVII ITEPH Winter school (16-24 February, 1999) and presented a talk "Angular and momentum asymmetry in particle production at high energies" in a student's session. The publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM, because it was submitted before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [1] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Phys.Atom.Nucl. 62, pp.701-707, 1999; Yad.Fiz. 62, pp.750-757, 1999 [in Russian]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [2] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Eur.Phys.J C11, pp.495-499, 1999. [3] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Angular pattern of minijet transverse energy flow in hadron and nuclear collisions, hep-ph/9812416, submitted to Eur.Phys.J. C. [4] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Angular and momentum asymmetry in particle production at high energies, hep-ph/9905496, submitted to Phys.Rev.D. [5] D.Ostrovsky, NLO correction to one-jet inclusive production at high energies, hep-ph/9912258, submitted to Phys.Rev.D. S.A.PASTON (Saint-Petersburg State University) in his studies of quantum field theory in light front coordinates obtained the following results: 1. The effective Hamiltonian in light front coordinates is obtained which at some dependence of coefficients, included in it, from a parameter of UV-regularization, in a limit of it removal reproduces within the framework of perturbation theory the results of lorentz-covariant formulating of quantum chromodynamics [1]. It was possible to make with the help of introduction of an additional nonstandart IR-regularization based on a principle, which is used at the Pauli-Villars regularization. Only after this introduction it has appeared possible to apply the method, published earlier, of a comparison of light-like and lorentz-covariant theories. The offered regularization breaks a gauge invariance, but in a limit of removal of a regularization the gauge invariance is restored. The obtained Hamiltonian in future is supposed to be used in nonperturbative calculations. 2. The scalar theory with non-polynomial interaction resulted from bosonization of two-dimensional quantum electrodynamics (QED) is considered [2]. This theory is described by modified Lagrangian of Sin-Gordon model with the critical value of the parameter of this model. Non-polynomiality of interaction in this model, leading to arising of vertexes with arbitrarily large number of lines in perturbation theory, makes nontrivial the construction of light-front Hamiltonian. For its construction the Pauli-Villars regularization must be introduced because at the critical value of the parameter the ultraviolet behaviour of the theory become worse. Obtained light-front Hamiltonian generates the perturbation theory which is equivalent to the covariant perturbation theory in fermion mass, which plays the role of interaction constant after the bosonization and therefore the Hamiltonian spectrum coincides with the spectrum of QED. One can investigate this spectrum beyond the framework of perturbation theory. 3. S.A.Paston participated in development of such formulation of a gauge field theory on a lattice, with which the action is polynomial on independent field variables [3]. The canonical formalism in light front coordinates for such theory is considered. These results and also the results obtained earlier, were published in a review in the proceedings of the conference in honour of V.A.Fock [4]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, V.A.Franke, Constructing the Light-Front QCD Hamiltonian, Theor.Math.Phys., V.120, No.3. pp.1164-1181, 1999; Teoreticheskaya i Matematicheskaya Fizika, V.120. No.3, pp.417-437, 1999 [in Russian]. [2] S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, V.A.Franke, $QED_2$ Light-Front Hamiltonian reproducing all orders of covariant chiral perturbation theory. Preprint SPbU-IP-99-13; hep-th/9910114. The publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM, because either they were published before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant, or they contain results obtained until this moment: [3] V.A.Franke, S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, Lattice Gauge Theories with polynomial Action and their canonical Formulation on the Light Front, Preprint SPbU-IP-98-5, hep-th/9803035. [4] V.A.Franke, Yu.V.Novozhilov, S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, Quantum Field Theory in Light-Front coordinates, in book: "Quantum Theory in honour of Vladimir A.Fock", Part 1, Unesco, St. Petersburg University, Euro-Asian Physical Society, 1998, pp.38-97; hep-th/9901029. S.Paston participated in the "IX International Workshop Small-x Physics and Light Front Dynamics in QCD", Russia, St. Petersburg, July 6-15 1998, theme of the report: "Lattice Gauge Theories with polynomial Action at the Light Front"; in the international conference "VIII St. Petersburg International School of Physics. Quantum Theory in honour of Vladimir A. Fock", Russia, St. Petersburg, May 25 - June 4 1998, theme of the report: "Lattice Gauge Theories with polynomial Action and their canonical Formulation on the Light Front"; and in the seminar "Final seminar in physics and astronomy of winners in 1998 of grant competition for young scientists of St.-Petersburg", February 16, 1999, St.-Petersburg, Russia, theme of the report: "The Construction of QCD Hamiltonian in Light-Front Coordinates"; In December, 1999 S.Paston has got Ph.D. degree from St.-Petersburg State University. Thesis advisor: Prof. V.A.Franke. Title: "The Construction of Quantum Field Theory Hamiltonian in Light-Front Coordinates". O.A.RYTCHKOV (Steklov Mathematical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences,\\ Moscow) in his studies of classical solutions in superstring theory and their applications has obtained the following results: 1. Wide classes of new intersecting p-brane solutions in various space-time dimensions were constructed making use of an algebraic method [1]. p-brane configurations were specified by incidence matrices and it was shown that the solutions of the algebraic characteristic equations for the incidence matrices controlled the intersections of p-branes. 2. New types of p-brane solutions to various supergravities were obtained with use of the sigma-model approach [9]. A new way to endow branes with an additional internal structure such as plane waves was suggested. Applying the harmonic maps technique new solutions with a non-trivial shell structure in the transverse space were generated. Also intersecting branes were considered and it was shown that the intersection rules have a simple geometric interpretation as conditions ensuring the symmetric space property of the sigma-model target space. 3. Non-extremal overlapping p-brane supergravity solutions localized in their relative transverse coordinates were constructed [5,10]. The construction used an algebraic method of solving the bosonic equations of motion. 4. Some aspects of duality between supergravities on Anti-de Sitter (AdS) spaces (appearing as near D-brane horizon geometry) and conformal field theories were investigated in [2,6]. The massive Rarita-Schwinger field in AdS background was considered and the corresponding equations of motion were solved. It was shown that appropriate boundary terms calculated on-shell give two-point correlation function for spin-3/2 fields of the conformal field theory. The relation between Rarita-Schwinger field masses and conformal dimensions of corresponding operators was established. 5. Bulk-to-bulk propagators for the massive vector and symmetric rank-2 tensor fields in the Euclidean continuation of the Anti-de Sitter space were constructed [3]. The explicit forms of these propagators in the limit when one or both points approach the boundary of AdS were derived. It was shown that the obtained expressions coincide with bulk-to-boundary propagators or two-point correlation functions of the boundary CFT as expected from the AdS/CFT correspondence. This identification provides one more evidence for treating CFT operators on the boundary as appropriate limits of quantum fields in the bulk. Also the above limiting procedure clarifies the artificial appearance of boundary terms in the AdS/CFT correspondence. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] I.Ya.Aref'eva, O.A.Rytchkov, Incidence Matrix Description of Intersecting p-brane Solutions, to be published in L.D.Faddeev's Seminar on Mathematical Physics, Advances in Mathematics, Amer.Math.Soc., Providence, R.I. [2] A.S.Koshelev, O.A.Rytchkov, Note on the Massive Rarita-Schwinger field in the AdS/CFT correspondence, Phys.Lett.B 450, p.368, 1999. [3] A.Polishchuk, O.Rytchkov, Propagator for Massive Spin-2 Field in Anti-de Sitter Space, preprint SMI-25-99. Also the obtained results were published in the proceedings of the following conferences: [4] O.A.Rytchkov, Chaotic Behaviour of Dynamical Systems in M-theory, Proceedings of the Second Open Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (Russia, Dubna, March 2-6, 1998) [in Russian]. [5] O.A.Rytchkov, Localised p-branes in Supergravities and M-theory, Proceedings of the International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, May 18-24, 1998). [6] O.A.Rytchkov, Massive Rarita-Schwinger Field in the AdS/CFT correspondence, Proceedings of the XIV International Workshop on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory (Russia, May 27 - June 2, 1999). There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [7] I.Ya.Aref'eva, P.B.Medvedev, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Chaos in D0-brane Dynamics, Banach Center Publications, V.43, p.41, 1998. [8] I.Ya.Aref'eva, P.B.Medvedev, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Chaos in M(atrix) Theory, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, V.10, p.1, 1998. [9] D.V.Gal'tsov, O.A.Rytchkov, Generating branes via sigma models, Phys.Rev. D58, p.122001, 1998. [10] I.Ya.Aref'eva, M.G.Ivanov, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Non-extremal localized\\ branes and vacuum solutions in M-theory, Class.Quant.Grav. V.15, p.2923, 1998. O.A.Rytchkov participated in Spring School on Non-perturbative Aspects of String Theory and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories (Italy, March 23-31, 1998) and in the Trieste Conference on Superfivebranes and Physics in 5+1 dimensions (Italy, April 1-3, 1998) where a poster entitled "New Non-extremal p-branes in Superstring Theories and M-theory" was presented. O.A.Rytchkov participated in International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, May 18-24, 1998) and presented a talk there entitled "Localized p-branes in Supergravities and M-theory". O.A.Rytchkov participated in XI International Conference "Problems of Quantum Field Theory" (Russia, July 13-17, 1998) and presented a talk entitled "Localized p-branes in various supergravities" O.A Rytchkov participated in XIV International Workshop on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory (Russia, May 27 - June 2, 1999) and presented a talk there entitled "Massive Rarita-Schwinger Field in the AdS/CFT correspondence" V.I.SHEVCHENKO (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow) has obtained the following results: 1. Generalized coordinate gauge in nonabelian gauge theories was analysed, limits of applicability were established and applied to the nonabelian Stokes theorem and dual QCD Lagrangian evaluation. 2. The structure of perturbative contributions to the string tension in gluodynamics was investigated and cancellation of them in the vacuum field correlators framework was shown. 3. The modifications of the Higgs mechanism in abelian Higgs model due to interaction with topological defects were considered. 4. Deeper understanding of the Higgs mechanism in the quantum background was reached, especially in the aspects, important for the abelian projected confinement theories. 5. The colour superconductivity phenomenon was investigated in the framework of Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. The effective potential was calculated and the importance of the nonperturbative gluon condensate from the nonabelian Meissner effect point of view was shown. 6. The exact renormalisation group flows were studied in the current representation of the abelian projected gluodynamics. 7. The Casimir scaling behaviour of the static potential between charges in higher representations of the gauge group SU(3) was investigated, being based on recent lattice data. The value of scaling violating terms is estimated. It is shown, that Casimir scaling puts severe bounds on the presence of classical solutions in the vacuum. [1] V.Shevchenko, Yu.Simonov, Generalized coordinate gauge, nonabelian Stokes theorem and dual QCD Lagrangian, Phys.Lett.B 437, p.146, 1998. [2] V.Shevchenko, Yu.Simonov, Perturbative contributions to field correlators, Phys.Lett.B 437, p.131, 1998. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [3] V.Shevchenko, Higgs mechanism in nontrivial background, hep-th/9810222 (being prepared for publication). [4] N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov, V.I.Shevchenko, Nonperturbative QCD vacuum and Colour Superconductivity, Phys.Rep. V.320, p.131, 1999. [5] V.I.Shevchenko, Yu.A.Simonov, Casimir Scaling as a Test of QCD vacuum, hep-ph/0001299, being prepared for publication. Published talks on conferences: (1) "Generalized Fock-Schwinger Gauge and its applications" V.I. Shevchenko, (based on the work with Yu.A.Simonov), Int.School dedicated to the 100th anniversary of V.A.Fock, St.Peterburg, 1998. (2) "Does confinement imply stochasticity?", V.I.Shevchenko, Chaos and complexity, Ponte di Legno, Italy, 1998. (3) "Gluon degrees of freedom at nonzero baryonic density", V.Shevchenko, (partly based on the work with N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov), XXVIII Autumn School, Lisbon, Portugal,1999. (4) "Coordinate gauges and confinement", V. I. Shevchenko, Confinement III (poster session, unpublished), Newport News, USA, 1998. (5) "Nonperturbative QCD vacuum and Colour Superconductivity", V.Shevchenko, (based on the work with N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov), Buckow, Germany, 1999 (no proceedings). V.Shevchenko visited Department of Theoretical Physics of Pisa University, Italy (October 1 - 30, 1998) by invitation of Professor A.DiGiacomo. In January, 2000 V.Shevchenko has got Ph.D. degree from ITEP. Thesis advisor: Prof.Yu.A.Simonov. Title: "Nonperturbative effects in gauge field theory". N.V.SHEVCHENKO (Irkutsk State University and Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow region) in her studies of few-body systems obtained the following results: 1. Elastic $\eta d$ scattering was considered within the Alt-Grassberger-Sandhas formalism for various $\eta N$ input data. A three-body resonant state was found close to the $\eta d$ threshold [1]. This resonance is sustained for different choices of the two-body $\eta N$ scattering length $a_{\eta N}$. The position of the resonance moves towards the $\eta d$ threshold when ${\rm Re\,}a_{\eta N}$ is increased, and turns into a quasi-bound state at ${\rm Re\,}a_{\eta N}\sim0.7\div0.8$\,fm depending on the choice of ${\rm Im\,}a_{\eta N}$. 2. The nuclear reaction $e+{^3{\rm He}}+{^4{\rm He}}\rightarrow{}e +{^7{\rm Be}}$ was considered at thermonuclear energies [2]. The motion of the electron was treated within the adiabatic approximation and the ${^3{\rm He}}-{^4{\rm He}}$ scattering state was calculated using an effective ${^3{\rm He}}-{^4{\rm He}}$ potential constructed via the Marchenko inverse scattering method. The reaction rate thus obtained for solar interior conditions is approximately $10^{-4}$ of the corresponding rate for the radiative capture ${^3{\rm He}}+{^4{\rm He}}\rightarrow{}{^7{\rm Be}}+\gamma$. The main results have been presented in the paper containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] N.V.Shevchenko, V.B.Belyaev, S.A.Rakityansky, S.A.Sofianos, W.Sandhas, Low-energy $\eta d$ resonance, e-print LANL, nucl-th/9908035; submitted to Phys.Rev.Lett. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [2] N.V.Shevchenko, S.A.Rakityansky, S.A.Sofianos, V.B.Belyaev, Non-radiative synthesis of $^7{\rm Be}$ in solar plasma, J.Physics G25, pp.95-106, 1999. N.Shevchenko will participate in the IV Open Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (Dubna, Russia, January 31 - February 4, 2000) and will present a session talk there entitled "Near-threshold resonance in the $\eta d$ system". N.Shevchenko is invited by the Organizing Committee of the 16th International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics (Taipei, Taiwan, March 6-10, 2000) to take part in the conference and present the contribution entitled "Low energy scattering and photoproduction of $\eta$-mesons by deuterons" in a poster session. N.Shevchenko participates in international co-operation with the group of Prof. W.Sand\-has, Physikalisches Institut, Universitat Bonn, Germany and with the group of Prof. S.A.Sofi\-anos, Physics Department, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa. N.Shevchenko is a postgraduate student of the third year and she is planing to get the Ph.D. degree at the 2000th year. V.V.SHKLYAR ( Far Eastern State University, Vladivostok) in his studies of photon and vector meson production obtained the following results: 1. The different sources of the real photon and $\phi$-meson production in nucleon-nucleon collisions at intermediate energies have been studied and the effective model of the reactions has been suggested in [1-4]. The role and influence of each channel for the $NN\to NN\gamma$ reaction (bremsstrahlung, $\Delta$-excitation, radiative $\omega/\rho$-decay) has been shown and discussed in [1]. 2. Also, the available experimental data for the real photon production at 0.28 and 0.75 GeV beam energy were described well and the predictions for forthcoming data at COSY-TOF are obtained [1]. 3. Apart from the photon production reaction, the $NN\to NN\phi$ reaction near the threshold has been explored. It was shown, that the influence of the shake-off mechanism was negligible and the $\pi\rho\phi$ interaction coming from the non-ideal $\phi-\omega$ mixing angle gave the main contribution to the $\phi$-meson yield [3]. The predictions for the reaction amplitude behaviour and polarization observables near the reaction threshold was obtained. It has been also shown that the earlier exact threshold predictions for these reactions (e.c. M.Recalo et al) were not relevant at energies slightly above the threshold [2]. The value of the beam-target asymmetry $C^{BT}=-0.8$ was predicted and the ratio of the spin-singlet states to the spin-triplet ones was derived at the reaction threshold [3]. 4. The spin density matrix and the anisotropy of the $\phi$ decay were calculated. It was also shown that for the $\phi\to e^+e^-$-decay the small $\bar ss$ admixture could lead to the modification of the $\phi$ decay anisotropy that might be used in the experimental searching of the hidden strangeness in nucleon [4]. There are the publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [1] V.V.Shklyar, B.K\"ampfer, B.L.Reznik, A.I.Titov, Bremsstrahlung in intermediate-energy nucleon reaction within an effective one-boson exchange model, Nucl.Phys.A628, pp.255-274, 1998. [2] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, The reaction $NN \to NN \phi$ near threshold, preprint (nucl-th/9712025); preprint (nucl-th/9811094). The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [3] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, Polarization observables in the reaction $NN \to NN \phi$, to be published in Phys.Rev. C59, 1999. [4] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, Polarization observables in the reaction $NN\to NN\phi$ near threshold, XIV International Seminar On High Energy Physics Problems, Conf. Proceedings, preprint E1,2-98-232. V.Shklyar participated in the International Summer Student School on High Energy Physics in Memory of Bruno Pontekorvo ( JINR, Dubna, August 18 - September 1, 1998.) V.Shklyar also participated in the XIVth International Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems (JINR, Dubna, August 17-22, 1998) as a co-author. Talk on International Seminar DEUTERON-99, JINR, Dubna-99, Russia, 4-7 July. In October, 1999 V.Shklyar has got Ph.D. degree from the Far Eastern State University. Thesis advisor: Prof. A.I.Titov (JINR). Title: "Photon and $\phi$-meson production at intermediate energies" D.V.ALEXANDROV (Urals State University, Ekaterinburg) in his studies of solidification processes obtained the following results: 1. A theory of incipience of a two-phase zone is numerically and theoretically studied [1]. On the basis of a linear law for the velocity of solidification which was obtained numerically, governing equations for the velocity and for the time of incipience of the two-phase zone (the latter arises ahead of a planar front of solidification due to the concentrational supercooling) were deduced. 2. In [2] the fractal dimension of the two-phase zone is determined for the self-similar regime of solidification in the presence of the mushy region. 3. The general problem of incipience of the two-phase zone is solved on the basis of the classical Stefan thermodiffusion model (without suggestions about the velocity distribution). The time of incipience of the two-phase zone and the velocity of solidification are determined in the form of integral equations [3]. 4. A theory of solidification with a qusiequilibrium two-phase zone is detailed on the basis of analytical solution of Borisov's model [4]. The steps of thermodynamic values in the two-phase zone (at both boundaries) are found on the basis of which the zone is changed by the discontinuity surface between solid and liquid phases. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] D.V.Alexandrov, A.G.Churbanov, P.N.Vabishchevich, Emergence of a Mushy Region in Processes of Binary Melt Solidification, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research, V.26, No.2, pp.248-264, 1999. [2] D.V.Alexandrov, A.O.Ivanov, M.E.Komarovski, An Influence of a Fractal-Like Mushy Region on Solidification Process, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research, V.26, No.2, pp.224-231, 1999. [3] D.V.Alexandrov, Incipience of a Mushy Zone in Binary Melt Solidification Processes: General Theory, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research (to be published). [4] D.V.Alexandrov, To the Theory of Solidification with a Quasiequilibrium Two-Phase Zone, Doklady AN (submitted) [in Russian]. The following papers will be presented for publication soon with acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: 1. D.V.Alexandrov, Incipience of a Mushy Zone in Binary Melt Solidification Processes: Stefan Thermodiffusion Problem (Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research). 2. D.V.Alexandrov, Quasiequilibrium Mushy Region: Dynamic Instability (Acta Materialia). In March, 1998 D.Alexandrov has got Ph.D. degree from The Urals State Technical University. Thesis advisors: Prof. V.V.Mansurov, Dr. A.O.Ivanov. Title: "An Influence of a quasiequilibrium Mushy Region on Solidification of Binary Melts". A.A.ALIVERDIEV (Institute of Physics, Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala) in his studies of the use of a registered signal velocity for the time-resolved tomography, in particular for the laser tomography of condensed matter obtained the following results: 1. A summarizing of the reconstructive theory of a signal speed using has been developed [1-10]. 2. Analytical expressions for nD photoacoustic tomography and the problem of a complex absorption account have been derived. Some practical algorithms and software ware carried out. Number of 2D numerical simulations are hold. A principally important result was obtained that good photoacoustic reconstruction is possible with different conditions [1-4, 7, 8]. 3. A method of a stream collision has been proposed for the stochastic emission correlation tomography. Number of 2D numerical simulations with inspired results are hold [1]. 4. A method of Hartley transform has been considered for an image processing. Some practical algorithms and software ware carried out [5]. The main goals of the project was achieved. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, Use of velocity of a filed signal in a tomography. Features of an optoacoustic tomography, [in Russian], Makhachkala, DSU, 1998, 60p. [2] G.K.Makhtimagomedov, M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, R.M.Batyrov, G.M.Halilulayev, A.A.Amirova, M.M.Akhmedov, M.M.Ataev, About the modeling of spatial-temporal tomographic reconstruction of sphere of phase transitions; Proceedings of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter", Makhachkala, Russia, 1998, p.3-6. [3] A.A.Aliverdiev, Some aspects of the computing of the laser tomography of mixed state, Proceedings of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter", Makhachkala, Russia, 1998, p.3-5. [4] A.A.Aliverdiev, About the account of complex absorption in laser tomography, Proceedings of the International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan", dedicated to 275 Anniversary of Russian Academy of the Sciences and 50 Anniversary of Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of the Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, pp.33-34. [5] A.A.Aliverdiev, R.M.Batyrov, M.G.Karimov, G.M.Halilulayev, A.A.Amirova, Some questions of the use of Hertley transform in physical tomography, Proceedings of the International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan", dedicated to 275 Anniversary of Russian Academy of the Sciences and 50 Anniversary of Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of the Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, p.35. [6] M.G.Karimov. A.A.Aliverdiev, A.A.Amirova, Some questions of the tomographic reconstruction of plasma objects, Proceedings of the All-Russian Conference "Physical Electronics", Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, p.107. [7] A.A.Aliverdiev, M.G.Karimov, Back photoacoustic problem in the investigation of quasistationary spatial-heterogeneous flows, Proceedings of the V International Scientific and Technical Conference "Optical Methods of the Flows Investigations" (Moscow, Russia, 1999), p.161. [8] A.A.Aliverdiev, Some questions of the physical tomography with application of velocity spectrum of registered signal, Proceedings of the Conference "Resonance and non-linear phenomenon in Condensed Matter" (Ufa, Russia 1999). There are two publications, which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [9] A.A.Aliverdiev, M.G.Karimov, Solution of optic reconstructive problem considering registered signal velocity, Turkey J. of Physics, No.4, pp.311-314, 1998. [10] M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, About modeling of 2D optoacoustic researches of exited media, Radiophysics (Massager of Higher Educational Institutes of Russia), No.1, 1999. A.Aliverdiev was the executive (scientific) secretary of the local Program Committee of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter" (Makhachkala, Russia, 1998). Two reports of A.Aliverdiev ware represented in that Conference. A.Aliverdiev represents the reports in (1) the Winter College "Spectroscopy and Applications" (AS-ICTP, Trieste, Italy 1999), (2) the Baikal School of Fundamental Physics (Irkutsk, Russia, 1999, in absentia, by correspondence), (3) the V International Scientific and Technical Conference "Optical Methods of the Flows Investigations" (Moscow, Russia, 1999, in absentia, by co-author), (4) International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan" (Makhachkala, Russia, 1999), (5) the All-Russian Conference "Physical Electronics" (Makhachkala, Russia 1999), (6) the Regional Conference "Resonance and non-linear phenomenon in Condensed Matter" (Ufa, Russia 1999), (7) the Fourth Training Course in the Physics of Correlated Electron Systems and High-Tc Superconductors (Vietri sul Mare, Salerno, Italy, 1999). In July 1998 A. Aliverdiev has got Ph.D. degree from the Daghestan State University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. M.G.Karimov (DSU). Title: "Some solutions of a reconstructive problem in a plasma physics and nonlinear optics with the use of a finiteness of distribution of a registered signal velocity". O.L.BERMAN (Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Moscow Region) in his studies of phase transitions and superfluidity in the system of coupled quantum wells obtained the following results: 1. The theory of phase transitions of electron-hole and unbalanced electron systems in coupled quantum wells in high magnetic fields has been developed [1]. Analytical expressions for the temperatures of the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition to the superfluid state have been derived. A principally important result was obtained that the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature decreases at rise of magnetic field and interwell separation at fixed magnetoexciton density. But the maximal possible Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature increases at rise of magnetic field and interwell separation. 2. It was shown that the system of weakly interacting indirect excitons in the superlattice slab is unstable [2,3]. A method based on the sum of the ladder diagram for the calculation of vertex of quadrupole indirect biexcitons interaction has been proposed for the obtaining of the collective spectrum, superfluid density and the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature. 3. The effect of random field due to impurities, boundary irregularities on the superfluidity of a three-dimensional system of excitons and a quasi-two-dimensional of direct and spatially indirect excitons is investigated [4]. 4. The excitation spectra and superfluidity of the electron-hole system in coupled quantum wells have been analyzed [5,6]. It was shown that the gap in the excitation spectra decreases if the interwell separation and the density of electrons and holes increase. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, V.G.Tsvetus, Phase transitions of electron-hole and unbalanced electron systems in coupled quantum wells in high magnetic fields, Phys.Rev. B59, pp.5627-5636, 1999. [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, M.Willander, Superfluidity of indirect biexcitons in superlattices, JETP V.88, No.5, pp.980-986, 1999. [3] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, M.Willander, Superfluidity of indirect biexcitons in superlattices, Europhysics Letters V.48, No.3, pp.299-305, 1999. [4] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, The superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, JETP Lett. V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999. [5] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.A.Panfilov, The excitation spectra and superfluidity of the electron-hole system in coupled quantum wells, Physica Status Solidi (b), V.209, pp.287-294, 1998. [6] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman and A.A.Panfilov, The excitation spectra in coupled quantum wells, Solid State Phys. (russ. Fiz.Tverd.Tela), V.40, No.12, pp.2226-2228, 1998. O.Berman participated in the International Advanced School Leonardo da Vinci for a continuing education programme 1998 Summer Course "Superconducting materials: advances in technology and applications" (Italy, Bologna, 29 June - 10 July, 1998). Five reports on seminars at the Institute of Spectroscopy were made. One report in seminar at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Stoney Brook has been made. In 1999 O.Berman has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "The investigation of phase transitions and superfluidity in the system of the coupled quantum wells". D.A.DANILOV (Udmurt State University, Izhevsk) in his studies of rapid solidification obtained the following results: 1. A comparative analysis of a model for local nonequilibrium solidification with experimental measurements of "dendrite tip growth velocity -- initial melt undercooling" in rapidly solidifying alloys Cu - 30% at. Ni [1] and Ni - 1% at. Zr [2] has been performed. The predictions of the model are in qualitative and quantitative agreement with experimental data for both alloys. 2. A general solution [3] of the steady-state crystal growth shape under local nonequilibrium solidification has been found. This solution is found for the following growth shapes: elliptical paraboloid, paraboloid of revolution, cylindrical paraboloid, and parabolic platelet. 3. On the basics of a one-sided model of solute diffusion the dynamics of a motion of the rapid solidification front in a binary alloy is investigated [4,5]. A criterion connecting the dynamical stability of the front motion in a steady-state regime with a slope of the kinetic curve "front velocity - initial undercooling'' is formulated. An expression for the definition of nonstationary time during the transition to the steady-state regime is obtained. 4. A model for rapid solidification in undercooled pure metallic liquid is developed that includes local nonequilibrium heat transfer and kinetics of liquid-solid interface motion [6]. Taking into account the finiteness of the speed of heat transport, a general solution of the problem about local nonequilibrium heat transfer with the moving heat source at the planar solidification front is obtained. Asymptotic behavior of the velocity of the rapid planar front is investigated. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Model for free dendritic alloy growth under interfacial and bulk phase nonequilibrium conditions, J.Crystal Growth V.197, pp.992-1002, 1999. [2] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Dendritic growth model for rapid solidification of undercooled alloys, International Conference on Rapidly Quenched and Metastable Materials "RQ-10", Bangalore, India, August 1999, submitted for publication in the journal Material Science and Engineering. [3] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Steady-state crystal growth shape under local nonequilibrium mass transfer, Inzhenerno Fizicheski Zhurnal (Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics), submitted for publication [in Russian]. [4] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Selection of the dynamically stable regime of rapid solidification front motion in isothermal binary alloy, J.Crystal Growth, accepted for publication. [5] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko, A criterion for dynamical stability of rapid solidification front motion, University and Academic Scientific-Practical Conference, Udmurt State University. Thesis for the conference, Izhevsk, April 1999, p.60-61 [in Russian]. [6] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko, Hyperbolic heat transfer in rapid solidification of supercooled liquids, Proc. of the 4th Minsk International Heat and Mass Transfer Forum, A.V.Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute, Minsk, May 2000, accepted for publication. A.V.EMELYANENKO (Moscow State University) in his studies of strongly polar liquid crystals obtained the following results: 1. A statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition has been developed for a system of molecules possessing a strong dipole [1,4]. It was explicitly taken into account that a large amount of dimers appear in a molecular system, when a dipole is strong enough. The dependence of the nematic order parameters of monomers and dimers on the temperature and the temperature variation of the molar fraction of dimers have been obtained. These investigations were held for the systems of molecules with different values of the dipole moment. A principally important result was obtained that the nematic-isotropic transition temperature has no absolute growth with the increasing dipole moment, as it was predicted by the preceding theories, but achieves its maximum with subsequent decrease. This happens because molecules with the large dipole moments form dimers intensively, which destroy the nematic order. In the previous research, based on the mean field or second virial approximations, a very strong short-range correlations leading to the formation of dimers were disregarded. A theory derived in [1,4] takes into account the existence of dimers directly. It was shown, that for molecules with large dipoles the transition temperature decreases with the increasing dipole moment. This result was confirmed by the recent computer simulations. 2. Influence of the molecular shape on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals has been investigated [2]. A method based on the expansion of the intermolecular potential in a complete set of spherical invariants has been proposed to estimate the dispersion interaction between monomers and dimers. It has been established that molecules with small dipoles form dimers, which favour the nematic phase, whereas dimers composed of molecules with large dipoles favour the isotropic phase. It has also been found that molecules with an intermediate value of the dipole moment couple in dimers, which do not influence the nematic- isotropic transition temperature. This balance point depends on the molecular shape, and it may exist or not for different molecules. 3. A statistical theory of the cholesteric ordering [3] was derived. On the contrary to the preceding publications, it describes the helix inversion in binary mixtures. The biaxiality of molecules is explicitly taken into account. Under a certain conditions (driven by the mutual concentration of the components and temperature) the interaction between the short molecular axes, which was disregarded in the previous attempts, dominates over the interaction between the main axes. It leads to the helix inversion, which is usually observed in the experiment. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Polar liquid crystals. Statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [2] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Nematic-isotropic phase transition in polar liquid crystals. Role of the dispersion interaction, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [3] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, D.A.Dunmur, Molecular Theory of Chiral Nematic Liquid Crystals, Phys.Rev.E, paper accepted for publication. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Influence of dimerization on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals, Liquid Crystals, V.26, No.2, 1999. A.Emelyanenko participated in the 17-th International Liquid Crystal Conference (Strasbourg, France, July 19-24, 1998) and presented a poster "Molecular Theory of The Nematic-Isotropic Transition in Strongly Polar Liquid Crystals". Thesis of the poster was published. In 1999 A.Emelyanenko participated in the International Conference on Liquid Crystals, which took place in Krynica (Poland), with a report "Theory of the helix inversion in nematics doped with chiral molecules" (September 13-17, 1999) and in the International Conference "Nonlinear dynamics in polymer science and related fields", Desna, Moscow region, with a report "Helix inversion in binary liquid crystalline mixtures" (October 11-15, 1999). Both theses are included in the corresponding abstract books. The full-length reports are planned. A.V. Emelyanenko has also taken part in the Students Conference on chemistry and physics of the thin organic films, Puschino, Moscow region, with a report "Inversion of the spiral structure in binary LC mixtures" (June 14-15, 1999). Now A.Emelyanenko is developing a new theory of the liquid crystalline polymers, which also possess a helix inversion. I.M.EREMIN (Kazan State University) in his studies of the electronic structure and magnetic properties of high temperature superconductivity obtained the following results: 1. Self-consistent calculation of spin (charge) density wave order (SDW/CDW) parameters have been performed for bilayered cuprates on the basis of a singlet correlated band model [1]. Evolution of the Fermi surface in the strongly underdoped regime is described by using a two-band approach. The smooth development of the pseudogap formation temperature is explained from underdoped to overdoped states and the Fourier amplitudes $$ (spin) and $$ (charge) modulations have been calculated. We have found a maximum of the incommensurability for doping 0.09-0.11 holes per copper site. 2. The phase boundary of the paramagnetic phase of cuprates has been calculated with taking into account the strong electron correlations. The instability wave vector gets displaced from pure antiferromagnetic wave vector if doping increases. The calculated pictures of Lindhard response functions and complex momentum dependence of a CDW pseudogap are presented. Spin susceptibility expression for the singlet correlated band at $T_c The results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, I.Eremin, submitted to Appl.Magn.Res (cond-mat/9908297). [2] I.Eremin, M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, in a book "Stripes and Related Phenomena", edited by A.Bianconi and N.L.Saini, to be published by Kluwer Academics-Plenum Publisher. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before the grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant. [3] I.Eremin, Solid State Commun. 105, pp.293-296, 1998. I.Eremin participated in the Second International Conference on Stripes'98 (Rome, Italy, 2-6 June, 1998) and presented an oral contribution "Two reasons of instability in layered cuprates", Specialized Colloque Ampere EPR, NMR and NQR in Solid State Physics: Recent Trends (Pisa, Italy, June 14-18, 1999) and presented poster contribution "How large can be CDW/SDW amplitudes in layered cuprates", XVI International Seminar "New Magnetic Materials for Microelectronics" (Moscow, Russian Federation, June 23-26, 1998) and presented a poster "Dynamic spin susceptibility below $T_c$. Hubbard Model" (in Russian), XXVII International School for Theoretical Physicists "Kourovka" (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 2-7 March, 1998) and presented a talk "Influence of strong electron correlation on dynamical spin susceptibility in two-dimensional models" (in Russian) I.Eremin participated in the International Cooperation with the groups of Prof. D.Brinkmann and Prof. H.Keller, Institute of Physics, Zuerich University, Switzerland. In September 1999 I.Eremin has got a Ph.D. degree under the supervision of Prof. B.I.Kochelaev (Kazan State University). A.V.PANOV (Far-Eastern State University, Vladivostok) in his studies of magnetism obtained the following results: 1. The ground and metastable magnetic states of magnetite and iron particles with sizes closed to single-domain were analyzed within the scope of the developed model [1]. It was shown that depending on its size and elongation the grain can be in one of three states: with uniform magnetization, with a small and large non-uniformity of magnetic moment (quasi-single-domain and two-domain states). The critical sizes for uniform and quasi-single-domain states were calculated. Magnetization processes of such particles were simulated. The coercive force and critical fields as functions of size, elongation of the particles and external magnetic field direction were studied. The essential difference from similar studies is non-monotone dependence of coercive force on particle elongation for magnetite which is confirmed by experiments. 2. The previous model of two-phase particle was extended by entering of interfacial exchange coupling [2-4]. The magnetization process of an ensemble of Co-coated $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ used in magnetic recording media was studied. The set of magnetic states of such particles was analyzed for ensemble with thermal agitation. It was shown that relation between interfacial exchange coupling and magnetostatic inter-phase interaction affect dependence of the coercive force of the ensemble of $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ particles on coating volume. It was obtained that the growth in coating magnetocrystalline anisotropy leads to increase in coercivity of the ensemble. The main results have been presented in the papers submitted in March and April, 1998, before grantee has been informed of the awarding ICFPM grant: [1] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine magnetite particles, Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie [in Russian], 86, pp.65-73, 1998. [2] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Modeling of magnetization process of an ensemble of $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles with cobalt coating, "Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie" [in Russian] v.87, pp.17-22, 1999. [3] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states of Co-coated $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.241-242. [4] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, An influence of inter-phase interaction on coercive force of two-component particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.511-512. In June, 1999 A. V. Panov has got Ph. D. degree from the Far East State University (Vladivostok). Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Belokon'. Title: "Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine heterogeneous particle systems". A.M.POVOLOTSKY (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow Region) in his studies of the models of self-organized criticality obtained the following results: 1. We investigate the dynamics of Eulerian walkers as a model of self-organized criticality [1]. The evolution of the system is divided into characteristic periods which can be seen as avalanches. The structure of avalanches is described and the critical exponent in the distribution of first avalanches $\tau=2$ is determined. We also study a mean square displacement of Eulerian walkers and obtain a simple diffusion law in the critical state. The evolution of underlying medium from a random state to the critical one is described. 2.The general framework for the renormalization group analysis of self-organized critical sandpile models is formulated [2,3]. The usual real space renormalization scheme for lattice models when applied to nonequilibrium dynamical models must be supplemented by feedback relations coming from the stationarity conditions. On the basis of these ideas the Dynamically Driven Renormalization Group is applied to describe the boundary and bulk critical behavior of sandpile models. A detailed description of the branching nature of sandpile avalanches is given in terms of the generating functions of the underlying branching process. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] A.M.Povolotsky, V.B.Priezzhev, R.R.Shcherbakov, Phys.Rev.E 58, pp.5449-5454, 1998. [2] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, Phys.Rev.E 60, pp.1239-1251, 1999. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [3] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, preprint DIAS-STP-98-06, Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Ireland. A.Povolotsky was invited by J.Stefan Institute, Ljubljana Slovenia and presented the seminar there entitled "Eulerian walkers as a model of the self-organized criticality." S.E.SKIPETROV (Moscow State University) in his studies obtained the following main results: 1. A possibility for diagnostics of laser-induced particle flows in concentrated suspensions using methods of the optical correlation spectroscopy has been studied. The role of ponderomotive effects in experiments on dynamic multiple light scattering (DMLS) has been analyzed. 2. A diffusion model for the temporal autocorrelation function of multiple scattered light has been developed. The model has been shown to be valid for both the Brownian motion and laminar flow of scatterers. The case of spatially localized flow of scatterers in a turbid sample has been considered. We have demonstrated both theoretically and experimentally that one could use DMLS techniques to obtain useful information about hidden particle flows in turbid media. 3. Imaging through atmospheric turbulence has been studied. Statistical moments of the modulation transfer functions (MTFs) of a turbulent atmosphere have been calculated for various models of turbulence. Some of the main results have been presented in a paper containing acknowledgment to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially heterogeneous scatterer dynamics. Physics in Higher Education, V.5, No.1, pp.98-112, 1999 [in Russian]. [2] Karabutov A.A., Pelivanov I.M., Podymova N.B., Skipetrov S.E. Direct measurement of the spatial intensity distribution of light in a scattering medium, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., V.70, No.3, pp.187-191, 1999 [in Russian]; [English translation: J.Exp.Theor.Phys.Lett., V.70, No.3, pp.183-188, 1999]. [3] Skipetrov S.E., Effective dielectric function of a random medium, Phys.Rev.B 60, No.18, pp.12705-12709, 1999. [4] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Shcheglov V.A., Laser-induced particle flows in random media: is the diagnostics with multiple-scattered light possible? In: CD-ROM Proceedings of the International Conference on Optical Technology and Image Processing in Fluid, Thermal, and Combustion Flow (VSJ-SPIE'98) (Yokohama, Japan, December 7-9, 1998), paper AB090. [5] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Correlation spectroscopy for diagnostics of light-induced particle motion in concentrated suspensions. In: Fourth International Conference on Correlation Optics, O.V. Angelsky, Ed., Proc. SPIE, V.3904, pp.423-428, 1999. [6] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave imaging of flows in turbid media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99), (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). [7] Skipetrov S.E., Refractive index of random media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99) (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). S.Skipetrov participated in several scientific conferences: - XI School-Conference on Diffraction and Propagation of Waves (Moscow, Russia, January 12-15, 1998). An oral presentation entitled "Multiple scattering of light in random media with complex dynamic structure" has been made. - NATO Advanced Study Institute "Diffuse Waves in Complex Media" (Les Houches, France, March 17-28, 1998). A poster "Ponderomotive action of light in random media" has been presented. - XVI International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics - ICONO'98 (Moscow, Russia, June 29-July 3, 1998). Two posters has been presented: "Dynamic multiple scattering of laser radiation on light-induced flows of microparticles in suspension" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy of flows". - 17th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division, European Physical Society and 6emes Journees de la Matiere Condensee, Societe Francaise de Physique (Grenoble, France, August 25-29, 1998). A poster "Cross-correlations in dynamic multiple scattering of light" has been presented. - Fall School-Conference "Light-Scattering Techniques in Biomedicine, Industry and Material Science" (Saratov, Russia, October 6-9, 1998). An oral presentation: "Theory of diffusing-wave spectroscopy with angular and spatio-temporal cross-correlations" and two poster presentations: "Ponderomotive action of light in random multiple-scattering media" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in random media with absorption", have been made. - International Conference on Biomedical Optics and Spectroscopy. European Biomedical Optics Week - BiOS'98 (Stockholm, Sweden, September 6-9, 1998). Title of presentation: "Possibilities for study of light-induced flows of microparticles in concentrated suspensions using methods of optical correlation spectroscopy". - International Conference on LASERS'98 (Tucson, Arizona, USA, December 7-11, 1998). Title of presentation: "Hydrodynamic flows induced by copper-vapor laser: diagnostics using optical correlation spectroscopy". S.E.Skipetrov has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. S.S.Chesnokov. Title: "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially-heterogeneous scatterer flows". F.M.TSAHHAEV (Ryazan State Pedagogical University) in his studies of physics of low dimensional structures obtained the following results: 1. Galvanomagnetic effects have been measured in n-AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures with filling of two subbands. The values of the momentum relaxation times t and q have been determined experimentally. The t and q times have been also calculated in the conditions of intersubband scattering using the self-consistent electron wave function. The dominating relaxation mechanism was identified and the parameters of defects were evaluated by comparison of experimentally determined and calculated t and q values [1,5,6,9]. 2. The GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures with anomalously high mobility of 2D-electrons 0.6 m/V s (T=4.2 K) in respect to the well-known analogs have been synthesized. The anomalies and anisotropy of kinetic effects characteristics of the GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures have been observed in experiments. The electrons energy spectrum in GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures has been calculated on the basis of the experimental results. The comparison of calculated data and measurements results (C-V characteristics, temperature and axial/lateral magnetic field dependencies of conductivity, photoluminescence spectra) reveals anomalous properties of GaAs(0.30,?-Sn) structure along [110] direction in respect to the [110] one [4]. 3. In [7,8] the experimental results is analyzed in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures. 4. The hysteresis of current-temperature characteristics is revealed in GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with the three quantum wells [2]. 5. The magnetic field suppression of electron-electron interaction of 2D-electrons in the main and the first, disturbed subbands of dimension quantization in single heterojunction AlGaAs/GaAs have been revealed [3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] V.I.Kadushkin, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Relaxation mechanisms of 2D-electrons in selective doped n-AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs heterostructure with filling of two subbands,\\ Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., No.5/6, pp.55-74, 1999. [2] V.I.Tsebro, O.E.Omelyanovski, V.I.Kadushkin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, F.M.Tsahhaev,\\ S.N.Larin, Lateral photoconductivity low temperature hysteresis of GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with asymmetric system of quantum wells, Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). [3] V.I.Kadushkin, F.M.Tsahhaev, S.N.Larin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, Intersubband relaxation of 2D-electrons in AlGaAs(Si)/GaAs strong doped heterojunction, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., No.3/4, pp.135-166, 1998. [5] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, News Institutions of Higher Education. Physics, No.159, 1998 [in Russian]. Proceedings of the Conference: [6] The 24th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, August 2-7, 1998, Jerusalem, Israel; "Energy spectrum and relaxation mechanisms of electrons in lateral-surface superlattices GaAs(0.30,?-Sn)". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Yu.A.Kotova). [7] 10th International Symposium on Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors, August 31- September 2, 1998, Vilnius, Lithuania. "Photomodulation processes in GaAs/AlAs type-I quantum well structures". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [8] VII Luthuanian-Polish Seminar "Solid State Physics and Technology", Kaunas, 1998. "Photoexcitation effects in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures investigated by differential reflectivity spectroscopy". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [9] The 194th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, Boston, Massachusetts, November\\ 1-6, 1998. "Energy spectrum of electrons in GaAs(?-Sn) structure grown on vicinal plane". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). In March, 2000 F.M.Tsahhaev shall be got Ph.D. degree from the Ryazan State Pedagogical University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Kadushkin (RSPU). Title: "Localization and scattering of quasi-particles in low-dimensional heterostructures in quantized magnetic fields." D.A.RYNDYK (Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS, Nizhny Novgorod) in his studies of nonequilibrium effects in dynamics of Josephson structures and layered superconductors (nonequilibrium Josephson effect) obtained the following results: 1. Starting from microscopic equations for Green functions, quasiclassical kinetic equations are derived for the systems of tunnel junctions and for layered superconductors [1]. This kinetic equations can be generalized for the case of different types of junctions and for superconductors with arbitrary energy dependence of the density of states and anisotropic pairing. 2. Dynamics of one-dimensional array of nonequilibrium junctions is investigated, in particular, current-voltage characteristics and high frequency interaction between junctions. Peculiarities of the dynamics of intrinsic Josephson junctions in HTSC are considered [1,2] (this work is a continuation of previous investigation carried out in 1998: D.A.Ryndyk, Phys.Rev.Lett., 80, 3376, 1998). The calculated current-voltage characteristics demonstrate the nature of the effect of electron-hole imbalance on the dynamics of one-dimensional chains of junctions. 3. The effect of nonequilibrium amplification of Josephson oscillations is predicted [2]. 4. "Plasma" oscillations and Josephson flux flow in layered superconductors is considered with nonequilibrium effects taken into account. Beside, the work on the kinetic theory of plasma turbulence is continued, which was began previously in connection with the experimental investigation of low-hybrid turbulence, excited by ion beam (E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk et al., Nuclear Fusion, 38, 661, 1998). New results in the theory of turbulent broadening of cyclotron resonances are published in Ref.[3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] D.A.Ryndyk, Nonequilibrium Josephson effect in systems of tunnel junctions and in layered superconductors, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. V.116, p.1798, 1999 [JETP V.89, p.975, 1999]. [2] D.A.Ryndyk, High-frequency properties of nonequilibrium Josephson junctions in nanoscale and layered superconductors, Journal of radioelectronics (www journal) n.1 (2000), to be published in "Foreign radioelectronics". [3] E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk, Stochastic Broadening of High Order Ion Cyclotron Resonances due to Lower-Hybrid Turbulence, Strong microwaves in plasmas (proceedings of IV international workshop on strong micro-waves in plasmas, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 1999 ), ed. A.G.Litvak, V.2, Nizhny Novgorod, 2000. D.Ryndyk in 1999 participated in: 1. School-seminar "Physics and applications of microwaves" (24-30 of May in Krasnovidovo, Moscow region) with invited lecture "Physical basis of Josephson high frequency electronics". D.Ryndyk take part in several russian and international research projects, in particular: 1. Grants of Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) N. 97-02-16928 and 99-02-16188 . 2. State research program "Physics of microwaves". Grant 4.7. "Theoretical and experimental investigation of microwave interaction with superconducting structures". 3. Joint program of Institute of Applied Physics RAS and W7-AS stellarator group (Garching, Germany) on Collective Thomson scattering for plasma diagnostic. A.M.RUVINSKY (Institute of Spectroscopy of RAS, Troitsk) in his studies of collective properties of excitons has considered an influence of random fields on the conditions of exciton condensation and superfluidity in bulk and low-dimensional systems [1]. It was shown that in semiconductor alloys the density of excitons in Bose condensate decreases due to the exciton scattering on random fields of impurities or fluctuations of the composite. The density of the superfluidity fraction in the system of 3D and quasi-2D excitons also decreases taking into account this scattering. The scattering on the random field of the quantum well widths' fluctuations was analyzed for direct and indirect excitons. Analytical expressions for the exciton superfluidity densities in "dirty" single quantum wells, coupled quantum wells and bulk semiconductors have been derived. The influence of random fields on Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature for exciton systems in low-dimensional structures was analyzed. These results have been presented in the papers [1,2] containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1].Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, Superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. V.69, No.8, pp.573-578, 1999 [in Russian], (Letter in JETP, V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999). [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, A.M.Ruvinsky, Bogolubov approximation for rare exciton system in random media, Fiz.Tverd.Tela (Physics of the Solid State), in print, 2000 [in Russian]. In June, 1998 A.Ruvinsky has got Ph.D. degree from State Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "Magnetoexcitons in inhomogeneous and low-dimensional structures". A.ZEMLYANOV (Moscow State University) obtained the following results: A new approach to the description of anomalous transport phenomena that take place in fractal media was developed. Namely, anomalous diffusion on a comb structure consisting of a one- dimensional backbone and lateral branches (teeth) of random length is considered. A definite classification of the trajectories of random walks reduces the original problem to an analysis of classical diffusion on the backbone, where, however, the time of this process is a random quantity. Its distribution is assigned by the properties of the random walks of the diffusing particles on the teeth. The possibility of applying mean-field theory in such a model is demonstrated, and the equation for the Green's function with a partial derivative of fractional order is obtained. The characteristic features of the propagation of particles on a comb structure are analyzed. A model of an effective homogeneous medium, in which diffusion is described by an equation with a fractional derivative with respect to time and an initial condition in the form of an integral of fractional order, is obtained. These results are published in [1] and were presented at the Moscow Seminar on Synergetics at the Physics Faculty, Moscow State University. [1] I.A.Lubashevsky, A.A.Zemlyanov, Continuum description of anomalous diffusion on a comb structure, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., V.114, pp.1284-1312, 1998 [in Russian]. A.Zemlyanov has received invitation for participating in a research program at the University of Texas at Austin during the next three years.
A.Yu.NERONOV (Moscow State University) obtained the following results in his studies of quantum black hole models: 1. A theory of classical and quantum collapse of thin spherically-symmetric selfgravitating shells was developed [1]. Complete integrability of hamiltonian equations which describe motion of a selfgravitating shell has been proved. A principally important result that was obtained is the form of mass spectrum of quantum black holes which are formed in the process of gravitational collapse of thin shells of matter [2]. Some unusual quantum number which parametrize the mass spectrum was found. It has geometric origin and does not disappear even for the case of unbound motion of the collapsing shell. 2. A mechanism of formation of universal spectrum of radiation of quantum black holes was proposed [3]. It was shown, that radiation which propagates in the form of s-wave in the field of black hole has discrete spectrum, if one takes fully into account back reaction of radiation on gravitational field of black hole. Some kind of quantum analog of classical "no hair conjecture" of black hole physics was proposed [4]: although the mass spectrum of quantum black holes could have arbitrary complicated structure, spectrum of radiation coming from quantum black hole corresponds to the level spacings in some universal spectrum $m\sim\sqrt{n}$ The main results have been presented in the papers: 1. V.A.Berezin, A.M.Boyarsky, A.Yu.Neronov, Phys.Rev.D57, p.1118, 1998. 2. A.Yu.Neronov, Phys.Rev.D 59, 1998. 3. V.A.Berezin, A.M.Boyarsky, A.Yu.Neronov, gr-qc/9808027 (1998). 4. A.Yu.Neronov, Ph.D. Thesises, INR, Moscow, 1998. A.Neronov participated in Spinoza Meeting on Quantum black holes (Holland, Utrecht, June 29 -- July 4, 1998). In 1998 A.Neronov has got Ph.D. degree from Institute for Nuclear Research. Thesis advisor: Prof. V.A.Berezin. Title: "Quantization of spherically-symmetric gravity. Models of Quantum Black Holes". A.I.ONISCHENKO (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow) in his studies of physics of doubly heavy systems, anomalous WWV couplings and some exotic beyond SM obtained the following results: 1. Spectra of masses for the families of doubly heavy baryons are calculated in the framework of nonrelativistic quark model with the QCD-induced potential by Buchm\" uller-Tye in accordance with both the quark-diquark structure for the wave functions and taking into account the splittings depending on the spins. The region for the application of such approximations is determined [1,17,19]. 2. Below the threshold of decay of these objects into the heavy baryon and heavy meson the system of bound excited states was found, being quasi-stable with respect to hadronic transitions to the basic level [1,17,19]. 3. We have in details considered the physical reasons for the quasi-stability, taking place for the baryons with two identical quarks. In accordance to the Pauli principle, the operators, responsible for the hadronic decays and the mixing between the levels, are suppressed by the inverse heavy quark mass and the small size of diquark. This suppression is caused by the necessity to instantaneously change both the spin and the orbital momentum of compact diquark. In the baryonic systems with two heavy quark and the strange quark, the quasi-stability for the low-lying excitations of diquark is provided by the exclusion of transitions with the emission of both a single kaon because of small splitting between the levels and a single pion because of conservation for the iso-spin and strangeness [1,17,19]. 4. We obtained analytical results on the two-loop anomalous dimensions of currents for baryons, containing two heavy quarks $J = [Q^{iT}C\Gamma\tau Q^j]\Gamma^{'}q^k\varepsilon_{ijk}$ with arbitrary Dirac matrices $\Gamma$ and $\Gamma^{'}$ in the framework of NRQCD in the leading order over both the relative velocity of heavy quarks and the inverse heavy quark mass. It is shown, that in this approximation the anomalous dimensions do not depend on the Dirac structure of the current under consideration [16,18]. 5. The equivalence of results, obtained in calculation of anomalous dimensions of operators in $\overline{\rm MS}$-renormalization scheme with the use of lagrangians of HQET and NRQCD is shown [16,18]. 6. In the leading order of perturbative QCD one calculates the total and differential cross-sections for the hadronic production of doubly charmed baryons $\Xi_{cc}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^*$ in different experiments. The experimental evaluation of cross-sections for the $J/\Psi +D + \bar D$ production would allow one to decrease the uncertainty in the determination of cross-sections for the doubly charmed baryons due to the choice of $\alpha_s$ and $m_c$. One shows that in the HERA-B and E781 experiments with fixed tagets the suppression of the $\Xi_{cc}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^*$ production to the yield of $c \bar c$-pairs is the value of the order of $10^{-6}-10^{-5}$, whereas at the TEVATRON and LHC colliders it is about $10^{-4}-10^{-3}$. In the E781 experiment the observation of $\Xi_{cc}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^*$ is practically impossible. At the HERA-B and TEVATRON facilities one can expect $10^5$ events with the double charm, and at LHC one has about $10^9$ ones [12]. 7. For the first time the contribution of quark-antiquark annihilation in hardronic production of doubly charmed baryons was taken into account. This contribution becomes essential at fixed target energies. The notion of fragmentation function of heavy diquark into doubly heavy baryon is introduced [12]. 8. Analitical approximations of numerical calculations for total subprocess cross-sections of gluon-gluon and quark-antiquark production of doubly charmed baryons were obtained [12]. 9. We have performed a detailed investigation on the lifetimes of doubly heavy baryons on the basis of the operator product expansion for the transition currents. For the first time, we have presented the formulae with the simultaneous account for both the mass effects and low-energy logarithmic renormalization for the contributions to the total decay width of baryons, containing heavy quarks, as it is caused by the effects of Pauli interference and weak scattering. The usage of the diquark picture has allowed us to evaluate the matrix elements of operators derived [2,7,9,14,15,19,20,21]. 10. As an application of the formalism developed, for the first time the lifetimes of all doubly heavy baryons were obtained. The obtained results show the significant role of both the Pauli interference and the weak scattering [2,7,9,14,15,19,20,21]. 11. The sum rules for doubly heavy baryons in NRQCD approximation are constructed. The problem with stability of such sum rules, faced in earlier works, is solved [4]. 12. A detail investigation of three-point sum rules for semileptonic decays of $B_c$-meson in QCD and NRQCD is performed. The Coulomb corrections, as well as, corrections due to gluon condensate are included and their role is discussed. The generalized spin symmetry relations for formfactors are derived [3,8]. 13. The prospects for $B_c$-meson production at existing and future colliders are investigated [10,13]. 14. The possibility to have additional constraints on anomalous WWV couplings at HERA vs LEP is investigated [5]. 15. The possibility to observe TeV-scale leptoquarks, appearing in different models is reviewed [6]. Part of the results was published in the following papers, containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Spectroscopy of doubly charmed baryons: $\Xi_{cc}^{++}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^{+}$, DESY-98080, hep-ph/9807375, Mod.Phys.Lett. A14, p.135, 1999. [2] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of $\Xi_{bc}^{+}$ and $\Xi_{bc}^{0}$ baryons, hep-ph/9901224, submitted to Eur.Phys.J. [3] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Semileptonic decays of $B_c$-meson in sum rules of QCD and NRQCD, hep-ph/9905359, accepted to Nucl.Phys.B. [4] V.V.Kiselev, A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly heavy baryons in sum rules of NRQCD, hep-ph/9909339, accepted to Nucl.Phys.B. [5] A.A.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Can HERA data improve LEP constraints on WWV vertex?, DESY-99-051, accepted to Eur.Phys.J. [6] S.S.Gershtein, A.A.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, TeV-scale leptoquarks from GUT/String/M-theory unification, Phys.Rep. 320, 203, 1999. [7] A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly heavy systems: decays and OPE, hep-ph/9912424. [8] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Semileptonic decays of $B_c$-meson, accepted to Yad.Phys. [in Russian]. [9] A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of doubly heavy baryons, hep-ph/9912425. There are also papers, which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM: [10] A.V.Berezhnoy, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, $B_c$-meson at LHC, Phys.Atom.Nucl. 60, p.1729, 1997; hep-ph/9703341. [11] A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Gluon splitting into pair of heavy quarks in $e^+e^-$-annihilation, Phys.Atom.Nucl. 60, p.623, 1997. [12] A.V.Berezhnoy, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly charmed baryon production in hadronic experiments, Phys.Rev. D57, p.4385, 1998. [13] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.V.Tkabladze, A.V.Berezhnoi, A.I.Onishchenko, Theoretical status of $B_c$-meson, IHEP 98-22, hep-ph/9803433. [14] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of doubly charmed baryons: $\Xi_{cc}^{++}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^{+}$, DESY-98079; hep-ph/9807354; Phys.Rev. D60, p.14007, 1999. [15] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Total inclusive decay rates of doubly charmed baryons, Yad.Phys. No.6., 1999 [in Russian]. [16] V.V.Kiselev, A.I.Onishchenko, Two-loop anomalous dimensions for currents of bary\-ons with two heavy quarks in NRQCD, IHEP 98-64; hep-ph/9810283; submitted to\\ Phys.Lett.B. [17] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Spectroscopy of doubly heavy baryons, IHEP 98-66; hep-ph/9811212; Heavy Ion.Phys. V.9, p.133, 1999. The following talks were given: [18] V.V.Kiselev, A.I.Onishchenko, Anomal dimensions of currents of baryons with two heavy quarks, MIPT Scientific conference, Dolgoprudny, November 1998. [19] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly heavy baryons: spectroscopy and decays, Scientific conference of Subdivision of Nuclear Physics of RAS, Moscow, November 1998. [20] A.I.Onishchenko, Physics of decays of doubly heavy baryons: $\Xi_{bb}^{0}$, $\Xi_{bb}^{-}$, $\Xi_{bc}^{+}$, $\Xi_{bc}^{0}$, $\Xi_{cc}^{+}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^{++}$, Conference of young scientists, postgraduate and graduate stutents ITEP, Moscow, December 1998. [21] A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of doubly heavy baryons, Conference of young scientists, postgraduate and graduate stutents ITEP, Moscow, December 1999. [22] A.I.Onishchenko, $c$-quark mass from $J/Psi$, $\Upsilon$ and $B_c$-mesons, Conference of young scientists, postgraduate and graduate stutents ITEP, Moscow, December 1999. The work of D.M.OSTROVSKY (Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) in 1998 has consisted of three main parts: The first one concerns some aspects of the description of multiparticle production processes. In [1] the nonperturbative preasymptotic contribution to the factorial moments of the intrajet particle distribution have been computed in the framework of previously developed formalism in which new nonperturbative term had been added to standart QCD evolution equation. The presence of the additional nonperturbative contribution is supported by the existing experimental data. Another kind of studies concerns minijet production in the ultrarelativistic hadron and nuclear collisions. Particularly, in [2] transverse energy flow generated by minijets in hadron and nuclear collisions into a given rapidity window in the central region was calculated in the next-to-leading (NLO) order of QCD at RHIC and LHC energies. These results were then used to calculate transverse energy spectrum in nuclear collisions in a Glauber geometrical model. It was shown that in pp collisions differential cross section calculated with NLO accuracy is about 2 times higher than the cross section calculated with only LO accuracy. NLO modification leads to a substantial broadening of the $E_{\perp}$ distribution for the nuclear collisions, while its form remains practically unchanged. In [3] the azimuthal asymmetry of minijet system produced in nucleon-nucleon and nuclear collisions in a central rapidity window was calculated. In pp collisions the asymmetry appears due to contributions from the collisions in which only one minijet hits the acceptance window. The angular pattern of transverse energy flow in nuclear collisions and its dependence on the kinematical parameters of collisions was studied. Development and application of high energy factorization scheme for hadron collisions is a third part of the scientific activity in 1998-1999. Angular asymmetry and momentum disbalance in a pair of particles produced at high energy in the central rapidity region were studied in [4]. It was shown that the asymmetry is substantial for low outgoing particles momenta but diminishes when they rise. In [5] NLO correction to the one-jet inclusive cross section in the framework of high energy factorization was calculated. The results were numerically compared with predictions of conventional collinear factorization approach. It was shown that NLO in high energy factorization scheme reduces one-jet inclusive cross section, but quantitatively result is highly sensitive to the choice of structure function. D.Ostrovsky participated in XXVII ITEPH Winter school (16-24 February, 1999) and presented a talk "Angular and momentum asymmetry in particle production at high energies" in a student's session. The publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM, because it was submitted before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [1] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Phys.Atom.Nucl. 62, pp.701-707, 1999; Yad.Fiz. 62, pp.750-757, 1999 [in Russian]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [2] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Eur.Phys.J C11, pp.495-499, 1999. [3] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Angular pattern of minijet transverse energy flow in hadron and nuclear collisions, hep-ph/9812416, submitted to Eur.Phys.J. C. [4] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Angular and momentum asymmetry in particle production at high energies, hep-ph/9905496, submitted to Phys.Rev.D. [5] D.Ostrovsky, NLO correction to one-jet inclusive production at high energies, hep-ph/9912258, submitted to Phys.Rev.D. S.A.PASTON (Saint-Petersburg State University) in his studies of quantum field theory in light front coordinates obtained the following results: 1. The effective Hamiltonian in light front coordinates is obtained which at some dependence of coefficients, included in it, from a parameter of UV-regularization, in a limit of it removal reproduces within the framework of perturbation theory the results of lorentz-covariant formulating of quantum chromodynamics [1]. It was possible to make with the help of introduction of an additional nonstandart IR-regularization based on a principle, which is used at the Pauli-Villars regularization. Only after this introduction it has appeared possible to apply the method, published earlier, of a comparison of light-like and lorentz-covariant theories. The offered regularization breaks a gauge invariance, but in a limit of removal of a regularization the gauge invariance is restored. The obtained Hamiltonian in future is supposed to be used in nonperturbative calculations. 2. The scalar theory with non-polynomial interaction resulted from bosonization of two-dimensional quantum electrodynamics (QED) is considered [2]. This theory is described by modified Lagrangian of Sin-Gordon model with the critical value of the parameter of this model. Non-polynomiality of interaction in this model, leading to arising of vertexes with arbitrarily large number of lines in perturbation theory, makes nontrivial the construction of light-front Hamiltonian. For its construction the Pauli-Villars regularization must be introduced because at the critical value of the parameter the ultraviolet behaviour of the theory become worse. Obtained light-front Hamiltonian generates the perturbation theory which is equivalent to the covariant perturbation theory in fermion mass, which plays the role of interaction constant after the bosonization and therefore the Hamiltonian spectrum coincides with the spectrum of QED. One can investigate this spectrum beyond the framework of perturbation theory. 3. S.A.Paston participated in development of such formulation of a gauge field theory on a lattice, with which the action is polynomial on independent field variables [3]. The canonical formalism in light front coordinates for such theory is considered. These results and also the results obtained earlier, were published in a review in the proceedings of the conference in honour of V.A.Fock [4]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, V.A.Franke, Constructing the Light-Front QCD Hamiltonian, Theor.Math.Phys., V.120, No.3. pp.1164-1181, 1999; Teoreticheskaya i Matematicheskaya Fizika, V.120. No.3, pp.417-437, 1999 [in Russian]. [2] S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, V.A.Franke, $QED_2$ Light-Front Hamiltonian reproducing all orders of covariant chiral perturbation theory. Preprint SPbU-IP-99-13; hep-th/9910114. The publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM, because either they were published before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant, or they contain results obtained until this moment: [3] V.A.Franke, S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, Lattice Gauge Theories with polynomial Action and their canonical Formulation on the Light Front, Preprint SPbU-IP-98-5, hep-th/9803035. [4] V.A.Franke, Yu.V.Novozhilov, S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, Quantum Field Theory in Light-Front coordinates, in book: "Quantum Theory in honour of Vladimir A.Fock", Part 1, Unesco, St. Petersburg University, Euro-Asian Physical Society, 1998, pp.38-97; hep-th/9901029. S.Paston participated in the "IX International Workshop Small-x Physics and Light Front Dynamics in QCD", Russia, St. Petersburg, July 6-15 1998, theme of the report: "Lattice Gauge Theories with polynomial Action at the Light Front"; in the international conference "VIII St. Petersburg International School of Physics. Quantum Theory in honour of Vladimir A. Fock", Russia, St. Petersburg, May 25 - June 4 1998, theme of the report: "Lattice Gauge Theories with polynomial Action and their canonical Formulation on the Light Front"; and in the seminar "Final seminar in physics and astronomy of winners in 1998 of grant competition for young scientists of St.-Petersburg", February 16, 1999, St.-Petersburg, Russia, theme of the report: "The Construction of QCD Hamiltonian in Light-Front Coordinates"; In December, 1999 S.Paston has got Ph.D. degree from St.-Petersburg State University. Thesis advisor: Prof. V.A.Franke. Title: "The Construction of Quantum Field Theory Hamiltonian in Light-Front Coordinates". O.A.RYTCHKOV (Steklov Mathematical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences,\\ Moscow) in his studies of classical solutions in superstring theory and their applications has obtained the following results: 1. Wide classes of new intersecting p-brane solutions in various space-time dimensions were constructed making use of an algebraic method [1]. p-brane configurations were specified by incidence matrices and it was shown that the solutions of the algebraic characteristic equations for the incidence matrices controlled the intersections of p-branes. 2. New types of p-brane solutions to various supergravities were obtained with use of the sigma-model approach [9]. A new way to endow branes with an additional internal structure such as plane waves was suggested. Applying the harmonic maps technique new solutions with a non-trivial shell structure in the transverse space were generated. Also intersecting branes were considered and it was shown that the intersection rules have a simple geometric interpretation as conditions ensuring the symmetric space property of the sigma-model target space. 3. Non-extremal overlapping p-brane supergravity solutions localized in their relative transverse coordinates were constructed [5,10]. The construction used an algebraic method of solving the bosonic equations of motion. 4. Some aspects of duality between supergravities on Anti-de Sitter (AdS) spaces (appearing as near D-brane horizon geometry) and conformal field theories were investigated in [2,6]. The massive Rarita-Schwinger field in AdS background was considered and the corresponding equations of motion were solved. It was shown that appropriate boundary terms calculated on-shell give two-point correlation function for spin-3/2 fields of the conformal field theory. The relation between Rarita-Schwinger field masses and conformal dimensions of corresponding operators was established. 5. Bulk-to-bulk propagators for the massive vector and symmetric rank-2 tensor fields in the Euclidean continuation of the Anti-de Sitter space were constructed [3]. The explicit forms of these propagators in the limit when one or both points approach the boundary of AdS were derived. It was shown that the obtained expressions coincide with bulk-to-boundary propagators or two-point correlation functions of the boundary CFT as expected from the AdS/CFT correspondence. This identification provides one more evidence for treating CFT operators on the boundary as appropriate limits of quantum fields in the bulk. Also the above limiting procedure clarifies the artificial appearance of boundary terms in the AdS/CFT correspondence. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] I.Ya.Aref'eva, O.A.Rytchkov, Incidence Matrix Description of Intersecting p-brane Solutions, to be published in L.D.Faddeev's Seminar on Mathematical Physics, Advances in Mathematics, Amer.Math.Soc., Providence, R.I. [2] A.S.Koshelev, O.A.Rytchkov, Note on the Massive Rarita-Schwinger field in the AdS/CFT correspondence, Phys.Lett.B 450, p.368, 1999. [3] A.Polishchuk, O.Rytchkov, Propagator for Massive Spin-2 Field in Anti-de Sitter Space, preprint SMI-25-99. Also the obtained results were published in the proceedings of the following conferences: [4] O.A.Rytchkov, Chaotic Behaviour of Dynamical Systems in M-theory, Proceedings of the Second Open Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (Russia, Dubna, March 2-6, 1998) [in Russian]. [5] O.A.Rytchkov, Localised p-branes in Supergravities and M-theory, Proceedings of the International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, May 18-24, 1998). [6] O.A.Rytchkov, Massive Rarita-Schwinger Field in the AdS/CFT correspondence, Proceedings of the XIV International Workshop on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory (Russia, May 27 - June 2, 1999). There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [7] I.Ya.Aref'eva, P.B.Medvedev, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Chaos in D0-brane Dynamics, Banach Center Publications, V.43, p.41, 1998. [8] I.Ya.Aref'eva, P.B.Medvedev, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Chaos in M(atrix) Theory, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, V.10, p.1, 1998. [9] D.V.Gal'tsov, O.A.Rytchkov, Generating branes via sigma models, Phys.Rev. D58, p.122001, 1998. [10] I.Ya.Aref'eva, M.G.Ivanov, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Non-extremal localized\\ branes and vacuum solutions in M-theory, Class.Quant.Grav. V.15, p.2923, 1998. O.A.Rytchkov participated in Spring School on Non-perturbative Aspects of String Theory and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories (Italy, March 23-31, 1998) and in the Trieste Conference on Superfivebranes and Physics in 5+1 dimensions (Italy, April 1-3, 1998) where a poster entitled "New Non-extremal p-branes in Superstring Theories and M-theory" was presented. O.A.Rytchkov participated in International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, May 18-24, 1998) and presented a talk there entitled "Localized p-branes in Supergravities and M-theory". O.A.Rytchkov participated in XI International Conference "Problems of Quantum Field Theory" (Russia, July 13-17, 1998) and presented a talk entitled "Localized p-branes in various supergravities" O.A Rytchkov participated in XIV International Workshop on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory (Russia, May 27 - June 2, 1999) and presented a talk there entitled "Massive Rarita-Schwinger Field in the AdS/CFT correspondence" V.I.SHEVCHENKO (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow) has obtained the following results: 1. Generalized coordinate gauge in nonabelian gauge theories was analysed, limits of applicability were established and applied to the nonabelian Stokes theorem and dual QCD Lagrangian evaluation. 2. The structure of perturbative contributions to the string tension in gluodynamics was investigated and cancellation of them in the vacuum field correlators framework was shown. 3. The modifications of the Higgs mechanism in abelian Higgs model due to interaction with topological defects were considered. 4. Deeper understanding of the Higgs mechanism in the quantum background was reached, especially in the aspects, important for the abelian projected confinement theories. 5. The colour superconductivity phenomenon was investigated in the framework of Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. The effective potential was calculated and the importance of the nonperturbative gluon condensate from the nonabelian Meissner effect point of view was shown. 6. The exact renormalisation group flows were studied in the current representation of the abelian projected gluodynamics. 7. The Casimir scaling behaviour of the static potential between charges in higher representations of the gauge group SU(3) was investigated, being based on recent lattice data. The value of scaling violating terms is estimated. It is shown, that Casimir scaling puts severe bounds on the presence of classical solutions in the vacuum. [1] V.Shevchenko, Yu.Simonov, Generalized coordinate gauge, nonabelian Stokes theorem and dual QCD Lagrangian, Phys.Lett.B 437, p.146, 1998. [2] V.Shevchenko, Yu.Simonov, Perturbative contributions to field correlators, Phys.Lett.B 437, p.131, 1998. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [3] V.Shevchenko, Higgs mechanism in nontrivial background, hep-th/9810222 (being prepared for publication). [4] N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov, V.I.Shevchenko, Nonperturbative QCD vacuum and Colour Superconductivity, Phys.Rep. V.320, p.131, 1999. [5] V.I.Shevchenko, Yu.A.Simonov, Casimir Scaling as a Test of QCD vacuum, hep-ph/0001299, being prepared for publication. Published talks on conferences: (1) "Generalized Fock-Schwinger Gauge and its applications" V.I. Shevchenko, (based on the work with Yu.A.Simonov), Int.School dedicated to the 100th anniversary of V.A.Fock, St.Peterburg, 1998. (2) "Does confinement imply stochasticity?", V.I.Shevchenko, Chaos and complexity, Ponte di Legno, Italy, 1998. (3) "Gluon degrees of freedom at nonzero baryonic density", V.Shevchenko, (partly based on the work with N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov), XXVIII Autumn School, Lisbon, Portugal,1999. (4) "Coordinate gauges and confinement", V. I. Shevchenko, Confinement III (poster session, unpublished), Newport News, USA, 1998. (5) "Nonperturbative QCD vacuum and Colour Superconductivity", V.Shevchenko, (based on the work with N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov), Buckow, Germany, 1999 (no proceedings). V.Shevchenko visited Department of Theoretical Physics of Pisa University, Italy (October 1 - 30, 1998) by invitation of Professor A.DiGiacomo. In January, 2000 V.Shevchenko has got Ph.D. degree from ITEP. Thesis advisor: Prof.Yu.A.Simonov. Title: "Nonperturbative effects in gauge field theory". N.V.SHEVCHENKO (Irkutsk State University and Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow region) in her studies of few-body systems obtained the following results: 1. Elastic $\eta d$ scattering was considered within the Alt-Grassberger-Sandhas formalism for various $\eta N$ input data. A three-body resonant state was found close to the $\eta d$ threshold [1]. This resonance is sustained for different choices of the two-body $\eta N$ scattering length $a_{\eta N}$. The position of the resonance moves towards the $\eta d$ threshold when ${\rm Re\,}a_{\eta N}$ is increased, and turns into a quasi-bound state at ${\rm Re\,}a_{\eta N}\sim0.7\div0.8$\,fm depending on the choice of ${\rm Im\,}a_{\eta N}$. 2. The nuclear reaction $e+{^3{\rm He}}+{^4{\rm He}}\rightarrow{}e +{^7{\rm Be}}$ was considered at thermonuclear energies [2]. The motion of the electron was treated within the adiabatic approximation and the ${^3{\rm He}}-{^4{\rm He}}$ scattering state was calculated using an effective ${^3{\rm He}}-{^4{\rm He}}$ potential constructed via the Marchenko inverse scattering method. The reaction rate thus obtained for solar interior conditions is approximately $10^{-4}$ of the corresponding rate for the radiative capture ${^3{\rm He}}+{^4{\rm He}}\rightarrow{}{^7{\rm Be}}+\gamma$. The main results have been presented in the paper containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] N.V.Shevchenko, V.B.Belyaev, S.A.Rakityansky, S.A.Sofianos, W.Sandhas, Low-energy $\eta d$ resonance, e-print LANL, nucl-th/9908035; submitted to Phys.Rev.Lett. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [2] N.V.Shevchenko, S.A.Rakityansky, S.A.Sofianos, V.B.Belyaev, Non-radiative synthesis of $^7{\rm Be}$ in solar plasma, J.Physics G25, pp.95-106, 1999. N.Shevchenko will participate in the IV Open Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (Dubna, Russia, January 31 - February 4, 2000) and will present a session talk there entitled "Near-threshold resonance in the $\eta d$ system". N.Shevchenko is invited by the Organizing Committee of the 16th International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics (Taipei, Taiwan, March 6-10, 2000) to take part in the conference and present the contribution entitled "Low energy scattering and photoproduction of $\eta$-mesons by deuterons" in a poster session. N.Shevchenko participates in international co-operation with the group of Prof. W.Sand\-has, Physikalisches Institut, Universitat Bonn, Germany and with the group of Prof. S.A.Sofi\-anos, Physics Department, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa. N.Shevchenko is a postgraduate student of the third year and she is planing to get the Ph.D. degree at the 2000th year. V.V.SHKLYAR ( Far Eastern State University, Vladivostok) in his studies of photon and vector meson production obtained the following results: 1. The different sources of the real photon and $\phi$-meson production in nucleon-nucleon collisions at intermediate energies have been studied and the effective model of the reactions has been suggested in [1-4]. The role and influence of each channel for the $NN\to NN\gamma$ reaction (bremsstrahlung, $\Delta$-excitation, radiative $\omega/\rho$-decay) has been shown and discussed in [1]. 2. Also, the available experimental data for the real photon production at 0.28 and 0.75 GeV beam energy were described well and the predictions for forthcoming data at COSY-TOF are obtained [1]. 3. Apart from the photon production reaction, the $NN\to NN\phi$ reaction near the threshold has been explored. It was shown, that the influence of the shake-off mechanism was negligible and the $\pi\rho\phi$ interaction coming from the non-ideal $\phi-\omega$ mixing angle gave the main contribution to the $\phi$-meson yield [3]. The predictions for the reaction amplitude behaviour and polarization observables near the reaction threshold was obtained. It has been also shown that the earlier exact threshold predictions for these reactions (e.c. M.Recalo et al) were not relevant at energies slightly above the threshold [2]. The value of the beam-target asymmetry $C^{BT}=-0.8$ was predicted and the ratio of the spin-singlet states to the spin-triplet ones was derived at the reaction threshold [3]. 4. The spin density matrix and the anisotropy of the $\phi$ decay were calculated. It was also shown that for the $\phi\to e^+e^-$-decay the small $\bar ss$ admixture could lead to the modification of the $\phi$ decay anisotropy that might be used in the experimental searching of the hidden strangeness in nucleon [4]. There are the publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [1] V.V.Shklyar, B.K\"ampfer, B.L.Reznik, A.I.Titov, Bremsstrahlung in intermediate-energy nucleon reaction within an effective one-boson exchange model, Nucl.Phys.A628, pp.255-274, 1998. [2] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, The reaction $NN \to NN \phi$ near threshold, preprint (nucl-th/9712025); preprint (nucl-th/9811094). The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [3] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, Polarization observables in the reaction $NN \to NN \phi$, to be published in Phys.Rev. C59, 1999. [4] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, Polarization observables in the reaction $NN\to NN\phi$ near threshold, XIV International Seminar On High Energy Physics Problems, Conf. Proceedings, preprint E1,2-98-232. V.Shklyar participated in the International Summer Student School on High Energy Physics in Memory of Bruno Pontekorvo ( JINR, Dubna, August 18 - September 1, 1998.) V.Shklyar also participated in the XIVth International Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems (JINR, Dubna, August 17-22, 1998) as a co-author. Talk on International Seminar DEUTERON-99, JINR, Dubna-99, Russia, 4-7 July. In October, 1999 V.Shklyar has got Ph.D. degree from the Far Eastern State University. Thesis advisor: Prof. A.I.Titov (JINR). Title: "Photon and $\phi$-meson production at intermediate energies" D.V.ALEXANDROV (Urals State University, Ekaterinburg) in his studies of solidification processes obtained the following results: 1. A theory of incipience of a two-phase zone is numerically and theoretically studied [1]. On the basis of a linear law for the velocity of solidification which was obtained numerically, governing equations for the velocity and for the time of incipience of the two-phase zone (the latter arises ahead of a planar front of solidification due to the concentrational supercooling) were deduced. 2. In [2] the fractal dimension of the two-phase zone is determined for the self-similar regime of solidification in the presence of the mushy region. 3. The general problem of incipience of the two-phase zone is solved on the basis of the classical Stefan thermodiffusion model (without suggestions about the velocity distribution). The time of incipience of the two-phase zone and the velocity of solidification are determined in the form of integral equations [3]. 4. A theory of solidification with a qusiequilibrium two-phase zone is detailed on the basis of analytical solution of Borisov's model [4]. The steps of thermodynamic values in the two-phase zone (at both boundaries) are found on the basis of which the zone is changed by the discontinuity surface between solid and liquid phases. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] D.V.Alexandrov, A.G.Churbanov, P.N.Vabishchevich, Emergence of a Mushy Region in Processes of Binary Melt Solidification, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research, V.26, No.2, pp.248-264, 1999. [2] D.V.Alexandrov, A.O.Ivanov, M.E.Komarovski, An Influence of a Fractal-Like Mushy Region on Solidification Process, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research, V.26, No.2, pp.224-231, 1999. [3] D.V.Alexandrov, Incipience of a Mushy Zone in Binary Melt Solidification Processes: General Theory, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research (to be published). [4] D.V.Alexandrov, To the Theory of Solidification with a Quasiequilibrium Two-Phase Zone, Doklady AN (submitted) [in Russian]. The following papers will be presented for publication soon with acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: 1. D.V.Alexandrov, Incipience of a Mushy Zone in Binary Melt Solidification Processes: Stefan Thermodiffusion Problem (Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research). 2. D.V.Alexandrov, Quasiequilibrium Mushy Region: Dynamic Instability (Acta Materialia). In March, 1998 D.Alexandrov has got Ph.D. degree from The Urals State Technical University. Thesis advisors: Prof. V.V.Mansurov, Dr. A.O.Ivanov. Title: "An Influence of a quasiequilibrium Mushy Region on Solidification of Binary Melts". A.A.ALIVERDIEV (Institute of Physics, Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala) in his studies of the use of a registered signal velocity for the time-resolved tomography, in particular for the laser tomography of condensed matter obtained the following results: 1. A summarizing of the reconstructive theory of a signal speed using has been developed [1-10]. 2. Analytical expressions for nD photoacoustic tomography and the problem of a complex absorption account have been derived. Some practical algorithms and software ware carried out. Number of 2D numerical simulations are hold. A principally important result was obtained that good photoacoustic reconstruction is possible with different conditions [1-4, 7, 8]. 3. A method of a stream collision has been proposed for the stochastic emission correlation tomography. Number of 2D numerical simulations with inspired results are hold [1]. 4. A method of Hartley transform has been considered for an image processing. Some practical algorithms and software ware carried out [5]. The main goals of the project was achieved. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, Use of velocity of a filed signal in a tomography. Features of an optoacoustic tomography, [in Russian], Makhachkala, DSU, 1998, 60p. [2] G.K.Makhtimagomedov, M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, R.M.Batyrov, G.M.Halilulayev, A.A.Amirova, M.M.Akhmedov, M.M.Ataev, About the modeling of spatial-temporal tomographic reconstruction of sphere of phase transitions; Proceedings of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter", Makhachkala, Russia, 1998, p.3-6. [3] A.A.Aliverdiev, Some aspects of the computing of the laser tomography of mixed state, Proceedings of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter", Makhachkala, Russia, 1998, p.3-5. [4] A.A.Aliverdiev, About the account of complex absorption in laser tomography, Proceedings of the International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan", dedicated to 275 Anniversary of Russian Academy of the Sciences and 50 Anniversary of Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of the Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, pp.33-34. [5] A.A.Aliverdiev, R.M.Batyrov, M.G.Karimov, G.M.Halilulayev, A.A.Amirova, Some questions of the use of Hertley transform in physical tomography, Proceedings of the International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan", dedicated to 275 Anniversary of Russian Academy of the Sciences and 50 Anniversary of Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of the Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, p.35. [6] M.G.Karimov. A.A.Aliverdiev, A.A.Amirova, Some questions of the tomographic reconstruction of plasma objects, Proceedings of the All-Russian Conference "Physical Electronics", Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, p.107. [7] A.A.Aliverdiev, M.G.Karimov, Back photoacoustic problem in the investigation of quasistationary spatial-heterogeneous flows, Proceedings of the V International Scientific and Technical Conference "Optical Methods of the Flows Investigations" (Moscow, Russia, 1999), p.161. [8] A.A.Aliverdiev, Some questions of the physical tomography with application of velocity spectrum of registered signal, Proceedings of the Conference "Resonance and non-linear phenomenon in Condensed Matter" (Ufa, Russia 1999). There are two publications, which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [9] A.A.Aliverdiev, M.G.Karimov, Solution of optic reconstructive problem considering registered signal velocity, Turkey J. of Physics, No.4, pp.311-314, 1998. [10] M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, About modeling of 2D optoacoustic researches of exited media, Radiophysics (Massager of Higher Educational Institutes of Russia), No.1, 1999. A.Aliverdiev was the executive (scientific) secretary of the local Program Committee of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter" (Makhachkala, Russia, 1998). Two reports of A.Aliverdiev ware represented in that Conference. A.Aliverdiev represents the reports in (1) the Winter College "Spectroscopy and Applications" (AS-ICTP, Trieste, Italy 1999), (2) the Baikal School of Fundamental Physics (Irkutsk, Russia, 1999, in absentia, by correspondence), (3) the V International Scientific and Technical Conference "Optical Methods of the Flows Investigations" (Moscow, Russia, 1999, in absentia, by co-author), (4) International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan" (Makhachkala, Russia, 1999), (5) the All-Russian Conference "Physical Electronics" (Makhachkala, Russia 1999), (6) the Regional Conference "Resonance and non-linear phenomenon in Condensed Matter" (Ufa, Russia 1999), (7) the Fourth Training Course in the Physics of Correlated Electron Systems and High-Tc Superconductors (Vietri sul Mare, Salerno, Italy, 1999). In July 1998 A. Aliverdiev has got Ph.D. degree from the Daghestan State University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. M.G.Karimov (DSU). Title: "Some solutions of a reconstructive problem in a plasma physics and nonlinear optics with the use of a finiteness of distribution of a registered signal velocity". O.L.BERMAN (Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Moscow Region) in his studies of phase transitions and superfluidity in the system of coupled quantum wells obtained the following results: 1. The theory of phase transitions of electron-hole and unbalanced electron systems in coupled quantum wells in high magnetic fields has been developed [1]. Analytical expressions for the temperatures of the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition to the superfluid state have been derived. A principally important result was obtained that the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature decreases at rise of magnetic field and interwell separation at fixed magnetoexciton density. But the maximal possible Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature increases at rise of magnetic field and interwell separation. 2. It was shown that the system of weakly interacting indirect excitons in the superlattice slab is unstable [2,3]. A method based on the sum of the ladder diagram for the calculation of vertex of quadrupole indirect biexcitons interaction has been proposed for the obtaining of the collective spectrum, superfluid density and the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature. 3. The effect of random field due to impurities, boundary irregularities on the superfluidity of a three-dimensional system of excitons and a quasi-two-dimensional of direct and spatially indirect excitons is investigated [4]. 4. The excitation spectra and superfluidity of the electron-hole system in coupled quantum wells have been analyzed [5,6]. It was shown that the gap in the excitation spectra decreases if the interwell separation and the density of electrons and holes increase. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, V.G.Tsvetus, Phase transitions of electron-hole and unbalanced electron systems in coupled quantum wells in high magnetic fields, Phys.Rev. B59, pp.5627-5636, 1999. [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, M.Willander, Superfluidity of indirect biexcitons in superlattices, JETP V.88, No.5, pp.980-986, 1999. [3] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, M.Willander, Superfluidity of indirect biexcitons in superlattices, Europhysics Letters V.48, No.3, pp.299-305, 1999. [4] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, The superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, JETP Lett. V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999. [5] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.A.Panfilov, The excitation spectra and superfluidity of the electron-hole system in coupled quantum wells, Physica Status Solidi (b), V.209, pp.287-294, 1998. [6] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman and A.A.Panfilov, The excitation spectra in coupled quantum wells, Solid State Phys. (russ. Fiz.Tverd.Tela), V.40, No.12, pp.2226-2228, 1998. O.Berman participated in the International Advanced School Leonardo da Vinci for a continuing education programme 1998 Summer Course "Superconducting materials: advances in technology and applications" (Italy, Bologna, 29 June - 10 July, 1998). Five reports on seminars at the Institute of Spectroscopy were made. One report in seminar at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Stoney Brook has been made. In 1999 O.Berman has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "The investigation of phase transitions and superfluidity in the system of the coupled quantum wells". D.A.DANILOV (Udmurt State University, Izhevsk) in his studies of rapid solidification obtained the following results: 1. A comparative analysis of a model for local nonequilibrium solidification with experimental measurements of "dendrite tip growth velocity -- initial melt undercooling" in rapidly solidifying alloys Cu - 30% at. Ni [1] and Ni - 1% at. Zr [2] has been performed. The predictions of the model are in qualitative and quantitative agreement with experimental data for both alloys. 2. A general solution [3] of the steady-state crystal growth shape under local nonequilibrium solidification has been found. This solution is found for the following growth shapes: elliptical paraboloid, paraboloid of revolution, cylindrical paraboloid, and parabolic platelet. 3. On the basics of a one-sided model of solute diffusion the dynamics of a motion of the rapid solidification front in a binary alloy is investigated [4,5]. A criterion connecting the dynamical stability of the front motion in a steady-state regime with a slope of the kinetic curve "front velocity - initial undercooling'' is formulated. An expression for the definition of nonstationary time during the transition to the steady-state regime is obtained. 4. A model for rapid solidification in undercooled pure metallic liquid is developed that includes local nonequilibrium heat transfer and kinetics of liquid-solid interface motion [6]. Taking into account the finiteness of the speed of heat transport, a general solution of the problem about local nonequilibrium heat transfer with the moving heat source at the planar solidification front is obtained. Asymptotic behavior of the velocity of the rapid planar front is investigated. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Model for free dendritic alloy growth under interfacial and bulk phase nonequilibrium conditions, J.Crystal Growth V.197, pp.992-1002, 1999. [2] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Dendritic growth model for rapid solidification of undercooled alloys, International Conference on Rapidly Quenched and Metastable Materials "RQ-10", Bangalore, India, August 1999, submitted for publication in the journal Material Science and Engineering. [3] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Steady-state crystal growth shape under local nonequilibrium mass transfer, Inzhenerno Fizicheski Zhurnal (Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics), submitted for publication [in Russian]. [4] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Selection of the dynamically stable regime of rapid solidification front motion in isothermal binary alloy, J.Crystal Growth, accepted for publication. [5] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko, A criterion for dynamical stability of rapid solidification front motion, University and Academic Scientific-Practical Conference, Udmurt State University. Thesis for the conference, Izhevsk, April 1999, p.60-61 [in Russian]. [6] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko, Hyperbolic heat transfer in rapid solidification of supercooled liquids, Proc. of the 4th Minsk International Heat and Mass Transfer Forum, A.V.Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute, Minsk, May 2000, accepted for publication. A.V.EMELYANENKO (Moscow State University) in his studies of strongly polar liquid crystals obtained the following results: 1. A statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition has been developed for a system of molecules possessing a strong dipole [1,4]. It was explicitly taken into account that a large amount of dimers appear in a molecular system, when a dipole is strong enough. The dependence of the nematic order parameters of monomers and dimers on the temperature and the temperature variation of the molar fraction of dimers have been obtained. These investigations were held for the systems of molecules with different values of the dipole moment. A principally important result was obtained that the nematic-isotropic transition temperature has no absolute growth with the increasing dipole moment, as it was predicted by the preceding theories, but achieves its maximum with subsequent decrease. This happens because molecules with the large dipole moments form dimers intensively, which destroy the nematic order. In the previous research, based on the mean field or second virial approximations, a very strong short-range correlations leading to the formation of dimers were disregarded. A theory derived in [1,4] takes into account the existence of dimers directly. It was shown, that for molecules with large dipoles the transition temperature decreases with the increasing dipole moment. This result was confirmed by the recent computer simulations. 2. Influence of the molecular shape on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals has been investigated [2]. A method based on the expansion of the intermolecular potential in a complete set of spherical invariants has been proposed to estimate the dispersion interaction between monomers and dimers. It has been established that molecules with small dipoles form dimers, which favour the nematic phase, whereas dimers composed of molecules with large dipoles favour the isotropic phase. It has also been found that molecules with an intermediate value of the dipole moment couple in dimers, which do not influence the nematic- isotropic transition temperature. This balance point depends on the molecular shape, and it may exist or not for different molecules. 3. A statistical theory of the cholesteric ordering [3] was derived. On the contrary to the preceding publications, it describes the helix inversion in binary mixtures. The biaxiality of molecules is explicitly taken into account. Under a certain conditions (driven by the mutual concentration of the components and temperature) the interaction between the short molecular axes, which was disregarded in the previous attempts, dominates over the interaction between the main axes. It leads to the helix inversion, which is usually observed in the experiment. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Polar liquid crystals. Statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [2] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Nematic-isotropic phase transition in polar liquid crystals. Role of the dispersion interaction, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [3] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, D.A.Dunmur, Molecular Theory of Chiral Nematic Liquid Crystals, Phys.Rev.E, paper accepted for publication. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Influence of dimerization on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals, Liquid Crystals, V.26, No.2, 1999. A.Emelyanenko participated in the 17-th International Liquid Crystal Conference (Strasbourg, France, July 19-24, 1998) and presented a poster "Molecular Theory of The Nematic-Isotropic Transition in Strongly Polar Liquid Crystals". Thesis of the poster was published. In 1999 A.Emelyanenko participated in the International Conference on Liquid Crystals, which took place in Krynica (Poland), with a report "Theory of the helix inversion in nematics doped with chiral molecules" (September 13-17, 1999) and in the International Conference "Nonlinear dynamics in polymer science and related fields", Desna, Moscow region, with a report "Helix inversion in binary liquid crystalline mixtures" (October 11-15, 1999). Both theses are included in the corresponding abstract books. The full-length reports are planned. A.V. Emelyanenko has also taken part in the Students Conference on chemistry and physics of the thin organic films, Puschino, Moscow region, with a report "Inversion of the spiral structure in binary LC mixtures" (June 14-15, 1999). Now A.Emelyanenko is developing a new theory of the liquid crystalline polymers, which also possess a helix inversion. I.M.EREMIN (Kazan State University) in his studies of the electronic structure and magnetic properties of high temperature superconductivity obtained the following results: 1. Self-consistent calculation of spin (charge) density wave order (SDW/CDW) parameters have been performed for bilayered cuprates on the basis of a singlet correlated band model [1]. Evolution of the Fermi surface in the strongly underdoped regime is described by using a two-band approach. The smooth development of the pseudogap formation temperature is explained from underdoped to overdoped states and the Fourier amplitudes $$ (spin) and $$ (charge) modulations have been calculated. We have found a maximum of the incommensurability for doping 0.09-0.11 holes per copper site. 2. The phase boundary of the paramagnetic phase of cuprates has been calculated with taking into account the strong electron correlations. The instability wave vector gets displaced from pure antiferromagnetic wave vector if doping increases. The calculated pictures of Lindhard response functions and complex momentum dependence of a CDW pseudogap are presented. Spin susceptibility expression for the singlet correlated band at $T_c The results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, I.Eremin, submitted to Appl.Magn.Res (cond-mat/9908297). [2] I.Eremin, M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, in a book "Stripes and Related Phenomena", edited by A.Bianconi and N.L.Saini, to be published by Kluwer Academics-Plenum Publisher. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before the grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant. [3] I.Eremin, Solid State Commun. 105, pp.293-296, 1998. I.Eremin participated in the Second International Conference on Stripes'98 (Rome, Italy, 2-6 June, 1998) and presented an oral contribution "Two reasons of instability in layered cuprates", Specialized Colloque Ampere EPR, NMR and NQR in Solid State Physics: Recent Trends (Pisa, Italy, June 14-18, 1999) and presented poster contribution "How large can be CDW/SDW amplitudes in layered cuprates", XVI International Seminar "New Magnetic Materials for Microelectronics" (Moscow, Russian Federation, June 23-26, 1998) and presented a poster "Dynamic spin susceptibility below $T_c$. Hubbard Model" (in Russian), XXVII International School for Theoretical Physicists "Kourovka" (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 2-7 March, 1998) and presented a talk "Influence of strong electron correlation on dynamical spin susceptibility in two-dimensional models" (in Russian) I.Eremin participated in the International Cooperation with the groups of Prof. D.Brinkmann and Prof. H.Keller, Institute of Physics, Zuerich University, Switzerland. In September 1999 I.Eremin has got a Ph.D. degree under the supervision of Prof. B.I.Kochelaev (Kazan State University). A.V.PANOV (Far-Eastern State University, Vladivostok) in his studies of magnetism obtained the following results: 1. The ground and metastable magnetic states of magnetite and iron particles with sizes closed to single-domain were analyzed within the scope of the developed model [1]. It was shown that depending on its size and elongation the grain can be in one of three states: with uniform magnetization, with a small and large non-uniformity of magnetic moment (quasi-single-domain and two-domain states). The critical sizes for uniform and quasi-single-domain states were calculated. Magnetization processes of such particles were simulated. The coercive force and critical fields as functions of size, elongation of the particles and external magnetic field direction were studied. The essential difference from similar studies is non-monotone dependence of coercive force on particle elongation for magnetite which is confirmed by experiments. 2. The previous model of two-phase particle was extended by entering of interfacial exchange coupling [2-4]. The magnetization process of an ensemble of Co-coated $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ used in magnetic recording media was studied. The set of magnetic states of such particles was analyzed for ensemble with thermal agitation. It was shown that relation between interfacial exchange coupling and magnetostatic inter-phase interaction affect dependence of the coercive force of the ensemble of $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ particles on coating volume. It was obtained that the growth in coating magnetocrystalline anisotropy leads to increase in coercivity of the ensemble. The main results have been presented in the papers submitted in March and April, 1998, before grantee has been informed of the awarding ICFPM grant: [1] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine magnetite particles, Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie [in Russian], 86, pp.65-73, 1998. [2] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Modeling of magnetization process of an ensemble of $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles with cobalt coating, "Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie" [in Russian] v.87, pp.17-22, 1999. [3] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states of Co-coated $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.241-242. [4] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, An influence of inter-phase interaction on coercive force of two-component particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.511-512. In June, 1999 A. V. Panov has got Ph. D. degree from the Far East State University (Vladivostok). Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Belokon'. Title: "Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine heterogeneous particle systems". A.M.POVOLOTSKY (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow Region) in his studies of the models of self-organized criticality obtained the following results: 1. We investigate the dynamics of Eulerian walkers as a model of self-organized criticality [1]. The evolution of the system is divided into characteristic periods which can be seen as avalanches. The structure of avalanches is described and the critical exponent in the distribution of first avalanches $\tau=2$ is determined. We also study a mean square displacement of Eulerian walkers and obtain a simple diffusion law in the critical state. The evolution of underlying medium from a random state to the critical one is described. 2.The general framework for the renormalization group analysis of self-organized critical sandpile models is formulated [2,3]. The usual real space renormalization scheme for lattice models when applied to nonequilibrium dynamical models must be supplemented by feedback relations coming from the stationarity conditions. On the basis of these ideas the Dynamically Driven Renormalization Group is applied to describe the boundary and bulk critical behavior of sandpile models. A detailed description of the branching nature of sandpile avalanches is given in terms of the generating functions of the underlying branching process. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] A.M.Povolotsky, V.B.Priezzhev, R.R.Shcherbakov, Phys.Rev.E 58, pp.5449-5454, 1998. [2] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, Phys.Rev.E 60, pp.1239-1251, 1999. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [3] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, preprint DIAS-STP-98-06, Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Ireland. A.Povolotsky was invited by J.Stefan Institute, Ljubljana Slovenia and presented the seminar there entitled "Eulerian walkers as a model of the self-organized criticality." S.E.SKIPETROV (Moscow State University) in his studies obtained the following main results: 1. A possibility for diagnostics of laser-induced particle flows in concentrated suspensions using methods of the optical correlation spectroscopy has been studied. The role of ponderomotive effects in experiments on dynamic multiple light scattering (DMLS) has been analyzed. 2. A diffusion model for the temporal autocorrelation function of multiple scattered light has been developed. The model has been shown to be valid for both the Brownian motion and laminar flow of scatterers. The case of spatially localized flow of scatterers in a turbid sample has been considered. We have demonstrated both theoretically and experimentally that one could use DMLS techniques to obtain useful information about hidden particle flows in turbid media. 3. Imaging through atmospheric turbulence has been studied. Statistical moments of the modulation transfer functions (MTFs) of a turbulent atmosphere have been calculated for various models of turbulence. Some of the main results have been presented in a paper containing acknowledgment to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially heterogeneous scatterer dynamics. Physics in Higher Education, V.5, No.1, pp.98-112, 1999 [in Russian]. [2] Karabutov A.A., Pelivanov I.M., Podymova N.B., Skipetrov S.E. Direct measurement of the spatial intensity distribution of light in a scattering medium, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., V.70, No.3, pp.187-191, 1999 [in Russian]; [English translation: J.Exp.Theor.Phys.Lett., V.70, No.3, pp.183-188, 1999]. [3] Skipetrov S.E., Effective dielectric function of a random medium, Phys.Rev.B 60, No.18, pp.12705-12709, 1999. [4] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Shcheglov V.A., Laser-induced particle flows in random media: is the diagnostics with multiple-scattered light possible? In: CD-ROM Proceedings of the International Conference on Optical Technology and Image Processing in Fluid, Thermal, and Combustion Flow (VSJ-SPIE'98) (Yokohama, Japan, December 7-9, 1998), paper AB090. [5] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Correlation spectroscopy for diagnostics of light-induced particle motion in concentrated suspensions. In: Fourth International Conference on Correlation Optics, O.V. Angelsky, Ed., Proc. SPIE, V.3904, pp.423-428, 1999. [6] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave imaging of flows in turbid media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99), (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). [7] Skipetrov S.E., Refractive index of random media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99) (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). S.Skipetrov participated in several scientific conferences: - XI School-Conference on Diffraction and Propagation of Waves (Moscow, Russia, January 12-15, 1998). An oral presentation entitled "Multiple scattering of light in random media with complex dynamic structure" has been made. - NATO Advanced Study Institute "Diffuse Waves in Complex Media" (Les Houches, France, March 17-28, 1998). A poster "Ponderomotive action of light in random media" has been presented. - XVI International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics - ICONO'98 (Moscow, Russia, June 29-July 3, 1998). Two posters has been presented: "Dynamic multiple scattering of laser radiation on light-induced flows of microparticles in suspension" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy of flows". - 17th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division, European Physical Society and 6emes Journees de la Matiere Condensee, Societe Francaise de Physique (Grenoble, France, August 25-29, 1998). A poster "Cross-correlations in dynamic multiple scattering of light" has been presented. - Fall School-Conference "Light-Scattering Techniques in Biomedicine, Industry and Material Science" (Saratov, Russia, October 6-9, 1998). An oral presentation: "Theory of diffusing-wave spectroscopy with angular and spatio-temporal cross-correlations" and two poster presentations: "Ponderomotive action of light in random multiple-scattering media" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in random media with absorption", have been made. - International Conference on Biomedical Optics and Spectroscopy. European Biomedical Optics Week - BiOS'98 (Stockholm, Sweden, September 6-9, 1998). Title of presentation: "Possibilities for study of light-induced flows of microparticles in concentrated suspensions using methods of optical correlation spectroscopy". - International Conference on LASERS'98 (Tucson, Arizona, USA, December 7-11, 1998). Title of presentation: "Hydrodynamic flows induced by copper-vapor laser: diagnostics using optical correlation spectroscopy". S.E.Skipetrov has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. S.S.Chesnokov. Title: "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially-heterogeneous scatterer flows". F.M.TSAHHAEV (Ryazan State Pedagogical University) in his studies of physics of low dimensional structures obtained the following results: 1. Galvanomagnetic effects have been measured in n-AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures with filling of two subbands. The values of the momentum relaxation times t and q have been determined experimentally. The t and q times have been also calculated in the conditions of intersubband scattering using the self-consistent electron wave function. The dominating relaxation mechanism was identified and the parameters of defects were evaluated by comparison of experimentally determined and calculated t and q values [1,5,6,9]. 2. The GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures with anomalously high mobility of 2D-electrons 0.6 m/V s (T=4.2 K) in respect to the well-known analogs have been synthesized. The anomalies and anisotropy of kinetic effects characteristics of the GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures have been observed in experiments. The electrons energy spectrum in GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures has been calculated on the basis of the experimental results. The comparison of calculated data and measurements results (C-V characteristics, temperature and axial/lateral magnetic field dependencies of conductivity, photoluminescence spectra) reveals anomalous properties of GaAs(0.30,?-Sn) structure along [110] direction in respect to the [110] one [4]. 3. In [7,8] the experimental results is analyzed in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures. 4. The hysteresis of current-temperature characteristics is revealed in GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with the three quantum wells [2]. 5. The magnetic field suppression of electron-electron interaction of 2D-electrons in the main and the first, disturbed subbands of dimension quantization in single heterojunction AlGaAs/GaAs have been revealed [3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] V.I.Kadushkin, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Relaxation mechanisms of 2D-electrons in selective doped n-AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs heterostructure with filling of two subbands,\\ Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., No.5/6, pp.55-74, 1999. [2] V.I.Tsebro, O.E.Omelyanovski, V.I.Kadushkin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, F.M.Tsahhaev,\\ S.N.Larin, Lateral photoconductivity low temperature hysteresis of GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with asymmetric system of quantum wells, Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). [3] V.I.Kadushkin, F.M.Tsahhaev, S.N.Larin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, Intersubband relaxation of 2D-electrons in AlGaAs(Si)/GaAs strong doped heterojunction, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., No.3/4, pp.135-166, 1998. [5] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, News Institutions of Higher Education. Physics, No.159, 1998 [in Russian]. Proceedings of the Conference: [6] The 24th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, August 2-7, 1998, Jerusalem, Israel; "Energy spectrum and relaxation mechanisms of electrons in lateral-surface superlattices GaAs(0.30,?-Sn)". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Yu.A.Kotova). [7] 10th International Symposium on Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors, August 31- September 2, 1998, Vilnius, Lithuania. "Photomodulation processes in GaAs/AlAs type-I quantum well structures". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [8] VII Luthuanian-Polish Seminar "Solid State Physics and Technology", Kaunas, 1998. "Photoexcitation effects in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures investigated by differential reflectivity spectroscopy". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [9] The 194th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, Boston, Massachusetts, November\\ 1-6, 1998. "Energy spectrum of electrons in GaAs(?-Sn) structure grown on vicinal plane". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). In March, 2000 F.M.Tsahhaev shall be got Ph.D. degree from the Ryazan State Pedagogical University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Kadushkin (RSPU). Title: "Localization and scattering of quasi-particles in low-dimensional heterostructures in quantized magnetic fields." D.A.RYNDYK (Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS, Nizhny Novgorod) in his studies of nonequilibrium effects in dynamics of Josephson structures and layered superconductors (nonequilibrium Josephson effect) obtained the following results: 1. Starting from microscopic equations for Green functions, quasiclassical kinetic equations are derived for the systems of tunnel junctions and for layered superconductors [1]. This kinetic equations can be generalized for the case of different types of junctions and for superconductors with arbitrary energy dependence of the density of states and anisotropic pairing. 2. Dynamics of one-dimensional array of nonequilibrium junctions is investigated, in particular, current-voltage characteristics and high frequency interaction between junctions. Peculiarities of the dynamics of intrinsic Josephson junctions in HTSC are considered [1,2] (this work is a continuation of previous investigation carried out in 1998: D.A.Ryndyk, Phys.Rev.Lett., 80, 3376, 1998). The calculated current-voltage characteristics demonstrate the nature of the effect of electron-hole imbalance on the dynamics of one-dimensional chains of junctions. 3. The effect of nonequilibrium amplification of Josephson oscillations is predicted [2]. 4. "Plasma" oscillations and Josephson flux flow in layered superconductors is considered with nonequilibrium effects taken into account. Beside, the work on the kinetic theory of plasma turbulence is continued, which was began previously in connection with the experimental investigation of low-hybrid turbulence, excited by ion beam (E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk et al., Nuclear Fusion, 38, 661, 1998). New results in the theory of turbulent broadening of cyclotron resonances are published in Ref.[3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] D.A.Ryndyk, Nonequilibrium Josephson effect in systems of tunnel junctions and in layered superconductors, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. V.116, p.1798, 1999 [JETP V.89, p.975, 1999]. [2] D.A.Ryndyk, High-frequency properties of nonequilibrium Josephson junctions in nanoscale and layered superconductors, Journal of radioelectronics (www journal) n.1 (2000), to be published in "Foreign radioelectronics". [3] E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk, Stochastic Broadening of High Order Ion Cyclotron Resonances due to Lower-Hybrid Turbulence, Strong microwaves in plasmas (proceedings of IV international workshop on strong micro-waves in plasmas, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 1999 ), ed. A.G.Litvak, V.2, Nizhny Novgorod, 2000. D.Ryndyk in 1999 participated in: 1. School-seminar "Physics and applications of microwaves" (24-30 of May in Krasnovidovo, Moscow region) with invited lecture "Physical basis of Josephson high frequency electronics". D.Ryndyk take part in several russian and international research projects, in particular: 1. Grants of Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) N. 97-02-16928 and 99-02-16188 . 2. State research program "Physics of microwaves". Grant 4.7. "Theoretical and experimental investigation of microwave interaction with superconducting structures". 3. Joint program of Institute of Applied Physics RAS and W7-AS stellarator group (Garching, Germany) on Collective Thomson scattering for plasma diagnostic. A.M.RUVINSKY (Institute of Spectroscopy of RAS, Troitsk) in his studies of collective properties of excitons has considered an influence of random fields on the conditions of exciton condensation and superfluidity in bulk and low-dimensional systems [1]. It was shown that in semiconductor alloys the density of excitons in Bose condensate decreases due to the exciton scattering on random fields of impurities or fluctuations of the composite. The density of the superfluidity fraction in the system of 3D and quasi-2D excitons also decreases taking into account this scattering. The scattering on the random field of the quantum well widths' fluctuations was analyzed for direct and indirect excitons. Analytical expressions for the exciton superfluidity densities in "dirty" single quantum wells, coupled quantum wells and bulk semiconductors have been derived. The influence of random fields on Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature for exciton systems in low-dimensional structures was analyzed. These results have been presented in the papers [1,2] containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1].Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, Superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. V.69, No.8, pp.573-578, 1999 [in Russian], (Letter in JETP, V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999). [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, A.M.Ruvinsky, Bogolubov approximation for rare exciton system in random media, Fiz.Tverd.Tela (Physics of the Solid State), in print, 2000 [in Russian]. In June, 1998 A.Ruvinsky has got Ph.D. degree from State Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "Magnetoexcitons in inhomogeneous and low-dimensional structures". A.ZEMLYANOV (Moscow State University) obtained the following results: A new approach to the description of anomalous transport phenomena that take place in fractal media was developed. Namely, anomalous diffusion on a comb structure consisting of a one- dimensional backbone and lateral branches (teeth) of random length is considered. A definite classification of the trajectories of random walks reduces the original problem to an analysis of classical diffusion on the backbone, where, however, the time of this process is a random quantity. Its distribution is assigned by the properties of the random walks of the diffusing particles on the teeth. The possibility of applying mean-field theory in such a model is demonstrated, and the equation for the Green's function with a partial derivative of fractional order is obtained. The characteristic features of the propagation of particles on a comb structure are analyzed. A model of an effective homogeneous medium, in which diffusion is described by an equation with a fractional derivative with respect to time and an initial condition in the form of an integral of fractional order, is obtained. These results are published in [1] and were presented at the Moscow Seminar on Synergetics at the Physics Faculty, Moscow State University. [1] I.A.Lubashevsky, A.A.Zemlyanov, Continuum description of anomalous diffusion on a comb structure, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., V.114, pp.1284-1312, 1998 [in Russian]. A.Zemlyanov has received invitation for participating in a research program at the University of Texas at Austin during the next three years.
A.I.ONISCHENKO (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow) in his studies of physics of doubly heavy systems, anomalous WWV couplings and some exotic beyond SM obtained the following results: 1. Spectra of masses for the families of doubly heavy baryons are calculated in the framework of nonrelativistic quark model with the QCD-induced potential by Buchm\" uller-Tye in accordance with both the quark-diquark structure for the wave functions and taking into account the splittings depending on the spins. The region for the application of such approximations is determined [1,17,19]. 2. Below the threshold of decay of these objects into the heavy baryon and heavy meson the system of bound excited states was found, being quasi-stable with respect to hadronic transitions to the basic level [1,17,19]. 3. We have in details considered the physical reasons for the quasi-stability, taking place for the baryons with two identical quarks. In accordance to the Pauli principle, the operators, responsible for the hadronic decays and the mixing between the levels, are suppressed by the inverse heavy quark mass and the small size of diquark. This suppression is caused by the necessity to instantaneously change both the spin and the orbital momentum of compact diquark. In the baryonic systems with two heavy quark and the strange quark, the quasi-stability for the low-lying excitations of diquark is provided by the exclusion of transitions with the emission of both a single kaon because of small splitting between the levels and a single pion because of conservation for the iso-spin and strangeness [1,17,19]. 4. We obtained analytical results on the two-loop anomalous dimensions of currents for baryons, containing two heavy quarks $J = [Q^{iT}C\Gamma\tau Q^j]\Gamma^{'}q^k\varepsilon_{ijk}$ with arbitrary Dirac matrices $\Gamma$ and $\Gamma^{'}$ in the framework of NRQCD in the leading order over both the relative velocity of heavy quarks and the inverse heavy quark mass. It is shown, that in this approximation the anomalous dimensions do not depend on the Dirac structure of the current under consideration [16,18]. 5. The equivalence of results, obtained in calculation of anomalous dimensions of operators in $\overline{\rm MS}$-renormalization scheme with the use of lagrangians of HQET and NRQCD is shown [16,18]. 6. In the leading order of perturbative QCD one calculates the total and differential cross-sections for the hadronic production of doubly charmed baryons $\Xi_{cc}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^*$ in different experiments. The experimental evaluation of cross-sections for the $J/\Psi +D + \bar D$ production would allow one to decrease the uncertainty in the determination of cross-sections for the doubly charmed baryons due to the choice of $\alpha_s$ and $m_c$. One shows that in the HERA-B and E781 experiments with fixed tagets the suppression of the $\Xi_{cc}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^*$ production to the yield of $c \bar c$-pairs is the value of the order of $10^{-6}-10^{-5}$, whereas at the TEVATRON and LHC colliders it is about $10^{-4}-10^{-3}$. In the E781 experiment the observation of $\Xi_{cc}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^*$ is practically impossible. At the HERA-B and TEVATRON facilities one can expect $10^5$ events with the double charm, and at LHC one has about $10^9$ ones [12]. 7. For the first time the contribution of quark-antiquark annihilation in hardronic production of doubly charmed baryons was taken into account. This contribution becomes essential at fixed target energies. The notion of fragmentation function of heavy diquark into doubly heavy baryon is introduced [12]. 8. Analitical approximations of numerical calculations for total subprocess cross-sections of gluon-gluon and quark-antiquark production of doubly charmed baryons were obtained [12]. 9. We have performed a detailed investigation on the lifetimes of doubly heavy baryons on the basis of the operator product expansion for the transition currents. For the first time, we have presented the formulae with the simultaneous account for both the mass effects and low-energy logarithmic renormalization for the contributions to the total decay width of baryons, containing heavy quarks, as it is caused by the effects of Pauli interference and weak scattering. The usage of the diquark picture has allowed us to evaluate the matrix elements of operators derived [2,7,9,14,15,19,20,21]. 10. As an application of the formalism developed, for the first time the lifetimes of all doubly heavy baryons were obtained. The obtained results show the significant role of both the Pauli interference and the weak scattering [2,7,9,14,15,19,20,21]. 11. The sum rules for doubly heavy baryons in NRQCD approximation are constructed. The problem with stability of such sum rules, faced in earlier works, is solved [4]. 12. A detail investigation of three-point sum rules for semileptonic decays of $B_c$-meson in QCD and NRQCD is performed. The Coulomb corrections, as well as, corrections due to gluon condensate are included and their role is discussed. The generalized spin symmetry relations for formfactors are derived [3,8]. 13. The prospects for $B_c$-meson production at existing and future colliders are investigated [10,13]. 14. The possibility to have additional constraints on anomalous WWV couplings at HERA vs LEP is investigated [5]. 15. The possibility to observe TeV-scale leptoquarks, appearing in different models is reviewed [6]. Part of the results was published in the following papers, containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Spectroscopy of doubly charmed baryons: $\Xi_{cc}^{++}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^{+}$, DESY-98080, hep-ph/9807375, Mod.Phys.Lett. A14, p.135, 1999. [2] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of $\Xi_{bc}^{+}$ and $\Xi_{bc}^{0}$ baryons, hep-ph/9901224, submitted to Eur.Phys.J. [3] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Semileptonic decays of $B_c$-meson in sum rules of QCD and NRQCD, hep-ph/9905359, accepted to Nucl.Phys.B. [4] V.V.Kiselev, A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly heavy baryons in sum rules of NRQCD, hep-ph/9909339, accepted to Nucl.Phys.B. [5] A.A.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Can HERA data improve LEP constraints on WWV vertex?, DESY-99-051, accepted to Eur.Phys.J. [6] S.S.Gershtein, A.A.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, TeV-scale leptoquarks from GUT/String/M-theory unification, Phys.Rep. 320, 203, 1999. [7] A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly heavy systems: decays and OPE, hep-ph/9912424. [8] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Semileptonic decays of $B_c$-meson, accepted to Yad.Phys. [in Russian]. [9] A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of doubly heavy baryons, hep-ph/9912425. There are also papers, which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM: [10] A.V.Berezhnoy, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, $B_c$-meson at LHC, Phys.Atom.Nucl. 60, p.1729, 1997; hep-ph/9703341. [11] A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Gluon splitting into pair of heavy quarks in $e^+e^-$-annihilation, Phys.Atom.Nucl. 60, p.623, 1997. [12] A.V.Berezhnoy, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly charmed baryon production in hadronic experiments, Phys.Rev. D57, p.4385, 1998. [13] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.V.Tkabladze, A.V.Berezhnoi, A.I.Onishchenko, Theoretical status of $B_c$-meson, IHEP 98-22, hep-ph/9803433. [14] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of doubly charmed baryons: $\Xi_{cc}^{++}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^{+}$, DESY-98079; hep-ph/9807354; Phys.Rev. D60, p.14007, 1999. [15] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Total inclusive decay rates of doubly charmed baryons, Yad.Phys. No.6., 1999 [in Russian]. [16] V.V.Kiselev, A.I.Onishchenko, Two-loop anomalous dimensions for currents of bary\-ons with two heavy quarks in NRQCD, IHEP 98-64; hep-ph/9810283; submitted to\\ Phys.Lett.B. [17] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Spectroscopy of doubly heavy baryons, IHEP 98-66; hep-ph/9811212; Heavy Ion.Phys. V.9, p.133, 1999. The following talks were given: [18] V.V.Kiselev, A.I.Onishchenko, Anomal dimensions of currents of baryons with two heavy quarks, MIPT Scientific conference, Dolgoprudny, November 1998. [19] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko, Doubly heavy baryons: spectroscopy and decays, Scientific conference of Subdivision of Nuclear Physics of RAS, Moscow, November 1998. [20] A.I.Onishchenko, Physics of decays of doubly heavy baryons: $\Xi_{bb}^{0}$, $\Xi_{bb}^{-}$, $\Xi_{bc}^{+}$, $\Xi_{bc}^{0}$, $\Xi_{cc}^{+}$ and $\Xi_{cc}^{++}$, Conference of young scientists, postgraduate and graduate stutents ITEP, Moscow, December 1998. [21] A.I.Onishchenko, Lifetimes of doubly heavy baryons, Conference of young scientists, postgraduate and graduate stutents ITEP, Moscow, December 1999. [22] A.I.Onishchenko, $c$-quark mass from $J/Psi$, $\Upsilon$ and $B_c$-mesons, Conference of young scientists, postgraduate and graduate stutents ITEP, Moscow, December 1999. The work of D.M.OSTROVSKY (Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) in 1998 has consisted of three main parts: The first one concerns some aspects of the description of multiparticle production processes. In [1] the nonperturbative preasymptotic contribution to the factorial moments of the intrajet particle distribution have been computed in the framework of previously developed formalism in which new nonperturbative term had been added to standart QCD evolution equation. The presence of the additional nonperturbative contribution is supported by the existing experimental data. Another kind of studies concerns minijet production in the ultrarelativistic hadron and nuclear collisions. Particularly, in [2] transverse energy flow generated by minijets in hadron and nuclear collisions into a given rapidity window in the central region was calculated in the next-to-leading (NLO) order of QCD at RHIC and LHC energies. These results were then used to calculate transverse energy spectrum in nuclear collisions in a Glauber geometrical model. It was shown that in pp collisions differential cross section calculated with NLO accuracy is about 2 times higher than the cross section calculated with only LO accuracy. NLO modification leads to a substantial broadening of the $E_{\perp}$ distribution for the nuclear collisions, while its form remains practically unchanged. In [3] the azimuthal asymmetry of minijet system produced in nucleon-nucleon and nuclear collisions in a central rapidity window was calculated. In pp collisions the asymmetry appears due to contributions from the collisions in which only one minijet hits the acceptance window. The angular pattern of transverse energy flow in nuclear collisions and its dependence on the kinematical parameters of collisions was studied. Development and application of high energy factorization scheme for hadron collisions is a third part of the scientific activity in 1998-1999. Angular asymmetry and momentum disbalance in a pair of particles produced at high energy in the central rapidity region were studied in [4]. It was shown that the asymmetry is substantial for low outgoing particles momenta but diminishes when they rise. In [5] NLO correction to the one-jet inclusive cross section in the framework of high energy factorization was calculated. The results were numerically compared with predictions of conventional collinear factorization approach. It was shown that NLO in high energy factorization scheme reduces one-jet inclusive cross section, but quantitatively result is highly sensitive to the choice of structure function. D.Ostrovsky participated in XXVII ITEPH Winter school (16-24 February, 1999) and presented a talk "Angular and momentum asymmetry in particle production at high energies" in a student's session. The publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM, because it was submitted before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [1] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Phys.Atom.Nucl. 62, pp.701-707, 1999; Yad.Fiz. 62, pp.750-757, 1999 [in Russian]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [2] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Eur.Phys.J C11, pp.495-499, 1999. [3] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Angular pattern of minijet transverse energy flow in hadron and nuclear collisions, hep-ph/9812416, submitted to Eur.Phys.J. C. [4] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Angular and momentum asymmetry in particle production at high energies, hep-ph/9905496, submitted to Phys.Rev.D. [5] D.Ostrovsky, NLO correction to one-jet inclusive production at high energies, hep-ph/9912258, submitted to Phys.Rev.D. S.A.PASTON (Saint-Petersburg State University) in his studies of quantum field theory in light front coordinates obtained the following results: 1. The effective Hamiltonian in light front coordinates is obtained which at some dependence of coefficients, included in it, from a parameter of UV-regularization, in a limit of it removal reproduces within the framework of perturbation theory the results of lorentz-covariant formulating of quantum chromodynamics [1]. It was possible to make with the help of introduction of an additional nonstandart IR-regularization based on a principle, which is used at the Pauli-Villars regularization. Only after this introduction it has appeared possible to apply the method, published earlier, of a comparison of light-like and lorentz-covariant theories. The offered regularization breaks a gauge invariance, but in a limit of removal of a regularization the gauge invariance is restored. The obtained Hamiltonian in future is supposed to be used in nonperturbative calculations. 2. The scalar theory with non-polynomial interaction resulted from bosonization of two-dimensional quantum electrodynamics (QED) is considered [2]. This theory is described by modified Lagrangian of Sin-Gordon model with the critical value of the parameter of this model. Non-polynomiality of interaction in this model, leading to arising of vertexes with arbitrarily large number of lines in perturbation theory, makes nontrivial the construction of light-front Hamiltonian. For its construction the Pauli-Villars regularization must be introduced because at the critical value of the parameter the ultraviolet behaviour of the theory become worse. Obtained light-front Hamiltonian generates the perturbation theory which is equivalent to the covariant perturbation theory in fermion mass, which plays the role of interaction constant after the bosonization and therefore the Hamiltonian spectrum coincides with the spectrum of QED. One can investigate this spectrum beyond the framework of perturbation theory. 3. S.A.Paston participated in development of such formulation of a gauge field theory on a lattice, with which the action is polynomial on independent field variables [3]. The canonical formalism in light front coordinates for such theory is considered. These results and also the results obtained earlier, were published in a review in the proceedings of the conference in honour of V.A.Fock [4]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, V.A.Franke, Constructing the Light-Front QCD Hamiltonian, Theor.Math.Phys., V.120, No.3. pp.1164-1181, 1999; Teoreticheskaya i Matematicheskaya Fizika, V.120. No.3, pp.417-437, 1999 [in Russian]. [2] S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, V.A.Franke, $QED_2$ Light-Front Hamiltonian reproducing all orders of covariant chiral perturbation theory. Preprint SPbU-IP-99-13; hep-th/9910114. The publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM, because either they were published before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant, or they contain results obtained until this moment: [3] V.A.Franke, S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, Lattice Gauge Theories with polynomial Action and their canonical Formulation on the Light Front, Preprint SPbU-IP-98-5, hep-th/9803035. [4] V.A.Franke, Yu.V.Novozhilov, S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, Quantum Field Theory in Light-Front coordinates, in book: "Quantum Theory in honour of Vladimir A.Fock", Part 1, Unesco, St. Petersburg University, Euro-Asian Physical Society, 1998, pp.38-97; hep-th/9901029. S.Paston participated in the "IX International Workshop Small-x Physics and Light Front Dynamics in QCD", Russia, St. Petersburg, July 6-15 1998, theme of the report: "Lattice Gauge Theories with polynomial Action at the Light Front"; in the international conference "VIII St. Petersburg International School of Physics. Quantum Theory in honour of Vladimir A. Fock", Russia, St. Petersburg, May 25 - June 4 1998, theme of the report: "Lattice Gauge Theories with polynomial Action and their canonical Formulation on the Light Front"; and in the seminar "Final seminar in physics and astronomy of winners in 1998 of grant competition for young scientists of St.-Petersburg", February 16, 1999, St.-Petersburg, Russia, theme of the report: "The Construction of QCD Hamiltonian in Light-Front Coordinates"; In December, 1999 S.Paston has got Ph.D. degree from St.-Petersburg State University. Thesis advisor: Prof. V.A.Franke. Title: "The Construction of Quantum Field Theory Hamiltonian in Light-Front Coordinates". O.A.RYTCHKOV (Steklov Mathematical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences,\\ Moscow) in his studies of classical solutions in superstring theory and their applications has obtained the following results: 1. Wide classes of new intersecting p-brane solutions in various space-time dimensions were constructed making use of an algebraic method [1]. p-brane configurations were specified by incidence matrices and it was shown that the solutions of the algebraic characteristic equations for the incidence matrices controlled the intersections of p-branes. 2. New types of p-brane solutions to various supergravities were obtained with use of the sigma-model approach [9]. A new way to endow branes with an additional internal structure such as plane waves was suggested. Applying the harmonic maps technique new solutions with a non-trivial shell structure in the transverse space were generated. Also intersecting branes were considered and it was shown that the intersection rules have a simple geometric interpretation as conditions ensuring the symmetric space property of the sigma-model target space. 3. Non-extremal overlapping p-brane supergravity solutions localized in their relative transverse coordinates were constructed [5,10]. The construction used an algebraic method of solving the bosonic equations of motion. 4. Some aspects of duality between supergravities on Anti-de Sitter (AdS) spaces (appearing as near D-brane horizon geometry) and conformal field theories were investigated in [2,6]. The massive Rarita-Schwinger field in AdS background was considered and the corresponding equations of motion were solved. It was shown that appropriate boundary terms calculated on-shell give two-point correlation function for spin-3/2 fields of the conformal field theory. The relation between Rarita-Schwinger field masses and conformal dimensions of corresponding operators was established. 5. Bulk-to-bulk propagators for the massive vector and symmetric rank-2 tensor fields in the Euclidean continuation of the Anti-de Sitter space were constructed [3]. The explicit forms of these propagators in the limit when one or both points approach the boundary of AdS were derived. It was shown that the obtained expressions coincide with bulk-to-boundary propagators or two-point correlation functions of the boundary CFT as expected from the AdS/CFT correspondence. This identification provides one more evidence for treating CFT operators on the boundary as appropriate limits of quantum fields in the bulk. Also the above limiting procedure clarifies the artificial appearance of boundary terms in the AdS/CFT correspondence. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] I.Ya.Aref'eva, O.A.Rytchkov, Incidence Matrix Description of Intersecting p-brane Solutions, to be published in L.D.Faddeev's Seminar on Mathematical Physics, Advances in Mathematics, Amer.Math.Soc., Providence, R.I. [2] A.S.Koshelev, O.A.Rytchkov, Note on the Massive Rarita-Schwinger field in the AdS/CFT correspondence, Phys.Lett.B 450, p.368, 1999. [3] A.Polishchuk, O.Rytchkov, Propagator for Massive Spin-2 Field in Anti-de Sitter Space, preprint SMI-25-99. Also the obtained results were published in the proceedings of the following conferences: [4] O.A.Rytchkov, Chaotic Behaviour of Dynamical Systems in M-theory, Proceedings of the Second Open Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (Russia, Dubna, March 2-6, 1998) [in Russian]. [5] O.A.Rytchkov, Localised p-branes in Supergravities and M-theory, Proceedings of the International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, May 18-24, 1998). [6] O.A.Rytchkov, Massive Rarita-Schwinger Field in the AdS/CFT correspondence, Proceedings of the XIV International Workshop on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory (Russia, May 27 - June 2, 1999). There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [7] I.Ya.Aref'eva, P.B.Medvedev, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Chaos in D0-brane Dynamics, Banach Center Publications, V.43, p.41, 1998. [8] I.Ya.Aref'eva, P.B.Medvedev, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Chaos in M(atrix) Theory, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, V.10, p.1, 1998. [9] D.V.Gal'tsov, O.A.Rytchkov, Generating branes via sigma models, Phys.Rev. D58, p.122001, 1998. [10] I.Ya.Aref'eva, M.G.Ivanov, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Non-extremal localized\\ branes and vacuum solutions in M-theory, Class.Quant.Grav. V.15, p.2923, 1998. O.A.Rytchkov participated in Spring School on Non-perturbative Aspects of String Theory and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories (Italy, March 23-31, 1998) and in the Trieste Conference on Superfivebranes and Physics in 5+1 dimensions (Italy, April 1-3, 1998) where a poster entitled "New Non-extremal p-branes in Superstring Theories and M-theory" was presented. O.A.Rytchkov participated in International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, May 18-24, 1998) and presented a talk there entitled "Localized p-branes in Supergravities and M-theory". O.A.Rytchkov participated in XI International Conference "Problems of Quantum Field Theory" (Russia, July 13-17, 1998) and presented a talk entitled "Localized p-branes in various supergravities" O.A Rytchkov participated in XIV International Workshop on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory (Russia, May 27 - June 2, 1999) and presented a talk there entitled "Massive Rarita-Schwinger Field in the AdS/CFT correspondence" V.I.SHEVCHENKO (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow) has obtained the following results: 1. Generalized coordinate gauge in nonabelian gauge theories was analysed, limits of applicability were established and applied to the nonabelian Stokes theorem and dual QCD Lagrangian evaluation. 2. The structure of perturbative contributions to the string tension in gluodynamics was investigated and cancellation of them in the vacuum field correlators framework was shown. 3. The modifications of the Higgs mechanism in abelian Higgs model due to interaction with topological defects were considered. 4. Deeper understanding of the Higgs mechanism in the quantum background was reached, especially in the aspects, important for the abelian projected confinement theories. 5. The colour superconductivity phenomenon was investigated in the framework of Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. The effective potential was calculated and the importance of the nonperturbative gluon condensate from the nonabelian Meissner effect point of view was shown. 6. The exact renormalisation group flows were studied in the current representation of the abelian projected gluodynamics. 7. The Casimir scaling behaviour of the static potential between charges in higher representations of the gauge group SU(3) was investigated, being based on recent lattice data. The value of scaling violating terms is estimated. It is shown, that Casimir scaling puts severe bounds on the presence of classical solutions in the vacuum. [1] V.Shevchenko, Yu.Simonov, Generalized coordinate gauge, nonabelian Stokes theorem and dual QCD Lagrangian, Phys.Lett.B 437, p.146, 1998. [2] V.Shevchenko, Yu.Simonov, Perturbative contributions to field correlators, Phys.Lett.B 437, p.131, 1998. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [3] V.Shevchenko, Higgs mechanism in nontrivial background, hep-th/9810222 (being prepared for publication). [4] N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov, V.I.Shevchenko, Nonperturbative QCD vacuum and Colour Superconductivity, Phys.Rep. V.320, p.131, 1999. [5] V.I.Shevchenko, Yu.A.Simonov, Casimir Scaling as a Test of QCD vacuum, hep-ph/0001299, being prepared for publication. Published talks on conferences: (1) "Generalized Fock-Schwinger Gauge and its applications" V.I. Shevchenko, (based on the work with Yu.A.Simonov), Int.School dedicated to the 100th anniversary of V.A.Fock, St.Peterburg, 1998. (2) "Does confinement imply stochasticity?", V.I.Shevchenko, Chaos and complexity, Ponte di Legno, Italy, 1998. (3) "Gluon degrees of freedom at nonzero baryonic density", V.Shevchenko, (partly based on the work with N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov), XXVIII Autumn School, Lisbon, Portugal,1999. (4) "Coordinate gauges and confinement", V. I. Shevchenko, Confinement III (poster session, unpublished), Newport News, USA, 1998. (5) "Nonperturbative QCD vacuum and Colour Superconductivity", V.Shevchenko, (based on the work with N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov), Buckow, Germany, 1999 (no proceedings). V.Shevchenko visited Department of Theoretical Physics of Pisa University, Italy (October 1 - 30, 1998) by invitation of Professor A.DiGiacomo. In January, 2000 V.Shevchenko has got Ph.D. degree from ITEP. Thesis advisor: Prof.Yu.A.Simonov. Title: "Nonperturbative effects in gauge field theory". N.V.SHEVCHENKO (Irkutsk State University and Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow region) in her studies of few-body systems obtained the following results: 1. Elastic $\eta d$ scattering was considered within the Alt-Grassberger-Sandhas formalism for various $\eta N$ input data. A three-body resonant state was found close to the $\eta d$ threshold [1]. This resonance is sustained for different choices of the two-body $\eta N$ scattering length $a_{\eta N}$. The position of the resonance moves towards the $\eta d$ threshold when ${\rm Re\,}a_{\eta N}$ is increased, and turns into a quasi-bound state at ${\rm Re\,}a_{\eta N}\sim0.7\div0.8$\,fm depending on the choice of ${\rm Im\,}a_{\eta N}$. 2. The nuclear reaction $e+{^3{\rm He}}+{^4{\rm He}}\rightarrow{}e +{^7{\rm Be}}$ was considered at thermonuclear energies [2]. The motion of the electron was treated within the adiabatic approximation and the ${^3{\rm He}}-{^4{\rm He}}$ scattering state was calculated using an effective ${^3{\rm He}}-{^4{\rm He}}$ potential constructed via the Marchenko inverse scattering method. The reaction rate thus obtained for solar interior conditions is approximately $10^{-4}$ of the corresponding rate for the radiative capture ${^3{\rm He}}+{^4{\rm He}}\rightarrow{}{^7{\rm Be}}+\gamma$. The main results have been presented in the paper containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] N.V.Shevchenko, V.B.Belyaev, S.A.Rakityansky, S.A.Sofianos, W.Sandhas, Low-energy $\eta d$ resonance, e-print LANL, nucl-th/9908035; submitted to Phys.Rev.Lett. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [2] N.V.Shevchenko, S.A.Rakityansky, S.A.Sofianos, V.B.Belyaev, Non-radiative synthesis of $^7{\rm Be}$ in solar plasma, J.Physics G25, pp.95-106, 1999. N.Shevchenko will participate in the IV Open Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (Dubna, Russia, January 31 - February 4, 2000) and will present a session talk there entitled "Near-threshold resonance in the $\eta d$ system". N.Shevchenko is invited by the Organizing Committee of the 16th International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics (Taipei, Taiwan, March 6-10, 2000) to take part in the conference and present the contribution entitled "Low energy scattering and photoproduction of $\eta$-mesons by deuterons" in a poster session. N.Shevchenko participates in international co-operation with the group of Prof. W.Sand\-has, Physikalisches Institut, Universitat Bonn, Germany and with the group of Prof. S.A.Sofi\-anos, Physics Department, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa. N.Shevchenko is a postgraduate student of the third year and she is planing to get the Ph.D. degree at the 2000th year. V.V.SHKLYAR ( Far Eastern State University, Vladivostok) in his studies of photon and vector meson production obtained the following results: 1. The different sources of the real photon and $\phi$-meson production in nucleon-nucleon collisions at intermediate energies have been studied and the effective model of the reactions has been suggested in [1-4]. The role and influence of each channel for the $NN\to NN\gamma$ reaction (bremsstrahlung, $\Delta$-excitation, radiative $\omega/\rho$-decay) has been shown and discussed in [1]. 2. Also, the available experimental data for the real photon production at 0.28 and 0.75 GeV beam energy were described well and the predictions for forthcoming data at COSY-TOF are obtained [1]. 3. Apart from the photon production reaction, the $NN\to NN\phi$ reaction near the threshold has been explored. It was shown, that the influence of the shake-off mechanism was negligible and the $\pi\rho\phi$ interaction coming from the non-ideal $\phi-\omega$ mixing angle gave the main contribution to the $\phi$-meson yield [3]. The predictions for the reaction amplitude behaviour and polarization observables near the reaction threshold was obtained. It has been also shown that the earlier exact threshold predictions for these reactions (e.c. M.Recalo et al) were not relevant at energies slightly above the threshold [2]. The value of the beam-target asymmetry $C^{BT}=-0.8$ was predicted and the ratio of the spin-singlet states to the spin-triplet ones was derived at the reaction threshold [3]. 4. The spin density matrix and the anisotropy of the $\phi$ decay were calculated. It was also shown that for the $\phi\to e^+e^-$-decay the small $\bar ss$ admixture could lead to the modification of the $\phi$ decay anisotropy that might be used in the experimental searching of the hidden strangeness in nucleon [4]. There are the publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [1] V.V.Shklyar, B.K\"ampfer, B.L.Reznik, A.I.Titov, Bremsstrahlung in intermediate-energy nucleon reaction within an effective one-boson exchange model, Nucl.Phys.A628, pp.255-274, 1998. [2] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, The reaction $NN \to NN \phi$ near threshold, preprint (nucl-th/9712025); preprint (nucl-th/9811094). The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [3] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, Polarization observables in the reaction $NN \to NN \phi$, to be published in Phys.Rev. C59, 1999. [4] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, Polarization observables in the reaction $NN\to NN\phi$ near threshold, XIV International Seminar On High Energy Physics Problems, Conf. Proceedings, preprint E1,2-98-232. V.Shklyar participated in the International Summer Student School on High Energy Physics in Memory of Bruno Pontekorvo ( JINR, Dubna, August 18 - September 1, 1998.) V.Shklyar also participated in the XIVth International Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems (JINR, Dubna, August 17-22, 1998) as a co-author. Talk on International Seminar DEUTERON-99, JINR, Dubna-99, Russia, 4-7 July. In October, 1999 V.Shklyar has got Ph.D. degree from the Far Eastern State University. Thesis advisor: Prof. A.I.Titov (JINR). Title: "Photon and $\phi$-meson production at intermediate energies" D.V.ALEXANDROV (Urals State University, Ekaterinburg) in his studies of solidification processes obtained the following results: 1. A theory of incipience of a two-phase zone is numerically and theoretically studied [1]. On the basis of a linear law for the velocity of solidification which was obtained numerically, governing equations for the velocity and for the time of incipience of the two-phase zone (the latter arises ahead of a planar front of solidification due to the concentrational supercooling) were deduced. 2. In [2] the fractal dimension of the two-phase zone is determined for the self-similar regime of solidification in the presence of the mushy region. 3. The general problem of incipience of the two-phase zone is solved on the basis of the classical Stefan thermodiffusion model (without suggestions about the velocity distribution). The time of incipience of the two-phase zone and the velocity of solidification are determined in the form of integral equations [3]. 4. A theory of solidification with a qusiequilibrium two-phase zone is detailed on the basis of analytical solution of Borisov's model [4]. The steps of thermodynamic values in the two-phase zone (at both boundaries) are found on the basis of which the zone is changed by the discontinuity surface between solid and liquid phases. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] D.V.Alexandrov, A.G.Churbanov, P.N.Vabishchevich, Emergence of a Mushy Region in Processes of Binary Melt Solidification, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research, V.26, No.2, pp.248-264, 1999. [2] D.V.Alexandrov, A.O.Ivanov, M.E.Komarovski, An Influence of a Fractal-Like Mushy Region on Solidification Process, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research, V.26, No.2, pp.224-231, 1999. [3] D.V.Alexandrov, Incipience of a Mushy Zone in Binary Melt Solidification Processes: General Theory, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research (to be published). [4] D.V.Alexandrov, To the Theory of Solidification with a Quasiequilibrium Two-Phase Zone, Doklady AN (submitted) [in Russian]. The following papers will be presented for publication soon with acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: 1. D.V.Alexandrov, Incipience of a Mushy Zone in Binary Melt Solidification Processes: Stefan Thermodiffusion Problem (Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research). 2. D.V.Alexandrov, Quasiequilibrium Mushy Region: Dynamic Instability (Acta Materialia). In March, 1998 D.Alexandrov has got Ph.D. degree from The Urals State Technical University. Thesis advisors: Prof. V.V.Mansurov, Dr. A.O.Ivanov. Title: "An Influence of a quasiequilibrium Mushy Region on Solidification of Binary Melts". A.A.ALIVERDIEV (Institute of Physics, Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala) in his studies of the use of a registered signal velocity for the time-resolved tomography, in particular for the laser tomography of condensed matter obtained the following results: 1. A summarizing of the reconstructive theory of a signal speed using has been developed [1-10]. 2. Analytical expressions for nD photoacoustic tomography and the problem of a complex absorption account have been derived. Some practical algorithms and software ware carried out. Number of 2D numerical simulations are hold. A principally important result was obtained that good photoacoustic reconstruction is possible with different conditions [1-4, 7, 8]. 3. A method of a stream collision has been proposed for the stochastic emission correlation tomography. Number of 2D numerical simulations with inspired results are hold [1]. 4. A method of Hartley transform has been considered for an image processing. Some practical algorithms and software ware carried out [5]. The main goals of the project was achieved. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, Use of velocity of a filed signal in a tomography. Features of an optoacoustic tomography, [in Russian], Makhachkala, DSU, 1998, 60p. [2] G.K.Makhtimagomedov, M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, R.M.Batyrov, G.M.Halilulayev, A.A.Amirova, M.M.Akhmedov, M.M.Ataev, About the modeling of spatial-temporal tomographic reconstruction of sphere of phase transitions; Proceedings of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter", Makhachkala, Russia, 1998, p.3-6. [3] A.A.Aliverdiev, Some aspects of the computing of the laser tomography of mixed state, Proceedings of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter", Makhachkala, Russia, 1998, p.3-5. [4] A.A.Aliverdiev, About the account of complex absorption in laser tomography, Proceedings of the International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan", dedicated to 275 Anniversary of Russian Academy of the Sciences and 50 Anniversary of Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of the Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, pp.33-34. [5] A.A.Aliverdiev, R.M.Batyrov, M.G.Karimov, G.M.Halilulayev, A.A.Amirova, Some questions of the use of Hertley transform in physical tomography, Proceedings of the International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan", dedicated to 275 Anniversary of Russian Academy of the Sciences and 50 Anniversary of Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of the Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, p.35. [6] M.G.Karimov. A.A.Aliverdiev, A.A.Amirova, Some questions of the tomographic reconstruction of plasma objects, Proceedings of the All-Russian Conference "Physical Electronics", Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, p.107. [7] A.A.Aliverdiev, M.G.Karimov, Back photoacoustic problem in the investigation of quasistationary spatial-heterogeneous flows, Proceedings of the V International Scientific and Technical Conference "Optical Methods of the Flows Investigations" (Moscow, Russia, 1999), p.161. [8] A.A.Aliverdiev, Some questions of the physical tomography with application of velocity spectrum of registered signal, Proceedings of the Conference "Resonance and non-linear phenomenon in Condensed Matter" (Ufa, Russia 1999). There are two publications, which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [9] A.A.Aliverdiev, M.G.Karimov, Solution of optic reconstructive problem considering registered signal velocity, Turkey J. of Physics, No.4, pp.311-314, 1998. [10] M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, About modeling of 2D optoacoustic researches of exited media, Radiophysics (Massager of Higher Educational Institutes of Russia), No.1, 1999. A.Aliverdiev was the executive (scientific) secretary of the local Program Committee of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter" (Makhachkala, Russia, 1998). Two reports of A.Aliverdiev ware represented in that Conference. A.Aliverdiev represents the reports in (1) the Winter College "Spectroscopy and Applications" (AS-ICTP, Trieste, Italy 1999), (2) the Baikal School of Fundamental Physics (Irkutsk, Russia, 1999, in absentia, by correspondence), (3) the V International Scientific and Technical Conference "Optical Methods of the Flows Investigations" (Moscow, Russia, 1999, in absentia, by co-author), (4) International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan" (Makhachkala, Russia, 1999), (5) the All-Russian Conference "Physical Electronics" (Makhachkala, Russia 1999), (6) the Regional Conference "Resonance and non-linear phenomenon in Condensed Matter" (Ufa, Russia 1999), (7) the Fourth Training Course in the Physics of Correlated Electron Systems and High-Tc Superconductors (Vietri sul Mare, Salerno, Italy, 1999). In July 1998 A. Aliverdiev has got Ph.D. degree from the Daghestan State University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. M.G.Karimov (DSU). Title: "Some solutions of a reconstructive problem in a plasma physics and nonlinear optics with the use of a finiteness of distribution of a registered signal velocity". O.L.BERMAN (Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Moscow Region) in his studies of phase transitions and superfluidity in the system of coupled quantum wells obtained the following results: 1. The theory of phase transitions of electron-hole and unbalanced electron systems in coupled quantum wells in high magnetic fields has been developed [1]. Analytical expressions for the temperatures of the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition to the superfluid state have been derived. A principally important result was obtained that the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature decreases at rise of magnetic field and interwell separation at fixed magnetoexciton density. But the maximal possible Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature increases at rise of magnetic field and interwell separation. 2. It was shown that the system of weakly interacting indirect excitons in the superlattice slab is unstable [2,3]. A method based on the sum of the ladder diagram for the calculation of vertex of quadrupole indirect biexcitons interaction has been proposed for the obtaining of the collective spectrum, superfluid density and the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature. 3. The effect of random field due to impurities, boundary irregularities on the superfluidity of a three-dimensional system of excitons and a quasi-two-dimensional of direct and spatially indirect excitons is investigated [4]. 4. The excitation spectra and superfluidity of the electron-hole system in coupled quantum wells have been analyzed [5,6]. It was shown that the gap in the excitation spectra decreases if the interwell separation and the density of electrons and holes increase. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, V.G.Tsvetus, Phase transitions of electron-hole and unbalanced electron systems in coupled quantum wells in high magnetic fields, Phys.Rev. B59, pp.5627-5636, 1999. [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, M.Willander, Superfluidity of indirect biexcitons in superlattices, JETP V.88, No.5, pp.980-986, 1999. [3] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, M.Willander, Superfluidity of indirect biexcitons in superlattices, Europhysics Letters V.48, No.3, pp.299-305, 1999. [4] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, The superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, JETP Lett. V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999. [5] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.A.Panfilov, The excitation spectra and superfluidity of the electron-hole system in coupled quantum wells, Physica Status Solidi (b), V.209, pp.287-294, 1998. [6] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman and A.A.Panfilov, The excitation spectra in coupled quantum wells, Solid State Phys. (russ. Fiz.Tverd.Tela), V.40, No.12, pp.2226-2228, 1998. O.Berman participated in the International Advanced School Leonardo da Vinci for a continuing education programme 1998 Summer Course "Superconducting materials: advances in technology and applications" (Italy, Bologna, 29 June - 10 July, 1998). Five reports on seminars at the Institute of Spectroscopy were made. One report in seminar at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Stoney Brook has been made. In 1999 O.Berman has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "The investigation of phase transitions and superfluidity in the system of the coupled quantum wells". D.A.DANILOV (Udmurt State University, Izhevsk) in his studies of rapid solidification obtained the following results: 1. A comparative analysis of a model for local nonequilibrium solidification with experimental measurements of "dendrite tip growth velocity -- initial melt undercooling" in rapidly solidifying alloys Cu - 30% at. Ni [1] and Ni - 1% at. Zr [2] has been performed. The predictions of the model are in qualitative and quantitative agreement with experimental data for both alloys. 2. A general solution [3] of the steady-state crystal growth shape under local nonequilibrium solidification has been found. This solution is found for the following growth shapes: elliptical paraboloid, paraboloid of revolution, cylindrical paraboloid, and parabolic platelet. 3. On the basics of a one-sided model of solute diffusion the dynamics of a motion of the rapid solidification front in a binary alloy is investigated [4,5]. A criterion connecting the dynamical stability of the front motion in a steady-state regime with a slope of the kinetic curve "front velocity - initial undercooling'' is formulated. An expression for the definition of nonstationary time during the transition to the steady-state regime is obtained. 4. A model for rapid solidification in undercooled pure metallic liquid is developed that includes local nonequilibrium heat transfer and kinetics of liquid-solid interface motion [6]. Taking into account the finiteness of the speed of heat transport, a general solution of the problem about local nonequilibrium heat transfer with the moving heat source at the planar solidification front is obtained. Asymptotic behavior of the velocity of the rapid planar front is investigated. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Model for free dendritic alloy growth under interfacial and bulk phase nonequilibrium conditions, J.Crystal Growth V.197, pp.992-1002, 1999. [2] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Dendritic growth model for rapid solidification of undercooled alloys, International Conference on Rapidly Quenched and Metastable Materials "RQ-10", Bangalore, India, August 1999, submitted for publication in the journal Material Science and Engineering. [3] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Steady-state crystal growth shape under local nonequilibrium mass transfer, Inzhenerno Fizicheski Zhurnal (Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics), submitted for publication [in Russian]. [4] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Selection of the dynamically stable regime of rapid solidification front motion in isothermal binary alloy, J.Crystal Growth, accepted for publication. [5] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko, A criterion for dynamical stability of rapid solidification front motion, University and Academic Scientific-Practical Conference, Udmurt State University. Thesis for the conference, Izhevsk, April 1999, p.60-61 [in Russian]. [6] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko, Hyperbolic heat transfer in rapid solidification of supercooled liquids, Proc. of the 4th Minsk International Heat and Mass Transfer Forum, A.V.Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute, Minsk, May 2000, accepted for publication. A.V.EMELYANENKO (Moscow State University) in his studies of strongly polar liquid crystals obtained the following results: 1. A statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition has been developed for a system of molecules possessing a strong dipole [1,4]. It was explicitly taken into account that a large amount of dimers appear in a molecular system, when a dipole is strong enough. The dependence of the nematic order parameters of monomers and dimers on the temperature and the temperature variation of the molar fraction of dimers have been obtained. These investigations were held for the systems of molecules with different values of the dipole moment. A principally important result was obtained that the nematic-isotropic transition temperature has no absolute growth with the increasing dipole moment, as it was predicted by the preceding theories, but achieves its maximum with subsequent decrease. This happens because molecules with the large dipole moments form dimers intensively, which destroy the nematic order. In the previous research, based on the mean field or second virial approximations, a very strong short-range correlations leading to the formation of dimers were disregarded. A theory derived in [1,4] takes into account the existence of dimers directly. It was shown, that for molecules with large dipoles the transition temperature decreases with the increasing dipole moment. This result was confirmed by the recent computer simulations. 2. Influence of the molecular shape on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals has been investigated [2]. A method based on the expansion of the intermolecular potential in a complete set of spherical invariants has been proposed to estimate the dispersion interaction between monomers and dimers. It has been established that molecules with small dipoles form dimers, which favour the nematic phase, whereas dimers composed of molecules with large dipoles favour the isotropic phase. It has also been found that molecules with an intermediate value of the dipole moment couple in dimers, which do not influence the nematic- isotropic transition temperature. This balance point depends on the molecular shape, and it may exist or not for different molecules. 3. A statistical theory of the cholesteric ordering [3] was derived. On the contrary to the preceding publications, it describes the helix inversion in binary mixtures. The biaxiality of molecules is explicitly taken into account. Under a certain conditions (driven by the mutual concentration of the components and temperature) the interaction between the short molecular axes, which was disregarded in the previous attempts, dominates over the interaction between the main axes. It leads to the helix inversion, which is usually observed in the experiment. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Polar liquid crystals. Statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [2] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Nematic-isotropic phase transition in polar liquid crystals. Role of the dispersion interaction, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [3] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, D.A.Dunmur, Molecular Theory of Chiral Nematic Liquid Crystals, Phys.Rev.E, paper accepted for publication. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Influence of dimerization on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals, Liquid Crystals, V.26, No.2, 1999. A.Emelyanenko participated in the 17-th International Liquid Crystal Conference (Strasbourg, France, July 19-24, 1998) and presented a poster "Molecular Theory of The Nematic-Isotropic Transition in Strongly Polar Liquid Crystals". Thesis of the poster was published. In 1999 A.Emelyanenko participated in the International Conference on Liquid Crystals, which took place in Krynica (Poland), with a report "Theory of the helix inversion in nematics doped with chiral molecules" (September 13-17, 1999) and in the International Conference "Nonlinear dynamics in polymer science and related fields", Desna, Moscow region, with a report "Helix inversion in binary liquid crystalline mixtures" (October 11-15, 1999). Both theses are included in the corresponding abstract books. The full-length reports are planned. A.V. Emelyanenko has also taken part in the Students Conference on chemistry and physics of the thin organic films, Puschino, Moscow region, with a report "Inversion of the spiral structure in binary LC mixtures" (June 14-15, 1999). Now A.Emelyanenko is developing a new theory of the liquid crystalline polymers, which also possess a helix inversion. I.M.EREMIN (Kazan State University) in his studies of the electronic structure and magnetic properties of high temperature superconductivity obtained the following results: 1. Self-consistent calculation of spin (charge) density wave order (SDW/CDW) parameters have been performed for bilayered cuprates on the basis of a singlet correlated band model [1]. Evolution of the Fermi surface in the strongly underdoped regime is described by using a two-band approach. The smooth development of the pseudogap formation temperature is explained from underdoped to overdoped states and the Fourier amplitudes $$ (spin) and $$ (charge) modulations have been calculated. We have found a maximum of the incommensurability for doping 0.09-0.11 holes per copper site. 2. The phase boundary of the paramagnetic phase of cuprates has been calculated with taking into account the strong electron correlations. The instability wave vector gets displaced from pure antiferromagnetic wave vector if doping increases. The calculated pictures of Lindhard response functions and complex momentum dependence of a CDW pseudogap are presented. Spin susceptibility expression for the singlet correlated band at $T_c The results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, I.Eremin, submitted to Appl.Magn.Res (cond-mat/9908297). [2] I.Eremin, M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, in a book "Stripes and Related Phenomena", edited by A.Bianconi and N.L.Saini, to be published by Kluwer Academics-Plenum Publisher. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before the grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant. [3] I.Eremin, Solid State Commun. 105, pp.293-296, 1998. I.Eremin participated in the Second International Conference on Stripes'98 (Rome, Italy, 2-6 June, 1998) and presented an oral contribution "Two reasons of instability in layered cuprates", Specialized Colloque Ampere EPR, NMR and NQR in Solid State Physics: Recent Trends (Pisa, Italy, June 14-18, 1999) and presented poster contribution "How large can be CDW/SDW amplitudes in layered cuprates", XVI International Seminar "New Magnetic Materials for Microelectronics" (Moscow, Russian Federation, June 23-26, 1998) and presented a poster "Dynamic spin susceptibility below $T_c$. Hubbard Model" (in Russian), XXVII International School for Theoretical Physicists "Kourovka" (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 2-7 March, 1998) and presented a talk "Influence of strong electron correlation on dynamical spin susceptibility in two-dimensional models" (in Russian) I.Eremin participated in the International Cooperation with the groups of Prof. D.Brinkmann and Prof. H.Keller, Institute of Physics, Zuerich University, Switzerland. In September 1999 I.Eremin has got a Ph.D. degree under the supervision of Prof. B.I.Kochelaev (Kazan State University). A.V.PANOV (Far-Eastern State University, Vladivostok) in his studies of magnetism obtained the following results: 1. The ground and metastable magnetic states of magnetite and iron particles with sizes closed to single-domain were analyzed within the scope of the developed model [1]. It was shown that depending on its size and elongation the grain can be in one of three states: with uniform magnetization, with a small and large non-uniformity of magnetic moment (quasi-single-domain and two-domain states). The critical sizes for uniform and quasi-single-domain states were calculated. Magnetization processes of such particles were simulated. The coercive force and critical fields as functions of size, elongation of the particles and external magnetic field direction were studied. The essential difference from similar studies is non-monotone dependence of coercive force on particle elongation for magnetite which is confirmed by experiments. 2. The previous model of two-phase particle was extended by entering of interfacial exchange coupling [2-4]. The magnetization process of an ensemble of Co-coated $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ used in magnetic recording media was studied. The set of magnetic states of such particles was analyzed for ensemble with thermal agitation. It was shown that relation between interfacial exchange coupling and magnetostatic inter-phase interaction affect dependence of the coercive force of the ensemble of $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ particles on coating volume. It was obtained that the growth in coating magnetocrystalline anisotropy leads to increase in coercivity of the ensemble. The main results have been presented in the papers submitted in March and April, 1998, before grantee has been informed of the awarding ICFPM grant: [1] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine magnetite particles, Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie [in Russian], 86, pp.65-73, 1998. [2] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Modeling of magnetization process of an ensemble of $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles with cobalt coating, "Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie" [in Russian] v.87, pp.17-22, 1999. [3] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states of Co-coated $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.241-242. [4] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, An influence of inter-phase interaction on coercive force of two-component particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.511-512. In June, 1999 A. V. Panov has got Ph. D. degree from the Far East State University (Vladivostok). Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Belokon'. Title: "Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine heterogeneous particle systems". A.M.POVOLOTSKY (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow Region) in his studies of the models of self-organized criticality obtained the following results: 1. We investigate the dynamics of Eulerian walkers as a model of self-organized criticality [1]. The evolution of the system is divided into characteristic periods which can be seen as avalanches. The structure of avalanches is described and the critical exponent in the distribution of first avalanches $\tau=2$ is determined. We also study a mean square displacement of Eulerian walkers and obtain a simple diffusion law in the critical state. The evolution of underlying medium from a random state to the critical one is described. 2.The general framework for the renormalization group analysis of self-organized critical sandpile models is formulated [2,3]. The usual real space renormalization scheme for lattice models when applied to nonequilibrium dynamical models must be supplemented by feedback relations coming from the stationarity conditions. On the basis of these ideas the Dynamically Driven Renormalization Group is applied to describe the boundary and bulk critical behavior of sandpile models. A detailed description of the branching nature of sandpile avalanches is given in terms of the generating functions of the underlying branching process. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] A.M.Povolotsky, V.B.Priezzhev, R.R.Shcherbakov, Phys.Rev.E 58, pp.5449-5454, 1998. [2] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, Phys.Rev.E 60, pp.1239-1251, 1999. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [3] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, preprint DIAS-STP-98-06, Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Ireland. A.Povolotsky was invited by J.Stefan Institute, Ljubljana Slovenia and presented the seminar there entitled "Eulerian walkers as a model of the self-organized criticality." S.E.SKIPETROV (Moscow State University) in his studies obtained the following main results: 1. A possibility for diagnostics of laser-induced particle flows in concentrated suspensions using methods of the optical correlation spectroscopy has been studied. The role of ponderomotive effects in experiments on dynamic multiple light scattering (DMLS) has been analyzed. 2. A diffusion model for the temporal autocorrelation function of multiple scattered light has been developed. The model has been shown to be valid for both the Brownian motion and laminar flow of scatterers. The case of spatially localized flow of scatterers in a turbid sample has been considered. We have demonstrated both theoretically and experimentally that one could use DMLS techniques to obtain useful information about hidden particle flows in turbid media. 3. Imaging through atmospheric turbulence has been studied. Statistical moments of the modulation transfer functions (MTFs) of a turbulent atmosphere have been calculated for various models of turbulence. Some of the main results have been presented in a paper containing acknowledgment to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially heterogeneous scatterer dynamics. Physics in Higher Education, V.5, No.1, pp.98-112, 1999 [in Russian]. [2] Karabutov A.A., Pelivanov I.M., Podymova N.B., Skipetrov S.E. Direct measurement of the spatial intensity distribution of light in a scattering medium, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., V.70, No.3, pp.187-191, 1999 [in Russian]; [English translation: J.Exp.Theor.Phys.Lett., V.70, No.3, pp.183-188, 1999]. [3] Skipetrov S.E., Effective dielectric function of a random medium, Phys.Rev.B 60, No.18, pp.12705-12709, 1999. [4] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Shcheglov V.A., Laser-induced particle flows in random media: is the diagnostics with multiple-scattered light possible? In: CD-ROM Proceedings of the International Conference on Optical Technology and Image Processing in Fluid, Thermal, and Combustion Flow (VSJ-SPIE'98) (Yokohama, Japan, December 7-9, 1998), paper AB090. [5] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Correlation spectroscopy for diagnostics of light-induced particle motion in concentrated suspensions. In: Fourth International Conference on Correlation Optics, O.V. Angelsky, Ed., Proc. SPIE, V.3904, pp.423-428, 1999. [6] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave imaging of flows in turbid media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99), (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). [7] Skipetrov S.E., Refractive index of random media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99) (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). S.Skipetrov participated in several scientific conferences: - XI School-Conference on Diffraction and Propagation of Waves (Moscow, Russia, January 12-15, 1998). An oral presentation entitled "Multiple scattering of light in random media with complex dynamic structure" has been made. - NATO Advanced Study Institute "Diffuse Waves in Complex Media" (Les Houches, France, March 17-28, 1998). A poster "Ponderomotive action of light in random media" has been presented. - XVI International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics - ICONO'98 (Moscow, Russia, June 29-July 3, 1998). Two posters has been presented: "Dynamic multiple scattering of laser radiation on light-induced flows of microparticles in suspension" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy of flows". - 17th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division, European Physical Society and 6emes Journees de la Matiere Condensee, Societe Francaise de Physique (Grenoble, France, August 25-29, 1998). A poster "Cross-correlations in dynamic multiple scattering of light" has been presented. - Fall School-Conference "Light-Scattering Techniques in Biomedicine, Industry and Material Science" (Saratov, Russia, October 6-9, 1998). An oral presentation: "Theory of diffusing-wave spectroscopy with angular and spatio-temporal cross-correlations" and two poster presentations: "Ponderomotive action of light in random multiple-scattering media" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in random media with absorption", have been made. - International Conference on Biomedical Optics and Spectroscopy. European Biomedical Optics Week - BiOS'98 (Stockholm, Sweden, September 6-9, 1998). Title of presentation: "Possibilities for study of light-induced flows of microparticles in concentrated suspensions using methods of optical correlation spectroscopy". - International Conference on LASERS'98 (Tucson, Arizona, USA, December 7-11, 1998). Title of presentation: "Hydrodynamic flows induced by copper-vapor laser: diagnostics using optical correlation spectroscopy". S.E.Skipetrov has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. S.S.Chesnokov. Title: "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially-heterogeneous scatterer flows". F.M.TSAHHAEV (Ryazan State Pedagogical University) in his studies of physics of low dimensional structures obtained the following results: 1. Galvanomagnetic effects have been measured in n-AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures with filling of two subbands. The values of the momentum relaxation times t and q have been determined experimentally. The t and q times have been also calculated in the conditions of intersubband scattering using the self-consistent electron wave function. The dominating relaxation mechanism was identified and the parameters of defects were evaluated by comparison of experimentally determined and calculated t and q values [1,5,6,9]. 2. The GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures with anomalously high mobility of 2D-electrons 0.6 m/V s (T=4.2 K) in respect to the well-known analogs have been synthesized. The anomalies and anisotropy of kinetic effects characteristics of the GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures have been observed in experiments. The electrons energy spectrum in GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures has been calculated on the basis of the experimental results. The comparison of calculated data and measurements results (C-V characteristics, temperature and axial/lateral magnetic field dependencies of conductivity, photoluminescence spectra) reveals anomalous properties of GaAs(0.30,?-Sn) structure along [110] direction in respect to the [110] one [4]. 3. In [7,8] the experimental results is analyzed in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures. 4. The hysteresis of current-temperature characteristics is revealed in GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with the three quantum wells [2]. 5. The magnetic field suppression of electron-electron interaction of 2D-electrons in the main and the first, disturbed subbands of dimension quantization in single heterojunction AlGaAs/GaAs have been revealed [3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] V.I.Kadushkin, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Relaxation mechanisms of 2D-electrons in selective doped n-AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs heterostructure with filling of two subbands,\\ Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., No.5/6, pp.55-74, 1999. [2] V.I.Tsebro, O.E.Omelyanovski, V.I.Kadushkin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, F.M.Tsahhaev,\\ S.N.Larin, Lateral photoconductivity low temperature hysteresis of GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with asymmetric system of quantum wells, Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). [3] V.I.Kadushkin, F.M.Tsahhaev, S.N.Larin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, Intersubband relaxation of 2D-electrons in AlGaAs(Si)/GaAs strong doped heterojunction, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., No.3/4, pp.135-166, 1998. [5] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, News Institutions of Higher Education. Physics, No.159, 1998 [in Russian]. Proceedings of the Conference: [6] The 24th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, August 2-7, 1998, Jerusalem, Israel; "Energy spectrum and relaxation mechanisms of electrons in lateral-surface superlattices GaAs(0.30,?-Sn)". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Yu.A.Kotova). [7] 10th International Symposium on Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors, August 31- September 2, 1998, Vilnius, Lithuania. "Photomodulation processes in GaAs/AlAs type-I quantum well structures". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [8] VII Luthuanian-Polish Seminar "Solid State Physics and Technology", Kaunas, 1998. "Photoexcitation effects in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures investigated by differential reflectivity spectroscopy". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [9] The 194th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, Boston, Massachusetts, November\\ 1-6, 1998. "Energy spectrum of electrons in GaAs(?-Sn) structure grown on vicinal plane". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). In March, 2000 F.M.Tsahhaev shall be got Ph.D. degree from the Ryazan State Pedagogical University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Kadushkin (RSPU). Title: "Localization and scattering of quasi-particles in low-dimensional heterostructures in quantized magnetic fields." D.A.RYNDYK (Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS, Nizhny Novgorod) in his studies of nonequilibrium effects in dynamics of Josephson structures and layered superconductors (nonequilibrium Josephson effect) obtained the following results: 1. Starting from microscopic equations for Green functions, quasiclassical kinetic equations are derived for the systems of tunnel junctions and for layered superconductors [1]. This kinetic equations can be generalized for the case of different types of junctions and for superconductors with arbitrary energy dependence of the density of states and anisotropic pairing. 2. Dynamics of one-dimensional array of nonequilibrium junctions is investigated, in particular, current-voltage characteristics and high frequency interaction between junctions. Peculiarities of the dynamics of intrinsic Josephson junctions in HTSC are considered [1,2] (this work is a continuation of previous investigation carried out in 1998: D.A.Ryndyk, Phys.Rev.Lett., 80, 3376, 1998). The calculated current-voltage characteristics demonstrate the nature of the effect of electron-hole imbalance on the dynamics of one-dimensional chains of junctions. 3. The effect of nonequilibrium amplification of Josephson oscillations is predicted [2]. 4. "Plasma" oscillations and Josephson flux flow in layered superconductors is considered with nonequilibrium effects taken into account. Beside, the work on the kinetic theory of plasma turbulence is continued, which was began previously in connection with the experimental investigation of low-hybrid turbulence, excited by ion beam (E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk et al., Nuclear Fusion, 38, 661, 1998). New results in the theory of turbulent broadening of cyclotron resonances are published in Ref.[3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] D.A.Ryndyk, Nonequilibrium Josephson effect in systems of tunnel junctions and in layered superconductors, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. V.116, p.1798, 1999 [JETP V.89, p.975, 1999]. [2] D.A.Ryndyk, High-frequency properties of nonequilibrium Josephson junctions in nanoscale and layered superconductors, Journal of radioelectronics (www journal) n.1 (2000), to be published in "Foreign radioelectronics". [3] E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk, Stochastic Broadening of High Order Ion Cyclotron Resonances due to Lower-Hybrid Turbulence, Strong microwaves in plasmas (proceedings of IV international workshop on strong micro-waves in plasmas, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 1999 ), ed. A.G.Litvak, V.2, Nizhny Novgorod, 2000. D.Ryndyk in 1999 participated in: 1. School-seminar "Physics and applications of microwaves" (24-30 of May in Krasnovidovo, Moscow region) with invited lecture "Physical basis of Josephson high frequency electronics". D.Ryndyk take part in several russian and international research projects, in particular: 1. Grants of Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) N. 97-02-16928 and 99-02-16188 . 2. State research program "Physics of microwaves". Grant 4.7. "Theoretical and experimental investigation of microwave interaction with superconducting structures". 3. Joint program of Institute of Applied Physics RAS and W7-AS stellarator group (Garching, Germany) on Collective Thomson scattering for plasma diagnostic. A.M.RUVINSKY (Institute of Spectroscopy of RAS, Troitsk) in his studies of collective properties of excitons has considered an influence of random fields on the conditions of exciton condensation and superfluidity in bulk and low-dimensional systems [1]. It was shown that in semiconductor alloys the density of excitons in Bose condensate decreases due to the exciton scattering on random fields of impurities or fluctuations of the composite. The density of the superfluidity fraction in the system of 3D and quasi-2D excitons also decreases taking into account this scattering. The scattering on the random field of the quantum well widths' fluctuations was analyzed for direct and indirect excitons. Analytical expressions for the exciton superfluidity densities in "dirty" single quantum wells, coupled quantum wells and bulk semiconductors have been derived. The influence of random fields on Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature for exciton systems in low-dimensional structures was analyzed. These results have been presented in the papers [1,2] containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1].Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, Superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. V.69, No.8, pp.573-578, 1999 [in Russian], (Letter in JETP, V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999). [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, A.M.Ruvinsky, Bogolubov approximation for rare exciton system in random media, Fiz.Tverd.Tela (Physics of the Solid State), in print, 2000 [in Russian]. In June, 1998 A.Ruvinsky has got Ph.D. degree from State Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "Magnetoexcitons in inhomogeneous and low-dimensional structures". A.ZEMLYANOV (Moscow State University) obtained the following results: A new approach to the description of anomalous transport phenomena that take place in fractal media was developed. Namely, anomalous diffusion on a comb structure consisting of a one- dimensional backbone and lateral branches (teeth) of random length is considered. A definite classification of the trajectories of random walks reduces the original problem to an analysis of classical diffusion on the backbone, where, however, the time of this process is a random quantity. Its distribution is assigned by the properties of the random walks of the diffusing particles on the teeth. The possibility of applying mean-field theory in such a model is demonstrated, and the equation for the Green's function with a partial derivative of fractional order is obtained. The characteristic features of the propagation of particles on a comb structure are analyzed. A model of an effective homogeneous medium, in which diffusion is described by an equation with a fractional derivative with respect to time and an initial condition in the form of an integral of fractional order, is obtained. These results are published in [1] and were presented at the Moscow Seminar on Synergetics at the Physics Faculty, Moscow State University. [1] I.A.Lubashevsky, A.A.Zemlyanov, Continuum description of anomalous diffusion on a comb structure, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., V.114, pp.1284-1312, 1998 [in Russian]. A.Zemlyanov has received invitation for participating in a research program at the University of Texas at Austin during the next three years.
The work of D.M.OSTROVSKY (Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) in 1998 has consisted of three main parts: The first one concerns some aspects of the description of multiparticle production processes. In [1] the nonperturbative preasymptotic contribution to the factorial moments of the intrajet particle distribution have been computed in the framework of previously developed formalism in which new nonperturbative term had been added to standart QCD evolution equation. The presence of the additional nonperturbative contribution is supported by the existing experimental data. Another kind of studies concerns minijet production in the ultrarelativistic hadron and nuclear collisions. Particularly, in [2] transverse energy flow generated by minijets in hadron and nuclear collisions into a given rapidity window in the central region was calculated in the next-to-leading (NLO) order of QCD at RHIC and LHC energies. These results were then used to calculate transverse energy spectrum in nuclear collisions in a Glauber geometrical model. It was shown that in pp collisions differential cross section calculated with NLO accuracy is about 2 times higher than the cross section calculated with only LO accuracy. NLO modification leads to a substantial broadening of the $E_{\perp}$ distribution for the nuclear collisions, while its form remains practically unchanged. In [3] the azimuthal asymmetry of minijet system produced in nucleon-nucleon and nuclear collisions in a central rapidity window was calculated. In pp collisions the asymmetry appears due to contributions from the collisions in which only one minijet hits the acceptance window. The angular pattern of transverse energy flow in nuclear collisions and its dependence on the kinematical parameters of collisions was studied. Development and application of high energy factorization scheme for hadron collisions is a third part of the scientific activity in 1998-1999. Angular asymmetry and momentum disbalance in a pair of particles produced at high energy in the central rapidity region were studied in [4]. It was shown that the asymmetry is substantial for low outgoing particles momenta but diminishes when they rise. In [5] NLO correction to the one-jet inclusive cross section in the framework of high energy factorization was calculated. The results were numerically compared with predictions of conventional collinear factorization approach. It was shown that NLO in high energy factorization scheme reduces one-jet inclusive cross section, but quantitatively result is highly sensitive to the choice of structure function. D.Ostrovsky participated in XXVII ITEPH Winter school (16-24 February, 1999) and presented a talk "Angular and momentum asymmetry in particle production at high energies" in a student's session. The publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM, because it was submitted before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [1] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Phys.Atom.Nucl. 62, pp.701-707, 1999; Yad.Fiz. 62, pp.750-757, 1999 [in Russian]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [2] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Eur.Phys.J C11, pp.495-499, 1999. [3] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Angular pattern of minijet transverse energy flow in hadron and nuclear collisions, hep-ph/9812416, submitted to Eur.Phys.J. C. [4] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky, Angular and momentum asymmetry in particle production at high energies, hep-ph/9905496, submitted to Phys.Rev.D. [5] D.Ostrovsky, NLO correction to one-jet inclusive production at high energies, hep-ph/9912258, submitted to Phys.Rev.D. S.A.PASTON (Saint-Petersburg State University) in his studies of quantum field theory in light front coordinates obtained the following results: 1. The effective Hamiltonian in light front coordinates is obtained which at some dependence of coefficients, included in it, from a parameter of UV-regularization, in a limit of it removal reproduces within the framework of perturbation theory the results of lorentz-covariant formulating of quantum chromodynamics [1]. It was possible to make with the help of introduction of an additional nonstandart IR-regularization based on a principle, which is used at the Pauli-Villars regularization. Only after this introduction it has appeared possible to apply the method, published earlier, of a comparison of light-like and lorentz-covariant theories. The offered regularization breaks a gauge invariance, but in a limit of removal of a regularization the gauge invariance is restored. The obtained Hamiltonian in future is supposed to be used in nonperturbative calculations. 2. The scalar theory with non-polynomial interaction resulted from bosonization of two-dimensional quantum electrodynamics (QED) is considered [2]. This theory is described by modified Lagrangian of Sin-Gordon model with the critical value of the parameter of this model. Non-polynomiality of interaction in this model, leading to arising of vertexes with arbitrarily large number of lines in perturbation theory, makes nontrivial the construction of light-front Hamiltonian. For its construction the Pauli-Villars regularization must be introduced because at the critical value of the parameter the ultraviolet behaviour of the theory become worse. Obtained light-front Hamiltonian generates the perturbation theory which is equivalent to the covariant perturbation theory in fermion mass, which plays the role of interaction constant after the bosonization and therefore the Hamiltonian spectrum coincides with the spectrum of QED. One can investigate this spectrum beyond the framework of perturbation theory. 3. S.A.Paston participated in development of such formulation of a gauge field theory on a lattice, with which the action is polynomial on independent field variables [3]. The canonical formalism in light front coordinates for such theory is considered. These results and also the results obtained earlier, were published in a review in the proceedings of the conference in honour of V.A.Fock [4]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, V.A.Franke, Constructing the Light-Front QCD Hamiltonian, Theor.Math.Phys., V.120, No.3. pp.1164-1181, 1999; Teoreticheskaya i Matematicheskaya Fizika, V.120. No.3, pp.417-437, 1999 [in Russian]. [2] S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, V.A.Franke, $QED_2$ Light-Front Hamiltonian reproducing all orders of covariant chiral perturbation theory. Preprint SPbU-IP-99-13; hep-th/9910114. The publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM, because either they were published before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant, or they contain results obtained until this moment: [3] V.A.Franke, S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, Lattice Gauge Theories with polynomial Action and their canonical Formulation on the Light Front, Preprint SPbU-IP-98-5, hep-th/9803035. [4] V.A.Franke, Yu.V.Novozhilov, S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, Quantum Field Theory in Light-Front coordinates, in book: "Quantum Theory in honour of Vladimir A.Fock", Part 1, Unesco, St. Petersburg University, Euro-Asian Physical Society, 1998, pp.38-97; hep-th/9901029. S.Paston participated in the "IX International Workshop Small-x Physics and Light Front Dynamics in QCD", Russia, St. Petersburg, July 6-15 1998, theme of the report: "Lattice Gauge Theories with polynomial Action at the Light Front"; in the international conference "VIII St. Petersburg International School of Physics. Quantum Theory in honour of Vladimir A. Fock", Russia, St. Petersburg, May 25 - June 4 1998, theme of the report: "Lattice Gauge Theories with polynomial Action and their canonical Formulation on the Light Front"; and in the seminar "Final seminar in physics and astronomy of winners in 1998 of grant competition for young scientists of St.-Petersburg", February 16, 1999, St.-Petersburg, Russia, theme of the report: "The Construction of QCD Hamiltonian in Light-Front Coordinates"; In December, 1999 S.Paston has got Ph.D. degree from St.-Petersburg State University. Thesis advisor: Prof. V.A.Franke. Title: "The Construction of Quantum Field Theory Hamiltonian in Light-Front Coordinates". O.A.RYTCHKOV (Steklov Mathematical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences,\\ Moscow) in his studies of classical solutions in superstring theory and their applications has obtained the following results: 1. Wide classes of new intersecting p-brane solutions in various space-time dimensions were constructed making use of an algebraic method [1]. p-brane configurations were specified by incidence matrices and it was shown that the solutions of the algebraic characteristic equations for the incidence matrices controlled the intersections of p-branes. 2. New types of p-brane solutions to various supergravities were obtained with use of the sigma-model approach [9]. A new way to endow branes with an additional internal structure such as plane waves was suggested. Applying the harmonic maps technique new solutions with a non-trivial shell structure in the transverse space were generated. Also intersecting branes were considered and it was shown that the intersection rules have a simple geometric interpretation as conditions ensuring the symmetric space property of the sigma-model target space. 3. Non-extremal overlapping p-brane supergravity solutions localized in their relative transverse coordinates were constructed [5,10]. The construction used an algebraic method of solving the bosonic equations of motion. 4. Some aspects of duality between supergravities on Anti-de Sitter (AdS) spaces (appearing as near D-brane horizon geometry) and conformal field theories were investigated in [2,6]. The massive Rarita-Schwinger field in AdS background was considered and the corresponding equations of motion were solved. It was shown that appropriate boundary terms calculated on-shell give two-point correlation function for spin-3/2 fields of the conformal field theory. The relation between Rarita-Schwinger field masses and conformal dimensions of corresponding operators was established. 5. Bulk-to-bulk propagators for the massive vector and symmetric rank-2 tensor fields in the Euclidean continuation of the Anti-de Sitter space were constructed [3]. The explicit forms of these propagators in the limit when one or both points approach the boundary of AdS were derived. It was shown that the obtained expressions coincide with bulk-to-boundary propagators or two-point correlation functions of the boundary CFT as expected from the AdS/CFT correspondence. This identification provides one more evidence for treating CFT operators on the boundary as appropriate limits of quantum fields in the bulk. Also the above limiting procedure clarifies the artificial appearance of boundary terms in the AdS/CFT correspondence. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] I.Ya.Aref'eva, O.A.Rytchkov, Incidence Matrix Description of Intersecting p-brane Solutions, to be published in L.D.Faddeev's Seminar on Mathematical Physics, Advances in Mathematics, Amer.Math.Soc., Providence, R.I. [2] A.S.Koshelev, O.A.Rytchkov, Note on the Massive Rarita-Schwinger field in the AdS/CFT correspondence, Phys.Lett.B 450, p.368, 1999. [3] A.Polishchuk, O.Rytchkov, Propagator for Massive Spin-2 Field in Anti-de Sitter Space, preprint SMI-25-99. Also the obtained results were published in the proceedings of the following conferences: [4] O.A.Rytchkov, Chaotic Behaviour of Dynamical Systems in M-theory, Proceedings of the Second Open Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (Russia, Dubna, March 2-6, 1998) [in Russian]. [5] O.A.Rytchkov, Localised p-branes in Supergravities and M-theory, Proceedings of the International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, May 18-24, 1998). [6] O.A.Rytchkov, Massive Rarita-Schwinger Field in the AdS/CFT correspondence, Proceedings of the XIV International Workshop on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory (Russia, May 27 - June 2, 1999). There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [7] I.Ya.Aref'eva, P.B.Medvedev, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Chaos in D0-brane Dynamics, Banach Center Publications, V.43, p.41, 1998. [8] I.Ya.Aref'eva, P.B.Medvedev, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Chaos in M(atrix) Theory, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, V.10, p.1, 1998. [9] D.V.Gal'tsov, O.A.Rytchkov, Generating branes via sigma models, Phys.Rev. D58, p.122001, 1998. [10] I.Ya.Aref'eva, M.G.Ivanov, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Non-extremal localized\\ branes and vacuum solutions in M-theory, Class.Quant.Grav. V.15, p.2923, 1998. O.A.Rytchkov participated in Spring School on Non-perturbative Aspects of String Theory and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories (Italy, March 23-31, 1998) and in the Trieste Conference on Superfivebranes and Physics in 5+1 dimensions (Italy, April 1-3, 1998) where a poster entitled "New Non-extremal p-branes in Superstring Theories and M-theory" was presented. O.A.Rytchkov participated in International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, May 18-24, 1998) and presented a talk there entitled "Localized p-branes in Supergravities and M-theory". O.A.Rytchkov participated in XI International Conference "Problems of Quantum Field Theory" (Russia, July 13-17, 1998) and presented a talk entitled "Localized p-branes in various supergravities" O.A Rytchkov participated in XIV International Workshop on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory (Russia, May 27 - June 2, 1999) and presented a talk there entitled "Massive Rarita-Schwinger Field in the AdS/CFT correspondence" V.I.SHEVCHENKO (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow) has obtained the following results: 1. Generalized coordinate gauge in nonabelian gauge theories was analysed, limits of applicability were established and applied to the nonabelian Stokes theorem and dual QCD Lagrangian evaluation. 2. The structure of perturbative contributions to the string tension in gluodynamics was investigated and cancellation of them in the vacuum field correlators framework was shown. 3. The modifications of the Higgs mechanism in abelian Higgs model due to interaction with topological defects were considered. 4. Deeper understanding of the Higgs mechanism in the quantum background was reached, especially in the aspects, important for the abelian projected confinement theories. 5. The colour superconductivity phenomenon was investigated in the framework of Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. The effective potential was calculated and the importance of the nonperturbative gluon condensate from the nonabelian Meissner effect point of view was shown. 6. The exact renormalisation group flows were studied in the current representation of the abelian projected gluodynamics. 7. The Casimir scaling behaviour of the static potential between charges in higher representations of the gauge group SU(3) was investigated, being based on recent lattice data. The value of scaling violating terms is estimated. It is shown, that Casimir scaling puts severe bounds on the presence of classical solutions in the vacuum. [1] V.Shevchenko, Yu.Simonov, Generalized coordinate gauge, nonabelian Stokes theorem and dual QCD Lagrangian, Phys.Lett.B 437, p.146, 1998. [2] V.Shevchenko, Yu.Simonov, Perturbative contributions to field correlators, Phys.Lett.B 437, p.131, 1998. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [3] V.Shevchenko, Higgs mechanism in nontrivial background, hep-th/9810222 (being prepared for publication). [4] N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov, V.I.Shevchenko, Nonperturbative QCD vacuum and Colour Superconductivity, Phys.Rep. V.320, p.131, 1999. [5] V.I.Shevchenko, Yu.A.Simonov, Casimir Scaling as a Test of QCD vacuum, hep-ph/0001299, being prepared for publication. Published talks on conferences: (1) "Generalized Fock-Schwinger Gauge and its applications" V.I. Shevchenko, (based on the work with Yu.A.Simonov), Int.School dedicated to the 100th anniversary of V.A.Fock, St.Peterburg, 1998. (2) "Does confinement imply stochasticity?", V.I.Shevchenko, Chaos and complexity, Ponte di Legno, Italy, 1998. (3) "Gluon degrees of freedom at nonzero baryonic density", V.Shevchenko, (partly based on the work with N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov), XXVIII Autumn School, Lisbon, Portugal,1999. (4) "Coordinate gauges and confinement", V. I. Shevchenko, Confinement III (poster session, unpublished), Newport News, USA, 1998. (5) "Nonperturbative QCD vacuum and Colour Superconductivity", V.Shevchenko, (based on the work with N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov), Buckow, Germany, 1999 (no proceedings). V.Shevchenko visited Department of Theoretical Physics of Pisa University, Italy (October 1 - 30, 1998) by invitation of Professor A.DiGiacomo. In January, 2000 V.Shevchenko has got Ph.D. degree from ITEP. Thesis advisor: Prof.Yu.A.Simonov. Title: "Nonperturbative effects in gauge field theory". N.V.SHEVCHENKO (Irkutsk State University and Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow region) in her studies of few-body systems obtained the following results: 1. Elastic $\eta d$ scattering was considered within the Alt-Grassberger-Sandhas formalism for various $\eta N$ input data. A three-body resonant state was found close to the $\eta d$ threshold [1]. This resonance is sustained for different choices of the two-body $\eta N$ scattering length $a_{\eta N}$. The position of the resonance moves towards the $\eta d$ threshold when ${\rm Re\,}a_{\eta N}$ is increased, and turns into a quasi-bound state at ${\rm Re\,}a_{\eta N}\sim0.7\div0.8$\,fm depending on the choice of ${\rm Im\,}a_{\eta N}$. 2. The nuclear reaction $e+{^3{\rm He}}+{^4{\rm He}}\rightarrow{}e +{^7{\rm Be}}$ was considered at thermonuclear energies [2]. The motion of the electron was treated within the adiabatic approximation and the ${^3{\rm He}}-{^4{\rm He}}$ scattering state was calculated using an effective ${^3{\rm He}}-{^4{\rm He}}$ potential constructed via the Marchenko inverse scattering method. The reaction rate thus obtained for solar interior conditions is approximately $10^{-4}$ of the corresponding rate for the radiative capture ${^3{\rm He}}+{^4{\rm He}}\rightarrow{}{^7{\rm Be}}+\gamma$. The main results have been presented in the paper containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] N.V.Shevchenko, V.B.Belyaev, S.A.Rakityansky, S.A.Sofianos, W.Sandhas, Low-energy $\eta d$ resonance, e-print LANL, nucl-th/9908035; submitted to Phys.Rev.Lett. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [2] N.V.Shevchenko, S.A.Rakityansky, S.A.Sofianos, V.B.Belyaev, Non-radiative synthesis of $^7{\rm Be}$ in solar plasma, J.Physics G25, pp.95-106, 1999. N.Shevchenko will participate in the IV Open Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (Dubna, Russia, January 31 - February 4, 2000) and will present a session talk there entitled "Near-threshold resonance in the $\eta d$ system". N.Shevchenko is invited by the Organizing Committee of the 16th International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics (Taipei, Taiwan, March 6-10, 2000) to take part in the conference and present the contribution entitled "Low energy scattering and photoproduction of $\eta$-mesons by deuterons" in a poster session. N.Shevchenko participates in international co-operation with the group of Prof. W.Sand\-has, Physikalisches Institut, Universitat Bonn, Germany and with the group of Prof. S.A.Sofi\-anos, Physics Department, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa. N.Shevchenko is a postgraduate student of the third year and she is planing to get the Ph.D. degree at the 2000th year. V.V.SHKLYAR ( Far Eastern State University, Vladivostok) in his studies of photon and vector meson production obtained the following results: 1. The different sources of the real photon and $\phi$-meson production in nucleon-nucleon collisions at intermediate energies have been studied and the effective model of the reactions has been suggested in [1-4]. The role and influence of each channel for the $NN\to NN\gamma$ reaction (bremsstrahlung, $\Delta$-excitation, radiative $\omega/\rho$-decay) has been shown and discussed in [1]. 2. Also, the available experimental data for the real photon production at 0.28 and 0.75 GeV beam energy were described well and the predictions for forthcoming data at COSY-TOF are obtained [1]. 3. Apart from the photon production reaction, the $NN\to NN\phi$ reaction near the threshold has been explored. It was shown, that the influence of the shake-off mechanism was negligible and the $\pi\rho\phi$ interaction coming from the non-ideal $\phi-\omega$ mixing angle gave the main contribution to the $\phi$-meson yield [3]. The predictions for the reaction amplitude behaviour and polarization observables near the reaction threshold was obtained. It has been also shown that the earlier exact threshold predictions for these reactions (e.c. M.Recalo et al) were not relevant at energies slightly above the threshold [2]. The value of the beam-target asymmetry $C^{BT}=-0.8$ was predicted and the ratio of the spin-singlet states to the spin-triplet ones was derived at the reaction threshold [3]. 4. The spin density matrix and the anisotropy of the $\phi$ decay were calculated. It was also shown that for the $\phi\to e^+e^-$-decay the small $\bar ss$ admixture could lead to the modification of the $\phi$ decay anisotropy that might be used in the experimental searching of the hidden strangeness in nucleon [4]. There are the publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [1] V.V.Shklyar, B.K\"ampfer, B.L.Reznik, A.I.Titov, Bremsstrahlung in intermediate-energy nucleon reaction within an effective one-boson exchange model, Nucl.Phys.A628, pp.255-274, 1998. [2] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, The reaction $NN \to NN \phi$ near threshold, preprint (nucl-th/9712025); preprint (nucl-th/9811094). The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [3] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, Polarization observables in the reaction $NN \to NN \phi$, to be published in Phys.Rev. C59, 1999. [4] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, Polarization observables in the reaction $NN\to NN\phi$ near threshold, XIV International Seminar On High Energy Physics Problems, Conf. Proceedings, preprint E1,2-98-232. V.Shklyar participated in the International Summer Student School on High Energy Physics in Memory of Bruno Pontekorvo ( JINR, Dubna, August 18 - September 1, 1998.) V.Shklyar also participated in the XIVth International Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems (JINR, Dubna, August 17-22, 1998) as a co-author. Talk on International Seminar DEUTERON-99, JINR, Dubna-99, Russia, 4-7 July. In October, 1999 V.Shklyar has got Ph.D. degree from the Far Eastern State University. Thesis advisor: Prof. A.I.Titov (JINR). Title: "Photon and $\phi$-meson production at intermediate energies" D.V.ALEXANDROV (Urals State University, Ekaterinburg) in his studies of solidification processes obtained the following results: 1. A theory of incipience of a two-phase zone is numerically and theoretically studied [1]. On the basis of a linear law for the velocity of solidification which was obtained numerically, governing equations for the velocity and for the time of incipience of the two-phase zone (the latter arises ahead of a planar front of solidification due to the concentrational supercooling) were deduced. 2. In [2] the fractal dimension of the two-phase zone is determined for the self-similar regime of solidification in the presence of the mushy region. 3. The general problem of incipience of the two-phase zone is solved on the basis of the classical Stefan thermodiffusion model (without suggestions about the velocity distribution). The time of incipience of the two-phase zone and the velocity of solidification are determined in the form of integral equations [3]. 4. A theory of solidification with a qusiequilibrium two-phase zone is detailed on the basis of analytical solution of Borisov's model [4]. The steps of thermodynamic values in the two-phase zone (at both boundaries) are found on the basis of which the zone is changed by the discontinuity surface between solid and liquid phases. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] D.V.Alexandrov, A.G.Churbanov, P.N.Vabishchevich, Emergence of a Mushy Region in Processes of Binary Melt Solidification, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research, V.26, No.2, pp.248-264, 1999. [2] D.V.Alexandrov, A.O.Ivanov, M.E.Komarovski, An Influence of a Fractal-Like Mushy Region on Solidification Process, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research, V.26, No.2, pp.224-231, 1999. [3] D.V.Alexandrov, Incipience of a Mushy Zone in Binary Melt Solidification Processes: General Theory, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research (to be published). [4] D.V.Alexandrov, To the Theory of Solidification with a Quasiequilibrium Two-Phase Zone, Doklady AN (submitted) [in Russian]. The following papers will be presented for publication soon with acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: 1. D.V.Alexandrov, Incipience of a Mushy Zone in Binary Melt Solidification Processes: Stefan Thermodiffusion Problem (Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research). 2. D.V.Alexandrov, Quasiequilibrium Mushy Region: Dynamic Instability (Acta Materialia). In March, 1998 D.Alexandrov has got Ph.D. degree from The Urals State Technical University. Thesis advisors: Prof. V.V.Mansurov, Dr. A.O.Ivanov. Title: "An Influence of a quasiequilibrium Mushy Region on Solidification of Binary Melts". A.A.ALIVERDIEV (Institute of Physics, Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala) in his studies of the use of a registered signal velocity for the time-resolved tomography, in particular for the laser tomography of condensed matter obtained the following results: 1. A summarizing of the reconstructive theory of a signal speed using has been developed [1-10]. 2. Analytical expressions for nD photoacoustic tomography and the problem of a complex absorption account have been derived. Some practical algorithms and software ware carried out. Number of 2D numerical simulations are hold. A principally important result was obtained that good photoacoustic reconstruction is possible with different conditions [1-4, 7, 8]. 3. A method of a stream collision has been proposed for the stochastic emission correlation tomography. Number of 2D numerical simulations with inspired results are hold [1]. 4. A method of Hartley transform has been considered for an image processing. Some practical algorithms and software ware carried out [5]. The main goals of the project was achieved. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, Use of velocity of a filed signal in a tomography. Features of an optoacoustic tomography, [in Russian], Makhachkala, DSU, 1998, 60p. [2] G.K.Makhtimagomedov, M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, R.M.Batyrov, G.M.Halilulayev, A.A.Amirova, M.M.Akhmedov, M.M.Ataev, About the modeling of spatial-temporal tomographic reconstruction of sphere of phase transitions; Proceedings of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter", Makhachkala, Russia, 1998, p.3-6. [3] A.A.Aliverdiev, Some aspects of the computing of the laser tomography of mixed state, Proceedings of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter", Makhachkala, Russia, 1998, p.3-5. [4] A.A.Aliverdiev, About the account of complex absorption in laser tomography, Proceedings of the International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan", dedicated to 275 Anniversary of Russian Academy of the Sciences and 50 Anniversary of Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of the Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, pp.33-34. [5] A.A.Aliverdiev, R.M.Batyrov, M.G.Karimov, G.M.Halilulayev, A.A.Amirova, Some questions of the use of Hertley transform in physical tomography, Proceedings of the International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan", dedicated to 275 Anniversary of Russian Academy of the Sciences and 50 Anniversary of Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of the Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, p.35. [6] M.G.Karimov. A.A.Aliverdiev, A.A.Amirova, Some questions of the tomographic reconstruction of plasma objects, Proceedings of the All-Russian Conference "Physical Electronics", Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, p.107. [7] A.A.Aliverdiev, M.G.Karimov, Back photoacoustic problem in the investigation of quasistationary spatial-heterogeneous flows, Proceedings of the V International Scientific and Technical Conference "Optical Methods of the Flows Investigations" (Moscow, Russia, 1999), p.161. [8] A.A.Aliverdiev, Some questions of the physical tomography with application of velocity spectrum of registered signal, Proceedings of the Conference "Resonance and non-linear phenomenon in Condensed Matter" (Ufa, Russia 1999). There are two publications, which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [9] A.A.Aliverdiev, M.G.Karimov, Solution of optic reconstructive problem considering registered signal velocity, Turkey J. of Physics, No.4, pp.311-314, 1998. [10] M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, About modeling of 2D optoacoustic researches of exited media, Radiophysics (Massager of Higher Educational Institutes of Russia), No.1, 1999. A.Aliverdiev was the executive (scientific) secretary of the local Program Committee of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter" (Makhachkala, Russia, 1998). Two reports of A.Aliverdiev ware represented in that Conference. A.Aliverdiev represents the reports in (1) the Winter College "Spectroscopy and Applications" (AS-ICTP, Trieste, Italy 1999), (2) the Baikal School of Fundamental Physics (Irkutsk, Russia, 1999, in absentia, by correspondence), (3) the V International Scientific and Technical Conference "Optical Methods of the Flows Investigations" (Moscow, Russia, 1999, in absentia, by co-author), (4) International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan" (Makhachkala, Russia, 1999), (5) the All-Russian Conference "Physical Electronics" (Makhachkala, Russia 1999), (6) the Regional Conference "Resonance and non-linear phenomenon in Condensed Matter" (Ufa, Russia 1999), (7) the Fourth Training Course in the Physics of Correlated Electron Systems and High-Tc Superconductors (Vietri sul Mare, Salerno, Italy, 1999). In July 1998 A. Aliverdiev has got Ph.D. degree from the Daghestan State University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. M.G.Karimov (DSU). Title: "Some solutions of a reconstructive problem in a plasma physics and nonlinear optics with the use of a finiteness of distribution of a registered signal velocity". O.L.BERMAN (Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Moscow Region) in his studies of phase transitions and superfluidity in the system of coupled quantum wells obtained the following results: 1. The theory of phase transitions of electron-hole and unbalanced electron systems in coupled quantum wells in high magnetic fields has been developed [1]. Analytical expressions for the temperatures of the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition to the superfluid state have been derived. A principally important result was obtained that the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature decreases at rise of magnetic field and interwell separation at fixed magnetoexciton density. But the maximal possible Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature increases at rise of magnetic field and interwell separation. 2. It was shown that the system of weakly interacting indirect excitons in the superlattice slab is unstable [2,3]. A method based on the sum of the ladder diagram for the calculation of vertex of quadrupole indirect biexcitons interaction has been proposed for the obtaining of the collective spectrum, superfluid density and the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature. 3. The effect of random field due to impurities, boundary irregularities on the superfluidity of a three-dimensional system of excitons and a quasi-two-dimensional of direct and spatially indirect excitons is investigated [4]. 4. The excitation spectra and superfluidity of the electron-hole system in coupled quantum wells have been analyzed [5,6]. It was shown that the gap in the excitation spectra decreases if the interwell separation and the density of electrons and holes increase. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, V.G.Tsvetus, Phase transitions of electron-hole and unbalanced electron systems in coupled quantum wells in high magnetic fields, Phys.Rev. B59, pp.5627-5636, 1999. [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, M.Willander, Superfluidity of indirect biexcitons in superlattices, JETP V.88, No.5, pp.980-986, 1999. [3] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, M.Willander, Superfluidity of indirect biexcitons in superlattices, Europhysics Letters V.48, No.3, pp.299-305, 1999. [4] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, The superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, JETP Lett. V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999. [5] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.A.Panfilov, The excitation spectra and superfluidity of the electron-hole system in coupled quantum wells, Physica Status Solidi (b), V.209, pp.287-294, 1998. [6] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman and A.A.Panfilov, The excitation spectra in coupled quantum wells, Solid State Phys. (russ. Fiz.Tverd.Tela), V.40, No.12, pp.2226-2228, 1998. O.Berman participated in the International Advanced School Leonardo da Vinci for a continuing education programme 1998 Summer Course "Superconducting materials: advances in technology and applications" (Italy, Bologna, 29 June - 10 July, 1998). Five reports on seminars at the Institute of Spectroscopy were made. One report in seminar at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Stoney Brook has been made. In 1999 O.Berman has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "The investigation of phase transitions and superfluidity in the system of the coupled quantum wells". D.A.DANILOV (Udmurt State University, Izhevsk) in his studies of rapid solidification obtained the following results: 1. A comparative analysis of a model for local nonequilibrium solidification with experimental measurements of "dendrite tip growth velocity -- initial melt undercooling" in rapidly solidifying alloys Cu - 30% at. Ni [1] and Ni - 1% at. Zr [2] has been performed. The predictions of the model are in qualitative and quantitative agreement with experimental data for both alloys. 2. A general solution [3] of the steady-state crystal growth shape under local nonequilibrium solidification has been found. This solution is found for the following growth shapes: elliptical paraboloid, paraboloid of revolution, cylindrical paraboloid, and parabolic platelet. 3. On the basics of a one-sided model of solute diffusion the dynamics of a motion of the rapid solidification front in a binary alloy is investigated [4,5]. A criterion connecting the dynamical stability of the front motion in a steady-state regime with a slope of the kinetic curve "front velocity - initial undercooling'' is formulated. An expression for the definition of nonstationary time during the transition to the steady-state regime is obtained. 4. A model for rapid solidification in undercooled pure metallic liquid is developed that includes local nonequilibrium heat transfer and kinetics of liquid-solid interface motion [6]. Taking into account the finiteness of the speed of heat transport, a general solution of the problem about local nonequilibrium heat transfer with the moving heat source at the planar solidification front is obtained. Asymptotic behavior of the velocity of the rapid planar front is investigated. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Model for free dendritic alloy growth under interfacial and bulk phase nonequilibrium conditions, J.Crystal Growth V.197, pp.992-1002, 1999. [2] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Dendritic growth model for rapid solidification of undercooled alloys, International Conference on Rapidly Quenched and Metastable Materials "RQ-10", Bangalore, India, August 1999, submitted for publication in the journal Material Science and Engineering. [3] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Steady-state crystal growth shape under local nonequilibrium mass transfer, Inzhenerno Fizicheski Zhurnal (Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics), submitted for publication [in Russian]. [4] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Selection of the dynamically stable regime of rapid solidification front motion in isothermal binary alloy, J.Crystal Growth, accepted for publication. [5] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko, A criterion for dynamical stability of rapid solidification front motion, University and Academic Scientific-Practical Conference, Udmurt State University. Thesis for the conference, Izhevsk, April 1999, p.60-61 [in Russian]. [6] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko, Hyperbolic heat transfer in rapid solidification of supercooled liquids, Proc. of the 4th Minsk International Heat and Mass Transfer Forum, A.V.Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute, Minsk, May 2000, accepted for publication. A.V.EMELYANENKO (Moscow State University) in his studies of strongly polar liquid crystals obtained the following results: 1. A statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition has been developed for a system of molecules possessing a strong dipole [1,4]. It was explicitly taken into account that a large amount of dimers appear in a molecular system, when a dipole is strong enough. The dependence of the nematic order parameters of monomers and dimers on the temperature and the temperature variation of the molar fraction of dimers have been obtained. These investigations were held for the systems of molecules with different values of the dipole moment. A principally important result was obtained that the nematic-isotropic transition temperature has no absolute growth with the increasing dipole moment, as it was predicted by the preceding theories, but achieves its maximum with subsequent decrease. This happens because molecules with the large dipole moments form dimers intensively, which destroy the nematic order. In the previous research, based on the mean field or second virial approximations, a very strong short-range correlations leading to the formation of dimers were disregarded. A theory derived in [1,4] takes into account the existence of dimers directly. It was shown, that for molecules with large dipoles the transition temperature decreases with the increasing dipole moment. This result was confirmed by the recent computer simulations. 2. Influence of the molecular shape on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals has been investigated [2]. A method based on the expansion of the intermolecular potential in a complete set of spherical invariants has been proposed to estimate the dispersion interaction between monomers and dimers. It has been established that molecules with small dipoles form dimers, which favour the nematic phase, whereas dimers composed of molecules with large dipoles favour the isotropic phase. It has also been found that molecules with an intermediate value of the dipole moment couple in dimers, which do not influence the nematic- isotropic transition temperature. This balance point depends on the molecular shape, and it may exist or not for different molecules. 3. A statistical theory of the cholesteric ordering [3] was derived. On the contrary to the preceding publications, it describes the helix inversion in binary mixtures. The biaxiality of molecules is explicitly taken into account. Under a certain conditions (driven by the mutual concentration of the components and temperature) the interaction between the short molecular axes, which was disregarded in the previous attempts, dominates over the interaction between the main axes. It leads to the helix inversion, which is usually observed in the experiment. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Polar liquid crystals. Statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [2] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Nematic-isotropic phase transition in polar liquid crystals. Role of the dispersion interaction, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [3] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, D.A.Dunmur, Molecular Theory of Chiral Nematic Liquid Crystals, Phys.Rev.E, paper accepted for publication. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Influence of dimerization on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals, Liquid Crystals, V.26, No.2, 1999. A.Emelyanenko participated in the 17-th International Liquid Crystal Conference (Strasbourg, France, July 19-24, 1998) and presented a poster "Molecular Theory of The Nematic-Isotropic Transition in Strongly Polar Liquid Crystals". Thesis of the poster was published. In 1999 A.Emelyanenko participated in the International Conference on Liquid Crystals, which took place in Krynica (Poland), with a report "Theory of the helix inversion in nematics doped with chiral molecules" (September 13-17, 1999) and in the International Conference "Nonlinear dynamics in polymer science and related fields", Desna, Moscow region, with a report "Helix inversion in binary liquid crystalline mixtures" (October 11-15, 1999). Both theses are included in the corresponding abstract books. The full-length reports are planned. A.V. Emelyanenko has also taken part in the Students Conference on chemistry and physics of the thin organic films, Puschino, Moscow region, with a report "Inversion of the spiral structure in binary LC mixtures" (June 14-15, 1999). Now A.Emelyanenko is developing a new theory of the liquid crystalline polymers, which also possess a helix inversion. I.M.EREMIN (Kazan State University) in his studies of the electronic structure and magnetic properties of high temperature superconductivity obtained the following results: 1. Self-consistent calculation of spin (charge) density wave order (SDW/CDW) parameters have been performed for bilayered cuprates on the basis of a singlet correlated band model [1]. Evolution of the Fermi surface in the strongly underdoped regime is described by using a two-band approach. The smooth development of the pseudogap formation temperature is explained from underdoped to overdoped states and the Fourier amplitudes $$ (spin) and $$ (charge) modulations have been calculated. We have found a maximum of the incommensurability for doping 0.09-0.11 holes per copper site. 2. The phase boundary of the paramagnetic phase of cuprates has been calculated with taking into account the strong electron correlations. The instability wave vector gets displaced from pure antiferromagnetic wave vector if doping increases. The calculated pictures of Lindhard response functions and complex momentum dependence of a CDW pseudogap are presented. Spin susceptibility expression for the singlet correlated band at $T_c The results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, I.Eremin, submitted to Appl.Magn.Res (cond-mat/9908297). [2] I.Eremin, M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, in a book "Stripes and Related Phenomena", edited by A.Bianconi and N.L.Saini, to be published by Kluwer Academics-Plenum Publisher. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before the grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant. [3] I.Eremin, Solid State Commun. 105, pp.293-296, 1998. I.Eremin participated in the Second International Conference on Stripes'98 (Rome, Italy, 2-6 June, 1998) and presented an oral contribution "Two reasons of instability in layered cuprates", Specialized Colloque Ampere EPR, NMR and NQR in Solid State Physics: Recent Trends (Pisa, Italy, June 14-18, 1999) and presented poster contribution "How large can be CDW/SDW amplitudes in layered cuprates", XVI International Seminar "New Magnetic Materials for Microelectronics" (Moscow, Russian Federation, June 23-26, 1998) and presented a poster "Dynamic spin susceptibility below $T_c$. Hubbard Model" (in Russian), XXVII International School for Theoretical Physicists "Kourovka" (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 2-7 March, 1998) and presented a talk "Influence of strong electron correlation on dynamical spin susceptibility in two-dimensional models" (in Russian) I.Eremin participated in the International Cooperation with the groups of Prof. D.Brinkmann and Prof. H.Keller, Institute of Physics, Zuerich University, Switzerland. In September 1999 I.Eremin has got a Ph.D. degree under the supervision of Prof. B.I.Kochelaev (Kazan State University). A.V.PANOV (Far-Eastern State University, Vladivostok) in his studies of magnetism obtained the following results: 1. The ground and metastable magnetic states of magnetite and iron particles with sizes closed to single-domain were analyzed within the scope of the developed model [1]. It was shown that depending on its size and elongation the grain can be in one of three states: with uniform magnetization, with a small and large non-uniformity of magnetic moment (quasi-single-domain and two-domain states). The critical sizes for uniform and quasi-single-domain states were calculated. Magnetization processes of such particles were simulated. The coercive force and critical fields as functions of size, elongation of the particles and external magnetic field direction were studied. The essential difference from similar studies is non-monotone dependence of coercive force on particle elongation for magnetite which is confirmed by experiments. 2. The previous model of two-phase particle was extended by entering of interfacial exchange coupling [2-4]. The magnetization process of an ensemble of Co-coated $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ used in magnetic recording media was studied. The set of magnetic states of such particles was analyzed for ensemble with thermal agitation. It was shown that relation between interfacial exchange coupling and magnetostatic inter-phase interaction affect dependence of the coercive force of the ensemble of $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ particles on coating volume. It was obtained that the growth in coating magnetocrystalline anisotropy leads to increase in coercivity of the ensemble. The main results have been presented in the papers submitted in March and April, 1998, before grantee has been informed of the awarding ICFPM grant: [1] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine magnetite particles, Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie [in Russian], 86, pp.65-73, 1998. [2] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Modeling of magnetization process of an ensemble of $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles with cobalt coating, "Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie" [in Russian] v.87, pp.17-22, 1999. [3] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states of Co-coated $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.241-242. [4] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, An influence of inter-phase interaction on coercive force of two-component particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.511-512. In June, 1999 A. V. Panov has got Ph. D. degree from the Far East State University (Vladivostok). Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Belokon'. Title: "Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine heterogeneous particle systems". A.M.POVOLOTSKY (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow Region) in his studies of the models of self-organized criticality obtained the following results: 1. We investigate the dynamics of Eulerian walkers as a model of self-organized criticality [1]. The evolution of the system is divided into characteristic periods which can be seen as avalanches. The structure of avalanches is described and the critical exponent in the distribution of first avalanches $\tau=2$ is determined. We also study a mean square displacement of Eulerian walkers and obtain a simple diffusion law in the critical state. The evolution of underlying medium from a random state to the critical one is described. 2.The general framework for the renormalization group analysis of self-organized critical sandpile models is formulated [2,3]. The usual real space renormalization scheme for lattice models when applied to nonequilibrium dynamical models must be supplemented by feedback relations coming from the stationarity conditions. On the basis of these ideas the Dynamically Driven Renormalization Group is applied to describe the boundary and bulk critical behavior of sandpile models. A detailed description of the branching nature of sandpile avalanches is given in terms of the generating functions of the underlying branching process. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] A.M.Povolotsky, V.B.Priezzhev, R.R.Shcherbakov, Phys.Rev.E 58, pp.5449-5454, 1998. [2] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, Phys.Rev.E 60, pp.1239-1251, 1999. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [3] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, preprint DIAS-STP-98-06, Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Ireland. A.Povolotsky was invited by J.Stefan Institute, Ljubljana Slovenia and presented the seminar there entitled "Eulerian walkers as a model of the self-organized criticality." S.E.SKIPETROV (Moscow State University) in his studies obtained the following main results: 1. A possibility for diagnostics of laser-induced particle flows in concentrated suspensions using methods of the optical correlation spectroscopy has been studied. The role of ponderomotive effects in experiments on dynamic multiple light scattering (DMLS) has been analyzed. 2. A diffusion model for the temporal autocorrelation function of multiple scattered light has been developed. The model has been shown to be valid for both the Brownian motion and laminar flow of scatterers. The case of spatially localized flow of scatterers in a turbid sample has been considered. We have demonstrated both theoretically and experimentally that one could use DMLS techniques to obtain useful information about hidden particle flows in turbid media. 3. Imaging through atmospheric turbulence has been studied. Statistical moments of the modulation transfer functions (MTFs) of a turbulent atmosphere have been calculated for various models of turbulence. Some of the main results have been presented in a paper containing acknowledgment to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially heterogeneous scatterer dynamics. Physics in Higher Education, V.5, No.1, pp.98-112, 1999 [in Russian]. [2] Karabutov A.A., Pelivanov I.M., Podymova N.B., Skipetrov S.E. Direct measurement of the spatial intensity distribution of light in a scattering medium, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., V.70, No.3, pp.187-191, 1999 [in Russian]; [English translation: J.Exp.Theor.Phys.Lett., V.70, No.3, pp.183-188, 1999]. [3] Skipetrov S.E., Effective dielectric function of a random medium, Phys.Rev.B 60, No.18, pp.12705-12709, 1999. [4] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Shcheglov V.A., Laser-induced particle flows in random media: is the diagnostics with multiple-scattered light possible? In: CD-ROM Proceedings of the International Conference on Optical Technology and Image Processing in Fluid, Thermal, and Combustion Flow (VSJ-SPIE'98) (Yokohama, Japan, December 7-9, 1998), paper AB090. [5] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Correlation spectroscopy for diagnostics of light-induced particle motion in concentrated suspensions. In: Fourth International Conference on Correlation Optics, O.V. Angelsky, Ed., Proc. SPIE, V.3904, pp.423-428, 1999. [6] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave imaging of flows in turbid media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99), (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). [7] Skipetrov S.E., Refractive index of random media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99) (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). S.Skipetrov participated in several scientific conferences: - XI School-Conference on Diffraction and Propagation of Waves (Moscow, Russia, January 12-15, 1998). An oral presentation entitled "Multiple scattering of light in random media with complex dynamic structure" has been made. - NATO Advanced Study Institute "Diffuse Waves in Complex Media" (Les Houches, France, March 17-28, 1998). A poster "Ponderomotive action of light in random media" has been presented. - XVI International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics - ICONO'98 (Moscow, Russia, June 29-July 3, 1998). Two posters has been presented: "Dynamic multiple scattering of laser radiation on light-induced flows of microparticles in suspension" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy of flows". - 17th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division, European Physical Society and 6emes Journees de la Matiere Condensee, Societe Francaise de Physique (Grenoble, France, August 25-29, 1998). A poster "Cross-correlations in dynamic multiple scattering of light" has been presented. - Fall School-Conference "Light-Scattering Techniques in Biomedicine, Industry and Material Science" (Saratov, Russia, October 6-9, 1998). An oral presentation: "Theory of diffusing-wave spectroscopy with angular and spatio-temporal cross-correlations" and two poster presentations: "Ponderomotive action of light in random multiple-scattering media" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in random media with absorption", have been made. - International Conference on Biomedical Optics and Spectroscopy. European Biomedical Optics Week - BiOS'98 (Stockholm, Sweden, September 6-9, 1998). Title of presentation: "Possibilities for study of light-induced flows of microparticles in concentrated suspensions using methods of optical correlation spectroscopy". - International Conference on LASERS'98 (Tucson, Arizona, USA, December 7-11, 1998). Title of presentation: "Hydrodynamic flows induced by copper-vapor laser: diagnostics using optical correlation spectroscopy". S.E.Skipetrov has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. S.S.Chesnokov. Title: "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially-heterogeneous scatterer flows". F.M.TSAHHAEV (Ryazan State Pedagogical University) in his studies of physics of low dimensional structures obtained the following results: 1. Galvanomagnetic effects have been measured in n-AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures with filling of two subbands. The values of the momentum relaxation times t and q have been determined experimentally. The t and q times have been also calculated in the conditions of intersubband scattering using the self-consistent electron wave function. The dominating relaxation mechanism was identified and the parameters of defects were evaluated by comparison of experimentally determined and calculated t and q values [1,5,6,9]. 2. The GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures with anomalously high mobility of 2D-electrons 0.6 m/V s (T=4.2 K) in respect to the well-known analogs have been synthesized. The anomalies and anisotropy of kinetic effects characteristics of the GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures have been observed in experiments. The electrons energy spectrum in GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures has been calculated on the basis of the experimental results. The comparison of calculated data and measurements results (C-V characteristics, temperature and axial/lateral magnetic field dependencies of conductivity, photoluminescence spectra) reveals anomalous properties of GaAs(0.30,?-Sn) structure along [110] direction in respect to the [110] one [4]. 3. In [7,8] the experimental results is analyzed in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures. 4. The hysteresis of current-temperature characteristics is revealed in GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with the three quantum wells [2]. 5. The magnetic field suppression of electron-electron interaction of 2D-electrons in the main and the first, disturbed subbands of dimension quantization in single heterojunction AlGaAs/GaAs have been revealed [3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] V.I.Kadushkin, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Relaxation mechanisms of 2D-electrons in selective doped n-AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs heterostructure with filling of two subbands,\\ Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., No.5/6, pp.55-74, 1999. [2] V.I.Tsebro, O.E.Omelyanovski, V.I.Kadushkin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, F.M.Tsahhaev,\\ S.N.Larin, Lateral photoconductivity low temperature hysteresis of GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with asymmetric system of quantum wells, Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). [3] V.I.Kadushkin, F.M.Tsahhaev, S.N.Larin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, Intersubband relaxation of 2D-electrons in AlGaAs(Si)/GaAs strong doped heterojunction, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., No.3/4, pp.135-166, 1998. [5] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, News Institutions of Higher Education. Physics, No.159, 1998 [in Russian]. Proceedings of the Conference: [6] The 24th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, August 2-7, 1998, Jerusalem, Israel; "Energy spectrum and relaxation mechanisms of electrons in lateral-surface superlattices GaAs(0.30,?-Sn)". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Yu.A.Kotova). [7] 10th International Symposium on Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors, August 31- September 2, 1998, Vilnius, Lithuania. "Photomodulation processes in GaAs/AlAs type-I quantum well structures". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [8] VII Luthuanian-Polish Seminar "Solid State Physics and Technology", Kaunas, 1998. "Photoexcitation effects in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures investigated by differential reflectivity spectroscopy". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [9] The 194th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, Boston, Massachusetts, November\\ 1-6, 1998. "Energy spectrum of electrons in GaAs(?-Sn) structure grown on vicinal plane". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). In March, 2000 F.M.Tsahhaev shall be got Ph.D. degree from the Ryazan State Pedagogical University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Kadushkin (RSPU). Title: "Localization and scattering of quasi-particles in low-dimensional heterostructures in quantized magnetic fields." D.A.RYNDYK (Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS, Nizhny Novgorod) in his studies of nonequilibrium effects in dynamics of Josephson structures and layered superconductors (nonequilibrium Josephson effect) obtained the following results: 1. Starting from microscopic equations for Green functions, quasiclassical kinetic equations are derived for the systems of tunnel junctions and for layered superconductors [1]. This kinetic equations can be generalized for the case of different types of junctions and for superconductors with arbitrary energy dependence of the density of states and anisotropic pairing. 2. Dynamics of one-dimensional array of nonequilibrium junctions is investigated, in particular, current-voltage characteristics and high frequency interaction between junctions. Peculiarities of the dynamics of intrinsic Josephson junctions in HTSC are considered [1,2] (this work is a continuation of previous investigation carried out in 1998: D.A.Ryndyk, Phys.Rev.Lett., 80, 3376, 1998). The calculated current-voltage characteristics demonstrate the nature of the effect of electron-hole imbalance on the dynamics of one-dimensional chains of junctions. 3. The effect of nonequilibrium amplification of Josephson oscillations is predicted [2]. 4. "Plasma" oscillations and Josephson flux flow in layered superconductors is considered with nonequilibrium effects taken into account. Beside, the work on the kinetic theory of plasma turbulence is continued, which was began previously in connection with the experimental investigation of low-hybrid turbulence, excited by ion beam (E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk et al., Nuclear Fusion, 38, 661, 1998). New results in the theory of turbulent broadening of cyclotron resonances are published in Ref.[3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] D.A.Ryndyk, Nonequilibrium Josephson effect in systems of tunnel junctions and in layered superconductors, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. V.116, p.1798, 1999 [JETP V.89, p.975, 1999]. [2] D.A.Ryndyk, High-frequency properties of nonequilibrium Josephson junctions in nanoscale and layered superconductors, Journal of radioelectronics (www journal) n.1 (2000), to be published in "Foreign radioelectronics". [3] E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk, Stochastic Broadening of High Order Ion Cyclotron Resonances due to Lower-Hybrid Turbulence, Strong microwaves in plasmas (proceedings of IV international workshop on strong micro-waves in plasmas, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 1999 ), ed. A.G.Litvak, V.2, Nizhny Novgorod, 2000. D.Ryndyk in 1999 participated in: 1. School-seminar "Physics and applications of microwaves" (24-30 of May in Krasnovidovo, Moscow region) with invited lecture "Physical basis of Josephson high frequency electronics". D.Ryndyk take part in several russian and international research projects, in particular: 1. Grants of Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) N. 97-02-16928 and 99-02-16188 . 2. State research program "Physics of microwaves". Grant 4.7. "Theoretical and experimental investigation of microwave interaction with superconducting structures". 3. Joint program of Institute of Applied Physics RAS and W7-AS stellarator group (Garching, Germany) on Collective Thomson scattering for plasma diagnostic. A.M.RUVINSKY (Institute of Spectroscopy of RAS, Troitsk) in his studies of collective properties of excitons has considered an influence of random fields on the conditions of exciton condensation and superfluidity in bulk and low-dimensional systems [1]. It was shown that in semiconductor alloys the density of excitons in Bose condensate decreases due to the exciton scattering on random fields of impurities or fluctuations of the composite. The density of the superfluidity fraction in the system of 3D and quasi-2D excitons also decreases taking into account this scattering. The scattering on the random field of the quantum well widths' fluctuations was analyzed for direct and indirect excitons. Analytical expressions for the exciton superfluidity densities in "dirty" single quantum wells, coupled quantum wells and bulk semiconductors have been derived. The influence of random fields on Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature for exciton systems in low-dimensional structures was analyzed. These results have been presented in the papers [1,2] containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1].Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, Superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. V.69, No.8, pp.573-578, 1999 [in Russian], (Letter in JETP, V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999). [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, A.M.Ruvinsky, Bogolubov approximation for rare exciton system in random media, Fiz.Tverd.Tela (Physics of the Solid State), in print, 2000 [in Russian]. In June, 1998 A.Ruvinsky has got Ph.D. degree from State Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "Magnetoexcitons in inhomogeneous and low-dimensional structures". A.ZEMLYANOV (Moscow State University) obtained the following results: A new approach to the description of anomalous transport phenomena that take place in fractal media was developed. Namely, anomalous diffusion on a comb structure consisting of a one- dimensional backbone and lateral branches (teeth) of random length is considered. A definite classification of the trajectories of random walks reduces the original problem to an analysis of classical diffusion on the backbone, where, however, the time of this process is a random quantity. Its distribution is assigned by the properties of the random walks of the diffusing particles on the teeth. The possibility of applying mean-field theory in such a model is demonstrated, and the equation for the Green's function with a partial derivative of fractional order is obtained. The characteristic features of the propagation of particles on a comb structure are analyzed. A model of an effective homogeneous medium, in which diffusion is described by an equation with a fractional derivative with respect to time and an initial condition in the form of an integral of fractional order, is obtained. These results are published in [1] and were presented at the Moscow Seminar on Synergetics at the Physics Faculty, Moscow State University. [1] I.A.Lubashevsky, A.A.Zemlyanov, Continuum description of anomalous diffusion on a comb structure, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., V.114, pp.1284-1312, 1998 [in Russian]. A.Zemlyanov has received invitation for participating in a research program at the University of Texas at Austin during the next three years.
S.A.PASTON (Saint-Petersburg State University) in his studies of quantum field theory in light front coordinates obtained the following results: 1. The effective Hamiltonian in light front coordinates is obtained which at some dependence of coefficients, included in it, from a parameter of UV-regularization, in a limit of it removal reproduces within the framework of perturbation theory the results of lorentz-covariant formulating of quantum chromodynamics [1]. It was possible to make with the help of introduction of an additional nonstandart IR-regularization based on a principle, which is used at the Pauli-Villars regularization. Only after this introduction it has appeared possible to apply the method, published earlier, of a comparison of light-like and lorentz-covariant theories. The offered regularization breaks a gauge invariance, but in a limit of removal of a regularization the gauge invariance is restored. The obtained Hamiltonian in future is supposed to be used in nonperturbative calculations. 2. The scalar theory with non-polynomial interaction resulted from bosonization of two-dimensional quantum electrodynamics (QED) is considered [2]. This theory is described by modified Lagrangian of Sin-Gordon model with the critical value of the parameter of this model. Non-polynomiality of interaction in this model, leading to arising of vertexes with arbitrarily large number of lines in perturbation theory, makes nontrivial the construction of light-front Hamiltonian. For its construction the Pauli-Villars regularization must be introduced because at the critical value of the parameter the ultraviolet behaviour of the theory become worse. Obtained light-front Hamiltonian generates the perturbation theory which is equivalent to the covariant perturbation theory in fermion mass, which plays the role of interaction constant after the bosonization and therefore the Hamiltonian spectrum coincides with the spectrum of QED. One can investigate this spectrum beyond the framework of perturbation theory. 3. S.A.Paston participated in development of such formulation of a gauge field theory on a lattice, with which the action is polynomial on independent field variables [3]. The canonical formalism in light front coordinates for such theory is considered. These results and also the results obtained earlier, were published in a review in the proceedings of the conference in honour of V.A.Fock [4]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, V.A.Franke, Constructing the Light-Front QCD Hamiltonian, Theor.Math.Phys., V.120, No.3. pp.1164-1181, 1999; Teoreticheskaya i Matematicheskaya Fizika, V.120. No.3, pp.417-437, 1999 [in Russian]. [2] S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, V.A.Franke, $QED_2$ Light-Front Hamiltonian reproducing all orders of covariant chiral perturbation theory. Preprint SPbU-IP-99-13; hep-th/9910114. The publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM, because either they were published before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant, or they contain results obtained until this moment: [3] V.A.Franke, S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, Lattice Gauge Theories with polynomial Action and their canonical Formulation on the Light Front, Preprint SPbU-IP-98-5, hep-th/9803035. [4] V.A.Franke, Yu.V.Novozhilov, S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, Quantum Field Theory in Light-Front coordinates, in book: "Quantum Theory in honour of Vladimir A.Fock", Part 1, Unesco, St. Petersburg University, Euro-Asian Physical Society, 1998, pp.38-97; hep-th/9901029. S.Paston participated in the "IX International Workshop Small-x Physics and Light Front Dynamics in QCD", Russia, St. Petersburg, July 6-15 1998, theme of the report: "Lattice Gauge Theories with polynomial Action at the Light Front"; in the international conference "VIII St. Petersburg International School of Physics. Quantum Theory in honour of Vladimir A. Fock", Russia, St. Petersburg, May 25 - June 4 1998, theme of the report: "Lattice Gauge Theories with polynomial Action and their canonical Formulation on the Light Front"; and in the seminar "Final seminar in physics and astronomy of winners in 1998 of grant competition for young scientists of St.-Petersburg", February 16, 1999, St.-Petersburg, Russia, theme of the report: "The Construction of QCD Hamiltonian in Light-Front Coordinates"; In December, 1999 S.Paston has got Ph.D. degree from St.-Petersburg State University. Thesis advisor: Prof. V.A.Franke. Title: "The Construction of Quantum Field Theory Hamiltonian in Light-Front Coordinates". O.A.RYTCHKOV (Steklov Mathematical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences,\\ Moscow) in his studies of classical solutions in superstring theory and their applications has obtained the following results: 1. Wide classes of new intersecting p-brane solutions in various space-time dimensions were constructed making use of an algebraic method [1]. p-brane configurations were specified by incidence matrices and it was shown that the solutions of the algebraic characteristic equations for the incidence matrices controlled the intersections of p-branes. 2. New types of p-brane solutions to various supergravities were obtained with use of the sigma-model approach [9]. A new way to endow branes with an additional internal structure such as plane waves was suggested. Applying the harmonic maps technique new solutions with a non-trivial shell structure in the transverse space were generated. Also intersecting branes were considered and it was shown that the intersection rules have a simple geometric interpretation as conditions ensuring the symmetric space property of the sigma-model target space. 3. Non-extremal overlapping p-brane supergravity solutions localized in their relative transverse coordinates were constructed [5,10]. The construction used an algebraic method of solving the bosonic equations of motion. 4. Some aspects of duality between supergravities on Anti-de Sitter (AdS) spaces (appearing as near D-brane horizon geometry) and conformal field theories were investigated in [2,6]. The massive Rarita-Schwinger field in AdS background was considered and the corresponding equations of motion were solved. It was shown that appropriate boundary terms calculated on-shell give two-point correlation function for spin-3/2 fields of the conformal field theory. The relation between Rarita-Schwinger field masses and conformal dimensions of corresponding operators was established. 5. Bulk-to-bulk propagators for the massive vector and symmetric rank-2 tensor fields in the Euclidean continuation of the Anti-de Sitter space were constructed [3]. The explicit forms of these propagators in the limit when one or both points approach the boundary of AdS were derived. It was shown that the obtained expressions coincide with bulk-to-boundary propagators or two-point correlation functions of the boundary CFT as expected from the AdS/CFT correspondence. This identification provides one more evidence for treating CFT operators on the boundary as appropriate limits of quantum fields in the bulk. Also the above limiting procedure clarifies the artificial appearance of boundary terms in the AdS/CFT correspondence. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] I.Ya.Aref'eva, O.A.Rytchkov, Incidence Matrix Description of Intersecting p-brane Solutions, to be published in L.D.Faddeev's Seminar on Mathematical Physics, Advances in Mathematics, Amer.Math.Soc., Providence, R.I. [2] A.S.Koshelev, O.A.Rytchkov, Note on the Massive Rarita-Schwinger field in the AdS/CFT correspondence, Phys.Lett.B 450, p.368, 1999. [3] A.Polishchuk, O.Rytchkov, Propagator for Massive Spin-2 Field in Anti-de Sitter Space, preprint SMI-25-99. Also the obtained results were published in the proceedings of the following conferences: [4] O.A.Rytchkov, Chaotic Behaviour of Dynamical Systems in M-theory, Proceedings of the Second Open Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (Russia, Dubna, March 2-6, 1998) [in Russian]. [5] O.A.Rytchkov, Localised p-branes in Supergravities and M-theory, Proceedings of the International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, May 18-24, 1998). [6] O.A.Rytchkov, Massive Rarita-Schwinger Field in the AdS/CFT correspondence, Proceedings of the XIV International Workshop on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory (Russia, May 27 - June 2, 1999). There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [7] I.Ya.Aref'eva, P.B.Medvedev, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Chaos in D0-brane Dynamics, Banach Center Publications, V.43, p.41, 1998. [8] I.Ya.Aref'eva, P.B.Medvedev, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Chaos in M(atrix) Theory, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, V.10, p.1, 1998. [9] D.V.Gal'tsov, O.A.Rytchkov, Generating branes via sigma models, Phys.Rev. D58, p.122001, 1998. [10] I.Ya.Aref'eva, M.G.Ivanov, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Non-extremal localized\\ branes and vacuum solutions in M-theory, Class.Quant.Grav. V.15, p.2923, 1998. O.A.Rytchkov participated in Spring School on Non-perturbative Aspects of String Theory and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories (Italy, March 23-31, 1998) and in the Trieste Conference on Superfivebranes and Physics in 5+1 dimensions (Italy, April 1-3, 1998) where a poster entitled "New Non-extremal p-branes in Superstring Theories and M-theory" was presented. O.A.Rytchkov participated in International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, May 18-24, 1998) and presented a talk there entitled "Localized p-branes in Supergravities and M-theory". O.A.Rytchkov participated in XI International Conference "Problems of Quantum Field Theory" (Russia, July 13-17, 1998) and presented a talk entitled "Localized p-branes in various supergravities" O.A Rytchkov participated in XIV International Workshop on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory (Russia, May 27 - June 2, 1999) and presented a talk there entitled "Massive Rarita-Schwinger Field in the AdS/CFT correspondence" V.I.SHEVCHENKO (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow) has obtained the following results: 1. Generalized coordinate gauge in nonabelian gauge theories was analysed, limits of applicability were established and applied to the nonabelian Stokes theorem and dual QCD Lagrangian evaluation. 2. The structure of perturbative contributions to the string tension in gluodynamics was investigated and cancellation of them in the vacuum field correlators framework was shown. 3. The modifications of the Higgs mechanism in abelian Higgs model due to interaction with topological defects were considered. 4. Deeper understanding of the Higgs mechanism in the quantum background was reached, especially in the aspects, important for the abelian projected confinement theories. 5. The colour superconductivity phenomenon was investigated in the framework of Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. The effective potential was calculated and the importance of the nonperturbative gluon condensate from the nonabelian Meissner effect point of view was shown. 6. The exact renormalisation group flows were studied in the current representation of the abelian projected gluodynamics. 7. The Casimir scaling behaviour of the static potential between charges in higher representations of the gauge group SU(3) was investigated, being based on recent lattice data. The value of scaling violating terms is estimated. It is shown, that Casimir scaling puts severe bounds on the presence of classical solutions in the vacuum. [1] V.Shevchenko, Yu.Simonov, Generalized coordinate gauge, nonabelian Stokes theorem and dual QCD Lagrangian, Phys.Lett.B 437, p.146, 1998. [2] V.Shevchenko, Yu.Simonov, Perturbative contributions to field correlators, Phys.Lett.B 437, p.131, 1998. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [3] V.Shevchenko, Higgs mechanism in nontrivial background, hep-th/9810222 (being prepared for publication). [4] N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov, V.I.Shevchenko, Nonperturbative QCD vacuum and Colour Superconductivity, Phys.Rep. V.320, p.131, 1999. [5] V.I.Shevchenko, Yu.A.Simonov, Casimir Scaling as a Test of QCD vacuum, hep-ph/0001299, being prepared for publication. Published talks on conferences: (1) "Generalized Fock-Schwinger Gauge and its applications" V.I. Shevchenko, (based on the work with Yu.A.Simonov), Int.School dedicated to the 100th anniversary of V.A.Fock, St.Peterburg, 1998. (2) "Does confinement imply stochasticity?", V.I.Shevchenko, Chaos and complexity, Ponte di Legno, Italy, 1998. (3) "Gluon degrees of freedom at nonzero baryonic density", V.Shevchenko, (partly based on the work with N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov), XXVIII Autumn School, Lisbon, Portugal,1999. (4) "Coordinate gauges and confinement", V. I. Shevchenko, Confinement III (poster session, unpublished), Newport News, USA, 1998. (5) "Nonperturbative QCD vacuum and Colour Superconductivity", V.Shevchenko, (based on the work with N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov), Buckow, Germany, 1999 (no proceedings). V.Shevchenko visited Department of Theoretical Physics of Pisa University, Italy (October 1 - 30, 1998) by invitation of Professor A.DiGiacomo. In January, 2000 V.Shevchenko has got Ph.D. degree from ITEP. Thesis advisor: Prof.Yu.A.Simonov. Title: "Nonperturbative effects in gauge field theory". N.V.SHEVCHENKO (Irkutsk State University and Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow region) in her studies of few-body systems obtained the following results: 1. Elastic $\eta d$ scattering was considered within the Alt-Grassberger-Sandhas formalism for various $\eta N$ input data. A three-body resonant state was found close to the $\eta d$ threshold [1]. This resonance is sustained for different choices of the two-body $\eta N$ scattering length $a_{\eta N}$. The position of the resonance moves towards the $\eta d$ threshold when ${\rm Re\,}a_{\eta N}$ is increased, and turns into a quasi-bound state at ${\rm Re\,}a_{\eta N}\sim0.7\div0.8$\,fm depending on the choice of ${\rm Im\,}a_{\eta N}$. 2. The nuclear reaction $e+{^3{\rm He}}+{^4{\rm He}}\rightarrow{}e +{^7{\rm Be}}$ was considered at thermonuclear energies [2]. The motion of the electron was treated within the adiabatic approximation and the ${^3{\rm He}}-{^4{\rm He}}$ scattering state was calculated using an effective ${^3{\rm He}}-{^4{\rm He}}$ potential constructed via the Marchenko inverse scattering method. The reaction rate thus obtained for solar interior conditions is approximately $10^{-4}$ of the corresponding rate for the radiative capture ${^3{\rm He}}+{^4{\rm He}}\rightarrow{}{^7{\rm Be}}+\gamma$. The main results have been presented in the paper containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] N.V.Shevchenko, V.B.Belyaev, S.A.Rakityansky, S.A.Sofianos, W.Sandhas, Low-energy $\eta d$ resonance, e-print LANL, nucl-th/9908035; submitted to Phys.Rev.Lett. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [2] N.V.Shevchenko, S.A.Rakityansky, S.A.Sofianos, V.B.Belyaev, Non-radiative synthesis of $^7{\rm Be}$ in solar plasma, J.Physics G25, pp.95-106, 1999. N.Shevchenko will participate in the IV Open Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (Dubna, Russia, January 31 - February 4, 2000) and will present a session talk there entitled "Near-threshold resonance in the $\eta d$ system". N.Shevchenko is invited by the Organizing Committee of the 16th International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics (Taipei, Taiwan, March 6-10, 2000) to take part in the conference and present the contribution entitled "Low energy scattering and photoproduction of $\eta$-mesons by deuterons" in a poster session. N.Shevchenko participates in international co-operation with the group of Prof. W.Sand\-has, Physikalisches Institut, Universitat Bonn, Germany and with the group of Prof. S.A.Sofi\-anos, Physics Department, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa. N.Shevchenko is a postgraduate student of the third year and she is planing to get the Ph.D. degree at the 2000th year. V.V.SHKLYAR ( Far Eastern State University, Vladivostok) in his studies of photon and vector meson production obtained the following results: 1. The different sources of the real photon and $\phi$-meson production in nucleon-nucleon collisions at intermediate energies have been studied and the effective model of the reactions has been suggested in [1-4]. The role and influence of each channel for the $NN\to NN\gamma$ reaction (bremsstrahlung, $\Delta$-excitation, radiative $\omega/\rho$-decay) has been shown and discussed in [1]. 2. Also, the available experimental data for the real photon production at 0.28 and 0.75 GeV beam energy were described well and the predictions for forthcoming data at COSY-TOF are obtained [1]. 3. Apart from the photon production reaction, the $NN\to NN\phi$ reaction near the threshold has been explored. It was shown, that the influence of the shake-off mechanism was negligible and the $\pi\rho\phi$ interaction coming from the non-ideal $\phi-\omega$ mixing angle gave the main contribution to the $\phi$-meson yield [3]. The predictions for the reaction amplitude behaviour and polarization observables near the reaction threshold was obtained. It has been also shown that the earlier exact threshold predictions for these reactions (e.c. M.Recalo et al) were not relevant at energies slightly above the threshold [2]. The value of the beam-target asymmetry $C^{BT}=-0.8$ was predicted and the ratio of the spin-singlet states to the spin-triplet ones was derived at the reaction threshold [3]. 4. The spin density matrix and the anisotropy of the $\phi$ decay were calculated. It was also shown that for the $\phi\to e^+e^-$-decay the small $\bar ss$ admixture could lead to the modification of the $\phi$ decay anisotropy that might be used in the experimental searching of the hidden strangeness in nucleon [4]. There are the publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [1] V.V.Shklyar, B.K\"ampfer, B.L.Reznik, A.I.Titov, Bremsstrahlung in intermediate-energy nucleon reaction within an effective one-boson exchange model, Nucl.Phys.A628, pp.255-274, 1998. [2] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, The reaction $NN \to NN \phi$ near threshold, preprint (nucl-th/9712025); preprint (nucl-th/9811094). The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [3] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, Polarization observables in the reaction $NN \to NN \phi$, to be published in Phys.Rev. C59, 1999. [4] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, Polarization observables in the reaction $NN\to NN\phi$ near threshold, XIV International Seminar On High Energy Physics Problems, Conf. Proceedings, preprint E1,2-98-232. V.Shklyar participated in the International Summer Student School on High Energy Physics in Memory of Bruno Pontekorvo ( JINR, Dubna, August 18 - September 1, 1998.) V.Shklyar also participated in the XIVth International Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems (JINR, Dubna, August 17-22, 1998) as a co-author. Talk on International Seminar DEUTERON-99, JINR, Dubna-99, Russia, 4-7 July. In October, 1999 V.Shklyar has got Ph.D. degree from the Far Eastern State University. Thesis advisor: Prof. A.I.Titov (JINR). Title: "Photon and $\phi$-meson production at intermediate energies" D.V.ALEXANDROV (Urals State University, Ekaterinburg) in his studies of solidification processes obtained the following results: 1. A theory of incipience of a two-phase zone is numerically and theoretically studied [1]. On the basis of a linear law for the velocity of solidification which was obtained numerically, governing equations for the velocity and for the time of incipience of the two-phase zone (the latter arises ahead of a planar front of solidification due to the concentrational supercooling) were deduced. 2. In [2] the fractal dimension of the two-phase zone is determined for the self-similar regime of solidification in the presence of the mushy region. 3. The general problem of incipience of the two-phase zone is solved on the basis of the classical Stefan thermodiffusion model (without suggestions about the velocity distribution). The time of incipience of the two-phase zone and the velocity of solidification are determined in the form of integral equations [3]. 4. A theory of solidification with a qusiequilibrium two-phase zone is detailed on the basis of analytical solution of Borisov's model [4]. The steps of thermodynamic values in the two-phase zone (at both boundaries) are found on the basis of which the zone is changed by the discontinuity surface between solid and liquid phases. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] D.V.Alexandrov, A.G.Churbanov, P.N.Vabishchevich, Emergence of a Mushy Region in Processes of Binary Melt Solidification, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research, V.26, No.2, pp.248-264, 1999. [2] D.V.Alexandrov, A.O.Ivanov, M.E.Komarovski, An Influence of a Fractal-Like Mushy Region on Solidification Process, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research, V.26, No.2, pp.224-231, 1999. [3] D.V.Alexandrov, Incipience of a Mushy Zone in Binary Melt Solidification Processes: General Theory, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research (to be published). [4] D.V.Alexandrov, To the Theory of Solidification with a Quasiequilibrium Two-Phase Zone, Doklady AN (submitted) [in Russian]. The following papers will be presented for publication soon with acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: 1. D.V.Alexandrov, Incipience of a Mushy Zone in Binary Melt Solidification Processes: Stefan Thermodiffusion Problem (Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research). 2. D.V.Alexandrov, Quasiequilibrium Mushy Region: Dynamic Instability (Acta Materialia). In March, 1998 D.Alexandrov has got Ph.D. degree from The Urals State Technical University. Thesis advisors: Prof. V.V.Mansurov, Dr. A.O.Ivanov. Title: "An Influence of a quasiequilibrium Mushy Region on Solidification of Binary Melts". A.A.ALIVERDIEV (Institute of Physics, Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala) in his studies of the use of a registered signal velocity for the time-resolved tomography, in particular for the laser tomography of condensed matter obtained the following results: 1. A summarizing of the reconstructive theory of a signal speed using has been developed [1-10]. 2. Analytical expressions for nD photoacoustic tomography and the problem of a complex absorption account have been derived. Some practical algorithms and software ware carried out. Number of 2D numerical simulations are hold. A principally important result was obtained that good photoacoustic reconstruction is possible with different conditions [1-4, 7, 8]. 3. A method of a stream collision has been proposed for the stochastic emission correlation tomography. Number of 2D numerical simulations with inspired results are hold [1]. 4. A method of Hartley transform has been considered for an image processing. Some practical algorithms and software ware carried out [5]. The main goals of the project was achieved. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, Use of velocity of a filed signal in a tomography. Features of an optoacoustic tomography, [in Russian], Makhachkala, DSU, 1998, 60p. [2] G.K.Makhtimagomedov, M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, R.M.Batyrov, G.M.Halilulayev, A.A.Amirova, M.M.Akhmedov, M.M.Ataev, About the modeling of spatial-temporal tomographic reconstruction of sphere of phase transitions; Proceedings of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter", Makhachkala, Russia, 1998, p.3-6. [3] A.A.Aliverdiev, Some aspects of the computing of the laser tomography of mixed state, Proceedings of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter", Makhachkala, Russia, 1998, p.3-5. [4] A.A.Aliverdiev, About the account of complex absorption in laser tomography, Proceedings of the International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan", dedicated to 275 Anniversary of Russian Academy of the Sciences and 50 Anniversary of Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of the Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, pp.33-34. [5] A.A.Aliverdiev, R.M.Batyrov, M.G.Karimov, G.M.Halilulayev, A.A.Amirova, Some questions of the use of Hertley transform in physical tomography, Proceedings of the International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan", dedicated to 275 Anniversary of Russian Academy of the Sciences and 50 Anniversary of Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of the Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, p.35. [6] M.G.Karimov. A.A.Aliverdiev, A.A.Amirova, Some questions of the tomographic reconstruction of plasma objects, Proceedings of the All-Russian Conference "Physical Electronics", Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, p.107. [7] A.A.Aliverdiev, M.G.Karimov, Back photoacoustic problem in the investigation of quasistationary spatial-heterogeneous flows, Proceedings of the V International Scientific and Technical Conference "Optical Methods of the Flows Investigations" (Moscow, Russia, 1999), p.161. [8] A.A.Aliverdiev, Some questions of the physical tomography with application of velocity spectrum of registered signal, Proceedings of the Conference "Resonance and non-linear phenomenon in Condensed Matter" (Ufa, Russia 1999). There are two publications, which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [9] A.A.Aliverdiev, M.G.Karimov, Solution of optic reconstructive problem considering registered signal velocity, Turkey J. of Physics, No.4, pp.311-314, 1998. [10] M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, About modeling of 2D optoacoustic researches of exited media, Radiophysics (Massager of Higher Educational Institutes of Russia), No.1, 1999. A.Aliverdiev was the executive (scientific) secretary of the local Program Committee of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter" (Makhachkala, Russia, 1998). Two reports of A.Aliverdiev ware represented in that Conference. A.Aliverdiev represents the reports in (1) the Winter College "Spectroscopy and Applications" (AS-ICTP, Trieste, Italy 1999), (2) the Baikal School of Fundamental Physics (Irkutsk, Russia, 1999, in absentia, by correspondence), (3) the V International Scientific and Technical Conference "Optical Methods of the Flows Investigations" (Moscow, Russia, 1999, in absentia, by co-author), (4) International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan" (Makhachkala, Russia, 1999), (5) the All-Russian Conference "Physical Electronics" (Makhachkala, Russia 1999), (6) the Regional Conference "Resonance and non-linear phenomenon in Condensed Matter" (Ufa, Russia 1999), (7) the Fourth Training Course in the Physics of Correlated Electron Systems and High-Tc Superconductors (Vietri sul Mare, Salerno, Italy, 1999). In July 1998 A. Aliverdiev has got Ph.D. degree from the Daghestan State University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. M.G.Karimov (DSU). Title: "Some solutions of a reconstructive problem in a plasma physics and nonlinear optics with the use of a finiteness of distribution of a registered signal velocity". O.L.BERMAN (Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Moscow Region) in his studies of phase transitions and superfluidity in the system of coupled quantum wells obtained the following results: 1. The theory of phase transitions of electron-hole and unbalanced electron systems in coupled quantum wells in high magnetic fields has been developed [1]. Analytical expressions for the temperatures of the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition to the superfluid state have been derived. A principally important result was obtained that the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature decreases at rise of magnetic field and interwell separation at fixed magnetoexciton density. But the maximal possible Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature increases at rise of magnetic field and interwell separation. 2. It was shown that the system of weakly interacting indirect excitons in the superlattice slab is unstable [2,3]. A method based on the sum of the ladder diagram for the calculation of vertex of quadrupole indirect biexcitons interaction has been proposed for the obtaining of the collective spectrum, superfluid density and the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature. 3. The effect of random field due to impurities, boundary irregularities on the superfluidity of a three-dimensional system of excitons and a quasi-two-dimensional of direct and spatially indirect excitons is investigated [4]. 4. The excitation spectra and superfluidity of the electron-hole system in coupled quantum wells have been analyzed [5,6]. It was shown that the gap in the excitation spectra decreases if the interwell separation and the density of electrons and holes increase. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, V.G.Tsvetus, Phase transitions of electron-hole and unbalanced electron systems in coupled quantum wells in high magnetic fields, Phys.Rev. B59, pp.5627-5636, 1999. [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, M.Willander, Superfluidity of indirect biexcitons in superlattices, JETP V.88, No.5, pp.980-986, 1999. [3] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, M.Willander, Superfluidity of indirect biexcitons in superlattices, Europhysics Letters V.48, No.3, pp.299-305, 1999. [4] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, The superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, JETP Lett. V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999. [5] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.A.Panfilov, The excitation spectra and superfluidity of the electron-hole system in coupled quantum wells, Physica Status Solidi (b), V.209, pp.287-294, 1998. [6] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman and A.A.Panfilov, The excitation spectra in coupled quantum wells, Solid State Phys. (russ. Fiz.Tverd.Tela), V.40, No.12, pp.2226-2228, 1998. O.Berman participated in the International Advanced School Leonardo da Vinci for a continuing education programme 1998 Summer Course "Superconducting materials: advances in technology and applications" (Italy, Bologna, 29 June - 10 July, 1998). Five reports on seminars at the Institute of Spectroscopy were made. One report in seminar at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Stoney Brook has been made. In 1999 O.Berman has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "The investigation of phase transitions and superfluidity in the system of the coupled quantum wells". D.A.DANILOV (Udmurt State University, Izhevsk) in his studies of rapid solidification obtained the following results: 1. A comparative analysis of a model for local nonequilibrium solidification with experimental measurements of "dendrite tip growth velocity -- initial melt undercooling" in rapidly solidifying alloys Cu - 30% at. Ni [1] and Ni - 1% at. Zr [2] has been performed. The predictions of the model are in qualitative and quantitative agreement with experimental data for both alloys. 2. A general solution [3] of the steady-state crystal growth shape under local nonequilibrium solidification has been found. This solution is found for the following growth shapes: elliptical paraboloid, paraboloid of revolution, cylindrical paraboloid, and parabolic platelet. 3. On the basics of a one-sided model of solute diffusion the dynamics of a motion of the rapid solidification front in a binary alloy is investigated [4,5]. A criterion connecting the dynamical stability of the front motion in a steady-state regime with a slope of the kinetic curve "front velocity - initial undercooling'' is formulated. An expression for the definition of nonstationary time during the transition to the steady-state regime is obtained. 4. A model for rapid solidification in undercooled pure metallic liquid is developed that includes local nonequilibrium heat transfer and kinetics of liquid-solid interface motion [6]. Taking into account the finiteness of the speed of heat transport, a general solution of the problem about local nonequilibrium heat transfer with the moving heat source at the planar solidification front is obtained. Asymptotic behavior of the velocity of the rapid planar front is investigated. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Model for free dendritic alloy growth under interfacial and bulk phase nonequilibrium conditions, J.Crystal Growth V.197, pp.992-1002, 1999. [2] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Dendritic growth model for rapid solidification of undercooled alloys, International Conference on Rapidly Quenched and Metastable Materials "RQ-10", Bangalore, India, August 1999, submitted for publication in the journal Material Science and Engineering. [3] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Steady-state crystal growth shape under local nonequilibrium mass transfer, Inzhenerno Fizicheski Zhurnal (Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics), submitted for publication [in Russian]. [4] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Selection of the dynamically stable regime of rapid solidification front motion in isothermal binary alloy, J.Crystal Growth, accepted for publication. [5] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko, A criterion for dynamical stability of rapid solidification front motion, University and Academic Scientific-Practical Conference, Udmurt State University. Thesis for the conference, Izhevsk, April 1999, p.60-61 [in Russian]. [6] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko, Hyperbolic heat transfer in rapid solidification of supercooled liquids, Proc. of the 4th Minsk International Heat and Mass Transfer Forum, A.V.Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute, Minsk, May 2000, accepted for publication. A.V.EMELYANENKO (Moscow State University) in his studies of strongly polar liquid crystals obtained the following results: 1. A statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition has been developed for a system of molecules possessing a strong dipole [1,4]. It was explicitly taken into account that a large amount of dimers appear in a molecular system, when a dipole is strong enough. The dependence of the nematic order parameters of monomers and dimers on the temperature and the temperature variation of the molar fraction of dimers have been obtained. These investigations were held for the systems of molecules with different values of the dipole moment. A principally important result was obtained that the nematic-isotropic transition temperature has no absolute growth with the increasing dipole moment, as it was predicted by the preceding theories, but achieves its maximum with subsequent decrease. This happens because molecules with the large dipole moments form dimers intensively, which destroy the nematic order. In the previous research, based on the mean field or second virial approximations, a very strong short-range correlations leading to the formation of dimers were disregarded. A theory derived in [1,4] takes into account the existence of dimers directly. It was shown, that for molecules with large dipoles the transition temperature decreases with the increasing dipole moment. This result was confirmed by the recent computer simulations. 2. Influence of the molecular shape on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals has been investigated [2]. A method based on the expansion of the intermolecular potential in a complete set of spherical invariants has been proposed to estimate the dispersion interaction between monomers and dimers. It has been established that molecules with small dipoles form dimers, which favour the nematic phase, whereas dimers composed of molecules with large dipoles favour the isotropic phase. It has also been found that molecules with an intermediate value of the dipole moment couple in dimers, which do not influence the nematic- isotropic transition temperature. This balance point depends on the molecular shape, and it may exist or not for different molecules. 3. A statistical theory of the cholesteric ordering [3] was derived. On the contrary to the preceding publications, it describes the helix inversion in binary mixtures. The biaxiality of molecules is explicitly taken into account. Under a certain conditions (driven by the mutual concentration of the components and temperature) the interaction between the short molecular axes, which was disregarded in the previous attempts, dominates over the interaction between the main axes. It leads to the helix inversion, which is usually observed in the experiment. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Polar liquid crystals. Statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [2] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Nematic-isotropic phase transition in polar liquid crystals. Role of the dispersion interaction, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [3] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, D.A.Dunmur, Molecular Theory of Chiral Nematic Liquid Crystals, Phys.Rev.E, paper accepted for publication. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Influence of dimerization on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals, Liquid Crystals, V.26, No.2, 1999. A.Emelyanenko participated in the 17-th International Liquid Crystal Conference (Strasbourg, France, July 19-24, 1998) and presented a poster "Molecular Theory of The Nematic-Isotropic Transition in Strongly Polar Liquid Crystals". Thesis of the poster was published. In 1999 A.Emelyanenko participated in the International Conference on Liquid Crystals, which took place in Krynica (Poland), with a report "Theory of the helix inversion in nematics doped with chiral molecules" (September 13-17, 1999) and in the International Conference "Nonlinear dynamics in polymer science and related fields", Desna, Moscow region, with a report "Helix inversion in binary liquid crystalline mixtures" (October 11-15, 1999). Both theses are included in the corresponding abstract books. The full-length reports are planned. A.V. Emelyanenko has also taken part in the Students Conference on chemistry and physics of the thin organic films, Puschino, Moscow region, with a report "Inversion of the spiral structure in binary LC mixtures" (June 14-15, 1999). Now A.Emelyanenko is developing a new theory of the liquid crystalline polymers, which also possess a helix inversion. I.M.EREMIN (Kazan State University) in his studies of the electronic structure and magnetic properties of high temperature superconductivity obtained the following results: 1. Self-consistent calculation of spin (charge) density wave order (SDW/CDW) parameters have been performed for bilayered cuprates on the basis of a singlet correlated band model [1]. Evolution of the Fermi surface in the strongly underdoped regime is described by using a two-band approach. The smooth development of the pseudogap formation temperature is explained from underdoped to overdoped states and the Fourier amplitudes $$ (spin) and $$ (charge) modulations have been calculated. We have found a maximum of the incommensurability for doping 0.09-0.11 holes per copper site. 2. The phase boundary of the paramagnetic phase of cuprates has been calculated with taking into account the strong electron correlations. The instability wave vector gets displaced from pure antiferromagnetic wave vector if doping increases. The calculated pictures of Lindhard response functions and complex momentum dependence of a CDW pseudogap are presented. Spin susceptibility expression for the singlet correlated band at $T_c The results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, I.Eremin, submitted to Appl.Magn.Res (cond-mat/9908297). [2] I.Eremin, M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, in a book "Stripes and Related Phenomena", edited by A.Bianconi and N.L.Saini, to be published by Kluwer Academics-Plenum Publisher. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before the grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant. [3] I.Eremin, Solid State Commun. 105, pp.293-296, 1998. I.Eremin participated in the Second International Conference on Stripes'98 (Rome, Italy, 2-6 June, 1998) and presented an oral contribution "Two reasons of instability in layered cuprates", Specialized Colloque Ampere EPR, NMR and NQR in Solid State Physics: Recent Trends (Pisa, Italy, June 14-18, 1999) and presented poster contribution "How large can be CDW/SDW amplitudes in layered cuprates", XVI International Seminar "New Magnetic Materials for Microelectronics" (Moscow, Russian Federation, June 23-26, 1998) and presented a poster "Dynamic spin susceptibility below $T_c$. Hubbard Model" (in Russian), XXVII International School for Theoretical Physicists "Kourovka" (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 2-7 March, 1998) and presented a talk "Influence of strong electron correlation on dynamical spin susceptibility in two-dimensional models" (in Russian) I.Eremin participated in the International Cooperation with the groups of Prof. D.Brinkmann and Prof. H.Keller, Institute of Physics, Zuerich University, Switzerland. In September 1999 I.Eremin has got a Ph.D. degree under the supervision of Prof. B.I.Kochelaev (Kazan State University). A.V.PANOV (Far-Eastern State University, Vladivostok) in his studies of magnetism obtained the following results: 1. The ground and metastable magnetic states of magnetite and iron particles with sizes closed to single-domain were analyzed within the scope of the developed model [1]. It was shown that depending on its size and elongation the grain can be in one of three states: with uniform magnetization, with a small and large non-uniformity of magnetic moment (quasi-single-domain and two-domain states). The critical sizes for uniform and quasi-single-domain states were calculated. Magnetization processes of such particles were simulated. The coercive force and critical fields as functions of size, elongation of the particles and external magnetic field direction were studied. The essential difference from similar studies is non-monotone dependence of coercive force on particle elongation for magnetite which is confirmed by experiments. 2. The previous model of two-phase particle was extended by entering of interfacial exchange coupling [2-4]. The magnetization process of an ensemble of Co-coated $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ used in magnetic recording media was studied. The set of magnetic states of such particles was analyzed for ensemble with thermal agitation. It was shown that relation between interfacial exchange coupling and magnetostatic inter-phase interaction affect dependence of the coercive force of the ensemble of $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ particles on coating volume. It was obtained that the growth in coating magnetocrystalline anisotropy leads to increase in coercivity of the ensemble. The main results have been presented in the papers submitted in March and April, 1998, before grantee has been informed of the awarding ICFPM grant: [1] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine magnetite particles, Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie [in Russian], 86, pp.65-73, 1998. [2] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Modeling of magnetization process of an ensemble of $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles with cobalt coating, "Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie" [in Russian] v.87, pp.17-22, 1999. [3] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states of Co-coated $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.241-242. [4] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, An influence of inter-phase interaction on coercive force of two-component particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.511-512. In June, 1999 A. V. Panov has got Ph. D. degree from the Far East State University (Vladivostok). Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Belokon'. Title: "Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine heterogeneous particle systems". A.M.POVOLOTSKY (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow Region) in his studies of the models of self-organized criticality obtained the following results: 1. We investigate the dynamics of Eulerian walkers as a model of self-organized criticality [1]. The evolution of the system is divided into characteristic periods which can be seen as avalanches. The structure of avalanches is described and the critical exponent in the distribution of first avalanches $\tau=2$ is determined. We also study a mean square displacement of Eulerian walkers and obtain a simple diffusion law in the critical state. The evolution of underlying medium from a random state to the critical one is described. 2.The general framework for the renormalization group analysis of self-organized critical sandpile models is formulated [2,3]. The usual real space renormalization scheme for lattice models when applied to nonequilibrium dynamical models must be supplemented by feedback relations coming from the stationarity conditions. On the basis of these ideas the Dynamically Driven Renormalization Group is applied to describe the boundary and bulk critical behavior of sandpile models. A detailed description of the branching nature of sandpile avalanches is given in terms of the generating functions of the underlying branching process. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] A.M.Povolotsky, V.B.Priezzhev, R.R.Shcherbakov, Phys.Rev.E 58, pp.5449-5454, 1998. [2] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, Phys.Rev.E 60, pp.1239-1251, 1999. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [3] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, preprint DIAS-STP-98-06, Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Ireland. A.Povolotsky was invited by J.Stefan Institute, Ljubljana Slovenia and presented the seminar there entitled "Eulerian walkers as a model of the self-organized criticality." S.E.SKIPETROV (Moscow State University) in his studies obtained the following main results: 1. A possibility for diagnostics of laser-induced particle flows in concentrated suspensions using methods of the optical correlation spectroscopy has been studied. The role of ponderomotive effects in experiments on dynamic multiple light scattering (DMLS) has been analyzed. 2. A diffusion model for the temporal autocorrelation function of multiple scattered light has been developed. The model has been shown to be valid for both the Brownian motion and laminar flow of scatterers. The case of spatially localized flow of scatterers in a turbid sample has been considered. We have demonstrated both theoretically and experimentally that one could use DMLS techniques to obtain useful information about hidden particle flows in turbid media. 3. Imaging through atmospheric turbulence has been studied. Statistical moments of the modulation transfer functions (MTFs) of a turbulent atmosphere have been calculated for various models of turbulence. Some of the main results have been presented in a paper containing acknowledgment to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially heterogeneous scatterer dynamics. Physics in Higher Education, V.5, No.1, pp.98-112, 1999 [in Russian]. [2] Karabutov A.A., Pelivanov I.M., Podymova N.B., Skipetrov S.E. Direct measurement of the spatial intensity distribution of light in a scattering medium, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., V.70, No.3, pp.187-191, 1999 [in Russian]; [English translation: J.Exp.Theor.Phys.Lett., V.70, No.3, pp.183-188, 1999]. [3] Skipetrov S.E., Effective dielectric function of a random medium, Phys.Rev.B 60, No.18, pp.12705-12709, 1999. [4] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Shcheglov V.A., Laser-induced particle flows in random media: is the diagnostics with multiple-scattered light possible? In: CD-ROM Proceedings of the International Conference on Optical Technology and Image Processing in Fluid, Thermal, and Combustion Flow (VSJ-SPIE'98) (Yokohama, Japan, December 7-9, 1998), paper AB090. [5] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Correlation spectroscopy for diagnostics of light-induced particle motion in concentrated suspensions. In: Fourth International Conference on Correlation Optics, O.V. Angelsky, Ed., Proc. SPIE, V.3904, pp.423-428, 1999. [6] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave imaging of flows in turbid media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99), (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). [7] Skipetrov S.E., Refractive index of random media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99) (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). S.Skipetrov participated in several scientific conferences: - XI School-Conference on Diffraction and Propagation of Waves (Moscow, Russia, January 12-15, 1998). An oral presentation entitled "Multiple scattering of light in random media with complex dynamic structure" has been made. - NATO Advanced Study Institute "Diffuse Waves in Complex Media" (Les Houches, France, March 17-28, 1998). A poster "Ponderomotive action of light in random media" has been presented. - XVI International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics - ICONO'98 (Moscow, Russia, June 29-July 3, 1998). Two posters has been presented: "Dynamic multiple scattering of laser radiation on light-induced flows of microparticles in suspension" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy of flows". - 17th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division, European Physical Society and 6emes Journees de la Matiere Condensee, Societe Francaise de Physique (Grenoble, France, August 25-29, 1998). A poster "Cross-correlations in dynamic multiple scattering of light" has been presented. - Fall School-Conference "Light-Scattering Techniques in Biomedicine, Industry and Material Science" (Saratov, Russia, October 6-9, 1998). An oral presentation: "Theory of diffusing-wave spectroscopy with angular and spatio-temporal cross-correlations" and two poster presentations: "Ponderomotive action of light in random multiple-scattering media" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in random media with absorption", have been made. - International Conference on Biomedical Optics and Spectroscopy. European Biomedical Optics Week - BiOS'98 (Stockholm, Sweden, September 6-9, 1998). Title of presentation: "Possibilities for study of light-induced flows of microparticles in concentrated suspensions using methods of optical correlation spectroscopy". - International Conference on LASERS'98 (Tucson, Arizona, USA, December 7-11, 1998). Title of presentation: "Hydrodynamic flows induced by copper-vapor laser: diagnostics using optical correlation spectroscopy". S.E.Skipetrov has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. S.S.Chesnokov. Title: "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially-heterogeneous scatterer flows". F.M.TSAHHAEV (Ryazan State Pedagogical University) in his studies of physics of low dimensional structures obtained the following results: 1. Galvanomagnetic effects have been measured in n-AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures with filling of two subbands. The values of the momentum relaxation times t and q have been determined experimentally. The t and q times have been also calculated in the conditions of intersubband scattering using the self-consistent electron wave function. The dominating relaxation mechanism was identified and the parameters of defects were evaluated by comparison of experimentally determined and calculated t and q values [1,5,6,9]. 2. The GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures with anomalously high mobility of 2D-electrons 0.6 m/V s (T=4.2 K) in respect to the well-known analogs have been synthesized. The anomalies and anisotropy of kinetic effects characteristics of the GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures have been observed in experiments. The electrons energy spectrum in GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures has been calculated on the basis of the experimental results. The comparison of calculated data and measurements results (C-V characteristics, temperature and axial/lateral magnetic field dependencies of conductivity, photoluminescence spectra) reveals anomalous properties of GaAs(0.30,?-Sn) structure along [110] direction in respect to the [110] one [4]. 3. In [7,8] the experimental results is analyzed in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures. 4. The hysteresis of current-temperature characteristics is revealed in GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with the three quantum wells [2]. 5. The magnetic field suppression of electron-electron interaction of 2D-electrons in the main and the first, disturbed subbands of dimension quantization in single heterojunction AlGaAs/GaAs have been revealed [3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] V.I.Kadushkin, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Relaxation mechanisms of 2D-electrons in selective doped n-AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs heterostructure with filling of two subbands,\\ Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., No.5/6, pp.55-74, 1999. [2] V.I.Tsebro, O.E.Omelyanovski, V.I.Kadushkin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, F.M.Tsahhaev,\\ S.N.Larin, Lateral photoconductivity low temperature hysteresis of GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with asymmetric system of quantum wells, Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). [3] V.I.Kadushkin, F.M.Tsahhaev, S.N.Larin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, Intersubband relaxation of 2D-electrons in AlGaAs(Si)/GaAs strong doped heterojunction, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., No.3/4, pp.135-166, 1998. [5] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, News Institutions of Higher Education. Physics, No.159, 1998 [in Russian]. Proceedings of the Conference: [6] The 24th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, August 2-7, 1998, Jerusalem, Israel; "Energy spectrum and relaxation mechanisms of electrons in lateral-surface superlattices GaAs(0.30,?-Sn)". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Yu.A.Kotova). [7] 10th International Symposium on Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors, August 31- September 2, 1998, Vilnius, Lithuania. "Photomodulation processes in GaAs/AlAs type-I quantum well structures". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [8] VII Luthuanian-Polish Seminar "Solid State Physics and Technology", Kaunas, 1998. "Photoexcitation effects in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures investigated by differential reflectivity spectroscopy". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [9] The 194th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, Boston, Massachusetts, November\\ 1-6, 1998. "Energy spectrum of electrons in GaAs(?-Sn) structure grown on vicinal plane". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). In March, 2000 F.M.Tsahhaev shall be got Ph.D. degree from the Ryazan State Pedagogical University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Kadushkin (RSPU). Title: "Localization and scattering of quasi-particles in low-dimensional heterostructures in quantized magnetic fields." D.A.RYNDYK (Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS, Nizhny Novgorod) in his studies of nonequilibrium effects in dynamics of Josephson structures and layered superconductors (nonequilibrium Josephson effect) obtained the following results: 1. Starting from microscopic equations for Green functions, quasiclassical kinetic equations are derived for the systems of tunnel junctions and for layered superconductors [1]. This kinetic equations can be generalized for the case of different types of junctions and for superconductors with arbitrary energy dependence of the density of states and anisotropic pairing. 2. Dynamics of one-dimensional array of nonequilibrium junctions is investigated, in particular, current-voltage characteristics and high frequency interaction between junctions. Peculiarities of the dynamics of intrinsic Josephson junctions in HTSC are considered [1,2] (this work is a continuation of previous investigation carried out in 1998: D.A.Ryndyk, Phys.Rev.Lett., 80, 3376, 1998). The calculated current-voltage characteristics demonstrate the nature of the effect of electron-hole imbalance on the dynamics of one-dimensional chains of junctions. 3. The effect of nonequilibrium amplification of Josephson oscillations is predicted [2]. 4. "Plasma" oscillations and Josephson flux flow in layered superconductors is considered with nonequilibrium effects taken into account. Beside, the work on the kinetic theory of plasma turbulence is continued, which was began previously in connection with the experimental investigation of low-hybrid turbulence, excited by ion beam (E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk et al., Nuclear Fusion, 38, 661, 1998). New results in the theory of turbulent broadening of cyclotron resonances are published in Ref.[3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] D.A.Ryndyk, Nonequilibrium Josephson effect in systems of tunnel junctions and in layered superconductors, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. V.116, p.1798, 1999 [JETP V.89, p.975, 1999]. [2] D.A.Ryndyk, High-frequency properties of nonequilibrium Josephson junctions in nanoscale and layered superconductors, Journal of radioelectronics (www journal) n.1 (2000), to be published in "Foreign radioelectronics". [3] E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk, Stochastic Broadening of High Order Ion Cyclotron Resonances due to Lower-Hybrid Turbulence, Strong microwaves in plasmas (proceedings of IV international workshop on strong micro-waves in plasmas, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 1999 ), ed. A.G.Litvak, V.2, Nizhny Novgorod, 2000. D.Ryndyk in 1999 participated in: 1. School-seminar "Physics and applications of microwaves" (24-30 of May in Krasnovidovo, Moscow region) with invited lecture "Physical basis of Josephson high frequency electronics". D.Ryndyk take part in several russian and international research projects, in particular: 1. Grants of Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) N. 97-02-16928 and 99-02-16188 . 2. State research program "Physics of microwaves". Grant 4.7. "Theoretical and experimental investigation of microwave interaction with superconducting structures". 3. Joint program of Institute of Applied Physics RAS and W7-AS stellarator group (Garching, Germany) on Collective Thomson scattering for plasma diagnostic. A.M.RUVINSKY (Institute of Spectroscopy of RAS, Troitsk) in his studies of collective properties of excitons has considered an influence of random fields on the conditions of exciton condensation and superfluidity in bulk and low-dimensional systems [1]. It was shown that in semiconductor alloys the density of excitons in Bose condensate decreases due to the exciton scattering on random fields of impurities or fluctuations of the composite. The density of the superfluidity fraction in the system of 3D and quasi-2D excitons also decreases taking into account this scattering. The scattering on the random field of the quantum well widths' fluctuations was analyzed for direct and indirect excitons. Analytical expressions for the exciton superfluidity densities in "dirty" single quantum wells, coupled quantum wells and bulk semiconductors have been derived. The influence of random fields on Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature for exciton systems in low-dimensional structures was analyzed. These results have been presented in the papers [1,2] containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1].Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, Superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. V.69, No.8, pp.573-578, 1999 [in Russian], (Letter in JETP, V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999). [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, A.M.Ruvinsky, Bogolubov approximation for rare exciton system in random media, Fiz.Tverd.Tela (Physics of the Solid State), in print, 2000 [in Russian]. In June, 1998 A.Ruvinsky has got Ph.D. degree from State Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "Magnetoexcitons in inhomogeneous and low-dimensional structures". A.ZEMLYANOV (Moscow State University) obtained the following results: A new approach to the description of anomalous transport phenomena that take place in fractal media was developed. Namely, anomalous diffusion on a comb structure consisting of a one- dimensional backbone and lateral branches (teeth) of random length is considered. A definite classification of the trajectories of random walks reduces the original problem to an analysis of classical diffusion on the backbone, where, however, the time of this process is a random quantity. Its distribution is assigned by the properties of the random walks of the diffusing particles on the teeth. The possibility of applying mean-field theory in such a model is demonstrated, and the equation for the Green's function with a partial derivative of fractional order is obtained. The characteristic features of the propagation of particles on a comb structure are analyzed. A model of an effective homogeneous medium, in which diffusion is described by an equation with a fractional derivative with respect to time and an initial condition in the form of an integral of fractional order, is obtained. These results are published in [1] and were presented at the Moscow Seminar on Synergetics at the Physics Faculty, Moscow State University. [1] I.A.Lubashevsky, A.A.Zemlyanov, Continuum description of anomalous diffusion on a comb structure, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., V.114, pp.1284-1312, 1998 [in Russian]. A.Zemlyanov has received invitation for participating in a research program at the University of Texas at Austin during the next three years.
O.A.RYTCHKOV (Steklov Mathematical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences,\\ Moscow) in his studies of classical solutions in superstring theory and their applications has obtained the following results: 1. Wide classes of new intersecting p-brane solutions in various space-time dimensions were constructed making use of an algebraic method [1]. p-brane configurations were specified by incidence matrices and it was shown that the solutions of the algebraic characteristic equations for the incidence matrices controlled the intersections of p-branes. 2. New types of p-brane solutions to various supergravities were obtained with use of the sigma-model approach [9]. A new way to endow branes with an additional internal structure such as plane waves was suggested. Applying the harmonic maps technique new solutions with a non-trivial shell structure in the transverse space were generated. Also intersecting branes were considered and it was shown that the intersection rules have a simple geometric interpretation as conditions ensuring the symmetric space property of the sigma-model target space. 3. Non-extremal overlapping p-brane supergravity solutions localized in their relative transverse coordinates were constructed [5,10]. The construction used an algebraic method of solving the bosonic equations of motion. 4. Some aspects of duality between supergravities on Anti-de Sitter (AdS) spaces (appearing as near D-brane horizon geometry) and conformal field theories were investigated in [2,6]. The massive Rarita-Schwinger field in AdS background was considered and the corresponding equations of motion were solved. It was shown that appropriate boundary terms calculated on-shell give two-point correlation function for spin-3/2 fields of the conformal field theory. The relation between Rarita-Schwinger field masses and conformal dimensions of corresponding operators was established. 5. Bulk-to-bulk propagators for the massive vector and symmetric rank-2 tensor fields in the Euclidean continuation of the Anti-de Sitter space were constructed [3]. The explicit forms of these propagators in the limit when one or both points approach the boundary of AdS were derived. It was shown that the obtained expressions coincide with bulk-to-boundary propagators or two-point correlation functions of the boundary CFT as expected from the AdS/CFT correspondence. This identification provides one more evidence for treating CFT operators on the boundary as appropriate limits of quantum fields in the bulk. Also the above limiting procedure clarifies the artificial appearance of boundary terms in the AdS/CFT correspondence. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] I.Ya.Aref'eva, O.A.Rytchkov, Incidence Matrix Description of Intersecting p-brane Solutions, to be published in L.D.Faddeev's Seminar on Mathematical Physics, Advances in Mathematics, Amer.Math.Soc., Providence, R.I. [2] A.S.Koshelev, O.A.Rytchkov, Note on the Massive Rarita-Schwinger field in the AdS/CFT correspondence, Phys.Lett.B 450, p.368, 1999. [3] A.Polishchuk, O.Rytchkov, Propagator for Massive Spin-2 Field in Anti-de Sitter Space, preprint SMI-25-99. Also the obtained results were published in the proceedings of the following conferences: [4] O.A.Rytchkov, Chaotic Behaviour of Dynamical Systems in M-theory, Proceedings of the Second Open Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (Russia, Dubna, March 2-6, 1998) [in Russian]. [5] O.A.Rytchkov, Localised p-branes in Supergravities and M-theory, Proceedings of the International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, May 18-24, 1998). [6] O.A.Rytchkov, Massive Rarita-Schwinger Field in the AdS/CFT correspondence, Proceedings of the XIV International Workshop on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory (Russia, May 27 - June 2, 1999). There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [7] I.Ya.Aref'eva, P.B.Medvedev, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Chaos in D0-brane Dynamics, Banach Center Publications, V.43, p.41, 1998. [8] I.Ya.Aref'eva, P.B.Medvedev, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Chaos in M(atrix) Theory, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, V.10, p.1, 1998. [9] D.V.Gal'tsov, O.A.Rytchkov, Generating branes via sigma models, Phys.Rev. D58, p.122001, 1998. [10] I.Ya.Aref'eva, M.G.Ivanov, O.A.Rytchkov, I.V.Volovich, Non-extremal localized\\ branes and vacuum solutions in M-theory, Class.Quant.Grav. V.15, p.2923, 1998. O.A.Rytchkov participated in Spring School on Non-perturbative Aspects of String Theory and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories (Italy, March 23-31, 1998) and in the Trieste Conference on Superfivebranes and Physics in 5+1 dimensions (Italy, April 1-3, 1998) where a poster entitled "New Non-extremal p-branes in Superstring Theories and M-theory" was presented. O.A.Rytchkov participated in International Seminar "Quarks-98" (Russia, May 18-24, 1998) and presented a talk there entitled "Localized p-branes in Supergravities and M-theory". O.A.Rytchkov participated in XI International Conference "Problems of Quantum Field Theory" (Russia, July 13-17, 1998) and presented a talk entitled "Localized p-branes in various supergravities" O.A Rytchkov participated in XIV International Workshop on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory (Russia, May 27 - June 2, 1999) and presented a talk there entitled "Massive Rarita-Schwinger Field in the AdS/CFT correspondence" V.I.SHEVCHENKO (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow) has obtained the following results: 1. Generalized coordinate gauge in nonabelian gauge theories was analysed, limits of applicability were established and applied to the nonabelian Stokes theorem and dual QCD Lagrangian evaluation. 2. The structure of perturbative contributions to the string tension in gluodynamics was investigated and cancellation of them in the vacuum field correlators framework was shown. 3. The modifications of the Higgs mechanism in abelian Higgs model due to interaction with topological defects were considered. 4. Deeper understanding of the Higgs mechanism in the quantum background was reached, especially in the aspects, important for the abelian projected confinement theories. 5. The colour superconductivity phenomenon was investigated in the framework of Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. The effective potential was calculated and the importance of the nonperturbative gluon condensate from the nonabelian Meissner effect point of view was shown. 6. The exact renormalisation group flows were studied in the current representation of the abelian projected gluodynamics. 7. The Casimir scaling behaviour of the static potential between charges in higher representations of the gauge group SU(3) was investigated, being based on recent lattice data. The value of scaling violating terms is estimated. It is shown, that Casimir scaling puts severe bounds on the presence of classical solutions in the vacuum. [1] V.Shevchenko, Yu.Simonov, Generalized coordinate gauge, nonabelian Stokes theorem and dual QCD Lagrangian, Phys.Lett.B 437, p.146, 1998. [2] V.Shevchenko, Yu.Simonov, Perturbative contributions to field correlators, Phys.Lett.B 437, p.131, 1998. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [3] V.Shevchenko, Higgs mechanism in nontrivial background, hep-th/9810222 (being prepared for publication). [4] N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov, V.I.Shevchenko, Nonperturbative QCD vacuum and Colour Superconductivity, Phys.Rep. V.320, p.131, 1999. [5] V.I.Shevchenko, Yu.A.Simonov, Casimir Scaling as a Test of QCD vacuum, hep-ph/0001299, being prepared for publication. Published talks on conferences: (1) "Generalized Fock-Schwinger Gauge and its applications" V.I. Shevchenko, (based on the work with Yu.A.Simonov), Int.School dedicated to the 100th anniversary of V.A.Fock, St.Peterburg, 1998. (2) "Does confinement imply stochasticity?", V.I.Shevchenko, Chaos and complexity, Ponte di Legno, Italy, 1998. (3) "Gluon degrees of freedom at nonzero baryonic density", V.Shevchenko, (partly based on the work with N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov), XXVIII Autumn School, Lisbon, Portugal,1999. (4) "Coordinate gauges and confinement", V. I. Shevchenko, Confinement III (poster session, unpublished), Newport News, USA, 1998. (5) "Nonperturbative QCD vacuum and Colour Superconductivity", V.Shevchenko, (based on the work with N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov), Buckow, Germany, 1999 (no proceedings). V.Shevchenko visited Department of Theoretical Physics of Pisa University, Italy (October 1 - 30, 1998) by invitation of Professor A.DiGiacomo. In January, 2000 V.Shevchenko has got Ph.D. degree from ITEP. Thesis advisor: Prof.Yu.A.Simonov. Title: "Nonperturbative effects in gauge field theory". N.V.SHEVCHENKO (Irkutsk State University and Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow region) in her studies of few-body systems obtained the following results: 1. Elastic $\eta d$ scattering was considered within the Alt-Grassberger-Sandhas formalism for various $\eta N$ input data. A three-body resonant state was found close to the $\eta d$ threshold [1]. This resonance is sustained for different choices of the two-body $\eta N$ scattering length $a_{\eta N}$. The position of the resonance moves towards the $\eta d$ threshold when ${\rm Re\,}a_{\eta N}$ is increased, and turns into a quasi-bound state at ${\rm Re\,}a_{\eta N}\sim0.7\div0.8$\,fm depending on the choice of ${\rm Im\,}a_{\eta N}$. 2. The nuclear reaction $e+{^3{\rm He}}+{^4{\rm He}}\rightarrow{}e +{^7{\rm Be}}$ was considered at thermonuclear energies [2]. The motion of the electron was treated within the adiabatic approximation and the ${^3{\rm He}}-{^4{\rm He}}$ scattering state was calculated using an effective ${^3{\rm He}}-{^4{\rm He}}$ potential constructed via the Marchenko inverse scattering method. The reaction rate thus obtained for solar interior conditions is approximately $10^{-4}$ of the corresponding rate for the radiative capture ${^3{\rm He}}+{^4{\rm He}}\rightarrow{}{^7{\rm Be}}+\gamma$. The main results have been presented in the paper containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] N.V.Shevchenko, V.B.Belyaev, S.A.Rakityansky, S.A.Sofianos, W.Sandhas, Low-energy $\eta d$ resonance, e-print LANL, nucl-th/9908035; submitted to Phys.Rev.Lett. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [2] N.V.Shevchenko, S.A.Rakityansky, S.A.Sofianos, V.B.Belyaev, Non-radiative synthesis of $^7{\rm Be}$ in solar plasma, J.Physics G25, pp.95-106, 1999. N.Shevchenko will participate in the IV Open Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (Dubna, Russia, January 31 - February 4, 2000) and will present a session talk there entitled "Near-threshold resonance in the $\eta d$ system". N.Shevchenko is invited by the Organizing Committee of the 16th International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics (Taipei, Taiwan, March 6-10, 2000) to take part in the conference and present the contribution entitled "Low energy scattering and photoproduction of $\eta$-mesons by deuterons" in a poster session. N.Shevchenko participates in international co-operation with the group of Prof. W.Sand\-has, Physikalisches Institut, Universitat Bonn, Germany and with the group of Prof. S.A.Sofi\-anos, Physics Department, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa. N.Shevchenko is a postgraduate student of the third year and she is planing to get the Ph.D. degree at the 2000th year. V.V.SHKLYAR ( Far Eastern State University, Vladivostok) in his studies of photon and vector meson production obtained the following results: 1. The different sources of the real photon and $\phi$-meson production in nucleon-nucleon collisions at intermediate energies have been studied and the effective model of the reactions has been suggested in [1-4]. The role and influence of each channel for the $NN\to NN\gamma$ reaction (bremsstrahlung, $\Delta$-excitation, radiative $\omega/\rho$-decay) has been shown and discussed in [1]. 2. Also, the available experimental data for the real photon production at 0.28 and 0.75 GeV beam energy were described well and the predictions for forthcoming data at COSY-TOF are obtained [1]. 3. Apart from the photon production reaction, the $NN\to NN\phi$ reaction near the threshold has been explored. It was shown, that the influence of the shake-off mechanism was negligible and the $\pi\rho\phi$ interaction coming from the non-ideal $\phi-\omega$ mixing angle gave the main contribution to the $\phi$-meson yield [3]. The predictions for the reaction amplitude behaviour and polarization observables near the reaction threshold was obtained. It has been also shown that the earlier exact threshold predictions for these reactions (e.c. M.Recalo et al) were not relevant at energies slightly above the threshold [2]. The value of the beam-target asymmetry $C^{BT}=-0.8$ was predicted and the ratio of the spin-singlet states to the spin-triplet ones was derived at the reaction threshold [3]. 4. The spin density matrix and the anisotropy of the $\phi$ decay were calculated. It was also shown that for the $\phi\to e^+e^-$-decay the small $\bar ss$ admixture could lead to the modification of the $\phi$ decay anisotropy that might be used in the experimental searching of the hidden strangeness in nucleon [4]. There are the publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [1] V.V.Shklyar, B.K\"ampfer, B.L.Reznik, A.I.Titov, Bremsstrahlung in intermediate-energy nucleon reaction within an effective one-boson exchange model, Nucl.Phys.A628, pp.255-274, 1998. [2] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, The reaction $NN \to NN \phi$ near threshold, preprint (nucl-th/9712025); preprint (nucl-th/9811094). The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [3] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, Polarization observables in the reaction $NN \to NN \phi$, to be published in Phys.Rev. C59, 1999. [4] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, Polarization observables in the reaction $NN\to NN\phi$ near threshold, XIV International Seminar On High Energy Physics Problems, Conf. Proceedings, preprint E1,2-98-232. V.Shklyar participated in the International Summer Student School on High Energy Physics in Memory of Bruno Pontekorvo ( JINR, Dubna, August 18 - September 1, 1998.) V.Shklyar also participated in the XIVth International Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems (JINR, Dubna, August 17-22, 1998) as a co-author. Talk on International Seminar DEUTERON-99, JINR, Dubna-99, Russia, 4-7 July. In October, 1999 V.Shklyar has got Ph.D. degree from the Far Eastern State University. Thesis advisor: Prof. A.I.Titov (JINR). Title: "Photon and $\phi$-meson production at intermediate energies" D.V.ALEXANDROV (Urals State University, Ekaterinburg) in his studies of solidification processes obtained the following results: 1. A theory of incipience of a two-phase zone is numerically and theoretically studied [1]. On the basis of a linear law for the velocity of solidification which was obtained numerically, governing equations for the velocity and for the time of incipience of the two-phase zone (the latter arises ahead of a planar front of solidification due to the concentrational supercooling) were deduced. 2. In [2] the fractal dimension of the two-phase zone is determined for the self-similar regime of solidification in the presence of the mushy region. 3. The general problem of incipience of the two-phase zone is solved on the basis of the classical Stefan thermodiffusion model (without suggestions about the velocity distribution). The time of incipience of the two-phase zone and the velocity of solidification are determined in the form of integral equations [3]. 4. A theory of solidification with a qusiequilibrium two-phase zone is detailed on the basis of analytical solution of Borisov's model [4]. The steps of thermodynamic values in the two-phase zone (at both boundaries) are found on the basis of which the zone is changed by the discontinuity surface between solid and liquid phases. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] D.V.Alexandrov, A.G.Churbanov, P.N.Vabishchevich, Emergence of a Mushy Region in Processes of Binary Melt Solidification, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research, V.26, No.2, pp.248-264, 1999. [2] D.V.Alexandrov, A.O.Ivanov, M.E.Komarovski, An Influence of a Fractal-Like Mushy Region on Solidification Process, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research, V.26, No.2, pp.224-231, 1999. [3] D.V.Alexandrov, Incipience of a Mushy Zone in Binary Melt Solidification Processes: General Theory, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research (to be published). [4] D.V.Alexandrov, To the Theory of Solidification with a Quasiequilibrium Two-Phase Zone, Doklady AN (submitted) [in Russian]. The following papers will be presented for publication soon with acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: 1. D.V.Alexandrov, Incipience of a Mushy Zone in Binary Melt Solidification Processes: Stefan Thermodiffusion Problem (Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research). 2. D.V.Alexandrov, Quasiequilibrium Mushy Region: Dynamic Instability (Acta Materialia). In March, 1998 D.Alexandrov has got Ph.D. degree from The Urals State Technical University. Thesis advisors: Prof. V.V.Mansurov, Dr. A.O.Ivanov. Title: "An Influence of a quasiequilibrium Mushy Region on Solidification of Binary Melts". A.A.ALIVERDIEV (Institute of Physics, Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala) in his studies of the use of a registered signal velocity for the time-resolved tomography, in particular for the laser tomography of condensed matter obtained the following results: 1. A summarizing of the reconstructive theory of a signal speed using has been developed [1-10]. 2. Analytical expressions for nD photoacoustic tomography and the problem of a complex absorption account have been derived. Some practical algorithms and software ware carried out. Number of 2D numerical simulations are hold. A principally important result was obtained that good photoacoustic reconstruction is possible with different conditions [1-4, 7, 8]. 3. A method of a stream collision has been proposed for the stochastic emission correlation tomography. Number of 2D numerical simulations with inspired results are hold [1]. 4. A method of Hartley transform has been considered for an image processing. Some practical algorithms and software ware carried out [5]. The main goals of the project was achieved. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, Use of velocity of a filed signal in a tomography. Features of an optoacoustic tomography, [in Russian], Makhachkala, DSU, 1998, 60p. [2] G.K.Makhtimagomedov, M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, R.M.Batyrov, G.M.Halilulayev, A.A.Amirova, M.M.Akhmedov, M.M.Ataev, About the modeling of spatial-temporal tomographic reconstruction of sphere of phase transitions; Proceedings of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter", Makhachkala, Russia, 1998, p.3-6. [3] A.A.Aliverdiev, Some aspects of the computing of the laser tomography of mixed state, Proceedings of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter", Makhachkala, Russia, 1998, p.3-5. [4] A.A.Aliverdiev, About the account of complex absorption in laser tomography, Proceedings of the International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan", dedicated to 275 Anniversary of Russian Academy of the Sciences and 50 Anniversary of Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of the Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, pp.33-34. [5] A.A.Aliverdiev, R.M.Batyrov, M.G.Karimov, G.M.Halilulayev, A.A.Amirova, Some questions of the use of Hertley transform in physical tomography, Proceedings of the International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan", dedicated to 275 Anniversary of Russian Academy of the Sciences and 50 Anniversary of Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of the Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, p.35. [6] M.G.Karimov. A.A.Aliverdiev, A.A.Amirova, Some questions of the tomographic reconstruction of plasma objects, Proceedings of the All-Russian Conference "Physical Electronics", Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, p.107. [7] A.A.Aliverdiev, M.G.Karimov, Back photoacoustic problem in the investigation of quasistationary spatial-heterogeneous flows, Proceedings of the V International Scientific and Technical Conference "Optical Methods of the Flows Investigations" (Moscow, Russia, 1999), p.161. [8] A.A.Aliverdiev, Some questions of the physical tomography with application of velocity spectrum of registered signal, Proceedings of the Conference "Resonance and non-linear phenomenon in Condensed Matter" (Ufa, Russia 1999). There are two publications, which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [9] A.A.Aliverdiev, M.G.Karimov, Solution of optic reconstructive problem considering registered signal velocity, Turkey J. of Physics, No.4, pp.311-314, 1998. [10] M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, About modeling of 2D optoacoustic researches of exited media, Radiophysics (Massager of Higher Educational Institutes of Russia), No.1, 1999. A.Aliverdiev was the executive (scientific) secretary of the local Program Committee of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter" (Makhachkala, Russia, 1998). Two reports of A.Aliverdiev ware represented in that Conference. A.Aliverdiev represents the reports in (1) the Winter College "Spectroscopy and Applications" (AS-ICTP, Trieste, Italy 1999), (2) the Baikal School of Fundamental Physics (Irkutsk, Russia, 1999, in absentia, by correspondence), (3) the V International Scientific and Technical Conference "Optical Methods of the Flows Investigations" (Moscow, Russia, 1999, in absentia, by co-author), (4) International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan" (Makhachkala, Russia, 1999), (5) the All-Russian Conference "Physical Electronics" (Makhachkala, Russia 1999), (6) the Regional Conference "Resonance and non-linear phenomenon in Condensed Matter" (Ufa, Russia 1999), (7) the Fourth Training Course in the Physics of Correlated Electron Systems and High-Tc Superconductors (Vietri sul Mare, Salerno, Italy, 1999). In July 1998 A. Aliverdiev has got Ph.D. degree from the Daghestan State University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. M.G.Karimov (DSU). Title: "Some solutions of a reconstructive problem in a plasma physics and nonlinear optics with the use of a finiteness of distribution of a registered signal velocity". O.L.BERMAN (Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Moscow Region) in his studies of phase transitions and superfluidity in the system of coupled quantum wells obtained the following results: 1. The theory of phase transitions of electron-hole and unbalanced electron systems in coupled quantum wells in high magnetic fields has been developed [1]. Analytical expressions for the temperatures of the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition to the superfluid state have been derived. A principally important result was obtained that the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature decreases at rise of magnetic field and interwell separation at fixed magnetoexciton density. But the maximal possible Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature increases at rise of magnetic field and interwell separation. 2. It was shown that the system of weakly interacting indirect excitons in the superlattice slab is unstable [2,3]. A method based on the sum of the ladder diagram for the calculation of vertex of quadrupole indirect biexcitons interaction has been proposed for the obtaining of the collective spectrum, superfluid density and the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature. 3. The effect of random field due to impurities, boundary irregularities on the superfluidity of a three-dimensional system of excitons and a quasi-two-dimensional of direct and spatially indirect excitons is investigated [4]. 4. The excitation spectra and superfluidity of the electron-hole system in coupled quantum wells have been analyzed [5,6]. It was shown that the gap in the excitation spectra decreases if the interwell separation and the density of electrons and holes increase. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, V.G.Tsvetus, Phase transitions of electron-hole and unbalanced electron systems in coupled quantum wells in high magnetic fields, Phys.Rev. B59, pp.5627-5636, 1999. [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, M.Willander, Superfluidity of indirect biexcitons in superlattices, JETP V.88, No.5, pp.980-986, 1999. [3] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, M.Willander, Superfluidity of indirect biexcitons in superlattices, Europhysics Letters V.48, No.3, pp.299-305, 1999. [4] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, The superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, JETP Lett. V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999. [5] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.A.Panfilov, The excitation spectra and superfluidity of the electron-hole system in coupled quantum wells, Physica Status Solidi (b), V.209, pp.287-294, 1998. [6] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman and A.A.Panfilov, The excitation spectra in coupled quantum wells, Solid State Phys. (russ. Fiz.Tverd.Tela), V.40, No.12, pp.2226-2228, 1998. O.Berman participated in the International Advanced School Leonardo da Vinci for a continuing education programme 1998 Summer Course "Superconducting materials: advances in technology and applications" (Italy, Bologna, 29 June - 10 July, 1998). Five reports on seminars at the Institute of Spectroscopy were made. One report in seminar at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Stoney Brook has been made. In 1999 O.Berman has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "The investigation of phase transitions and superfluidity in the system of the coupled quantum wells". D.A.DANILOV (Udmurt State University, Izhevsk) in his studies of rapid solidification obtained the following results: 1. A comparative analysis of a model for local nonequilibrium solidification with experimental measurements of "dendrite tip growth velocity -- initial melt undercooling" in rapidly solidifying alloys Cu - 30% at. Ni [1] and Ni - 1% at. Zr [2] has been performed. The predictions of the model are in qualitative and quantitative agreement with experimental data for both alloys. 2. A general solution [3] of the steady-state crystal growth shape under local nonequilibrium solidification has been found. This solution is found for the following growth shapes: elliptical paraboloid, paraboloid of revolution, cylindrical paraboloid, and parabolic platelet. 3. On the basics of a one-sided model of solute diffusion the dynamics of a motion of the rapid solidification front in a binary alloy is investigated [4,5]. A criterion connecting the dynamical stability of the front motion in a steady-state regime with a slope of the kinetic curve "front velocity - initial undercooling'' is formulated. An expression for the definition of nonstationary time during the transition to the steady-state regime is obtained. 4. A model for rapid solidification in undercooled pure metallic liquid is developed that includes local nonequilibrium heat transfer and kinetics of liquid-solid interface motion [6]. Taking into account the finiteness of the speed of heat transport, a general solution of the problem about local nonequilibrium heat transfer with the moving heat source at the planar solidification front is obtained. Asymptotic behavior of the velocity of the rapid planar front is investigated. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Model for free dendritic alloy growth under interfacial and bulk phase nonequilibrium conditions, J.Crystal Growth V.197, pp.992-1002, 1999. [2] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Dendritic growth model for rapid solidification of undercooled alloys, International Conference on Rapidly Quenched and Metastable Materials "RQ-10", Bangalore, India, August 1999, submitted for publication in the journal Material Science and Engineering. [3] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Steady-state crystal growth shape under local nonequilibrium mass transfer, Inzhenerno Fizicheski Zhurnal (Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics), submitted for publication [in Russian]. [4] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Selection of the dynamically stable regime of rapid solidification front motion in isothermal binary alloy, J.Crystal Growth, accepted for publication. [5] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko, A criterion for dynamical stability of rapid solidification front motion, University and Academic Scientific-Practical Conference, Udmurt State University. Thesis for the conference, Izhevsk, April 1999, p.60-61 [in Russian]. [6] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko, Hyperbolic heat transfer in rapid solidification of supercooled liquids, Proc. of the 4th Minsk International Heat and Mass Transfer Forum, A.V.Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute, Minsk, May 2000, accepted for publication. A.V.EMELYANENKO (Moscow State University) in his studies of strongly polar liquid crystals obtained the following results: 1. A statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition has been developed for a system of molecules possessing a strong dipole [1,4]. It was explicitly taken into account that a large amount of dimers appear in a molecular system, when a dipole is strong enough. The dependence of the nematic order parameters of monomers and dimers on the temperature and the temperature variation of the molar fraction of dimers have been obtained. These investigations were held for the systems of molecules with different values of the dipole moment. A principally important result was obtained that the nematic-isotropic transition temperature has no absolute growth with the increasing dipole moment, as it was predicted by the preceding theories, but achieves its maximum with subsequent decrease. This happens because molecules with the large dipole moments form dimers intensively, which destroy the nematic order. In the previous research, based on the mean field or second virial approximations, a very strong short-range correlations leading to the formation of dimers were disregarded. A theory derived in [1,4] takes into account the existence of dimers directly. It was shown, that for molecules with large dipoles the transition temperature decreases with the increasing dipole moment. This result was confirmed by the recent computer simulations. 2. Influence of the molecular shape on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals has been investigated [2]. A method based on the expansion of the intermolecular potential in a complete set of spherical invariants has been proposed to estimate the dispersion interaction between monomers and dimers. It has been established that molecules with small dipoles form dimers, which favour the nematic phase, whereas dimers composed of molecules with large dipoles favour the isotropic phase. It has also been found that molecules with an intermediate value of the dipole moment couple in dimers, which do not influence the nematic- isotropic transition temperature. This balance point depends on the molecular shape, and it may exist or not for different molecules. 3. A statistical theory of the cholesteric ordering [3] was derived. On the contrary to the preceding publications, it describes the helix inversion in binary mixtures. The biaxiality of molecules is explicitly taken into account. Under a certain conditions (driven by the mutual concentration of the components and temperature) the interaction between the short molecular axes, which was disregarded in the previous attempts, dominates over the interaction between the main axes. It leads to the helix inversion, which is usually observed in the experiment. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Polar liquid crystals. Statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [2] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Nematic-isotropic phase transition in polar liquid crystals. Role of the dispersion interaction, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [3] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, D.A.Dunmur, Molecular Theory of Chiral Nematic Liquid Crystals, Phys.Rev.E, paper accepted for publication. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Influence of dimerization on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals, Liquid Crystals, V.26, No.2, 1999. A.Emelyanenko participated in the 17-th International Liquid Crystal Conference (Strasbourg, France, July 19-24, 1998) and presented a poster "Molecular Theory of The Nematic-Isotropic Transition in Strongly Polar Liquid Crystals". Thesis of the poster was published. In 1999 A.Emelyanenko participated in the International Conference on Liquid Crystals, which took place in Krynica (Poland), with a report "Theory of the helix inversion in nematics doped with chiral molecules" (September 13-17, 1999) and in the International Conference "Nonlinear dynamics in polymer science and related fields", Desna, Moscow region, with a report "Helix inversion in binary liquid crystalline mixtures" (October 11-15, 1999). Both theses are included in the corresponding abstract books. The full-length reports are planned. A.V. Emelyanenko has also taken part in the Students Conference on chemistry and physics of the thin organic films, Puschino, Moscow region, with a report "Inversion of the spiral structure in binary LC mixtures" (June 14-15, 1999). Now A.Emelyanenko is developing a new theory of the liquid crystalline polymers, which also possess a helix inversion. I.M.EREMIN (Kazan State University) in his studies of the electronic structure and magnetic properties of high temperature superconductivity obtained the following results: 1. Self-consistent calculation of spin (charge) density wave order (SDW/CDW) parameters have been performed for bilayered cuprates on the basis of a singlet correlated band model [1]. Evolution of the Fermi surface in the strongly underdoped regime is described by using a two-band approach. The smooth development of the pseudogap formation temperature is explained from underdoped to overdoped states and the Fourier amplitudes $$ (spin) and $$ (charge) modulations have been calculated. We have found a maximum of the incommensurability for doping 0.09-0.11 holes per copper site. 2. The phase boundary of the paramagnetic phase of cuprates has been calculated with taking into account the strong electron correlations. The instability wave vector gets displaced from pure antiferromagnetic wave vector if doping increases. The calculated pictures of Lindhard response functions and complex momentum dependence of a CDW pseudogap are presented. Spin susceptibility expression for the singlet correlated band at $T_c The results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, I.Eremin, submitted to Appl.Magn.Res (cond-mat/9908297). [2] I.Eremin, M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, in a book "Stripes and Related Phenomena", edited by A.Bianconi and N.L.Saini, to be published by Kluwer Academics-Plenum Publisher. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before the grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant. [3] I.Eremin, Solid State Commun. 105, pp.293-296, 1998. I.Eremin participated in the Second International Conference on Stripes'98 (Rome, Italy, 2-6 June, 1998) and presented an oral contribution "Two reasons of instability in layered cuprates", Specialized Colloque Ampere EPR, NMR and NQR in Solid State Physics: Recent Trends (Pisa, Italy, June 14-18, 1999) and presented poster contribution "How large can be CDW/SDW amplitudes in layered cuprates", XVI International Seminar "New Magnetic Materials for Microelectronics" (Moscow, Russian Federation, June 23-26, 1998) and presented a poster "Dynamic spin susceptibility below $T_c$. Hubbard Model" (in Russian), XXVII International School for Theoretical Physicists "Kourovka" (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 2-7 March, 1998) and presented a talk "Influence of strong electron correlation on dynamical spin susceptibility in two-dimensional models" (in Russian) I.Eremin participated in the International Cooperation with the groups of Prof. D.Brinkmann and Prof. H.Keller, Institute of Physics, Zuerich University, Switzerland. In September 1999 I.Eremin has got a Ph.D. degree under the supervision of Prof. B.I.Kochelaev (Kazan State University). A.V.PANOV (Far-Eastern State University, Vladivostok) in his studies of magnetism obtained the following results: 1. The ground and metastable magnetic states of magnetite and iron particles with sizes closed to single-domain were analyzed within the scope of the developed model [1]. It was shown that depending on its size and elongation the grain can be in one of three states: with uniform magnetization, with a small and large non-uniformity of magnetic moment (quasi-single-domain and two-domain states). The critical sizes for uniform and quasi-single-domain states were calculated. Magnetization processes of such particles were simulated. The coercive force and critical fields as functions of size, elongation of the particles and external magnetic field direction were studied. The essential difference from similar studies is non-monotone dependence of coercive force on particle elongation for magnetite which is confirmed by experiments. 2. The previous model of two-phase particle was extended by entering of interfacial exchange coupling [2-4]. The magnetization process of an ensemble of Co-coated $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ used in magnetic recording media was studied. The set of magnetic states of such particles was analyzed for ensemble with thermal agitation. It was shown that relation between interfacial exchange coupling and magnetostatic inter-phase interaction affect dependence of the coercive force of the ensemble of $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ particles on coating volume. It was obtained that the growth in coating magnetocrystalline anisotropy leads to increase in coercivity of the ensemble. The main results have been presented in the papers submitted in March and April, 1998, before grantee has been informed of the awarding ICFPM grant: [1] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine magnetite particles, Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie [in Russian], 86, pp.65-73, 1998. [2] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Modeling of magnetization process of an ensemble of $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles with cobalt coating, "Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie" [in Russian] v.87, pp.17-22, 1999. [3] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states of Co-coated $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.241-242. [4] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, An influence of inter-phase interaction on coercive force of two-component particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.511-512. In June, 1999 A. V. Panov has got Ph. D. degree from the Far East State University (Vladivostok). Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Belokon'. Title: "Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine heterogeneous particle systems". A.M.POVOLOTSKY (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow Region) in his studies of the models of self-organized criticality obtained the following results: 1. We investigate the dynamics of Eulerian walkers as a model of self-organized criticality [1]. The evolution of the system is divided into characteristic periods which can be seen as avalanches. The structure of avalanches is described and the critical exponent in the distribution of first avalanches $\tau=2$ is determined. We also study a mean square displacement of Eulerian walkers and obtain a simple diffusion law in the critical state. The evolution of underlying medium from a random state to the critical one is described. 2.The general framework for the renormalization group analysis of self-organized critical sandpile models is formulated [2,3]. The usual real space renormalization scheme for lattice models when applied to nonequilibrium dynamical models must be supplemented by feedback relations coming from the stationarity conditions. On the basis of these ideas the Dynamically Driven Renormalization Group is applied to describe the boundary and bulk critical behavior of sandpile models. A detailed description of the branching nature of sandpile avalanches is given in terms of the generating functions of the underlying branching process. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] A.M.Povolotsky, V.B.Priezzhev, R.R.Shcherbakov, Phys.Rev.E 58, pp.5449-5454, 1998. [2] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, Phys.Rev.E 60, pp.1239-1251, 1999. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [3] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, preprint DIAS-STP-98-06, Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Ireland. A.Povolotsky was invited by J.Stefan Institute, Ljubljana Slovenia and presented the seminar there entitled "Eulerian walkers as a model of the self-organized criticality." S.E.SKIPETROV (Moscow State University) in his studies obtained the following main results: 1. A possibility for diagnostics of laser-induced particle flows in concentrated suspensions using methods of the optical correlation spectroscopy has been studied. The role of ponderomotive effects in experiments on dynamic multiple light scattering (DMLS) has been analyzed. 2. A diffusion model for the temporal autocorrelation function of multiple scattered light has been developed. The model has been shown to be valid for both the Brownian motion and laminar flow of scatterers. The case of spatially localized flow of scatterers in a turbid sample has been considered. We have demonstrated both theoretically and experimentally that one could use DMLS techniques to obtain useful information about hidden particle flows in turbid media. 3. Imaging through atmospheric turbulence has been studied. Statistical moments of the modulation transfer functions (MTFs) of a turbulent atmosphere have been calculated for various models of turbulence. Some of the main results have been presented in a paper containing acknowledgment to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially heterogeneous scatterer dynamics. Physics in Higher Education, V.5, No.1, pp.98-112, 1999 [in Russian]. [2] Karabutov A.A., Pelivanov I.M., Podymova N.B., Skipetrov S.E. Direct measurement of the spatial intensity distribution of light in a scattering medium, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., V.70, No.3, pp.187-191, 1999 [in Russian]; [English translation: J.Exp.Theor.Phys.Lett., V.70, No.3, pp.183-188, 1999]. [3] Skipetrov S.E., Effective dielectric function of a random medium, Phys.Rev.B 60, No.18, pp.12705-12709, 1999. [4] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Shcheglov V.A., Laser-induced particle flows in random media: is the diagnostics with multiple-scattered light possible? In: CD-ROM Proceedings of the International Conference on Optical Technology and Image Processing in Fluid, Thermal, and Combustion Flow (VSJ-SPIE'98) (Yokohama, Japan, December 7-9, 1998), paper AB090. [5] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Correlation spectroscopy for diagnostics of light-induced particle motion in concentrated suspensions. In: Fourth International Conference on Correlation Optics, O.V. Angelsky, Ed., Proc. SPIE, V.3904, pp.423-428, 1999. [6] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave imaging of flows in turbid media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99), (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). [7] Skipetrov S.E., Refractive index of random media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99) (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). S.Skipetrov participated in several scientific conferences: - XI School-Conference on Diffraction and Propagation of Waves (Moscow, Russia, January 12-15, 1998). An oral presentation entitled "Multiple scattering of light in random media with complex dynamic structure" has been made. - NATO Advanced Study Institute "Diffuse Waves in Complex Media" (Les Houches, France, March 17-28, 1998). A poster "Ponderomotive action of light in random media" has been presented. - XVI International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics - ICONO'98 (Moscow, Russia, June 29-July 3, 1998). Two posters has been presented: "Dynamic multiple scattering of laser radiation on light-induced flows of microparticles in suspension" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy of flows". - 17th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division, European Physical Society and 6emes Journees de la Matiere Condensee, Societe Francaise de Physique (Grenoble, France, August 25-29, 1998). A poster "Cross-correlations in dynamic multiple scattering of light" has been presented. - Fall School-Conference "Light-Scattering Techniques in Biomedicine, Industry and Material Science" (Saratov, Russia, October 6-9, 1998). An oral presentation: "Theory of diffusing-wave spectroscopy with angular and spatio-temporal cross-correlations" and two poster presentations: "Ponderomotive action of light in random multiple-scattering media" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in random media with absorption", have been made. - International Conference on Biomedical Optics and Spectroscopy. European Biomedical Optics Week - BiOS'98 (Stockholm, Sweden, September 6-9, 1998). Title of presentation: "Possibilities for study of light-induced flows of microparticles in concentrated suspensions using methods of optical correlation spectroscopy". - International Conference on LASERS'98 (Tucson, Arizona, USA, December 7-11, 1998). Title of presentation: "Hydrodynamic flows induced by copper-vapor laser: diagnostics using optical correlation spectroscopy". S.E.Skipetrov has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. S.S.Chesnokov. Title: "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially-heterogeneous scatterer flows". F.M.TSAHHAEV (Ryazan State Pedagogical University) in his studies of physics of low dimensional structures obtained the following results: 1. Galvanomagnetic effects have been measured in n-AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures with filling of two subbands. The values of the momentum relaxation times t and q have been determined experimentally. The t and q times have been also calculated in the conditions of intersubband scattering using the self-consistent electron wave function. The dominating relaxation mechanism was identified and the parameters of defects were evaluated by comparison of experimentally determined and calculated t and q values [1,5,6,9]. 2. The GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures with anomalously high mobility of 2D-electrons 0.6 m/V s (T=4.2 K) in respect to the well-known analogs have been synthesized. The anomalies and anisotropy of kinetic effects characteristics of the GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures have been observed in experiments. The electrons energy spectrum in GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures has been calculated on the basis of the experimental results. The comparison of calculated data and measurements results (C-V characteristics, temperature and axial/lateral magnetic field dependencies of conductivity, photoluminescence spectra) reveals anomalous properties of GaAs(0.30,?-Sn) structure along [110] direction in respect to the [110] one [4]. 3. In [7,8] the experimental results is analyzed in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures. 4. The hysteresis of current-temperature characteristics is revealed in GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with the three quantum wells [2]. 5. The magnetic field suppression of electron-electron interaction of 2D-electrons in the main and the first, disturbed subbands of dimension quantization in single heterojunction AlGaAs/GaAs have been revealed [3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] V.I.Kadushkin, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Relaxation mechanisms of 2D-electrons in selective doped n-AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs heterostructure with filling of two subbands,\\ Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., No.5/6, pp.55-74, 1999. [2] V.I.Tsebro, O.E.Omelyanovski, V.I.Kadushkin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, F.M.Tsahhaev,\\ S.N.Larin, Lateral photoconductivity low temperature hysteresis of GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with asymmetric system of quantum wells, Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). [3] V.I.Kadushkin, F.M.Tsahhaev, S.N.Larin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, Intersubband relaxation of 2D-electrons in AlGaAs(Si)/GaAs strong doped heterojunction, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., No.3/4, pp.135-166, 1998. [5] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, News Institutions of Higher Education. Physics, No.159, 1998 [in Russian]. Proceedings of the Conference: [6] The 24th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, August 2-7, 1998, Jerusalem, Israel; "Energy spectrum and relaxation mechanisms of electrons in lateral-surface superlattices GaAs(0.30,?-Sn)". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Yu.A.Kotova). [7] 10th International Symposium on Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors, August 31- September 2, 1998, Vilnius, Lithuania. "Photomodulation processes in GaAs/AlAs type-I quantum well structures". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [8] VII Luthuanian-Polish Seminar "Solid State Physics and Technology", Kaunas, 1998. "Photoexcitation effects in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures investigated by differential reflectivity spectroscopy". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [9] The 194th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, Boston, Massachusetts, November\\ 1-6, 1998. "Energy spectrum of electrons in GaAs(?-Sn) structure grown on vicinal plane". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). In March, 2000 F.M.Tsahhaev shall be got Ph.D. degree from the Ryazan State Pedagogical University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Kadushkin (RSPU). Title: "Localization and scattering of quasi-particles in low-dimensional heterostructures in quantized magnetic fields." D.A.RYNDYK (Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS, Nizhny Novgorod) in his studies of nonequilibrium effects in dynamics of Josephson structures and layered superconductors (nonequilibrium Josephson effect) obtained the following results: 1. Starting from microscopic equations for Green functions, quasiclassical kinetic equations are derived for the systems of tunnel junctions and for layered superconductors [1]. This kinetic equations can be generalized for the case of different types of junctions and for superconductors with arbitrary energy dependence of the density of states and anisotropic pairing. 2. Dynamics of one-dimensional array of nonequilibrium junctions is investigated, in particular, current-voltage characteristics and high frequency interaction between junctions. Peculiarities of the dynamics of intrinsic Josephson junctions in HTSC are considered [1,2] (this work is a continuation of previous investigation carried out in 1998: D.A.Ryndyk, Phys.Rev.Lett., 80, 3376, 1998). The calculated current-voltage characteristics demonstrate the nature of the effect of electron-hole imbalance on the dynamics of one-dimensional chains of junctions. 3. The effect of nonequilibrium amplification of Josephson oscillations is predicted [2]. 4. "Plasma" oscillations and Josephson flux flow in layered superconductors is considered with nonequilibrium effects taken into account. Beside, the work on the kinetic theory of plasma turbulence is continued, which was began previously in connection with the experimental investigation of low-hybrid turbulence, excited by ion beam (E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk et al., Nuclear Fusion, 38, 661, 1998). New results in the theory of turbulent broadening of cyclotron resonances are published in Ref.[3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] D.A.Ryndyk, Nonequilibrium Josephson effect in systems of tunnel junctions and in layered superconductors, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. V.116, p.1798, 1999 [JETP V.89, p.975, 1999]. [2] D.A.Ryndyk, High-frequency properties of nonequilibrium Josephson junctions in nanoscale and layered superconductors, Journal of radioelectronics (www journal) n.1 (2000), to be published in "Foreign radioelectronics". [3] E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk, Stochastic Broadening of High Order Ion Cyclotron Resonances due to Lower-Hybrid Turbulence, Strong microwaves in plasmas (proceedings of IV international workshop on strong micro-waves in plasmas, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 1999 ), ed. A.G.Litvak, V.2, Nizhny Novgorod, 2000. D.Ryndyk in 1999 participated in: 1. School-seminar "Physics and applications of microwaves" (24-30 of May in Krasnovidovo, Moscow region) with invited lecture "Physical basis of Josephson high frequency electronics". D.Ryndyk take part in several russian and international research projects, in particular: 1. Grants of Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) N. 97-02-16928 and 99-02-16188 . 2. State research program "Physics of microwaves". Grant 4.7. "Theoretical and experimental investigation of microwave interaction with superconducting structures". 3. Joint program of Institute of Applied Physics RAS and W7-AS stellarator group (Garching, Germany) on Collective Thomson scattering for plasma diagnostic. A.M.RUVINSKY (Institute of Spectroscopy of RAS, Troitsk) in his studies of collective properties of excitons has considered an influence of random fields on the conditions of exciton condensation and superfluidity in bulk and low-dimensional systems [1]. It was shown that in semiconductor alloys the density of excitons in Bose condensate decreases due to the exciton scattering on random fields of impurities or fluctuations of the composite. The density of the superfluidity fraction in the system of 3D and quasi-2D excitons also decreases taking into account this scattering. The scattering on the random field of the quantum well widths' fluctuations was analyzed for direct and indirect excitons. Analytical expressions for the exciton superfluidity densities in "dirty" single quantum wells, coupled quantum wells and bulk semiconductors have been derived. The influence of random fields on Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature for exciton systems in low-dimensional structures was analyzed. These results have been presented in the papers [1,2] containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1].Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, Superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. V.69, No.8, pp.573-578, 1999 [in Russian], (Letter in JETP, V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999). [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, A.M.Ruvinsky, Bogolubov approximation for rare exciton system in random media, Fiz.Tverd.Tela (Physics of the Solid State), in print, 2000 [in Russian]. In June, 1998 A.Ruvinsky has got Ph.D. degree from State Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "Magnetoexcitons in inhomogeneous and low-dimensional structures". A.ZEMLYANOV (Moscow State University) obtained the following results: A new approach to the description of anomalous transport phenomena that take place in fractal media was developed. Namely, anomalous diffusion on a comb structure consisting of a one- dimensional backbone and lateral branches (teeth) of random length is considered. A definite classification of the trajectories of random walks reduces the original problem to an analysis of classical diffusion on the backbone, where, however, the time of this process is a random quantity. Its distribution is assigned by the properties of the random walks of the diffusing particles on the teeth. The possibility of applying mean-field theory in such a model is demonstrated, and the equation for the Green's function with a partial derivative of fractional order is obtained. The characteristic features of the propagation of particles on a comb structure are analyzed. A model of an effective homogeneous medium, in which diffusion is described by an equation with a fractional derivative with respect to time and an initial condition in the form of an integral of fractional order, is obtained. These results are published in [1] and were presented at the Moscow Seminar on Synergetics at the Physics Faculty, Moscow State University. [1] I.A.Lubashevsky, A.A.Zemlyanov, Continuum description of anomalous diffusion on a comb structure, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., V.114, pp.1284-1312, 1998 [in Russian]. A.Zemlyanov has received invitation for participating in a research program at the University of Texas at Austin during the next three years.
V.I.SHEVCHENKO (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow) has obtained the following results: 1. Generalized coordinate gauge in nonabelian gauge theories was analysed, limits of applicability were established and applied to the nonabelian Stokes theorem and dual QCD Lagrangian evaluation. 2. The structure of perturbative contributions to the string tension in gluodynamics was investigated and cancellation of them in the vacuum field correlators framework was shown. 3. The modifications of the Higgs mechanism in abelian Higgs model due to interaction with topological defects were considered. 4. Deeper understanding of the Higgs mechanism in the quantum background was reached, especially in the aspects, important for the abelian projected confinement theories. 5. The colour superconductivity phenomenon was investigated in the framework of Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. The effective potential was calculated and the importance of the nonperturbative gluon condensate from the nonabelian Meissner effect point of view was shown. 6. The exact renormalisation group flows were studied in the current representation of the abelian projected gluodynamics. 7. The Casimir scaling behaviour of the static potential between charges in higher representations of the gauge group SU(3) was investigated, being based on recent lattice data. The value of scaling violating terms is estimated. It is shown, that Casimir scaling puts severe bounds on the presence of classical solutions in the vacuum. [1] V.Shevchenko, Yu.Simonov, Generalized coordinate gauge, nonabelian Stokes theorem and dual QCD Lagrangian, Phys.Lett.B 437, p.146, 1998. [2] V.Shevchenko, Yu.Simonov, Perturbative contributions to field correlators, Phys.Lett.B 437, p.131, 1998. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [3] V.Shevchenko, Higgs mechanism in nontrivial background, hep-th/9810222 (being prepared for publication). [4] N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov, V.I.Shevchenko, Nonperturbative QCD vacuum and Colour Superconductivity, Phys.Rep. V.320, p.131, 1999. [5] V.I.Shevchenko, Yu.A.Simonov, Casimir Scaling as a Test of QCD vacuum, hep-ph/0001299, being prepared for publication. Published talks on conferences: (1) "Generalized Fock-Schwinger Gauge and its applications" V.I. Shevchenko, (based on the work with Yu.A.Simonov), Int.School dedicated to the 100th anniversary of V.A.Fock, St.Peterburg, 1998. (2) "Does confinement imply stochasticity?", V.I.Shevchenko, Chaos and complexity, Ponte di Legno, Italy, 1998. (3) "Gluon degrees of freedom at nonzero baryonic density", V.Shevchenko, (partly based on the work with N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov), XXVIII Autumn School, Lisbon, Portugal,1999. (4) "Coordinate gauges and confinement", V. I. Shevchenko, Confinement III (poster session, unpublished), Newport News, USA, 1998. (5) "Nonperturbative QCD vacuum and Colour Superconductivity", V.Shevchenko, (based on the work with N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov), Buckow, Germany, 1999 (no proceedings). V.Shevchenko visited Department of Theoretical Physics of Pisa University, Italy (October 1 - 30, 1998) by invitation of Professor A.DiGiacomo. In January, 2000 V.Shevchenko has got Ph.D. degree from ITEP. Thesis advisor: Prof.Yu.A.Simonov. Title: "Nonperturbative effects in gauge field theory". N.V.SHEVCHENKO (Irkutsk State University and Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow region) in her studies of few-body systems obtained the following results: 1. Elastic $\eta d$ scattering was considered within the Alt-Grassberger-Sandhas formalism for various $\eta N$ input data. A three-body resonant state was found close to the $\eta d$ threshold [1]. This resonance is sustained for different choices of the two-body $\eta N$ scattering length $a_{\eta N}$. The position of the resonance moves towards the $\eta d$ threshold when ${\rm Re\,}a_{\eta N}$ is increased, and turns into a quasi-bound state at ${\rm Re\,}a_{\eta N}\sim0.7\div0.8$\,fm depending on the choice of ${\rm Im\,}a_{\eta N}$. 2. The nuclear reaction $e+{^3{\rm He}}+{^4{\rm He}}\rightarrow{}e +{^7{\rm Be}}$ was considered at thermonuclear energies [2]. The motion of the electron was treated within the adiabatic approximation and the ${^3{\rm He}}-{^4{\rm He}}$ scattering state was calculated using an effective ${^3{\rm He}}-{^4{\rm He}}$ potential constructed via the Marchenko inverse scattering method. The reaction rate thus obtained for solar interior conditions is approximately $10^{-4}$ of the corresponding rate for the radiative capture ${^3{\rm He}}+{^4{\rm He}}\rightarrow{}{^7{\rm Be}}+\gamma$. The main results have been presented in the paper containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] N.V.Shevchenko, V.B.Belyaev, S.A.Rakityansky, S.A.Sofianos, W.Sandhas, Low-energy $\eta d$ resonance, e-print LANL, nucl-th/9908035; submitted to Phys.Rev.Lett. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [2] N.V.Shevchenko, S.A.Rakityansky, S.A.Sofianos, V.B.Belyaev, Non-radiative synthesis of $^7{\rm Be}$ in solar plasma, J.Physics G25, pp.95-106, 1999. N.Shevchenko will participate in the IV Open Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (Dubna, Russia, January 31 - February 4, 2000) and will present a session talk there entitled "Near-threshold resonance in the $\eta d$ system". N.Shevchenko is invited by the Organizing Committee of the 16th International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics (Taipei, Taiwan, March 6-10, 2000) to take part in the conference and present the contribution entitled "Low energy scattering and photoproduction of $\eta$-mesons by deuterons" in a poster session. N.Shevchenko participates in international co-operation with the group of Prof. W.Sand\-has, Physikalisches Institut, Universitat Bonn, Germany and with the group of Prof. S.A.Sofi\-anos, Physics Department, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa. N.Shevchenko is a postgraduate student of the third year and she is planing to get the Ph.D. degree at the 2000th year. V.V.SHKLYAR ( Far Eastern State University, Vladivostok) in his studies of photon and vector meson production obtained the following results: 1. The different sources of the real photon and $\phi$-meson production in nucleon-nucleon collisions at intermediate energies have been studied and the effective model of the reactions has been suggested in [1-4]. The role and influence of each channel for the $NN\to NN\gamma$ reaction (bremsstrahlung, $\Delta$-excitation, radiative $\omega/\rho$-decay) has been shown and discussed in [1]. 2. Also, the available experimental data for the real photon production at 0.28 and 0.75 GeV beam energy were described well and the predictions for forthcoming data at COSY-TOF are obtained [1]. 3. Apart from the photon production reaction, the $NN\to NN\phi$ reaction near the threshold has been explored. It was shown, that the influence of the shake-off mechanism was negligible and the $\pi\rho\phi$ interaction coming from the non-ideal $\phi-\omega$ mixing angle gave the main contribution to the $\phi$-meson yield [3]. The predictions for the reaction amplitude behaviour and polarization observables near the reaction threshold was obtained. It has been also shown that the earlier exact threshold predictions for these reactions (e.c. M.Recalo et al) were not relevant at energies slightly above the threshold [2]. The value of the beam-target asymmetry $C^{BT}=-0.8$ was predicted and the ratio of the spin-singlet states to the spin-triplet ones was derived at the reaction threshold [3]. 4. The spin density matrix and the anisotropy of the $\phi$ decay were calculated. It was also shown that for the $\phi\to e^+e^-$-decay the small $\bar ss$ admixture could lead to the modification of the $\phi$ decay anisotropy that might be used in the experimental searching of the hidden strangeness in nucleon [4]. There are the publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [1] V.V.Shklyar, B.K\"ampfer, B.L.Reznik, A.I.Titov, Bremsstrahlung in intermediate-energy nucleon reaction within an effective one-boson exchange model, Nucl.Phys.A628, pp.255-274, 1998. [2] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, The reaction $NN \to NN \phi$ near threshold, preprint (nucl-th/9712025); preprint (nucl-th/9811094). The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [3] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, Polarization observables in the reaction $NN \to NN \phi$, to be published in Phys.Rev. C59, 1999. [4] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, Polarization observables in the reaction $NN\to NN\phi$ near threshold, XIV International Seminar On High Energy Physics Problems, Conf. Proceedings, preprint E1,2-98-232. V.Shklyar participated in the International Summer Student School on High Energy Physics in Memory of Bruno Pontekorvo ( JINR, Dubna, August 18 - September 1, 1998.) V.Shklyar also participated in the XIVth International Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems (JINR, Dubna, August 17-22, 1998) as a co-author. Talk on International Seminar DEUTERON-99, JINR, Dubna-99, Russia, 4-7 July. In October, 1999 V.Shklyar has got Ph.D. degree from the Far Eastern State University. Thesis advisor: Prof. A.I.Titov (JINR). Title: "Photon and $\phi$-meson production at intermediate energies" D.V.ALEXANDROV (Urals State University, Ekaterinburg) in his studies of solidification processes obtained the following results: 1. A theory of incipience of a two-phase zone is numerically and theoretically studied [1]. On the basis of a linear law for the velocity of solidification which was obtained numerically, governing equations for the velocity and for the time of incipience of the two-phase zone (the latter arises ahead of a planar front of solidification due to the concentrational supercooling) were deduced. 2. In [2] the fractal dimension of the two-phase zone is determined for the self-similar regime of solidification in the presence of the mushy region. 3. The general problem of incipience of the two-phase zone is solved on the basis of the classical Stefan thermodiffusion model (without suggestions about the velocity distribution). The time of incipience of the two-phase zone and the velocity of solidification are determined in the form of integral equations [3]. 4. A theory of solidification with a qusiequilibrium two-phase zone is detailed on the basis of analytical solution of Borisov's model [4]. The steps of thermodynamic values in the two-phase zone (at both boundaries) are found on the basis of which the zone is changed by the discontinuity surface between solid and liquid phases. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] D.V.Alexandrov, A.G.Churbanov, P.N.Vabishchevich, Emergence of a Mushy Region in Processes of Binary Melt Solidification, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research, V.26, No.2, pp.248-264, 1999. [2] D.V.Alexandrov, A.O.Ivanov, M.E.Komarovski, An Influence of a Fractal-Like Mushy Region on Solidification Process, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research, V.26, No.2, pp.224-231, 1999. [3] D.V.Alexandrov, Incipience of a Mushy Zone in Binary Melt Solidification Processes: General Theory, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research (to be published). [4] D.V.Alexandrov, To the Theory of Solidification with a Quasiequilibrium Two-Phase Zone, Doklady AN (submitted) [in Russian]. The following papers will be presented for publication soon with acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: 1. D.V.Alexandrov, Incipience of a Mushy Zone in Binary Melt Solidification Processes: Stefan Thermodiffusion Problem (Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research). 2. D.V.Alexandrov, Quasiequilibrium Mushy Region: Dynamic Instability (Acta Materialia). In March, 1998 D.Alexandrov has got Ph.D. degree from The Urals State Technical University. Thesis advisors: Prof. V.V.Mansurov, Dr. A.O.Ivanov. Title: "An Influence of a quasiequilibrium Mushy Region on Solidification of Binary Melts". A.A.ALIVERDIEV (Institute of Physics, Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala) in his studies of the use of a registered signal velocity for the time-resolved tomography, in particular for the laser tomography of condensed matter obtained the following results: 1. A summarizing of the reconstructive theory of a signal speed using has been developed [1-10]. 2. Analytical expressions for nD photoacoustic tomography and the problem of a complex absorption account have been derived. Some practical algorithms and software ware carried out. Number of 2D numerical simulations are hold. A principally important result was obtained that good photoacoustic reconstruction is possible with different conditions [1-4, 7, 8]. 3. A method of a stream collision has been proposed for the stochastic emission correlation tomography. Number of 2D numerical simulations with inspired results are hold [1]. 4. A method of Hartley transform has been considered for an image processing. Some practical algorithms and software ware carried out [5]. The main goals of the project was achieved. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, Use of velocity of a filed signal in a tomography. Features of an optoacoustic tomography, [in Russian], Makhachkala, DSU, 1998, 60p. [2] G.K.Makhtimagomedov, M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, R.M.Batyrov, G.M.Halilulayev, A.A.Amirova, M.M.Akhmedov, M.M.Ataev, About the modeling of spatial-temporal tomographic reconstruction of sphere of phase transitions; Proceedings of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter", Makhachkala, Russia, 1998, p.3-6. [3] A.A.Aliverdiev, Some aspects of the computing of the laser tomography of mixed state, Proceedings of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter", Makhachkala, Russia, 1998, p.3-5. [4] A.A.Aliverdiev, About the account of complex absorption in laser tomography, Proceedings of the International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan", dedicated to 275 Anniversary of Russian Academy of the Sciences and 50 Anniversary of Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of the Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, pp.33-34. [5] A.A.Aliverdiev, R.M.Batyrov, M.G.Karimov, G.M.Halilulayev, A.A.Amirova, Some questions of the use of Hertley transform in physical tomography, Proceedings of the International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan", dedicated to 275 Anniversary of Russian Academy of the Sciences and 50 Anniversary of Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of the Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, p.35. [6] M.G.Karimov. A.A.Aliverdiev, A.A.Amirova, Some questions of the tomographic reconstruction of plasma objects, Proceedings of the All-Russian Conference "Physical Electronics", Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, p.107. [7] A.A.Aliverdiev, M.G.Karimov, Back photoacoustic problem in the investigation of quasistationary spatial-heterogeneous flows, Proceedings of the V International Scientific and Technical Conference "Optical Methods of the Flows Investigations" (Moscow, Russia, 1999), p.161. [8] A.A.Aliverdiev, Some questions of the physical tomography with application of velocity spectrum of registered signal, Proceedings of the Conference "Resonance and non-linear phenomenon in Condensed Matter" (Ufa, Russia 1999). There are two publications, which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [9] A.A.Aliverdiev, M.G.Karimov, Solution of optic reconstructive problem considering registered signal velocity, Turkey J. of Physics, No.4, pp.311-314, 1998. [10] M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, About modeling of 2D optoacoustic researches of exited media, Radiophysics (Massager of Higher Educational Institutes of Russia), No.1, 1999. A.Aliverdiev was the executive (scientific) secretary of the local Program Committee of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter" (Makhachkala, Russia, 1998). Two reports of A.Aliverdiev ware represented in that Conference. A.Aliverdiev represents the reports in (1) the Winter College "Spectroscopy and Applications" (AS-ICTP, Trieste, Italy 1999), (2) the Baikal School of Fundamental Physics (Irkutsk, Russia, 1999, in absentia, by correspondence), (3) the V International Scientific and Technical Conference "Optical Methods of the Flows Investigations" (Moscow, Russia, 1999, in absentia, by co-author), (4) International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan" (Makhachkala, Russia, 1999), (5) the All-Russian Conference "Physical Electronics" (Makhachkala, Russia 1999), (6) the Regional Conference "Resonance and non-linear phenomenon in Condensed Matter" (Ufa, Russia 1999), (7) the Fourth Training Course in the Physics of Correlated Electron Systems and High-Tc Superconductors (Vietri sul Mare, Salerno, Italy, 1999). In July 1998 A. Aliverdiev has got Ph.D. degree from the Daghestan State University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. M.G.Karimov (DSU). Title: "Some solutions of a reconstructive problem in a plasma physics and nonlinear optics with the use of a finiteness of distribution of a registered signal velocity". O.L.BERMAN (Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Moscow Region) in his studies of phase transitions and superfluidity in the system of coupled quantum wells obtained the following results: 1. The theory of phase transitions of electron-hole and unbalanced electron systems in coupled quantum wells in high magnetic fields has been developed [1]. Analytical expressions for the temperatures of the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition to the superfluid state have been derived. A principally important result was obtained that the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature decreases at rise of magnetic field and interwell separation at fixed magnetoexciton density. But the maximal possible Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature increases at rise of magnetic field and interwell separation. 2. It was shown that the system of weakly interacting indirect excitons in the superlattice slab is unstable [2,3]. A method based on the sum of the ladder diagram for the calculation of vertex of quadrupole indirect biexcitons interaction has been proposed for the obtaining of the collective spectrum, superfluid density and the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature. 3. The effect of random field due to impurities, boundary irregularities on the superfluidity of a three-dimensional system of excitons and a quasi-two-dimensional of direct and spatially indirect excitons is investigated [4]. 4. The excitation spectra and superfluidity of the electron-hole system in coupled quantum wells have been analyzed [5,6]. It was shown that the gap in the excitation spectra decreases if the interwell separation and the density of electrons and holes increase. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, V.G.Tsvetus, Phase transitions of electron-hole and unbalanced electron systems in coupled quantum wells in high magnetic fields, Phys.Rev. B59, pp.5627-5636, 1999. [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, M.Willander, Superfluidity of indirect biexcitons in superlattices, JETP V.88, No.5, pp.980-986, 1999. [3] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, M.Willander, Superfluidity of indirect biexcitons in superlattices, Europhysics Letters V.48, No.3, pp.299-305, 1999. [4] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, The superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, JETP Lett. V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999. [5] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.A.Panfilov, The excitation spectra and superfluidity of the electron-hole system in coupled quantum wells, Physica Status Solidi (b), V.209, pp.287-294, 1998. [6] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman and A.A.Panfilov, The excitation spectra in coupled quantum wells, Solid State Phys. (russ. Fiz.Tverd.Tela), V.40, No.12, pp.2226-2228, 1998. O.Berman participated in the International Advanced School Leonardo da Vinci for a continuing education programme 1998 Summer Course "Superconducting materials: advances in technology and applications" (Italy, Bologna, 29 June - 10 July, 1998). Five reports on seminars at the Institute of Spectroscopy were made. One report in seminar at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Stoney Brook has been made. In 1999 O.Berman has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "The investigation of phase transitions and superfluidity in the system of the coupled quantum wells". D.A.DANILOV (Udmurt State University, Izhevsk) in his studies of rapid solidification obtained the following results: 1. A comparative analysis of a model for local nonequilibrium solidification with experimental measurements of "dendrite tip growth velocity -- initial melt undercooling" in rapidly solidifying alloys Cu - 30% at. Ni [1] and Ni - 1% at. Zr [2] has been performed. The predictions of the model are in qualitative and quantitative agreement with experimental data for both alloys. 2. A general solution [3] of the steady-state crystal growth shape under local nonequilibrium solidification has been found. This solution is found for the following growth shapes: elliptical paraboloid, paraboloid of revolution, cylindrical paraboloid, and parabolic platelet. 3. On the basics of a one-sided model of solute diffusion the dynamics of a motion of the rapid solidification front in a binary alloy is investigated [4,5]. A criterion connecting the dynamical stability of the front motion in a steady-state regime with a slope of the kinetic curve "front velocity - initial undercooling'' is formulated. An expression for the definition of nonstationary time during the transition to the steady-state regime is obtained. 4. A model for rapid solidification in undercooled pure metallic liquid is developed that includes local nonequilibrium heat transfer and kinetics of liquid-solid interface motion [6]. Taking into account the finiteness of the speed of heat transport, a general solution of the problem about local nonequilibrium heat transfer with the moving heat source at the planar solidification front is obtained. Asymptotic behavior of the velocity of the rapid planar front is investigated. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Model for free dendritic alloy growth under interfacial and bulk phase nonequilibrium conditions, J.Crystal Growth V.197, pp.992-1002, 1999. [2] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Dendritic growth model for rapid solidification of undercooled alloys, International Conference on Rapidly Quenched and Metastable Materials "RQ-10", Bangalore, India, August 1999, submitted for publication in the journal Material Science and Engineering. [3] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Steady-state crystal growth shape under local nonequilibrium mass transfer, Inzhenerno Fizicheski Zhurnal (Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics), submitted for publication [in Russian]. [4] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Selection of the dynamically stable regime of rapid solidification front motion in isothermal binary alloy, J.Crystal Growth, accepted for publication. [5] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko, A criterion for dynamical stability of rapid solidification front motion, University and Academic Scientific-Practical Conference, Udmurt State University. Thesis for the conference, Izhevsk, April 1999, p.60-61 [in Russian]. [6] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko, Hyperbolic heat transfer in rapid solidification of supercooled liquids, Proc. of the 4th Minsk International Heat and Mass Transfer Forum, A.V.Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute, Minsk, May 2000, accepted for publication. A.V.EMELYANENKO (Moscow State University) in his studies of strongly polar liquid crystals obtained the following results: 1. A statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition has been developed for a system of molecules possessing a strong dipole [1,4]. It was explicitly taken into account that a large amount of dimers appear in a molecular system, when a dipole is strong enough. The dependence of the nematic order parameters of monomers and dimers on the temperature and the temperature variation of the molar fraction of dimers have been obtained. These investigations were held for the systems of molecules with different values of the dipole moment. A principally important result was obtained that the nematic-isotropic transition temperature has no absolute growth with the increasing dipole moment, as it was predicted by the preceding theories, but achieves its maximum with subsequent decrease. This happens because molecules with the large dipole moments form dimers intensively, which destroy the nematic order. In the previous research, based on the mean field or second virial approximations, a very strong short-range correlations leading to the formation of dimers were disregarded. A theory derived in [1,4] takes into account the existence of dimers directly. It was shown, that for molecules with large dipoles the transition temperature decreases with the increasing dipole moment. This result was confirmed by the recent computer simulations. 2. Influence of the molecular shape on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals has been investigated [2]. A method based on the expansion of the intermolecular potential in a complete set of spherical invariants has been proposed to estimate the dispersion interaction between monomers and dimers. It has been established that molecules with small dipoles form dimers, which favour the nematic phase, whereas dimers composed of molecules with large dipoles favour the isotropic phase. It has also been found that molecules with an intermediate value of the dipole moment couple in dimers, which do not influence the nematic- isotropic transition temperature. This balance point depends on the molecular shape, and it may exist or not for different molecules. 3. A statistical theory of the cholesteric ordering [3] was derived. On the contrary to the preceding publications, it describes the helix inversion in binary mixtures. The biaxiality of molecules is explicitly taken into account. Under a certain conditions (driven by the mutual concentration of the components and temperature) the interaction between the short molecular axes, which was disregarded in the previous attempts, dominates over the interaction between the main axes. It leads to the helix inversion, which is usually observed in the experiment. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Polar liquid crystals. Statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [2] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Nematic-isotropic phase transition in polar liquid crystals. Role of the dispersion interaction, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [3] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, D.A.Dunmur, Molecular Theory of Chiral Nematic Liquid Crystals, Phys.Rev.E, paper accepted for publication. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Influence of dimerization on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals, Liquid Crystals, V.26, No.2, 1999. A.Emelyanenko participated in the 17-th International Liquid Crystal Conference (Strasbourg, France, July 19-24, 1998) and presented a poster "Molecular Theory of The Nematic-Isotropic Transition in Strongly Polar Liquid Crystals". Thesis of the poster was published. In 1999 A.Emelyanenko participated in the International Conference on Liquid Crystals, which took place in Krynica (Poland), with a report "Theory of the helix inversion in nematics doped with chiral molecules" (September 13-17, 1999) and in the International Conference "Nonlinear dynamics in polymer science and related fields", Desna, Moscow region, with a report "Helix inversion in binary liquid crystalline mixtures" (October 11-15, 1999). Both theses are included in the corresponding abstract books. The full-length reports are planned. A.V. Emelyanenko has also taken part in the Students Conference on chemistry and physics of the thin organic films, Puschino, Moscow region, with a report "Inversion of the spiral structure in binary LC mixtures" (June 14-15, 1999). Now A.Emelyanenko is developing a new theory of the liquid crystalline polymers, which also possess a helix inversion. I.M.EREMIN (Kazan State University) in his studies of the electronic structure and magnetic properties of high temperature superconductivity obtained the following results: 1. Self-consistent calculation of spin (charge) density wave order (SDW/CDW) parameters have been performed for bilayered cuprates on the basis of a singlet correlated band model [1]. Evolution of the Fermi surface in the strongly underdoped regime is described by using a two-band approach. The smooth development of the pseudogap formation temperature is explained from underdoped to overdoped states and the Fourier amplitudes $$ (spin) and $$ (charge) modulations have been calculated. We have found a maximum of the incommensurability for doping 0.09-0.11 holes per copper site. 2. The phase boundary of the paramagnetic phase of cuprates has been calculated with taking into account the strong electron correlations. The instability wave vector gets displaced from pure antiferromagnetic wave vector if doping increases. The calculated pictures of Lindhard response functions and complex momentum dependence of a CDW pseudogap are presented. Spin susceptibility expression for the singlet correlated band at $T_c The results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, I.Eremin, submitted to Appl.Magn.Res (cond-mat/9908297). [2] I.Eremin, M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, in a book "Stripes and Related Phenomena", edited by A.Bianconi and N.L.Saini, to be published by Kluwer Academics-Plenum Publisher. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before the grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant. [3] I.Eremin, Solid State Commun. 105, pp.293-296, 1998. I.Eremin participated in the Second International Conference on Stripes'98 (Rome, Italy, 2-6 June, 1998) and presented an oral contribution "Two reasons of instability in layered cuprates", Specialized Colloque Ampere EPR, NMR and NQR in Solid State Physics: Recent Trends (Pisa, Italy, June 14-18, 1999) and presented poster contribution "How large can be CDW/SDW amplitudes in layered cuprates", XVI International Seminar "New Magnetic Materials for Microelectronics" (Moscow, Russian Federation, June 23-26, 1998) and presented a poster "Dynamic spin susceptibility below $T_c$. Hubbard Model" (in Russian), XXVII International School for Theoretical Physicists "Kourovka" (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 2-7 March, 1998) and presented a talk "Influence of strong electron correlation on dynamical spin susceptibility in two-dimensional models" (in Russian) I.Eremin participated in the International Cooperation with the groups of Prof. D.Brinkmann and Prof. H.Keller, Institute of Physics, Zuerich University, Switzerland. In September 1999 I.Eremin has got a Ph.D. degree under the supervision of Prof. B.I.Kochelaev (Kazan State University). A.V.PANOV (Far-Eastern State University, Vladivostok) in his studies of magnetism obtained the following results: 1. The ground and metastable magnetic states of magnetite and iron particles with sizes closed to single-domain were analyzed within the scope of the developed model [1]. It was shown that depending on its size and elongation the grain can be in one of three states: with uniform magnetization, with a small and large non-uniformity of magnetic moment (quasi-single-domain and two-domain states). The critical sizes for uniform and quasi-single-domain states were calculated. Magnetization processes of such particles were simulated. The coercive force and critical fields as functions of size, elongation of the particles and external magnetic field direction were studied. The essential difference from similar studies is non-monotone dependence of coercive force on particle elongation for magnetite which is confirmed by experiments. 2. The previous model of two-phase particle was extended by entering of interfacial exchange coupling [2-4]. The magnetization process of an ensemble of Co-coated $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ used in magnetic recording media was studied. The set of magnetic states of such particles was analyzed for ensemble with thermal agitation. It was shown that relation between interfacial exchange coupling and magnetostatic inter-phase interaction affect dependence of the coercive force of the ensemble of $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ particles on coating volume. It was obtained that the growth in coating magnetocrystalline anisotropy leads to increase in coercivity of the ensemble. The main results have been presented in the papers submitted in March and April, 1998, before grantee has been informed of the awarding ICFPM grant: [1] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine magnetite particles, Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie [in Russian], 86, pp.65-73, 1998. [2] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Modeling of magnetization process of an ensemble of $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles with cobalt coating, "Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie" [in Russian] v.87, pp.17-22, 1999. [3] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states of Co-coated $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.241-242. [4] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, An influence of inter-phase interaction on coercive force of two-component particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.511-512. In June, 1999 A. V. Panov has got Ph. D. degree from the Far East State University (Vladivostok). Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Belokon'. Title: "Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine heterogeneous particle systems". A.M.POVOLOTSKY (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow Region) in his studies of the models of self-organized criticality obtained the following results: 1. We investigate the dynamics of Eulerian walkers as a model of self-organized criticality [1]. The evolution of the system is divided into characteristic periods which can be seen as avalanches. The structure of avalanches is described and the critical exponent in the distribution of first avalanches $\tau=2$ is determined. We also study a mean square displacement of Eulerian walkers and obtain a simple diffusion law in the critical state. The evolution of underlying medium from a random state to the critical one is described. 2.The general framework for the renormalization group analysis of self-organized critical sandpile models is formulated [2,3]. The usual real space renormalization scheme for lattice models when applied to nonequilibrium dynamical models must be supplemented by feedback relations coming from the stationarity conditions. On the basis of these ideas the Dynamically Driven Renormalization Group is applied to describe the boundary and bulk critical behavior of sandpile models. A detailed description of the branching nature of sandpile avalanches is given in terms of the generating functions of the underlying branching process. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] A.M.Povolotsky, V.B.Priezzhev, R.R.Shcherbakov, Phys.Rev.E 58, pp.5449-5454, 1998. [2] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, Phys.Rev.E 60, pp.1239-1251, 1999. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [3] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, preprint DIAS-STP-98-06, Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Ireland. A.Povolotsky was invited by J.Stefan Institute, Ljubljana Slovenia and presented the seminar there entitled "Eulerian walkers as a model of the self-organized criticality." S.E.SKIPETROV (Moscow State University) in his studies obtained the following main results: 1. A possibility for diagnostics of laser-induced particle flows in concentrated suspensions using methods of the optical correlation spectroscopy has been studied. The role of ponderomotive effects in experiments on dynamic multiple light scattering (DMLS) has been analyzed. 2. A diffusion model for the temporal autocorrelation function of multiple scattered light has been developed. The model has been shown to be valid for both the Brownian motion and laminar flow of scatterers. The case of spatially localized flow of scatterers in a turbid sample has been considered. We have demonstrated both theoretically and experimentally that one could use DMLS techniques to obtain useful information about hidden particle flows in turbid media. 3. Imaging through atmospheric turbulence has been studied. Statistical moments of the modulation transfer functions (MTFs) of a turbulent atmosphere have been calculated for various models of turbulence. Some of the main results have been presented in a paper containing acknowledgment to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially heterogeneous scatterer dynamics. Physics in Higher Education, V.5, No.1, pp.98-112, 1999 [in Russian]. [2] Karabutov A.A., Pelivanov I.M., Podymova N.B., Skipetrov S.E. Direct measurement of the spatial intensity distribution of light in a scattering medium, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., V.70, No.3, pp.187-191, 1999 [in Russian]; [English translation: J.Exp.Theor.Phys.Lett., V.70, No.3, pp.183-188, 1999]. [3] Skipetrov S.E., Effective dielectric function of a random medium, Phys.Rev.B 60, No.18, pp.12705-12709, 1999. [4] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Shcheglov V.A., Laser-induced particle flows in random media: is the diagnostics with multiple-scattered light possible? In: CD-ROM Proceedings of the International Conference on Optical Technology and Image Processing in Fluid, Thermal, and Combustion Flow (VSJ-SPIE'98) (Yokohama, Japan, December 7-9, 1998), paper AB090. [5] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Correlation spectroscopy for diagnostics of light-induced particle motion in concentrated suspensions. In: Fourth International Conference on Correlation Optics, O.V. Angelsky, Ed., Proc. SPIE, V.3904, pp.423-428, 1999. [6] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave imaging of flows in turbid media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99), (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). [7] Skipetrov S.E., Refractive index of random media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99) (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). S.Skipetrov participated in several scientific conferences: - XI School-Conference on Diffraction and Propagation of Waves (Moscow, Russia, January 12-15, 1998). An oral presentation entitled "Multiple scattering of light in random media with complex dynamic structure" has been made. - NATO Advanced Study Institute "Diffuse Waves in Complex Media" (Les Houches, France, March 17-28, 1998). A poster "Ponderomotive action of light in random media" has been presented. - XVI International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics - ICONO'98 (Moscow, Russia, June 29-July 3, 1998). Two posters has been presented: "Dynamic multiple scattering of laser radiation on light-induced flows of microparticles in suspension" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy of flows". - 17th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division, European Physical Society and 6emes Journees de la Matiere Condensee, Societe Francaise de Physique (Grenoble, France, August 25-29, 1998). A poster "Cross-correlations in dynamic multiple scattering of light" has been presented. - Fall School-Conference "Light-Scattering Techniques in Biomedicine, Industry and Material Science" (Saratov, Russia, October 6-9, 1998). An oral presentation: "Theory of diffusing-wave spectroscopy with angular and spatio-temporal cross-correlations" and two poster presentations: "Ponderomotive action of light in random multiple-scattering media" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in random media with absorption", have been made. - International Conference on Biomedical Optics and Spectroscopy. European Biomedical Optics Week - BiOS'98 (Stockholm, Sweden, September 6-9, 1998). Title of presentation: "Possibilities for study of light-induced flows of microparticles in concentrated suspensions using methods of optical correlation spectroscopy". - International Conference on LASERS'98 (Tucson, Arizona, USA, December 7-11, 1998). Title of presentation: "Hydrodynamic flows induced by copper-vapor laser: diagnostics using optical correlation spectroscopy". S.E.Skipetrov has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. S.S.Chesnokov. Title: "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially-heterogeneous scatterer flows". F.M.TSAHHAEV (Ryazan State Pedagogical University) in his studies of physics of low dimensional structures obtained the following results: 1. Galvanomagnetic effects have been measured in n-AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures with filling of two subbands. The values of the momentum relaxation times t and q have been determined experimentally. The t and q times have been also calculated in the conditions of intersubband scattering using the self-consistent electron wave function. The dominating relaxation mechanism was identified and the parameters of defects were evaluated by comparison of experimentally determined and calculated t and q values [1,5,6,9]. 2. The GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures with anomalously high mobility of 2D-electrons 0.6 m/V s (T=4.2 K) in respect to the well-known analogs have been synthesized. The anomalies and anisotropy of kinetic effects characteristics of the GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures have been observed in experiments. The electrons energy spectrum in GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures has been calculated on the basis of the experimental results. The comparison of calculated data and measurements results (C-V characteristics, temperature and axial/lateral magnetic field dependencies of conductivity, photoluminescence spectra) reveals anomalous properties of GaAs(0.30,?-Sn) structure along [110] direction in respect to the [110] one [4]. 3. In [7,8] the experimental results is analyzed in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures. 4. The hysteresis of current-temperature characteristics is revealed in GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with the three quantum wells [2]. 5. The magnetic field suppression of electron-electron interaction of 2D-electrons in the main and the first, disturbed subbands of dimension quantization in single heterojunction AlGaAs/GaAs have been revealed [3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] V.I.Kadushkin, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Relaxation mechanisms of 2D-electrons in selective doped n-AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs heterostructure with filling of two subbands,\\ Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., No.5/6, pp.55-74, 1999. [2] V.I.Tsebro, O.E.Omelyanovski, V.I.Kadushkin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, F.M.Tsahhaev,\\ S.N.Larin, Lateral photoconductivity low temperature hysteresis of GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with asymmetric system of quantum wells, Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). [3] V.I.Kadushkin, F.M.Tsahhaev, S.N.Larin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, Intersubband relaxation of 2D-electrons in AlGaAs(Si)/GaAs strong doped heterojunction, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., No.3/4, pp.135-166, 1998. [5] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, News Institutions of Higher Education. Physics, No.159, 1998 [in Russian]. Proceedings of the Conference: [6] The 24th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, August 2-7, 1998, Jerusalem, Israel; "Energy spectrum and relaxation mechanisms of electrons in lateral-surface superlattices GaAs(0.30,?-Sn)". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Yu.A.Kotova). [7] 10th International Symposium on Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors, August 31- September 2, 1998, Vilnius, Lithuania. "Photomodulation processes in GaAs/AlAs type-I quantum well structures". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [8] VII Luthuanian-Polish Seminar "Solid State Physics and Technology", Kaunas, 1998. "Photoexcitation effects in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures investigated by differential reflectivity spectroscopy". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [9] The 194th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, Boston, Massachusetts, November\\ 1-6, 1998. "Energy spectrum of electrons in GaAs(?-Sn) structure grown on vicinal plane". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). In March, 2000 F.M.Tsahhaev shall be got Ph.D. degree from the Ryazan State Pedagogical University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Kadushkin (RSPU). Title: "Localization and scattering of quasi-particles in low-dimensional heterostructures in quantized magnetic fields." D.A.RYNDYK (Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS, Nizhny Novgorod) in his studies of nonequilibrium effects in dynamics of Josephson structures and layered superconductors (nonequilibrium Josephson effect) obtained the following results: 1. Starting from microscopic equations for Green functions, quasiclassical kinetic equations are derived for the systems of tunnel junctions and for layered superconductors [1]. This kinetic equations can be generalized for the case of different types of junctions and for superconductors with arbitrary energy dependence of the density of states and anisotropic pairing. 2. Dynamics of one-dimensional array of nonequilibrium junctions is investigated, in particular, current-voltage characteristics and high frequency interaction between junctions. Peculiarities of the dynamics of intrinsic Josephson junctions in HTSC are considered [1,2] (this work is a continuation of previous investigation carried out in 1998: D.A.Ryndyk, Phys.Rev.Lett., 80, 3376, 1998). The calculated current-voltage characteristics demonstrate the nature of the effect of electron-hole imbalance on the dynamics of one-dimensional chains of junctions. 3. The effect of nonequilibrium amplification of Josephson oscillations is predicted [2]. 4. "Plasma" oscillations and Josephson flux flow in layered superconductors is considered with nonequilibrium effects taken into account. Beside, the work on the kinetic theory of plasma turbulence is continued, which was began previously in connection with the experimental investigation of low-hybrid turbulence, excited by ion beam (E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk et al., Nuclear Fusion, 38, 661, 1998). New results in the theory of turbulent broadening of cyclotron resonances are published in Ref.[3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] D.A.Ryndyk, Nonequilibrium Josephson effect in systems of tunnel junctions and in layered superconductors, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. V.116, p.1798, 1999 [JETP V.89, p.975, 1999]. [2] D.A.Ryndyk, High-frequency properties of nonequilibrium Josephson junctions in nanoscale and layered superconductors, Journal of radioelectronics (www journal) n.1 (2000), to be published in "Foreign radioelectronics". [3] E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk, Stochastic Broadening of High Order Ion Cyclotron Resonances due to Lower-Hybrid Turbulence, Strong microwaves in plasmas (proceedings of IV international workshop on strong micro-waves in plasmas, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 1999 ), ed. A.G.Litvak, V.2, Nizhny Novgorod, 2000. D.Ryndyk in 1999 participated in: 1. School-seminar "Physics and applications of microwaves" (24-30 of May in Krasnovidovo, Moscow region) with invited lecture "Physical basis of Josephson high frequency electronics". D.Ryndyk take part in several russian and international research projects, in particular: 1. Grants of Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) N. 97-02-16928 and 99-02-16188 . 2. State research program "Physics of microwaves". Grant 4.7. "Theoretical and experimental investigation of microwave interaction with superconducting structures". 3. Joint program of Institute of Applied Physics RAS and W7-AS stellarator group (Garching, Germany) on Collective Thomson scattering for plasma diagnostic. A.M.RUVINSKY (Institute of Spectroscopy of RAS, Troitsk) in his studies of collective properties of excitons has considered an influence of random fields on the conditions of exciton condensation and superfluidity in bulk and low-dimensional systems [1]. It was shown that in semiconductor alloys the density of excitons in Bose condensate decreases due to the exciton scattering on random fields of impurities or fluctuations of the composite. The density of the superfluidity fraction in the system of 3D and quasi-2D excitons also decreases taking into account this scattering. The scattering on the random field of the quantum well widths' fluctuations was analyzed for direct and indirect excitons. Analytical expressions for the exciton superfluidity densities in "dirty" single quantum wells, coupled quantum wells and bulk semiconductors have been derived. The influence of random fields on Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature for exciton systems in low-dimensional structures was analyzed. These results have been presented in the papers [1,2] containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1].Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, Superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. V.69, No.8, pp.573-578, 1999 [in Russian], (Letter in JETP, V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999). [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, A.M.Ruvinsky, Bogolubov approximation for rare exciton system in random media, Fiz.Tverd.Tela (Physics of the Solid State), in print, 2000 [in Russian]. In June, 1998 A.Ruvinsky has got Ph.D. degree from State Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "Magnetoexcitons in inhomogeneous and low-dimensional structures". A.ZEMLYANOV (Moscow State University) obtained the following results: A new approach to the description of anomalous transport phenomena that take place in fractal media was developed. Namely, anomalous diffusion on a comb structure consisting of a one- dimensional backbone and lateral branches (teeth) of random length is considered. A definite classification of the trajectories of random walks reduces the original problem to an analysis of classical diffusion on the backbone, where, however, the time of this process is a random quantity. Its distribution is assigned by the properties of the random walks of the diffusing particles on the teeth. The possibility of applying mean-field theory in such a model is demonstrated, and the equation for the Green's function with a partial derivative of fractional order is obtained. The characteristic features of the propagation of particles on a comb structure are analyzed. A model of an effective homogeneous medium, in which diffusion is described by an equation with a fractional derivative with respect to time and an initial condition in the form of an integral of fractional order, is obtained. These results are published in [1] and were presented at the Moscow Seminar on Synergetics at the Physics Faculty, Moscow State University. [1] I.A.Lubashevsky, A.A.Zemlyanov, Continuum description of anomalous diffusion on a comb structure, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., V.114, pp.1284-1312, 1998 [in Russian]. A.Zemlyanov has received invitation for participating in a research program at the University of Texas at Austin during the next three years.
N.V.SHEVCHENKO (Irkutsk State University and Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow region) in her studies of few-body systems obtained the following results: 1. Elastic $\eta d$ scattering was considered within the Alt-Grassberger-Sandhas formalism for various $\eta N$ input data. A three-body resonant state was found close to the $\eta d$ threshold [1]. This resonance is sustained for different choices of the two-body $\eta N$ scattering length $a_{\eta N}$. The position of the resonance moves towards the $\eta d$ threshold when ${\rm Re\,}a_{\eta N}$ is increased, and turns into a quasi-bound state at ${\rm Re\,}a_{\eta N}\sim0.7\div0.8$\,fm depending on the choice of ${\rm Im\,}a_{\eta N}$. 2. The nuclear reaction $e+{^3{\rm He}}+{^4{\rm He}}\rightarrow{}e +{^7{\rm Be}}$ was considered at thermonuclear energies [2]. The motion of the electron was treated within the adiabatic approximation and the ${^3{\rm He}}-{^4{\rm He}}$ scattering state was calculated using an effective ${^3{\rm He}}-{^4{\rm He}}$ potential constructed via the Marchenko inverse scattering method. The reaction rate thus obtained for solar interior conditions is approximately $10^{-4}$ of the corresponding rate for the radiative capture ${^3{\rm He}}+{^4{\rm He}}\rightarrow{}{^7{\rm Be}}+\gamma$. The main results have been presented in the paper containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] N.V.Shevchenko, V.B.Belyaev, S.A.Rakityansky, S.A.Sofianos, W.Sandhas, Low-energy $\eta d$ resonance, e-print LANL, nucl-th/9908035; submitted to Phys.Rev.Lett. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [2] N.V.Shevchenko, S.A.Rakityansky, S.A.Sofianos, V.B.Belyaev, Non-radiative synthesis of $^7{\rm Be}$ in solar plasma, J.Physics G25, pp.95-106, 1999. N.Shevchenko will participate in the IV Open Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (Dubna, Russia, January 31 - February 4, 2000) and will present a session talk there entitled "Near-threshold resonance in the $\eta d$ system". N.Shevchenko is invited by the Organizing Committee of the 16th International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics (Taipei, Taiwan, March 6-10, 2000) to take part in the conference and present the contribution entitled "Low energy scattering and photoproduction of $\eta$-mesons by deuterons" in a poster session. N.Shevchenko participates in international co-operation with the group of Prof. W.Sand\-has, Physikalisches Institut, Universitat Bonn, Germany and with the group of Prof. S.A.Sofi\-anos, Physics Department, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa. N.Shevchenko is a postgraduate student of the third year and she is planing to get the Ph.D. degree at the 2000th year. V.V.SHKLYAR ( Far Eastern State University, Vladivostok) in his studies of photon and vector meson production obtained the following results: 1. The different sources of the real photon and $\phi$-meson production in nucleon-nucleon collisions at intermediate energies have been studied and the effective model of the reactions has been suggested in [1-4]. The role and influence of each channel for the $NN\to NN\gamma$ reaction (bremsstrahlung, $\Delta$-excitation, radiative $\omega/\rho$-decay) has been shown and discussed in [1]. 2. Also, the available experimental data for the real photon production at 0.28 and 0.75 GeV beam energy were described well and the predictions for forthcoming data at COSY-TOF are obtained [1]. 3. Apart from the photon production reaction, the $NN\to NN\phi$ reaction near the threshold has been explored. It was shown, that the influence of the shake-off mechanism was negligible and the $\pi\rho\phi$ interaction coming from the non-ideal $\phi-\omega$ mixing angle gave the main contribution to the $\phi$-meson yield [3]. The predictions for the reaction amplitude behaviour and polarization observables near the reaction threshold was obtained. It has been also shown that the earlier exact threshold predictions for these reactions (e.c. M.Recalo et al) were not relevant at energies slightly above the threshold [2]. The value of the beam-target asymmetry $C^{BT}=-0.8$ was predicted and the ratio of the spin-singlet states to the spin-triplet ones was derived at the reaction threshold [3]. 4. The spin density matrix and the anisotropy of the $\phi$ decay were calculated. It was also shown that for the $\phi\to e^+e^-$-decay the small $\bar ss$ admixture could lead to the modification of the $\phi$ decay anisotropy that might be used in the experimental searching of the hidden strangeness in nucleon [4]. There are the publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [1] V.V.Shklyar, B.K\"ampfer, B.L.Reznik, A.I.Titov, Bremsstrahlung in intermediate-energy nucleon reaction within an effective one-boson exchange model, Nucl.Phys.A628, pp.255-274, 1998. [2] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, The reaction $NN \to NN \phi$ near threshold, preprint (nucl-th/9712025); preprint (nucl-th/9811094). The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [3] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, Polarization observables in the reaction $NN \to NN \phi$, to be published in Phys.Rev. C59, 1999. [4] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, Polarization observables in the reaction $NN\to NN\phi$ near threshold, XIV International Seminar On High Energy Physics Problems, Conf. Proceedings, preprint E1,2-98-232. V.Shklyar participated in the International Summer Student School on High Energy Physics in Memory of Bruno Pontekorvo ( JINR, Dubna, August 18 - September 1, 1998.) V.Shklyar also participated in the XIVth International Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems (JINR, Dubna, August 17-22, 1998) as a co-author. Talk on International Seminar DEUTERON-99, JINR, Dubna-99, Russia, 4-7 July. In October, 1999 V.Shklyar has got Ph.D. degree from the Far Eastern State University. Thesis advisor: Prof. A.I.Titov (JINR). Title: "Photon and $\phi$-meson production at intermediate energies" D.V.ALEXANDROV (Urals State University, Ekaterinburg) in his studies of solidification processes obtained the following results: 1. A theory of incipience of a two-phase zone is numerically and theoretically studied [1]. On the basis of a linear law for the velocity of solidification which was obtained numerically, governing equations for the velocity and for the time of incipience of the two-phase zone (the latter arises ahead of a planar front of solidification due to the concentrational supercooling) were deduced. 2. In [2] the fractal dimension of the two-phase zone is determined for the self-similar regime of solidification in the presence of the mushy region. 3. The general problem of incipience of the two-phase zone is solved on the basis of the classical Stefan thermodiffusion model (without suggestions about the velocity distribution). The time of incipience of the two-phase zone and the velocity of solidification are determined in the form of integral equations [3]. 4. A theory of solidification with a qusiequilibrium two-phase zone is detailed on the basis of analytical solution of Borisov's model [4]. The steps of thermodynamic values in the two-phase zone (at both boundaries) are found on the basis of which the zone is changed by the discontinuity surface between solid and liquid phases. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] D.V.Alexandrov, A.G.Churbanov, P.N.Vabishchevich, Emergence of a Mushy Region in Processes of Binary Melt Solidification, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research, V.26, No.2, pp.248-264, 1999. [2] D.V.Alexandrov, A.O.Ivanov, M.E.Komarovski, An Influence of a Fractal-Like Mushy Region on Solidification Process, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research, V.26, No.2, pp.224-231, 1999. [3] D.V.Alexandrov, Incipience of a Mushy Zone in Binary Melt Solidification Processes: General Theory, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research (to be published). [4] D.V.Alexandrov, To the Theory of Solidification with a Quasiequilibrium Two-Phase Zone, Doklady AN (submitted) [in Russian]. The following papers will be presented for publication soon with acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: 1. D.V.Alexandrov, Incipience of a Mushy Zone in Binary Melt Solidification Processes: Stefan Thermodiffusion Problem (Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research). 2. D.V.Alexandrov, Quasiequilibrium Mushy Region: Dynamic Instability (Acta Materialia). In March, 1998 D.Alexandrov has got Ph.D. degree from The Urals State Technical University. Thesis advisors: Prof. V.V.Mansurov, Dr. A.O.Ivanov. Title: "An Influence of a quasiequilibrium Mushy Region on Solidification of Binary Melts". A.A.ALIVERDIEV (Institute of Physics, Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala) in his studies of the use of a registered signal velocity for the time-resolved tomography, in particular for the laser tomography of condensed matter obtained the following results: 1. A summarizing of the reconstructive theory of a signal speed using has been developed [1-10]. 2. Analytical expressions for nD photoacoustic tomography and the problem of a complex absorption account have been derived. Some practical algorithms and software ware carried out. Number of 2D numerical simulations are hold. A principally important result was obtained that good photoacoustic reconstruction is possible with different conditions [1-4, 7, 8]. 3. A method of a stream collision has been proposed for the stochastic emission correlation tomography. Number of 2D numerical simulations with inspired results are hold [1]. 4. A method of Hartley transform has been considered for an image processing. Some practical algorithms and software ware carried out [5]. The main goals of the project was achieved. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, Use of velocity of a filed signal in a tomography. Features of an optoacoustic tomography, [in Russian], Makhachkala, DSU, 1998, 60p. [2] G.K.Makhtimagomedov, M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, R.M.Batyrov, G.M.Halilulayev, A.A.Amirova, M.M.Akhmedov, M.M.Ataev, About the modeling of spatial-temporal tomographic reconstruction of sphere of phase transitions; Proceedings of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter", Makhachkala, Russia, 1998, p.3-6. [3] A.A.Aliverdiev, Some aspects of the computing of the laser tomography of mixed state, Proceedings of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter", Makhachkala, Russia, 1998, p.3-5. [4] A.A.Aliverdiev, About the account of complex absorption in laser tomography, Proceedings of the International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan", dedicated to 275 Anniversary of Russian Academy of the Sciences and 50 Anniversary of Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of the Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, pp.33-34. [5] A.A.Aliverdiev, R.M.Batyrov, M.G.Karimov, G.M.Halilulayev, A.A.Amirova, Some questions of the use of Hertley transform in physical tomography, Proceedings of the International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan", dedicated to 275 Anniversary of Russian Academy of the Sciences and 50 Anniversary of Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of the Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, p.35. [6] M.G.Karimov. A.A.Aliverdiev, A.A.Amirova, Some questions of the tomographic reconstruction of plasma objects, Proceedings of the All-Russian Conference "Physical Electronics", Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, p.107. [7] A.A.Aliverdiev, M.G.Karimov, Back photoacoustic problem in the investigation of quasistationary spatial-heterogeneous flows, Proceedings of the V International Scientific and Technical Conference "Optical Methods of the Flows Investigations" (Moscow, Russia, 1999), p.161. [8] A.A.Aliverdiev, Some questions of the physical tomography with application of velocity spectrum of registered signal, Proceedings of the Conference "Resonance and non-linear phenomenon in Condensed Matter" (Ufa, Russia 1999). There are two publications, which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [9] A.A.Aliverdiev, M.G.Karimov, Solution of optic reconstructive problem considering registered signal velocity, Turkey J. of Physics, No.4, pp.311-314, 1998. [10] M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, About modeling of 2D optoacoustic researches of exited media, Radiophysics (Massager of Higher Educational Institutes of Russia), No.1, 1999. A.Aliverdiev was the executive (scientific) secretary of the local Program Committee of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter" (Makhachkala, Russia, 1998). Two reports of A.Aliverdiev ware represented in that Conference. A.Aliverdiev represents the reports in (1) the Winter College "Spectroscopy and Applications" (AS-ICTP, Trieste, Italy 1999), (2) the Baikal School of Fundamental Physics (Irkutsk, Russia, 1999, in absentia, by correspondence), (3) the V International Scientific and Technical Conference "Optical Methods of the Flows Investigations" (Moscow, Russia, 1999, in absentia, by co-author), (4) International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan" (Makhachkala, Russia, 1999), (5) the All-Russian Conference "Physical Electronics" (Makhachkala, Russia 1999), (6) the Regional Conference "Resonance and non-linear phenomenon in Condensed Matter" (Ufa, Russia 1999), (7) the Fourth Training Course in the Physics of Correlated Electron Systems and High-Tc Superconductors (Vietri sul Mare, Salerno, Italy, 1999). In July 1998 A. Aliverdiev has got Ph.D. degree from the Daghestan State University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. M.G.Karimov (DSU). Title: "Some solutions of a reconstructive problem in a plasma physics and nonlinear optics with the use of a finiteness of distribution of a registered signal velocity". O.L.BERMAN (Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Moscow Region) in his studies of phase transitions and superfluidity in the system of coupled quantum wells obtained the following results: 1. The theory of phase transitions of electron-hole and unbalanced electron systems in coupled quantum wells in high magnetic fields has been developed [1]. Analytical expressions for the temperatures of the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition to the superfluid state have been derived. A principally important result was obtained that the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature decreases at rise of magnetic field and interwell separation at fixed magnetoexciton density. But the maximal possible Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature increases at rise of magnetic field and interwell separation. 2. It was shown that the system of weakly interacting indirect excitons in the superlattice slab is unstable [2,3]. A method based on the sum of the ladder diagram for the calculation of vertex of quadrupole indirect biexcitons interaction has been proposed for the obtaining of the collective spectrum, superfluid density and the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature. 3. The effect of random field due to impurities, boundary irregularities on the superfluidity of a three-dimensional system of excitons and a quasi-two-dimensional of direct and spatially indirect excitons is investigated [4]. 4. The excitation spectra and superfluidity of the electron-hole system in coupled quantum wells have been analyzed [5,6]. It was shown that the gap in the excitation spectra decreases if the interwell separation and the density of electrons and holes increase. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, V.G.Tsvetus, Phase transitions of electron-hole and unbalanced electron systems in coupled quantum wells in high magnetic fields, Phys.Rev. B59, pp.5627-5636, 1999. [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, M.Willander, Superfluidity of indirect biexcitons in superlattices, JETP V.88, No.5, pp.980-986, 1999. [3] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, M.Willander, Superfluidity of indirect biexcitons in superlattices, Europhysics Letters V.48, No.3, pp.299-305, 1999. [4] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, The superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, JETP Lett. V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999. [5] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.A.Panfilov, The excitation spectra and superfluidity of the electron-hole system in coupled quantum wells, Physica Status Solidi (b), V.209, pp.287-294, 1998. [6] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman and A.A.Panfilov, The excitation spectra in coupled quantum wells, Solid State Phys. (russ. Fiz.Tverd.Tela), V.40, No.12, pp.2226-2228, 1998. O.Berman participated in the International Advanced School Leonardo da Vinci for a continuing education programme 1998 Summer Course "Superconducting materials: advances in technology and applications" (Italy, Bologna, 29 June - 10 July, 1998). Five reports on seminars at the Institute of Spectroscopy were made. One report in seminar at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Stoney Brook has been made. In 1999 O.Berman has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "The investigation of phase transitions and superfluidity in the system of the coupled quantum wells". D.A.DANILOV (Udmurt State University, Izhevsk) in his studies of rapid solidification obtained the following results: 1. A comparative analysis of a model for local nonequilibrium solidification with experimental measurements of "dendrite tip growth velocity -- initial melt undercooling" in rapidly solidifying alloys Cu - 30% at. Ni [1] and Ni - 1% at. Zr [2] has been performed. The predictions of the model are in qualitative and quantitative agreement with experimental data for both alloys. 2. A general solution [3] of the steady-state crystal growth shape under local nonequilibrium solidification has been found. This solution is found for the following growth shapes: elliptical paraboloid, paraboloid of revolution, cylindrical paraboloid, and parabolic platelet. 3. On the basics of a one-sided model of solute diffusion the dynamics of a motion of the rapid solidification front in a binary alloy is investigated [4,5]. A criterion connecting the dynamical stability of the front motion in a steady-state regime with a slope of the kinetic curve "front velocity - initial undercooling'' is formulated. An expression for the definition of nonstationary time during the transition to the steady-state regime is obtained. 4. A model for rapid solidification in undercooled pure metallic liquid is developed that includes local nonequilibrium heat transfer and kinetics of liquid-solid interface motion [6]. Taking into account the finiteness of the speed of heat transport, a general solution of the problem about local nonequilibrium heat transfer with the moving heat source at the planar solidification front is obtained. Asymptotic behavior of the velocity of the rapid planar front is investigated. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Model for free dendritic alloy growth under interfacial and bulk phase nonequilibrium conditions, J.Crystal Growth V.197, pp.992-1002, 1999. [2] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Dendritic growth model for rapid solidification of undercooled alloys, International Conference on Rapidly Quenched and Metastable Materials "RQ-10", Bangalore, India, August 1999, submitted for publication in the journal Material Science and Engineering. [3] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Steady-state crystal growth shape under local nonequilibrium mass transfer, Inzhenerno Fizicheski Zhurnal (Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics), submitted for publication [in Russian]. [4] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Selection of the dynamically stable regime of rapid solidification front motion in isothermal binary alloy, J.Crystal Growth, accepted for publication. [5] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko, A criterion for dynamical stability of rapid solidification front motion, University and Academic Scientific-Practical Conference, Udmurt State University. Thesis for the conference, Izhevsk, April 1999, p.60-61 [in Russian]. [6] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko, Hyperbolic heat transfer in rapid solidification of supercooled liquids, Proc. of the 4th Minsk International Heat and Mass Transfer Forum, A.V.Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute, Minsk, May 2000, accepted for publication. A.V.EMELYANENKO (Moscow State University) in his studies of strongly polar liquid crystals obtained the following results: 1. A statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition has been developed for a system of molecules possessing a strong dipole [1,4]. It was explicitly taken into account that a large amount of dimers appear in a molecular system, when a dipole is strong enough. The dependence of the nematic order parameters of monomers and dimers on the temperature and the temperature variation of the molar fraction of dimers have been obtained. These investigations were held for the systems of molecules with different values of the dipole moment. A principally important result was obtained that the nematic-isotropic transition temperature has no absolute growth with the increasing dipole moment, as it was predicted by the preceding theories, but achieves its maximum with subsequent decrease. This happens because molecules with the large dipole moments form dimers intensively, which destroy the nematic order. In the previous research, based on the mean field or second virial approximations, a very strong short-range correlations leading to the formation of dimers were disregarded. A theory derived in [1,4] takes into account the existence of dimers directly. It was shown, that for molecules with large dipoles the transition temperature decreases with the increasing dipole moment. This result was confirmed by the recent computer simulations. 2. Influence of the molecular shape on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals has been investigated [2]. A method based on the expansion of the intermolecular potential in a complete set of spherical invariants has been proposed to estimate the dispersion interaction between monomers and dimers. It has been established that molecules with small dipoles form dimers, which favour the nematic phase, whereas dimers composed of molecules with large dipoles favour the isotropic phase. It has also been found that molecules with an intermediate value of the dipole moment couple in dimers, which do not influence the nematic- isotropic transition temperature. This balance point depends on the molecular shape, and it may exist or not for different molecules. 3. A statistical theory of the cholesteric ordering [3] was derived. On the contrary to the preceding publications, it describes the helix inversion in binary mixtures. The biaxiality of molecules is explicitly taken into account. Under a certain conditions (driven by the mutual concentration of the components and temperature) the interaction between the short molecular axes, which was disregarded in the previous attempts, dominates over the interaction between the main axes. It leads to the helix inversion, which is usually observed in the experiment. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Polar liquid crystals. Statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [2] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Nematic-isotropic phase transition in polar liquid crystals. Role of the dispersion interaction, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [3] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, D.A.Dunmur, Molecular Theory of Chiral Nematic Liquid Crystals, Phys.Rev.E, paper accepted for publication. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Influence of dimerization on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals, Liquid Crystals, V.26, No.2, 1999. A.Emelyanenko participated in the 17-th International Liquid Crystal Conference (Strasbourg, France, July 19-24, 1998) and presented a poster "Molecular Theory of The Nematic-Isotropic Transition in Strongly Polar Liquid Crystals". Thesis of the poster was published. In 1999 A.Emelyanenko participated in the International Conference on Liquid Crystals, which took place in Krynica (Poland), with a report "Theory of the helix inversion in nematics doped with chiral molecules" (September 13-17, 1999) and in the International Conference "Nonlinear dynamics in polymer science and related fields", Desna, Moscow region, with a report "Helix inversion in binary liquid crystalline mixtures" (October 11-15, 1999). Both theses are included in the corresponding abstract books. The full-length reports are planned. A.V. Emelyanenko has also taken part in the Students Conference on chemistry and physics of the thin organic films, Puschino, Moscow region, with a report "Inversion of the spiral structure in binary LC mixtures" (June 14-15, 1999). Now A.Emelyanenko is developing a new theory of the liquid crystalline polymers, which also possess a helix inversion. I.M.EREMIN (Kazan State University) in his studies of the electronic structure and magnetic properties of high temperature superconductivity obtained the following results: 1. Self-consistent calculation of spin (charge) density wave order (SDW/CDW) parameters have been performed for bilayered cuprates on the basis of a singlet correlated band model [1]. Evolution of the Fermi surface in the strongly underdoped regime is described by using a two-band approach. The smooth development of the pseudogap formation temperature is explained from underdoped to overdoped states and the Fourier amplitudes $$ (spin) and $$ (charge) modulations have been calculated. We have found a maximum of the incommensurability for doping 0.09-0.11 holes per copper site. 2. The phase boundary of the paramagnetic phase of cuprates has been calculated with taking into account the strong electron correlations. The instability wave vector gets displaced from pure antiferromagnetic wave vector if doping increases. The calculated pictures of Lindhard response functions and complex momentum dependence of a CDW pseudogap are presented. Spin susceptibility expression for the singlet correlated band at $T_c The results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, I.Eremin, submitted to Appl.Magn.Res (cond-mat/9908297). [2] I.Eremin, M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, in a book "Stripes and Related Phenomena", edited by A.Bianconi and N.L.Saini, to be published by Kluwer Academics-Plenum Publisher. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before the grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant. [3] I.Eremin, Solid State Commun. 105, pp.293-296, 1998. I.Eremin participated in the Second International Conference on Stripes'98 (Rome, Italy, 2-6 June, 1998) and presented an oral contribution "Two reasons of instability in layered cuprates", Specialized Colloque Ampere EPR, NMR and NQR in Solid State Physics: Recent Trends (Pisa, Italy, June 14-18, 1999) and presented poster contribution "How large can be CDW/SDW amplitudes in layered cuprates", XVI International Seminar "New Magnetic Materials for Microelectronics" (Moscow, Russian Federation, June 23-26, 1998) and presented a poster "Dynamic spin susceptibility below $T_c$. Hubbard Model" (in Russian), XXVII International School for Theoretical Physicists "Kourovka" (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 2-7 March, 1998) and presented a talk "Influence of strong electron correlation on dynamical spin susceptibility in two-dimensional models" (in Russian) I.Eremin participated in the International Cooperation with the groups of Prof. D.Brinkmann and Prof. H.Keller, Institute of Physics, Zuerich University, Switzerland. In September 1999 I.Eremin has got a Ph.D. degree under the supervision of Prof. B.I.Kochelaev (Kazan State University). A.V.PANOV (Far-Eastern State University, Vladivostok) in his studies of magnetism obtained the following results: 1. The ground and metastable magnetic states of magnetite and iron particles with sizes closed to single-domain were analyzed within the scope of the developed model [1]. It was shown that depending on its size and elongation the grain can be in one of three states: with uniform magnetization, with a small and large non-uniformity of magnetic moment (quasi-single-domain and two-domain states). The critical sizes for uniform and quasi-single-domain states were calculated. Magnetization processes of such particles were simulated. The coercive force and critical fields as functions of size, elongation of the particles and external magnetic field direction were studied. The essential difference from similar studies is non-monotone dependence of coercive force on particle elongation for magnetite which is confirmed by experiments. 2. The previous model of two-phase particle was extended by entering of interfacial exchange coupling [2-4]. The magnetization process of an ensemble of Co-coated $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ used in magnetic recording media was studied. The set of magnetic states of such particles was analyzed for ensemble with thermal agitation. It was shown that relation between interfacial exchange coupling and magnetostatic inter-phase interaction affect dependence of the coercive force of the ensemble of $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ particles on coating volume. It was obtained that the growth in coating magnetocrystalline anisotropy leads to increase in coercivity of the ensemble. The main results have been presented in the papers submitted in March and April, 1998, before grantee has been informed of the awarding ICFPM grant: [1] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine magnetite particles, Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie [in Russian], 86, pp.65-73, 1998. [2] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Modeling of magnetization process of an ensemble of $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles with cobalt coating, "Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie" [in Russian] v.87, pp.17-22, 1999. [3] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states of Co-coated $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.241-242. [4] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, An influence of inter-phase interaction on coercive force of two-component particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.511-512. In June, 1999 A. V. Panov has got Ph. D. degree from the Far East State University (Vladivostok). Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Belokon'. Title: "Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine heterogeneous particle systems". A.M.POVOLOTSKY (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow Region) in his studies of the models of self-organized criticality obtained the following results: 1. We investigate the dynamics of Eulerian walkers as a model of self-organized criticality [1]. The evolution of the system is divided into characteristic periods which can be seen as avalanches. The structure of avalanches is described and the critical exponent in the distribution of first avalanches $\tau=2$ is determined. We also study a mean square displacement of Eulerian walkers and obtain a simple diffusion law in the critical state. The evolution of underlying medium from a random state to the critical one is described. 2.The general framework for the renormalization group analysis of self-organized critical sandpile models is formulated [2,3]. The usual real space renormalization scheme for lattice models when applied to nonequilibrium dynamical models must be supplemented by feedback relations coming from the stationarity conditions. On the basis of these ideas the Dynamically Driven Renormalization Group is applied to describe the boundary and bulk critical behavior of sandpile models. A detailed description of the branching nature of sandpile avalanches is given in terms of the generating functions of the underlying branching process. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] A.M.Povolotsky, V.B.Priezzhev, R.R.Shcherbakov, Phys.Rev.E 58, pp.5449-5454, 1998. [2] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, Phys.Rev.E 60, pp.1239-1251, 1999. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [3] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, preprint DIAS-STP-98-06, Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Ireland. A.Povolotsky was invited by J.Stefan Institute, Ljubljana Slovenia and presented the seminar there entitled "Eulerian walkers as a model of the self-organized criticality." S.E.SKIPETROV (Moscow State University) in his studies obtained the following main results: 1. A possibility for diagnostics of laser-induced particle flows in concentrated suspensions using methods of the optical correlation spectroscopy has been studied. The role of ponderomotive effects in experiments on dynamic multiple light scattering (DMLS) has been analyzed. 2. A diffusion model for the temporal autocorrelation function of multiple scattered light has been developed. The model has been shown to be valid for both the Brownian motion and laminar flow of scatterers. The case of spatially localized flow of scatterers in a turbid sample has been considered. We have demonstrated both theoretically and experimentally that one could use DMLS techniques to obtain useful information about hidden particle flows in turbid media. 3. Imaging through atmospheric turbulence has been studied. Statistical moments of the modulation transfer functions (MTFs) of a turbulent atmosphere have been calculated for various models of turbulence. Some of the main results have been presented in a paper containing acknowledgment to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially heterogeneous scatterer dynamics. Physics in Higher Education, V.5, No.1, pp.98-112, 1999 [in Russian]. [2] Karabutov A.A., Pelivanov I.M., Podymova N.B., Skipetrov S.E. Direct measurement of the spatial intensity distribution of light in a scattering medium, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., V.70, No.3, pp.187-191, 1999 [in Russian]; [English translation: J.Exp.Theor.Phys.Lett., V.70, No.3, pp.183-188, 1999]. [3] Skipetrov S.E., Effective dielectric function of a random medium, Phys.Rev.B 60, No.18, pp.12705-12709, 1999. [4] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Shcheglov V.A., Laser-induced particle flows in random media: is the diagnostics with multiple-scattered light possible? In: CD-ROM Proceedings of the International Conference on Optical Technology and Image Processing in Fluid, Thermal, and Combustion Flow (VSJ-SPIE'98) (Yokohama, Japan, December 7-9, 1998), paper AB090. [5] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Correlation spectroscopy for diagnostics of light-induced particle motion in concentrated suspensions. In: Fourth International Conference on Correlation Optics, O.V. Angelsky, Ed., Proc. SPIE, V.3904, pp.423-428, 1999. [6] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave imaging of flows in turbid media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99), (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). [7] Skipetrov S.E., Refractive index of random media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99) (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). S.Skipetrov participated in several scientific conferences: - XI School-Conference on Diffraction and Propagation of Waves (Moscow, Russia, January 12-15, 1998). An oral presentation entitled "Multiple scattering of light in random media with complex dynamic structure" has been made. - NATO Advanced Study Institute "Diffuse Waves in Complex Media" (Les Houches, France, March 17-28, 1998). A poster "Ponderomotive action of light in random media" has been presented. - XVI International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics - ICONO'98 (Moscow, Russia, June 29-July 3, 1998). Two posters has been presented: "Dynamic multiple scattering of laser radiation on light-induced flows of microparticles in suspension" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy of flows". - 17th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division, European Physical Society and 6emes Journees de la Matiere Condensee, Societe Francaise de Physique (Grenoble, France, August 25-29, 1998). A poster "Cross-correlations in dynamic multiple scattering of light" has been presented. - Fall School-Conference "Light-Scattering Techniques in Biomedicine, Industry and Material Science" (Saratov, Russia, October 6-9, 1998). An oral presentation: "Theory of diffusing-wave spectroscopy with angular and spatio-temporal cross-correlations" and two poster presentations: "Ponderomotive action of light in random multiple-scattering media" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in random media with absorption", have been made. - International Conference on Biomedical Optics and Spectroscopy. European Biomedical Optics Week - BiOS'98 (Stockholm, Sweden, September 6-9, 1998). Title of presentation: "Possibilities for study of light-induced flows of microparticles in concentrated suspensions using methods of optical correlation spectroscopy". - International Conference on LASERS'98 (Tucson, Arizona, USA, December 7-11, 1998). Title of presentation: "Hydrodynamic flows induced by copper-vapor laser: diagnostics using optical correlation spectroscopy". S.E.Skipetrov has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. S.S.Chesnokov. Title: "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially-heterogeneous scatterer flows". F.M.TSAHHAEV (Ryazan State Pedagogical University) in his studies of physics of low dimensional structures obtained the following results: 1. Galvanomagnetic effects have been measured in n-AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures with filling of two subbands. The values of the momentum relaxation times t and q have been determined experimentally. The t and q times have been also calculated in the conditions of intersubband scattering using the self-consistent electron wave function. The dominating relaxation mechanism was identified and the parameters of defects were evaluated by comparison of experimentally determined and calculated t and q values [1,5,6,9]. 2. The GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures with anomalously high mobility of 2D-electrons 0.6 m/V s (T=4.2 K) in respect to the well-known analogs have been synthesized. The anomalies and anisotropy of kinetic effects characteristics of the GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures have been observed in experiments. The electrons energy spectrum in GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures has been calculated on the basis of the experimental results. The comparison of calculated data and measurements results (C-V characteristics, temperature and axial/lateral magnetic field dependencies of conductivity, photoluminescence spectra) reveals anomalous properties of GaAs(0.30,?-Sn) structure along [110] direction in respect to the [110] one [4]. 3. In [7,8] the experimental results is analyzed in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures. 4. The hysteresis of current-temperature characteristics is revealed in GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with the three quantum wells [2]. 5. The magnetic field suppression of electron-electron interaction of 2D-electrons in the main and the first, disturbed subbands of dimension quantization in single heterojunction AlGaAs/GaAs have been revealed [3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] V.I.Kadushkin, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Relaxation mechanisms of 2D-electrons in selective doped n-AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs heterostructure with filling of two subbands,\\ Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., No.5/6, pp.55-74, 1999. [2] V.I.Tsebro, O.E.Omelyanovski, V.I.Kadushkin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, F.M.Tsahhaev,\\ S.N.Larin, Lateral photoconductivity low temperature hysteresis of GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with asymmetric system of quantum wells, Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). [3] V.I.Kadushkin, F.M.Tsahhaev, S.N.Larin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, Intersubband relaxation of 2D-electrons in AlGaAs(Si)/GaAs strong doped heterojunction, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., No.3/4, pp.135-166, 1998. [5] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, News Institutions of Higher Education. Physics, No.159, 1998 [in Russian]. Proceedings of the Conference: [6] The 24th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, August 2-7, 1998, Jerusalem, Israel; "Energy spectrum and relaxation mechanisms of electrons in lateral-surface superlattices GaAs(0.30,?-Sn)". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Yu.A.Kotova). [7] 10th International Symposium on Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors, August 31- September 2, 1998, Vilnius, Lithuania. "Photomodulation processes in GaAs/AlAs type-I quantum well structures". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [8] VII Luthuanian-Polish Seminar "Solid State Physics and Technology", Kaunas, 1998. "Photoexcitation effects in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures investigated by differential reflectivity spectroscopy". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [9] The 194th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, Boston, Massachusetts, November\\ 1-6, 1998. "Energy spectrum of electrons in GaAs(?-Sn) structure grown on vicinal plane". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). In March, 2000 F.M.Tsahhaev shall be got Ph.D. degree from the Ryazan State Pedagogical University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Kadushkin (RSPU). Title: "Localization and scattering of quasi-particles in low-dimensional heterostructures in quantized magnetic fields." D.A.RYNDYK (Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS, Nizhny Novgorod) in his studies of nonequilibrium effects in dynamics of Josephson structures and layered superconductors (nonequilibrium Josephson effect) obtained the following results: 1. Starting from microscopic equations for Green functions, quasiclassical kinetic equations are derived for the systems of tunnel junctions and for layered superconductors [1]. This kinetic equations can be generalized for the case of different types of junctions and for superconductors with arbitrary energy dependence of the density of states and anisotropic pairing. 2. Dynamics of one-dimensional array of nonequilibrium junctions is investigated, in particular, current-voltage characteristics and high frequency interaction between junctions. Peculiarities of the dynamics of intrinsic Josephson junctions in HTSC are considered [1,2] (this work is a continuation of previous investigation carried out in 1998: D.A.Ryndyk, Phys.Rev.Lett., 80, 3376, 1998). The calculated current-voltage characteristics demonstrate the nature of the effect of electron-hole imbalance on the dynamics of one-dimensional chains of junctions. 3. The effect of nonequilibrium amplification of Josephson oscillations is predicted [2]. 4. "Plasma" oscillations and Josephson flux flow in layered superconductors is considered with nonequilibrium effects taken into account. Beside, the work on the kinetic theory of plasma turbulence is continued, which was began previously in connection with the experimental investigation of low-hybrid turbulence, excited by ion beam (E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk et al., Nuclear Fusion, 38, 661, 1998). New results in the theory of turbulent broadening of cyclotron resonances are published in Ref.[3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] D.A.Ryndyk, Nonequilibrium Josephson effect in systems of tunnel junctions and in layered superconductors, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. V.116, p.1798, 1999 [JETP V.89, p.975, 1999]. [2] D.A.Ryndyk, High-frequency properties of nonequilibrium Josephson junctions in nanoscale and layered superconductors, Journal of radioelectronics (www journal) n.1 (2000), to be published in "Foreign radioelectronics". [3] E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk, Stochastic Broadening of High Order Ion Cyclotron Resonances due to Lower-Hybrid Turbulence, Strong microwaves in plasmas (proceedings of IV international workshop on strong micro-waves in plasmas, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 1999 ), ed. A.G.Litvak, V.2, Nizhny Novgorod, 2000. D.Ryndyk in 1999 participated in: 1. School-seminar "Physics and applications of microwaves" (24-30 of May in Krasnovidovo, Moscow region) with invited lecture "Physical basis of Josephson high frequency electronics". D.Ryndyk take part in several russian and international research projects, in particular: 1. Grants of Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) N. 97-02-16928 and 99-02-16188 . 2. State research program "Physics of microwaves". Grant 4.7. "Theoretical and experimental investigation of microwave interaction with superconducting structures". 3. Joint program of Institute of Applied Physics RAS and W7-AS stellarator group (Garching, Germany) on Collective Thomson scattering for plasma diagnostic. A.M.RUVINSKY (Institute of Spectroscopy of RAS, Troitsk) in his studies of collective properties of excitons has considered an influence of random fields on the conditions of exciton condensation and superfluidity in bulk and low-dimensional systems [1]. It was shown that in semiconductor alloys the density of excitons in Bose condensate decreases due to the exciton scattering on random fields of impurities or fluctuations of the composite. The density of the superfluidity fraction in the system of 3D and quasi-2D excitons also decreases taking into account this scattering. The scattering on the random field of the quantum well widths' fluctuations was analyzed for direct and indirect excitons. Analytical expressions for the exciton superfluidity densities in "dirty" single quantum wells, coupled quantum wells and bulk semiconductors have been derived. The influence of random fields on Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature for exciton systems in low-dimensional structures was analyzed. These results have been presented in the papers [1,2] containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1].Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, Superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. V.69, No.8, pp.573-578, 1999 [in Russian], (Letter in JETP, V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999). [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, A.M.Ruvinsky, Bogolubov approximation for rare exciton system in random media, Fiz.Tverd.Tela (Physics of the Solid State), in print, 2000 [in Russian]. In June, 1998 A.Ruvinsky has got Ph.D. degree from State Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "Magnetoexcitons in inhomogeneous and low-dimensional structures". A.ZEMLYANOV (Moscow State University) obtained the following results: A new approach to the description of anomalous transport phenomena that take place in fractal media was developed. Namely, anomalous diffusion on a comb structure consisting of a one- dimensional backbone and lateral branches (teeth) of random length is considered. A definite classification of the trajectories of random walks reduces the original problem to an analysis of classical diffusion on the backbone, where, however, the time of this process is a random quantity. Its distribution is assigned by the properties of the random walks of the diffusing particles on the teeth. The possibility of applying mean-field theory in such a model is demonstrated, and the equation for the Green's function with a partial derivative of fractional order is obtained. The characteristic features of the propagation of particles on a comb structure are analyzed. A model of an effective homogeneous medium, in which diffusion is described by an equation with a fractional derivative with respect to time and an initial condition in the form of an integral of fractional order, is obtained. These results are published in [1] and were presented at the Moscow Seminar on Synergetics at the Physics Faculty, Moscow State University. [1] I.A.Lubashevsky, A.A.Zemlyanov, Continuum description of anomalous diffusion on a comb structure, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., V.114, pp.1284-1312, 1998 [in Russian]. A.Zemlyanov has received invitation for participating in a research program at the University of Texas at Austin during the next three years.
V.V.SHKLYAR ( Far Eastern State University, Vladivostok) in his studies of photon and vector meson production obtained the following results: 1. The different sources of the real photon and $\phi$-meson production in nucleon-nucleon collisions at intermediate energies have been studied and the effective model of the reactions has been suggested in [1-4]. The role and influence of each channel for the $NN\to NN\gamma$ reaction (bremsstrahlung, $\Delta$-excitation, radiative $\omega/\rho$-decay) has been shown and discussed in [1]. 2. Also, the available experimental data for the real photon production at 0.28 and 0.75 GeV beam energy were described well and the predictions for forthcoming data at COSY-TOF are obtained [1]. 3. Apart from the photon production reaction, the $NN\to NN\phi$ reaction near the threshold has been explored. It was shown, that the influence of the shake-off mechanism was negligible and the $\pi\rho\phi$ interaction coming from the non-ideal $\phi-\omega$ mixing angle gave the main contribution to the $\phi$-meson yield [3]. The predictions for the reaction amplitude behaviour and polarization observables near the reaction threshold was obtained. It has been also shown that the earlier exact threshold predictions for these reactions (e.c. M.Recalo et al) were not relevant at energies slightly above the threshold [2]. The value of the beam-target asymmetry $C^{BT}=-0.8$ was predicted and the ratio of the spin-singlet states to the spin-triplet ones was derived at the reaction threshold [3]. 4. The spin density matrix and the anisotropy of the $\phi$ decay were calculated. It was also shown that for the $\phi\to e^+e^-$-decay the small $\bar ss$ admixture could lead to the modification of the $\phi$ decay anisotropy that might be used in the experimental searching of the hidden strangeness in nucleon [4]. There are the publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [1] V.V.Shklyar, B.K\"ampfer, B.L.Reznik, A.I.Titov, Bremsstrahlung in intermediate-energy nucleon reaction within an effective one-boson exchange model, Nucl.Phys.A628, pp.255-274, 1998. [2] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, The reaction $NN \to NN \phi$ near threshold, preprint (nucl-th/9712025); preprint (nucl-th/9811094). The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [3] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, Polarization observables in the reaction $NN \to NN \phi$, to be published in Phys.Rev. C59, 1999. [4] A.I.Titov, B.K\"ampfer, V.V.Shklyar, Polarization observables in the reaction $NN\to NN\phi$ near threshold, XIV International Seminar On High Energy Physics Problems, Conf. Proceedings, preprint E1,2-98-232. V.Shklyar participated in the International Summer Student School on High Energy Physics in Memory of Bruno Pontekorvo ( JINR, Dubna, August 18 - September 1, 1998.) V.Shklyar also participated in the XIVth International Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems (JINR, Dubna, August 17-22, 1998) as a co-author. Talk on International Seminar DEUTERON-99, JINR, Dubna-99, Russia, 4-7 July. In October, 1999 V.Shklyar has got Ph.D. degree from the Far Eastern State University. Thesis advisor: Prof. A.I.Titov (JINR). Title: "Photon and $\phi$-meson production at intermediate energies" D.V.ALEXANDROV (Urals State University, Ekaterinburg) in his studies of solidification processes obtained the following results: 1. A theory of incipience of a two-phase zone is numerically and theoretically studied [1]. On the basis of a linear law for the velocity of solidification which was obtained numerically, governing equations for the velocity and for the time of incipience of the two-phase zone (the latter arises ahead of a planar front of solidification due to the concentrational supercooling) were deduced. 2. In [2] the fractal dimension of the two-phase zone is determined for the self-similar regime of solidification in the presence of the mushy region. 3. The general problem of incipience of the two-phase zone is solved on the basis of the classical Stefan thermodiffusion model (without suggestions about the velocity distribution). The time of incipience of the two-phase zone and the velocity of solidification are determined in the form of integral equations [3]. 4. A theory of solidification with a qusiequilibrium two-phase zone is detailed on the basis of analytical solution of Borisov's model [4]. The steps of thermodynamic values in the two-phase zone (at both boundaries) are found on the basis of which the zone is changed by the discontinuity surface between solid and liquid phases. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] D.V.Alexandrov, A.G.Churbanov, P.N.Vabishchevich, Emergence of a Mushy Region in Processes of Binary Melt Solidification, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research, V.26, No.2, pp.248-264, 1999. [2] D.V.Alexandrov, A.O.Ivanov, M.E.Komarovski, An Influence of a Fractal-Like Mushy Region on Solidification Process, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research, V.26, No.2, pp.224-231, 1999. [3] D.V.Alexandrov, Incipience of a Mushy Zone in Binary Melt Solidification Processes: General Theory, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research (to be published). [4] D.V.Alexandrov, To the Theory of Solidification with a Quasiequilibrium Two-Phase Zone, Doklady AN (submitted) [in Russian]. The following papers will be presented for publication soon with acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: 1. D.V.Alexandrov, Incipience of a Mushy Zone in Binary Melt Solidification Processes: Stefan Thermodiffusion Problem (Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research). 2. D.V.Alexandrov, Quasiequilibrium Mushy Region: Dynamic Instability (Acta Materialia). In March, 1998 D.Alexandrov has got Ph.D. degree from The Urals State Technical University. Thesis advisors: Prof. V.V.Mansurov, Dr. A.O.Ivanov. Title: "An Influence of a quasiequilibrium Mushy Region on Solidification of Binary Melts". A.A.ALIVERDIEV (Institute of Physics, Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala) in his studies of the use of a registered signal velocity for the time-resolved tomography, in particular for the laser tomography of condensed matter obtained the following results: 1. A summarizing of the reconstructive theory of a signal speed using has been developed [1-10]. 2. Analytical expressions for nD photoacoustic tomography and the problem of a complex absorption account have been derived. Some practical algorithms and software ware carried out. Number of 2D numerical simulations are hold. A principally important result was obtained that good photoacoustic reconstruction is possible with different conditions [1-4, 7, 8]. 3. A method of a stream collision has been proposed for the stochastic emission correlation tomography. Number of 2D numerical simulations with inspired results are hold [1]. 4. A method of Hartley transform has been considered for an image processing. Some practical algorithms and software ware carried out [5]. The main goals of the project was achieved. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, Use of velocity of a filed signal in a tomography. Features of an optoacoustic tomography, [in Russian], Makhachkala, DSU, 1998, 60p. [2] G.K.Makhtimagomedov, M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, R.M.Batyrov, G.M.Halilulayev, A.A.Amirova, M.M.Akhmedov, M.M.Ataev, About the modeling of spatial-temporal tomographic reconstruction of sphere of phase transitions; Proceedings of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter", Makhachkala, Russia, 1998, p.3-6. [3] A.A.Aliverdiev, Some aspects of the computing of the laser tomography of mixed state, Proceedings of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter", Makhachkala, Russia, 1998, p.3-5. [4] A.A.Aliverdiev, About the account of complex absorption in laser tomography, Proceedings of the International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan", dedicated to 275 Anniversary of Russian Academy of the Sciences and 50 Anniversary of Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of the Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, pp.33-34. [5] A.A.Aliverdiev, R.M.Batyrov, M.G.Karimov, G.M.Halilulayev, A.A.Amirova, Some questions of the use of Hertley transform in physical tomography, Proceedings of the International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan", dedicated to 275 Anniversary of Russian Academy of the Sciences and 50 Anniversary of Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of the Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, p.35. [6] M.G.Karimov. A.A.Aliverdiev, A.A.Amirova, Some questions of the tomographic reconstruction of plasma objects, Proceedings of the All-Russian Conference "Physical Electronics", Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, p.107. [7] A.A.Aliverdiev, M.G.Karimov, Back photoacoustic problem in the investigation of quasistationary spatial-heterogeneous flows, Proceedings of the V International Scientific and Technical Conference "Optical Methods of the Flows Investigations" (Moscow, Russia, 1999), p.161. [8] A.A.Aliverdiev, Some questions of the physical tomography with application of velocity spectrum of registered signal, Proceedings of the Conference "Resonance and non-linear phenomenon in Condensed Matter" (Ufa, Russia 1999). There are two publications, which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [9] A.A.Aliverdiev, M.G.Karimov, Solution of optic reconstructive problem considering registered signal velocity, Turkey J. of Physics, No.4, pp.311-314, 1998. [10] M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, About modeling of 2D optoacoustic researches of exited media, Radiophysics (Massager of Higher Educational Institutes of Russia), No.1, 1999. A.Aliverdiev was the executive (scientific) secretary of the local Program Committee of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter" (Makhachkala, Russia, 1998). Two reports of A.Aliverdiev ware represented in that Conference. A.Aliverdiev represents the reports in (1) the Winter College "Spectroscopy and Applications" (AS-ICTP, Trieste, Italy 1999), (2) the Baikal School of Fundamental Physics (Irkutsk, Russia, 1999, in absentia, by correspondence), (3) the V International Scientific and Technical Conference "Optical Methods of the Flows Investigations" (Moscow, Russia, 1999, in absentia, by co-author), (4) International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan" (Makhachkala, Russia, 1999), (5) the All-Russian Conference "Physical Electronics" (Makhachkala, Russia 1999), (6) the Regional Conference "Resonance and non-linear phenomenon in Condensed Matter" (Ufa, Russia 1999), (7) the Fourth Training Course in the Physics of Correlated Electron Systems and High-Tc Superconductors (Vietri sul Mare, Salerno, Italy, 1999). In July 1998 A. Aliverdiev has got Ph.D. degree from the Daghestan State University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. M.G.Karimov (DSU). Title: "Some solutions of a reconstructive problem in a plasma physics and nonlinear optics with the use of a finiteness of distribution of a registered signal velocity". O.L.BERMAN (Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Moscow Region) in his studies of phase transitions and superfluidity in the system of coupled quantum wells obtained the following results: 1. The theory of phase transitions of electron-hole and unbalanced electron systems in coupled quantum wells in high magnetic fields has been developed [1]. Analytical expressions for the temperatures of the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition to the superfluid state have been derived. A principally important result was obtained that the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature decreases at rise of magnetic field and interwell separation at fixed magnetoexciton density. But the maximal possible Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature increases at rise of magnetic field and interwell separation. 2. It was shown that the system of weakly interacting indirect excitons in the superlattice slab is unstable [2,3]. A method based on the sum of the ladder diagram for the calculation of vertex of quadrupole indirect biexcitons interaction has been proposed for the obtaining of the collective spectrum, superfluid density and the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature. 3. The effect of random field due to impurities, boundary irregularities on the superfluidity of a three-dimensional system of excitons and a quasi-two-dimensional of direct and spatially indirect excitons is investigated [4]. 4. The excitation spectra and superfluidity of the electron-hole system in coupled quantum wells have been analyzed [5,6]. It was shown that the gap in the excitation spectra decreases if the interwell separation and the density of electrons and holes increase. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, V.G.Tsvetus, Phase transitions of electron-hole and unbalanced electron systems in coupled quantum wells in high magnetic fields, Phys.Rev. B59, pp.5627-5636, 1999. [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, M.Willander, Superfluidity of indirect biexcitons in superlattices, JETP V.88, No.5, pp.980-986, 1999. [3] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, M.Willander, Superfluidity of indirect biexcitons in superlattices, Europhysics Letters V.48, No.3, pp.299-305, 1999. [4] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, The superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, JETP Lett. V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999. [5] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.A.Panfilov, The excitation spectra and superfluidity of the electron-hole system in coupled quantum wells, Physica Status Solidi (b), V.209, pp.287-294, 1998. [6] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman and A.A.Panfilov, The excitation spectra in coupled quantum wells, Solid State Phys. (russ. Fiz.Tverd.Tela), V.40, No.12, pp.2226-2228, 1998. O.Berman participated in the International Advanced School Leonardo da Vinci for a continuing education programme 1998 Summer Course "Superconducting materials: advances in technology and applications" (Italy, Bologna, 29 June - 10 July, 1998). Five reports on seminars at the Institute of Spectroscopy were made. One report in seminar at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Stoney Brook has been made. In 1999 O.Berman has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "The investigation of phase transitions and superfluidity in the system of the coupled quantum wells". D.A.DANILOV (Udmurt State University, Izhevsk) in his studies of rapid solidification obtained the following results: 1. A comparative analysis of a model for local nonequilibrium solidification with experimental measurements of "dendrite tip growth velocity -- initial melt undercooling" in rapidly solidifying alloys Cu - 30% at. Ni [1] and Ni - 1% at. Zr [2] has been performed. The predictions of the model are in qualitative and quantitative agreement with experimental data for both alloys. 2. A general solution [3] of the steady-state crystal growth shape under local nonequilibrium solidification has been found. This solution is found for the following growth shapes: elliptical paraboloid, paraboloid of revolution, cylindrical paraboloid, and parabolic platelet. 3. On the basics of a one-sided model of solute diffusion the dynamics of a motion of the rapid solidification front in a binary alloy is investigated [4,5]. A criterion connecting the dynamical stability of the front motion in a steady-state regime with a slope of the kinetic curve "front velocity - initial undercooling'' is formulated. An expression for the definition of nonstationary time during the transition to the steady-state regime is obtained. 4. A model for rapid solidification in undercooled pure metallic liquid is developed that includes local nonequilibrium heat transfer and kinetics of liquid-solid interface motion [6]. Taking into account the finiteness of the speed of heat transport, a general solution of the problem about local nonequilibrium heat transfer with the moving heat source at the planar solidification front is obtained. Asymptotic behavior of the velocity of the rapid planar front is investigated. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Model for free dendritic alloy growth under interfacial and bulk phase nonequilibrium conditions, J.Crystal Growth V.197, pp.992-1002, 1999. [2] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Dendritic growth model for rapid solidification of undercooled alloys, International Conference on Rapidly Quenched and Metastable Materials "RQ-10", Bangalore, India, August 1999, submitted for publication in the journal Material Science and Engineering. [3] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Steady-state crystal growth shape under local nonequilibrium mass transfer, Inzhenerno Fizicheski Zhurnal (Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics), submitted for publication [in Russian]. [4] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Selection of the dynamically stable regime of rapid solidification front motion in isothermal binary alloy, J.Crystal Growth, accepted for publication. [5] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko, A criterion for dynamical stability of rapid solidification front motion, University and Academic Scientific-Practical Conference, Udmurt State University. Thesis for the conference, Izhevsk, April 1999, p.60-61 [in Russian]. [6] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko, Hyperbolic heat transfer in rapid solidification of supercooled liquids, Proc. of the 4th Minsk International Heat and Mass Transfer Forum, A.V.Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute, Minsk, May 2000, accepted for publication. A.V.EMELYANENKO (Moscow State University) in his studies of strongly polar liquid crystals obtained the following results: 1. A statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition has been developed for a system of molecules possessing a strong dipole [1,4]. It was explicitly taken into account that a large amount of dimers appear in a molecular system, when a dipole is strong enough. The dependence of the nematic order parameters of monomers and dimers on the temperature and the temperature variation of the molar fraction of dimers have been obtained. These investigations were held for the systems of molecules with different values of the dipole moment. A principally important result was obtained that the nematic-isotropic transition temperature has no absolute growth with the increasing dipole moment, as it was predicted by the preceding theories, but achieves its maximum with subsequent decrease. This happens because molecules with the large dipole moments form dimers intensively, which destroy the nematic order. In the previous research, based on the mean field or second virial approximations, a very strong short-range correlations leading to the formation of dimers were disregarded. A theory derived in [1,4] takes into account the existence of dimers directly. It was shown, that for molecules with large dipoles the transition temperature decreases with the increasing dipole moment. This result was confirmed by the recent computer simulations. 2. Influence of the molecular shape on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals has been investigated [2]. A method based on the expansion of the intermolecular potential in a complete set of spherical invariants has been proposed to estimate the dispersion interaction between monomers and dimers. It has been established that molecules with small dipoles form dimers, which favour the nematic phase, whereas dimers composed of molecules with large dipoles favour the isotropic phase. It has also been found that molecules with an intermediate value of the dipole moment couple in dimers, which do not influence the nematic- isotropic transition temperature. This balance point depends on the molecular shape, and it may exist or not for different molecules. 3. A statistical theory of the cholesteric ordering [3] was derived. On the contrary to the preceding publications, it describes the helix inversion in binary mixtures. The biaxiality of molecules is explicitly taken into account. Under a certain conditions (driven by the mutual concentration of the components and temperature) the interaction between the short molecular axes, which was disregarded in the previous attempts, dominates over the interaction between the main axes. It leads to the helix inversion, which is usually observed in the experiment. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Polar liquid crystals. Statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [2] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Nematic-isotropic phase transition in polar liquid crystals. Role of the dispersion interaction, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [3] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, D.A.Dunmur, Molecular Theory of Chiral Nematic Liquid Crystals, Phys.Rev.E, paper accepted for publication. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Influence of dimerization on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals, Liquid Crystals, V.26, No.2, 1999. A.Emelyanenko participated in the 17-th International Liquid Crystal Conference (Strasbourg, France, July 19-24, 1998) and presented a poster "Molecular Theory of The Nematic-Isotropic Transition in Strongly Polar Liquid Crystals". Thesis of the poster was published. In 1999 A.Emelyanenko participated in the International Conference on Liquid Crystals, which took place in Krynica (Poland), with a report "Theory of the helix inversion in nematics doped with chiral molecules" (September 13-17, 1999) and in the International Conference "Nonlinear dynamics in polymer science and related fields", Desna, Moscow region, with a report "Helix inversion in binary liquid crystalline mixtures" (October 11-15, 1999). Both theses are included in the corresponding abstract books. The full-length reports are planned. A.V. Emelyanenko has also taken part in the Students Conference on chemistry and physics of the thin organic films, Puschino, Moscow region, with a report "Inversion of the spiral structure in binary LC mixtures" (June 14-15, 1999). Now A.Emelyanenko is developing a new theory of the liquid crystalline polymers, which also possess a helix inversion. I.M.EREMIN (Kazan State University) in his studies of the electronic structure and magnetic properties of high temperature superconductivity obtained the following results: 1. Self-consistent calculation of spin (charge) density wave order (SDW/CDW) parameters have been performed for bilayered cuprates on the basis of a singlet correlated band model [1]. Evolution of the Fermi surface in the strongly underdoped regime is described by using a two-band approach. The smooth development of the pseudogap formation temperature is explained from underdoped to overdoped states and the Fourier amplitudes $$ (spin) and $$ (charge) modulations have been calculated. We have found a maximum of the incommensurability for doping 0.09-0.11 holes per copper site. 2. The phase boundary of the paramagnetic phase of cuprates has been calculated with taking into account the strong electron correlations. The instability wave vector gets displaced from pure antiferromagnetic wave vector if doping increases. The calculated pictures of Lindhard response functions and complex momentum dependence of a CDW pseudogap are presented. Spin susceptibility expression for the singlet correlated band at $T_c The results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, I.Eremin, submitted to Appl.Magn.Res (cond-mat/9908297). [2] I.Eremin, M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, in a book "Stripes and Related Phenomena", edited by A.Bianconi and N.L.Saini, to be published by Kluwer Academics-Plenum Publisher. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before the grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant. [3] I.Eremin, Solid State Commun. 105, pp.293-296, 1998. I.Eremin participated in the Second International Conference on Stripes'98 (Rome, Italy, 2-6 June, 1998) and presented an oral contribution "Two reasons of instability in layered cuprates", Specialized Colloque Ampere EPR, NMR and NQR in Solid State Physics: Recent Trends (Pisa, Italy, June 14-18, 1999) and presented poster contribution "How large can be CDW/SDW amplitudes in layered cuprates", XVI International Seminar "New Magnetic Materials for Microelectronics" (Moscow, Russian Federation, June 23-26, 1998) and presented a poster "Dynamic spin susceptibility below $T_c$. Hubbard Model" (in Russian), XXVII International School for Theoretical Physicists "Kourovka" (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 2-7 March, 1998) and presented a talk "Influence of strong electron correlation on dynamical spin susceptibility in two-dimensional models" (in Russian) I.Eremin participated in the International Cooperation with the groups of Prof. D.Brinkmann and Prof. H.Keller, Institute of Physics, Zuerich University, Switzerland. In September 1999 I.Eremin has got a Ph.D. degree under the supervision of Prof. B.I.Kochelaev (Kazan State University). A.V.PANOV (Far-Eastern State University, Vladivostok) in his studies of magnetism obtained the following results: 1. The ground and metastable magnetic states of magnetite and iron particles with sizes closed to single-domain were analyzed within the scope of the developed model [1]. It was shown that depending on its size and elongation the grain can be in one of three states: with uniform magnetization, with a small and large non-uniformity of magnetic moment (quasi-single-domain and two-domain states). The critical sizes for uniform and quasi-single-domain states were calculated. Magnetization processes of such particles were simulated. The coercive force and critical fields as functions of size, elongation of the particles and external magnetic field direction were studied. The essential difference from similar studies is non-monotone dependence of coercive force on particle elongation for magnetite which is confirmed by experiments. 2. The previous model of two-phase particle was extended by entering of interfacial exchange coupling [2-4]. The magnetization process of an ensemble of Co-coated $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ used in magnetic recording media was studied. The set of magnetic states of such particles was analyzed for ensemble with thermal agitation. It was shown that relation between interfacial exchange coupling and magnetostatic inter-phase interaction affect dependence of the coercive force of the ensemble of $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ particles on coating volume. It was obtained that the growth in coating magnetocrystalline anisotropy leads to increase in coercivity of the ensemble. The main results have been presented in the papers submitted in March and April, 1998, before grantee has been informed of the awarding ICFPM grant: [1] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine magnetite particles, Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie [in Russian], 86, pp.65-73, 1998. [2] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Modeling of magnetization process of an ensemble of $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles with cobalt coating, "Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie" [in Russian] v.87, pp.17-22, 1999. [3] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states of Co-coated $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.241-242. [4] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, An influence of inter-phase interaction on coercive force of two-component particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.511-512. In June, 1999 A. V. Panov has got Ph. D. degree from the Far East State University (Vladivostok). Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Belokon'. Title: "Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine heterogeneous particle systems". A.M.POVOLOTSKY (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow Region) in his studies of the models of self-organized criticality obtained the following results: 1. We investigate the dynamics of Eulerian walkers as a model of self-organized criticality [1]. The evolution of the system is divided into characteristic periods which can be seen as avalanches. The structure of avalanches is described and the critical exponent in the distribution of first avalanches $\tau=2$ is determined. We also study a mean square displacement of Eulerian walkers and obtain a simple diffusion law in the critical state. The evolution of underlying medium from a random state to the critical one is described. 2.The general framework for the renormalization group analysis of self-organized critical sandpile models is formulated [2,3]. The usual real space renormalization scheme for lattice models when applied to nonequilibrium dynamical models must be supplemented by feedback relations coming from the stationarity conditions. On the basis of these ideas the Dynamically Driven Renormalization Group is applied to describe the boundary and bulk critical behavior of sandpile models. A detailed description of the branching nature of sandpile avalanches is given in terms of the generating functions of the underlying branching process. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] A.M.Povolotsky, V.B.Priezzhev, R.R.Shcherbakov, Phys.Rev.E 58, pp.5449-5454, 1998. [2] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, Phys.Rev.E 60, pp.1239-1251, 1999. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [3] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, preprint DIAS-STP-98-06, Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Ireland. A.Povolotsky was invited by J.Stefan Institute, Ljubljana Slovenia and presented the seminar there entitled "Eulerian walkers as a model of the self-organized criticality." S.E.SKIPETROV (Moscow State University) in his studies obtained the following main results: 1. A possibility for diagnostics of laser-induced particle flows in concentrated suspensions using methods of the optical correlation spectroscopy has been studied. The role of ponderomotive effects in experiments on dynamic multiple light scattering (DMLS) has been analyzed. 2. A diffusion model for the temporal autocorrelation function of multiple scattered light has been developed. The model has been shown to be valid for both the Brownian motion and laminar flow of scatterers. The case of spatially localized flow of scatterers in a turbid sample has been considered. We have demonstrated both theoretically and experimentally that one could use DMLS techniques to obtain useful information about hidden particle flows in turbid media. 3. Imaging through atmospheric turbulence has been studied. Statistical moments of the modulation transfer functions (MTFs) of a turbulent atmosphere have been calculated for various models of turbulence. Some of the main results have been presented in a paper containing acknowledgment to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially heterogeneous scatterer dynamics. Physics in Higher Education, V.5, No.1, pp.98-112, 1999 [in Russian]. [2] Karabutov A.A., Pelivanov I.M., Podymova N.B., Skipetrov S.E. Direct measurement of the spatial intensity distribution of light in a scattering medium, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., V.70, No.3, pp.187-191, 1999 [in Russian]; [English translation: J.Exp.Theor.Phys.Lett., V.70, No.3, pp.183-188, 1999]. [3] Skipetrov S.E., Effective dielectric function of a random medium, Phys.Rev.B 60, No.18, pp.12705-12709, 1999. [4] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Shcheglov V.A., Laser-induced particle flows in random media: is the diagnostics with multiple-scattered light possible? In: CD-ROM Proceedings of the International Conference on Optical Technology and Image Processing in Fluid, Thermal, and Combustion Flow (VSJ-SPIE'98) (Yokohama, Japan, December 7-9, 1998), paper AB090. [5] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Correlation spectroscopy for diagnostics of light-induced particle motion in concentrated suspensions. In: Fourth International Conference on Correlation Optics, O.V. Angelsky, Ed., Proc. SPIE, V.3904, pp.423-428, 1999. [6] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave imaging of flows in turbid media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99), (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). [7] Skipetrov S.E., Refractive index of random media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99) (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). S.Skipetrov participated in several scientific conferences: - XI School-Conference on Diffraction and Propagation of Waves (Moscow, Russia, January 12-15, 1998). An oral presentation entitled "Multiple scattering of light in random media with complex dynamic structure" has been made. - NATO Advanced Study Institute "Diffuse Waves in Complex Media" (Les Houches, France, March 17-28, 1998). A poster "Ponderomotive action of light in random media" has been presented. - XVI International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics - ICONO'98 (Moscow, Russia, June 29-July 3, 1998). Two posters has been presented: "Dynamic multiple scattering of laser radiation on light-induced flows of microparticles in suspension" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy of flows". - 17th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division, European Physical Society and 6emes Journees de la Matiere Condensee, Societe Francaise de Physique (Grenoble, France, August 25-29, 1998). A poster "Cross-correlations in dynamic multiple scattering of light" has been presented. - Fall School-Conference "Light-Scattering Techniques in Biomedicine, Industry and Material Science" (Saratov, Russia, October 6-9, 1998). An oral presentation: "Theory of diffusing-wave spectroscopy with angular and spatio-temporal cross-correlations" and two poster presentations: "Ponderomotive action of light in random multiple-scattering media" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in random media with absorption", have been made. - International Conference on Biomedical Optics and Spectroscopy. European Biomedical Optics Week - BiOS'98 (Stockholm, Sweden, September 6-9, 1998). Title of presentation: "Possibilities for study of light-induced flows of microparticles in concentrated suspensions using methods of optical correlation spectroscopy". - International Conference on LASERS'98 (Tucson, Arizona, USA, December 7-11, 1998). Title of presentation: "Hydrodynamic flows induced by copper-vapor laser: diagnostics using optical correlation spectroscopy". S.E.Skipetrov has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. S.S.Chesnokov. Title: "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially-heterogeneous scatterer flows". F.M.TSAHHAEV (Ryazan State Pedagogical University) in his studies of physics of low dimensional structures obtained the following results: 1. Galvanomagnetic effects have been measured in n-AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures with filling of two subbands. The values of the momentum relaxation times t and q have been determined experimentally. The t and q times have been also calculated in the conditions of intersubband scattering using the self-consistent electron wave function. The dominating relaxation mechanism was identified and the parameters of defects were evaluated by comparison of experimentally determined and calculated t and q values [1,5,6,9]. 2. The GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures with anomalously high mobility of 2D-electrons 0.6 m/V s (T=4.2 K) in respect to the well-known analogs have been synthesized. The anomalies and anisotropy of kinetic effects characteristics of the GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures have been observed in experiments. The electrons energy spectrum in GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures has been calculated on the basis of the experimental results. The comparison of calculated data and measurements results (C-V characteristics, temperature and axial/lateral magnetic field dependencies of conductivity, photoluminescence spectra) reveals anomalous properties of GaAs(0.30,?-Sn) structure along [110] direction in respect to the [110] one [4]. 3. In [7,8] the experimental results is analyzed in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures. 4. The hysteresis of current-temperature characteristics is revealed in GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with the three quantum wells [2]. 5. The magnetic field suppression of electron-electron interaction of 2D-electrons in the main and the first, disturbed subbands of dimension quantization in single heterojunction AlGaAs/GaAs have been revealed [3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] V.I.Kadushkin, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Relaxation mechanisms of 2D-electrons in selective doped n-AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs heterostructure with filling of two subbands,\\ Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., No.5/6, pp.55-74, 1999. [2] V.I.Tsebro, O.E.Omelyanovski, V.I.Kadushkin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, F.M.Tsahhaev,\\ S.N.Larin, Lateral photoconductivity low temperature hysteresis of GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with asymmetric system of quantum wells, Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). [3] V.I.Kadushkin, F.M.Tsahhaev, S.N.Larin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, Intersubband relaxation of 2D-electrons in AlGaAs(Si)/GaAs strong doped heterojunction, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., No.3/4, pp.135-166, 1998. [5] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, News Institutions of Higher Education. Physics, No.159, 1998 [in Russian]. Proceedings of the Conference: [6] The 24th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, August 2-7, 1998, Jerusalem, Israel; "Energy spectrum and relaxation mechanisms of electrons in lateral-surface superlattices GaAs(0.30,?-Sn)". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Yu.A.Kotova). [7] 10th International Symposium on Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors, August 31- September 2, 1998, Vilnius, Lithuania. "Photomodulation processes in GaAs/AlAs type-I quantum well structures". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [8] VII Luthuanian-Polish Seminar "Solid State Physics and Technology", Kaunas, 1998. "Photoexcitation effects in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures investigated by differential reflectivity spectroscopy". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [9] The 194th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, Boston, Massachusetts, November\\ 1-6, 1998. "Energy spectrum of electrons in GaAs(?-Sn) structure grown on vicinal plane". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). In March, 2000 F.M.Tsahhaev shall be got Ph.D. degree from the Ryazan State Pedagogical University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Kadushkin (RSPU). Title: "Localization and scattering of quasi-particles in low-dimensional heterostructures in quantized magnetic fields." D.A.RYNDYK (Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS, Nizhny Novgorod) in his studies of nonequilibrium effects in dynamics of Josephson structures and layered superconductors (nonequilibrium Josephson effect) obtained the following results: 1. Starting from microscopic equations for Green functions, quasiclassical kinetic equations are derived for the systems of tunnel junctions and for layered superconductors [1]. This kinetic equations can be generalized for the case of different types of junctions and for superconductors with arbitrary energy dependence of the density of states and anisotropic pairing. 2. Dynamics of one-dimensional array of nonequilibrium junctions is investigated, in particular, current-voltage characteristics and high frequency interaction between junctions. Peculiarities of the dynamics of intrinsic Josephson junctions in HTSC are considered [1,2] (this work is a continuation of previous investigation carried out in 1998: D.A.Ryndyk, Phys.Rev.Lett., 80, 3376, 1998). The calculated current-voltage characteristics demonstrate the nature of the effect of electron-hole imbalance on the dynamics of one-dimensional chains of junctions. 3. The effect of nonequilibrium amplification of Josephson oscillations is predicted [2]. 4. "Plasma" oscillations and Josephson flux flow in layered superconductors is considered with nonequilibrium effects taken into account. Beside, the work on the kinetic theory of plasma turbulence is continued, which was began previously in connection with the experimental investigation of low-hybrid turbulence, excited by ion beam (E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk et al., Nuclear Fusion, 38, 661, 1998). New results in the theory of turbulent broadening of cyclotron resonances are published in Ref.[3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] D.A.Ryndyk, Nonequilibrium Josephson effect in systems of tunnel junctions and in layered superconductors, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. V.116, p.1798, 1999 [JETP V.89, p.975, 1999]. [2] D.A.Ryndyk, High-frequency properties of nonequilibrium Josephson junctions in nanoscale and layered superconductors, Journal of radioelectronics (www journal) n.1 (2000), to be published in "Foreign radioelectronics". [3] E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk, Stochastic Broadening of High Order Ion Cyclotron Resonances due to Lower-Hybrid Turbulence, Strong microwaves in plasmas (proceedings of IV international workshop on strong micro-waves in plasmas, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 1999 ), ed. A.G.Litvak, V.2, Nizhny Novgorod, 2000. D.Ryndyk in 1999 participated in: 1. School-seminar "Physics and applications of microwaves" (24-30 of May in Krasnovidovo, Moscow region) with invited lecture "Physical basis of Josephson high frequency electronics". D.Ryndyk take part in several russian and international research projects, in particular: 1. Grants of Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) N. 97-02-16928 and 99-02-16188 . 2. State research program "Physics of microwaves". Grant 4.7. "Theoretical and experimental investigation of microwave interaction with superconducting structures". 3. Joint program of Institute of Applied Physics RAS and W7-AS stellarator group (Garching, Germany) on Collective Thomson scattering for plasma diagnostic. A.M.RUVINSKY (Institute of Spectroscopy of RAS, Troitsk) in his studies of collective properties of excitons has considered an influence of random fields on the conditions of exciton condensation and superfluidity in bulk and low-dimensional systems [1]. It was shown that in semiconductor alloys the density of excitons in Bose condensate decreases due to the exciton scattering on random fields of impurities or fluctuations of the composite. The density of the superfluidity fraction in the system of 3D and quasi-2D excitons also decreases taking into account this scattering. The scattering on the random field of the quantum well widths' fluctuations was analyzed for direct and indirect excitons. Analytical expressions for the exciton superfluidity densities in "dirty" single quantum wells, coupled quantum wells and bulk semiconductors have been derived. The influence of random fields on Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature for exciton systems in low-dimensional structures was analyzed. These results have been presented in the papers [1,2] containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1].Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, Superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. V.69, No.8, pp.573-578, 1999 [in Russian], (Letter in JETP, V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999). [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, A.M.Ruvinsky, Bogolubov approximation for rare exciton system in random media, Fiz.Tverd.Tela (Physics of the Solid State), in print, 2000 [in Russian]. In June, 1998 A.Ruvinsky has got Ph.D. degree from State Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "Magnetoexcitons in inhomogeneous and low-dimensional structures". A.ZEMLYANOV (Moscow State University) obtained the following results: A new approach to the description of anomalous transport phenomena that take place in fractal media was developed. Namely, anomalous diffusion on a comb structure consisting of a one- dimensional backbone and lateral branches (teeth) of random length is considered. A definite classification of the trajectories of random walks reduces the original problem to an analysis of classical diffusion on the backbone, where, however, the time of this process is a random quantity. Its distribution is assigned by the properties of the random walks of the diffusing particles on the teeth. The possibility of applying mean-field theory in such a model is demonstrated, and the equation for the Green's function with a partial derivative of fractional order is obtained. The characteristic features of the propagation of particles on a comb structure are analyzed. A model of an effective homogeneous medium, in which diffusion is described by an equation with a fractional derivative with respect to time and an initial condition in the form of an integral of fractional order, is obtained. These results are published in [1] and were presented at the Moscow Seminar on Synergetics at the Physics Faculty, Moscow State University. [1] I.A.Lubashevsky, A.A.Zemlyanov, Continuum description of anomalous diffusion on a comb structure, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., V.114, pp.1284-1312, 1998 [in Russian]. A.Zemlyanov has received invitation for participating in a research program at the University of Texas at Austin during the next three years.
D.V.ALEXANDROV (Urals State University, Ekaterinburg) in his studies of solidification processes obtained the following results: 1. A theory of incipience of a two-phase zone is numerically and theoretically studied [1]. On the basis of a linear law for the velocity of solidification which was obtained numerically, governing equations for the velocity and for the time of incipience of the two-phase zone (the latter arises ahead of a planar front of solidification due to the concentrational supercooling) were deduced. 2. In [2] the fractal dimension of the two-phase zone is determined for the self-similar regime of solidification in the presence of the mushy region. 3. The general problem of incipience of the two-phase zone is solved on the basis of the classical Stefan thermodiffusion model (without suggestions about the velocity distribution). The time of incipience of the two-phase zone and the velocity of solidification are determined in the form of integral equations [3]. 4. A theory of solidification with a qusiequilibrium two-phase zone is detailed on the basis of analytical solution of Borisov's model [4]. The steps of thermodynamic values in the two-phase zone (at both boundaries) are found on the basis of which the zone is changed by the discontinuity surface between solid and liquid phases. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] D.V.Alexandrov, A.G.Churbanov, P.N.Vabishchevich, Emergence of a Mushy Region in Processes of Binary Melt Solidification, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research, V.26, No.2, pp.248-264, 1999. [2] D.V.Alexandrov, A.O.Ivanov, M.E.Komarovski, An Influence of a Fractal-Like Mushy Region on Solidification Process, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research, V.26, No.2, pp.224-231, 1999. [3] D.V.Alexandrov, Incipience of a Mushy Zone in Binary Melt Solidification Processes: General Theory, Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research (to be published). [4] D.V.Alexandrov, To the Theory of Solidification with a Quasiequilibrium Two-Phase Zone, Doklady AN (submitted) [in Russian]. The following papers will be presented for publication soon with acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: 1. D.V.Alexandrov, Incipience of a Mushy Zone in Binary Melt Solidification Processes: Stefan Thermodiffusion Problem (Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research). 2. D.V.Alexandrov, Quasiequilibrium Mushy Region: Dynamic Instability (Acta Materialia). In March, 1998 D.Alexandrov has got Ph.D. degree from The Urals State Technical University. Thesis advisors: Prof. V.V.Mansurov, Dr. A.O.Ivanov. Title: "An Influence of a quasiequilibrium Mushy Region on Solidification of Binary Melts". A.A.ALIVERDIEV (Institute of Physics, Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala) in his studies of the use of a registered signal velocity for the time-resolved tomography, in particular for the laser tomography of condensed matter obtained the following results: 1. A summarizing of the reconstructive theory of a signal speed using has been developed [1-10]. 2. Analytical expressions for nD photoacoustic tomography and the problem of a complex absorption account have been derived. Some practical algorithms and software ware carried out. Number of 2D numerical simulations are hold. A principally important result was obtained that good photoacoustic reconstruction is possible with different conditions [1-4, 7, 8]. 3. A method of a stream collision has been proposed for the stochastic emission correlation tomography. Number of 2D numerical simulations with inspired results are hold [1]. 4. A method of Hartley transform has been considered for an image processing. Some practical algorithms and software ware carried out [5]. The main goals of the project was achieved. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, Use of velocity of a filed signal in a tomography. Features of an optoacoustic tomography, [in Russian], Makhachkala, DSU, 1998, 60p. [2] G.K.Makhtimagomedov, M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, R.M.Batyrov, G.M.Halilulayev, A.A.Amirova, M.M.Akhmedov, M.M.Ataev, About the modeling of spatial-temporal tomographic reconstruction of sphere of phase transitions; Proceedings of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter", Makhachkala, Russia, 1998, p.3-6. [3] A.A.Aliverdiev, Some aspects of the computing of the laser tomography of mixed state, Proceedings of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter", Makhachkala, Russia, 1998, p.3-5. [4] A.A.Aliverdiev, About the account of complex absorption in laser tomography, Proceedings of the International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan", dedicated to 275 Anniversary of Russian Academy of the Sciences and 50 Anniversary of Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of the Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, pp.33-34. [5] A.A.Aliverdiev, R.M.Batyrov, M.G.Karimov, G.M.Halilulayev, A.A.Amirova, Some questions of the use of Hertley transform in physical tomography, Proceedings of the International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan", dedicated to 275 Anniversary of Russian Academy of the Sciences and 50 Anniversary of Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of the Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, p.35. [6] M.G.Karimov. A.A.Aliverdiev, A.A.Amirova, Some questions of the tomographic reconstruction of plasma objects, Proceedings of the All-Russian Conference "Physical Electronics", Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, p.107. [7] A.A.Aliverdiev, M.G.Karimov, Back photoacoustic problem in the investigation of quasistationary spatial-heterogeneous flows, Proceedings of the V International Scientific and Technical Conference "Optical Methods of the Flows Investigations" (Moscow, Russia, 1999), p.161. [8] A.A.Aliverdiev, Some questions of the physical tomography with application of velocity spectrum of registered signal, Proceedings of the Conference "Resonance and non-linear phenomenon in Condensed Matter" (Ufa, Russia 1999). There are two publications, which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [9] A.A.Aliverdiev, M.G.Karimov, Solution of optic reconstructive problem considering registered signal velocity, Turkey J. of Physics, No.4, pp.311-314, 1998. [10] M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, About modeling of 2D optoacoustic researches of exited media, Radiophysics (Massager of Higher Educational Institutes of Russia), No.1, 1999. A.Aliverdiev was the executive (scientific) secretary of the local Program Committee of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter" (Makhachkala, Russia, 1998). Two reports of A.Aliverdiev ware represented in that Conference. A.Aliverdiev represents the reports in (1) the Winter College "Spectroscopy and Applications" (AS-ICTP, Trieste, Italy 1999), (2) the Baikal School of Fundamental Physics (Irkutsk, Russia, 1999, in absentia, by correspondence), (3) the V International Scientific and Technical Conference "Optical Methods of the Flows Investigations" (Moscow, Russia, 1999, in absentia, by co-author), (4) International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan" (Makhachkala, Russia, 1999), (5) the All-Russian Conference "Physical Electronics" (Makhachkala, Russia 1999), (6) the Regional Conference "Resonance and non-linear phenomenon in Condensed Matter" (Ufa, Russia 1999), (7) the Fourth Training Course in the Physics of Correlated Electron Systems and High-Tc Superconductors (Vietri sul Mare, Salerno, Italy, 1999). In July 1998 A. Aliverdiev has got Ph.D. degree from the Daghestan State University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. M.G.Karimov (DSU). Title: "Some solutions of a reconstructive problem in a plasma physics and nonlinear optics with the use of a finiteness of distribution of a registered signal velocity". O.L.BERMAN (Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Moscow Region) in his studies of phase transitions and superfluidity in the system of coupled quantum wells obtained the following results: 1. The theory of phase transitions of electron-hole and unbalanced electron systems in coupled quantum wells in high magnetic fields has been developed [1]. Analytical expressions for the temperatures of the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition to the superfluid state have been derived. A principally important result was obtained that the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature decreases at rise of magnetic field and interwell separation at fixed magnetoexciton density. But the maximal possible Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature increases at rise of magnetic field and interwell separation. 2. It was shown that the system of weakly interacting indirect excitons in the superlattice slab is unstable [2,3]. A method based on the sum of the ladder diagram for the calculation of vertex of quadrupole indirect biexcitons interaction has been proposed for the obtaining of the collective spectrum, superfluid density and the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature. 3. The effect of random field due to impurities, boundary irregularities on the superfluidity of a three-dimensional system of excitons and a quasi-two-dimensional of direct and spatially indirect excitons is investigated [4]. 4. The excitation spectra and superfluidity of the electron-hole system in coupled quantum wells have been analyzed [5,6]. It was shown that the gap in the excitation spectra decreases if the interwell separation and the density of electrons and holes increase. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, V.G.Tsvetus, Phase transitions of electron-hole and unbalanced electron systems in coupled quantum wells in high magnetic fields, Phys.Rev. B59, pp.5627-5636, 1999. [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, M.Willander, Superfluidity of indirect biexcitons in superlattices, JETP V.88, No.5, pp.980-986, 1999. [3] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, M.Willander, Superfluidity of indirect biexcitons in superlattices, Europhysics Letters V.48, No.3, pp.299-305, 1999. [4] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, The superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, JETP Lett. V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999. [5] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.A.Panfilov, The excitation spectra and superfluidity of the electron-hole system in coupled quantum wells, Physica Status Solidi (b), V.209, pp.287-294, 1998. [6] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman and A.A.Panfilov, The excitation spectra in coupled quantum wells, Solid State Phys. (russ. Fiz.Tverd.Tela), V.40, No.12, pp.2226-2228, 1998. O.Berman participated in the International Advanced School Leonardo da Vinci for a continuing education programme 1998 Summer Course "Superconducting materials: advances in technology and applications" (Italy, Bologna, 29 June - 10 July, 1998). Five reports on seminars at the Institute of Spectroscopy were made. One report in seminar at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Stoney Brook has been made. In 1999 O.Berman has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "The investigation of phase transitions and superfluidity in the system of the coupled quantum wells". D.A.DANILOV (Udmurt State University, Izhevsk) in his studies of rapid solidification obtained the following results: 1. A comparative analysis of a model for local nonequilibrium solidification with experimental measurements of "dendrite tip growth velocity -- initial melt undercooling" in rapidly solidifying alloys Cu - 30% at. Ni [1] and Ni - 1% at. Zr [2] has been performed. The predictions of the model are in qualitative and quantitative agreement with experimental data for both alloys. 2. A general solution [3] of the steady-state crystal growth shape under local nonequilibrium solidification has been found. This solution is found for the following growth shapes: elliptical paraboloid, paraboloid of revolution, cylindrical paraboloid, and parabolic platelet. 3. On the basics of a one-sided model of solute diffusion the dynamics of a motion of the rapid solidification front in a binary alloy is investigated [4,5]. A criterion connecting the dynamical stability of the front motion in a steady-state regime with a slope of the kinetic curve "front velocity - initial undercooling'' is formulated. An expression for the definition of nonstationary time during the transition to the steady-state regime is obtained. 4. A model for rapid solidification in undercooled pure metallic liquid is developed that includes local nonequilibrium heat transfer and kinetics of liquid-solid interface motion [6]. Taking into account the finiteness of the speed of heat transport, a general solution of the problem about local nonequilibrium heat transfer with the moving heat source at the planar solidification front is obtained. Asymptotic behavior of the velocity of the rapid planar front is investigated. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Model for free dendritic alloy growth under interfacial and bulk phase nonequilibrium conditions, J.Crystal Growth V.197, pp.992-1002, 1999. [2] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Dendritic growth model for rapid solidification of undercooled alloys, International Conference on Rapidly Quenched and Metastable Materials "RQ-10", Bangalore, India, August 1999, submitted for publication in the journal Material Science and Engineering. [3] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Steady-state crystal growth shape under local nonequilibrium mass transfer, Inzhenerno Fizicheski Zhurnal (Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics), submitted for publication [in Russian]. [4] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Selection of the dynamically stable regime of rapid solidification front motion in isothermal binary alloy, J.Crystal Growth, accepted for publication. [5] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko, A criterion for dynamical stability of rapid solidification front motion, University and Academic Scientific-Practical Conference, Udmurt State University. Thesis for the conference, Izhevsk, April 1999, p.60-61 [in Russian]. [6] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko, Hyperbolic heat transfer in rapid solidification of supercooled liquids, Proc. of the 4th Minsk International Heat and Mass Transfer Forum, A.V.Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute, Minsk, May 2000, accepted for publication. A.V.EMELYANENKO (Moscow State University) in his studies of strongly polar liquid crystals obtained the following results: 1. A statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition has been developed for a system of molecules possessing a strong dipole [1,4]. It was explicitly taken into account that a large amount of dimers appear in a molecular system, when a dipole is strong enough. The dependence of the nematic order parameters of monomers and dimers on the temperature and the temperature variation of the molar fraction of dimers have been obtained. These investigations were held for the systems of molecules with different values of the dipole moment. A principally important result was obtained that the nematic-isotropic transition temperature has no absolute growth with the increasing dipole moment, as it was predicted by the preceding theories, but achieves its maximum with subsequent decrease. This happens because molecules with the large dipole moments form dimers intensively, which destroy the nematic order. In the previous research, based on the mean field or second virial approximations, a very strong short-range correlations leading to the formation of dimers were disregarded. A theory derived in [1,4] takes into account the existence of dimers directly. It was shown, that for molecules with large dipoles the transition temperature decreases with the increasing dipole moment. This result was confirmed by the recent computer simulations. 2. Influence of the molecular shape on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals has been investigated [2]. A method based on the expansion of the intermolecular potential in a complete set of spherical invariants has been proposed to estimate the dispersion interaction between monomers and dimers. It has been established that molecules with small dipoles form dimers, which favour the nematic phase, whereas dimers composed of molecules with large dipoles favour the isotropic phase. It has also been found that molecules with an intermediate value of the dipole moment couple in dimers, which do not influence the nematic- isotropic transition temperature. This balance point depends on the molecular shape, and it may exist or not for different molecules. 3. A statistical theory of the cholesteric ordering [3] was derived. On the contrary to the preceding publications, it describes the helix inversion in binary mixtures. The biaxiality of molecules is explicitly taken into account. Under a certain conditions (driven by the mutual concentration of the components and temperature) the interaction between the short molecular axes, which was disregarded in the previous attempts, dominates over the interaction between the main axes. It leads to the helix inversion, which is usually observed in the experiment. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Polar liquid crystals. Statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [2] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Nematic-isotropic phase transition in polar liquid crystals. Role of the dispersion interaction, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [3] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, D.A.Dunmur, Molecular Theory of Chiral Nematic Liquid Crystals, Phys.Rev.E, paper accepted for publication. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Influence of dimerization on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals, Liquid Crystals, V.26, No.2, 1999. A.Emelyanenko participated in the 17-th International Liquid Crystal Conference (Strasbourg, France, July 19-24, 1998) and presented a poster "Molecular Theory of The Nematic-Isotropic Transition in Strongly Polar Liquid Crystals". Thesis of the poster was published. In 1999 A.Emelyanenko participated in the International Conference on Liquid Crystals, which took place in Krynica (Poland), with a report "Theory of the helix inversion in nematics doped with chiral molecules" (September 13-17, 1999) and in the International Conference "Nonlinear dynamics in polymer science and related fields", Desna, Moscow region, with a report "Helix inversion in binary liquid crystalline mixtures" (October 11-15, 1999). Both theses are included in the corresponding abstract books. The full-length reports are planned. A.V. Emelyanenko has also taken part in the Students Conference on chemistry and physics of the thin organic films, Puschino, Moscow region, with a report "Inversion of the spiral structure in binary LC mixtures" (June 14-15, 1999). Now A.Emelyanenko is developing a new theory of the liquid crystalline polymers, which also possess a helix inversion. I.M.EREMIN (Kazan State University) in his studies of the electronic structure and magnetic properties of high temperature superconductivity obtained the following results: 1. Self-consistent calculation of spin (charge) density wave order (SDW/CDW) parameters have been performed for bilayered cuprates on the basis of a singlet correlated band model [1]. Evolution of the Fermi surface in the strongly underdoped regime is described by using a two-band approach. The smooth development of the pseudogap formation temperature is explained from underdoped to overdoped states and the Fourier amplitudes $$ (spin) and $$ (charge) modulations have been calculated. We have found a maximum of the incommensurability for doping 0.09-0.11 holes per copper site. 2. The phase boundary of the paramagnetic phase of cuprates has been calculated with taking into account the strong electron correlations. The instability wave vector gets displaced from pure antiferromagnetic wave vector if doping increases. The calculated pictures of Lindhard response functions and complex momentum dependence of a CDW pseudogap are presented. Spin susceptibility expression for the singlet correlated band at $T_c The results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, I.Eremin, submitted to Appl.Magn.Res (cond-mat/9908297). [2] I.Eremin, M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, in a book "Stripes and Related Phenomena", edited by A.Bianconi and N.L.Saini, to be published by Kluwer Academics-Plenum Publisher. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before the grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant. [3] I.Eremin, Solid State Commun. 105, pp.293-296, 1998. I.Eremin participated in the Second International Conference on Stripes'98 (Rome, Italy, 2-6 June, 1998) and presented an oral contribution "Two reasons of instability in layered cuprates", Specialized Colloque Ampere EPR, NMR and NQR in Solid State Physics: Recent Trends (Pisa, Italy, June 14-18, 1999) and presented poster contribution "How large can be CDW/SDW amplitudes in layered cuprates", XVI International Seminar "New Magnetic Materials for Microelectronics" (Moscow, Russian Federation, June 23-26, 1998) and presented a poster "Dynamic spin susceptibility below $T_c$. Hubbard Model" (in Russian), XXVII International School for Theoretical Physicists "Kourovka" (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 2-7 March, 1998) and presented a talk "Influence of strong electron correlation on dynamical spin susceptibility in two-dimensional models" (in Russian) I.Eremin participated in the International Cooperation with the groups of Prof. D.Brinkmann and Prof. H.Keller, Institute of Physics, Zuerich University, Switzerland. In September 1999 I.Eremin has got a Ph.D. degree under the supervision of Prof. B.I.Kochelaev (Kazan State University). A.V.PANOV (Far-Eastern State University, Vladivostok) in his studies of magnetism obtained the following results: 1. The ground and metastable magnetic states of magnetite and iron particles with sizes closed to single-domain were analyzed within the scope of the developed model [1]. It was shown that depending on its size and elongation the grain can be in one of three states: with uniform magnetization, with a small and large non-uniformity of magnetic moment (quasi-single-domain and two-domain states). The critical sizes for uniform and quasi-single-domain states were calculated. Magnetization processes of such particles were simulated. The coercive force and critical fields as functions of size, elongation of the particles and external magnetic field direction were studied. The essential difference from similar studies is non-monotone dependence of coercive force on particle elongation for magnetite which is confirmed by experiments. 2. The previous model of two-phase particle was extended by entering of interfacial exchange coupling [2-4]. The magnetization process of an ensemble of Co-coated $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ used in magnetic recording media was studied. The set of magnetic states of such particles was analyzed for ensemble with thermal agitation. It was shown that relation between interfacial exchange coupling and magnetostatic inter-phase interaction affect dependence of the coercive force of the ensemble of $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ particles on coating volume. It was obtained that the growth in coating magnetocrystalline anisotropy leads to increase in coercivity of the ensemble. The main results have been presented in the papers submitted in March and April, 1998, before grantee has been informed of the awarding ICFPM grant: [1] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine magnetite particles, Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie [in Russian], 86, pp.65-73, 1998. [2] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Modeling of magnetization process of an ensemble of $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles with cobalt coating, "Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie" [in Russian] v.87, pp.17-22, 1999. [3] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states of Co-coated $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.241-242. [4] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, An influence of inter-phase interaction on coercive force of two-component particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.511-512. In June, 1999 A. V. Panov has got Ph. D. degree from the Far East State University (Vladivostok). Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Belokon'. Title: "Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine heterogeneous particle systems". A.M.POVOLOTSKY (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow Region) in his studies of the models of self-organized criticality obtained the following results: 1. We investigate the dynamics of Eulerian walkers as a model of self-organized criticality [1]. The evolution of the system is divided into characteristic periods which can be seen as avalanches. The structure of avalanches is described and the critical exponent in the distribution of first avalanches $\tau=2$ is determined. We also study a mean square displacement of Eulerian walkers and obtain a simple diffusion law in the critical state. The evolution of underlying medium from a random state to the critical one is described. 2.The general framework for the renormalization group analysis of self-organized critical sandpile models is formulated [2,3]. The usual real space renormalization scheme for lattice models when applied to nonequilibrium dynamical models must be supplemented by feedback relations coming from the stationarity conditions. On the basis of these ideas the Dynamically Driven Renormalization Group is applied to describe the boundary and bulk critical behavior of sandpile models. A detailed description of the branching nature of sandpile avalanches is given in terms of the generating functions of the underlying branching process. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] A.M.Povolotsky, V.B.Priezzhev, R.R.Shcherbakov, Phys.Rev.E 58, pp.5449-5454, 1998. [2] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, Phys.Rev.E 60, pp.1239-1251, 1999. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [3] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, preprint DIAS-STP-98-06, Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Ireland. A.Povolotsky was invited by J.Stefan Institute, Ljubljana Slovenia and presented the seminar there entitled "Eulerian walkers as a model of the self-organized criticality." S.E.SKIPETROV (Moscow State University) in his studies obtained the following main results: 1. A possibility for diagnostics of laser-induced particle flows in concentrated suspensions using methods of the optical correlation spectroscopy has been studied. The role of ponderomotive effects in experiments on dynamic multiple light scattering (DMLS) has been analyzed. 2. A diffusion model for the temporal autocorrelation function of multiple scattered light has been developed. The model has been shown to be valid for both the Brownian motion and laminar flow of scatterers. The case of spatially localized flow of scatterers in a turbid sample has been considered. We have demonstrated both theoretically and experimentally that one could use DMLS techniques to obtain useful information about hidden particle flows in turbid media. 3. Imaging through atmospheric turbulence has been studied. Statistical moments of the modulation transfer functions (MTFs) of a turbulent atmosphere have been calculated for various models of turbulence. Some of the main results have been presented in a paper containing acknowledgment to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially heterogeneous scatterer dynamics. Physics in Higher Education, V.5, No.1, pp.98-112, 1999 [in Russian]. [2] Karabutov A.A., Pelivanov I.M., Podymova N.B., Skipetrov S.E. Direct measurement of the spatial intensity distribution of light in a scattering medium, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., V.70, No.3, pp.187-191, 1999 [in Russian]; [English translation: J.Exp.Theor.Phys.Lett., V.70, No.3, pp.183-188, 1999]. [3] Skipetrov S.E., Effective dielectric function of a random medium, Phys.Rev.B 60, No.18, pp.12705-12709, 1999. [4] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Shcheglov V.A., Laser-induced particle flows in random media: is the diagnostics with multiple-scattered light possible? In: CD-ROM Proceedings of the International Conference on Optical Technology and Image Processing in Fluid, Thermal, and Combustion Flow (VSJ-SPIE'98) (Yokohama, Japan, December 7-9, 1998), paper AB090. [5] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Correlation spectroscopy for diagnostics of light-induced particle motion in concentrated suspensions. In: Fourth International Conference on Correlation Optics, O.V. Angelsky, Ed., Proc. SPIE, V.3904, pp.423-428, 1999. [6] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave imaging of flows in turbid media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99), (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). [7] Skipetrov S.E., Refractive index of random media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99) (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). S.Skipetrov participated in several scientific conferences: - XI School-Conference on Diffraction and Propagation of Waves (Moscow, Russia, January 12-15, 1998). An oral presentation entitled "Multiple scattering of light in random media with complex dynamic structure" has been made. - NATO Advanced Study Institute "Diffuse Waves in Complex Media" (Les Houches, France, March 17-28, 1998). A poster "Ponderomotive action of light in random media" has been presented. - XVI International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics - ICONO'98 (Moscow, Russia, June 29-July 3, 1998). Two posters has been presented: "Dynamic multiple scattering of laser radiation on light-induced flows of microparticles in suspension" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy of flows". - 17th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division, European Physical Society and 6emes Journees de la Matiere Condensee, Societe Francaise de Physique (Grenoble, France, August 25-29, 1998). A poster "Cross-correlations in dynamic multiple scattering of light" has been presented. - Fall School-Conference "Light-Scattering Techniques in Biomedicine, Industry and Material Science" (Saratov, Russia, October 6-9, 1998). An oral presentation: "Theory of diffusing-wave spectroscopy with angular and spatio-temporal cross-correlations" and two poster presentations: "Ponderomotive action of light in random multiple-scattering media" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in random media with absorption", have been made. - International Conference on Biomedical Optics and Spectroscopy. European Biomedical Optics Week - BiOS'98 (Stockholm, Sweden, September 6-9, 1998). Title of presentation: "Possibilities for study of light-induced flows of microparticles in concentrated suspensions using methods of optical correlation spectroscopy". - International Conference on LASERS'98 (Tucson, Arizona, USA, December 7-11, 1998). Title of presentation: "Hydrodynamic flows induced by copper-vapor laser: diagnostics using optical correlation spectroscopy". S.E.Skipetrov has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. S.S.Chesnokov. Title: "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially-heterogeneous scatterer flows". F.M.TSAHHAEV (Ryazan State Pedagogical University) in his studies of physics of low dimensional structures obtained the following results: 1. Galvanomagnetic effects have been measured in n-AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures with filling of two subbands. The values of the momentum relaxation times t and q have been determined experimentally. The t and q times have been also calculated in the conditions of intersubband scattering using the self-consistent electron wave function. The dominating relaxation mechanism was identified and the parameters of defects were evaluated by comparison of experimentally determined and calculated t and q values [1,5,6,9]. 2. The GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures with anomalously high mobility of 2D-electrons 0.6 m/V s (T=4.2 K) in respect to the well-known analogs have been synthesized. The anomalies and anisotropy of kinetic effects characteristics of the GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures have been observed in experiments. The electrons energy spectrum in GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures has been calculated on the basis of the experimental results. The comparison of calculated data and measurements results (C-V characteristics, temperature and axial/lateral magnetic field dependencies of conductivity, photoluminescence spectra) reveals anomalous properties of GaAs(0.30,?-Sn) structure along [110] direction in respect to the [110] one [4]. 3. In [7,8] the experimental results is analyzed in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures. 4. The hysteresis of current-temperature characteristics is revealed in GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with the three quantum wells [2]. 5. The magnetic field suppression of electron-electron interaction of 2D-electrons in the main and the first, disturbed subbands of dimension quantization in single heterojunction AlGaAs/GaAs have been revealed [3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] V.I.Kadushkin, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Relaxation mechanisms of 2D-electrons in selective doped n-AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs heterostructure with filling of two subbands,\\ Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., No.5/6, pp.55-74, 1999. [2] V.I.Tsebro, O.E.Omelyanovski, V.I.Kadushkin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, F.M.Tsahhaev,\\ S.N.Larin, Lateral photoconductivity low temperature hysteresis of GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with asymmetric system of quantum wells, Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). [3] V.I.Kadushkin, F.M.Tsahhaev, S.N.Larin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, Intersubband relaxation of 2D-electrons in AlGaAs(Si)/GaAs strong doped heterojunction, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., No.3/4, pp.135-166, 1998. [5] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, News Institutions of Higher Education. Physics, No.159, 1998 [in Russian]. Proceedings of the Conference: [6] The 24th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, August 2-7, 1998, Jerusalem, Israel; "Energy spectrum and relaxation mechanisms of electrons in lateral-surface superlattices GaAs(0.30,?-Sn)". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Yu.A.Kotova). [7] 10th International Symposium on Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors, August 31- September 2, 1998, Vilnius, Lithuania. "Photomodulation processes in GaAs/AlAs type-I quantum well structures". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [8] VII Luthuanian-Polish Seminar "Solid State Physics and Technology", Kaunas, 1998. "Photoexcitation effects in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures investigated by differential reflectivity spectroscopy". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [9] The 194th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, Boston, Massachusetts, November\\ 1-6, 1998. "Energy spectrum of electrons in GaAs(?-Sn) structure grown on vicinal plane". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). In March, 2000 F.M.Tsahhaev shall be got Ph.D. degree from the Ryazan State Pedagogical University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Kadushkin (RSPU). Title: "Localization and scattering of quasi-particles in low-dimensional heterostructures in quantized magnetic fields." D.A.RYNDYK (Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS, Nizhny Novgorod) in his studies of nonequilibrium effects in dynamics of Josephson structures and layered superconductors (nonequilibrium Josephson effect) obtained the following results: 1. Starting from microscopic equations for Green functions, quasiclassical kinetic equations are derived for the systems of tunnel junctions and for layered superconductors [1]. This kinetic equations can be generalized for the case of different types of junctions and for superconductors with arbitrary energy dependence of the density of states and anisotropic pairing. 2. Dynamics of one-dimensional array of nonequilibrium junctions is investigated, in particular, current-voltage characteristics and high frequency interaction between junctions. Peculiarities of the dynamics of intrinsic Josephson junctions in HTSC are considered [1,2] (this work is a continuation of previous investigation carried out in 1998: D.A.Ryndyk, Phys.Rev.Lett., 80, 3376, 1998). The calculated current-voltage characteristics demonstrate the nature of the effect of electron-hole imbalance on the dynamics of one-dimensional chains of junctions. 3. The effect of nonequilibrium amplification of Josephson oscillations is predicted [2]. 4. "Plasma" oscillations and Josephson flux flow in layered superconductors is considered with nonequilibrium effects taken into account. Beside, the work on the kinetic theory of plasma turbulence is continued, which was began previously in connection with the experimental investigation of low-hybrid turbulence, excited by ion beam (E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk et al., Nuclear Fusion, 38, 661, 1998). New results in the theory of turbulent broadening of cyclotron resonances are published in Ref.[3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] D.A.Ryndyk, Nonequilibrium Josephson effect in systems of tunnel junctions and in layered superconductors, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. V.116, p.1798, 1999 [JETP V.89, p.975, 1999]. [2] D.A.Ryndyk, High-frequency properties of nonequilibrium Josephson junctions in nanoscale and layered superconductors, Journal of radioelectronics (www journal) n.1 (2000), to be published in "Foreign radioelectronics". [3] E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk, Stochastic Broadening of High Order Ion Cyclotron Resonances due to Lower-Hybrid Turbulence, Strong microwaves in plasmas (proceedings of IV international workshop on strong micro-waves in plasmas, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 1999 ), ed. A.G.Litvak, V.2, Nizhny Novgorod, 2000. D.Ryndyk in 1999 participated in: 1. School-seminar "Physics and applications of microwaves" (24-30 of May in Krasnovidovo, Moscow region) with invited lecture "Physical basis of Josephson high frequency electronics". D.Ryndyk take part in several russian and international research projects, in particular: 1. Grants of Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) N. 97-02-16928 and 99-02-16188 . 2. State research program "Physics of microwaves". Grant 4.7. "Theoretical and experimental investigation of microwave interaction with superconducting structures". 3. Joint program of Institute of Applied Physics RAS and W7-AS stellarator group (Garching, Germany) on Collective Thomson scattering for plasma diagnostic. A.M.RUVINSKY (Institute of Spectroscopy of RAS, Troitsk) in his studies of collective properties of excitons has considered an influence of random fields on the conditions of exciton condensation and superfluidity in bulk and low-dimensional systems [1]. It was shown that in semiconductor alloys the density of excitons in Bose condensate decreases due to the exciton scattering on random fields of impurities or fluctuations of the composite. The density of the superfluidity fraction in the system of 3D and quasi-2D excitons also decreases taking into account this scattering. The scattering on the random field of the quantum well widths' fluctuations was analyzed for direct and indirect excitons. Analytical expressions for the exciton superfluidity densities in "dirty" single quantum wells, coupled quantum wells and bulk semiconductors have been derived. The influence of random fields on Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature for exciton systems in low-dimensional structures was analyzed. These results have been presented in the papers [1,2] containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1].Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, Superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. V.69, No.8, pp.573-578, 1999 [in Russian], (Letter in JETP, V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999). [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, A.M.Ruvinsky, Bogolubov approximation for rare exciton system in random media, Fiz.Tverd.Tela (Physics of the Solid State), in print, 2000 [in Russian]. In June, 1998 A.Ruvinsky has got Ph.D. degree from State Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "Magnetoexcitons in inhomogeneous and low-dimensional structures". A.ZEMLYANOV (Moscow State University) obtained the following results: A new approach to the description of anomalous transport phenomena that take place in fractal media was developed. Namely, anomalous diffusion on a comb structure consisting of a one- dimensional backbone and lateral branches (teeth) of random length is considered. A definite classification of the trajectories of random walks reduces the original problem to an analysis of classical diffusion on the backbone, where, however, the time of this process is a random quantity. Its distribution is assigned by the properties of the random walks of the diffusing particles on the teeth. The possibility of applying mean-field theory in such a model is demonstrated, and the equation for the Green's function with a partial derivative of fractional order is obtained. The characteristic features of the propagation of particles on a comb structure are analyzed. A model of an effective homogeneous medium, in which diffusion is described by an equation with a fractional derivative with respect to time and an initial condition in the form of an integral of fractional order, is obtained. These results are published in [1] and were presented at the Moscow Seminar on Synergetics at the Physics Faculty, Moscow State University. [1] I.A.Lubashevsky, A.A.Zemlyanov, Continuum description of anomalous diffusion on a comb structure, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., V.114, pp.1284-1312, 1998 [in Russian]. A.Zemlyanov has received invitation for participating in a research program at the University of Texas at Austin during the next three years.
A.A.ALIVERDIEV (Institute of Physics, Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala) in his studies of the use of a registered signal velocity for the time-resolved tomography, in particular for the laser tomography of condensed matter obtained the following results: 1. A summarizing of the reconstructive theory of a signal speed using has been developed [1-10]. 2. Analytical expressions for nD photoacoustic tomography and the problem of a complex absorption account have been derived. Some practical algorithms and software ware carried out. Number of 2D numerical simulations are hold. A principally important result was obtained that good photoacoustic reconstruction is possible with different conditions [1-4, 7, 8]. 3. A method of a stream collision has been proposed for the stochastic emission correlation tomography. Number of 2D numerical simulations with inspired results are hold [1]. 4. A method of Hartley transform has been considered for an image processing. Some practical algorithms and software ware carried out [5]. The main goals of the project was achieved. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, Use of velocity of a filed signal in a tomography. Features of an optoacoustic tomography, [in Russian], Makhachkala, DSU, 1998, 60p. [2] G.K.Makhtimagomedov, M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, R.M.Batyrov, G.M.Halilulayev, A.A.Amirova, M.M.Akhmedov, M.M.Ataev, About the modeling of spatial-temporal tomographic reconstruction of sphere of phase transitions; Proceedings of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter", Makhachkala, Russia, 1998, p.3-6. [3] A.A.Aliverdiev, Some aspects of the computing of the laser tomography of mixed state, Proceedings of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter", Makhachkala, Russia, 1998, p.3-5. [4] A.A.Aliverdiev, About the account of complex absorption in laser tomography, Proceedings of the International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan", dedicated to 275 Anniversary of Russian Academy of the Sciences and 50 Anniversary of Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of the Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, pp.33-34. [5] A.A.Aliverdiev, R.M.Batyrov, M.G.Karimov, G.M.Halilulayev, A.A.Amirova, Some questions of the use of Hertley transform in physical tomography, Proceedings of the International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan", dedicated to 275 Anniversary of Russian Academy of the Sciences and 50 Anniversary of Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of the Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, p.35. [6] M.G.Karimov. A.A.Aliverdiev, A.A.Amirova, Some questions of the tomographic reconstruction of plasma objects, Proceedings of the All-Russian Conference "Physical Electronics", Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, p.107. [7] A.A.Aliverdiev, M.G.Karimov, Back photoacoustic problem in the investigation of quasistationary spatial-heterogeneous flows, Proceedings of the V International Scientific and Technical Conference "Optical Methods of the Flows Investigations" (Moscow, Russia, 1999), p.161. [8] A.A.Aliverdiev, Some questions of the physical tomography with application of velocity spectrum of registered signal, Proceedings of the Conference "Resonance and non-linear phenomenon in Condensed Matter" (Ufa, Russia 1999). There are two publications, which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [9] A.A.Aliverdiev, M.G.Karimov, Solution of optic reconstructive problem considering registered signal velocity, Turkey J. of Physics, No.4, pp.311-314, 1998. [10] M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, About modeling of 2D optoacoustic researches of exited media, Radiophysics (Massager of Higher Educational Institutes of Russia), No.1, 1999. A.Aliverdiev was the executive (scientific) secretary of the local Program Committee of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena in Condensed Matter" (Makhachkala, Russia, 1998). Two reports of A.Aliverdiev ware represented in that Conference. A.Aliverdiev represents the reports in (1) the Winter College "Spectroscopy and Applications" (AS-ICTP, Trieste, Italy 1999), (2) the Baikal School of Fundamental Physics (Irkutsk, Russia, 1999, in absentia, by correspondence), (3) the V International Scientific and Technical Conference "Optical Methods of the Flows Investigations" (Moscow, Russia, 1999, in absentia, by co-author), (4) International Conference "Achievements and modern problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan" (Makhachkala, Russia, 1999), (5) the All-Russian Conference "Physical Electronics" (Makhachkala, Russia 1999), (6) the Regional Conference "Resonance and non-linear phenomenon in Condensed Matter" (Ufa, Russia 1999), (7) the Fourth Training Course in the Physics of Correlated Electron Systems and High-Tc Superconductors (Vietri sul Mare, Salerno, Italy, 1999). In July 1998 A. Aliverdiev has got Ph.D. degree from the Daghestan State University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. M.G.Karimov (DSU). Title: "Some solutions of a reconstructive problem in a plasma physics and nonlinear optics with the use of a finiteness of distribution of a registered signal velocity". O.L.BERMAN (Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Moscow Region) in his studies of phase transitions and superfluidity in the system of coupled quantum wells obtained the following results: 1. The theory of phase transitions of electron-hole and unbalanced electron systems in coupled quantum wells in high magnetic fields has been developed [1]. Analytical expressions for the temperatures of the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition to the superfluid state have been derived. A principally important result was obtained that the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature decreases at rise of magnetic field and interwell separation at fixed magnetoexciton density. But the maximal possible Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature increases at rise of magnetic field and interwell separation. 2. It was shown that the system of weakly interacting indirect excitons in the superlattice slab is unstable [2,3]. A method based on the sum of the ladder diagram for the calculation of vertex of quadrupole indirect biexcitons interaction has been proposed for the obtaining of the collective spectrum, superfluid density and the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature. 3. The effect of random field due to impurities, boundary irregularities on the superfluidity of a three-dimensional system of excitons and a quasi-two-dimensional of direct and spatially indirect excitons is investigated [4]. 4. The excitation spectra and superfluidity of the electron-hole system in coupled quantum wells have been analyzed [5,6]. It was shown that the gap in the excitation spectra decreases if the interwell separation and the density of electrons and holes increase. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, V.G.Tsvetus, Phase transitions of electron-hole and unbalanced electron systems in coupled quantum wells in high magnetic fields, Phys.Rev. B59, pp.5627-5636, 1999. [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, M.Willander, Superfluidity of indirect biexcitons in superlattices, JETP V.88, No.5, pp.980-986, 1999. [3] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, M.Willander, Superfluidity of indirect biexcitons in superlattices, Europhysics Letters V.48, No.3, pp.299-305, 1999. [4] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, The superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, JETP Lett. V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999. [5] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.A.Panfilov, The excitation spectra and superfluidity of the electron-hole system in coupled quantum wells, Physica Status Solidi (b), V.209, pp.287-294, 1998. [6] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman and A.A.Panfilov, The excitation spectra in coupled quantum wells, Solid State Phys. (russ. Fiz.Tverd.Tela), V.40, No.12, pp.2226-2228, 1998. O.Berman participated in the International Advanced School Leonardo da Vinci for a continuing education programme 1998 Summer Course "Superconducting materials: advances in technology and applications" (Italy, Bologna, 29 June - 10 July, 1998). Five reports on seminars at the Institute of Spectroscopy were made. One report in seminar at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Stoney Brook has been made. In 1999 O.Berman has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "The investigation of phase transitions and superfluidity in the system of the coupled quantum wells". D.A.DANILOV (Udmurt State University, Izhevsk) in his studies of rapid solidification obtained the following results: 1. A comparative analysis of a model for local nonequilibrium solidification with experimental measurements of "dendrite tip growth velocity -- initial melt undercooling" in rapidly solidifying alloys Cu - 30% at. Ni [1] and Ni - 1% at. Zr [2] has been performed. The predictions of the model are in qualitative and quantitative agreement with experimental data for both alloys. 2. A general solution [3] of the steady-state crystal growth shape under local nonequilibrium solidification has been found. This solution is found for the following growth shapes: elliptical paraboloid, paraboloid of revolution, cylindrical paraboloid, and parabolic platelet. 3. On the basics of a one-sided model of solute diffusion the dynamics of a motion of the rapid solidification front in a binary alloy is investigated [4,5]. A criterion connecting the dynamical stability of the front motion in a steady-state regime with a slope of the kinetic curve "front velocity - initial undercooling'' is formulated. An expression for the definition of nonstationary time during the transition to the steady-state regime is obtained. 4. A model for rapid solidification in undercooled pure metallic liquid is developed that includes local nonequilibrium heat transfer and kinetics of liquid-solid interface motion [6]. Taking into account the finiteness of the speed of heat transport, a general solution of the problem about local nonequilibrium heat transfer with the moving heat source at the planar solidification front is obtained. Asymptotic behavior of the velocity of the rapid planar front is investigated. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Model for free dendritic alloy growth under interfacial and bulk phase nonequilibrium conditions, J.Crystal Growth V.197, pp.992-1002, 1999. [2] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Dendritic growth model for rapid solidification of undercooled alloys, International Conference on Rapidly Quenched and Metastable Materials "RQ-10", Bangalore, India, August 1999, submitted for publication in the journal Material Science and Engineering. [3] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Steady-state crystal growth shape under local nonequilibrium mass transfer, Inzhenerno Fizicheski Zhurnal (Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics), submitted for publication [in Russian]. [4] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Selection of the dynamically stable regime of rapid solidification front motion in isothermal binary alloy, J.Crystal Growth, accepted for publication. [5] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko, A criterion for dynamical stability of rapid solidification front motion, University and Academic Scientific-Practical Conference, Udmurt State University. Thesis for the conference, Izhevsk, April 1999, p.60-61 [in Russian]. [6] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko, Hyperbolic heat transfer in rapid solidification of supercooled liquids, Proc. of the 4th Minsk International Heat and Mass Transfer Forum, A.V.Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute, Minsk, May 2000, accepted for publication. A.V.EMELYANENKO (Moscow State University) in his studies of strongly polar liquid crystals obtained the following results: 1. A statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition has been developed for a system of molecules possessing a strong dipole [1,4]. It was explicitly taken into account that a large amount of dimers appear in a molecular system, when a dipole is strong enough. The dependence of the nematic order parameters of monomers and dimers on the temperature and the temperature variation of the molar fraction of dimers have been obtained. These investigations were held for the systems of molecules with different values of the dipole moment. A principally important result was obtained that the nematic-isotropic transition temperature has no absolute growth with the increasing dipole moment, as it was predicted by the preceding theories, but achieves its maximum with subsequent decrease. This happens because molecules with the large dipole moments form dimers intensively, which destroy the nematic order. In the previous research, based on the mean field or second virial approximations, a very strong short-range correlations leading to the formation of dimers were disregarded. A theory derived in [1,4] takes into account the existence of dimers directly. It was shown, that for molecules with large dipoles the transition temperature decreases with the increasing dipole moment. This result was confirmed by the recent computer simulations. 2. Influence of the molecular shape on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals has been investigated [2]. A method based on the expansion of the intermolecular potential in a complete set of spherical invariants has been proposed to estimate the dispersion interaction between monomers and dimers. It has been established that molecules with small dipoles form dimers, which favour the nematic phase, whereas dimers composed of molecules with large dipoles favour the isotropic phase. It has also been found that molecules with an intermediate value of the dipole moment couple in dimers, which do not influence the nematic- isotropic transition temperature. This balance point depends on the molecular shape, and it may exist or not for different molecules. 3. A statistical theory of the cholesteric ordering [3] was derived. On the contrary to the preceding publications, it describes the helix inversion in binary mixtures. The biaxiality of molecules is explicitly taken into account. Under a certain conditions (driven by the mutual concentration of the components and temperature) the interaction between the short molecular axes, which was disregarded in the previous attempts, dominates over the interaction between the main axes. It leads to the helix inversion, which is usually observed in the experiment. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Polar liquid crystals. Statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [2] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Nematic-isotropic phase transition in polar liquid crystals. Role of the dispersion interaction, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [3] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, D.A.Dunmur, Molecular Theory of Chiral Nematic Liquid Crystals, Phys.Rev.E, paper accepted for publication. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Influence of dimerization on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals, Liquid Crystals, V.26, No.2, 1999. A.Emelyanenko participated in the 17-th International Liquid Crystal Conference (Strasbourg, France, July 19-24, 1998) and presented a poster "Molecular Theory of The Nematic-Isotropic Transition in Strongly Polar Liquid Crystals". Thesis of the poster was published. In 1999 A.Emelyanenko participated in the International Conference on Liquid Crystals, which took place in Krynica (Poland), with a report "Theory of the helix inversion in nematics doped with chiral molecules" (September 13-17, 1999) and in the International Conference "Nonlinear dynamics in polymer science and related fields", Desna, Moscow region, with a report "Helix inversion in binary liquid crystalline mixtures" (October 11-15, 1999). Both theses are included in the corresponding abstract books. The full-length reports are planned. A.V. Emelyanenko has also taken part in the Students Conference on chemistry and physics of the thin organic films, Puschino, Moscow region, with a report "Inversion of the spiral structure in binary LC mixtures" (June 14-15, 1999). Now A.Emelyanenko is developing a new theory of the liquid crystalline polymers, which also possess a helix inversion. I.M.EREMIN (Kazan State University) in his studies of the electronic structure and magnetic properties of high temperature superconductivity obtained the following results: 1. Self-consistent calculation of spin (charge) density wave order (SDW/CDW) parameters have been performed for bilayered cuprates on the basis of a singlet correlated band model [1]. Evolution of the Fermi surface in the strongly underdoped regime is described by using a two-band approach. The smooth development of the pseudogap formation temperature is explained from underdoped to overdoped states and the Fourier amplitudes $$ (spin) and $$ (charge) modulations have been calculated. We have found a maximum of the incommensurability for doping 0.09-0.11 holes per copper site. 2. The phase boundary of the paramagnetic phase of cuprates has been calculated with taking into account the strong electron correlations. The instability wave vector gets displaced from pure antiferromagnetic wave vector if doping increases. The calculated pictures of Lindhard response functions and complex momentum dependence of a CDW pseudogap are presented. Spin susceptibility expression for the singlet correlated band at $T_c The results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, I.Eremin, submitted to Appl.Magn.Res (cond-mat/9908297). [2] I.Eremin, M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, in a book "Stripes and Related Phenomena", edited by A.Bianconi and N.L.Saini, to be published by Kluwer Academics-Plenum Publisher. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before the grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant. [3] I.Eremin, Solid State Commun. 105, pp.293-296, 1998. I.Eremin participated in the Second International Conference on Stripes'98 (Rome, Italy, 2-6 June, 1998) and presented an oral contribution "Two reasons of instability in layered cuprates", Specialized Colloque Ampere EPR, NMR and NQR in Solid State Physics: Recent Trends (Pisa, Italy, June 14-18, 1999) and presented poster contribution "How large can be CDW/SDW amplitudes in layered cuprates", XVI International Seminar "New Magnetic Materials for Microelectronics" (Moscow, Russian Federation, June 23-26, 1998) and presented a poster "Dynamic spin susceptibility below $T_c$. Hubbard Model" (in Russian), XXVII International School for Theoretical Physicists "Kourovka" (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 2-7 March, 1998) and presented a talk "Influence of strong electron correlation on dynamical spin susceptibility in two-dimensional models" (in Russian) I.Eremin participated in the International Cooperation with the groups of Prof. D.Brinkmann and Prof. H.Keller, Institute of Physics, Zuerich University, Switzerland. In September 1999 I.Eremin has got a Ph.D. degree under the supervision of Prof. B.I.Kochelaev (Kazan State University). A.V.PANOV (Far-Eastern State University, Vladivostok) in his studies of magnetism obtained the following results: 1. The ground and metastable magnetic states of magnetite and iron particles with sizes closed to single-domain were analyzed within the scope of the developed model [1]. It was shown that depending on its size and elongation the grain can be in one of three states: with uniform magnetization, with a small and large non-uniformity of magnetic moment (quasi-single-domain and two-domain states). The critical sizes for uniform and quasi-single-domain states were calculated. Magnetization processes of such particles were simulated. The coercive force and critical fields as functions of size, elongation of the particles and external magnetic field direction were studied. The essential difference from similar studies is non-monotone dependence of coercive force on particle elongation for magnetite which is confirmed by experiments. 2. The previous model of two-phase particle was extended by entering of interfacial exchange coupling [2-4]. The magnetization process of an ensemble of Co-coated $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ used in magnetic recording media was studied. The set of magnetic states of such particles was analyzed for ensemble with thermal agitation. It was shown that relation between interfacial exchange coupling and magnetostatic inter-phase interaction affect dependence of the coercive force of the ensemble of $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ particles on coating volume. It was obtained that the growth in coating magnetocrystalline anisotropy leads to increase in coercivity of the ensemble. The main results have been presented in the papers submitted in March and April, 1998, before grantee has been informed of the awarding ICFPM grant: [1] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine magnetite particles, Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie [in Russian], 86, pp.65-73, 1998. [2] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Modeling of magnetization process of an ensemble of $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles with cobalt coating, "Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie" [in Russian] v.87, pp.17-22, 1999. [3] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states of Co-coated $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.241-242. [4] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, An influence of inter-phase interaction on coercive force of two-component particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.511-512. In June, 1999 A. V. Panov has got Ph. D. degree from the Far East State University (Vladivostok). Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Belokon'. Title: "Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine heterogeneous particle systems". A.M.POVOLOTSKY (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow Region) in his studies of the models of self-organized criticality obtained the following results: 1. We investigate the dynamics of Eulerian walkers as a model of self-organized criticality [1]. The evolution of the system is divided into characteristic periods which can be seen as avalanches. The structure of avalanches is described and the critical exponent in the distribution of first avalanches $\tau=2$ is determined. We also study a mean square displacement of Eulerian walkers and obtain a simple diffusion law in the critical state. The evolution of underlying medium from a random state to the critical one is described. 2.The general framework for the renormalization group analysis of self-organized critical sandpile models is formulated [2,3]. The usual real space renormalization scheme for lattice models when applied to nonequilibrium dynamical models must be supplemented by feedback relations coming from the stationarity conditions. On the basis of these ideas the Dynamically Driven Renormalization Group is applied to describe the boundary and bulk critical behavior of sandpile models. A detailed description of the branching nature of sandpile avalanches is given in terms of the generating functions of the underlying branching process. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] A.M.Povolotsky, V.B.Priezzhev, R.R.Shcherbakov, Phys.Rev.E 58, pp.5449-5454, 1998. [2] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, Phys.Rev.E 60, pp.1239-1251, 1999. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [3] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, preprint DIAS-STP-98-06, Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Ireland. A.Povolotsky was invited by J.Stefan Institute, Ljubljana Slovenia and presented the seminar there entitled "Eulerian walkers as a model of the self-organized criticality." S.E.SKIPETROV (Moscow State University) in his studies obtained the following main results: 1. A possibility for diagnostics of laser-induced particle flows in concentrated suspensions using methods of the optical correlation spectroscopy has been studied. The role of ponderomotive effects in experiments on dynamic multiple light scattering (DMLS) has been analyzed. 2. A diffusion model for the temporal autocorrelation function of multiple scattered light has been developed. The model has been shown to be valid for both the Brownian motion and laminar flow of scatterers. The case of spatially localized flow of scatterers in a turbid sample has been considered. We have demonstrated both theoretically and experimentally that one could use DMLS techniques to obtain useful information about hidden particle flows in turbid media. 3. Imaging through atmospheric turbulence has been studied. Statistical moments of the modulation transfer functions (MTFs) of a turbulent atmosphere have been calculated for various models of turbulence. Some of the main results have been presented in a paper containing acknowledgment to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially heterogeneous scatterer dynamics. Physics in Higher Education, V.5, No.1, pp.98-112, 1999 [in Russian]. [2] Karabutov A.A., Pelivanov I.M., Podymova N.B., Skipetrov S.E. Direct measurement of the spatial intensity distribution of light in a scattering medium, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., V.70, No.3, pp.187-191, 1999 [in Russian]; [English translation: J.Exp.Theor.Phys.Lett., V.70, No.3, pp.183-188, 1999]. [3] Skipetrov S.E., Effective dielectric function of a random medium, Phys.Rev.B 60, No.18, pp.12705-12709, 1999. [4] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Shcheglov V.A., Laser-induced particle flows in random media: is the diagnostics with multiple-scattered light possible? In: CD-ROM Proceedings of the International Conference on Optical Technology and Image Processing in Fluid, Thermal, and Combustion Flow (VSJ-SPIE'98) (Yokohama, Japan, December 7-9, 1998), paper AB090. [5] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Correlation spectroscopy for diagnostics of light-induced particle motion in concentrated suspensions. In: Fourth International Conference on Correlation Optics, O.V. Angelsky, Ed., Proc. SPIE, V.3904, pp.423-428, 1999. [6] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave imaging of flows in turbid media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99), (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). [7] Skipetrov S.E., Refractive index of random media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99) (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). S.Skipetrov participated in several scientific conferences: - XI School-Conference on Diffraction and Propagation of Waves (Moscow, Russia, January 12-15, 1998). An oral presentation entitled "Multiple scattering of light in random media with complex dynamic structure" has been made. - NATO Advanced Study Institute "Diffuse Waves in Complex Media" (Les Houches, France, March 17-28, 1998). A poster "Ponderomotive action of light in random media" has been presented. - XVI International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics - ICONO'98 (Moscow, Russia, June 29-July 3, 1998). Two posters has been presented: "Dynamic multiple scattering of laser radiation on light-induced flows of microparticles in suspension" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy of flows". - 17th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division, European Physical Society and 6emes Journees de la Matiere Condensee, Societe Francaise de Physique (Grenoble, France, August 25-29, 1998). A poster "Cross-correlations in dynamic multiple scattering of light" has been presented. - Fall School-Conference "Light-Scattering Techniques in Biomedicine, Industry and Material Science" (Saratov, Russia, October 6-9, 1998). An oral presentation: "Theory of diffusing-wave spectroscopy with angular and spatio-temporal cross-correlations" and two poster presentations: "Ponderomotive action of light in random multiple-scattering media" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in random media with absorption", have been made. - International Conference on Biomedical Optics and Spectroscopy. European Biomedical Optics Week - BiOS'98 (Stockholm, Sweden, September 6-9, 1998). Title of presentation: "Possibilities for study of light-induced flows of microparticles in concentrated suspensions using methods of optical correlation spectroscopy". - International Conference on LASERS'98 (Tucson, Arizona, USA, December 7-11, 1998). Title of presentation: "Hydrodynamic flows induced by copper-vapor laser: diagnostics using optical correlation spectroscopy". S.E.Skipetrov has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. S.S.Chesnokov. Title: "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially-heterogeneous scatterer flows". F.M.TSAHHAEV (Ryazan State Pedagogical University) in his studies of physics of low dimensional structures obtained the following results: 1. Galvanomagnetic effects have been measured in n-AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures with filling of two subbands. The values of the momentum relaxation times t and q have been determined experimentally. The t and q times have been also calculated in the conditions of intersubband scattering using the self-consistent electron wave function. The dominating relaxation mechanism was identified and the parameters of defects were evaluated by comparison of experimentally determined and calculated t and q values [1,5,6,9]. 2. The GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures with anomalously high mobility of 2D-electrons 0.6 m/V s (T=4.2 K) in respect to the well-known analogs have been synthesized. The anomalies and anisotropy of kinetic effects characteristics of the GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures have been observed in experiments. The electrons energy spectrum in GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures has been calculated on the basis of the experimental results. The comparison of calculated data and measurements results (C-V characteristics, temperature and axial/lateral magnetic field dependencies of conductivity, photoluminescence spectra) reveals anomalous properties of GaAs(0.30,?-Sn) structure along [110] direction in respect to the [110] one [4]. 3. In [7,8] the experimental results is analyzed in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures. 4. The hysteresis of current-temperature characteristics is revealed in GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with the three quantum wells [2]. 5. The magnetic field suppression of electron-electron interaction of 2D-electrons in the main and the first, disturbed subbands of dimension quantization in single heterojunction AlGaAs/GaAs have been revealed [3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] V.I.Kadushkin, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Relaxation mechanisms of 2D-electrons in selective doped n-AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs heterostructure with filling of two subbands,\\ Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., No.5/6, pp.55-74, 1999. [2] V.I.Tsebro, O.E.Omelyanovski, V.I.Kadushkin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, F.M.Tsahhaev,\\ S.N.Larin, Lateral photoconductivity low temperature hysteresis of GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with asymmetric system of quantum wells, Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). [3] V.I.Kadushkin, F.M.Tsahhaev, S.N.Larin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, Intersubband relaxation of 2D-electrons in AlGaAs(Si)/GaAs strong doped heterojunction, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., No.3/4, pp.135-166, 1998. [5] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, News Institutions of Higher Education. Physics, No.159, 1998 [in Russian]. Proceedings of the Conference: [6] The 24th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, August 2-7, 1998, Jerusalem, Israel; "Energy spectrum and relaxation mechanisms of electrons in lateral-surface superlattices GaAs(0.30,?-Sn)". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Yu.A.Kotova). [7] 10th International Symposium on Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors, August 31- September 2, 1998, Vilnius, Lithuania. "Photomodulation processes in GaAs/AlAs type-I quantum well structures". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [8] VII Luthuanian-Polish Seminar "Solid State Physics and Technology", Kaunas, 1998. "Photoexcitation effects in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures investigated by differential reflectivity spectroscopy". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [9] The 194th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, Boston, Massachusetts, November\\ 1-6, 1998. "Energy spectrum of electrons in GaAs(?-Sn) structure grown on vicinal plane". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). In March, 2000 F.M.Tsahhaev shall be got Ph.D. degree from the Ryazan State Pedagogical University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Kadushkin (RSPU). Title: "Localization and scattering of quasi-particles in low-dimensional heterostructures in quantized magnetic fields." D.A.RYNDYK (Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS, Nizhny Novgorod) in his studies of nonequilibrium effects in dynamics of Josephson structures and layered superconductors (nonequilibrium Josephson effect) obtained the following results: 1. Starting from microscopic equations for Green functions, quasiclassical kinetic equations are derived for the systems of tunnel junctions and for layered superconductors [1]. This kinetic equations can be generalized for the case of different types of junctions and for superconductors with arbitrary energy dependence of the density of states and anisotropic pairing. 2. Dynamics of one-dimensional array of nonequilibrium junctions is investigated, in particular, current-voltage characteristics and high frequency interaction between junctions. Peculiarities of the dynamics of intrinsic Josephson junctions in HTSC are considered [1,2] (this work is a continuation of previous investigation carried out in 1998: D.A.Ryndyk, Phys.Rev.Lett., 80, 3376, 1998). The calculated current-voltage characteristics demonstrate the nature of the effect of electron-hole imbalance on the dynamics of one-dimensional chains of junctions. 3. The effect of nonequilibrium amplification of Josephson oscillations is predicted [2]. 4. "Plasma" oscillations and Josephson flux flow in layered superconductors is considered with nonequilibrium effects taken into account. Beside, the work on the kinetic theory of plasma turbulence is continued, which was began previously in connection with the experimental investigation of low-hybrid turbulence, excited by ion beam (E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk et al., Nuclear Fusion, 38, 661, 1998). New results in the theory of turbulent broadening of cyclotron resonances are published in Ref.[3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] D.A.Ryndyk, Nonequilibrium Josephson effect in systems of tunnel junctions and in layered superconductors, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. V.116, p.1798, 1999 [JETP V.89, p.975, 1999]. [2] D.A.Ryndyk, High-frequency properties of nonequilibrium Josephson junctions in nanoscale and layered superconductors, Journal of radioelectronics (www journal) n.1 (2000), to be published in "Foreign radioelectronics". [3] E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk, Stochastic Broadening of High Order Ion Cyclotron Resonances due to Lower-Hybrid Turbulence, Strong microwaves in plasmas (proceedings of IV international workshop on strong micro-waves in plasmas, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 1999 ), ed. A.G.Litvak, V.2, Nizhny Novgorod, 2000. D.Ryndyk in 1999 participated in: 1. School-seminar "Physics and applications of microwaves" (24-30 of May in Krasnovidovo, Moscow region) with invited lecture "Physical basis of Josephson high frequency electronics". D.Ryndyk take part in several russian and international research projects, in particular: 1. Grants of Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) N. 97-02-16928 and 99-02-16188 . 2. State research program "Physics of microwaves". Grant 4.7. "Theoretical and experimental investigation of microwave interaction with superconducting structures". 3. Joint program of Institute of Applied Physics RAS and W7-AS stellarator group (Garching, Germany) on Collective Thomson scattering for plasma diagnostic. A.M.RUVINSKY (Institute of Spectroscopy of RAS, Troitsk) in his studies of collective properties of excitons has considered an influence of random fields on the conditions of exciton condensation and superfluidity in bulk and low-dimensional systems [1]. It was shown that in semiconductor alloys the density of excitons in Bose condensate decreases due to the exciton scattering on random fields of impurities or fluctuations of the composite. The density of the superfluidity fraction in the system of 3D and quasi-2D excitons also decreases taking into account this scattering. The scattering on the random field of the quantum well widths' fluctuations was analyzed for direct and indirect excitons. Analytical expressions for the exciton superfluidity densities in "dirty" single quantum wells, coupled quantum wells and bulk semiconductors have been derived. The influence of random fields on Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature for exciton systems in low-dimensional structures was analyzed. These results have been presented in the papers [1,2] containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1].Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, Superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. V.69, No.8, pp.573-578, 1999 [in Russian], (Letter in JETP, V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999). [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, A.M.Ruvinsky, Bogolubov approximation for rare exciton system in random media, Fiz.Tverd.Tela (Physics of the Solid State), in print, 2000 [in Russian]. In June, 1998 A.Ruvinsky has got Ph.D. degree from State Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "Magnetoexcitons in inhomogeneous and low-dimensional structures". A.ZEMLYANOV (Moscow State University) obtained the following results: A new approach to the description of anomalous transport phenomena that take place in fractal media was developed. Namely, anomalous diffusion on a comb structure consisting of a one- dimensional backbone and lateral branches (teeth) of random length is considered. A definite classification of the trajectories of random walks reduces the original problem to an analysis of classical diffusion on the backbone, where, however, the time of this process is a random quantity. Its distribution is assigned by the properties of the random walks of the diffusing particles on the teeth. The possibility of applying mean-field theory in such a model is demonstrated, and the equation for the Green's function with a partial derivative of fractional order is obtained. The characteristic features of the propagation of particles on a comb structure are analyzed. A model of an effective homogeneous medium, in which diffusion is described by an equation with a fractional derivative with respect to time and an initial condition in the form of an integral of fractional order, is obtained. These results are published in [1] and were presented at the Moscow Seminar on Synergetics at the Physics Faculty, Moscow State University. [1] I.A.Lubashevsky, A.A.Zemlyanov, Continuum description of anomalous diffusion on a comb structure, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., V.114, pp.1284-1312, 1998 [in Russian]. A.Zemlyanov has received invitation for participating in a research program at the University of Texas at Austin during the next three years.
O.L.BERMAN (Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Moscow Region) in his studies of phase transitions and superfluidity in the system of coupled quantum wells obtained the following results: 1. The theory of phase transitions of electron-hole and unbalanced electron systems in coupled quantum wells in high magnetic fields has been developed [1]. Analytical expressions for the temperatures of the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition to the superfluid state have been derived. A principally important result was obtained that the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature decreases at rise of magnetic field and interwell separation at fixed magnetoexciton density. But the maximal possible Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature increases at rise of magnetic field and interwell separation. 2. It was shown that the system of weakly interacting indirect excitons in the superlattice slab is unstable [2,3]. A method based on the sum of the ladder diagram for the calculation of vertex of quadrupole indirect biexcitons interaction has been proposed for the obtaining of the collective spectrum, superfluid density and the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature. 3. The effect of random field due to impurities, boundary irregularities on the superfluidity of a three-dimensional system of excitons and a quasi-two-dimensional of direct and spatially indirect excitons is investigated [4]. 4. The excitation spectra and superfluidity of the electron-hole system in coupled quantum wells have been analyzed [5,6]. It was shown that the gap in the excitation spectra decreases if the interwell separation and the density of electrons and holes increase. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, V.G.Tsvetus, Phase transitions of electron-hole and unbalanced electron systems in coupled quantum wells in high magnetic fields, Phys.Rev. B59, pp.5627-5636, 1999. [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, M.Willander, Superfluidity of indirect biexcitons in superlattices, JETP V.88, No.5, pp.980-986, 1999. [3] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, M.Willander, Superfluidity of indirect biexcitons in superlattices, Europhysics Letters V.48, No.3, pp.299-305, 1999. [4] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, The superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, JETP Lett. V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999. [5] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.A.Panfilov, The excitation spectra and superfluidity of the electron-hole system in coupled quantum wells, Physica Status Solidi (b), V.209, pp.287-294, 1998. [6] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman and A.A.Panfilov, The excitation spectra in coupled quantum wells, Solid State Phys. (russ. Fiz.Tverd.Tela), V.40, No.12, pp.2226-2228, 1998. O.Berman participated in the International Advanced School Leonardo da Vinci for a continuing education programme 1998 Summer Course "Superconducting materials: advances in technology and applications" (Italy, Bologna, 29 June - 10 July, 1998). Five reports on seminars at the Institute of Spectroscopy were made. One report in seminar at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Stoney Brook has been made. In 1999 O.Berman has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "The investigation of phase transitions and superfluidity in the system of the coupled quantum wells". D.A.DANILOV (Udmurt State University, Izhevsk) in his studies of rapid solidification obtained the following results: 1. A comparative analysis of a model for local nonequilibrium solidification with experimental measurements of "dendrite tip growth velocity -- initial melt undercooling" in rapidly solidifying alloys Cu - 30% at. Ni [1] and Ni - 1% at. Zr [2] has been performed. The predictions of the model are in qualitative and quantitative agreement with experimental data for both alloys. 2. A general solution [3] of the steady-state crystal growth shape under local nonequilibrium solidification has been found. This solution is found for the following growth shapes: elliptical paraboloid, paraboloid of revolution, cylindrical paraboloid, and parabolic platelet. 3. On the basics of a one-sided model of solute diffusion the dynamics of a motion of the rapid solidification front in a binary alloy is investigated [4,5]. A criterion connecting the dynamical stability of the front motion in a steady-state regime with a slope of the kinetic curve "front velocity - initial undercooling'' is formulated. An expression for the definition of nonstationary time during the transition to the steady-state regime is obtained. 4. A model for rapid solidification in undercooled pure metallic liquid is developed that includes local nonequilibrium heat transfer and kinetics of liquid-solid interface motion [6]. Taking into account the finiteness of the speed of heat transport, a general solution of the problem about local nonequilibrium heat transfer with the moving heat source at the planar solidification front is obtained. Asymptotic behavior of the velocity of the rapid planar front is investigated. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Model for free dendritic alloy growth under interfacial and bulk phase nonequilibrium conditions, J.Crystal Growth V.197, pp.992-1002, 1999. [2] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Dendritic growth model for rapid solidification of undercooled alloys, International Conference on Rapidly Quenched and Metastable Materials "RQ-10", Bangalore, India, August 1999, submitted for publication in the journal Material Science and Engineering. [3] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Steady-state crystal growth shape under local nonequilibrium mass transfer, Inzhenerno Fizicheski Zhurnal (Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics), submitted for publication [in Russian]. [4] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Selection of the dynamically stable regime of rapid solidification front motion in isothermal binary alloy, J.Crystal Growth, accepted for publication. [5] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko, A criterion for dynamical stability of rapid solidification front motion, University and Academic Scientific-Practical Conference, Udmurt State University. Thesis for the conference, Izhevsk, April 1999, p.60-61 [in Russian]. [6] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko, Hyperbolic heat transfer in rapid solidification of supercooled liquids, Proc. of the 4th Minsk International Heat and Mass Transfer Forum, A.V.Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute, Minsk, May 2000, accepted for publication. A.V.EMELYANENKO (Moscow State University) in his studies of strongly polar liquid crystals obtained the following results: 1. A statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition has been developed for a system of molecules possessing a strong dipole [1,4]. It was explicitly taken into account that a large amount of dimers appear in a molecular system, when a dipole is strong enough. The dependence of the nematic order parameters of monomers and dimers on the temperature and the temperature variation of the molar fraction of dimers have been obtained. These investigations were held for the systems of molecules with different values of the dipole moment. A principally important result was obtained that the nematic-isotropic transition temperature has no absolute growth with the increasing dipole moment, as it was predicted by the preceding theories, but achieves its maximum with subsequent decrease. This happens because molecules with the large dipole moments form dimers intensively, which destroy the nematic order. In the previous research, based on the mean field or second virial approximations, a very strong short-range correlations leading to the formation of dimers were disregarded. A theory derived in [1,4] takes into account the existence of dimers directly. It was shown, that for molecules with large dipoles the transition temperature decreases with the increasing dipole moment. This result was confirmed by the recent computer simulations. 2. Influence of the molecular shape on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals has been investigated [2]. A method based on the expansion of the intermolecular potential in a complete set of spherical invariants has been proposed to estimate the dispersion interaction between monomers and dimers. It has been established that molecules with small dipoles form dimers, which favour the nematic phase, whereas dimers composed of molecules with large dipoles favour the isotropic phase. It has also been found that molecules with an intermediate value of the dipole moment couple in dimers, which do not influence the nematic- isotropic transition temperature. This balance point depends on the molecular shape, and it may exist or not for different molecules. 3. A statistical theory of the cholesteric ordering [3] was derived. On the contrary to the preceding publications, it describes the helix inversion in binary mixtures. The biaxiality of molecules is explicitly taken into account. Under a certain conditions (driven by the mutual concentration of the components and temperature) the interaction between the short molecular axes, which was disregarded in the previous attempts, dominates over the interaction between the main axes. It leads to the helix inversion, which is usually observed in the experiment. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Polar liquid crystals. Statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [2] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Nematic-isotropic phase transition in polar liquid crystals. Role of the dispersion interaction, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [3] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, D.A.Dunmur, Molecular Theory of Chiral Nematic Liquid Crystals, Phys.Rev.E, paper accepted for publication. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Influence of dimerization on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals, Liquid Crystals, V.26, No.2, 1999. A.Emelyanenko participated in the 17-th International Liquid Crystal Conference (Strasbourg, France, July 19-24, 1998) and presented a poster "Molecular Theory of The Nematic-Isotropic Transition in Strongly Polar Liquid Crystals". Thesis of the poster was published. In 1999 A.Emelyanenko participated in the International Conference on Liquid Crystals, which took place in Krynica (Poland), with a report "Theory of the helix inversion in nematics doped with chiral molecules" (September 13-17, 1999) and in the International Conference "Nonlinear dynamics in polymer science and related fields", Desna, Moscow region, with a report "Helix inversion in binary liquid crystalline mixtures" (October 11-15, 1999). Both theses are included in the corresponding abstract books. The full-length reports are planned. A.V. Emelyanenko has also taken part in the Students Conference on chemistry and physics of the thin organic films, Puschino, Moscow region, with a report "Inversion of the spiral structure in binary LC mixtures" (June 14-15, 1999). Now A.Emelyanenko is developing a new theory of the liquid crystalline polymers, which also possess a helix inversion. I.M.EREMIN (Kazan State University) in his studies of the electronic structure and magnetic properties of high temperature superconductivity obtained the following results: 1. Self-consistent calculation of spin (charge) density wave order (SDW/CDW) parameters have been performed for bilayered cuprates on the basis of a singlet correlated band model [1]. Evolution of the Fermi surface in the strongly underdoped regime is described by using a two-band approach. The smooth development of the pseudogap formation temperature is explained from underdoped to overdoped states and the Fourier amplitudes $$ (spin) and $$ (charge) modulations have been calculated. We have found a maximum of the incommensurability for doping 0.09-0.11 holes per copper site. 2. The phase boundary of the paramagnetic phase of cuprates has been calculated with taking into account the strong electron correlations. The instability wave vector gets displaced from pure antiferromagnetic wave vector if doping increases. The calculated pictures of Lindhard response functions and complex momentum dependence of a CDW pseudogap are presented. Spin susceptibility expression for the singlet correlated band at $T_c The results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, I.Eremin, submitted to Appl.Magn.Res (cond-mat/9908297). [2] I.Eremin, M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, in a book "Stripes and Related Phenomena", edited by A.Bianconi and N.L.Saini, to be published by Kluwer Academics-Plenum Publisher. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before the grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant. [3] I.Eremin, Solid State Commun. 105, pp.293-296, 1998. I.Eremin participated in the Second International Conference on Stripes'98 (Rome, Italy, 2-6 June, 1998) and presented an oral contribution "Two reasons of instability in layered cuprates", Specialized Colloque Ampere EPR, NMR and NQR in Solid State Physics: Recent Trends (Pisa, Italy, June 14-18, 1999) and presented poster contribution "How large can be CDW/SDW amplitudes in layered cuprates", XVI International Seminar "New Magnetic Materials for Microelectronics" (Moscow, Russian Federation, June 23-26, 1998) and presented a poster "Dynamic spin susceptibility below $T_c$. Hubbard Model" (in Russian), XXVII International School for Theoretical Physicists "Kourovka" (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 2-7 March, 1998) and presented a talk "Influence of strong electron correlation on dynamical spin susceptibility in two-dimensional models" (in Russian) I.Eremin participated in the International Cooperation with the groups of Prof. D.Brinkmann and Prof. H.Keller, Institute of Physics, Zuerich University, Switzerland. In September 1999 I.Eremin has got a Ph.D. degree under the supervision of Prof. B.I.Kochelaev (Kazan State University). A.V.PANOV (Far-Eastern State University, Vladivostok) in his studies of magnetism obtained the following results: 1. The ground and metastable magnetic states of magnetite and iron particles with sizes closed to single-domain were analyzed within the scope of the developed model [1]. It was shown that depending on its size and elongation the grain can be in one of three states: with uniform magnetization, with a small and large non-uniformity of magnetic moment (quasi-single-domain and two-domain states). The critical sizes for uniform and quasi-single-domain states were calculated. Magnetization processes of such particles were simulated. The coercive force and critical fields as functions of size, elongation of the particles and external magnetic field direction were studied. The essential difference from similar studies is non-monotone dependence of coercive force on particle elongation for magnetite which is confirmed by experiments. 2. The previous model of two-phase particle was extended by entering of interfacial exchange coupling [2-4]. The magnetization process of an ensemble of Co-coated $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ used in magnetic recording media was studied. The set of magnetic states of such particles was analyzed for ensemble with thermal agitation. It was shown that relation between interfacial exchange coupling and magnetostatic inter-phase interaction affect dependence of the coercive force of the ensemble of $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ particles on coating volume. It was obtained that the growth in coating magnetocrystalline anisotropy leads to increase in coercivity of the ensemble. The main results have been presented in the papers submitted in March and April, 1998, before grantee has been informed of the awarding ICFPM grant: [1] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine magnetite particles, Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie [in Russian], 86, pp.65-73, 1998. [2] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Modeling of magnetization process of an ensemble of $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles with cobalt coating, "Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie" [in Russian] v.87, pp.17-22, 1999. [3] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states of Co-coated $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.241-242. [4] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, An influence of inter-phase interaction on coercive force of two-component particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.511-512. In June, 1999 A. V. Panov has got Ph. D. degree from the Far East State University (Vladivostok). Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Belokon'. Title: "Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine heterogeneous particle systems". A.M.POVOLOTSKY (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow Region) in his studies of the models of self-organized criticality obtained the following results: 1. We investigate the dynamics of Eulerian walkers as a model of self-organized criticality [1]. The evolution of the system is divided into characteristic periods which can be seen as avalanches. The structure of avalanches is described and the critical exponent in the distribution of first avalanches $\tau=2$ is determined. We also study a mean square displacement of Eulerian walkers and obtain a simple diffusion law in the critical state. The evolution of underlying medium from a random state to the critical one is described. 2.The general framework for the renormalization group analysis of self-organized critical sandpile models is formulated [2,3]. The usual real space renormalization scheme for lattice models when applied to nonequilibrium dynamical models must be supplemented by feedback relations coming from the stationarity conditions. On the basis of these ideas the Dynamically Driven Renormalization Group is applied to describe the boundary and bulk critical behavior of sandpile models. A detailed description of the branching nature of sandpile avalanches is given in terms of the generating functions of the underlying branching process. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] A.M.Povolotsky, V.B.Priezzhev, R.R.Shcherbakov, Phys.Rev.E 58, pp.5449-5454, 1998. [2] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, Phys.Rev.E 60, pp.1239-1251, 1999. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [3] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, preprint DIAS-STP-98-06, Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Ireland. A.Povolotsky was invited by J.Stefan Institute, Ljubljana Slovenia and presented the seminar there entitled "Eulerian walkers as a model of the self-organized criticality." S.E.SKIPETROV (Moscow State University) in his studies obtained the following main results: 1. A possibility for diagnostics of laser-induced particle flows in concentrated suspensions using methods of the optical correlation spectroscopy has been studied. The role of ponderomotive effects in experiments on dynamic multiple light scattering (DMLS) has been analyzed. 2. A diffusion model for the temporal autocorrelation function of multiple scattered light has been developed. The model has been shown to be valid for both the Brownian motion and laminar flow of scatterers. The case of spatially localized flow of scatterers in a turbid sample has been considered. We have demonstrated both theoretically and experimentally that one could use DMLS techniques to obtain useful information about hidden particle flows in turbid media. 3. Imaging through atmospheric turbulence has been studied. Statistical moments of the modulation transfer functions (MTFs) of a turbulent atmosphere have been calculated for various models of turbulence. Some of the main results have been presented in a paper containing acknowledgment to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially heterogeneous scatterer dynamics. Physics in Higher Education, V.5, No.1, pp.98-112, 1999 [in Russian]. [2] Karabutov A.A., Pelivanov I.M., Podymova N.B., Skipetrov S.E. Direct measurement of the spatial intensity distribution of light in a scattering medium, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., V.70, No.3, pp.187-191, 1999 [in Russian]; [English translation: J.Exp.Theor.Phys.Lett., V.70, No.3, pp.183-188, 1999]. [3] Skipetrov S.E., Effective dielectric function of a random medium, Phys.Rev.B 60, No.18, pp.12705-12709, 1999. [4] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Shcheglov V.A., Laser-induced particle flows in random media: is the diagnostics with multiple-scattered light possible? In: CD-ROM Proceedings of the International Conference on Optical Technology and Image Processing in Fluid, Thermal, and Combustion Flow (VSJ-SPIE'98) (Yokohama, Japan, December 7-9, 1998), paper AB090. [5] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Correlation spectroscopy for diagnostics of light-induced particle motion in concentrated suspensions. In: Fourth International Conference on Correlation Optics, O.V. Angelsky, Ed., Proc. SPIE, V.3904, pp.423-428, 1999. [6] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave imaging of flows in turbid media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99), (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). [7] Skipetrov S.E., Refractive index of random media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99) (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). S.Skipetrov participated in several scientific conferences: - XI School-Conference on Diffraction and Propagation of Waves (Moscow, Russia, January 12-15, 1998). An oral presentation entitled "Multiple scattering of light in random media with complex dynamic structure" has been made. - NATO Advanced Study Institute "Diffuse Waves in Complex Media" (Les Houches, France, March 17-28, 1998). A poster "Ponderomotive action of light in random media" has been presented. - XVI International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics - ICONO'98 (Moscow, Russia, June 29-July 3, 1998). Two posters has been presented: "Dynamic multiple scattering of laser radiation on light-induced flows of microparticles in suspension" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy of flows". - 17th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division, European Physical Society and 6emes Journees de la Matiere Condensee, Societe Francaise de Physique (Grenoble, France, August 25-29, 1998). A poster "Cross-correlations in dynamic multiple scattering of light" has been presented. - Fall School-Conference "Light-Scattering Techniques in Biomedicine, Industry and Material Science" (Saratov, Russia, October 6-9, 1998). An oral presentation: "Theory of diffusing-wave spectroscopy with angular and spatio-temporal cross-correlations" and two poster presentations: "Ponderomotive action of light in random multiple-scattering media" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in random media with absorption", have been made. - International Conference on Biomedical Optics and Spectroscopy. European Biomedical Optics Week - BiOS'98 (Stockholm, Sweden, September 6-9, 1998). Title of presentation: "Possibilities for study of light-induced flows of microparticles in concentrated suspensions using methods of optical correlation spectroscopy". - International Conference on LASERS'98 (Tucson, Arizona, USA, December 7-11, 1998). Title of presentation: "Hydrodynamic flows induced by copper-vapor laser: diagnostics using optical correlation spectroscopy". S.E.Skipetrov has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. S.S.Chesnokov. Title: "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially-heterogeneous scatterer flows". F.M.TSAHHAEV (Ryazan State Pedagogical University) in his studies of physics of low dimensional structures obtained the following results: 1. Galvanomagnetic effects have been measured in n-AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures with filling of two subbands. The values of the momentum relaxation times t and q have been determined experimentally. The t and q times have been also calculated in the conditions of intersubband scattering using the self-consistent electron wave function. The dominating relaxation mechanism was identified and the parameters of defects were evaluated by comparison of experimentally determined and calculated t and q values [1,5,6,9]. 2. The GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures with anomalously high mobility of 2D-electrons 0.6 m/V s (T=4.2 K) in respect to the well-known analogs have been synthesized. The anomalies and anisotropy of kinetic effects characteristics of the GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures have been observed in experiments. The electrons energy spectrum in GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures has been calculated on the basis of the experimental results. The comparison of calculated data and measurements results (C-V characteristics, temperature and axial/lateral magnetic field dependencies of conductivity, photoluminescence spectra) reveals anomalous properties of GaAs(0.30,?-Sn) structure along [110] direction in respect to the [110] one [4]. 3. In [7,8] the experimental results is analyzed in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures. 4. The hysteresis of current-temperature characteristics is revealed in GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with the three quantum wells [2]. 5. The magnetic field suppression of electron-electron interaction of 2D-electrons in the main and the first, disturbed subbands of dimension quantization in single heterojunction AlGaAs/GaAs have been revealed [3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] V.I.Kadushkin, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Relaxation mechanisms of 2D-electrons in selective doped n-AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs heterostructure with filling of two subbands,\\ Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., No.5/6, pp.55-74, 1999. [2] V.I.Tsebro, O.E.Omelyanovski, V.I.Kadushkin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, F.M.Tsahhaev,\\ S.N.Larin, Lateral photoconductivity low temperature hysteresis of GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with asymmetric system of quantum wells, Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). [3] V.I.Kadushkin, F.M.Tsahhaev, S.N.Larin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, Intersubband relaxation of 2D-electrons in AlGaAs(Si)/GaAs strong doped heterojunction, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., No.3/4, pp.135-166, 1998. [5] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, News Institutions of Higher Education. Physics, No.159, 1998 [in Russian]. Proceedings of the Conference: [6] The 24th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, August 2-7, 1998, Jerusalem, Israel; "Energy spectrum and relaxation mechanisms of electrons in lateral-surface superlattices GaAs(0.30,?-Sn)". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Yu.A.Kotova). [7] 10th International Symposium on Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors, August 31- September 2, 1998, Vilnius, Lithuania. "Photomodulation processes in GaAs/AlAs type-I quantum well structures". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [8] VII Luthuanian-Polish Seminar "Solid State Physics and Technology", Kaunas, 1998. "Photoexcitation effects in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures investigated by differential reflectivity spectroscopy". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [9] The 194th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, Boston, Massachusetts, November\\ 1-6, 1998. "Energy spectrum of electrons in GaAs(?-Sn) structure grown on vicinal plane". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). In March, 2000 F.M.Tsahhaev shall be got Ph.D. degree from the Ryazan State Pedagogical University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Kadushkin (RSPU). Title: "Localization and scattering of quasi-particles in low-dimensional heterostructures in quantized magnetic fields." D.A.RYNDYK (Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS, Nizhny Novgorod) in his studies of nonequilibrium effects in dynamics of Josephson structures and layered superconductors (nonequilibrium Josephson effect) obtained the following results: 1. Starting from microscopic equations for Green functions, quasiclassical kinetic equations are derived for the systems of tunnel junctions and for layered superconductors [1]. This kinetic equations can be generalized for the case of different types of junctions and for superconductors with arbitrary energy dependence of the density of states and anisotropic pairing. 2. Dynamics of one-dimensional array of nonequilibrium junctions is investigated, in particular, current-voltage characteristics and high frequency interaction between junctions. Peculiarities of the dynamics of intrinsic Josephson junctions in HTSC are considered [1,2] (this work is a continuation of previous investigation carried out in 1998: D.A.Ryndyk, Phys.Rev.Lett., 80, 3376, 1998). The calculated current-voltage characteristics demonstrate the nature of the effect of electron-hole imbalance on the dynamics of one-dimensional chains of junctions. 3. The effect of nonequilibrium amplification of Josephson oscillations is predicted [2]. 4. "Plasma" oscillations and Josephson flux flow in layered superconductors is considered with nonequilibrium effects taken into account. Beside, the work on the kinetic theory of plasma turbulence is continued, which was began previously in connection with the experimental investigation of low-hybrid turbulence, excited by ion beam (E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk et al., Nuclear Fusion, 38, 661, 1998). New results in the theory of turbulent broadening of cyclotron resonances are published in Ref.[3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] D.A.Ryndyk, Nonequilibrium Josephson effect in systems of tunnel junctions and in layered superconductors, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. V.116, p.1798, 1999 [JETP V.89, p.975, 1999]. [2] D.A.Ryndyk, High-frequency properties of nonequilibrium Josephson junctions in nanoscale and layered superconductors, Journal of radioelectronics (www journal) n.1 (2000), to be published in "Foreign radioelectronics". [3] E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk, Stochastic Broadening of High Order Ion Cyclotron Resonances due to Lower-Hybrid Turbulence, Strong microwaves in plasmas (proceedings of IV international workshop on strong micro-waves in plasmas, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 1999 ), ed. A.G.Litvak, V.2, Nizhny Novgorod, 2000. D.Ryndyk in 1999 participated in: 1. School-seminar "Physics and applications of microwaves" (24-30 of May in Krasnovidovo, Moscow region) with invited lecture "Physical basis of Josephson high frequency electronics". D.Ryndyk take part in several russian and international research projects, in particular: 1. Grants of Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) N. 97-02-16928 and 99-02-16188 . 2. State research program "Physics of microwaves". Grant 4.7. "Theoretical and experimental investigation of microwave interaction with superconducting structures". 3. Joint program of Institute of Applied Physics RAS and W7-AS stellarator group (Garching, Germany) on Collective Thomson scattering for plasma diagnostic. A.M.RUVINSKY (Institute of Spectroscopy of RAS, Troitsk) in his studies of collective properties of excitons has considered an influence of random fields on the conditions of exciton condensation and superfluidity in bulk and low-dimensional systems [1]. It was shown that in semiconductor alloys the density of excitons in Bose condensate decreases due to the exciton scattering on random fields of impurities or fluctuations of the composite. The density of the superfluidity fraction in the system of 3D and quasi-2D excitons also decreases taking into account this scattering. The scattering on the random field of the quantum well widths' fluctuations was analyzed for direct and indirect excitons. Analytical expressions for the exciton superfluidity densities in "dirty" single quantum wells, coupled quantum wells and bulk semiconductors have been derived. The influence of random fields on Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature for exciton systems in low-dimensional structures was analyzed. These results have been presented in the papers [1,2] containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1].Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, Superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. V.69, No.8, pp.573-578, 1999 [in Russian], (Letter in JETP, V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999). [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, A.M.Ruvinsky, Bogolubov approximation for rare exciton system in random media, Fiz.Tverd.Tela (Physics of the Solid State), in print, 2000 [in Russian]. In June, 1998 A.Ruvinsky has got Ph.D. degree from State Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "Magnetoexcitons in inhomogeneous and low-dimensional structures". A.ZEMLYANOV (Moscow State University) obtained the following results: A new approach to the description of anomalous transport phenomena that take place in fractal media was developed. Namely, anomalous diffusion on a comb structure consisting of a one- dimensional backbone and lateral branches (teeth) of random length is considered. A definite classification of the trajectories of random walks reduces the original problem to an analysis of classical diffusion on the backbone, where, however, the time of this process is a random quantity. Its distribution is assigned by the properties of the random walks of the diffusing particles on the teeth. The possibility of applying mean-field theory in such a model is demonstrated, and the equation for the Green's function with a partial derivative of fractional order is obtained. The characteristic features of the propagation of particles on a comb structure are analyzed. A model of an effective homogeneous medium, in which diffusion is described by an equation with a fractional derivative with respect to time and an initial condition in the form of an integral of fractional order, is obtained. These results are published in [1] and were presented at the Moscow Seminar on Synergetics at the Physics Faculty, Moscow State University. [1] I.A.Lubashevsky, A.A.Zemlyanov, Continuum description of anomalous diffusion on a comb structure, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., V.114, pp.1284-1312, 1998 [in Russian]. A.Zemlyanov has received invitation for participating in a research program at the University of Texas at Austin during the next three years.
D.A.DANILOV (Udmurt State University, Izhevsk) in his studies of rapid solidification obtained the following results: 1. A comparative analysis of a model for local nonequilibrium solidification with experimental measurements of "dendrite tip growth velocity -- initial melt undercooling" in rapidly solidifying alloys Cu - 30% at. Ni [1] and Ni - 1% at. Zr [2] has been performed. The predictions of the model are in qualitative and quantitative agreement with experimental data for both alloys. 2. A general solution [3] of the steady-state crystal growth shape under local nonequilibrium solidification has been found. This solution is found for the following growth shapes: elliptical paraboloid, paraboloid of revolution, cylindrical paraboloid, and parabolic platelet. 3. On the basics of a one-sided model of solute diffusion the dynamics of a motion of the rapid solidification front in a binary alloy is investigated [4,5]. A criterion connecting the dynamical stability of the front motion in a steady-state regime with a slope of the kinetic curve "front velocity - initial undercooling'' is formulated. An expression for the definition of nonstationary time during the transition to the steady-state regime is obtained. 4. A model for rapid solidification in undercooled pure metallic liquid is developed that includes local nonequilibrium heat transfer and kinetics of liquid-solid interface motion [6]. Taking into account the finiteness of the speed of heat transport, a general solution of the problem about local nonequilibrium heat transfer with the moving heat source at the planar solidification front is obtained. Asymptotic behavior of the velocity of the rapid planar front is investigated. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Model for free dendritic alloy growth under interfacial and bulk phase nonequilibrium conditions, J.Crystal Growth V.197, pp.992-1002, 1999. [2] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Dendritic growth model for rapid solidification of undercooled alloys, International Conference on Rapidly Quenched and Metastable Materials "RQ-10", Bangalore, India, August 1999, submitted for publication in the journal Material Science and Engineering. [3] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Steady-state crystal growth shape under local nonequilibrium mass transfer, Inzhenerno Fizicheski Zhurnal (Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics), submitted for publication [in Russian]. [4] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov, Selection of the dynamically stable regime of rapid solidification front motion in isothermal binary alloy, J.Crystal Growth, accepted for publication. [5] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko, A criterion for dynamical stability of rapid solidification front motion, University and Academic Scientific-Practical Conference, Udmurt State University. Thesis for the conference, Izhevsk, April 1999, p.60-61 [in Russian]. [6] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko, Hyperbolic heat transfer in rapid solidification of supercooled liquids, Proc. of the 4th Minsk International Heat and Mass Transfer Forum, A.V.Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute, Minsk, May 2000, accepted for publication. A.V.EMELYANENKO (Moscow State University) in his studies of strongly polar liquid crystals obtained the following results: 1. A statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition has been developed for a system of molecules possessing a strong dipole [1,4]. It was explicitly taken into account that a large amount of dimers appear in a molecular system, when a dipole is strong enough. The dependence of the nematic order parameters of monomers and dimers on the temperature and the temperature variation of the molar fraction of dimers have been obtained. These investigations were held for the systems of molecules with different values of the dipole moment. A principally important result was obtained that the nematic-isotropic transition temperature has no absolute growth with the increasing dipole moment, as it was predicted by the preceding theories, but achieves its maximum with subsequent decrease. This happens because molecules with the large dipole moments form dimers intensively, which destroy the nematic order. In the previous research, based on the mean field or second virial approximations, a very strong short-range correlations leading to the formation of dimers were disregarded. A theory derived in [1,4] takes into account the existence of dimers directly. It was shown, that for molecules with large dipoles the transition temperature decreases with the increasing dipole moment. This result was confirmed by the recent computer simulations. 2. Influence of the molecular shape on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals has been investigated [2]. A method based on the expansion of the intermolecular potential in a complete set of spherical invariants has been proposed to estimate the dispersion interaction between monomers and dimers. It has been established that molecules with small dipoles form dimers, which favour the nematic phase, whereas dimers composed of molecules with large dipoles favour the isotropic phase. It has also been found that molecules with an intermediate value of the dipole moment couple in dimers, which do not influence the nematic- isotropic transition temperature. This balance point depends on the molecular shape, and it may exist or not for different molecules. 3. A statistical theory of the cholesteric ordering [3] was derived. On the contrary to the preceding publications, it describes the helix inversion in binary mixtures. The biaxiality of molecules is explicitly taken into account. Under a certain conditions (driven by the mutual concentration of the components and temperature) the interaction between the short molecular axes, which was disregarded in the previous attempts, dominates over the interaction between the main axes. It leads to the helix inversion, which is usually observed in the experiment. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Polar liquid crystals. Statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [2] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Nematic-isotropic phase transition in polar liquid crystals. Role of the dispersion interaction, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [3] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, D.A.Dunmur, Molecular Theory of Chiral Nematic Liquid Crystals, Phys.Rev.E, paper accepted for publication. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Influence of dimerization on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals, Liquid Crystals, V.26, No.2, 1999. A.Emelyanenko participated in the 17-th International Liquid Crystal Conference (Strasbourg, France, July 19-24, 1998) and presented a poster "Molecular Theory of The Nematic-Isotropic Transition in Strongly Polar Liquid Crystals". Thesis of the poster was published. In 1999 A.Emelyanenko participated in the International Conference on Liquid Crystals, which took place in Krynica (Poland), with a report "Theory of the helix inversion in nematics doped with chiral molecules" (September 13-17, 1999) and in the International Conference "Nonlinear dynamics in polymer science and related fields", Desna, Moscow region, with a report "Helix inversion in binary liquid crystalline mixtures" (October 11-15, 1999). Both theses are included in the corresponding abstract books. The full-length reports are planned. A.V. Emelyanenko has also taken part in the Students Conference on chemistry and physics of the thin organic films, Puschino, Moscow region, with a report "Inversion of the spiral structure in binary LC mixtures" (June 14-15, 1999). Now A.Emelyanenko is developing a new theory of the liquid crystalline polymers, which also possess a helix inversion. I.M.EREMIN (Kazan State University) in his studies of the electronic structure and magnetic properties of high temperature superconductivity obtained the following results: 1. Self-consistent calculation of spin (charge) density wave order (SDW/CDW) parameters have been performed for bilayered cuprates on the basis of a singlet correlated band model [1]. Evolution of the Fermi surface in the strongly underdoped regime is described by using a two-band approach. The smooth development of the pseudogap formation temperature is explained from underdoped to overdoped states and the Fourier amplitudes $$ (spin) and $$ (charge) modulations have been calculated. We have found a maximum of the incommensurability for doping 0.09-0.11 holes per copper site. 2. The phase boundary of the paramagnetic phase of cuprates has been calculated with taking into account the strong electron correlations. The instability wave vector gets displaced from pure antiferromagnetic wave vector if doping increases. The calculated pictures of Lindhard response functions and complex momentum dependence of a CDW pseudogap are presented. Spin susceptibility expression for the singlet correlated band at $T_c The results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, I.Eremin, submitted to Appl.Magn.Res (cond-mat/9908297). [2] I.Eremin, M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, in a book "Stripes and Related Phenomena", edited by A.Bianconi and N.L.Saini, to be published by Kluwer Academics-Plenum Publisher. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before the grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant. [3] I.Eremin, Solid State Commun. 105, pp.293-296, 1998. I.Eremin participated in the Second International Conference on Stripes'98 (Rome, Italy, 2-6 June, 1998) and presented an oral contribution "Two reasons of instability in layered cuprates", Specialized Colloque Ampere EPR, NMR and NQR in Solid State Physics: Recent Trends (Pisa, Italy, June 14-18, 1999) and presented poster contribution "How large can be CDW/SDW amplitudes in layered cuprates", XVI International Seminar "New Magnetic Materials for Microelectronics" (Moscow, Russian Federation, June 23-26, 1998) and presented a poster "Dynamic spin susceptibility below $T_c$. Hubbard Model" (in Russian), XXVII International School for Theoretical Physicists "Kourovka" (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 2-7 March, 1998) and presented a talk "Influence of strong electron correlation on dynamical spin susceptibility in two-dimensional models" (in Russian) I.Eremin participated in the International Cooperation with the groups of Prof. D.Brinkmann and Prof. H.Keller, Institute of Physics, Zuerich University, Switzerland. In September 1999 I.Eremin has got a Ph.D. degree under the supervision of Prof. B.I.Kochelaev (Kazan State University). A.V.PANOV (Far-Eastern State University, Vladivostok) in his studies of magnetism obtained the following results: 1. The ground and metastable magnetic states of magnetite and iron particles with sizes closed to single-domain were analyzed within the scope of the developed model [1]. It was shown that depending on its size and elongation the grain can be in one of three states: with uniform magnetization, with a small and large non-uniformity of magnetic moment (quasi-single-domain and two-domain states). The critical sizes for uniform and quasi-single-domain states were calculated. Magnetization processes of such particles were simulated. The coercive force and critical fields as functions of size, elongation of the particles and external magnetic field direction were studied. The essential difference from similar studies is non-monotone dependence of coercive force on particle elongation for magnetite which is confirmed by experiments. 2. The previous model of two-phase particle was extended by entering of interfacial exchange coupling [2-4]. The magnetization process of an ensemble of Co-coated $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ used in magnetic recording media was studied. The set of magnetic states of such particles was analyzed for ensemble with thermal agitation. It was shown that relation between interfacial exchange coupling and magnetostatic inter-phase interaction affect dependence of the coercive force of the ensemble of $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ particles on coating volume. It was obtained that the growth in coating magnetocrystalline anisotropy leads to increase in coercivity of the ensemble. The main results have been presented in the papers submitted in March and April, 1998, before grantee has been informed of the awarding ICFPM grant: [1] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine magnetite particles, Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie [in Russian], 86, pp.65-73, 1998. [2] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Modeling of magnetization process of an ensemble of $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles with cobalt coating, "Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie" [in Russian] v.87, pp.17-22, 1999. [3] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states of Co-coated $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.241-242. [4] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, An influence of inter-phase interaction on coercive force of two-component particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.511-512. In June, 1999 A. V. Panov has got Ph. D. degree from the Far East State University (Vladivostok). Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Belokon'. Title: "Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine heterogeneous particle systems". A.M.POVOLOTSKY (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow Region) in his studies of the models of self-organized criticality obtained the following results: 1. We investigate the dynamics of Eulerian walkers as a model of self-organized criticality [1]. The evolution of the system is divided into characteristic periods which can be seen as avalanches. The structure of avalanches is described and the critical exponent in the distribution of first avalanches $\tau=2$ is determined. We also study a mean square displacement of Eulerian walkers and obtain a simple diffusion law in the critical state. The evolution of underlying medium from a random state to the critical one is described. 2.The general framework for the renormalization group analysis of self-organized critical sandpile models is formulated [2,3]. The usual real space renormalization scheme for lattice models when applied to nonequilibrium dynamical models must be supplemented by feedback relations coming from the stationarity conditions. On the basis of these ideas the Dynamically Driven Renormalization Group is applied to describe the boundary and bulk critical behavior of sandpile models. A detailed description of the branching nature of sandpile avalanches is given in terms of the generating functions of the underlying branching process. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] A.M.Povolotsky, V.B.Priezzhev, R.R.Shcherbakov, Phys.Rev.E 58, pp.5449-5454, 1998. [2] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, Phys.Rev.E 60, pp.1239-1251, 1999. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [3] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, preprint DIAS-STP-98-06, Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Ireland. A.Povolotsky was invited by J.Stefan Institute, Ljubljana Slovenia and presented the seminar there entitled "Eulerian walkers as a model of the self-organized criticality." S.E.SKIPETROV (Moscow State University) in his studies obtained the following main results: 1. A possibility for diagnostics of laser-induced particle flows in concentrated suspensions using methods of the optical correlation spectroscopy has been studied. The role of ponderomotive effects in experiments on dynamic multiple light scattering (DMLS) has been analyzed. 2. A diffusion model for the temporal autocorrelation function of multiple scattered light has been developed. The model has been shown to be valid for both the Brownian motion and laminar flow of scatterers. The case of spatially localized flow of scatterers in a turbid sample has been considered. We have demonstrated both theoretically and experimentally that one could use DMLS techniques to obtain useful information about hidden particle flows in turbid media. 3. Imaging through atmospheric turbulence has been studied. Statistical moments of the modulation transfer functions (MTFs) of a turbulent atmosphere have been calculated for various models of turbulence. Some of the main results have been presented in a paper containing acknowledgment to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially heterogeneous scatterer dynamics. Physics in Higher Education, V.5, No.1, pp.98-112, 1999 [in Russian]. [2] Karabutov A.A., Pelivanov I.M., Podymova N.B., Skipetrov S.E. Direct measurement of the spatial intensity distribution of light in a scattering medium, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., V.70, No.3, pp.187-191, 1999 [in Russian]; [English translation: J.Exp.Theor.Phys.Lett., V.70, No.3, pp.183-188, 1999]. [3] Skipetrov S.E., Effective dielectric function of a random medium, Phys.Rev.B 60, No.18, pp.12705-12709, 1999. [4] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Shcheglov V.A., Laser-induced particle flows in random media: is the diagnostics with multiple-scattered light possible? In: CD-ROM Proceedings of the International Conference on Optical Technology and Image Processing in Fluid, Thermal, and Combustion Flow (VSJ-SPIE'98) (Yokohama, Japan, December 7-9, 1998), paper AB090. [5] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Correlation spectroscopy for diagnostics of light-induced particle motion in concentrated suspensions. In: Fourth International Conference on Correlation Optics, O.V. Angelsky, Ed., Proc. SPIE, V.3904, pp.423-428, 1999. [6] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave imaging of flows in turbid media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99), (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). [7] Skipetrov S.E., Refractive index of random media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99) (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). S.Skipetrov participated in several scientific conferences: - XI School-Conference on Diffraction and Propagation of Waves (Moscow, Russia, January 12-15, 1998). An oral presentation entitled "Multiple scattering of light in random media with complex dynamic structure" has been made. - NATO Advanced Study Institute "Diffuse Waves in Complex Media" (Les Houches, France, March 17-28, 1998). A poster "Ponderomotive action of light in random media" has been presented. - XVI International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics - ICONO'98 (Moscow, Russia, June 29-July 3, 1998). Two posters has been presented: "Dynamic multiple scattering of laser radiation on light-induced flows of microparticles in suspension" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy of flows". - 17th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division, European Physical Society and 6emes Journees de la Matiere Condensee, Societe Francaise de Physique (Grenoble, France, August 25-29, 1998). A poster "Cross-correlations in dynamic multiple scattering of light" has been presented. - Fall School-Conference "Light-Scattering Techniques in Biomedicine, Industry and Material Science" (Saratov, Russia, October 6-9, 1998). An oral presentation: "Theory of diffusing-wave spectroscopy with angular and spatio-temporal cross-correlations" and two poster presentations: "Ponderomotive action of light in random multiple-scattering media" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in random media with absorption", have been made. - International Conference on Biomedical Optics and Spectroscopy. European Biomedical Optics Week - BiOS'98 (Stockholm, Sweden, September 6-9, 1998). Title of presentation: "Possibilities for study of light-induced flows of microparticles in concentrated suspensions using methods of optical correlation spectroscopy". - International Conference on LASERS'98 (Tucson, Arizona, USA, December 7-11, 1998). Title of presentation: "Hydrodynamic flows induced by copper-vapor laser: diagnostics using optical correlation spectroscopy". S.E.Skipetrov has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. S.S.Chesnokov. Title: "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially-heterogeneous scatterer flows". F.M.TSAHHAEV (Ryazan State Pedagogical University) in his studies of physics of low dimensional structures obtained the following results: 1. Galvanomagnetic effects have been measured in n-AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures with filling of two subbands. The values of the momentum relaxation times t and q have been determined experimentally. The t and q times have been also calculated in the conditions of intersubband scattering using the self-consistent electron wave function. The dominating relaxation mechanism was identified and the parameters of defects were evaluated by comparison of experimentally determined and calculated t and q values [1,5,6,9]. 2. The GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures with anomalously high mobility of 2D-electrons 0.6 m/V s (T=4.2 K) in respect to the well-known analogs have been synthesized. The anomalies and anisotropy of kinetic effects characteristics of the GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures have been observed in experiments. The electrons energy spectrum in GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures has been calculated on the basis of the experimental results. The comparison of calculated data and measurements results (C-V characteristics, temperature and axial/lateral magnetic field dependencies of conductivity, photoluminescence spectra) reveals anomalous properties of GaAs(0.30,?-Sn) structure along [110] direction in respect to the [110] one [4]. 3. In [7,8] the experimental results is analyzed in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures. 4. The hysteresis of current-temperature characteristics is revealed in GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with the three quantum wells [2]. 5. The magnetic field suppression of electron-electron interaction of 2D-electrons in the main and the first, disturbed subbands of dimension quantization in single heterojunction AlGaAs/GaAs have been revealed [3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] V.I.Kadushkin, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Relaxation mechanisms of 2D-electrons in selective doped n-AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs heterostructure with filling of two subbands,\\ Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., No.5/6, pp.55-74, 1999. [2] V.I.Tsebro, O.E.Omelyanovski, V.I.Kadushkin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, F.M.Tsahhaev,\\ S.N.Larin, Lateral photoconductivity low temperature hysteresis of GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with asymmetric system of quantum wells, Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). [3] V.I.Kadushkin, F.M.Tsahhaev, S.N.Larin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, Intersubband relaxation of 2D-electrons in AlGaAs(Si)/GaAs strong doped heterojunction, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., No.3/4, pp.135-166, 1998. [5] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, News Institutions of Higher Education. Physics, No.159, 1998 [in Russian]. Proceedings of the Conference: [6] The 24th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, August 2-7, 1998, Jerusalem, Israel; "Energy spectrum and relaxation mechanisms of electrons in lateral-surface superlattices GaAs(0.30,?-Sn)". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Yu.A.Kotova). [7] 10th International Symposium on Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors, August 31- September 2, 1998, Vilnius, Lithuania. "Photomodulation processes in GaAs/AlAs type-I quantum well structures". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [8] VII Luthuanian-Polish Seminar "Solid State Physics and Technology", Kaunas, 1998. "Photoexcitation effects in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures investigated by differential reflectivity spectroscopy". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [9] The 194th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, Boston, Massachusetts, November\\ 1-6, 1998. "Energy spectrum of electrons in GaAs(?-Sn) structure grown on vicinal plane". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). In March, 2000 F.M.Tsahhaev shall be got Ph.D. degree from the Ryazan State Pedagogical University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Kadushkin (RSPU). Title: "Localization and scattering of quasi-particles in low-dimensional heterostructures in quantized magnetic fields." D.A.RYNDYK (Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS, Nizhny Novgorod) in his studies of nonequilibrium effects in dynamics of Josephson structures and layered superconductors (nonequilibrium Josephson effect) obtained the following results: 1. Starting from microscopic equations for Green functions, quasiclassical kinetic equations are derived for the systems of tunnel junctions and for layered superconductors [1]. This kinetic equations can be generalized for the case of different types of junctions and for superconductors with arbitrary energy dependence of the density of states and anisotropic pairing. 2. Dynamics of one-dimensional array of nonequilibrium junctions is investigated, in particular, current-voltage characteristics and high frequency interaction between junctions. Peculiarities of the dynamics of intrinsic Josephson junctions in HTSC are considered [1,2] (this work is a continuation of previous investigation carried out in 1998: D.A.Ryndyk, Phys.Rev.Lett., 80, 3376, 1998). The calculated current-voltage characteristics demonstrate the nature of the effect of electron-hole imbalance on the dynamics of one-dimensional chains of junctions. 3. The effect of nonequilibrium amplification of Josephson oscillations is predicted [2]. 4. "Plasma" oscillations and Josephson flux flow in layered superconductors is considered with nonequilibrium effects taken into account. Beside, the work on the kinetic theory of plasma turbulence is continued, which was began previously in connection with the experimental investigation of low-hybrid turbulence, excited by ion beam (E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk et al., Nuclear Fusion, 38, 661, 1998). New results in the theory of turbulent broadening of cyclotron resonances are published in Ref.[3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] D.A.Ryndyk, Nonequilibrium Josephson effect in systems of tunnel junctions and in layered superconductors, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. V.116, p.1798, 1999 [JETP V.89, p.975, 1999]. [2] D.A.Ryndyk, High-frequency properties of nonequilibrium Josephson junctions in nanoscale and layered superconductors, Journal of radioelectronics (www journal) n.1 (2000), to be published in "Foreign radioelectronics". [3] E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk, Stochastic Broadening of High Order Ion Cyclotron Resonances due to Lower-Hybrid Turbulence, Strong microwaves in plasmas (proceedings of IV international workshop on strong micro-waves in plasmas, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 1999 ), ed. A.G.Litvak, V.2, Nizhny Novgorod, 2000. D.Ryndyk in 1999 participated in: 1. School-seminar "Physics and applications of microwaves" (24-30 of May in Krasnovidovo, Moscow region) with invited lecture "Physical basis of Josephson high frequency electronics". D.Ryndyk take part in several russian and international research projects, in particular: 1. Grants of Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) N. 97-02-16928 and 99-02-16188 . 2. State research program "Physics of microwaves". Grant 4.7. "Theoretical and experimental investigation of microwave interaction with superconducting structures". 3. Joint program of Institute of Applied Physics RAS and W7-AS stellarator group (Garching, Germany) on Collective Thomson scattering for plasma diagnostic. A.M.RUVINSKY (Institute of Spectroscopy of RAS, Troitsk) in his studies of collective properties of excitons has considered an influence of random fields on the conditions of exciton condensation and superfluidity in bulk and low-dimensional systems [1]. It was shown that in semiconductor alloys the density of excitons in Bose condensate decreases due to the exciton scattering on random fields of impurities or fluctuations of the composite. The density of the superfluidity fraction in the system of 3D and quasi-2D excitons also decreases taking into account this scattering. The scattering on the random field of the quantum well widths' fluctuations was analyzed for direct and indirect excitons. Analytical expressions for the exciton superfluidity densities in "dirty" single quantum wells, coupled quantum wells and bulk semiconductors have been derived. The influence of random fields on Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature for exciton systems in low-dimensional structures was analyzed. These results have been presented in the papers [1,2] containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1].Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, Superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. V.69, No.8, pp.573-578, 1999 [in Russian], (Letter in JETP, V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999). [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, A.M.Ruvinsky, Bogolubov approximation for rare exciton system in random media, Fiz.Tverd.Tela (Physics of the Solid State), in print, 2000 [in Russian]. In June, 1998 A.Ruvinsky has got Ph.D. degree from State Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "Magnetoexcitons in inhomogeneous and low-dimensional structures". A.ZEMLYANOV (Moscow State University) obtained the following results: A new approach to the description of anomalous transport phenomena that take place in fractal media was developed. Namely, anomalous diffusion on a comb structure consisting of a one- dimensional backbone and lateral branches (teeth) of random length is considered. A definite classification of the trajectories of random walks reduces the original problem to an analysis of classical diffusion on the backbone, where, however, the time of this process is a random quantity. Its distribution is assigned by the properties of the random walks of the diffusing particles on the teeth. The possibility of applying mean-field theory in such a model is demonstrated, and the equation for the Green's function with a partial derivative of fractional order is obtained. The characteristic features of the propagation of particles on a comb structure are analyzed. A model of an effective homogeneous medium, in which diffusion is described by an equation with a fractional derivative with respect to time and an initial condition in the form of an integral of fractional order, is obtained. These results are published in [1] and were presented at the Moscow Seminar on Synergetics at the Physics Faculty, Moscow State University. [1] I.A.Lubashevsky, A.A.Zemlyanov, Continuum description of anomalous diffusion on a comb structure, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., V.114, pp.1284-1312, 1998 [in Russian]. A.Zemlyanov has received invitation for participating in a research program at the University of Texas at Austin during the next three years.
A.V.EMELYANENKO (Moscow State University) in his studies of strongly polar liquid crystals obtained the following results: 1. A statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition has been developed for a system of molecules possessing a strong dipole [1,4]. It was explicitly taken into account that a large amount of dimers appear in a molecular system, when a dipole is strong enough. The dependence of the nematic order parameters of monomers and dimers on the temperature and the temperature variation of the molar fraction of dimers have been obtained. These investigations were held for the systems of molecules with different values of the dipole moment. A principally important result was obtained that the nematic-isotropic transition temperature has no absolute growth with the increasing dipole moment, as it was predicted by the preceding theories, but achieves its maximum with subsequent decrease. This happens because molecules with the large dipole moments form dimers intensively, which destroy the nematic order. In the previous research, based on the mean field or second virial approximations, a very strong short-range correlations leading to the formation of dimers were disregarded. A theory derived in [1,4] takes into account the existence of dimers directly. It was shown, that for molecules with large dipoles the transition temperature decreases with the increasing dipole moment. This result was confirmed by the recent computer simulations. 2. Influence of the molecular shape on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals has been investigated [2]. A method based on the expansion of the intermolecular potential in a complete set of spherical invariants has been proposed to estimate the dispersion interaction between monomers and dimers. It has been established that molecules with small dipoles form dimers, which favour the nematic phase, whereas dimers composed of molecules with large dipoles favour the isotropic phase. It has also been found that molecules with an intermediate value of the dipole moment couple in dimers, which do not influence the nematic- isotropic transition temperature. This balance point depends on the molecular shape, and it may exist or not for different molecules. 3. A statistical theory of the cholesteric ordering [3] was derived. On the contrary to the preceding publications, it describes the helix inversion in binary mixtures. The biaxiality of molecules is explicitly taken into account. Under a certain conditions (driven by the mutual concentration of the components and temperature) the interaction between the short molecular axes, which was disregarded in the previous attempts, dominates over the interaction between the main axes. It leads to the helix inversion, which is usually observed in the experiment. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Polar liquid crystals. Statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic phase transition, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [2] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Nematic-isotropic phase transition in polar liquid crystals. Role of the dispersion interaction, Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000. [3] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, D.A.Dunmur, Molecular Theory of Chiral Nematic Liquid Crystals, Phys.Rev.E, paper accepted for publication. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, Influence of dimerization on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals, Liquid Crystals, V.26, No.2, 1999. A.Emelyanenko participated in the 17-th International Liquid Crystal Conference (Strasbourg, France, July 19-24, 1998) and presented a poster "Molecular Theory of The Nematic-Isotropic Transition in Strongly Polar Liquid Crystals". Thesis of the poster was published. In 1999 A.Emelyanenko participated in the International Conference on Liquid Crystals, which took place in Krynica (Poland), with a report "Theory of the helix inversion in nematics doped with chiral molecules" (September 13-17, 1999) and in the International Conference "Nonlinear dynamics in polymer science and related fields", Desna, Moscow region, with a report "Helix inversion in binary liquid crystalline mixtures" (October 11-15, 1999). Both theses are included in the corresponding abstract books. The full-length reports are planned. A.V. Emelyanenko has also taken part in the Students Conference on chemistry and physics of the thin organic films, Puschino, Moscow region, with a report "Inversion of the spiral structure in binary LC mixtures" (June 14-15, 1999). Now A.Emelyanenko is developing a new theory of the liquid crystalline polymers, which also possess a helix inversion. I.M.EREMIN (Kazan State University) in his studies of the electronic structure and magnetic properties of high temperature superconductivity obtained the following results: 1. Self-consistent calculation of spin (charge) density wave order (SDW/CDW) parameters have been performed for bilayered cuprates on the basis of a singlet correlated band model [1]. Evolution of the Fermi surface in the strongly underdoped regime is described by using a two-band approach. The smooth development of the pseudogap formation temperature is explained from underdoped to overdoped states and the Fourier amplitudes $$ (spin) and $$ (charge) modulations have been calculated. We have found a maximum of the incommensurability for doping 0.09-0.11 holes per copper site. 2. The phase boundary of the paramagnetic phase of cuprates has been calculated with taking into account the strong electron correlations. The instability wave vector gets displaced from pure antiferromagnetic wave vector if doping increases. The calculated pictures of Lindhard response functions and complex momentum dependence of a CDW pseudogap are presented. Spin susceptibility expression for the singlet correlated band at $T_c The results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, I.Eremin, submitted to Appl.Magn.Res (cond-mat/9908297). [2] I.Eremin, M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, in a book "Stripes and Related Phenomena", edited by A.Bianconi and N.L.Saini, to be published by Kluwer Academics-Plenum Publisher. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before the grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant. [3] I.Eremin, Solid State Commun. 105, pp.293-296, 1998. I.Eremin participated in the Second International Conference on Stripes'98 (Rome, Italy, 2-6 June, 1998) and presented an oral contribution "Two reasons of instability in layered cuprates", Specialized Colloque Ampere EPR, NMR and NQR in Solid State Physics: Recent Trends (Pisa, Italy, June 14-18, 1999) and presented poster contribution "How large can be CDW/SDW amplitudes in layered cuprates", XVI International Seminar "New Magnetic Materials for Microelectronics" (Moscow, Russian Federation, June 23-26, 1998) and presented a poster "Dynamic spin susceptibility below $T_c$. Hubbard Model" (in Russian), XXVII International School for Theoretical Physicists "Kourovka" (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 2-7 March, 1998) and presented a talk "Influence of strong electron correlation on dynamical spin susceptibility in two-dimensional models" (in Russian) I.Eremin participated in the International Cooperation with the groups of Prof. D.Brinkmann and Prof. H.Keller, Institute of Physics, Zuerich University, Switzerland. In September 1999 I.Eremin has got a Ph.D. degree under the supervision of Prof. B.I.Kochelaev (Kazan State University). A.V.PANOV (Far-Eastern State University, Vladivostok) in his studies of magnetism obtained the following results: 1. The ground and metastable magnetic states of magnetite and iron particles with sizes closed to single-domain were analyzed within the scope of the developed model [1]. It was shown that depending on its size and elongation the grain can be in one of three states: with uniform magnetization, with a small and large non-uniformity of magnetic moment (quasi-single-domain and two-domain states). The critical sizes for uniform and quasi-single-domain states were calculated. Magnetization processes of such particles were simulated. The coercive force and critical fields as functions of size, elongation of the particles and external magnetic field direction were studied. The essential difference from similar studies is non-monotone dependence of coercive force on particle elongation for magnetite which is confirmed by experiments. 2. The previous model of two-phase particle was extended by entering of interfacial exchange coupling [2-4]. The magnetization process of an ensemble of Co-coated $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ used in magnetic recording media was studied. The set of magnetic states of such particles was analyzed for ensemble with thermal agitation. It was shown that relation between interfacial exchange coupling and magnetostatic inter-phase interaction affect dependence of the coercive force of the ensemble of $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ particles on coating volume. It was obtained that the growth in coating magnetocrystalline anisotropy leads to increase in coercivity of the ensemble. The main results have been presented in the papers submitted in March and April, 1998, before grantee has been informed of the awarding ICFPM grant: [1] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine magnetite particles, Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie [in Russian], 86, pp.65-73, 1998. [2] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Modeling of magnetization process of an ensemble of $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles with cobalt coating, "Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie" [in Russian] v.87, pp.17-22, 1999. [3] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states of Co-coated $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.241-242. [4] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, An influence of inter-phase interaction on coercive force of two-component particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.511-512. In June, 1999 A. V. Panov has got Ph. D. degree from the Far East State University (Vladivostok). Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Belokon'. Title: "Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine heterogeneous particle systems". A.M.POVOLOTSKY (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow Region) in his studies of the models of self-organized criticality obtained the following results: 1. We investigate the dynamics of Eulerian walkers as a model of self-organized criticality [1]. The evolution of the system is divided into characteristic periods which can be seen as avalanches. The structure of avalanches is described and the critical exponent in the distribution of first avalanches $\tau=2$ is determined. We also study a mean square displacement of Eulerian walkers and obtain a simple diffusion law in the critical state. The evolution of underlying medium from a random state to the critical one is described. 2.The general framework for the renormalization group analysis of self-organized critical sandpile models is formulated [2,3]. The usual real space renormalization scheme for lattice models when applied to nonequilibrium dynamical models must be supplemented by feedback relations coming from the stationarity conditions. On the basis of these ideas the Dynamically Driven Renormalization Group is applied to describe the boundary and bulk critical behavior of sandpile models. A detailed description of the branching nature of sandpile avalanches is given in terms of the generating functions of the underlying branching process. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] A.M.Povolotsky, V.B.Priezzhev, R.R.Shcherbakov, Phys.Rev.E 58, pp.5449-5454, 1998. [2] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, Phys.Rev.E 60, pp.1239-1251, 1999. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [3] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, preprint DIAS-STP-98-06, Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Ireland. A.Povolotsky was invited by J.Stefan Institute, Ljubljana Slovenia and presented the seminar there entitled "Eulerian walkers as a model of the self-organized criticality." S.E.SKIPETROV (Moscow State University) in his studies obtained the following main results: 1. A possibility for diagnostics of laser-induced particle flows in concentrated suspensions using methods of the optical correlation spectroscopy has been studied. The role of ponderomotive effects in experiments on dynamic multiple light scattering (DMLS) has been analyzed. 2. A diffusion model for the temporal autocorrelation function of multiple scattered light has been developed. The model has been shown to be valid for both the Brownian motion and laminar flow of scatterers. The case of spatially localized flow of scatterers in a turbid sample has been considered. We have demonstrated both theoretically and experimentally that one could use DMLS techniques to obtain useful information about hidden particle flows in turbid media. 3. Imaging through atmospheric turbulence has been studied. Statistical moments of the modulation transfer functions (MTFs) of a turbulent atmosphere have been calculated for various models of turbulence. Some of the main results have been presented in a paper containing acknowledgment to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially heterogeneous scatterer dynamics. Physics in Higher Education, V.5, No.1, pp.98-112, 1999 [in Russian]. [2] Karabutov A.A., Pelivanov I.M., Podymova N.B., Skipetrov S.E. Direct measurement of the spatial intensity distribution of light in a scattering medium, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., V.70, No.3, pp.187-191, 1999 [in Russian]; [English translation: J.Exp.Theor.Phys.Lett., V.70, No.3, pp.183-188, 1999]. [3] Skipetrov S.E., Effective dielectric function of a random medium, Phys.Rev.B 60, No.18, pp.12705-12709, 1999. [4] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Shcheglov V.A., Laser-induced particle flows in random media: is the diagnostics with multiple-scattered light possible? In: CD-ROM Proceedings of the International Conference on Optical Technology and Image Processing in Fluid, Thermal, and Combustion Flow (VSJ-SPIE'98) (Yokohama, Japan, December 7-9, 1998), paper AB090. [5] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Correlation spectroscopy for diagnostics of light-induced particle motion in concentrated suspensions. In: Fourth International Conference on Correlation Optics, O.V. Angelsky, Ed., Proc. SPIE, V.3904, pp.423-428, 1999. [6] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave imaging of flows in turbid media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99), (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). [7] Skipetrov S.E., Refractive index of random media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99) (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). S.Skipetrov participated in several scientific conferences: - XI School-Conference on Diffraction and Propagation of Waves (Moscow, Russia, January 12-15, 1998). An oral presentation entitled "Multiple scattering of light in random media with complex dynamic structure" has been made. - NATO Advanced Study Institute "Diffuse Waves in Complex Media" (Les Houches, France, March 17-28, 1998). A poster "Ponderomotive action of light in random media" has been presented. - XVI International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics - ICONO'98 (Moscow, Russia, June 29-July 3, 1998). Two posters has been presented: "Dynamic multiple scattering of laser radiation on light-induced flows of microparticles in suspension" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy of flows". - 17th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division, European Physical Society and 6emes Journees de la Matiere Condensee, Societe Francaise de Physique (Grenoble, France, August 25-29, 1998). A poster "Cross-correlations in dynamic multiple scattering of light" has been presented. - Fall School-Conference "Light-Scattering Techniques in Biomedicine, Industry and Material Science" (Saratov, Russia, October 6-9, 1998). An oral presentation: "Theory of diffusing-wave spectroscopy with angular and spatio-temporal cross-correlations" and two poster presentations: "Ponderomotive action of light in random multiple-scattering media" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in random media with absorption", have been made. - International Conference on Biomedical Optics and Spectroscopy. European Biomedical Optics Week - BiOS'98 (Stockholm, Sweden, September 6-9, 1998). Title of presentation: "Possibilities for study of light-induced flows of microparticles in concentrated suspensions using methods of optical correlation spectroscopy". - International Conference on LASERS'98 (Tucson, Arizona, USA, December 7-11, 1998). Title of presentation: "Hydrodynamic flows induced by copper-vapor laser: diagnostics using optical correlation spectroscopy". S.E.Skipetrov has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. S.S.Chesnokov. Title: "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially-heterogeneous scatterer flows". F.M.TSAHHAEV (Ryazan State Pedagogical University) in his studies of physics of low dimensional structures obtained the following results: 1. Galvanomagnetic effects have been measured in n-AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures with filling of two subbands. The values of the momentum relaxation times t and q have been determined experimentally. The t and q times have been also calculated in the conditions of intersubband scattering using the self-consistent electron wave function. The dominating relaxation mechanism was identified and the parameters of defects were evaluated by comparison of experimentally determined and calculated t and q values [1,5,6,9]. 2. The GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures with anomalously high mobility of 2D-electrons 0.6 m/V s (T=4.2 K) in respect to the well-known analogs have been synthesized. The anomalies and anisotropy of kinetic effects characteristics of the GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures have been observed in experiments. The electrons energy spectrum in GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures has been calculated on the basis of the experimental results. The comparison of calculated data and measurements results (C-V characteristics, temperature and axial/lateral magnetic field dependencies of conductivity, photoluminescence spectra) reveals anomalous properties of GaAs(0.30,?-Sn) structure along [110] direction in respect to the [110] one [4]. 3. In [7,8] the experimental results is analyzed in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures. 4. The hysteresis of current-temperature characteristics is revealed in GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with the three quantum wells [2]. 5. The magnetic field suppression of electron-electron interaction of 2D-electrons in the main and the first, disturbed subbands of dimension quantization in single heterojunction AlGaAs/GaAs have been revealed [3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] V.I.Kadushkin, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Relaxation mechanisms of 2D-electrons in selective doped n-AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs heterostructure with filling of two subbands,\\ Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., No.5/6, pp.55-74, 1999. [2] V.I.Tsebro, O.E.Omelyanovski, V.I.Kadushkin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, F.M.Tsahhaev,\\ S.N.Larin, Lateral photoconductivity low temperature hysteresis of GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with asymmetric system of quantum wells, Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). [3] V.I.Kadushkin, F.M.Tsahhaev, S.N.Larin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, Intersubband relaxation of 2D-electrons in AlGaAs(Si)/GaAs strong doped heterojunction, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., No.3/4, pp.135-166, 1998. [5] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, News Institutions of Higher Education. Physics, No.159, 1998 [in Russian]. Proceedings of the Conference: [6] The 24th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, August 2-7, 1998, Jerusalem, Israel; "Energy spectrum and relaxation mechanisms of electrons in lateral-surface superlattices GaAs(0.30,?-Sn)". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Yu.A.Kotova). [7] 10th International Symposium on Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors, August 31- September 2, 1998, Vilnius, Lithuania. "Photomodulation processes in GaAs/AlAs type-I quantum well structures". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [8] VII Luthuanian-Polish Seminar "Solid State Physics and Technology", Kaunas, 1998. "Photoexcitation effects in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures investigated by differential reflectivity spectroscopy". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [9] The 194th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, Boston, Massachusetts, November\\ 1-6, 1998. "Energy spectrum of electrons in GaAs(?-Sn) structure grown on vicinal plane". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). In March, 2000 F.M.Tsahhaev shall be got Ph.D. degree from the Ryazan State Pedagogical University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Kadushkin (RSPU). Title: "Localization and scattering of quasi-particles in low-dimensional heterostructures in quantized magnetic fields." D.A.RYNDYK (Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS, Nizhny Novgorod) in his studies of nonequilibrium effects in dynamics of Josephson structures and layered superconductors (nonequilibrium Josephson effect) obtained the following results: 1. Starting from microscopic equations for Green functions, quasiclassical kinetic equations are derived for the systems of tunnel junctions and for layered superconductors [1]. This kinetic equations can be generalized for the case of different types of junctions and for superconductors with arbitrary energy dependence of the density of states and anisotropic pairing. 2. Dynamics of one-dimensional array of nonequilibrium junctions is investigated, in particular, current-voltage characteristics and high frequency interaction between junctions. Peculiarities of the dynamics of intrinsic Josephson junctions in HTSC are considered [1,2] (this work is a continuation of previous investigation carried out in 1998: D.A.Ryndyk, Phys.Rev.Lett., 80, 3376, 1998). The calculated current-voltage characteristics demonstrate the nature of the effect of electron-hole imbalance on the dynamics of one-dimensional chains of junctions. 3. The effect of nonequilibrium amplification of Josephson oscillations is predicted [2]. 4. "Plasma" oscillations and Josephson flux flow in layered superconductors is considered with nonequilibrium effects taken into account. Beside, the work on the kinetic theory of plasma turbulence is continued, which was began previously in connection with the experimental investigation of low-hybrid turbulence, excited by ion beam (E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk et al., Nuclear Fusion, 38, 661, 1998). New results in the theory of turbulent broadening of cyclotron resonances are published in Ref.[3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] D.A.Ryndyk, Nonequilibrium Josephson effect in systems of tunnel junctions and in layered superconductors, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. V.116, p.1798, 1999 [JETP V.89, p.975, 1999]. [2] D.A.Ryndyk, High-frequency properties of nonequilibrium Josephson junctions in nanoscale and layered superconductors, Journal of radioelectronics (www journal) n.1 (2000), to be published in "Foreign radioelectronics". [3] E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk, Stochastic Broadening of High Order Ion Cyclotron Resonances due to Lower-Hybrid Turbulence, Strong microwaves in plasmas (proceedings of IV international workshop on strong micro-waves in plasmas, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 1999 ), ed. A.G.Litvak, V.2, Nizhny Novgorod, 2000. D.Ryndyk in 1999 participated in: 1. School-seminar "Physics and applications of microwaves" (24-30 of May in Krasnovidovo, Moscow region) with invited lecture "Physical basis of Josephson high frequency electronics". D.Ryndyk take part in several russian and international research projects, in particular: 1. Grants of Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) N. 97-02-16928 and 99-02-16188 . 2. State research program "Physics of microwaves". Grant 4.7. "Theoretical and experimental investigation of microwave interaction with superconducting structures". 3. Joint program of Institute of Applied Physics RAS and W7-AS stellarator group (Garching, Germany) on Collective Thomson scattering for plasma diagnostic. A.M.RUVINSKY (Institute of Spectroscopy of RAS, Troitsk) in his studies of collective properties of excitons has considered an influence of random fields on the conditions of exciton condensation and superfluidity in bulk and low-dimensional systems [1]. It was shown that in semiconductor alloys the density of excitons in Bose condensate decreases due to the exciton scattering on random fields of impurities or fluctuations of the composite. The density of the superfluidity fraction in the system of 3D and quasi-2D excitons also decreases taking into account this scattering. The scattering on the random field of the quantum well widths' fluctuations was analyzed for direct and indirect excitons. Analytical expressions for the exciton superfluidity densities in "dirty" single quantum wells, coupled quantum wells and bulk semiconductors have been derived. The influence of random fields on Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature for exciton systems in low-dimensional structures was analyzed. These results have been presented in the papers [1,2] containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1].Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, Superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. V.69, No.8, pp.573-578, 1999 [in Russian], (Letter in JETP, V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999). [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, A.M.Ruvinsky, Bogolubov approximation for rare exciton system in random media, Fiz.Tverd.Tela (Physics of the Solid State), in print, 2000 [in Russian]. In June, 1998 A.Ruvinsky has got Ph.D. degree from State Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "Magnetoexcitons in inhomogeneous and low-dimensional structures". A.ZEMLYANOV (Moscow State University) obtained the following results: A new approach to the description of anomalous transport phenomena that take place in fractal media was developed. Namely, anomalous diffusion on a comb structure consisting of a one- dimensional backbone and lateral branches (teeth) of random length is considered. A definite classification of the trajectories of random walks reduces the original problem to an analysis of classical diffusion on the backbone, where, however, the time of this process is a random quantity. Its distribution is assigned by the properties of the random walks of the diffusing particles on the teeth. The possibility of applying mean-field theory in such a model is demonstrated, and the equation for the Green's function with a partial derivative of fractional order is obtained. The characteristic features of the propagation of particles on a comb structure are analyzed. A model of an effective homogeneous medium, in which diffusion is described by an equation with a fractional derivative with respect to time and an initial condition in the form of an integral of fractional order, is obtained. These results are published in [1] and were presented at the Moscow Seminar on Synergetics at the Physics Faculty, Moscow State University. [1] I.A.Lubashevsky, A.A.Zemlyanov, Continuum description of anomalous diffusion on a comb structure, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., V.114, pp.1284-1312, 1998 [in Russian]. A.Zemlyanov has received invitation for participating in a research program at the University of Texas at Austin during the next three years.
I.M.EREMIN (Kazan State University) in his studies of the electronic structure and magnetic properties of high temperature superconductivity obtained the following results: 1. Self-consistent calculation of spin (charge) density wave order (SDW/CDW) parameters have been performed for bilayered cuprates on the basis of a singlet correlated band model [1]. Evolution of the Fermi surface in the strongly underdoped regime is described by using a two-band approach. The smooth development of the pseudogap formation temperature is explained from underdoped to overdoped states and the Fourier amplitudes $$ (spin) and $$ (charge) modulations have been calculated. We have found a maximum of the incommensurability for doping 0.09-0.11 holes per copper site. 2. The phase boundary of the paramagnetic phase of cuprates has been calculated with taking into account the strong electron correlations. The instability wave vector gets displaced from pure antiferromagnetic wave vector if doping increases. The calculated pictures of Lindhard response functions and complex momentum dependence of a CDW pseudogap are presented. Spin susceptibility expression for the singlet correlated band at $T_c The results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, I.Eremin, submitted to Appl.Magn.Res (cond-mat/9908297). [2] I.Eremin, M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, in a book "Stripes and Related Phenomena", edited by A.Bianconi and N.L.Saini, to be published by Kluwer Academics-Plenum Publisher. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before the grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant. [3] I.Eremin, Solid State Commun. 105, pp.293-296, 1998. I.Eremin participated in the Second International Conference on Stripes'98 (Rome, Italy, 2-6 June, 1998) and presented an oral contribution "Two reasons of instability in layered cuprates", Specialized Colloque Ampere EPR, NMR and NQR in Solid State Physics: Recent Trends (Pisa, Italy, June 14-18, 1999) and presented poster contribution "How large can be CDW/SDW amplitudes in layered cuprates", XVI International Seminar "New Magnetic Materials for Microelectronics" (Moscow, Russian Federation, June 23-26, 1998) and presented a poster "Dynamic spin susceptibility below $T_c$. Hubbard Model" (in Russian), XXVII International School for Theoretical Physicists "Kourovka" (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 2-7 March, 1998) and presented a talk "Influence of strong electron correlation on dynamical spin susceptibility in two-dimensional models" (in Russian) I.Eremin participated in the International Cooperation with the groups of Prof. D.Brinkmann and Prof. H.Keller, Institute of Physics, Zuerich University, Switzerland. In September 1999 I.Eremin has got a Ph.D. degree under the supervision of Prof. B.I.Kochelaev (Kazan State University). A.V.PANOV (Far-Eastern State University, Vladivostok) in his studies of magnetism obtained the following results: 1. The ground and metastable magnetic states of magnetite and iron particles with sizes closed to single-domain were analyzed within the scope of the developed model [1]. It was shown that depending on its size and elongation the grain can be in one of three states: with uniform magnetization, with a small and large non-uniformity of magnetic moment (quasi-single-domain and two-domain states). The critical sizes for uniform and quasi-single-domain states were calculated. Magnetization processes of such particles were simulated. The coercive force and critical fields as functions of size, elongation of the particles and external magnetic field direction were studied. The essential difference from similar studies is non-monotone dependence of coercive force on particle elongation for magnetite which is confirmed by experiments. 2. The previous model of two-phase particle was extended by entering of interfacial exchange coupling [2-4]. The magnetization process of an ensemble of Co-coated $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ used in magnetic recording media was studied. The set of magnetic states of such particles was analyzed for ensemble with thermal agitation. It was shown that relation between interfacial exchange coupling and magnetostatic inter-phase interaction affect dependence of the coercive force of the ensemble of $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ particles on coating volume. It was obtained that the growth in coating magnetocrystalline anisotropy leads to increase in coercivity of the ensemble. The main results have been presented in the papers submitted in March and April, 1998, before grantee has been informed of the awarding ICFPM grant: [1] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine magnetite particles, Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie [in Russian], 86, pp.65-73, 1998. [2] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Modeling of magnetization process of an ensemble of $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles with cobalt coating, "Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie" [in Russian] v.87, pp.17-22, 1999. [3] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states of Co-coated $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.241-242. [4] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, An influence of inter-phase interaction on coercive force of two-component particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.511-512. In June, 1999 A. V. Panov has got Ph. D. degree from the Far East State University (Vladivostok). Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Belokon'. Title: "Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine heterogeneous particle systems". A.M.POVOLOTSKY (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow Region) in his studies of the models of self-organized criticality obtained the following results: 1. We investigate the dynamics of Eulerian walkers as a model of self-organized criticality [1]. The evolution of the system is divided into characteristic periods which can be seen as avalanches. The structure of avalanches is described and the critical exponent in the distribution of first avalanches $\tau=2$ is determined. We also study a mean square displacement of Eulerian walkers and obtain a simple diffusion law in the critical state. The evolution of underlying medium from a random state to the critical one is described. 2.The general framework for the renormalization group analysis of self-organized critical sandpile models is formulated [2,3]. The usual real space renormalization scheme for lattice models when applied to nonequilibrium dynamical models must be supplemented by feedback relations coming from the stationarity conditions. On the basis of these ideas the Dynamically Driven Renormalization Group is applied to describe the boundary and bulk critical behavior of sandpile models. A detailed description of the branching nature of sandpile avalanches is given in terms of the generating functions of the underlying branching process. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] A.M.Povolotsky, V.B.Priezzhev, R.R.Shcherbakov, Phys.Rev.E 58, pp.5449-5454, 1998. [2] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, Phys.Rev.E 60, pp.1239-1251, 1999. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [3] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, preprint DIAS-STP-98-06, Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Ireland. A.Povolotsky was invited by J.Stefan Institute, Ljubljana Slovenia and presented the seminar there entitled "Eulerian walkers as a model of the self-organized criticality." S.E.SKIPETROV (Moscow State University) in his studies obtained the following main results: 1. A possibility for diagnostics of laser-induced particle flows in concentrated suspensions using methods of the optical correlation spectroscopy has been studied. The role of ponderomotive effects in experiments on dynamic multiple light scattering (DMLS) has been analyzed. 2. A diffusion model for the temporal autocorrelation function of multiple scattered light has been developed. The model has been shown to be valid for both the Brownian motion and laminar flow of scatterers. The case of spatially localized flow of scatterers in a turbid sample has been considered. We have demonstrated both theoretically and experimentally that one could use DMLS techniques to obtain useful information about hidden particle flows in turbid media. 3. Imaging through atmospheric turbulence has been studied. Statistical moments of the modulation transfer functions (MTFs) of a turbulent atmosphere have been calculated for various models of turbulence. Some of the main results have been presented in a paper containing acknowledgment to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially heterogeneous scatterer dynamics. Physics in Higher Education, V.5, No.1, pp.98-112, 1999 [in Russian]. [2] Karabutov A.A., Pelivanov I.M., Podymova N.B., Skipetrov S.E. Direct measurement of the spatial intensity distribution of light in a scattering medium, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., V.70, No.3, pp.187-191, 1999 [in Russian]; [English translation: J.Exp.Theor.Phys.Lett., V.70, No.3, pp.183-188, 1999]. [3] Skipetrov S.E., Effective dielectric function of a random medium, Phys.Rev.B 60, No.18, pp.12705-12709, 1999. [4] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Shcheglov V.A., Laser-induced particle flows in random media: is the diagnostics with multiple-scattered light possible? In: CD-ROM Proceedings of the International Conference on Optical Technology and Image Processing in Fluid, Thermal, and Combustion Flow (VSJ-SPIE'98) (Yokohama, Japan, December 7-9, 1998), paper AB090. [5] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Correlation spectroscopy for diagnostics of light-induced particle motion in concentrated suspensions. In: Fourth International Conference on Correlation Optics, O.V. Angelsky, Ed., Proc. SPIE, V.3904, pp.423-428, 1999. [6] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave imaging of flows in turbid media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99), (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). [7] Skipetrov S.E., Refractive index of random media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99) (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). S.Skipetrov participated in several scientific conferences: - XI School-Conference on Diffraction and Propagation of Waves (Moscow, Russia, January 12-15, 1998). An oral presentation entitled "Multiple scattering of light in random media with complex dynamic structure" has been made. - NATO Advanced Study Institute "Diffuse Waves in Complex Media" (Les Houches, France, March 17-28, 1998). A poster "Ponderomotive action of light in random media" has been presented. - XVI International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics - ICONO'98 (Moscow, Russia, June 29-July 3, 1998). Two posters has been presented: "Dynamic multiple scattering of laser radiation on light-induced flows of microparticles in suspension" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy of flows". - 17th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division, European Physical Society and 6emes Journees de la Matiere Condensee, Societe Francaise de Physique (Grenoble, France, August 25-29, 1998). A poster "Cross-correlations in dynamic multiple scattering of light" has been presented. - Fall School-Conference "Light-Scattering Techniques in Biomedicine, Industry and Material Science" (Saratov, Russia, October 6-9, 1998). An oral presentation: "Theory of diffusing-wave spectroscopy with angular and spatio-temporal cross-correlations" and two poster presentations: "Ponderomotive action of light in random multiple-scattering media" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in random media with absorption", have been made. - International Conference on Biomedical Optics and Spectroscopy. European Biomedical Optics Week - BiOS'98 (Stockholm, Sweden, September 6-9, 1998). Title of presentation: "Possibilities for study of light-induced flows of microparticles in concentrated suspensions using methods of optical correlation spectroscopy". - International Conference on LASERS'98 (Tucson, Arizona, USA, December 7-11, 1998). Title of presentation: "Hydrodynamic flows induced by copper-vapor laser: diagnostics using optical correlation spectroscopy". S.E.Skipetrov has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. S.S.Chesnokov. Title: "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially-heterogeneous scatterer flows". F.M.TSAHHAEV (Ryazan State Pedagogical University) in his studies of physics of low dimensional structures obtained the following results: 1. Galvanomagnetic effects have been measured in n-AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures with filling of two subbands. The values of the momentum relaxation times t and q have been determined experimentally. The t and q times have been also calculated in the conditions of intersubband scattering using the self-consistent electron wave function. The dominating relaxation mechanism was identified and the parameters of defects were evaluated by comparison of experimentally determined and calculated t and q values [1,5,6,9]. 2. The GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures with anomalously high mobility of 2D-electrons 0.6 m/V s (T=4.2 K) in respect to the well-known analogs have been synthesized. The anomalies and anisotropy of kinetic effects characteristics of the GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures have been observed in experiments. The electrons energy spectrum in GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures has been calculated on the basis of the experimental results. The comparison of calculated data and measurements results (C-V characteristics, temperature and axial/lateral magnetic field dependencies of conductivity, photoluminescence spectra) reveals anomalous properties of GaAs(0.30,?-Sn) structure along [110] direction in respect to the [110] one [4]. 3. In [7,8] the experimental results is analyzed in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures. 4. The hysteresis of current-temperature characteristics is revealed in GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with the three quantum wells [2]. 5. The magnetic field suppression of electron-electron interaction of 2D-electrons in the main and the first, disturbed subbands of dimension quantization in single heterojunction AlGaAs/GaAs have been revealed [3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] V.I.Kadushkin, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Relaxation mechanisms of 2D-electrons in selective doped n-AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs heterostructure with filling of two subbands,\\ Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., No.5/6, pp.55-74, 1999. [2] V.I.Tsebro, O.E.Omelyanovski, V.I.Kadushkin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, F.M.Tsahhaev,\\ S.N.Larin, Lateral photoconductivity low temperature hysteresis of GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with asymmetric system of quantum wells, Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). [3] V.I.Kadushkin, F.M.Tsahhaev, S.N.Larin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, Intersubband relaxation of 2D-electrons in AlGaAs(Si)/GaAs strong doped heterojunction, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., No.3/4, pp.135-166, 1998. [5] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, News Institutions of Higher Education. Physics, No.159, 1998 [in Russian]. Proceedings of the Conference: [6] The 24th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, August 2-7, 1998, Jerusalem, Israel; "Energy spectrum and relaxation mechanisms of electrons in lateral-surface superlattices GaAs(0.30,?-Sn)". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Yu.A.Kotova). [7] 10th International Symposium on Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors, August 31- September 2, 1998, Vilnius, Lithuania. "Photomodulation processes in GaAs/AlAs type-I quantum well structures". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [8] VII Luthuanian-Polish Seminar "Solid State Physics and Technology", Kaunas, 1998. "Photoexcitation effects in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures investigated by differential reflectivity spectroscopy". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [9] The 194th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, Boston, Massachusetts, November\\ 1-6, 1998. "Energy spectrum of electrons in GaAs(?-Sn) structure grown on vicinal plane". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). In March, 2000 F.M.Tsahhaev shall be got Ph.D. degree from the Ryazan State Pedagogical University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Kadushkin (RSPU). Title: "Localization and scattering of quasi-particles in low-dimensional heterostructures in quantized magnetic fields." D.A.RYNDYK (Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS, Nizhny Novgorod) in his studies of nonequilibrium effects in dynamics of Josephson structures and layered superconductors (nonequilibrium Josephson effect) obtained the following results: 1. Starting from microscopic equations for Green functions, quasiclassical kinetic equations are derived for the systems of tunnel junctions and for layered superconductors [1]. This kinetic equations can be generalized for the case of different types of junctions and for superconductors with arbitrary energy dependence of the density of states and anisotropic pairing. 2. Dynamics of one-dimensional array of nonequilibrium junctions is investigated, in particular, current-voltage characteristics and high frequency interaction between junctions. Peculiarities of the dynamics of intrinsic Josephson junctions in HTSC are considered [1,2] (this work is a continuation of previous investigation carried out in 1998: D.A.Ryndyk, Phys.Rev.Lett., 80, 3376, 1998). The calculated current-voltage characteristics demonstrate the nature of the effect of electron-hole imbalance on the dynamics of one-dimensional chains of junctions. 3. The effect of nonequilibrium amplification of Josephson oscillations is predicted [2]. 4. "Plasma" oscillations and Josephson flux flow in layered superconductors is considered with nonequilibrium effects taken into account. Beside, the work on the kinetic theory of plasma turbulence is continued, which was began previously in connection with the experimental investigation of low-hybrid turbulence, excited by ion beam (E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk et al., Nuclear Fusion, 38, 661, 1998). New results in the theory of turbulent broadening of cyclotron resonances are published in Ref.[3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] D.A.Ryndyk, Nonequilibrium Josephson effect in systems of tunnel junctions and in layered superconductors, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. V.116, p.1798, 1999 [JETP V.89, p.975, 1999]. [2] D.A.Ryndyk, High-frequency properties of nonequilibrium Josephson junctions in nanoscale and layered superconductors, Journal of radioelectronics (www journal) n.1 (2000), to be published in "Foreign radioelectronics". [3] E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk, Stochastic Broadening of High Order Ion Cyclotron Resonances due to Lower-Hybrid Turbulence, Strong microwaves in plasmas (proceedings of IV international workshop on strong micro-waves in plasmas, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 1999 ), ed. A.G.Litvak, V.2, Nizhny Novgorod, 2000. D.Ryndyk in 1999 participated in: 1. School-seminar "Physics and applications of microwaves" (24-30 of May in Krasnovidovo, Moscow region) with invited lecture "Physical basis of Josephson high frequency electronics". D.Ryndyk take part in several russian and international research projects, in particular: 1. Grants of Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) N. 97-02-16928 and 99-02-16188 . 2. State research program "Physics of microwaves". Grant 4.7. "Theoretical and experimental investigation of microwave interaction with superconducting structures". 3. Joint program of Institute of Applied Physics RAS and W7-AS stellarator group (Garching, Germany) on Collective Thomson scattering for plasma diagnostic. A.M.RUVINSKY (Institute of Spectroscopy of RAS, Troitsk) in his studies of collective properties of excitons has considered an influence of random fields on the conditions of exciton condensation and superfluidity in bulk and low-dimensional systems [1]. It was shown that in semiconductor alloys the density of excitons in Bose condensate decreases due to the exciton scattering on random fields of impurities or fluctuations of the composite. The density of the superfluidity fraction in the system of 3D and quasi-2D excitons also decreases taking into account this scattering. The scattering on the random field of the quantum well widths' fluctuations was analyzed for direct and indirect excitons. Analytical expressions for the exciton superfluidity densities in "dirty" single quantum wells, coupled quantum wells and bulk semiconductors have been derived. The influence of random fields on Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature for exciton systems in low-dimensional structures was analyzed. These results have been presented in the papers [1,2] containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1].Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, Superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. V.69, No.8, pp.573-578, 1999 [in Russian], (Letter in JETP, V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999). [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, A.M.Ruvinsky, Bogolubov approximation for rare exciton system in random media, Fiz.Tverd.Tela (Physics of the Solid State), in print, 2000 [in Russian]. In June, 1998 A.Ruvinsky has got Ph.D. degree from State Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "Magnetoexcitons in inhomogeneous and low-dimensional structures". A.ZEMLYANOV (Moscow State University) obtained the following results: A new approach to the description of anomalous transport phenomena that take place in fractal media was developed. Namely, anomalous diffusion on a comb structure consisting of a one- dimensional backbone and lateral branches (teeth) of random length is considered. A definite classification of the trajectories of random walks reduces the original problem to an analysis of classical diffusion on the backbone, where, however, the time of this process is a random quantity. Its distribution is assigned by the properties of the random walks of the diffusing particles on the teeth. The possibility of applying mean-field theory in such a model is demonstrated, and the equation for the Green's function with a partial derivative of fractional order is obtained. The characteristic features of the propagation of particles on a comb structure are analyzed. A model of an effective homogeneous medium, in which diffusion is described by an equation with a fractional derivative with respect to time and an initial condition in the form of an integral of fractional order, is obtained. These results are published in [1] and were presented at the Moscow Seminar on Synergetics at the Physics Faculty, Moscow State University. [1] I.A.Lubashevsky, A.A.Zemlyanov, Continuum description of anomalous diffusion on a comb structure, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., V.114, pp.1284-1312, 1998 [in Russian]. A.Zemlyanov has received invitation for participating in a research program at the University of Texas at Austin during the next three years.
A.V.PANOV (Far-Eastern State University, Vladivostok) in his studies of magnetism obtained the following results: 1. The ground and metastable magnetic states of magnetite and iron particles with sizes closed to single-domain were analyzed within the scope of the developed model [1]. It was shown that depending on its size and elongation the grain can be in one of three states: with uniform magnetization, with a small and large non-uniformity of magnetic moment (quasi-single-domain and two-domain states). The critical sizes for uniform and quasi-single-domain states were calculated. Magnetization processes of such particles were simulated. The coercive force and critical fields as functions of size, elongation of the particles and external magnetic field direction were studied. The essential difference from similar studies is non-monotone dependence of coercive force on particle elongation for magnetite which is confirmed by experiments. 2. The previous model of two-phase particle was extended by entering of interfacial exchange coupling [2-4]. The magnetization process of an ensemble of Co-coated $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ used in magnetic recording media was studied. The set of magnetic states of such particles was analyzed for ensemble with thermal agitation. It was shown that relation between interfacial exchange coupling and magnetostatic inter-phase interaction affect dependence of the coercive force of the ensemble of $\gamma$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ particles on coating volume. It was obtained that the growth in coating magnetocrystalline anisotropy leads to increase in coercivity of the ensemble. The main results have been presented in the papers submitted in March and April, 1998, before grantee has been informed of the awarding ICFPM grant: [1] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine magnetite particles, Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie [in Russian], 86, pp.65-73, 1998. [2] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Modeling of magnetization process of an ensemble of $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles with cobalt coating, "Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie" [in Russian] v.87, pp.17-22, 1999. [3] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, Magnetic states of Co-coated $\gamma$-$Fe_2O_3$ particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.241-242. [4] L.L.Afremov, A.V.Panov, An influence of inter-phase interaction on coercive force of two-component particles, Proceedings of the XVI Workshop "New Magnetic Materials of Microelectronics", Moscow, MSU, 1998, pp.511-512. In June, 1999 A. V. Panov has got Ph. D. degree from the Far East State University (Vladivostok). Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Belokon'. Title: "Magnetic states and hysteresis properties of fine heterogeneous particle systems". A.M.POVOLOTSKY (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow Region) in his studies of the models of self-organized criticality obtained the following results: 1. We investigate the dynamics of Eulerian walkers as a model of self-organized criticality [1]. The evolution of the system is divided into characteristic periods which can be seen as avalanches. The structure of avalanches is described and the critical exponent in the distribution of first avalanches $\tau=2$ is determined. We also study a mean square displacement of Eulerian walkers and obtain a simple diffusion law in the critical state. The evolution of underlying medium from a random state to the critical one is described. 2.The general framework for the renormalization group analysis of self-organized critical sandpile models is formulated [2,3]. The usual real space renormalization scheme for lattice models when applied to nonequilibrium dynamical models must be supplemented by feedback relations coming from the stationarity conditions. On the basis of these ideas the Dynamically Driven Renormalization Group is applied to describe the boundary and bulk critical behavior of sandpile models. A detailed description of the branching nature of sandpile avalanches is given in terms of the generating functions of the underlying branching process. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] A.M.Povolotsky, V.B.Priezzhev, R.R.Shcherbakov, Phys.Rev.E 58, pp.5449-5454, 1998. [2] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, Phys.Rev.E 60, pp.1239-1251, 1999. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [3] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, preprint DIAS-STP-98-06, Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Ireland. A.Povolotsky was invited by J.Stefan Institute, Ljubljana Slovenia and presented the seminar there entitled "Eulerian walkers as a model of the self-organized criticality." S.E.SKIPETROV (Moscow State University) in his studies obtained the following main results: 1. A possibility for diagnostics of laser-induced particle flows in concentrated suspensions using methods of the optical correlation spectroscopy has been studied. The role of ponderomotive effects in experiments on dynamic multiple light scattering (DMLS) has been analyzed. 2. A diffusion model for the temporal autocorrelation function of multiple scattered light has been developed. The model has been shown to be valid for both the Brownian motion and laminar flow of scatterers. The case of spatially localized flow of scatterers in a turbid sample has been considered. We have demonstrated both theoretically and experimentally that one could use DMLS techniques to obtain useful information about hidden particle flows in turbid media. 3. Imaging through atmospheric turbulence has been studied. Statistical moments of the modulation transfer functions (MTFs) of a turbulent atmosphere have been calculated for various models of turbulence. Some of the main results have been presented in a paper containing acknowledgment to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially heterogeneous scatterer dynamics. Physics in Higher Education, V.5, No.1, pp.98-112, 1999 [in Russian]. [2] Karabutov A.A., Pelivanov I.M., Podymova N.B., Skipetrov S.E. Direct measurement of the spatial intensity distribution of light in a scattering medium, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., V.70, No.3, pp.187-191, 1999 [in Russian]; [English translation: J.Exp.Theor.Phys.Lett., V.70, No.3, pp.183-188, 1999]. [3] Skipetrov S.E., Effective dielectric function of a random medium, Phys.Rev.B 60, No.18, pp.12705-12709, 1999. [4] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Shcheglov V.A., Laser-induced particle flows in random media: is the diagnostics with multiple-scattered light possible? In: CD-ROM Proceedings of the International Conference on Optical Technology and Image Processing in Fluid, Thermal, and Combustion Flow (VSJ-SPIE'98) (Yokohama, Japan, December 7-9, 1998), paper AB090. [5] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Correlation spectroscopy for diagnostics of light-induced particle motion in concentrated suspensions. In: Fourth International Conference on Correlation Optics, O.V. Angelsky, Ed., Proc. SPIE, V.3904, pp.423-428, 1999. [6] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave imaging of flows in turbid media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99), (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). [7] Skipetrov S.E., Refractive index of random media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99) (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). S.Skipetrov participated in several scientific conferences: - XI School-Conference on Diffraction and Propagation of Waves (Moscow, Russia, January 12-15, 1998). An oral presentation entitled "Multiple scattering of light in random media with complex dynamic structure" has been made. - NATO Advanced Study Institute "Diffuse Waves in Complex Media" (Les Houches, France, March 17-28, 1998). A poster "Ponderomotive action of light in random media" has been presented. - XVI International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics - ICONO'98 (Moscow, Russia, June 29-July 3, 1998). Two posters has been presented: "Dynamic multiple scattering of laser radiation on light-induced flows of microparticles in suspension" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy of flows". - 17th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division, European Physical Society and 6emes Journees de la Matiere Condensee, Societe Francaise de Physique (Grenoble, France, August 25-29, 1998). A poster "Cross-correlations in dynamic multiple scattering of light" has been presented. - Fall School-Conference "Light-Scattering Techniques in Biomedicine, Industry and Material Science" (Saratov, Russia, October 6-9, 1998). An oral presentation: "Theory of diffusing-wave spectroscopy with angular and spatio-temporal cross-correlations" and two poster presentations: "Ponderomotive action of light in random multiple-scattering media" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in random media with absorption", have been made. - International Conference on Biomedical Optics and Spectroscopy. European Biomedical Optics Week - BiOS'98 (Stockholm, Sweden, September 6-9, 1998). Title of presentation: "Possibilities for study of light-induced flows of microparticles in concentrated suspensions using methods of optical correlation spectroscopy". - International Conference on LASERS'98 (Tucson, Arizona, USA, December 7-11, 1998). Title of presentation: "Hydrodynamic flows induced by copper-vapor laser: diagnostics using optical correlation spectroscopy". S.E.Skipetrov has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. S.S.Chesnokov. Title: "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially-heterogeneous scatterer flows". F.M.TSAHHAEV (Ryazan State Pedagogical University) in his studies of physics of low dimensional structures obtained the following results: 1. Galvanomagnetic effects have been measured in n-AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures with filling of two subbands. The values of the momentum relaxation times t and q have been determined experimentally. The t and q times have been also calculated in the conditions of intersubband scattering using the self-consistent electron wave function. The dominating relaxation mechanism was identified and the parameters of defects were evaluated by comparison of experimentally determined and calculated t and q values [1,5,6,9]. 2. The GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures with anomalously high mobility of 2D-electrons 0.6 m/V s (T=4.2 K) in respect to the well-known analogs have been synthesized. The anomalies and anisotropy of kinetic effects characteristics of the GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures have been observed in experiments. The electrons energy spectrum in GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures has been calculated on the basis of the experimental results. The comparison of calculated data and measurements results (C-V characteristics, temperature and axial/lateral magnetic field dependencies of conductivity, photoluminescence spectra) reveals anomalous properties of GaAs(0.30,?-Sn) structure along [110] direction in respect to the [110] one [4]. 3. In [7,8] the experimental results is analyzed in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures. 4. The hysteresis of current-temperature characteristics is revealed in GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with the three quantum wells [2]. 5. The magnetic field suppression of electron-electron interaction of 2D-electrons in the main and the first, disturbed subbands of dimension quantization in single heterojunction AlGaAs/GaAs have been revealed [3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] V.I.Kadushkin, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Relaxation mechanisms of 2D-electrons in selective doped n-AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs heterostructure with filling of two subbands,\\ Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., No.5/6, pp.55-74, 1999. [2] V.I.Tsebro, O.E.Omelyanovski, V.I.Kadushkin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, F.M.Tsahhaev,\\ S.N.Larin, Lateral photoconductivity low temperature hysteresis of GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with asymmetric system of quantum wells, Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). [3] V.I.Kadushkin, F.M.Tsahhaev, S.N.Larin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, Intersubband relaxation of 2D-electrons in AlGaAs(Si)/GaAs strong doped heterojunction, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., No.3/4, pp.135-166, 1998. [5] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, News Institutions of Higher Education. Physics, No.159, 1998 [in Russian]. Proceedings of the Conference: [6] The 24th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, August 2-7, 1998, Jerusalem, Israel; "Energy spectrum and relaxation mechanisms of electrons in lateral-surface superlattices GaAs(0.30,?-Sn)". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Yu.A.Kotova). [7] 10th International Symposium on Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors, August 31- September 2, 1998, Vilnius, Lithuania. "Photomodulation processes in GaAs/AlAs type-I quantum well structures". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [8] VII Luthuanian-Polish Seminar "Solid State Physics and Technology", Kaunas, 1998. "Photoexcitation effects in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures investigated by differential reflectivity spectroscopy". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [9] The 194th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, Boston, Massachusetts, November\\ 1-6, 1998. "Energy spectrum of electrons in GaAs(?-Sn) structure grown on vicinal plane". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). In March, 2000 F.M.Tsahhaev shall be got Ph.D. degree from the Ryazan State Pedagogical University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Kadushkin (RSPU). Title: "Localization and scattering of quasi-particles in low-dimensional heterostructures in quantized magnetic fields." D.A.RYNDYK (Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS, Nizhny Novgorod) in his studies of nonequilibrium effects in dynamics of Josephson structures and layered superconductors (nonequilibrium Josephson effect) obtained the following results: 1. Starting from microscopic equations for Green functions, quasiclassical kinetic equations are derived for the systems of tunnel junctions and for layered superconductors [1]. This kinetic equations can be generalized for the case of different types of junctions and for superconductors with arbitrary energy dependence of the density of states and anisotropic pairing. 2. Dynamics of one-dimensional array of nonequilibrium junctions is investigated, in particular, current-voltage characteristics and high frequency interaction between junctions. Peculiarities of the dynamics of intrinsic Josephson junctions in HTSC are considered [1,2] (this work is a continuation of previous investigation carried out in 1998: D.A.Ryndyk, Phys.Rev.Lett., 80, 3376, 1998). The calculated current-voltage characteristics demonstrate the nature of the effect of electron-hole imbalance on the dynamics of one-dimensional chains of junctions. 3. The effect of nonequilibrium amplification of Josephson oscillations is predicted [2]. 4. "Plasma" oscillations and Josephson flux flow in layered superconductors is considered with nonequilibrium effects taken into account. Beside, the work on the kinetic theory of plasma turbulence is continued, which was began previously in connection with the experimental investigation of low-hybrid turbulence, excited by ion beam (E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk et al., Nuclear Fusion, 38, 661, 1998). New results in the theory of turbulent broadening of cyclotron resonances are published in Ref.[3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] D.A.Ryndyk, Nonequilibrium Josephson effect in systems of tunnel junctions and in layered superconductors, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. V.116, p.1798, 1999 [JETP V.89, p.975, 1999]. [2] D.A.Ryndyk, High-frequency properties of nonequilibrium Josephson junctions in nanoscale and layered superconductors, Journal of radioelectronics (www journal) n.1 (2000), to be published in "Foreign radioelectronics". [3] E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk, Stochastic Broadening of High Order Ion Cyclotron Resonances due to Lower-Hybrid Turbulence, Strong microwaves in plasmas (proceedings of IV international workshop on strong micro-waves in plasmas, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 1999 ), ed. A.G.Litvak, V.2, Nizhny Novgorod, 2000. D.Ryndyk in 1999 participated in: 1. School-seminar "Physics and applications of microwaves" (24-30 of May in Krasnovidovo, Moscow region) with invited lecture "Physical basis of Josephson high frequency electronics". D.Ryndyk take part in several russian and international research projects, in particular: 1. Grants of Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) N. 97-02-16928 and 99-02-16188 . 2. State research program "Physics of microwaves". Grant 4.7. "Theoretical and experimental investigation of microwave interaction with superconducting structures". 3. Joint program of Institute of Applied Physics RAS and W7-AS stellarator group (Garching, Germany) on Collective Thomson scattering for plasma diagnostic. A.M.RUVINSKY (Institute of Spectroscopy of RAS, Troitsk) in his studies of collective properties of excitons has considered an influence of random fields on the conditions of exciton condensation and superfluidity in bulk and low-dimensional systems [1]. It was shown that in semiconductor alloys the density of excitons in Bose condensate decreases due to the exciton scattering on random fields of impurities or fluctuations of the composite. The density of the superfluidity fraction in the system of 3D and quasi-2D excitons also decreases taking into account this scattering. The scattering on the random field of the quantum well widths' fluctuations was analyzed for direct and indirect excitons. Analytical expressions for the exciton superfluidity densities in "dirty" single quantum wells, coupled quantum wells and bulk semiconductors have been derived. The influence of random fields on Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature for exciton systems in low-dimensional structures was analyzed. These results have been presented in the papers [1,2] containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1].Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, Superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. V.69, No.8, pp.573-578, 1999 [in Russian], (Letter in JETP, V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999). [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, A.M.Ruvinsky, Bogolubov approximation for rare exciton system in random media, Fiz.Tverd.Tela (Physics of the Solid State), in print, 2000 [in Russian]. In June, 1998 A.Ruvinsky has got Ph.D. degree from State Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "Magnetoexcitons in inhomogeneous and low-dimensional structures". A.ZEMLYANOV (Moscow State University) obtained the following results: A new approach to the description of anomalous transport phenomena that take place in fractal media was developed. Namely, anomalous diffusion on a comb structure consisting of a one- dimensional backbone and lateral branches (teeth) of random length is considered. A definite classification of the trajectories of random walks reduces the original problem to an analysis of classical diffusion on the backbone, where, however, the time of this process is a random quantity. Its distribution is assigned by the properties of the random walks of the diffusing particles on the teeth. The possibility of applying mean-field theory in such a model is demonstrated, and the equation for the Green's function with a partial derivative of fractional order is obtained. The characteristic features of the propagation of particles on a comb structure are analyzed. A model of an effective homogeneous medium, in which diffusion is described by an equation with a fractional derivative with respect to time and an initial condition in the form of an integral of fractional order, is obtained. These results are published in [1] and were presented at the Moscow Seminar on Synergetics at the Physics Faculty, Moscow State University. [1] I.A.Lubashevsky, A.A.Zemlyanov, Continuum description of anomalous diffusion on a comb structure, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., V.114, pp.1284-1312, 1998 [in Russian]. A.Zemlyanov has received invitation for participating in a research program at the University of Texas at Austin during the next three years.
A.M.POVOLOTSKY (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow Region) in his studies of the models of self-organized criticality obtained the following results: 1. We investigate the dynamics of Eulerian walkers as a model of self-organized criticality [1]. The evolution of the system is divided into characteristic periods which can be seen as avalanches. The structure of avalanches is described and the critical exponent in the distribution of first avalanches $\tau=2$ is determined. We also study a mean square displacement of Eulerian walkers and obtain a simple diffusion law in the critical state. The evolution of underlying medium from a random state to the critical one is described. 2.The general framework for the renormalization group analysis of self-organized critical sandpile models is formulated [2,3]. The usual real space renormalization scheme for lattice models when applied to nonequilibrium dynamical models must be supplemented by feedback relations coming from the stationarity conditions. On the basis of these ideas the Dynamically Driven Renormalization Group is applied to describe the boundary and bulk critical behavior of sandpile models. A detailed description of the branching nature of sandpile avalanches is given in terms of the generating functions of the underlying branching process. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] A.M.Povolotsky, V.B.Priezzhev, R.R.Shcherbakov, Phys.Rev.E 58, pp.5449-5454, 1998. [2] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, Phys.Rev.E 60, pp.1239-1251, 1999. There is a publication which does not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because it was submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [3] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri, preprint DIAS-STP-98-06, Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Ireland. A.Povolotsky was invited by J.Stefan Institute, Ljubljana Slovenia and presented the seminar there entitled "Eulerian walkers as a model of the self-organized criticality." S.E.SKIPETROV (Moscow State University) in his studies obtained the following main results: 1. A possibility for diagnostics of laser-induced particle flows in concentrated suspensions using methods of the optical correlation spectroscopy has been studied. The role of ponderomotive effects in experiments on dynamic multiple light scattering (DMLS) has been analyzed. 2. A diffusion model for the temporal autocorrelation function of multiple scattered light has been developed. The model has been shown to be valid for both the Brownian motion and laminar flow of scatterers. The case of spatially localized flow of scatterers in a turbid sample has been considered. We have demonstrated both theoretically and experimentally that one could use DMLS techniques to obtain useful information about hidden particle flows in turbid media. 3. Imaging through atmospheric turbulence has been studied. Statistical moments of the modulation transfer functions (MTFs) of a turbulent atmosphere have been calculated for various models of turbulence. Some of the main results have been presented in a paper containing acknowledgment to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially heterogeneous scatterer dynamics. Physics in Higher Education, V.5, No.1, pp.98-112, 1999 [in Russian]. [2] Karabutov A.A., Pelivanov I.M., Podymova N.B., Skipetrov S.E. Direct measurement of the spatial intensity distribution of light in a scattering medium, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., V.70, No.3, pp.187-191, 1999 [in Russian]; [English translation: J.Exp.Theor.Phys.Lett., V.70, No.3, pp.183-188, 1999]. [3] Skipetrov S.E., Effective dielectric function of a random medium, Phys.Rev.B 60, No.18, pp.12705-12709, 1999. [4] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Shcheglov V.A., Laser-induced particle flows in random media: is the diagnostics with multiple-scattered light possible? In: CD-ROM Proceedings of the International Conference on Optical Technology and Image Processing in Fluid, Thermal, and Combustion Flow (VSJ-SPIE'98) (Yokohama, Japan, December 7-9, 1998), paper AB090. [5] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Correlation spectroscopy for diagnostics of light-induced particle motion in concentrated suspensions. In: Fourth International Conference on Correlation Optics, O.V. Angelsky, Ed., Proc. SPIE, V.3904, pp.423-428, 1999. [6] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave imaging of flows in turbid media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99), (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). [7] Skipetrov S.E., Refractive index of random media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99) (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). S.Skipetrov participated in several scientific conferences: - XI School-Conference on Diffraction and Propagation of Waves (Moscow, Russia, January 12-15, 1998). An oral presentation entitled "Multiple scattering of light in random media with complex dynamic structure" has been made. - NATO Advanced Study Institute "Diffuse Waves in Complex Media" (Les Houches, France, March 17-28, 1998). A poster "Ponderomotive action of light in random media" has been presented. - XVI International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics - ICONO'98 (Moscow, Russia, June 29-July 3, 1998). Two posters has been presented: "Dynamic multiple scattering of laser radiation on light-induced flows of microparticles in suspension" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy of flows". - 17th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division, European Physical Society and 6emes Journees de la Matiere Condensee, Societe Francaise de Physique (Grenoble, France, August 25-29, 1998). A poster "Cross-correlations in dynamic multiple scattering of light" has been presented. - Fall School-Conference "Light-Scattering Techniques in Biomedicine, Industry and Material Science" (Saratov, Russia, October 6-9, 1998). An oral presentation: "Theory of diffusing-wave spectroscopy with angular and spatio-temporal cross-correlations" and two poster presentations: "Ponderomotive action of light in random multiple-scattering media" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in random media with absorption", have been made. - International Conference on Biomedical Optics and Spectroscopy. European Biomedical Optics Week - BiOS'98 (Stockholm, Sweden, September 6-9, 1998). Title of presentation: "Possibilities for study of light-induced flows of microparticles in concentrated suspensions using methods of optical correlation spectroscopy". - International Conference on LASERS'98 (Tucson, Arizona, USA, December 7-11, 1998). Title of presentation: "Hydrodynamic flows induced by copper-vapor laser: diagnostics using optical correlation spectroscopy". S.E.Skipetrov has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. S.S.Chesnokov. Title: "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially-heterogeneous scatterer flows". F.M.TSAHHAEV (Ryazan State Pedagogical University) in his studies of physics of low dimensional structures obtained the following results: 1. Galvanomagnetic effects have been measured in n-AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures with filling of two subbands. The values of the momentum relaxation times t and q have been determined experimentally. The t and q times have been also calculated in the conditions of intersubband scattering using the self-consistent electron wave function. The dominating relaxation mechanism was identified and the parameters of defects were evaluated by comparison of experimentally determined and calculated t and q values [1,5,6,9]. 2. The GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures with anomalously high mobility of 2D-electrons 0.6 m/V s (T=4.2 K) in respect to the well-known analogs have been synthesized. The anomalies and anisotropy of kinetic effects characteristics of the GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures have been observed in experiments. The electrons energy spectrum in GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures has been calculated on the basis of the experimental results. The comparison of calculated data and measurements results (C-V characteristics, temperature and axial/lateral magnetic field dependencies of conductivity, photoluminescence spectra) reveals anomalous properties of GaAs(0.30,?-Sn) structure along [110] direction in respect to the [110] one [4]. 3. In [7,8] the experimental results is analyzed in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures. 4. The hysteresis of current-temperature characteristics is revealed in GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with the three quantum wells [2]. 5. The magnetic field suppression of electron-electron interaction of 2D-electrons in the main and the first, disturbed subbands of dimension quantization in single heterojunction AlGaAs/GaAs have been revealed [3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] V.I.Kadushkin, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Relaxation mechanisms of 2D-electrons in selective doped n-AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs heterostructure with filling of two subbands,\\ Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., No.5/6, pp.55-74, 1999. [2] V.I.Tsebro, O.E.Omelyanovski, V.I.Kadushkin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, F.M.Tsahhaev,\\ S.N.Larin, Lateral photoconductivity low temperature hysteresis of GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with asymmetric system of quantum wells, Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). [3] V.I.Kadushkin, F.M.Tsahhaev, S.N.Larin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, Intersubband relaxation of 2D-electrons in AlGaAs(Si)/GaAs strong doped heterojunction, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., No.3/4, pp.135-166, 1998. [5] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, News Institutions of Higher Education. Physics, No.159, 1998 [in Russian]. Proceedings of the Conference: [6] The 24th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, August 2-7, 1998, Jerusalem, Israel; "Energy spectrum and relaxation mechanisms of electrons in lateral-surface superlattices GaAs(0.30,?-Sn)". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Yu.A.Kotova). [7] 10th International Symposium on Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors, August 31- September 2, 1998, Vilnius, Lithuania. "Photomodulation processes in GaAs/AlAs type-I quantum well structures". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [8] VII Luthuanian-Polish Seminar "Solid State Physics and Technology", Kaunas, 1998. "Photoexcitation effects in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures investigated by differential reflectivity spectroscopy". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [9] The 194th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, Boston, Massachusetts, November\\ 1-6, 1998. "Energy spectrum of electrons in GaAs(?-Sn) structure grown on vicinal plane". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). In March, 2000 F.M.Tsahhaev shall be got Ph.D. degree from the Ryazan State Pedagogical University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Kadushkin (RSPU). Title: "Localization and scattering of quasi-particles in low-dimensional heterostructures in quantized magnetic fields." D.A.RYNDYK (Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS, Nizhny Novgorod) in his studies of nonequilibrium effects in dynamics of Josephson structures and layered superconductors (nonequilibrium Josephson effect) obtained the following results: 1. Starting from microscopic equations for Green functions, quasiclassical kinetic equations are derived for the systems of tunnel junctions and for layered superconductors [1]. This kinetic equations can be generalized for the case of different types of junctions and for superconductors with arbitrary energy dependence of the density of states and anisotropic pairing. 2. Dynamics of one-dimensional array of nonequilibrium junctions is investigated, in particular, current-voltage characteristics and high frequency interaction between junctions. Peculiarities of the dynamics of intrinsic Josephson junctions in HTSC are considered [1,2] (this work is a continuation of previous investigation carried out in 1998: D.A.Ryndyk, Phys.Rev.Lett., 80, 3376, 1998). The calculated current-voltage characteristics demonstrate the nature of the effect of electron-hole imbalance on the dynamics of one-dimensional chains of junctions. 3. The effect of nonequilibrium amplification of Josephson oscillations is predicted [2]. 4. "Plasma" oscillations and Josephson flux flow in layered superconductors is considered with nonequilibrium effects taken into account. Beside, the work on the kinetic theory of plasma turbulence is continued, which was began previously in connection with the experimental investigation of low-hybrid turbulence, excited by ion beam (E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk et al., Nuclear Fusion, 38, 661, 1998). New results in the theory of turbulent broadening of cyclotron resonances are published in Ref.[3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] D.A.Ryndyk, Nonequilibrium Josephson effect in systems of tunnel junctions and in layered superconductors, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. V.116, p.1798, 1999 [JETP V.89, p.975, 1999]. [2] D.A.Ryndyk, High-frequency properties of nonequilibrium Josephson junctions in nanoscale and layered superconductors, Journal of radioelectronics (www journal) n.1 (2000), to be published in "Foreign radioelectronics". [3] E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk, Stochastic Broadening of High Order Ion Cyclotron Resonances due to Lower-Hybrid Turbulence, Strong microwaves in plasmas (proceedings of IV international workshop on strong micro-waves in plasmas, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 1999 ), ed. A.G.Litvak, V.2, Nizhny Novgorod, 2000. D.Ryndyk in 1999 participated in: 1. School-seminar "Physics and applications of microwaves" (24-30 of May in Krasnovidovo, Moscow region) with invited lecture "Physical basis of Josephson high frequency electronics". D.Ryndyk take part in several russian and international research projects, in particular: 1. Grants of Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) N. 97-02-16928 and 99-02-16188 . 2. State research program "Physics of microwaves". Grant 4.7. "Theoretical and experimental investigation of microwave interaction with superconducting structures". 3. Joint program of Institute of Applied Physics RAS and W7-AS stellarator group (Garching, Germany) on Collective Thomson scattering for plasma diagnostic. A.M.RUVINSKY (Institute of Spectroscopy of RAS, Troitsk) in his studies of collective properties of excitons has considered an influence of random fields on the conditions of exciton condensation and superfluidity in bulk and low-dimensional systems [1]. It was shown that in semiconductor alloys the density of excitons in Bose condensate decreases due to the exciton scattering on random fields of impurities or fluctuations of the composite. The density of the superfluidity fraction in the system of 3D and quasi-2D excitons also decreases taking into account this scattering. The scattering on the random field of the quantum well widths' fluctuations was analyzed for direct and indirect excitons. Analytical expressions for the exciton superfluidity densities in "dirty" single quantum wells, coupled quantum wells and bulk semiconductors have been derived. The influence of random fields on Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature for exciton systems in low-dimensional structures was analyzed. These results have been presented in the papers [1,2] containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1].Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, Superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. V.69, No.8, pp.573-578, 1999 [in Russian], (Letter in JETP, V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999). [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, A.M.Ruvinsky, Bogolubov approximation for rare exciton system in random media, Fiz.Tverd.Tela (Physics of the Solid State), in print, 2000 [in Russian]. In June, 1998 A.Ruvinsky has got Ph.D. degree from State Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "Magnetoexcitons in inhomogeneous and low-dimensional structures". A.ZEMLYANOV (Moscow State University) obtained the following results: A new approach to the description of anomalous transport phenomena that take place in fractal media was developed. Namely, anomalous diffusion on a comb structure consisting of a one- dimensional backbone and lateral branches (teeth) of random length is considered. A definite classification of the trajectories of random walks reduces the original problem to an analysis of classical diffusion on the backbone, where, however, the time of this process is a random quantity. Its distribution is assigned by the properties of the random walks of the diffusing particles on the teeth. The possibility of applying mean-field theory in such a model is demonstrated, and the equation for the Green's function with a partial derivative of fractional order is obtained. The characteristic features of the propagation of particles on a comb structure are analyzed. A model of an effective homogeneous medium, in which diffusion is described by an equation with a fractional derivative with respect to time and an initial condition in the form of an integral of fractional order, is obtained. These results are published in [1] and were presented at the Moscow Seminar on Synergetics at the Physics Faculty, Moscow State University. [1] I.A.Lubashevsky, A.A.Zemlyanov, Continuum description of anomalous diffusion on a comb structure, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., V.114, pp.1284-1312, 1998 [in Russian]. A.Zemlyanov has received invitation for participating in a research program at the University of Texas at Austin during the next three years.
S.E.SKIPETROV (Moscow State University) in his studies obtained the following main results: 1. A possibility for diagnostics of laser-induced particle flows in concentrated suspensions using methods of the optical correlation spectroscopy has been studied. The role of ponderomotive effects in experiments on dynamic multiple light scattering (DMLS) has been analyzed. 2. A diffusion model for the temporal autocorrelation function of multiple scattered light has been developed. The model has been shown to be valid for both the Brownian motion and laminar flow of scatterers. The case of spatially localized flow of scatterers in a turbid sample has been considered. We have demonstrated both theoretically and experimentally that one could use DMLS techniques to obtain useful information about hidden particle flows in turbid media. 3. Imaging through atmospheric turbulence has been studied. Statistical moments of the modulation transfer functions (MTFs) of a turbulent atmosphere have been calculated for various models of turbulence. Some of the main results have been presented in a paper containing acknowledgment to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially heterogeneous scatterer dynamics. Physics in Higher Education, V.5, No.1, pp.98-112, 1999 [in Russian]. [2] Karabutov A.A., Pelivanov I.M., Podymova N.B., Skipetrov S.E. Direct measurement of the spatial intensity distribution of light in a scattering medium, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., V.70, No.3, pp.187-191, 1999 [in Russian]; [English translation: J.Exp.Theor.Phys.Lett., V.70, No.3, pp.183-188, 1999]. [3] Skipetrov S.E., Effective dielectric function of a random medium, Phys.Rev.B 60, No.18, pp.12705-12709, 1999. [4] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Shcheglov V.A., Laser-induced particle flows in random media: is the diagnostics with multiple-scattered light possible? In: CD-ROM Proceedings of the International Conference on Optical Technology and Image Processing in Fluid, Thermal, and Combustion Flow (VSJ-SPIE'98) (Yokohama, Japan, December 7-9, 1998), paper AB090. [5] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Correlation spectroscopy for diagnostics of light-induced particle motion in concentrated suspensions. In: Fourth International Conference on Correlation Optics, O.V. Angelsky, Ed., Proc. SPIE, V.3904, pp.423-428, 1999. [6] Skipetrov S.E., Diffusing-wave imaging of flows in turbid media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99), (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). [7] Skipetrov S.E., Refractive index of random media, In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99) (Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999). S.Skipetrov participated in several scientific conferences: - XI School-Conference on Diffraction and Propagation of Waves (Moscow, Russia, January 12-15, 1998). An oral presentation entitled "Multiple scattering of light in random media with complex dynamic structure" has been made. - NATO Advanced Study Institute "Diffuse Waves in Complex Media" (Les Houches, France, March 17-28, 1998). A poster "Ponderomotive action of light in random media" has been presented. - XVI International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics - ICONO'98 (Moscow, Russia, June 29-July 3, 1998). Two posters has been presented: "Dynamic multiple scattering of laser radiation on light-induced flows of microparticles in suspension" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy of flows". - 17th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division, European Physical Society and 6emes Journees de la Matiere Condensee, Societe Francaise de Physique (Grenoble, France, August 25-29, 1998). A poster "Cross-correlations in dynamic multiple scattering of light" has been presented. - Fall School-Conference "Light-Scattering Techniques in Biomedicine, Industry and Material Science" (Saratov, Russia, October 6-9, 1998). An oral presentation: "Theory of diffusing-wave spectroscopy with angular and spatio-temporal cross-correlations" and two poster presentations: "Ponderomotive action of light in random multiple-scattering media" and "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in random media with absorption", have been made. - International Conference on Biomedical Optics and Spectroscopy. European Biomedical Optics Week - BiOS'98 (Stockholm, Sweden, September 6-9, 1998). Title of presentation: "Possibilities for study of light-induced flows of microparticles in concentrated suspensions using methods of optical correlation spectroscopy". - International Conference on LASERS'98 (Tucson, Arizona, USA, December 7-11, 1998). Title of presentation: "Hydrodynamic flows induced by copper-vapor laser: diagnostics using optical correlation spectroscopy". S.E.Skipetrov has got Ph.D. degree. Thesis Advisor: Prof. S.S.Chesnokov. Title: "Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially-heterogeneous scatterer flows". F.M.TSAHHAEV (Ryazan State Pedagogical University) in his studies of physics of low dimensional structures obtained the following results: 1. Galvanomagnetic effects have been measured in n-AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures with filling of two subbands. The values of the momentum relaxation times t and q have been determined experimentally. The t and q times have been also calculated in the conditions of intersubband scattering using the self-consistent electron wave function. The dominating relaxation mechanism was identified and the parameters of defects were evaluated by comparison of experimentally determined and calculated t and q values [1,5,6,9]. 2. The GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures with anomalously high mobility of 2D-electrons 0.6 m/V s (T=4.2 K) in respect to the well-known analogs have been synthesized. The anomalies and anisotropy of kinetic effects characteristics of the GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures have been observed in experiments. The electrons energy spectrum in GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures has been calculated on the basis of the experimental results. The comparison of calculated data and measurements results (C-V characteristics, temperature and axial/lateral magnetic field dependencies of conductivity, photoluminescence spectra) reveals anomalous properties of GaAs(0.30,?-Sn) structure along [110] direction in respect to the [110] one [4]. 3. In [7,8] the experimental results is analyzed in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures. 4. The hysteresis of current-temperature characteristics is revealed in GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with the three quantum wells [2]. 5. The magnetic field suppression of electron-electron interaction of 2D-electrons in the main and the first, disturbed subbands of dimension quantization in single heterojunction AlGaAs/GaAs have been revealed [3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] V.I.Kadushkin, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Relaxation mechanisms of 2D-electrons in selective doped n-AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs heterostructure with filling of two subbands,\\ Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., No.5/6, pp.55-74, 1999. [2] V.I.Tsebro, O.E.Omelyanovski, V.I.Kadushkin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, F.M.Tsahhaev,\\ S.N.Larin, Lateral photoconductivity low temperature hysteresis of GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with asymmetric system of quantum wells, Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). [3] V.I.Kadushkin, F.M.Tsahhaev, S.N.Larin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, Intersubband relaxation of 2D-electrons in AlGaAs(Si)/GaAs strong doped heterojunction, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., No.3/4, pp.135-166, 1998. [5] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, News Institutions of Higher Education. Physics, No.159, 1998 [in Russian]. Proceedings of the Conference: [6] The 24th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, August 2-7, 1998, Jerusalem, Israel; "Energy spectrum and relaxation mechanisms of electrons in lateral-surface superlattices GaAs(0.30,?-Sn)". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Yu.A.Kotova). [7] 10th International Symposium on Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors, August 31- September 2, 1998, Vilnius, Lithuania. "Photomodulation processes in GaAs/AlAs type-I quantum well structures". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [8] VII Luthuanian-Polish Seminar "Solid State Physics and Technology", Kaunas, 1998. "Photoexcitation effects in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures investigated by differential reflectivity spectroscopy". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [9] The 194th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, Boston, Massachusetts, November\\ 1-6, 1998. "Energy spectrum of electrons in GaAs(?-Sn) structure grown on vicinal plane". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). In March, 2000 F.M.Tsahhaev shall be got Ph.D. degree from the Ryazan State Pedagogical University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Kadushkin (RSPU). Title: "Localization and scattering of quasi-particles in low-dimensional heterostructures in quantized magnetic fields." D.A.RYNDYK (Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS, Nizhny Novgorod) in his studies of nonequilibrium effects in dynamics of Josephson structures and layered superconductors (nonequilibrium Josephson effect) obtained the following results: 1. Starting from microscopic equations for Green functions, quasiclassical kinetic equations are derived for the systems of tunnel junctions and for layered superconductors [1]. This kinetic equations can be generalized for the case of different types of junctions and for superconductors with arbitrary energy dependence of the density of states and anisotropic pairing. 2. Dynamics of one-dimensional array of nonequilibrium junctions is investigated, in particular, current-voltage characteristics and high frequency interaction between junctions. Peculiarities of the dynamics of intrinsic Josephson junctions in HTSC are considered [1,2] (this work is a continuation of previous investigation carried out in 1998: D.A.Ryndyk, Phys.Rev.Lett., 80, 3376, 1998). The calculated current-voltage characteristics demonstrate the nature of the effect of electron-hole imbalance on the dynamics of one-dimensional chains of junctions. 3. The effect of nonequilibrium amplification of Josephson oscillations is predicted [2]. 4. "Plasma" oscillations and Josephson flux flow in layered superconductors is considered with nonequilibrium effects taken into account. Beside, the work on the kinetic theory of plasma turbulence is continued, which was began previously in connection with the experimental investigation of low-hybrid turbulence, excited by ion beam (E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk et al., Nuclear Fusion, 38, 661, 1998). New results in the theory of turbulent broadening of cyclotron resonances are published in Ref.[3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] D.A.Ryndyk, Nonequilibrium Josephson effect in systems of tunnel junctions and in layered superconductors, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. V.116, p.1798, 1999 [JETP V.89, p.975, 1999]. [2] D.A.Ryndyk, High-frequency properties of nonequilibrium Josephson junctions in nanoscale and layered superconductors, Journal of radioelectronics (www journal) n.1 (2000), to be published in "Foreign radioelectronics". [3] E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk, Stochastic Broadening of High Order Ion Cyclotron Resonances due to Lower-Hybrid Turbulence, Strong microwaves in plasmas (proceedings of IV international workshop on strong micro-waves in plasmas, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 1999 ), ed. A.G.Litvak, V.2, Nizhny Novgorod, 2000. D.Ryndyk in 1999 participated in: 1. School-seminar "Physics and applications of microwaves" (24-30 of May in Krasnovidovo, Moscow region) with invited lecture "Physical basis of Josephson high frequency electronics". D.Ryndyk take part in several russian and international research projects, in particular: 1. Grants of Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) N. 97-02-16928 and 99-02-16188 . 2. State research program "Physics of microwaves". Grant 4.7. "Theoretical and experimental investigation of microwave interaction with superconducting structures". 3. Joint program of Institute of Applied Physics RAS and W7-AS stellarator group (Garching, Germany) on Collective Thomson scattering for plasma diagnostic. A.M.RUVINSKY (Institute of Spectroscopy of RAS, Troitsk) in his studies of collective properties of excitons has considered an influence of random fields on the conditions of exciton condensation and superfluidity in bulk and low-dimensional systems [1]. It was shown that in semiconductor alloys the density of excitons in Bose condensate decreases due to the exciton scattering on random fields of impurities or fluctuations of the composite. The density of the superfluidity fraction in the system of 3D and quasi-2D excitons also decreases taking into account this scattering. The scattering on the random field of the quantum well widths' fluctuations was analyzed for direct and indirect excitons. Analytical expressions for the exciton superfluidity densities in "dirty" single quantum wells, coupled quantum wells and bulk semiconductors have been derived. The influence of random fields on Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature for exciton systems in low-dimensional structures was analyzed. These results have been presented in the papers [1,2] containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1].Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, Superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. V.69, No.8, pp.573-578, 1999 [in Russian], (Letter in JETP, V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999). [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, A.M.Ruvinsky, Bogolubov approximation for rare exciton system in random media, Fiz.Tverd.Tela (Physics of the Solid State), in print, 2000 [in Russian]. In June, 1998 A.Ruvinsky has got Ph.D. degree from State Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "Magnetoexcitons in inhomogeneous and low-dimensional structures". A.ZEMLYANOV (Moscow State University) obtained the following results: A new approach to the description of anomalous transport phenomena that take place in fractal media was developed. Namely, anomalous diffusion on a comb structure consisting of a one- dimensional backbone and lateral branches (teeth) of random length is considered. A definite classification of the trajectories of random walks reduces the original problem to an analysis of classical diffusion on the backbone, where, however, the time of this process is a random quantity. Its distribution is assigned by the properties of the random walks of the diffusing particles on the teeth. The possibility of applying mean-field theory in such a model is demonstrated, and the equation for the Green's function with a partial derivative of fractional order is obtained. The characteristic features of the propagation of particles on a comb structure are analyzed. A model of an effective homogeneous medium, in which diffusion is described by an equation with a fractional derivative with respect to time and an initial condition in the form of an integral of fractional order, is obtained. These results are published in [1] and were presented at the Moscow Seminar on Synergetics at the Physics Faculty, Moscow State University. [1] I.A.Lubashevsky, A.A.Zemlyanov, Continuum description of anomalous diffusion on a comb structure, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., V.114, pp.1284-1312, 1998 [in Russian]. A.Zemlyanov has received invitation for participating in a research program at the University of Texas at Austin during the next three years.
F.M.TSAHHAEV (Ryazan State Pedagogical University) in his studies of physics of low dimensional structures obtained the following results: 1. Galvanomagnetic effects have been measured in n-AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures with filling of two subbands. The values of the momentum relaxation times t and q have been determined experimentally. The t and q times have been also calculated in the conditions of intersubband scattering using the self-consistent electron wave function. The dominating relaxation mechanism was identified and the parameters of defects were evaluated by comparison of experimentally determined and calculated t and q values [1,5,6,9]. 2. The GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures with anomalously high mobility of 2D-electrons 0.6 m/V s (T=4.2 K) in respect to the well-known analogs have been synthesized. The anomalies and anisotropy of kinetic effects characteristics of the GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures have been observed in experiments. The electrons energy spectrum in GaAs(?-Si,Sn) structures has been calculated on the basis of the experimental results. The comparison of calculated data and measurements results (C-V characteristics, temperature and axial/lateral magnetic field dependencies of conductivity, photoluminescence spectra) reveals anomalous properties of GaAs(0.30,?-Sn) structure along [110] direction in respect to the [110] one [4]. 3. In [7,8] the experimental results is analyzed in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures. 4. The hysteresis of current-temperature characteristics is revealed in GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with the three quantum wells [2]. 5. The magnetic field suppression of electron-electron interaction of 2D-electrons in the main and the first, disturbed subbands of dimension quantization in single heterojunction AlGaAs/GaAs have been revealed [3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM: [1] V.I.Kadushkin, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Relaxation mechanisms of 2D-electrons in selective doped n-AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs heterostructure with filling of two subbands,\\ Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., No.5/6, pp.55-74, 1999. [2] V.I.Tsebro, O.E.Omelyanovski, V.I.Kadushkin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, F.M.Tsahhaev,\\ S.N.Larin, Lateral photoconductivity low temperature hysteresis of GaAs/AlGaAs nanostructure with asymmetric system of quantum wells, Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). [3] V.I.Kadushkin, F.M.Tsahhaev, S.N.Larin, Yu.A.Gorbunova, Intersubband relaxation of 2D-electrons in AlGaAs(Si)/GaAs strong doped heterojunction, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication). There are publications which do not contain acknowledgments to ICFPM because they were submitted and accepted for publication before grantee has been informed of the awarding the ICFPM grant: [4] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Phys.Low- Dim.Struc., No.3/4, pp.135-166, 1998. [5] V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, News Institutions of Higher Education. Physics, No.159, 1998 [in Russian]. Proceedings of the Conference: [6] The 24th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, August 2-7, 1998, Jerusalem, Israel; "Energy spectrum and relaxation mechanisms of electrons in lateral-surface superlattices GaAs(0.30,?-Sn)". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev, Yu.A.Kotova). [7] 10th International Symposium on Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors, August 31- September 2, 1998, Vilnius, Lithuania. "Photomodulation processes in GaAs/AlAs type-I quantum well structures". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [8] VII Luthuanian-Polish Seminar "Solid State Physics and Technology", Kaunas, 1998. "Photoexcitation effects in GaAs/AlAs quantum well structures investigated by differential reflectivity spectroscopy". (J.Kavaliauskas, G.Krivaite, B.Cechavicius, V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). [9] The 194th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, Boston, Massachusetts, November\\ 1-6, 1998. "Energy spectrum of electrons in GaAs(?-Sn) structure grown on vicinal plane". (V.I.Kadushkin, E.V.Klyshevich, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev). In March, 2000 F.M.Tsahhaev shall be got Ph.D. degree from the Ryazan State Pedagogical University. Thesis Advisor: Prof. V.I.Kadushkin (RSPU). Title: "Localization and scattering of quasi-particles in low-dimensional heterostructures in quantized magnetic fields." D.A.RYNDYK (Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS, Nizhny Novgorod) in his studies of nonequilibrium effects in dynamics of Josephson structures and layered superconductors (nonequilibrium Josephson effect) obtained the following results: 1. Starting from microscopic equations for Green functions, quasiclassical kinetic equations are derived for the systems of tunnel junctions and for layered superconductors [1]. This kinetic equations can be generalized for the case of different types of junctions and for superconductors with arbitrary energy dependence of the density of states and anisotropic pairing. 2. Dynamics of one-dimensional array of nonequilibrium junctions is investigated, in particular, current-voltage characteristics and high frequency interaction between junctions. Peculiarities of the dynamics of intrinsic Josephson junctions in HTSC are considered [1,2] (this work is a continuation of previous investigation carried out in 1998: D.A.Ryndyk, Phys.Rev.Lett., 80, 3376, 1998). The calculated current-voltage characteristics demonstrate the nature of the effect of electron-hole imbalance on the dynamics of one-dimensional chains of junctions. 3. The effect of nonequilibrium amplification of Josephson oscillations is predicted [2]. 4. "Plasma" oscillations and Josephson flux flow in layered superconductors is considered with nonequilibrium effects taken into account. Beside, the work on the kinetic theory of plasma turbulence is continued, which was began previously in connection with the experimental investigation of low-hybrid turbulence, excited by ion beam (E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk et al., Nuclear Fusion, 38, 661, 1998). New results in the theory of turbulent broadening of cyclotron resonances are published in Ref.[3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] D.A.Ryndyk, Nonequilibrium Josephson effect in systems of tunnel junctions and in layered superconductors, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. V.116, p.1798, 1999 [JETP V.89, p.975, 1999]. [2] D.A.Ryndyk, High-frequency properties of nonequilibrium Josephson junctions in nanoscale and layered superconductors, Journal of radioelectronics (www journal) n.1 (2000), to be published in "Foreign radioelectronics". [3] E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk, Stochastic Broadening of High Order Ion Cyclotron Resonances due to Lower-Hybrid Turbulence, Strong microwaves in plasmas (proceedings of IV international workshop on strong micro-waves in plasmas, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 1999 ), ed. A.G.Litvak, V.2, Nizhny Novgorod, 2000. D.Ryndyk in 1999 participated in: 1. School-seminar "Physics and applications of microwaves" (24-30 of May in Krasnovidovo, Moscow region) with invited lecture "Physical basis of Josephson high frequency electronics". D.Ryndyk take part in several russian and international research projects, in particular: 1. Grants of Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) N. 97-02-16928 and 99-02-16188 . 2. State research program "Physics of microwaves". Grant 4.7. "Theoretical and experimental investigation of microwave interaction with superconducting structures". 3. Joint program of Institute of Applied Physics RAS and W7-AS stellarator group (Garching, Germany) on Collective Thomson scattering for plasma diagnostic. A.M.RUVINSKY (Institute of Spectroscopy of RAS, Troitsk) in his studies of collective properties of excitons has considered an influence of random fields on the conditions of exciton condensation and superfluidity in bulk and low-dimensional systems [1]. It was shown that in semiconductor alloys the density of excitons in Bose condensate decreases due to the exciton scattering on random fields of impurities or fluctuations of the composite. The density of the superfluidity fraction in the system of 3D and quasi-2D excitons also decreases taking into account this scattering. The scattering on the random field of the quantum well widths' fluctuations was analyzed for direct and indirect excitons. Analytical expressions for the exciton superfluidity densities in "dirty" single quantum wells, coupled quantum wells and bulk semiconductors have been derived. The influence of random fields on Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature for exciton systems in low-dimensional structures was analyzed. These results have been presented in the papers [1,2] containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1].Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, Superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. V.69, No.8, pp.573-578, 1999 [in Russian], (Letter in JETP, V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999). [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, A.M.Ruvinsky, Bogolubov approximation for rare exciton system in random media, Fiz.Tverd.Tela (Physics of the Solid State), in print, 2000 [in Russian]. In June, 1998 A.Ruvinsky has got Ph.D. degree from State Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "Magnetoexcitons in inhomogeneous and low-dimensional structures". A.ZEMLYANOV (Moscow State University) obtained the following results: A new approach to the description of anomalous transport phenomena that take place in fractal media was developed. Namely, anomalous diffusion on a comb structure consisting of a one- dimensional backbone and lateral branches (teeth) of random length is considered. A definite classification of the trajectories of random walks reduces the original problem to an analysis of classical diffusion on the backbone, where, however, the time of this process is a random quantity. Its distribution is assigned by the properties of the random walks of the diffusing particles on the teeth. The possibility of applying mean-field theory in such a model is demonstrated, and the equation for the Green's function with a partial derivative of fractional order is obtained. The characteristic features of the propagation of particles on a comb structure are analyzed. A model of an effective homogeneous medium, in which diffusion is described by an equation with a fractional derivative with respect to time and an initial condition in the form of an integral of fractional order, is obtained. These results are published in [1] and were presented at the Moscow Seminar on Synergetics at the Physics Faculty, Moscow State University. [1] I.A.Lubashevsky, A.A.Zemlyanov, Continuum description of anomalous diffusion on a comb structure, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., V.114, pp.1284-1312, 1998 [in Russian]. A.Zemlyanov has received invitation for participating in a research program at the University of Texas at Austin during the next three years.
D.A.RYNDYK (Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS, Nizhny Novgorod) in his studies of nonequilibrium effects in dynamics of Josephson structures and layered superconductors (nonequilibrium Josephson effect) obtained the following results: 1. Starting from microscopic equations for Green functions, quasiclassical kinetic equations are derived for the systems of tunnel junctions and for layered superconductors [1]. This kinetic equations can be generalized for the case of different types of junctions and for superconductors with arbitrary energy dependence of the density of states and anisotropic pairing. 2. Dynamics of one-dimensional array of nonequilibrium junctions is investigated, in particular, current-voltage characteristics and high frequency interaction between junctions. Peculiarities of the dynamics of intrinsic Josephson junctions in HTSC are considered [1,2] (this work is a continuation of previous investigation carried out in 1998: D.A.Ryndyk, Phys.Rev.Lett., 80, 3376, 1998). The calculated current-voltage characteristics demonstrate the nature of the effect of electron-hole imbalance on the dynamics of one-dimensional chains of junctions. 3. The effect of nonequilibrium amplification of Josephson oscillations is predicted [2]. 4. "Plasma" oscillations and Josephson flux flow in layered superconductors is considered with nonequilibrium effects taken into account. Beside, the work on the kinetic theory of plasma turbulence is continued, which was began previously in connection with the experimental investigation of low-hybrid turbulence, excited by ion beam (E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk et al., Nuclear Fusion, 38, 661, 1998). New results in the theory of turbulent broadening of cyclotron resonances are published in Ref.[3]. The main results have been presented in the papers containing acknowledgments to ICFPM and INTAS: [1] D.A.Ryndyk, Nonequilibrium Josephson effect in systems of tunnel junctions and in layered superconductors, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. V.116, p.1798, 1999 [JETP V.89, p.975, 1999]. [2] D.A.Ryndyk, High-frequency properties of nonequilibrium Josephson junctions in nanoscale and layered superconductors, Journal of radioelectronics (www journal) n.1 (2000), to be published in "Foreign radioelectronics". [3] E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk, Stochastic Broadening of High Order Ion Cyclotron Resonances due to Lower-Hybrid Turbulence, Strong microwaves in plasmas (proceedings of IV international workshop on strong micro-waves in plasmas, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 1999 ), ed. A.G.Litvak, V.2, Nizhny Novgorod, 2000. D.Ryndyk in 1999 participated in: 1. School-seminar "Physics and applications of microwaves" (24-30 of May in Krasnovidovo, Moscow region) with invited lecture "Physical basis of Josephson high frequency electronics". D.Ryndyk take part in several russian and international research projects, in particular: 1. Grants of Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) N. 97-02-16928 and 99-02-16188 . 2. State research program "Physics of microwaves". Grant 4.7. "Theoretical and experimental investigation of microwave interaction with superconducting structures". 3. Joint program of Institute of Applied Physics RAS and W7-AS stellarator group (Garching, Germany) on Collective Thomson scattering for plasma diagnostic. A.M.RUVINSKY (Institute of Spectroscopy of RAS, Troitsk) in his studies of collective properties of excitons has considered an influence of random fields on the conditions of exciton condensation and superfluidity in bulk and low-dimensional systems [1]. It was shown that in semiconductor alloys the density of excitons in Bose condensate decreases due to the exciton scattering on random fields of impurities or fluctuations of the composite. The density of the superfluidity fraction in the system of 3D and quasi-2D excitons also decreases taking into account this scattering. The scattering on the random field of the quantum well widths' fluctuations was analyzed for direct and indirect excitons. Analytical expressions for the exciton superfluidity densities in "dirty" single quantum wells, coupled quantum wells and bulk semiconductors have been derived. The influence of random fields on Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature for exciton systems in low-dimensional structures was analyzed. These results have been presented in the papers [1,2] containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1].Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, Superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. V.69, No.8, pp.573-578, 1999 [in Russian], (Letter in JETP, V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999). [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, A.M.Ruvinsky, Bogolubov approximation for rare exciton system in random media, Fiz.Tverd.Tela (Physics of the Solid State), in print, 2000 [in Russian]. In June, 1998 A.Ruvinsky has got Ph.D. degree from State Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "Magnetoexcitons in inhomogeneous and low-dimensional structures". A.ZEMLYANOV (Moscow State University) obtained the following results: A new approach to the description of anomalous transport phenomena that take place in fractal media was developed. Namely, anomalous diffusion on a comb structure consisting of a one- dimensional backbone and lateral branches (teeth) of random length is considered. A definite classification of the trajectories of random walks reduces the original problem to an analysis of classical diffusion on the backbone, where, however, the time of this process is a random quantity. Its distribution is assigned by the properties of the random walks of the diffusing particles on the teeth. The possibility of applying mean-field theory in such a model is demonstrated, and the equation for the Green's function with a partial derivative of fractional order is obtained. The characteristic features of the propagation of particles on a comb structure are analyzed. A model of an effective homogeneous medium, in which diffusion is described by an equation with a fractional derivative with respect to time and an initial condition in the form of an integral of fractional order, is obtained. These results are published in [1] and were presented at the Moscow Seminar on Synergetics at the Physics Faculty, Moscow State University. [1] I.A.Lubashevsky, A.A.Zemlyanov, Continuum description of anomalous diffusion on a comb structure, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., V.114, pp.1284-1312, 1998 [in Russian]. A.Zemlyanov has received invitation for participating in a research program at the University of Texas at Austin during the next three years.
A.M.RUVINSKY (Institute of Spectroscopy of RAS, Troitsk) in his studies of collective properties of excitons has considered an influence of random fields on the conditions of exciton condensation and superfluidity in bulk and low-dimensional systems [1]. It was shown that in semiconductor alloys the density of excitons in Bose condensate decreases due to the exciton scattering on random fields of impurities or fluctuations of the composite. The density of the superfluidity fraction in the system of 3D and quasi-2D excitons also decreases taking into account this scattering. The scattering on the random field of the quantum well widths' fluctuations was analyzed for direct and indirect excitons. Analytical expressions for the exciton superfluidity densities in "dirty" single quantum wells, coupled quantum wells and bulk semiconductors have been derived. The influence of random fields on Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature for exciton systems in low-dimensional structures was analyzed. These results have been presented in the papers [1,2] containing acknowledgments to INTAS-ICFPM. [1].Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky, Superfluidity of "dirty" excitons, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. V.69, No.8, pp.573-578, 1999 [in Russian], (Letter in JETP, V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999). [2] Yu.E.Lozovik, A.M.Ruvinsky, Bogolubov approximation for rare exciton system in random media, Fiz.Tverd.Tela (Physics of the Solid State), in print, 2000 [in Russian]. In June, 1998 A.Ruvinsky has got Ph.D. degree from State Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Yu.E.Lozovik. Title: "Magnetoexcitons in inhomogeneous and low-dimensional structures". A.ZEMLYANOV (Moscow State University) obtained the following results: A new approach to the description of anomalous transport phenomena that take place in fractal media was developed. Namely, anomalous diffusion on a comb structure consisting of a one- dimensional backbone and lateral branches (teeth) of random length is considered. A definite classification of the trajectories of random walks reduces the original problem to an analysis of classical diffusion on the backbone, where, however, the time of this process is a random quantity. Its distribution is assigned by the properties of the random walks of the diffusing particles on the teeth. The possibility of applying mean-field theory in such a model is demonstrated, and the equation for the Green's function with a partial derivative of fractional order is obtained. The characteristic features of the propagation of particles on a comb structure are analyzed. A model of an effective homogeneous medium, in which diffusion is described by an equation with a fractional derivative with respect to time and an initial condition in the form of an integral of fractional order, is obtained. These results are published in [1] and were presented at the Moscow Seminar on Synergetics at the Physics Faculty, Moscow State University. [1] I.A.Lubashevsky, A.A.Zemlyanov, Continuum description of anomalous diffusion on a comb structure, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., V.114, pp.1284-1312, 1998 [in Russian]. A.Zemlyanov has received invitation for participating in a research program at the University of Texas at Austin during the next three years.
A.ZEMLYANOV (Moscow State University) obtained the following results: A new approach to the description of anomalous transport phenomena that take place in fractal media was developed. Namely, anomalous diffusion on a comb structure consisting of a one- dimensional backbone and lateral branches (teeth) of random length is considered. A definite classification of the trajectories of random walks reduces the original problem to an analysis of classical diffusion on the backbone, where, however, the time of this process is a random quantity. Its distribution is assigned by the properties of the random walks of the diffusing particles on the teeth. The possibility of applying mean-field theory in such a model is demonstrated, and the equation for the Green's function with a partial derivative of fractional order is obtained. The characteristic features of the propagation of particles on a comb structure are analyzed. A model of an effective homogeneous medium, in which diffusion is described by an equation with a fractional derivative with respect to time and an initial condition in the form of an integral of fractional order, is obtained. These results are published in [1] and were presented at the Moscow Seminar on Synergetics at the Physics Faculty, Moscow State University. [1] I.A.Lubashevsky, A.A.Zemlyanov, Continuum description of anomalous diffusion on a comb structure, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., V.114, pp.1284-1312, 1998 [in Russian]. A.Zemlyanov has received invitation for participating in a research program at the University of Texas at Austin during the next three years.