Extracts from the FINAL REPORT ( INTAS project Ref.No. 96-0457 )
1. Title, reference number
Reference Number: INTAS-96-0457
Project coordinator:
Prof. Dr. Lars Brink
Chalmers University of Technology
Department of Theoretical Physics,
Goteborg, Sweden
Report covers 24 months, from February 1st, 1998 to February 1st, 2000.
2. Research
2.1. Scientific Objectives
The project is aimed at maintaining the high level of the Russian
School in theoretical physics by supporting research of the best
young scientists specializing in this field, presently working and
living in Russia.
2.2. Research Activities
The main objective of the International Center for Fundamental Physics
in Moscow (ICFPM) is to preserve the scientific potential in physics
in Russia and to support promising young Russian scientists. As stated
in the Work Programme, the ICFPM used the funds from INTAS to support
good young researchers working in Russia.
The open call was made for all graduate students and young researchers
without any scientific degree who are under 30 years old. Research areas
included all the variety of directions in modern theoretical physics such as
astrophysics, plasma physics, non-linear phenomena, high-energy physics,
condensed matter and mathematical physics. The announcement has been published
in the weekly newspaper of the scientific community "Poisk" (see
Annex I for the announcement).
Information package consisting of general information and application form
were available via Internet (www.icfpm.lpi.ru) or by electronic request
(e-mail: icfpmcon@td.lpi.ac.ru) (see Annex II).
The selection of the best applications to be supported was made by the
Scientific Council of ICFPM on March 10, 1998 based on the individual data
including research plans, list of publications and recommendation letters.
Under otherwise equal conditions a priority was given to those who have the
worse financial situation. The geographical situation was taken into account.
The council consists of the following members:
Prof. Dr. Aleksandr Gurevich (Moscow, Lebedev Institute, the Head of Tamm
Theoretical Physics Department)
Prof. Dr. Alan Luther (NORDITA, Copenhagen, Denmark)
Prof. Dr. Vladimir Mineev (Chernogolovka, Landau Institute of
Theoretical Physics, Deputy Director)
Prof. Dr. Viktor Novikov (Moscow, Institute of Theoretical and
Experimental Physics)
Prof. Dr. Valery Rubakov (Moscow, Institute of Nuclear Research,
head of the scientific direction)
Prof. Dr. Robert Suris (St.Petersburg, Ioffe Physics-Technical
Institute, Deputy Director)
Prof. Dr. Mikhail Vasiliev - Chairman (Moscow, Lebedev Institute,
head of research group)
Prof. Dr. Dmitry Yakovlev (St.Petersburg, Ioffe Physics-Technical
Mr. Oleg Loiko - Executive Director
The research under the project has been basically in accordance with the
Work Programme. Due to the scarcity of funds, the scientific council
of ICFPM decided to limit the program to graduate student and young
researches without any scientific degree under 30 years old.
The INTAS cooperation allowed to support the brightest 32 postgraduate
students and young researchers from various scientific physical
institutes in Russia in all areas of theoretical physics:
Plasma physics and astrophysics, and related topics - 6,
Nuclear physics, elementary particle physics, and related topics - 14,
Condensed matter physics and complex systems, and related topics - 12.
According to the results of evaluation of the annual reports a decision
on the continuation of stipends for 1999 was made for 28 young scientists.
It was found that one young scientist did not fulfil the conditions
of the program. Three other young scientists refused themselves
the continuation of the project because of the travel plans for 1999
incompatible with the conditions of the program. The scientific Council
of ICFPM therefore has suggested to INTAS to redistribute the respective
stipends to first four candidates from the reserve list
decided upon by the Council in 1998.
All these persons are actively working in their fields of research.
2.3. Scientific Results
The INTAS contribution allowed the ICFPM to give 32 fellowships.
Recipients of this fellowships carried out their research in different
areas of fundamental physics. The main research activities, methodologies
and obtained results are summarized in the attached Annex III.
The realization of the project has significant impact on the
preservation of the scientific potential of Russia in the field of
fundamental physics, focusing on the generation of junior researchers
which determine the future of physics in Russia and which in many
cases are in the most difficult situation, as they are sometimes isolated
from stable sources of funds. As can be seen in the Annex III, in
many cases the support from the Project allowed the fellows to
participate in International Conferences and Collaborations. An
extension and continuation of the Project was of great importance
for creating stable conditions for the active researchers in
fundamental physics in Russia.
The results of the researches carried out under the project are applied
to various areas of fundamental physics.
Most of the fellows are planning to continue their investigations and
in many cases intend to integrate them into broader international research
The list of references is:
[1] Brantov A.V., Bychenkov V.Yu., Tikhonchuk V.T., Rozmus W.,
Senecha V.K.,
Plasma fluctuations driven by the randomized laser beam,
Phys.Plasmas, V.6, No.8, p.3002, 1999.
[2] Brantov A.V., Bychenkov V.Yu., Tikhonchuk V.T., Rozmus W.,
Theory of filamentation instability and stimulated Brillouin
scattering with nonlocal hydrodynamics (submitted to Phys.Plasmas).
[3] Brantov A.V., Bychenkov V.Yu., Rozmus W.,
Ion acoustic instability of laser hot spot, Phys.Plasmas
(accepted for publication).
[4] Bespalov P.A., Chugunov Yu.V., Davydenko S.S.,
On the model of the terrestrial global circuit,
Annales Geophysicae, in XXIIIrd General Assembly of the European
Geophysical Society, Suppl.III to V.16, p.C996, 1998.
[5] S.S.Davydenko, P.A.Bespalov,
On the description of atmospheric electric field and current under
inhomogeneous conductivity,
in Book of abstracts of 11th International Conference on
Atmospheric Electricity, Boulder, USA, pp.551-554, 1999.
[6] Davydenko S.S.,
A model of global electric field and current with magnetospheric and
atmospheric electric sources,
Book of Abstracts of the XXVIth General Assembly of International Union
of Radio Science, Toronto, Canada, p.278, 1999.
[7] P.A.Bespalov, S.S.Davydenko,
A model response of atmospheric electric field and current to latitude
conductivity profile terrestrial global circuit,
Annales Geophysicae, in XXIVth General Assembly of the European
Geophysical Society, Hague, the Netherlands, V.1, No.3, p.711, 1999.
[8] Davydenko S.S., Bespalov P.A.,
Manifestation of latitude profile of atmospheric conductivity in
the electric field and current distributions,
Geomagnetizm i Aeronomiya, V.40, No.2, 2000 (accepted for publication)
[in Russian].
[9] S.S.Davydenko,
On the terrestrial global circuit formation,
Annales Geophysicae, 2000 (submitted).
[10] S.S.Davydenko,
On the calculation of the quasistatic atmospheric electric field and
Proceedings of URSI conference on Electromagnetic Compatibility,
Wroclaw, Poland, 2000 (submitted).
[11] D.Yu.Klimushkin,
Resonators for hydromagnetic waves in the magnetosphere,
Issledovaniya po geomagnetizmu, aeronomii i fizike Solntsa,
V.108, pp.170-184, 1999 [in Russian].
[12] D.Yu.Klimushkin,
The propagation of high-m Alfven waves in the Earth's magnetosphere
and their interaction with high-energy particles,
Journal Geophysical Researches (in press) [in English]
[13] E.E.Antonova, I.L.Ovchinnikov,
The quasi-3-dimension model of the equilibrium turbulent
plasma sheet in the Earth's magnetotail and its substorm dynamics,
Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, V.38, No.5, pp.14-21, 1998 [in Russian].
[14] E.E.Antonova, E.V.Vikhreva, I.L.Ovchinnikov, M.V.Stepanova, M.V.Teltsov,
The chaotical character of the particle dynamics in the plasma sheet:
the observational data and the theoretical analysis,
Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, V.38, No.6, pp.27-39, 1998 [in Russian].
[15] E.E.Antonova, I.L.Ovchinnikov,
Magnetostatically equilibrium plasma sheet with medium scale developed
turbulence: structure and substorm dynamics,
J.Geophys.Res., V.104, No.A8, pp.17289-17298, 1999.
[16] Antonova E.E., I.L.Ovchinnikov,
Quasi three dimensional modeling of plasma sheet with medium scale
developed turbulence.
Adv.Space Res., V.24, No.1, pp.121-124, 1999.
[17] Antonova E.E., I.L.Ovchinnikov, E.V.Vikhreva, M.V.Teltsov, M.V.Stepanova,
Plasma sheet electron temperature distribution and particle dynamics.
Adv.Space Res., V.23, No.10, pp.1757-1760, 1999.
[18] Antonova E.E., I.L.Ovchinnikov, E.V.Vikhreva, M.V.Stepanova.
Chaotization of particle motion in regular inhomogeneous electric fields.
Adv.Space Res., V.23, No.10, pp.1731-1734, 1999.
[19] Antonova E.E., I.L.Ovchinnikov,
Medium scale magnetospheric turbulence and quasi-three-dimensional
plasma sheet modeling.
Phys.Chem.Earth, V.25, No.1-2, pp.35-38, 2000.
[20] M.G.Stepanov,
Autler-Townes doublet probed by strong field,
J.Phys.B: At.Mol.Opt.Phys. V.32, No.3, pp.649-661, 1999.
[21] I.V.Kolokolov, V.V.Lebedev, M.G.Stepanov,
Passive scalar in a large-scale velocity field,
Zh.Eksp.Teor.Phys., V.115, No.3, pp.920-939, 1999 [in Russian];
[JETP V.88, No.3, pp.506-516, 1999].
[22] V.M.Chabanov, B.N.Zakhariev,
Coexistence of confinement and propagating waves: a quantum paradox,
Phys.Lett.A 255, pp.123-128, 1999.
[23] B.N.Zakhariev, V.M.Chabanov,
The qualitative theory of elementary transformations of one- and
multichannel quantum systems in the inverse problem approach.
The construction of transformations with given spectral parameters,
Part.Nucl. 30, No.2, pp.277-320, 1999 [JINR, in Russian].
[24] B.N.Zakhariev, V.M.Chabanov,
The elements of quantum design,
Vest.Sec.Fiz.RAEN 5, pp.58-77, 1999 [in Russian].
[25] V.M.Chabanov, B.N.Zakhariev, V.V.Torchinov,
Commun.JINR P4-98-176.
[26] V.M.Chabanov, B.N.Zakhariev,
Towards the quantum design of multichannel systems (the inverse
problem approach), (submitted to Ann. of Phys. (N.Y.))
[27] V.M.Chabanov, B.N.Zakhariev,
Exact solutions for classical few-body systems from the multichannel
quantum inverse problem (submitted to Few-Body Systems).
[28] M.N.Chernodub, M.I.Polikarpov, A.I.Veselov,
Effective monopole potential for SU(2) lattice gluodynamics in spatial
maximal Abelian gauge,
hep-lat/9812012, JETP Lett. 69, pp.174-179, 1999.
[29] B.L.G.Bakker, M.N.Chernodub, M.I.Polikarpov, A.I.Veselov,
Abelian monopoles and action density in SU(2) gluodynamics on the lattice,
hep-lat/9811001, Phys.Lett.B 449, pp.267-273, 1999.
[30] M.N.Chernodub, S.Kato, N.Nakamura, M.I.Polikarpov, T.Suzuki,
Various Representations of Infrared Effective Lattice SU(2) Gluodynamics,
preprint KANAZAWA 98-19, ITEP-TH-61/98.
[31] M.N.Chernodub, F.V.Gubarev, M.I.Polikarpov,
Abelian dyons in the maximal Abelian projection of SU(2) gluodynamics,
hep-lat/9801010, JETP Lett. 69, pp.169-173, 1999
[32] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov,
Flavor violation and tg(beta) in gauge mediated models
with messenger-matter mixing,
Nucl.Phys.B 557, pp.119-145, 1999.
[33] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, S.V.Troitsky,
Gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking,
Phys.Usp. 42, 623-651, 1999;
Usp.Fiz.Nauk 169, pp.705-736, 1999 [in Russian].
[34] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov, M.V.Libanov, V.A.Rubakov,
Nonrenormalization of induced charges and constraints on
strongly coupled theories,
Phys.Rept. 320, pp.147-158, 1999.
[35] S.L.Dubovsky, D.S.Gorbunov,
Induced charge matching and Wess-Zumino term on quantum modified
moduli space (to appear in Phys.Rev.D).
[36] S.L.Dubovsky, P.G.Tinyakov,
Generation of 1015 eV - 1017 eV photons by UHE CR
in the Galactic magnetic field,
JETP Lett. 70, pp.495-501, 1999.
[37] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev, T.I.Belova,
Decay of a bubble of disoriented Chiral Condensate,
Yad.Fiz. 62, No.5, pp.956-960, 1999 [in Russian].
[Phys.Atom.Nuclei, V.62, No.5, pp.895-899, 1999 in English].
[38] V.A.Gani, V.M.Weinberg,
Hydrogen atom in crossed external fields reexamined by the moment method,
preprint ITEP-29 (1998); http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/physics/9808041,
(prepared for submission to Yad.Fiz.[in Russian])
[39] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev,
Kink-antikink interactions in the double sine-Gordon equation and
the problem of resonance frequences,
preprint ITEP-31 (1998); http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/cond-mat/9809015;
Phys.Rev.E, 60, No3, pp.3305-3309, 1999.
[40] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev,
A remark on collisions of domain walls in a supersymmetric model,
preprint ITEP-15, 1999; http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/hep-th/9904209.
[41] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev,
preprint ITEP-44 (1999); http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/hep-th/9912211;
(prepared for submission to Phys.Rev.D).
[42] V.A.Gani, A.E.Kudryavtsev,
prepared for publication as a preprint ITEP and for submission to Yad.Fiz.
[in Russian].
[43] I.V.Gorbunov, S.L.Lyakhovich,
Hidden supersymmetries and Berezin quantization of N=2, D=2
spinning superparticle,
J.Math.Physics, V.40, No.5, pp.2230-2253, 1999;
Preprints of ICTP (Trieste, Italy) IC/98/138; e-print hep-th/9809104.
[44] I.V.Gorbunov, V.A.Dolgushev, S.L.Lyakhovich,
Galilean spinning particle,
Russian Physics Journal, V.42, No.2, pp.34-46 [in Russian].
[45] S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko,
Spectroscopy of doubly charmed baryons: Xicc++ and
DESY-98080, hep-ph/9807375, Mod.Phys.Lett. A14, p.135, 1999.
[46] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko,
Lifetimes of Xibc+ and Xibc0
baryons, hep-ph/9901224 (submitted to Eur.Phys.J.)
[47] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko,
Semileptonic decays of Bc-meson in sum rules of QCD and NRQCD,
hep-ph/9905359 (accepted to Nucl.Phys.B).
[48] V.V.Kiselev, A.I.Onishchenko,
Doubly heavy baryons in sum rules of NRQCD,
hep-ph/9909339 (accepted to Nucl.Phys.B).
[49] A.A.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko,
Can HERA data improve LEP constraints on WWV vertex?,
DESY-99-051 (accepted to Eur.Phys.J).
[50] S.S.Gershtein, A.A.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko,
TeV-scale leptoquarks from
GUT/String/M-theory unification,
Phys.Rep. 320, p.203, 1999.
[51] A.I.Onishchenko,
Doubly heavy systems: decays and OPE,
[52] V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko,
Semileptonic decays of Bc-meson (accepted to Yad.Phys. [in Russian]).
[53] A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko,
Lifetimes of doubly heavy baryons,
[54] A.V.Leonidov, D.M.Ostrovsky,
Minijets transverse energy production in NLO in nucleus and
nuclear collisions,
Eur.Phys.J. C11, pp.495-499, 1999.
[55] A.V.Leonidov, D.M.Ostrovsky,
Angular pattern of minijet transverse energy flow in hadron
and nuclear collisions,
hep-ph/9812416, (submitted to Eur.Phys.J. C).
[56] A.Leonidov, D.Ostrovsky,
Angular and momentum asymmetry in particle production
at high energies,
hep-ph/9905496, (submitted to Phys.Rev.D).
[57] D.Ostrovsky,
NLO correction to one-jet inclusive production at high energies,
hep-ph/9912258, (submitted to Phys.Rev.D).
[58] S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, V.A.Franke,
Constructing the Light-Front QCD Hamiltonian.
Theor.Math.Phys., V.120, No.3, pp.1164-1181, 1999.
[In Russian: Teoreticheskaya i Matematicheskaya Fizika,
V.120, No.3, pp.417-437, 1999].
[59] S.A.Paston, E.V.Prokhvatilov, V.A.Franke,
QED2 Light-Front Hamiltonian reproducing all orders of covariant
chiral perturbation theory,
Preprint SPbU-IP-99-13; hep-th/9910114.
[60] I.Ya.Aref'eva, O.A.Rytchkov,
Incidence Matrix Description of Intersecting p-brane Solutions,
to be published in L.D.Faddeev's Seminar on Mathematical Physics,
Advances in Mathematics, Amer.Math.Soc., Providence, R.I.
[61] A.S.Koshelev, O.A.Rytchkov,
Note on the Massive Rarita-Schwinger field in the AdS/CFT
hep-th/9812238; Phys.Lett.B 450, p.368, 1999.
[62] A.Polishchuk, O.Rytchkov,
Propagator for Massive Spin-2 Field in Anti-de Sitter Space,
preprint SMI-25-99.
[63] O.A.Rytchkov,
Chaotic Behaviour of Dynamical Systems in M-theory,
Proceedings of the Second Open Scientific Conference of
Young Scientists and Specialists, (Russia, Dubna, March 2-6, 1998)
[in Russian].
[64] O.A.Rytchkov,
Localised p-branes in Supergravities and M-theory,
Proceedings of the International Seminar "Quarks-98",
(Russia, May 18-24, 1998).
[65] O.A.Rytchkov,
Massive Rarita-Schwinger Field in the AdS/CFT correspondence,
Proceedings of the XIV International Workshop on
High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory
(Russia, May 27 - June 2, 1999).
[66] V.Shevchenko,
Higgs mechanism in nontrivial background, hep-th/9810222,
(being prepared for publication).
[67] N.O.Agasian, B.O.Kerbikov, V.I.Shevchenko,
Nonperturbative QCD vacuum and Colour Superconductivity,
Phys.Rep. V.320, p.131, 1999.
[68] V.I.Shevchenko, Yu.A.Simonov,
Casimir Scaling as a Test of QCD vacuum,
hep-ph/0001299 (being prepared for publication).
[69] N.V.Shevchenko, V.B.Belyaev, S.A.Rakityansky, S.A.Sofianos,
Low-energy $\eta d$ resonance,
e-print LANL, nucl-th/9908035, (submitted to Phys.Rev.Lett.).
[70] A.I.Titov, B.Kampfer, V.V.Shklyar,
Polarization observables in the reaction $NN \to NN \phi$,
Phys.Rev.C 59, 1999.
[71] A.I.Titov, B.Kampfer, V.V.Shklyar,
Polarization observables in the reaction $NN\to NN\phi$ near threshold,
XIV International Seminar On High Energy Physics Problems,
Conf.Proceedings, preprint E1,2-98-232.
[72] D.V.Alexandrov, A.O.Ivanov, M.E.Komarovski,
An Influence of a Fractal-Like Mushy Region on Solidification
Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research, V.26, No.2, pp.224-231, 1999.
[73] D.V. Alexandrov, A.G. Churbanov and P.N. Vabishchevich,
Emergence of a Mushy Region in Processes of Binary Melt
Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research, V.26, No.2, pp.248-264, 1999.
[74] D.V.Alexandrov,
Incipience of a Mushy Zone in Binary Melt Solidification
Processes: General Theory,
Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research (to be published).
[75] D.V.Alexandrov,
To the Theory of Solidification with a Quasiequilibrium
Two-Phase Zone,
Doklady AN (submitted) [in Russian].
[76] D.V.Alexandrov,
Incipience of a Mushy Zone in Binary Melt Solidification
Processes: Stefan Thermodiffusion Problem,
Int.J.Fluid Mechanics Research (submitted).
[77] D.V.Alexandrov,
Quasiequilibrium Mushy Region: Dynamic Instability,
Acta Materialia (submitted).
[78] M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev,
Use of velocity of a filed signal in a tomography.
Features of an optoacoustic tomography,
Makhachkala, DSU, 1998, p.60 [in Russian].
[79] G.K.Makhtimagomedov, M.G.Karimov, A.A.Aliverdiev, R.M.Batyrov,
G.M.Halilulayev, A.A.Amirova, M.M.Akhmedov, M.M.Ataev,
About the modeling of spatial-temporal tomographic reconstruction of
sphere of phase transitions,
Proceedings of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical
Phenomena in Condensed Matter", Makhachkala, Russia, 1998, pp.3-6,
[in Russian].
[80] A.A.Aliverdiev,
Some aspects of the computing of the laser tomography of mixed state,
Proceedings of International Conference "Phase Transitions and Critical
Phenomena in Condensed Matter", Makhachkala, Russia, 1998, B3-5
[in Russian].
[81] A.A.Aliverdiev,
About the account of complex absorption in laser tomography,
Proceedsings of the International Conference "Achievements and modern
problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan", dedicated
to 275 Anniversary of Russian Academy of the Sciences and 50 Anniversary
of Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of the Sciences,
Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, pp.33-34 [in Russian].
[82] A.A.Aliverdiev, R.M.Batyrov, M.G.Karimov, G.M.Halilulayev,
Some questions of the use of Hertley transform in physical tomography,
Proceedings of the International Conference "Achievements and modern
problems of development of the Science in the Daghestan", dedicated
to 275 Anniversary of Russian Academy of the Sciences and 50 Anniversary
of Daghestan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of the Sciences,
Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, p.35 [in Russian].
[83] M.G.Karimov. A.A.Aliverdiev, A.A.Amirova,
Some questions of the tomographic reconstruction of plasma objects,
Proceedings of the All-Russian Conference "Physical Electronics",
Makhachkala, Russia, 1999, p.107.
[84] A.A.Aliverdiev, M.G.Karimov,
Back photoacoustic problem in the investigation of quasistationary
spatial-heterogeneous flows,
Proceedings of the V International Scientific and Technical Conference
"Optical Methods of the Flows Investigations" (Moscow, Russia, 1999), p.161.
[85] A.A.Aliverdiev,
Some questions of the physical tomography with application of velocity
spectrum of registered signal,
Proceedings of the Conference "Resonance and non-linear phenomenon in
Condensed Matter" (Ufa, Russia 1999).
[86] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, V.G.Tsvetus,
Phase transitions of electron-hole and unbalanced electron systems
in coupled quantum wells in high magnetic fields,
Phys.Rev.B 59, pp.5627-5636, 1999.
[87] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, M.Willander,
Superfluidity of indirect biexcitons in superlattices,
JETP V.88, No.5, pp.980-986, 1999.
[88] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, M.Willander,
Superfluidity of indirect biexcitons in superlattices,
Europhysics Letters, V.48, No.3, pp.299-305, 1999.
[89] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.M.Ruvinsky,
The superfluidity of "dirty" excitons",
JETP Lett. V.69, No.8, pp.616-622, 1999.
[90] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.A.Panfilov,
The excitation spectra and superfluidity of the electron-hole
system in coupled quantum wells,
Phys.Stat.Sol.(b), V.209, pp.287-294, 1998.
[91] Yu.E.Lozovik, O.L.Berman, A.A.Panfilov,
The excitation spectra in coupled quantum wells",
Fiz.Tverd.Tela, V.40, No.12, pp.2226-2228, 1998 [in Russian].
[92] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov,
Model for free dendritic alloy growth under interfacial and
bulk phase nonequilibrium conditions,
J.Crystal Growth V.197, pp.992-1002, 1999.
[93] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov,
Dendritic growth model for rapid solidification of undercooled
International Conference on Rapidly Quenched and Metastable
Materials, Bangalore, India, August 1999;
Journal Material Science and Engineering (submitted for publication).
[94] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov,
Steady-state crystal growth shape under local nonequilibrium
mass transfer,
Inzhenerno Fizicheski Zhurnal (Journal of Engineering Physics
and Thermophysics) (submitted for publication) [in Russian].
[95] P.K.Galenko, D.A.Danilov,
Selection of the dynamically stable regime of rapid solidification
front motion in isothermal binary alloy,
J.Crystal Growth (accepted for publication).
[96] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko,
A criterion for dynamical stability of rapid solidification
front motion,
University and Academic Scientific-Practical Conference,
Udmurt State University, Thesis for the Conference, Izhevsk,
April 1999, p.60.
[97] D.A.Danilov, P.K.Galenko,
Hyperbolic heat transfer in rapid solidification of supercooled
Proc. of the 4th Minsk International Heat and Mass Transfer
Forum, A.V.Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute,
Minsk, May 2000 (accepted for publication).
[98] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov,
Polar liquid crystals. Statistical theory of the nematic-isotropic
phase transition,
Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000.
[99] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov,
Nematic-isotropic phase transition in polar liquid crystals.
Role of the dispersion interaction,
Crystallography Reports, V.45, No.2, 2000.
[100] A.V.Emelyanenko, M.A.Osipov, D.A.Dunmur,
Molecular Theory of Chiral Nematic Liquid Crystals,
Phys.Rev.E (accepted for publication).
[101] M.Eremin, S.Varlamov, I.Eremin,
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cond-mat/9908297; (submitted to Appl.Magn.Res.).
[102] I.Eremin, M.Eremin, S.Varlamov,
in a book "Stripes and Related Phenomena",
edited by A.Bianconi and N.L.Saini (to be published by Kluwer
Academics-Plenum Publisher).
[103] A.M.Povolotsky, V.B.Priezzhev, R.R.Shcherbakov,
Dynamics of Eulerian walkers,
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[104] E.V.Ivashkevich, A.M.Povolotsky, A.Vespignani, S.Zaperri,
Phys.Rev.E 60, pp.1239-1251, 1999.
[105] Skipetrov S.E.,
Diffusing-wave spectroscopy in media with spatially heterogeneous
scatterer dynamics,
Physics in Higher Education, V.5, No.1, pp.98-112, 1999 [in Russian].
[106] Karabutov A.A., Pelivanov I.M., Podymova N.B., Skipetrov S.E.,
Direct measurement of the spatial intensity distribution of
light in a scattering medium,
Pis'ma Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., V.70, No.3, pp.187-191, 1999 [in Russian];
[in English: JETP Lett., V.70, No.3, pp.183-188, 1999].
[107] Skipetrov S.E.,
Effective dielectric function of a random medium,
Phys.Rev.B 60, No.18, pp.12705-12709, 1999.
[108] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D., Shcheglov V.A.,
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with multiple-scattered light possible?
In: CD-ROM Proceedings of the International Conference on
Optical Technology and Image Processing in Fluid, Thermal,
and Combustion Flow (VSJ-SPIE'98)
(Yokohama, Japan, December 7-9, 1998), paper AB090.
[109] Skipetrov S.E., Kazaryan M.A., Zakharov S.D.,
Correlation spectroscopy for diagnostics of light-induced
particle motion in concentrated suspensions,
In: Fourth International Conference on Correlation Optics,
O.V.Angelsky, Ed., Proc.SPIE, V.3904, pp.423-428, 1999.
[110] Skipetrov S.E.,
Diffusing-wave imaging of flow in turbid media,
In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99)
(Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999).
[111] Skipetrov S.E.,
Refractive index of random media,
In: 8th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'99)
(Budapest, Hungary, July 2-6, 1999).
[112] V.I.Kadushkin, E.L.Shangina, F.M.Tsahhaev,
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[113] V.I.Tsebro, O.E.Omelyanovski, V.I.Kadushkin, Yu.A.Gorbunova,
F.M.Tsahhaev, S.N.Larin,
Lateral photoconductivity low temperature hysteresis of GaAs/AlGaAs
nanostructure with asymmetric system of quantum wells,
Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication).
[114] V.I.Kadushkin, F.M.Tsahhaev, S.N.Larin, Yu.A.Gorbunova,
Intersubband relaxation of 2D electrons in AlGaAs(Si)/GaAs strong
doped heterojunction,
Phys.Low-Dim.Struc., 1999 (accepted for publication).
[115] Yu.E.Lozovik, A.M.Ruvinsky,
Bogolubov approximation for rare exciton system in random media,
Fiz.Tverd.Tela, 2000 (in print) [in Russian].
[116] D.A.Ryndyk,
Nonequilibrium Josephson effect in systems of tunnel junctions
and in layered superconductors,
Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. V.116, p.1798, 1999, [in Russian]
[JETP V.89, p.975, 1999].
[117] D.A.Ryndyk,
High-frequency properties of nonequilibrium Josephson junctions
in nanoscale and layered superconductors,
Journal of radioelectronics (www journal) No.1, 2000,
(to be published in "Foreign radioelectronics"[in Russian]).
[118] E.V.Suvorov, D.A.Ryndyk,
Stochastic Broadening of High Order Ion Cyclotron Resonances
due to Lower-Hybrid Turbulence, Strong microwaves in plasmas
(proceedings of IV international workshop on strong micro-waves
in plasmas, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 1999),
ed. A.G.Litvak, v.2, Nizhny Novgorod, 2000.
[119] B.Kampfer, V.V.Shklyar, A.I.Titov,
Polarization observables in the reaction NN -> NNphi,
Phys.Rev.C 59, 1999.
[120] A.I.Titov, B.Kampfer, V.V.Shklyar,
Polarization observables in the reaction NN -> NNphi near threshold,
XIV International Seminar On High Energy Physics Problems,
Conference proceedings, preprint E1,2-98-232.
Copies of the key papers are added in Annex IV.
Scientific Output
in press/accepted
in preparation
Paper in an International Journal
Paper in an National Journal (in Russian)
Abstract in proceedings of a conference
Books, Monograph
Internal report
Thesis (MSc, PhD, etc.)
Oral Presentation, Public Lecture
2.4. Applications
Since the project was in the field of theoretical physics,
no immediate practical applications are foreseen. No patents or other
protection of intellectual property have been sought.